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Academic Journal on English Studies, Vol 2, No 2, October 2022 ISSN 2798-1673



I Nyoman Juni Artawan Putra1, Putu Ayu Paramita Dharmayanti2,

Ni Luh Putu Dian Sawitri3
Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar

This correlational study is aimed to find out the correlation between grammar mastery and
writing skill of the tenth grade of SMK Ratna Wartha Ubud in academic year 2021/2022. The samples
which were involved in this research were 60 samples selected by using a random sampling method.
The researcher used two tests to get the data of grammar mastery and writing skill, such as: multiple
choice test items for the grammar mastery and asking students to create descriptive text based on the
guiding instrument given. The obtained data were assessed by using SPSS 26.00 version for windows.
Based on the data analysis, it showed that there is a high, significant, and positive correlation between
grammar mastery and writing skill of the tenth grade students of SMK Ratna Wartha Ubud in
academic year 2021/2022. Therefore, the research question was answered that there is a significant
correlation between grammar mastery and writing skill.

Keywords: correlation, grammar mastery, and writing skill

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan yang signifikan antara
penguasaan grammar dengan keterampilan menulis siswa kelas X SMK Ratna Wartha Ubud pada
tahun ajaran 2021/2022. Sampel yang dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini yaitu sebanyak 60 sampel yang
dipilih dengan menggunakan metode random sampling. Peneliti menggunakan dua tes untuk
mendapatkan data penguasaan grammar dan keterampilan menulis, yaitu: tes pilihan ganda untuk
penguasaan tata bahasa dan meminta siswa untuk membuat teks deskriptif berdasarkan instruksi
panduan yang diberikan. Data yang telah diperoleh dihitung dengan menggunakan SPSS windows
versi 26.00. Berdasarkan data yang telah di analisis, hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan
yang tinggi, signifikan, dan positif antara penguasaan grammar dengan keterampilan menulis siswa
kelas X SMK Ratna Wartha Ubud pada tahun ajaran 2021/2022. Oleh karena itu, pertanyaan
penelitian ini telah menjawab bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara penguasaan tata bahasa
dan keterampilan menulis.

Kata kunci: korelasi, penguasaan grammar, dan keterampilan menulis

INTRODUCTION writing. If the students want to improve

English in general is divided into their writing, they should learn grammar.
four skills, those are reading, writing, Students must know that writing and
listening, and speaking. One of those skills grammar cannot be separated from each
which belongs to productive skill is other because without grammar, the
writing. Writing skill is the crucial skill students cannot construct a sentence and
that students need to improve in order to make it synchronized in a text. That is why
master learning material in the learning students need to learn grammar.
process due to the thinking of students in Students nowadays feel lazy when
learning a material can be shown through they learn about grammar in school. That

Academic Journal on English Studies, Vol 2, No 2, October 2022 ISSN 2798-1673

is because they need to know the specific because grammar has a significant impact
formula to master the grammar. Nelson & for the students in creating proper
Greenbaum (2016) state that grammar is sentences and combining sentences in a
the central component of language which text. Besides, Herring (2016:11) states that
mediates between the system of sounds or grammar refers to the way words are used,
written symbols. It means that it will classified, and structured together in the
directly connect with their writing skill form of writing. At least they know the
and that is why students must master correct grammar used for a particular text.
grammar before mastering writing skills. For example: if students want to create
Therefore, students must learn grammar descriptive text, they should be able to
seriously although its material make master the formula of simple present tense
students lazy to learn. and the use of simple present tense, and
Talking about writing skills, the use of s/es in simple present tense in
students will construct varieties of the particular text including students’
sentences in a text. However, at the creativity. Therefore, they will be able to
beginning, the students need formulas to arrange a great text.
structure words into phrases, phrases into However, sometimes students use
clauses into sentences, and sentences into wrong grammatical tenses in creating
text. Besides, Kellogg (2008:2) states that written text and it does not match with
writing a text involves not just language their idea that they want to share. Students
systems, but cognitive systems for must consider the use of grammar in
memories and thinking are also involved. arranging the sentences in a text. The
When students want to create simple combination of grammar and words in the
present tense sentences, they need to find sentences influence the meaning of the
the formula of simple present tense, verb sentences itself. Because Dignen (2017:70)
that is being used, and it is passive or says that sentences are groups of words
active sentences. Therefore, students must that make sense on their own, grammar
consider tenses with the context in writing has an important role in building the
skills. structure of the sentences that students
Writing is not an easy skill to be create in a text. Therefore, students should
mastered. It is because students have consider to use the right sentences to share
different levels in writing. Harmer (2007) their ideas properly and the more students
states that the kind of writing which is consider the use of grammatical sentences,
asked for the students will depend on their the more they improve their writing skill
age, levels and interest. Students will not Regarding the explanation above,
be able to create complex text if they are at grammar mastery has an important role in
a low level and that is why students should writing skill. The researcher is interested
have motivation in writing. If students are in choosing grammar mastery and writing
interested, they may find their enthusiasm skill especially in this research because the
in arranging a text. Thus, students are able researcher wanted to know whether or not
to increase their skill more easily. there is correlation between grammar
Furthermore, before the students mastery and writing skill in the tenth grade
are able to master writing skill, they must students of SMK Ratna Wartha Ubud in
have knowledge in grammar mastery first, academic year 2021/2022. Thus, the
Academic Journal on English Studies, Vol 2, No 2, October 2022 ISSN 2798-1673

researcher formulated the research entitled future researchers who want to research
“The Correlation between Grammar the correlation between students’ grammar
Mastery and Writing Skill of the Tenth mastery and writing skill.
Grade Students of SMK Ratna Wartha Practically, the benefit of this
Ubud in Academic Year 2021/2022”. present study could be useful for students
Based on the background above, it in developing their writing skill especially
is important to consider the research in writing descriptive text. The teacher can
formulation for this research. In addition, measure students’ writing skills in tenth
it is important to make this study become grade class based on the result of this
clear and specific. The researcher was study. The researcher was sure that in the
interested to find out the significant future research, the future researchers
correlation between grammar mastery and could use the strategy in this study as their
writing skill. Thus, the research question references. Therefore, it helped future
for this study could be formulated as: Is research in gaining the data. Besides, the
there any significant correlation between finding of this research may have some
grammar mastery and writing skill of the weaknesses that can be refined by the
tenth grade students of SMK Ratna Wartha future research to make the future research
Ubud in academic year 2021/2022? better.
The researcher considered that this This research also added the
result of the study certainly gave previous studies about the correlation
significance in the research findings. In between grammar mastery and writing
this study, the researcher was concerned in skill. The researcher should compare the
finding the result of the correlation previous research with this present
between grammar mastery and writing research to find the weakness of the
skill of the tenth grade of SMK Ratna previous research. the research found
Wartha Ubud in academic year 2021/2022. some previous research which related to
The researcher hoped that this study could this research. The first research was from
give benefits for the future research and Kurniawan, Nadrun, and Bochari (2017).
the teacher who wants to learn in The research was about the correlation
improving students’ writing skill. the between students’ grammar mastery and
researcher expected that the result of the writing achievement in SMA Labschool
research has theoretical and practical Untad Palu. The research was aimed to
significance. find whether there is correlation between
Theoretically, the result of this grammar mastery and writing
study would be expected to be meaningful achievement. The sample of this study was
and useful for improving the quality of the tenth grade students of SMA
study especially in grammar mastery and Labschool Untad Palu. Using random
writing skill of tenth grade students of sampling techniques, the researchers used
SMK Ratna Wartha Ubud in academic 1 questionnaire with 10 different
year 2021/2022 because the ability range questions, 20 objective tests, and created
of the tenth students of SMK Ratna recount text on the next day as data
Wartha Ubud could be measured through collection and found that there is
this research. Besides, this result of the significant correlation between students’
study could be used as a reference for grammar mastery and writing skill.
Academic Journal on English Studies, Vol 2, No 2, October 2022 ISSN 2798-1673

The second research was from in those two variables, grammar mastery
Puspitasari (2017). Their ex-post facto was 0.117 which is higher than 0.05 (0.117
research was about finding the Correlation > 0.05) and writing skill is 0.208 (higher
Between Grammar Mastery and Students than 0.05), it means that the data had
Writing Ability. The sample that the normal distribution. In homogeneity test,
researcher used as their research was the the significant value was 0.079 which
1st grade students of SMK N 1 Bandung. means that the significant value was higher
The researcher uses purposive sampling than 0.05 (0.079 > 0.05). In other words,
technique to gain the data. The researcher the data of grammar mastery and writing
asks students to answer 25 multiple-choice skill had a degree of homogeneity.
tests for 35 minutes and then asks students In Pearson correlation, the
to create 10 sentences about the students' significant value was 0.000 and the
idols. As a result, the researcher found that Pearson correlation was 0.899 which
there is significant correlation between means that the correlation between
grammar mastery and writing skill of the grammar mastery and writing skill is
1st grade students of SMK N 1 Bandung. significantly correlated where in the
The result is that r-value is higher than r-table, Sugiyono (in Purnomo & Simbang
so h1 was accepted and h0 was rejected. It 2016:50) states that the fifth interval (0.80
means that there was significant - 1.000), the correlation between
correlation between grammar mastery and dependent variable and independent
descriptive text writing ability. variable are very strong.
In T-test, the sig value was 0.000
RESEARCH METHOD and it was smaller than 0.05. Moreover,
In this study the researcher chose the df value was 59 and the value was
tenth grade students of SMK Ratna Wartha 0.025. The t-table shows the result was
Ubud in academic year 2021/2022 as the 2.001, and the t-count was 7.216 > t-table
sample where 60 samples was chosen from 2.001. Furthermore, the researcher
the entire students (347). This research concluded that the null hypothesis (H0)
also assessed students’ grammar mastery was rejected and alternative hypothesis
by using grammar multiple choice test. (Ha) was accepted. Therefore, there is a
The test contained 30 questions related to correlation between grammar mastery and
grammar comprehension. Besides, the writing skill of the tenth grade students of
researcher asked the students to create SMK Ratna Wartha Ubud in academic
descriptive text. The descriptive text was year 2021/2022.
about a tourism place which contains 3
paragraphs and each paragraph contains 7 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION
to 10 sentences. Moreover, the descriptive In this research, the researcher
text will be assessed with a scoring rubric found that there was a positive correlation
by Oshima & Hogue (2007). between grammar mastery and writing
skill. Based on the research data that the
FINDING AND DISCUSSION researcher got using SPSS 26.0 version,
By using Shapiro-wilk with the the researcher got the coefficient
level significance is 0.05, calculation result correlation was 0.899. Therefore, the
of the significant value is higher than 0.05 correlation between grammar mastery and

Academic Journal on English Studies, Vol 2, No 2, October 2022 ISSN 2798-1673

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