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Course Code : MPU3192

Lecturer : Ms. Nursyahida Mohd Jaafar
Academic Session : September 2023
Movie Review, Like Star On Earth (Taare
Assessment Title :
Zameen Par)
Submission Due Date : 3/11/2023

Prepared by : Student ID Student Name


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Date: 3/11/2023


Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 4
Summary and Theme................................................................................................................. 4
Moment, character, and idea related to the movie ..................................................................... 5
Fallacies Used in the Movie ...................................................................................................... 6
Philosophical ideas in the movie ............................................................................................... 7
Lessons that I learned from the movie ...................................................................................... 8
Negative Point of the Film ........................................................................................................ 9
Resolutions based on my own Experience ................................................................................ 9
The philosophy that I follow ................................................................................................... 10
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 11
Reference ................................................................................................................................. 12


Movie Review, Like Stars on Earth (Taare Zameen Par)


In this enormous world, every single individual of us is different from others.

Everybody is exceptional because each of us is diverse. We can’t find a person that is
the same as us. The world does not lack beauty, it lacks the eyes to see it. Hence, I
would like to talk about a meaningful and impressive Indian movie, Like Stars on Earth
(Taare Zameen Par), directed by Aamir Khan in 2007, with an emphasis on “Every
Child is Special”. The movie's main plot revolves around the struggles that dyslexic
child, Ishaan and his amazing teacher Ram Shankar Nikumbh endure. Teacher
Nikumbh can see beyond the confines of traditional education. In this in-depth
discussion, this remarkable movie highlights various underlying themes, such as
dyslexia and learning disabilities, the importance of promoting individuality, the
restorative power of art, and the parent and child relationship. This review will cover
"Like Stars on Earth" and its profound impact on our ideas of education, family
dynamics, and the boundless potential that every child holds. It is a cinematic
experience that transcends boundaries, languages, and age groups.

Summary and Theme

In a concise summary, this is a self-discovery journey related to a child called

Ishaan Nandkishore Awasthi (Darsheel Safary), who suffers from phonological
dyslexia but is excellent at drawing and is full of imagination and creativity. Mr Ram
Shankar Nikumbh (Aamir Khan), is an educator who always cares about student well-
being and believes that educational moulds should be flexible to be able to fit different
students' learning ways. In this movie, Ishaan is a troubled and mischievous pupil
compared to his brother. In class, he couldn’t pay attention and finish his homework
correctly because he faced dyslexia. Then, he is forced by his parents to study in a
boarding school. Ishaan’s parents hope that Ishaan can change his behaviours and
attitudes to score well in his academics. However, the study environment and situation
are even worse than the previous school. The educational moulds are even stricter and
have more restrictions on students. It is hard for a kid who is only eight years old and
needs to make new friends to adapt to a new environment alone, especially in the middle
of the semester. After a long period of repression, Ishaan hated studying and stopped


communicating with anyone, even going as far as to stop drawing. With a stroke of
luck, an art replacement class teacher Mr Nikumbh, comes into Ishaan’s life. The
journey of these two characters starts to change things, helping Ishaan improve. Besides,
Mr Nikumbh strives hard to help Ishaan overcome his barrier by meeting his family,
and headmaster and creating a special teaching method that fits Ishaan’s disabilities. In
addition, some themes in this film are worth discussing. Firstly, the obstacles in learning
faced by Ishaan, who suffers from dyslexia, make it notoriously hard to read and
write. It draws attention to the difficulties these kids face in the ordinary school system
and the demand for individual, empathetic teaching methods. Secondly, the educator’s
role is crucial as the theme shows in this movie. The transformational impact that
educators may have on their students is emphasized throughout the movie. The
character of Mr. Nikumbh stands in for the dedicated and compassionate educator who
can profoundly affect a child's life. Last but not least, the child-parent relationship is
also a highlight in this movie. The complexities of parent-child relationships are
discussed in the film, with a focus on the difficulties parents have when trying to
comprehend and provide for a kid with special needs. It is emphasized how parents
should support and stand by their kids.

Moment, character, and idea related to the movie

After watching this movie, there are touching moments that I have strong
feelings for. For example, when Ishaan was bullied by his friend, I recalled my own
experience, I was constantly bullied by my classmates due to being weak and prone to
crying, and they liked to see my reaction when they bullied me. After I found out their
intention, I started to ignore them and stayed away from them, and I realised that it
worked. From there I learned that if someone keeps disturbing us intentionally, we
should just neglect them and we should fight if needed to protect ourselves. As such,
we must always stay strong to avoid someone thinking we're easy pickings and be their
clowns or instruments of amusement. Once they see through our weaknesses, we might
easily be bullied. Other than the situation that I just mentioned, the other moment that
I empathised with was when Mr Nikumbh opposed Ishaan’s father's mindset and
education method. Nowadays, everyone tends to lean towards prestigious fields, such
as medicine, engineering, management and so on. However, every child has aptitude,
distinctive talents and dreams. In this conversation, I strongly agree with Mr Nikumbh’s


opinion. This is because I have two sisters who are excellent academically. In the
context of comparison, and my sisters, I was just an ordinary student with average
grades. Due to my having no interest in the scientific field, I decided to continue my
educational life in advertising design courses. When my parents heard this decision,
they questioned my choices. Hence, I strived hard to persuade and prove my
determination. In the end, I successfully joined XMUM’s Bachelor of Arts in
Advertising Design course and got the scholarship offered by the university. Moreover,
the moment that Ishaan's brother lost his tennis match, his father did not comfort him,
on the other hand, he was just mad at him. This moment relates to my own experiences,
which was when I didn’t perform well in the Wushu competition because it was the
first match that I had ever participated in, and I felt nervous when I was doing the
sequence of movements in martial arts. Since that happened, I rarely participated in any
competition because I am worried, I might disappoint someone’s expectations. Other
than that, when Ishaan was tutored by Mr Nikumbh, I saw myself in him because I
failed my English paper when I was in my first year in high school. Then, one of my
seniors was willing to teach me patiently and I successfully got a satisfactory grade in
my SPM. All these moments make me sentimental while I am watching this movie due
to how it is all tightly correlated with me. Luckily, I have made it through all these
unpleasant moments after meeting some new friends.

Fallacies Used in the Movie

This movie contains an assortment of distinct fallacies. A conversation, between

Mr Nikumbh and Mr Awasthi: “This is more talented than me and you.” said Mr
Nikumbh. Ishaan's father responded, “Am I to feed him all his life ?” This conversation
gives a good example of the appeal to pity fallacy. Mr Awasthi uses the pity fallacy as
his argument by saying he might be required to supply Ishaan’s needs and take care of
his entire life if he allowed Ishaan to continue his academic life in the art field. Mr
Awasthi has a close-minded educational thought. He thinks that the art field cannot
financially support Ishaan while fields such as medicine, engineering, and management
might be able to. In addition, the strawman fallacy may be able to be applied in these
two situations. This strategy may prevent effective and fair dialogues since it bypasses
the real issues raised and increases the likelihood of misunderstandings. Firstly, “It’s a
neurological disorder, it can happen to anyone. Sometimes it’s genetic,” said Mr


Nikumbh. Respond by Mr Awasthi, “So are you saying that my son is abnormal,
mentally retarded?” By claiming that Mr Nikumbh is implying that Mr Awasthi's son
is "unusual" or "mentally retarded," he misrepresents Mr Nikumbh's statements. In Mr
Nikumbh's first statement, he mentioned no such assumptions; instead, he was talking
about the fact that dyslexia is a neurological disorder rather than criticising Mr
Awasthi's son. Mr Awasthi twists the original argument to make it harder to criticise or
reject via the strawman fallacy. Mr Awasthi is trying to take the lead in the conversation,
and this misrepresentation allows Mr Awasthi to shift the focus of the conversation
away from the actual discussion about dyslexia and towards an emotional and false
accusation. Secondly, there is a quote mentioned in the film, “He has to only pass
these subjects.” said Mr Nikumbh. The boarding school’s headmaster replied, “So all
the subjects we teach except yours, are pointless?” In this talk, the headmaster used the
strawman fallacy to put words that Mr Nikumbh didn’t say, that the art class was more
vital than another subject. The headmaster made his stand about his educational concept.
He thinks that Ishaan doesn’t fit in this school since he is only good at drawing and is
not going to learn other subjects such as mathematics, History, Geography, Science,
and languages. To conclude, there are various fallacies we might use in our real life.

Philosophical ideas in the movie

To delve into Mr Nikumbh, a philosophical idea may apply to him which is

Aristotelianism. Although Aristotelianism prioritises Morality, virtue, and what
constitutes a good life. However, its principles are appropriately used on Mr Nikumbh’s
character and his teaching methods towards Ishaan. When Mr Nikumbh interacts with
Ishaan, he shows characteristics such as patience, empathy, and compassion while
teaching Ishaan. He noticed that Ishaan might be facing some problems when he first
met him in the art class. He was concerned about Ishaan’s behaviours and development.
Aristotle's definition of virtue. Instead of putting them in inflexible educational moulds.
This idea is consistent with humanism, which emphasizes each person's inherent worth
and potential. In line with Aristotle’s concept of virtuous habituation, Mr Nikumbh led
and educated Ishaan through a self-discovery process and assisted him in overcoming
his obstacles. The character of Mr. Nikumbh focuses on the prominence, of the ethical
impact of education. According to Aristotle, teaching is a noble and ethical profession
that should work to improve society and students alike. Mr. Nikumbh is an excellent


instance of this ethical approach to education. Besides Mr Nikumbh, Mr Awasthi as

one of the crucial characters in this movie shows a philosophical idea which is
humanism. Compassion and empathy could be demonstrated by Mr Awasthi's
transformation from a close-minded education mindset to one that is more inclusive
and understanding towards his son, Ishaan. These changes adhere to humanistic
principles, which stress the value of compassion and empathy. For example, he lacks
understanding and cares about Ishaan at first. After hearing about Mr Nikumbh's
explanations, he started to become a more loving and encouraging parent. To illustrate
more, the value of relationships is a good explanation of humanism. For instance, Mr
Awasthi’s core character development is the way he and Ishaan's relationship changes.
He shows the humanistic view that developing helpful and positive relationships is
important for fostering personal development as he builds a supportive and
understanding bond with Ishaan.

Lessons that I learned from the movie

This meaningful movie taught me some lessons, as such I might apply them in
my future. The importance of understanding and support for parents towards their
children is a vital pivot. We should pay more attention to this issue seriously to ensure
our children’s mental health is well. For instance, Ishaan’s father lacks caring about his
child. When Ishaan gets a bad result, he will first scold him or punish him rather than
ask him the reason that he failed. He didn’t find out the truth about the reason of Ishaan
kept getting bad results in his academics. Mr Awasthi thought that Ishaan just didn’t
pay attention in class and didn’t put in enough effort in his academics. Then, he put
Ishaan into a boarding school and hoped that his son would change his behaviour and
attitude. In my opinion, a parent should always care about their child no matter what
physically and psychologically. Hence, our child may live in happiness and receive
enough attention. Once the child feels he is being abandoned by his parent, he will start
feeling anxious and hopeless. This relates to the scene in the movie which is when
Ishaan draws a unique flipbook when he is leaving his family. That book shows his
mental activity at that time. He was feeling upset and dislikes losing his family. It is
essential to have an open communication between children and parents. An open
communication could build a foundation of trust between parents and children.
Additionally, early identification of behavioural problems or emotional discomfort in


children can be assisted by parents who keep an open line of communication with kids.
This makes quick help and action appropriate. In summary, a parent-child relationship
should not be ignored or overlooked, a good bonding between parents and children may
ultimately assist in a child's achievement and happiness.

Negative Point of the Film

In this movie, there is a major negative point that I must delve into deeply
unrealistic depiction. In this movie, the dyslexia that Ishaan faces can’t represent all
dyslexic patients. There are many kinds of dyslexia, such as phonological dyslexia,
surface dyslexia, rapid naming deficit, and double deficit dyslexia. ( Sruthi,2022)
Ishaan has the subtype of dyslexia which is phonological dyslexia, typified by difficulty
in recognising the relationship between letters and their matching sounds and
processing spoken language sounds. The different dyslexia might have different
solutions. In Ishaan's situation, Mr Nikumbh gave him a tutorial class by slowly
improving with a special teaching way. For example, he used drawing features to
integrate and form new learning methods, especially for Ishaan. However, different
types of dyslexia have different ways of teaching which shows that the methods in the
movie didn’t fit every type of dyslexia. For example, people who suffer from surface
dyslexia have difficulty understanding entire words, which is most likely caused by
problems with vision or visual processing in the brain, on the contrary, people who
suffer from phonological dyslexia have trouble distinguishing between written forms
and the sounds of the individual letters and syllables. Therefore, the teaching methods
that Mr Nikumbh applied to Ishaan don’t fit surface dyslexia. In conclusion, it's
essential to remember that dyslexia is a complicated disorder, and people with it could
have a variety of symptoms. This is because some people may exhibit characteristics of
both phonological and surface dyslexia, so it is critical to provide them with specialized
support that caters for their needs. There are also various subtypes of dyslexia, each
with special characteristics and with its own set of problems to deal with.

Resolutions based on my own Experience

Before joining this university, I was studying Foundation in Information

Technology at MMU. At the time, I stayed in my comfort zone and didn’t have any
goals or targets. I felt anxious and stressed whenever I thought about this problem.


Joining a foundation in IT is also just a temporary decision due to the salary of the
employment salary. I had tried to find out the aims of the career that I might be
interested in along my whole foundation journey. Fortunately, I realised that I enjoy
taking photos and videos and I feel at peace while I am taking photos. Meanwhile, I
tried to find a course that convergence with photography class. Finally, I chose to join
XMUM advertising as I mentioned above. For me, I think this is the largest decision
I've ever made in my life. This is because when I was at the foundation, I was with my
secondary school friends. Changing to a whole new environment is difficult for me to
adapt and make new friends because I faced social anxiety before this. However, I have
never regretted joining this university because I have met many friends from different
countries such as China, Zambia, and Indonesia. If I kept staying in my comfort zone
and avoiding my problems, I might have led a meaningless life.

The philosophy that I follow

“Live in the moment and seize the day”, is the philosophical idea which is
hedonism that I have always trusted. This concept is deep in my head because there
are various possibilities that we could meet tomorrow. We can’t predict the things that
will happen in the future. Hence, the things that we could control and manipulate are
today. For example, I always eat the foods that I crave for the day and watch the movies
that I am interested in. I always finish the work as much as possible so it may not cause
an accumulation and become heavy work. Due to the philosophical concept, I am a
punctual person all the time. I will use all the time I have on that day and try not to
waste the time. Furthermore, I keep reminding myself to stay positive even when I
encounter something unhappy or dissatisfied. When I am dealing with something
stressful, I will try my best to release it and avoid it affecting my whole day's mood,
such as taking a short break or a nap. A short break may help me effectively think again
and refocus on something. This might assist me a lot while I am doing heavy work.
Besides, smaller-scale multitasking is also one of my ways to live in the moment. Thus,
I can get full concentration while doing a task. Furthermore, Platonism that also one of
the philosophical ideas that I believe in. As an example, I love taking photos and
shooting videos to capture the great moments of that day. At the end of the day, I can
think and reflect on where I can improve or maintain. Moreover, I always like to try
new things and challenge myself. For instance, I tried snorkelling in Pulau Tioman last


year. It was a memorable experience in my life, and I loved it so much. Last but not
least, we should always keep moving and approaching our goals by learning new skills,
never limiting ourselves to try something new and keep going by challenging


In the last place, every child is unique, this movie clearly shows how important
a good education is towards a student. An appropriate education mould may cultivate
and stimulate a talented student to shine bright in their field. It also leads and allows
the kid to strive hard for their dream. This film is not just sharing emotional and heart-
touching moments, it even highlights the uniqueness of every child. The relationship
between parent and child is also a key point that highlights the whole movie. It reflects
a kid's feeling in how the parent treats their kid. Parent’s minor behaviours might
influence the child’s mental health. Do not limit your child’s imagination and creativity,
just let them do the things they like, and shine in their respective fields.



Sruthi, M. (2022). What Are the 4 Types of Dyslexia? Causes, Symptoms.



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Component Title (Written assignment)- 50 marks Percentage (%) 20%

Score and Descriptors

Excellent Good Average Need Improvement Poor Marks
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1-0)
Effective and Lead is exceptionally Lead is adequate for the The lead is appropriate to the The lead is adequate but Lead is neither
appropriate original and appropriate to movie that has been movie and shows some signs not incredibly catchy or original nor catchy; is
lead. the movie being reviewed; reviewed. It is clear and of originality, but it is too original and unclear. bland, overused, trite,
the paper's evaluation is shows signs of originality. general and brief. or inappropriate to
precise according to the film; evaluation is
requirements. unclear.

The introduction is The paper's introduction The introduction meets The paper is poorly No introduction is
Introduction exceptional by providing a exceeds expectations, expectations and adequately introduced and lacking provided/and the
concise introduction to the providing a concise introduces the paper's in terms of the purpose introduction is
paper and its purpose and introduction to the paper purpose, but it is too general of the discussion. unrelated to the
precisely relates to the and its purpose and and not linked to the movie discuss
movie. somehow relates to the discussed.

(9-10) (7-8) (5-6) (3-4) (1-2)

The summary provided is
There is little or no
The writer summarizes the either overly long or not The summary is either
significant summary, There is no
film without disclosing the long enough but does not much too short or much too
no details from the significant
Summary of ending and includes give away the ending; it long; it may be vague or
movie, and little summary, no details
movie enough information to is not quite as tell too much, with few
evidence from the from the movie, but
satisfy the reader; details compelling; there are details from the movie and
summary to support only the general
from the movie and fewer details from little evidence from the
the reviewer’s synopsis for the
evidence from the the movie and evidence summary to support the
opinion movie.
summary strongly support from the summary to reviewer’s opinion.
the reviewer’s opinion. support the reviewer’s
(9-10) (7-8) (5-6) (3-4) (1-2)
The discussion
The discussion does The discussion does
demonstrates the student’s
The discussion The discussion not demonstrate the not demonstrate the
understanding to a certain
demonstrates the student’s demonstrates the student’s student’s
extent, and there are
understanding, provides student’s understanding, understanding and understanding and
applications of the
Development ideas, and explains the and there are applications less application of the no application of
philosophical analysis and
and relevancy philosophical analysis and of the philosophical philosophical analysis the philosophical
concepts learned in the
of philosophical ideas accurately relevant to analysis and concepts and concepts learned analysis and
course. Few details from
analysis and the discussion. Substantial learned in the course. in the course. No concepts learned in
the movie and little
ideas in the details from the movie Details from the movie details from the the course. Fails to
evidence support the
discussion. strongly support the support the opinion. movie and little reference
opinion. Lack of references
opinion. Quotations, Some quotations, scenes, evidence are offered quotations, scenes,
for quotations, scenes, and
scenes, and characters are and characters are to support the or characters.
specifically referenced. specifically referenced. opinion.

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1-0)

The review is choppy

The review is organized,
Effective The review is precisely or incohesive; the
and most transitions and The review lacks
organization organized with clear organization is The review is lost
connections are clear, but organization, jumps around
and flow (deals transitions and logical unclear; there are track / unclear, and
either organization is too much, or lacks
with structure) connections that create a only a few transitions there is no transition
somewhat lacking, or the effective transitions; it is
sense of being tightly but ineffective. on evaluation.
sense of flow is not fully in a logical order.
woven together.
somewhat abrupt.
Excellently incorporates
all elements and Does not incorporate
Incorporates most Fails to adequately
demonstrates complete Incorporates all of the the elements to
elements and demonstrate a
Knowledge/ understanding of the elements but demonstrates demonstrate a
demonstrates a good thorough
Understanding purpose of a review with some understanding of the thorough
understanding of the understanding of the
considerable effectiveness purpose of a review. understanding of the
purpose of the review. purpose of a review
issues as examples. purpose of a review.

The discussion of the The discussion in the

paper hooks the readers paper catches the The discussion in
The discussion mostly The discussion in the paper
Engagement of and captures attention in a reader and hooks the paper fails to
generates interest and was lackluster, generating
the reader way that demands to be attention only in a capture the reader's
maintains it throughout. ambivalence in the reader.
read. few parts of the attention.

The paper offers an The paper offers a A conclusion is

The paper offers an No conclusion is
excellent, clear conclusion satisfactory conclusion presented in the
adequate conclusion to present/not related
and evaluation of the with common paper, but it is weak
the discussion with some to the discussion.
Conclusion discussion with some philosophical thinking that and not enough for
advice related to
advice related to brilliant somehow contributes to the the overall
common philosophical
philosophical thinking for overall discussion. discussion.
the readers to think about.

Examiner 2
Examiner 1

.................................... Name:
Name: Date:






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