Intention Letter Template

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Activating Youth Leadership since 1948!

Semarang, January 2, 2022

To whom it may concern,

My name is Irsyad Nabil Putra Hansa, a first-year student majoring International Relations in
UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. My current role in Aiesec is, as an intern at Talent Development of Talent
Management. and with this Intention Letter I want to apply for the management board application

I just started my journey in Aiesec a few months ago when I try to enroll in the Join Aiesec. I
follow all of the selection processes and was accepted as an intern at Talent Management. I decided
to stay in Aiesec because I believe that Aiesec will help me to achieve my dream, I also believe that
Aiesec can be a good environment to leave when I study at the college. On the other hand, I saw
that all the members of Aiesec were the kind of people that have positive vibes and always support
the circle. For me, Aiesec is a dream house that contains ideal family members.

My current role in Aiesec pushes me to care for other members. Talent Development is
responsible for the assignments and targets of all members. We are also responsible for the
member's tendency to stay in Aiesec and achieve our goal together.

I thought that it is never enough for being a viewer and we need to take any action for being
a player. I try to take a role in Aiesec so I can get involved in it. I want to be more useful by taking
this opportunity.

After all, being the Aiesecers is not the only way to be passed. But, passing this
uncomfortable route will deliver me, to be the best version of me. So after that, I can give the best
for Indonesia. Aiesec is a home and all of the members are family, it is depends on our purpose and
our dream.

Best Regards,

sign here

Irsyad Nabil Putra Hansa

Management Board of AIESEC in UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta 2022 Applicant

AIESEC Empowering Young People for Peace and Fulfilment of Humankind's Potential since 1948

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