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No-97, Kavi Lakshmisha Road, Opposite to Jain College, Parvathipuram, Vishweshwarapura, Basavanagudi,
Bengaluru, Karnataka- 560004.






INTERNSHIP PERIOD : 04/10/2023-24/10/2023


I hereby declare that internship report is an authentic record of my own work as

requirement of internship carried out by me at GREENBHUMI project under
TPOTROVE FOUNDATION from 04/10/2023-24/10/2023 for the award of
degree of bachelor’s of business administration ( BBA) offered by Bangalore City


DATE : 30/11/2023


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to BMS College of Commerce and Management and
TopTrove foundation for providing me with the invaluable opportunity to Undertake internships at
their esteemed organizations. These experiences have significantly Contributed to my professional
growth and learning journey.

To the team at TopTrove foundation, I am immensely thankful to [rashi padole and elda] for Their
mentorship and encouragement during my tenure. Engaging in [Human resource] Allowed me to
develop deeper into [Communication and Human resource]. The innovative Atmosphere and the
challenges encountered have tremendously honed my problem-solving Abilities and sparked my
passion for Human resource.

I am indebted to all the individuals at both institutions whose advice, feedback, and continuous
support have been invaluable in shaping my internship experiences. Additionally, I extend my
gratitude to my peers and colleagues for their camaraderie and collaborative spirit, which made my
time at both organizations enriching and enjoyable.

Thank you, BMS College of Commerce and Management and TopTrove foundation, for fostering
an environment conducive to learning and growth. These experiences have been instrumental
in shaping my professional journey, and I am truly grateful for the knowledge, skills, and
relationships developed during this period.




1. Introduction 1
2. Industry Profile
3. Company Profile
4. Job Description
5. Experience & Key Takeaways
6. Acknowledgement


An internship is a professional learning experience that offers meaningful, practical

work related to a student’s field of study or career interest. An internship gives a
student the opportunity for career exploration and development, and to learn new
skill. An internship report is a document that summarizes your learning experience,
achievements, and challenges during your internship. An primary goals of an intern
are as follows:

• Academic learning: These goals relate to applying knowledge

from training or a classroom to the workplace.

• Career development: These goals involve learning the duties

and qualifications of a career to explore interest in that field.

• Skill development: These goals revolve involve building an

understanding of the knowledge and skills in an industry or

• Personal development: These goals define learning skills in

such areas as critical thinking and communications or increasing
self- esteem and empathy.
An internship helps you train under experienced professionals and explore what
your chosen career path would be like, and an internship with a company in your
field can help you to develop the skills you require to thrive within a
professional setting.

Social welfare: A social welfare system provides assistance to individuals and families in need.
The types and amount of welfare available to individuals and families vary depending on the
country, state, or region. Social welfare systems provide assistance to individuals and families
through programs such as health care, food stamps, unemployment compensation, housing
assistance, and child care assistance.

An NGO or Non-Governmental Organization is basically a non-profit or not for profit

organization which strives to work towards the betterment of the underprivileged sections of
Society. NGO’s could have a wide variety of interests of society in mind. This could include
Environmental causes, human and/or animal rights, improving the health and welfare of
children, development work and could even include raising awareness about some causes or
activities of social importance.

Characteristics of NGO’s:
• Non-Profit in functioning: An NGO is not meant for making profit for personal
again. the profit earned should not be distributed amongst the board members,
instead it should be used for expanding NGO activities further.

• Values: An NGO should address a social, cultural, economic or political cause

and should work towards public good.

• Voluntary: NGOs are voluntary associations. They have been formed by a

group of like-minded volunteers who have come together to address a common

• Legally registered: Although there may be unregistered NGOs working for a

cause, it is mandatory in most countries to get an NGO legally registered.
Besides, only legally registered NGOs can access formal donations.

• Non-criminal: NGOs do not indulge in anti-social and criminal activities.


 They provide medical care:

NGOs engage in activities like research and medical services. Doctors Without Borders is
one of the largest and most famous NGOs with a presence in 70 countries.

 They Address Hunger:

Famine occurs when countries or regions get hit with extreme food scarcity. Causes
include wars, chronic poverty, natural disasters, and climate change. While famines are
rare, millions of people still deal with food insecurity. Around 10% of the world’s
population deals with hunger.

 They help provide clean water and sanitation:

Clean water and sanitation are so important, they’re Goal 6 in the Sustainable
Development Goals. If the rate of progress doesn’t improve, 2.8 billion won’t have
safe sanitation and 1.6 billion won’t have safe drinking water in 2030. Humanitarian
NGOs include water and sanitation as part of their activities, but some NGOs have a
narrow focus.

 They help during natural disasters:

Famines, hurricanes, floods, and other natural disasters cause immense damage and
suffering. As for death, extreme weather disasters between 2000-2019 caused around
475,000 deaths in more than 160 countries.

 They promote equality and fairness in the legal system:

Injustice in the legal system can look like unpunished police brutality, racially-biased
court systems, the use of the death penalty to suppress political enemies, and unfair
laws. Legal- focused NGOs work to protect victimized people, reform unjust, violent
systems, and conduct research.

 They protect wildlife and biodiversity:

The environment is connected in more ways than we can count, so if even one species
becomes unhealthy, it has a ripple effect.

 They help with economic development:

This makes economic development a common focus for NGOs. Its activities include
banking, microfinance, integrated development (which focuses on pockets of extreme
poverty), and urban development.

 They protect children:

Despite making up around ⅓ of the globe’s population, kids are one of the most
vulnerable groups in the world.

 They provide education

Education is another major focus for NGOs and for good reason. A lack of education
access is linked to things like poverty, gender inequality, poorer health and safety, and
more. Girls are still more likely to miss out on education compared to boys; around 129
million girls aren’t in school.


The basic types of NGOs operating in the country classifies into two broad
segments based on orientation and level of operation:

 Based on orientation

These are some NGO classifications based on their orientations:

1. Charity:

Charitable orientations refer to paternalistic endeavors with little

involvement from recipients. It includes NGOs that run campaigns to
meet the needs of the underprivileged, such as to provide clothing,
medication, food, shelter, education and transportation. Such NGOs
also play an active role in supporting those in need after natural
disasters. These organisations play a very significant role in fostering
development. Typically, they get financial support from the
government and they can also receive private donations.

2. Service:

Service orientations include those organisations that run campaigns to

advance family planning, healthcare and education. They categorize
such activities into programmes that ask for people’s active
involvement to ensure smooth execution. The funds for these
organisations can come from private individuals or from the

3. Participation:

Self-help initiatives with a participatory orientation include locals in

the project’s implementation, whether through financial, labour,
material or other contributions. Participation starts with the

identification of needs and continues through the planning and
execution phases of a community development project. Participatory
orientation is common in cooperatives.

4. Empowerment:

Empowering orientations aim to raise awareness regarding the

potential power that impoverished people possess to improve their
own lives. It also assists them in better understanding the political,
economical and social elements that affect them. These organisations
can emerge spontaneously around a problem or topic in some cases,
while in other cases, external professionals assist in the establishment
of such groups.

 Based on level of operation

These are some classifications of NGOs based on their level of


5. Community-based organisations:

Community-based organisations or CBOs form as a result of

individual initiatives. Sports teams, women's organisations,
neighbourhood associations and religious or educational institutions
are a few examples of CBOs. These organisations come in many
different forms, some of which are endorsed by national or
international NGOs, or bilateral or international organisations, while
others operate without outside assistance.

6. City- wide Organisation:

NGOs with a city-wide focus include organisations like the coalitions

of business, associations of community organisations, chambers of
commerce and industry and associations of ethnic or educational
organisations. Individuals form these organisations with the objective
of helping the poor. Some of them may also work towards helping
those in need as one of their primary endeavor’s.

7. National NGOs:

National NGOs are NGOs that function across a nation. The Red
Cross and YMCAs or YWCAs are examples of national NGOs. Some
of them help nearby NGOs and have state and duty-based branches.

8. International NGOs:

International NGOs engage in a variety of activities, notably by

providing funding for regional NGOs, institutions and projects. They
are also responsible for carrying out the initiatives themselves.
Examples of international NGOs include Save the Children
organisations, CARE and OXFAM.


Top Trove Foundation is a non profitable organization which works for the well being of society.
We are on a mission to support unprivileged people by providing them educational recourses,
essential skills and a healthy lifestyle. Our foundation focuses on the welfare of each person from
every corner of the world; moreover we seek financial assistance for student who are willing to
study in India and abroad. Our attempt is to give people the capacity to translate vision into
reality. We are also working to provide a healthy lifestyle to people by giving them economic
support. We believe that a healthy lifestyle is the real asset. We organize health campaigns to
spread awareness about health related issues and promoting the importance of living a healthy
life. In addition to these we are also working to conserve Nature by planting trees. Top Trove
Foundation believes in unity in diversity that is why we are here to help our mother nature in
maintaining its wealth. Till now our foundation have planted 1000+ trees and working on 100+
projects across the country. It has been said that Nature is what we all have in common so it is our
responsibility to protect and conserve it for the future generations. It's authorized share capital is
INR 5.00 lac and the total paid-up capital is INR 16,000.00 . Top trove Foundation has two
directors – Gaurav Panwar and Mayank Shekhar Pathak.

 AIM :

We work for the betterment of society in the field of health, education and social work.
We aim to maximize the development of human potential and the fulfilment of human needs,
through an equal commitment to working with and enabling people to achieve the best possible


Top Trove Foundation aims to impact one million people till 2022 by providing them a better
lifestyle free of financial stress and health related diseases.


TopTrove foundation works to educate students from every streets of India and abroad we
aim to work for all the round development of an individual we stand here to give them resources and
guide them in their Career and foster them with knowledge. It is on a mission to Educational
resources , essential skills and to do the welfare of the society In the field of health, education and
social work.

Top Trove Foundation is on a mission to spark meaningful changes in our community. We
have taken several initiatives to foster our society with the help of some special Programs. Club
with the help of these we are working for the betterment of society by providing them quality
education, A healthy environment for sharing life changing stories, A platform to help people
finding a workplace according to their needs and also giving them several internships options.

TopTrove foundation is uplifting students by their initiatives:

 Peer power club : peer power club are building a community with the motive to upskill

ourselves and make learning fun with a qualified mentor.

 GREENBHUMI: Greenbhumi is a TopTrove foundation Programme Geared at

envisioning a happier and greener future.

 Old heal : old heal is the initiative of TopTrove foundation towards the helping of senior

 My60pages: My60pages is a platform which provides space to people who wants to read
other’s stories and willing to share their own ones. Reading more is the best way to learn
new things, and helps in develop deep knowledge. We have different genre of stories
which helps us to inspire people in their tough times.my60pages is cost free digital
platform where one can read, write or listen anywhere and anytime..

 Edukul : Edukul believes that a good education is a foundation for a better future that is
why we are providing a free learning platform to all who are willing for a bright career.
We are building a movement of leaders who will eliminate education inequality in India.
We are working towards building an educated society because the more knowledge you
gain the more opportunities will open up to allow individuals to achieve better
possibilities in career and personal growth.

 Safar : Safar is a visionary program initiated by Top Trove Foundation for welfare of


Greenbhumi is a project under TopTrove foundation, which works towards ensuring a better life
free from pollution and full of fresh air. Greenbhumi has reached a higher level of success than in
the past. Greenbhumi has changed a lot recently. At Greenbhumi, we encourage people to plant
trees in order to guarantee that nature has a good influence on many people’s lives and contributes
to their socio- economic well-being.

We also assist in finding an innovative way to overcome obstacles and provide comprehensive
environmental support. We also organise activities to increase awareness of the benefits of these
working and growing in Harmony with the natural environment. Our initiatives aim to raise
awareness of the benefits of living and working in harmony with nature. A tree could be planted
and the surrounding ecosystem improved if we keep evolving. Aside from that, our organisation is
well known for hiring responsible interns that perform their duties with integrity. If you are in love
with a nature take a step forward with Greenbhumi to make the earth better place to live in.

It’s such a noble thought that we can save our future by planting a tree. But how does it save the
future of ours. Let’s see how. We all are aware of the mangroves of the Sunderbans which forms
an essential part of the ecosystem of that region. They help in binding the soil together so that the
coastal erosion is prevented and floods are prevented to a large extent, as floods are regular
features of these regions which ultimately creates havoc in the lives of the people living around
coastal region. This was one of the many instances in which trees helps in securing our
ecosystem and mitigating calamities.

Greenbhumi is doing great work to enhance nature by planting trees and creating awareness
about protecting, preserving and Conserving of our natural environment.

It would be wrong to forget that our whole life force is dependent on trees because of the air that
we breathe and the oxygen that we inhale comes from the tree. So why not to plant a tree which
comes with so many benefits with zero Investment. Our whole existence will be in danger of we
don’t arrest the issue of deforestation at the earliest. Even if we plant a single tree or plant on our
own it will be a great gesture of gratitude for nature and repentance also for the acts that we have
done in the past.

Now we should be very judicious of the fact that no economy of the world can survive Without
Keeping nature in the prime focus as no has the capacity to control the wrath in the form of
climate crisis. It poses a great danger for all. This concern should be the biggest concern among
all as we will be stranded without anything if we disturb the ecology and the nature.

Let’s not make the situation so gory. A little caution and care can help us secure the future. Why to
plant only a tree we should plant as many as we can do that the benefits and the joy that we receive
from it Grows forever along with them. Our prosperity lies in their growth. Let’s plant trees and
secure our future as our existence without them is impossible.

The environment in which we live is crucial to our survival. Healthy living requires clean
Environment. An unclean environment leads to a society’s decline. The spread of diseases and lot
of other issues . A healthy and balanced natural system is required to keep the environment clean.
Nature provides us with the resources we need for survival. Such as, air , water , food , fibres ,

medicines and building materials. When we produce, consume and dispose of waste. We should
consider how it will affect the ecosystem. Again, it affects not only what surrounds us, but also
ourselves. When we Contribute to keep our planet healthy. We are taking care of our own health as
well. We only have one planet , so we need to make sure it’s in the best condition for us to live in.
Take the time to look around your community and see what might need improvements In terms of
pollution. Your contribution may be as simple as Picking up an empty coffee cup and placing it in a

The future of our world depends on the actions we take today to preserve the environment.
Protecting the environment is crucial to ensuring a peaceful future for our world. When we take
steps to reduce pollution, conserve natural resources, and preserve biodiversity. we create a
healthier planet for ourselves and for future generations. By doing so, we can avoid the devastating
consequences of climate change, which include more frequent natural disasters, food and water
shortages, and displacement of people. Moreover, protecting the environment is essential for
promoting peace and stability. Environmental degradation often leads to resource scarcity, which
can trigger conflicts over access to water, land, and other resources. By working to protect the
environment, we can mitigate these tensions and build more resilient, sustainable communities.

By investing in renewable energy, reducing our carbon footprint, and conserving natural habitats,
we can create a world that is not only healthier and more sustainable, but also more peaceful. It is
our responsibility to take action now to protect the environment and ensure a brighter, more
peaceful future for all

We strongly encourage you to think of how you can help the planet! Here are some ways for it:

• More trees and green space are important steps towards keeping the environment clean and

• All forms of waste disposal must be encouraged and if necessary, rewarded.

• Emission from vehicle should be reduced , and environmentally friendly fuel alternatives
should be promoted.

• Deforestation should be discouraged and sanctioned if it is determined that afforestation is

required, another area must be developed.

• Plastic and non-biodegradable materials should be phased out of use.

As humans, we have got a duty to maintain the value of Nature for ourselves and future
generations. Let’s make it a clean earth for a happy earth.

Among all the basic needs, food is the most important one among all, as our existence solely
depends on food and the natural source of our food are the plants and trees which are present all
around us. It is such a surprising fact that we human being use atleast 2000 varieties of plants to
cook delicious food in our household, without even realising that we get so much for free, but we
take no regard and gratitude for them.

As we all know we human being are heterotrophs which means we cannot prepare our food
naturally as plants do but on the carter we are completely dependent on plants for them. Not only
food brut but the oxygen that is the essential thing for our survival also comes from the plants.
There is no part of any plants That is not of nay use, from roots to stem it provides us with
everything such as foods, herbs, medicines, and so on. But we have failed and still we are reluctant
to accept our mistake in this sphere. In the name of development and infrastructure we are cutting
down plants and trees in huge numbers just to satisfy our insatiable greed.

We don’t even realize that plants act as a natural and it helps in checking air pollution and an
important part of food cycle. They have the natural capacity to take harmful and poisonous gases
themselves and release fresh air into the atmosphere.

Steps that can be taken by us to protect our nature for our future generation

Sustainable Farming : In a broader term, Sustainable agriculture is using farming practices

considering the ecological cycles. It is also sensitive towards the microorganisms and their
equations with the environment at large. In simpler terms, sustainable farming is farming
ecologically by promoting methods and practices that are economically viable, environmentally
sound and protect public health.

Benefits of sustainable agriculture :

 Environmental protection: Sustainable Agriculture emphasizes on methods and processes

that improve soil productivity while minimizing harmful effects on the climate, soil, water,
air, biodiversity and human health.

 Saving energy : It emphasizes to minimize the use of inputs from non — renewable
sources and petroleum-based products and replace them with those from renewable

 Food security : It seeks to ensure that the basic nutritional requirements of current and
future generations are met in both quantity and quality terms.

 Economic profitability : It not only ensures sustainable increase in agricultural production

but also reduces the agricultural sector’s vulnerability to adverse natural conditions (e.g.
climate), socioeconomic factors (e.g. strong price fluctuations) and other risks.

 Economic and social equity : It seeks to ensure long-term employment, an adequate
income and dignified and equal working and living conditions to people involved in
agriculture value chain.

 Smart agriculture helps farmers optimize their resources and reduce waste while increasing
productivity and yields one of the key benefits of smart agriculture is its ability to precisely
target inputs such as Water, fertilizer, and pesticides. This not only saves resources but also
reduces the risk of Pollution and runoff.

 Artificial intelligence is also playing a role in smart agriculture. Machine learning

algorithms can analyze large amounts of data, this allows them to adjust their practices
accordingly and optimize their yield.

Electric vehicles: An electric vehicle (EV)[note 1] is a vehicle that uses one or more electric
motors for propulsion. It can be powered by a collector system, with electricity from extravehicular
sources, or it can be powered autonomously by a battery (sometimes charged by solar panels, or by
converting fuel to electricity using fuel cells or a generator).[

Benefits of using electric vehicles:

 Zero Tailpipe Emissions :Driving an electric vehicle can help you reduce your carbon
footprint because there will be zero tailpipe emissions. You can reduce the environmental
impact of charging your vehicle further by choosing renewable energy options for home

 Petrol and diesel use is destroying our planet : The availability of fossil fuels is limited, and
their use is destroying our planet. Toxic emissions from petrol and diesel vehicles lead to
long-term, adverse effects on public health. The emissions impact of electric vehicles is
much lower than petrol or diesel vehicles. From an efficiency perspective, electric vehicles
can covert around 60% of the electrical energy from the grid to power the wheels, but
petrol or diesel cars can only convert 17%-21% of the energy stored in the fuel to the
wheels. That is a waste of around 80%.. To reduce the impact of charging electric vehicles,
India is ambitious to achieve about 40 percent cumulative electric power installed capacity
from non-fossil fuel-based energy resources by the year 2030. Therefore, electric vehicles
are the way forward for Indian Transport, and we must switch to them now.

 No noise pollution : Electric vehicles have the silent functioning capability as there is no
engine under the hood. No engine means no noise. The electric motor functions so
silently that you need to peek into your instrument panel to check if it is ON. Electric
vehicles are so silent that manufacturers have to add false sounds in order to make them
safe for pedestrians.

 Energy efficiency is vital factor in reducing fuel and energy consumption Cutting
carbon emission and pollution while increasing transport producers sustainability and

 Renewable fuels and electrification can act together or separately, and they both have
crucial role to play electrification is a key to decarbonizing transport in the long term.

 Renewable fuels can either be used alone or in combination with electrification in hybrid
vehicles for an even lower carbon impact.

 A truly sustainable transport depends on smarter and safer Mobility.

Deforestation: forests is an ecosystem where dense trees grow along with other plants and animals
in a physical environment. It is these forests that control and balance the ecosystem. The only
economic benefit of forests is its timber which has varied uses. Other important benefits of these
forests are tremendous supply of oxygen, support wildlife, checks on the water table reduces
pollution. Has a control over the climate and temperature, retains the quality of soil, supports the
diversity in plant life and avoids soil erosion. Deforestation the other hand, is cutting down of trees
and clearing of forests for the benefit and development of mankind

Measures to control deforestation

 Reforestation : The best way to heal the loss is to plant more and more trees. If a tree is cut
for any commercial purpose, 10 trees should be simultaneously planted.
 Environmental organizations : All of us should lend a helping hand towards these
organizations that support and replenish the environment. Money can be lended and
voluntary works can be organized to buy and plant more trees.

 Proper awareness : Proper awareness should be created among all citizens regarding the
after effects of deforestation so as to protect the future generations of implanted

 Recycled products : Consumers should be encouraged to use recycled items like paper,
books, bags and notebooks so that no extra trees need to be cut for the manufacture these

 Forest protection act : Forest protection act should be amended and strictly followed so as to
avoid illegal timber collection.

 Farming practices : A change in the farming practices can reduce deforestation. Rather than
using shifting agriculture it is more feasible to use rotation cropping.

One of the biggest consequences of deforestation are:

 The loss of habitat of animals.
 Deforestation is basically the cutting of has adverse affect such as soil erosion, loss
of green cover, direct impact on global warming and loss of ecosystem.
 Focusing on loss of economy, many species loss out on their natural habitat.
 The reasons we have animal attacks in town, and extinction of many more is because of it.
There is more extinction seen today than seen in the 65 million years.

Steps you can take to save the lives and stop deforestation :
 Increase awareness of local forest and deforestation activities to the local.
 Learning and informing about the Different flora and fauna.
 Investing and supporting afforestation drives and rehabilitation that are helping rebuild
forest covers .
 Urging local government to act on corporation taking part in such activities.
 Thoughtful buying of goods Understanding how they are manufactured

Save ocean : The ocean is the planet’s heartbeat. Over two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is
covered by water. Deep seas are home to animals and some of the largest organisms on the planet,
while sea plants like Posidonia supply 70% of the oxygen humans breathe. Food, jobs, life,
amusement, and sailing are all provided by it! Our existence is not possible without oceans.
Importance of Oceans:
 Through the water cycle, an ocean provides a significant water supply for humans.

 The proximity of oceans impacts several aspects of climate, such as temperature, rain,
humidity, and so on

 The seas are the largest repository of edible marine food. Millions of people throughout the
world consume fish.

 Oceans are the most cost-effective form of international commercial transportation. Ocean
routes are vital for trade and heavy goods shipping.

This International Ocean Day, let us strive hard to save the oceans by reducing the use of plastic,
treating sewage and factory waste before dumping it into the sea and reducing mass fishing

Save Electricity and Use Energy-Efficient Lighting: Reducing your electricity usage is
an easy way to protect the environment. Turn off lights and unplug electronics when they are not in
use, and use energy-efficient light bulbs. Energy- efficient bulbs use less energy and last longer
than traditional incandescent bulbs.

Avoid Single-Use Plastics: Single-use plastics, such as plastic bags, water bottles, and
utensils, are major contributors to plastic pollution. Choose reusable alternatives to single-use
plastics, such as reusable shopping bags, water bottles, and metal or earthen utensils. This simple
step can reduce the amount of plastic waste that enters. And when you know you are reducing the
amount of plastic trash that winds up in our oceans and landfills, you will experience a feeling of

Conserve Water: Conserving water is another simple step that you can take to protect the
environment. By fixing leaks, taking shorter showers, and using a low-flow toilet, you are reducing
your water usage and conserving resources. There is no need to elaborate further on this topic. You
know more than me.

Educate Your Child About the Environment : Finally, educating your child about the
environment is essential for creating a sustainable future. When you teach your child about the
environment, you are giving them the tools they need to protect the planet. Education is the key to
protecting the environment. Educate your child about the environment and the steps they can take
to protect it. Teach them to respect nature and to conserve resources. Encourage them to take part
in environmental activities and to learn more about the environment.
“There can be no plan B, because there is no planet”
This statement say lot of things in itself. To save mother nature. We have no other option than
Saving our nature Because destruction of Nature leads to destruction of planet like earth.

Indoor Plants :
Here are few tips for growing indoor plants properly:
1. The most durable indoor plants suitable for beginners are money plant, ferns, palm, aloe
vera, anthurium, peace lilies, grape ivy, bamboo plants and snake plant.

2. Prune your plants routinely.

3. Do not water the soil excessively. Keep it moderately moist.

4. Try and place the plants closer to sunlight.

5. Allow for adequate drainage using trays. 6. Use organic fertilizers to feed your plants.

6. Try not to move the plants around a lot.

7. Use a water spray bottle to clean and water the leaves regularly.

The Following Are Some common Rules That NGOs Should Follow;

 An NGO should carry out its operations responsibly and for the benefit of others, whether
the general public or a specific demographic.

 In all of its endeavor’s, an NGO needs to demonstrate a responsible and considerate attitude
toward the environment.

 Any essential human rights that a person has are not to be violated by an NGO.

 Religious freedom should be respected by an NGO.

 Apart from personnel matters and proprietary information, an NGO should be open and
transparent in all of its interactions with the government, the general public, donors,
partners, users, and other interested parties.

 An NGO should provide truthful information, regardless of itself, its initiatives, or any
specific person, Its opposition to or discussion of a group, initiative, or piece of legislation.


The role of an NGO is to ensure accountability and transparency. It is crucial for good governance
and successful implementation. To maintain transparency, many organisations opt to maintain
annual reports that are available to the public. Discussed below are some of the other ways by
which an NGO can maintain transparency and accountability towards the community:

 Financial Transparency: Being clear about the finances and expenditures of the NGO can
help maintain accountability.

 Quality of Products/ Services provided: NGOs should ensure the quality of the product or
services they are providing. For example, an NGO that feeds the poor should always
provide quality and nutritious food.
 Respecting Commitment: As a Non-governmental Organisation, they must adhere to their
own policy commitment, worker commitment and quality commitment. This ensures that
everyone involved commits to the values of their NGO which is reflected through their


i. Filling positions with an organisation.

ii. Developing own network of suitable candidates .
iii. Interviewing candidates.
iv. Working with an organisation to develop a recruitment plan.
v. Source potential Candidates from various online networks.

vi. Be active with online job boards, social media networks and platforms to find qualified
candidates for open position.


Greenbhumi is a project under the TopTrove foundation which works towards ensuring a better
life free from pollution and full of fresh air. Their beliefs in unity in diversity made them take the
initiative to plant 1000+ trees. Greenbhumi encourages individual to plant trees to boost the
presence of fresh air. To ensure that nature has a positive impact on the lives of many and
contributes to their socio-economic well being.

TopTrove foundation works to improve society’s well being via philanthropic and welfare
initiative in the domain of education, health and social work. TopTrove foundation has benefitted
over 50000+ people in India. We use cutting edge technologies and digital goods to have a large
scale influence on society. Currently, we are looking for HR INTERNS. Join us today and be a
part of this beautiful project.

Requirements and skills :

 Management enthusiastic and organisation skills

 Good communication skill
 Understanding of recruiting

Duration- 15 days, work from

home. Stipend – unpaid

1. Certificate of completion
2. Letter of recommendation based on performance.


1. Communication Skills :
Good communication skills help to reach a career goal easily and make the path a lot smoother.
So, as an HR Intern, it is an important HR skill to acquire.

2. Teamwork :
Teamwork is an essential skill in the modern world. Working with others with respect, evaluating others
opinion and generating the best solution together – are the main facts of teamwork, and improving these
skill sets are also very critical in an HR Internship.

3. People Management :
In an organization, there are people from different races, personalities, thinking and mindsets. As
an HR Intern, one should focus on learning how to work while maintaining respectful
relationships between different types of people.

4. Diversity and Inclusion Equal Success :

Recruiting, working with a diverse workforce, managing them – help any organization grow high
rapidly. An HR internship is an excellent opportunity to learn, apply the process, and gain
experience for the future.

5. Performance Analysis & Management:

The HR team is responsible for tracking all employees’ performance and reward the correct
person. An HR Intern should learn the process, the criteria and facts to consider and inspect the
overall impact to apply in future.

6. Research and Improve:
Research and development is also a core part of the HR department. As an HR intern, one should
research and learn the process of improving the organization structure, working environment and
team satisfaction for future implementations.

7. Always Strive for Better :

An internship is a splendid opportunity to evaluate one’s abilities and skills. A good internee will
be able to learn his/her strength, weak points and improve himself/herself through the internship


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