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Nama: Frans seda Panjaitan (2301030016)

Class: PI.A1

Adverbial of (place)
1. **In the park**, children were playing happily.
2. The cat slept **under the table**.
3. They met **at the café** for lunch.
4. She looked **out the window** at the sunset.
5. We found the keys **behind the sofa**.

Adverbial of (time)
1. **In the morning**, she goes for a jog.
2. We will start the meeting **at 10 AM**.
3. They moved to a new house **last year**.
4. The store closes **at midnight**.
5. She called her friend **yesterday evening**.

Adverbial of (manner)
1. She spoke **softly** to avoid waking the baby.
2. He completed the assignment **quickly**.
3. The soldiers marched **bravely** into battle.
4. She danced **gracefully** across the stage.
5. They solved the problem **ingeniously**.

Adverbial of (degree)
1. She was **extremely** happy with her test results.
2. He almost finished the project.
3. They were **very** excited about the trip.
4. The food was **too** spicy for my taste.
5. She is **quite** talented in music.

Adverbial of (frequency)
1. She **always** goes for a run in the morning.
2. He **rarely** eats out.
3. They **usually** visit their grandparents on weekends.
4. We **often** watch movies on Friday nights.
5. She **never** misses a workout.

Adverbial of (reason)
1. She stayed home **because she was feeling sick**.
2. They canceled the picnic **due to the rain**.
3. He studied hard **in order to pass the exam**.
4. She left early **so that she could catch the train**.
5. They moved to the city **for better job opportunities**.

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