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MIGREC - Newsletter Issue 13, October 2022 – December 2022 1

Migration, Integration and
Governance Research Centre

The workshop "Survey Design, from scratch to

using data analysis tools"
The workshop „Survey Design, from scratch to using data analysis tools“ was held at the Faculty
of Political Science on October 26 and 27, 2022. Dr. George Siakas, Assistant Professor at the
Department of Political Science, Democritus University, Komotini, Greece and Research Director
at the Public Opinion Research Unit, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece guided the
workshop. It was focused on survey design, selection of an appropriate mode of data collection,
questionnaire and sample design as well as quality assessment and survey administration

The workshop „Publishing for policy

On Friday, November 25, 2022, the „Publishing for policy makers“ workshop was held at the
Faculty of Political Science. Angeliki Dimitriadi from the Global Public Policy Institute in Berlin,
Germany presented and discussed with participants on the most important findings on the
transformation of research results into policies. Afterwards, participants started developing their
policy briefs based on their own research.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 857261.
MIGREC - Newsletter Issue 13, October 2022 – December 2022 2

Study visit to the University Sheffield

Members of the MIGREC team, professors, assistants and junior researchers from the University
of Belgrade – Faculty of Political Science and Faculty of Geography, visited the University of
Sheffield. Members of the MIGREC team participated in lectures, visited Rotherham and its
communities with mapped social boundaries, as well as the center "Football unites, racism
divides" where they saw a model of empowerment through the "liquid integration" of young
migrants as the result of sports activities.

MIGREC study visit in Athens

Members of the MIGREC team, Nataša Milošević, Tamara Milanov and Ljiljana Ćumura from the
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Political Science, participated in a one-week study visit in
Athens, Greece. During the visit, MIGREC researchers and PhD candidates had meetings,
interviews and fruitful discussions with the representatives of several national and international
organizations, such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),
International Organization for Migration (IOM), Doctors without borders/Médecins Sans Frontières
(MSF), International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Arsis – Association for the Social Support of

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 857261.

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