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When is neurosurgery necessary?

Neurosurgery is a surgical procedure which involved the diagnose, prevention and treatment of

any neurological disorders including the brain, spinal cord, extra cerebrovascular system, and

peripheral nervous system. There are following neurological disorders that we have to need to

treat with the neurosurgery:

 Hemorrhagic stroke: In hemorrhagic stroke, our blood vessels become ruptured due to

the deposition of fatty substances.

 Carpal tunnel syndrome: This syndrome occurs due to compression of median

nerves( located on the palm side of the hand).

 Acoustic neuroma: it is a type of brain tumor, which happen in the vestibular nerve. This

nerve connects our ear to the brain. Due to this tumor causes hear loss and tinnitus.

 Spine tumor: spine tumor developed in the spinal cord or spinal column. This tumor affects

the vertebrate (bone of the spine).

 Brain tumors (metastatic and primary brain tumors):. In metastatic brain tumor, the

tumor does not originate in the brain. It spread to the brain from the other part of body

cancer. But in a primary brain tumor, the tumor originates in the brain starts to grow


 Meningiomas: It is a type of brain tumor, which happens in the three layers of the

meninges membrane.

Other conditions that have to need neurosurgeons and neurosurgery are osteoporotic spine

fractures, spondylolysis, back and neck pain, normal pressure hydrocephalus, skull-based

tumors, astrocytomas, chronic subdural hematomas, and vertebral fractures.

There are following sign and symptoms which are used to observe the neurological disorders

and need a neurosurgeon and neurosurgery:

 Chronic pain in muscles, skin, and joints

 Serve headache

 Vision problems, in some cases double vision or loss of vision

 Memory problems .

 Paralysis or tingling sensations of skin

 Seizures

 Speech problem such as slurred speech

 Loss of responsiveness

 Weakness in the lower body, arm, and neck

To treat the neurological disorder, there are following diagnostic procedure used in


 CT/MRI Scans: Computer Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a

painless process which is used to get a clear image of brain and spine including bone and

vascular irregularities, spinal stenosis, intracranial bleeding in stroke patients and so many

neurological disorder. This result helps in neurosurgery for better surgical planning.

 Electroencephalograms (EEG): Electroencephalograms is a diagnostic procedure which

measures the brain activity when the patient has been fully anesthetized. It helps to

diagnose a certain type of seizers, brain injuries and tumor, degenerative disorder,

inflammation in the brain and spinal cord and various type of psychiatric disorders.

 Myelography: Myelography is a diagnostic imaging procedure which helps to diagnose

spinal nerves injury, herniated disc, spinal tumors, fractures, and nerve roots. This

procedure is a combination of injected contrast substance with X-ray or computer


 Biopsy: Biopsy is a diagnostic procedure which is used to determine the types of tumor,

identifying abnormalities in brain and tumor and then removed by the required surgery.
 Angiography: angiography is usually performed to detect the narrowing and destructive

blood arteries in the brain, location, and size of brain tumors.

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