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The Vice-Chancellor,
North South University.

The Director
BBA Program
North South University.

Subject: Request for Reconsideration and Appeal for One Last Chance

Respected Sir,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to ask for your kind consideration and request one more
chance to continue my studies at this esteemed institution. I am a dedicated student in the BBA program.
Unfortunately, just before the final exam of the Spring 2022 semester, I had a serious bike accident that
resulted in multiple fractures and injuries. I have enclosed all the medical documents to prove my
situation during that time. I had to spend two months in the hospital, which made it impossible for me to
continue my studies during the Summer 2022 semester. Knowing that I was close to probation, I sought
help from the department and worked hard to improve my academic performance. I registered for retake
courses and prepared diligently for the Fall 2022 semester. However, I had to be hospitalized again due to
severe neck pain from the previous accident. The doctor recommended two months of bed rest and
physiotherapy for a full recovery, causing another setback in my studies. At that time, my CGPA was
1.52 with what appeared to be a 7th probation count, though it was actually my 5th.

I kindly ask for your understanding and compassion in reconsidering my situation and granting me one
last chance to prove my academic abilities. I am ready to retake the necessary courses to meet the
probation requirements and excel in my studies this semester.


Aninda Sarker Dip

Mobile Number: 01838668298

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