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Paraneoplastic is a type of syndrome which produces abnormality in the immune

system. This syndrome appears when cancer-fighting antibody and white blood cell

(also known as T-cell) attack on normal cells in the nervous system.

It is a specific paraneoplastic syndrome in which loss of nerve cells that control by

skeletal muscles or neuromuscular junction.

Sign and symptoms

 Weakness in upper arm and neck

 Loss of muscles tone

 Difficulties rising from a chair.

 Improper maintaining balance

 Dryness of mouth


To diagnose the paraneoplastic myopathy disorder, physical examination and

laboratory tests are conducted. In the physical examination, the neurologist will ask

such type of questions related to such as muscles strength, eye strength, sense of

touch, hearing, memory.

In laboratory tests, blood test and spinal tap are likely a blood test, we

identify the antibody, infections and hormone disorder while in spinal tap test a small

amount of cerebrospinal fluid is sampled to the analysis of lumbar puncture of the

individual patient.

In the case of malignancy, a nontoxic immunosuppressive agent such as

cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin (Adriamycin) is used.

In exceptional patient such as autonomic failure, an antineuronal antibody is used.

Complication :

 This disorder may complicate certain type of malignant tumor.

 Opsoclonus-Myoclonus Opsoclonus is rare complication

 neuroblastoma


Paraneoplastic encephalitis is a type of disorder which is related to a neurological

disorder. It may be affected by any part of the nervous systems such as neuromuscular

junction, muscles, and damaging other parts.

Sign and symptoms :

 Blurred vision

 Slurry speech

 Loss of balance

 Vertigo

 Dizziness

 Personality changes
 Seizers


The paraneoplastic encephalitis suspected patient is diagnosis by a laboratory test.

In the panel of laboratory test, the neurologist examines their blood, cerebrospinal

fluid, and urine sample. an additional test is also be conducted such as MRI, EEG

(electroencephalogram), and EMG (electromyogram).


If antibody disorder is diagnosed then initially IVIG (0.4 g/kg/day for 5 days) and steroids

are given.

Solumedrol (1 gram daily for 3-5 days then a taper over several weeks)


 oropharyngeal

 lung cancer

 head and neck cancer

 tonsilar concurrent cancer


Paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis (PLE) is a type of paraneoplastic syndrome which is

caused due to inflammation in the brain and spinal cord. At an early stage diagnosis of
PLE is very complicates such type of cancer, Hodgkin's lymphoma, testicular

germ cell neoplasms, and breast cancer.

Sign and symptoms:

 Short- term memory loss

 Anxiety

 Seizers

 Confusion

 Irritability

 Hallucination

 Personality change


The diagnosis of paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis is diagnosis by collecting the sample

of cerebrospinal fluid and blood sample. MRI test shows the abnormal activity in the



If paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis caused by the viral infection then the antiviral drug

may be prescribed.

Immunotherapy also is used as first and second line treatment. when immunotherapy is

failed then in this condition rituximab or cyclophosphamide is considered

 Breast cancer

 Cerebrovascular disorder

 Metastasis

 metabolic and nutritional deficits

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