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Prose: “ A Letter to God”

Answer in 30-40 words:

1.People get support from family and friends during bad times. How does Lencho’s family
behave after the harvest is ruined? Elaborate it with supporting details.

2. ‘Lencho was an ox of a man , working like an animal in the fields, but still he knew how to
write .’ What can you infer from this statement about the norms amongst farmers ? Is it
relevant with the contemporary condition of farmers? Comment your answer with an

3. What would have been the likely reaction of Lencho’s wife upon knowing about him
writing an actual letter to God?

4. Lencho and his family knew the implication the hailstorm would have on their lives .
Write a conversation between Lencho and his wife as they watched the downpour turn to a

5. Lencho did not bother exploring any other means to resolve his situation but just turned
to God. Do you feel his approach was justified? Why/ Why not?

6. ‘The postmaster was a representative of God’. Evaluate this statement in the context of
your understanding of ‘ A Letter to God’.

Poetry: “ Dust of Snow”

Answer in 40-50 words.

1.Rationalise what you think the poet was probably doing when the dust of snow fell on

2. ‘Crow and hemlock are usually used as a negative reference in literature.’E Critically
analyze this statement in the light of “ Dust of Snow”

Poetry: “ Fire and Ice”

Answer in 40-50 words.

1.Briefly explain how the WW-I might have influenced the theme of the poem “ Fire and

2.Comment on the pessimists nature of the poem.

Supplementary Reader

Chapter-1 “ A Triumph of Surgery”

Answer in 40-50 words:

1.How does the author portray the theme of determination and perseverance in the text?

2. Discuss the significance of the title of the text in relation to the events an characters of
the text.

3.Imagine Mrs.Pumphrey came to know how Tricki was actually treated. Write a brief note
to the narrator on her behalf.

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