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Keynotes | Panels |Networking |Exhibition | Papers

1400HRS GMT| 1500HRS WAT | 1600HRS CAT | 1700HRS EAT

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Ref No: RBW/JWA/2021-3

Africa Private Sector Summit

PO Box 3155
Gulf Aziz Bldg. 402
Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA

15 February 2021

H.E. Mahamadou Issoufu

Republic of Niger
CHAMPION of AfCFTA , Africa Union
Niamey, Republic of NIGER

Dear Excellency Mr. Secretary General:

Part of the Partners:

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The notion Africa rising suggests that the continent is the new frontier for the most lucrative
business opportunities. However, for that notion to be sustainable, conditions for the ease of
doing business on the continent with rest with us in determining the continent’s destiny. The
operationalization of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA) provides
a unique opportunity for a paradigm shift towards harnessing strategic projects with greater
impact by exploiting new innovations for growth and transformation. However, it will require
greater accountability and corporate responsibility and commitment to superior performance
and outcomes. The opportunities are immense. The AfCFTA, is the largest single market in the
world with a consumer base of over 1.2 billion majority youth population, a natural resource
endowment like no other continent in the World with aggregate GDP of more than $2.2 trillion
dollars. However, the level of underdevelopment, poor infrastructure, limited human and
technological capacities undermines the potential for growth and transformation. It will take
governments, in partnership with development partners and the private sector, commitment to
the implementation of the agreement, by investing in infrastructure, people, and technology
that improves the ease of doing business on the continent.

The Private Sector Virtual Summit to be held from 8-12 March 2021 is designed to deliberate
on critical success factors with the view deriving innovative recommendations on the role of
the private sector in enhancing the implementation of the AfCFTA. This letter serves to invite
you to give the opening speech as stated in the following details:

Date: 08 March 2021 GMT +1

Topic: Africa New Landscape for Doing Business with Ease
Context: Policy Reforms for Enhanced Trade Integration

Your address is intended to set the tone for the day for which you have 20 minutes followed
by a respondent who will capture your main ideas. This will be followed by a panel discussion
to assist with finessing the ideas towards practical outcomes. For these reasons your inputs
will be invaluable to us.

The full summit programme and notes are attached below for your perusal. Should you have
any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. Looking forward to your favourable response.

Sincerely yours,

J Wendell Addy
Summit Chair, Planning Committee, APSS

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PH: +1 301 529 6537 (Direct)



8 March 2021 Africa’s new Landscape for Doing Business with ease • Keynote
1. What are some of the milestones that have been realized for doing Address
business with ease? • Response
2. How will the AfCFTA create an enabling environment for doing
business in Africa? • Panellists
3. What will be the roles of the AU, Regional Bodies and Chamber of
Commerce etc?
4. What institutions and instruments are in place to ensure continental
9 March 2021 Investment Paradigm Shifts for Sustainable Transformation and • Keynote
Development Address
1. What should the new investment strategies towards economic • Response
emancipation look like? • Panellists
2. How do we ensure bankability without the curtailing practices and
stringent conditions?
3. In what ways do we ensure job creation, technological transfer, and
trade and exportation of finished products?
4. How do tertiary institutions reinvent themselves to match the skills sets
needed to drive the transformational injunctions?
5. How do we end dependency on foreign aid, investments, and

10 March 2021 Strategic Opportunities for Doing Business in Africa for Maximum • Keynote
Impact – Economic Empowerment & Development Address
1. What are the key sectors of prioritization for doing business in Africa • Response
with greater beneficiation impact? • Panellists
2. How do we measure the true socio-economic upliftment that will
change the continental image from underdeveloped to creating
conditions for everyone to thrive?
3. What are the low hanging fruits for doing business in Africa and
simultaneously expedite transformation across the board?
11 March 2021 Africa’s Innovators: frontiers for Business diversification • Keynote
1. disruptive innovations can we showcase as Africa solutions to Address
continental and global challenges? • Response
2. How can these innovative ideas be funded for continental and global • Panellists
3. How do we protect African intellectual Property from hostile
4. What national and continental institutions can we establish to harness
the innovative space?
12 March 2021 Unifying the Continental Implementation Approaches and Strategies • Keynote
1. Where do we go from here as a united front? Address

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2. What projects are ready that can catalyse the results we want to see? • Response
3. How do we maximise diaspora investment potential in creating our • Panellists
own economies?
4. How do we maintain contact and accountability to realise traction?
5. The way forward …leap-frogging the AU Agenda 2063 for the

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