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Choose the correct answer!

1. What is exposition text means….

a. Is a text to tell the readers about something
b. Is a text how to make something in order
c. Is a text to tell story to entertain the readers
d. Is a text to persuades the readers by representing an arguments
e. Is a text to describing something in specific way

2. There are … kinds of exposition text

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

3. An opinion is…
a. A view or judgement about something based on fact or knowledge
b. An argument
c. A point of view about something

4. Exposition text consist of…

a. Introduction - arguments
b. Introduction - body - conclusion
c. Introduction - arguments – body paragraph
d. Introduction - thesis - arguments
e. Introduction – body – thesis

Soal nomor 5
5. A British artist, William Timym, created public sculpture at the Saint Louis Zoo. What sculpture is
a. A five- year-old male boy
b. A bronze email creature
c. A gorilla named Prill
d. An old male elephant
e. A five-year-old female gorilla

Soal nomor 6-8

6. Thesis statement is the most important sentence in the text. What is thesis statement of the text
a. While some people may see graffiti as a form of art and self-expression, it is often
controversial because it involves the unauthorized use of someone’s property
b. Graffiti is also bad for communities because there are some negative effects on
c. People may be less willing to buy or rent homes or business in area with a lot of graffiti
d. From those reasons, it can be concluded that graffiti makes negative effects on
e. That’s why graffiti is considered bad communities
7. There are some bad assumptions for a community which has a high level of graffiti. Those
assumptions are…
a. The place is treated badly
b. The place is considered less safe
c. The place is well-maintained
d. The place is safer
e. The place is desirable
8. ‘’… and more prone to criminal activity.’’ What is synonim of prone means…
a. Unready
b. Obvious
c. Resistant
d. Indifferent
e. Liable

Soal nomor 9-11

9. What is main idea of third paragraph…

a. Public mural is popular
b. Beautiful murals make the public spaces safer than before
c. People do not like visiting spaces with a lot of murals
d. Murals in alley are not good for tourists and locals
e. Murals look more beautiful when there are lights

10. All in all, the author presents that public murals have … for the cities and communities.
a. Effects
b. Values
c. Purposes
d. Advantages
e. Problems
11. The word elevate has similar meaning to…
a. Boost
b. Influence
c. Decrease
d. Drop
e. Eliminate

Soal nomor 12

12. What does the text mostly tells about ...

a. Why government invests in public art.
b. How beautiful the city that has public art is.
c. How public art influences the passersby.
d. The use of public art for a city.
e. Why passersby enjoy places with public art.

13. What is general structures of fairy tales…

a. Orientation- supporting details- conclusion
b. Introduction- complication- resolution
c. Introduction- problems – complication
d. Orientation- complication – resolution
e. Orientation – problems – resolution
14. Language features of fairy tales are, except …
a. Focus on specific participant
b. Direct and indirect speech
c. Simple past tense
d. Simple present tense
e. Use adverbs
15. Fractured fairy tales are…
a. Classic fairy tale and add a twist
b. Classic story
c. Story about comedy
d. Classic fairy tale and change the characters
e. Classic fairy tale about folks
16. There are elements of the story, except ...
a. Characters
b. Setting
c. Author
d. Point of view
e. Conflict
17. Elements of traditional fairy tales are, except ...
a. Once upon a time
b. Magic
c. Good versus evil
d. Magic
e. Sad ending

Soal nomor 18-19

18. From the infographic we know that fractured fairy tales are…
a. Similar to classic story
b. Famous classic stories about magical creatures
c. Traditional stories that are retold exactly as they are
d. Familiar traditional stories that have been changed
e. Told by parents or grandparents to teach moral lessons
19. ‘’Switch good and bad characters.’’ The word switch has similar meaning to..
a. Change
b. Remove
c. Add
d. Eliminate
e. Move
20. There lived a beautiful girl named Ella. She lived with her stepmother and her stepsisters. Ella
and her stepsisters studied in the same school. One day, the famous boy of their school invited
all students to go to his birthday party. Ella could not come because she didn't have a beautiful
dress. Moreover, her stepsisters asked their mother to make Ella do a lot of work at home. The
example above shows one of the changes. What is it?
a. Switch good and bad characters
b. Make it modern
c. Make it funny
d. New or different characters
e. New or different events
Soal nomor 21

21. This story is a part of a classic fairy tale, "Cinderella". How is the ending of the story?
a. The slipper fit Cinderella perfectly
b. Cinderella didn't want to try the shoes
c. The prince knew Cinderella so she didn't need to try it
d. Cinderella's stepmother grabbed the slipper
e. Cinderella went to the prince and showed the other slipper
22. ‘’The chances of finding the same place of art are slim, and the number of people who
appreciate and can afford to buy art is limited.’’ The synonym of the word slim is…
a. Tight
b. Tall
c. Cheap
d. Big
e. Wide

Soal nomor 23
23. What is the main idea of the text…
a. The older art is more expensive
b. The condition of the artist contributes is the art price
c. The age and condition of the artworks influence the art prices
d. The artwork of living artist is more expensive than the artwork
e. The art prices are not influenced by the condition of the artworks and existence of the
Soal nomor 24-26

24. The purpose of the infographic is to…

a. Describe someone’s smartwatch
b. Explain how to use smartwatch
c. Persuade the readers to use smartwatch
d. Provide information about smartwatch
e. Promote the use of smartwatch
25. From the infographic we can conclude that …
a. A smartwatch can be an alternative of a smartphone
b. It is difficult to use a smartwatch
c. Smartwatch can only be uses for sport activities
d. A smartwatch is as useful as a regular watch
e. To use smartwatch, we need to install an app
26. ‘’ a smartwatch is a digital watch that contains a small computer that runs on its own operating
system.’’ The word runs has similar meaning to …
a. Hastens
b. Moves
c. Performs
d. Passes
e. Hoes

Soal nomor 27-29

27. What can you conclude after reading the text above…
a. Graffiti is vandalism
b. Graffiti is good
c. People dislike graffiti art
d. People are distributed by graffiti art
e. Graffiti art contributes to the city pollution
28. Graffiti art which is done well can give some benefits. The benefits are, except …
a. It deteriorates neighbouring area
b. It brightens up the sea
c. It attracts tourists to visit the area
d. It transforms unattractive wall into attractive one
e. It maintains someone’s property
29. The word of stimulate has closest meaning to … (paragraph 1)
a. Change
b. Turn
c. Decrease
d. Feel
e. Provoke

Soal nomor 30-31

30. What, who, and why are questions that we can see in the element of the story. The element is …
a. Plot
b. Conflict
c. Characters
d. Setting
e. Point of view
31. Cinderella goes to a baseball game instead of the prince's ball. This is an example of changing the
element of a story. The element is …
a. Plot
b. Conflict
c. Characters
d. Setting
e. Story

Soal nomor 32-33

32. The infographic above gives us some information. What information can you get from it?
a. The definition of sculpture
b. The places where people can see sculptures
c. The materials used to make sculptures
d. The sculpture is a work art
e. The techniques used to install sculptures in public
33. Based on the infographic, Lord Holland Statue can be found at Holland Park in West London . The
function of this statue is to …
a. Connect us with nature
b. Preserve historical figure
c. Beautify the house
d. Improve the look of the building
e. Give credit to the visitor
34. Early tablet devices used light pens or a stylus as their input device. However, today all tablets
use a touch screen as their primary input device with the option to connect external devices,
such as a keyboard. Most tablets only have a few physical buttons; the back, power, and volume
buttons. Everything else can be done using your fingers.
The paragraph tells about tablet devices. Based on the paragraph, what are the functions of the
home buttons of the tablets?
a. Turn on/ off the tablets
b. Back screen
c. Volume
d. Screen shoot
e. Torch
35. Which one of technical terms is match with the synonim …
a. Compact: solid
b. Mobile: stable
c. Portable: flexible
d. Privacy: publicity
e. enhance: decrease
36. the word of advanced has similar meaning with…
a. leading
b. behind
c. left
d. middle
e. beginner
37. what is the technical terms of barcode …
a. a wireless radio technology
b. the small image of bars and spaces
c. a computer data taken and stored
d. a particular device
e. an original product number
38. what is the definition of wireless …
a. need wire to connect
b. having no wire
c. having a short wire
d. need a long wire
e. having long and short wire
39. which one is a true meaning …
a. features: umum
b. usability: kemampuan
c. portable: pelik
d. removable: tidak terhapus
e. device: alat
40. the word of GPS stand for …
a. global pointing service
b. global positioning service
c. global positioning system
d. global pre service
e. global pro service

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