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Volume 14 Number 4 • Fall 2011

The Newsletter for Information Assurance Technology Professionals

Security Automation:
Addressing Operational Problems

also inside

An Introduction to Under Constant Attack Security Automation

Security Automation Research: Challenges and
On Providing Risk Matrics Future Directions
Security Automation: Using Security Automation,
Commercial Sector Protocols, and Standards Applying and Extending
Perspectives and SCAP to Deliver the
Contributions Overcoming the Detail Trusted Cloud

Devil through Open



Enabling Distributed Technology Standards Security Automation from


Security in Cyberspace a NIST Perspective


About IATAC and the IAnewsletter

The IAnewsletter is published quar-
terly by the Information Assurance
Technology Analysis Center (IATAC).
IATAC is a Department of Defense
14 Security Automation
Research: Challenges
and Future Directions
34 Security Automation
from a NIST

(DoD) sponsored Information Analysis
Center, administratively managed by Configuration complexity imposes Security automation can
the Defense Technical Information
Center (DTIC), and Assistant Secretary a heavy burden on both regular harmonize vast amounts of
of Defense for Research & Engineering
ASD(R&E). users and experienced information technology (IT) data.
Contents of the IAnewsletter are not administrators.

necessarily the official views of or
endorsed by the US Government, DoD, An Introduction to Security Automation
Overcoming the

DTIC, or ASD(R&E). The mention of
commercial products does not imply United States Cyber Command has made major
endorsement by DoD or ASD(R&E). On Providing Risk Detail Devil through
strides in defending, securing and improving
Inquiries about IATAC capabilities, Metrics Using Open Technology Standards
products, and services may be the operations of Defense networks.
addressed to— Security Automation, This article highlights one

IATAC Director: Gene Tyler Protocols, and Standards example of how technology
Inquiry Services: Yida Li IATAC Spotlight
This article describes the findings standards enabled a customer.
If you are interested in contacting an on a University
author directly, please e-mail us at to support an enterprise-wide,
The University of North Carolina

standards-based, tool-agnostic
IAnewsletter Staff at Charlotte (UNCC) is a research Ask the Expert
Chief Editor Gene Tyler information system risk
Assistant Editor Kristin Evans intensive university. Information security
Art Director: Tammy Black awareness capability.
practitioners recognize the

Copy Editor: Alexandra Sveum

Editorial Board: Al Arnold
Angela Orebaugh Enabling Distributed importance of personnel
Dr. Ronald Ritchey Under Constant
Designers: Tammy Black Security in Cyberspace screening.
Michelle Deprenger Attack
Lacey Olivares The Department of Homeland
A recent survey confirmed that

IAnewsletter Article Submissions Security (DHS) has the lead for
To submit your articles, notices, organizations of all sizes, from Evaluating the
programs, or ideas for future issues, the federal government to secure
please visit all sectors are vulnerable to Benefits of Network
IA_newsletter.html and download an federal civilian executive branch
“Article Instructions” packet. cyber attacks. Security Systems
computer systems.
Network security has clearly

IAnewsletter Address Changes/

To change, add, or delete your mailing Applying and become a key issue for all
or e-mail address (soft-copy receipt), Security Automation:
please contact us at— Extending SCAP to organizations in the face of
Commercial Sector
IATAC Deliver the Trusted Cloud a variety of cyber attacks.
Attn: Peggy O’Connor Perspectives and
13200 Woodland Park Road This article will show how
Suite 6031 Contributions
Herndon, VA 20171 monitoring and software
Many companies and key players
Phone: 703/984-0775 reference measurements are
Fax: 703/984-0773 across the commercial sector
critical ingredients for delivering
E-mail: have played a part in the
URL: the trusted cloud.
advancement of security

Deadlines for Future Issues
Spring 2012 Jan 27, 2012
Subject Matter Expert in every issue

Cover design: Tammy Black
Newsletter The SME profiled in this
design: Donald Rowe SCAPVal: Validating 3 IATAC Chat
article is Ehab S. Al-Shaer at the
Distribution Statement A: Specification 18 Letter to the Editor
Approved for public release; University of North Carolina at
distribution is unlimited. Conformance 19 DoDTechipedia Happenings
Charlotte (UNCC).
SCAPVal is a command-line 47 Products Order Form
Java application that is 48 Calendar
freely available.

2 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

Gene Tyler, IATAC Director

O n 14 July 2011, the Honorable

William J. Lynn, III, Deputy
Secretary of Defense, gave a speech at
on security automation as an imperative
to furthering solutions to cyberspace’s
operational problems. Bruce McConnell,
across the government, industry, and
academia has resulted in powerful
information assurance advancements.
National Defense University outlining Director for Cyber Strategy at the More importantly, this collection of
the Department of Defense (DoD) Department of Homeland Security, articles demonstrates that when
Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace. In provides an overview in his article of everyone plays an active role, enhanced
this speech, Mr. Lynn acknowledged how developing security standards network defense while operating in
that today, “bits and bytes can be as enable “dissimilar devices to collectively cyberspace is achievable.
threatening as bullets and bombs,” and perform agreed upon security I always encourage our readers to
then stressed the importance of functions” that advance DHS’s aims in submit articles sharing their
military, government, international, cybersecurity. John Banghart explains perspectives. What other IA
private sector, and individual citizen SCAP and its capabilities from a NIST advancements have resulted from
participation in securing cyberspace. He and technology perspective, and David collaboration in which you, our readers,
stated, “Because cyberspace is O’Berry details an example of how SCAP play a part? We’re interested in
composed of many interwoven networks advanced the security of South Carolina learning about other examples! Please
that perform many different functions, prison networks through true feel free to contact us with your ideas at
ensuring its peaceful use will require collaborative efforts. I look forward to
efforts on many fronts. The men and Besides this variety of government continuing this dialogue with the
women of the military, other perspectives, this edition also features IA community.
government agencies, our allies, the articles by several key players in the
private sector, and indeed, the citizens commercial sector and in academia.
of cyberspace must all play a role.” [1] Companies that have played an integral
The importance of encouraging role in security automation discuss how
cooperation and collaboration across SCAP has impacted their commercial
public and private organizations is a innovations. This edition features
daunting task. This edition of the articles from Juniper, Triumfant, and
IAnewsletter showcases how key Harris Corporation. Dr. Ehab Al-Shaer of References
stakeholders and organizations have the University of North Carolina 1.
worked together to advance security Charlotte, and Dr. Soumyo Moitra of aspx?speechid=1593
automation through the development of Carnegie Mellon University, also 2. Sager, Tony. “Security Automation Introduction.”
the Security Content Automation discuss their research and innovations IAnewsletter, vol. 13, no. 1, winter 2010, p. 4.
Protocol (SCAP). In short, this edition in this area.
highlights how one of the core The 13/1 edition of the IAnewsletter
principles Mr. Lynn outlines has been first introduced our readers to security A special thanks to Tony Sager
put into action. automation and the importance of and Betsy Hudson for their vision
This edition provides high-level collaboration in developing standards and support for this edition of
perspectives from individuals within the that allow network defenders to focus on the IAnewsletter. We truly appreciate it!
Department of Homeland Security, managing information instead of
Department of Commerce’s National information technologies. [2] Almost
Institute of Standards and Technology two years later, this edition showcases
(NIST), U.S. Cyber Command, and the tangible evidence of how security
National Security Agency, and focuses automation and true collaboration

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 3

F E AT U R E s to ry

An Introduction to
Security Automation
by MG David B. Lacquement, Tony Sager, and Paul Bartock

U nited States Cyber Command

over a year old, and I believe that we
standardization and automation; we
must counter and mitigate as much of
the adversary activity of vulnerabilities
ff Rapidly query the environment to
find system artifacts evidence of
potential adversary actions;
have made major strides in defending, within our networks automatically ff Apply the findings from our own
securing and improving the operations whenever possible. Automation will operations and testing (e.g., Red
of Department of Defense (DoD) free up the finite defender forces to Teams) to find and mitigate
networks. We have accomplished a great focus on the critical threats to our key similarly vulnerable systems;
deal in a relatively short time with help cyber terrain. ff Rapidly share information across
from our key mission partners like the This is also impacted by the reality the entire enterprise in machine-
National Security Agency and Defense that we are and will be operating in a readable, standard forms;
Information Systems Agency. This has constrained fiscal environment that will ff Quickly formulate and implement
been a challenge, given that DoD’s force us to be incredibly efficient and policy across the enterprise, and
networks are complex and constantly maximize the use of scalable, know when systems go out of
changing, with multiple network enterprise-level technology. compliance; and
“owners” and “operators” and often no All of this will require advances in ff Effectively measure the value of
one actively securing and defending technology, standards, tactics, countermeasures as we put them in
components of the network. We have procedures, processes, etc. But, at the place (e.g., the Unified Gold Master
very little visibility and situational end of the day, this is all about solving image for the DOD). n
awareness of the states of our networks large-scale, complex operational problems.
or activity on the networks. Our The problems that we need to solve for
About the Author
adversaries have taken advantage of the DoD should drive the priorities.
current limitations to see and defend Here are a few examples from my
MG David B. Lacquement, USA, | is the
our networks and have been able to “operational wish list” for
Director Operations, J-3, for United States Cyber
maneuver too freely inside our networks. USCYBERCOMMAND. We must be
Command in Fort Meade, MD. As the Director of
Cyberspace is a Warfighting domain able to—
Operations, he is responsible for planning,
and just like the other Warfighting ff Know that systems are configured
executing, coordinating, and managing forces for
domains the mission is about as securely as possible, focused on
DoD computer network attack and computer
reconnaissance, maneuvers, and fires. systems associated with key cyber
network defense as directed by USSTRATCOM.
Cyberspace is different from the other terrain, and when this is not so;
MG Lacquement holds a B.A. in History from
domains primarily due to the global ff Rapidly assess the technical risk of
Western Maryland College, and M.S. degrees in
nature of the networks, the network a newly found vulnerability in
Strategic Intelligence from the Joint Military
speed of cyber activity, the sheer volume technology (e.g., how many systems
Intelligence Training College, Military Art and
of cyber events and rapid development, of this type are out there, which of
Science from the United States Army Command
and planning and decision cycle of our them are configured in an exploitable
and Staff College, and National Security Strategy
adversaries. We must dramatically way) so that technical risk can be
Studies from the National Defense University. He
tighten up our own decision-action weighed with other factors in
can be contacted at
cycle. This implies much more determining operational risk;

4 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

T he Winter 2010 edition of the
IAnewsletter focused on security
automation—the compelling need, the
Standards are
Just Opened…the TNC & SCAP
applicable standards, and the key essential, and Demonstration Center (DC)
Department of Defense programs—and
also offered some hints of the roadmap compatible tools are The NSA has been undertaking an
ahead. The basic premise was that cyber effort to create an external
defenses are being overwhelmed by great, but in the final unclassified DC to support the
mostly mundane, well-understood development, integration, and
problems; therefore, we need a much analysis, this is about demonstration of security
greater focus on standardization and automation use cases involving
automation to allow humans to get out solving problems. TNC and SCAP. The DC, located in
of the loop of manual defense and focus Hanover, MD, allows rapid
instead on human-worthy activities. The prototyping and the demonstration
About the Author
Winter 2010 edition laid out the basic of enhanced security automation
groundwork of standards, processes, techniques and efficiencies that
Tony Sager | is the Chief Operating Officer for
and issues that partners across will lay the foundation for
the Information Assurance Directorate (IAD) at
government and industry have been advancements in risk scoring,
the National Security Agency (NSA). IAD’s vision
working for several years. proactive network defenses,
is to be the decisive defensive advantage
In this edition of the IAnewsletter, compliance enforcement, and
enabling America and its allies to outmaneuver
we follow up with use cases—the network health situational awareness.
network adversaries. During his 30+ year NSA
operational problems that we need to
career, Mr. Sager has held technical and
solve. Standards are essential, and The development of security
managerial positions in Computer/Network
compatible tools are great, but in the automation standards is truly a
Security and software analysis. He holds a B.A.
final analysis, this is about solving grass-roots partnership between
in Mathematics from Western Maryland College
problems. In addition, we will offer government and industry. As such,
and an M.S. in Computer Science from Johns
insight from a wide variety of the DC provides a space within
Hopkins University. He can be contacted at
stakeholders, from national to tactical, which commercial vendors can be
and from government to industry. This actively and easily engaged.
is a problem that cuts across all of Within the DC, vendors are able to
cyberspace, and our solutions must do quickly set up their equipment and
the same. n interface it to existing
demonstration lab networks and
other required hardware.

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 5

W e are currently pursuing the
following seven use cases for
Commanders and executives often want a global
integrating Security Content Automation
Protocol (SCAP) with Trusted Network
view of security issues. Which areas of the world
Connect (TNC) in the TNC & SCAP
Demonstration Center (DC)—
are seeing the most attacks or the most
1. Continue the Comply to Connect
network visibility effort with
compliance or non-compliance?
additional features—We are
prototype this within their About the Author
performing an SCAP-based
commercial products. Some
assessment using TNC protocols,
vendors are already interested Paul Bartock | is the Technical Leader for
enabling a requirement for SCAP
in doing the prototyping of this Mitigations in the Information Assurance
compliance to gain network access
use case. Directorate at the National Security Agency (NSA).
or to ensure that the administrator
5. Rescan for New Policy—When He is responsible for working with Department of
knows the compliance state of all
SCAP policies change, endpoints Defense (DoD), federal government, and private
the devices on the network. Several
should be rescanned and their industry stakeholders to promote the use of
vendors have implemented this use
network access modified security standards and best practices to protect
case using the IF-IMC and IF-IMV
accordingly. Non-compliant DoD and federal computer networks. He partners
APIs to connect SCAP client and
endpoints might be quarantined with the leading operating system vendors to
server software to a TNC system.
until remediation can be encourage participation in government standards
2. External scan/request for
completed. A good use case is activities. For 12 years, he provided technical
investigation—The Policy Decision
INFOCON/CYBERCON changes. guidance on the government consensus work
Point notifies network security
6. Information sharing across groups to influence the development of security
devices (eg., external SCAP
administrators—The IF-MAP baseline configurations, which led to the Office of
scanners) when a new device enters
provides a single shared database Management and Budget-mandated Federal
the network, enabling the scanner
that allows administrators to have a Desktop Core Configuration. Drawing on his
to quickly find and scan new
common view of what is happening extensive knowledge of networks, he developed
devices. This is achieved through
on their networks. Tricky and and published countermeasure guidance to
features in IF-MAP 2.0 and IF-MAP
interesting issues arise when mitigate vulnerabilities in DoD and government
Metadata for Network Security 1.0.
sharing information across trust networks. Mr. Bartock is a graduate of the
3. Network sensing and response—
boundaries (i.e., from one University of Maryland and is a Certified
Security sensors detect suspicious
organization to another). Information Systems Security Professional and a
activity (e.g., traffic sent to a known
Information may be summarized. Network Certified Engineer. In 2008, he received
bad Internet Protocol [IP] address)
7. Dashboard— Commanders and the Exceptional Civilian Service Award and Federal
and publish this information to
Executives often want a global view 100 Award for his work developing the federal
IF-MAP, which triggers further
of security issues. Which areas of security baselines. In 2009, he was elevated to the
investigations, such as checking
the world are seeing the most Senior Executive Service. He can be contacted at
domain name system (DNS) caches
attacks or the most compliance or
on endpoint devices (e.g.,
non-compliance? They also want to
workstation, server, printer, etc.) to
drill down to get more information.
see if they have that IP address in
IF-MAP collects and exchanges this
their DNS cache. Vendors can
sort of data among security systems
implement this use case through
in a standard way. Executives
IF-MAP 2.0.
generally view issues from a risk
4. Trends—Administrators get
perspective (i.e., infections on a
visibility into warning by viewing
critical system are more important
activity on a console. IF-MAP 2.0
than those on a less critical one),
enables this use case, but a vendor
which actually builds upon the
has not yet implemented it. We plan
above activities as they are
to reach out to commercial vendors
completed. n
(e.g., SourceFire, RedSeal, and other
networking monitor vendors) to

6 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

I A T A C Sp o t l i g h t o n a U niver s it y

University of North Carolina

at Charlotte
by Angela Orebaugh

F ounded in 1946, the University of

North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC)
is a research intensive university in

Information Technology: Ethics,
Policy, and Security
Network-based Application
objective of CyberDNA is to enable
assurable and usable security and
privacy for a smart, open society by
Charlotte, NC. UNCC offers 92 Bachelor’s, Development making cyber defense provable,
59 Master’s, and 19 Doctoral degree ff Computer Communication enforceable, measurable, and
programs to over 25,000 students. [1] Networks automated. CyberDNA has a unique
The College of Computing and ff Network Security vision and approach among other
Informatics, one of seven colleges at ff IT Internship Project national centers including promoting
UNCC, includes the Computer Science, ff Software Testing and Quality automated analytics and synthesis of
Software and Information Systems, and Assurance designing, configuration, and evaluation
Bioinformatics and Genomics ff Software Assurance. [2] of mission-oriented security systems;
departments. The Software and offering leap-ahead research by
Information Systems Department is Through the Federal Cyber Corps integrating multidisciplinary research
responsible for information technology Scholarship for Service, UNCC also from security, networking, reliability,
(IT) research and education, offers the Carolina Cyber Defender risk management, economical,
emphasizing designing and deploying IT Scholarship Program, which provides behavioral, and physical world
infrastructures that deliver integrated, up to 2 years tuition, fees, books, and communities; and developing
secure, reliable, and easy-to-use salary for students seeking a degree in deployable tools to facilitate technology
services. The National Security Agency information assurance. The scholarship transfer and workforce education and
recognizes the department’s is in exchange for a match of 1-to-1 years preparation.” CyberDNA is led by
Information Security and Privacy of employment in an information Dr. Ehab Al-Shaer and includes faculty
program as a National Center of assurance position at a government from different colleges and external
Academic Excellence in Information agency or laboratory after graduation. collaborators who cover a wide range of
Assurance Education. Students earn a [3] Since 2001, the Carolina Cyber security expertise. [4] n
certificate from the Information Defender Scholarship Program has
Security and Privacy program that provided approximately 100 full References
requires 12 hours of course work in one scholarships. 1.
of the following topics— The Software and Information kit
ff Information Security and Privacy Systems Department also houses the 2.
ff Vulnerability Assessment and Cyber Defense and Network Assurability information-security-and-privacy
System Assurance (CyberDNA) Center. “The CyberDNA 3.
ff Computer Forensics offers a unique environment to facilitate defender-scholarship-0
ff Access Control and Security joint research and development 4.
Architecture programs (consortia, seminars, and
ff Information Infrastructure workshops) with the industry, financial
Protection institutions, utility service providers,
ff Applied Cryptography and government agencies. The main

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 7

Enabling Distributed Security
in Cyberspace
by Bruce McConnell

T he Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) has the lead for the
federal government to secure federal
The white paper suggests three
interdependent building blocks are
needed for distributed security—
private sector and at all levels
of government.
In general, these security
civilian executive branch computer ff Authentication—Enable a capabilities operate independently.
systems, to work with industry to defend network to know if it can trust a Security products, such as vulnerability
privately-owned and -operated critical request to connect; scanners, intrusion detection systems,
infrastructure, and to work with state, ff Automation—Enable immediate and anti-virus software, do not
local, tribal, and territorial governments response to intrusions and exchange data and have inconsistent
to secure their information systems. In anomalies; and security policies. Competing
March 2011, DHS published a white ff Interoperability—Enable manufacturers develop this technology
paper that explores the idea of a future standards-based devices to and have little incentive to share
cyber ecosystem in which cyber devices share information. information or enable a coordinated
collaborate in near-real time in their response. The result is an environment
own defense. [1] The cyber ecosystem is Properly combining these three where security products protect a single
global and includes U.S. government building blocks would permit automated community, a single user, or even a
and private sector information collective action in response to single aspect of a single user’s
infrastructure; the full variety of malicious activity, including financial experience. Mutual defense is almost
interacting persons, processes, fraud, identity theft, and advanced by accident.
information, and communications persistent threats that exploit access
technologies; and the conditions that to intellectual property and A Future Cyber Ecosystem
influence their cybersecurity. In this sensitive information. To create a safe, secure, and resilient
future, devices are able to anticipate and Identified by the Quadrennial cyberspace, we must leverage the
prevent attacks, limit the spread of Homeland Security Review last year, expertise that exists across the
attacks across participating devices, safeguarding and securing cyberspace enterprise and use the distributed
minimize the consequences of attacks, is one of DHS’s five core security nature of cyberspace in its own
and recover to a trusted state. missions. [2] The white paper lays out protection. There is no prospect that
To realize this future, security part of DHS’s vision for carrying out this an external boundary defense can do
capabilities must be built into cyber mission, which we believe requires the the job. Instead, standards-based
devices in a way that allows preventive creation of a fundamentally safer and products and services can be used to
and defensive courses of action to be more secure cyber environment. To do strengthen local and individual
coordinated among communities of this, we must change the way people capabilities and unite those capabilities
devices. Near-real time coordination and devices work together. in collective actions to realize shared
would be enabled by combining the security interests.
innate capabilities of individual devices The Current Cyber Ecosystem There are potentially many benefits
with trusted information exchanges and Security capabilities are naturally to automated collective action. If cyber
shared, configurable policies. distributed in cyberspace, and devices communicated in near-real time
substantial expertise resides in the with each other about incidents and

8 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

took coordinated protective measures Development of International communicate changes in its security or
consistent with defined policies, even Standards its surroundings in a way that preserves
zero day attacks could be contained. Interoperability and authentication or enhances the security posture of the
Decision making would be optimized, standards are critical for dissimilar ecosystem. In addition, the software
and automated defenses could be devices to collectively perform agreed- must have strong feed forward and
effective at the earliest, least costly upon security functions. Government feedback signaling mechanisms.
stages of an incident. and private sector stakeholders must
Automated courses of action work with industry and standards Resolution of Policy and Governance
(ACOA) are methods chosen to bring bodies to mature existing standards and Issues
about a technical solution to a threat. create new ones. Government must work with the private
Potential ACOAs include— Many security- and configuration- sector to collectively develop a
ff Taking infected devices offline; related data specifications already exist. framework for identifying and resolving
ff Changing the configuration of These include, for example, the Open political and legal issues related to
healthy devices to harden them Vulnerability and Assessment Language, automated collective defense.
against intrusion; the Common Vulnerabilities and Key policy questions include
ff Blocking incoming malware; Exposures identifiers, and the Security the following—
ff Filtering or re‐routing traffic; Content Automation Protocol. [3] These ff What distributed behaviors
ff Cordoning off portions of the data specifications provide an excellent would be effective and thus
network or of applications; and foundation for the development of should be automated?
ff Changing access levels. future international standards. ff What decisions should be
delegated to machines?
Immediately upon detection of an Authentication of Individuals, Devices, ff What elements of trust would
incident, a digital policy (i.e., machine and Processes be required?
instruction) could deploy to alert others A healthy cyber ecosystem must be ff Who is accountable when
and begin sharing information in a able to appropriately authenticate user unintended consequences occur?
format that could be authenticated and identities, devices, and processes.
automatically fed into cyber devices in Authentication must be secure, DHS envisions a healthy cyber
other communities. affordable, easy to use, scalable, ecosystem having five maturity levels
and interoperable. characterized by increasing levels of
Transition information sharing, interaction, and
The transition to a healthy cyber Production of Trustworthy Hardware decision rights. The white paper outlines
ecosystem will be gradual. It will be and Software these maturity levels, and participation
facilitated by the following activities: Industry must produce hardware and at each level is voluntary. The existence
software that provides increasing levels of multiple maturity levels takes into
of safety, security, resiliency, reliability, account the diversity of participants in
privacy, and usability. Each product the ecosystem and enables better risk-
must be able to sense, react to, and

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 9

based security decisions across systems devices work together, determine capabilities needed to ensure the
and organizations. whether there are improvements in phased implementation of a healthy
security, identify gaps and challenges, cyber ecosystem.
Government Role and help recommend ways to mitigate DHS invites you to be an active
DHS intends to lead the evolution of the weaknesses. Pilots can also help participant in refining requirements and
healthy cyber environment and is identify in a systematic way whether use cases, identifying early adopters,
working with its partners in the public or not standards are mature enough and participating in pilots and
and private sector to complete the tasks and properly implemented in demonstrations. We welcome your
detailed below. various devices. feedback and comments to the e-mail
DHS welcomes the collaboration of address n
Develop Requirements and Use Cases other government and private sector
The white paper describes 25 functions stakeholders in implementing pilots
About the Author
that security content automation and and demonstrations.
exchange could transform. The white
Bruce W. McConnell | has served as the
paper organizes the functions into two Move the Public Discussion Forward
Senior Counselor and Director for Cyber+Strategy
phases: Pre-incident Detection and Post- DHS has begun meeting with
at the National Protection and Programs
incident Detection. The Pre-incident stakeholders to discuss leveraging
Directorate of DHS since June 2009. Prior to DHS,
Detection phase includes asset security automation, authentication,
Mr. McConnell served on the Obama-Biden
inventory, configuration guidance and interoperability to build a healthy
Presidential Transition Team, working on a variety
analysis, vulnerability analysis, and and resilient cyber ecosystem. This
of open government and technology issues. From
threat analysis. The Post-incident dialogue is helping to improve
2000 to 2008, he created, built, and sold
Detection phase includes intrusion ecosystem concepts, identify
McConnell International and Government Futures,
detection and incident management and opportunities to pilot near-term
which were boutique consultancies that provided
is currently less standards-based than capabilities, and help identify gaps in
strategic and tactical advice in technology,
the Pre-incident Detection phase. technologies, standards, and policies.
business, and government markets. From 1999 to
To broaden our audience, DHS
2000, Mr. McConnell was the Director of the
Identify Early Adopters plans to establish a cyber ecosystem
International Y2K Cooperation Center, where he
An early example of security automation wiki to encourage comments on the
coordinated regional and global critical information
is continuous monitoring. System Enabling Distributed Security in
technology infrastructure organizations to promote
managers use a variety of software Cyberspace white paper.
information sharing and joint action. From 1993 to
products to automatically detect and In addition, DHS intends to publish
1999, Mr. McConnell was Chief of Information
report known security vulnerabilities three follow-on white papers. The first
Policy and Technology in the U.S. Office of
in network nodes. In some cases, white paper will summarize feedback
Management and Budget. He holds an M.P.A.
system managers further configure submitted on the ecosystem concept
from the University of Washington and a B.S.
their systems to automatically and provide a coordinated action plan.
from Stanford University. He can be contacted at
remediate detected (i.e., known) The second white paper will provide a
security deficiencies. DHS is working more detailed vision and operational
with its partners to highlight other construct for authentication of devices.
early adopters. The third white paper will report early
1. DHS. “Enabling Distributed Security in Cyberspace:
results of pilots and governance
Building a Healthy and Resilient Cyber Ecosystem
Conduct Pilots and Demonstrations activities against the action plan.
with Automated Collective Action.” 2011. http://
In Fiscal Year 2012, DHS will undertake Finally, DHS is nearing publication
several pilots related to automation and of its Cybersecurity Strategy for the
interoperability, including the Homeland Security Enterprise. The
following— strategy is designed to protect the
3. NIST SP 800-126, The Technical Specification for
ff Continuous monitoring within critical systems and assets that are vital
the Security Content Automation Protocol. http://
the “.gov” space to the U.S., and, over time, to foster
ff Threat information sharing stronger, more resilient information and
ff Software assurance. communication technologies to enable
government, business, and individuals
Pilots can be an effective to be safer online. DHS will publish the
methodology to demonstrate how strategy in 2011 and will describe the

10 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

Security Automation:
Commercial Sector
Perspectives and Contributions
by Steve Hanna and Jim Ivers

Editors Note: to highlight

commercial sector innovation in
Juniper is committed to furthering the
security automation, NSA invited all of
the companies who have participated
development of standards for Security Automation
with them in SCAP efforts to present
their perspectives in the IAnewsletter.
within standards bodies such as the Trusted
The following articles present
perspectives from two companies.
Computing Group (TCG), Internet Engineering Task
Force (IETF), and others.
J uniper Networks (Juniper) has been a
long-time supporter of Security
Automation using open standards. hand) without requiring expensive, About the Author
Industry employees co-chair several key manual integration.
standards groups especially regarding Juniper is committed to furthering Steve Hanna | is a distinguished engineer at
the Trusted Network Connect (TNC) the development of standards for Juniper. As co-chair of the TNC Work Group in the
standards for network security Security Automation within standards TCG and the Network Endpoint Assessment
automation. Juniper worked to create bodies such as the Trusted Computing Working Group in the IETF, Steve has a deep and
the TNC standards and architecture Group (TCG), Internet Engineering Task broad understanding of Network Access Control
back in 2005; we were the first company Force (IETF), and others. We are also technology. He is the author of many papers, an
to ship products that implement the committed to implementing these inventor/co-inventor on 34 issued patents, and a
TNC standards and to have our products standards across our product lines, regular speaker at industry events. He can be
certified as implementing the TNC recruiting other vendors to implement contacted at
standards. Juniper worked with partners them, and working with customers to
to support new capabilities such as the ensure their use cases are addressed in
TNC and Security Content Automation the standards. Through open
Protocol integration. standards, Security Automation is
As described elsewhere in this strategic to Juniper and we look forward
IAnewsletter edition, the greatest to many more years of exciting progress
potential for Security Automation is still in this area. n
ahead. Many new use cases have been
laid out. The key to making them work, Disclaimer: The IAnewsletter is a vendor-neutral
however, is to ensure that all security publication. The publication of this article does not imply a
systems are working together using recommendation or endorsement by IATAC or DTIC for the
open standards, permitting customers commercial products or services identified.
to deploy the ideal tool for each
problem (or the tool that they have at

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 11

C ontinuous monitoring is the ongoing
process of assessing information
security, vulnerabilities, and threats to
The volume of threats and the velocity at which
maintain a dynamic understanding of they evolve dictate that scanning must be
organizational risk. Knowing the
efficacy of your security controls constant, complete, and free of the assumptions
provides insight into the security
readiness of the organization, that result from reliance on prior knowledge.
empowering effective and informed risk
decisions in the face of today’s highly Disclaimer: The IAnewsletter is a vendor-neutral
Enumeration, and Common
volatile and advanced threats. Data is publication. The publication of this article does not imply a
Vulnerabilities and Exposures data.
the foundational element of any recommendation or endorsement by IATAC or DTIC for the
With all the state data available in one
continuous monitoring initiative, just as commercial products or services identified.
repository, organizations can provide
the lack of data is a limiting factor to
actionable insight into the security
effectiveness. The volume of threats and
readiness of the organization: patch About the Author
the velocity at which they evolve dictate
inventories, application inventories,
that scanning must be constant,
vulnerability data, configuration data, Jim Ivers | is the Chief Security Strategist for
complete, and free of the assumptions
performance data, and insight into the Triumfant, where he is responsible for product
that result from reliance on prior
integrity of applications and the management and marketing of the Triumfant
knowledge. Past attempts at continuous
operating system. Most important is that solution. Mr. Ivers was previously on the executive
monitoring efforts often relied on
this information is available through team of Cybertrust, a worldwide security services
piecing together data from multiple,
one automated scanning process. company sold to Verizon Business. Mr. Ivers also
task-specific scans that executed at
Why is this important? Consider the held roles with Vovici, webMethods, and
various intervals (weekly, monthly).
announcement of a new vulnerability. In Information Builders. He has a background in
Triumfant essentially automates the
the past, an organization would learn business intelligence and data warehousing. Mr.
collection of the base data needed for
about a new vulnerability, prepare their Ivers holds a B.S. in Computer Science from the
continuous monitoring with one
agentless scanning tool, scan the University of Central Florida. He can be contacted
efficient, continuous, and
machine population, and consolidate at
comprehensive scan. Triumfant’s
the results. More than one organization
approach of using change detection and
has reported that this process takes days
patented analytics to detect anomalous
or even weeks, creating considerable lag
activity on host machines necessitates
before the organization can accurately
an “assume nothing, scan everything”
assess the risk. Contrast the same
approach. The technical translation is
scenario with a continuous monitoring
that Triumfant continuously scans all of
process that maintains a current and
the persistent attributes of each
comprehensive repository of detailed
machine—files (hash), registry keys,
state data. An organization equipped
ports, process, services, and more—with
with such a repository can produce a
over 200,000 attributes per machine. A
near-real-time picture of the potential
fortunate by-product of this scanning is
threat for most new vulnerabilities with
a comprehensive data repository of state
a relatively simple query. Within
data at a very granular level. Triumfant
minutes, the organization has accurate
collects the data on the server using a
data to assess risk and can then take the
fully automated, change-data-capture
steps necessary to mitigate that risk and
process between the host machine and
maintain the highest possible level of
the server, keeping the state data current
security readiness. The breadth and
with minimal impact on the host
depth of readily available information
machine and the network. Triumfant is
that results from Triumfant’s
fully Security Content Automation
comprehensive and continuous
Protocol (SCAP) enabled, allowing the
scanning enables organizations to
repository to contain SCAP attributes
enjoy the full benefits of continuous
such as Common Configuration
monitoring. n
Enumeration, Common Platform

12 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

SCAPVal: Validating
Specification Conformance
by Adam Halbardier and Angela Orebaugh

T he Security Content Automation

Protocol (SCAP) is an umbrella
specification developed by the National
represent a questionnaire that can be
presented to a human to answer
questions about a host. [4] XCCDF
of platforms and products. Each bundle
is a ZIP file containing, at minimum, an
XCCDF checklist file, an OVAL
Institute of Standards and Technology leverages both OVAL and OCIL to gather definitions file, and a CPE dictionary file.
(NIST) along with partners across the results and make an assessment related Those files, together, represent an SCAP
federal government. Special Publication to a particular policy. SCAP defines the bundle, and the SCAP specification
800-126 (SP 800-126): The Technical expected relationships between XCCDF, mandates certain relationships between
Specification for the Security Content OVAL, OCIL, and other specifications the content in those files. In addition,
Automation Protocol provides guidance that define boundary object formats other agencies and/or vendors may take
on how to create security automation such as the Common Configuration this content and modify or adapt it for
content by leveraging a variety of other Enumeration (CCE) [5], Common their specific needs as well as create
specifications that fall within its Vulnerability Enumeration (CVE) [6], brand new SCAP content. This need to
domain. [1] Security automation content and Common Platform Enumeration distribute the content creation process
details how to scan a target host and (CPE). [7] Each of these boundary object led NIST to develop an SCAP Content
what to scan it for and specifies detailed specifications describe in a standardized Validation Tool (SCAPVal) to help
rules and checks in a standardized and enumerated manner what specific content creators confirm that their SCAP
manner that is widely understood. The XCCDF rules and associate OVAL and content is well-structured and
rules detail policy such as the OCIL checks are describing. SCAP is compliant with the SP 800-126.
configuration settings to discover or the effectively the specification that ties SCAPVal is a command-line Java
vulnerabilities to identify as well as numerous existing specifications into a application that is freely available from
expected values and potentially a weight cohesive package that wholly solves NIST’s SCAP Website. [10] It allows
for each discovery. The checks detail real-world problems; it is a standard content developers to provide it as an
how to discover the specific information mechanism to do configuration, SCAP bundle. The tool inspects the
necessary to evaluate the policy. vulnerability, and inventory scanning of bundle and performs a series of
SCAP leverages numerous a target host. validation checks against it. First,
specifications to accomplish its goal. With the introduction of the SCAP SCAPVal downloads the latest CPE and
The Extensible Checklist Configuration specification into the security CCE feeds from the National
Description Format (XCCDF) describes automation domain, there was a need to Vulnerability Database (NVD) and then
how to represent a checklist of rules express common policy in an SCAP- performs extensible markup language
describing what an SCAP-compliant tool compliant format. The Federal Desktop (XML) schema validation against all of
checks along with how to score the Core Configuration [8] and the United the components in the bundle. SCAPVal
discovered information. [2] The Open States Government Configuration then uses an XML validation language,
Vulnerability Assessment Language Baseline [9] were subsequently Schematron, to validate all of the
(OVAL) describes how to check a host for developed to represent the U.S. individual XML components that have a
a desired item in an automated fashion government-wide policy for workstation corresponding Schematron rule set. [11]
[3], while the Open Checklist Interactive configuration settings. They are
w w continued on page 32
Language (OCIL) describes how to expressed as SCAP bundles for a variety

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 13

Security Automation
Research: Challenges
and Future Directions
by Dr. Ehab Al-Shaer

C onfiguration complexity imposes a

heavy burden on both regular users
and experienced administrators. This
detection systems (IDSs), where
each device contains hundreds or
thousands of configuration
significant gap between the values
of the low-level configuration
parameters, like rules and actions,
complexity dramatically reduces overall parameters such as rules or and what they globally mean in
network assurability. For example, a variables. For example, a typical the network.
report from the Center for Strategic and enterprise firewall might contain ff Dynamic—As systems’ context,
International Studies states that more than 10,000 rules. including technologies,
“inappropriate or incorrect security Additionally, in multi-vender vulnerabilities, regulatory
configurations were responsible for 80 environments, the same requirements, and business
percent of United States Air Force configuration parameters might be relations, evolve over time,
vulnerabilities.” [1] Juniper Networks syntactically different across configuration must constantly
report that “human error is blamed for devices from different vendors. [5] change to accommodate new
50 to 80 percent of network outages.” [2] ff Distributed yet Inter-dependent— services and capabilities while
It has been widely reported that the cost Valid system behavior depends on considering threat/risk related
of system management has been not only the correctness of consequences. The emergence of
growing exponentially over the years individual device configuration but pervasive and mobile services is
due to increasing complexity of system also the global configuration another example of such
management including security interaction of different devices complexity, which requires
configuration. [3] It also states that across the network. There are adaptive configuration based on
“more than 40 percent of the total IT usually functional and logical context changes.
budget of a $1 billion-plus company dependencies between various ff Multiple stakeholders—Large
going to human labor and IT operations devices in the system. For example, enterprise networks are usually
accounting for 80 percent to 90 percent traffic should be decrypted (by managed by multiple
of the budget.” [4] IPSec) before being inspected by an administrators with different
IDS. Similarly, a flow that is mandates, requirements, and
Attribution of Security Configuration blocked by a firewall should not be skills. The lack of systematic
Complexity allowed by another firewall on a coordination and resolution of
The increasing complexity of security different path (backdoor); actions from different
configuration management can be therefore, network devices must be administrators increases the
attributed to the following main configured consistently and potential of configuration errors.
challenges— uniformly to implement cohesive
ff Large-scale yet Heterogeneous— security policies. Unfortunately, this complexity is
A typical enterprise network ff Semantic Gap—Considering this likely to grow tremendously as the
contains thousands of servers and complexity, it is usually not obvious technology evolves toward “smart,”
security appliances including to translate high-level requirements “hybrid,” and “open” cyber
firewalls, Internet Protocol Security into low-level configurations infrastructures such as cyber-physical
(IPSec) gateways, intrusion correctly. Likewise, there is a systems (e.g., tele-health, smart grid,

14 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

etc.), cloud computing, and virtual and Enumeration) to be tested (Open information collection to information
OpenFlow networking. Future Internet Vulnerability and Assessment Language) integration, from desktop-centric to
services will be highly configurable to and validated using checklist policy network-centric, and from template-
provide agility and flexibility. Due to (Extensible Configuration Checklist based compliance checking to
complex interactions between system Description Format) for risk assessment- automated analytics for proactive cyber
configurations parameters, the based certification and accreditation defense. Many of these ideas still need to
diagnosability of security violations and activities. [7] SCAP offers fundamental be institutionalized in standards,
failures becomes extremely difficult. We transformation for information commercial tools, business processes,
do not have automated decision-making technology (IT) security management by and governance policies. By offering a
capabilities to detect and respond to providing basic building blocks for uniform configuration representation
cyber attacks in real-time. Additionally, unified security automation and and data collection, SCAP can play an
many new game-changing ideas for analytics. Additionally, a number of instrumental role to enable
cyber defense, such as the moving target formal configuration analytic tools have transformations from desktop security
defense [6], will require robust security been developed using advanced formal automation to global security analytics.
automation support. These technical methods such as ConfigChecker [8] and Figure 1 highlights a number of key
and operational challenges call for much ConfigAssure [9] to provide global challenges and research directions to
greater use of efficient and cost-effective automated security analysis across accomplish this vision.
automation that can be built into network devices. ConfigChecker, for
commercial, off-the-shelf products example, creates a model checker for Architecture and Interfaces
based on open industry standards. thousands of devices with millions of
rules and allows users to define and Security Content Query Language (SCQL)
State of the Art Overview verify arbitrary logical and temporal SCAP provides a basis for powerful
Many research and development efforts security properties across all network integration and analytics of
have been made to address these devices, including firewall, NAT, configuration information. One of the
challenges. Security Content routing, IPSec, wireless access point, major incentives behind many Internet
Automation Protocol (SCAP) was and others. ConfigChecker supports innovations (e.g., Web, peer-to-peer
proposed to represent a uniform verification and diagnosis of communication, and social networking)
information model for desktop reachability, security, reliability, and is not only the accessibility of the
configuration. It enables software flaws risk-based policy requirements. information but also the availability of
(Common Vulnerabilities and logical interfaces and analytical
Exposures) and configuration settings Future Directions techniques (e.g., semantic Web,
(Common Configuration Enumeration Despite this progress, there is a lot of declarative languages, data mining, and
[CCE]) to be uniquely identified for each heavy lifting ahead to bridge the gap graph searching) that enable powerful
individual software and hardware between security, assurability, and and scalable search and intelligent
component. It also allows each usability. There are still plenty of reasoning. Creating logic-based
configuration (CCE) for a particular technical challenges that require interfaces for SCQL will enable
platform (Common Platform fundamental research to move from developers and administrators to create

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 15

capabilities for developing sophisticated
Basic GUI & Presentation security management solutions such as
SCAP Platform automated configuration verification,
Input/Output API
evaluation, diagnosis, mitigation,
visualization, and what-if threat
analysis. This will alleviate vendors from
the burden of creating interfaces,
languages, parsers, and compilers or
implementing common analytics
techniques, allowing them to focus their
effort on providing vendor-specific
Analytic API
security analytics capabilities.
SCAP Analytic Engine
SCAP Platform Additionally, the combination of various
SCAP applications can provide
Trusted Protocol additional capabilities by integrating the
capabilities and outcome of various
SCAP Objects
tools that use heterogeneous
information from different sources (e.g.,
Figure 1 SCAP open platform
network devices, risk/threat tools, threat
data) within a single SCAP platform.
their own high-level arbitrary queries to this effort can be extended to include
investigate security properties across network and application security Novel Security Automation Capabilities
different devices. Users and vendors can configuration-like access controls. This
use the SCQL constructs as a building will allow for creating powerful formal Closing the Security Automation Loop
block to develop powerful automated models to define and analyze security Security automation is the process of
security tools for intelligent security controls across multiple devices and collecting, integrating and analyzing
content integration and analysis. SCQL enable the creation of novel automated various types of security contents (e.g.,
should include intra- and inter- security analytics tools. This is not as configurations, alarms, audit logs, etc.)
correlation constructs that can be used simple as it sounds. Creating abstract from different sources/locations (e.g.,
to define configuration inter- representation of filtering device OS, networks, and applications) to
dependencies for arbitrary system configurations will require modeling verify, diagnose, rectify, monitor,
invariants (always true) and security filtering syntax as well as semantic. measure, and improve security controls.
properties. For example, someone can Different vendors might use different Security automation must support
define a security control to restrict packet matching control mechanisms. heterogeneous technology and
reachability between hosts based on not For example, while most firewalls use configurations in a systematic and
only the vulnerability similarities but single-trigger sequential matching justifiable manner based on well-
also accessibility exposure (who can based on rule ordering, IPSec performs defined metrics and preferably through
communicate with this host). multi-trigger recursive security formal method proofs—this constitutes
transformation to allow the same traffic the “automation loop.” Security
Holistic Security Automation to be transformed multiple times by the automation tools should be capable of
for Integrating Network and same IPSec gateway. extracting and modeling system
Desktop Analysis configurations (hosts, networks, and
A comprehensive security assessment SCAP Open Platform applications) and the system security
requires integrating analyses of Leveraging the above capabilities, SCAP requirements. It should also
configurations of end-systems (e.g., can extend its services to offer an open automatically verify if the system model
operating system [OS]), network devices platform for running security satisfies the requirements. In case of
(e.g., firewall, IPSec, IDS, routing, automation tools (SCAP applications) security violations, automation tools
mobility) and applications (e.g., from multiple vendors (refer to Figure 1). must be able to diagnose the root cause
authentication, authorization, Web The SCAP platform provides analytical of the violation and produce a
services filtering). Although SCAP primitives commonly needed by most remediation plan that identifies the
components are mainly developed to automation tools (SCAP applications) for minimum cost configuration changes to
support compliance checking of the querying, analyzing, and reporting. restore the security and operational
Federal Desktop Core Configuration, SCAP primitives provide the base integrity of the system. Recent advances

16 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

of modern model checking, (i.e., SAT and major challenges in this area is to Security Automation for Supporting
SMT tools) allow for analyzing networks automate the creation of an optimal Moving Target Defense
of thousands of devices and millions of security architecture that minimizes Moving target defense (MTD) enables a
configuration parameters in seconds. risk using security principles while paradigm shift in proactive cyber
[10] [11] Building efficient system satisfying other system constraints such defense by randomly and constantly
abstraction is a key requirement for as usability, performance, and cost. changing the attack surface parameters,
developing scalable models. [12] To close The design process is likely to be an such as system configuration, to
the loop, security automation tools interactive optimization process to give confuse, distort, or deceive adversaries.
should continuously monitor system the user a chance to explore various An example of an MTD system is
configuration changes, such as addition architecture alternatives in the design Mutable Networks (or MUTE), which
of new services, new vulnerability space and zoom toward the required enables hosts to have mutable IP
postings, or policy modifications and security architecture systematically addresses and responses to counter
automatically assess the IT security using theoretically proven measures. network reconnaissance and
posture, such as defense-in-depth and fingerprinting attacks. [13] MTD,
access control rules accordingly with Configuration Nervous System (CNS) however, might be too expensive and
minimal human intervention. Although security configuration disruptive without efficient security
Although bits and pieces of the parameters are highly inter-dependent automation support that enables rapid
overall framework have been developed, (within a device and across devices), and safe target motion; therefore,
there is a pressing need today to close they are often modified locally without security automation tools, specially
the loop from verification to rectification full knowledge of the system. This can tailored for supporting MTD and
and from monitoring to remediation. easily lead to misconfiguration errors dynamic proactive systems, are required
Such close loop automation capabilities and security violations. CNSs create a for next-generation defense systems.
are critical to counter sophisticated virtual nervous network that connects
attacks such as advance persistent inter-dependent configuration Automated Analytics of Smart Critical
threat and stealthy worms. parameters and coordinates the global Infrastructures
setting of configuration values (e.g., Our future smart critical infrastructures
Automating Security Architecture actions) consistently according to the (e.g., Smart Grid) comprise both cyber
Design mission and requirements of the system. and physical systems. The integration of
Most of the research and development CNS also allows system changes to hybrid components in a single system
activities in this area so far have focused propagate as natural signals to many greatly increases potential
on security configuration automation to relevant components of the system for interdependencies of configuration
address pressing challenges and needs; global coordination and automation of parameters and inevitably introduces
however, we also face similar security and defense operations; new types of threats and attacks against
fundamental challenges in designing therefore, changing part of the system critical infrastructure. For example,
security architectures. Security configuration will automatically result misconfiguration of time-driven data
architectures define the cyber defense in complete reconciliation with the rest delivery between nodes in Advanced
posture, which includes security zoning of the system according to the security Metering Infrastructure of the Smart
such as demilitarized zone, counter system requirements. CNS allows for an Grid can flood the communication link,
measures, defense perimeters, device automated and error-proof change which creates denial of service attacks.
placement in the network, defense-in- management process in large-scale Nevertheless, the future of our economy
depth setup, and other issues. Although dynamic networks. For example, depends on deploying smart critical
security architecture design usually blocking traffic to a destination in a infrastructure. To mitigate the risk of
follows well-known security principles single firewall will immediately lead to massive attacks or failures of such
and common practices such as least- blocking the same traffic in all firewalls systems, we must rely on rigorous formal
privilege, isolation, defense-in-depth, along different paths to the same analysis supplemented by effective
fail safe, etc., experts usually do the destination. Another example of visual analytics to understand and
design in a manual or ad hoc manner. proactive cyber defense is the model the security and assurability
This has raised many issues about the deactivation of access privileges of those invariants of the systems. Automated
validity and optimality of the security users who are performing reckless verification and continuous monitoring
architecture particularly when the (risky) configuration actions, such as are core requirements for any automated
design process requires balancing installing unauthorized services, security systems of smart critical
between many competing factors such activating/switching wireless adapter/ infrastructure. n
as risk, cost, and usability. One of the networks, etc.

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 17

About the Author References 8. E. Al-Shaer, W. Marrero, A. El-Atawy, and K.
1. Center for Strategic and International Studies. Elbadawi. Network Configuration in a Box: Towards
Dr. Ehab Al-Shaer | is a Professor and the Securing Cyberspace for the 44th Presidency. end-to-end verification of network reachability
Director of the Cyber Defense and Network December 2008. and security. In Proceedings of IEEE International
Assurability (CyberDNA) Center in the School of 2. What’s Behind Network Downtime? Proactive Steps Conference in Network Protocols (ICNP), 2009.
Computing and Informatics at University of North to Reduce Human Error and Improve Availability of 9. S. Narain et al. Declarative Infrastructure
Carolina Charlotte. His primary research areas are Networks, Juniper Networks White Paper, 2008, Configuration Synthesis and Debugging.
network security, security management, fault JNSM 2008
diagnosis, and network assurability. Dr. Al-Shaer 3. “Challenges to Economic Viability and 10. Ibid.
edited/co-edited more than 10 books and book Trustworthiness of Future Internet Applications,” 11. Z3: An Efficient SMT Solver, Leonardo de Moura
chapters and published more than 100 referred Policy and Security Configuration Management and Nikolaj Bjørner, Conference on Tools and
journals and conferences papers in his area. Dr. Group, PoSecCo European Consortium, 2011, Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of
Al-Shaer has been the General Chair and Technical Systems (TACAS), Budapest, Hungary, 2008.
Program Committee Chair of many premier 4. Forrester Research, How To Manage Your 12. Ibid.
conferences, and he has received many Institute of Information Security Policy Framework. 13. Ehab Al-Shaer, “Mutable Networks for Moving
Electrical and Electronics Engineers and January 2006. Target Defense,” ARO Workshop for Moving Target
Association of Computing Machinery awards. Dr. 5. Ehab Al-Shaer and Hazem Hamed, Anomaly Defense, October 2010.
Al-Shaer completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science Discovery in Distributed Firewalls, IEEE 14. NISTIR 7628: Guidelines for smart grid cyber
at Old Dominion University, his M.Sc. in Computer INFOCOM’04, March 2004. security. Smart Grid Interoperability Panel- Cyber
Science at Northeastern University, and his B.S. in 6. Security Working Group.
Computer Engineering at King Fahd U University of 7. 15. Yices: An SMT Solver.
Petroleum and Minerals. He can be contacted sp800-126.pdf

Letter to the Editor

Let’s say you are hardening a SCAP is intended to provide the basis for Although stakeholders are still working to
Q system. Are there any examples
that you know of where a
assessing and measuring a system’s
compliance and known vulnerabilities for
fully define SCAP, there are a number of
security and vulnerability assessment
standard was implemented to quantify both the initial deployment and periodic products that have completely
the integrity of a solution? reassessments of the deployed system. It implemented the protocol. Some of these
also provides the basis for continuous products have completed a National
monitoring and assessment whereby each Institute of Standards and Technology

The Security Content new assessment compares the then- accredited validation process to become
Automation Protocol (SCAP) is current system configuration and an official SCAP Validated product. SCAP
actually designed to provide detected vulnerabilities against the is one concrete example of a set of
interoperability between tools to measure original security baseline. This highlights specifications based on a standardized
the integrity of a system’s secure any changes or deviations, which could format that have been implemented to
configuration over time. The SCAP be considered indications that the help quantify the integrity of a system
framework enables tools to measure the integrity of the system’s security posture or solution. n
combination of: 1) a system’s compliance has diminished—or, in very rare cases,
with a standard secure configuration, and increased—over time.
2) the known vulnerabilities detected in
the system.

18 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

DoDTechipedia Happenings
by Sandy Schwalb

H ave you visited DoDTechipedia

lately? There are a few new
enhancements and features that make
search field appears; when you begin
typing in that field, DoDTechipedia will
suggest options for you. Select the text
DTIC’s collection and also provide
additional links to information within
the wiki. The topics change weekly, so
sharing information and collaborating you want or enter the text you want to visit often to see how S&T research is
with your colleagues much easier. The link, and then click the Insert button. relevant today. If you are an expert on
mission of DoDTechipedia is to increase This feature eliminates the need to one of the topics, feel free to expand or
collaboration across the global write code. update the page.
Department of Defense (DoD) In addition to enhanced functions, The recent enhancements and
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information and to find information through two sections on the home page: mission a breeze. DoDTechipedia is
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The DoDTechipedia team upgraded information for the S&T community. Common Access Card (CAC), simply
the rich text editor to include an auto For example, in April 2011, a visit and
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and Web Link. When you click any link, a reports and research summaries in

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 19

On Providing Risk Metrics
Using Security Automation,
Protocols, and Standards
by James Park and Dayna Harris

F acing an environment where threat

actors present increasingly
sophisticated and persistent attacks, the
awareness. [2] The federal government’s
Continuous Monitoring strategy is one
such undertaking. [3]
Together, security automation and SCAP
standards have the potential to
transform information technology
U.S. Department of Defense and federal The principle of continuous security policy into a capability at “every
government are working to better monitoring leverages the automation of level within the enterprise to ensure
understand the threat scope and network device security assessments to implementation, enforcement, and
automate risk assessments to improve reduce the cost of security audits, compliance.” [5]
the security awareness and cyber improve visibility, and stimulate a more In an applied research initiative to
defense of our information networks. [1] consistent and effective application of establish SCAP in a continuous
Efforts are underway to restructure how security controls. A key enabler in the monitoring application, the National
information systems are secured and implementation of continuous Security Agency’s (NSA’s) Computer
accredited, make security controls more monitoring is the use of Security Network Defense Research and
visible and manageable, and provide Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) Technology (CND R&T) Team developed
timely and accurate security situational standards. [4] SCAP makes risks a reference implementation of a
associated with network devices more standards-based, extensible risk scoring
visible, collectable, and actionable. engine as part of an integrated security
auditing system. The system diagram
shown in Figure 1 highlights (in orange)
Assessment Results Assessment Results Repository Assessment the areas in this initiative where SCAP
Auditing Tools and Reporting Service Results Metrics
plarr was incorporated and leveraged. The
Risk Metrics
Network/Device .xml objective of this article is to describe the
Auditing Tool(s) arf
.xml findings and previously unknown,
arf Scoring
.xml service Managment unanticipated, or unforeseen gaps in the
Data Transfer Mechanism
for Assessment Results

process and technology necessary to

service Assessment
support an enterprise-wide, standards-
asr Scoring
Data Store .xml Engine based, tool-agnostic information system
Database risk awareness capability.
.xml The initiative employed SCAP
asr asr
Network/Device standards internally and between each
Auditing Tool(s) .xml .xml
component of the Integrated Auditing
Microsoft and Risk Metrics System: from using
Policy Risk
SCAP device assessment protocols
Policy SCAP Scoring
SCAP (eXtensible Configuration Checklist
Standards Description Format [XCCDF] and Open
NVD Vulnerability Assessment Language
[OVAL]), to employing SCAP
Figure 1 Integrated Auditing and Risk Metrics System Diagram
enumeration (Common Vulnerabilities

20 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

greatly impacted the initiative at
Standardized data is more shareable, more each phase.
Producing the content necessary for
collectable, and more easily correlated and risk metrics presented an ongoing
challenge. Existing content had to be
combined. Standards by nature enable the modified to provide sufficient data, new
content had to be assembled from
community to invest and be invested in its community-submitted checks, and new
checks had to be written to
purpose and success. accommodate patch metrics. Several
iterations of testing and review
and Exposures [CVE], Common employed, evolved, and maintained to reinforced the need for content
Configuration Enumeration [CCE], and be successful. validation and field testing and an
Common Platform Enumeration [CPE]) During its incorporation in this authoritative source for reliable checks.
[6] [7] [8] and data exchange standards initiative, an unprecedented level of The current shortage of standardization
(Assessment Results Format [ARF], scrutiny was given to the employment of and overall guidance does not provide
Assessment Summary Results [ASR], and SCAP standards. From auditing devices a credible foundation for asserting
Policy Language for Assessment Results to reporting device assessments to risk scores.
Reporting [PLARR]) [9] [10] [11], to summarizing and correlating risk An authoritative repository for
storing results in SCAP assessment scores, weaknesses were exposed in discrete OVAL checks, which have been
results relational repositories SCAP’s ability to support a risk-based vetted and tested, could provide an
(Assessment Summary Consumer and situational awareness capability. extremely effective appliance for
Analysis Tool [ARCAT] and Automated assembling benchmarks to meet the
Steel Cleanliness Analysis Tool). XCCDF/OVAL Content is Complex needs of nearly any application. When
and Demanding supplemented with additional
Standards Aid Automation and Employing SCAP content for the governance and directives for risk
Risk Awareness auditing component of this initiative scoring, it is expected that SCAP content
Standards enable data to go emphasized that XCCDF and OVAL XML will be a very powerful instrument in
unencumbered from large supporting documents are very difficult to produce the assessment of a network device for
structures freely into collection and correctly. Content authoring requires risk metrics.
assessing applications. Standardized advanced technical knowledge of the
data is more shareable, more collectable, computing devices for which it is being Enumerations Enable Risk Scoring
and more easily correlated and written and a fundamental SCAP enumerations (e.g., CCE, CVE, and
combined. Standards by nature enable understanding of the standard and CPE) have the potential to make
the community to invest and be invested specification. Variances in format and interoperability and risk scoring
in its purpose and success. But, also by the absence of validation, field testing, seamless when properly employed and
nature, standards must be supported, and lack of an authoritative source supported. To avoid ambiguity in

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 21

measures and metrics by which
To provide meaningful metrics that reflect an organizations can gauge themselves.
The severity ratings for some types
accurate security posture and highlight critical of measures have not been defined. Not
all measures are equal as not all patches
aspects, some effort must be applied to are equal in terms of the risks alleviated;
therefore, each measure should have a
determining what assessments make sense and varying severity with which it is
associated. The SCAP Common
what combinations of measurements provide the Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is a
good example of a scoring standard.
clearest representation of risk. This model of associating a severity to a
risk measure needs to be extended to
configurations, patches, applications,
applying a risk score for a measure in a Data Exchange Standards Have Benefits
etc. For configuration measures, the
metric, each corresponding check must and Drawbacks
Common Configuration Scoring System
be uniquely identified. Existing content To transfer assessment results from
(CCSS) standard has been established,
was not written with this objective in auditing tools into a relational data store
yet the values remain unassigned.
mind and in some cases had to be and to provide summarized reports for
Findings and associated severity
reconstructed to support this approach. risk assessment, the initiative employed
ratings are not the only drivers in
As the initiative proceeded with the ARF, ASR, and PLARR candidate SCAP
deriving risk scores. Often, findings and
SCAP enumerations as the identifiers for data exchange standards. The
ratings are compounded in the risk
checks, some checks could not be related implementation of data exchange
scoring engine to derive a score that may
to existing enumerations and new ones standards proved to be cumbersome
be heightened or lowered depending on
had to be established. For example, the and highly resource-consuming. While
the specifics. One type of risk may be
Windows 7 benchmark included checks the development of the software
compounded or alleviated by mitigation
for bundled software services (e.g., components is facilitated by tightly
of another type of risk. In addition,
Telnet Server and TCP/IP Services), coupling the producer, consumer, and
severity ratings allow managers and
which did not have CCEs assigned. database to the XML schemas, the
systems administrators to prioritize the
Other weaknesses encountered perceived amount of maintenance
mitigation actions necessary. As
during this initiative include— required at each component when
concepts for continuous monitoring and
ff SCAP does not define a standard for changes in the data set are made seem
risk scoring mature and as metrics
identifying patches. to overshadow the benefits. Follow-on
become more advanced, the need for
ff Current implementations do not research to this initiative will explore
severity ratings for numerous other
enable results to indicate a value. alternative methods to more efficiently
measures will likely increase.
For example, the password length transfer assessment results.
check results do not indicate the
Asset Visibility is Key
actual length found; only a pass or a Metrics Enhance Situational Awareness
Network device visibility and the ability
fail is returned; therefore, the and Improve Effective Mitigation
to assess configurations are vital in
results lack the context to support To provide meaningful metrics that
determining the overall health of a
risk scoring. reflect an accurate security posture and
network. Risk metrics pivot on an
ff CPEs are not fully supported by highlight critical aspects, some effort
awareness of the asset population while
the auditing tool’s interpretation of must be applied to determining what
automation hinges on the ability to
the content or in the reporting of assessments make sense and what
assess devices via electronic means.
the results. combinations of measurements provide
Assessing only a subset of network
the clearest representation of risk. One
devices provides an ineffectual risk
Of the SCAP suite of standards and widely accepted list of protective
assessment that is at best misleading.
protocols, it is likely that the measures is the SysAdmin, Audit,
The unknown risk contributed to a
enumerations offer the best chance at Network, Security (SANS) Institute’s 20
system by an unmanaged device far
measurably improving interoperability, Critical Security Controls, often referred
outweighs the known risk contributed
given additional guidance and support. to as Consensus Audit Guidelines (CAG).
by a managed device, while unknown
[12] These controls, however, have not
devices present an even greater risk. The
been translated and codified into
ability to electronically capture and

22 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

comprehend an organization’s device Real and achievable efforts to References
population may be the foremost target include— 1. The Comprehensive National Cybersecurity
attribute of a successful continuous ff A focus group to identify a strategy Initiative. Retrieved July 1, 2011, from http://www.
monitoring capability. Only after asset to develop a government-wide
visibility has occurred can security organization naming standard; national-cybersecurity-initiative.
configuration management begin. This ff Increased support for risk metrics 2. Department of State, Information Resource
very idea is captured by SANS in its first research and development; Management, Office of Information Assurance,
critical control: “An accurate and up-to- ff Governance and strategy for public iPost: Implementing Continuous Risk Monitoring at
date inventory, controlled by active and private sector content the Department of State, Version 1.5, May 2010.
monitoring and configuration management; and 3. NIST Special Publication 800-37 Revision 1, Guide
management, can reduce the chance of ff A working group to increase for Applying the Risk Management Framework
attackers finding unauthorized and enumeration interoperability and to Federal Information Systems, Appendix G,
unprotected systems to exploit.” [13] wider adoption. Continuous Monitoring.
4. NIST Special Publication 800-126 Revision 1, The
Other Un-Assessable Device Attributes Attention to and resourcing in these Technical Specification for the Security Content
and Organizational Structure Gaps areas will provide incentive, guidance, Automation Protocol (SCAP): SCAP Version 1.1.
Inhibit Rollup and support for continuous monitoring 5. Schmidt, D. (2010, Winter) Security Automation: A
One unexpected challenge encountered as well as a better foundation on which New Approach to Managing and Protecting Critical
during this initiative was the inability to to deliver more viable standards-based Information, IAnewsletter, 6-10, Volume 13
accurately assess who owned a device risk assessment solutions. n Number 1.
and who managed that device. This 6.
distinction is necessary to assign 7.
About the Authors
responsibility and accountability and to 8.
be able to aggregate or roll up system 9.
James Park | is a CND R&T project manager at
risk scores to higher levels. When 10.
NSA Information Assurance Directorate. Mr. Park
responsibility cannot be assigned, the 11.
has a diverse background from being an engineer
ability to drive behavior based on 12. 20 Security Controls. Retrieved Jun 28, 2011, from
on nuclear powered submarines, to information
metrics is made more difficult. Due to
technology systems engineer, to Computer
the complex nature of military 13. SANS Critical Control 1: Inventory of Authorized and
Network Operations planner while on active duty
hierarchy, organizational structures and Unauthorized Devices.
with the Navy. Since retirement from the Navy, Mr.
the dynamic nature of deployments, an security-controls/control.php?id=1.
Park has been focusing on research activities
easy work-around was not readily
supporting network security continuous
available for this initiative.
monitoring. He can be contacted at

Dayna Harris | is a computer scientist on the
Network security continuous monitoring
CND R&T team in the Security Automation Office
and supporting concepts have become
of NSA. Since joining the NSA team, she has been
the foundation for many new initiatives
working on SCAP-related initiatives, contributing
in securing this nation’s information
to the emerging data exchange standards and
systems. This strategy can boost risk
developing the ARCAT and Assessment Results
awareness, prioritize necessary
Measure of Risk (ARMOR) Continuous Monitoring
remediation actions, and improve
initiatives. Ms. Harris has 15+ years of software
overall security posture. For the
engineering experience leading design and
government to achieve an enterprise-
development for database-driven, web-based
wide network security continuous
software systems. She received her B.S. in
monitoring capability, supportive
Computer Science from Hawaii Pacific University
federal, industry, and international
and is currently pursuing her MSCS at Johns
processes and governance bodies must
Hopkins University. She can be contacted at
be implemented in harmony with the
technical solutions.

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 23

Under Constant Attack
by Will Pelgrin

A recent survey that the Ponemon

Institute conducted confirmed that
organizations of all sizes, from all
million data breaches in 2010, the
majority of them were not highly
difficult, and 96 percent were avoidable
have a dramatic impact of the
overall nation’s cyber readiness and
defensive capabilities.
sectors are vulnerable to cyber attacks. through relatively inexpensive simple or Another key element in a successful
The survey reports that 90 percent of intermediate controls. [2] strategy to make meaningful, long-
organizations have had at least one While tremendous progress has lasting improvements is to focus
breach in the past 12 months, with been made in raising awareness about attention on the greatest risks and most
nearly two-thirds (59 percent) citing two the importance of cybersecurity, there is prevalent vulnerabilities. The fact that
or more breaches. Sadly, 10 percent did still much work to be done. Many of our we are seeing far too many attacks
not know if they had been breached. [1] behaviors have not changed, and as utilizing SQL-inject, buffer overflow, and
These numbers indicate that it is not a evidenced by the Verizon Data Breach other common programming
matter of “if” but “when” an organization results, many of the breaches were vulnerabilities should not go unheeded.
will be affected by a breach. possible because of a lack in basic The MITRE Corporation and SANS
While there has been much controls. [3] While the myriad of Institute—in collaboration with the U.S.
attention lately on several high-profile obstacles—including current fiscal Department of Homeland Security
incidents in the private sector (e.g., Sony, environment, diminishing experienced (DHS)—recently issued a Top 25 Most
RSA, etc.), the public sector is not exempt workforce, and prevalence of embedded Dangerous Software Errors list that
from attacks or breaches; in fact, old infrastructure—can make contains the most widespread and
governments are increasingly being addressing the ever-changing targets critical errors that can lead to serious
targeted by organized groups. LulzSec/ and vectors of attack difficult, we must vulnerabilities in software. [4] These
Antisec/Anonymous actors have remain vigilant and move forward; the vulnerabilities are generally easy for an
expressed intentions to dedicate dangers are too great, the risks are too attacker to find and exploit, potentially
significant, ongoing effort to attacks on real, and the consequences are too allowing a complete takeover of the
perceived abusive and corrupt significant. While recognizing that the system, theft of data, or disruption
governments. Whether the motivation is fiscal, staffing, and infrastructure of functionality.
driven by the desire to gain mass-media impediments create additional Although not a silver bullet, the Top
attention or a true belief in their cause, challenges, there is still a lot that can be 25 list gives a great road map to focus
these groups view governments at all done at relatively little cost and effort to those limited resources and dollars to
levels as prime targets. Attack minimize the risk of a successful attack. areas where there is a prioritized risk
campaigns will continue to gain and for which a successful attack would
popularity, despite attempts to How Do We Improve Cybersecurity? have a major impact on your
criminalize these acts. One key element that every organization environment. These standards are an
While some attacks are very must implement is collaboration. Not effective tool for state and local
sophisticated, others are taking one public or private sector organization governments in mitigating risk.
advantage of common vulnerabilities. can do it alone, no matter how big As we all know, there is no
According to the 2011 Verizon Data or powerful. Working collectively to “one-size-fits-all” solution for securing
Breach Investigations Report, of 4 address our cybersecurity posture will critical infrastructure and the networks

24 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

that support them. The most effective Lastly, state and local governments About the Author
strategy builds on layers of security with have an untapped leverage through the
no one single point of failure. The power of aggregate purchasing that can William Pelgrin | is the President and Chief
development of secure applications be maximized to help implement secure Executive Officer of the Center for Internet
is a critical component of that solutions. State and local governments Security. He is also the Founder and Chair of the
layered approach. represent one of the largest aggregate MS-ISAC, the focal point for cyber threat
Cybersecurity standards are buying consortiums. By utilizing that prevention, protection, response, and recovery for
security benchmarks that outline collective power, state and local the nation’s state, local, territorial, and tribal
recommendations on how organizations governments can achieve aggressive governments. He is serving his third term as Chair
can implement best practice safe pricing and favorable terms and of the National Council of ISACs and also served
security methods and procedures to conditions that are traditionally only as a Commission Member of the Center for
minimize the number of successful available to federal agencies or large Strategic and International Studies Commission on
cybersecurity attacks. There are many companies. The Multi-State Information cybersecurity to brief the 44th President of the
organizations (e.g., International Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC) United States. Government Technology magazine
Standards Organization, National identifies and negotiates aggregate recently named Mr. Pelgrin as one of 2011’s Top 25
Institute of Standards and Technology, procurements to assist state and local Dreamers, Doers, and Drivers and one of the Top
etc.) that are widely recognized as governments. The concept is simple: 10 Government Information Security Leaders for
providing best practices and acceptable how can we make it easy, efficient, and 2011 by GovInfoSecurity. He can be contacted at
standards (some resources are free and effective for state and local governments
others for sale). Again, there is no to improve their cybersecurity posture?
“one-size-fits-all” approach; the most By acting as the aggregator and References
important action is to not debate the negotiator, essential cybersecurity 1. Perceptions About Network Security: Survey of IT
decision too long but to just select a services procurement opportunities are & IT security practitioners in the U.S., Ponemon
standard that best suits your presented to the MS-ISAC membership. Institute June 2011.
organization’s needs. Make sure that the The MS-ISAC enabled state and local en/local/pdf/additional-resources/ponemon-
standards are implementable—those governments to achieve more than $40 perceptions-network-security.pdf.
that read well or profess to be the million in savings on a joint encryption 2. Verizon. 2011 Data Breach Investigations Report.
platinum level of security may be too buy and recently completed an
daunting, too complicated, and too aggregate buy for awareness training, rp_data-breach-investigations-report-2011_en_xg.pdf.
costly. One should set the bar at an resulting in significant discounts for 3. Ibid.
acceptable level (minimum state and local governments. 4. 2011 Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Errors.
requirements versus maximum By working collaboratively,
requirements) initially. Raising the bar implementing standards, and
periodically as entities demonstrate maximizing available resources, state
compliance and as abilities improve to and local governments can protect their
achieve greater controls can yield data and systems in a cost-effective and
significant benefits. achievable manner. n

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 25

Applying and Extending
SCAP to Deliver the
Trusted Cloud
by W. Wyatt Starnes

T he strength of the U.S. economy and

our national security are interwoven
with our ability to deliver secure and
error recovery, and resiliency from
attacks such as advanced persistent
threat (APT) and other zero-day risks.
methodologies, as well as standardized
methods of platform configuration,
assurance and validation.
reliable information technology (IT) To successfully deploy these
service delivery. Today, many IT leaders technologies and methods, government Security Automation—The First Step in
believe that the next wave of IT delivery agencies, private industry, and academia Trusted Cloud Delivery
is cloud computing, which provides must work together to actively share Regardless of the specific cloud
dynamic access to pools of computer threat intelligence and vulnerability deployment model (Public or Private),
processing, storage capacity, and information, while enabling new levels the shift to the cloud presents a new and
network bandwidth. This article of automated alerting and remediation. deeper level of abstraction for cloud
suggests that cloud computing will not This article will show how the Security consumers. Outside of transnational
be fully embraced by government or Content Automation Protocol (SCAP), and domain issues (not discussed in this
industry unless it can be trusted. pervasive and continuous monitoring, article), most consumers should not care
But what is trust as it relates to the along with software reference integrity where the cloud infrastructure
cloud? Conventional thinking tends to methods, are critical to the delivery of a physically resides. The physical
focus on cloud security, often with an trusted cloud. abstraction inherent in the cloud IT
inference that trust and security are deployment model, while an important
synonymous. Delivering pervasive IT Security Is Necessary but Insufficient to benefit when properly implemented, is
trust, however, is a higher-order Deliver Full Trust also one of key challenges to enterprise
expression that requires systems be fully Industry marketing material adoption. In the cloud, how do I
available and able to deliver to all increasingly refer to trust when maintain confidence that my data is
security and quality of service discussing cloud computing; however, secure, private, and available when I am
expectations. The rapidly evolving cloud these discussions are often not even sure where it is?
landscape represents an opportunity to disappointing as they generally focus Figure 1 illustrates that IT
rethink and redefine our goals, primarily on security. While effective deployment models are shifting rapidly
aspirations, and methods for the security best practices are necessary, from traditional monolithic models (one
delivery of this next-generation they are not enough to ensure a highly- software stack on one hardware
IT infrastructure. trusted business service delivery. platform with a single tenant in a known
For the cloud to be fully adopted, it Additional trust enablers include location). The cloud model (n software
must meet or exceed the cyber continuous compliance, performance, stacks on n hardware platforms with n
challenges we face in today’s hostile availability, integrity and supply chain tenants) creates significantly more
global environment. In effect, the cloud assurance. [1] Essentially, all elements challenging issues for cloud operators
must not only be cheaper, it must be that impact secure and reliable IT and consumers.
better. Additionally, new use cases must service delivery through the entire IT Automation methods, including
be explored, and supporting capabilities business service delivery life security, are key to providing
must be adopted and deployed to cycle must be addressed. Accomplishing predictable, reliable, and continuous
improve interoperability, transparency, this requires new sensors and assurance trust assurance in the cloud

26 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

MTTR (fix it as fast possible). This is an
incomplete measurement to enable the
Security &
Compliance trusted cloud. The airline-equivalent
Public measure of safety delivery is much
Performance &
Cloud Availability starker. Airlines have had to report and
Privacy &
measure passenger fatalities per
Separation passenger mile since their commercial
Multi-Tenant Virtualized Transparency
inception. While clearly the availability
& Control model for IT and the safety model for
airlines are not fully comparable, it is
Single Interoperability
interesting to look at the relationship
Tenant Monolithic & Portability
and trends of our key measures.
In 1929, the worst safety year for the
Secured Trusted
airlines on record, the fatality rate per
Figure 1 Compute model shifts passenger mile was 1 in 1,000,000. [4]
When we translate that into the data
environment. These methods should be specification and extensions. [2] The
center nines model, we find a safety
standardized and largely hardware and SCAP use cases explored in this article
(availability) metric of 6 nines (99.9999
software infrastructure agnostic. are based on the tools and methods
percent). Now perhaps that does not
This allows the cloud provider to which include two primary components
sound so bad by IT standards; however,
choose the best configurations for known as the Enterprise Trust Server
if airline safety metrics remained at 6
their specific cloud implementation, (ETS) and the Global Trust Repository
nines, the actual passenger fatality rate
while maintaining interoperable (GTR). [3]
on current global airline miles delivered
assurance frameworks.
would be more than 1,000 deaths per
Continuous Improvement and Business
year. While this may be an extreme
SCAP—The Lexicon for Assurance in Process Safety
comparison, it demonstrates the
the Cloud Data center availability has generally
relationship between delivered safety
While its creators and proponents likely been measured by the formula:
and passenger miles delivered. Clearly, if
did not fully foresee the needs of these
airline safety were held at 6 nines or less,
emerging IT deployment models, SCAP Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
Availability = then the actual number of passenger
is an excellent tool to address the (MTBF + Mean Time to Repair (MTTR))
miles delivered would be far less as the
needs for standards and automation in
industry would self-limit.
the cloud. This is often referred to as the
The same condition is true for cloud
The National Institute of Standards “nines” model. In order to “add nines”
IT delivery. If we are unable to deliver
and Technology (NIST) SCAP-validated to availability providers must simply
significantly higher levels of trust,
tools. It is important to note that not all maximize MTBF (keep it working
safety, and availability with the cloud IT
of the tools support the full SCAP without interruption) and minimize
business process delivery (over

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 27

traditional data center models), cloud Threats, such as APT, represent a Negative detection methods, in general,
demand will also self-limit. significant challenge for all C-level seek to identify anomalous change
Currently, the airline industry is executives and IT professionals dealing through the identification of that
delivering passenger miles with a safety with cyber risk. To address these change via defined signatures and/or
record of over 9 nines. This represents challenges, we must add to our behavioral characteristics.
over three orders of magnitude of symmetrical defenses, adding awareness The positive assurance (plus
improvement in the last 84 years. [5] of the asymmetrical risk. negative detection) model is shown in
The key enablers for these These advanced threats (and other the graph on the right side. The positive
improvements are— changes and disruptions to integrity and assurance model works by detecting “out
ff Better passenger delivery systems configuration) are often hidden in plain of set” or “out of scope” incursions of
designed and operated as “systems” sight. As these threats are asymmetrical, code. These code or configuration
(i.e., airplanes); often they cannot be readily mitigated elements are not in alignment to the
ff Enhanced best practices and with traditional symmetrical tools established baseline reference models
logistics for operating the delivery (perimeter and signature based for that device.
systems more safely and reliably approaches). This example illustrates a binary
(standards and methods); and To detect these often crucial load/run exception, which is one aspect
ff Continual and fast feedback loops changes to the good and/or trusted state of the positive assurance model. In
to improve current operations of the IT device, it is necessary to practice, however, every setting that
based on past experience (forensic understand and/or capture the initial impacts the operational integrity of the
and root-cause analysis captured device state, and then enable a means to device can be monitored. Typically, this
and openly shared for the detect changes to the expected state. would include configuration assertions
betterment of all operators). This can be accomplished with the and permissions in addition to explicit
reference integrity and positive binary attestation. It is also important to
Enabling these same best practices assurance methods described below. note that this method is applicable for
and automation at scale is really what all IT devices that run software,
the SCAP innovators had in mind. Reference Integrity and Positive including servers, clients, routers,
Implemented and delivered effectively, Assurance switches, and even mobile endpoints.
SCAP has the potential to add several The sine waves in Figure 2 represent To support supply chain integrity
orders of magnitude of improvement software cycles executing on a given and other important advanced
for the cloud delivery model, enhancing IT device. assurance use cases, several other trust
adoption and maximizing long- The graph on the left shows the resources are necessary, including
term growth. traditional negative detection model. A software measurement and harvesting
malicious detection (shown by the red (ideally from trusted sources), which is
Moving to an Asymmetrical circle) occurs when a pre-identified “bad discussed in further detail below.
Assurance Model code” element attempts to load or run.
A significant challenge for all IT delivery
models is the powerful re-emergence of
our old zero-day nemesis now
commonly called APT. Traditionally we Anomalous Change–Signal Detected
have deployed largely symmetrical
Anomalous Change–No Detection
defensive models on the (increasingly
flawed) assumption that our risks (both
benign and malicious) will traverse a
specific perimeter and be readily Noise
identifiable. [6] Most of the
cybersecurity technology, methods, and
practices are based on these
assumptions. Today, it is clear that the
symmetry inherent in most of our Malicious Detection
current security tools is insufficient to
Malicious Detection
the challenge of trusted IT business
service delivery.
Figure 2 Negative detection versus positive assurance

28 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

Trust Resources: Software Measurement
and Supply Chain Extract Individual archives and files, such as .iso, .zip, .cab, .msi, .rpm,
Files etc., or images and elements of information that are user defined
With an increasingly global supply
chain, software for critical IT devices
and business applications can be Hash Values
SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, MD5, others...
produced anywhere. To assure full

supply chain integrity, it is useful, and in Capture

some cases crucial, to verify the supply Relationships Location, package, etc.

integrity of the software as well as to

verify that the integrity established at Capture
Metadata Vendor, product, version, source, method
the supply source can be tracked and
verified to the actual usage point. Submission
Software measurement and verification Signature Set
(attestation) provides a means to
accomplish this.
Figure 3 Software measurement process
Software measurement is a method
by which larger software objects, as
respect to the installation of that on the general guidelines that are
shown in Figure 3. are processed with
software package. depicted in Figure 5. This field is
cryptographic methods to create unique
Figure 4 shows that it is best to available for interrogation and use at
and compact “fingerprints” of the parent
capture the software measurement at the point of consumption for the
objects. One way of capturing these
the point of supply, allowing a root of software measure(s).
software measurements with an
trust for the software to be established. In one implementation, these
automated process is called “harvesting.”
As it is not always possible to establish measurement sets are submitted for
Wherever possible, the process
software authenticity to a complete inclusion into a much larger database,
starts at the original supplier/author of
certainty, a field has been created in the the Global Trust Repository (GTR),
the software package. The packages are
data set to establish software source which is depicted in Figure 6. This
recursively decomposed to extract fine-
authenticity score (SAS) or software database is populated with
grain measurements, including multiple
provenance. approximately 3 billion rows of software
cryptographic digests (hashes) as well as
The SAS/provenance score measurements and is expected to double
the parent-child relationships of the
represents the confidence level of the approximately every 10 months.
software elements. Additional data is
measurement provider of the source of Measurements are available from over
also captured to form one or many
origin, or provenance, of the software 2,000 independent software vendors and
manifests that precisely reflect the intent
measurement. The SAS ranking is based
of the software manufacturer with

Delivery Receive Life-Cycle Use,

Manufacture Update, Install Maintenance

Enterprise Trust
Server (ETS)
( )

Info Operational
Info Deployment
Global Trust
Manufacturer’s (GTR)
Root of Trust Explicit and Continuous Trust Validation

Figure 4 Software supply chain method

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 29

over 500,000 individual software
1000 – Source
Fully Authenticated packages.
900 The GTR supports many use cases
Partner/Source Harvesting
beyond traditional application
whitelisting. A full dimensional software
Partially Authenticated Source 750
Original Software, DVD Delivery, etc.
capture repository is more than a simple
whitelist database as it should support
500 advanced use cases including—
Open Source/Web Harvesting
ff That a test or assertion can be made
to determine if a package install is
3rd Party Signature Aggregators, 250
e.g., NSRL, Hash Keeper, etc. complete (or incomplete);
D – Source
ff Verification that software patches
have been properly (and
completely) installed; and
Figure 5 Software source authenticity (provenance)
ff The degree of confidence that a
named application or vendor
software element was
manufactured by that vendor.

The GTR, which serves as a master

library of trusted software
measurements, is an important resource
for supply chain validation and other
forensic methods.
Trust localization is necessary to
create and map client and domain-
specific reference images to the
monitored IT devices. This is
accomplished with an appliance
(physical or virtual), the Enterprise
Trust Server (ETS). One ETS can support
hundreds and even thousands of
monitored devices. The ETS provides a
ready mechanism to extend reference
definitions by adding proprietary
software (unknown to the GTR) to the
local reference library. Additionally, the
ETS provides the means to add specific
configuration settings to reference
images including paths, permissions,
registry, and other device-specific

Continuous Monitoring and SCAP

Continuous monitoring of platform
security, configuration, integrity, and
assurance is necessary to deliver the
desired compliance outcome.
Continuous monitoring methods should
include the ability to—

Figure 6 Global trust repository

30 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

ff Check, test, or verify assertions on a Configuration Vulnerability Software Patch AV Signature External
Management Management Provenance Management Management Environment
regular basis by evidence or From SCAP External Harvest Content Software/Firmware Defense in
and Data
experiments; Content Vulnerability From ISV & S/W Notification Services Depth Tool Content
Publishers Feeds Authors & Publishers & Content Sources Aggregation
ff Set monitoring periodicity aligned
to the risk detection and Global Trust Patch Binary AV & IPS Signature
mitigation profile; Repository Content Aggregation Publishers & Sources

ff Verify all elements of an IT device

Configuration Vulnerability Reference
that impact its security, compliance, Expressions Data Configurations Antivirus
Host IPS
availability, and performance; and Logging
Enterprise Trust Server and Security Data Aggregation Tools
ff Include the ability to attest current
integrity, configuration, control
settings, and supply chain SCAP Bus
Client Edge

With the cloud model, it is

Figure 8 SCAP and community content
important to deliver active user feedback
of the state of all of the devices used to
deliver the business services. Essentially, two pipelines of data are enable alerts and or automated
created across the entire trusted cloud remediation processes.
Leveraging SCAP Content for framework—
Continual Improvement 1. Traditional security content, Summary
Another significant benefit of utilizing such as antivirus and IDS/IPS The IT sector must continue the effort to
SCAP for cloud trust assurance is SCAP signatures; and mature our technology development and
content aggregation and community 2. Trust enablement content delivery with the goal of achieving the
sharing. Figure 7 depicts one example to including the full GTR as well as trust and safety metrics already
determine a trusted enterprise cloud aggregated SCAP information from achieved by other highly automated
offering. Automated mechanisms have multiple sources. consumer-based services. It is crucial to
been created to constantly poll SCAP utilize standard methods to enable
content sources, such as the National This information is then used to deeper technical trust based on a
Vulnerability Database, [7] allowing monitor and maintain the security and common language for measuring,
new configuration and vulnerability trust posture of the entire cloud sharing, and enforcing better security
information to be immediately infrastructure on a continuous basis. and assurance automation.
actionable. Keep in mind that positive assurance SCAP, with the reference integrity
Taking this a step further, you methods will allow you to precisely and positive assurance extensions
should aggregate many sources of risk understand and map what system is discussed, creates an indispensable
and trust resources in the Community running where and which version, and effective way to manage and
Content Cloud (depicted in Figure 8). configuration, and application stack is assure trusted business service delivery
associated with that system. This in the cloud. n
provides a powerful mechanism to
Cyber Integration map prospective vulnerability and
Community About the Author
Center (CIC) Content system update information to the
affected systems.
W. Wyatt Starnes | is Vice President for
Trusted Enterprise Cloud Additionally, community content
Advanced Concepts for Harris Corporation’s Cyber
information is also available to users
Hosted Integrated Solutions. He is responsible for the
Private Clouds and is heavily leveraged to support the
(VPDC) advanced development of the Harris Trusted
trusted enterprise cloud client service
Enterprise Cloud service portfolio and the Harris
level agreement (C-SLA). Subject to the
All active compute physical and virtual devices Cyber Integration Center. Mr. Starnes has more
are continuously S-CAP monitored
C-SLA risk, vulnerability and
than 36 years of experience in high technology
configuration information can be made
with eight different startups. He is the founder and
available immediately to clients to

Figure 7 Clouds and content

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 31

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of SignaCert, Inc., integrity management methods. In April 2011, References
which was acquired in 2010 by the Harris Mr. Starnes was selected for the TechAmerica 1.
Corporation, an international communications and Foundation’s CLOUD2 (Commission on the wp-content/uploads/2011/02/CLOUD2_Report_
IT company serving government and commercial Leadership Opportunity in U.S. Deployment of the Cloud_First_Cloud_Fast_Recommendations_for_
markets in more than 150 countries. Prior to Cloud), which was tasked with providing the Innovation_Leadership_and_Job_Creation.pdf
SignaCert, Mr. Starnes founded Tripwire, Inc. and Obama administration with recommendations for 2.
served as its president and CEO for 7 years. both government and commercial advancement of 3.
Additionally, he is the co-founder of Regional the cloud. He can be contacted at asp?act=lookup&pr_id=2989
Alliances for Infrastructure and Network Security, 4.
a nonprofit public/private alliance formed to 5. Ibid.
accelerate development, deployment, and adoption 6.
of innovative technology for homeland security. 7.
Mr. Starnes holds four patents on software

w continued from page 13 SCAPVal: Validating Specification Conf ormance

Schematron is much more expressive conformant with the specification. NIST Automation Program. He developed the SCAP
than an XML schema and allows for defines multiple tiers of “checklist Schematron rules for the SCAPVal, and he now
more fine gained XML validation. It then content” maturity on the NVD Web site, maintains that tool. He can be contacted at
runs an SCAP Schematron rule set and SCAPVal assists NIST and content
against the entire bundle. The SCAP authors with producing content that is
Schematron rules check an extensive consistent with a higher level tier. [12] Angela Orebaugh | is a technologist,
number of requirements documented in Currently, there are three versions researcher, and cybersecurity executive. She leads
the SP 800-126. Those rules enforce of the SCAP specification. SP 800-126 a team of security experts supporting the NIST
restrictions placed on individual and SP 800-126 Rev 1 are final NIST Security Automation Program, including the NVD
specifications as well as relationships publications that define the first two and SCAP projects. She is also the IATAC Director
between specifications. For example, iterations of SCAP. SP 800-126 Rev 2 is of Research and Academic Integration. Ms.
SCAP requires that certain XCCDF rules currently a draft. The current release of Orebaugh is an international author and invited
and OVAL definitions identify the CVE, SCAPVal supports validating content speaker for technology and security events. Follow
CCE, or CPE for which they are checking. that is consistent with both SP 800-126 her on Twitter @AngelaOrebaugh and connect
SCAPVal ensures that those identifiers and SP 800-126 Rev 1. In addition, with her on Google at
are provided where appropriate, and SCAPVal can validate result content that angelaorebaugh.
using the CCE and CPE data feeds from is produced by tools compliant with SP
the NVD Web site, it ensures that those 800-126 Rev 1. Result content includes References
identifiers are correct and active. In the results of performing an SCAP scan 1.
addition, it enforces how XCCDF and the against a target host. SCAPVal can assist 2.
CPE dictionary reference OVAL and tool vendors and the NVD Validation 3.
OCIL components and checks that those Program in checking that an SCAP- 4.
references are appropriate. The results compliant tool produces results 5.
of each failure are tied back to a specific consistent with the SCAP specification. 6.
statement in the SP 800-126 and are [13] Another version of SCAPVal is 7.
reported as XML and hypertext markup expected to be released that will support 8.
language for easy computer and SP 800-126 Rev 2 when that specification 9.
human consumption. is finalized. n 10.
SCAPVal is a critical tool for rapidly html#validation
ensuring that SCAP content is 11.
About the Authors
reasonably well-formed. While SCAPVal 12.
cannot automatically check every glossary?cid=1#tierDesc
Adam Halbardier | is a security professional
requirement in the SP 800-126, it provides 13.
and software engineer working for Booz Allen
a level of assurance that content is
Hamilton. He supports the NIST Security

32 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

Su b j ect Matter E x pert

Dr.Ehab S. Al-Shaer
by Angela Orebaugh

IFIP Network Operations and

T his article continues our profile

series of members of the
Information Assurance Technology
ff General Chair of the 2009 and 2010
Association of Computing
Machinery Conference on
Management Symposium, and others.
Dr. Al-Shaer has received a number
of grants from the National Science
Analysis Center Subject Matter Expert Computer and Communications
Foundation (NSF), Air Force Research
(SME) program. The SME profiled in this Security
Lab, Cisco, Intel, Duke Energy, and Sun
article is Ehab S. Al-Shaer at the ff Technical Program Co-Chair for
Microsystems. Examples of his NSF
University of North Carolina at Charlotte SafeConfig 2011, 4th Symposium
awarded grants include Global
(UNCC). Dr. Al-Shaer is a professor and on Configuration Analytics
Configuration Verification and
director of the Cyber Defense and and Automation
Optimization, Investigations of Next-
Network Assurability Center in the ff Technical Program Co-Chair of
generation Network Reconnaissance
College of Computing and Informatics. Institute of Electrical and
Attacks, Automated Testing of Security
At UNCC, Dr. Al-Shaer teaches Electronics Engineers
Configuration Enforcement in
network and information security, (IEEE) POLICY
Distributed Networks, and Collaborative
information infrastructure protection, ff Technical Program Chair of the
Problem Diagnosis Using Evidential
and a network security seminar. His IEEE Symposium of Integrated
Reasoning and Adaptive Monitoring.
primary research areas include network Management.
Dr. Al-Shaer completed his Ph.D. in
security, security management, fault
Computer Science at Old Dominion
diagnosis, and network assurability. He He is also involved in several IEEE
University, his M.Sc. in Computer
has contributed to 10 books and Technical Program Committees
Science at Northeastern University, and
published over 100 referred journal and including the IEEE International
his B.S. in Computer Engineering at
conference papers in his research areas. Conference on Communications
King Fahd University of Petroleum
Dr. Al-Shaer has been involved with Security Symposium, IEEE International
and Minerals. [1] n
several academic conferences and was— Conference on Network Protocols, IEEE
POLICY, IEEE International Conference
on Computer Communications, IEEE/

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IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 33

Security Automation from
a NIST Perspective
by John Banghart, Stephen Quinn, and Kevin Stine

S ecurity automation can harmonize

the vast amounts of information
technology (IT) data into coherent,
scanning perspective, it means having
plentiful SCAP content for commonly
used computing operating systems and
program was expanded to include new
requirements and much more robust
testing capabilities. Working closely with
comparable information streams that applications that interoperate National Security Agency (NSA) and
inform timely and active management of seamlessly with validated products that Department of Homeland Security
diverse IT systems. Through the creation can process and produce correct results (DHS), in the fall of 2011, National
of internationally recognized, flexible, and work aggressively to continue wide- Institute of Standards and Technology
and open standards, security scale use and adoption. (NIST) will introduce an updated set of
automation can facilitate IT Derived Test Requirements based on
infrastructure interoperability and SCAP 1.2 Feature Set SCAP 1.2 along with a publically
broad acceptance and adoption and SCAP 1.2 builds on previous versions of available test suite that will assist
create opportunities for innovation. SCAP by introducing a method for product vendors in the development of
As part of the larger security integrating underlying specifications via their products and provide end user
automation initiative, the Security a cohesive data stream model, allowing organizations with the ability to conduct
Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) practitioners to build SCAP content their own testing. In keeping with the
provides standardized data models and using the primitive specifications in new existing process, accredited third-party
methods for assessing and reporting and innovative ways not defined in the laboratories will use these new
vulnerability and configuration state of comprising specifications. SCAP 1.2 also requirements and significantly
computing systems. introduces digital signing of content to expanded test suites to ensure greater
ensure content and result integrity, product and content interoperability.
SCAP 1.2 specifications for asset identification and
SCAP continues to evolve to meet the reporting, and support for new SCAP Use Cases
needs of expanding use cases, and the assessment methods using PowerShell.
security automation community SCAP 1.2 also makes it possible to assess Continuous Monitoring
continues to work on refining the a hybrid of operating system, Information security continuous
capabilities it provides. application, and artifact targets using a monitoring enables an organization to
Although SCAP has enabled the single data stream by dynamically maintain ongoing awareness of
successful implementation of some determining at runtime the settings and information security, vulnerabilities,
limited use cases including the Federal system state rather than be beholden to and threats to support organizational
Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC)/ a static list of settings (as with previous risk management decisions.
United States Government Configuration versions of SCAP). The process of continuously
Baseline (USGCB) initiative, the monitoring the security of systems
significantly greater potential of SCAP is SCAP Validation throughout an enterprise is challenging
realized with the advent of SCAP 1.2. To ensure that commercially available for several reasons. Most organizations
What is this potential? From a security products are able to correctly have large heterogeneous computing
configuration and vulnerability use SCAP 1.2, the SCAP Validation environments that consist of numerous

34 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

operating systems and applications that desktop systems and has put forth a true automation of the HIPAA Security Rule
require secure configuration and patch baseline for Windows 7 and Red Hat technical safeguards.
management. Keeping up with the Enterprise Linux 5. As with the FDCC, A prototype HIPAA Security Rule
demands of daily operations while also the USGCB checklists use SCAP as the self-assessment application, containing
demonstrating compliance with security basis for the machine-readable policy. nearly 1,000 questions expressed using
requirements expressed in legislation, In the future, the TIS will leverage the Open Checklist Interactive
regulation, and policy is challenging National Checklist Program-hosted Language, will help HIPAA covered
without a proper strategy that involves checklists at Tier III ranking for entities and other healthcare
security automation. inclusion as future USGCB candidates organizations to better understand the
Organization-wide information for federal use and adoption. [2] HIPAA Security Rule standards and
security continuous monitoring can be safeguards and assist in
difficult using manual processes alone. Health IT implementing and assessing those
The use of SCAP checklists and validated The application of security automation standards and safeguards in their
products for assembling organization- principles and specifications are being operational environments.
wide information security information extended beyond the federal government
can facilitate efficiencies and improve to provide value across other sectors International Standardization
effectiveness. Recent additions to and within the context of additional The United States Government (USG)
SCAP 1.2 ensure security automation security frameworks. recognizes the benefit of a U.S. public
will expand to still additional use Security automation is being and private partnership to develop,
cases within this highly important leveraged to assist healthcare maintain, and implement voluntary
problem space. organizations in improving their ability consensus standards related to
to enable measurement and monitoring cybersecurity best practices to ensure
Secure System Configurations of security controls and configurations the interoperability, security, and
Another supporting use case for and to support security compliance resiliency of this global infrastructure.
continuous monitoring is the USGCB for management with the Health Insurance This position is supported and guided by
Windows 7, Internet Explorer 8, and Red Portability and Accountability Act U.S. legislation and policy and is
Hat Enterprise Linux, representing an (HIPAA) Security Rule (45 CFR 160, 162, illustrated by the USG’s promotion and
evolution from the earlier FDCC for and 164). [3] assistance over the past two decades to
Windows XP, Windows Vista, and By leveraging the FDCC and USGCB advance security in commercial off-the-
Internet Explorer 7. [1] After consulting initiatives described earlier, NIST is shelf IT products. [4] It has also become
with the Chief Information Officer (CIO) using SCAP specifications to develop widely accepted by the USG and many
Council agencies, the Technology HIPAA-specific baseline security others that standards only provide value
Infrastructure Sub-committee (TIS) of configuration checklists for common if they are widely used.
the Federal CIO Council took the operating systems that host electronic Industry has shown great interest in
important lessons from the health record systems, enabling greater incorporating SCAP into their products
implementation of the FDCC on federal but would like to take advantage of

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 35

economies of scale and ensure that the opportunity to interact directly with About the Authors
products they design and produce can experts and hear from senior leaders on
be sold globally in multiple markets and where security automation is headed. John Banghart, Stephen Quinn, and Kevin Stine
validated against one set of standards. These activities ensure that the support the NIST Information Technology
This condition will arise only if government and industry are able to Laboratory (ITL) Computer Security Division (CSD).
SCAP and its supporting components, as coordinate the use cases, resources, The NIST ITL CSD provides standards and
well as other specifications in the and technologies necessary to technology to protect information systems against
security automation body of work, are improve cybersecurity through threats to the confidentiality of information,
accepted by foreign governments and standards and automation. integrity of information and processes, and
other major global market players. In availability of information and services in order to
turn, many foreign governments and Looking Forward build trust and confidence in Information
major players are more likely to accept While SCAP has achieved some success Technology (IT) systems.
SCAP validated products and not and continues to evolve to address new
develop their own similar standards if needs, it is not intended to solve all the References
SCAP and its supporting components cybersecurity challenges with which we 1.
are accepted and further developed are faced. To expand the goals of 2.
within an acceptable international security automation further, NIST and 3. The HIPAA Security Rule establishes national
standards development organization. its government and industry partners standards to protect individuals’ electronic
are conducting research and protected health information that is created,
Outreach development into new areas. One such received, used, or maintained by a covered entity by
Broad community involvement and area is network event management, requiring appropriate administrative, physical and
adoption of security automation called the Event Management technical safeguards to ensure the confidentiality,
technologies has always been a hallmark Automation Protocol (EMAP). These integrity, and security of electronic protected health
of this multi-year initiative. In addition specifications bring the successful information.
to open mailing lists and Web sites, model of SCAP to the network event 4. The “National Technology Transfer and
several events take place throughout the space, providing standardized methods Advancement Act” and “Office of Management
course of the year to bring experts for classifying event data and how it is and Budget (OMB) Circular A-119 Revised: Federal
together to advance the state-of-the-art communicated, filtered, correlated, and Participation in the Development and Use of
in security automation. The Security prioritized. EMAP will provide a level of Voluntary Consensus Standards and in Conformity
Automation Developer Days is a data and tool interoperability that is Assessment Activities.
multi-day event that is the primary required for dealing with the vast 5.
face-to-face venue for experts to numbers of events being generated
discuss and approve changes or everyday by desktops, servers, routers,
additions to SCAP and other security firewalls, etc.
automation specifications. Security automation has been and
The Software Assurance (SwA) continues to be a broad and active effort
Program of the DHS’s National Cyber that brings together the government and
Security Division co-sponsors SwA industry to solve real cybersecurity
Forums semi-annually with challenges today. Security automation
organizations in the Department of lays the groundwork for solving the
Defense and NIST. [5] The purpose of cybersecurity challenges of tomorrow
the forums is to bring together members through the development of best
of the government, industry, and practices, technical standardization,
academia with vested interests in SwA to and international adoption. n
discuss and promote integrity, security,
and reliability in software. Disclaimer: Certain commercial equipment, instruments, or
Once a year, NIST, DHS, and NSA materials are identified in this report to adequately specify
sponsor the IT Security Automation the experimental procedure. Such identification does not
Conference to give end users from the imply recommendation or endorsement by the NIST nor
government and industry an does it imply that the materials or equipment identified
opportunity to learn about how security are necessarily the best available for the purpose.
automation can assist them in meeting
their missions and give them the

36 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

Overcoming the Detail
Devil through Open
Technology Standards
by David O’Berry

I t is said that “the Devil is in the

details,” and this is often the case
when key stakeholders broach the
for its own benefit. Some argue that
developing standards is difficult or that
developing standards reduces
commercial vendors. It is important,
however, to understand the challenges
in developing customer- and industry-
concept of standards-based integration functionality, which is where many agreed upon standards to overcome the
for security. Many stakeholders assume that the Detail Devil halts any “Detail Devil.”
(especially those with significant market type of true collaborative, user driven
interests) either want standards to standards attempts. Standards Development Challenges
remain exactly as they are, believe This article highlights one example Over the last 20 years, customers (not
standards slow down innovation, or of how technology standards enabled a including top federal agencies, the
wonder whether a company may be customer to implement a better, cost- military, or Fortune 500 companies)
manipulating a certain standards body effective solution using multiple have not been fully involved in many

FUD Counter-Valence
Downward pressure exerted by
large or incumbent vendors through Standards Supported
various means amplifies risk Edge Large incumbent
aversion inherent in human nature Early Majority/ vendors agree
Pragmatists and Doers to standards
Move on to the next
Bleeding Edge target market
Innovators, Enthusiasts
Market Growth

and Risk Takers

Uncertainty and Doubt

Leading Edge Strong Incumbent Vendors Trailing Edge Failing Edge

Progressives and Visionaries Incumbent vendors let trusted Late Majority/Followers Laggards and Resisters
vendors play by their rules,
smaller vendors co-exist

Original work by David O’Berry Adapted from “Crossing the
with input from Steve Hanna Chasm”, Moore, 1991

Figure 1 Technology Dis-Innovation Life-Cycle

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 37

meaningful standards development into product development because it The first step to change requires
processes. Overlooking the importance does not benefit the company or their that key stakeholders join together, work
of involving customers has occurred at shareholders to consider a different out the details, and develop
some of the most forward-looking model. Companies are also accountable interoperable standards. Open
companies and among standards to their owners, which can cause them interoperable standards in the IT
bodies themselves. to overlook the customers or the industry are viable and fairly simple to
Many individual customers are technology ecosystem. implement if there is a mutual effort on
treated as account numbers within In the past, larger companies both sides of the value chain to do so.
information technology (IT) companies established a market “beachhead,”
unless they require some type of locking customers into relying on Enabling Customers through
additional attention whether positive or certain products and then defending Technology Standards
negative. IT companies need to their market share (refer to Figure 1). To During my role as the Director of
understand the importance of how some degree, there was nothing wrong Information Technology Systems and
much customers can add in developing with this model in the past; however, we Services (ITSS) and then the Director of
technology standards. have rapidly moved past that point in Strategic Development and Information
Historically, the creators/ time. The interconnected nature of the Technology at the South Carolina
manufacturers of technology and their Digital Industrial Revolution amplifies Department of Probation, Parole, and
customers have developed an oddly and extends risks that may have Pardon Services (SCDPPPS), my
detached relationship to one another: previously been containable by one organization adhered to security
industry often builds a tool and then organization to an incredible number of automation standards whenever
convinces customers to purchase it. In other enterprises. The potentially possible to give us the agility required to
many instances, there are limited devastating ramifications of this new execute our business plan without being
choices and at times customers fear operating model make it absolutely forced to rely on companies in the IT
choosing less well-known solutions. untenable to continue with the old industry executing on theirs. The
Customers often accept the products model. Threat cycles are occurring so greatest progress that SCDPPPS and the
and capabilities available. Some rapidly that product cycles have no hope industry made was during a meeting
companies utilize customer input; of keeping up if businesses and where representatives from the National
however, most companies do not customers continue operating the same Security Agency (NSA), National
consistently integrate customer input way (refer to Figure 2). Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST), MITRE, the Trusted Computing
Group (TCG), and SCDPPPS sat down
Modularity not a main and hashed through a pilot project that
concern: leads to long we thought could make a real impact on
development lifecycles
the Global Digital Ecosystem as a whole.
Tony Sager and Paul Bartock from NSA
Redevelop as well as Steve Hanna from Juniper
understood that this time was different
and our collaboration would more than


likely prove to be a huge turning point



for security automation. The meeting




demonstrated that while there are huge



gaps in our communication and

18–24 Months collaboration, living in that state is
currently unintentional and


certainly undesirable for stakeholders




in the future.


Threat Cycle
The knowledge and ideas put forth
iv e

from all of the participants of NSA, NIST,

Vendor stops and Vendor develops a product TCG, MITRE, and SCDPPPS were
Pro d
starts with products u ct Life c y cle to counter a threat;
per internal challenges constantly changing threats impressive. What had been missing and
and market changes require new products what SCDPPPS was able to contribute as
a customer was an outside view of what
Figure 2 Product Cycle vs. Threat Cycle: Modular Frameworks and Standards Required Going Forward oftentimes is a fairly closed technology

38 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

ecosystem within the federal supported the standards that SCDPPPS collaboration efforts, helping everyone
government. Discussions opened up a needed and operated together to solve a advance within the technology
great deal, and the progress of the real world business problem. Although ecosystem. We, as a profession, must
planning and completion of the pilot SCDPPPS had been using both remember and embrace the truism that
showed what customers, government, companies’ products for several years, “a rising tide lifts all boats.”
and industry can accomplish when only after the initial implementation of Anytime there are seemingly
working together. the pilot were we able to realize our insurmountable challenges, look around
The basic tenet of our success was vision of an open, standards-based, and ask the age-old question: “If not us,
the integration of NIST’S Security fully integrated security automation who? If not now, when?” You know the
Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) environment with two companies answer. Now let us move past the “Detail
and TCG’s Trusted Network Connect that barely knew each other before Devil” and do this together. n
(TNC). The most interesting aspect of we started.
this integration was how well the two As the pilot expands and continues
About the Author
sets of standards fit together and how, in to evolve, SCDPPPS expects the
hindsight, this step could have been integration to not only reduce staff time
David O’Berry | calls himself a “reformed CIO
taken years ago if collaboration had to deal with increasing compliance
currently working for ‘The Dark Side’ as a strategic
been initiated earlier. Looking back over management requirements and malware
systems engineer for McAfee.” He spent 19 years
the past 5+ years, it is discouraging to but to also ensure SCDPPPS and other
on the enterprise side as a network manager,
realize that these two groups and suites organizations are not required to make
director of ITSS, and director of strategic
of standards were both accomplishing exclusive bets on single companies or
development and IT in the public sector. He is a
amazing work but were doing so products. This pilot and the ones that
2011 ComputerWorld Top 100 IT Leader and has
disjointedly. Both SCAP and TNC have follow should not focus on hard to
stayed involved in a number of various
strong stories to tell by themselves, but perform, one-off integration. By
collaborative organizations in the computing
together they open the door for the next approaching this systematically, using
industry like the TCG’s Customer Advisory Council,
version of adaptive and iterative secure the standards and creating the
the MS-ISAC Executive Council, and the Open
configuration management. This repositories of consumable security
Group. He has been a steadfast advocate for
collaboration and future work between data, SCDPPS has a real chance of
customer involvement in rapidly evolving flexible
these groups has the very real possibility flipping from 80 percent operations
open standards and speaks at various events on
of being the foundation for true and 20 percent innovation to the
the topic. While he now works for the world’s
autonomic security especially if a exact reverse.
largest dedicated network and computer security
standardized Network Control The technology ecosystem needs to
company, his thoughts and opinions expressed in
Language evolves. commoditize where possible and then
this article and anywhere else are his own. He can
Together SCAP and TNC led to use that base foundation to innovate at
be contacted at
stronger security and more automation every juncture, thinking ahead so that
than either could have provided by we can find proactive solutions. Agility
themselves. SCAP’s standards for device is essential for keeping up with the
security management have immense threat cycle in today’s rapidly evolving
power, and when coupled with TNC’s digital world. The only way one can truly
complementary set of network achieve agility is to keep from
capabilities, SCDPPPS found a rather reinventing the wheel due to thinking
powerful tool that allowed our our organizations are completely
enterprise to easily achieve a level of different than others and therefore
security that was very difficult, stove-piped. Industry, government, and
expensive, or even impossible to deliver customers have to work together and
previously: we were able to fully look for the similarities instead of
integrate solutions offered by two amplifying our differences. Only then
separate companies. These two will IT evolve in a manner that allows
companies were incredibly different in the rest of the world to develop the
size, scope, and mission: one company technological capabilities it needs to
was extraordinarily small and focused, function moving forward. The Digital
and the other was incredibly large with a Ecosystem requires this of us and our
huge breadth of products. They had one organizations to survive. Stakeholders
thing in common, however, they both can then work out the details by

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 39

A s k t h e E x pert

Ask the Expert

by Ed Moyle

I nformation security practitioners—

particularly those who have been in
the business for a while—likely
As the amount and intricacy of
industry regulations increase, and as
technologies like cloud blur the
through greater reliance on service
providers or outsourcing, so does the
recognize the importance of personnel boundaries between organizations, it It is important to know that the
screening (i.e., background checks). Any becomes more important to understand divergence of pre-employment
time we provide personnel access to where these areas of complexity are in screening—as well as variability in the
sensitive or critical resources, we are order to ensure controls are screening of long-time employees—
responsible for ensuring that those appropriately implemented to safeguard happens; therefore, it is important for
individuals are trustworthy. This organizational assets. organizations to first understand their
exercise is a staple of information internal processes so that onboarding
security as a profession. It is one of a controls make sense. Organizations
select subset of security controls (e.g., Beware multiple entry paths must also fully examine onboarding
firewalls, fire suppression, and ID One of the most difficult areas of procedures at vendors, service providers,
badges) that are almost universally personnel screening deals with the and partners when engaging with third
recognized as a good idea no matter the multitude of types of personnel and the parties. Ideally, vetting of coverage (i.e.,
context, whether you are talking various paths through which they may who gets screened) as well as
classified versus sensitive but gain access to the same resources. To effectiveness (i.e., how they are
unclassified, public versus private sector, illustrate the point, consider the screened) is imperative.
or defense versus civilian agencies. example of a healthcare environment.
In the first part of this discussion In a hospital, how many different Stay within the law
we provided an overview of employee ways do you suppose employees are One rule that might not be immediately
screening with an eye to some of the given access to the organizational apparent but makes employee screening
general requirements that might drive network? You have medical staff (e.g., more involved is the legal mandates that
an organization to adopt this control. physicians), administrative staff, govern conduct. In the public sector,
This time, we expand to examine some volunteers, contractors/vendors, and some of the complexity is offset by long-
of the complexities in implementation. patients. Each of these groups has standing and well-established processes
While background checks may seem access at varying levels to that dictate how they are executed (a
simple as compared to some of the more organizational resources. Is it realistic Single Scope Background Investigation
rapidly changing and esoteric technical to conduct the same level of background might take a while, but that is expected);
areas of information security, these checks on all staff? What about patients? however, outside of that context, there
security controls can actually be pretty In practice, what many organizations are some tough constraints that rule
challenging to implement. find is that background checks require what information can be asked for and
specialization. Vendors, in the case of how decisions can be made around
offshoring, may require one type of ascertaining employment.
screening whereas volunteers require Consider the following governing
another (to keep costs down). As the legislation, excepted from the U.S. Equal
number of personnel increases, perhaps Employment Opportunity Commission

40 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

(EEOC) employment screening fact employers validate candidate credit processes are within the law; involve
sheet— [1] scores; however, exercise care in this corporate counsel to ensure that what
ff Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of area because the Fair Credit Reporting you are doing is legal and consistent
1964—Prohibits discrimination Act contains provisions for how and why across all personnel. n
based on sex, ethnicity, religion, you can use credit information. Notably,
and national origin; you need written authorization before
About the Author
ff Title I of the Americans with you can do anything. Assuming that you
Disabilities Act—Prohibits take “adverse action” (e.g., you decide
Ed Moyle | is a 15+ year veteran of information
discrimination based on disability; against hiring), you must provide a
security as well as an industry-recognized thought
and pre-adverse action disclosure that
leader, advisor, writer, and manager. Mr. Moyle is
ff Age Discrimination in Employment includes materials mandated by the
currently a faculty member at IANS, Senior
Act—Prohibits discrimination Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and
Security Strategist with Savvis, and a founding
based on age. you must formally notify the employee
partner of SecurityCurve. He can be contacted at
of the adverse action. Refer to the FTC
The EEOC guidance provides Web site for useful information on credit
background on specific legislative validation requirements. [2]
requirements that impact employee Because of the detailed nature of
pre-screening. governing regulation, make sure to
Additionally, some of the EEOC carefully vet the processes that you are
guidance strongly suggests that creating to screen employees. Make sure

LandWarNet 2011

L andWarNet 2011 took place August

23-25, 2011 in Tampa, FL. This
conference brought together senior
Transforming Cyber Capabilities
Transforming the SIGNAL Regiment
Defense Information Systems Agency;
John T. Chambers, Chairman and CEO
of Cisco; and LTG Rhett A. Hernandez,
leaders from across the U.S. Army, ff Army Knowledge Management. U.S. Army, Commanding General, U.S.
Department of Defense (DoD), the Army Cyber Command/2nd Army. [1]
government, and commercial sectors Reputable speakers from across the LandWarNet’s format will change
to address “Transforming Cyber Army, DoD, and industry participated in drastically in the future. Due to budget
While at War.” this conference. Lieutenant General constraints, this conference will be
Attendees had the opportunity to Susan S. Lawrence, the Chief scaled down into smaller, more focused
attend one of nine tracks, all of which Information Officer (CIO) for the U.S. events. Organizers also plan to
focused on information assurance Army, delivered the opening remarks. leverage social media and various
related topics and how they impact our The Honorable Duane Andrews, Chief technologies to enhance participation
combat operations and security. Executive Officer (CEO) of QinetiQ in the future. [2] n
These tracks included— North America, moderated an industry
ff Enabling the Joint, Coalition panel with participants from Booz Allen References
Counter-Insurgency Campaign Hamilton, BlueCoat Systems, Adobe, 1.
ff The Year of Action Harris, and Northrop Grumman. asp
ff Transforming Cyber While at War… Other notable speakers included 2. Lawrence, Susan, LTG, U.S. Army. LandWarNet,
We Can’t Afford Not To Admiral William H. McRaven, U.S. Navy Tampa, FL. 23 August 2011. Opening Remarks.
ff See, Know, Do: Network Visibility, Commander, U.S. Special Operations
Control, and Protection Command; Teri Takai, DoD CIO; LTG
ff The Power to Connect Carroll F. Pollett, U.S. Army, Director of

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 41

Evaluating the Benefits of
Network Security Systems
by Soumyo D. Moitra

N etwork security has clearly become

a key issue for all organizations in
the face of a variety of cyber attacks. An
model that helps with these decisions.
There are a number of related decisions:
Are expenditures on sensors justified?
attacks, kinds of damages that cyber
attacks can cause, and realism of the
data used. [7] [8] [9] [10] A useful metric
important aspect of network security is Are they providing the best value for our in this context should also reflect the
the monitoring of network traffic with money given our security needs? These uncertainties involved as well as the
sensors. In this article, we use the term, are decisions that will have to be made attack detection and response process.
sensor, to include network security on a regular basis since cyber attacks are The model described in this article
systems that monitor traffic, process the expected to continue. Given the represents a comprehensive
data, and issue alerts if there are any investments involved, better decisions methodology that identifies the key
suspicious patterns. These systems often have a significant effect in improving dimensions and the critical factors that
provide security analysts with network security, making it imperative are involved; it also provides a uniform
additional information to help them that we have a cost benefit model. In this and consistent method of making these
identify incidents and respond to them; article, we describe such a model that we assessments comparable across
therefore, sensors play a crucial role in have developed in the CERT Network organizations and over time.
network security and information Situational Awareness Group (CERT/ This model represents a balance
assurance (IA). NetSA) at the Software Engineering between complexity and tractability,
Sensors constitute a significant Institute (SEI), Carnegie Mellon allowing it to be widely used by decision
investment, especially if the associated University. [2] Although the model was makers, but difficulty lies in the lack of
maintenance, monitoring, and training originally developed for sensors, it can data to estimate the model and compute
costs are taken into account. Some be applied to network security the metric. Currently, very little of the
sensor systems are expensive, and in decisions generally. relevant data needed is available, and it
some cases, an organization may need is difficult to collect. This model,
many sensors. In view of constrained Metrics for Sensor Benefits however, precisely identifies the data
resources, there is a need to justify these The model derives metrics to estimate items needed, which helps in collecting
expenditures. Decision makers in charge the value of having a sensor at a future data. The National Institute of
of budgets need to justify expected particular location. While there have Standards and Technology (NIST) report
returns from network sensors—they been a number of studies in this area [3] has recommended such an approach,
need to understand the cost-benefits [4] [5] [6], they focus on the private noting the need to advance the “state-of-
from deploying sensors. In fact, Admiral sector and do not address Department of the-art” in security metrics. [11] This
Mullen has recently noted that we need Defense (DoD) concerns. Assumptions approach can assist in the data
to optimally apply our resources. [1] made for the private sector may not hold collection and analysis efforts as well as
To make the best decisions, it is for DoD; the value of sensitive in prioritizing security expenditures.
essential to have metrics by which we information is of particular concern While various metrics have been
can estimate sensor effectiveness. There within DoD. Additionally, while there suggested to estimate the benefits of
are many complex issues related to the has been considerable interest in this information security (e.g., Annualized
acquisition and deployment of network topic, past studies have not been Loss Expectancy [ALE]), the financial
sensors. It is important to develop a comprehensive in terms of categories of literature generally recommends Net

42 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

Present Value (NPV). The metric difference is the reduction in from attack i. The event tree allows us to
developed here is equivalent to NPV for expected losses. compute d(i), taking the various
one time period, which is the time Expected losses can be expressed probabilities into account and also
horizon we consider, which corresponds in the simplest form: different types of damages or sources of
to the Return on Security Investments loss. Full details can be found in
(ROSIs) that is often used in the Expected loss per event = Assessing the Value of Deploying
economics of information security (probability of an event) × (consequence Network Sensor Systems or from the
literature. [12] [13] [14] [15] If multiple of that event) author. [16]
time horizons have to be considered, the With the proposed sensor in place, we
standard NPV model can be used with The model takes into account again compute the new expected loss as:
the appropriate discount rate. This different attack categories (based on the
decision-making approach could be DoD categorization) and different D+ = N(i)*d’(i)
incorporated into security automation sources of losses (e.g., hardware,
since that will involve making certain software, loss of communications, loss Where d’(i) is the expected loss in
decisions automatically through some of information, etc.). The rates at which this case.
program or algorithm. A model like this the different attacks are experienced are The expected benefit then is:
could be embedded in the automation also included in the computation. The
process and could facilitate these model is necessarily probabilistic, given B = [D-] – [D+]
decisions and make them more effective the uncertainties involved and the
by including the relevant tradeoffs. random nature of attacks. An event tree which is the difference in the
was constructed that took into account expected losses.
A Model to Evaluate Benefits the probabilities of detection, prevention The model is in the form of a
The model applies the economic (no loss), and partial protection. template. Users can enter the relevant
perspective of cost-benefit analysis. The Different degrees of mitigation were also data for their organization and estimate
benefits from having a sensor derive considered. The model structure is such the effectiveness and benefits from
from the reduction in expected losses that it facilitates sensitivity analysis, proposed sensors in the planning phase.
that we may expect by deploying the allowing decision makers to explore The results are location specific since
sensor. Having the sensor system in “what-if” questions. the expected losses or damages depend
place will presumably improve the In basic terms, we estimate the on the characteristics of the location
ability to detect, respond to, and expected loss without the proposed where the sensor is to be deployed. The
mitigate the impact of cyber attacks; sensor as: model can be extended in a variety of
therefore, we estimate the expected ways to include additional attack
losses without the proposed sensor— D- = N(i)*d(i) categories or other damage types.
with the current security Since many of the parameters are
infrastructure—and also the expected Where N(i) is the number of attacks uncertain [17], we have performed a
losses with the sensor in place. The of category i over a unit time period and variety of sensitivity analyses. The
d(i) is the expected loss (or damage)

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 43

following section summarizes the attacks can sometimes be less than the insight into potential damages and the
results of the model. sum of the damages each would have benefits from sensors.
caused by itself. This effect can be To interpret Figure 2 correctly, it is
Summary of the Results modeled by having benefits increase less important to keep the following points
A particular dollar value for the than linearly with the attack rate. This is in mind: 1) These are hypothetical
estimated benefit from a sensor by itself shown by the sloping curve (B2) below scenarios to illustrate the model and
is not meaningful since a number of the straight line. It is important to should not be construed as real cases. 2)
variables influence it, and these recognize this possibility since Higher levels of benefits correspond to
variables will be different from case to otherwise the benefits from a sensor cases where there are a large number of
case. What is useful is to show how the may be overstated. attacks and where valuable sensitive
benefit changes as the variables change; Finally, there can be a scenario with information is on the network all the
therefore, we present the results of two exactly the opposite effect. We time. This would correspond to a very
sets of sensitivity analyses from a larger particularly consider the case of data large network, perhaps most DoD
set of analyses we have conducted. [18] exfiltration. One piece of information systems, with multiple access points to
We focus on two key variables: the rate (extracted by one attack) may not be the Internet or other external networks.
of attacks and the value of information very valuable by itself. If an adversary 3) Most importantly, the results would
to be protected by the sensor. Figure 1 obtained multiple pieces of information, hold only if the sensitive information is
shows the results of estimating the through multiple attacks, they might be always available on the network and
metric as the total number of attacks able to put the pieces of information vulnerable to exfiltration. 4) The model
increases. These values are for together and cause severe harm; assumes that subsequent data
illustration only and should not be therefore, the benefits of protecting the exfiltration exploits cause as much
construed to represent real cases. The information increases more than damage as earlier exploits. This linear
ranges of the values for attack rates, linearly with the number of attacks. This effect will usually not be true since, if
potential damages, and value of effect has been modeled in the curve sensitive information is compromised
information were based on secondary (B3), where the benefits are shown to once, most or all of the damage that
data and expert judgment. [19] The increase rapidly according to a power could be done has been accomplished.
ranges are wide enough to cover most term. Again, if such a scenario might In this latter case, the subsequent
values an organization would encounter. hold for an organization, then it is damages will not be as great as earlier
Any organization applying this model, important to recognize and analyze this ones; therefore, the value of the sensor,
however, would enter values appropriate effect. This scenario assumes that the which is there to reduce these possible
to itself, estimating the value to itself by sensitive data is constantly available at damages, will be correspondingly lower.
placing a sensor at a candidate location the target. Either of the non-linear cases The high values for benefits should then
on its network. can hold in reality; therefore, this kind be treated as extreme cases. If multiple
Three scenarios have been of analysis can give a more accurate
considered and depicted in Figure 1. The
straight line (B1) represents the increase
in the benefits from a sensor as the $25

B1 B2 B3
attack rate increases. This is as expected
since as the rate increases, the greater
the expected number of attacks will be
detected. As a result of the detection by
the new sensor, responses can be taken $15

to mitigate the impact and hence the

value of the new sensor will increase $10
with the attack rate; however, this linear
relationship may not hold in reality. In
reality, as an IA center sees more attacks,
it can take a number of precautions and
apply other methods of controlling the
impact. It may institute additional 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
safeguards such as moving sensitive Number of attacks
data to a safer storage location.
Figure 1 Variation in benefits (B) as attack rate (N) varies
Additionally, the damage caused by two

44 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

adversaries are involved, it will total cost related to having a sensor is scale. In such case, the output is more
represent an intermediate case. actually very complex to calculate correctly an effectiveness measure.
Another important concern is the because it should include many When used consistently, it can serve
variation in the value of sensitive elements such as hardware, software, some of the same purposes; therefore,
information (VOSI) from organization to installation, configuration, warranties, the effectiveness can be compared
organization. From secondary data and maintenance, upgrades and patches, across locations and sensors can be
elicitation of expert opinions, the monitoring, operational overheads, and deployed according to a priority.
potential damages from the other the costs of having network security/IA Such data should be collected
sources of damage (e.g., hardware or analysts processing the output of the because it is vital to effective security
software) tend not to vary that much additional sensor. These often add up to management. The use of the model will
from any one attack. The potential a considerable amount, and this total help identify the data needed for such
damage from data exfiltration, however, amount needs to be recognized as the security decisions. The method can be
can vary enormously and can be much full cost of deploying sensors. generalized to consider resource
greater than damages from just These results demonstrate the allocations at other levels of decision
hardware or software; therefore, we applicability of this model. In making as well. In fact, this
have considered a range of values for applications, each organization would methodology can help automate the
damages from loss of sensitive use the input values appropriate to it. investment decisions with respect to
information, and Figure 2 shows how This article has briefly described how network security. Organizations could
benefits (B) vary as attack rate and VOSI the model works and how it can benefit develop a database for the model inputs
vary. The range of values for VOSI are network security decision makers. They and can implement the model as a
reasonably conservative (up to $300,000) can determine the break-even point for template. Managers can then run the
compared to values stated in the media, acquiring sensors, use the results to model to assess the benefits of proposed
and we can observe the combined justify resources for sensors, and use the security investments and explore “what-
effects of the attack rate and VOSI on the model to help them in prioritizing the if” questions.
expected benefits from a sensor from allocation of sensors when not all needs
Figure 2; however, considerable caution can be met. Conclusions
has to be exercised in interpreting the In practice, if the benefits are to be The model incorporates a number of
numbers in Figure 2. The model estimated in monetary terms, actual advances beyond previous examples:
assumes that the damage done increases dollar values are needed; however, such ff A novel model of incident detection
(linearly) with the number of attacks. data may not be available or difficult to and response: managers can get
For example, twice the number of estimate. As an alternative, scaled insights into the whole incident
attacks will cause twice the amount of values or indices can be used to estimate handling process in their
damage; however, this assumption may expected damages and the model will organization. They can evaluate the
not hold in cases where once sensitive provide an estimate of benefits on a effect of different values of the
information is lost, subsequent attacks
may not cause further damage (as most
of the damage has already been done).
In such cases, the realized benefits may 3

be considerably lower and would 2.5

correspond to those only for a small Value of Sensitive Information
Benefits [$]

number of attacks since later attacks.

The model can still be used, but care 1.5
must be taken when applying the model
to ensure that all the assumptions are 1

met. This kind of analysis should help in 0.5 $300,000

prioritizing the allocation of limited $150,000
0 $75,000
resources on sensors. Note that the 0 125
estimated benefit (B) for having a sensor 250 $25,000
375 500
should be viewed as a break-even point. 650 775 $0
Only if the total cost of acquiring and Attack Rate
deploying a sensor is less than B for an
organization will it be worthwhile for
Figure 2 Variation in benefits as total attack rate and VOSI vary
the organization to have the sensor. The

IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 • 45

parameters that reflect the effective security policies. Additionally, analysis, telecommunications, and technology
effectiveness of incident handling there is no standard methodology for management. He is currently working on various
and response. They can also collecting this data comprehensively. aspects of network sensors, network traffic
identify ways to increase their This data is needed at the organizational analysis, and workflow models. He can be
effectiveness efficiently. level, where security decisions about contacted at
ff A comprehensive set of attack networks are made. It is hoped that by
categories and sources of damages highlighting the usefulness of this kind References
from cyber attacks. of data, there will be a movement to 1. Mullen, Admiral M., “Armed with OR,” OR/MS
ff A probabilistic treatment and collect it. As security automation Today, August 2010.
sensitivity analysis; key parameters evolves, a synergistic relation between it 2. Moitra, S., “Assessing the Value of Deploying
can be identified easily as benefits and this methodology may develop Network Sensor Systems,” CERT/NetSA, Software
will be more sensitive to their where the automation could provide Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University,
values. inputs needed for the model. For 2010. (Details available from author).
ff Care needs to be exercised when example, Security Content Automation 3. Arora, A., et al., “Measuring the Risk-Based Value
applying the model to ensure that Protocol, developed by NIST, envisages of IT Security Solutions,” IT Professional, Nov-Dec,
its assumptions are satisfied and various security measurements that 35-42, 2004.
the results need to be interpreted include some of these inputs. [20] 4. Bayuk, J., “Security Metrics: How to Justify
with caution as explained above. We also need better ways to assess Security Dollars and What to Spend Them on,”
VOSI. This is of course a particular Computer Security Journal, XVII, 1, 2001.
The benefits of this model include concern of the DoD, and some research 5. Hoo, K. J. S. “How Much Is Enough? A Risk-
the following— has been done by CERT/NetSA in the SEI Management Approach to Computer Security,”
1. Directly relevant to DoD (e.g., VOSI at Carnegie Mellon University to develop Working paper, CRISP, 2000.
is considered explicitly); a standard methodology for this. 6. McLean, G. and Brown, J., “Determining the ROI in
2. Provides a realistic range of values Sensitivity analysis is always IT Security,” CA Magazine; Apr2003, Vol. 136 Issue
of the variable of interest (return/ important given the uncertainties and 3, pp14-19.
benefit from sensors); the dynamic environment in the area of 7. Brotby, W. K., Information Security Management
3. Makes a significant positive contri- cybersecurity. More such analysis is Metrics, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2009.
bution to network security by needed including research on 8. Gordon, L.A. and Loeb, M.P., Managing
making decisions more effective; interactions among the variables Cybersecurity Resources, McGraw-Hill, New York,
4. Implications for any sensor strategy, included (e.g., the number of attacks 2006.
and the results of the model can experienced and the potential damage 9. Herrmann, D. S., Complete Guide to Security and
provide relevant inputs for effective to sensitive information). In general, the Privacy Metrics: Measuring Regulatory Compliance,
defense-in-depth designs; and model should be extended to reflect Operational Resilience and ROI, Auerbach, 2007.
5. Some managerial decisions on additional complexities of evolving 10. Jaquith, A., Security Metrics: Replacing Fear,
expenditures and resource alloca- networks and attack techniques. Uncertainty and Doubt, Addison-Wesley, 2007.
tion across alternatives might be Finally, there is a need to integrate 11. Jansen, W., “Directions in Security Metrics
automated, which expedites deci- this approach into security decision Research,” NISTIR7564-2009, NIST.
sions that have to be repeatedly. making by achieving a consensus 12. Ibid. (see reference 3)
among all stakeholders to include these 13. Ibid. (see reference 7)
Challenges considerations. Intuition often fails us 14. Ibid. (see reference 8)
The primary challenge in applying this in complex situations, and models like 15. ANSI, “The Financial Impact of Cyber Risk,” ANSI,
model is that it is relatively data this offer a practical approach to 2008.
intensive. It requires an estimation of more cost-effective decisions about 16. Ibid. (see reference 2)
the different damages that may be network security. n 17. Ibid. (see reference 15)
caused by different attack types. It 18. Ryan, J.C.H. and Ryan, D.J., “Expected Benefits of
requires data on the rate of cyber Information Security Investments,” Computers &
About the Author
attacks, and it requires information on Security 25, 579-588. 2006.
the probabilities of detection of the 19. Paquet. C. and Saxe, W., The Business Case for
Soumyo Moitra | is a Senior Member of
attacks, probabilities of prevention given Network Security: Advocacy, Governance and ROI.
Technical Staff in the CERT Network Situational
detection, and probabilities and degrees Cisco Press, 2004.
Awareness Group at the SEI, Carnegie Mellon
of mitigation. Most organizations do not 20.
University. He has applied operations research
collect data at this level today even
models in a number of areas including policy
though this data is necessary for

46 IAnewsletter Vol 14 No 4 Fall 2011 •

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