2º ESO - Listening

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1 Listen to the show about charity shops. Choose the correct option.

Teenagers buy things in second-hand shops because they want to wear fashionable clothes /
support a charity.

Score __/1
2 Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)?

1 Charity shops are commonin the UK. T/F

2 People sell things to charity shops. T/F
3 A lot of teenagers have changed their shopping habits. T/F
4 You can nd unique clothes and items in a charity shop. T/F
5 Claire likes buying dresses from the past. T/F
6 Harry likes buying clothes in charity shops. T/F

Score _/6
3 Choose the correct answers.

1 Who gets the money that charity shops raise?

a people who buy clothes in charity shops.

b people who need help.

2 What are second-hand or ‘vintage’ shops?

a Shops where you can buy things other people have used before.
b Shops where you can buy new clothes, books, bags and other items.

3 Why does Claire like fashion styles from the 1960s?

a Because she likes plain clothes.

b Because she thinks they are di erent to styles today and designers were more
imaginative then.

4 How does Claire get news from her local charity shops?

a She visits the shops regularly.

b She follows them on social media.

5 What does Harry say about looking for books and comics in charity shops?

a You might nd something valuable.

b That you need to spend a lot of time looking.

6 How do the volunteers that work in charity shops help Harry?

a They tell him when they get new things.

b They sell him things cheaply.

Score __/6

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