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Streamlining Contract Lifecycle

Management for a Building material


A Project Report

Submitted by:

Maulik Ranadive - AU2040117

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree




Computer Science and Engineering


School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS)

Ahmedabad, Gujarat

May, 2024

I hereby declare that the project entitled “Streamlining Contract Lifecycle Man-
agement for a Building material company.” submitted for the B. Tech. Computer
Science and Engineering degree is my original work and the project has not formed
the basis for the award of any other degree, diploma, fellowship or any other similar titles.

Signature of Student

Date: 29th April 2024

Place: Ahmedabad, Gujarat


This is to certify that the project titled “Streamlining Contract Lifecycle Man-
agement for a Building material company.” is the bona fide work carried out by
Maulik Ranadive, a student of B. Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) of
School of Engineering and Applied Science at Ahmedabad University during the academic
year 2023-2024, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering and that the project
has not formed the basis for the award previously of any other degree, diploma, fellowship
or any other similar title.

This project was completed at Aavenir Software Private Limited under the
supervision of the industry mentor Mr. Shishir Bose.

Signature of Industry Mentor

Date: 29th April 2024

Place: Ahmedabad, Gujarat


This is to certify that the project titled “Streamlining Contract Lifecycle Man-
agement for a Building material company.” is the bona fide work carried out by
Maulik Ranadive, a student of B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering of
School of Engineering and Applied Science at Ahmedabad University during the academic
year 2023-2024, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering and that the project
has not formed the basis for the award previously of any other degree, diploma, fellowship
or any other similar title.

This project was done under the supervision of the faculty mentor Prof. Ashok

Signature of Faculty Mentor

Date: 29th April 2024

Place: Ahmedabad, Gujarat


At Aavenir, where I am currently an intern as an Associate Software Engineer, I am part

of a project that is continuously on going. My responsibility is toward further improving
the firm’s Source-to-Pay (S2P) and Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) solutions.
This paper would uphold the objectives in the project, the outcomes, and my input into
generating the questionnaire. Furthermore, the investigation examines some alternative
tasks; most particularly, operations done in the CLM or S2P industries serving as the
potential customers for Aavenir‘s innovative engineering. This design has provided me
with invaluable experience and taught me a lot that is to shape the report.

This paper too looks into the significance of the tasks results that leads to the description
of the specific achievements that set in by the enhancement of Aavenir’s CLM and S2P
methods. A full-scale description of the impact on the different industries as well as the
stakeholders such as suppliers, procurement specialists, and the procurement directors is
done, in the paper and their position on the benefits of Aavenir technology is highlighted.
This resulted study which has been exhaustively and completely scrutinized confirm the
attainment of the Aavenir goal of ensuring business process automation and simplicity of
creating and handling procurement documents in businesses.

Table of Contents

Declaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

List of Figures vi

Gantt Chart vii

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Project Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Project Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Project Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 Literature Survey 4
2.1 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Tools and Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3 Methodology 9

4 Results 11
4.1 Project Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.2 My Contributions to the Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.3 Learning Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.4 Real World Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

5 Conclusion 17

Bibliography 19

List of Figures

4.2.1 ContractFlow Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4.2.2 Docusign Integration Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.2.3 Approver Dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.2.4 Contract Manager Dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2.5 Contract Requestor Dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2.6 Email Notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2.7 Request Chevrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2.8 Contract Chevrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2.9 Product Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Gantt Chart

Cemex - Project gantt chart

Chapter 1


Management of contracts is an existing infrastructure that helps companies to cut spending,

to achieve their strategic goals and to get a simplified operations in a present dynamic
business environment. Currently, the project that I am working on is the Associate
Software Engineering Intern, where the customer I am working with is our most important
client. As part of the team, our primary focus is to enhance the CLM solutions. To meet
the immediate need for the emendation of current all-encompassing CLM solution that
gathers all contract management procedures at one spot, ensures visibility and practice of
conformity all over the world, a team effort has led to the execution of this project.

The contract lifecycle management (CLM) execution truly matters, especially now when
the business focus has been shifted from traditional to operational excellence, risk man-
agement, and adherence to regulatory compliance. I am currently working as an intern in
one of the software engineering departments (Associate Software Engineering Intern) at
Aavenir where my task is to improve CLM solutions for our outstanding customer. The
task that I am carrying out is the implementation of the joint initiative that addresses
prompt improvement of contract management efficiency.

Defining a holistic approach about the best areas for improvement, according to established
objectives has led to the creation of specific measurable goals for the clients contract man-
agement system. The goal is to leverage existing innovative engineering to the benefit of
the personnel by developing systems that will be responsible for crucial processes allowing
the workers to take care of other significant activities like contract development, review,
and renewal. The project primarily targets at optimizing administrative overhead costs,
minimizing errors and enhancing the efficiency of contract cycle management through
introducing innovative automation platforms.

Besides this, the project is designed to enhance data extraction capabilities in order to be
able to assimilate the information needed without any trouble. Stakeholders would expect
to get useful information about risk factors, compliance trends and contract performance
blended into the analytics technologies that are being used. Moreover, the combining of
the digital signature feature with DocuSign will undoubtedly bring out speedy and effective
process of controlling documents, particularly in cases in which cooperation among the
stakeholders is growingly decreasing with slow response rate. In summary, these detailed
steps enable the client to reach the main goal and that, of course, is to make an advanced

Streamlining Contract Lifecycle Management.

and thoroughly revised contract management program with an international scope.

1.1 | Project Definition

The key element of the project is the implementation of a CLM system, the sole purpose of
which is to satisfy the organization’s top three priorities- namely, compliance, visibility, and
contract lifecycle management efficiency. With an objective of building a unifying platform
that encompasses complete oversight and administration over all contract lifecycle phases,
the project intends to interface different contract management modules, technologies and
procedure for optimal performance.

1.2 | Project Overview

As it stands, our customer takes advantage of a plethora of contract management options
and deals with multiple work stations. This results in not remembering exact dates of
the contract renewal, not understanding what the mission statement is and why it was
used and, more often than not, not fulfilling commitments on the responsibility side. CLM
solution being not available as a single one hampers activities worldwide, cooperation and
transparency as it implies that there is an urgent need to make a strong CLM framework
that would overcome these obstacles.

The manual improvisations are currently a risky and time consuming practice, therefore
document automation is a priority. Directing, supervising, and complicating are the
drawbacks when all contracts are managed on different platforms and locations. Their
goals are to design a technological platform that helps with these problems in addition to
as increasing the critical mass by starting the CLM Pilot today.

The CLM strategy of the customer made it possible for Aavenir to be its preferred
CLM partner owing to the net CLM solutions offered by Aavenir built on the technology
platform by ServiceNow. Furthermore, by virtue of its explicit expertise in the matter
and logic-based AI, user-friendly interfaces and innovative technologies, Aavenir is now
able to offer its customers tailored CLM options that successfully accelerate their digital
transformation while meeting their particular requirements.

The main purpose is to build the request to contract platform that can handle the data
connectivity, email alerts, compliance and authorization verifications as well as to manage
the lifecycle of the contract. Completing the dashboard with cycle time information which
will be compatible with different users: Contract requestors, Managers, Administrators,
Legal reviewers, Authorizers and Compliance approver – is a task for another, final stage
of the project.

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Streamlining Contract Lifecycle Management.

1.3 | Project Objectives

■ End-to-End CLM Solution: Identifying the holistic CLM solution would be

required: object corpus agrees every stage of the process involving request creation
and renewal; that would bring about harmony within a multinational corporation of
our customer.

■ Centralized Repository and Traceability: Accordingly, contracts should be

within a single repository and be well labeled with metadata to increase transparency
and accountability over the contracts. It will seem quicker than the speed of light
when it is eventually traced and detectable.

■ Standardization and Governance: If the parties (such as, conformity, uniformity

and fulfilling their obligations by contracts) are standardized together with the aid of
the clause libraries, contract templates and the well-running administrative systems,
the parties will be able to run the contract task in a very successful manner.

■ Increased Visibility and Transparency: Display the progress of contracts,

performance indicators, and compliance necessities to all stakeholders through
incorporating the tasked data dashboards and notification systems into the system
in a manner that it can be understood by any user. The latter will allow for people
being educated and informed with the unrivalled element of transparency. It means
this sentence has a big meaning and it has to be put in a simple way so that it can
be easy to understand.

Page 3 of 20
Chapter 2

Literature Survey

Many of today’s businesses automated their contracting processes with the help of CLM
systems that simplify and make contract-related procedures effortless, enforce policies and
rules, and reduce business risks. As a prominent supplier of the advanced CLM solutions,
Aavenir has carved out its own position in the complex and constantly evolving market
and became a favorite among the companies of various industries as it offers a wide choice
of products and services enabling customers to satisfy all kinds of requirements.

1. Aavenir: Empowering CLM Excellence

ContractFlow, which is the flagship product for the Line of Advanced Contract
Management (CLM) by Aavenir, is into the cutting seams of the technology used. By
means of the unfailing ContractFlow solution enterprises will be able to successfully
manage the whole contract life cycle from inception to renewal thanks to a sophisti-
cated toolkit which has been designed on the comprehensive ServiceNow platform.
The ContractFlow comes with a visually friendly interface, changeable processes,
and high-quality analytics tools, to enable users to simplify these tasks, guarantee
compliance, and achieve the maximum results from the contracts, executed at a
lower cost and the shorter turnaround time.
2. Key Features and Functionalities
ContractFlow plays the role of a fully loaded multi-featured tool, which is precisely
tuned to fulfill the recent companies’ needs. The latest solution of this company
consists of a central source that shifts visibility to customer to get the recent
information about the status, standards and obligations of contracts. Task lists
transparent to all departments and stakeholders can be easily managed using task
management features, real-time notifications, and more complex approval processes if
need be. Also, the project is supplemented by the contract solution of ContractFlow’s
robust reporting and analytics capabilities, enterprise can get actionable contract
performance data as well as risks and e-signature systems’ connectivity helps to
fasten contract execution.
3. Industry-specific Solutions
Along with the industry-specific customizable limited offer (CLM) solution, I can
suggest that the Aavenir company can effectively meet the requirements of various
sectors: healthcare, manufacturing, financial services and others by considering the
special requirements of different industries. This ensures that the specific needs of the
individual basic-services and the main issues each of them focuses on are addressed
by using modern knowledge, established industry standards and the current legalities.

Streamlining Contract Lifecycle Management.

One of the core offers of Aavenir is industry-specific CLM Solutions: a software

product that adds to enterprises’ competencies and technical background and gives
them the ability to be more compliant, improve performance, and gain competitive
advantage in all facets of operational. It includes agreements dealing with compliance
with rules and policies, medical supplier agreements, and contracts related to patient
4. Continuous Innovation and Evolution
But first and for above all, a part of these funds is going to be used developing the AI
industry and to avoid any limitation when the technology will be modernized as the
technology will be improved and regulations put in place are getting stricter. The
Aavenir has integrated the existing features of the ContractFlow with an integration
of artificial intelligence and machine learning facilities. One consequence of this
is that traditional methods of operation will be drastically cut short, immediate
exposure of adverse contracts will be up uncovered and fast strategic management
decisions will be possible. Moreover, the agile development method of Aavenir, with
software updates on the positive change of feature and regulation, could be defined
as the possibility of evolving along with the changes businesses are dealing with,
which could lead to the advantage.
5. Customer Success and Support
Aavenir’s sustenance is based on continuous efforts to meet customers’ needs hence
the reason it is still existing. It is fortunate that Aavenir has a competent Professional
services team that serves the real human interaction that helps to get all customer
details and specifications such as their needs, difficulties, and purpose, once equipped
and trained during set up and after sales. It ultimately, proposes in the mind
the image of clients being at the center of the operations, which leads to better
operational performance and financial prosperity.

2.1 | Related Work

Given CLM solutions which are part of modern business realities, contracts are managed
efficiently and the first step of signing to their renewal and termination are done properly.
A wave of innovative SaaS providers offering CLM platforms have entered the market that
is intended to fulfill the contract management needs of different industries as companies
try their best to get rid of the contract-related risks and facilitate their work processes. In
the following section, we are going to talk about the most important players in the CLM
game, then to underscore their tactics, characteristics, and impact to the general trend.

Coupa Contract Administration

Coupa Contract Management could be one of the most popular suppliers of CLM,
because they have a well-designed full range of functions that enhance a contract oversigt,
compliance and effective collaboration. The user-friendly interface and strong business
process automation capabilities of Coupa are ideal for enterprise decision-makers to reach
an agreement on contracts and signing of contracts. One of the key features of such
automated systems is keeping centralized contract repositories, fully adaptable processes,
and advanced analytics for tracking contract compliance is another important feature.

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Streamlining Contract Lifecycle Management.

Coupa made it possible since it paid attention to scalability and user experience, the
business should select Coupa because it is the most agile and flexible CLM solution on the

More than that, the company provides a competitive edge to SimplyContract among
the CLM sector with this simplicity and convenience. Their focus remains step on SMBs
solution, where they provide easy-to-use and affordable contract management platform
for efficient management. Meaning “SimplyContract” relies on cloud-based technology
to make creating, managing, and preserving contracts are an easy task and the users do
not require a deep technical knowledge or training. Mentioning reminders for contract
renewal, e-signature integration and template libraries, and all of them should be provided
by a good contract management system. SMBs with the Simply Contract solution can
automate their basic, routine operations with the smart contract procedure, build trustful
connections and extend their businesses.
Converge CLM

The CLM is a hot industry, and in this industry Converge CLM shine as a startup that
strives to create contract management systems with flawless experiences. The convergeCLM
is a software that converges contract generation, negotiation, and execution processes with
emphasis of trasformation to a platform that is highly integrative and interoperable. Such
a contract analytics system is able to provide utilities companies with critical observations
on contract performance and compliance owing to the high technology the software offers.
Moreover, Converge CLM could be a scalable and simple solution for companies of all
sizes thanks to its modular architecture, which is customizable to meet a client’s current
CLM ecosystem resembles the melting pot which holds the different companies in the range,
being the biggest players that have already established their solutions, to the newcomers
that are constantly seeking the new way of solutions, all for the sake of abiding by the
community expectations. Overwhelming amount of various instruments under different
brand names, both known brands and emerging digital agents, distinguishes consumers
who are looking for excellent client management software that is able to work with a wide
range of sectors.

This review presents a literature review showing different types of citizen driven data
technologies from big multifunctional platforms used in the enterprise scale to small
applications that were developed for specific markets. Although every startup or firm has
its own distinct advantages and innovations, the overall objective is always the same: for
instance, to allow companies access a buying process with a proper system for closing
contracts and the management of contract lifecycle that ensures log term success. As
organizations rapidly shift to contract management solutions for the reasons of optimization
and automation of their processes, the level of competition in the market grows and the
capability of the most appraised solutions to satisfy the need in contract management
becomes more crucial. Meanwhile, the owning of the latest news and information in the
field of contract management and the keep ground in a sense of the best practices there
will help to operate on the fastest and high level solutions and make quick and proper
decisions as well.

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Streamlining Contract Lifecycle Management.

2.2 | Tools and Technologies

Here is the list of the tools and technologies that I have previously and newly learned and
implemented in my current project. For each of the tool and technology, the use case of it
is defined for it that specific tool was used.

■ ServiceNow:

By the cloud-based platform ServiceNow, a wide variety of service management as

well as automation and business processes solutions are made available. Organization
is ubiquitous in all the domains such as HR, data science, customer support or finance
using it in order to make work faster and eliminate the repetitive manual activities.
Employing ServiceNow, more businesses are able to centralize requests related to
changes, issues, assets and services, which gives higher visibility and control and, as
a result, produce more productive operations. As it is capable of a variety of options,
it is flexible and scalable, and the best option for businesses that want to upgrade
their operations and play leading roles in digital transformation tasks.

■ Client Scripts:

Client scripts, which enable the development team to modify form field behav-
ior using order and feedback as well as data validation, play a key role in improving
the user interface and the user experience. Through use of the client scripts in our
project, the dynamic user interface components can be displayed in order to allow
fill application fields validations, provide specific context for them, and also improve
form interactions for contract administration activity.

■ Server Scripts:

In the ServiceNow platform, server scripts are used to control functions such as
maintenance, performance, and logic operations that are executed on the server’s
side. In our CLM project, server scripts play a vital role to you execute complex
business logic, multiple other systems, and dynamic data.


ServiceNow APIs are accessible for integration with any other software and apps,
which helps to save time, and improve data exchange process. Our project is it-
erative to contracts process flow and maintain rates for a seamless execution as it
interacts with other applications through API integration process. Digital signature
capabilities through DocuSign is one of the applications.

■ UI Policies:

UI policies are applied at field level and control the visibility of data, read-only mode,
field conditioning, and dynamic form behavior. UI rules have been incorporated
in our CLM project for purposes of improving the readability of form for contract
administration, automating data entry, and making the user interfaces adapt the
user’s roles.

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Streamlining Contract Lifecycle Management.

■ Script Includes:

Scripting serves not only to support code reuse but also boost code maintain-
ability through functions that consist of the server-side logic parts. We utilize script
files are in our project with a purpose of formalizing the data processing activities,
stimulating the modular development, and tidying up the standard business logic.

■ Service Portal:

One of the core platforms for the Service Portal is its self-service capabilities and user
satisfaction by giving a user a very convenient and good interface for accessing the
ServiceNow apps and services. The contract lifecycle management (CLM) site is used
in our project to provide the participants with an authorized source of contractual
activities’ access. Here they can always find all contracts-related tasks, reports, and

■ Widgets, Embedded Widgets, and Widget Communication:

Widgets serve a dual purpose of integrating and enhancing by offering display

and interaction functions with their own data and functionality. Widgets are the
part of our project which delivers the contract metrics, dive deep into the data, and
show different views and help for various user roles. Reminders can be produced
with both incorporation methods by building communication methods which enable
smooth data flow and interchanges between the widgets.


The structure and formatting of web pages are defined by HTML, which also
defines the UI’s visual components and layout. HTML is used in our CLM project
to produce interactive elements, dynamic forms, and cross-browser interoperability
for contract management software.

■ CSS:

CSS is used to enhance the aesthetics and consistency of user interfaces by styling
and customizing the look of web pages. In order to improve user experience and
usability across contract management interfaces, CSS is utilized in our project to
apply branding, define layouts, and guarantee visual consistency.

■ Javascript:

JavaScript allows client-side logic execution and event handling by bringing in-
teractivity and dynamic behavior to web pages. JavaScript is used in our CLM
project to improve user interactions, handle form validation, and interface with
third-party APIs for sophisticated features like document management and digital

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Chapter 3


The ContractFlow project went long a process that involved every phase from initial set
up until after the project deployment phase of hypercare service. While implementing
this strategy through out the projects life, teamwork, adherence to top-quality standards,
getting rid of or mitigating risks, and meeting customers’ needs were guaranteed to be

1. Project Workflow

[a] Requirement Gathering: The task was what less complete without extensive
requirement gathering meeting participation of stakeholders in order to hear
the goals and demands of the company.

[b] Deliverables for Each Sprint: The project was divided into four stages
according to the priority of the Agile development which deals with the ensuing
features and services for the proposed software. Seven people made up the
project team: from a project manager to a QA engineer leads through tech
lead, senior business analyst, and a developer.

[c] Continuous Testing: The proper operation of software was guaranteed by

testing is done continuously while it was developed by a QA engineer, which
kept the quality assurance throughout the development.

[d] UAT and Deployment: Output was validated against user requirements
with a number of tests, namely User Acceptance Testing (UAT). Simultaneous
to such tests, production deployment took place, and with go-live stage the
team did start.

[e] Post-Deployment Hypercare: The plan came to an end in a post-launch

supervision phase that our group ensured every action processed well and took
care of any problems customers would come across.

Streamlining Contract Lifecycle Management.

2. Method of Development:

This methodology was chosen for the sake of the increase the project speed, accom-
modation to changes within the current aspects, and building up the team’s spirit.
Daily 30-minutes stand-ups were held in order to define what tasks should be given
and what was already done along with maintaining the Agile approach values such
as openness, communication and being flexible.

3. Communiation and Collaboration:

The crucial communications tool of our daily meetings was Microsoft Teams which
made it possible for team members be in real-time communication during working
hours.The team, however, was equipped to deal with resources, project tracking,
automation of status updates, and collaborated effortlessly from project start to the
hypercare by using Rocketlane as it was the sole project management tool utilized.

4. Quality Assurance:

Giving this closely match with the development, quality management was associated
with the process. Developers were undertaking the unit testing with the purpose
of ensuring reliability and functionality of the features that had been added.The
last step in the QA process was to do problem pinpointing and fixing by teams that
build the product together with the QA engineer. The goal was to ensure that good
practices and quality standards were followed from the start to the finish.

5. Risk Management:

The project managers, technical architects, and QA engineers came to a consensus in

order to identify the risks and update the plan of actions to ensure minimal disruptions.
Through strategic preempting and security features, risks were identified, assessed,
and mitigated, dominating the ultimate success of the project.

6. Customer Interaction and Involvement:

The previous weeks were characterized by presentations made regularly, which focused
on involving the clients with the agency’s efforts via stakeholders’ access to project
updates and being given an opportunity to provide their opinion.User feedback was
specifically used in the designing stage to guarantee that the product would be handy
and end satisfying their needs.

The Implementation and Progression of ContractFlow project achieved this final goal and
executed the deployment of competent and scalable CLM system that served customer
needs by relentlessly collecting customers comments.

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Chapter 4


As a definite turning point of this customer’s long-lasting digital transformation, the

Enhancement and Development of ContractFlow project made a significant contribution
to this customer’s digital transformation journey. The goal of the project was to extend
the toolbox of the CLM Case 1 software, called ContractFlow, and to discover new
possibilities of the contract lifecycle management (CLM) process revolution. Looking
forward to benefiting the customer through well-defined, consistent, and smooth contract
processing, the group of project managers chose agile approach and the latest technologies
and sped up the continuous development process. Movement through different stages of
the project generated various findings, impacts, learning incidents, and practical usages
for the application from gathering the requirements to the deployment milestones stage.
Morally, these combined outcomes validate the project’s address. The part focuses on the
project accomplishments showing its important outputs and the end results achieved.

4.1 | Project Outcomes

Through the special purpose of the project, to modernize the procedure of contract lifecycle
management (CLM), the Enhancement and Development of ContractFlow project gave
very impressive results. Four main results were obtained from the project:Four main results
were obtained from the project:

Complete CLM Solution: The project ended up to be a finished and full-fledged

CLM system that coasted through the entire contract life cycle, including the launch and
request phases. This solution offers the customer significant benefits through the ease of
actuating contracts and informed decisions making processes, hence makes the customer’s
operations more efficient, coordinated and visible at a global level.

Centralized Repository and Traceability: There was a centralized repository,

equipped with high-quality metadata, for the purpose of transparency over the contracting
process guidelines. This feature of demand enables traceability and searchability of data
that increases the ownership of the contract operation by making it difficult to cover tracks.

Streamlining Contract Lifecycle Management.

Standardization and Governance: At every stage of the contract life cycle, stan-
dardized clause libraries, templatized forms, rules, and regulations are used to reinforce
consistency of the agreements conformed to the applicable law. The standardization of
contract management promotes the organization of procedures and compliance with best
practices in the field.

Improved Visibility and Transparency: Appropriate courtesy of stakeholders to

the use of the convenient reporting dashboards and notification systems, they get the most
current information on the status of contracts, the performance of metrics, and the needed
compliance. This breeds a culture of openness that greatly lowers the barrier to make fast
and effective decisions.

User experience and operational efficiency is exclusively improved through bettering the
user interface (UI); workflow simplifications, translation setup for a multinational company,
frequent bug fixes and problem solutions also improve it.

4.2 | My Contributions to the Project

My efforts were crucial to the project’s success throughout .Important contributions consist

■ Making user-friendly customized dashboards that will empower all the managers,
approvers and requestors to make proper strategic decisions based on approved
information from different sources.

■ The feature of contract request and contracts list enables users to keep track of
contract available data quickly and easily as well as filter data by appropriate critera.

■ The application of functionalities such as centralized repository, dashboards for

performing approvals and contract summary developments make the contract ad-
ministration and compliance possible.

■ The implementation of the role/user settings, DocuSign e-sign integration, the

contract lifecycle configurations and adoption metrics dashboard form the basis for
improved system functionality and usability.

■ For validation of the customer needs and the standard in the industry, a bank of
product data has been developed. Before the product gets the certification, new
features, such as the incorporation of product details, must be implanted and solved.

■ A revised processes framework was created to be used only for revising contracts,
which facilitated the appointment of the new position called ”Contract Authorizer”
who gets automatically activated each time a contract is altered.

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Streamlining Contract Lifecycle Management.

Figure 4.2.1: ContractFlow Architecture

Figure 4.2.2: Docusign Integration Architecture

Figure 4.2.3: Approver Dashboard

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Streamlining Contract Lifecycle Management.

Figure 4.2.4: Contract Manager Dashboard

Figure 4.2.5: Contract Requestor Dashboard

Figure 4.2.6: Email Notification

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Streamlining Contract Lifecycle Management.

Figure 4.2.7: Request Chevrons

Figure 4.2.8: Contract Chevrons

Figure 4.2.9: Product Details

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Streamlining Contract Lifecycle Management.

4.3 | Learning Outcomes

The initiative offered significant educational opportunities, such as:

■ Achieving the knowledge in low-code / no-code technologies and ServiceNow building,

where with assembled systems databases can be built.

■ The expertise in the use of frameworks and principles of software engineering will
make the sense of building up and managing projects easy.

■ The fostering of soft skills, that is, the interpersonal skills which are important for
effective teamwork and governance, including leadership, problem-solving, communi-
cation, presentation, and collaboration.

■ Having deals with testing, bug or error-free software by quality controls to make sure
the product is serve the purpose as well as the agreed requirements are implemented.

■ The strengthened conventional wisdom of how the industry function and the oper-
ational procedures that can be followed to yield better solution development and

4.4 | Real World Applications

The project’s results provide stakeholders with real benefits:

■ A company can run the business hassle-free and safely as it possible since the
improved contract management contributes to the organization’s touch, interaction,
and clearer visions.

■ Along with the legal setting, ethical values and particular business norms of stan-
dardization also lead the contract approach implementation. As a result; risks of
regulation decrease and this helps to strengthen corporate governance.

■ Concretely, it has a set of features that adjusts and a user interface that presents
the information to the users such that they can independently use the contract
information for their own advantage, thus they become more interested and use the
app very efficiently.

Our research findings can serve as a guide to an array of different groups with different
backgrounds and calling for alterations of the proposed strategies for different areas of
application. As such, the level of profitability anybody gains should not change in any
industry because the perfect outcome of CLM is what it now gives.

In relation to the pilot project, the different success points, the warranties, experience,
and relevant unit are reflected throughout this section.

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Chapter 5


The field of contract lifecycle management (CLM) has the main status mark broken with
the finishing of Improvement and Development of ContractFlow project. Our undertaking
is also worth noting as the results attained in ways that include extensive planning, precise
implementation, and unconventional problem-solving techniques that have broad ripple
effects on the market segments that comprise our customers, and other key players in the
general industry.

The main point of the initiative of offering an advanced contract life cycle management
solution is unambiguous now that the roadmap of our project of it being achieved success-
fully is laid already. With ContractFlow as a tool, the ability to execute such tasks has
been improved, and that through contract management problems, risks are also reduced,
it provides an end-to-end solution for all processes in contract management which ensure
efficiency, coordination, and transparency. Diving into the heartf the project is evident in
the development of the specifications for governance, centralization of data storage, and
design of user-friendly interfaces.

The triumph of the project can be greatly traced on individual inputs made by
the members of our team including developers, quality assurance professionals, project
managers, and stakeholders. Whatever the input next has been considered valuable to
meeting the set goals and to give some stakeholders the right place and the best experience,
development of quality dashboards and making contracts lifecycle settings among the
strategic elements, and among others, integration of e-signature properties and keeping up
with regulations.

But not only our immediate buyers will take advantage of the results of the project,
but the wider impact on CLM region will be seminal as well. ContractFlow’s flexibility
and adaptability are crucial factors for opening the way to the use of this platform without
restrictions by businesses in many settings and sectors. That’s why ContractFlow may
bring the changes of several generations in the way of contract handling.

At this point, our contract automation project called ContractFlow gets over, and it
highlights that we have created the beginning for the new era of disruptive CLM innovation,
not for its closure. In illumination of the successes, as well as, gained knowledge this
project has generated in us a passion to pursue new areas in research, development and co-
operation. Adopt novel technologies, embrace industrial standards, and provide incentives

Streamlining Contract Lifecycle Management.

to grow a culture of learning, and we will create fresh avenues that lead to a new norm
where contract administration is not just business as usual but a competitive advantage.

In conclusion, the ability to develop and improve on the ContractFlow project is an

outcome of a hand in hands work of all teammates, creativity, and persistence in achieving
their goals.

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Streamlining Contract Lifecycle Management.


[1] Aavenir. Aavenir. Retrieved from

[2] ServiceNow. ServiceNow Documentation. Retrieved from

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