De Tham Khao So 7 ts10 2021 - 76202173546

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Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.
1. A. installed B. prepared C. involved D. reached
2. A. resources B. preserves C. stages D. focuses
3. A. economy B. occasion C. freedom D. logical
Choose the word which has different position of stress from the others.
4. A. decorate B. celebrate C. acquaintance D. generous
5. A. unpolluted B. communicate C. environment D. compulsory
Choose the word or phrases that best completes each sentence.
6. The generation gap was the ……………………….the film “Bo Gia”.
A. original inspiration for B. logical solution to C. new style of D. unique experience for
7. It’s illegal ………………. cars on a two-lane road when there is a solid yellow dividing line.
A. passes B. passing C. to pass D. when passing
8. They have various problems in the basic design of the car, including the material.
A. practical B. similar C. fashionable D. different
9. “Why don’t we have a look around the campus?” “_________________”
A. Yes, thanks. B. Yes, why not? C. It’s my pleasure. D. Do we?
10. Young Lee learned some English when she stayed in America, and last year she ………… herself Spanish.
A. kept up with B. kept on studying C. went on to teach D. looked up to
11. This year exhibitions will focus on various …………………and culture in the Middle East.
A. aspects of life B. well-qualified school C. international reputation D. environmental effect
12. …………………oil is an irreplaceable( k thể thay thế ) natural resource, we must do whatever we can to
conserve it.
-replace: thay thế
-reuse: tái sử dụng
-recycle: tái chế
A. Although B. Since + mốc thời gian cố định C. Because of D.
13. Many young people move to the cities …………………employment since there’re few jobs available in
the rural area.
A. on search of B. at search of C. for search of D. in search of
14. If the people ………………him to office this time, he will be back in four years to try again.
A. wouldn’t elect B. didn’t elect C. don’t elect D. aren’t elected
15. The announcement …………………… disappointed many people waiting at the station.
A. that the train was late B. that train was late C. a train was late D. train was late
16. We can protect our environment and save a lot of money by buying …………………
A. recycling products B. reused products C. reduced products D. recycled
17. Unless the children are under the supervision of the teacher, they …………………to handle these
A. are allowedB. will be allowed C. won’t be allowed D. would be allowed
18. What about travelling by motorcycle to the resort? “_________________”
A. That’s not a good idea. B. Are you sure?
C. It’s my pleasure. D. Thanks a lot.
19. If the world’s tropical forests continue to disappear, many animal species …………………
A. will not exist B. will become extinct C. will replace D. will be preserved
20. All victims …………………with food, warm clothes and convenient stays for their life.
A. should be nominated B. should be described C. should be provided D. should be received
21. This sign says:
A. Warning sign for draw bridge ahead.
B. The hill ahead is so short that the truck can ramp easily.
C. Be careful that the trucks cannot stop.

D. Warning sign for the truck often go down hill in the area.
22. This sign says:
A. No one are allowed to dig up the dirt here.
B. Pedestrians are prohibited from crossing ahead.
C. Everyone should pay attention the construction workers ahead.
D. There is one person in Bomb-testing zone.
Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage
English is very important in this modern world. Apart from our mother tongue we need to have a common
language __________ (23) makes us able to communicate with other part of the world. It is very important to
have good English because an effective communication can reach people better. English words used must be
simple _________ (24) it can be reached to people easily as well as easily understood by everyone . English is
mainly _________ (25) two accents: American English and British English. American accent is very slow
compared to British accent. Most people of the world follow British accent and only some people follow
American accent. In the modern world, English _________ (26) to have business relations as well as social
network with friends and family. A better communicator can communicate effectively, and this reaches people
very well and chance of misunderstanding is quite less. People can be influenced with your thoughts and ideas
as well as they can connect to them without many ___________ (27) in understanding. English must also be
learnt because it is used to read various instructions on the road and many other places. It becomes a medium to
study various subjects and master them. _________ (28), you can answer questions in examinations in your
words as you have mastered the usage.
23. A. who B. which C. whose D. whom
24. A. so that B. although C. despite the fact that D. because of
25. A. divided into B. separate from C. appointed to D. disconnect from
26. A. will be useless B. is highly useful C. are useful highly D. is high usefully
27. A. complex B. complicated C. complicate D. complications
28. A. If you have good English B. Unless you have good English
C. If you had good English D. If you will have good English
Read the passage and then decide whether the statements that follow are True or False
Knowing how to dress for wherever you are going is extremely important. You really don’t want to show up in
shorts for a wedding or in jeans for a job interview. On the other hand, you know that wearing formal
clothes to a football game would be silly. Even small dress code details can make the difference between
getting a job or not. For example, if you are interviewing for a position at a company that requires closed-toe
shoes, and you show up in sandals, the interviewer might fail you based on that one thing. For most events,
what you should wear will be obvious. If in doubt, call the company and ask the receptionist or human
resources professional.
29. It is important to know the dress code of wherever you’re going in. T
30. You would look silly in a formal suit when joining a football game. T
31. The interviewer will not give you a job if you wear sandals. F
32. When you aren’t sure about the dress code, you should call the company to ask. T
Read the passage again and choose the best answer ( A, B, C or D)
33. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Everyone won’t pay attention to your clothes.
B. It’s suggested that clothes should be suitable for the occasion you’re attending.
C. Small details of the clothes you’re wearing are not very important.
D. Human resources department is in charge of providing suitable clothes for interviewees.
34. The phrase “show up” in the passage could be best replaced by:
A. appear B. leave C. depart D. defeat
Supply the correct form of the word in bracket
Rearrange the word given to make the meaningful sentence
43. school uniforms / In many Asian / is still compulsory / Japan and Vietnam, / wearing / countries like //
In many Asian countries like Japan and Vietnam, wearing school uniforms is still compulsory
In many Asian wearing school uniforms countries like Japan and VietNam, (S) + is still compulsory

44. Over the next few days, / places of interest / as well as / they visited / in the city / Cu Chi Tunnel /
many others//
Over the next few days, they visited Cu Chi Tunnel as well as many others places of interest in the city
Rewrite the sentences so that they are nearest in meaning to the sentence printed before them
45.She has been working as a secretary for this firm since 20/18. /’sekretri/ 19/95 18/76 17/59
She started working _____________________________________
46.No other players of our group can play soccer more skillfully than Tim.
Tim is the most skillfully players of our group__ __________________________________
47.She doesn’t get good marks for the final exam because she doesn’t focus on her learning.
If she __________________________________________
48.“Why not go to my house for dinner, Tina?” John said.
John suggested that _Tina should go to his house for dinner.______________________________
49.Despite the hard life, he keeps going to school.
Although _life is hard, he …….______________________________________
50. Mr. Brown is a nice teacher. We studied with him last year.

Mr Brown , whom we studied with last year, is a nice teacher



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