Rolando Goes To Space

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Rolando goes to space

Joel Joseph
Illustrated by Joel Joseph
Cover Designer: Joel Joseph

Rolando goes to space

Once upon a time, there lived a boy called
Rolando. Everyone used to call him Ronaldo
because his name was hard to pronounce.
He was 10 years old. His parents worked for
the ISS (also known as International Space
Station).His ambition was to go to space and
become an astronaut when he grew up. He
loved space so much that he always wanted
to know more about space. His parents tried
to give him more books on space science but
he read books so fast that his parents needed
to buy him more books than ever. When his
birthday came, he asked for going to space in
a space shuttle which was going to be
launched on his birthday. Surprisingly, his
parents agreed. So he was launched into
space on that day. When the space shuttle
was launched, His father told him: “The space
shuttle is launched, Ronaldo!” He shouted:
“Woo hooooo! I am going to space!”

When he felt himself floating, he shouted:

“This is so much fun!” As they headed away
from Earth, Ronaldo now knew how the zero
gravity was like. He experienced it for some
time and headed back to to earth. He saya he
will go back to spacxe when he grows up. But
that is another story.

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