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In the context of QEL Technologies, I believe Ms.

Samreen’s emphasis on crafting an inspiring vision

statement is crucial for organizational success. A vision statement outlines the long-term aspirations
and desired future state of the company, providing a clear direction and motivating the workforce
towards a common goal. This visionary approach helps in aligning strategic decisions and resource
allocation with the overarching ambitions of the company, fostering innovation and long-term
growth. On the other hand, while a mission statement is important for defining the company’s core
purpose and operational focus, it is the vision statement that truly inspires and energizes
stakeholders by depicting a compelling future. Thus, an inspiring vision statement serves as a
catalyst for strategic initiatives, ensuring that the company remains forward-looking and adaptive in
a dynamic business environment. This strategic foresight is essential for sustaining competitive
advantage and achieving long-term success .

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