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Vansh Soni

Class Activity 3

The given chemical equation represents the combustion reaction of methane

(CH4) gas with oxygen (O2) gas, producing carbon dioxide (CO2) gas, liquid
water (H2O), and releasing heat energy. Methane is the primary component
of natural gas, and its combustion is widely used for heating, power
generation, and various industrial processes. Oxygen acts as the oxidizing
agent, enabling the complete combustion of methane. This exothermic
reaction produces carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, and water in a liquid
state. The release of heat energy during this reaction is crucial for its
applications in providing thermal energy for various purposes, making it an
essential response in the energy sector and industrial processes.
Vansh Soni
Class Activity 2

The image presents a meticulously drawn and annotated diagram of electrical

circuits against a white background. It showcases elements like lines, circles, and
symbols denoting components and nodes. Textual annotations like "currents,"
"node," and numerical values explain the flow of currents and the mathematical
relationships governing the system. The diagram illustrates a specific principle or
problem-solving example involving circuit theory and Kirchhoff's current law.
Vansh Soni
Class Activity 1

The equation you provided is a proportionality relationship between force (f) and
the rate of change of momentum (∂P/∂t) concerning time. This equation is a
mathematical representation of Newton's second law of motion, which states that
the net force acting on an object is proportional to the rate of change of its
The equation f ∝ (mV - mU)/t relates the net force (f) acting on an object to the
change in its momentum (mV - mU) over a given time interval (t). It is a
rearranged form of Newton's second law, expressing force in terms of the rate of
change of momentum instead of acceleration directly.
The equation f ∝ m(V-U)/t relates the net force (f) acting on an object to its mass
(m) and the change in its velocity (V-U) over a given time interval (t). It expresses
Newton's second law regarding the velocity change rate rather than using
acceleration directly.
The equation f ∝ ma is a concise form of Newton's second law of motion. It
states that the net force (f) acting on an object is proportional to the product of its
mass (m) and acceleration (a). This fundamental relationship links an object's
motion to the forces causing that motion.
The equation f = kma is Newton's second law of motion in its complete form. It
states that the net force (f) acting on an object is equal to the product of its mass
(m) and acceleration (a), with k being a constant of proportionality. In the SI
system of units, k equals 1, so the equation simplifies to f = ma. This equation
quantitatively relates the motion of an object to the forces causing that motion,
forming one of the foundational principles of classical mechanics.
f is force
P is momentum
m is the mass of the object
U is the initial velocity
V is the final velocity
a is acceleration

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