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AJR English/Russian


FOW Bilingual Dictionary
GPX for ESL Beginners

HQY ƒ‚ÛˇÁ˚˜Ì˚È ÒÎÓ‚‡¸ ‰Îˇ ̇˜Ë̇˛˘Ëı, ‰Îˇ


The work on this production was supported by a large number of
ESL teachers who assisted in the choice of lexicon.
© 2001 New South Wales Department of Education and Training
Student Services and Equity Programs, Multicultural Programs Unit,
Level 14, 1 Oxford Street Darlinghurst NSW 2010
Phone 9244 5764 or 9244 5324


The printed material in this publication is subject to a restricted waiver
of copyright to allow the purchaser to make photocopies of the
material contained in the publication for use within schools or
institutes subject to the conditions below.
1. All copies of the printed material shall be made without
alteration or abridgement and must retain acknowledgement of
the copyright.
2. The school or college shall not sell, hire or otherwise derive
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3. The restricted waiver of copyright is not transferable and may be
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ISBN No: 0 7310 77539


Introduction i

How to use the dictionary ii

Dictionary 1


1. Numerals and ordinals 80

2. Common countries/states and their adjectival forms 81
3. Common irregular verbs 82
4. Times 84
5. Days of the week/months of the year/units of time 85
6. Weights and measures 85

Bibliography 85
The Bilingual Dictionary for ESL Beginners has been developed
for use by students in the early stages of learning English as a
second language.

The list of words contained in this dictionary includes the most

common words that students use in everyday communication
and in the classroom. This list provides a scaffold for further
language acquisition.

The Bilingual Dictionary for ESL Beginners takes into

consideration the Australian culture and way of life including
frequently encountered colloquial words and phrases. It is
expected that students will use this publication as a reference
point for the first 12 to 18 months of English language

A companion volume titled Thematic Picture Dictionary for ESL

Beginners may be used in conjunction with this volume. It
contains over 400 illustrated words, all of which can be found
with their translations in this volume.

The two dictionaries are designed for individual student use at

school and at home to support English language acquisition.

The skills of many ESL teachers were utilised in the choice of

lexicon for this dictionary. Their enthusiastic participation has
helped to produce a valuable teaching and learning resource
suited to the needs of beginner ESL students.

How to use this dictionary
Notes for the teacher

The information in this dictionary is presented simply showing part of speech, headword in bold,
definition if required and phrases for words which need to be read in context for clarity of meaning.
You will find explanations regarding the organisation of the dictionary below.

Page Header

The page header is found at the top left of each page in bold for easy identification of the page
contents. It shows the first and last English entry on the page.

Example from page 1:

a - afterwards indicates that the first entry on this page is a and the last entry is afterwards.

The Headword

The headword is the word being defined in an entry. It appears in large bold type and is
alphabetically ordered. Definitions of the headword appear under the headword (if applicable) and
are numbered. Phrases, colloquial phrases, phrasal verbs and interjections containing the
headword are translated in full and appear under the definitions.

Example from page 4:

Headword Translation
part of back
n Definition 1. body part only the word back is translated as a noun with
the meaning body part
adv Definition 2. opposite front only the word back is translated as an adverb
with the meaning opposite front
phrase 3. give it back the phrase give it back is translated in full

Example from page 31:

Headword Translation
part of help
n Definition 1. aid only the word help is translated as a noun with
the meaning aid
phrase 2. help yourself the phrase help yourself is translated in full with
(serve yourself) the meaning serve yourself
colloq 3. I can't help it (I have the colloquial phrase I can't help it is
phr no control over it) translated in full with the meaning I have no
control over it

Where there is more than one meaning for an item of lexicon but only one is in common usage the
meaning for translation has been included next to the headword in brackets.
Example from page 2:

Headword Translation
n angle (mathematical usage) only the word angle is translated as a noun
with the meaning mathematical usage

Words commonly found in the lexicon as abbreviations appear in the dictionary as abbrev and are
not translated. They indicate the full spelling of the word where the translation may be found.

Example from page 4:

Headword Translation
abbrev barbie *see barbecue no translation - translation is found at the entry

Common present and past tense verb forms

Commonly used irregular present and past tense verb forms have been included in the body of the
dictionary as they may not be recognised by the student as a derivative of the base form. These
are not translated however and indicate the base form where the translation may be found.

Examples from page 2:

Headword Translation
prt v am *see be no translation - translation is found at the entry
prt v are *see be no translation - translation is found at the entry


Six appendices have been included and may be found at the end of the word list. These are:

1. numerals and ordinals

2. common countries/states and their adjectival forms
3. common irregular verbs showing the base form, past tense and past participle forms
4. times in analog and 24 hour format
5. days of the week/months of the year/units of time
6. weights and measures.

These appendices have not been translated.

Parts of speech

Parts of speech are abbreviated and found in the left hand column of the English text in the
dictionary. Other descriptors such as colloquialism are also abbreviated. A full list of abbreviations
used is shown below.

Abbreviations used in this dictionary

Abbreviation Meaning
abbrev abbreviation
adj adjective
adv adverb
colloq colloquialism
colloq phr colloquial phrase
conj conjunction
det determiner
int interjection
n noun
phr v phrasal verb
prep preposition
pron pronoun
prt v present tense verb form
pt v past tense verb form
v verb

a – afterwards
det a/an ÌÂÓÔ‰ÂÎÂÌÌ˚È ‡ÚËÍθ
n ability ÒÔÓÒÓ·ÌÓÒÚ¸
v 1. be able to ÒÔÓÒÓ·ÂÌ
adj 2. talented ÒÔÓÒÓ·Ì˚È
n Aboriginal person ¿·ÓË„ÂÌ
adv 1. approximately ÔË·ÎËÁËÚÂθÌÓ
prep 2. concerning ÓÚÌÓÒËÚÂθÌÓ
prep 1. over ̇‰
phrase 2. the example above ÔËÏÂ ‚˚¯Â
adj absent ÓÚÒÛÚÒÚ‚Û˛˘ËÈ
adv absolutely ‡·ÒÓβÚÌÓ
n accent ‡ÍˆÂÌÚ
v accept ÔËÌËχڸ
adj acceptable ÔËÂÏÎÂÏ˚È
n accident ÌÂÒ˜‡ÒÚÌ˚È ÒÎÛ˜‡È
adj accidental ÒÎÛ˜‡ÈÌ˚È
v accompany ÒÓÔÓ‚Óʉ‡Ú¸
n account Ò˜ÂÚ
v ache ·ÓÎÂÚ¸
v achieve ‰ÓÒÚË„‡Ú¸
n achievement ‰ÓÒÚËÊÂÌËÂ
prep across ÔÓÔÂÂÍ
v act ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ú¸
n activity ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚ¸
n actor ‡ÍÚÂ
v add ‰Ó·‡‚Ρڸ
n addition ‰ÓÔÓÎÌÂÌËÂ
n address ‡‰ÂÒ
n adjective ÔË·„‡ÚÂθÌÓÂ
v 1. tell the truth about ÔËÁ̇‚‡Ú¸
v 2. allow to enter ‚ÔÛÒ͇ڸ
v adopt (take on) ÔËÌËχڸ
n adult ‚ÁÓÒÎ˚È
n advantage ÔÂËÏÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó
n adventure ÔËÍβ˜ÂÌËÂ
n adverb ̇˜ËÂ
n advice ÒÓ‚ÂÚ
n aerobics ‡˝Ó·Ë͇
n aeroplane Ò‡ÏÓÎÂÚ
v afford ÔÓÁ‚ÓΡڸ Ò·Â
adj afraid ·ÓˇÁÎË‚˚È
prep after ÔÓÒÎÂ
n afternoon ‚ÂÏˇ ÔÓÒΠÔÓÎÛ‰Ìˇ
adv afterwards ‚ÔÓÒΉÒÚ‚ËË

again – argue

adv again (one more time) ÒÌÓ‚‡

prep 1. next to ˇ‰ÓÏ
prep 2. anti ÔÓÚË‚
n age ‚ÓÁ‡ÒÚ
adv ago ̇Á‡‰
v agree Òӄ·¯‡Ú¸Òˇ
n 1. help ÔÓÏÓ˘¸
v 2. help ÔÓÏÓ˜¸
v aim (try) Ô˚Ú‡Ú¸Òˇ
n air ‚ÓÁ‰Ûı
n airport ‡˝ÓÔÓÚ
adj all (every) ‚ÒˇÍËÈ
v allow ÔÓÁ‚ÓΡڸ
adv alone Ó‰ËÌ
adv aloud „ÓÏÍÓ
n alphabet ‡ÎÙ‡‚ËÚ
adv already ÛÊÂ
adv also (too) Ú‡ÍÊÂ
conj although ıÓÚˇ
adv altogether ‚ ˆÂÎÓÏ
adv always ‚Ò„‰‡
prt v am *see be
n ambulance ÒÍÓ‡ˇ ÔÓÏÓ˘¸
n amount ÍÓ΢ÂÒÚ‚Ó
n amphibian ÁÂÏÌÓ‚Ó‰Ì˚È
v analyse (study) ‡Ì‡ÎËÁËÓ‚‡Ú¸
conj and Ë
n angle (mathematical usage) Û„ÓÎ
adj angry ÒÂ‰ËÚ˚È
n animal ÊË‚ÓÚÌÓÂ
n ankle ÎÓ‰˚Ê͇
adj annual ÂÊ„ӉÌ˚È
n 1. reply ÓÚ‚ÂÚ
v 2. reply ÓÚ‚ÂÚËÚ¸
adj any β·ÓÈ
adv anymore ·Óθ¯Â
pron anyone β·ÓÈ
pron anything ˜ÚÓ - ÌË·Û‰¸
adv apart (separate) Ó·ÓÒÓ·ÎÂÌÌÓ
n apology ËÁ‚ËÌÂÌËÂ
v appear (come into view) ÔÓˇ‚ÎˇÚ¸Òˇ
n apple ˇ·ÎÓÍÓ
n appointment ̇Á̇˜ÂÌËÂ
prt v are *see be
n area ÔÎÓ˘‡‰¸
v argue ÒÔÓËÚ¸

argument – autumn
n argument ‰Ó‚Ó‰; ÒÔÓ
v arise ‚ÓÁÌË͇ڸ
n arm (part of body) Û͇
n army ‡Ïˡ
prep around ‚ÓÍÛ„
v 1. put in order ‡ÁÏ¢‡Ú¸
v 2. make plans ÛÒÚ‡Ë‚‡Ú¸
v arrest (take into custody) ‡ÂÒÚÓ‚˚‚‡Ú¸
v arrive ÔË·˚‚‡Ú¸
n arrow ÒÚ·
n artist ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍ
adv as (to such a degree) ͇Í
n ash ÁÓ·
adj ashamed ÒÚ˚‰ÎË‚˚È
v ask ÒÔ‡¯Ë‚‡Ú¸
v assemble ÒÓ·Ë‡Ú¸Òˇ
n assembly ÒÓ·‡ÌËÂ
n assignment (for school) Á‡‰‡ÌËÂ
v assist ÔÓÏÓ˜¸
n assistant ÔÓÏÓ˘ÌËÍ
prep at ‚
pt v ate *see eat
n athletics ÒÔÓÚ
phrase athletics carnival ÒÔÓÚË‚Ì˚È Ô‡Á‰ÌËÍ
n atom ‡ÚÓÏ
v attach ÔËÒÓ‰ËÌˇÚ¸
n 1. fight ̇ԇ‰ÂÌËÂ
v 2. fight ̇ԇ‰‡Ú¸
n 1. try ÔÓÔ˚Ú͇
v 2. try Ô˚Ú‡Ú¸Òˇ
v attend ÔËÒÛÚÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ú¸
n attendance ÔËÒÛÚÒÚ‚ËÂ
n attention ‚ÌËχÌËÂ
v attract ÔË‚ÎÂ͇ڸ
adj attractive ÔË‚ÎÂ͇ÚÂθÌ˚È
n aunt ÚÂÚˇ
abbrev Aussie *see Australian
n Australia ¿‚ÒÚ‡Îˡ
adj Australian ¿‚ÒÚ‡Îˈ
n Australian flag ¿‚ÒÚ‡ÎËÈÒÍËÈ Ù·„
n Australiana ¿‚ÒÚ‡Îˇ̇
n author ‡‚ÚÓ
n autumn ÓÒÂ̸

average – basketball

n 1. arithmetical mean Ò‰Ì ˜ËÒÎÓ (‚Â΢Ë̇)
adj 2. ordinary Ó·˚˜Ì˚È
v avoid ËÁ·Â„‡Ú¸
adj awake ·Ó‰ÒÚ‚Û˛˘ËÈ
adv away ‰‡ÎÂÍÓ
prep away from ‰‡ÎÂÍÓ ÓÚ
adj awful ÛʇÒÌ˚È
pt v awoke *see awake
n axe ÚÓÔÓ

n baby Ï·‰Â̈
n 1. body part Á‡‰
adv 2. opposite front ̇Á‡‰
phrase 3. give it back ÓÚ‰‡‚‡Ú¸ ̇Á‡‰
n backbone ı·ÂÚ, ÔÓÁ‚ÓÌÓ˜ÌËÍ
n background ÙÓÌ
n backpack ˛ÍÁ‡Í
n backyard ‰‚Ó
adj bad ÔÎÓıÓÈ
n badminton ·‡‰ÏËÌÚÓÌ
n bag ϯÓÍ
v bake Ô˜¸
v balance ‡‚ÌÓ‚ÂÒËÂ
n balcony ·‡ÎÍÓÌ
adj bald Î˚Ò˚È
n 1. toy ¯‡
colloq phr 2. have a ball (good time) ıÓÓ¯Ó ÔÓ‚Ó‰ËÚ¸ ‚ÂÏˇ
n balloon ‚ÓÁ‰Û¯Ì˚È ¯‡
n banana ·‡Ì‡Ì
n band (music group) ÓÍÂÒÚ
n bangle ·‡ÒÎÂÚ
n bank ·‡ÌÍ
n 1. place to drink ·‡
v 2. stop from something ËÒÍβ˜‡Ú¸
n 3. metal rod Á‡ÒÓ‚
n barbecue ·‡·ÂͲ
abbrev barbie *see barbecue
adj bare ÔÛÒÚÓÈ
n barrier ·‡¸Â
n base (bottom) ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ÌËÂ
n basin (wash) ‡ÍÓ‚Ë̇
n basket ÍÓÁË̇
n basketball ·‡ÒÍÂÚ·ÓÎ

basketball court – bid

n basketball court ·‡ÒÍÂÚ·ÓθÌ˚È ÍÓÚ

n 1. sporting equipment ·ÔÚ‡
n 2. animal ÎÂÚÛ˜‡ˇ Ï˚¯¸
n bath ‚‡Ì̇
n bathroom ‚‡Ì̇ˇ
n battle Ò‡ÊÂÌËÂ
n bay (inlet) Á‡ÎË‚
abbrev BBQ *see barbecue
v be ·˚Ú¸
n beach ÔΡÊ
n beach towel ÔΡÊÌÓ ÔÓÎÓÚÂ̈Â
n beach umbrella ÔΡÊÌ˚È ÁÓÌÚ
n beak Íβ‚
n 1. ray of light ÎÛ˜
n 2. wooden plank Ò‚‡ˇ
n bean ·Ó·
n beard ·ÓÓ‰‡
v 1. win ÔÓ·Âʉ‡Ú¸
v 2. hit ·ËÚ¸
n 3. rhythm Ú‡ÍÚ
adj beautiful Í‡ÒË‚˚È
pt v became *see become
conj because ÔÓÚÓÏÛ ˜ÚÓ
v become ÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÚ¸Òˇ
n bed ÍÓ‚‡Ú¸
n bedroom ÒÔ‡Î¸Ìˇ
n bee Ԙ·
n beef „Ó‚ˇ‰Ë̇
pt v began *see begin
v begin ̇˜Ë̇ڸ
n beginner Ìӂ˘ÓÍ
v behave ‚ÂÒÚË Ò·ˇ
n behaviour Ôӂ‰ÂÌËÂ
prep behind ÔÓÁ‡‰Ë
n bell Á‚ÓÌÓÍ
v belong ÔË̇‰ÎÂʇڸ
n belt ÔÓˇÒ
n bench ‚ÂÒÚ‡Í
v bend „ÌÛÚ¸
pt v bent *see bend
adj best ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ
v bet ‰Âʇڸ Ô‡Ë
adj better ÎÛ˜¯Â
prep between ÏÂʉÛ
n bicycle ‚ÂÎÓÒËÔ‰
v bid Ô‰·„‡Ú¸ ˆÂÌÛ

big – boat
adj big ·Óθ¯ÓÈ
abbrev bike *see bicycle
n 1. money ÍÛÔ˛‡
n 2. account Ò˜ÂÚ
n 3. of a bird Íβ‚
n bird ÔÚˈ‡
n 1. act of being born ÓʉÂÌËÂ
phrase 2. date of birth ‰‡Ú‡ ÓʉÂÌˡ
n birthday ‰Â̸ ÓʉÂÌˡ
n biscuit ·ËÒÍ‚ËÚ
n 1. small piece ÍÛÒÓÍ
phrase 2. a little bit ÌÂÏÌÓ„Ó
pt v 3. *see bite
v bite ÍÛÒ‡Ú¸
adj black (colour) ˜ÂÌ˚È
n blackboard ‰ÓÒ͇
n blade ÎÂÁ‚ËÂ
n 1. censure ÔÓˈ‡ÌËÂ
v 2. lay responsibility with ‚ËÌËÚ¸
adj blank ÔÛÒÚÓÈ
n blanket Ӊ¡ÎÓ
v bleed ÍÓ‚ÓÚÓ˜ËÚ¸
pt v blew *see blow
adj 1. unable to see ÒÎÂÔÓÈ
n 2. window covering ¯ÚÓ‡
n blindness ÒÎÂÔÓÚ‡
n 1. child’s toy ÍÛ·ËÍ
v 2. stop from doing something ·ÎÓÍËÓ‚‡Ú¸; ÓÒڇ̇‚ÎË‚‡Ú¸
phrase 3. a block away ˜ÂÂÁ Í‚‡Ú‡Î
phrase 4. block of flats ÏÌÓ„ÓÍ‚‡ÚËÌ˚È ÍÓÔÛÒ
adj blond ·ÂÎÓÍÛ˚È
n blood ÍÓ‚¸
adj bloody ÓÍÓ‚‡‚ÎÂÌÌ˚È
n 1. hit Û‰‡
v 2. pertaining to wind ‰ÛÚ¸
phr v 3. blow up Û‚Â΢˂‡Ú¸; ̇‰Û‚‡Ú¸
adj 1. colour ÒËÌËÈ
colloq 2. sad „ÛÒÚÌ˚È
n board (stiff material) ‰ÓÒ͇
n board game ̇ÒÚÓθ̇ˇ Ë„‡
n boat ÎӉ͇

body – break
n body ÚÂÎÓ
v boil ÍËÔˇÚËÚ¸
adj 1. as typeface ÊËÌ˚È
adj 2. daring ÒÏÂÎ˚È
n bomb ·ÓÏ·‡
n bone ÍÓÒÚ¸
n book ÍÌË„‡
n bookshelf ÍÌËÊ̇ˇ ÔÓÎ͇
n boomerang ·ÛÏÂ‡Ì„
n 1. of car ÍÛÁÓ‚
n 2. footwear ·ÓÚËÌÓÍ
n 1. as of country, state „‡Ìˈ‡
n 2. edge ÍÓÏ͇
adj bored ÒÍÛ˜‡˛˘ËÈ
adj boring ÒÍÛ˜Ì˚È
v borrow Á‡ËÏÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ú¸
n 1. person in charge ̇˜‡Î¸ÌËÍ, ·ÓÒÒ
v 2. tell what to do ÔÓÌÛ͇ڸ, Û͇Á˚‚‡Ú¸
adj both Ó·‡
v bother ·ÂÒÔÓÍÓËÚ¸
n bottle ·ÛÚ˚Î͇
n 1. body part Á‡‰
n 2. lower edge ‰ÌÓ
pt v bought *see buy
v bounce ÓÚÒ͇ÍË‚‡Ú¸
n bowl ˜‡¯‡
n box ˇ˘ËÍ
n boy χθ˜ËÍ
abbrev bra *see brassiere
n brain ÏÓÁ„
n 1. of tree ‚ÂÚ‚¸
v 2. separate ÓÚ‰ÂΡڸ
n brassiere ÎËÙ˜ËÍ
adj brave ı‡·˚È
adv bravely ÒÏÂÎÓ
n bread ıη
n breadth ¯ËÓÚ‡
n 1. pause ÔÂÂ˚‚
v 2. opposite of fix ÎÓχڸ
phr v 3. break down (as in car) ÎÓÏ‡Ú¸Òˇ
phr v 4. break down (as health) Ò˚‚

breakfast – bus stop
phr v 5. break in (as housebreak) ‚·‚˚Ï‡Ú¸Òˇ
phr v 6. break up (for holidays) ÔÂ˚‚‡Ú¸Òˇ
n breakfast Á‡‚Ú‡Í
n breath ‰˚ı‡ÌËÂ
v breathe ‰˚¯‡Ú¸
v breed ÔÓÓ‰‡
n brick ÍËÔ˘
n bridge ÏÓÒÚ
adj 1. shiny ˇÍËÈ
adj 2. clever ÛÏÌ˚È
v brighten ÔÓˇÒÌˇÚ¸
adj brilliant „ÂÌˇθÌ˚È
v bring ÔËÌÓÒËÚ¸
adj broad ¯ËÓÍËÈ
n broccoli ·ÓÍÍÓÎË
pt v broke *see break
colloq broke (penniless) ÌˢËÈ
phrase broken arm ÒÎÓχÌ̇ˇ Û͇
n brother ·‡Ú
pt v brought *see bring
n brush ÍËÒÚ¸
n bucket ÍÓ‚¯
v build ÒÚÓËÚ¸
pt v built *see build
n bulb (electric light) ·ÏÔӘ͇
n bullet ÔÛΡ
n 1. person who harasses others Á‡‰Ë‡
v 2. harass Á‡‰Ë‡Ú¸
n 1. group ÔÛ˜ÓÍ
phrase 2. bunch of flowers ·ÛÍÂÚ ˆ‚ÂÚÓ‚
n 1. injury caused by fire ÓÊ„
v 2. be on fire „ÓÂÚ¸
v burst ÎÓÔ‡Ú¸Òˇ
v bury ıÓÓÌËÚ¸
n bus ‡‚ÚÓ·ÛÒ
n 1. outback χÎÓ̇ÒÂÎÂÌÌ˚È, ÌÂÓ·ÊËÚÓÈ ‡ÈÓÌ
n 2. small tree ÍÛÒÚ‡ÌËÍ
n 1. company ÍÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ
colloq phr 2. mind your own business Ì ÎÂÁ¸Ú Ì ‚ Ò‚Ó ‰ÂÎÓ
n bus stop ÓÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ ‡‚ÚÓ·ÛÒ‡

bust – cardboard
colloq 1. break ‡ÒÍ˚‚‡Ú¸
n 2. female body part ·˛ÒÚ
adj busy Á‡ÌˇÚ˚È
conj but ÌÓ
n butcher ÏˇÒÌËÍ
n button ÍÌÓÔ͇
v buy ÔÓÍÛÔ‡Ú¸
prep by Û, ÔË, ÓÍÓÎÓ

n cabbage ͇ÔÛÒÚ‡
n cable ÚÂ΄‡Ïχ
n cafe ͇Ùe
n cage ÍÎÂÚ͇
n cake ÔËÓÊÌÓÂ
v calculate ‚˚˜ËÒΡڸ
n calculator ͇θÍÛΡÚÓ
n calendar ͇ÎẨ‡¸
v 1. name ̇Á˚‚‡Ú¸
n 2. as for phone Á‚ÓÌËÚ¸
phr v 3. call for Ú·ӂ‡Ú¸
phr v 4. call off ÓÚÁ˚‚‡Ú¸
phr v 5. call out ‚˚Á˚‚‡Ú¸
adj 1. peaceful ÒÔÓÍÓÈÌ˚È
phr v 2. calm down ÛÒÔÓÍÓËÚ¸Òˇ
pt v came *see come
n camera ÙÓÚÓ‡ÔÔ‡‡Ú
v camp ‡ÒÔÓ·„‡Ú¸Òˇ ·„ÂÂÏ
v 1. able to ÏÓ˜¸, ·˚Ú¸ ‚ ÒÓÒÚÓˇÌËË
n 2. steel container ·‡Ì͇
n candle ҂˜‡
n canteen (tuck shop) ÒÚÓÎÓ‚‡ˇ
n 1. headwear ÍÂÔ͇
n 2. top ‚Â¯Ë̇
n 1. important location ÒÚÓÎˈ‡
phrase 2. capital letter ÔÓÔËÒ̇ˇ ·ÛÍ‚‡
n capsicum ÒÚÛ˜ÍÓ‚˚È ÔÂˆ
n capsule ͇ÔÒÛ·
n captain ͇ÔËÚ‡Ì
n car ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·Ëθ
n card ͇Ú‡
n cardboard ͇ÚÓÌ

care – chalk

v care Á‡·ÓÚËÚ¸Òˇ
adj careful ÓÒÚÓÓÊÌ˚È
adv carefully Ú˘‡ÚÂθÌÓ
n carnival ͇̇‚‡Î
n carrot ÏÓÍÓ‚¸
v 1. take ÌÂÒÚË
phr v 2. carry on (keep going) ÔÓ‰ÓÎʇڸ
n 1. bag ÒÛÏ͇
phrase 2. just in case ̇ ‚ÒˇÍËÈ ÒÎÛ˜‡È
n cash ̇΢Ì˚ ‰Â̸„Ë
phrase 1. audio cassette ‡Û‰ËÓ Í‡ÒÒÂÚ‡
phrase 2. video cassette ‚ˉÂÓ Í‡ÒÒÂÚ‡
n 1. of a play ËÒÔÓÎÌËÚÂÎË
v 2. throw ·ÓÒ‡Ú¸
n castle Á‡ÏÓÍ
adj casual ÒÎÛ˜‡ÈÌ˚È
n cat ÍÓÚ
phrase 1. catch a train ÒÂÒÚ¸ ̇ ÔÓÂÁ‰
phrase 2. catch a cold ÔÓÒÚÛ‰ËÚ¸Òˇ
colloq phr 3. catch on (understand) Òı‚‡ÚËÚ¸, ÛÎÓ‚ËÚ¸
phr v 4. catch up (reach) ‰Ó„̇ڸ
pt v caught *see catch
n 1. reason Ô˘Ë̇
v 2. make happen ‚˚Á˚‚‡Ú¸, ·˚Ú¸ Ô˘ËÌÓÈ
n cave Ô¢Â‡
abbrev CD *see compact disc
n ceiling ÔÓÚÓÎÓÍ
n cell ˇ˜ÂÈ͇
n cent ˆÂÌÚ
adj central ˆÂÌÚ‡Î¸Ì˚È
central processing unit
n 1. pertaining to computer ˆÂÌÚ‡Î¸Ì˚È ÔÓˆÂÒÒÓ
abbrev 2. CPU
n centre ˆÂÌÚ
n century ÒÚÓÎÂÚËÂ
n cereal ıηÌ˚È Á·Í
n ceremony ˆÂÂÏÓÌˡ
adj certain Û‚ÂÂÌÌ˚È
adv certainly ÍÓ̘ÌÓ
n chain (jewellery) ˆÂÔӘ͇
n chair ÒÚÛÎ
n chalk ÏÂÎ

chance – cigarette

n chance ¯‡ÌÒ
n 1. money ÏÂÎÓ˜¸
v 2. alter ÏÂÌˇÚ¸
phrase 3. change one’s mind ËÁÏÂÌˇÚ¸ ÏÌÂÌËÂ
phrase 4. change clothes ÔÂÂӉ‚‡Ú¸Òˇ
adj changeable ËÁÏÂ̘˂˚È
n change room ÍÓÏ̇ڇ ‰Îˇ ÔÂÂӉ‚‡Ìˡ
n channel ͇̇Î
n chapter „·‚‡
n character (literary) ÔÂÒÓ̇Ê
n 1. cost ˆÂ̇
v 2. as for battery Á‡ˇÊ‡Ú¸
phr v 3. in charge ÍÓχ̉ӂ‡Ú¸, ÌÂÒÚË ÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸
v chase ÔÂÒΉӂ‡Ú¸
adj cheap ‰Â¯Â‚˚È
v cheat ӷχÌ˚‚‡Ú¸
v check ÔÓ‚ÂˇÚ¸
n cheek (body part) ˘Â͇
colloq cheeky (naughty) ‡Á‚ˇÁÌ˚È
cheer ÔË‚ÂÚÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ú¸
v 1. make happy Ó·Ó‰ˇÚ¸, ÔÓÓ˘ˇÚ¸
n 2. sound expressing enthusiasm ÔË‚ÂÚÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ ‚ÓÁ„·Ò˚
n chemist ıËÏËÍ
n cheque ˜ÂÍ
n cherry ‚Ë¯Ìˇ
n chess ¯‡ıχÚ˚
n chest „Û‰¸
n chewing gum Ê‚‡ÚÂθ̇ˇ ÂÁËÌ͇
n 1. animal ˆ˚ÔÎÂÌÓÍ
colloq 2. not brave ÚÛÒ
n child ·ÂÌÓÍ
adj childish ·ˇ˜ÂÒÍËÈ
n chin ÔÓ‰·ÓÓ‰ÓÍ
n 1. hot variety ʇÂ̇ˇ ͇Úӯ͇
n 2. cold crisps ˜ËÔÒ˚
n chocolate ¯ÓÍÓ·‰
n choir ıÓ
v choose ‚˚·‡Ú¸
n 1. meat cut Óڷ˂̇ˇ
v 2. cut Û·ËÚ¸
pt v chose *see choose
n church ˆÂÍÓ‚¸
n cigarette ÒË„‡ÂÚ‡

cinema – coin
n cinema ÍËÌÓ
n circle ÍÛ„
adj circular ÍÛ„Î˚È
n circumference ÓÍÛÊÌÓÒÚ¸
n city „ÓÓ‰
n 1. assertion ÛÚ‚ÂʉÂÌËÂ
v 2. assert ÛÚ‚Âʉ‡Ú¸
n 1. loud noise ıÎÓÔÓÍ
v 2. show appreciation ıÎÓÔ‡Ú¸
n class (group of students) Í·ÒÒ
n classmate Ó‰ÌÓÍ·ÒÒÌËÍ
n classroom Í·ÒÒ̇ˇ ÍÓÏ̇ڇ
phrase classroom block Á‰‡ÌË ‰Îˇ Í·ÒÒÌ˚ı Á‡ÌˇÚËÈ
n claw ÍÓ„ÓÚ¸
n clay „ÎË̇
v 1. remove dirt ˜ËÒÚËÚ¸
adj 2. opposite dirty ˜ËÒÚ˚È
adj clear ˇÒÌ˚È
adj clever ÛÏÌ˚È
n cliff ÛÚÂÒ
v climb ÔÓ‰ÌËÏ‡Ú¸Òˇ
v cling ˆÂÔÎˇÚ¸Òˇ; ÔËÎËÔ‡Ú¸
n clock ˜‡Ò˚
v 1. shut Á‡Í˚ÚÓ
adj 2. near ÓÍÓÎÓ
adj closed Á‡Í˚Ú˚È
n cloth Ú̸͇
n clothes Ó‰Âʉ‡
n clothes line ‚Â‚͇ ‰Îˇ ÒÛ¯ÍË ·Âθˇ
n clothing Ó‰Âʉ‡
n cloud ӷ·ÍÓ
adj cloudy ӷ·˜Ì˚È
n 1. group of people ÍÎÛ·
n 2. implement ‰Û·ËÌ͇
n clue Íβ˜
n coal Û„Óθ
n coast ÔÓ·ÂÂʸÂ
adj coastal ÔË·ÂÊÌ˚È
n coat ԇθÚÓ
n cockatoo ͇͇‰Û
n coconut ÍÓÍÓÒÓ‚˚È ÓÂı
n coffee ÍÓÙÂ
n coin ÏÓÌÂÚ‡

cold – concern
n 1. illness ÔÓÒÚÛ‰‡
adj 2. opposite hot ıÓÎÓ‰
adj cold-blooded ı·‰ÌÓÍÓ‚Ì˚È
n collar ‚ÓÓÚÌËÍ
v collect ÒÓ·‡Ú¸
n collection ̇·Ó
n college ÍÓÎΉÊ
n 1. hue ˆ‚ÂÚ
v 2. make colourful ‡Òˆ‚˜˂‡Ú¸
adj colourful Í‡ÒÓ˜Ì˚È
n 1. hair accessory „·ÂÌ͇
v 2. do one’s hair Ô˘ÂÒ˚‚‡Ú¸
v 1. move towards ÔÓ‰ıÓ‰ËÚ¸
phr v 2. come from ÔË·˚‚‡Ú¸
phr v 3. come out (as in sun) ‚˚ıÓ‰ËÚ¸
colloq phr 4. Come on! (Let’s go.) œÓ¯ÎË!
adj comfortable Û‰Ó·Ì˚È
n comic ‡ÍÚÂ-ÍÓÏËÍ
n comic strip ÍÓÏËÍÒ
v command ÔË͇Á˚‚‡Ú¸
adj common Ó·˚˜Ì˚È
n commonsense Á‰‡‚˚È ÒÏ˚ÒÎ
n communication Ò‚ˇÁ¸
n community ÒÓÓ·˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó
n compact disc ÍÓÏÔ‡ÍÚ-‰ËÒÍ
n company (business) ÍÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ
v compare Ò‡‚ÌË‚‡Ú¸
n compass ÍÓÏÔ‡Ò
n compasses (geometry ˆËÍÛÎË
v compete ÒÓ‚ÌÓ‚‡Ú¸Òˇ
n competition ÒÓ‚ÌÓ‚‡ÌËÂ
v complain ʇÎÓ‚‡Ú¸Òˇ
n complaint ʇÎÓ·‡
v 1. finish Á‡ÍÓ̘ËÚ¸
adj 2. finished Á‡ÍÓ̘ÂÌÌ˚È
v complicate ÛÒÎÓÊÌˇÚ¸
adj complicated ÒÎÓÊÌ˚È
n complication ÓÒÎÓÊÌÂÌËÂ
n composer ÍÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ
n composition ÒÓÒÚ‡‚
n computer ÍÓÏÔ¸˛ÚÂ
n concern ·ÂÒÔÓÍÓÈÒÚ‚Ó

concerned – couple
adj concerned Ó·ÂÒÔÓÍÓÂÌÌ˚È
n concert ÍÓ̈ÂÚ
n condition ÛÒÎÓ‚ËÂ
n cone (geometrical shape) ÍÓÌÛÒ
v confuse ÔÛÚ‡Ú¸
v congratulate ÔÓÁ‰‡‚Ρڸ
v connect ÒÓ‰ËÌËÚ¸
n connection ÔÓ‰Íβ˜ÂÌËÂ
adj conscious ÒÓÁ̇ÚÂθÌ˚È
v consider ‡ÒÒχÚË‚‡Ú¸
phr v consist of ÒÓÒÚÓˇÚ¸ ËÁ
n consonant Òӄ·Ò̇ˇ
v contain ÒÓ‰Âʇڸ
n container ÒÓÒÛ‰, ÍÓÌÚÂÈÌÂ
n contents (as of a book) ÒÓ‰ÂʇÌËÂ
v continue ÔÓ‰ÓÎʇڸ
n 1. difference ‡Á΢ËÂ
v 2. find differences Ò‡‚ÌËÚ¸
v control ÛÔ‡‚Ρڸ
n conversation ‡Á„Ó‚Ó
n 1. person convicted of a crime Á‡Íβ˜ÂÌÌ˚È
v 2. find guilty of a crime ÔËÁ̇ڸ ‚ËÌÓ‚Ì˚Ï
v cook ‚‡ËÚ¸
adj 1. opposite warm ÔÓı·‰Ì˚È
colloq 2. trendy ÏÓ‰Ì˚È
n 1. imitation ÍÓÔˡ
v 2. imitate ÔÓ‰‡Ê‡Ú¸
n corner Û„ÓÎ
v 1. make right ËÒÔ‡‚ËÚ¸
adj 2. right Ô‡‚ËθÌ˚È
n corridor ÍÓˉÓ
v cost ÒÚÓËÏÓÒÚ¸
n cotton ıÎÓÔÓÍ
n cotton wool ‚‡Ú‡
n 1. the activity or sound of ͇¯Âθ
v 2. expel air from the lungs ͇¯ÎˇÚ¸
n council ÒÓ‚ÂÚ
n counsellor ÒÓ‚ÂÚÌËÍ
n 1. political division ÒÚ‡Ì‡
n 2. opposite city ‰ÂÂ‚Ìˇ, ÒÂθÒ͇ˇ ÏÂÒÚÌÓÒÚ¸
n couple Ô‡‡

courage – crush
n courage ı‡·ÓÒÚ¸
adj courageous ı‡·˚È
n 1. set of lessons ÍÛÒ
n 2. way to go ̇Ô‡‚ÎÂÌËÂ
phrase 3. of course (naturally) ÍÓ̘ÌÓ
n court (as tennis court) ÍÓÚ
n cousin ÍÛÁÂÌ
n 1. outside of a book Ó·ÎÓÊ͇
v 2. put cover on something ÔÓÍ˚‚‡Ú¸
n coward ÚÛÒ
n crab Í‡·
v crack ÚÂÒÍ‡Ú¸Òˇ
n 1. vessel ÒÛ‰ÌÓ
n 2. handiwork ÂÏÂÒÎÓ
n 1. collision ÒÚÓÎÍÌÓ‚ÂÌËÂ
v 2. shatter ‡ÁÛ¯‡Ú¸Òˇ
adj crazy ·ÂÁÛÏÌ˚È
n creature ÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó
n creek Û˜ÂÈ
v creep ÔÓÎÁ‡Ú¸
n crescent (shape) ÔÓÎÛÏÂÒˇˆ
n 1. insect ÍÛÁ̘ËÍ
n 2. sport ÍËÍÂÚ
n 1. person who commits crime ÔÂÒÚÛÔÌËÍ
adj 2. against the law ÌÂÁ‡ÍÓÌÌ˚È
n crocodile ÍÓÍÓ‰ËÎ
adj crooked ËÁÓ„ÌÛÚ˚È
n crops ÁÂÌÓ‚˚ ÍÛθÚÛ˚
n 1. a symbol of two intersecting ÍÂÒÚ
adj 2. angry ÒÂ‰ËÚ˚È
v 3. move from one side to another ÔÂÂÈÚË
phr v 4. cross out (delete) ‚˚˜ÂÍÌÛÚ¸
n crossword ÍÓÒÒ‚Ó‰
n crowd ÚÓÎÔ‡
adj crowded ÔÂÂÔÓÎÌÂÌÌ˚È
adj cruel ÊÂÒÚÓÍËÈ
v 1. flatten ‡Á‰‡‚ËÚ¸
colloq 2. a liking for someone ۂΘÂÌËÂ

cry – darkness

n 1. loud utterance ÍËÍ
v 2. weep Ô·͇ڸ
n cube ÍÛ·
n cucumber Ó„Ûˆ
n cupboard ¯Í‡Ù
v cure ‚˚Θ˂‡Ú¸
adj curious β·ÓÔ˚ÚÌ˚È
n 1. ringlet of hair Á‡‚ËÚÓÍ
v 2. form curls Á‡‚Ë‚‡Ú¸
n currency (money) ‚‡Î˛Ú‡
adj 1. topical ‡ÍÚۇθÌ˚È
n 2. moving water ÔÓÚÓÍ
n curtain Á‡Ì‡‚ÂÒ
n curve ÍË‚‡ˇ
n custom Ó·˚˜‡È
n customer ÍÎËÂÌÚ
v cut ÂÁ‡Ú¸
adj cute ÒËÏÔ‡Ú˘Ì˚È
v 1. ride ÂÁ‰ËÚ¸
n 2. circular event ˆËÍÎ
n cylinder ˆËÎË̉

abbrev dad *see father
abbrev daddy *see father
adj daily Âʉ̂ÌÓ
n 1. injury ÔÓ‚ÂʉÂÌËÂ
v 2. cause injury ÔÓ‚Âʉ‡Ú¸
adj damp ‚·ÊÌ˚È
n damper (type of bread) ÔÂÒ̇ˇ ÎÂÔ¯͇
n 1. social gathering for dancing ڇ̈
v 2. rhythmical movement ڇ̈‚‡Ú¸
n danger ÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚ¸
adj dangerous ÓÔ‡ÒÌ˚È
adj daring ÒÏÂÎ˚È
adj 1. opposite light ÚÂÏÌ˚È
adj 2. opposite fair ÚÂÏÌÓ‚ÓÎÓÒ˚È
n darkness ÚÂÏÌÓÚ‡

date – dependable

n 1. calendar ‰‡Ú‡
n 2. fruit ÙËÌËÍ
n daughter ‰Ó˜¸
n day ‰Â̸
adj dead ÏÂÚ‚˚È
adj deaf „ÎÛıÓÈ
n 1. amount ÌÂÍÓÚÓÓ ÍÓ΢ÂÒÚ‚Ó
v 2. give out ‡Á‰‡‚‡Ú¸
n death ÒÏÂÚ¸
n debt ‰Ó΄
n 1. decomposition „ÌËÂÌËÂ, ‡ÒÔ‡‰
v 2. rot „ÌËÚ¸
v deceive ӷχÌ˚‚‡Ú¸
v decide ¯‡Ú¸
n decimal ‰ÂÒˇÚ˘ÌÓ ˜ËÒÎÓ
n decision ¯ÂÌËÂ
n deck (of house) ‚Â‡Ì‰‡
v declare Ó·˙ˇ‚Ρڸ
n 1. diminution ÛÏÂ̸¯ÂÌËÂ
v 2. become smaller in number ÛÏÂ̸¯ËÚ¸
adj deep „ÎÛ·ÓÍÓ
n 1. loss ÔÓ‡ÊÂÌËÂ, ÔÓÚÂˇ
v 2. beat Ôӷ‰ËÚ¸
v define ÓÔ‰ÂΡڸ
n 1. of temperature „‡‰ÛÒ
n 2. amount ÒÚÂÔÂ̸
n 1. hold up Á‡‰ÂÊ͇
v 2. put off till later ÓÚÎÓÊËÚ¸
abbrev deli *see delicatessen
n delicatessen „‡ÒÚÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍËÈ Ï‡„‡ÁËÌ
n delight ‚ÓÒıˢÂÌËÂ
adj delightful ‚ÓÒıËÚËÚÂθÌ˚È
v deliver ÔÓÒÚ‡‚Ρڸ
n 1. urgent requirement Á‡ÔÓÒ, Ú·ӂ‡ÌËÂ
v 2. ask for with authority Ú·ӂ‡Ú¸
v demonstrate ‰ÂÏÓÌÒÚËÓ‚‡Ú¸, Û˜‡ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ú¸ ‚
n demonstration ‰ÂÏÓÌÒÚ‡ˆËˇ
n dentist ÁÛ·ÌÓÈ ‚‡˜
v depend Á‡‚ËÒÂÚ¸
adj dependable ̇‰ÂÊÌ˚È

dependant – discussion

n dependant Ëʉ˂Â̈
n depth „ÎÛ·Ë̇
v descend ÒÔÛÒÍ‡Ú¸Òˇ
v describe ÓÔËÒ‡Ú¸
n description ÓÔËÒ‡ÌËÂ
n 1. hot, dry place ÔÛÒÚ˚Ìˇ
v 2. leave ÔÓÍˉ‡Ú¸
v deserve Á‡ÒÎÛÊË‚‡Ú¸
n 1. longing Ê·ÌËÂ
v 2. wish for Ê·ڸ
v destroy ÛÌ˘ÚÓʇڸ
n destruction ‡ÁÛ¯ÂÌËÂ
n 1. minute part ‰Âڇθ
v 2. describe fully ÔÓ‰Ó·ÌÓ ÓÔËÒ˚‚‡Ú¸
n detective ‰ÂÚÂÍÚË‚
n detention (pertaining to ÓÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌË ÔÓÒΠÛÓÍÓ‚
v dial ̇·Ë‡Ú¸
n diameter ‰Ë‡ÏÂÚ
n 1. precious stone ‡ÎχÁ
adj 2. shape ÓÏ·
n diary ‰Ì‚ÌËÍ
n dictionary ÒÎÓ‚‡¸
pt v did *see do
n didgeridoo ‰Ë‰ÊÂˉÛ
v die ÛÏË‡Ú¸
n diet ‰ËÂÚ‡
adj different ‡Á΢Ì˚È
adj difficult ÚÛ‰Ì˚È
v dig ˚Ú¸
n dingo ‰ËÌ„Ó
n dinner ӷ‰
n dinosaur ‰ËÌÓÁ‡‚
n direction ̇Ô‡‚ÎÂÌËÂ
n dirt „ˇÁ¸
adj dirty „ˇÁÌ˚È
v disagree ‚ÓÁ‡Ê‡Ú¸
n disagreement ‡ÁÌӄ·ÒËÂ
n disc (round, flat object) ‰ËÒÍ
n disco ‰ËÒÍÓÚÂ͇
v discover ӷ̇ÛÊË‚‡Ú¸
n discovery ÓÚÍ˚ÚËÂ
v discuss Ó·ÒÛʉ‡Ú¸
n discussion Ó·ÒÛʉÂÌËÂ, ‰ËÒÍÛÒÒˡ

disease – drop

n disease ·ÓÎÂÁ̸
n dish ·Î˛‰Ó
n dishwasher (appliance) ÔÓÒÛ‰ÓÏÓ˜̇ˇ χ¯Ë̇
n disk (of computers) ‰ËÒÍ
n disk drive ‰ËÒÍÓ‚Ó‰
v dislike ËÒÔ˚Ú˚‚‡Ú¸ ÌÂÔˡÁ̸
v dismiss ÓÚÔÛÒ͇ڸ
n distance ‡ÒÒÚÓˇÌËÂ
v disturb ̇Û¯‡Ú¸
v dive Ì˚ˇÚ¸
v divide ‰ÂÎËÚ¸
n division ¯ÂÌËÂ
v divorce ‡Á‚Ó‰
v 1. perform ‰Â·ڸ
phrase 2. What does she do? ◊ÂÏ Ó̇ Á‡ÌËχÂÚÒˇ?
(What’s her job?)
phrase 3. How do you do? (greeting) K‡Í ‰Â·?
n doctor ‰ÓÍÚÓ
n document ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ
n dog ÒÓ·‡Í‡
n dollar ‰Óη
n door ‰‚Â¸
v double ‰‚ÓÈÌÓÈ
n 1. uncertainty ÒÓÏÌÂÌËÂ, ÌÂÛ‚ÂÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸
v 2. hesitate to believe ËÒÔ˚Ú˚‚‡Ú¸ ÒÓÏÌÂÌˡ, Ì ‰Ó‚ÂˇÚ¸
v drag Ú‡˘ËÚ¸
n dragon ‰‡ÍÓÌ
pt v drank *see drink
v draw ÚˇÌÛÚ¸
n drawer ˇ˘ËÍ
n 1. images during sleep ÒÌӂˉÂÌËÂ
v 2. imagine Ϙڇڸ
pt v dreamt *see dream
n 1. woman’s clothing Ô·ڸÂ
v 2. to put on clothing Ӊ‚‡Ú¸Òˇ
pt v drew *see draw
n 1. beverage ̇ÔËÚÓÍ
v 2. swallow liquid ÔËÚ¸
v drive ‚ÂÒÚË Ï‡¯ËÌÛ
n driveway ‚˙ÂÁ‰
n 1. small amount of water ͇ÔΡ
v 2. let fall ÛÓÌËÚ¸

drought – email

n drought Á‡ÒÛı‡
pt v drove *see drive
v drown ÚÓÌÛÚ¸
n drug ÔÂÔ‡‡Ú
n drum ·‡‡·‡Ì
n drunk (person who drinks Ô¸ˇÌˈ‡
too much alcohol)
adj dry ÒÛıÓÈ
pt v dug *see dig
adj dumb ÌÂÏÓÈ
prep during ‚ Ú˜ÂÌËÂ
n 1. dirt Ô˚θ
v 2. clean of dirt ‚˚ÚË‡Ú¸ Ô˚θ
n duster Ô˚θ̇ˇ ÚˇÔ͇
n duty (something you must do) ‰Ó΄

n eagle ÓÂÎ
n ear ÛıÓ
adj early ‡ÌÓ
v earn Á‡‡·‡Ú˚‚‡Ú¸
n earring ÒÂ¸„‡
n earth ÁÂÏΡ
n east ‚ÓÒÚÓÍ
adj easy ÔÓÒÚÓÈ
v eat ÂÒÚ¸
n echidna Âıˉ̇
n edge Í‡È, ÍÓÏ͇
v edit ‰‡ÍÚËÓ‚‡Ú¸
n education Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌËÂ
n effect ˝ÙÙÂÍÚ
n effort ÛÒËÎËÂ
n egg ˇÈˆÓ
adj either Ú‡ÍÊÂ
n elastic ÂÁËÌ͇
n elbow ÎÓÍÓÚ¸
adj 1. older than ÒÚ‡¯ËÈ
n 2. older person ÒÚ‡ˆ
n election ‚˚·Ó˚
n electrician ˝ÎÂÍÚËÍ
n electricity ˝ÎÂÍÚ˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó
n 1. Internet letter ˝ÎÂÍÚÓÌ̇ˇ ÔÓ˜Ú‡
v 2. send an Internet letter ÔÓÒ·ڸ ˝ÎÂÍÚÓÌÌÛ˛ ÔÓ˜ÚÛ

embarrass – excellent

v embarrass ÒÏÛ˘‡Ú¸
adj embarrassed ÒÏÛ˘ÂÌÌ˚È
n emigrant ˝ÏË„‡ÌÚ
n emotion ˝ÏÓˆËˇ
v employ ̇ÌËχڸ
n employee ÒÎÛʇ˘ËÈ
n employer Ô‰ÔËÌËχÚÂθ
n employment ÒÎÛÊ·‡, Á‡ÌˇÚÓÒÚ¸
adj empty ÔÛÒÚÓÈ
n emu ÒÚ‡ÛÒ ˝ÏÛ
v encourage ÔÓÓ˘ˇÚ¸
n 1. termination ÍÓ̈
v 2. finish ÍÓ̘‡Ú¸
n enemy ‚‡„
adj 1. busy Á‡ÌˇÚ˚È
adj 2. soon to be married Ó·Û˜ÂÌ
n engine ‰‚Ë„‡ÚÂθ
v enjoy ̇Ò·ʉ‡Ú¸Òˇ
adj enormous Ó„ÓÏÌ˚È
adj enough ‰ÓÒÚ‡ÚÓ˜ÌÓ
v enquire ÒÔ‡¯Ë‚‡Ú¸
v enter ‚‚ÂÒÚË
v entertain ‡Á‚ÎÂ͇ڸ
n entertainment ‡Á‚ΘÂÌËÂ
n entrance ‚ıÓ‰
n entry ‚ıÓ‰
n envelope ÍÓÌ‚ÂÚ
n environment Ò‰‡
adj equal ‡‚Ì˚È
n equator ˝Í‚‡ÚÓ
n equipment Ó·ÓÛ‰Ó‚‡ÌËÂ
n 1. an act of escaping Ôӷ„
v 2. get away Û·Âʇڸ
adv even (divisible by two) ˜ÂÚÌ˚È
n evening ‚˜Â
n event ÒÎÛ˜‡È
adj every ͇ʉ˚È
abbrev exam *see examination
n examination ÓÒÏÓÚ
n 1. illustration ÔËÏÂ
abbrev 2. e.g.
adj excellent Ô‚ÓÒıÓ‰Ì˚È

exchange – factory

n 1. act of exchanging Ó·ÏÂÌ
v 2. give up for an equivalent Ó·ÏÂÌË‚‡Ú¸
v excite ‚ÓÁ·Ûʉ‡Ú¸
adj excited ‚ÓÁ·ÛʉÂÌÌ˚È
n excitement ‚ÓÎÌÂÌËÂ
adj exciting ‚ÓÎÌÛ˛˘ËÈ
n excursion ˝ÍÒÍÛÒˡ
n 1. justification ÓÔ‡‚‰‡ÌËÂ
v 2. pardon ÔÓ˘‡Ú¸
int 3. Excuse me! »Á‚ËÌËÚÂ!
n 1. physical work ÛÔ‡ÊÌÂÌËÂ
n 2. class work ÛÔ‡ÊÌÂÌËÂ
n 3. exercise book ÚÂÚ‡‰¸
n 1. way out ‚˚ıÓ‰
v 2. go out ÛÈÚË
v expect ÓÊˉ‡Ú¸
adj expensive ‰ÓÓ„ÓÈ
n 1. thing undergone ÓÔ˚Ú
v 2. undergo ËÒÔ˚Ú˚‚‡Ú¸
n 1. science trial ˝ÍÒÔÂËÏÂÌÚ
v 2. try something ˝ÍÒÔÂËÏÂÌÚËÓ‚‡Ú¸, Ô˚Ú‡Ú¸Òˇ
v explain Ó·˙ˇÒÌˇÚ¸
n explanation Ó·˙ˇÒÌÂÌËÂ
v explode ‚Á˚‚‡Ú¸
v explore ËÒÒΉӂ‡Ú¸
adj 1. fast ˝ÍÒÔÂÒÒ
v 2. say ‚˚‡ÁËÚ¸
n 1. on face ‚˚‡ÊÂÌËÂ
n 2. in words ‚˚‡ÊÂÌËÂ
adj extra ‰ÓÔÓÎÌËÚÂθÌ˚È
n eye „·Á
n eyebrow ·Ó‚¸

n 1. part of body ÎˈÓ
phrase 2. face the front ÒÚÓˇÚ¸ ÔÂ‰
colloq phr 3. Face it! (believe it) —ÏÓÚË Ô‡‚‰Â ‚ ÎˈÓ!
n fact Ù‡ÍÚ
n factory Ù‡·Ë͇

fade – fence
v fade ËÒ˜ÂÁ‡Ú¸
v fail ÚÂÔÂÚ¸ ÌÂÛ‰‡˜Û
adj 1. not dark ÚÛÒÍÎ˚È
v 2. become unconscious ÔÓÚÂˇÚ¸ ÒÓÁ̇ÌËÂ
adj 1. just ÒÔ‡‚‰ÎË‚˚È
adj 2. light ·ÂÎÓÍÛ˚È, Ò‚ÂÚÎ˚È
adv fairly (quite) ‰Ó‚ÓθÌÓ
n fairy Ù¡
v fall Ô‡‰‡Ú¸
adj false ÎÓÊÌ˚È
adj familiar Á̇ÍÓÏ˚È
n 1. kin ÒÂϸˇ
n 2. family tree ÒÂÏÂÈÒÚ‚Ó
adj famous ËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌ˚È
n 1. great admirer ÔÓÍÎÓÌÌËÍ
n 2. equipment to blow air ‚ÂÌÚËΡÚÓ
adj far ‰‡ÎÂÍÓ
n fare (cost for trip) Ô·ڇ Á‡ ÔÓÂÁ‰
n farm ÙÂχ
n fashion ÏÓ‰‡
adj fashionable ÏÓ‰Ì˚È
adv 1. quick ·˚ÒÚ˚È
adv 2. forward in time ·˚ÒÚÓ
v 3. go without food „ÓÎÓ‰‡Ú¸
v fasten Ò‚ˇÁ˚‚‡Ú¸, ÒÍÂÔΡڸ
adj fat ÊË
n father ÓÚˆ
n fault ӯ˷͇
n favour ·Î‡„ÓÒÍÎÓÌÌÓÒÚ¸
adj favourite β·ËÏ˚È
n fax Ù‡ÍÒ
n 1. feeling of impending danger ÒÚ‡ı
v 2. be afraid ·ÓˇÚ¸Òˇ
n feather ÔÂÓ
v feed ÔËÚ‡Ú¸Òˇ
v 1. as emotion ˜Û‚ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ú¸
v 2. touch ˘ÛÔ‡Ú¸
pt v fell *see fall
pt v felt *see feel
adj female (of gender) ÊÂÌ˘Ë̇
n fence Á‡·Ó

ferry – flashing
n ferry Ô‡ÓÏ
n festival Ô‡Á‰ÌËÍ
n fever ÎËıÓ‡‰Í‡
adj few ÌÂÏÌÓ„ËÂ
n 1. where sport is played ÒÔÓÚË‚ÌÓÂ ÔÓÎÂ
n 2. open land ÔÓÎÂ
adj fierce ÊÂÒÚÓÍËÈ
n 1. battle Ò‡ÊÂÌËÂ
v 2. engage in battle Ò‡Ê‡Ú¸Òˇ
n 1. number ˜ËÒÎÓ
n 2. person ÙË„Û‡
phr v 3. figure out (understand) ‚˚ˇÒÌËÚ¸
v fill Á‡ÔÓÎÌˇÚ¸
n film ÙËθÏ
adj final Á‡Íβ˜ËÚÂθÌ˚È
v find ̇ıÓ‰ËÚ¸
adj 1. not raining ˇÒÌ˚È
adj 2. opposite thick ÚÓÌÍËÈ
adj 3. well (healthy) Á‰ÓÓ‚˚È
n finger ԇΈ
n 1. end point ÍÓ̈
v 2. end ÍÓ̘‡Ú¸
v 1. cease to employ Û‚ÓÎ¸ÌˇÚ¸
v 2. shoot ÒÚÂΡڸ
n 3. something burning Ó„Ó̸
n fireworks ÙÂÈÂ‚ÂÍ
adv first Ò̇˜‡Î‡
n first aid ÒÍÓ‡ˇ ÔÓÏÓ˘¸
n 1. water creature ˚·‡
v 2. catch fish ˚·‡˜ËÚ¸
n fishing rod ۉӘ͇
adj 1. healthy Á‰ÓÓ‚˚È
n 2. size ÔË„ÓÌ͇, ÔÓÒ‡‰Í‡
phrase 3. fit in with (match well) ÔÓ‰ıÓ‰ËÚ¸
v fix ÛÍÂÔΡڸ
n flag Ù·„
n flame ÔÎ‡Ïˇ
n flash (bright light) ‚ÒÔ˚¯Í‡
adj flashing Ò‚Â͇˛˘ËÈ, ÏË„‡˛˘ËÈ

flat – form
n 1. dwelling Í‚‡ÚË‡
adj 2. shape ÔÎÓÒÍËÈ
n flavour ‡ÓχÚ, ÔË‚ÍÛÒ
pt v flew *see fly
n flight ÔÓÎÂÚ
v float Ô·‚‡Ú¸ (̇ ÔÓ‚ÂıÌÓÒÚË)
n flood ̇‚Ó‰ÌÂÌËÂ
n 1. part of a room ÔÓÎ
n 2. level of a building ˝Ú‡Ê
n floppy disk ‰ËÒÍÂÚ‡
v flow Ú˜¸
n flower ˆ‚ÂÚÓÍ
abbrev flu *see influenza
n 1. insect ÏÛı‡
v 2. move through the air ÎÂÚ‡Ú¸
n fog (weather condition) ÚÛχÌ
adj foggy ÚÛχÌÌ˚È
v fold Ò„Ë·‡Ú¸
n folder Ô‡Ô͇
v follow ÒΉӂ‡Ú¸
n font ¯ËÙÚ
n food ‰‡
n fool ‰Û‡Í
adj foolish „ÎÛÔ˚È
n foot ÒÚÓÔ‡
n football ÙÛÚ·ÓÎ
n footwear Ó·Û‚¸
phrase 1. for us ‰Îˇ ̇Ò
phrase 2. for NSW ‰Îˇ ÕÓ‚Ó„Ó fiÊÌÓ„Ó ”˝Î¸Ò‡
phrase 3. for $5 Á‡ $5
n 1. strength ÒË·
v 2. impose on Á‡ÒÚ‡‚Ρڸ; ÔËÌÛʉ‡Ú¸
adj foreign (not native) ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚È
n foreigner ËÌÓÒÚ‡Ìˆ
n forest ÎÂÒ
pt v forgave *see forgive
v forget Á‡·˚‚‡Ú¸
v forgive ÔÓ˘‡Ú¸
pt v forgot *see forget
n fork ‚ËÎ͇
n 1. paper you fill in ‡ÌÍÂÚ‡
v 2. make ÎÂÔËÚ¸, Ôˉ‡‚‡Ú¸ ÙÓÏÛ

fortnight – funeral
n 3. shape ÙÓχ
n fortnight ‰‚ Ì‰ÂÎË
adj fortunate Û‰‡˜ÎË‚˚È
adv fortunately Í Ò˜‡ÒÚ¸˛
n 1. large amount of money ·Ó„‡ÚÒÚ‚Ó
n 2. luck Û‰‡˜‡
pt v fought *see fight
pt v found *see find
n fountain ÙÓÌÚ‡Ì
n fraction Ù‡ÍˆËˇ (‰ÓΡ)
n frame ÒÚÛÍÚÛ‡ (‡Ï͇)
adj 1. costing nothing ·ÂÒÔ·ÚÌ˚È
adj 2. unoccupied ÌÂÁ‡ÌˇÚ˚È
v 3. let go ÓÚÔÛÒ͇ڸ
n freedom Ò‚Ó·Ó‰‡
v freeze Á‡ÏÓ‡ÊË‚‡Ú¸
n freezer (appliance) ÏÓÓÁËθÌËÍ
adj frequent ˜‡ÒÚ˚È
adj fresh Ò‚ÂÊËÈ
abbrev fridge *see refrigerator
n friend ‰Û„
adj friendly ‰ÛÊÂÒÍËÈ
n fright ËÒÔÛ„
v frighten ÔÛ„‡Ú¸
phrase 1. from Sydney ËÁ —ˉÌ¡
phrase 2. from my grandmother ÓÚ ÏÓÂÈ ·‡·Û¯ÍË
phrase 3. from $10 ÓÚ $10
adj 1. opposite back ÔÂ‰ÌËÈ
prep 2. in front of ÔÂ‰
n front door Ô‡‡‰Ì‡ˇ ‰‚Â¸
n front steps Ô‡‡‰Ì˚Â
v frown ıÏÛËÚ¸Òˇ
pt v froze *see freeze
n fruit ÙÛÍÚ
adj 1. opposite empty ÔÓÎÌ˚È
adj 2. not hungry Ò˚Ú˚È
n full stop (punctuation mark) ÚӘ͇
n 1. mirthful amusement ‡Á‚ΘÂÌËÂ; Á‡·‡‚‡
colloq phr 2. make fun of (ridicule) ‚˚ÒÏ¡ڸ
n funeral ÔÓıÓÓÌ˚

funny – girl

adj 1. humorous ÒϯÌÓÈ
adj 2. strange ÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚È
n fur ÏÂı
n furniture Ï·Âθ
adj further ‰‡Î¸ÌËÈ
n future ·Û‰Û˘ÂÂ

v gamble ‡Á‡Ú̇ˇ Ë„‡
n game Ë„‡
n gaol *see jail
n garage (of house) „‡‡Ê
n garden Ò‡‰
n garlic ˜ÂÒÌÓÍ
n gas „‡Á
n gate ‚ÓÓÚ‡
v gather ÒÓ·Ë‡Ú¸Òˇ
pt v gave *see give
adj 1. happy Ò˜‡ÒÚÎË‚˚È
adj 2. homosexual „ÓÏÓÒÂÍÒۇθÌ˚È
n gender Ó‰
adj 1. usual Ó·˚˜Ì˚È
n 2. rank in army „ÂÌÂ‡Î
adv generally ‚ÓÓ·˘Â
n generosity ‚ÂÎËÍÓ‰Û¯ËÂ
adj generous ˘Â‰˚È
adj gentle ÌÂÊÌ˚È
v 1. become ÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÚ¸Òˇ
v 2. receive ÔÓÎÛ˜‡Ú¸
v 3. possess ӷ·‰‡Ú¸
v 4. arrive ÔË·˚‚‡Ú¸
v 5. obtain ‰ÓÒÚ‡‚‡Ú¸; ÔËÓ·ÂÚ‡Ú¸
phr v 6. get on with (like) ÒıÓ‰ËÚ¸Òˇ
phr v 7. get out (leave) ‚˚ıÓ‰ËÚ¸
phr v 8. get together (meet) ÒÓ·Ë‡Ú¸Òˇ
phr v 9. get up (arise) ‚ÒÚ‡‚‡Ú¸
phr v 10. get rid of (dispose of) ËÁ·‡‚ÎˇÚ¸Òˇ
n 1. huge mythical being ‚ÂÎË͇Ì
adj 2. very big „Ë„‡ÌÚÒÍËÈ
n gift ÔÓ‰‡ÓÍ
n girl ‰Â‚Ә͇

give – grain

v 1. hand to ‰‡Ú¸
phr v 2. give in (hand in) ‚Û˜‡Ú¸; ÔÓ‰‡‚‡Ú¸
colloq phr 3. give in (surrender) ÛÒÚÛÔ‡Ú¸; Ò‰‡‚‡Ú¸Òˇ
phr v 4. give out (distribute) ‡Á‰‡‚‡Ú¸
phr v 5. give up (surrender) ÓÚ͇Á˚‚‡Ú¸Òˇ; c‰‡‚‡Ú¸Òˇ
phr v 6. give up (stop as for smoking) ·ÓÒ‡Ú¸ (ÔË‚˚˜ÍÛ)
adj glad ‰Ó‚ÓθÌ˚È
n 1. window material ÒÚÂÍÎÓ
n 2. drinking vessel Òڇ͇Ì
n glasses (for eyesight) Ó˜ÍË
n glove ÔÂ˜‡Ú͇
v 1. move ˉÚË
phrase 2. go by bus Âı‡Ú¸ ‚ ‡‚ÚÓ·ÛÒÂ
phrase 3. go out with ‰ÛÊËÚ¸
phr v 4. go wrong ӯ˷‡Ú¸Òˇ
phr v 5. go on with (continue) ÔÓ‰ÓÎʇڸ
phr v 6. go well ÔÓ‰ıÓ‰ËÚ¸
phr v 7. go over (check) ÔÓ‚ÂˇÚ¸
phr v 8. go through (check) ÔÓÈÚË
phr v 9. go after (chase) „Ì‡Ú¸Òˇ
n god ·Ó„
n gold ÁÓÎÓÚÓ
adj golden ÁÓÎÓÚÓÈ
adj 1. opposite bad ıÓÓ¯ËÈ
phrase 2. vegetables are good for you Ó‚Ó˘Ë ÔÓÎÂÁÌ˚ ‚‡Ï
colloq phr 3. Good for you! œÓÁ‰‡‚Ρ˛!
int 4. Good afternoon (greeting) ƒÓ·˚È ‰Â̸
int 5. Goodbye ƒÓ ҂ˉ‡Ìˡ
int 6. Good day (greeting) ƒÓ·˚È ‰Â̸
int 7. Good morning (greeting) ƒÓ·ÓÂ ÛÚÓ
int 8. Good night (farewell) ƒÓ ҂ˉ‡Ìˡ
n 1. virtue ‰Ó·Ó‰ÂÚÂθ
int 2. My goodness! (expression √ÓÒÔÓ‰Ë!; ·ÓÊ ÏÓÈ!
of surprise)
n goods ÚÓ‚‡˚
n gossip ÒÔÎÂÚÌˇ
pt v got *see get
v govern ÛÔ‡‚Ρڸ
n government Ô‡‚ËÚÂθÒÚ‚Ó
n governor „Û·Â̇ÚÓ
v grab Á‡ı‚‡Ú˚‚‡Ú¸
adv gradually ÔÓÒÚÂÔÂÌÌÓ
n grain ÁÂÌÓ

grand – habit
adj grand ‚ÂÎËÍËÈ
n grandchild ‚ÌÛÍ
n granddaughter ‚Ì͇ۘ
n grandfather ‰Â‰Û¯Í‡
n grandmother ·‡·Û¯Í‡
n grandparent ‰Â‰Û¯Í‡ Ë ·‡·Û¯Í‡
n grandson ‚ÌÛÍ
n grape ‚ËÌÓ„‡‰
n graph ÍË‚‡ˇ; „‡ÙËÍ
n grass Ú‡‚‡
adj grateful ·Î‡„Ó‰‡Ì˚È
n grave ÏÓ„Ë·
adj great ·Óθ¯ÓÈ
n greed ʇ‰ÌÓÒÚ¸
adj greedy ʇ‰Ì˚È
adj green ÁÂÎÂÌ˚È
v greet ÔË‚ÂÚÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ú¸
n greeting ÔË‚ÂÚÒÚ‚ËÂ
pt v grew *see grow
adj grey ÒÂ˚È
n grief Ô˜‡Î¸
v grieve Ó„Ó˜‡Ú¸
v grill (cooking) „Ëθ
adj 1. total ·ÛÚÚÓ
colloq 2. disgusting ÓÚ‚‡ÚËÚÂθÌ˚È
n 1. earth ÁÂÏΡ
adj 2. bottom (as for ground floor) ÌËÊÌËÈ
n group „ÛÔÔ‡
phrase group of students „ÛÔÔ‡ ÒÚÛ‰ÂÌÚÓ‚
v grow ‡ÒÚË
n grown-up ‚ÁÓÒÎ˚È
v guard Óı‡ÌˇÚ¸
n guardian ÓÔÂÍÛÌ
v guess ‰Ó„‡‰˚‚‡Ú¸Òˇ
n guest „ÓÒÚ¸
n 1. leader ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ
v 2. show the way ‚ÂÒÚË
n guilt ‚Ë̇
adj guilty ‚ËÌÓ‚Ì˚È
n guitar „ËÚ‡‡
n gum tree ˝‚͇ÎËÔÚ
abbrev gym *see gymnasium
n gymnasium „ËÏ̇ÒÚ˘ÂÒÍËÈ Á‡Î

n habit ÔË‚˚˜Í‡

had – have
pt v had *see have
n hail (weather condition) „‡‰
n hailstorm ·Ûˇ Ò „‡‰ÓÏ
n hair ‚ÓÎÓÒ˚
n haircut ÒÚËÊ͇
adj halal ı‡Î‡Î
adj 1. equal part of ÔÓÎÓ‚Ë̇
phrase 2. half-past eight ÔÓÎÓ‚Ë̇ ‰Â‚ˇÚÓ„Ó
n hall Á‡Î
n hallway ÔËıÓʇˇ
v halve ‰ÂÎËÚ¸ ÔÓÔÓ·Ï
n hamburger „‡Ï·Û„Â
n hammer ÏÓÎÓÚÓÍ
n 1. body part Û͇
n 2. hand-out Ô˜‡ÚÌÓ Á‡ˇ‚ÎÂÌËÂ
phr v 3. hand in ‚Û˜‡Ú¸
n handbag ÒÛÏӘ͇
n handball „‡Ì‰·ÓÎ
n 1. thing that may be held ͇ۘ
v 2. touch ÚÓ„‡Ú¸
adj handsome Í‡ÒË‚˚È
n handwriting ÔÓ˜ÂÍ
v 1. suspend ÔÓ‰‚¯˂‡Ú¸
phr v 2. hang around (loiter) ÒÎÓÌˇÚ¸Òˇ
phr v 3. hang onto (hold) Ì ÓÚÔÛÒ͇ڸ
phr v 4. hang up (put receiver down) ÔÓ‚ÂÒËÚ¸ ÚÛ·ÍÛ
int 5. Hang on! (wait) œÓ‰ÓʉËÚÂ!
v happen ÒÎÛ˜‡Ú¸Òˇ
n happiness Ò˜‡ÒÚ¸Â
adj happy Ò˜‡ÒÚÎË‚˚È
n harbour „‡‚‡Ì¸
adj 1. difficult ÚÛ‰Ì˚È
adj 2. not soft Ú‚Â‰˚È
adv hardly (rarely) ‰‚‡
v harm ̇ÌÓÒËÚ¸ ‚‰
n harvest ÛÓʇÈ
n hat ¯ÎˇÔ‡
v hate ÌÂ̇‚ˉÂÚ¸
v 1. own ‚·‰ÂÚ¸
phrase 2. have a headache ·ÓÎËÚ „ÓÎÓ‚‡
phrase 3. have dinner ӷ‰‡Ú¸
phrase 4. have a hair cut ÔÓ‰ÒÚ˘¸Òˇ
phr v 5. have on (wear) ·˚Ú¸ Ó‰ÂÚ˚Ï

have to – his
phr v have to (be compelled to) ‰ÓÎÊÌ˚
pron he ÓÌ
n 1. body part „ÓÎÓ‚‡
n 2. leader ÎˉÂ
n headache „ÓÎӂ̇ˇ ·Óθ
n heading (title) Á‡„ÓÎÓ‚ÓÍ
n health Á‰ÓÓ‚¸Â
adj healthy Á‰ÓÓ‚˚È
n heap (pile) ÍÛ˜‡
v hear ÒÎ˚¯‡Ú¸
pt v heard *see hear
n heart ÒÂ‰ˆÂ
v 1. warm ÔÓ‰Ó„‚‡Ú¸
n 2. warmth ÚÂÔÎÓÚ‡
n heater (appliance) Ó·Ó„‚‡ÚÂθ
adj heavy ÚˇÊÂÎ˚È
n height ‚˚ÒÓÚ‡
pt v held *see hold
n helicopter ‚ÂÚÓÎÂÚ
int hello ÔË‚ÂÚ
n 1. aid ÔÓÏÓ˘¸
phrase 2. help yourself (serve yourself) Û„Ó˘‡ÈÚÂÒ¸
colloq phr 3. I can’t help it (I have no ˇ ÌË˜Â„Ó Ì ÏÓ„Û ÔӉ·ڸ
control over it)
adj helpful ÔÓÎÂÁÌ˚È
n hemisphere ÔÓÎÛ¯‡ËÂ
phrase 1. ask her ÒÔÓÒËÚÂ ÂÂ
phrase 2. her book  ÍÌË„‡
adv here Á‰ÂÒ¸
n hero „ÂÓÈ
v hesitate ÍÓη‡Ú¸Òˇ
n hexagon ¯ÂÒÚËÛ„ÓθÌËÍ
int hi ÔË‚ÂÚ
pt v hid *see hide
v hide ÔˇÚ‡Ú¸Òˇ
adj 1. tall ‚˚ÒÓÍËÈ
adj 2. as for musical note ‚˚ÒÓÍËÈ
phrase high-heeled shoe Ó·Û‚¸ ̇ ‚˚ÒÓÍÓÏ Í‡·ÎÛÍÂ
n high school ÒÂ‰Ìˇˇ ¯ÍÓ·
n hill ıÓÎÏ
pron him „Ó; ÌÂÏ; ËÏ ñ ÍÓÒ‚. Ô‡‰ÂÊ ÓÚ he
n hip ·Â‰Ó
v hire ̇ÌËχڸ
pron his „Ó

history – however
n history ËÒÚÓˡ
v 1. strike Û‰‡ˇÚ¸
colloq 2. winner ì„‚ÓÁ‰¸î ÒÂÁÓ̇
v hitch-hike ÔÛÚ¯ÂÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ú¸ ‡‚ÚÓÒÚÓÔÓÏ
n hobby ıÓ··Ë
v 1. grasp Òı‚‡Ú˚‚‡Ú¸
n 2. hold-up (robbery) Ó„‡·ÎÂÌËÂ
n 3. hold-up (delay) Á‡‰ÂÊ͇
int 4. Hold it! (stop) ŒÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÚÂÒ¸!
colloq phr 5. hold on (wait) ÏËÌÛÚÍÛ
n hole ÓÚ‚ÂÒÚËÂ
n holiday Ô‡Á‰ÌËÍ (ÓÚÔÛÒÍ)
adj hollow ÔÛÒÚÓÈ
adj holy Ò‚ˇÚÓÈ
n home ‰ÓÏ
adj homesick ÚÓÒÍÛ˛˘ËÈ ÔÓ ‰ÓÏÛ
n homework (school work you ‰Óχ¯Ìˇˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡
do at home)
honest ˜ÂÒÚÌ˚È
n 1. curved piece of metal Í˛˜ÓÍ
v 2. catch ÎÓ‚ËÚ¸
n 1. expectation ÓÊˉ‡ÌËÂ
v 2. wish Ê·ڸ
n horizon „ÓËÁÓÌÚ
n 1. animal part Ó„
n 2. car part ÒËÂ̇
adj horrible ÛʇÒÌ˚È
n horror ÛʇÒ
n horse ÎÓ¯‡‰¸
n hospital ·ÓθÌˈ‡
n host ıÓÁˇËÌ
n hostel Ó·˘ÂÊËÚËÂ
adj 1. very warm „Óˇ˜ËÈ
colloq 2. very good ´Í΂˚Ȫ
n hotel „ÓÒÚËÌˈ‡
n hot-plate ˝ÎÂÍÚ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ÔÎËÚ͇
n hour ˜‡Ò
n house ‰ÓÏ
n housework (domestic work) ‡·ÓÚ‡ ÔÓ ‰ÓÏÛ
adv 1. in what way ͇Í
colloq phr 2. how come? (why) Í‡Í Ú‡Í?
conj however Ӊ̇ÍÓ

huge – industry

adj huge Ó„ÓÏÌ˚È

adj 1. of people ˜ÂÎӂ˜ÂÒÍËÈ
n 2. human being ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ
n humour ˛ÏÓ
pt v hung *see hang
adj hungry „ÓÎÓ‰Ì˚È
v hunt ÓıÓÚËÚ¸Òˇ
v 1. move quickly ÚÓÓÔËÚ¸Òˇ
colloq phr 2. hurry up ÔÓÚÓÓÔËÚÂÒ¸!
v 1. injure ÔÓ‚‰ËÚ¸
adj 2. wounded ‡ÌÂÌ˚È
n hut ıËÊË̇

pron I ˇ
n ice Ή
n ice-cream ÏÓÓÊÂÌÓÂ
adj ideal ˉ‡θÌ˚È
conj if ÂÒÎË
adj ill ·ÓθÌÓÈ
adj illegal ÌÂÁ‡ÍÓÌÌ˚È
n illness ·ÓÎÂÁ̸
n illustration ËÎβÒÚ‡ˆËˇ
v imagine ‚ÓÓ·‡Ê‡Ú¸
adj immediate ÌÂωÎÂÌÌ˚È
adv immediately ÌÂωÎÂÌÌÓ
n immigrant ËÏÏË„‡ÌÚ
adj important ‚‡ÊÌ˚È
adj impossible Ì‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌ˚È
v improve ÛÎÛ˜¯‡Ú¸
prep 1. indicates enclosed place ‚
phrase 2. in Australia ‚ ¿‚ÒÚ‡ÎËË
phrase 3. in January ‚ ˇÌ‚‡Â
phrase 4. in English ÔÓ-‡Ì„ÎËÈÒÍË
phrase 5. in pencil ͇‡Ì‰‡¯ÓÏ
phrase 6. in love ‚β·ÎÂÌÌ˚È ‚
phrase 7. in danger ‚ ÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚË
phrase 8. in time (not late) ‚Ó‚ÂÏˇ
v include ‚Íβ˜‡Ú¸
n income ‰ÓıÓ‰
adj incorrect ÌÂÔ‡‚ËθÌ˚È
v increase Û‚Â΢˂‡Ú¸
n index Ë̉ÂÍÒ
adj indoor ‰Óχ¯ÌËÈ
n industry ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸

infect – is
v infect Á‡‡Ê‡Ú¸
n infection ËÌÙÂÍˆËˇ
v influence ‚Îˡڸ
n influenza „ËÔÔ
v inform ÒÓÓ·˘‡Ú¸
n information ËÌÙÓχˆËˇ
prep in front of ‚ÔÂ‰Ë
v inhabit Ó·ËÚ‡Ú¸
n inhabitant ÊËÚÂθ
adj 1. first ̇˜‡Î¸Ì˚È
n 2. first letter of name ËÌˈˇÎ
n injection ‚‚‰ÂÌËÂ
v injure ‡ÌËÚ¸
n injury ‡Ì‡
adj inner ‚ÌÛÚÂÌÌËÈ
adj innocent Ì‚ËÌÌ˚È
n insect ̇ÒÂÍÓÏÓÂ
v insert ‚ÒÚ‡‚Ρڸ
prep inside ‚ÌÛÚË
v insist ̇Òڇ˂‡Ú¸
n 1. moment Ï„ÌÓ‚ÂÌËÂ
adj 2. immediate ÌÂωÎÂÌÌ˚È
adv instead ‚ÏÂÒÚÓ ˝ÚÓ„Ó
v instruct Û˜ËÚ¸
n instruction Ó·Û˜ÂÌËÂ
n instrument (musical) ËÌÒÚÛÏÂÌÚ
n insurance ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚‡ÌËÂ
adj intelligent ÛÏÌ˚È
v intend Ô‰̇Á̇˜ËÚ¸
n interest ËÌÚÂÂÒ
adj interested Á‡ËÌÚÂÂÒÓ‚‡ÌÌ˚È
adj interesting ËÌÚÂÂÒÌ˚È
n Internet ËÌÚÂÌÂÚ
v interrupt ÔÂ˚‚‡Ú¸
n intersection ÔÂÂÍÂÒÚÓÍ
n interview ËÌÚÂ‚¸˛
prep into ‚
v introduce Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚Ρڸ
n introduction (of a book) ‚‚‰ÂÌËÂ
v invent ËÁÓ·ÂÚ‡Ú¸
n invitation Ô˄·¯ÂÌËÂ
v invite Ô˄·¯‡Ú¸
n 1. metal ÊÂÎÂÁÓ
n 2. household appliance ÛÚ˛„
v 3. as for clothing „·‰ËÚ¸
prt v is *see be

island – keyboard

n island ÓÒÚÓ‚
pron 1. subject ÓÌ; Ó̇; ÓÌÓ
pron 2. object ˝ÚÓ
pron its (possessive) „Ó

n jacket ʇÍÂÚ
n jail Ú˛¸Ï‡
n jar ·‡Ì͇
adj jealous ‚ÌË‚˚È
n jeans ‰ÊËÌÒ˚
n jet ‡ÍÚË‚Ì˚È Ò‡ÏÓÎÂÚ
n jewel ‰‡„ÓˆÂÌÌ˚È Í‡ÏÂ̸
n jewellery ‰‡„ÓˆÂÌÌÓÒÚË
n job ‡·ÓÚ‡
v jog ·Â„‡Ú¸ ÚÛÒˆÓÈ
n jogger ·Â„ÛÌ
v 1. unite Ó·˙‰ËÌˇÚ¸
v 2. as a club ÒÚ‡Ú¸ ˜ÎÂÌÓÏ ÍÎÛ·‡
adj joint Ó·˙‰ËÌÂÌÌ˚È
n joke ¯ÛÚ͇
n journey ÔÓÂÁ‰Í‡
n joy ‡‰ÓÒÚ¸
n 1. person in court ÒÛ‰¸ˇ
v 2. make a decision about ‚˚ÌÓÒËÚ¸ ÔË„Ó‚Ó
n judgment ¯ÂÌËÂ
n judo ‰Á˛‰Ó
n juice ÒÓÍ
v jump Ô˚„‡Ú¸
n jumper (clothing) ‰ÊÂÏÔÂ
adv 1. only ÚÓθÍÓ
adj 2. fair ÒÔ‡‚‰ÎË‚˚È

n kangaroo ÍÂÌ„ÛÛ
v 1. hold on to Û‰ÂÊË‚‡Ú¸
phr v 2. keep away ‰ÂÊ‡Ú¸Òˇ ‚ ÓÚ‰‡ÎÂÌËË
phr v 3. keep going ÔÓ‰ÓÎʇڸ ˉÚË
phr v 4. keep out Ì ‚ıÓ‰ËÚ¸!
phr v 5. keep up ‰ÂÊ‡Ú¸Òˇ ̇ ÔÂÊÌÂÏ ÛÓ‚ÌÂ
colloq phr 6. The teacher kept us in ÔÂÔÓ‰‡‚‡ÚÂθ Á‡‰ÂÊ‡Î Ì‡Ò ‚
pt v kept *see keep
n key Í·‚˯‡
n keyboard Í·‚ˇÚÛ‡

keyring – large

n keyring ·ÂÎÓÍ
n keyword Íβ˜Â‚Ó ÒÎÓ‚Ó
v kick ÔÌÛÚ¸
colloq kid (child) χÎ˚¯
v kill Û·Ë‚‡Ú¸
n killer Û·ËȈ‡
adj 1. good hearted ‰Ó·˚È
n 2. type ÚËÔ
n kindness ‰Ó·ÓÚ‡
n king ÍÓÓθ
v kiss ˆÂÎÓ‚‡Ú¸
n kitchen ÍÛıÌˇ
n knee ÍÓÎÂÌÓ
v kneel ÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÚ¸Òˇ ̇ ÍÓÎÂÌË
pt v knelt *see kneel
pt v knew *see know
n knife ÌÓÊ
v knit ‚ˇÁ‡Ú¸
n knob ¯Ë¯Í‡
v knock ÒÚÛ˜‡Ú¸
n knot ÛÁÂÎ
v 1. understand ÔÓÌËχڸ
v 2. be acquainted with ·˚Ú¸ Á̇ÍÓÏ˚Ï Ò
phrase 3. Let me know (tell me) —ÓÓ·˘ËÚ ÏÌÂ
n koala ÍӇ·
n kookaburra ÍÛ͇·‡‡

abbrev lab *see laboratory
n label ˇÎ˚Í
n laboratory ··Ó‡ÚÓˡ
n labour ÚÛ‰
v lack ÌÛʉ‡Ú¸Òˇ
n lad Ô‡Â̸
n ladder ÎÂÒÚÌˈ‡
pt v laid *see lay
n lake ÓÁÂÓ
n lamp ·ÏÔ‡
n 1. opposite of sea ÁÂÏΡ
n 2. country ÒÚ‡Ì‡
v 3. as for plane ÔËÁÂÏÎˇÚ¸Òˇ
n language ˇÁ˚Í
n 1. body part ÍÓÎÂÌË
n 2. distance in a pool ÓÚÂÁÓÍ
adj large ·Óθ¯ÓÈ

last – less
adj 1. opposite of first ÔÓÒΉÌËÈ
v 2. endure ‚˚ÌÓÒËÚ¸
adv lastly ̇ÍÓ̈
adj late (opposite of early) ÔÓÁ‰ÌÓ
adv lately ‚ ÔÓÒΉÌ ‚ÂÏˇ
adv later ÔÓÁÊÂ
v laugh ÒÏÂˇÚ¸Òˇ
n laughter ÒÏÂı
n laundry Ô‡˜Â˜Ì‡ˇ
n law Á‡ÍÓÌ
n lawn ÎÛʇÈ͇
n lawyer ‡‰‚Ó͇Ú
v 1. as for eggs ÌÂÒÚËÒ¸
v 2. put ÔÓÎÓÊËÚ¸
adj lazy ÎÂÌË‚˚È
v 1. go first ‚ÂÒÚË
n 2. holder for a dog ÔÓ‚Ó‰ÓÍ
n leader ÎˉÂ
n leadership ÎˉÂÒÚ‚Ó
n leaf ÎËÒÚ
v leak ÔÓÚÂ͇ڸ
v 1. incline ÒÍÎÓÌˇÚ¸Òˇ
adj 2. thin ıÛ‰ÓÈ
v leap Ô˚„‡Ú¸
n leap year ‚ËÒÓÍÓÒÌ˚È „Ó‰
v learn Û˜ËÚ¸Òˇ
pt v learnt *see learn
adj least ̇ËÏÂ̸¯ËÈ
n leather ÍÓʇ
v 1. separate from ÛıÓ‰ËÚ¸
n 2. time off ÓÚÔÛÒÍ
phr v 3. leave alone ÓÒÚ‡‚ËÚ¸ ‚ ÔÓÍÓÂ
phr v 4. leave on ÓÚÔÛÒ͇ڸ ̇
phr v 5. leave out Ì ‚Íβ˜‡Ú¸
pt v led *see lead
pt v left *see leave
adj left (opposite of right) ΂˚È
adj left-handed ΂¯‡
n leg ÌÓ„‡
n lemon ÎËÏÓÌ
v lend ‰‡‚‡Ú¸ ‚Á‡ÈÏ˚
n length ‰ÎË̇
pt v lent *see lend
adv less ÏÂ̸¯Â

lesson – lizard
n lesson ÛÓÍ
v 1. allow ÔÓÁ‚ÓΡڸ
v 2. rent Ò‰‡‚‡Ú¸ ‚̇ÂÏ
n 1. as of alphabet ·ÛÍ‚‡
n 2. correspondence ÔËÒ¸ÏÓ
n letterbox ÔÓ˜ÚÓ‚˚È ˇ˘ËÍ
n lettuce ҇·Ú
adj level Ó‚Ì˚È
n liar ΄ÛÌ
n library ·Ë·ÎËÓÚÂ͇
n licence Ô‡‚‡
v lick ÎËÁ‡Ú¸
n lid Í˚¯Í‡
v 1. tell untruths ΄‡Ú¸
phr v 2. lie down ÎÓÊËÚ¸Òˇ
n life ÊËÁ̸
n lifesaver ÒÔ‡Ò‡ÚÂθ
v 1. raise ÔÓ‰ÌËχڸ
n 2. elevator ÎËÙÚ
n 3. car ride ÔÓ‰‚ÓÁ ÍÓ„Ó-ÎË·Ó
n 1. opposite of darkness Ò‚ÂÚ
n 2. as for electric light ÓÒ‚Â˘ÂÌËÂ
adj 3. not dark Ò‚ÂÚÎ˚È
adj 4. not heavy ΄ÍËÈ
n lighter (as for cigarettes) Á‡ÊË„‡Î͇
n lightning ÏÓÎÌˡ
v 1. be fond of β·ËÚ¸
prep 2. similar to ÔÓ‰Ó·ÌÓ
n limit Ô‰ÂÎ
n line ÎËÌˡ
n lip „Û·‡
n liquid ÊˉÍÓÒÚ¸
n list ÒÔËÒÓÍ
v listen ÒÎÛ¯‡Ú¸
pt v lit *see light
n litter ÏÛÒÓ
adj little χÎÂ̸ÍËÈ
v 1. exist ÊËÚ¸
adj 2. opposite of dead ÊË‚ÓÈ
n living (job) Ò‰ÒÚ‚‡ Í ÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ì˲
n living room „ÓÒÚË̇ˇ
n lizard ˇ˘Âˈ‡

load – lunch
v load Á‡„Ûʇڸ
n lobster Óχ
n 1. person from a particular area ÏÂÒÚÌ˚È ÊËÚÂθ
adj 2. pertaining to an area ÏÂÒÚÌ˚È
v lock Á‡ÔË‡Ú¸ ̇ Á‡ÏÓÍ
n log (wood) ·‚ÌÓ
n lolly ΉÂ̈
adj lonely Ó‰ËÌÓÍËÈ
adj 1. opposite of short ‰ÎËÌÌ˚È
phr v 2. long for (want) ÒÚ‡ÒÚÌÓ Ê·ڸ
phrase 3. How long?(as time) K‡Í ‰Ó΄Ó?
phrase 4. How long?(as length) K‡ÍÓÈ ‰ÎËÌ˚?
phrase 5. long ago ‰‡‚ÌÓ
n 1. glance ‚Á„Ρ‰
phr v 2. look at ÒÏÓÚÂÚ¸ ̇
phr v 3. look after Á‡·ÓÚËÚ¸Òˇ
phr v 4. look for ËÒ͇ڸ
phr v 5. look forward to ÓÊˉ‡Ú¸
phr v 6. look up to ÒÏÓÚÂÚ¸ ÔÓ˜ÚËÚÂθÌÓ
phrase 7. look like (resemble) ·˚Ú¸ ÔÓıÓÊËÏ
adj loose Ò‚Ó·Ó‰Ì˚È
v 1. opposite of find ÚÂˇÚ¸
v 2. opposite of win ÔÓË„˚‚‡Ú¸
phrase 3. she lost her mother  χڸ ÛÏÂ·
(her mother died)
n loss ÔÓÚÂˇ
pt v lost *see lose
n 1. destiny ÒÛ‰¸·‡
phrase 2. a lot of ÏÌÓ„Ó
adj loud „ÓÏÍËÈ
n lounge room ıÓÎÎ
n 1. passionate affection β·Ó‚¸
v 2. feel passionate β·ËÚ¸
adj low ÌËÁÍËÈ
n lower case ÒÚÓ˜Ì˚ ·ÛÍ‚˚
adj loyal ‚ÂÌ˚È
n luck Û‰‡˜‡
adj lucky Û‰‡˜ÎË‚˚È
n lump „Î˚·‡
n lunch ӷ‰

machine – match

n machine χ¯Ë̇
adj 1. angry ‡ÒÒÂÊÂÌÌ˚È
adj 2. insane ·ÂÁÛÏÌ˚È
colloq phr 3. mad about (loves) ÒÚ‡ÒÚÌÓ ‚β·ÎÂÌÌ˚È
n madam „ÓÒÔÓʇ
pt v made *see make
n magazine ÊÛ̇Î
n magic ‚Óί·ÒÚ‚Ó
n magpie ÒÓÓ͇
n 1. correspondence ÍÓÂÒÔÓ̉ÂÌˆËˇ
v 2. send ÔÓÒ˚·ڸ
adj main „·‚Ì˚È
v 1. manufacture ËÁ„ÓÚ‡‚ÎË‚‡Ú¸
phrase 2. make the bed ÒÚÂÎËÚ¸ ÔÓÒÚÂθ
phrase 3. make friends Á‡‚Ó‰ËÚ¸ ‰ÛÁÂÈ
phr v 4. make up (reconcile) ÔËÏËËÚ¸Òˇ
n make-up ÍÓÒÏÂÚË͇
adj male ÏÛÊÒÍÓÈ
n mammal ÏÎÂÍÓÔËÚ‡˛˘ÂÂ
n man ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ
v manage ÒÔ‡‚ÎˇÚ¸Òˇ
n manager ÏẨÊÂ
n mandarin χ̉‡ËÌ
n mango χ̄Ó
n manner (way) ÏÂÚÓ‰
n manners (pertaining to χÌÂ˚
polite behaviour)
v manufacture ËÁ„ÓÚ‡‚ÎË‚‡Ú¸
adj many ÏÌÓ„ËÂ
n map ͇Ú‡
n margin (of a book) ÔÓÎÂ
n marijuana χËıۇ̇
v 1. correct ÔÓ‚ÂˇÚ¸
n 2. numerical value for work ÓÚÏÂÚ͇
n 3. spot ÔˇÚÌÓ
n market ˚ÌÓÍ
n marriage ·‡Í
v marry ÊÂÌËÚ¸Òˇ
n mat ˆËÌӂ͇
v 1. suit ÔÓ‰ıÓ‰ËÚ¸
n 2. implement for lighting ÒÔ˘͇

mate – midday
n 3. game Ë„‡
n mate (friend) ÚÓ‚‡ˢ
n material χÚÂˇÎ
n mathematics χÚÂχÚË͇
abbrev maths *see mathematics
n 1. substance ‚¢ÂÒÚ‚Ó
phrase 2. What’s the matter? ¬ ˜ÂÏ ‰ÂÎÓ?
phrase 3. It matters a lot ›ÚÓ ËÏÂÂÚ ·Óθ¯Ó Á̇˜ÂÌËÂ
v may (allowed to) ÏÓ˜¸
adv maybe ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓ
pron me ÏÂÌˇ
n meal Ôˢ‡
v 1. intend ̇ÏÂ‚‡Ú¸Òˇ
n 2. average Ò‰Ì ˜ËÒÎÓ
phrase 3. I didn’t mean it (accidental) fl ÌÂ ıÓÚÂÎ
n meaning Á̇˜ÂÌËÂ
n means (resources) Ò‰ÒÚ‚‡
pt v meant *see mean
adv meanwhile ÚÂÏ ‚ÂÏÂÌÂÏ
v measure ÏÂ‡
n measurement ËÁÏÂÂÌËÂ
n meat ÏˇÒÓ
n meat pie ÏˇÒÌÓÈ ÔËÓ„
n mechanic ÏÂı‡ÌËÍ
n medication ÎÂ͇ÒÚ‚‡
n medicine ωˈË̇
adj medium Ò‰ÌËÈ
v meet ‚ÒÚ˜‡Ú¸Òˇ
n melon ‰˚Ìˇ
v melt Ú‡ˇÚ¸
n member ˜ÎÂÌ
v memorise Á‡ÔÓÏË̇ڸ
n memory Ô‡ÏˇÚ¸
v mend ˜ËÌËÚ¸
adj mental ÛÏÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È
v mention ÛÔÓÏË̇ڸ
n 1. list in restaurant ÏÂÌ˛
n 2. list on a computer ÏÂÌ˛
n mess ·ÂÒÔÓˇ‰ÓÍ
n message ÒÓÓ·˘ÂÌËÂ
pt v met *see meet
n metal ÏÂÚ‡ÎÎ
n method ÏÂÚÓ‰
n microscope ÏËÍÓÒÍÓÔ
n microwave (oven) ÏËÍÓ‚ÓÎÌÓ‚‡ˇ Ô˜¸
n midday ÔÓΉÂ̸

middle – moist

adj 1. central ˆÂÌÚ‡Î¸Ì˚È
n 2. centre ÒÂ‰Ë̇
adj middle-aged Ò‰ÌËı ÎÂÚ
n midnight ÔÓÎÌÓ˜¸
v 1. express possibility ÏÓ„ ·˚
n 2. strength ÒË·
n migrant ÏË„‡ÌÚ
adj mild ÛÏÂÂÌÌ˚È
n military ‚ÓÂÌÌ˚È
n milk ÏÓÎÓÍÓ
n milkbar ·‚͇
n 1. consciousness ÛÏ
phrase 2. Keep in mind »ÏÂÈÚ ‚ ‚ˉÛ
phrase 3. Never mind (don’t worry) »Ë˜Â„Ó
phrase 4. I don’t mind fl Ì ‚ÓÁ‡Ê‡˛
phrase 5. Mind the step (be careful) ŒÚÓÓÊÌÓ, ÒÚÛÔÂ̸ÍË
pron 1. possessive ÏÓÈ
n 2. underground excavation ¯‡ıÚ‡
n mineral ÏËÌÂ‡Î
n minister (government) ÏËÌËÒÚ
prep minus ÏËÌÛÒ
n 1. unit of time ÏËÌÛÚ‡
adj 2. very small ÏÂÎÍËÈ
n mirror ÁÂ͇ÎÓ
adj miserable ÌÂÒ˜‡ÒÚÌ˚È
v misplace ÔÓÎÓÊËÚ¸ Ì ̇ ÏÂÒÚÓ
n 1. woman’s title ÏËÒÒ
v 2. long for ÒÍÛ˜‡Ú¸
v 3. opposite of hit ÔÓÔÛÒ͇ڸ
adj missing ÓÚÒÛÚÒÚ‚Û˛˘ËÈ
n Missus ÏËÒÒËÒ
n Mister „ÓÒÔÓ‰ËÌ
n mistake ӯ˷͇
v misunderstand ÌÂÔ‡‚ËθÌÓ ËÒÚÓÎÍÓ‚‡Ú¸
v mix ϯ‡Ú¸
n mixture ÒÏÂÒ¸
n mobile phone ÔÓÚ‡ÚË‚Ì˚È ÚÂÎÂÙÓÌ, ÏÓ·‡ÈÎ
n 1. representation ÏÓ‰Âθ
n 2. person who shows clothes ÊË‚‡ˇ ÏÓ‰Âθ
adj modern ÒÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌ˚È
adj modest ÒÍÓÏÌ˚È
adj moist ‚·ÊÌ˚È

moment – naked
n moment ÏÓÏÂÌÚ
n money ‰Â̸„Ë
n monitor (computer) ÏÓÌËÚÓ
n month ÏÂÒˇˆ
n mood (frame of mind) ̇ÒÚÓÂÌËÂ
n moon ÎÛ̇
adj moral ÏÓ‡Î¸Ì˚È
adv more ·Óθ¯Â
n morning ÛÚÓ
n mosque ϘÂÚ¸
adj most ̇˷Óθ¯ËÈ
n mother χڸ
n motor ‰‚Ë„‡ÚÂθ
n motor bike ÏÓÚÓˆËÍÎ
n motor scooter ÒÍÛÚÂ
n 1. animal Ï˚¯¸
n 2. computer part Ï˚¯Í‡
phrase mouse button (computer) ÍÌÓÔ͇ Ï˚¯ÍË
n mousepad ÍÓ‚ËÍ ‰Îˇ Ï˚¯ÍË
n moustache ÛÒ˚
n mouth ÓÚ
v move ‰‚Ë„‡Ú¸
n movement ‰‚ËÊÂÌËÂ
n movie ÍËÌÓÙËθÏ
abbrev Mr *see Mister
abbrev Mrs *see Missus
n Ms „ÓÒÔÓʇ
adv much ÏÌÓ„Ó
adj multicultural ÏÌÓ„Ó̇ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚È
n multiplication ÛÏÌÓÊÂÌËÂ
v multiply ÛÏÌÓʇڸ
abbrev mum *see mother
n 1. unlawful killing Û·ËÈÒÚ‚Ó
v 2. kill unlawfully Û·Ë‚‡Ú¸
n muscle ÏÛÒÍÛÎ
n mushroom „Ë·
n music ÏÛÁ˚͇
v must ‰ÓÎÊÂÌ
pron my ÏÓÈ
n mystery Ú‡È̇

n nag ‚Ó˜‡ÌËÂ
n 1. body part ÌÓ„ÓÚ¸
n 2. metal spike „‚ÓÁ‰¸
adj naked „ÓÎ˚È

name – nobody
n 1. title Á‡„ÓÎÓ‚ÓÍ
phrase 2. given name ËÏˇ
phrase 3. family name Ù‡ÏËÎˡ
adj narrow ÛÁÍËÈ
adj nasty ÔÓÚË‚Ì˚È
n nation ̇ˆËˇ
adj nationality ̇ˆËÓ̇θ̇ˇ ÔË̇‰ÎÂÊÌÓÒÚ¸
adj native Ó‰ÌÓÈ
n 1. person’s character ı‡‡ÍÚÂ
n 2. environment ÔËÓ‰‡
prep near ÓÍÓÎÓ
adv nearby ÔÓ·ÎËÁÓÒÚË
adv nearly ÔÓ˜ÚË
adj neat ÓÔˇÚÌ˚È
adj necessary ÌÂÓ·ıÓ‰ËÏ˚È
n neck ¯Âˇ
v need ÌÛʉ‡Ú¸Òˇ
n needle ˄·
n 1. film Ì„‡ÚË‚
adj 2. opposite of positive ÓÚˈ‡ÚÂθÌ˚È
v neglect ÔÂÌ·„‡Ú¸
n neighbour ÒÓÒ‰
adv neither ÌË͇ÍÓÈ
n nerve ÌÂ‚
adj nervous ‚ÓÁ·ÛʉÂÌÌ˚È
n nest „ÌÂÁ‰Ó
n 1. trap ÒÂÚ¸
n 2. sport equipment ÒÂÚ͇
abbrev Net *see Internet
n netball (game) ÌÂÚ·ÓÎ
adv never ÌËÍÓ„‰‡
adj new ÌÓ‚˚È
n newspaper „‡ÁÂÚ‡
adv 1. after this Á‡ÚÂÏ
adj 2. following ÒÎÂ‰Û˛˘ËÈ
phrase 3. next door ÔÓ ÒÓÒ‰ÒÚ‚Û
adj nice ıÓÓ¯ËÈ
n night ÌÓ˜¸
n nightclub ÌÓ˜ÌÓÈ ÍÎÛ·
n night dress ‚˜ÂÌ Ô·ڸÂ
int 1. opposite yes ÌÂÚ
det 2. not at all ÌËÒÍÓθÍÓ
pron nobody ÌËÍÚÓ

nocturnal – obvious
adj nocturnal ÌÓ˜ÌÓÈ
v nod ÍË‚‡Ú¸
n noise ¯ÛÏ
adv noisily ¯ÛÏÌÓ
adj noisy ¯ÛÏÌ˚È
pron none ÌË Ó‰ËÌ
n noon ÔÓΉÂ̸
pron no-one ÌËÍÚÓ
conj nor ÌË
adj normal ÌÓχθÌ˚È
n north Ò‚Â
n nose ÌÓÒ
n nosebleed ÍÓ‚ÓÚ˜ÂÌË ËÁ ÌÓÒÛ
adv not ÌÂÚ
n 1. money ·‡ÌÍÌÓÚ‡
n 2. short piece of writing Á‡ÔËÒ͇
phrase 3. take note (be careful) ÒÏÓÚËÚÂ
phrase 4. take notes Á‡ÔËÒ˚‚‡Ú¸
pron nothing Ì˘ÚÓ
n notice ۂ‰ÓÏÎÂÌËÂ
n notice board ‰ÓÒ͇ ‰Îˇ Ó·˙ˇ‚ÎÂÌËÈ
n novel ÓχÌ
adv now ÚÂÔÂ¸
adv nowadays ‚ ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘Â ‚ÂÏˇ
adv nowhere ÌË„‰Â
adj nude „ÓÎ˚È
n 1. numeral ˆËÙ‡
v 2. count Ò˜ËÚ‡Ú¸
phrase 3. a number of ÌÂÒÍÓθÍÓ
abbrev 4. no.
n nurse ωÒÂÒÚ‡
n 1. fruit ÓÂı
colloq 2. mad person ÒÛχү‰¯ËÈ
n nutrition ÔËÚ‡ÌËÂ

adj obedient ÔÓÒÎÛ¯Ì˚È
v obey ÔÓ‚ËÌÓ‚‡Ú¸Òˇ
n 1. thing Ô‰ÏÂÚ
n 2. aim ˆÂθ
v 3. be against ‚ÓÁ‡Ê‡Ú¸
n objection ‚ÓÁ‡ÊÂÌËÂ
v obtain ÔÓÎÛ˜‡Ú¸
adj obvious Ә‚ˉÌ˚È

occasion – only
n occasion ÒÎÛ˜‡È
adv occasionally ËÌÓ„‰‡
n occupation ÔÓÙÂÒÒˡ
n ocean Ó͇Ì
adv o’clock ˜‡Ò
adj 1. strange ÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚È
phrase 2. odd number ̘ÂÚÌÓ ˜ËÒÎÓ
prep of ËÁ
int of course ÍÓ̘ÌÓ
adv 1. away from ‰‡ÎÂÍÓ
prep 2. opposite on ÓÚÍβ˜ÂÌ
colloq phr 3. Off you go! ƒ‚Ë„‡ÈÚÂÒ¸!
n offence ̇Û¯ÂÌËÂ
n 1. proposal Ô‰ÎÓÊÂÌËÂ
v 2. present for approval Ô‰·„‡Ú¸
n office ÓÙËÒ
n officer ˜ËÌÓ‚ÌËÍ
adj official ‰ÓÎÊÌÓÒÚÌÓ ÎˈÓ
adv often ˜‡ÒÚÓ
int oh! Ó!
n 1. of petroleum ÌÂÙÚ¸
v 2. grease ÊË
int okay ıÓÓ¯Ó
adj 1. opposite new ÒÚ‡˚È
adj 2. opposite young ÒÚ‡˚È
n old age ÒÚ‡ÓÒÚ¸
adj old-fashioned ÒÚ‡ÓÏÓ‰Ì˚È
prep 1. representing location ̇
adj 2. opposite off ‚Íβ˜ÂÌ
phrase 3. on fire „Óˇ˘ËÈ
phrase 4. on foot Ô¯ÍÓÏ
phrase 5. on time ‚Ó‚ÂÏˇ
phrase 6. on holidays ‚ ÓÚÔÛÒÍÂ
phrase 7. on the left Ò΂‡
phrase 8. on the right ÒÔ‡‚‡
phrase 9. on top Ò‚ÂıÛ
adv 1. one time Ӊ̇ʉ˚
phrase 2. at once Ò‡ÁÛ
phrase 3. once a week Ó‰ËÌ ‡Á ‚ ̉Âβ
adj one Ó‰ËÌ
n onion ÎÛÍ
adv only ÚÓθÍÓ

open – overcrowded
adj 1. opposite of closed ÓÚÍ˚Ú˚È
phrase 2. in the open (outside) Ò̇ÛÊË
n opening ÓÚÍ˚ÚËÂ
v 1. work ‡·ÓÚ‡Ú¸
v 2. carry out surgery ÓÔÂËÓ‚‡Ú¸
n operation ÓÔÂ‡ˆËˇ
n opinion ÏÌÂÌËÂ
n opportunity ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸
v oppose ‚˚ÒÚÛÔËÚ¸ ÔÓÚË‚
n opposite ̇ÔÓÚË‚
adj 1. colour Ó‡ÌÊ‚˚È
n 2. fruit ‡ÔÂθÒËÌ
n orchestra ÓÍÂÒÚ
n 1. numerical sequence ÔÓˇ‰ÓÍ
n 2. direction for a supply Á‡Í‡Á
v 3. put in sequence ‡ÒÔ‰ÂÎËÚ¸
v 4. arrange supply of Á‡Í‡Á˚‚‡Ú¸
adj ordinary Ó·˚˜Ì˚È
n 1. musical instrument Ó„‡Ì
n 2. body part Ó„‡Ì
n organisation Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËˇ
v organise Ó„‡ÌËÁÓ‚˚‚‡Ú¸
n origin ÔÓËÒıÓʉÂÌËÂ
pron other ‰Û„ÓÈ
conj otherwise Ë̇˜Â
pron our ̇¯
adv 1. opposite in ‚ÌÂ
prep 2. out of ËÁ
phrase 3. Lights out! Œ„ÌË ÔÓ„‡ÒËÚ¸!
phrase 4. made out of ҉·ÌÌ˚È ËÁ
phrase 5. out of bounds ‚Ì Ô‰ÂÎÓ‚
phrase 6. out of date ÛÒÚ‡‚¯ËÈ
phrase 7. out of order Ì ‚ ÔÓˇ‰ÍÂ
phrase 8. out of work ·ÂÁ ‡·ÓÚ˚
adv outside ‚ÌÂ; Á‡
adj oval (shape) Ó‚‡Î¸Ì˚È
adv 1. finished Á‡ÍÓ̘ÂÌÓ
prep 2. pertaining to location ̇‰
phrase 3. over and over ÏÌÓ„Ó ‡Á; cÌÓ‚‡ Ë ÒÌÓ‚‡
phrase 4. over there Ú‡Ï
phrase 5. fall over ÓÔÓÍˉ˚‚‡Ú¸Òˇ
adj overcrowded ÔÂÂÔÓÎÌÂÌÌ˚È

overdo – pass
v overdo ÔÂÂÛÒÂ‰ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ú¸
adj overdue ÔÓÒÓ˜ÂÌÌ˚È
n overhead projector ÔÓ‰‚ÂÒÌÓÈ ÔÓÂÍÚÓ
v overhear ÔÓ‰ÒÎۯ˂‡Ú¸
adj overnight ‚ÌÂÁ‡ÔÌÓ
adv overseas Á‡ „‡ÌˈÂÈ
v oversleep ÔÓÒÔ‡Ú¸
v overtake ‰Ó„ÓÌˇÚ¸
v owe ·˚Ú¸ ‰ÓÎÊÌ˚Ï
phrase owing to (due to) ‚ÒΉÒÚ‚ËÂ
v 1. have ‚·‰ÂÚ¸
phrase 2. his own money Ò‚ÓË ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ ‰Â̸„Ë
n owner ‚·‰ÂΈ
n oxygen ÍËÒÎÓÓ‰

v pack ÛÔ‡ÍÓ‚˚‚‡Ú¸
phrase pack of cards ÍÓÎÓ‰‡ ͇Ú
n packet Ô‡ÍÂÚ
n pad (as note-pad) ·ÎÓÍÌÓÚ
n paddock Á‡„ÓÌ
n page ÒÚ‡Ìˈ‡
pt v paid *see pay
n pain ·Óθ
v paint ËÒÓ‚‡Ú¸
n painting ÊË‚ÓÔËÒ¸
n pair Ô‡‡
adj pale ·Î‰Ì˚È
n pan ͇ÒÚ˛Îˇ
n pants ¯Ú‡Ì˚
n pantyhose ÍÓ΄ÓÚÍË
n paper ·Ûχ„‡
n paragraph Ô‡‡„‡Ù
adj parallel Ô‡‡ÎÎÂθÌ˚È
n parallelogram Ô‡‡ÎÎÂÎÓ„‡Ï
n parent Ó‰ËÚÂθ
n 1. green space Ô‡Í
v 2. as a car ÒÚ‡‚ËÚ¸ ̇ ÒÚÓˇÌÍÛ
n part ˜‡ÒÚ¸
n participle (grammar) Ô˘‡ÒÚËÂ
adj particular ÒÔˆËÙ˘ÂÒÍËÈ
n partner Ô‡ÚÌÂ
adj part-time ˜‡ÒÚ˘ÌÓ Á‡ÌˇÚ˚È
n party (gathering) ‚˜ÂËÌ͇
v 1. go by ÔÓıÓ‰ËÚ¸
v 2. opposite of fail Ò‰‡‚‡Ú¸

passage – persuade
v 3. hand over ÔÂ‰‡‚‡Ú¸
n 4. train pass ÊÂÎÂÁÌÓ‰ÓÓÊÌ˚È ·ËÎÂÚ
n passage ÔÓıÓ‰
n passenger Ô‡ÒÒ‡ÊË
n passport Ô‡ÒÔÓÚ
n 1. time gone by ÔÓ¯ÎÓÂ
phrase 2. walk past ÔÓÈÚË ÏËÏÓ
phrase 3. half past three ÔÓÎÓ‚Ë̇ ˜ÂÚ‚ÂÚÓ„Ó
phrase 4. past tense Ôӯ‰¯Â ‚ÂÏˇ
n pasta Ô‡ÒÚ‡
n 1. glue ÍÎÂÈ
v 2. stick with paste ÒÍÎÂË‚‡Ú¸
n path ÚÓÔ‡
n 1. a person under medical Ô‡ˆËÂÌÚ
adj 2. calm under stress ÚÂÔÂÎË‚˚È
n pause Ô‡ÛÁ‡
n paw ·ԇ
n 1. earnings Ô·ڇ
v 2. provide with money Ô·ÚËÚ¸
n pea „ÓÓ¯Ë̇
n peace ÏË
adj peaceful ÏËÌ˚È
n pen ÔÂÓ
n pencil ͇‡Ì‰‡¯
n pencil case ÔÂ̇Î
n penguin ÔËÌ„‚ËÌ
n pentagon ÔˇÚËÛ„ÓθÌËÍ
n pepper ÔÂˆ
adv per cent ÔÓˆÂÌÚ
n percentage ÔÓˆÂÌÚÌÓ ÒÓ‰ÂʇÌËÂ
adj perfect ÒÓ‚Â¯ÂÌÌ˚È
v perform ËÒÔÓÎÌˇÚ¸
n perfume ‰ÛıË
adv perhaps ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓ
n 1. school day division ÛÓÍ
n 2. pertaining to menstruation ÏÂÌÒÚÛ‡ˆËˇ
n 3. amount of time ÒÓÍ
n permission ‡Á¯ÂÌËÂ
n 1. licence ‡Á¯ÂÌËÂ
v 2. allow ‡Á¯‡Ú¸
n person ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ
v persuade Û·Âʉ‡Ú¸

pet – plate
n pet ‰Óχ¯Ì ÊË‚ÓÚÌÓÂ
n petrol ·ÂÌÁËÌ
abbrev phone *see telephone
n photocopy ÙÓÚÓÍÓÔˡ
n 1. picture ÙÓÚÓ„‡Ùˡ
v 2. take a picture ÙÓÚÓ„‡ÙËÓ‚‡Ú¸
n phrase Ù‡Á‡
adj physical ÙËÁ˘ÂÒÍËÈ
n pianist ÔˇÌËÒÚ
n piano ÙÓÚÂÔ¸ˇÌÓ
v 1. choose ‚˚·Ë‡Ú¸
colloq phr 2. pick on (bully) ‰‡ÁÌËÚ¸
colloq phr 3. pick up some English ̇ı‚‡Ú‡Ú¸Òˇ ÌÂÏÌÓ„Ó ‡Ì„ÎËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ˇÁ˚͇
phrase 4. take your pick ‚˚·Ë‡ÈÚÂ
n picnic ÔËÍÌËÍ
n picture ͇ÚË̇
n piece ˜‡ÒÚ¸; ÍÛÒÓÍ
n pile „Û‰‡
n pill ÔËβΡ
n pillow ÔӉۯ͇
n pilot ÔËÎÓÚ
n pin ¯Ú˚ÂÍ
n pineapple ‡Ì‡Ì‡Ò
n pipe ÚÛ·‡
n 1. shame ʇÎÓÒÚ¸
v 2. feel sorry for ʇÎÂÚ¸
n 1. location ÏÂÒÚÓ
v 2. put ÔÓÏ¢‡Ú¸
phrase 3. take place (occur) ÔÓËÒıÓ‰ËÚ¸
phrase 4. my place (home) ÏÓÈ ‰ÓÏ
n 1. field ‡‚ÌË̇
adj 2. ordinary Ó·˚˜Ì˚È
phrase 3. It’s plain (clear) ›ÚÓ ˇÒÌÓ
n 1. scheme Ô·Ì
v 2. organise Ô·ÌËÓ‚‡Ú¸
abbrev plane *see aeroplane
n planet Ô·ÌÂÚ‡
n plant ‡ÒÚÂÌËÂ
n 1. resinous substance Ô·ÒÚχÒÒÓ‚˚È
adj 2. mouldable Ô·ÒÚχÒÒ‡
n plate (household item) Ú‡ÂÎ͇

platform – pool
n 1. on station ÔÂÓÌ
n 2. for diving ‚˚¯Í‡
n platypus Ô·ÚÓÔÛÒ
n 1. drama Ô¸ÂÒ‡
v 2. have fun Á‡·‡‚ÎˇÚ¸Òˇ
phrase 3. play a game Ò˚„‡Ú¸ Ô‡Ú˲
phrase 4. play a CD ÔÓÒÚ‡‚ËÚ¸ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÍÚ-‰ËÒÍ
n playground ‰ÂÚÒ͇ˇ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Í‡
adj pleasant ÔˡÚÌ˚È
int please ÔÓʇÎÛÈÒÚ‡
adj pleased ‰Ó‚ÓθÌ˚È
n pleasure Û‰Ó‚ÓθÒÚ‚ËÂ
n plenty ÏÌÓÊÂÒÚ‚Ó
n 1. stopper Ôӷ͇
n 2. electrical ¯ÚÂÔÒÂθ̇ˇ ‚ËÎ͇
phr v 3. plug in ‚ÒÚ‡‚Ρڸ ‚ËÎÍÛ
adj 1. more than one ÏÌÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È
n 2. grammar form ÏÌÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ ˜ËÒÎÓ
prep plus ÔβÒ
n 1. pouch ͇χÌ
n 2. pocket money ͇χÌÌ˚ ‰Â̸„Ë
n poem ÔÓ˝Ï‡
n poet ÔÓ˝Ú
n poetry ÔÓ˝Áˡ
n 1. sharp end ÍÓ̘ËÍ; ÓÒÚËÂ
n 2. reason ÒÛÚ¸
n 3. numerical value ÚӘ͇
v 4. gesture with finger ÔÓ͇Á˚‚‡Ú¸
phr v 5. point out Û͇Á˚‚‡Ú¸
phrase 6. point of view ÚӘ͇ ÁÂÌˡ
v poke ÚÍÌÛÚ¸
n pole ÔÓβÒ
n police ÔÓÎËˆËˇ
n 1. substance used for shining ÔÓÎËÚÛ‡
v 2. make glossy ÔÓÎËÓ‚‡Ú¸
adj polite ‚ÂÊÎË‚˚È
n politics ÔÓÎËÚË͇
v pollute Á‡„ˇÁÌˇÚ¸
n pollution Á‡„ˇÁÌÂÌËÂ
n pool (of water) ·‡ÒÒÂÈÌ

poor – preparation
adj 1. opposite rich ·Â‰Ì˚È
adj 2. not very good ÔÎÓıÓÈ
colloq 3. pitiable ʇÎÍËÈ
abbrev pop *see popular
adj popular ÔÓÔÛΡÌ˚È
n population ̇ÒÂÎÂÌËÂ
n 1. location ÏÂÒÚÓ̇ıÓʉÂÌËÂ
n 2. viewpoint on ÚӘ͇ ÁÂÌˡ ̇
adj 1. opposite negative ÔÓÎÓÊËÚÂθÌ˚È
adj 2. sure Û‚ÂÂÌÌ˚È
v possess ӷ·‰‡Ú¸
n possession ‚·‰ÂÌËÂ
adj possible ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌ˚È
n possum ÓÔÓÒÒÛÏ
v post ÓÚÔ‡‚Ρڸ ÔÓ ÔÓ˜ÚÂ
n postage stamp ÔÓ˜ÚÓ‚‡ˇ χ͇
n postcard ÓÚÍ˚Ú͇
n post office ÔÓ˜ÚÓ‚Ó ÓÚ‰ÂÎÂÌËÂ
n poster Ô·͇Ú
n pot (container) „Ó¯ÓÍ
n potato ͇ÚÓÙÂθ
n pot plant „Ó¯Â˜Ì‡ˇ ÍÛθÚÛ‡
n pouch ϯӘÂÍ
n powder ÔÓÓ¯ÓÍ
n 1. strength ÒË·
phrase 2. in power (in charge) Û ‚·ÒÚË
adj powerful ÏÓ˘Ì˚È
phrase power point ÓÁÂÚ͇
adj practical Ô‡ÍÚ˘ÂÒÍËÈ
n practice Ô‡ÍÚË͇
v practise Ô‡ÍÚËÍÓ‚‡Ú¸
n 1. approval ÔÓı‚‡Î‡
v 2. express approval ı‚‡ÎËÚ¸
v pray ÏÓÎËÚ¸Òˇ
n prayer ÏÓÎËÚ‚‡
adj precious ‰‡„ÓˆÂÌÌ˚È
v prefer Ô‰ÔÓ˜ËÚ‡Ú¸
adj pregnant ·ÂÂÏÂÌ̇ˇ
n prejudice Ô‰۷ÂʉÂÌËÂ
n 1. state government leader ÔÂϸÂ
adj 2. leading ‚Â‰Û˘ËÈ
n preparation ÔÓ‰„ÓÚӂ͇

prepare – progress
v prepare „ÓÚÓ‚ËÚ¸Òˇ
n preposition Ô‰ÎÓ„
n prescription (doctor’s) ˆÂÔÚ
n 1. gift ÔÓ‰‡ÓÍ
v 2. give out ‡Á‰‡‚‡Ú¸
adj 3. opposite absent ÔËÒÛÚÒÚ‚Û˛˘ËÈ
phrase 4. at present (now) ÒÂȘ‡Ò
n president ÔÂÁˉÂÌÚ
n 1. media ÔÂÒÒ‡
v 2. push ̇ÊËχڸ
v pretend ÔËÚ‚ÓˇÚ¸Òˇ
adj pretty Í‡ÒË‚˚È
v prevent Ô‰ÓÚ‚‡˘‡Ú¸
adj previous Ô‰˚‰Û˘ËÈ
n price ˆÂ̇
v prick ÍÓÎÓÚ¸
n pride „Ó‰ÓÒÚ¸
adj primary ÔÂ‚˘Ì˚È
n primary school ̇˜‡Î¸Ì‡ˇ ¯ÍÓ·
n prime minister ÔÂϸÂ-ÏËÌËÒÚ
n 1. school head ‰ËÂÍÚÓ
adj 2. leading ‚Â‰Û˘ËÈ
n principle ÔË̈ËÔ
v 1. of handwriting ÔËÒ‡Ú¸ Ô˜‡ÚÌ˚ÏË ·ÛÍ‚‡ÏË
v 2. of machine Ô˜‡Ú‡Ú¸
n printer (computer) ÔËÌÚÂ
n prison Ú˛¸Ï‡
adj private ˜‡ÒÚÌ˚È
n prize ÔËÁ
n probability ‚ÂÓˇÚÌÓÒÚ¸
adj probable ‚ÂÓˇÚÌ˚È
adv probably ‚ÂÓˇÚÌÓ
n problem ÔÓ·ÎÂχ
v proceed ÔÂÂÈÚË
n process ÔÓˆÂÒÒ
n procession ÔÓˆÂÒÒˡ
n 1. yield ÔÓ‰ÛÍˆËˇ
v 2. make ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ËÚ¸
n product ËÁ‰ÂÎËÂ
n profession ÔÓÙÂÒÒˡ
n professor ÔÓÙÂÒÒÓ
n profit ÔË·˚θ
n program ÔÓ„‡Ïχ
n progress ÔÓ„ÂÒÒ

project – pyjamas

n project (as school project) Á‡‰‡ÌËÂ

n 1. assurance ӷ¢‡ÌËÂ
v 2. vow ӷ¢‡Ú¸
v pronounce Ó·˙ˇ‚Ρڸ
n pronunciation ÔÓËÁÌÓ¯ÂÌËÂ
n proof ‰Ó͇Á‡ÚÂθÒÚ‚Ó
adj proper ̇‰ÎÂʇ˘ËÈ
adv properly ‰ÓÎÊÌ˚Ï Ó·‡ÁÓÏ
n property ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸
v protect Á‡˘Ë˘‡Ú¸
n protection Á‡˘ËÚ‡
n 1. objection ‚ÓÁ‡ÊÂÌËÂ
v 2. object ÔÓÚÂÒÚÓ‚‡Ú¸
adj proud „Ó‰˚È
v prove ‰Ó͇Á˚‚‡Ú¸
v provide Ó·ÂÒÔ˜˂‡Ú¸
n pub Ô‡·
adj public Ó·˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È
n public school „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌ̇ˇ ¯ÍÓ·
phrase public transport Ó·˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È Ú‡ÌÒÔÓÚ
v 1. tug ÚˇÌÛÚ¸
phr v 2. pull down (demolish) ÒÌÓÒËÚ¸
phr v 3. pull up (stop) ÓÒڇ̇‚ÎË‚‡Ú¸
colloq phr 4. pull oneself together ‚ÁˇÚ¸ Ò·ˇ ‚ ÛÍË
n pump ̇ÒÓÒ
adj punctual ÔÛÌÍÚۇθÌ˚È
v punish ͇̇Á˚‚‡Ú¸
n punishment ͇̇Á‡ÌËÂ
n 1. eye part Á‡˜ÓÍ
n 2. school student Û˜ÂÌËÍ
adj pure ˜ËÒÚ˚È
adj purple ÙËÓÎÂÚÓ‚˚È
v 1. exert force ÚÓÎ͇ڸ
phr v 2. push in (go before your turn) ÔÓÎÂÁ‡Ú¸ ‚ÔÂ‰
v 1. place ÔÓÏ¢‡Ú¸
phr v 2. put away (pack up) Û·Ë‡Ú¸
phr v 3. put off (delay) ÓÚÍ·‰˚‚‡Ú¸
phr v 4. put on (dress in) ̇‰Â‚‡Ú¸
phr v 5. put out (as fire) „‡ÒËÚ¸
phr v 6. put up with (endure) ÏËËÚ¸Òˇ Ò
n puzzle ÔÓ·ÎÂχ
n pyjamas ÔËʇχ

pyramid – realise
n pyramid ÔË‡Ïˉ‡

v qualify (make competent) Ó·Û˜‡Ú¸
adj quality ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È
n quantity ÍÓ΢ÂÒÚ‚Ó
v quarrel ÒÒÓËÚ¸Òˇ
n quarter Í‚‡Ú‡Î
n queen ÍÓÓ΂‡
n question ‚ÓÔÓÒ
n queue Ó˜Â‰¸
adj quick ·˚ÒÚ˚È
adv quickly ·˚ÒÚÓ
adj quiet ÚËıËÈ
adv quietly ÒÔÓÍÓÈÌÓ
v quit ÔÓÍˉ‡Ú¸
adv quite ÒÓ‚Â¯ÂÌÌÓ

n 1. competition ÒÓÒÚˇÁ‡ÌË ‚ ·Â„Â
n 2. ethnicity ‡Ò‡
v 3. compete ÒÓ‚ÌÓ‚‡Ú¸Òˇ
n racism ‡ÒËÁÏ
n radio ‡‰ËÓ
n radius ‡‰ËÛÒ
n railing Ó„‡Ê‰ÂÌËÂ
n railway ÊÂÎÂÁ̇ˇ ‰ÓÓ„‡
n rain ‰Óʉ¸
n rain coat ‰Óʉ‚ËÍ
v raise ÔÓ‰ÌËχڸ
pt v ran *see run
pt v rang *see ring
n range ‰Ë‡Ô‡ÁÓÌ
v rank ÒÚÓËÚ¸ ‚ ¯ÂÂÌ„Û
adj rapid ·˚ÒÚ˚È
adj rare ‰ÍËÈ
n rash (skin eruption) Ò˚Ô¸
adv rather (to a certain extent) ‰Ó‚ÓθÌÓ
adj raw Ò˚ÓÈ
v 1. arrive at ‰Ó·Ë‡Ú¸Òˇ ‰Ó
phrase 2. out of reach (unobtainable) ‚Ì ‰ÓÒˇ„‡ÂÏÓÒÚË
v react ‡„ËÓ‚‡Ú¸
n reaction Â‡ÍˆËˇ
v read ˜ËÚ‡Ú¸
adj ready „ÓÚÓ‚˚È
adj real ‡θÌ˚È
v realise ÔÓÌËχڸ

really – republic
adv really ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚ËÚÂθÌÓ
adj rear Á‡‰ÌËÈ
n reason Ô˘Ë̇
v receive (get) ÔÓÎÛ˜‡Ú¸
adj recent ̉‡‚ÌËÈ
n recess (morning tea) ÔÂÂ˚‚
colloq reckon (think or suppose) ‰Ûχڸ
v recognise ÛÁ̇‚‡Ú¸
v record Á‡ÔËÒ˚‚‡Ú¸
n 1. story genre ÔÓ‰Ó·ÌÓ ËÁÎÓÊÂÌËÂ
v 2. narrate ‡ÒÒ͇Á˚‚‡Ú¸
v 1. get back ‚ÓÁ‚‡˘‡Ú¸
v 2. get better ÔÓÔ‡‚ÎˇÚ¸Òˇ
n rectangle ÔˇÏÓÛ„ÓθÌËÍ
adj red Í‡ÒÌ˚È
v reduce ÛÏÂ̸¯‡Ú¸
v refer ÒÒ˚Î‡Ú¸Òˇ
n referee ÒÛ‰¸ˇ
n refrigerator ıÓÎÓ‰ËθÌËÍ
n refugee ·ÂÊÂ̈
v refuse ÓÚ͇Á˚‚‡Ú¸
n region ӷ·ÒÚ¸
v regret ÒÓʇÎÂÚ¸
adj regular „ÛΡÌ˚È
adv regularly „ÛΡÌÓ
n relation (kin) Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó
n relationship Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌˡ
n relative Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌËÍ
v relax ‡ÒÒ··ÎˇÚ¸
n religion ÂÎ˄ˡ
v remain ÓÒÚ‡‚‡Ú¸Òˇ
n remark Á‡Ï˜‡ÌËÂ
v remember ÔÓÏÌËÚ¸
v remind ̇ÔÓÏË̇ڸ
n reminder ̇ÔÓÏË̇ÌËÂ
v remove Û‰‡ÎˇÚ¸
n 1. payment for accommodation ‡Ẩ̇ˇ Ô·ڇ
v 2. hire ̇ÌËχڸ
v repeat ÔÓ‚ÚÓˇÚ¸
v replace Á‡ÏÂÌˇÚ¸
v reply Óڂ˜‡Ú¸
n 1. written account ‰ÓÍ·‰
v 2. give an account ‰ÓÍ·‰˚‚‡Ú¸
n reporter ÂÔÓÚÂ
n republic ÂÒÔÛ·ÎË͇

request – ring
n 1. petition ÔÓÒ¸·‡
v 2. ask for ÔÓÒËÚ¸
v rescue ÒÔ‡Ò‡Ú¸
n 1. park Á‡Ôӂ‰ÌËÍ
v 2. keep aside ÒÓı‡ÌˇÚ¸ ‚ Á‡Ô‡ÒÂ
n resident ÔÓÒÚÓˇÌÌÓ ÔÓÊË‚‡˛˘ËÈ
n respect Û‚‡ÊÂÌËÂ
n responsibility ÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸
adj responsible ÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È
n 1. relaxation ÓÚ‰˚ı
v 2. relax ÓÚ‰˚ı‡Ú¸
n 3. remainder ÓÒÚ‡ÚÓÍ
n restaurant ÂÒÚÓ‡Ì
n rest room ÚÛ‡ÎÂÚ
n result ÂÁÛθڇÚ
n 1. arrival back ‚ÓÁ‚‡˘ÂÌËÂ
v 2. go back to ‚ÓÁ‚‡˘‡Ú¸Òˇ Í
v 3. give back to ‚ÓÁ‚‡˘‡Ú¸
phrase 4. return tickets ·ËÎÂÚ˚ ÚÛ‰‡ Ë Ó·‡ÚÌÓ
adj 1. opposite forward Ó·‡ÚÌ˚È
v 2. go backwards ˉÚË Ì‡Á‡‰
v revise ËÒÔ‡‚Ρڸ
n 1. full circle ÔÓÎÌ˚È Ó·ÓÓÚ
n 2. war ‚ÓβˆËˇ
n reward ̇„‡‰‡
n rhythm ËÚÏ
n ribbon ÎÂÌÚ‡
n rice ËÒ
adj rich ·Ó„‡Ú˚È
v rid ËÁ·‡‚ÎˇÚ¸Òˇ
v ride ÂÁ‰ËÚ¸ ‚ÂıÓÏ
adj 1. opposite wrong Ô‡‚ËθÌ˚È
adj 2. opposite left Ô‡‚˚È
adv 3. direction ̇Ô‡‚Ó
n 4. just claim Ô‡‚Ó Ì‡
phrase 5. all right (as for health) ‚ ‰Ó·ÓÏ Á‰‡‚ËË
phrase 6. all right (as for agreement) Òӄ·ÒÂÌ
phrase 7. right now (immediately) ÚÓÚ˜‡Ò ÊÂ
n right angle ÔˇÏÓÈ Û„ÓÎ
n 1. jewellery ÍÓθˆÓ
v 2. as a phone Á‚ÓÌËÚ¸

ripe – run
v 3. as a bell Á‚ÓÌËÚ¸
adj ripe ÒÔÂÎ˚È
n 1. ascent ÔÓ‰˙ÂÏ
v 2. get up ÔÓ‰ÌËÏ‡Ú¸Òˇ
n risk ËÒÍ
n river Â͇
n road ‰ÓÓ„‡
v roar ‚ÂÚ¸
n robot Ó·ÓÚ
n rock Ò͇·
n rockpool Ò͇ÎËÒÚ˚È ÍÓÎӉˆ
n rod ÔÛÚ
pt v rode *see ride
n 1. absentee list ÒÔËÒÓÍ ÓÚÒÛÚÒÚ‚Û˛˘Ëı
n 2. form of bread ·ÛÎӘ͇
v 3. move by turning over ÔÂ‚ÂÌÛÚ¸Òˇ
n roof Í˚¯‡
n room ÍÓÏ̇ڇ
n root ÍÓÂ̸
n rope ‚Â‚͇
n 1. flower ÓÁ‡
pt v 2. *see rise
adj rough „Û·˚È
adj 1. circular ÍÛ„Î˚È
phrase 2. round the corner Á‡ Û„ÎÓÏ
n 1. arrangement in a line ˇ‰
n 2. fight ·Ó¸·‡
v 3. as a boat „ÂÒÚË
adj royal ÍÓÓ΂ÒÍËÈ
v rub ÚÂÂÚ¸
n rubber ÂÁË̇
n rubbish ÏÛÒÓ
adj rude „Û·˚È
v ruin ÍÛ¯ËÚ¸
n 1. regulation Ô‡‚ËÎÓ
v 2. as a line ÎËÌÓ‚‡Ú¸
v 3. govern ÛÔ‡‚Ρڸ
n ruler (school equipment) ÎËÌÂÈ͇
v 1. move fast ·Âʇڸ
phrase 2. a river runs into the ocean Â͇ ‚Ô‡‰‡ÂÚ ‚ Ó͇Ì
phr v 3. run away from ۷„‡Ú¸ ÓÚ
phr v 4. run out of ÍÓ̘‡Ú¸Òˇ

rung – scissors
phr v 5. run over (with a car) ÔÂÂÂı‡Ú¸
n rung (of a ladder) ÒÚÛÔÂ̸͇
n runner-up Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍ ÒÓÒÚˇÁ‡Ìˡ ËÎË ÍÓχ̉‡,
phrase runny nose ̇ÒÏÓÍ
v rush ·ÓÒ‡Ú¸Òˇ

adj sad „ÛÒÚÌ˚È
adj safe ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌ˚È
pt v said *see say
n 1. part of ship Ô‡ÛÒ
v 2. cause movement of ship ˉÚË ÔÓ‰ Ô‡ÛÒ‡ÏË
using wind
n salad ҇·Ú
n salary ʇÎÓ‚‡Ì¸Â
n sale ÔÓ‰‡Ê‡
n salt ÒÓθ
adj same ÚÓÚ Ê ҇Ï˚È
n sand ÔÂÒÓÍ
n sandal ҇̉‡Îˡ
n sandwich ·ÛÚÂ·Ó‰
pt v sang *see sing
pt v sat *see sit
n satisfaction Û‰Ó‚ÎÂÚ‚ÓÂÌËÂ
adj satisfactory Û‰Ó‚ÎÂÚ‚ÓËÚÂθÌ˚È
adj satisfied Û‰Ó‚ÎÂÚ‚ÓÂÌÌ˚È
v satisfy Û‰Ó‚ÎÂÚ‚ÓˇÚ¸
n sauce ÒÓÛÒ
n sausage ÍÓη‡Ò‡
v 1. rescue ÒÔ‡Ò‡Ú¸
v 2. keep on computer ÒÓı‡ÌˇÚ¸
v 3. keep as money ˝ÍÓÌÓÏËÚ¸
n 1. tool ÔË·
pt v 2. *see see
v say „Ó‚ÓËÚ¸
n 1. covering on animals ˜Â¯Ûˇ
n 2. measuring device ‚ÂÒ˚
adj scarce ̉ÓÒÚ‡ÚÓ˜Ì˚È
n scarf ¯‡Ù
n scene ÒˆÂ̇
n scenery ÔÂÈÁ‡Ê
n school ¯ÍÓ·
n school shoe ¯ÍÓθ̇ˇ Ó·Û‚¸
n science ̇Û͇
n scissors ÌÓÊÌˈ˚
score – set
n 1. points made in a game Ò˜ÂÚ
v 2. to get points Á‡·ËÚ¸ „ÓÎ
v scream Í˘‡Ú¸
n screen ˝Í‡Ì
n screw ‚ËÌÚ
n sea ÏÓÂ
n seagull ˜‡È͇
n 1. the act of searching ÔÓËÒÍ
v 2. look for ËÒ͇ڸ
n season ÒÂÁÓÌ
n seat ÏÂÒÚÓ
n 1. unit of time ÒÂÍÛ̉‡
adj 2. after first ‚ÚÓÓÈ
adv secondly ‚Ó-‚ÚÓ˚ı
n 1. something hidden Ú‡È̇
adj 2. unknown by others ÒÂÍÂÚÌ˚È
n section ‡Á‰ÂÎ
v see ‚ˉÂÚ¸
n seed ÒÂÏˇ
v seek ËÒ͇ڸ
adv seldom ‰ÍÓ
v select ‚˚·Ë‡Ú¸
adj selfish ˝„ÓËÒÚ˘Ì˚È
v sell ÔÓ‰‡‚‡Ú¸
v send ÔÓÒ˚·ڸ
n 1. one of the five faculties ˜Û‚ÒÚ‚Ó
phrase 2. make sense (be intelligible) ·˚Ú¸ ‡ÁÛÏÌ˚Ï
adj sensible ‡ÁÛÏÌ˚È
pt v sent *see send
n sentence Ô‰ÎÓÊÂÌËÂ
adj 1. disconnected ‡Á˙‰ÂÌÂÌÌ˚È
v 2. to keep apart ‡Á‰ÂΡڸ
n sequence ÔÓÒΉӂ‡ÚÂθÌÓÒÚ¸
n series ˇ‰
adj 1. important ÒÂ¸ÂÁÌ˚È
adj 2. opposite of lighthearted ÒÂ¸ÂÁÌ˚È
n servant ÒÎÛ„‡
v serve ÒÎÛÊËÚ¸
n service Ó·ÒÎÛÊË‚‡ÌËÂ
v 1. to put in a particular place ÔÓÏ¢‡Ú¸
n 2. a group of things ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÚ

settle – short cut
phr v 3. set off (go) ÓÚÔ‡‚ÎˇÚ¸Òˇ
phr v 4. set out (put in order) ‡ÒÍ·‰˚‚‡Ú¸
phr v 5. set up (prepare) ÔÓ‰„ÓÚ‡‚ÎË‚‡Ú¸
v 1. to live in ÔÓÒÂÎËÚ¸Òˇ ‚
phr v 2. settle on (agree on) ÒÓÈÚËÒ¸
n settlement Á‡ÒÂÎÂÌËÂ
n settler ÔÓÒÂÎÂ̈
adj several ͇ʉ˚È
v sew ¯ËÚ¸
n sex ÔÓÎ
n sexism ‰ËÒÍËÏË̇ˆËˇ ÔÓ ÔÓÎÛ
n shade ÓÚÚÂÌÓÍ
n shadow ÚÂ̸
v shake ÚˇÒÚË
v shall ·Û‰ÂÚ
adj shallow ÏÂÎÍËÈ
n shame ÔÓÁÓ
n shampoo ¯‡ÏÔÛ̸
n shape ÙÓχ
n 1. portion ˜‡ÒÚ¸
v 2. divide up ‰ÂÎËÚ¸
adj sharp ÓÒÚ˚È
n sharpener ÚÓ˜ËÎÓ
v shave ·ËÚ¸Òˇ
pron she Ó̇
n sheep Ó‚ˆ‡
n 1. of paper ÎËÒÚ
n 2. of bedding ÔÓÒÚ˚Ìˇ
n shelf ÔÓÎ͇
n shell (of sea) ‡ÍÓ‚Ë̇
n shelter Û·ÂÊˢÂ
v shine Òˡڸ
adj shiny ·ÎÂÒÚˇ˘ËÈ
n ship ÒÛ‰ÌÓ
n shirt Û·‡¯Í‡
n shock Û‰‡
n shoe ÚÛÙΡ
v shoot ÒÚÂΡڸ
n 1. place to buy goods χ„‡ÁËÌ
v 2. buy goods ‰Â·ڸ ÔÓÍÛÔÍË
n shore ·Â„
adj 1. opposite tall ÌËÁÍËÈ
adj 2. opposite long ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ
n short cut ÔÛÚ¸ ̇ÔˇÏËÍ

shorts – skate

n shorts (clothing) ¯ÓÚ˚

n 1. gunfire ‚˚ÒÚÂÎ
pt v 2. *see shoot
v should ‰ÓÎÊÂÌ
v shout Í˘‡Ú¸
v shove ÚÓÎ͇ڸ
v 1. display ÔÓ͇Á˚‚‡Ú¸
n 2. as on TV ¯ÓÛ
phr v 3. show off (be pretentious) ËÒÓ‚‡Ú¸Òˇ
n 1. weather condition ‰Óʉ¸
v 2. wash oneself ÔËÌËχڸ ‰Û¯
n 3. bathroom apparatus ‰Û¯Â‚‡ˇ
v shrink ÒÊËÏ‡Ú¸Òˇ
v shut Á‡Í˚‚‡Ú¸
adj shy Á‡ÒÚÂ̘˂˚È
adj sick ·ÓθÌÓÈ
n sick bay ÍÓ‡·ÂθÌ˚È Î‡Á‡ÂÚ
n side ÒÚÓÓ̇
adv sideways ·ÓÍÓÏ
n sight ‚ˉ
n 1. information board ‚˚‚ÂÒ͇
v 2. write one’s signature ÔÓ‰ÔËÒ˚‚‡Ú¸
n signal Ò˄̇Î
n signature ÔÓ‰ÔËÒ¸
n sign language ÍËÌÂÚ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ˜¸
n silence Ú˯Ë̇
adj silent ÏÓΘ‡ÎË‚˚È
n silk ¯ÂÎÍ
adj silly „ÎÛÔ˚È
n silver ÒÂ·Ó
adj similar ÔÓ‰Ó·Ì˚È
adj simple ÔÓÒÚÓÈ
v sing ÔÂÚ¸
adj single ‰ËÌÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È
n singlet χÈ͇
n singular (grammatical) ‰ËÌÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È
n 1. tub for washing ‡ÍÓ‚Ë̇
v 2. go down ÚÓÌÛÚ¸
n Sir (respectful form of address) Ò˝
n sister ÒÂÒÚ‡
v sit ÒˉÂÚ¸
v 1. glide over the ground Í‡Ú‡Ú¸Òˇ ̇ ÍÓ̸͇ı
n 2. equipment for skating ÍÓÌÂÍ

skateboard – so
n skateboard ÒÍÂÈÚ·Ó‰
n skateboarding ͇ڇÌË ̇ ÒÍÂÈÚ·Ó‰Â
n ski Î˚ʇ
n skiing Î˚ÊÌ˚È ÒÔÓÚ
adj skilful ËÒÍÛÒÌ˚È
n skill χÒÚÂÒÚ‚Ó
n skin ÍÓʇ
v 1. jump Ô˚„‡Ú¸
v 2. pass over ÔÓÔÛÒÚËÚ¸
n skirt ˛·Í‡
n sky Ì·Ó
n slang ÒÎÂÌ„
v slap ¯ÎÂÔ‡Ú¸
n slave ‡·
v sleep ÒÔ‡Ú¸
adj sleepy ÒÓÌÌ˚È
pt v slept *see sleep
n slice ÎÓÏÚËÍ
v slide ÒÍÓθÁËÚ¸
adj slim ÚÓÌÍËÈ
n sling ͇̇Ú
v slip ÒÍÓθÁËÚ¸
n slipper (type of shoe) Ú‡ÔӘ͇
adj slippery ÒÍÓθÁÍËÈ
v slit ‡ÁÂÁ‡Ú¸
n slope ̇ÍÎÓÌ
adj 1. opposite fast ωÎÂÌÌ˚È
adj 2. behind time ÓÚÒÚ‡˛˘ËÈ
adv slowly ωÎÂÌÌÓ
adj small χÎÂ̸ÍËÈ
adj smart (clever) ÛÏÌ˚È
v smash ‡Á·Ë‚‡Ú¸
n 1. odour Á‡Ô‡ı
v 2. inhale an odour Ì˛ı‡Ú¸
n 1. facial expression ÛÎ˚·Í‡
v 2. make facial expression ÛÎ˚·‡Ú¸Òˇ
n 1. visible substance from fire ‰˚Ï
v 2. inhale a substance ÍÛËÚ¸
adj smooth „·‰ÍËÈ
n snack Á‡ÍÛÒ͇
n snake ÁÏ¡
v sneeze ˜Ëı‡Ú¸
n snow ÒÌ„
conj so (consequently) Ú‡Í

soap – sphere

n soap Ï˚ÎÓ
n soccer ÙÛÚ·ÓÎ
n society Ó·˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó
n sock (clothing) ÌÓÒÓÍ
adj 1. opposite hard Ïˇ„ÍËÈ
adj 2. opposite loud ÚËıËÈ
adv softly Ïˇ„ÍÓ
pt v sold *see sell
adj 1. three dimensional figure ÚÂıÏÂÌ˚È
n 2. matter that is not liquid or gas Ú‚Â‰Ó ÚÂÎÓ
n 1. answer ¯ÂÌËÂ
n 2. mixture (scientific) ‡ÒÚ‚Ó
v solve ¯‡Ú¸
det some ÌÂÍÓÚÓ˚Â
n somebody ÍÚÓ - ÚÓ
n someone ÍÚÓ - ÚÓ
adv sometimes ËÌÓ„‰‡
n son Ò˚Ì
n song ÔÂÒÌˇ
adv soon ÒÍÓÓ
adj 1. painful ·ÓÎÂÁÌÂÌÌ˚È
n 2. painful spot ·ÓΡ˜Í‡
phrase 3. sore throat ‚ÓÒÔ‡ÎÂÌÌÓ „ÓÎÓ
adj sorry Ó„Ó˜ÂÌÌ˚È
v sort ÒÓÚËÓ‚‡Ú¸
n soul ‰Û¯‡
n sound Á‚ÛÍ
n soup ÒÛÔ
adj sour ÍËÒÎ˚È
n south ˛„
n 1. outside earth’s atmosphere ÍÓÒÏÓÒ
n 2. room ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÒÚ‚Ó
n spade ÎÓÔ‡Ú‡
adj spare Á‡Ô‡ÒÌÓÈ
v speak „Ó‚ÓËÚ¸
adj special ÓÒÓ·˚È
n speech ˜¸
n 1. rapidity ÒÍÓÓÒÚ¸
v 2. go fast ÛÒÍÓˇÚ¸
v spend Ú‡ÚËÚ¸
pt v spent *see spend
n sphere ÒÙÂ‡

spill – starfish
v spill ÔÓÎË‚‡Ú¸
v spin ‚‡˘‡Ú¸
n spirit (soul) ‰Ûı
v spit Ô΂‡Ú¸
v splash ·˚Á„‡Ú¸
v split ‡Ò͇Î˚‚‡Ú¸
v spoil ÔÓÚËÚ¸
pt v spoke *see speak
n spoon ÎÓÊ͇
n sport ÒÔÓÚ
n sports oval ÒÔÓÚ˂̇ˇ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Í‡
n sports shoe ÒÔÓÚ˂̇ˇ Ó·Û‚¸
n 1. circular pattern ÔˇÚÌÓ
n 2. sore Ô˚˘ËÍ
n 3. place ÏÂÒÚÓ
v 4. see Á‡ÏÂÚËÚ¸
v spread ‡ÒÔÓÒÚ‡ÌˇÚ¸
n 1. season ‚ÂÒ̇
v 2. jump ‚Ò͇ÍË‚‡Ú¸
n 1. person who keeps secret ¯ÔËÓÌ
watch on others
v 2. watch ¯ÔËÓÌËÚ¸
n 1. plane figure Í‚‡‰‡Ú
adj 2. shaped as a square Í‚‡‰‡ÚÌ˚È
n staffroom Û˜ËÚÂθÒ͇ˇ
n stage ÒÚ‡‰Ëˇ
n stair ÒÚÛÔÂ̸͇
n 1. as for postage χ͇
v 2. impress a mark on ÒÚ‡‚ËÚ¸ ¯Ú‡ÏÔ
v 3. strike with foot ÚÓÔÚ‡Ú¸
v 1. take upright position ÒÚÓˇÚ¸
phr v 2. stand back ÓÚÒÚÛÔ‡Ú¸
phr v 3. stand for (signify) Á‡ÏÂÌˇÚ¸
phr v 4. stand up for (defend) ÓÚÒڇ˂‡Ú¸
colloq phr 5. I can’t stand it (I hate it) fl Ì ÚÂÔβ ˝ÚÓ
n standard Òڇ̉‡Ú
n 1. astral body Á‚ÂÁ‰‡
n 2. famous actor, singer etc. Á‚ÂÁ‰‡
adj 3. shape Á‚ÂÁ‰Ì˚È
n starfish ÏÓÒ͇ˇ Á‚ÂÁ‰‡

start – stop

n 1. beginning ̇˜‡ÎÓ
v 2. begin ̇˜Ë̇ڸ
v 1. say Á‡ˇ‚Ρڸ
n 2. political division „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚Ó
n statement ÛÚ‚ÂʉÂÌËÂ
n 1. of railway ÒÚ‡ÌˆËˇ
n 2. police station ÔÓÎˈÂÈÒÍËÈ Û˜‡ÒÚÓÍ
n statue ÒÚ‡ÚÛˇ
v stay ÓÒÚ‡‚‡Ú¸Òˇ
adj steady ÛÒÚÓȘ˂˚È
n steak ·ËÙ¯ÚÂÍÒ
v steal Í‡ÒÚ¸
n steam Ô‡
n steel Òڇθ
adj steep ÍÛÚÓÈ
n stem ÒÚ·Âθ
v 1. move using feet ¯‡„‡Ú¸
n 2. stair ÒÚÛÔÂ̸͇
phrase 3. watch your step (be careful) ÓÒÚÓÓÊÌÓ, ÒÚÛÔÂ̸͇!
n stepbrother Ò‚Ó‰Ì˚È ·‡Ú
n stepfather ÓÚ˜ËÏ
n stepmother χ˜Âı‡
n stepsister ҂Ӊ̇ˇ ÒÂÒÚ‡
v 1. fasten ÒÍÂÔΡڸ
n 2. piece of wood Ô‡Î͇
adj sticky ÎËÔÍËÈ
adj stiff ÊÂÒÚÍËÈ
adv 1. without moving ÌÂÔÓ‰‚ËÊÌ˚È
adv 2. yet ‚Ò ¢Â
v sting ʇÎËÚ¸
n 1. bad odour ‚Ó̸
v 2. smell very bad ‚ÓÌˇÚ¸
v stir ‡Áϯ˂‡Ú¸
pt v stole *see steal
n stomach ÊË‚ÓÚ
n stomach-ache ·Óθ ‚ ÊÂÎÛ‰ÍÂ
n stone ͇ÏÂ̸
pt v stood *see stand
n 1. cessation ÓÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇
v 2. halt ÓÒڇ̇‚ÎË‚‡Ú¸

store – suburb
n store ÒÍ·‰
n storey ˇÛÒ
n storm ¯ÚÓÏ
n story ËÒÚÓˡ
n stove Ô˜¸
n stove top ÔÎËÚ‡
adj 1. not crooked ÔˇÏÓÈ
adj 2. not wavy or curly (of hair) ÔˇÏ˚Â
phrase 3. straight ahead ÔˇÏÓ ‚ÔÂ‰
v straighten ‚˚ÔˇÏΡڸ
v strain Ì‡Úˇ„Ë‚‡Ú¸
adj strange ÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚È
n stranger ÌÂÁ̇ÍÓψ
n strawberry ÁÂÏΡÌË͇
n stream ÔÓÚÓÍ
n street ÛÎˈ‡
n strength ÒË·
v 1. put emphasis on ÔÓ‰˜ÂÍË‚‡Ú¸
n 2. tension ̇ÔˇÊÂÌËÂ
adj strict ÒÚÓ„ËÈ
v 1. hit Û‰‡ˇÚ¸
n 2. blow Û‰‡
phrase 3. on strike (not working) ·‡ÒÚÓ‚‡Ú¸
n string ‚Â‚͇
n strip ÔÓÎÓÒ‡
v stroke „·‰ËÚ¸
adj strong (powerful) ÒËθÌ˚È
n struggle ·Ó¸·‡
pt v stuck *see stick
n student ÒÚÛ‰ÂÌÚ
n 1. room of house ͇·ËÌÂÚ
v 2. endeavour to acquire Û˜ËÚ¸Òˇ
n 1. material χÚÂˇÎ
v 2. push Á‡ÔÓÎÌˇÚ¸
adj stupid „ÎÛÔ˚È
n style ÒÚËθ
n 1. course of study Ô‰ÏÂÚ
n 2. topic ÚÂχ
n substance ‚¢ÂÒÚ‚Ó
v subtract ‚˚˜ËÚ‡Ú¸
n subtraction ‚˚˜ËÚ‡ÌËÂ
n suburb ÔË„ÓÓ‰

succeed – survey
v succeed ÔÂÛÒÔ‚‡Ú¸
n success ÛÒÔÂı
v suck ÒÓÒ‡Ú¸
adj sudden ‚ÌÂÁ‡ÔÌ˚È
adv suddenly ‚ÌÂÁ‡ÔÌÓ
v suffer ÒÚ‡‰‡Ú¸
n sugar Ò‡ı‡
v suggest Ô‰·„‡Ú¸
n suggestion Ô‰ÎÓÊÂÌËÂ
n 1. clothing ÍÓÒÚ˛Ï
v 2. be appropriate ÔÓ‰ıÓ‰ËÚ¸
adj suitable ÔÓ‰ıÓ‰ˇ˘ËÈ
n sum (total) ÒÛÏχ
n summer ÎÂÚÓ
n sun ÒÓÎ̈Â
n sunburn Á‡„‡
n sunglasses ÒÓÎ̘Ì˚ ӘÍË
n sunhat ¯ÎˇÔ‡ ÓÚ ÒÓÎ̈‡
adj sunny ÒÓÎ̘Ì˚È
n sunscreen ÒÓÎ̈ÂÁ‡˘ËÚÌ˚È ÍÂÏ
n sunshine ÒÓÎ̘Ì˚È Ò‚ÂÚ
n 1. provisions ÔÓÒÚ‡‚͇
v 2. provide ÔÓÒÚ‡‚Ρڸ
n 1. assistance ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊ͇
v 2. provide assistance ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊË‚‡Ú¸
v suppose (assume) Ô‰ÔÓ·„‡Ú¸
adj sure Û‚ÂÂÌÌ˚È
n 1. seaswell ÔË·ÓÈ
v 2. ride a surfboard Í‡Ú‡Ú¸Òˇ ̇ ÒÂÙËÌ„Ó‚ÓÈ ‰ÓÒÍÂ
n surface ÔÓ‚ÂıÌÓÒÚ¸
n surfboard ‰ÓÒ͇ ‰Îˇ ÒÂÙËÌ„‡
n surfer ÒÂÙËÒÚ
n 1. doctor’s room ÔËÂÏ̇ˇ ‚‡˜‡
n 2. operation by doctor ÓÔÂ‡ˆËˇ
n surname Ù‡ÏËÎˡ
n 1. unexpected event Ò˛ÔËÁ
v 2. catch unprepared Û‰Ë‚ÎˇÚ¸
adj 3. unexpected ÌÂÓÊˉ‡ÌÌ˚È
v surrender Ò‰‡‚‡Ú¸Òˇ
v surround ÓÍÛʇڸ
n 1. poll ÓÔÓÒ
v 2. ask questions of ÔÓ‚Ó‰ËÚ¸ ÓÔÓÒ

survival – tame
n survival ‚˚ÊË‚‡ÌËÂ
v survive ‚˚ÊË‚‡Ú¸
n swagman ·Ó‰ˇ„‡
v swallow „ÎÓÚ‡Ú¸
pt v swam *see swim
v 1. use bad language Û„‡Ú¸Òˇ
v 2. take oath of truth ÍΡÒÚ¸Òˇ
v sweep ÏÂÒÚË
adj sweet Ò·‰ÍËÈ
n sweet corn Ò‡ı‡̇ˇ ÍÛÍÛÛÁ‡
n sweet potato Ò·‰ÍËÈ Í‡ÚÓÙÂθ
v swim Ô·‚‡Ú¸
n swimmer ÔÎӂˆ
n swimming Ô·‚‡ÌËÂ
n swimming carnival Ô‡Á‰ÌËÍ Ì‡ ‚Ó‰Â
n swimming costume ÍÛԇθÌ˚È ÍÓÒÚ˛Ï
v 1. sway ͇˜‡Ú¸Òˇ
n 2. play equipment ͇˜ÂÎË
n 1. device for turning on/off ‚˚Íβ˜‡ÚÂθ
v 2. change ÏÂÌˇÚ¸
adj swollen ÓÔÛı¯ËÈ
phrase swollen ankle ÓÔÛı¯‡ˇ ÎÓ‰˚Ê͇
n sword Ϙ

n 1. furniture ÒÚÓÎ
n 2. list Ú‡·Îˈ‡
n table tennis ̇ÒÚÓθÌ˚È ÚÂÌÌËÒ
n tablet (medication) Ú‡·ÎÂÚ͇
n tail ı‚ÓÒÚ
v 1. seize ı‚‡Ú‡Ú¸
v 2. last for (as time) Á‡ÌËχڸ
phr v 3. take away (mathematical) ‚˚˜ËÚ‡Ú¸
phr v 4. take away (remove) Û·Ë‡Ú¸
phr v 5. take away (fast food) Ôˢ‡ ̇ ‚˚ÌÓÒ
phr v 6. take off (as clothing) ÒÌËχڸ
phr v 7. take off (as plane) ‚ÁÎÂÚ‡Ú¸
n tale ‡ÒÒ͇Á
n 1. conversation ‡Á„Ó‚Ó
v 2. converse ‡Á„Ó‚‡Ë‚‡Ú¸
adj tall ‚˚ÒÓÍËÈ
adj tame Û˜ÌÓÈ

tan – terrific
v 1. sunbake Á‡„Ó‡Ú¸
adj 2. colour ÊÂÎÚÓ‚‡ÚÓ-ÍÓ˘Ì‚˚È
n tank Ú‡ÌÍ
n tap (as for water) Í‡Ì
v tape (record) ÎÂÌÚ‡
n task Á‡‰‡˜‡
v 1. sample ÔÓÔÓ·Ó‚‡Ú¸
phrase 2. the food tastes good ‚ÍÛÒ̇ˇ ‰‡
adj tasty ‚ÍÛÒÌ˚È
pt v taught *see teach
n tax ̇ÎÓ„
n taxi Ú‡ÍÒË
n 1. beverage ˜‡È
n 2. dinner ÛÊËÌ
v teach ÔÂÔÓ‰‡‚‡Ú¸
n teacher ÔÂÔÓ‰‡‚‡ÚÂθ
n teacher’s aide ÔÓÏÓ˘ÌËÍ ÔÂÔÓ‰‡‚‡ÚÂΡ
n team „ÛÔÔ‡
v 1. rip ‡Á˚‚‡Ú¸
n 2. liquid from the eye ÒÎÂÁ‡
v tease ‰‡ÁÌËÚ¸
n technology ÚÂıÌË͇
n teenager ÔÓ‰ÓÒÚÓÍ
n 1. device for phoning ÚÂÎÂÙÓÌ
v 2. ring Á‚ÓÌËÚ¸
n telephone booth ÚÂÎÂÙÓÌ̇ˇ ·Û‰Í‡
n telescope ÚÂÎÂÒÍÓÔ
n 1. receiver for broadcasts ÚÂ΂ËÁÓ
abbrev 2. TV
v tell ÒÓÓ·˘‡Ú¸
n temper Ì‡‚
n temperature ÚÂÏÔÂ‡ÚÛ‡
n temple ı‡Ï
adj temporary ‚ÂÏÂÌÌ˚È
n tennis ÚÂÌÌËÒ
n tent ԇ·Ú͇
n 1. a period of time ÒÓÍ
n 2. a naming word ÚÂÏËÌ
adj terrible ÛʇÒÌ˚È
adj terrific ÔÓÚˇÒ‡˛˘ËÈ

test – tie

n 1. examination ˝ÍÁ‡ÏÂÌ
v 2. check ˝ÍÁ‡ÏÂÌÓ‚‡Ú¸
n text ÚÂÍÒÚ
v 1. express appreciation ·Î‡„Ó‰‡ËÚ¸
phrase 2. give thanks ·Î‡„Ó‰‡ËÚ¸
int 3. thank you (polite expression ÒÔ‡ÒË·Ó
of gratitude)
pron 1. indicator of person or thing ÚÓÚ
conj 2. used as subject of relative ÚÓ
det the ÓÔ‰ÂÎÂÌÌ˚È ‡ÚËÍθ
n theatre Ú‡Ú
pron their Ëı
pron them ËÏ
adv then ÚÓ„‰‡
adv there Ú‡Ï
conj therefore ÔÓ˝ÚÓÏÛ
n thermometer ÚÂÏÓÏÂÚ
pron they ÓÌË
adj thick ÚÓÎÒÚ˚È
n thief ‚Ó
adj thin ÚÓÌÍËÈ
v think ‰Ûχڸ
n thong (footwear) ‚¸ÂÚ̇Ï͇
n 1. idea Ï˚Òθ
pt v 2. *see think
n 1. cotton ÌËÚ͇
v 2. put through eye of needle ÔӉ‚‡Ú¸ ÌËÚÍÛ ‚ Ë„ÓÎÍÛ
pt v threw *see throw
prep through (from one side to ˜ÂÂÁ
v throw ·ÓÒ‡Ú¸
n thumb ·Óθ¯ÓÈ Ô‡Îˆ
n thunder „ÓÏ
n thunderstorm „ÓÁ‡
adv thus Ú‡ÍËÏ Ó·‡ÁÓÏ
v tick (indicate correctness) ÓÚϘ‡Ú¸ „‡ÎÓ˜ÍÓÈ
n ticket ·ËÎÂÚ
n tide Ú˜ÂÌËÂ
adj tidy ÓÔˇÚÌ˚È
n 1. clothing „‡ÎÒÚÛÍ
v 2. fasten Á‡‚ˇÁ˚‚‡Ú¸
n 3. equal place Ì˘¸ˇ
tight – town
adj tight ÔÎÓÚÌ˚È
v tilt ̇ÍÎÓÌˇÚ¸
n 1. measurement of duration ‚ÂÏˇ
phrase 2. in time (not late) Ò‚Ó‚ÂÏÂÌÌÓ
phrase 3. on time (at the appointed time) ‚Ó‚ÂÏˇ
phrase 4. at times ‚ÂÏˇ ÓÚ ‚ÂÏÂÌË
phrase 5. a good time ÔÓ‚ÂÒÚË ‚ÂÏˇ ıÓÓ¯Ó
phrase 6. take your time (don’t rush) ÌÂ ÚÓÓÔËÚÂÒ¸
phrase 7. What’s the time? KÓÚÓ˚È ˜‡Ò?
phrase 8. two times four (mathematical) ‰‚‡ ÛÏÌÓÊËÚ¸ ̇ ˜ÂÚ˚Â
n timetable ‡ÒÔËÒ‡ÌËÂ
n 1. hint ÔÓ‰Ò͇Á͇
n 2. rubbish dump Ò‚‡Î͇
v 3. tilt ̇ÍÎÓÌˇÚ¸
n 4. pointed extremity ÍÓ̘ËÍ
phr v 5. tip over (spill) ‡ÁÎË‚‡Ú¸
n tissue Ú̸͇
n title Á‡„ÓÎÓ‚ÓÍ
prep to Í
n today ÒÂ„Ó‰Ìˇ
n toe ԇΈ ÒÚÛÔÌË
adv together ‚ÏÂÒÚÂ
n toilet ÚÛ‡ÎÂÚ
pt v told *see tell
n tomato ÔÓÏˉÓ
n tomorrow Á‡‚Ú‡
n tongue ˇÁ˚Í
pt v took *see take
n tooth ÁÛ·
n toothache Á۷̇ˇ ·Óθ
n 1. highest point ‚Â¯Ë̇
n 2. clothing Ó‰Âʉ‡ ̇ ‚ÂıÌÂÈ ˜‡ÒÚË Ú·
n topic ÚÂχ
pt v tore *see tear
n 1. complete amount ËÚÓ„
v 2. add up ÒÛÏÏËÓ‚‡Ú¸
v touch Í‡Ò‡Ú¸Òˇ
n tour ÔÛÚ¯ÂÒÚ‚ËÂ
v tow ·ÛÍÒËÓ‚‡Ú¸
prep towards Í
n towel ÔÓÎÓÚÂ̈Â
n tower ·‡¯Ìˇ
n town „ÓÓ‰

toy – turn
n toy Ë„ۯ͇
v trace ÒΉӂ‡Ú¸
n track (pathway) ‰ÓÓÊ͇
n tracksuit ÚÂÌËÓ‚Ó˜Ì˚È ÍÓÒÚ˛Ï
n tractor Ú‡ÍÚÓ
n 1. exchange of commodities ÚÓ„ӂΡ
v 2. carry on trade ÚÓ„Ó‚‡Ú¸
n traffic ‰‚ËÊÂÌËÂ
n 1. means of transport ÔÓÂÁ‰
v 2. practise ÚÂÌËÓ‚‡Ú¸
n 1. device for catching things Á‡Ô‡‰Ìˇ
v 2. catch ÔÓÈχڸ (‚ Á‡Ô‡‰Ì˛)
n trapezium Ú‡ÔÂˆËˇ
v travel ÔÛÚ¯ÂÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ú¸
v tread ¯‡„‡Ú¸
v treat (as a disease) ΘËÚ¸
n tree ‰Â‚Ó
v tremble ‰Óʇڸ
n triangle ÚÂÛ„ÓθÌËÍ
phrase triangular prism ÚÂÛ„Óθ̇ˇ ÔËÁχ
n tribe ÔÎÂÏˇ
v trick ӷχÌ˚‚‡Ú¸
v trim ÔÓ‰ÒÚË„‡Ú¸
n 1. journey ÔÓÂÁ‰Í‡
v 2. fall over ÒÔÓÚ˚Í‡Ú¸Òˇ
adj tropical ÚÓÔ˘ÂÒÍËÈ
n 1. problem ÌÂÔˡÚÌÓÒÚ¸
v 2. cause worry Ú‚ÓÊËÚ¸
phrase 3. in trouble with ÔÓÔ‡ÒÚ¸ ‚ ÌÂÔˡÚÌÓÒÚ¸
n trousers ·˛ÍË
n truck „ÛÁÓ‚ËÍ
adj true Ô‡‚‰Ë‚˚È
n trunk (as of elephant) ıÓ·ÓÚ
n 1. attempt ÔÓÔ˚Ú͇
phrase 2. try hard ÒÚ‡‡Ú¸Òˇ
phr v 3. try on (as for clothing) ÔËÏÂˇÚ¸
phr v 4. try out for (audition for) ÓÚ·Ë‡Ú¸ (̇ ÒÓÒÚˇÁ‡Ìˡ)
n T-shirt ÙÛÚ·ÓÎ͇
n tub ͇‰Í‡
n tube ÚÛ·‡
v 1. move around ÔÓ‚ÂÌÛÚ¸Òˇ

twice – urge
n 2. action following someone ÔÓ‚ÓÓÚ
phr v 3. turn into (become) Ô‚‡˘‡Ú¸Òˇ
phr v 4. turn off (switch off) ‚˚Íβ˜‡Ú¸
phr v 5. turn on ‚Íβ˜‡Ú¸
phr v 6. turn up (arrive) ÔÓˇ‚ÎˇÚ¸Òˇ
adv twice ‰‚‡Ê‰˚
v twist ÍÛÚËÚ¸
n 1. kind ÚËÔ
v 2. use a machine to write Ô˜‡Ú‡Ú¸
n tyre ¯Ë̇

adj ugly ÛÓ‰ÎË‚˚È
n umbrella ÁÓÌÚËÍ
n uncle ‰ˇ‰ˇ
adj unconscious ÔÓÚÂˇ‚¯ËÈ ÒÓÁ̇ÌËÂ
prep under ÔÓ‰
v undergo ËÒÔ˚Ú˚‚‡Ú¸
adj underground ÔÓ‰ÁÂÏÌ˚È
v underline ÔÓ‰˜ÂÍË‚‡Ú¸
adv underneath ÌËÊÂ
n underpants ÚÛÒ˚
v understand ÔÓÌËχڸ
pt v understood *see understand
n underwear ÌËÊÌ ·ÂθÂ
v undo ÓÚÏÂÌˇÚ¸
adj unemployed ·ÂÁ‡·ÓÚÌ˚È
n uniform ÛÌËÙÓχ
n union ÒÓ˛Á
n 1. type of housing Í‚‡ÚË‡
n 2. measurement ‰ËÌˈ‡
v unite Ó·˙‰ËÌˇÚ¸
n universe ‚ÒÂÎÂÌ̇ˇ
n university ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚ
prep until ‰Ó
adj unusual ÌÂÓ·˚˜Ì˚È
prep up (to a higher place) ‚‚Âı
prep upon (up and on) ̇‰
adj upper ‚ÂıÌËÈ
adj upright ‚ÂÚË͇θÌ˚È
adj upset ‡ÒÒÚÓÂÌÌ˚È
adj upside-down ‚‚Âı ÚÓχ¯Í‡ÏË
adv upstairs ̇‚Âı
v urge ÔÓÌÛʉ‡Ú¸

urgent – wall
adj urgent ÒÓ˜Ì˚È
pron us ̇Ò
n 1. the activity of using ËÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌËÂ
v 2. employ ËÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ú¸
adj used (not new) ËÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌÌ˚È

n vaccination Ô˂˂͇
adj vain Ú˘ÂÚÌ˚È
n valley ‰ÓÎË̇
adj valuable ˆÂÌÌ˚È
n 1. worth ˆÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸
v 2. to hold in high esteem ˆÂÌËÚ¸
n van (truck) „ÛÁÓ‚ËÍ
n variety ‡ÁÌÓÓ·‡ÁËÂ
v vary ÏÂÌˇÚ¸
adj various ‡Á΢Ì˚È
n vegetable Ó‚Ó˘
n vegetable garden Ó„ÓÓ‰
n vegetarian ‚„ÂÚ‡ˇÌˆ
n vehicle Ú‡ÌÒÔÓÚÌÓ Ò‰ÒÚ‚Ó
n verandah ‚Â‡Ì‰‡
n verb „·„ÓÎ
adv very Ó˜Â̸
abbrev vet *see veterinarian
n veterinarian ‚ÂÚÂË̇
n video (recording) ‚ˉÂÓ
n view ‚ˉ
n village ‰ÂÂ‚Ìˇ
adj violent ˇÓÒÚÌ˚È
n violin ÒÍËÔ͇
v visit ̇‚¢‡Ú¸
n visitor ÔÓÒÂÚËÚÂθ
n voice „ÓÎÓÒ
n volleyball (game) ‚ÓÎÂÈ·ÓÎ
n volume „ÓÏÍÓÒÚ¸
v vote „ÓÎÓÒÓ‚‡Ú¸
n vowel „·ÒÌ˚È
n voyage ÔÛÚ¯ÂÒÚ‚ËÂ

n wage Á‡‡·ÓÚ̇ˇ Ô·ڇ
v wait ʉ‡Ú¸
v wake ÔÓÒ˚Ô‡Ú¸Òˇ
v walk ıÓ‰ËÚ¸
n walkway ÔÓıÓ‰
n wall ÒÚÂ̇

wallaby – Web

n wallaby ÍÂÌ„ÛÛ-‚‡Î··Ë
n wallet ·ÛχÊÌËÍ
v wander ·Ó‰ËÚ¸
v want ıÓÚÂÚ¸
n war ‚ÓÈ̇
n waratah ÛÓ‡Ú‡
n wardrobe Ô·ڡÌÓÈ ¯Í‡Ù
adj warm (opposite cool) ÚÂÔÎ˚È
adj warm-blooded ÚÂÔÎÓÍÓ‚Ì˚È
v warn Ô‰ÛÔÂʉ‡Ú¸
n warning Ô‰ÛÔÂʉÂÌËÂ
pt v was *see be
v 1. clean with water Ï˚Ú¸Òˇ
phr v 2. wash up (of dishes) Ï˚Ú¸ ÔÓÒÛ‰Û
n washing machine (clothes) ÒÚË‡Î¸Ì‡ˇ χ¯Ë̇
v 1. employ uselessly ‡ÒÚÓ˜‡Ú¸ ÔÓÔÛÒÚÛ
n 2. rejected products ÓÚıÓ‰˚
n 1. timepiece ˜‡Ò˚
v 2. look at ̇·Î˛‰‡Ú¸
phr v 3. watch out (be careful) ÓÒÚÂ„‡Ú¸Òˇ
n 1. liquid ‚Ó‰‡
v 2. moisten ÏÓ˜ËÚ¸
n watermelon ‡·ÛÁ
n wattle tree ‡Í‡ˆËˇ
n 1. swell of water ‚ÓÎ̇
v 2. make a hand signal χı‡Ú¸
adj wavy ‚ÓÎÌËÒÚ˚È
n wax ‚ÓÒÍ
n 1. road ‰ÓÓ„‡
phrase 2. a long way ‰ÎËÌÌ˚È ÔÛÚ¸
phrase 3. a good way ıÓÓ¯ËÈ ÔÛÚ¸
phrase 4. give way ÛÒÚÛÔËÚ¸ ‰ÓÓ„Û
pron we Ï˚
adj weak Ò··˚È
n wealth ·Ó„‡ÚÒÚ‚Ó
adj wealthy ·Ó„‡Ú˚È
n weapon ÓÛÊËÂ
v 1. erode ËÁ̇¯Ë‚‡Ú¸
v 2. put on (as for clothing) ÌÓÒËÚ¸
n web (as for spider) Ô‡ÛÚË̇
abbrev Web *see World Wide Web

wedding – width

n wedding Ò‚‡‰¸·‡
n week ̉ÂΡ
v weigh ‚ÂÒËÚ¸
n weight ‚ÂÒ
n 1. a kind greeting ÔË‚ÂÚÒÚ‚ËÂ
int 2. You’re welcome! (polite œÓʇÎÛÈÒÚ‡!
response to thank you)
n 1. hole in earth ÍÓÎӉˆ
adj 2. in good health Á‰ÓÓ‚˚È
adv 3. in a satisfactory manner ıÓÓ¯Ó
int 4. Well! (expresses relief, pause) ÕÛ!
int 5. Well done! œÂÍ‡ÒÌÓ!
pt v went *see go
pt v were *see be
n west Á‡Ô‡‰
v 1. moisten ۂ·ÊÌËÚ¸
adj 2. opposite dry ‚·ÊÌ˚È
pron what (interrogative) ˜ÚÓ
n wheel ÍÓÎÂÒÓ
pron when (interrogative) ÍÓ„‰‡
conj whenever ÍÓ„‰‡ Û„Ó‰ÌÓ
pron where (interrogative) „‰Â
pron 1. what one of a number ÍÓÚÓ˚È
pron 2. relative (refers to something ͇ÍÓÈ
previously mentioned)
conj while ‚ ÚÓ ‚ÂÏˇ ͇Í
n whip ÍÌÛÚ
v whisper ¯ÂÔÚ‡Ú¸
v 1. make a musical sound ̇҂ËÒÚ˚‚‡Ú¸
n 2. equipment used to make Ò‚ËÒÚÓÍ
a sound
adj white ·ÂÎ˚È
n whiteboard ·Â·ˇ ‰ÓÒ͇
pron 1. interrogative ÍÚÓ
pron 2. relative pronoun ÍÓÚÓ˚È
adj whole ˆÂÎÓÂ
adv why ÔÓ˜ÂÏÛ
adj wicked ÁÎÓÈ
adj wide ¯ËÓÍËÈ
n widow ‚‰Ó‚‡
n widower ‚‰Ó‚ˆ
n width ¯ËË̇

wild – write
adj wild ‰ËÍËÈ
v 1. auxiliary used in future tense ·Û‰ÂÚ
n 2. declaration of wishes on Á‡‚¢‡ÌËÂ
one’s death
n 3. choice of one’s actions ‚ÓΡ
v win ÔÓ·Âʉ‡Ú¸
n 1. movement of air ‚ÂÚÂ
v 2. turn in a circular way Á‡Íۘ˂‡Ú¸
colloq phr 3. wind up (finish) Á‡‚Â¯‡Ú¸
phr v 4. wind up (as a clock) Á‡‚Ó‰ËÚ¸
n windmill ‚ÂÚˇÌ‡ˇ ÏÂθÌˈ‡
n window ÓÍÌÓ
n window sill ÔÓ‰ÓÍÓÌÌËÍ
adj windy ‚ÂÚÂÌ˚È
n wing Í˚ÎÓ
n winter ÁËχ
v wipe ‚˚ÚË‡Ú¸
n wire ÔÓ‚Ó‰
adj wise ÏÛ‰˚È
n wish Ê·ÌËÂ
prep with Ò
v withdraw (as for money) ËÁ˚χڸ
n witness ҂ˉÂÚÂθ
pt v woke *see wake
n woman ÊÂÌ˘Ë̇
n wombat ‚ÓÏ·‡Ú
pt v won *see win
v wonder Û‰Ë‚ÎˇÚ¸Òˇ
n wood ‰‚ÂÒË̇ (ÎÂÒ)
n woodwork ‡·ÓÚ‡ ÔÓ ‰Â‚Û
n wool ¯ÂÒÚ¸
n word ÒÎÓ‚Ó
pt v wore *see wear
n 1. labour ‡·ÓÚ‡
v 2. carry out labour ‚˚ÔÓÎÌˇÚ¸
v 3. be operational ÙÛÌ͈ËÓÌËÓ‚‡Ú¸
phr v 4. work out (solve) ‚˚Ò˜ËÚ‡Ú¸
n world ÏË
n World Wide Web ´‚ÒÂÏË̇ˇ Ô‡ÛÚË̇ª
v worry ‚ÓÎÌÓ‚‡Ú¸Òˇ
adv worse ıÛÊÂ
n worth ˆÂ̇, ˆÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸
v wrap Ó·ÂÚ˚‚‡Ú¸
v wring ÒÍÛÚËÚ¸
n wrist Á‡ÔˇÒÚ¸Â
v write ÔËÒ‡Ú¸

wrong – zucchini
adj wrong (incorrect) ÌÂÔ‡‚ËθÌ˚È
pt v wrote *see write
abbrev www *see World Wide Web

n x-ray ÂÌÚ„ÂÌ

n yacht ˇıÚ‡
n yard ˇ‰
v yawn Á‚‡Ú¸
n year „Ó‰
adj yellow ÊÂÎÚ˚È
int yes ‰‡
n yesterday ‚˜Â‡
pron you ‚˚
adj young ÏÓÎÓ‰ÓÈ
pron your (possessive) ‚‡¯

n zone ÁÓ̇
n zoo ÁÓÓÔ‡Í
n zucchini ͇·‡˜ÓÍ

Appendix 1
Numerals and Ordinals
Symbol Numeral Ordinal
1 one first
2 two second
3 three third
4 four fourth
5 five fifth
6 six sixth
7 seven seventh
8 eight eighth
9 nine ninth
10 ten tenth
11 eleven eleventh
12 twelve twelfth
13 thirteen thirteenth
14 fourteen fourteenth
15 fifteen fifteenth
16 sixteen sixteenth
17 seventeen seventeenth
18 eighteen eighteenth
19 nineteen nineteenth
20 twenty twentieth
30 thirty thirtieth
40 forty fortieth
50 fifty fiftieth
60 sixty sixtieth
70 seventy seventieth
80 eighty eightieth
90 ninety ninetieth
100 one hundred one hundredth
1000 one thousand one thousandth
10000 ten thousand ten thousandth
100000 one hundred thousand one hundred thousandth
1000000 one million one millionth

Appendix 2
Common Countries/States and their Adjectival Forms

Country/State Adjectival Form Country/State Adjectival Form

Afghanistan Afghani Japan Japanese

Argentina Argentinian Korea Korean

Bangladesh Bangladeshi Kosovo Kosovar

Bolivia Bolivian Kurdistan Kurdish

Brazil Brazilian Laos Laotian

Bulgaria Bulgarian Lebanon Lebanese

Cambodia Cambodian Macedonia Macedonian

Chile Chilean Malaysia Malaysian

China Chinese Nigeria Nigerian

Colombia Colombian Pakistan Pakistani

Cook Islands Cook Islanders Peru Peruvian

Croatia Croatian Philippines Filipino

East Timor East Timorese Poland Polish

Ecuador Ecuadorian Portugal Portuguese

Egypt Egyptian Russia Russian
El Salvador El Salvadorian Samoa Samoan

Eritrea Eritrean Serbia Serbian

Ethiopia Ethiopian Somalia Somalian

Fiji Fijian Sudan Sudanese

Ghana Ghanian Syria Syrian

Greece Greek Taiwan Taiwanese

Hungary Hungarian Thailand Thai

India Indian Tonga Tongan

Indonesia Indonesian Turkey Turkish

Iran Iranian Ukraine Ukrainian

Iraq Iraqi Uruguay Uruguayan

Israel Israeli Venezuela Venezuelan

Italy Italian Vietnam Vietnamese

Appendix 3

Common Irregular Verbs

Base Form Past Tense Past participle
awake awoke awoken
be was, were been
beat beat beaten
become became become
begin began begun
bend bent bent
bet bet bet
bid bid bid
bite bit bitten
blow blew blown
break broke broken
bring brought brought
build built built
burn burned/burnt burned/burnt
buy bought bought
catch caught caught
choose chose chosen
come came come
cost cost cost
cut cut cut
dig dug dug
do did done
draw drew drawn
dream dreamed/dreamt dreamed/dreamt
drive drove driven
drink drank drunk
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
feel felt felt
fight fought fought
find found found
fly flew flown
forget forgot forgotten
forgive forgave forgiven
freeze froze frozen
get got gotten
give gave given
go went gone
grow grew grown
hang hung hung
have had had
hear heard heard
hide hid hidden
hit hit hit
hold held held

Common Irregular Verbs (continued)

Base Form Past Tense Past participle

hurt hurt hurt
keep kept kept
know knew known
lay laid laid
lead led led
learn learned/learnt learned/learnt
leave left left
lend lent lent
let let let
lie lay lain
lose lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
pay paid paid
put put put
read read read
ride rode ridden
ring rang rung
rise rose risen
run ran run
say said said
see saw seen
sell sold sold
send sent sent
show showed showed/shown
shut shut shut
sing sang sung
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
speak spoke spoken
spend spent spent
stand stood stood
swim swam swum
take took taken
teach taught taught
tear tore torn
tell told told
think thought thought
throw threw thrown
understand understood understood
wake woke woken
wear wore worn
win won won
write wrote written

Appendix 4

Analog time 24 hour time
12.00am 12 o'clock; midnight 00:00 zero zero hundred hours
1.00am 1 o'clock 01:00 zero one hundred hours
2.00am 2 o'clock 02:00 zero two hundred hours
3.00am 3 o'clock 03:00 zero three hundred hours
4.00am 4 o'clock 04:00 zero four hundred hours
5.00am 5 o'clock 05:00 zero five hundred hours
6.00am 6 o'clock 06:00 zero six hundred hours
7.00am 7 o'clock 07:00 zero seven hundred hours
8.00am 8 o'clock 08:00 zero eight hundred hours
9.00am 9 o'clock 09:00 zero nine hundred hours
10.00am 10 o'clock 10:00 ten hundred hours
11.00am 11 o'clock 11:00 eleven hundred hours
12.00pm 12 o'clock; midday; noon 12:00 twelve hundred hours
1.00pm 1 o'clock 13:00 thirteen hundred hours
2.00pm 2 o'clock 14:00 fourteen hundred hours
3.00pm 3 o'clock 15:00 fifteen hundred hours
4.00pm 4 o'clock 16:00 sixteen hundred hours
5.00pm 5 o'clock 17:00 seventeen hundred hours
6.00pm 6 o'clock 18:00 eighteen hundred hours
7.00pm 7 o'clock 19:00 nineteen hundred hours
8.00pm 8 o'clock 20:00 twenty hundred hours
9.00pm 9 o'clock 21:00 twenty one hundred hours
10.00pm 10 o'clock 22:00 twenty two hundred hours
11.00pm 11 o'clock 23:00 twenty three hundred hours
Examples of quarter and half hours (analog)

quarter to three three o'clock quarter past three half past three
2.45am or 2.45pm 3.00am or 3.00pm 3.15am or 3.15pm 3.30am or 3.30pm

Examples of quarter and half hours (24 hour time)

zero two forty five zero three hundred hours zero three fifteen zero three thirty

Appendix 5
Days of the week/Months of the year/Units of time

Days Months Units of time

Monday January 60 seconds = 1 minute
Tuesday February 60 minutes = 1 hour
Wednesday March 24 hours = 1 day
Thursday April 7 days = 1 week
Friday May 4 weeks = 1 month
Saturday June 12 months = 1 year
Sunday July 4 years = 1 leap year
August 10 years = 1 decade
September 100 years = 1 century
October 1000 years = 1 millenium

Appendix 6
Weights and measures

Weight (mass) Length Volume

1000 milligrams = 1 gram 1000 millimetres = 1 metre 1000 millilitres = 1 litre
1000 grams = 1 kilogram 100 centimetres = 1 metre 1000 litres = 1 cubic metre
1000 kilograms = 1 metric tonne 1000 metres = 1 kilometre


Australian Learners Dictionary, 1997, National Centre for English Language Teaching
and Research, Macquarie University, NSW.

Horton, D. (ed.) 1994, The Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia: Aboriginal Torres

Strait Islander History, Society and Culture, vols 1-2, Aboriginal Studies Press,

The Macquarie Dictionary, 1997, 3rd edn, Macquarie University, NSW.

My First Macquarie Dictionary, 1987, Jacaranda Press, Sydney.

NSW Department of School Education. 1994, New Arrivals Dictionaries, 16 vols,

Disadvantaged Schools Program, Erskineville.

Oxford Elementary Learner's Dictionary, 1994, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press,


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