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1) Explain why Hyram Yarbro’s story is unusual: justify your ideas with quotes from the first paragraph.

Hyram Yarbro was born in a rural family where being a ‘skinfluencer’ is unimaginable: ‘ He grew up on a cattle ranch in
Then, he shifted to NY to be a salesman in a department store:
before moving to New York to work on a department store make-up counter.’

He did not study dermatology but became a ‘skinfluencer’: Now at just 24, despite having no formal dermatology
qualifications, Hyram Yarbro is a skincare specialist guru
Everyone can be a ‘skinfluencer’.

2) Why has lockdown affected people’s grooming routines? Justify your idea with quotes from the second
People changed their rituals// habits: they buy more skincare than beauty products: Lockdown affected grooming
routines, with a shift to skincare from make-up and perfume
+ that home-treatment sales are up, with teeth-whitening products up 180%

3) Find information on a) the number of beauty consumers who check the Internet for advice: half of beauty
consumers look for reviews online before making a purchase
b) the increase in the link between TikTok and skincare videos: + 1000% in a year
4) Find the reasons why Yarbro’s reviews are successful: quote the third paragraph. enthusiasm and humour+ self-
taught knowledge about skincare ingredients, and funny, honest reviews
5) True or false? Justify your choice with a quote: The benefits Yarbro made in 2019 were less important than by
July 2020.
T: In January 2019 he made $50 from affiliate sales. By July 2020, he had made $265,000 from online ads, brand
partnerships and affiliate links.
6) What is the most important elements to make a product or a brand successful? Quote the fourth paragraph.
honesty/products put to the fore/ quality/ affordable products/ formulas are gentle
7) What is the second most important element that makes skinfluencers successful? Quote the last paragraph. The
skinfluencers are also hits because of their honesty

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