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Diskusi 7

Name : Ma’arij Hidayatulloh (051609481)

1. You are planning to meet with your client for a company negotiation and your client
suggested meeting on Monday at 10 am. Write an appropriate response in one sentence
that states: (you are okay with the suggested schedule and you’ll be there)

Here is a response that states you are okay with the suggested schedule and you’ll be
there: "I confirm that I can meet with you on Monday at 10 am as suggested."

2. Please read the sentence below.

To put it simply, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the energy industry,
particularly the hydrocarbon industry, has come to a strategic inflection point.

How would you rephrase the sentence above into a simplified conclusion? Explain your
strategy in simplifying the conclusion.

In simple terms, the energy industry, especially the hydrocarbon sector, is at a
critical turning point. The strategy here involves condensing the original sentence while
maintaining the key points: the energy industry is facing a significant shift, particularly in
the hydrocarbon sector. This simplification retains the essence of the original statement
while making it more concise and easier to understand.

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