NALAS NALANDA 1 PDF - Učenje o Slobodi Bića

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Table of Contents
Introducing the Book ..............................................................................7
Introducing Nalas Nalanda ...................................................................15
BOOK ONE ..............................................................................................17
Chapter One ...........................................................................................19
Sorrow on the Faces of Children in Heaven ........................................19
Chapter Two ..........................................................................................25
The Suffering Lessons of the Tuelinh Life Form .................................25
Chapter Three ........................................................................................35
The Five Messengers of Nalas Nalanda ...............................................35
Chapter Four ..........................................................................................45
The Plan and The Challenge .................................................................45
Chapter Five ...........................................................................................55
Secrets of Tuelinh ..................................................................................55
Chapter Six .............................................................................................67
The Miracle of the Human Body ...........................................................67
Chapter Seven ........................................................................................83
The Second Plan to Save All Living Beings ..........................................83
Chapter Eight .........................................................................................89
Nalas Nalanda's Journey to Return to Wisdom...................................89
Chapter Nine ..........................................................................................99
The Four Commandments of God in the Gathering of Humanity ......99
Chapter Ten .........................................................................................111
Congress of Unifying the Practising Path of The Tuelinhs ...............111
Chapter Eleven.....................................................................................125
The Ignorant Wisdom .........................................................................125
Chapter Twelve....................................................................................141
The Enlightened Wisdom ...................................................................141
Chapter Thirteen .................................................................................155

The State of Ignorant Soul ..................................................................155
Chapter Fourteen ................................................................................167
The State of Enlightened Mind ...........................................................167
Chapter Fifteen ....................................................................................177
Suffering and Methods of Liberation .................................................177
Chapter Sixteen....................................................................................201
The Smallest Energy Particle..............................................................201
Chapter Seventeen ..............................................................................219
The Truth of The Universe with the Knowledge of the Smallest
Energy Particle ....................................................................................219
Chapter Eighteen .................................................................................239
The Truth of Enlightenment with the Knowledge of the Smallest
Energy Particle ....................................................................................239
Chapter Nineteen.................................................................................253
The Love Story and Mechanism of Destructive Transformation ....253
Chapter Twenty ...................................................................................265
A Symbol of Sustainable Transformation ..........................................265
Chapter Twenty-One ...........................................................................279
Mind Dharma .......................................................................................279
Chapter Twenty-Two ..........................................................................295
Information Entanglement and Changing Nature of Information in
Different Environments ......................................................................295
Chapter Twenty-Three........................................................................313
The Destructive Power of The Tuelinh While Decaying ..................313
Chapter Twenty-Four..........................................................................325
The Unified Tao of the Universe .........................................................325
Chapter Twenty-Five ..........................................................................339
Destroying Toxins in Learners ...........................................................339
Chapter Twenty-Six .............................................................................351
Eliminating Toxins in The Role of Wisdom Spreaders .....................351

Chapter Twenty-Seven........................................................................361
Destroying Toxins of People Practicing Meditation and Worship
Chapter Twenty-Eight .........................................................................375
Eliminating Toxins as a National Leader ...........................................375
Chapter Twenty-Nine ..........................................................................389
Destroying Toxins as Citizens for the Nation ....................................389
Chapter Thirty .....................................................................................397
Eliminate Toxins in Love between Men and Women .......................397
Chapter Thirty-One .............................................................................409
Destroying Toxins in the Spouse Relationship .................................409
Chapter Thirty-Two ............................................................................421
Eliminating Toxins in the Relationship Between Parents and
Children ................................................................................................421
Chapter Thirty-Three ..........................................................................431
Destroying the Toxins in Sibling Relationships ................................431
Chapter Thirty-Four ............................................................................443
Eliminating Toxins in the Relationship Between Employer and
Chapter Thirty-Five .............................................................................455
Destroying Toxins as a Researcher and Inventor .............................455
Chapter Thirty-Six ...............................................................................465
Eliminating Toxins as a Businessman and Producer .......................465
Chapter Thirty-Seven ..........................................................................477
Destroying Toxins in Relationships with Animals and All Species .477
Chapter Thirty-Eight ...........................................................................487
Eliminate Toxins in Treating Yourself and Others ...........................487

Introducing the Book

Nalas Nalanda is a unique series of three books. The

books are a collection of lectures and all the knowledge of
philosopher Nalas Nalanda. It is an extraordinary system of
knowledge that unifies materialism and idealism into a
complete whole. It includes the theory of the smallest energy
particles - causal energy particles, production and connection
mechanisms, rotation mechanisms, the nature of all things is
information, the origin and mission of humans and the soul,
the history of the universe, humans' task in the human world,
the transformation mechanism of all things, the method and
path to achieving full enlightenment. All that knowledge was
returned and upgraded by philosopher Nalas Nalanda when
he remembered his past lives and his mission in this human
life. He did not consult any religious documents, books or
knowledge. He called his knowledge the two truths, which
included the truth of the universe and the truth of
enlightenment. In particular, all lectures and understanding
of Nalas Nalanda are rewritten, edited and published
exclusively by author Hoang Van Truong. The author is one
specific person, always next to philosopher Nalas Nalanda.
That's why he most accurately understood and rewrote all of
the philosopher's lectures and knowledge. Philosopher Nalas
Nalanda used to talk to his students, "Only Hoang Van Truong
understands all my knowledge."

Nalas Nalanda's knowledge of the two truths is a
unique knowledge system in the human world. It is special
because he built in it a theory of the smallest energy particle,
also known as the causal energy particle. Not only that, he also
analyzes the information values inside the smallest energy
particles to explain the mechanisms and nature of all things,
events and phenomena in and outside the universe, from the
past to the present and the future. However, because current
science and technology cannot decipher the smallest energy
particle, he cannot use them to prove his theory of the
smallest particle and the value of knowledge. Despite this,
Nalas Nalanda devoted many years to teaching his knowledge
to many people. The people who learn his knowledge are
people with mental illnesses, serious illnesses such as cancer,
people experiencing suffering in life, and people with spiritual
and religious issues. People learn his knowledge through
social networking platforms and in his classes, especially his
research class. His knowledge is becoming increasingly
popular in Vietnam because of its value to everyone and the
achievements recognized by learners and patients.
After more than six years of teaching and spreading his
knowledge, he has proven that his knowledge has excellent
power in curing mental diseases, physical diseases, and
intellectual ignorance. People's achievements were
recognized as they participated in live classes and learned
through lectures on social media channels. Specifically:
- Many people have completely recovered from
diseases related to mental health problems such as
depression, postpartum depression, anxiety disorders,
insomnia for many years, hallucinations, paranoia, multiple

personalities, and mild to severe schizophrenia. They were
cured after a few months to a year or two of studying and
practising knowledge. Depending on the duration and
severity of the disease, they will recover faster or slower.
- Many patients with different diseases and many cases
of cancer could not be treated in the hospital because they
were about to die. They recovered from their illness after
studying and practising according to the knowledge and
- All people who have problems related to spirituality
or religious issues, such as seeing and hearing demons and
having their bodies controlled by demons, recover completely
and quickly when they learn and practice according to
- People who encounter suffering and problems
overcome them easily after learning and practising
knowledge. In particular, they apply knowledge to life to build
better relationships. As a result, they achieve many mental
and physical achievements in life.
- There are many students and students who, after
learning knowledge, have overcome mental health problems.
They become more brilliant and have better thinking ability
in learning compared to the time before learning knowledge.
- Women have recognized and overcome depression
during and after giving birth easily because they have learned
previous knowledge.
Patients who have entirely and quickly recovered
because they do not take medicine as recommended by Nalas
Nalanda. He explained that people's illnesses (including

mental health problems and physical diseases) will wholly
and quickly recover if they do not take medication and receive
hospital treatment. The quick recovery is due to the soul
structure in the human body implementing a unique
mechanism, which is re-encoding information in the energy
particle and cell structure to heal itself. That mechanism
produces the smallest energy particles of the soul structure
and cells in the body.
To demonstrate the value of knowledge of the two
truths and the achievements that the learner would achieve,
Nalas Nalanda had a study class that lasted for seven months.
Each month, there were four days; each day had six hours of
study, including morning and afternoon. Study participants
included five patients with stage three and four metastatic
cancer; Fifteen patients had mental health problems such as
depression, hallucinations, anxiety disorders, and mild to
severe schizophrenia (the patient with the most severe
mental illness was twenty years old), and epilepsy for many
years; Many people suffer from the phenomenon of seeing
demons and having their bodies controlled by monsters;
Some patients have sharp pain in their bones and joints; and
people who encounter complex problems in life. They come
from many places in Vietnam, and the research class is held in
the capital Hanoi. When the research class began, Nalas
Nalanda told the participants, "To completely cure the
disease, the patient must not take medicine or be treated at
the hospital." The class on healing with the knowledge of two
truths is called healing by re-encoding information in the
energy particles of the soul, referred to as healing body - soul
- intelligence by data.

The results of the research are as follows:
- Three patients with metastatic cancer were cured
entirely after the course. One was a patient with stage four
metastatic colon cancer, and two were patients with stage
three metastatic breast cancer. During the process of learning
and receiving knowledge-based therapy, they did not take
drugs or undergo chemotherapy or radiotherapy according to
hospital methods. They strictly follow Nalas Nananda's
regimen: study and practice according to the content of
knowledge, drink sugared ginger water at 7 - 8 a.m daily. They
experienced sharp bone and joint pain and other side effects
during the study and treatment process. Results: index tests
from the hospital proved that they were completely cured,
and the body had no more metastatic cells, tumours and
lymph nodes (for two patients who had surgery to remove
tumours). For a patient who has not had surgery before, the
tumour has been shrinking, all indicators have returned to the
safe zone, and the lymph nodes have disappeared. However,
two patients with stage three metastatic breast cancer
dropped out when the class was halfway through and
continued treatment at the hospital. As a result, they died.
Thus, three cancer patients have recovered, and two patients
have not survived because they did not learn and practice the
proper knowledge.
- Twelve patients with mental health diseases have
recovered and returned to everyday life. They went to work
and communicated well with the people around them. They
do not have to take medicine from the time the class starts
and after they have recovered. Among the twelve people who
recovered, there was a case of a patient who had

schizophrenia for twenty years. He did not speak and could
not go to work during that time, having to take medicine every
day. As a result, he is now able to work and talk to people and
does not have to take medication. There is a patient who has
had epilepsy for many years and has recovered from the
disease and no longer has seizures during their studies and
afterwards. He has done better and is in college. In addition,
the remaining patients who have recovered are cases of
depression for many years, hallucinations for more than ten
years, and milder schizophrenia patients. They recovered
quickly and thoroughly because relatives accompanied them
during the study and treatment process and even read Nalas
Nalanda's books to the sick before going to bed. However,
three people with mild schizophrenia did not recover. The
reason is that they have no relatives to support them, and they
still take psychiatric medication every day.
- Patients with bone and joint pain and other diseases
have miraculously recovered even though they did not
receive hospital treatment or take medication. They learn and
practice sharing knowledge to help other sick people or those
experiencing suffering and problems.
- People whose bodies were controlled by demons, who
heard and saw demons, no longer had those phenomena after
the course.
- After understanding the knowledge, many people
have applied it to solve problems in life and overcome
suffering easily. Currently, they are the ones helping other
patients overcome their illnesses quickly through the
application of knowledge of the two truths in disease
treatment and life.

After the research class ended in 2022, Nalas Nalanda's
students shared and spread knowledge widely in Vietnam.
They have helped many people overcome illness and
suffering without having to learn directly from Nalas Nalanda.
From the achievements of Nalas Nalanda's live classes,
studying knowledge through social media channels, and the
accomplishments of his students helping the sick and
everyone, Nalas Nalanda asked Hoang Van Truong rewrote all
of his lectures and knowledge in English so that people
around the world can access and learn this magical
Applying the knowledge of the two truths and the
wisdom of the smallest energy particle to heal everyone's
body - soul - intelligence is just a tiny demonstration of this
unique knowledge's value to everyone and humanity. The
great importance of this knowledge is to help humankind
understand the origin of oneself and one's soul, practice and
complete the mission of spiritual practice in the human world.
It is understanding the truth about yourself, God, Buddha, and
all things inside and outside the universe to practice the path
of sustainable transformation to reach full enlightenment.
Full enlightenment is attaining the unified Tao of the universe.

Introducing Nalas Nalanda

Nalas Nalanda is a proper noun for a particular person

or the supreme soul (Tuelinh). It means immeasurable
wisdom; wisdom covers the past to the future; intellect covers
all things inside and outside the universe, tuelinhs (souls) and
humans. In addition, it also means nature, the mechanism, the
path to create and build the entire life of all things in and
outside the universe. In particular, it is the wisdom of the
truth of the universe and the truth of enlightenment to help
humans and souls (tuelinhs) practice and attain the unified
Tao of the universe. The unifying Tao of the cosmos is to
achieve complete enlightenment when the original yin and
yang energy embryo has been transformed into an energy
filter in the soul (tuelinh). Another name for attaining the
unified Tao of the universe is Buddha.
We can understand that Nalas Nalanda is God, Buddha.
Nalas Nalanda is the personal name of the first Tuelinh. It is a
supreme soul with the most immeasurable wisdom, an
intelligence encompassing both inside and outside the
universe. He is God who has gone through the journey of
cultivation and attained the Tao of unity of the universe.
When we talk about Buddha or God, we all talk about that
supreme Tuelinh. Therefore, when we think about Nalas
Nalanda, we are talking about Buddha or God because he has
been giving the lotus of immeasurable wisdom to humans,
spiritual beings and everything in the universe.

We can understand that Nalas Nalanda is a messiah
when he incarnates as a human to save humanity.
We can also understand that Nalas Nalanda is a fully
enlightened being when he incarnates as a human to help
humanity learn and practice enlightenment to achieve the
unified Tao of the universe.
Finally, we can also understand that Nalas Nalanda is a
lotus of immeasurable wisdom given to humans and all life
forms in the universe by God, Buddha or a fully enlightened


Chapter One

Sorrow on the Faces of Children in Heaven

Heaven is the most peaceful and magical place in the

universe, where five streams of energy and super-energy
combine to form matter forms. They include simple matter,
which constitutes rock, hills, grass, gold, silver, and treasures;
Complex matter, which constitutes energy flows to connect
with all planets in the universe and maintain their existence
and sustainable development; super-matter, which
constitutes the spiritual life-form, it is called Tuelinh. Those
three groups of matter form a paradise of peace and serenity,
with brilliant lights enveloping the massive planet and
illuminating the surrounding planets. Tuelinhs are souls.
They have the most transcendent intelligence in the universe.
They operate complex matter and simple matter. Heading and
operating the entire universe is the first Tuelinh. He is
worshipped and called by people with noble names such as
God, and Buddha. In addition, he has another name, Nalas
Nalanda, which embraces all noble meanings about him: He is
the intellect of the universe, all things are born of him, he
works hard to develop the life of the universe to become

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

stable, he was the most fully enlightened being in the

universe, he attained the only immortality in the universe.
The beautiful memories of him and that heavenly
planet brought my mind back to a past scene when he
lectured to his children. This lecture makes people enlighten
and understand why people have to suffer in this world.
Once, Nalas Nalanda was walking under the trees
emitting bright, colourful lights when he suddenly saw
children playing together not far away. They use magic within
themselves to steer small, brightly coloured stones into a spot
on the ground. The bright lights from the energy flows
transmitted by the children blend into the rocks, creating a
colourful and enchanting space. The laughter and
concentration in the game kept them from noticing the
difference around them. They did not know Nalas Nalanda
when he stood nearby, next to an old tree, watching the
children playing together. His children played for a long time
without even realizing his presence nearby.
At this time, the children seem tired and bored after a
long time playing. One said, "Well, I don't play anymore. I
don't have any fun." Then, they all sat down together. They let
out long breaths as if worried about something, and their
hands constantly threw the stones they had just played
around. Another said, "We play these games day in and day
out. I'm bored."
Another continued, "I want to be reincarnated into the
human world. We should ask the Father to let us come down
and become a man." Then they all said in unison, "I also want
to be a human to experience human life." Then the children
got up to look for him. At this time, the children discovered
Sorrow on the Faces of Children in Heaven

him standing by a nearby tree and ran over to him. They

cheered and clung to him. He held them in his arms and had
warm smiles on his lips, then he said to them, "Sit down here.
I will listen to your wishes."
When the children do not know how to talk to their
Father, they look at each other as if telling each other to tell
their Father what they want. He understood and said, "I see
you are having fun. Why don't you want to play anymore, why
are you so bored? Children should enjoy moments of play that
will help them become innocent, connected, and free of
troubles." One child immediately replied, "Father, we are
bored, and we do not feel joy or happiness when we are just
playing day in and day out while the older brothers have been
reincarnated as humans in the human world. Father, we also
want to be humans. Please let us come down to the world to
practice." He looked at them and gave a satisfied smile
because his children had grown up. This is a special thing
when they are young, but they already have a wish. This wish
is the mission of each tuelinh to perform when eligible to be
incarnated as a human to practice.
He looked at them and said, "I am delighted that you
desire to be a human, proving you are more mature than
before. Children, this is not just a wish. It is your mission in
this vast universe. It is a vital mission so that each tuelinh can
survive and develop sustainably against the attacks of
destructive energy. To be incarnated as a human, you must
meet the conditions. You must cultivate enough information
and certain cognitive abilities before being incarnated as a
human. The living environment in the human world is like a
school. It is a place for children, for all tuelinhs to learn,

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

experience, and practice for the growth of intelligence and the

strength to unite, spread and develop all things to become
sustainable.” A child immediately interrupted him, "Dad, I
love going to school, I like being a human, and I also want to
grow up in wisdom and strength to develop the universe with
you." At that time, he pondered and asked them, "Do you
know that when you become human, you will have to live in a
simple, dirty body? You will have to go through countless
times suffering in the world. You will no longer be as peaceful
and free as you are in this paradise, you will no longer
remember this place, you will not be able to use miracles in
the human world, and what you wish for will not be granted.
Those are the rules I have created so that the tuelinhs have
the best environment for the growth of wisdom and the
power of compassion. Therefore, the human world is a living
environment with nothing but suffering."
The children looked at each other and nodded together.
Then they said together, "Father, we have learned about the
sufferings of being human in the human world. You have
taught us, and by other tuelinhs only teach after they return
from the human world. We are not afraid of suffering. We
accept it and want to live in it instead of playing boring games
A smile appeared on Nalas Nalanda's lips again, then he
stood up and said to the children, "Rise and follow me. I will
equip you with important knowledge before becoming a
human. Children, try to remember them when you encounter
suffering in the human world. That information will react and
help you have the best thoughts to overcome suffering. Not
only that, it will help you grow up faster." At the Father's

Sorrow on the Faces of Children in Heaven

words, the children shouted in joy. They immediately

followed the Father with a radiant face instead of sadness.
They know that they are about to be incarnated as humans to
practice in the human world, so their joy also makes the grass,
trees, and rocks have more brilliant light.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Two

The Suffering Lessons of the Tuelinh Life


Although Nalas Nalanda walked lightly and leisurely,

the children still had to walk as if they were running to catch
up with their respected Father. The bright lights from the
precious stones on the ground and the colourful lights from
the flowers and trees mingled with his aura. All create the
purity, majesty, and wisdom of his compassion.
After magical moments of light and aura from him
blending into everything, he suddenly stopped. In front was a
door, where several mature tuelinhs were on duty to guard
that door. It could be a secret door or inside, and significant
things must be protected, so there were adult souls on duty to
protect them. When he walked up to them, they bowed and
greeted him, "Father, do you need to come inside?" He just
smiled and gently nodded to indicate his agreement. At that
time, the children accompanying him became curious. They
did not know what Father would show them inside the door.
They looked at each other and couldn't hide their
nervousness and curiosity.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Five-coloured light shines through the crack in the door

when mature tuelinhs gently open that secret door. The
iridescent lights and dazzling white light caused the children
to momentarily cover their eyes with their hands. When they
take their hands away from their eyes, in front of them is an
exceptional space. They followed Nalas Nalanda to go deeper
inside. The children immediately cheered, "It's so beautiful,
Dad, why haven't we been here before? Why don't you let us
play here?" They looked bewildered at the dazzling white
light and interwoven iridescent rays radiating from the
smoky black quartz crystals. Those quartz crystals were as
small and as large as the body of a mature tuelinh. Those
crystalline rocks are everywhere in the vast cave. They are on
the ground, on the walls, and the roof of the cave. This is a
large and magnificent cave, and it contains rare stones.
Nalas Nalanda stood waiting for the children to
approach him after they ran through the cave to observe
those miraculous rock crystals. A moment later, when they
came to him, he said to them, "You have been in this place. You
have lived in this place." The children were surprised and
asked, "Dad, you said we used to live in this place, so why
don't we know? Can't even remember this place?" "Of course,
you cannot remember that. My children, this place is called
the place that nurtures and creates tuelinhs from yin and yang
energy embryos. Children are also raised and born from those
black rock crystals. I call this place the quartz crystal cave, and
they were created by me right after I created this paradise.
Only here is this rare type of quartz. In addition, each planet
in the universe also has one inside its core,” he replied. Then
he meditated and looked at those magical stones. The children

The suffering Lessons of the Tuelinh Life Form

were looking forward to his lecture but did not want to

distract his attention from those precious crystals. Because of
that, no one spoke out loud. Everyone looked at the rock
crystals as if they had some magical attraction. After
observing the rock crystals, he sat down on the ground in the
middle of the space of the cave. The children seemed to know
he was about to lecture them, so they immediately sat down
around him.
Then he said, "Children, today I will teach you two
important lessons, which is why tuelinhs will have to
incarnate in human bodies in the human world to practice.
1. The first lesson, I will tell you about how you were

- Hey, children, look at the quartz crystals. Inside, there

are embryos of yin and yang energy. Each embryo has the
smallest positive energy particle linked to the smallest

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

negative energy particle. Each yin and yang energy embryo

will be placed in that rare quartz stone crystal. The energy of
each stone will nourish and protect the yin and yang energy
embryos after they are placed. This means the yin and yang
embryos are nurtured in the best environment by the
beautiful energy in each stone. In addition, they are carefully
guarded and protected. Each yin and yang energy embryo is
different in its internal nature, and the embryos are not the
same because the information value encoded inside each
smallest energy particle is different. That will create
differences in intelligence and cognitive abilities among
tuelinhs after birth.
- The smallest positive and negative energy particles
are born after a long nurturing time. This process takes place
over a long time to create more energy particles. At the same
time, the yin and yang energy embryo membrane are also
peeled into many layers to help transform the original yin and
yang embryo into a mature yin and yang embryo. At that time,
the original yin and yang embryo had the two smallest
positive and negative particles in the middle of the mature
embryo. In the original positive particle, the positive
intellectual wave codes are stored; simultaneously, it is
copied into the smallest positive energy particles and moved
to the outer positive pole. In the original negative particle, the
negative intelligence wave codes are stored. At the same time,
it is copied into the smallest negative energy particles and
moves to the outer negative pole. They store the smallest yin
and yang energy particles at the yin and yang extremes.
When they are increased in number of particles, they
will join together to form a composite positive and negative

The suffering Lessons of the Tuelinh Life Form

energy particle. To be linked, the smallest energetic particles

must have the same or similar information content inside the
particle, and they will link between positive particles and
negative particles together.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

They then move outside the adult embryo to form the

first 16-energy composite structure, including eight negative
particles rotating around eight positive particles in a 1:1 ratio.
The neutral particles will make the task of bonding between
synthetic positive energy particles. When the yin and yang
embryo structure have 16 expanded particles, which means
starting more than 16 particles, a tuelinh baby is officially
born. To create a connection between the smallest yin and
yang energy particles to create tuelinh, it must be an energy
particle with a super complex intellectual wave code. I will
teach you when you are more mature. Hey kids, it's not easy
to go from an original yin-yang embryo to a mature yin-yang
embryo and then a baby. Completing this process takes a very
long time and the safest environment. This cave is the safest
environment created to nurture and give birth to tuelinhs
beings. Children, please cherish your presence and life in this
- Hey, children, I tell you that there will be an
intellectual wave code inside each negative and positive
energy particle. Each strand of intellectual wave code stores
all information about the circumstances in which those
energy particles were born, including images, vibrations,
emotions, ideologies, and actions of the generating subject in
those particles. The information inside is the secret, the
essence, the wisdom of each tuelinh born from the original yin
and yang embryo. Therefore, each tuelinh cannot know its
nature, its inner secret. Even when we have not created a
living environment on Earth and brought tuelinhs to
incarnate as humans to practice, I still do not fully understand
the nature of tuelinhs. However, up to now, I have been a fully

The suffering Lessons of the Tuelinh Life Form

enlightened being and have had the best path to save the
tuelinhs and this universe to become sustainable.
2. The second lesson I teach you is about destructive
energy particles:
- If you want to understand this type of particle, you
need to practice in the human world. You must experience
suffering and become more mature. Then, I will explain them
thoroughly for you to understand. Children, I call it
destructive energies because they will disintegrate you, other
tuelinhs, and the entire universe. After being decomposed by
them, you will no longer have life, other tuelinhs will no
longer have life, and this universe will no longer have life.
They are truly deadly to the universe and tuelinh life form.
- When the destructive energy moves to and
disintegrates the tuelinhs and all things in the universe. The
tuelinhs will then feel pain and suffering because the
destruction is taking place. You will feel helpless because
controlling or destroying that energy is impossible. The same
is true for all things when the energy of destruction
penetrates and disintegrates. For the tuelinh life form, being
penetrated and disintegrated by the energy of destruction is
the only suffering in our existence. Those sufferings will only
end when they completely disintegrate every single tuelinh.
- Why does destruction energy attack tuelinhs and
other forms of matter in the universe? – That's because the
energy of destruction does not have a connecting mechanism
like us and the universe, so they exist in the independence of
each ultimate single particle. When they move, the heat in
them is generated quickly and overloaded. They face the risk
of being detonated by too rapid heat generation. Therefore,
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

they need to find physical structures or tuelinhs in the

universe to remove excess heat from them. This excess heat
causes the structure of tuelinh, and the universe, to
disintegrate. Thus, destroying energy that disintegrates the
universe and tuelinhs is also a way for them to save
- You must be aware of this destructive energy. They
are shaped like the smallest energetic particles in the
universe and brown in colour. They were born before the
universe and exist outside of our universe. In particular, they
are present throughout the universe like storms of
destructive energy. You have to stay away from those places
because once you move in, you will be decomposed
- Children, the energy of destruction is also a source of
heat to help energy particles in the universe be separated and
linked together, allowing the universe and tuelinh life form to
be developed sustainably. However, we must understand and
know how to control them. When you can control them, that
is the moment when you have grown up; you have become
immortal because you can attract them and convert them into
heat to produce new super-energy particles. It is precious for
the sustainable development of the universe and each tuelinh
Hey kids, when I teach you this information, your yin
and yang embryo will receive and store it. When you
incarnate as a human to practice, that information will be
transmitted to the human brain to create the necessary
response to the information in the human world that you will
have to face. When you understand, you will easily overcome

The suffering Lessons of the Tuelinh Life Form

suffering in the human world. This is very important. Keep it

in mind."
One of the children immediately asked him when he
stopped preaching, "Father, so we have only one suffering,
which is being disintegrated by the energy of destruction. Is
there a time when the destructive energy disintegrates you?"
He immediately smiled and gently replied, "They cannot
disintegrate me because I am already a fully enlightened
being. I can take them and transform them into super
energies; I can even move into their habitat, and they never
decay me." One of them continued to ask, "Father, so we must
understand ourselves first, then we can learn how to control
the energy of destruction, right Father?" "Yes, that is correct.
To understand yourself, you must live in an environment
opposite to this wonderful environment in paradise, the living
environment of humans on Earth. That environment is
nothing but suffering; only suffering can help you understand
all the secrets within yourself. Only then can you learn to
control and transform the destructive energy." Then he said,
"So you understand why incarnating as a human to practice in
the human world is the mission of every tuelinh, that is the
mission to liberate the suffering of you, tuelinh life form, and
the whole universe." After the children listened, they seemed
immersed in contemplation because the information they had
just learned was vast. The thoughtful expressions on all the
children made him speak to encourage them, "You men relax
with games. Another day, I will teach you other lessons."
Then he and his children came out of the cave that
nurtures and produces tuelinhs. The children followed him
with gentle steps and thoughtful faces.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Three

The Five Messengers of Nalas Nalanda

Three tuelinhs stood outside a door on a mission to

protect an ultimate energy space within and talked to each
other. The area around them is nothing special like other
places in paradise, with iridescent lights radiating from the
rocks, plants, and flowers, blending and radiating light to all
the surrounding planets. The beauty of the aura and the purity
of peace are normal things on this planet, and even children
feel bored. This contrasts the world people live in because
people only hope that after they die, their souls will return to
heaven. They think they will be immortal when they live in
paradise, free from suffering and sorrow, and enjoy this
peaceful world. This shows that all people inside of them are
souls - tuelinhs, they have forgotten all their roots and no
longer have any memories of their homeland - paradise. They
don't know that the children in heaven long to be incarnated
as humans to practice in the human world. They need to
remember their mission.
As the three adult tuelinhs were talking, they
discovered from afar the silhouette of the first Tuelinh
approaching them. They immediately stopped talking,

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

adjusted their clothes to be more dignified, and looked more

majestic. In a moment, Nalas Nalanda stood before them. The
three tuelinhs leaned forward to greet him, "Father, do we
need to open the door?" He nodded and said, "Please call Giac
and Phap here, then everyone comes inside. I will talk to you."
Right after that, the two tuelinhs went to invite the other two
tuelinhs to come. One opened the door to let him in. When the
door is opened, golden rays of light shine outside. This is the
most unique type of light in the universe. Nothing can
describe the feeling of having that light shine on your body.
The body becomes warm, peaceful, and full of vitality.
Besides, golden energy particles floating inside the door were
revealed when he stepped inside. Inside is a vast space
containing shiny yellow super-energy particles, which are the
smallest super-energy particles. After closing the door, the
remaining tuelinh followed him inside, and they both looked
at the space containing this unique super-energy.
The two did not say a word to each other, and they
continued to look at the super-energy particles. They float,
keeping an even distance from each other without jostling.
Because they always rotate around themselves, the light from
them blends to create the splendour of the aura in this space.
Suddenly, in a tranquil and peaceful space mixed with a
magical aura, the door opened, and four tuelinhs entered and
approached him. They leaned over and bowed to him. They all
continued without saying anything in this magical space,
seemingly feeling the achievements of their practice, their
experiences of suffering, and the transformation of the
original yin and yang embryo in themselves.

The Five Messengers of Nalas Nalanda

After a while, Nalas Nalanda said to the five tuelinhs,

"Sit down, now I want to talk to you." When they sat down
opposite him, he immediately asked, "How do you feel in
here?" "We feel peaceful, free, pure, warm, full of life; nothing
can disturb us while staying here," all five tuelinhs said
together. Next, he gently explained, "To have purity, peace,
freedom, no more afflictions, it is the result of experiencing
suffering in the human world, then transforming all suffering,
and reforming the yin and yang embryo within oneself. As a
result, the yin and yang embryo becomes the filter, the
machine that produces super-energy particles. One of the
super-energies is the iridescent yellow super-energy that you
are seeing. This super-energy is the main energy source to
ensure the whole universe is active and alive. You know, to
have super energies to operate and maintain the sustainable
development of the universe, we must have a responsibility:
the mission of experiencing suffering in human life to
transform the yin and yang embryo into an energy filter.
However, so far, only I have achieved the filter that produces
super energetic particles, so there is not enough energy to
supply the movement of the entire universe, especially to
protect the universe from the attack of destructive energy
from outside." A tuelinh immediately said, "I have observed,
and calculated that now is the best time for you to continue
incarnating into the human world. Because some tuelinhs are
already qualified to transform their yin and yang embryos
into stable filters, they need you to direct them to help them
transform successfully. I want you to look into that matter."
He immediately replied, "I accept your request. Moreover, it's
time for me to transform into a human to upgrade the yin and

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

yang embryo again. At that time, I will produce many new

types of super-energy, which will help protect and develop
the universe better than it is now." The five of them rejoiced
and said, "It is wonderful. There will be many tuelinhs who
will become enlightened beings when Father directly guides
them in the human world; they will be glad to know this fact
and to meet Father in the human world." "Yes, they will be
delighted and happy for that, and this will help many other
tuelinhs to release all the toxins in their souls." he replied. All
five tuelinhs looked at each other with surprise and asked
him, "Father, could there be people who don't like your
presence in the world?" "Yes, those are the toxins they need
to release from their souls. This is very good for them because
then they will learn to control the energy groups as they
interact with them, and they will be qualified to transform
their embryos of yin and yang," he replied. The five tuelinhs
immediately said, "Please explain more for us to understand."
He looked at each of the tuelinhs around him in turn
and said, "Today, I will thoroughly explain the function of each
of the tuelinhs in all of you, and then you will unite as one and
understand what I have said.
- Chap, you are an adult intellectual spirit - tuelinh, you
have been chosen by me as one of the five messengers for me.
I named you Chap. Your task is to observe all the tuelinhs
incarnating as humans in the human world, and each tuelinh
will be in a body. I call it a soul. You watch the vibration of
negative energy particles in each soul. When they vibrate
beyond the threshold, they tend to show conservatism,
clinging, and arrogance in what they have or do not, wisdom,
love, and action. Then, you must help them release all the

The Five Messengers of Nalas Nalanda

toxins in the negative energy particles, especially their

original negative particle. That is, you transmit more
information create the right environment to captivate, and
fascinate the nature of their toxins to be fully revealed. Even
if they suffer because of the toxins in their souls, you must
continue to help them release the toxins. You are not allowed
to prevent their poison from releasing because of love and
ignorance when you see them suffer. They cannot transform
their yin and yang embryos if they don't remove all the toxins.
As a result, they will be disintegrated by the destructive
energy. Their toxins are active in all the interacting situations
of human life, so you must not leave out ingredients to
increase their suffering and their ability to force
detoxification. As a result, there is not any tuelinh that
without your help to force out the toxins of attachment,
conservatism, and arrogance.
- San, you are also a mature tuelinh, I named you San.
Your mission is to help the tuelinhs practising in the human
world reveal all the natures of impulsiveness, impatience,
winning and losing, killing each other and killing other
species. The toxins in each tuelinh are secrets; they are
countless, and they will explode in environments with
extreme pressure, compression, in possessing or without
possessing, in love, in intelligence, and actions. You must
carefully observe all souls in human bodies in the human
world. When the negative energy particles in them vibrate
beyond the threshold, they tend to become out of control
through behaviour such as impulsiveness and impatience,
winning and losing, and killing. Then you have to add more
environment and information to help them have more

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

pressure and pressure on them. When they develop toxins

related to that toxic tendency, they can identify them after
experiencing suffering. They will eventually learn how to
force those toxins out of their tuelinhs and transform their yin
and yang embryos. All the tuelinhs practising in the human
world are the objects you must help, and the toxins related to
your mission in the tuelinhs are countless. Their toxins will
erupt in all interaction situations in the human world, so you
need to observe to help them.
- Han, you are also a tuelinh with many achievements
and maturity. I named you Han because your mission is
different from Chap and San. The toxins that need to be
removed from all the tuelinhs that Chap and San are helping
them with are easy to see. However, your task is to help all
tuelinhs practising in the human world to force out the most
difficult-to-detect toxins in the yin energy particle system and
the root yin particle of each tuelinh. When each tuelinh is
practising in the human world, from clinging, arrogance,
conservatism, superiority, impatience, impulsiveness, and
killing, the most unrecognizable poison is hatred. The poison
of hatred in each tuelinh is hazardous and can kill countless
people and countless lives when each tuelinh explodes toxin.
Because the tuelinhs must get rid of this toxin if they want to
grow and survive in this universe, you must increase the
material and the environment to help them release the poison
of hatred. When they release this toxin, they will recognize it
after experiencing suffering, and eventually, they will learn
how to transform their yin and yang embryos. All tuelinhs
have this toxin, more or less depending on the secret
information in the original negative particle of each tuelinh.

The Five Messengers of Nalas Nalanda

- Phap, you are also a mature tuelinh, I named you Phap.

Your mission is the same as my other messengers. However,
your task is to be selective about the objects of tuelinhs to help
them. That is, whenever there is any tuelinh in the human
world who researches, applies any method, or works for any
purpose, whether good or bad. At that time, you must
transmit more information to them to create an environment
to help them release this toxin. That is the kind of toxin
contained in the tuelinhs when incarnating as humans, and it
will be released in any living situation, in each live
environment. When it breaks out, it is destruction, dividing
unity, spreading ignorance, uniting ignorance, causing
murder. Then, help them release all these toxins when they
only vibrate beyond the threshold until that toxins are forced
out of tuelinh. Specifically, in religions and forms of practice
in the human world, when people use meditation to find
peace, seek and learn about miracles, mantras, and methods
of saving sentient beings. Give them what they need, and
praise them for their extraordinary approach. Thus, the
poison within them will be released, and they will realize their
poison after they have finished experiencing suffering. They
will eventually learn how to transform their yin and yang
- Giac, you are like my four messengers of tuelinh. You
have grown up and have many achievements. I named you
Giac. Your task is to help all tuelinhs practising in the human
world reveal the toxins in the yin energy particle system and
their root yin particles. Your task is selective; you focus only
on the toxin that tends to be intellectual. Observe all people,
see if they have a poison in their tuelinhs that symbolizes

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

intellectual arrogance or not, a poison that symbolizes

intellectual inferiority. You help them by spreading more
information creating more living environment for them to
release that toxin. Specifically, you create information so that
people who are proud of their intelligence are satisfied, from
which they will develop the poison of arrogance and think
they are intelligent. Create information to help people with
low self-esteem about lack of education and knowledge; the
toxin that emerges is that they are self-deprecating with no
intelligence. When they suffer, they will recognize this toxin
and eventually learn how to force it out and transform their
yin and yang embryos. Praising and criticizing the wisdom of
every tuelinh in the human world is the task that you must do.
Hey, children, please unite the tasks of all of you into
one whole. Next, close your eyes and feel the poison of each
tuelinh that has been, is, and will be activated when
incarnated as a human in the human world to practice.
Imagine how the environment will manifest when all those
toxins are released in all the circumstances."
While all five of his messengers focused on connecting
and visualizing what he said, Nalas Nalanda raised his hand to
hold the shiny golden energy particles before him. The
wondrous lights from the super-particles radiated and
merged with the aura emanating from him, adding to the
magnificent beauty of this special space. He looked at the
super-particles and said in his mind, "One day soon, you will
become stronger; that strength comes from the enlightened
ones who are nearing completion.”
After a moment of silence, the five messengers opened
their eyes, looked in his direction and said, "Father, if you do

The Five Messengers of Nalas Nalanda

not create an environment for the tuelinhs to be incarnated as

practitioners, the tuelinhs will never force their toxins out. It
is truly miraculous what you have created in the human
world. We have a wish, that is, please allow us to be
incarnated in humans, with you soon. We also want to
squeeze out all the toxins and successfully transform our own
yin and yang embryos." He nodded slightly and said, "I agree
with your request; please prepare everything for this
incarnation and complete the squeezing of the toxins as well
as the transformation of the yin and yang embryos." With
Nalas Nalanda's consent, his five messengers could not hide
their joy and happiness because it was the best chance to
attain full enlightenment.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Four

The Plan and The Challenge

The winds moving in the air gently mixed with rays of

light emanating from the trees, grass, rocks, and soil; they
were leisurely and at ease, playing as if there was no sadness.
Sometimes, they seem to be having fun as if they are chasing
each other, making the children feel the coolness and mischief
of the wind, causing their hair to cover their innocent eyes.
They brushed those strands of hair back on their heads and
then continued to listen attentively to stories from their
I was immersed in the wonderful memories of the
space and the peaceful mood surrounding Nalas Nalanda and
his children. That peace and freedom intoxicated my mind as
if I were again present. The words he was preaching to the
children were listened to attentively by me. The space became
quiet because he and the children enjoyed the calm, gentle,
mischievous winds. Suddenly, I returned to reality, a feeling
of regret because the scene there was highly fantastic, while
in reality, I was trying to write down the knowledge from him,
trying to convey it to everyone, and hoping for the people out
there who are suffering in human form to awaken and

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

overcome their suffering. I meditated and thought about the

journey I had gone through over the years, and it was full of
ups and downs, and pride. But, above all, the pieces of his
knowledge that I have spread, countless people have studied
and practised to overcome suffering in their lives in the
human world. Diseases of the mind have been verified by
many people, and found that his knowledge is truly
miraculous. It can heal all suffering, from illness to suffering
in life. Right now, I am trying to unite all his excellent
knowledge, making it the most perfect, attractive, and
powerful in healing all the sufferings of intelligence and
people in humanity. With that desire, I became like someone
who was fascinated by his wisdom and compassion, and I did
not want to escape from his wisdom and compassion under
any circumstances. I wish always to be associated with that,
which helps me gain invaluable knowledge from him and
spread it to all humans to study and practice. Because that is
the only path, the only method to help tuelinhs mature and
control the energy of destruction.
For a moment, I returned to Nalas Nalanda's memories.
I was delighted to hear his teachings. The winds seemed to
want to be around him and the children, and they were
constantly playing, sometimes gentle, sometimes naughty. I
was trying to concentrate on listening to his teachings to the
children; however, perhaps it seemed to be coming to an end
when I heard from him, "There are countless lessons you need
and have to learn; I can only teach you the necessary lessons
to prepare you before you transform into a human, the rest,
you need to experience suffering in the human world. When
you experience suffering in your human life, you will

The Plan and The Challenge

understand and become enlightened. Those are the lessons

from the practice of the human practice environment." A child
immediately asked him, "Father, have you ever incarnated as
a human to practice with and teach tuelinhs? If you do that,
the tuelinhs will quickly mature and complete their human
practice in the human world." "I have incarnated many lives
in human form to practice, to impart knowledge to the
tuelinhs to understand the origin, task, and path to liberation
from suffering. I incarnate as a human to practise when
necessary, which is important," he replied to the child's
question. Another child immediately confided, "Father, I hope
that when we are practising in the human world, we will meet
you when you also transform into a human. We will learn
knowledge from our father, which is extremely fortunate for
us." Now, he just looked and smiled at the children. After that,
the space became quiet again because the children were
immersed in thought as if imagining scenes of life in the
human world when they were incarnated as humans.
Then he told the children, "My children, I told you that
I would teach important and necessary lessons before each
tuelinh incarnates as a human being. You have learned two
lessons in the place where tuelinhs are nurtured and
produced. Now I will teach you another lesson, which will
greatly help you when living in the human world." The
children became happy, and they sat closer to him. One
happily said, "I can listen to you teaching anytime and
anywhere. I hope you teach us many lessons." "I took this
lesson from the reality of a human life that I practised in the
human world. It's called The Plan and the Challenge," he said,
and the children immediately expressed surprise and

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

excitement, "The lesson from father's life in the human world.

It is wonderful."
He said, "In my most recent human life, I was over 30
years old and had regained wisdom from the tuelinh and
achieved total enlightenment. At that time, many people
followed my enlightened knowledge. In the first days of my
journey of spreading enlightened knowledge, I taught my
students to practice meditation, and many people realized the
realms of meditation. And, of course, I told them the dangers
and warnings before learning to meditate. Besides, for
students to have valuable means to help people suffering, I
have taught them many methods to practice. I have created
mantras and terms to solve different problems. Those
mantras and phrases have encoded information and linked
them to planets in the universe, where the tuelinhs are on
duty to support the human world and directly connect with
me. When they read those mantras or terms, the energy from
within me will link to the planets and the people reading to
support and save them. In the first stage of leading students
to practice, I use those methods to guide people to practice
with the knowledge of complete enlightenment. I have
entirely taught them the do's and don'ts, but their compliance
and listening to my instructions are not done correctly.
One day, I walked with some disciples on a dirt road in
a mountain village. It was already evening because we had
been walking for a long time, and everyone felt tired, so we
sat down to rest on the side of the road next to the village
intersection. A while later, one of my disciples came from a
nearby people's house. When he saw us, he looked happy,
approached me, greeted me and the other disciples. Then he

The Plan and The Challenge

said with a happy face, "Teacher, I just helped that family

solve the problem of demons in their house. That family was
possessed by demons and caused many diseases, and life was
in a lot of trouble. I solved it and finished helping them. I feel
delighted, sir." "Sit down here, and tell me how you deal with
them. The other disciples want to hear it too," I asked the
disciple. "Teacher, that family invited me through a relative to
come check and help because they often see ghosts in the
house, family members often get sick, they have to borrow
money for treatment, and not enough food for the members.
When I knew that, I immediately agreed to help them. When I
come to the house, I meditate and carefully examine
everything around their house. I immediately discovered a
demon and several ghosts in that land. Next, I used my magic
to seal it up, not let them escape. Then, I talked to their family
members about what I saw on their land. They expressed fear
and asked me to handle it so their house would be free of
ghosts. Next, I follow the methods you taught me to send
demons and other spirits to another planet, where excellent
tuelinhs work and educate them. When I was done, I
meditated to check and see that their house was free of ghosts
or spirits. I told the family the outcome of the treatment; they
were delighted, and I'm happy too, sir." When I heard that, I
told him, "You should meditate and check that house again.
The devil and the spirits are still in that house and have not
been liberated."
At that time, his face became worried and then
meditated to check again. After a moment of meditation, he
opened his eyes, and his face became red. The red colour of
anger was present on that face. He immediately stood up, his

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

words mixed with anger and said to me, "Teacher, why is this
so? Why can't they be liberated? It turns out that your method
is incorrect. Your dharma has no value. Why is that?" At that
time, I smiled and told him, "You want to know why? Please
sit down, and I will explain it to you,” When he sat, I said, "You
have forgotten what I taught you. In the early days when I
preached the teachings, I had to create methods to help
beginners have a foundation of faith so they could pursue
enlightenment knowledge. And when my knowledge has
spread and grown more robust, I have told you that you must
no longer use those methods to solve people's difficulties but
instead spread the knowledge of enlightenment for them to
understand the origin, the task of human practice in the
human world, and the way to practice liberation from
suffering. When people understand, they will be the ones who
will directly save the demons and spirits trapped in their
place. And I said, don't try to be someone else's spiritual
Teacher. I will explain what you just dealt with and why you
failed. That's the Plan and Challenge lesson:
- It is a Plan because when the human world is built
when the tuelinhs incarnate in human form when going
through lifetimes of practice, people will not remember or
know their origin. Why? Because that is the plan, those living
in different situations will have suffering experiences. When
there is suffering, the negative energy particle system within
them will vibrate and create reactions with other energy
groups. At that time, the toxins in their tuelinhs will be
released. They need to recognize and try to force those toxins
out of themselves. In particular, through that, I will find the
best method to help the tuelinhs transform their yin and yang

The Plan and The Challenge

embryos, and they can control the energy of destruction. The

plan here is that humans, while living, practice evil actions
towards others species, such as killing themselves, killing
animals, and killing others. After they die, the soul will not be
taken to heaven or elsewhere. They will have to live in the
place where they died. It is inevitable because when they kill,
many negative energy particles are produced from within
their souls, which causes them to have information disorder
and insufficient strength to perceive and move in the
universe. Because of the evil they have done, they must
undertake another mission. When they complete it, they will
be transferred to another place to rebalance their energy
before continuing their reincarnation. That is, they have to
wait for people to come to the place where they die physically
to build a house and stay in it. Those souls must find ways to
inform living people about the world of souls, also known as
tuelinhs. They must do everything possible to help people
living on that land understand and believe in the world after
people die. It will help people learn about the source of them
and after death. It is essential to help people search for
liberation from suffering to attain enlightenment and return
to heaven. You must remember the suffering, illness, and
poverty of the people living on that land are not caused by
ghosts. They are controlled and created by the negative
energy particles they produced in their past lives. Suffering is
not a disease that must be avoided; it is an invaluable asset to
help tuelinhs learn lessons and grow. When people living on
those lands have faith in the soul, they know to practice good
actions for others, and from within, they will radiate the light

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

of wisdom. At that time, my energy will take those spirits or

demons to where they need to go.
- Is a Challenge because when people are walking on the
path of connecting to the source, to the tuelinhs to practice the
method of liberation from suffering, they will develop the
final toxins in tuelinh themselves. That will help them
significantly mature, transform their original yin and yang
embryos, and control the destructive energy. It is a challenge
to comprehend the toxins in the tuelinh of the disciples, of
those practising the method of liberation. That will show the
level of enlightenment and ignorance in the tuelinhs. That is
to see if the disciples have listened to the Teacher's teaching,
such as intellectual arrogance, superiority and inferiority
with classmates, even teachers. Hey, you, mantras or methods
are created by me, and they are linked from the information
in my yin and yang embryo to you and throughout the
universe. The data will link to me when you read or use them,
and my tuelinh will directly process. But you mistakenly think
you have magical powers and magic to dispel evil spirits or
ghosts. That's why I answered that you cannot save the souls
in that house. Why? Let them resolve it for themselves
because you don't explain enlightened knowledge. When they
understand and practice enlightenment for themselves and
the souls where they live. Those people will attest to my
knowledge and continue to spread it to countless others who
are suffering to practice together. That is the most wonderful
dharma, the ultimate method to save intelligent beings,
tuelinhs, and humans."
When I stopped the lecture, he immediately said,
"Teacher, it was my fault. I did wrong. I didn't listen to what

The Plan and The Challenge

you taught. I didn't even behave properly with you. I ask for
your forgiveness?" "I forgive you, and I always forgive all your
mistakes. Please remember this lesson and tell your
classmates." Then, we continued to return to our home.
The children were still eagerly awaiting his teachings
when they suddenly realized the lecture was over. They
immediately asked him, "Father, when we incarnated into the
human world, did we have to go through the same
environment as you described? Will we have the same poison
as that disciple?" "You will have to go through such situation,
and you will develop the same poison as that disciple of mine.
However, the toxicity level of each tuelinh is different, so the
reactions and beliefs to practice the knowledge will also be
different. When you hear this lesson, it is the amount of
valuable information stored and encoded in your yin and yang
embryo. When you live in a human form, encountering that
situation, this information will help you to control the toxins
more easily. When you practice in the human world, you must
understand that there are no magical powers, not even
mantras. It would be best if you focused on practising good
things to all beings with knowledge, spreading useful
knowledge and good deeds to everyone, and constantly
helping all beings. Doing so will help you quickly overcome
suffering." The children immediately replied, "Father, we
always remember your sermons. We thank you for your
teaching. The last lesson has helped us have a deeper insight
into the difficulties and hardships of practising in the human
world. We hope you will always guide us and show us how to
overcome all difficulties on the practising path."

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

At that time, he smiled and realized that his children

were much more mature in thinking and communicating.
That is a proof that their time to reincarnate as humans has
come close. After that, he and the children still sat and enjoyed
the cool breeze that was both gentle and playful.

Chapter Five

Secrets of Tuelinh

In another moment, Nalas Nalanda was sitting on a

large block of rock next to a vast lake. That lake is so large that
you cannot see the other shore when you look far away. He
sat with his legs stacked on top of each other, in silence,
looking towards the lake. Now, the children knew he was near
the lake, so they invited each other to his side to listen to his
new sermons. When they were far away, he heard the sounds
of their breath, their footsteps, their exhilarating sounds in
mischief. He still observed the lake and the cool breeze mixed
with the five-coloured lights spreading in the space around
him. How wonderful it is to see from the shore what is at the
bottom of the lake, right next to the shore and far beyond the
lake. Tiny, brilliant blue stones make up the material at the
bottom of the lake. The bright lights from the small rocks on
the bottom of the lake make the water in the lake become
brilliant blue and iridescent as they blend with the iridescent
light from the surrounding things. More miraculously, even
though there were gentle breezes on the lake's surface, and
sometimes it was like playing, the water surface did not have
a single ripple. This makes this place strangely peaceful, and

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

free, and all sadness, anxiety, and suffering will disappear

when immersed in this magical space.
The children came to his side and received his consent
to learn the new sermon. Now, they were frolicking beside
him, picking up the colourful, iridescent stones at their feet
and throwing them into the lake together. They are competing
to throw the rocks furthest away from the lake surface.
However, no ripple appeared when the stones fell into the
lake. The children could only recognize the location of the
stone falling into the lake when the brilliant blue light of the
lake mixed with the iridescent light from the rocks. This
makes the children fascinated by that magical beauty.
While the children were still playing, he said, "Come
here and sit next to me. In this moment, I will teach you a new
lesson." The children ran over, climbed onto the rock he was
sitting on, and then sat facing him. Innocent faces are looking
attentively and waiting for him to lecture. He immediately
asked them, "What did you see below the lake?" "We see tiny
gems radiating brilliant blue, and the whole lake is blue," the
children replied. "So, do you see anything underneath that
layer of tiny jade rocks?" "Father, no." He asked, "Do you see
anything inside the rock we are sitting on, and what is inside
those trees?" "Father, we don't know what's inside the rock
and underneath the lake bottom." Surprised by his questions,
one of them continued, "Father, I don't understand the
implications of your questions." "Children, these are the
things that you do not know. When you do not know, it is the
secrets of other matter outside of yourselves, even of all
things inside and outside this universe. I continue to ask you:
Do you know what is inside the energy particle system in our

Secrets of Tuelinh

body? And what is inside the energy particle system of your

own body? "Father, we do not know. Are these the secrets
within ourselves and the secrets of our spiritual being? He
smiled and replied, "You already know the title of the lesson I
will teach you today, which shows you are wonderful."
“Children, everything inside and outside this universe
is a mystery; secrets exist in every unit of matter, the smallest
being the smallest energy particle until it covers both the
inside and the outside of the universe. In this lesson, I teach
you about the inner secret of each tuelinh. To understand the
mysteries of all matter inside and outside the universe, you
need to experience practice in the human world. Then, you
apply my enlightened knowledge to decode all the secrets of
all things.
When you want to know the secret of some matter, of
something, you must discover and study it. If you want to
learn the secret inside the rock, we are sitting on. You must
break it, then you will know what is in it. To understand what
is inside the tree trunk, you have to cut it in half or split it
lengthwise, and then you will know what is inside. To
understand what lies beneath the bottom of the lake, you
must remove layer by layer of matter from the bottom to
understand what lies beneath each layer of matter that you
want to uncover its secrets.
When you stand on this and see the brilliant blue water
because the light emanates from the tiny jade stones at the
bottom of the lake, look through the water and see the
substances at the bottom of the lake. That is part of the secret
that you have understood. That understanding is simple, easy
to see, and also takes time to observe. However, all things in

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

and out of the universe have countless secrets that are easy to
see and hard to see. Especially some secrets are difficult to
see, that is, the tuelinh life form and the energy of destruction.
Regarding the energy of destruction, you will learn during the
process of practising in the human world. To gain knowledge
for you before you transform into a human to practice in the
human world, you must learn about yourself first. Although it
is not all the secrets of tuelinh, it is enough to help you
understand the cause, mission, and responsibility and
practice the path of enlightenment in the human world. When
you complete the path of enlightenment in the human world,
you will understand all the secrets of yourself, all things, other
tuelinhs, and the group of destructive energy.
The secret in tuelinh consists of three main parts:
Structure, information, and movement mechanism. As
1. Structure of tuelinh
The structure of each tuelinh is made up of three
elements. Each tuelinh consists of form, energy particle
system, and intellectual wave code fibre system. These three
factors are closely linked to form a complete tuelinh in the
inseparability of any one element. When it is born, the
structure of the tuelinh can move, mature, or decompose
depending on the information value and the inner working
mechanism of each tuelinh.
- The form of tuelinh. Appearance is divided into two
stages: Before birth and after birth.
+ Before being born, tuelinh was just a mature yin and
yang energy embryo with a structure of 16 synthetic energy
particles outside. To create a yin and yang energy embryo and
Secrets of Tuelinh

then a tuelinh, I initially select the smallest yin and yang

energy particles, and they must be a group of particles with
super complex intellectual wave codes. Then, I put them into
the nurturing space inside the cave containing quartz crystals.
Each positive and negative energy particle will be linked
together if they qualify, and if they don't, they won't. This
means that if they have the same or similar information
inside, they will have a binding reaction; otherwise, there will
be no binding reaction. After they link together to form the
original yin and yang embryos, I place them in rare quartz
crystals, each of which will nurture a yin and yang energy
embryo. Then, information value is exchanged between
negative and positive particles. That exchange helps them
create primitive working rules, and negative particles will
absorb heat from the outside environment, including
information value. Next, the positive energy particle will do
the job with the negative particle to rotate the yin and yang
embryo continuously to generate heat and produce the yin
and yang intellectual wave codes. The negative intelligence
wave codes are stored in the original negative particle. The
positive intellectual wave codes are stored in the original
positive particle. At the same time, those intellectual wave
codes will copy and transform into the smallest energetic
particles and move away from the original yin and yang
embryo. They are stored at the negative and positive
extremes outside of the original embryo after the sheath of
the original embryo is removed and formed into an adult
embryo. When the smallest amount of yin and yang energy
particles at the yin and yang extremes has a lot of numbers,
the negative particles will link together to form a composite

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

negative particle, and the positive particles will link together

to form a synthetic positive particle. They will then move out
to build a 16-particle structure outside the mature embryo.
Neutral particles link together eight synthetic positive energy
particles, and eight synthetic negative energy particles will
move next to eight synthetic positive particles in a 1:1 ratio.
To produce a composite yin or yang particle, the smallest
particles must store the same or similar information content
within each particle. Thus, the form of tuelinh before birth is
a mature yin and yang energy embryo with 16 synthetic yin
and yang particles linked by neutral particles. It takes a very
long time to transform from the original yin and yang embryo
into an adult embryo with 16 synthetic yin and yang energy
particles outside, and they are carefully nurtured and
protected in a wonderful space.

Secrets of Tuelinh

+ After being born, the tuelinh takes the form of a

human. When born, tuelinh is as tiny as a baby in the human
world called a baby tuelinh. The baby tuelinh is very weak.
The milestone of a baby tuelinh birth is that the structure of
yin and yang energy particles synthesized outside the mature
embryo has increased in number, called a mature embryo
with 16 expanded yin and yang particles. Neutral particles
link the aggregate positive particles, extending the bond
outward. At that time, the form of a baby tuelinh becomes
clear. Because the information value in the baby tuelinh's
energy particle system is small, its strength and ability to
move are limited. Babies are always cared for and protected

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

by more mature tuelinhs. When the children become more

mature, they will look like adult humans. Tuelinhs have no
gender like humans. Each tuelinh is a structure composed of
three types of energy particles: yin, yang, and neutral.
Therefore, the tuelinh can create different shapes. However,
the human-like form is beautiful and easy to move, so this
form is the model of the tuelinh.
- The structural system of tuelinh includes the original
yin-yang embryo, the mature yin-yang embryo, and the
external synthetic energy particle system. Specifically:
+ The original yin and yang embryo consists of the
smallest negative and smallest positive energy particles. A
strong sheath protects the original yin and yang embryo.
+ The mature yin-yang embryo consists of the original
yin-yang embryo in the middle. Outside is one extreme
containing the smallest negative energy particles and one
extreme containing the smallest positive energy particles.
+ The system of synthetic energy particles outside the
mature yin and yang embryo includes a system of synthetic
positive particles linked together by neutral particles. The
synthetic negative particles will move around the synthetic
positive particles when they have the same group or similar
information content. The system of yin and yang energy
particles combined more or less in quantity shows the level of
maturity or intelligence of each tuelinh.
- Intellectual wave code system. The intellectual wave
code is contained in every smallest particle of positive and
negative energy, including the smallest neutral particles.
Initially, there was only one strand of negative intellectual
wave code and one strand of positive intellectual wave code
Secrets of Tuelinh

in the original yin and yang particles. When they are linked
together, due to the absorption of external information and
the movement process, they continuously copy other negative
intellectual wave code strands, other positive intellectual
wave code strands, and neutral wave code strands. The
negative intellectual wave code fibres are stored in the
original negative particle, and the positive intellectual wave
code fibres are stored in the original positive particle. At the
same time, they copy into other strands of intellectual wave
code and move them to the yin and yang extremes to
transform into the smallest yin and yang energy particles.
2. Information inside tuelinh
Information is images, heat, types of matter, internal
and external environments, emotions, language, ideology,
actions, and reactions. All of them are encoded and stored in
the intellectual wave code of each energy particle in the
The information in the original yin and yang energy
particles of each tuelinh is born from the subject, the original
yin and yang embryo of the universe, which is also the first
Tuelinh, because two are one and one is two. The information
in the energy particles of each tuelinh is produced by their
own yin and yang embryo.
The energy particles produced later will inherit the
original information value of the generating subject and
incorporate the external information value absorbed during
the production of energy particles.
The value of information in each tuelinh is the
intellectual nature of the tuelinh. That is a complicated secret
for tuelinh to understand. The tuelinhs want to understand all
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

the secrets of information, also known as the wisdom of

tuelinh; all tuelinhs must practice human life in the human
world to gradually discover and decode the truth about the
value of information inside themselves.
3. Movement mechanism of tuelinh
The movement mechanism of the tuelinh includes the
mechanism of absorbing external information, the
mechanism of reacting and processing information, the
mechanism of circulating information, the mechanism of
transmitting information, and the mechanism of producing
energy particles.
The movement mechanisms of the tuelinh depend on
the information value encoded in the two original intellectual
wave code strands and the intellectual wave code system in
the entire tuelinh. From the nature of information, different
forms of movement are created between other tuelinhs.
Dear children, the secret of the information and
movement mechanism of the tuelinh is a secret that is very
difficult to discover. Only when the tuelinhs incarnate as a
practitioner in a suffering environment will it help reveal all
of its nature, the secret of internal information, and the cause
of creating forms of movement in each mechanism of tuelinh.
In this lesson, remember carefully the mystery of the
structure of tuelinh, but when you understand it, it is no
longer a secret. When you understand your structure, you will
know why we need to practice in the human world in the
following lessons."
When he finished the lecture, the children looked at
each other as if the lesson was too tricky. Then they told him,
"This lesson is tough, father. When we heard you preach, we
Secrets of Tuelinh

felt the power of the magnetic energy flowing into us. We felt
a force pressing down on us, making the whole body hot. The
energy in the body becomes powerful." "Because a large
amount of valuable information is transmitted to you, and
your diligent listening has created a mechanism for giving and
receiving information. When a large amount of information
value, especially true information value, is received into the
yin and yang embryo, it will stimulate the yang energy particle
system to move and generate warm heat. This type of heat is
precious to tuelinhs and humans because it is a prerequisite
to help tuelinhs produce sustainable energy particles, from
which they will mature. Children, lie down, look at the five-
coloured lights in this space, let your consciousness blend
with them and spread with them to other planets in the
universe. Relax to help the yin and yang embryo's information
reaction and encoding processes be completed after each
After that, the children sink into the relaxation of that
beautiful space. Not only did his children feel it, but I also felt
the power and heat in my body as I absorbed his teachings. I
could come back to reality and relax like the kids are doing.
Relaxing like me and the children would be best during his
sermon. It helps us become strong and heal all suffering in the
human world and our tuelinhs. Each of his speeches will heal
every wound of each person and will help us identify and
eliminate all the toxins in our tuelinhs. Perseverance and not
giving up on the journey of liberation from suffering will give
us a miraculous achievement.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Six

The Miracle of the Human Body

"Please! Push gently. Father is working," whispered one

child as they tried to push aside the door together. The door -
the temple entrance, where Nalas Nalanda was sitting and
working, was massive. That is the only temple; it is vast,
majestic, and splendid. Once the children had entered the
temple, they stared at each pattern on the walls and ceiling by
the magnificent golden light interwoven with the antiquity
emanating from everywhere. The materials in the temple are
all made from gold; only the temple's floor is made from rare
precious stones. Gold and precious stones are crafted to
create a magnificent work, making the energy inside the
temple warm, pure, and ancient. The light emitted from these
materials created light for him to work without using lamps.
The tuelinhs call this place a temple to pay homage to their
revered father, and the truth is that this temple is not a place
of worship. He works in this place, such as giving lectures to
tuelinhs and discussing work with other tuelinhs. When my
memory first showed me this temple, I thought, "Why does
this place have such a lavish and wasteful life? Because gold
and jewels are extremely precious possessions. Yet they used

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

it to create a temple." But when the memories of paradise

were completely put together, I understood why it was like
that. Heaven is a planet agglomerated by all three groups of
matter that make up the universe; not only that but the
smallest and most quintessential particles of energy are
stored and constituted into remarkable substances and such
value. Super-matter constitutes the tuelinh life form; Simple
material forms the soil, rocks, water, plants, gold, silver, and
precious stones; Complex matter constitutes energies that
maintain alignment and give life and aura to the entire planet.
That is truly miraculous because the place where people live
is entirely different to this place.
As the children approached him, they walked softly and
did not stop looking at the work and patterns on the golden
and ancient walls. The place where he sat to work was a
simple and low table. He sits with his legs stacked on top of
each other. Opposite his sitting position are seats for other
tuelinhs, who will sit there whenever they listen to or discuss
work with him.
He was still working even though he knew they were
coming in. Perhaps he did not want to break the peaceful
moment when they revelled in the ancient space with the
beautiful works inside the temple. The temple walls'
sculptures depict images of life in the universe. There are
sketches of life in heaven and many pictures showing life
elsewhere. In particular, many paintings depict human life in
the human world. The images of the human world made the
children observe. They observed and immersed themselves in
the work as if trying to learn something.

The Miracle of the Human Body

"Our Father has finished his work," one of them said

quietly. When the children look at him, he has looked at them
ever since. Seeing this, the children immediately approached
him and sat facing him. "Father, we have been here many
times, but we feel different from the previous times this time.
From the lectures that you have taught us, we gradually
understand the life of the tuelinh, especially the curiosity
about human life that exists in our minds. The sketches of life
in the human world make us excited to be the same characters
in those paintings." "So, today, I will teach you about humans.
Do you want that?" "Father, we are looking forward to it, so
we have come to hear you preach," the children replied.
"What have you seen from the sketches of human life?"
"Father, we see babies being held by their mothers, children
playing, children studying, adults lecturing, places of learning
and teaching, small houses, big houses, temples, crowded
residential areas, people working, fat people beating thin
people while they are kneeling on the ground, many people
are killing each other because of war, the deaths of children
people, people enjoying food, drinking and laughing, adults
and children in the house, people are mourning for their loved
ones who are lying down due to something, and many other
images." "Those sketches are the living situations and
circumstances that each tuelinh when incarnating as a human,
will have to go through while living in the human world. There
are countless other situations as well." One of them confided,
"Father, I see people who look like us." "Yes, the human form
is built on the model of our tuelinh form. This is because it is
the symbol of beauty and wisdom. In particular, that model
creates a close connection between humans and tuelinhs, and

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

feels friendly in the process of reincarnation through many

lives as a practitioner." "Father, that is wonderful. The
tuelinhs will appreciate the human form when incarnating as
a human, and when people understand the truth, they will
merge with the tuelinh inside to carry out their mission on the
practising path. Isn't that right, Dad?" "Yes. Children, I will
teach you about the wonder of the human form." The children
became excited and began to look intently at him, taking in
every detail he said.
After a moment of silence, he began to teach the
children about humans.
"In the previous lesson, I told you about the tuelinh, the
secrets of the tuelinh. The information and movement
mechanism of the tuelinh is the biggest secret and the most
difficult to discover. You must understand that information
and its processing and reactions are the wisdom of the
tuelinh. Intelligence is encoded in the intellectual wave code
fibre system in tuelinh. Each tuelinh cannot know its intellect
and the other tuelinhs, as well as all other things, because
information encryption is tightly secured in the original yin
and yang embryo and the intellectual wave encoding system.
Little by little, the intellectual nature is only manifested and
recognized at the end of responding to information from the
tuelinhs to all things and other subjects. I give you some
examples: when a tuelinh moves into the habitat of
annihilation energy, that tuelinh immediately disintegrates
entirely and, as a result, no longer exists in life. When other
tuelinhs are witnessing it, they only understand that the place
is hazardous but don't know why; when a tuelinh is
penetrated by the body by destructive energy particles, he

The Miracle of the Human Body

feels pain and emotional conflicts occur, information

disturbance occurs, but he does not understand what the
nature is; when you are born from the original yin and yang
embryo, and it takes a very long time to form you, you and the
other tuelinhs will not understand why that process happens;
especially in my case, it is easy for me to absorb the
destructive energies and transform them into energy super
particles, but you can't do that, and you can't understand why.
The process of responding to information from within each
tuelinh is the secret. It is not easy for the tuelinh to recognize
its intellect. This has caused many tuelinhs to be disintegrated
by destructive energy, and the maturity of tuelinhs takes a lot
of time. It causes the decline of the tuelinh life form and the
universe to become more and more present. The reason is
that the tuelinh life form cannot understand itself, cannot
understand all things, especially cannot understand the
destructive energy group - the object that causes death to the
tuelinhs and all things in the universe.
Children, the living environment on this planet is pure,
free, and peaceful. You do not see any sorrow or suffering in
needing material or spiritual possessions. Even if you want it,
it will be satisfied by the crystallization of the best energies
on this planet. This makes it impossible for you to unleash the
intellectual nature hidden within yourself. I have realized that
the tuelinh life form lacks a living environment to help them
reveal all the information within. To solve this problem, I have
created a new living environment for all tuelinhs, a live
environment in human form in the human world. When living
in human form, through many lifetimes of practice, you will
gradually understand your wisdom, especially when

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

continuously reacting to information outside will promote

your growth process faster. The human living environment
will help all tuelinhs understand the nature of their
information and movement mechanisms, and from there, will
select the best method to help each tuelinh become mature
faster. At that time, the tuelinh life form will become
immortal, together developing all things in and outside the
universe to become sustainable.
The miracle of the human form is to help all tuelinhs
understand themselves, each other, and all things inside and
outside the universe. You will experience that miracle in your
human lives in the human world.
Why is the human body so miraculous? Hey children, I
will analyze for you to understand the structure and
mechanism of human movement:
1. The structure of a complete human
Like the structure of the tuelinh, the structure of a
complete human being consists of three constituent elements.
It includes body, soul, and wisdom. These three elements are
always united together in inseparability. Because if separated,
people will die. A person will not be genuinely complete if one
of the three elements is defective or weakened.
- The first element is the human body: Appearance is
similar to tuelinh. A human has two legs, arms, a middle body,
a neck, and a head. They are tuelinh's copies. However, the
difference with tuelinh is that humans have gender, male
represents the positive energy group, and female represents
the negative energy group. When men and women connect to
create an information reaction process, this helps us see the
mechanism of producing energy particles of tuelinhs and all
The Miracle of the Human Body

things through the construction of human gender. The human

body is divided into two stages, before birth and after birth:

+ Before birth: There must be a connection between the

woman and the man so that the father's sperm and the
mother's egg can fuse. When they combine, an embryonic
membrane is formed, which holds the embryo formed from
the egg and sperm inside. The embryo is located in the
mother's womb. It is closely connected to the mother's body

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

and tuelinh to receive energy and nutrients for the embryo's

maturation process. The simple energy particles in the fetus's
body are quickly separated at that time. Each smallest energy
particle retains information about its function and task. They
then bind large numbers to form cells in the fetus's body. Each
cell type contains a sequence of encoded information inside,
which is used to perform different functions and tasks. Those
cells are born continuously and perform their functions. This
process helps the embryo mature, and the baby's shape is
formed more clearly with parts such as legs, arms, head, neck,
body, genitals, and functional organs inside the baby's body.
You must remember that while the baby is still in the mother's
womb, the mother's tuelinh and the nutrition she eats will
nourish and protect that fetus. The baby's movements in the
mother's womb are due to the process of responding to
information and electric waves in the body. Of course, there is
a union from the mother's tuelinh to create life as well as the
movement of the fetus. In the 7th month, according to the
human calendar, the tuelinh who accepts being reincarnated
as a human will have to come to the mother's side to protect
that mother, and his body will be born smoothly. Why must
the tuelinh follow from the 7th month to protect his body and
mother? Because the human reincarnation of a tuelinh must
be programmed with essential milestones in human life to
have a close connection to the overall cause-and-effect
structure of other humans. Therefore, reincarnation as a
human must be successful without failure. The 7th month will
ensure two conditions for a successful human reincarnation:
the fetus is mature and can survive if born prematurely, and
the mother will not be able to abort the fetus from the 7th

The Miracle of the Human Body

month onwards. Therefore, the tuelinh will be present with

the mother from the 7th month, and when the baby is born,
the tuelinh officially merges into the baby's body to let out the
first cry of life to become a child, a complete person. There will
be many different cases of fetuses and babies. I will give
lectures when I preach in the human world.
After being born, at this time, the baby's appearance is
similar to that of the baby tuelinh. However, the difference
with the tuelinh is that within the human body, another
structure resides inside to maintain life, which is a tuelinh.
The tuelinh is responsible for conserving energy and heat for
the body, ensuring the existence and life of the body through
unifying with the body and controlling the body in all
activities from eating and drinking to study and be productive
in labour. Through that process, the cells in the human body
are rapidly divided, and from the body of a baby, become an
adult, grow old, and die to end a human life. Then, continue
for the next cycle of reincarnation.
- The second factor is the soul of humans: The soul is
the tuelinh. That is another way of calling it after the tuelinh
integrates into the human form to maintain and develop life.
The soul's task is to ensure the body's life, control the body in
environments that interact with people, animals, and events,
and create information reactions from the intellectual wave
code system in the tuelinh. That process will help the tuelinh
understand and discover the nature of intelligence -
information in its intellectual wave code system. In particular,
when the tuelinh becomes the soul in the human body, they
will no longer remember memories of their original mission
and no longer have magic like living in paradise. That is

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

extremely important and a miracle to help their wisdom

manifest and transform.
- The third element is human intelligence: human
intelligence consists of two parts, the intellectual centre and
the intellectual transceiver station. As follows:
+ The intellectual centre is the intellectual wave code
system in the yin and yang embryo inside the tuelinh when he
is in the body. The task of the intelligence centre is to receive
information transmitted from the body's brain. Then, there
will be an information reaction process between the input
external information and the information in the intellectual
wave code system. At the end of the reaction process, a new
amount of information will be created from the yin and yang
embryo - the result of the reaction process. Each type of
external information can only react and decode one kind of
information inside the yin and yang embryo of the tuelinh.
+ The intellectual transceiver station is the human
brain. The tools of the intellectual transceiver include sight,
smell, hearing, taste, and touch. Through these tools, the brain
will absorb information from the outside so that the
intelligence centre can react and process information.
Through that group of tools, the brain will receive the task of
transmitting data to the outside world from the intellectual
centre in the soul. Receiving and transmitting information
helps people feel that they have awareness in the brain. We
can also call the wisdom of a human life in the human world.
Wisdom will use the soul to control the body and
interact with all things, events, and phenomena to absorb
information and create reactions in the intelligence centre. It
will then transmit the information to the outside of the body.
The Miracle of the Human Body

This process helps the tuelinh gradually discover information

within itself and all things, step by step, find and practice the
best method in movement mechanisms to support the tuelinh
become more mature. Next is learning how to control all the
energy groups in and out of the universe.
2. Human movement mechanism
The mechanism of human movement is similar to that
of the tuelinh. The nature of the information within the centre
of the intellectual wave code system creates movement
methods for all movement mechanisms. In the previous
lesson, I just told you about the movement mechanisms of the
tuelinh, and in this lesson, I will analyze more deeply when
the tuelinh has become the soul in the human body. To
understand all of them, you will learn through the sufferings
of practice, through the enlightened knowledge that I spread
in the human world.
The movement of the human body is all due to the
information value within the intelligence centre operating,
reacting, and converting into actions.
Human emotions and moods appear during and after
the information reaction process in the intellectual wave code
fiber system.
When tuelinhs, humans perceive and understand the
quality and quantity of information within their intellectual
wave code fibre system. They will select the perfect method
to promote and build sustainable movement mechanisms.
That mechanism produces super-energy particles so that
tuelinh can mature faster and become enlightened. They then
transformed their original yin and yang embryos into energy
filters and became immortal in this universe.
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Through the practice environment of tuelinhs in the

human world, through the movement of all things in and out
of the universe, primarily through the successful
transformation of my original yin and yang embryo to become
a powerful filter, and produces super-energy particles from
destructive energy, I tell you about two methods of movement
of the tuelinh from all information reaction processes. That is
the method of producing negative energy particles and the
method of producing positive energy particles. When you
understand these two methods, you will apply them to
understand yourself, others, other tuelinhs, and all things
inside and outside the universe. Next, you will choose the
most magical method to implement the sustainable energy
particle production mechanism.
The information reaction process in the human body
consists of four stages:
- The first stage: the brain's intellectual transceiver
station will use the five senses to absorb information from the
outside environment into the centre of the intellectual wave
code system in the tuelinh. External information includes
images, sounds, matter, people, animals, events, and external
- The second stage: at the centre of the intellectual wave
code, there will be an information reaction process between
external information and the information encoded in the
intellectual wave code fibre system. The reaction process
depends on the similarity of the information content between
the two sides. This will result in new information value being

The Miracle of the Human Body

- In the third stage, the new information results after

the reaction process becomes an ideology. It includes
negative ideology and positive ideology:
+ Negative ideology is the thought of satisfying one's
interests but causing harm to other people, animals, and all
things in and out of the universe.
+ Positive ideology is the ideology that does not harm
humans, tuelinhs, animals, and all things inside and outside
the universe for their own sake. It is a thought that devotes
itself to spreading, connecting, and uniting all subjects to
develop all things to become sustainable in non-
discrimination jointly.
- In the fourth stage, ideology is transmitted to the brain
to direct the five senses to practice:
+ When the body performs the actions of negative
ideology, from one to countless negative energy particles will
be produced in the yin and yang embryo. Positive and neutral
energy particles will not be produced.
+ When the body performs the actions of positive
ideology, the yin and yang embryo will produce from one to
countless positive energy particles, including neutral energy
particles. In particular, the negative particles produced with
electric waves are weak enough to form an energetic particle
structure outside the mature yin-yang embryo in a stable
ratio 1:1 with positive energy particles.
From the process of reacting information to the actions
that occur after that reaction process. We see that:
- Negative ideology is toxic information emitted from
the original negative intelligence wave code fibre in the yin

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

and yang embryo and the entire negative intelligence wave

code fibre system. The toxin-produced negative energy
particles are a combination of external toxic information and
the essence of the original intellectual wave code of tuelinh. It
causes the tuelinh to have an excess of countless negative
energy particles. As a result, tuelinhs will not mature; they
will become weak, miserable and disintegrated by the energy
of destruction.
- Positive ideology is the excellent information, the
compassion emanating from the original positive intellectual
wave code fibre and the positive intelligence wave code fibre
system. Positive energy particles are produced; they help
control and force out the toxins in the negative particle
system. Making positive energy particles brings invaluable
benefits: the structure of energy particles in the tuelinh is
evenly separated, and the value of the energy particles is
exceptionally sustainable. This helps the tuelinh to transform
into a filter that produces super-energy particles in the
original yin and yang embryo when there is enough quantity
and substance in the intellectual wave code system in the
entire tuelinh.
When understanding these things, each tuelinh, human
will know how to choose the best method for himself. From
there, apply that method to all human movement mechanisms
in the human world. Step by step, understand all the values of
information and wisdom in tuelinh. Then, they can squeeze
out all the toxins inside and persistently perform the
activation of good information in the tuelinh to produce yang
energy particles.

The Miracle of the Human Body

Children, today I have explained a tremendous and

complex amount of knowledge. Since you have not
experienced the reincarnation of a practitioner in the human
world, you will not be able to realize what I am saying today.
But by listening to lectures before becoming human, your yin
and yang embryos have retained valuable information to
prepare for your practising path.
Through today's lecture, how do you feel? Do you see
the miracle of living in a human form? And remember, in the
human world, you will never be satisfied with everything
because that's my plan. Because of this, it has worked
wonders to help tuelinhs understand themselves, other
tuelinhs, and all things inside and outside the universe."
The children seemed to be intoxicated by the highly
complex information of the lecture. They seemed to be flying,
floating in space, and answered him, "Father, there are no
words to describe that miracle. Through the human form, all
malicious or good information is activated. From there, the
tuelinhs will understand and practice the path of
reincarnation to mature and become immortal." "That's right,
let's preach to each other so that you don't forget the lectures
I gave you. They will help you quickly succeed on the
practising path in the human world."
Seeing the magic of being human, the children became
excited and looked forward to the day they would become
human. When Nalas Nalanda finished his sermon, he went
out. Only children remained inside this ancient and
magnificent temple. They continued to look at sketches of the
human world. The reflection on their faces showed that they

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

had tried their best to prepare mentally and intellectually for

their upcoming human plan.

Chapter Seven

The Second Plan to Save All Living Beings

When Nalas Nalanda came out, the door was

immediately closed. That is the door to the space containing
the iridescent yellow super-energy. That is where he works
alone, and it's different from the temple he works in. At the
temple, tuelinhs are allowed to study and talk with him.
However, in this place, only five of his messengers were
allowed to enter with his permission. Inside, it has a place for
him to operate life, the movement for all galaxies in this
universe. In particular, that place is where energy super-
particles are produced through the connection from his
original yin and yang embryo. In addition to helping the
tuelinhs practice in the human world, the five messengers are
responsible for protecting this workplace. Any tuelinh is not
allowed near this area. Outside that secret door is the
workspace of the five messengers. This space has many ways
of arranging energy groups and different material structures
to form regimens and formations to monitor and operate the
practising environment in the human world. They look
massive and mysterious because, through them, the five
messengers easily build and deploy plans for human

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

incarnation and the practice of each tuelinh in the human

world. That management and operation make each causal
chain of each tuelinh when living in the human world suitable
and closely linked to form the miracle of life from one person
to the whole of humanity. All of that creates the ideal
scenarios to help tuelinhs in the human world quickly
understand themselves, other people, and all things. From
there, they quickly squeeze out all the toxins and promote the
maturation and transformation of their own original yin and
yang embryos.
After walking out the door of his workplace, he went to
the workplace of the five messengers. It looks like a pyramid,
but the top is not a pointed shape, but a ground for them to
work and operate the structures, the formations around that
place. After he ascended to the top of the tower, five
messengers came to him one by one, and together they sat
across from him.
"Father, we have arranged everything for your
incarnation. Many tuelinhs have been as incarnated as
humans before, and the rest will be incarnated after you come
to Earth. All of them will join you to form a second great saving
of living beings. Father, among the tuelinhs who incarnated to
serve that plan, there are many tuelinhs with negative multi-
particle structures, which is a great opportunity for them to
squeeze out all the toxins in them. But it is also a huge
challenge for them because their intellectual arrogance is the
most difficult toxin to remove. When they interact in the
teacher-student relationship, that toxin even thrives. Do you
have a plan for that?" The messenger Giac told him. He calmly
said, "Let their toxins develop as much as possible. I have no

The Second Plan to Save All Living Beings

trouble interacting with them in my human life. They will help

me become strong and regain my wisdom. I have to thank
them no matter what. It would be best to remember that when
the tuelinhs have incarnated in human form to practice,
releasing toxins is wonderful because that is their success and
ours. When the toxin is released, they need to experience the
suffering from that poison and force it out of themselves. Then
they will become more enlightened, and step by step practice
enlightenment to complete the transformation of their
original yin and yang embryo."
Messenger Giac continued to tell him, "Father, the
elements of time, family, people, nation, the main milestones
in your great journey have been built. All are based on
requirements and the results of interactions in the father's
past lives. These elements are all kept confidential so the
overall journey is safe for the body." "I agree with that plan. It
is the best solution for me to overcome the obstacles and
difficulties on this journey," he then asked all five messengers,
"What is your plan?" Messenger Phap immediately said, "We
have arranged the plan. Four of us will incarnate before and
after you to accompany you. One of us will stay on duty here
and protect the body until you have all your wisdom back.
When one of us returns first to continue this task, the other
messenger will incarnate as a human. That helps us all learn
knowledge and be guided by you to transform the original yin
and yang embryo successfully." He told them, "It is a
wonderful solution for me and you. When I abide in our
human body, I can leave my body for a short moment to
return to work while my body is still safe. My body will not
notice the difference. From my energy, it is not difficult."

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

"Children, when a tuelinh abides in a human form to

practice in the human world, information about their
environment and bodies will be a huge obstacle to awakening
the tuelinh to fulfil its mission. You men prepared that plan
for me. That awakening will help the body's brain connect
with me." "Yes, Father," the messengers immediately replied.
"You also know golden super-energy is not enough to
operate the entire universe and protect from the attack of
destructive energy from the outside. The attrition is
enormous from working the orbits of every planet, every
galaxy, and the universe. That will soon lead to exhaustion
and insufficient for the universe's protection and operation.
Therefore, in this incarnation, I have two main tasks to
- The first task is to upgrade the yin and yang embryo
to become comprehensive. It can only produce iridescent
yellow super-positive energy and neutral super-particles.
When fully upgraded, other super-particles will be produced.
Then, these super-energies will do an excellent job of
protecting and maintaining the universe's operation to
achieve the best efficiency.
- Second mission: After completing the first mission, I
will carry out the second mission to help humans. I will spread
the knowledge of complete enlightenment, which is the
knowledge of two noble truths: the truth of the universe and
the truth of enlightenment. I will decode and encode these
two truths into the knowledge of the smallest energy particle.
That will help people and tuelinhs to understand the fastest
and most truthfully the nature of information and intelligence
in themselves, in tuelinhs and other people, and all things
The Second Plan to Save All Living Beings

inside and outside the universe. When humanity's tribulation

is over, the knowledge of the two truths will be disseminated
and unite all humans in learning and practising the
knowledge of enlightenment.
The great tribulation of humanity cannot be avoided,
partly because of the transfer of energy supply for the
existence and operation of the Earth, partly because of
humans." When he had finished speaking, the messenger
Chap said, "It is true, Father, you have created the most
wonderful religions, beliefs, and environments for the
tuelinhs to have the conditions to force the toxins out and
successfully transform their yin and yang embryos. However,
they do not practice to remove that toxin, but instead indulge
in contentment with what they have and do not have, love and
hate, arrogant and self-deprecating intellect, action and
"We can't blame them because it is tough to break out a
type of poison in the tuelinhs, and it needs many scenarios to
make it break out. Squeezing a toxin is even more difficult,
requiring more interactive scenarios to force a toxin out. At
the same time, each tuelinh has countless toxins inside. That
is also why we call this the second great saving of living
beings. The third great saving will take place in 11000 years.
Each time a great saving is performed, in addition to creating
new super-energy for the universe, many tuelinhs will mature
and become enlightened beings. That is invaluable to tuelinhs
and the universe," he told the five messengers.
After that, all the preparations were completed, and the
tuelinhs who incarnated as humans before him were done.
The other tuelinhs continue to wait for their turn.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

When the time has come, he must carry out his destiny.
Before descending to Earth, he talked with children and
messengers who had not yet reincarnated. Those were his
instructions or encouragement for them. The children's faces
became sad. They are missing a father who regularly teaches
them about what is happening in the universe, human life, and
the secrets of everything. It was a sad moment for the tuelinhs
who remained, and they felt unhappy because they had to
reincarnate later than him, even though time passed very
quickly. Feeling an indescribable sadness, I decided to escape
that memory and return to reality. In reality, I am far from
where I was born and writing down these memories. I'm
sipping warm cups of tea to become awakened, and I can
remember his knowledge.

Chapter Eight

Nalas Nalanda's Journey to Return to


Since Nalas Nalanda incarnated as a human to carry out

his mission, the scenery in heaven is still the same, and it is as
if they have not changed at all. In addition to playing, the
children review the lessons they have learned together.
Sometimes, they talk to each other to remember the lesson
content. Other times, they are taught by Giac and Chap about
experiences and methods to overcome suffering as humans.
The two messengers Giac and Chap stayed to maintain their
mission here and to help and protect the form body of Nalas
Nalanda on his journey to return to his enlightened wisdom.
Chap takes on the additional duties of San and Han. Giac, in
addition to his mission, is taking on the other responsibilities
of Phap and must constantly observe and follow all
developments on the practising journey of the first Tuelinh.
It is not the first time the five messengers have taken on
each other's jobs to take turns transforming into humans with
Nalas Nalanda. However, they still have indescribable
emotions during his human incarnation this time. They were
filled with excitement, emotion, and suspense as they
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

watched the progress of his journey on Earth and the

anticipation of meeting and practising his knowledge when
they incarnated as humans.
While working on the tower together, after a moment
of calculation, Giac said to Chap, "Chap, according to our plan
and calculations, the time has come to inform and awaken the
connection between father and his body general already. That
body is 29 years old, has finished getting married and has
children. Tonight, when he sleeps, the two of us will go into
his dream and awaken Father to the task that must be
performed." "So good, these important milestones make me
sobbing and nervous. Look, he's already starting to go to
sleep. I probably won't be able to forget these moments. It
would be great if I could remember these memories while
living in the human world." Giac immediately replied, "Stop
dreaming. The rules cannot be changed. Let us wait for him to
fall into a deep sleep and enter his dream."
The early spring days of the new year in a poor
countryside were very peaceful. The early days of spring
make people everywhere feel hopeful and wish for a new year
filled with joy and success. He, the form body of Nalas
Nalanda, fell asleep on a cold night. That sleep washed away
the ups and downs and hardships in life that he had gone
through. He was indeed in a deep sleep. Seeing that scene, Giac
and Chap became emotional and challenging to describe. Both
saw aura light signals from within Nalas Nalanda's body that
signalled the time had come for them to go to see him.
Having fallen into a deep sleep, Nalas Nalanda suddenly
found himself standing in the middle of the house at night. Out
in the yard, the light from the moon illuminated the scene,

Nalas Nalanda’s Journey to Return to Wisdom

making it clear when viewed from inside the house through

glass windows. At that time, in his awareness, he was unsure
whether this was a dream or reality because tonight was the
first moonlit night of the new year. He couldn't differentiate
between the dream and real-life scenes every time he fell
asleep because it was so real. He often dreams of locations
that do not exist in the human world, which are strange and
beautiful scenes that captivate the human mind. As if some
invisible connection made him believe in what he saw in the
dream, he believed that his words, emotions, and actions were
his soul. He truly believed in the soul and what he knew in his
nights of sleep, including his foreknowledge of the future in
his dreams from childhood. Everything that was known in
advance happened precisely. That's why he enjoys those
things and often tells those stories to friends and relatives.
While engrossed in looking at the moonlight shining
through the glass windows, it shines on himself. Suddenly,
Nalas Nalanda heard a strange breathing sound, and it was
not similar to the breathing sound of any animal on Earth. He
became curious, opened the door slightly, and stepped out
into the courtyard. Listening to the direction of the breath, he
walked to the garden on the left side of the house. He was
startled to see a jade-green dragon staring intently at him, its
big and long whiskers curling with a strange breath. Its body
was curved into six sections, and the head was close to the
ground and looking at him, the tail was at the top. At that
moment, he instinctively became frightened, ran straight into
the house, and closed the door. He tried to look through the
window in bewilderment. That dragon suddenly flew past the
front door, and its eyes continued to look at him. It then

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

passed to the house's front yard and transformed into two

adult men. Something strange attracted him to step out and
approach the two men. While standing in front of them, one of
them said to him, "It's time for you to practice. Our world is in
danger, and time is running out. We have magic and miracles,
but we can't teach you. We will direct you to someone to
study." When those two said the name of the person he had to
come to study, the two disappeared. At the same time, the
rooster crowed continuously, waking him up from his sleep.
Although it was still dark, he couldn't sleep. He immediately
sat up and recalled all the events in his sleep. He took this as
an indication that his soul was linked to them. At this time, he
still did not know who he was or who his soul was. Everything
remains vague about the spirit world and the invisible. After
that, he thought and believed he would meet the person the
two men told him about last night.
A few months later, he met the person he was told
about in his dream. After a period of meeting, he believed that
person was indeed the person he had been informed about.
Only then did he tell his story to that person. Although that
person could not teach him, he would lead him to meet a
woman. According to him, this woman has spiritual abilities
to help Nalas Nalanda's body. After thinking about whether or
not he should see her to learn the so-called miracle, he
decided to see that woman in a few days. He hesitated to go
because he had many people who wanted to teach him about
spirituality and miracles. But he refused. He didn't want
anyone to be his teacher.
On two consecutive nights, before he met that woman,
two messengers continuously went to sleep to inform him.

Nalas Nalanda’s Journey to Return to Wisdom

The first night, a messenger transformed into an old man

came to his house and said, "You have to study quickly. Time
is running out. Heaven sent the person you are about to meet
to teach you." But it seemed he still suspected something, so
he didn't answer the older man. On the second night, an older
woman came to him and told him the same as the older man
had said. But he also had no answer. On the day he went to
meet the woman and the man who was initially informed, he
met him in a sceptical mood. The two messengers knew that
Nalas Nalanda's human form and wisdom still did not believe
what they said, so they continued to go to sleep the night after
he went to meet that woman. This time, the older man and the
older woman appeared before him. They repeated, "We can't
teach you. You should study with that woman for one year,
and you'll finish it. Everything awaits you, and you must
complete that study plan." However, he did not answer when
the two messengers returned from his sleep. Chap confided to
Giac, "It is difficult to awaken tuelinh when in human form to
live in the human world. If not for the father in his body,
perhaps we could not succeed in awakening and connecting
the brain intelligence and tuelinh inside him." "With what he
did, we were successful. The tuelinh within him is awakening,
and will receive back his memories and wisdom when he goes
through all the painful experiences in this life."
Time passed very quickly; the day he finished his
experience of studying the Dharma was almost over.
However, he was highly disappointed because he thought he
only had to learn for one year but had to study for another six
months. In particular, he did not know anything or have any
magic. Instead, the teacher only taught him rituals to pray

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

from heaven to hope for someone to have money and status.

Because he was so disappointed, he looked at the sky and said,
"Why do you show me someone like that to learn from? I can't
learn anything. There's nothing good to learn, and I only see
ignorance from the teacher. I tried to listen to her. I had to
convince her to let me complete my studies according to her
instructions. I am very disappointed in you." His faith seemed
to have collapsed after more than a year of studying. Out of
frustration, he burned all the notes he took during the study
period. When he burned them, he thought, "I can't use them.
It's so ignorant. How can I use rituals to solve human suffering
and problems? Someone may be afraid of people in heaven,
but I am not, so I burn everything I wrote down from people
in this so-called paradise. I'm not afraid of being punished or
doing anything by those who live in heaven. I am recognized
to have finished my study in the new year's spring. I don't
know what to do after that. Why didn't those two spirits meet
me from that day until now? Maybe they see they're wrong, so
they don't want to see me."
With the bustling atmosphere, everyone, every family,
is happily preparing to celebrate the new year. One night,
while sleeping, he suddenly found himself sitting in the
temple of Nalas Nalanda. He was sitting in Nalas Nalanda's
place, and many people were listening to him. His words were
profound and majestic when he heard them greet him and
heard what he said to them. He was surprised. Two emotional
states were intertwined at that time; one was the state of the
tuelinh myself, and the other was the state of the brain
wisdom; they linked together. Then he suddenly woke up in
the middle of the night. He couldn't sleep anymore. He tried

Nalas Nalanda’s Journey to Return to Wisdom

to reassure himself and assumed this was just an ordinary

dream, not a message or memory. In the following days, he
encouraged himself that it wasn't true; his soul couldn't be
that tuelinh. Whenever he thought about that scene, he feared
that he had offended that tuelinh. However, his soul does not
let him have a peaceful life like other small people. One cold
winter night later, when he was in a deep sleep under a warm
cotton blanket, he stood beside a lake in heaven. It was
tremendous, and the extraordinary thing was that he could
see the tiny stones emitting a brilliant blue light; the water
surface had no ripples. He was standing and immersed in
contemplation with his eyes looking out to the lake. Suddenly,
a tuelinh stood behind him and greeted, "Father,
congratulations on waking up and returning to visit your
homeland. I have completed protecting your body and
awakening you in his form body. Now, my father's body and
human wisdom know who the soul inside is. That is very
difficult to accept." "Thank you for protecting my human form
and for the awakenings that allowed me to connect wisdom
with that form. I am inside that body, so I am the owner of the
form; I know how to control the body to complete the task.
That form does not know that the person he has had to study
for more than a year is also my previous life teacher. He must
go through that experience to see the ignorance of people and
tuelinhs, of those who know psychic abilities. He needs to
have my intelligence. When he burned down the things he had
written out of frustration, it was my control to teach the
human mind to know right and wrong, emotions. In the
coming time, I will take my human wisdom with me on a tour
around the universe, re-visiting the memories of my human

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

life in the human world. I will gradually pass on all my wisdom

to the human wisdom of my body." Then he woke up. Like
every time, he sat up and remembered everything he saw and
knew in the dream. In the following days, he learned to accept
that the soul inside him was that tuelinh, especially after he
knew that he had to study for more than a year with the same
teacher who taught him in his previous life and how he
understood that teacher. Because of that, after he finished
learning from that person, he decided to go to her and preach
enlightened knowledge for three hours to her. However, she
was uncomfortable listening to lectures about enlightened
In the following months, every time he fell asleep in the
dark of night, his human wisdom was carried by the tuelinh
inside him everywhere in the universe, throughout the
memories of his human lives, in the human world. But in
reality, the wisdom of the tuelinh transmits essential
knowledge to the brain. When the brain intelligence receives
complete knowledge from the tuelinh, the body, wisdom, and
tuelinh merge into one whole. This process of returning
wisdom has helped him gain knowledge about the truth of the
universe, humanity, the origin of humanity, the mission of
tuelinhs and humans, and the path to liberate suffering
through the knowledge of the two noble truths. Now, he has
been teaching that knowledge. He had many classes and many
students. They come and go after a learning journey. His
wisdom became more and more perfect. He upgraded his
enlightened knowledge each year to become more profound
and comprehensive. During the difficult years on the journey
to return his wisdom and spread it, he never thought of

Nalas Nalanda’s Journey to Return to Wisdom

stopping or giving up. Once, he looked up at the sky on a bright

moonlit night and said, "My body will vow to devote its entire
life to the mission of tuelinh. The tuelinh in me is my father,
my master. I am a child of tuelinh. Every breath, every cell in
me is giving and fulfilling the mission of a great Father." He
always feels great and happy because next to him there are
people; inside them are wonderful tuelinhs, and they
accompany him on the journey of spreading knowledge of two
noble truths. They were always by his side in the most
challenging times, encouraging and cheering him. Besides,
countless people he had never met learned his knowledge
through others, through modern means of society. The sick,
those drowning in suffering, have studied the knowledge of
the two truths and have overcome it. They continue to share
that knowledge. That truth is happening, and it will not stop.
Since this knowledge is the most wonderful in the universe, it
is being used to benefit humanity and the tuelinhs.
Following the journey of Nalas Nalanda in human form
in the human world, Giac and Chap became emotional, tears
streaming down their cheeks. They are happy because the
father has been successful on the road to fulfilling his mission
in the world. They were delighted when Nalas Nalanda
successfully transformed the yin and yang energy embryo
into a dual energy filter when his body was 35 years old.
Before that, it was just a single energy filter. After only six
years of practising and spreading knowledge, with ups and
downs and hardships, he overcame and even completed the
first task. That's why the yin energy super-particle has a
brilliant jade green colour, and his yin and yang embryo
produced several other super-energies. Now, he is carrying

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

out his second mission of spreading the knowledge of the two

truths to unite humanity, helping all tuelinhs and people in
humans eliminate toxins and transform yin and yang embryos
to become sustainable.
While immersed in emotions while thinking about him,
Giac and Chap were surprised to see him come to visit. After
greeting, Giac immediately said to him, "The second great
salvation of living beings is real, Father." "Of course, it's real,
I'm doing it." Giac, following his mission, should remind him.
After the three entered the sparkling golden energy space, he
immediately said, "We are also teacher and students of the
path of enlightenment. Only we can produce super energy
particles." Then, Giac told him, "We now have two tuelinhs
qualified to transform the original yin and yang embryo into
a single filter, Father. I see that in this life of your practice, you
will have many tuelinhs qualified to transform the yin and
yang embryo into a single filter." "That is our joy, the joy of the
whole universe. Also, the negative energy super-particle
produced is doing a good job of protecting the universe from
attacks from outside destructive energy. Other super-
energies are doing their job well. We still have one important
thing to do: save the Earth so that the practice environment of
tuelinhs is not destroyed. We will try to save as many people
as possible." Then, he returned to his body while that body
was still asleep.

Chapter Nine

The Four Commandments of God in the

Gathering of Humanity

Always observing and following Nalas Nalanda's

footsteps in human life in the human world, Giac is highly
proud of the achievements he has made over the years.
Countless people have overcome suffering in life quickly and
peacefully through studying and practising the knowledge of
the two truths. Besides, many people of different ages had
mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety disorders,
hallucinations, paranoia, postpartum depression, being
possessed by demons, and schizophrenia, they recovered and
returned to normal. In particular, many people suffer from
mild to severe diseases, such as body pain, bone and joint
pain, cancer, etc. They have overcome illness and suffering in
life like magic. However, from Nalas Nalanda's sermons, Giac
knew it was not magic or a miracle. All the sick people
recovered from their illnesses, and those who had suffered
overcame their suffering because they diligently listened and
learned his knowledge; they and their families followed his
teachings and instructions correctly. Because the knowledge
he is teaching is accurate information, the truth of all things in

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

and out of the universe. All that information he called the

knowledge of two noble truths, including the truth of the
universe and the truth of enlightenment. He combined that
knowledge with the smallest energy particle's truth, nature,
and movement mechanism to create the magical power of
enlightened knowledge. Learning about the smallest energy
particles is difficult to understand because humanity cannot
discover the smallest particles of simple matter, such as soil,
rocks, plants, and metals. But the knowledge of the smallest
energy particles that the incarnation of Nalas Nalanda is
teaching includes the smallest energy particles of simple
matter, complex matter, and super-matter. They are the three
groups of matter that make up the universe and all life within
it. However, the knowledge of the smallest energy particle
became accessible for everyone in the human world to learn
and remember when he encoded the knowledge of two truths
into them to dispel ignorance and achieve enlightenment for
tuelinhs, people in the human world. For him, it is the truth of
information with the nature and operating mechanism of the
smallest particle in the universe. But for me, it is magic, a
miracle that my revered father has been teaching in the
human world through his incarnation.
Although he still had to wait for one of the three
messengers to return before Giac could transform into a
human to study and practice, he could still listen to the
lectures Nalas Nalanda preached to his students. The
wonderful tools in Giac's workplace help him complete the
task but also allow him to immerse himself in the atmosphere
of the great teacher's lectures and classes. He always listens
attentively and does not miss any lesson from the teacher,

The Four Commandment of God in the Gathering of Humanity

imparting knowledge of the two noble truths. Because he

heard and received valuable information from the teacher's
lectures before incarnating as a human, he is confident that he
will fully understand that knowledge and practice
transforming the original yin and yang embryo into an energy
filter success in the following human life.
When Giac saw Nalas Nalanda preparing to give
lectures to many students in a classroom with nearly a
hundred students, Giac seemed to blend into the classroom
atmosphere to listen to his teachings. He rented the classroom
in a house to lecture on knowledge. Although the space was
cramped because many people were listening to the lecture,
it was even uncomfortable, but those troubles disappeared
when his lesson started. That is the familiar feeling of those
who have repeatedly heard speeches from the teacher.
When he knows the truth about himself, who is the
tuelinh inside him? Nalas Nalanda's incarnation used his
name as his own. He explained to his students the meaning of
the name Nalas Nalanda: when in heaven that name means
the first tuelinh, God, all things in the universe were born from
him, his wisdom covers the entire understanding of the
universe, especially he is the only fully enlightened tuelinh;
When in the human world, that name means a fully
enlightened person preaching the knowledge of two noble
truths to everyone. In particular, students of Nalas Nalanda
are allowed to use Nalanda as their name if they practice
spreading the understanding of the two truths to everyone
equally. Then, his students also became Nalandas, and they
were the ones who preached the doctrine of full
enlightenment to everyone.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

My endless memories were suddenly replaced by

memories of the lecture of Nalas Nalanda, my respected
teacher. When his warm words were played, I noticed that
today's speech he gave on the four commandments of Nalas
Nalanda in the gathering of humanity. Luckily, I can
remember his lectures in detail and precisely as they were.
It's a wonderful thing. Please join me in the teacher's warm
Then the teacher said, "In the history of humanity, there
have been countless people who, out of suffering and hurt,
have sought the release of suffering. Because of affliction and
ignorance, numerous people seek enlightenment to be at
peace, to become wisdom. Countless people have practised on
the path to enlightenment to help themselves and other
suffering people.
Did you know they were successful? Did they attain
enlightenment or full enlightenment? In human history, in
this universe, has anyone achieved those things? These are
difficult questions for you.
Put a smile on your face, even though your body is in
pain from illness, even though your mind is disturbed by
afflictions, by suffering in torments. Please shake it off for
now, listen to what I say, look and think about the times I
laugh. My smile helps you become loving, warm, and filled
with enlightenment.
After learning the two truths, you will understand
everything from the tiniest particle of energy to yourself, the
tuelinh, humanity, the origin of humanity, and the entire
universe. You need to remember that, in this universe, there
is only one fully enlightened person, God, also known as
The Four Commandment of God in the Gathering of Humanity

Buddha. There are many enlightened ones. The rest are

immersed in suffering and the gradual destruction of the
tuelinh. At this time, you have questions about those answers.
That is great because it helps us activate the informational
natures of our souls when interacting with valuable
information. Each lesson I share with you will be the magic
key to unlock the secret pieces for yourself, others, all species,
tuelinhs, humanity, and the universe. Relax and listen to each
lecture, then you will understand and find it easy to overcome
all suffering and illness in this human life.
Do you know who the ancestors of humans are? What
is the origin of humans? Did humans evolve from animals or
some species on this Earth? Many religions and researchers
have answered this question. Some religions believe that
people come from some distant planet in the universe. Some
believe God punishes people; hence, they have to suffer on
this Earth. Some researchers believe that humans evolved
from an animal on Earth. All of these answers cause confusion
and anxiety for humans. From those points of view, we are
vague and do not assert the truth about our origins, from
which we do not know what we exist and live for, what our
mission is, and where we go after we die. We are completely
unaware or vague, even misinterpreted, about these things.
Then, we sink into suffering with no way out. We will fail even
if we try to find enlightenment in all forms. There are many
cases of failure, but they think it is a success on the path to
enlightenment. Because you and humanity misunderstand
the origins and duties of human beings, when suffering,
people leave their families, parents, spouses, and children to
go away searching for enlightenment in some pure place.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Those are the consequences of creating suffering after

suffering for the next life without even realizing the truth of
the enlightenment people have been searching for.
You have heard my lecture on the three elements that
make up the human being, the three elements that make up
the tuelinh, a little secret of the tuelinh, and why the human
life form was formed. I will tell you all the secrets of the
universe, of tuelinh, of man. When you receive all that
accurate and valuable information, the soul within you will
become strong and have the wisdom to merge with the body
and the brain. Then, you become enlightened people. Next,
practice in human life to become an enlightened being.
You must know and always remember about the four
commandments of God in the gathering of humanity. It helps
you remember your roots of humanity, your duties as a
human being, and your responsibilities to yourself, animals,
things, and everyone around you.
Before the congress of gathering humanity took place,
on Earth, there was an entire system of vegetation with vast
forests, from minor to enormous rivers, and the vast ocean,
rolling hills and mountains. Animals on the ground with
countless species live in rivers, lakes and seas, and those that
can fly high above the ground. In particular, he created an
ideal environment not to create danger to people's lives when
they appear. Those are ferocious animals that are destroyed
by climate change and natural disasters. The living
environment is created to ensure that people can live and
develop further.
After the habitat for humans on Earth was ensured,
Nalas Nalanda created many gathering points for humankind
The Four Commandment of God in the Gathering of Humanity

on Earth. The locations are held on the edge of large river

areas, next to the coast, near the forest, in the forest, and the
mountains. These gathering locations will not be able to know
about each other's presence. They will live separately from
each other for a long time to grow from a small group of
people into larger communities. Then, people between
locations will discover each other, creating complexity in
people's lives. That is the process built for humanity after the
great gathering of humanity.
The human gathering places were created around the
same time, one after the other, under the direction of Nalas
Nalanda. In each location, he had four commandments to
teach the first humans on Earth, which were their first lessons
in the human world. Besides, the animals considered it their
lesson when summoned to participate in the human
The humanity gathering congress takes place as
follows: at each gathering point, many tuelinhs are
participating in incarnation as humans in the human world.
Four tuelinhs will transform into a family, including a father,
mother, son, and daughter. There were more than four
incarnated households in each location. He summoned the
animals from all directions to listen to his teachings. The
tuelinhs were assigned to incarnate to perform the duties of
father, mother, son, and daughter before the conference took
place. They went through the tuelinhs conference in heaven
to thoroughly grasp the contents for the path of practice in
human form in the human world. Four tuelinhs on duty in a
family stand close to each other; they stand apart from other
families. Households stand in a circle, and in the middle is

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Nalas Nalanda. When the animals fully attended, they stood

among the households and behind them. He began using his
miraculous power to move the smallest particles of five
energy groups from the universe's space to the gathering
place. Those groups of energetic particles move like
tornadoes with countless particles and aggregate at the
tuelinhs. Each tuelinh has a vortex of the smallest simple
energy particles that merge with the tuelinh standing on the
task of incarnation. This process happens very quickly; a
moment later, complete people are formed. The father and
mother have tall and mature bodies, and the daughter and son
have small bodies. Men have rugged beauty and muscular
strength, while women have gentle beauty and grace. They do
not have clothes to cover their bodies, mainly because they
have gender differences, but they do not have any shyness or
shame. The animals expressed surprise at his creation of
humans by combining the simple energy particles to form a
body and the tuelinh with transcendent intelligence within
that body. That also makes the tuelinhs excited and worried
when they no longer have the magic to fly or transform. They
have to put on a form with countless cells inside the body, a
complete living organism. At that time, because of their
curiosity about the human body, which was very strange, one
person immediately asked him, "Father, how should we use
and operate this body?" He replied, "I make your bodies from
the smallest simple particles of five energy groups, which are
clumped together, linked together to create the parts of the
body, all of them encrypted information to do the task of
creating life when there is tuelinh residing inside. Adapt to

The Four Commandment of God in the Gathering of Humanity

your new body, and practice your human life based on my

four commandments."
Then the first humans said to him, "Please teach us. We
will remember your teachings." He looked at each household
and animal in turn, and then he gave four commandments,
"The first thing you must remember: I brought you down here
to be human with holy tuelinh, and when you return, you must
also return with holy tuelinh. The second: I have given you a
mission to give each other children so they can become a
family, have children, and build humanity into greatness. The
third thing: I give you the mission of taming the souls of
animals so that they become humans like you. The fourth
thing is that you will have to go through all the sufferings and
tribulations for many lifetimes practising in human form until
you can transform the yin and yang embryos into an energy
filter, full enlightenment. My children, I suggest: to quickly
attain the energy filter in the yin and yang embryos or become
enlightened, you should seek the truth of the universe in each
suffering and enlighten them."
Then, he instructs those people how to practice human
life so that they build and develop their group to become
larger and more robust. The same happens at the other
gathering points. Besides, he remembered to encourage the
first people who laid the foundation to build humanity so that
other tuelinhs could incarnate as humans.
The miracle of the creation of humanity is that he uses
his magical power to operate the smallest simple energy
particles to combine with each tuelinh to form a complete
human being. Only first, when he created humans, he used
that method. The next generation of humans will be born by a

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

reproductive mechanism that combines a woman's egg and a

man's sperm.
You will find it difficult to understand why each
member of the family has different functions and duties, such
as the woman having the ability to get pregnant and give birth
to a baby and the man having the same function as the woman
to create a fetus and functions that develop and protect their
loved ones, children with learning tasks, and more. That is not
difficult to understand; it is all a secret of encrypted
information. Before the tuelinhs were incarnated as humans,
they knew their duties and received information and tasks
from him. Then, for their mission to be carried out properly,
he used the smallest infinities of energy particles to combine
to create body parts to ensure the functions of each person. In
particular, in the energy particles, there is a chain of
information inside. When linked, they have created a
difference in function in the human body and between men
and women. When the first humans performed their
functions, their children would observe those actions. Those
actions are all informational and will be encoded in the yin
and yang energy embryos within their tuelinh. This process
forms the genetic element for humans in future generations.
When it comes to encrypted information, this is the
secret of the universe, people, and tuelinhs. I will share it with
you in other lessons. Information is the key to opening the
door to understanding everything in and out of the universe,
yourself, other people, animals, and spirits.
So, today, I have taught you about the origin of our
humanity. We are present in this world with a clear mission,
so our responsibility is to fulfil that mission. The four

The Four Commandment of God in the Gathering of Humanity

commandments are the guidelines for each person to rely on

and practice. Try through suffering and tribulation to
understand the truth of all things and enlighten them. Only
when you do that you can transform the yin and yang embryo
into an energy filter. At that time, you become holy tuelinh
after practising for countless lives with the toxins that defile
I will share other secrets from his four commandments
and human gathering in other relevant sermons. Step by step,
those secret doors help you gain the wisdom of all things, and
you will have the power to transform your yin and yang
embryos through the path of understanding the truth of the
universe and practising enlightenment in all suffering.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Ten

Congress of Unifying the Practising Path of

The Tuelinhs

The teacher entered the classroom even though it was

still early and it wasn't time to lecture, but the students
arrived earlier than him. He heard the sounds of their
conversation interspersed with the lecture on the Congress of
Humanity, which some students recorded and played back.
When the class hadn't started, he was still sipping hot tea and
listening to the sounds of the previous lecture. Interspersed
with conversations and a last speech, he suddenly heard a
young student asking everyone, "Why do tuelinhs have to
transform into humans? Why do people have to tame the
animals so that their souls can also incarnate as humans?" He
thought that was an excellent question for a young person.
And then, he decided to take those two questions as the topic
and content of today's lecture.
When the class was full, he began his lecture.
"In the last lesson, you learned about the origin of
people through the Congress of Humanity. You even know the
mission of humans in the human world. Perhaps from the
time you listened to that lecture until today, you have felt
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

pressured because you must go through all the sufferings and

tribulations in countless lives. Because you must reform the
yin and yang embryo, pressure becomes an energy filter to
produce super-energies. Besides those pressures, questions
that need to be clarified will appear in your mind. That is
obvious when you first learn the knowledge of the two truths.
However, after you finish studying, you will not need to ask
any questions because the understanding of everything
already exists in you by the magic of the accurate information
values in the knowledge of two truths.
Hey you, I just saw an informational reaction in the soul
and brain of a young student in our class. It is a wonderful
reaction we must have, because it will help us discover and
understand everything, ourselves and the tuelinh life form.
The student asked, "Why do tuelinhs have to transform into
humans? Why do people have to tame the animals so that
their souls can also incarnate as humans?" These two
questions relate to today's lesson you are learning now. That
is, reacting information in the yin and yang embryo with
information in the external environment. Informational
reactions like this will help the intellectual nature of the
tuelinh to be revealed. When the information reaction has
enough pressure and compression, it will help the tuelinh to
release toxins or compassion. Those are the initial successes
on the human journey in the human world. And then you need
to force those toxins out of your soul, and then you have to
activate compassion in your soul being. That is called
What did God do with the Earth to create a practising
environment for people? Does anybody know? "Yes, Master,

Congress of Unifying the Practising Path of The Tuelinhs

God used his magic and miracles to create the Earth, the
plants, and the animals. After that, the gathering of people
took place." Such understanding was proper when people still
needed to develop science and technology. However, at this
time, when people develop in terms of science and
technology, they require explanations based on science and
logic. Therefore, the answer must be logical. Even though they
know that science is just experiences and studies of simple
matter, they can't see or study super-matter, which are souls
in the human world and tuelinh life forms in the universe.
Nalas Nalanda had to see so many tuelinhs disintegrate
and annihilate by the energy of destruction. His pain was
when he had to watch his children's death. He tried to teach
the tuelinhs to ensure safety from the destructive energy
storms in the universe. He even looked for methods to help
the tuelinhs to cope and not perish when they were attacked
by destructive energy. But all failed. Then, he observed the life
of the tuelinh life-form with his own life since his yin and yang
energy embryo was formed in destructive energy. His energy
embryo remained safe, growing into a giant energy sphere.
After the explosion of that energy sphere occurred, he
majestically appeared in the centre as a mature tuelinh. Then,
he built the entire life of this universe. He re-observed all the
information stored in his yin and yang embryo from when it
was formed until before he created the practising
environment for all tuelinhs. He saw two things that set him
apart from all other tuelinhs: First, the original yin and yang
particles that created his yin and yang embryo, as well as that
of the universe, were from the primordial green wave-
particle, while the yin and yang embryos of the tuelinhs and

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

all things in the universe were copied and produced from his
yin and yang embryos. Second, he was born in a harsh
environment by the constant onslaught of destructive energy,
but the process of his birth and growth was still safe; while
tuelinhs are born and raised in an ideal environment, they do
not face birth and death right from the birth of yin and yang
embryos. Those two significant differences cause the tuelinhs
to decay when moving into the space of the destructive energy
or to be attacked in large numbers by the destructive energy.
In contrast, he was formed from an embryo of the most
wonderful yin and yang energy in and out of the universe,
from the past to the future. That shows that he is unique and
the only one. His yin and yang embryo can absorb and
transform destructive energy into the five energy groups that
make up the universe. In particular, after practising the
practising path later, he upgraded his yin and yang embryo
transformation into a single energy filter to produce golden
super energy.
From those differences, he found a suitable planet to
research and find the best method to help tuelinhs mature,
transform yin and yang embryos to produce energy super-
particles and become immortal. Earth was the planet he chose
to research how to save tuelinhs.
Before deciding to bring incarnations of tuelinhs as
humans in the human world, he went through two stages of
research. Those two stages are based on his idea of creating
an environment opposite to living in paradise. It is a living
environment with maximum compression and pressure, and
there will be nothing but suffering. Because he thinks that by
doing so, the tuelinhs will reveal all the secrets in their yin and

Congress of Unifying the Practising Path of The Tuelinhs

yang embryos, thereby finding a mechanism or method to

save them. If the study is successful, it will help him find and
confirm the success of bringing the tuelinhs incarnate as
The two research phases include:
1. Phase one, research on vegetation and tree systems:
To create a system of vegetation and trees, he used his
ability to manipulate energy to agglomerate infinitely many
simple energy particles to form each species in the vegetation
and tree system. To enable them to survive and thrive in the
early Earth environment, he created changes by energetic
reactions. From there, they can live and develop until now. As
he created individual units of trees or vegetation, he brought
energy structures with complex intellectual wave codes to
rest within them. Thus, in every plant and tree, there is a
complex energy structure residing within. It combines simple
and complicated matter to form a reaction that interacts and
develops. That is similar to that tuelinhs are born and
nourished by rare quartz crystals in heaven. The gem crystals
that are simple matter have helped the super-matter that is
the yin and yang embryo with the super complex intellectual
wave code to mature and become a tuelinh baby.
The Earth's environment is harsh because there is day
and night, heat and cold. That is the maximum compression
and pressure in challenging the survival and development of
trees and vegetation.
This time, the object of his research is the energy
structures inside the plants, within the vegetation system,
which is complex energy. He needs to know the outcome of

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

the process by which they reacted to the harshness of the

environment through their hosts, trees and vegetation.
Over a long time, trees and vegetation systems have
adapted and grown continuously in harsh weather and
climate. In particular, the system of complex energy particle
structures residing inside has matured very quickly. They
generate many energy particles and become larger and
stronger structures.
From the results of the first research stage, he found
that complex matter structures must live in an environment
of maximum pressure and compression when residing in
simple matter structures. They will grow up faster than in a
pure and peaceful environment. It helped him decide to carry
out a second phase of research.
2. Phase two, research on animals:
He decided to increase the compression and pressure
at this stage compared to stage one. That is, he created many
species of animals, from underwater to on the ground and in
the air. Herbivores and carnivores. They will create a variety
of information reactions for each species when it comes to
survival in extreme weather, climate, and interspecies killing
for survival.
To create each animal species, he still uses his unique
ability to manipulate energy to create diverse animals. It is
exciting and magical. He used the smallest simple particles of
five energy groups to create bodies and give large-scale
complex energy particle structures to reside inside each
animal's body.

Congress of Unifying the Practising Path of The Tuelinhs

The object of research at this stage continues to be

complex energy structures. God uses complex energy
structures that exist in ancient tree trunks and rocks. He uses
complex energy structures of varying degrees of maturity to
reside in different types of animals. For complex energy
structures that are still small and weak, he will allow them to
live in the insect form, which is smaller. For complex energy
structures at a more mature level, he will enable them to
reside in the bodies of larger animals. Because he used many
complex energy structures that differed between yin and yang
particles in their yin and yang embryos, this research phase
gave him various research samples and resulting evaluations.
The results will be very accurate.
He creates each animal as follows: When creating each
animal, he uses a group of complex energy structures, which
he calls the animal's soul. He transmitted information to
encode their functions and tasks so that they would function
according to their functions when they incarnate as animals.
Next, he used the smallest simple particles of five energy
groups in cosmic space to agglomerate and integrate into each
complex energy structure. As they clump together, he
continues to pass information into them to encode their
functions and duties. When he created each species, he would
make the complete set of males, females, and their offspring.
Some species will include males, females and eggs. They all
have information encoded when created to develop their
species according to their functions. Only the first time he
created a new species, he used this method. Then, they must
undergo a reproductive mechanism to grow the number of
species. For example, he would make a complete rooster,

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

mother hen, and eggs to generate chicken species. When he

created them, he encoded mission information for them, and
then the hen would incubate those eggs to develop chicks. The
task between the rooster and the hen is to mate to create new
eggs to become chicks. Note that they were all created at the
same time, which is similar to how the first humans appeared.
When he created each animal species, he would let them exist
in a safe place where no other species would know them. As
they increase in number, they will be detected by different
species to create interactions between species.
After a very long period of study and observation, he
succeeded brilliantly. The successes during this research
phase include:
- Toxins, also known as information in the souls of
animals, are released: These are animals competing for mates
and food with other species. Those are animals that kill other
species to survive.
- Compassion, also known as good information, in the
souls of animals is revealed: These are willing to sacrifice to
protect their children and herds. Those are animals that only
eat grass and vegetation instead of killing other animals to
survive. The animals unite to protect their flock from attack
and killing by other wild animals.
- Complex energy structures – souls inside animals
have matured after they have activated compassion or decay
rapidly after unleashing toxins over many lifetimes in the
form of animals.
From the achievements in the above two research
periods, he realized that the tuelinh life form needs a living
environment like the habitat of animals. Such an environment
Congress of Unifying the Practising Path of The Tuelinhs

will help all tuelinhs reveal the entire nature of information

within their original yin and yang embryos. Also, from the
research results, he found two directions of transformation of
souls in animals, including transformation in sustainability
and transformation in the direction of decay. They are
transformed in the direction of decomposition when toxins
are released, leading to actions that harm other animals.
Change is sustainable when compassion is revealed, leading
efforts to help and protect other animals.
From the results of the above two stages of research, he
saw the most miraculous method to help tuelinhs reveal the
whole nature of the information within them. Besides, he also
has a magical way to help the tuelinhs force out all the toxins
and activate compassion in the yin and yang embryos for
sustainable transformation, to mature and transform the yin
and yang embryos into energy filters in the future energy.
Then he decided to build and implement a plan to incarnate
as humans for the tuelinhs in the Earthly environment. That
is a plan to help tuelinhs understand themselves, thereby
understanding other tuelinhs, all things in and out of the
universe, including the energy of destruction - the object that
disintegrates tuelinhs.
Before bringing the tuelinhs to incarnate as humans, he
improved the living environment on Earth to be more suitable
to help humans survive, but there was nothing but suffering.
He eliminated animals dangerous to human survival when the
tuelinhs incarnated as humans. After completing those tasks,
he organized a congress to unify the path of practice in human
form for the tuelinh life form. The congress was held in

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

At the congress, there were all the participating

tuelinhs. They all listened attentively to Nalas Nalanda's
explanation of the practising path in human form in the
human world.
At that time, he sat beside a table with a large plate
containing a white powder while other tuelinhs stood around
him. He said, "I have created a habitable environment on a
planet where I have placed complex energy structures within
simple matter such as plants and animals. They survive in
extreme environments in terms of climate, weather, and life
and death. While observing the unfolding of the nature of the
information within each yin and yang embryo of complex
energy structures, I have found the ideal path to help all
tuelinhs fully reveal their intellectual nature yourself and the
path of sustainable transformation. The peaceful and free
environment in paradise is not ideal to help you reveal your
intellectual nature, so you cannot grow up, confront the
destructive energy, and your destruction is inevitable. All of
you need to live and study in a different environment, which
is the environment where plants, trees and animals live. You
will live in a simple material body and a harsh environment to
fully reveal your intellectual nature, thereby learning how to
eliminate toxins and activate compassion. If you do that, you
will grow up and become immortal."
After a while, he said to a tuelinh standing beside him,
"Bring the venomous snakes here." Then, that tuelinh brought
a large plate of venomous snakes to him. Nalas Nalanda
immediately dropped all the small venomous snakes into a
plate of white powder. He fell a small and a big snake to the
ground. The small snakes in the white dough plate had

Congress of Unifying the Practising Path of The Tuelinhs

slithered into that white dough plate; no one could see them
above the plate. The big snake slithered into the nearby
bushes, and the small snake slithered behind. Then he asked
the tuelinhs, "Has anyone seen those snakes?" Everyone
answered him, "Father, we don't see them anymore."
He looked at the tuelinhs and said, "My children, the
small snakes hidden deep in the dough plate represent the
toxin hidden within yourself and in the other tuelinhs; it is
hidden in compassion, and you don't know it; I call it you not
understanding yourself and other tuelinhs. The small snake
slithering into the bush is the toxin that exists in all things in
the universe, and you do not understand them; I call it you do
not understand all things in the universe. The big snake
slithered into the bush, and you did not understand it; I call it
you do not understand the energy of destruction. So, you have
three things you don't understand. These three things prevent
you from growing up; the energy of destruction easily
disintegrates you."
After reflection, he continued, "To save all of tuelinhs
and this universe, I must use the toxin to activate the poison.
That is, to use the toxins of each tuelinh to activate the toxins
of other tuelinhs to manifest, it is to use the toxins of all things
to activate the toxins of each tuelinh to manifest. The most
significant poison, the destructive energy, will reveal its true
nature. When the toxins are completely released, you will
understand yourself and other tuelinhs, all things, and the
energy of destruction. Finally, you must practice eliminating
the toxins within and activating compassion. If you want to
understand those three secrets, grow up, and be immortal,
you must incarnate in human form and live in an environment

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

with nothing but suffering for many human lives in the human
world. It's not easy. It was extremely arduous, and endured
countless sufferings. But as a result, you will become
immortal and produce new energy to help the universe
become sustainable. Therefore, we need tuelinhs who vow to
become the first incarnation to build humanity. Then, one
after another, other tuelinhs will incarnate as humans to
make a more complex and harsh practising environment.
When he finished speaking, the tuelinhs said in unison,
"Father, I would like to be transformed into a human first." "It
is wonderful, and I call it the great vow to be a human of the
tuelinhs. That is a great vow because it saves you and all life
forms in and outside the universe when you succeed on your
path of practice in the human world."
Because they saw a bright future ahead, the tuelinhs
became enthusiastic to pioneer incarnating as humans, and
other tuelinhs waited to become humans in the future. He
continued, "In the human world, I will create countless
situations, countless interaction scenarios to help you
unleash your full intellectual nature. Therefore, I will build
four forms of life that you must live in, through which you can
experience suffering and transform your yin and yang
embryo. That is the form of the family, the form of society, the
form of the nation, and the form of teachers and students. I
will encode these four forms in the four commandments at the
gathering of humanity on Earth. Prepare yourselves for the
journey of human incarnation, first of all, the gathering of
Thus, congress of the tuelinhs unified the path of
human incarnation of the tuelinh that he proposed, including

Congress of Unifying the Practising Path of The Tuelinhs

the tuelinh living in human form must live in four forms in life
to create interactions. From those interactions is creating
toxin to activate toxin. When the poison is activated, it is the
tribulation and suffering that people have to go through.
Through suffering in human form, tuelinhs will understand
themselves and other tuelinhs, all things, and the energy of
destruction. Then, the tuelinhs can force out toxins and
activate kindness to transform their yin and yang embryos.
That is why the tuelinhs have to live in human form and suffer
countless tribulations.
On the question of why should animals be tamed so that
their soul can incarnate as humans? There are two reasons:
through their practice, Nalas Nalanda saw how to save the
tuelinhs. All living things, including plants and animals, are
born from the smallest energy particles of Nalas Nalanda's yin
and yang embryo. So, they have equal rights as tuelinhs.
Therefore, when the tuelinhs incarnate as humans, they must
be responsible for taming them so that the energy structure
within them can be transformed sustainably. When there is
enough quantity and quality in the intellectual wave code
system inside the yin and yang embryo, their souls will be
upgraded and become tuelinhs. Then they will continue to
reincarnate in human form to become more mature."
When listening to the teacher finished, everyone was
happy because they understood the root cause of his
teachings in gathering humanity.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Eleven

The Ignorant Wisdom

The student's attentiveness and radiant faces were still

directed at the Teacher while he was sipping a cup of hot tea.
Many of those students have different illnesses, and many
have been experiencing suffering in life. However, their
illnesses seemed shaken off, and their sufferings seemed
liberated when they heard the first lectures of their teacher's
knowledge. A moment of quiet, peace, and happiness occurs
inside each person, where their souls are immersed in the
memories of their origin, homeland, and great vows before
incarnating as humans. Those souls have gone through many
lifetimes of practice in human form, countless sufferings and
tribulations, and the toxins released have made them forget
everything about their origin and mission. And now, they
have those memories back, so they are enjoying the joy within
their human form. That joy made tears fall down their cheeks.
Some students tried to hide their tearful emotions by covering
their faces with their hands. I know that, and I am hiding tears
of joy when I see souls awakened after many lifetimes of
suffering along with their bodies.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

The quiet moment suddenly disappeared when a

student asked the Teacher, "Teacher, I don't understand why
every time I listen to your lecture, my body becomes warm,
hot all over the body, even sweating. While the weather is
freezing." "Teacher, I feel the same way." The other students
continued. The Teacher smiled and replied, "That is very
good. It is an information reaction between the negative
information already in your soul and the true information
with value for sustainable development of tuelinh. Negative
information carries negative electrical waves, and positive
information carries positive ones. Negative information
makes your soul and body cold and sick. When receiving
positive and truthful information, your body will warm and
hot after the initial reaction." Another student immediately
asked the Teacher, "Teacher, are the initial reactions when
listening to your lectures include drowsiness, headaches,
nausea, itching all over the body, and even sharp pain in the
bones?" "That's right. Those strong reactions are because the
soul contains too much toxic information and negative energy
particles. Therefore, strong reactions will occur when positive
energy from true information moves into your soul. After that
process, your body will become warm and hot. When your
body becomes warm and hot, your soul has been balanced by
positive information. That is the first principle for healing
your illnesses, including mental and physical illness."
"Teacher, it's amazing. In previous classes, I saw my
body burning hot and sweating. But I thought this
phenomenon occurred because the class was crowded. But
when I played back the Teacher's lectures that I had recorded
to listen to at home, my body went from cold to warm and hot,

The Ignorant Wisdom

even though it was freezing inside and outside the house. It's
amazing." "So, you are realizing the information reaction
mechanism between information in the outside environment
and information already in your soul. When they react with
each other, they will create manifestations, and you will
notice that."
Perhaps because they know he likes to drink hot tea, his
students always bring new cups to his table. Indeed, when he
drinks tea, it helps him concentrate and connect closely with
the memories and wisdom in his tuelinh. After the Teacher
chatted with his students and sipped a cup of hot tea, he
continued his lecture.
"Hey friends, after the great gathering of humanity, one
after another, the tuelinhs were incarnated into humans
through the reproductive mechanism between men and
women. Groups of people at each gathering point became
crowded and increased rapidly in number over many
generations. Those people have immersed themselves in
survival in the human world. They no longer remember his
four commandments. However, his teachings were encoded
into their lives right from the time of the first humans on
Earth. They married their children to each other, so they
became new families. They gave birth to children, and that has
continued until now. They have tamed many wild animals to
become good animals, which continues to this day. Countless
souls of animals have been incarnated into humans after
being upgraded into tuelinh structures. They live in all the
interactions from the four forms of life, which create
informational reactions and reveal their intellectual nature.
People have been searching for enlightenment in suffering; as

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

a result, one of them has become fully enlightened, and

countless people are enlightened. From small groups of
people living separately, they developed into large groups to
become tribes and nations like today. When groups of people
know about each other, countless interactions occur, making
the human practice environment complex. These things have
helped the Earth become an ideal living environment to help
tuelinhs incarnate as humans with complete interaction
scenarios to understand their nature.
From the practice process of the tuelinhs in the human
world, from the practice lives of the tuelinh Nalas Nalanda, he
understood all the nature of wisdom within each tuelinh, each
person, and all things in the universe and even destructive
energy. His knowledge is immeasurable, and I cannot fully
describe his wisdom. However, I will try to talk about him
until I complete this human life.
In today's speech, I will talk about the ignorance of
To thoroughly understand the ignorance of wisdom,
you need to define and explain what wisdom is. What is
ignorance? To help you easily understand and fully
understand, I will use the basic knowledge of the smallest
energy particle to explain it to you. Once you have become
acquainted with and understand the smallest energy particle
more, I will analyze the knowledge of the two truths in the
smallest energy particle. Then, you will thoroughly
understand the knowledge of these two noble truths. That
means it's not like I haven't taught you about the knowledge
of the two truths. I have been preaching about the two truths
since the first lesson, and what I said and preached is the

The Ignorant Wisdom

knowledge of the two truths. Remember, this knowledge is

not easy to understand or practice correctly. Therefore, I have
been converting them into the simplest lectures for you to
understand. After that, you will learn about it at a more
challenging level, and the practice level will be more difficult.
When listening and learning the knowledge of the two truths,
you concentrate and receive information in a relaxed mood. It
will help you understand more easily.
What is wisdom? That is the first thing you must
understand adequately about it. You can understand it in the
following ways:
- Intelligence is the quantity and quality of information.
Information is everything, events, phenomena, people,
tuelinh, animals, images, sounds, language, emotions,
thoughts, ideologies, and interactive actions.
- Or it can be understood that wisdom understands all
things, events, phenomena, and the worldview of each
tuelinh, human, animal, and all things. Understanding
encompasses the inside and outside of each subject.
What is ignorance? It is not understanding or
misunderstanding the truth of information in all things,
events, phenomena, tuelinh, people, and animals.
Therefore, the ignorance of wisdom can be understood
as follows:
- It is not understanding the information within oneself
and all things, events, and phenomena in and outside the
- It is the retention of quantity and quality of false
information within oneself.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Intelligence is information stored in the intellectual

wave code of the smallest energy particle. When an energy
particle is produced, inside it is held the entire image of the
interactive environment, sounds, language, emotions,
thoughts, and actions of the subject that created that energy
particle interacted and ended with action. Therefore, the
energy particle is intelligence. From the smallest energy
particles, they connect to form larger physical structures,
creating all things, events, and phenomena in and outside the
universe. The process of existence and interaction of all
things, events, phenomena, intelligence, people, and animals
will reveal the wisdom of ignorance and enlightenment.
Ignorant wisdom is not understanding or misunderstanding
the true nature of information from the smallest particle of
energy to all things, events, phenomena, and oneself. I am
talking about combining the basic knowledge of the smallest
energy particle with the knowledge of the two truths. Please
receive and listen or read many times to understand. Because
when you know it, the secret pieces about yourself and
everything will be easily decoded in the following lessons.
Because humans are formed from a simple body and
inner tuelinh, when talking about the wisdom of ignorance, I
will analyze it, including the wisdom of ignorance of the
tuelinh when not incarnated as a human; and the ignorant
wisdom of the tuelinh when residing in human form is called
the ignorant wisdom of humans.
1. The ignorant wisdom of the tuelinhs.
The ignorance of the tuelinh when not incarnating as a
human means not understanding itself and other tuelinhs, not
understanding all things in the universe, and not

The Ignorant Wisdom

understanding the energy of destruction. Understanding

failure is failure to understand the nature of information.
Because they do not understand, they sink into suffering and
are disintegrated by the energy of destruction.
2. The ignorant wisdom of the humans
The ignorant wisdom of humans includes the ignorant
wisdom of tuelinhs. Because the tuelinh resides in the human
body, humans inherit the tuelinh's ignorance.
Because humans are composed of three elements:
body, tuelinh and wisdom, and because they live in the
practising environment of the human world; Therefore,
human ignorance is revealed in manifestations that each
person can perceive. Those manifestations result from the
interaction and information reaction process between each
person's external and internal environments. It can also be
understood in another way. It results from the interaction
process in four forms of human life: family form, social form,
national form, and teacher-student form.
Through the journey of practice in many human
generations, many lifetimes of each tuelinh, the information
containing toxins - the wisdom of ignorance, has been
revealed in countless manifestations. All of them are gathered
into ten expressions of human ignorance: ignorance because
of possession and non-possession; success in wishing and
failure in wishing; love and hatred; possession of wisdom and
non-possession of wisdom; action and inaction. The ten
manifestations of the wisdom of ignorance are grouped into
five pairs of categories, and they are toxins that are fully
revealed in the root yin and yang embryo of each tuelinh.
Discussing ten manifestations of ignorant wisdom:
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

- The ignorant wisdom about possession. That is a

group of ignorant wisdom because we do not understand
ourselves: we do not understand the three elements that
make up a human being: body, soul, and intellectual; the
mission and origin of the soul; and the essence of the soul. Not
understanding others is like not understanding yourself. Not
understanding all things, events, and phenomena in life and
the universe means not understanding tuelinh life forms, the
purpose of their human incarnation, their nature and
suffering. Not understanding the nature of the energy groups
that make up the universe and the destructive energy. From
that ignorance, the human mind is clung, bound to the forms
of ownership that people have. At that time, people will not
see the truth of life, the meaning of life, the nature of
information, their toxins, the toxins of people and all things.
They only know how to cling and be tied to the things they
have to satisfy them. That leads to a person's life passing very
quickly with satisfaction in the things people possess. They
are unaware of the toxins in their souls; they are unaware of
the hidden goodness and cannot activate them. They become
people who do not help others, animals, and everything from
that ignorance. They become even more cruel and cruel when
they harm other people, animals and things to protect their
possessions. We can see: there are girls who, because of
ignorance about their beauty, take advantage of it to engage
in prostitution, destroying the happiness of other families;
There are people who have a lot of money and possessions,
they indulge in enjoyment and debauchery, even satisfying
dirty pleasures such as adultery or having many girls or boys
other than their spouses; Some people, because they have

The Ignorant Wisdom

positions and power, pass policies that benefit their interest

groups without caring about people's lives; There are national
leaders who see themselves as powerful nations, so they
suppress the military and economy of other countries, and
even invade to weaken other nations in order to protect their
strength; There are sick people who think that they are sick
so their relatives have to take care of them, they become angry
and make their relatives suffer; On the contrary, there are
people who, when their loved ones are sick, do not care about
the ill person, and even scold and trample on the sick person.
There are also countless manifestations of human ignorance
in their lives.
- The ignorant wisdom about non-possession. That is
another group of human ignorance, which is the opposite of
possession. However, this ignorant wisdom also manifests the
three things that each person does not understand: not
understanding oneself and others, not understanding all
things, events, and phenomena in life and the universe, and
not understanding the energy of destruction. From there,
people cling, become confused, and are bound to forms others
possess that they do not have. The toxicity of this type of
ignorance results from an exciting reaction process between
the external environment and the internal environment. The
external environment is the form that other people possess.
The internal environment is the lack of specific forms that
other people have. The process of information reaction
between two environments leads to comparison in ignorance,
and the result is the creation of ignorant wisdom because of
non-possession. The result of this ignorant wisdom is that the
nature of the information in the yin and yang embryo is

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

released in combination with external toxic information

containing toxins. We can see: there are beautiful girls,
because they don't have wealth, while they see other girls,
other people have wealth, so they use their bodies to become
rich like prostitution, becoming the lover of a married person;
There are rich people, they see other wealthy people have
many beautiful girls by their side, so they also look for girls
who are willing to become their mistresses for money, this
leads to a decline in values morality and family happiness;
There are poor people, they see others are rich, they also want
to become rich, so they are willing to do illegal things to
become rich; There are people with power and position who
do not have wealth, so they accept bribes to sell their
positions to others; There are people of low status, they see
wealth and power in high positions, they immediately use
money to buy titles; There are leaders of countries, they see
that their country is poor in resources, they send troops to
invade other countries to appropriate resources, resulting in
countless deaths.
- The ignorant wisdom about success in wishing. That
is also a product of needing to understand the three things
every human being and the tuelinh faces. This group of
ignorance is revealed and is a poison in the yin and yang
embryo of each soul in the human body. It is a product of
ignorance because of the lack of certain forms in life. When
people do not possess what others have, they will become
desperate to get it without their ability. It is the desire to have
possession. Then, they will use every method to get it. It can
be achieved through physical forms such as money, political
power, sex and beauty, and threats. It can be through praying

The Ignorant Wisdom

to God, Buddha, or the gods of their country. When they

achieve that possession, they become ignorant and think they
are truly talented and intelligent because they know how to
get what they desire. At that time, they became increasingly
clung, confused, and bound to different groups of ignorant
wisdom. We can see that there are young couples who, for
some reason, cannot have children, just because of the desire
to have children, the husband's parents or one of the couple
asks them to divorce to get married to other people and giving
birth; Some people, because they want to be promoted to
mandarins by using money to buy position, become arrogant
and cause many consequences to the people because they do
not have the qualities and ethics of an official; There are
people who commit many crimes against animals and other
people, but because of their religious views, they pray to
heaven to be baptized, and as a result, they think they have
God's forgiveness from God or Buddha. When they have
achieved what they wished for, they will again be bound to the
group of ignorance of possession. Besides, they will activate
the poison of ignorance in having wisdom, loving and acting.
- The ignorant wisdom about the failure in wishing.
This group of ignorance results from ignorance about not
having a particular form. When people have used every
method to hope for something, they are unable to do, and they
fail. Then, poison is released from their souls, the ignorance of
the failure in wishing. Those who do not achieve what they
desire will become hateful towards the people whose help
they hope to receive. Then, another type of ignorance is
revealed: the ignorance of hatred. Some people resent and
curse even God, Buddha, and other gods because they have

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

offered many offerings to hope for something but have not

been satisfied. Not only are different groups of ignorance
revealed, but those people are also bound to the toxin of non-
possession. This group of factors is also born from ignorance
of the three things, like the above groups of ignorance.
- The ignorant wisdom about love. People develop
another toxic love group from not understanding the three
things and from ignorance of possession or non-possession.
When everyone hears about love, they think it is good.
However, we do not understand three things: about ourselves
and others, all things in the universe, and the energy of
destruction. Therefore, people are immersed in love without
recognizing their toxins when they arise, nor can they force
them out and activate kindness. Immersion in love makes
people miss their human lives to practice squeezing toxins
and activating goodness. We can see some people are
engrossed in loving and taking care of their own family but do
not devote their time and intelligence to helping others; Some
people control the person they love because of love between
men and women; Some people are willing to kill others to
protect the people they love; Some people are jealous and kill
the person they love. That is love in ignorance because it does
not bring good values to others, the family, the person you
love, all things and all species. Once exposed and immersed in
the poison of love, people will sink into the poison of
resentment and the ignorance of possession and non-
- The ignorant wisdom about resentment and hatred.
Things you don't like about someone. Prejudices about other
races, ethnicities, or religions. Resentments because someone

The Ignorant Wisdom

makes you suffer. The animosity between people is because

of the wars they cause. These toxins have been released in
each soul's yin and yang embryo in the human body. That
ignorance originates from the ignorance of the tuelinh, and it
only breaks out when the tuelinh abides in a human body to
practice in the human world. This ignorance group makes it
impossible for the people releasing the toxins to realize that
they are ignorant. It is similar to other groups of ignorance. As
a result, it causes other groups of toxins to be revealed, and
people are immersed in different groups of ignorance, such as
ignorance of not having or failing in wishing.
- The ignorant wisdom about the possession of wisdom.
That is a group of toxins deeply embedded in the negative
intellectual wave code of the original yin and yang embryo in
the tuelinh. It only fully manifests when people interact as
teachers and students. In addition, it is common in all human
interactions when it involves sharing and transmitting
information. When this type of toxin breaks out, people will
become ignorant when they think they are more intelligent
than others because they have high degrees, are rich, and have
status. They become arrogant, look down on others, and even
hurt people. There are people with positions in the education
sector who think they are more intelligent than others and
promulgate policies that cause people and students to suffer.
Some people think they understand religion, believe they are
talented, and preach what they know without understanding
the truth of that knowledge. Some people believe that they are
more qualified than other students and even more capable
than their teachers, and as a result, they are arrogant and
insult teachers and classmates. Some people think they have

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

status and talent, so they don't talk to lower-class people.

From this group of ignorance, people will sink into the poison
of having intellect, love and hatred.
- The ignorant wisdom about the non-possession of
wisdom. The subjects of this toxic group outbreak are people
who are not fully educated, the poor, and people in low social
classes. Because they do not understand the three things like
other groups of ignorance, they easily explode and become
immersed in this group of ignorance. They feel apprehensive
when communicating with wealthy and prestigious people.
They are apprehensive and can endure humiliation and being
trampled on by others. They can accept being enslaved and
oppressed because of the ignorance they have. As a result,
they have no motivation in life to cultivate intelligence to
understand the worldview around them and the larger world.
They even accept that their lives pass in waste and
humiliation. They may be immersed in other ignorant groups,
such as non-possession, failure in wishing, hatred and
- The ignorant wisdom about action. This ignorance
group results from ignorance such as possessing, not having,
loving, resenting and hating, having knowledge, not having
wisdom, success in wishing, and failure in wishing. When the
poison of any of the above groups of ignorant wisdom erupts
in their soul, they will emit the toxins of action. These are
actions to satisfy themselves with the forms in life, while they
do not help, and even cause harm to other people, animals, all
things and other tuelinhs. This ignorance group is also the
product of needing to understand the three things like other
ignorance groups.

The Ignorant Wisdom

- The ignorant wisdom about inaction. This ignorance

group also originates from the lack of understanding of the
three things and is also the product of other groups of toxins
that have been breaking out. When different groups of
ignorance break out, people will not take action to help
others, all things, animals and other intelligent beings because
of their selfishness and satisfaction.
Hey you. The ten groups of ignorance are toxins in the
yin and yang embryo and the entire energy structure system
of the tuelinh. The root reason that people have these ten
groups of ignorance is that each person and their soul do not
understand themselves and others; they do not understand
all things, events, and phenomena in life and the universe;
they do not understand the energy of destruction. Because
people need to understand the above three things, they do not
understand their origin and their tuelinh's mission in the
human world. As a result, they are immersed in toxins
unleashed to satisfy forms in all life interactions.
You should be happy because you have ignorance and
have been immersed in ignorance. "Teacher, why do you tell
us to be happy when immersed in ignorance?" A student
interrupted the teacher. "Hey friend, don't tuelinhs incarnate
into humans to have countless interactions from the four
forms in life? It will help them release all the toxins. Those
toxins are ignorance. Thus, the first goal of the path of practice
in the human world has been completed. Isn't achieving the
goal something to be happy about?" "So, what everyone will
do next, teacher?" "Study and carefully recognize the toxins in
the ten ignorance groups above. Then, control and destroy
them. Next, learn to recognize the groups of enlightened

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

wisdom and practice according to them. Learning and

practicing according to enlightened wisdom groups is the best
solution to eliminate toxins in the tuelinh, and help the tuelinh
produce sustainable energy particles so that the tuelinh can
mature and become a fully enlightened being." "Teacher, if we
share the knowledge of the two truths and the wisdom of
ignorance with others. Because they are immersed in life, they
don't believe or listen, so what should I do? "You have done
your job well, which is to practice spreading the value of true
information to everyone to awaken them. However, when
they do not believe or listen, let them experience what they
must go through fully and completely. They awaken only
when they experience suffering due to the effects of toxins.
When they awaken, they will remember the information you
shared with them. Then they will practice controlling toxins
and activating kindness."

Chapter Twelve

The Enlightened Wisdom

"The opposite of ignorant wisdom is enlightened

wisdom. Just like the wisdom of ignorance, to understand the
wisdom of enlightenment, the tuelinhs must go through all
interactive scenarios in human life. That interactive process
will help activate the essence of information within the
original yin and yang energy embryo. The nature of the
information of the original positive particle is positive
information, true information that demonstrates the ability to
promote solidarity, spread, and sustainable development for
ourselves and all things. It is the solution to control and
remove the toxins of negative particles." "Teacher, it is
challenging for people to recognize and understand the
wisdom of ignorance as well as the wisdom of enlightenment.
People have no standards to judge which information is
ignorant and which is enlightened. People always follow the
crowd mentality, traditional views passed down from
previous generations, and the ideologies within each religion
they follow. I hope you will show everyone the standard
between the wisdom of ignorance and the wisdom of
enlightenment, which brings invaluable benefits to humans."

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

"Hey, you. Your question is right. It is the question of many

people. Different religions and philosophical views give their
views and think they are the best for everyone to learn and
practice. Besides, they try to refute other points of view. But
the opinions they all give have no exact standards or
references. That makes people confused with those views.
However, knowledge of the two truths completely differs
from other religious and philosophical views. The knowledge
of the two truths and the knowledge of the smallest energy
particle is the standard, the exact reference for each person,
each tuelinh to understand the truth of themselves and other
people, all things and phenomena in the universe, and
destructive energy. That is why the two truths appeared in the
human world in this second great unification of humanity, and
that is also why I am present in the human world. When you
and everyone else learn all the knowledge of the two truths
and the knowledge of the smallest energy particle, everyone
will fully understand, not simply the wisdom of ignorance or
enlightenment." "Teacher, thank you. I will study to
understand the knowledge you are teaching fully."
The class was interrupted by a student's question for a
few minutes. Afterwards, the teacher sat beside the table and
sipped tea. Perhaps the hot tea got cold because he focused on
imparting knowledge about the wisdom of ignorance for most
of the class time. To complete the lecture on enlightenment
wisdom during the class, the teacher stood up and continued
to lecture.
"About the wisdom of ignorance, you already
understand. Now is the time to understand the other side of
knowledge, the wisdom of enlightenment.

The Enlightened Wisdom

What is enlightened wisdom? Intellectually, you

already understand. So, what is enlightened wisdom? - Is
understanding the truth of information in all things, events,
phenomena, intelligence, people, animals, and the most
comprehensive destructive energy. Next is controlling,
forcing out harmful information, and activating positive
information into positive actions.
When we talk about enlightened wisdom, we have to
talk about people. Because Nalas Nalanda created humans
and the human world to become a practice environment for
the tuelinh life form. When tuelinhs live in heaven, because of
the peaceful, pure, and magical living environment, they
cannot understand themselves and other tuelinhs, all things
in the universe, and the energy of destruction. In other words,
they live in ignorance. Only the first tuelinh has the most
transcendent wisdom in the universe, but he is not yet an
enlightened being. He only indeed became fully enlightened
when he went through many lifetimes of practice in human
form in the human world. The human form is not only a
miracle for him, but also for all tuelinh life forms. Therefore,
the enlightened wisdom of the tuelinh must pass through the
human form to become fully enlightened.
Through the four forms in human life to create
countless interaction scenarios, the tuelinhs residing in
human form will reveal all of their informational nature.
These are information containing toxins - the wisdom of
ignorance and knowledge genuine for sustainable
development - the understanding of enlightenment.
Through many generations of people, through
countless lifetimes of practice in human form, and precious

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

interactions, the manifestations of the nature of truth

information in tuelinh are fully revealed. Negative
information has been revealed, and information for
sustainable development has been activated. That is
enlightened wisdom. When we connect the knowledge of
enlightened wisdom to understanding the smallest energy
particle, we will see that positive information creates a
sustainable transformation mechanism for all tuelinhs and all
things in and outside the universe. On the contrary, ignorant
wisdom establishes a mechanism of transformation, decay
and destruction. Enlightened wisdom has countless
manifestations in all interactive scenarios of human life.
Those manifestations include ten groups: enlightened
wisdom on possession and non-possession; love, hate and
resentment; success in wishing and failure in wishing; having
wisdom and not having wisdom; action and inaction. Ten
groups of manifestations are grouped into five pairs of
categories of expressions of enlightened wisdom. These are
the manifestations of kindness in each soul, the tuelinh within
the human being, which is released to the outside to create a
sustainable transformation mechanism for that tuelinh itself,
other tuelinhs, and all things inside and outside the universe.
Discussing ten manifestations of enlightened wisdom:
- The enlightened wisdom about possession. That is a
group of expressions of enlightenment when people
understand the truth of information of three things:
understanding oneself and others understanding that
humans are formed from three elements: body, soul, intellect;
the soul inside the body; the root the origin of man; the
mission of life; the cause and nature of the tuelinh incarnation

The Enlightened Wisdom

of the human form. Understand all things, events, and

phenomena in life and the universe. Understand the energy of
destruction. When people understand the nature of harmful
information and positive information within each subject and
everyone's environment, they will practice it in human life. It
is the practice of controlling, forcing out all ignorance in the
soul, and constantly learning and activating all compassion.
Through the manifestations of action in the interactions of the
four life forms, each person will see images of their own and
others' enlightenment. When people have understood
everything, they know that the human body and the things
they own are just tools for them to practice eliminating toxins
and activating the compassion in their souls. Therefore,
instead of indulging in the things they own for enjoyment and
debauchery, they use them to activate the goodness within
them. That is, they help and save people and animals, and they
build sustainable development for all things with everything
they have without the benefit of their bodies. Some rich
people use their money to build schools, bridges, roads, and
hospitals for poor neighbourhoods. There are people with
positions where they do not embezzle or corrupt; instead,
they work diligently and promulgate policies that benefit the
people and the country. Some people in good health
participate in activities to support and help others. Some
people have beauty and fame and live according to humanistic
moral values, taking advantage of their popularity to call for
help from everyone, the poor and the sick. Some leaders of
rich countries use their power to help poor countries and
countries with natural disasters or disasters and many other

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

cases. When this group of enlightened wisdom is activated, all

other groups of enlightened wisdom are easily triggered.
- The enlightened wisdom about non-possession. That
is the group of manifestations of enlightenment when people
understand the truth of the three things, like the group of
enlightened wisdom on possession. When people understand
it all, they know that living in the human body and the human
world is to have countless interaction scenarios. Then, they
must identify the poison and goodness within themselves.
Finally, they learn how to control and eliminate toxins and
activate all the goodness in their soul. Therefore, when they
do not possess the forms or things that others have, they
understand that these are situations to help them understand
the truth of information in their souls. At that time, they will
not be bound by craving for things they do not have; instead,
they cultivate knowledge with education and life experience,
building their lives and careers with diligence and kindness.
They constantly strive to develop their lives and help others,
animals and all things towards sustainable development. We
can see some people are not rich; they see others who are rich
by doing illegal things and decide not to follow them. Instead,
they work honestly and are willing to help others with their
kind intelligence. Some people do not have high positions;
they do not use money to get promoted; instead, they are
dedicated to doing their job well and constantly studying to
improve their intelligence and the qualities of officials to help
people. Some people have beauty but little money; they do not
lose their dignity because of wealth; they live and propagate
moral qualities to everyone. Some leaders of countries do not
have natural resources; they do not wage wars and invade

The Enlightened Wisdom

other countries for appropriate resources; instead, they

develop their different strengths to solve the problem of
resource shortage. By activating this group of enlightened
intelligence, people will easily activate other groups of
enlightened intelligence.
- The enlightened wisdom about love. When this group
of enlightened wisdom is manifested, it results from people
understanding three things that every person living in the
human world must know on their practising journey. From
that understanding, each person understands that all
interaction scenarios in life are for the information values in
their soul to be fully revealed, including harmful information
and information that is sustainable development. At that time,
they must control and suppress dangerous information, learn
how, and practice activating the enlightened intellect within
them. Therefore, the group that exhibits enlightened wisdom
about love always give genuine love to their loved ones.
Besides, they dedicate their time, intelligence, and
possessions to help or save other people, animals, and
everything. It balances true love and sustainable development
for themselves and others. We can see some spouses who are
faithful, taking good care of their families, and still
participating in activities to help others in need. There are
couples of men and women who love each other; they help
each other understand and balance love and practice
enlightened wisdom towards those in difficulty or suffering.
Some people understand the truth and build true love for a
happy family. Some people understand enlightened wisdom;
they do not control the person they love. Some parents
understand so they do not force their children to study under

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

pressure; instead, they help their children understand the

truth to grow up in joy and worldview discovery. Some
leaders love their people and humans; they help their country
thrive so that other countries do not invade them and do not
invade other countries. Different groups of enlightened
wisdom are also activated from the manifestations of
enlightened wisdom of this group.
- The enlightened wisdom about hatred and
resentment. Because people understand the truth
information of the three things, they quickly activate the
enlightened wisdom on hatred and resentment. They know
that all interaction scenarios, including their hatred towards
someone and from that someone towards them, are all for
them to understand their toxicity, kindness, and others. They
then control and force out the toxins within themselves by
eliminating their hatred and resentment. Next, activate their
compassion towards all people, animals, and everything. We
can see some couples resent each other, but after
understanding, they heal, build love, and help others. There
are people who, when they understand, let go of their hatred
to help each other have a better life. There are people with
racist ideologies and behaviours, and when understood, they
become people who oppose that prejudice and build
solidarity between people. Some people fear and hate
venomous animals, but because of their understanding, they
do not kill them and even help them stay safe when they are
in danger.
- The enlightened wisdom about having wisdom. This
group of enlightened wisdom is difficult to understand and
control toxins and activate goodness. However, once one

The Enlightened Wisdom

understands the three things that each person must

understand, it is not difficult to trigger enlightenment in each
person. At that time, people who thought they were more
intellectual than people in the human world because of their
academic degrees, degrees, high social status, and wealth
found that their intelligence was bound and misunderstood.
Next, they destroy their arrogant nature, open their minds to
learn enlightened wisdom, and activate their compassion.
They are willing to help, share their enlightened wisdom with
others, and share life experiences and practical knowledge to
help others understand and improve their lives. We can see
people with high status, wealth, and degrees; when
enlightened, they are not arrogant; instead, they always help
and share their practical knowledge and enlightenment with
others. When enlightened, religious people help people solve
life's difficulties with enlightened understanding, not worship
or deceive them. People with political status develop policies
that help people and countries live in peace and prosperity.
Those with enlightened wisdom enthusiastically share it with
those still ignorant and suffering.
- The enlightened wisdom about non-possession of
intellect. When people understand that the environment in
the human world creates all interaction scenarios, including
the scenario in which they were born and raised with a lack
of knowledge, they will activate enlightened wisdom. Because
of understanding the three things, everyone understands that
no matter their situation, they must learn to understand
themselves and all things, events, and phenomena in and
outside the universe. Therefore, they do not feel apprehensive
because of their low education level, because they were born

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

in a typical class, or are poor. Instead, they constantly strive

to study and diligently practice eliminating toxins and
activating kindness in their soul. That diligence and
perseverance help them become enlightened people, succeed
in life, and continue to share valuable knowledge with others.
- The enlightened wisdom about success and failure in
wishing. When people understand the three things that every
tuelinh and human is searching for, they become peaceful and
no longer suffer. Even though they do not possess the forms
others have, they know how to let go of their desires when
they cannot achieve them. They know how to let go of desires
contrary to moral values and kindness. They understand
interaction scenarios; what they need is for them to realize
their nature. Therefore, when they know, they practice
controlling and forcing out the toxins and activating the
compassion within them. They become people who study and
work honestly according to their abilities. Because they have
become enlightened about this group, they become someone
who shares the truth with others and helps them become
enlightened. We can see when people understand; they do not
ask God, Buddha, or the gods of their country to grant what
they desire, instead they diligently do good deeds and do not
do evil. Even though many couples do not have children, they
love each other and live together forever when they
understand. Those who seek the path of enlightenment, when
they know it, practice the knowledge of enlightenment in life;
they do not seek supernatural powers or miracles from the
invisible world. Poor people, when they understand, they
work honestly with effort, study and diligence. People of low
status in politics, when they know they work enthusiastically

The Enlightened Wisdom

and constantly study to develop their careers, do not use

money to advance.
- The enlightened wisdom about action. This group of
enlightened wisdom results from understanding all the
accurate information of the three things. It is also the result of
the enlightened wisdom entering the other groups of
enlightened wisdom. At that time, each person will practice
actions that force out the toxins within them, helping
everyone, all things, and animals. They always know how to
practice activating goodness within themselves to help
themselves and other entities develop more sustainably. They
always use each scenario they interact with to practice
enlightened wisdom. It is helping others understand as they
understand and helping each other practice bringing good
values to people, animals and all things.
- The enlightened wisdom about inaction. As a result of
understanding the three things and gaining enlightened
intellect in the groups of enlightened knowledge such as
possession, non-possession, love, resentment and hatred,
success and failure in wishing, having wisdom and without
wisdom, everyone will gain enlightenment about inaction.
That is not taking action that causes harm to yourself, to
others, to animals, and all things. That is the practice of forcing
out toxins in the human soul.
Hey friends, the truth about the nature of information
in intelligence and humans, the manifestations of the wisdom
of ignorance and enlightenment, is not something I deduced
and seduced you and everyone else to practice. All that
knowledge is the nature of information, the operating
mechanism of the smallest energy particle. The tuelinh in me

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

has gone through many lifetimes of practice in the human

world, observing the movements of all things, tuelinhs and
people, thereby exposing the truth of everything. As I said, the
wisdom of ignorance creates the mechanism of
transformation, decay and destruction, and the
understanding of enlightenment establishes the mechanism
of sustainable change. That is the knowledge of the smallest
energy particles that make up tuelinhs, people, and all things
in and outside the universe. Therefore, it is the standard, the
most reliable and accurate reference for all tuelinhs and
humans to learn and practice.
The manifestations of the ignorant wisdom and
enlightened wisdom of humans and tuelinhs are based on the
results of understanding the knowledge of the truth of the
universe and the truth of enlightenment. These two truths
help humans and tuelinhs understand the truth of the three
things through the smallest energy particle. That factual
information is comprehensive and complete for everyone to
study, comprehend, and practice to eliminate toxins and
activate goodness within themselves. That is the most
miraculous knowledge, the most wonderful path to help each
tuelinh and human transform their yin and yang embryo into
a perfect energy filter."
His class ended long ago, but he still sat and rested in
class with the people who always accompanied him. After a
day of continuously lecturing for many hours, plus drinking a
lot of tea, his body was probably tired. The body feels tired
because the teacher always stands to see all the students
when teaching. It can be seen that the body is a great tool that
Nalas Nalanda possesses. Also, a demonstration of

The Enlightened Wisdom

enlightenment in possession, he used his body as a tool to

share the knowledge of complete enlightenment with
everyone and humanity. After many hours of rest, it was
almost midnight outside, and he began to return home, where
his family and children were.

Chapter Thirteen

The State of Ignorant Soul

He had an extraordinary class, one day a week, and six

hours of lectures. The course lasted for seven months.
Learners are of different ages, male and female, from under
ten to over sixty years old; children are school-age, and adults
have different jobs. Most of them were people with diseases
that current medicine cannot cure, such as depression,
schizophrenia, hallucinations, cancer, and many other
diseases. The teacher's students come from all over the
country; some have to take a plane the day before, some drive
at night, and some rent a house near the classroom to get to
class on time. Some people are seriously ill and have to have
family members take them to class and study with them. All
of them, whether far away or near the classroom, are nervous
and wait until the weekend to go to class. Because when they
immerse themselves in the classroom atmosphere, and the
teacher's lectures, all suffering, all afflictions, and the pain of
illness are dissipated. They can live in the warm lessons from
the teacher. They feel close to the images and teachings and
silently guide people to practice in the human world of the
first tuelinh through his teachings. Students consider the
classroom as their second home. Therefore, they always come
to class early before the teacher arrives. They want to have
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

more time to chat with classmates and the teacher. These can
be exciting experiences or magical experiences that they
apply the knowledge of two truths to solve during their
learning process. Those may be the difficulties they have been
facing. And they need encouragement and solutions from
classmates or the teacher.
There is one thing that students cannot imagine: their
teacher is just like them. He considers the classroom his
second home. He wished each week would pass quickly so he
could meet them again. He meticulously recorded information
about the patient's illness and recovery process and
continuously asked about them every week. Later, when the
class ended, the brilliant result was that patients were cured
just by receiving factual information from his lectures. He has
announced the results; some people with late-stage
metastatic cancer have recovered because they followed his
instructions and did not use drugs or hospital treatment.
People with mental illnesses have entirely recovered.
However, he was sad because some of his students did not
follow his instructions. They still doubted his knowledge and
continued to treat their illnesses according to the hospital's
prescriptions, so they did not recover. Two cancer patients
died the following year because they gave up studying and
continued treatment at the hospital. Some severe mental
health patients have not recovered because they still take
medicine under the pressure of their family members. He
declared these patients' failures and gave reasons on the last
day of class. The rest is a successful outcome for all patients
with faith, perseverance and relatives to accompany them in

The Stage of Ignorant Soul

the learning process, even though many have severe mental

I was so engrossed and distracted by the memory of the
last lesson of that class that I forgot what I wanted to say
about him. He has had many courses lasting for many months
over the years. Therefore, I join memories together and
lectures so that readers can easily understand the value of
knowledge of the two truths and the achievements that
knowledge brings to everyone. Learning not only helps
people understand the truth but also helps people have the
most miraculous method to liberate suffering, especially by
creating a new and highly miraculous healing method. It is a
method of transmitting information about the truth of all
things in the universe to heal diseases of the soul and the
body. I want to say that he also comes to class very early and
comes home late because he wants to spend time chatting and
solving learners' problems. It isn't easy to describe his
feelings about his students. I noticed that he constantly strives
to find new ways to transform the knowledge of the two
truths so that they are the most powerful, most effective, and
easiest to understand for learners and patients to overcome
suffering and illness. He even left his homeland and went to
other countries to explore and find inspiration for
transforming knowledge and spreading it to humanity.
A week passed very quickly after he finished his lecture
on the wisdom of ignorance and enlightenment. As usual, he
arrived at a class very early, but the students arrived earlier
than him. It could be seen that the joy and anticipation were
mixed, making the classroom atmosphere more magical than
ever. When he lectured, that same deep voice was used when

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

he asked everyone about their reactions the week after

completing the intellectual lesson. The sharing from the
students and his explanations and encouragement have
helped everyone increasingly understand the knowledge of
the two noble truths.
"When we have understood the wisdom of ignorance
and the wisdom of enlightenment of tuelinhs and humans.
That is the fact that we have achieved the goal that each
person has pursued and sought for countless lifetimes of
practice in this human world. It is a great achievement when
each tuelinh has had to go through countless interaction
scenarios in the human body's suffering. Think about your
soul and say, "Hey, tuelinh, I congratulate you on your great
achievement in knowing the truth about yourself, people,
other tuelinhs, all things. Be cheerful, be energetic. You can
rest assured that your body and brain's intellect will always
accompany you and help you transform the yin and yang
embryos." Say it more than once. It is your encouragement to
your soul after many lifetimes of being lost and forgetting my
memories. The truth information from the previous lectures
is the root cause of all the suffering and illness that you have
been experiencing. When we understand the nature of
everything, we will easily recognize and understand all
reactions and expressions of ourselves, others, all things, and
phenomena in life and the universe.
Today, I will analyze for you to understand the state of
the soul. That is the state of the tuelinh within us.
First, we need to learn about the state of ignorance.
The tuelinh, when residing in the human body, is called
the mind or the soul.
The Stage of Ignorant Soul

The state of the ignorant mind is a negative energy state

generated from the wisdom wave code system in the yin and
yang root embryo and the entire tuelinh structure. The
negative energy state is the energy state of the negative
energy particle system that vibrates out of control. That leads
to the negative energy particle system that governs and
controls the entire energy structure in the tuelinh.
The origin of the state of ignorance is the fact that
people possess the wisdom of ignorance. People have the
wisdom of ignorance because the tuelinh inside also contains
the intellect of ignorance. The intelligence of ignorance is the
root and the solid foundation to create and develop the state
of ignorance of the mind. Therefore, the state of ignorance of
the mind always breaks out from a mild level to a super strong
The state of ignorance of the mind includes three levels:
the state of clinging mind, the state of furious mind, and the
state of hatred. These states are also states where toxins in
the mind are released.
1. The state of clinging mind
The clinging mind is the solid foundation, the deep root
of ignorance. From a clinging soul, people quickly become
angry or hateful.
The clinging mind is the product and crystallization of
ignorant wisdom. Therefore, when talking about the clinging
soul, we are talking about five pairs of categories of ignorant
intellect. It includes the mind that clings to possession, non-
possession, love, hatred and resentment, wisdom, not having
intelligence, success in wishing, failure in wishing, action, and
inaction. Therefore, when the mind clings, it creates
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

oppression and binding of body, mind, and intellect to the ten

forms of ignorant wisdom.
- The mind clings to possession. Because the soul is
ignorant and does not understand the truth of three things: it
does not understand itself and others. It is not understanding
all things, events, and phenomena in the universe and not
understanding the energy of destruction. Furthermore,
humans do not know the two illuminating truths. Therefore,
it causes the soul within to be attached and bound to the
forms that its body possesses. It becomes selfish and does not
want to share or help anyone with what it owns. It immerses
and enjoys those things. It will become furious or have hatred
for someone if they damage or take away what it has.
- The mind clings to non-possession. Because the
intellect is ignorant of the three things and is not enlightened
by the knowledge of the two truths, it causes the soul within
to be bound to something it does not possess while others
possess it. That makes it desirable to get them. It controls its
body and does everything it can to have what it wants, even if
it causes harm to everyone and everything. It will become
furious and hateful of anyone who hinders or makes it
- The mind clings to love. Because there is no wisdom
of knowledge of the two truths and because of the wisdom of
ignorance in not understanding the three things. Therefore,
the soul inside humans is bound and clings to love. It is willing
to do anything to harm everyone or the person it loves to
satisfy its love in ignorance. It controls its body and clings
tightly to the people and things it loves without
understanding the truth to practice, forcing out toxins within

The Stage of Ignorant Soul

itself and activating goodness to help people and those it

loves. Next, it quickly becomes angry or hateful if someone
hurts its love.
- The mind clings to hatred and resentment. Because
the soul is ignorant and not enlightened by the two truths, it
is bound and attached to the things and other people it hates
and resents, even those who hate or resent it. It controls the
body and acts to cause harm to those it hates and resents or
those who hate and resent it. It quickly becomes angry and
hateful when people feed into its hate and resentment.
- The mind clings to having wisdom. Wisdom is
ignorant and does not believe in knowledge of the two truths.
That leads the soul within to become arrogant to the wisdom
it possesses. It is arrogant and looks down on those it believes
are inferior in intelligence and understanding. It controls its
body to act to hurt others. It does not help or save others or
all things with its knowledge and understanding in its field. It
becomes angry or hateful towards others when they insult or
belittle its intelligence.
- The mind clings to the lack of wisdom. Not being able
to encounter the knowledge of the two truths, one cannot
understand the truth information of the three things.
Therefore, it makes the soul inside become attached, bound to
the intellectual or educational loss that it currently has. It
doesn't have enough awareness or power to help anyone or
even help or protect itself. Therefore, it also quickly becomes
angry or hateful if people despise or insult it.
- The mind clings to the success in wishing. Humans are
immersed in attachment and bondage to the forms they have
obtained by praying to others or without their ability to
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

create. That results from intellectual ignorance and not being

illuminated by the light of knowledge of the two truths or not
believing. It becomes arrogant, clingy, and attached to what it
obtains through desire. That causes it not to carry out its
mission in human life. In addition, it easily becomes angry or
hateful towards those who harm it.
- The mind clings to the failure in wishing. It quickly
becomes angry and hateful at people, Buddha, God, or their
national gods when they do not help it satisfy their desires.
It's painful and disappointing because it doesn't get what it
wants. It is bound and clings to what it desires but cannot
reach. Also, it gives rise to hatred towards people and the
metaphysical world for not helping it.
- The mind clings to actions. When the human soul
clings and is bound to forms such as possession, non-
possession, love, hate and resentment, having wisdom, not
having wisdom, success in wishing, and failure in wishing.
That person inevitably continues to be bound and attached to
actions. It acts to protect what it owns, activities to get what
it desires, and arrogant actions because it thinks it has
wisdom or doesn't. These things cause it to practice actions
that hurt people, animals, and everything. The reason is that
they need to gain the wisdom of knowledge of the two truths
and understand the truth information of the three things that
every human being must search for in human life.
- The mind clings to inaction. There is no knowledge of
the two truths and no understanding of the truth of all three
things. Therefore, other forms of ignorance immerse people
in attachment and bondage. From there, the soul causes the
body not to perform actions to help or save others. Instead, it

The Stage of Ignorant Soul

sinks into the ten states of ignorance it possesses. It quickly

becomes angry and hateful towards those who hurt it.
2. The state of furious mind
An angry mind is a state of losing control of the negative
particle system in the entire energy structure of the tuelinh.
Anger is a higher level of clinging mind. Anger is formed
and developed on the foundation and roots of the clinging
soul. Therefore, when people have attachment, anger will
flare up at any time. This makes it impossible for each person
and others to know or predict it.
When people are immersed in the clinging mind,
someone affects their ignorance and interests, and anger
within them is like a deadly fire that will harm and kill all
living things, animals, and humans and destroy all items.
Anger is also compared to firestorms, and it will burn
everything in its path.
To eliminate anger, people must destroy the root and
foundation of the clinging mind. To do that, they must destroy
the wisdom of ignorance.
3. The state of hatred
Hatred is the highest level of ignorance. Hatred is
considered like icebergs. People cannot perceive someone's
hatred because it is hidden and hidden deep within the soul.
It is different from anger because anger is like flames or
firestorms, so people can easily see anger in themselves and
Hatred is born based on the clinging mind. When
people are immersed in clinging souls, they feel hurt. As a
result, they try to become furious to protect themselves.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

When they cannot become angry or are too weak, they will
become hated.
Hatred is extremely dangerous because when it breaks
out, it will destroy humans, animals, and all things on a large
scale. It can be said that hatred can destroy the whole world.
Remember, the clinging mind is a solid foundation, the
root that causes the mind to become angry and hateful. Anger
is a state of mind that people can easily recognize and have
plans to deal with when someone is angry. At that time, use
your mind as a cool stream of compassion to neutralize it
instead of becoming angry like them. Meanwhile, hatred is the
most dangerous because it is hidden so people cannot know.
The root of the state of ignorant mind is ignorant wisdom
because there is no knowledge of the two truths, or knowing
but not believing. Don't think you can eliminate the state of
the ignorant mind through meditation. It is not possible. The
cause of the mind of ignorance is that the system of
intellectual wave code fibres in the tuelinh contains harmful
and false information. Therefore, each person must receive
accurate information to eliminate dangerous and incorrect
information. That is the best solution to eradicate ignorance
when one has attained enlightened wisdom."
During the lunch break, students with different
illnesses shared with the teacher about symptoms such as
body itching, bone pain, headaches, hallucinations, and loss of
behavioural control when listening to lectures. They then
became happy when the teacher explained that those
manifestations were necessary to help them recover from
their illness. Because toxic information is being released,

The Stage of Ignorant Soul

toxins are being removed and eliminated from their souls and
cells in their bodies.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Fourteen

The State of Enlightened Mind

"The opposite of the ignorant state of mind is the

enlightened state. We continue with the state of enlightened
The enlightened mind is a state of positive energy
generated from the system of intellectual wave code fibres in
the yin and yang root embryo and the entire tuelinh structure
residing in the human being. The positive energy state is the
state of the activated positive energy particle system, and they
have the power to control the negative energy particle
The enlightened state of mind originates from the
person's possession of enlightened wisdom. People have
enlightened wisdom because the tuelinh within also
possesses enlightened wisdom. Enlightened wisdom is the
root, the solid foundation to create and develop into an
enlightened state of mind. Therefore, the enlightened state of
the soul is always activated to different degrees.
The enlightened state of mind includes three levels:
- The state of a compassionate mind.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

- The state of delighted mind.

- The state of a peaceful mind.
These states are values that need to be activated from
accurate information for sustainable development in the
1. State of compassionate mind
Compassion is the solid foundation, the deep root of the
enlightened state of mind. From a compassionate state of
mind, people quickly become delighted and peaceful.
Compassion is the product and crystallization of
enlightened wisdom. Therefore, we discuss five pairs of
enlightened wisdom categories when discussing compassion.
It includes compassion for possession, non-possession, love,
hatred and resentment, wisdom, lack of knowledge, success
in wishing, failure in hoping, action, and inaction. Therefore,
when people have a compassionate mind, it creates peace and
is not bound in body, mind, and intellect to the ten forms that
wisdom has enlightened. In particular, it knows how to
dedicate and give away the good values it creates from the
enlightenment it has.
- The enlightened mind on possession. When people are
enlightened by the light of knowledge of the two truths, they
will understand the three things. It is understanding yourself
and others. It is not understanding all things, events, and
phenomena in life and the universe and not understanding
the energy of destruction. Therefore, they know that all the
scenarios they interact with in life are for them to force out
toxins and activate goodness in their souls. They become
enlightened by what they possess and use them as tools to

The Stage of Enlightened Mind

activate their compassion and path to enlightenment. At that

time, their minds become peaceful, not tied to anything and
any form they possess. Those enlightened people are ready to
help and save people and animals when they encounter
difficulties with what they have. They will become delighted
and peaceful when they experience any painful or difficult
- The mind is enlightened about non-possession. The
human understands the accurate information of the three
things and is illuminated by the light of knowledge of the two
truths. The tuelinh within humans is not bound or troubled by
something they do not have. They become happy and
constantly strive to cultivate valuable knowledge to upgrade
themselves. They enthusiastically help and save everyone and
all species with their abilities. They quickly become happy
and peaceful when experiencing suffering or difficulties in
- The mind is enlightened in love. Because of having
enlightened wisdom, the soul within humans becomes
peaceful and is not bound by love in ignorance. They give
respect and understanding to the people they love so that
they can spread good values together. They know how to
balance the love of family, husband and wife, and the nation
to spread good values to everyone, animals, and everything
without distinction between ethnicity or country. They
quickly become happy and peaceful when experiencing
difficulties or suffering in life.
- The mind is enlightened about hatred and resentment.
When the inner soul is enlightened, they are always
compassionate. They are not bound to those who hate or

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

resent them. They no longer hate or resent anyone, even those

who have hurt them. Because they understand that every
interaction in life is to help them eliminate ignorance and
become enlightened, they forgive everyone who hurts them.
In addition, they always try and strive to help and save people
and all species to develop more sustainably. They quickly
become delighted and peaceful when they experience
difficulties or ups and downs.
- The mind is enlightened about having wisdom.
Everyone becomes compassionate and contributes the values
of enlightened knowledge or knowledge in all areas of life to
everyone. They are happy because they help people and the
world around them become more sustainable. They are not
attached and bound to their possession of wisdom when they
possess the intellect of enlightenment. They are always happy
and peaceful on the journey of spreading enlightened wisdom
in the human world, even though they must endure hardships
and difficulties.
- The mind is enlightened on the absence of wisdom.
Because it is enlightened by enlightened wisdom, they
understand everything. Therefore, they strive to study and
cultivate enlightenment and knowledge in all areas of life.
They become peaceful and are no longer attached or bound to
their lack of wisdom. They become enthusiastic about helping
and saving people, animals, and everything. They quickly
become happy and peaceful when someone offends or hurts
- The enlightened mind about success and failure in
wishing. When people understand the three things by the
light of knowledge and the two truths, desire no longer exists

The Stage of Enlightened Mind

in their minds and souls. They are content and happy with
what they have. Furthermore, they strive to hone their
intelligence and abilities to help and save people and all
species. They are easily delighted and peaceful when
experiencing suffering or difficulties in life.
- The enlightened mind about action. People are no
longer attached or tied to any form because the soul is
enlightened about possession, non-possession, love, hate and
resentment, wisdom, lack of knowledge, success and failure in
wishing. Therefore, they are always peaceful and strive to
practice spreading helping and saving actions to everyone, all
things, and animals. They act in peace. They become happy
and know how to let go of the ignorant actions of others that
cause them.
- The enlightened mind about inaction. The magical
value of having enlightened wisdom is that each person will
not practice ignorant actions towards people, animals, and all
things in the human world. Any form in life no longer binds
them. Instead, they accept their losses not to hurt anyone or
any species in the natural world. They become happy and
peaceful in all the harsh life situations they experience.
2. The state of the delighted mind
When each person has a compassionate state of mind
through enlightened wisdom, it is a solid foundation to build
and develop their minds into delightedness.
Delightedness always exists in a compassionate mind
because, with peace and joy in enlightened wisdom, people
can practice compassion within themselves by helping and
saving others and all living beings.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

However, the happiness mentioned here is a quality

and level nobler than the level of compassion. That is when
each person is practising solidarity, spreading the value of
sustainable development knowledge to everyone and all
species, but they encounter ignorant people. Ignorant people
never stop hurting themselves. Instead of being troubled or
giving up, they became happy and continued to practice their
mission on the path of enlightenment they had chosen. In
addition, when enlightened people experience difficulties and
sufferings, they are always happy to face and overcome them.
Delightedness has a magical power to control one's and
others' angry states of mind. From a happy mind comes
control from the soul to the body into happy expressions and
actions. A happy state of mind is like a stream of cool water to
extinguish the fire and the firestorm of anger.
3. The state of peacefulness
The state of peacefulness always exists in the state of
compassion. Because when people have enlightened wisdom,
they know how to let go of their attachments of forms in life
to activate goodness within them.
However, the peacefulness of the soul mentioned here
is a nobler quality, a higher level than the state of compassion.
That is when people encounter difficulties and suffering in
life. They know how to let go of attachments by facing them to
liberate all suffering through their compassionate mind. In
addition, in the journey of uniting people to spread the values
of enlightened knowledge to develop all things, tuelinh, and
people to become sustainable, they face ignorant people.
Those unaware people try to destroy their path, even harming
them. Because they are enlightened people, compassion is
The Stage of Enlightened Mind

always present in them; therefore, they continue to practice

their mission in a state of delightedness and peacefulness.
They do not cling to the unwholesome actions that ignorant
people have been doing. They always stand tall in life with
nothing but suffering in the human world to help people, all
species, and themselves.
Peacefulness is the highest quality and level of the three
states of enlightened mind.
When a person achieves complete enlightenment, they
will possess all three states of the enlightened mind.
Therefore, they will have no remnants of their ignorant state
of mind. It means that when someone has the wisdom of
perfect enlightenment, the knowledge of ignorance no longer
exists in them, not even the smallest unit of any form.
When you understand the wisdom of ignorance and the
wisdom of enlightenment, you will know that the state of the
mind of ignorance and the enlightened soul are its
manifestations. It means that the state of mind is born from
wisdom. Intelligence is the system of intellectual wave code
fibres in each tuelinh of each human being. It is the root of all
state and emotional expressions. Also, from the intellectual
wave code that controls the tuelinh, humans practice actions,
be it ignorance or enlightenment.
If you want to destroy the state of ignorance, you must
destroy the wisdom of ignorance. If you want to remove the
knowledge of ignorance, you must have the intellect of
enlightenment. The intelligence of enlightenment does not
have by yourself, nor does it come to you by itself. Enlightened
wisdom is crystallized from the movement tuelinhs, people,
things, events, and phenomena in and outside the universe
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

that the first tuelinh observed and experienced many

lifetimes of practice to obtain. If you want enlightened
wisdom, you can learn it through the countless lives of
suffering of your soul; another way is to understand the
enlightened knowledge that the first tuelinh taught you. The
two methods are different, and the results are also different.
Experiencing and concluding for yourself is an endless
journey. The risk of destroying tuelinhs by destructive energy
is very high when tuelinhs have difficulty controlling the
mechanism of producing negative particles. Learning
enlightened knowledge and practising it is a concise path to
transform one's tuelinh into a sustainable one; even if one
goes through suffering and tribulations, each tuelinh will
quickly overcome it with the information of knowledge stored
in tuelinh."
When the class ended, a student asked the Teacher,
"Teacher, I have seen many people in society suffering in their
married life or at work. After they accessed religious
knowledge, they decided to let go of everything to practice in
a pure place. The things they let go of include their wives and
children or husbands and children. So, is that called
enlightened mind?" "What they do is let go. It is precisely
running away and giving up in the face of suffering caused by
their ignorant wisdom. You should always remember the four
commandments of Nalas Nalanda when he organized the
conference to gather humanity so as not to misunderstand
because of the confusion of philosophical and religious views.
The enlightened mind, as in the lecture, we must understand
is letting go of our afflictions, attachments, anger, and hatred
when it still exists or when it has just arisen. Besides, we must

The Stage of Enlightened Mind

face to liberate all suffering with wisdom and an enlightened

mind. If people leave their families, wives and children to
practice in a pure place, they cut off the source of interaction
so that the nature of the information inside the tuelinh cannot
be revealed. Because nature is not revealed, how can people
force out toxins and activate kindness? At that time, how can
the tuelinh mature? Instead, the danger of destruction
becomes present by the onslaught of the energy of
Another student immediately asked the Teacher,
"Teacher, should everyone destroy the mind of ignorance first
and then activate the mind of enlightenment?" "There is no
before and no after. The mind of ignorance and enlightenment
are the products of the wisdom of ignorance and the wisdom
of enlightenment. Those intellectual natures are revealed and
activated from the tuelinh by interactive scenarios in human
life. When interacting, the nature of the information that is
easily revealed within the tuelinh will be revealed first. Maybe
it's poison, and maybe it's kindness. When nature is revealed
first, everyone needs to practice suppressing poison if it is the
wisdom of ignorance and activating it if it is the wisdom of
enlightenment. Removing poison and activating kindness
means eliminating the mind of ignorance and activating the
mind of enlightenment. Both must be done simultaneously in
each tuelinh's journey of practice in the human world.
Knowing the two truths helps people understand all the
information in and out of the universe. Therefore, it is
comprehensive and magical."
It was a significant day of studying and answering many
other questions related to the lecture on states of mind. Those

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

are the words the students talked to each other when class

Chapter Fifteen

Suffering and Methods of Liberation

The Teacher sipped a cup of hot tea while chatting with

his students. That was when the Teacher's lecture was about
to begin. Although the tea is bitter and hot when drinking, the
sweetness is soon replaced. That's why many adult men enjoy
tea to feel its particular taste. Not only that, tea also helps
drinkers become alert to concentrate on work.
At that time, a student asked the Teacher, "Teacher, can
you share your past lives for all class members to know? We
are very curious and want to know about your practising
journey in past lives." "A curious question. There are curious
questions that will not be answered. However, there are
questions that, when answered, will help everyone on their
journey to overcome suffering to become more mature on the
path of practice in the human world. I have many memories
of past lives and many lives of practice in the human world.
What do people want to know about?" "Teacher, can you
share about the life in which you became an enlightened
being? People want to hear about it."
After reflection, the Teacher began to speak, "Before
teaching today's lesson, I will share some memories of my

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

practising journey to achieve full enlightenment. This

information and memories will help everyone when learning
today's lesson.
In my previous life, in my human life, the tuelinh within
me achieved complete enlightenment. In that life, I was a
crown prince, the child of a king and queen. I was their only
son. Our country was in South Asia, with a mountainous
terrain. However, our capital was in a reasonably flat area
surrounded by fields. Because I would become the king in the
future, they let me learn everything to lead the country. I had
to learn a lot of scriptures and martial arts. However, that
father king seemed to know in advance that I would leave that
kingdom to seek the path of enlightenment. He expanded the
capital three times larger than the original to prevent me from
leaving the capital. High walls were built and surrounded the
entire capital. In addition, they made a temple so I could go
there and study with the teachers. When I grew up, I had a
wife and children. However, the boredom in my soul made me
leave the capital to find my path to enlightenment. After four
unsuccessful attempts to leave the capital from four
directions, I finally escaped and headed southeast alone.
On my journey to find the path to enlightenment, I went
through the process of studying with teachers. However, I did
not achieve enlightenment through various meditation
processes. Sufferings still exist in the mind when no longer
resting in meditation. After that, I went through different
practices to find enlightenment. A typical example was
practising asceticism. That was not eating for a long time. That
left my body with only skin and bones, and my body became
weaker than ever. It was wrong to practice by not taking the

Suffering and Methods of Liberation

body's form seriously. With that way of practice, I thought I

had to leave my body behind in that life with failure on my
journey to find the path to enlightenment.
One night when I entered meditation, a certain tuelinh
used two metal tools and tapped each other three times. The
first knock makes a deafening and hard-to-hear sound, the
second knock makes an unclear sound, and the third knock
makes a soft and easy-to-hear sound. At that moment, I knew
that the tuelinh was trying to help me understand something
on my practising journey to make the best choice for seeking
enlightenment. From the suggested sounds, I understood that
loud sound is like the practice of being bound and taking body
form seriously, and the results will be like that sound. The
sound has no resonance; it is like the sound of death, like
abandoning the body on the path of practice. Melodious sound
is the balance between body, mind, and wisdom to create an
excellent sound of results. A fragile path of enlightenment has
been opened by the union of body, mind, and intellect to
develop achievements that benefit everyone. When I
understood that, I stopped meditating and rewarded myself
with sleep. That night, I learned about the mission of the
practising path, my origin and truth about myself, and my
memories and achievements in past lives. There was a
significant change in me at that time. I ate the next day again
to ensure the health and vitality of my body. On the second
night, after hearing the guiding sounds from a tuelinh while
meditating. It was a whole moon night when the moon was
high in the sky and almost midnight. I walked down to the
river near where I meditated. In the bright moonlight, I
floated in the river. My body floats on the water, sometimes

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

floating, sometimes sinking. The cool water washed away all

the ascetic practices in the past. A miraculous thing happened
under the bright moonlight and with the cool water blending
into the austere body at that time. Rays of silvery white light
radiated from my body around me. At that time, my thoughts
about the origin and tasks on practising practice in the human
world that my tuelinh had to do were clear. Because of that,
my tuelinh and body radiate the radiance of enlightenment
about my mission and tasks.
After showering, I went ashore and looked at the river
and the moon. The piecing together of past life memories and
the tuelinh's mission made me reflect and think about it.
Suddenly, two snakes appeared from two bushes in front and
slithered towards where I was sitting. At the same time, two
white doves flew down from the top of the tree and turned
into two tuelinhs. Each of them used a bow created from
magic and killed two snakes. Perhaps they were afraid that
those two snakes would endanger me. Then I looked at the
corpses of the two snakes and those two tuelinhs and said to
them, "Why did you kill them? Do you know what they did in
their past lives that caused them to live in such a daily body in
this life? When I become fully enlightened, I will enlighten all
of you." After that, the two tuelinhs said goodbye and
continued their mission of following and protecting my body
in that life. Under the bright moonlight at night, I fell asleep
on the riverbank. It is a remarkable sleep when all the
memories of the tuelinh are recreated and linked to the
achievements in the practising journey of many lifetimes.
That was the night I became fully enlightened. After achieving
complete enlightenment, I took on my first students and

Suffering and Methods of Liberation

taught them. People from all over come and become my

students. I have travelled to many countries to preach
complete enlightenment knowledge. While spreading the
teachings of enlightenment, my wife and children also
participated in studying and accompanying us on the path of
spreading it.
Those are memories and moments of achieving
enlightened wisdom in past lives. It is not attained by
meditation. Those achievements are achieved in many
previous lives linked together after a journey of ascetic
practice to create a path to complete enlightenment. It's the
same in my life. The achievements from past lives are linked
with the mission of the tuelinh and the process of
experiencing the path of suffering in the human world to
create the most excellent enlightenment knowledge when
there is knowledge of the smallest particle of energy
"Teacher, please teach everyone about the method of
liberation from suffering in life as well as on the path of
practice for everyone to practice."
"The previous lessons are all knowledge of
enlightenment, and all the lectures are two truths. I told you
that story because it is relevant to today's sermon.
In today's lesson, we will learn all about the types of
suffering, the causes of suffering, the method, and the
achievements after liberating all suffering. From the previous
speeches, you have understood the origin, mission, nature of
the tuelinh and state of the mind and human. Therefore,
people will not feel pressured when they know the truth of
suffering and the method of liberation from pain. Everyone
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

will find it easy to apply that solution to achieve achievements

in life.
When discussing human suffering, we also need to
separate the suffering of the tuelinh when not incarnated in
human form and when incarnated in human form. Such a
division will help people clearly understand the nature of
suffering and practice the most effective liberation from pain.
1. The suffering of the tuelinh
The suffering of the tuelinh is a state of information
disorder within the energy particle structure system. It
breaks the bond between positive and neutral particle groups
when destructive energies attack the negative particle group.
The attack of energies of destruction causes the tuelinh to
become painful, leading to complete decomposition and
destruction. The suffering of the tuelinh has only one type:
disintegration and collapse.
There are three causes of suffering:
- Each tuelinh does not understand itself and other
tuelinhs. That is not understanding the nature of truth within
oneself and other tuelinhs. The nature of wisdom is encoded
false information, called wisdom of ignorance, and encoded
truth information, called enlightened wisdom.
- Tuelinhs do not understand the nature of all things,
events, and phenomena in the universe. That is not
understanding the toxins and goodness that exist within
- Tuelinhs do not understand the nature of destructive
energy. That is not understanding toxins as well as the value
of destructive energy.

Suffering and Methods of Liberation

The three causes of suffering for the tuelinh are closely

linked in inseparability. When each tuelinh has from one to all
three of the above causes, they will easily be disintegrated and
destroyed by the energy of destruction. Being attacked by
destructive energy causes them pain, and death will end their
The method of liberating suffering for the tuelinh.
Because we have understood the cause of the tuelinh's
suffering and destruction, therefore, all tuelinhs must practice
the path to liberation from suffering as follows:
- All tuelinhs must incarnate into humans to live in the
human world in many lifetimes of practice.
- Tuelinhs must understand the toxins that are released
from within oneself.
- Tuelinhs must understand the good values within
- Finally, tuelinhs must practice the mechanism to
eliminate all toxins within themselves. At the same time, they
must practice the mechanism to activate goodness within
themselves. Eliminating poison and activating goodness is a
mechanism of sustainable transformation.
Achievement after liberating the Suffering of tuelinhs:
when they practice the sustainable transformation
mechanism, they will produce countless positive and neutral
energy particles with high strength and durability. Besides,
negative energy particles are produced with enough power to
do the job. Then, the tuelinhs mature and transform their yin
and yang embryos into a sustainable energy filter. Finally,
they can absorb destructive energy back to themselves to

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

produce super-energy particles. Those super-energies help

them become immortal and support all things in the universe
to develop sustainably.
2. Human Suffering
When the tuelinh incarnates and abides in human form,
human suffering includes the Suffering of the tuelinh. From
the Suffering of the tuelinh, human suffering is manifested
into many different types, and those sufferings become clear
and easy to recognize.
First, we must understand what human suffering is. –
Human suffering is the soul's binding, viciousness, and
attachment to everything in life.
It can be seen that the object of human suffering is the
Suffering is the best environment for the soul inside the
human body to be experienced. From there, the toxic and kind
natures are revealed. That is the perfect path for the existence
and sustainable development of each tuelinh.
Types of Suffering of Humans: humans are made up of
three elements: tuelinh, body form, and brain wisdom.
Therefore, the manifestations of human suffering are richer
than tuelinhs when they do not abide in human form. Human
suffering is divided into two groups: suffering due to natural
laws and suffering in each person's mind. Such a division of
human suffering will help people easily identify, face, and
practice liberation from all suffering.
Suffering due to natural laws:
- Types of Suffering due to natural laws: There are six
types of suffering caused by natural laws to humans, including

Suffering and Methods of Liberation

suffering due to birth, ageing, illness, death, suffering from

living but having to separate from each other, and separation
by death. Everyone knows and understands these sufferings
are natural laws they must experience and live in. No one can
escape any one of all types of suffering by the laws of nature.
As follows:
+ Suffering due to being born. That is suffering in the
mother's mind when she has to carry a constantly growing
fetus. The sudden change in a mother's body when she is
pregnant makes her think negatively about herself, her fetus,
her husband, and her relatives. Hatred towards their loved
ones may appear in their minds when their loved ones have
had evil thoughts or actions towards them. Mothers become
depressed, anxious, and fearful when their soul energy is
depleted to separate and nurture the fetus. In addition to the
confusion and suffering of the mind, the pain and discomfort
of their bodies make them easily angry and disappointed in
themselves and their loved ones. The fetus' body must also
suffer the same suffering. The fetus suffers when squeezed
into the cramped space inside the mother's womb. In
addition, when the mother is suffering from negative
thoughts, the negative energy from the mother's soul will
nourish the cells of the fetus' body. It is part of the cause of
diseases in the fetus' body after birth.
+ The suffering from getting old. When people are born,
they face the passage of time that cannot be stopped. That
makes people mature and grow old. Growing up is getting
older. It is evidence of every cell in the human body constantly
working hard and becoming exhausted of energy and life
within. Growing up and getting older makes people worried,

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

anxious, and even afraid because their body becomes

increasingly weaker and no longer healthy. Many people look
for certain medications or foods to prevent cell ageing. They
want and desire to enjoy everything in a healthy body, so they
hate the old age that already exists in their body.
+ The suffering due to illness. Illness for most people is
the suffering of all kinds of suffering. Because they believe
that when they have diseases, especially diseases that are
deadly and cannot be cured, even if people have a lot of money
or high status, they cannot escape the death of the disease.
Illness makes people miserable, depressed, and clinging to
everything they have. Poor people fear illness because they do
not have money for treatment. Rich people fear death when
they have diseases that cannot be cured. People with high
status and wealth fear their loved ones will suffer from mental
illnesses. They fear being judged and looked down upon by
others. Illnesses include various physical and mental
illnesses, immersing people in suffering and despair. Mild
illnesses make people feel stuffy, tired, and uncomfortable.
Serious diseases that cannot be cured make people suffer and
despair, waiting for death to come to them.
+ The suffering from death. Death creates the most
intense moment in a person's life. People see death as the end
of everything. When death happens to them, they will lose
everything, from money, status, their loved ones, and even
their bodies rotting under the cold soil. Because of this, the
moment after death, the soul of the dead becomes confused,
frightened, regretful, and always cling to things they lost. The
suffering caused by death makes people cling tightly to
something they cannot take with their souls. Therefore, they

Suffering and Methods of Liberation

quickly become attached, angry, and hateful toward someone

who hurts them or causes their death. Anger and hatred reach
the highest level in the souls of those who commit suicide.
Because when they live, resentment towards the person they
once loved, maybe because of oppression from someone, and
perhaps also despair in life makes them commit suicide. They
are immersed in the extreme suffering of all kinds of suffering
because the suffering of the soul due to suicide is a
combination of the suffering of death and other types of
suffering created by the mind.
+ The suffering from separation. The frustrations in the
heart, the memories, the regrets, the pain, and the hatred
caused by separation while everyone is still alive are
unpleasant types of suffering. The suffering of separation is
such that parents have to separate from their children when
they get married and no longer have the protection and
protection of their parents. The suffering that lovers have to
separate for many different reasons. The suffering and pain
when parents witness their beloved children going to the
battlefield to face life and death, whether defending the
homeland or invading another country. Young children and
wives had to say goodbye to their fathers and husbands when
facing death on the battlefield. Couples separate because of
conflicts and disagreements, leaving pain and hatred for each
other and their children. The pain of separation is
exceptionally fierce. It seems impossible to heal the wounds.
Even the resentment from this type of suffering lasts many
lifetimes because of the hatred.
+ The suffering from separation when a loved one dies.
The suffering of death does not only exist and lasts for souls

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

when they have to leave their bodies behind in the human

world. Their relatives and loved ones become regretful and
mournful in the agony of witnessing them no longer exist.
Fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, and children when they
witness their loved ones die from illness, accidents, suicide,
murder, or old age. They were immersed in pity and pain.
That pain makes them inconsolable when they witness their
loved ones no longer on Earth when they were young, wives
and husbands.
- The cause of suffering is due to natural laws. Natural
laws create the above types of suffering. It means that
everyone understands and realizes they cannot escape these
sufferings. They don't know whether those sufferings will
come to them sooner or later and precisely at what time in
their lives. Because it is a natural law, there is no cause for
each type of suffering in this group of natural laws. It is
because the tuelinhs made a great vow to incarnate as
humans to experience all suffering. When experiencing grief,
the nature of toxins and goodness in their souls is revealed
and activated. That is the goal that tuelinh life form pursue,
and when suffering is achieved, that is their success.
Therefore, from the perspective of tuelinh, reaching the initial
goals on the practising journey in human form is a joy.
- The method of liberation from suffering due to natural
laws: Because understanding the origin of humanity, the
nature of tuelinh, and each person's mission when carrying a
soul within. Because each human life is very short, suffering
by natural law always comes suddenly without warning.
Therefore, to liberate the suffering of natural law, everyone
must race against time, devoting their strength, intelligence,

Suffering and Methods of Liberation

and time to help and save people, animals, and all species
without discrimination. Besides, practice forcing out all the
toxins in the mind when they break out. Doing those two
solutions at the same time is the mechanism to eliminate
toxins and activate kindness in each person's soul. It is also a
sustainable transformation mechanism because sustainable
energy particles are produced in the soul in large quantities.
Racing against time is extremely necessary because people
cannot know how many negative energy particles of karma
are contained in their minds, so they do not understand when
illness, accidents, and death will occur. Only when people
diligently practice to eliminate toxins and activate
compassion. Their souls will produce countless positive
energy particles. At that time, positive energy is the key to
liberation from suffering caused by illness and death. Racing
against time helps the soul produce sustainable energy
particles. That allows the tuelinh to mature quickly. Then, the
soul will have the power to control and transform destructive
energy into super-energy particles. That is the result of each
tuelinh's journey of practice in the human world.
Suffering in the soul:
- There are ten types of suffering in mind, including
suffering due to possession, non-possession, love, hatred,
having wisdom, not having wisdom, success in wishing,
failure in hoping, action, and inaction. These types of suffering
result from information reaction processes in all interaction
scenarios of each person in the four forms of human life in the
human world. The four forms in human life include family
form, social form, form between teacher and student, and
national form. It is suffering in the mind because each person

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

will not be able to know whether they have any toxins

released when interacting in life or not. The toxins are the
ignorance of the intellect, which then causes the mind to
become ignorant. Ignorance is the suffering state of the mind.
+ The mind suffers because of possessions. People are
clingy and vicious in being satisfied with everything they
have, even hurting people and all species to protect the things
they own. Things like money, status, fame, family, and
possessions that they try to satisfy cause their souls to drown
in their toxins. Therefore, their souls become miserable
because they cannot eliminate those toxins due to not
activating the goodness within them. Satisfaction with what
they have in human life causes them to miss favourable
conditions to practice activating kindness through helping
actions, saving others and all species from what they have.
+ The mind suffers because of non-possession. People
become attached and miserable because of things they do not
have and cannot achieve while others have and enjoy them.
The poisons of ignorance in the desire to be satisfied by
something make them unaware of their toxins. Their souls are
immersed in the suffering of ignorance and cannot take
advantage of their circumstances to activate the goodness
within them. Wasting human life on things they don't have
makes them unaware of the preciousness of time to cultivate,
study and practice dedication to help everyone and all
+ The soul suffers because of love. People are vicious,
clinging to the love they possess, such as husband and wife,
children, family, nation, homeland, and the love they do not
have. That causes the soul inside them to suffer because of the

Suffering and Methods of Liberation

satisfaction of that love. They become uncontrollable towards

their loved ones when trying to control and protect that love.
They cannot identify the poison of love being released from
their souls. Therefore, they cannot balance love and
dedication, helping and saving everyone and all creatures.
+ The mind suffers because of hatred. People become
miserable in torment and resentful towards each other
because of things they do not like or hurt each other. The
toxins of ignorance of this kind of suffering cause them to
wallow without transforming into virtuous actions. They are
vicious and cling to people and things they hate. They do not
realize the value of interactions in life that help them
understand the toxins and goodness within them. So, they
become a waste of human life immersed in this suffering.
+ The mind suffers because it has wisdom. Arrogance
and contempt for others who do not have the same
intelligence and education as themselves cause these people
to sink into the suffering of having intelligence. They cling and
linger in pride in the wisdom they possess. They are
immersed in that ignorance and do not know how to take
advantage of the intellectual values they have to help people,
animals, and all species. They do not understand that when
they leave their bodies behind in the human world, they will
be forgotten, and no one will remember them when they fail
to bring noble values to people and humanity. It is the
enlightenment of wisdom without realizing it, so they are
engrossed in the pride of the knowledge they have.
+ The mind suffers because it has no wisdom. Suffering
is expressed as fear, low self-esteem, resentment, and self-
torture when people see that they do not have the same

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

understanding and knowledge as others. They suffer in

accepting their lives as they are. They suffered under the
oppression and domination of the higher classes, of those
with intelligence and power. They do not realize that their life
scenario is like this to awaken the goodness within them to
rise to study and overcome that adversity.
+ The mind suffers because of the success in wishing.
From suffering to hoping for things, people do not possess,
their suffering increases by wishing. The attachments of
desires to satisfy what they want to keep their souls cling to
everything. When they achieve what they desire by begging
from someone or the invisible world, they continue to be
immersed in the suffering of possession and wisdom. They
are bound to the idea that they are more intelligent than
others to achieve things they cannot possess. These toxins
cause people to be immersed in intellectual ignorance, and
they cannot recognize the value of learning, cultivating
enlightened knowledge, and activating the goodness within
+ The mind suffers due to failure in hope. The opposite
of the suffering of success in wishing is the suffering of failure.
When people fail in their wishes, they become miserable,
suffering because of unsatisfied possessions and losses and
trade-offs, and in the end, they still fail. Not only do they suffer
from not achieving desires that they are unable to fulfil, but
they also suffer from not having things and having low self-
esteem about their intelligence. They are absorbed in this
suffering and other related sufferings without realizing that
they must cultivate enlightened wisdom to understand
everything and practice to activate the goodness within them.

Suffering and Methods of Liberation

+ The mind suffers due to actions. When people are

immersed in suffering due to attachment and ignorance of
wisdom on things they own, do not possess, have knowledge,
do not have wisdom, success and failure in their wishes,
hatred, and love. They will practice actions in the suffering of
crystallization from the above pains. Their actions not only
hurt their souls by the negative energy produced but also hurt
everyone and all species. When they act in pain and hurt
everyone and all living things, it results from a mechanism
that produces countless negative energy particles. These
energy particles are the negative karma they create. That
causes their souls to be more strongly decomposed by the
attack of destructive energy.
+ The mind suffers because of inaction. Also, from the
suffering of other human sufferings, they transform into the
suffering of inactivity. It can be understood that, from other
pains, people are bound and cling to the ignorance that their
wisdom possesses. They become selfish to satisfy their
ignorance in life without practising helping actions and saving
people and all species. Failure to act to activate each person's
goodness causes their souls to become weakened by an excess
of negative energy within them, while positive energy is not
produced. That causes the soul to suffer more and more
because of the decay process within them.
- The cause of suffering in the mind is because people
are immersed in the wisdom of ignorance and are not
illuminated by the light of enlightened understanding.
Therefore, human souls become miserable in all forms with
which they interact in life. There are three specific causes as

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

+ People do not understand themselves and others:

they do not understand that there is a soul within them, the
nature and mission of the soul when incarnated as a human.
They do not understand the soul's origin and wish to
reincarnate as a human being to live in suffering. They do not
understand the value of suffering and what this life brings
them. Therefore, people are immersed in the suffering of life
and create countless harm to others and all living beings. Just
as they do not know, they must practice kind actions towards
everyone and all creatures to help their souls transform
+ People do not understand everything, events, and
phenomena in life and the universe. That is not understanding
the nature of truth, including the toxins and goodness that
exist within everything. Therefore, when people interact with
them, they become clingy and attached to things. The toxins
of people, things, events, and phenomena are linked together,
causing people to sink deeply into suffering and disaster.
+ People do not understand the nature of destructive
energy. That is not understanding the toxicity and value of
destructive energy. That is not understanding the mechanism
of action of destructive energy, so it is easy to be influenced
and destroyed by them. When dominated, the soul becomes
painful and loses control until permanently destroyed.
- Method of liberating suffering in the mind: when each
person is enlightened by the intellectual light of the two
truths, we will understand the truth of all types of suffering
and the causes of suffering. Then, we have the most
miraculous method of liberation from pain. We will no longer
grope or be ignorant in liberating pain from any other

Suffering and Methods of Liberation

solution. The magic way to liberate suffering is for each

person to race against time, face and release all agony. As
+ We have to race against time because the time of a
human life passes very fast. Each person does not know when
they will get sick and die. When people die, people no longer
have the opportunity to understand and transform their souls
in that human life. In addition, racing against time helps the
soul produce countless sustainable energy particles for their
development and become safe when attacked by destructive
energy. Generating many positive energy particles will help
neutralize the negative energy of negative karma, and then
disasters and negative karma will be dissipated in the future.
Other sufferings are also easily overcome.
+ We have to face all the sufferings and tribulations in
the four forms of life with countless interacting scenarios.
That means people should not run away when encountering
suffering. Because the tuelinhs vow to incarnate as a human
to experience suffering, thereby understanding the three
things, it is not allowed to run away or avoid them. Each type
of suffering is an ideal environment with enough pressure and
maximum compression to help the toxins in each soul be
released and activate the goodness within through that
+ Next is liberation from all sufferings and calamities.
That is to practice the mechanism of forcing out and
eliminating all toxins in your soul. At the same time, maximize
the goodness within yourself. Doing this helps the inner soul
to carry out the sustainable transformation mechanism. It
means that the tuelinh is implementing the mechanism of

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

producing positive energy particles in large quantities and

negative energy particles in sufficient amounts for
sustainable development. To practice this mechanism, each
person must destroy the wisdom of ignorance and practice
the knowledge of enlightenment. That is not harming anyone,
any species, and trying to practice helping actions, saving
everyone and all species.
+ Finally, practice sharing the truths of enlightened
knowledge with everyone to understand and practice. That is
the most miraculous mechanism to help the inner tuelinh
transform into a mature tuelinh and achieve an energy filter
within the tuelinh.
Achievements achieved after liberation from suffering:
When each person understands the knowledge of complete
enlightenment and at the same time practices the mechanism
of sustainable transformation through all interactive
scenarios in life. Each person's inner tuelinh will mature
quickly, from baby tuelinhs to mature tuelinhs. Internal toxins
are eliminated, and good values are developed to produce
countless sustainable energy particles with super intelligence
stored inside each energy particle. When there is a sufficient
quantity and quality of energy particles within the tuelinh
structure, they will be supported by the first tuelinh to
transform the yin and yang embryo inside into a perfect
energy filter. The tuelinh can absorb destructive energy and
produce super-energy particles at that time. These super-
energy particles make that intelligence immortal and help
everything in the universe develop sustainably. That is
heaven, nirvana, compassion, bliss, happiness, joy in the mind,
and wisdom. This achievement results from experiencing all

Suffering and Methods of Liberation

the sufferings and tribulations during countless lives of

practice in the human world."
When the Teacher finished the lecture, a student
immediately said, "Teacher, your enlightened knowledge is
completely different from all knowledge in religions or
philosophical views. You show everyone the truth about all
things inside and outside the universe, showing the path to
liberation through the smallest actions in human life.
Knowledge of the two truths does not allow anyone to
abandon family, spouse, or children to seek enlightenment in
some pure place. Do not allow people to harm each other or
all living beings because that is the path to self-destruction.
Everyone must practice helping and saving each other and all
species because that is a sustainable transformation
mechanism to save oneself and others. In particular, from the
knowledge of the two truths, people should not ask for
forgiveness from God or Buddha. Even if you ask, you won't
get forgiveness. Because intelligence, souls, and humans have
no faults. The first tuelinh took all tuelinhs to incarnate as
humans to help them understand themselves, all things in the
universe, and the energy of destruction through suffering in
human form. It is the boundless compassion and love that the
Father of the universe helps us, silently guiding us to
overcome all the sufferings of life to understand and grow.
The fact that we can eliminate all toxins and activate the
goodness within is immeasurable gratitude and thanks to the
great Father of humanity and the universe. The Father is the
fully enlightened being, and he is not only the Father but also
the Teacher of humanity and the universe. Your lectures are

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

extremely valuable and profound for everyone and

Another student immediately asked the Teacher,
"Teacher, how can everyone, all tuelinhs, know that they have
eliminated all the toxins within themselves?" "Your question
is great. Types of suffering, causes of suffering, methods to
eliminate suffering, practice of spreading enlightened
knowledge, and achievements after liberating all suffering I
preach. All of them are true information exposed for
everyone, the tuelinh to know, to learn and practice. That is
the only path to complete enlightenment: to save all tuelinhs,
humans, animals, and everything. You have learned about the
different types of suffering in the two groups of human
suffering. These are the products of toxins released from the
interactive scenarios in the four forms of life that Nalas
Nalanda has built in the human world. When a type of toxin is
released, that tuelinh will have to go through many similar
scenarios to eliminate all the toxins of that type of poison. To
do that, the five messengers of Nalas Nalanda will build and
upgrade the most difficult and complex scenarios for each
type of toxin. When the person and the tuelinh inside no
longer have the smallest unit of poison, all the goodness from
that poison must be activated to overcome that type of
suffering completely. And, you know. There are countless
sufferings in the two groups of suffering in the mind and
suffering due to natural laws. To help all tuelinhs complete
their missions, they will be incarnated as humans for many
lifetimes of practice in the human world. Only by doing so can
all toxins be eliminated, and all goodness can be activated
within each tuelinh." "Master, it is truly a long and not easy

Suffering and Methods of Liberation

journey to eliminate all toxins and activates the maximum

goodness within each tuelinh. Thus, each tuelinh will have to
reincarnate for countless lifetimes of practice before it can
achieve full enlightenment and successfully transform the yin
and yang embryo. That isn't easy to do for all souls and
humans. Do you have the best method to shorten the
reincarnation process and complete the mission of each
tuelinh? I hope you can teach us more." "Yes, of course. Please
relax and review the lectures you have heard, listen many
times, read many times, and discuss together. That invaluable
information will be stored in the yin and yang embryo of the
soul inside each person and, of course, in each person's brain.
I will explain that miraculous method in the following
When they heard the Teacher say that, the students in
a worried mood suddenly became happy. They are worried
because they realize that becoming an enlightened being is
not easy; it is even too difficult for them. However, when they
heard a lecture about the most miraculous method to become
enlightened quickly, they became happy and radiant with a
smile on their lips.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Sixteen

The Smallest Energy Particle

My memory suddenly recalls a dark time for humanity

due to an extremely dangerous Covid-19 epidemic. That
dangerous pandemic spread worldwide for many years and
caused countless deaths. People worldwide were locked
down and could not move between regions and countries.
Death, poverty, decline and economic loss haunt all humanity.
Many people became out of control in their thoughts and
actions. Medicine calls it mental illness. After this deadly
pandemic, mental health diseases have broken out in many
age groups. The sequelae of that epidemic not only cause
mental illnesses but also causes people to suffer from many
other diseases. Through that epidemic, the truth of humanity
is revealed more and more intensely. Those are the toxins in
each person that are unleashed. Many people take advantage
of the complicated epidemic situation to commit fraud and
robbery, and some take advantage of their high positions to
commit corruption and cause heavy losses for people and the
country. Some people, for profit, produce fake and poor-
quality drugs to profit during epidemics. Besides, people's
kindness is also strongly activated. Many people do not care

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

about danger to participate in helping the sick. Many people

donate money and effort to help people. Many scientists are
constantly trying to research and develop particular medicine
to help patients. Doctors are not afraid of danger when
coming into contact with patients carrying fiercely contagious
diseases to cure patients. Society then became confused and
scared. Many places worldwide were blocked, and people
were not allowed to leave their homes and travel to other
His classes also had to close for a year, which was the
year when the epidemic was most intense and fierce in the
country where he lived. The epidemic was like many
continuous tsunamis, which worried the students and
patients attending his classes. They were constantly in
contact to stay informed about their health during that bad
time. It was wonderful that none of his students were in
danger during that pandemic, even though many were
infected with that hazardous virus. The teacher and students
all miss class; they all want the epidemic to end soon and to
return to class to continue with great lectures.
When the government lifted the blockade order in the
classroom area and the place where he lived, he went to the
classroom to work every day. Besides, three of the teacher's
most wonderful students also came to class every day. They
were young men; two got wives, had children, and were
siblings. And one man is not married yet. They have
accompanied him for many years as he spread enlightened
knowledge. They are always by his side when he has
difficulties. Every time the teacher talks to them, he has new
ideas for transforming the wisdom of the two truths to

The Smallest Energy Particle

become superior. Those three students are among the

teacher's outstanding students. They strongly believe in
knowledge and enlightenment practices to help many people.
Even though the epidemic was dangerous, those students still
came to class daily. They chatted and sipped hot cups of tea
with the teacher.
After that, a few mentally ill people regularly came to
the classroom during many months of that epidemic year to
listen to and receive treatment from the teacher. They got to
class because they lived in the same city where the course was
located and had limited travel within that city.
Also, while not teaching, he considered translating the
sublime knowledge of the smallest energy particles into his
new enlightened knowledge. Because many years ago, when
he transformed the original yin and yang embryo in the
tuelinh into a dual energy filter, he created a highly sublime
amount of knowledge. It is the knowledge that people can
hardly understand. But if understood, everyone will
thoroughly understand everything in and out of the universe
and themselves. The sick will miraculously recover, whether
physically or mentally. The teacher has been thinking about it
for many years because he wants to make that knowledge
simple and understandable for everyone when they learn
about it. Only the teacher can fully understand that sublime
knowledge because it was created from his tuelinh, and he
inherited it. He once told his students that no one would
understand that knowledge and it would not be knowledge to
teach people if he taught them the original sublime
knowledge. However, He is not satisfied that only he
understands that knowledge. Therefore, the teacher

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

constantly tries to find solutions and transform that

knowledge into knowledge that is easy to learn and
understand while retaining its original value.
A year off from teaching and studying for the teacher
and students was a valuable time for the teacher to transform
that sublime knowledge into easy-to-learn and understand
instructions. He began to talk little by little about the
knowledge of the smallest energy particle to the sick people
and his three excellent students. He drew pictures of the
smallest energy particle and analyzed the details, problems,
and secrets within the particle. Sometimes, students and
patients could not understand the teacher's words because it
was too strange and challenging for them. When he realized
that, he continued to change and transform that knowledge in
different directions of analysis and explanation. In teaching
the knowledge of the smallest energy particles from that
sublime knowledge to the three students and the sick, the
teacher always observed their faces and expressions. Those
subtle observations helped the teacher promptly adjust the
difficulty level and ease of knowledge when teaching and
treating them. That knowledge transformation process lasted
for nearly a year. A year off from teaching due to the epidemic
was of great value to him because he had a lot of time to
transform sublime knowledge into magical teachings of the
smallest energy particles. That is something that later when
people listen to, learn or read, they will find it easy to
understand and fully understand because there is knowledge
of energy particles as a standard for understanding and
practising the wisdom of the two truths.

The Smallest Energy Particle

After many months of listening to the teacher analyze

and explain the smallest energy particles in detail, the three
students quickly changed their understanding of enlightened
knowledge. They have applied the knowledge of the smallest
energy particle to explain all the secrets of humans, tuelinhs,
all things, and human suffering. It is a great success when
students can understand some of the sublime teachings the
teacher has made simpler and easier to understand.
Besides, the teacher observed in detail the patients'
expressions when listening to his lecture and analyzed that
knowledge at different levels. Sometimes, the teacher only
teaches them to comprehend the two truths without
understanding the smallest energy particle. The teacher
meticulously observed everything. He later told his students,
"It's exciting. Every time I preach or talk about the knowledge
of the smallest energy particle, the sick people become
conflicted. But when I wasn't talking about energy particles,
they had no conflicts or manifestations. It is inaccurate if we
look at this to conclude that they are cured of mental illness.
However, when I analyzed different levels, they had different
heavy and light conflicts according to the lecture level. When
talking about the secret information in the particles, the
particles' reincarnation mechanisms, and their movements,
sick people will erupt in extreme uncontrolled conflicts." One
of the students immediately asked, "So, does the soul in them
receive information from the knowledge of energy particles?"
"Yes. Upon hearing the knowledge of the energy particles at
different levels, the patient's severe and mild conflicting
reactions proved that their souls received what I said. That
shows the power of knowledge of the smallest energy particle

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

in healing human diseases." "Teacher, when you analyze and

talk about the information in the smallest particles, I always
see a stream of energy being transmitted above my head. I feel
tension in my head and forehead. When the teacher stopped
teaching, I felt my head return to normal. The actual result is
that you can use the knowledge of the smallest energy particle
to decode everything in life." "So, transforming that special
knowledge from difficult to easy has been successful. That's
something I've wondered about for many years. Now it's
done. So, a year of stopping teaching due to the epidemic was
not in vain. I will combine that knowledge with the knowledge
of the two truths to teach classes when the epidemic ends. It
is the most wonderful enlightened knowledge for tuelinhs
and humans."
Then, my memory took me to his other classroom after
the pandemic ended. That was the class where the teacher
taught his students the most understandable knowledge
about the smallest energy particles. Even though he has
converted it into knowledge that is easy to learn and
understand, it is still not easy to know when this knowledge
is so strange to everyone. Therefore, the teacher divided that
enlightened wisdom into many parts to teach in different
lessons. If the teacher talks a lot about that knowledge in a few
lessons, his students will not be able to receive it because the
soul inside them cannot accept and retain it in their yin and
yang embryos.
The teacher said, "In past lives, I taught my students the
knowledge of the two truths and spread it everywhere. At that
time, human knowledge was limited by ideology and social
development. Therefore, I could not preach knowledge about

The Smallest Energy Particle

energy particles to them. Because of this, when students

learned knowledge of the two truths through simple theories
and explanations, they quickly understood and practised
wrongly when moving through different living environments.
It has become a complex problem to solve when each person's
toxins explode strongly. Therefore, understanding and
practising the correct value of knowledge of the two truths
was a great challenge for everyone then. As a result, every
time my tuelinh leaves the body behind to return, the students
in the human world distort the knowledge of the two truths
according to their incorrect understanding. This leads to
subsequent generations of people learning false knowledge,
and their practising path becomes more arduous. To solve
that challenge in this human life, I must offer a particular type
of knowledge combined with an enlightened understanding
of the two truths as a standard for learners and practitioners.
It will help learners and future generations avoid
understanding and practising incorrectly. However, this
knowledge is complicated, and people will only be able to
understand it if I transform it into its simplest form. Because
I was concerned about that issue for many years, until today,
I began to preach that particular type of knowledge to you and
Please prepare yourself mentally, especially those with
various medical conditions and mental illnesses. Because
when you listen and receive information from this knowledge,
you will have powerful manifestations of conflict in your
body, mind, and intellect. People who are not sick will feel
tension in the forehead and head and heat all over the body.
People with the disease will have additional symptoms such

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

as itching, nausea, headaches, bone and joint pain, red rashes

on the skin, more frequent hallucinations, and even loss of
control over the severe mental illness. Those of you who are
sick, please understand that these symptoms are due to toxins
being released from your soul, toxins being released from
your body when your soul receives the information of the
lecture through the brain.
In previous lessons, I have repeatedly mentioned the
smallest energy particle so that you can get acquainted and
understand its basic information. Today, I begin to analyse the
smallest energy particle's knowledge deeply. It would be best
to concentrate on listening and re-listen many times to
understand quickly. When you understand, your soul will
build a wonderful ideology to practice the mechanism of
producing sustainable energy particles.

The Smallest Energy Particle

For the smallest energy particle, please look closely at

the simulation of a type of energy particle. It is the smallest
positive energy particle. Please observe to remember it; it will
help you build exceptional thinking compared to what you
have learned.
The structure of the smallest energy particle consists of
three parts: the shape of the particle, the intellectual wave
code strand, and the internal energy state of the particle. As
- First factor. That is the intellectual wave code in the
particle, and it begins to form from point (1) to point (3). This
intellectual wave code is the information storage part of the
particle, also known as the particle's intelligence. The
intellectual wave code is born first among the three elements

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

of the smallest energy particle. It is generated by any physical

structure formed from the original yin and yang energy
embryo. People, animals, trees, vegetation, rocks, water, and
planets can be seen. Next are physical structures that humans
cannot see with their eyes, such as tuelinhs, human souls,
animal souls, and souls residing in plants and rocks.
- The second factor. That is the shape of the smallest
energy particle. The particle is oval, a transparent white
membrane that protects the strand of the intellectual wave
code and the energy state within. The particle's membrane is
formed after the intellectual wave code fibre is born.
- Third factor. It is the energy state inside the particle.
It can be called an electric wave state. The energy state is born
from point (2) in the wisdom wave code. From point number
2, it forms negative, positive, or neutral energy particles. It is
also the point that generates power for the energy particle.
Once the energy state is generated, it is stored inside the
particle, and it has different colours depending on point (2) in
the intellectual wave code strand. The energy state of the
particle is also a symbol of the information quality of the
intellectual wave code fibre. Therefore, through the colour of
the particles, we can evaluate the information quality of
different types of energy particles.
The three elements that make up the smallest energy
particle cannot be separated from each other. If one of the
three elements is missing, the energy particle will not exist.
They are closely linked and protected each other. Then, from
the smallest energy particles, they bond together to form
larger physical structures.

The Smallest Energy Particle

Next, let's look at the simulation of the three types of

intellectual wave codes of the smallest energy particle. The
picture is a simulation of three kinds of intellectual wave
codes in the type of negative energy particles. The same is
true for neutral and positive particles. Please observe the
intellectual wave code of all three types. The intellectual wave
code is the segment from point (1) to point (3). In particular,
the segment from point (1) to point (2) is the vibration wave
code segment. The segment from point number (2) to point
number (3) is the intellectual segment. The intellectual wave
code fibres of all the smallest energy particles that make up
all things in the universe are divided into three types:
+ Simple intellectual wave code.
+ Complex intellectual wave code.
+ Super-complex intellectual wave code.
As follows:

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

- Simple intellectual wave code fibre. This type of

intellectual wave code fibre forms the smallest simple energy

The Smallest Energy Particle

particle. Then, those particles bond to form simple physical

structures such as plants, water, rocks, human bodies, animal
bodies, solid matter, liquid matter, gas matter, planets, stars,
and all the matter humans can see in the universe. It is called
the simple intellectual wave code or simple energy particle
because of the vibration code that creates it. It means that in
the vibrating wave code of a simple energy particle, there is
little information encoded, the amount and quality of data are
simple, the vibrational wave beats between the negative and
positive extremes are not many, and the speed of information
vibration is the slowest compared to the other two groups of
energy particles. So, when they join together to form larger
physical structures, humans can see, touch, and feel those
- Complex intellectual wave code fibre. This type of
intellectual wave code fibre forms a complex energy particle.
When those particles connect, they will create energy flows to
nourish and operate the movement and existence of the
universe. When they join the yin and yang particles, they will
form the yin and yang energy embryos and become intelligent
souls in rocks, trees, and animals. This type of particle is called
a complex or complex intellectual wave code because the
vibrating wave code creates that characteristic. It means that
the vibrating wave code has a lot of encoded information, and
the amount and quality of the encoded data are complex. The
vibrational wave beats moving between the negative and
positive extremes are very large, and the speed of information
vibration is also very fast. Therefore, this type of matter has a
quicker moving speed than the moving speed of simple

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

matter. It is also why humans cannot see this matter with

their eyes.
- Super-complex intellectual wave code fibre. It is called
super-complex energy particle or super-complex intelligence
wave code thread because its vibrational wave code forms
that characteristic. The quantity and quality of information
encoded in the vibration wave code is vast and super complex.
The vibrational wave beats between the positive and negative
extremes are many more than the groups of simple and
complex particles. The speed of information vibration is
super-fast. These yin and yang energy particles with super-
complex intelligence wave codes connect and develop into
tuelinh and tuelinh life forms. Because the vibration speed in
the intellectual wave code is super-fast, humans cannot see
them with their simple eyes.
Thus, the three most minor groups of energy particles
with different intellectual wave codes constitute the three
types of matter of the universe. Simple matter is made up of
simple energy particles that form planets and the entire
universe. Complex matter is complex energy particles
residing in simple matter to help each other survive and
develop. Super-matter is tuelinh formed from super-complex
energy particles. They build and operate the life of the
universe with their superior intelligence. They are the most
intelligent life forms in the universe, so they are responsible
for creating, protecting, and sustainably developing all forms
of matter in and outside the universe. They control complex
groups of matter linked with simple groups of matter to form
magical orbits of all planets in the universe.

The Smallest Energy Particle

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

You continue to look at the picture depicting the three

types of properties of the smallest energy particles. Observe
the characteristics of each particle.
Each simple, complex, and super-complex energy
particle they are divided into three different characteristics. It
includes negative thermal properties, called negative energy
particles; positive thermal properties, called positive energy
particles; and neutral thermal properties, called neutral
energy particles. Each type of particle characteristic has a
different nature. As follows:
- Positive energy particles have the nature of radiating
heat, transmitting information from the inside to the outside
environment. Inside the particle is stored valuable
information that is comprehensive and true. Positive energy
particles can bond with negative energy particles to become
yin and yang energy embryos, which then develop into larger
physical structures. In addition, they connect to form
aggregate positive energy particles to build their system to
become stronger.
- Negative energy particles have the nature of
absorbing heat and absorbing information from the outside
environment into itself. Inside is stored valuable information
that is missing or incorrect. Negative energy particles can
bond with positive energy particles to become yin and yang
energy embryos, which then develop into larger physical
structures. In addition, they connect to form aggregate
negative energy particles to establish their system to become
- Neutral energy particles are balanced in nature and
become the linking material between positive particles
The Smallest Energy Particle

synthesized together to develop a more robust physical

The three types of energy particle properties have
different natures, but they become perfect pieces of each
other. They can be linked together to become physical
structures more extensive than the smallest particle. That is
why, from the smallest simple energy particles that cannot be
seen with the human eye, they bond with countless particles
to become physical structures that humans can see and touch.
Of course, humans cannot see complex matter and super-
matter with their eyes."
When the teacher finished the first lecture on the
knowledge of the smallest energy particles, some students
were interested, while others found it difficult to understand.
The facial expressions show that.
Understanding that the teacher asked, "Is this
knowledge difficult? Do you find it easy to understand?"
"Teacher, when I listen to your lecture, I find it easy to
understand and visualize because you have simulated that
knowledge with the image of the smallest energy particle.
However, I still do not see the knowledge of the two truths in
the smallest particle." The teacher laughed and said, "It is two
truths because it is the truth, the nature of things, phenomena,
tuelinhs, animals, humans, and everything in the universe.
The knowledge about energy particles just learned is the basic
foundation to enter into special thinking and special
enlightened knowledge."
The teacher continued to ask, "Do you feel any
expression or conflict when you hear this new knowledge?"
"Teacher, I feel hot over my body and tightness on my head
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

and forehead." Another student said, "I feel more pain and
headache than in previous classes." "In the coming lessons,
the informational value of knowledge will be much stronger,
so the manifestations of conflicts between your body, mind,
and brain will appear more strongly. You should not worry.
Those manifestations are perfect because your soul can
receive special information about that knowledge. This helps
the mind to become enlightened quickly and thoroughly, and
mental and physical illnesses will be cured faster."
After that class, his students often talked to each other
about energy particles. A term for the smallest energy particle
was born, spreading everywhere through his lectures and
students. The enlightened knowledge of the two truths has
been embedded in the smallest particle of energy, becoming
increasingly popular as people learn and practice that

Chapter Seventeen

The Truth of The Universe with the

Knowledge of the Smallest Energy Particle

A week passed, and the teacher's students came to class

early as a habit. Unlike previous weeks, this week is probably
a special week for them. They look forward to the teacher's
new lecture on enlightened knowledge associated with
energy particles to help them gain a deep and thorough
understanding of the knowledge of the two truths. Because
the first lesson about the smallest energy particle is strange
knowledge to everyone, the desire to discover more about
that knowledge has made them more eager than ever. When
the students heard the teacher say that special knowledge
helped them build a special type of thinking, but they did not
clearly understand how to apply it to problems in life,
curiosity arose in them. Before the class started, some
students asked each other, "Does anyone know about the
special knowledge you mentioned to solve any problem?" An
adult woman immediately answered the young girl's
question, "What are you going to class to learn?" "I have
suffered from hallucinations for many years. I have been
treated at the hospital and through rituals, but it has not cured

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

me. When I knew that people were suffering from different

mental illnesses, they were cured after learning the teacher's
knowledge. Therefore, I would like to ask the teacher to
participate in this class to heal body, mind, and wisdom." The
old woman immediately replied, "That's right, his knowledge
and classes are to heal the sick body, mind, the ignorant
wisdom of people, and the tuelinh. That is knowledge to help
people and tuelinhs to liberate all suffering. Therefore, I think
the special knowledge he discussed is to help us and everyone
heal our body, mind, and intellect most thoroughly and
effectively." "That would be great, sister. I hope to recover
quickly. After many years of living with a mental illness that
could not be cured, my intelligence worsened, and I always
thought negatively about life. My relatives thought I was
pretending to be sick, and they didn't believe what I said. They
advised me to find good psychics to perform the ceremony
and become a psychic to cure my illness. But when I had to
pay a lot for the rituals, my illness did not improve or worsen,
so I decided not to follow the psychics anymore." "Try and
listen diligently to learn the teacher's knowledge for a long
time, and you will be cured. I have witnessed several friends
with mental illnesses of varying severity. They only studied
and then practised according to the teacher's knowledge and
were cured. They strictly follow the teacher's instructions and
do not take psychiatric drugs. That's why they recovered
quickly. When they studied, they did not learn special
knowledge; they only learned theoretical knowledge from
two truths. And we are now learning special knowledge. We
and everyone together try to learn to recover from illness and
gain enlightenment." Another student continued, "Healing the

The Truth of The Universe with the Knowledge of the Smallest Energy Particle

body, mind, and intellect with information is strange for

everyone. Because people only think that knowledge or
information helps people have more knowledge and better
intellectual thinking. No one thinks that knowledge can cure
the diseases of the body and the mind of the soul. His
knowledge is a special kind of wisdom."
After enjoying a hot morning tea, the teacher started his
new lecture. "You. Today's lesson will be more complicated
than the lesson about the smallest energy particles in the
previous lesson. In the last session, you only learned the
basics of energy particles. Still, I will detail the internal nature
of particles and how it is associated with the two truths.
Because the knowledge of energy particles is challenging, I
have to divide it into many different lessons so that everyone
can easily understand and have a multi-dimensional and
comprehensive view after learning the knowledge of the two
truths. Today's lesson is the truth of the universe tied to the
smallest particle of energy. That does not mean that the other
lessons are not universal truths. It would be best if you
remembered that all of my lectures are the truth of the
universe and the truth of enlightenment. These two noble
truths are analyzed and dissected in many environments,
scenarios, situations, interactions, and lessons. You cannot
study in one session or in a short time to receive a massive
amount of knowledge of the two truths. If you try to force
yourself to accept it like that, your soul will be overloaded and
confused, leading to losing control of thoughts and actions.
You can only receive and absorb enough information to make
your soul comfortable and motivated for the long journey
ahead. That also creates a lesson for parents, not forcing their

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

children to study day and night. Because when you force them
to learn a lot while their souls and young brains are incapable
of receiving it, they become confused and lose control of their
behaviour. Let them have fun and enjoy their childhood while
playing and learning. You have no right to force your children
to do what you want because your souls and those of your
children are different. Each soul has different intellectual
abilities; no one is the same, so you should not force your
children to be as talented as you. Souls come to the human
world to help each other practice and are not each other's
property. Why do I say that? Because it is the essence of the
truth of the universe. When I answer that, someone will ask
me what I use as a standard to say that it is the truth of the
universe. Do you find that question reasonable? It is very
practical and precise. I'm sorry anyone asked me that
question because I have standards for everything I say. The
knowledge of two truths is standard and referenced by
understanding the smallest energy particle.
When you understand the truth of the universe, you
will understand and answer the three things that tuelinhs and
humans are searching for to gain radical enlightenment. You
will understand yourself and others, all things, events,
phenomena in life and the universe, and the energy of
destruction. You must know that destructive energy is not the
energy that makes up groups of matter in the universe, but it
is the fuel source for the existence and development of the
universe. Its habitat is outside the universe, but it is also found
in many places inside the universe. Regarding destructive
energy, you should temporarily understand that. In other
appropriate lectures, I will analyze destructive energy. You

The Truth of The Universe with the Knowledge of the Smallest Energy Particle

cannot use a simple theory of the truth of the universe to

understand the three things that tuelinhs and humans are
searching for answers to. That is impossible, and the failures
of yourselves, of everyone, and my students in past lives are
proof of that. Because pure theory will have no accurate
reference and no standards to build a superior thinking
system, at that time, humans and tuelinhs could not decipher
the ultimate truth of all things in and out of the universe. For
me, this human life is the most wonderful thing. I have found
a unique reference and standard to help you decode and
thoroughly understand tuelinhs, yourselves, and all things,
events, and phenomena in and outside the universe.
First, I will analyze the theory of universal truth. You
will see its limitations when no standard and magical
reference to the smallest energy particle exists. But you will
be surprised, even happy, when you know the magic value of
knowledge in energy particles associated with the theory of
universal truth after being analyzed by me. And now, you join
me in discovering the truth of the universe with the smallest
particle of energy.
The theory of the truth of the universe is all things,
events, and phenomena in and outside the universe are not
created by themselves, and they are not destroyed by
themselves; suffering does not come by itself; it does not go by
itself; all are cause and effect.
You will find it easy to remember and understand when
you hear or read that reasoning about the truth of the
universe. After a journey of study and research, you conclude,
"Ah, that's cause and effect. It's like we plant a seed and later
receive the fruit of the tree we planted. That is the natural law

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

of all things, tuelinhs, and humans. I will choose to do good

deeds and avoid evil deeds." That proves that learners and
readers cannot understand further and cannot discover the
truth of all things, events, and phenomena in and outside the
universe. They only understand one simple thing: do good
deeds and avoid evil deeds. But they need help understanding
why they should do so. They cannot understand their true
nature, their souls, and others. They are entirely
Do you see that the theory of universal truth is good and
beneficial to everyone? It is a good theory and valuable to
everyone because it helps people have the mindset of doing
good deeds and staying away from evil deeds because of cause
and effect. They look at other people and things the same way.
Everything is created by cause and effect, and nothing is
natural. The same goes for their suffering, that of others, and
all things. Thus, the theory of universal truth is excellent
because it brings moral value to people so they can try to build
according to that moral value. But people will need help
understanding the three secrets that tuelinhs and humans are
searching for. Only when finding the truth of those three
things will tuelinhs and humans become enlightened beings.
At that time, the tuelinh can transform the yin and yang
embryo into a perfect energy filter. Only then is there
immortality, nirvana, peace and freedom.
To thoroughly understand the three secrets, you must
understand the secret information inside the smallest energy
particle and its movement mechanism. To achieve such
enlightened wisdom, combining the theory of universal truth
and the knowledge of the smallest energy particle will solve

The Truth of The Universe with the Knowledge of the Smallest Energy Particle

that problem. The theory of the truth of the universe is

valuable instruction for people to understand the smallest
energy particle to all things in and outside the universe.
Besides, the entire secret and truth of the smallest energy
particle is the norm, the most accurate standard to help us
understand all three secrets that humans and intelligence are
searching for.
We must think in the following order to easily
understand this special enlightened knowledge. That is a
unique and magical way of thinking, different from everything
you have ever learned. As follows:
1. Step 1: Standardize the truth of the universe into the
smallest energy particles.
Standardization here is to reduce all people, tuelinhs,
things, events, and phenomena in life and the universe into
the smallest energy particles. Next, analyze the nature of
information and the movement mechanisms through the
smallest energy particles.
Why is it necessary to standardize all things in and out
of the universe into energy particles to understand the three
secrets? Because all things, events, phenomena, people, and
tuelinhs in the universe are formed from the smallest
particles of energy. The secret information in the smallest
particle's intellectual wave code defines the particle's
function and mission. As they undergo continuous production
to form larger structures, they operate according to the
informational conventions of the intellectual wave code. The
mechanisms of sustainable or destructive transformation are
also created from the secret of the intellectual wave code.
From when humans were formed until now, everyone has
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

only searched for excellent or bad manifestations, then found

ways to eliminate bad expressions and follow good ones. In
contrast, they do not search and cannot understand the
ultimate secret of those manifestations. All the expressions
and natures of all things in and outside the universe and of the
smallest energy particles are determined by the quality and
amount of information inside the smallest particle and form a
movement mechanism. Therefore, decoding to understand
the nature of data inside the smallest energy particle is the
key to opening all the secret doors that tuelinhs and humans
are searching for.
The truth of the universe is the nature of fact, of the
information that exists inside and outside of the smallest
energy particle to all matter inside and outside the universe.
From the intellectual wave code, the smallest energy
particles are created, and from those energy particles, the
physical structures that make up all things in the universe are
created through connection and production. Material
structures with yin and yang energy embryos inside continue
to produce intellectual wave code fibres to form the smallest
energy particles. That constant movement helps everything in
the universe to develop more and more. That helps us
standardize all things, including humans, animals, all species,
and tuelinhs in the universe, into the smallest energy
particles. Because everything is born from the yin and yang
embryo, when the yin and yang embryo is formed from the
connection between a negative energy particle and the
smallest positive energy particle, they will move in the
mechanism of producing and connecting the smallest energy
particles. That process causes humans to be formed and

The Truth of The Universe with the Knowledge of the Smallest Energy Particle

developed, the tuelinhs to create and grow, including animals

and everything.
Events are also particles of energy. That is obvious and
the truth of all things in the universe. That is when humans
interact with each other, animals interact with each other,
tuelinhs interact with each other, or between them interact
with each other. The smallest energy particles will be
produced in their yin and yang embryos. They make the
smallest particles of energy because they absorb and transmit
information to each other during interactions. When the
process of interaction and action absorbs enough
information, energy particles will be produced from the yin
and yang embryo. Those energy particles store the
informational nature of each subject's internal and external
environment that interacts and makes it. That's why it's
important to standardize things into energy particles.
The phenomenon must also be standardized into the
smallest energy particle. The phenomenon is similar to
human, animal, and tuelinhs' interactions. Those are groups
of energies that react with each other or abide in each other
as the soul of complex matter abides in simple matter, and the
tuelinh resides in the human body. This process creates
interacting phenomena and produces the smallest energy
particles for each type of matter participating in that
interaction and reaction. That is also why it is necessary to
normalize the phenomenon into the smallest energy particle.
Everything, events, and phenomena are neither created
nor destroyed by themselves; it depends on cause and effect.
Creation and destruction are all reaction and interaction
processes from the smallest energy particles to all matter in

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

and outside the universe. The process of producing particles

and linking in the direction of decay or sustainability is the
cause and effect of each subject. You must understand more
deeply that cause and effect is the smallest energy particle.
When subjects practice the transformation mechanism,
whether sustainable or decaying, new energy particles are
produced and then linked to become new structures that are
stable or decayed. Therefore, whether they are born or
destroyed, they are all the smallest energy particles.
The suffering of all things, tuelinhs, and people does not
come or go by itself; it is all cause and effect. The agony of all
things is standardized into the suffering of the smallest
energy particle when they encode incorrectly or lack accurate
information within. Then, there will be an information
disorder reaction, and they will practice the mechanism of
destructive transformation. Suffering ends when the
information stored is accurate and comprehensive; then, we
practice the mechanism of sustainable change. When it
becomes stable, grief will end.
Please standardize all events, phenomena, all things,
yourself, others, and tuelinhs into energy particles when you
want to understand yourself, others, and all things. That is the
first step in building a unique enlightened mindset of
combining the knowledge of the two truths with the wisdom
of the smallest energy particle.
2. Step two: Discover the secret information inside the
smallest energy particle.
In discovering and decoding the inner secrets of the
smallest energy particles and their transformation

The Truth of The Universe with the Knowledge of the Smallest Energy Particle

mechanism, you will thoroughly understand the three secrets

of everything in and out of the universe.
For the process of discovery and decoding to be
successful and to gain a thorough understanding, you always
standardize yourself, everyone, the tuelinhs, and all things in
and outside the universe into the smallest energy particles.
This process is not only in this lesson but also covers all other
lessons in the knowledge of the two truths.

Please look closely at the image that simulates the

knowledge of the truth of the universe with the smallest
energy particle.
Next, you remember the images and words that Nalas
Nalanda said to the tuelinhs at the conference, unifying the
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

practising path of tuelinhs in human form in the human world.

You remember the image of snakes slithering into a plate of
white powder, and they hid inside it. The image of a big snake
slithering into the bushes near where Nalas Nalanda sat, then
of a small snake slithering behind into the bushes. Next came
his words, "To save the tuelinhs and the universe, I will use
the toxin to activate the toxin." After that, you remembered
his four teachings during the conference gathering humanity.
It helps you understand that the scenarios of human
interaction with animals and tuelinhs in the human world
through the four forms of human life are significant. It is the
magical key for tuelinhs and humans to seek and understand
the three secrets successfully.
Now, you relax before entering the journey of decoding
the information secrets of the smallest energy particles and
decoding yourself, others and everything. You will also
understand your past, present, and future and everything.
To understand all three secrets, you first need to know
that if you want to understand yourself, you must understand
others and everything around you. On the contrary, if you're
going to understand others and things around you, you must
understand yourself. These two things always go together;
they cannot be separated. Why? Because other people
themselves are a mirror and an external environment. Any
object itself is a mirror and an external environment. Yourself
is a mirror and an internal environment. Within the energy
particle is the internal environment, and everything outside
each energy particle is the external environment. Interaction
between matter, people, and tuelinhs with each other will
help each person see the manifestations of each other,

The Truth of The Universe with the Knowledge of the Smallest Energy Particle

themselves, and all things. The expressions are the inner

nature of each energy particle. The nature of the information
encoded inside defines its functions and tasks. We consider
ourselves a mirror so we can see ourselves, consider others
as a mirror so we can see ourselves and them, and consider
all things as mirrors so we can see ourselves and them. That
creates magic in decoding the secrets of everything,
ourselves, and everyone.
Please look at points A and B in the image of the
smallest energy particle. That is the external environment,
including the negative and positive environments. These two
environments blend and exist together. We need to interact
with each environment to understand its manifestations and
nature. In the outside environment, it corresponds to the
image of a huge poisonous snake and a small poisonous snake
slithering into the bushes to hide. You can't recognize them if
you don't go into the bushes to look for them.
Continue to look at points A' and B' inside the energy
particle. It is the negative and positive environment inside
each energy particle. It is goodness and poison inside. That is
the image of poisonous snakes slithering into a plate of white
powder and hiding inside. No one can see them. It means no
one outside can see the toxins and goodness inside the
particle. It cannot see it either. Tuelinhs and humans cannot
also see themselves.
What will happen next so that the excellent and toxic
values of the internal and external environments can emerge?
Those are the reactions in different environments. For
tuelinhs, it is the human environment. This environment gives
them countless interactive scenarios in the four forms of life

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

to help them understand themselves, others, and everything.

That is the priceless value of the human incarnation journey
of tuelinhs in the human world.
And now, you will accompany the analysis of the truth
of the universe through the smallest energy particle. As
- The smallest energy particle is not created by itself.
For the smallest particle of energy to be born, the entity that
made it must go through a highly complicated journey. The
subject that produces the smallest energy particles is all
physical structures with the original yin and yang embryo
inside, including humans, animals, tuelinhs, and everything.
As follows:
+ The process of acquiring information. The subject
must go through a journey of interacting and reacting with
other subjects in the external environment. The external
environment includes negative and positive environments.
The environment is the appearance of energy particles, all
kinds of matter, people, animals, tuelinh, and everything. The
external environment includes sounds, languages, ideologies,
phenomena, and interactive actions. The subject's interaction
process with the external environment creates a result called
information collected from the outside. That external
information is absorbed by point (1) in the yin particle of the
original yin-yang embryo inside the subject. The root negative
particle performs the information acquisition process
because that is its function and task. The positive energy
particles in the original yin and yang embryo support the
analysis and selection of absorbed information.

The Truth of The Universe with the Knowledge of the Smallest Energy Particle

+ Next, the subject appears to have the idea of

converting the collected information into action. When the
subject's interaction process has absorbed an amount of data
accumulated at point (1) of the negative energy particle in the
original yin and yang embryo, the positive energy particle in
the yin and yang embryo begins to perform its function: to
analyze the external information that has accumulated at
point (1) of the yin particle.
+ The decoding and encoding of information occur at
the vibration wave code of the two original negative and
positive particles. The vibration wave code segment is from
point (1) to point (2). This process is stressful, causing
information conflicts between the original positive and
negative particles. It is the process of comparing the internal
information of yin and yang particles in the original embryo
with the external data absorbed at point number (1), and the
interaction process is ongoing. The information inside the two
original yin and yang particles will conflict with each other to
accept the reception of what kind of outside information is
allowed to exist in them. This process stimulates the
information values that have or have not been activated in the
two intellectual wave code strands of the original yin and
yang embryo to be released. This process results in the
vibrating waves in both the original positive and negative
particle's intellectual wave code vibrating to retain new
information from the outside them.
+ Next, at point number (2), the ideological point of the
intellectual wave code thread in the negative particle or both
the original positive and negative particles vibrate. It then
forms a new ideology, combining its new and old information.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

At this stage, if the old ideology of the original negative

particle wins, only the new negative particle will be produced
from the intellectual wave code of the original negative
particle. If the yang particle's original ideology wins, the new
yin, yang, and neutral particles are produced from the original
yin-yang embryo.
+ The action process produces energy particles. It is the
segment from point (2) to point (3) in the intellectual wave
code. After creating the ideology, the subject performs
interactive actions with other things, other people, animals,
or tuelinhs. At the end of the interaction, new strands of
intellectual wave code are copied from the two original
strands of intellectual wave code of the yin and yang embryo.
Sometimes, it's just a negative intellectual wave code or full
negative, positive, and neutral intelligence wave codes. The
result depends on decoding and creating the ideology of the
original yin and yang embryo.
- The smallest particle of energy does not disappear on
its own. After the energy particle is generated by the
interaction and information reaction process between the
internal and external environment, it depends on what types
of energy particles are produced, and they have different
transformation mechanisms. From there, we will see their
transformation. As follows:
+ If the toxins of the original negative particle win, it
will aggregate into a harmful ideology and produce a negative
particle. Only negative particles are made, while the subject
does not have positive particles. From here, the entity and the
born particles will create a transformation mechanism in the
direction of decay and destruction.

The Truth of The Universe with the Knowledge of the Smallest Energy Particle

+ If the original positive particle's accurate information

can control the negative particle's toxicity. Positive and
neutral particles will be produced, and the subject will also
have enough negative particles to become a more sustainable
structure according to the sustainable transformation
Thus, the birth and death of the smallest energy particle
to all things in the universe result from information reactions
between the internal and external environment. The victory
of one of the two ideologies within the original yin and yang
embryo will determine the subject's sustainable or
destructive transformation.
- The suffering of the smallest particle of energy does
not come by itself, it does not go by itself, it is all due to itself:
+ Why is there suffering in energy particles? It is the
information conflict of the smallest energy particle with
outside information. When the subject's yin and yang embryo
interact with any external data, whether negative or positive.
The original information within the two intellectual wave
code strands of the yin and yang embryo will react when they
have similarities in information value. When negative data
from the outside environment is absorbed, the harmful data
in the original negative particle will vibrate and connect with
the toxic information outside. They will bond tightly together
to control the original positive particle. If successful, they will
create negative energy particles after the subject's action
ends. That is the mechanism that leads to the destruction of
the entity. On the contrary, when the entity absorbs positive
information, the accurate data of the positive particle will
closely link to producing positive energy particles if it

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

overcomes the obstruction from the toxins of the negative

energy particles. Besides, the toxic process of the external
environment and the toxins of the internal circumstance
interact and activate each other to cause suffering for the
subject. The struggle between the information of the two yin
and yang particles in the original embryo causes suffering if
they practice the mechanism of transformation, decay and
+ The suffering does not go away on its own. To avoid
being decomposed and destroyed by negative ideologies and
the destructive transformation mechanism. The information
in the positive energy particle must have the power of truth
in both quantity and quality to control and destroy the
harmful information of the original negative particle. After
that, the subject must create a positive ideology and practice
generating positive energy particles, a sustainable
transformation mechanism. Then, each agony will be freed
from the poison of negative energy particles.
+ The suffering or liberation from suffering all comes
from within each subject. That is the nature of the information
within the intellectual wave code of the original yin and yang
embryo. Please look at the vibrational wave code, including
negative and positive extremes. The picture depicts the
smallest energy particle with the truth of the universe as a
single particle, not a yin and yang embryo; it is a positive
energy particle used to describe you. You can see that in that
positive particle's vibrational wave codes, there are positive
and negative information values. Each stored information
value is a secret that has been encoded due to the information
reaction that the subject that created it made. Those

The Truth of The Universe with the Knowledge of the Smallest Energy Particle

information values are only revealed when they interact with

the external environment that is similar information to their
Now, you continue to relax; don't try to force yourself
to understand what is analyzed in this lesson the first time
you study and listen to it. To fully understand, you need to
learn the following tasks. Each class will be a key among the
keys to open the door to understanding the three secrets that
humans and tuelinhs are searching for.
When you finish studying this lesson, reread it and
listen to it many times. Then, you release the truth of the
universe in the smallest particle of energy to become yourself.
It means that you are a subject with a yin and yang embryo,
and the universal truth of the production of energy particles
in this lesson is the universal truth of your life. Whether you
have produced negative or positive particles, try to
understand them. You will continue to do the same thing as
today in the lesson on the truth of enlightenment with the
smallest particle of energy."

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Eighteen

The Truth of Enlightenment with the

Knowledge of the Smallest Energy Particle

"Teacher, I feel lucky to have learned the knowledge of

your two truths over the years. In the early years, when he
spread enlightened knowledge, he did not teach about
understanding energy particles as he does now. At that time,
I saw myself and many others misunderstanding
enlightenment knowledge. People remembered very well
what the teacher taught. Still, they mistook it even though the
teacher reminded them that learning must go hand in hand
with practice to understand knowledge accurately. People
misunderstand and then spread the wrong understanding.
When someone tells them about their misunderstanding, they
become arrogant, that they are people with profound
knowledge. That has caused conflicts between learners. I
could not explain their mistakes at that time even though I
understood that they thought and acted wrongly.
However, since I learned the knowledge of energy
particles associated with the two truths, I have understood
why you remind and warn of many problems that students
easily fall into. The knowledge of energy particles has
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

analyzed all the secrets and nature of humans and tuelinhs on

their practising journey in the human world, especially the
toxins of those who learn and practice enlightened
knowledge. Before, when you reminded everyone, and
everyone just thought and talked to each other, why did you
remind them so much? However, attachment, jealousy, and
superiority between people and between students are
extremely dangerous.
When I apply the knowledge of the two truths with
energy particles to analyze all the problems of myself and
everyone else, I find it highly magical. Everything you have
said so far is correct when explained in terms of the smallest
particle of energy. I and some of my friends who have learned
from you over the years feel highly excited about your current
special knowledge. Nothing can describe my and everyone
else's feelings about this knowledge, even though it is difficult
to understand everything you teach." A student studying his
knowledge confided in him during lunch break when he
finished his lecture on the truth of everything with the
smallest energy particle.
The private office is also the teacher's and some
students' lunch break. When other students enjoyed a nap to
stay awake in the afternoon for studying, the teacher and that
student talked to each other just barely audible. At that time,
the teacher replied, "I have said there are two ways to learn
enlightenment knowledge; one is to learn it after going
through the sufferings of life, and the other is to learn it from
knowledge taught by Nalas Nalanda. When there are too
many toxins in learners, they easily become disobedient, and
they also easily become arrogant and complacent about the

The Truth of Enlightenment with the Knowledge of the Smallest Energy Particle

intelligence and supernatural powers they possess. Then,

they try to deduce the teachings of enlightenment according
to their ignorant wisdom, and they pass on their mistakes to
others. When people listen, they have no standards or
references to compare, so they easily follow the mistakes of
those who transmit knowledge. That is a part of the reason for
this life's mission to create the most transcendent type of
enlightened knowledge. As for disobedient students, please
return them to the flow of samsara and cause and effect.
Practical lessons in suffering will help them eliminate toxins
in them. At that time, they will destroy the poison of pride and
concentrate on studying and practising according to the
knowledge of the two truths."
When everyone in the afternoon class began to quiet
down and wait for the teacher's new lecture, the teacher said
in a deep voice, "This morning, you have discovered the truth
of the universe with the smallest particle of energy. This
afternoon, we continue the lesson about the truth of
enlightenment in the smallest energy particle.
When you finish studying this lesson, you will be happy
because you have almost understood two of the three secrets
that tuelinhs and humans are searching for. After a few more
classes, you will completely understand the two secrets and a
bit about destructive energy. You will no longer worry
because you fear misunderstanding and incorrectly
practising what knowledge instructs. Instead, you become
confident and strong in the practice of knowledge when you
have the nature of energy particles as the standard and
reference for enlightenment teachings.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

The truth of enlightenment in the smallest energy

particle includes two steps:
1. Step 1: Analyze the theory of the truth of
enlightenment to understand its value for humans and
The theory of the truth of enlightenment is: Ah, life
is full of suffering! All tuelinhs, spiritual beings, and humans
must face, become enlightened, and be liberated from all
"Ah, life is full of suffering!" Do you understand the
meaning of this exclamation? How do you feel when you say
that sentence with the feeling of enlightenment about the
truth of suffering? You must know that the truth of
enlightenment only exists when each person understands the
truth of the universe. That is understanding the reality of
human origin, tuelinh, oneself, the task of practising in the
human world in suffering through interactive scenarios to
help one's soul mature and become enlightened. At that time,
your emotions will burst and exclaim, "Ah, life is full of
suffering!" in joy mixed with the hurt of suffering and
tribulations in the human world. The fun and excitement are
because you have learned the truth, and as a result, you are
achieving initial achievements in your spiritual journey. Your
achievement is suffering. However, you still have the hurt of
suffering because of the ignorance that still exists in your
wisdom and soul. On the contrary, people who do not
understand the above truths, when they read that sentence,
only feel more pain and resentment towards life because they
feel that life is too unfair to them.

The Truth of Enlightenment with the Knowledge of the Smallest Energy Particle

"All tuelinhs, spiritual beings, and humans must face all

suffering." Why must it be all sentient beings, tuelinhs, and
humans? Because all is equal, and all is formed from the
smallest particles of energy from the universe's original yin
and yang embryo - Nalas Nalanda. In addition, the practising
practice environment on Earth was created by Nalas Nalanda
to help tuelinhs live in human form; low-level souls live in the
form of animals, plants, and rocks. All is equal. According to
the transformation mechanism, low-level souls can upgrade
to become tuelinhs and enlightened beings. Next, why face all
the suffering? That's because the practising practice
environment on Earth is created with full assurance of
maximum pressure and compression to help tuelinhs and
lower-level souls express their nature in a simple form. That
nature is toxins and goodness. These natures are revealed
only when sentient beings, tuelinhs, and humans live and
interact in all the scenarios created by the four forms in life.
Suffering is the toxins that vibrate and erupt from humans,
tuelinhs, and sentient beings. Therefore, we conclude that we
must have sufferings to recognize the toxins and then force
them out of ourselves. That is one of the tasks on the
practising journey, and if we run away or do not face suffering,
we will never understand ourselves, everyone, and
everything. As a result, our practising path has no destination,
and the danger of destruction of tuelinhs and souls exists
because of the energy of destruction.
“You must be enlightened and free from all suffering.”
When we know the truth about our origin and nature,
humanity, and tuelinhs, and the mission of practising as
human beings is to understand the three secrets that we are

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

searching for in the suffering of life, we must complete that

mission. We must learn and understand them through the
truth of the universe in all suffering and tribulations. It is
enlightenment. Next, we must liberate all agony. It is the
practice of forcing out all the toxins and activating the
goodness within us to transform the yin and yang embryo into
an energy filter.

The Truth of Enlightenment with the Knowledge of the Smallest Energy Particle

2. Step two: Analyze the truth of enlightenment in the

smallest energy particle.
Please observe the image simulating the truth of
enlightenment in energy particles. Compare the differences
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

between the energy particle of ignorance (negative energy

particle) and the energy particle of enlightenment (positive
energy particle). In particular, look closely at the intellectual
wave code of both energy particles from point (1) to point (3)
because the secrets of energy particles and all things are
encoded and stored in the intellectual wave code of the
smallest particle.
To understand the enlightened knowledge in the
smallest energy particle, you must read or listen to the
universal truth in the smallest energy particle many times.
Because the truth of enlightenment is part of the truth of the
universe, it is the accurate knowledge of the smallest energy
particle to all matter and life in the universe. However, I must
separate it into a noble truth equal to the truth of the universe
because it is the transformation mechanism of all things.
When you clearly understand the truth of the universe, you
will quickly understand and practice the truth of
In the image simulating two energy particles above, I
divide each energy particle into two extremes, including the
extreme of ignorance (yin) and the extreme of enlightenment
(yang). Factors such as the internal environment, external
environment, points (1), (2), and (3) in the intellectual wave
code are all knowledge I analysed in the previous lesson. And
now, I only speak two strands of intellectual wave code in the
energy particles of ignorance and enlightenment, and you will
understand the entire truth of enlightenment in the smallest
energy particle.
The intellectual wave code fibre consists of two
segments: the intellectual fibre segment from point (2) to

The Truth of Enlightenment with the Knowledge of the Smallest Energy Particle

number (3) and the vibration wave code segment from point
(1) to number (2).
- The intellectual fibre segment: This is the intelligent
fibre that manifests and performs the functions and tasks of
the intelligence wave code in the smallest energy particle. The
roles and functions of the intellectual fibre are conventionally
defined at point (2), which is the ideological point. Intelligent
fibres and point (3) always perform the correct functions and
tasks specified in point (2). That means if point number (2) is
created at the yang pole (enlightenment), the wisdom fibre
and point number (3) are also formed at the enlightenment
pole. On the contrary, if number (2) is formed at the negative
extreme (ignorance), the wisdom fibre and number (3) are
created at the extreme ignorance. Intellectual fibres are
different as they are formed at two other extremes. As
+ Intellectual fibres are created at the positive pole:
Yang extreme, also known as the enlightenment pole, has
different information values. Therefore, the functions and
tasks of each positive intellectual fibre are also other when
they are formed in different circumstances, at different times,
and with varying information values. That constitutes the
power and the manifestation of different functions and tasks
among the positive energy particles. It is called the yang
energy particle because the wisdom fibre is formed in the
yang extreme, so it is also called the yang wisdom fibre. The
positive intellectual fibre is the intelligent segment that stores
and encodes accurate and comprehensive information values.
Such information has value in promoting sustainable
development for itself and the external environment.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

+ Wisdom fibres are formed at the yin pole: The yin

extreme, also known as the ignorant extreme, this extreme
has different information values. Therefore, the functions and
tasks of each yin intelligence fibre are also other when they
are created in different circumstances, at different times, and
with varying information values. That constitutes the power
and the manifestations of different functions and tasks among
the yin energy particles. It is called a negative energy particle
because the wisdom fibre is created in the yin extreme, so it
is also called the yin wisdom fibre. The negative intelligence
fibre is the fibre that stores and encodes missing and false
information values. That information causes damage to itself
and the external environment when it exceeds the allowable
error threshold.
- Vibrational wave code: This is the decoding segment,
also known as the function and task convention segment for
the intellectual fibre segment in the smallest particle. This
decoding segment synthesises the vibration, activation, and
connection process between the information in the
vibrational wave code of the original yin and yang embryo
and the information in the outside environment. This process
takes place in tension, even conflict, between the information
values of the original yin and yang embryo and the
information values of the outside. As follows:
+ Vibrational wave code of the energy particle of
ignorance: This vibrational wave code is the product of the
process in which the original yin particle of the yin and yang
embryo has too much false information, harmful information,
or a lack of information. It's called toxic information, also
known as toxicity. Because when the subject interacts with a

The Truth of Enlightenment with the Knowledge of the Smallest Energy Particle

negative environment, negative information is easily

absorbed and closely linked to the poisonous information
inside. Meanwhile, the accurate information of the original
positive particle does not have enough heat and power to
decode and control negative information from the outside.
And it is not strong enough to handle the harmful information
of the original yin particle itself in the yin and yang embryo.
As a result, dangerous information links together and forms
the ideology at point (2) at the extreme of ignorance. Because
the vibrational wave code stores false and malicious
information values, it adopts point (2) to form the function
and task convention for the intellectual fibre that carries its
+ Vibrational wave code of enlightened energy particle:
In contrast to the vibrational code of the energy particle of
ignorance, the vibrational code of the energy particle of
enlightenment results from the truth information values.
When the original positive energy particle in the yin and yang
embryo has accurate and comprehensive information values,
it is powerful enough to control the toxic information values
in the original yin particle. Therefore, when the subject
interacts in any external environment, the power information
of the primitive positive particle controls the harmful and
false data of the original negative particle and the external
environment. The subject only receives accurate information
and has value in promoting sustainable development by
absorbing information from the original negative particle.
The interaction process between the two internal and
external information environments under the effective
control of the primitive positive particle has helped the newly

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

produced energy particle to have the value of a positive

particle. That means that the vibrational wave code of the new
energy particle stores accurate information that carries the
importance of sustainable development of the original yin and
yang embryo and the outside. Therefore, those information
values assign functions and tasks to the wisdom fibre of the
positive energy particle that has the exact nature through the
ideology at point (2) at the positive pole.
Negative energy particles result from the toxic
outbreak in human intelligence, tuelinhs, and all things.
Positive energy particles result from controlling toxins and
activating goodness in human intelligence, tuelinhs, and all
The negative energy particle is suffering, forming the
mechanism of transformation, decay and destruction.
Positive energy particles are the enlightenment of suffering
and create a sustainable transformation mechanism.
There are still many secrets in the vibrational wave
code; I will continue to analyze it in other lectures. After
today's lesson, please connect what you learned from the first
lesson to this lesson, and apply the knowledge of the two
truths associated with the smallest particle of energy to
discover yourself, others, animals, tuelinhs, and everything.
You will see the magic of this special enlightened knowledge."
A student immediately told him, "Teacher, from what I
have learned from you until now, I understand that ignorance
and enlightenment both create the smallest particles of
energy through interaction and action of humans and
tuelinhs. The practice environment in human form is ideal for
understanding the three secrets through the two truths
The Truth of Enlightenment with the Knowledge of the Smallest Energy Particle

associated with the smallest energy particle. In particular,

enlightenment and liberation from suffering create values
that are positive energy particles with the characteristics of
sustainable development. From the Teacher's knowledge
values, everyone has accurate standards and references for
what they learn and practice. Now, I want to scream loudly
because of the overflowing emotions when I partly
understand the values of the two truths you taught. It is the
guideline, the solid foundation for everyone to practice the
path of practice with nothing but suffering in peace to face and
enlighten them."
The Teacher smiled and replied, "The secrets and
wonderful values of the knowledge of the two truths and
energy particles are still in other lessons. It is fascinating for
you to explore and practice."

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Nineteen

The Love Story and Mechanism of

Destructive Transformation

It's raining outside. The rain signals the transition from

autumn to winter. Everyone noticed that their bodies
shivered from the cold mixed with falling raindrops when
walking in the rain. The teacher made tea in his office to enjoy
hot tea after walking in the freezing rain of early winter. He
enjoys quiet moments with cups of tea when working alone.
At that time, he was reflecting on his students and classes.
They carry different diseases, making them think negatively
and suffer. They are always worried and afraid of their illness,
and they hope for knowledge and healing methods from the
teacher. He understands everything they are thinking and
going through. Therefore, he always encourages them
whenever he meets them in or outside class. The words of
encouragement and stories he told made the students feel
that he was indeed a super-psychologist. The words the
teacher said not only help their minds have a comprehensive
understanding to solve the complex problems they encounter,
but they are also profound words to awaken their souls to
become solid and forceful.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

While the teacher was thinking about the sick people,

the door to the room suddenly opened slightly. The teacher's
two brothers of students walked in and shivered from the cold
of the winter raindrops. They came to the teacher's office
when he didn't have a weekday class. The teacher named the
older brother Truong Nalanda and the younger brother
Duong Nalanda. The two cousins have followed him for many
years, travelling with him to many places in different
countries, and they have always accompanied him through
difficulties. The teacher and students talked while sipping
cups of hot tea together.
Afterwards, the teacher confided to the two students,
"In the case of the mentally ill girl, it was a pity for that young
girl when her parents gave up on treating their child. I told
them from the beginning that to heal their daughter, she
would have to let out conflicts to be completely cured. But
when she broke out after years of being suppressed by daily
doses of psychiatric medication, her parents became
frightened and put her back on medication. Like other mental
patients and hallucinations, that girl has had to take
psychiatric medication for over ten years. Such sick people
always see images that no one else sees always hear words
that no one hears. The words are sometimes gentle and
affectionate, sometimes angry and insulting. The images are
demons, sometimes images of people they love. It is very
diverse in images and sounds in the patient's mind. However,
their parents, relatives, and spouses do not understand that it
is a disease of the soul. It is not a disease of the body or the
brain. As in the case of that young girl, I explained to her
parents the truth about mental illness and hallucinations and

The Love Story and Mechanism of Destructive Transformation

called it a disease of the soul. No medicine can cure the disease

of the soul. Medicine can only cure physical illnesses.
However, perhaps her parents deliberately did not
understand when they said the words that showed their
ignorance when they said their child was crazy. Perhaps out
of pride and fear of people around them knowing their child
had a mental illness when their daughter was in conflict, they
decided to give her doses of medicine to suppress her brain.
That makes the patient's body and brain weak and lifeless,
like zombies without a soul inside." "Teacher, mentally ill
people live in their world with images and language only they
know and understand. They always see repeating images and
hear conversations in their heads. Why does that happen? Can
you explain that matter to me more?" A question from Duong.
The teacher replied, "There are two problems in their souls:
the transmutation mechanism and the information disorder
in the energy particle system within them. Regarding
information disorder, I will analyze it for everyone to hear in
the next class. Now, I explain the transmutation mechanism
that those mentally ill people and that girl practised in past
lives. To help you understand the mechanism of destructive
transformation, I will show you the process of what that girl's
soul did in recent life.
You know, she is a beautiful and talented girl in this life.
Such a girl is the pride of her parents. However, when that girl
reached the age of love and began to have her heart moved by
her first love, she lost control of her thoughts and actions. She
thinks and talks about things that aren't true, sometimes
screaming and hurting others. She saw images of a wonderful
man, whom she always thought was her lover and husband.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Unusual expressions in her thoughts and actions made her

parents believe demons possessed her. However, after many
rituals to eliminate monsters, she never lost those
phenomena. Her parents continued to take her to the hospital,
and she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. She then took
psychiatric medication every day. Drugs have controlled
uncontrolled actions, but in the mind, there are always images
of the man who is not accurate. The effects of the drug made
her lose her vitality, and her body became like a living corpse
without a soul.
Return to that girl's previous life, that was a man. He
was a handsome and beautiful boy. He was born into a
wealthy family, and his parents had a high societal position.
When that boy grew up, his beauty made many men think he
was a girl. His words and actions are gentle, like other
beautiful girls. He always felt that inside his body was not a
man but a woman. He did not share his questions about the
differences in his body and emotions with anyone. He buried
those secrets in his heart. His feelings changed when he met
another beautiful boy. After chatting a few times, they knew
each other's secrets, and the other boy was just like him. But
because society at that time discriminated against people of
the same sex loving and living together, they decided to hide
the secret of their same-sex love. The boy became desperate
and miserable when his parents arranged a wedding for him
with another girl from a noble family. Because he could not
disobey his parents, he married the girl and had two children.
When the other boy heard that his lover was getting married,
he became miserable and went to another place to live. Even
though he was married and had two beautiful children, that

The Love Story and Mechanism of Destructive Transformation

man always missed his same-sex lover. Although he was with

his wife and children, he could never forget the image of that
man. Those sufferings tormented him for many years. After
knowing where the other man was, he left his family behind,
leaving his wife and children behind to go to the other man's
side. When they met, they were delighted. Then they decided
to go somewhere else together to live together. Those two
men gave each other sincere love until the end of their lives.
Meanwhile, the man's parents, wife, two children, and
brother's family were miserable. The wife lived in loneliness
and resentment towards her husband. The two young
children lived and grew up in the care of their mother,
grandparents, and brother's family."
"Teacher, why do those two men have feelings and love
each other?" "Nothing is natural. In many previous lives, both
of them gradually changed their erroneous thinking about
gender. At first, it was just because they were betrayed in love
between men and women; then, they didn't believe in love
between men and women. Next, the bigger changes were that
they thought they would be safe in same-sex love. And then,
they came together and lived together as husband and wife.
Sometimes, people's living environment causes them to
imitate each other's wrong way of life, and false information
causes them to change their thoughts and actions. The girl's
case resulted in her suffering from mental illness in this life."
"Teacher, the false information that girl's soul received over
many lifetimes caused that soul to become out of control and
form manifestations of mental illness." "Right. As follows:
Since that girl's tuelinh began to incarnate as a human
to practice in the human world, that soul has gone through

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

many lifetimes of practice. Because each tuelinh will have to

live in four life forms, they will produce four main groups of
energy particles. I will analyze this in detail in future lessons.
In each group, there are many clusters of energetic particles.
Each particle cluster has many aggregated positive energy
particles linked together by aggregated neutral particles. The
synthesized harmful energy particles will vibrate around the
synthesized positive particles when they have the same
information content. That girl's soul, like other tuelinhs, has a
cluster of love particles in its structure. That means that
thoughts and actions motivated by love will create energy
particles that carry the information of love. The love particle
cluster has many synthetic positive particles created during
many lifetimes of practice as a human being.
You need to remember that when a man and a woman
love each other and give each other true love to become
husband and wife, positive love energy particles are produced
in their souls. Anger, negative thoughts and actions will later
produce harmful particles of love. Those energy particles
create and make the soul more mature and more robust.
However, when they are fed false information and then take
actions that hurt each other, their souls will produce many
negative particles of love. That's when that man left his wife
and children to find happiness with a same-sex lover. That
soul created a lot of harmful particles due to false information.
Those negative particles gather around the few positive
particles of love in the soul. That means the structure of that
soul's love particle group is imbalanced. There are too many
harmful particles surrounding one positive particle. In

The Love Story and Mechanism of Destructive Transformation

contrast, the balanced system has a 1:1 ratio between

negative and positive particles.
As a result, in this life, that soul lives in a girl's body and
suffers from mental illness with signs of hallucinations about
the man from her previous life. The girl's illness broke out
when she fell in love. When that girl thought about love
because she reached the age of love, those thoughts activated
information in the harmful particles of love created in the
past. Because there are too many harmful particles of love, the
positive particles cannot control them. As a result, images of
the lover, sounds, language, and actions are stored in harmful
particles transmitted to the girl's brain. That information
controls all of the girl's thoughts and actions. That makes
many people think demons possess them, and medicine
cannot explain this disease."
Truong Nalanda asked the teacher, "Teacher, please
explain in more detail about the production of negative
energy particles in the previous life when that girl was a man.
After that, he left his family to live with his same-sex lover.
Because many people think that it is impossible to produce
negative energy particles if they are happy with the person
they love." The teacher laughed and answered, "People who
steal are happy after they take valuable things from others.
Killers are happy because they kill others. People who
slaughter animals are happy because they have a lot of money
selling animal meat. Do they also produce positive energy
particles because their emotions are satisfied and happy? You
must analyze from the source that tuelinhs must incarnate as
humans to practice in all interactive scenarios. The purpose is
to release the toxin, eliminate it, and finally activate goodness.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Next, in the conference gathering humanity, Nalas Nalanda

had four teachings. Even if we analyze and expand those four
teachings, none allow people of the same sex to marry to
become a family and birth children. It can be said that nature
does not allow that to happen. God let tuelinhs incarnate into
male or female bodies to help them eliminate toxins, then
activate goodness. He does not put any soul in the wrong
body. The cause is information disorder in souls because they
absorb harmful information from the outside environment,
and it transforms them. Although that man was happy with
another man in his previous life, he abandoned his children,
wife, and parents to satisfy the selfishness of same-sex love.
He fails to bring the value of sustainable development to
everyone around him and his own family. That soul has
produced countless negative particles, from false information
to actions that hurt people." "Teacher, I now understand the
nature of that girl's case. If we don't analyze the nature of
information and energy particles, I think people will
misunderstand the nature of things and phenomena. As a
result, people continued to wallow in ignorance."
Then the teacher continued, "If you want to thoroughly
understand why people suffer from all kinds of mental
illnesses, even many incurable diseases, you must understand
the knowledge of the two truths in the smallest energy
particle in previous lessons. When people have ignorant
wisdom, their minds become ignorant, leading to evil actions.
It interacts with other people, animals, and things to produce
harmful energy particles. Producing negative energy particles
is practising the mechanism of reincarnation, decay and
destruction. The soul will not make any positive and neutral

The Love Story and Mechanism of Destructive Transformation

energy particles in one reaction when producing harmful

energy particles. When no positive and neutral energy
particles are created, those harmful particles will not have
new positive energy particles to bond to form a new, stable
structure. Therefore, harmful particles find positive particles
already in the system with the same or similar information to
connect. At that time, those positive particles lose heat and
are unbalanced by the newly born harmful particles.

Please look closely at the image simulating several

clusters of harmful particles in a synthetic energy particle
structure outside the yin and yang embryo of the soul to
understand the mechanism of harmful particle production.
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Each tuelinh or soul has countless clusters of energy particles

outside the yin and yang embryo; each set has many positive
energy particles with the same information group. When
people release toxins in any interaction scenarios in human
life, they will live ignorant of those interactions. Then, false
information from the outside is absorbed and linked to the
toxic information of the negative particle. They control the
original positive particle, and people act ignorant because the
toxins operate them. As a result, harmful particles are
produced in abundance. It is made in any group of interaction
scenarios where the poison is released. As a result, many
clusters of harmful particles in the soul, meaning many
negative particles vibrate around a positive particle. When a
soul has negative multiparticle groups, that soul will have
mental illness. If there are multiple clusters of negative
multiparticles, they become uncontrolled and result in being
disintegrated by destructive energy. I tell you a secret of
destructive energy. The energy of destruction must move into
an environment with negative heat and energy structures to
discharge excess heat. The redundant heat of it is hazardous,
and it will disintegrate the structure of matter when it enters.
When tuelinhs, people, and all things in the universe vibrate
due to losing control of excess harmful particles, the
destructive particles will catch the signal and move. When
they get rid of excess heat, they live longer. On the contrary,
when exposed to their heat, the tuelinh, soul, and physical
structures will break apart and disintegrate until complete
destruction. Disconnection and decomposition cause all
information systems in the tuelinh to become disordered.
Depending on the level of confusion and decay, it manifests

The Love Story and Mechanism of Destructive Transformation

into different types of mental illnesses and dangerous

Some people are only mentally ill because of a cluster
of energy particles with many harmful particles. Some people
have more severe mental illness when there are many
clusters of energy particles with many harmful particles.
Some people even have many groups of energy particles with
many harmful particles. From there, the severity of the
disease also varies.
When humans and tuelinhs practice producing harmful
energy particles, they will become disintegrated by
destructive energy. That is the mechanism of transmutation,
decay and destruction. Diseases of the soul are manifestations
of the process of decay.
Thus, you see the painful results of every tuelinh when
they do not understand the three secrets through the two
truths to reform themselves to become sustainable. The
suffering in the souls of people with mental illnesses and
dangerous diseases is part of the manifestation of grief when
the tuelinhs are decomposed by destructive energy. That is
why all tuelinhs desire to incarnate as humans to understand
the three secrets. Next is the practice of forcing out toxins and
activating kindness. That is practising the mechanism of
sustainable transformation, also known as producing positive
energy particles. I will analyze the transmutation mechanisms
in detail in future lessons. Because if you explain those issues
carefully at this stage, it will not be suitable for you and the
The two students immediately replied, "Teacher, the
more you explain energy particles, the more deeply we
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

understand the truth of tuelinhs, people, things, and events.

From the knowledge of the two truths associated with energy
particles, learners will decode and understand everything.
Teacher, it's amazing."

Chapter Twenty

A Symbol of Sustainable Transformation

In the following days, the winter weather became

increasingly colder after the first rain of the season. People
have put on thicker clothes to adapt to the change in
temperature. The aroma of the hot cup of tea that the teacher
and two students were sitting, enjoying, and chatting was
emanating from the teacher's office. Cups of hot and fragrant
tea and stories about people who effectively practised the
knowledge of the two truths dispelled the cold outside. Their
bodies and the space of the office became warm as the teacher
told them about the wonderful people and souls who have
devoted their time and values to help countless people. That
is a remarkable thing about the nature of information. When
people chat with each other because of toxic and harmful
information, it will cause their minds to become confused and
their bodies to become cold or tired quickly. On the contrary,
when people tell each other about good deeds, stories where
people help each other to bring sustainable development
values, everyone's minds become happy, and their bodies
become warm. That is the power of information. That power
includes both good and bad values. The important thing is
that each person chooses which values to listen to and
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Truong Nalanda said to the teacher, "Teacher, when

people learn the knowledge of the two truths and understand
it, for some reason, they do not practice the mechanism that
produces positive energy particles. I understand that there
will not be positive energy particles in their souls containing
the true information of all things and the universe. It is also a
pity for them not to be able to take advantage of valuable
information to convert into actions to help people. Teacher,
will that information remain in their souls if they only study
but do not practice?" "Of course, not practising the production
of positive energy particles is a pity for them. They will have
to experience life in human form in the human world with
many more human lives. However, because they have learned
knowledge that contains valuable truth information, it will be
easier for them to activate their compassion in their next life.
That means that good information, valuable information for
sustainable development, is still stored in their original yin
and yang energy embryos. Thus, the fact that people learn and
have faith in enlightened knowledge is a wonderful thing.
Babies need to learn so that their souls have the power to
overcome future mental illnesses if those souls have a lot of
harmful information inside. All people of different ages should
also learn the knowledge of the two truths to heal and prevent
mental illness and disease. The power of true information and
its value not only heals the sick but also helps everyone
overcome suffering. From then on, everyone becomes healthy
in wisdom, soul, and body." Duong Nalanda told the teacher,
"Thus, having true information and sustainable development
values is a prerequisite for every human being and every
tuelinh to practice the path of sustainable transformation."

A Symbol of Sustainable Transformation

"Yes. Information is all things, events, and phenomena in and

outside the universe. There is nothing that is not
Then, the teacher told the two students, "You already
know Loi Nalanda. He is a symbol of the sustainable
transmutation mechanism. The stories about him are very
long, but I will discuss the main contents that demonstrate the
sustainable transformation mechanism in his soul.
Currently, he is over sixty years old. Life can be called
fulfilling from family, business, social relationships, and
spreading enlightened knowledge of the two truths to
everyone. When he was born, the country was engulfed in war
to protect the homeland of all people. The sufferings of
poverty and death are present everywhere in the country. At
that time, no one was not in poverty, not even able to go to
school. Young men had to go to war, and countless people had
to leave their bodies behind on the tragic battlefields. He was
no exception and had to go to the battlefield when he grew up.
However, as if by some miracle, he did not have to join
combat. Instead, he joined the logistics and information
transmission unit behind the combat units. Fortunately, he
did not have to fire a bullet at the soldier on the other side of
the front line. After many years in the army, both during the
war and when the country was at peace, he left the military to
return to the capital, where he was born, to build a career.
When he left the army and returned home, that was
also the time when the country began to innovate. That
creates many opportunities for economic development in
production and trade for people. Realizing the opportunity to
develop the economy and life when the country innovates, he

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

decided to participate in trading essential goods for people's

lives. Although he did not study at any university, his
analytical ability and business thinking are very sharp. The
predictions and appropriate decisions have helped him
develop his career from strength to strength. So far, his
business has created a lot of jobs for people. The career he
built is the dream of countless people. That is having a happy
family with mature and talented children and helping many
people at work and in life.
As if something was compelling in his heart, he learned
about Buddhism and admired the Buddha's compassionate
wisdom. That was the beginning of his journey to research
knowledge in Buddhism. After many years of studying and
experiencing the research and practice of Buddhist teachings,
he decided to learn and practice the understanding of the two
truths." Truong Nalanda interrupted the teacher, "Teacher, I
also know many stories about soldiers during wartime. They
did not shoot any bullets at the people on the other side of the
front line even though they participated in combat units;
those were doctors. They even saved soldiers' lives on the
other side of the battle line. As if, by some miracle, they were
not killed by the harshness of war. Just like in the case of Loi
Nalanda, can you explain why such people safely survived
harsh wars?" "Nothing is natural. Inside them are wonderful
souls. You must understand that when each tuelinh practices
in the human world, they will have to go through all the
scenarios of human life, including war. From those harsh
interactions, the toxins and goodness of the tuelinh will be
revealed and activated. Some people are satisfied with killing
people when they release toxins from their souls. When

A Symbol of Sustainable Transformation

kindness is activated, some people do not kill anyone; instead,

they save everyone in need without discrimination. People
have holy souls because, in their past lives, they have
produced countless positive energy particles to help and save
people, animals, and all living things. Those positive energies
help their soul structure mature through a sustainable
transformation mechanism. In their souls, they store and
encode countless pieces of truthful information with
sustainable development. Therefore, when they interact in
extreme scenarios and compression, the good information in
their souls will miraculously help them overcome suffering.
That is their good karma enjoyed by the good deeds they have
practised to help others in their past lives."
Truong Nalanda continued to ask the teacher, "Can you
explain more about why he could become a talented person
in business without going to any university?" The teacher
said, "It is a matter of information being encoded and stored
in the energy particle system of his soul. In many past lives, he
was a talented and virtuous businessman. He was not only
talented in business and production, but he had helped
countless people when they were poor or encountered
suffering. His actions of helping people with his wealth,
wisdom, and compassion have helped his soul produce
countless positive energy particles. Those positive energy
particles connect to help the soul become mature. That is the
uniform maturation of all groups of energy particles that have
been produced. It includes manufacturing business,
enlightened wisdom, compassion, family, love for people, and
many other positive energy particles. Those energy particles
encode and store information about all the processes in which

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

the soul in the body interacts and completes actions. Because

he had many lives as a talented businessman, the intellectual
information of a talented businessman was stored in his soul.
Even though this person did not attend any enrichment or
business school, he still had plenty of intelligence to make
business decisions and insight into market analysis. When
encountering difficulties in work and business in this life,
information from the soul will be transmitted to the brain to
help him find the best solution to solve the difficulties. That
valuable information was created by his experience solving
difficulties in his previous life as a businessman."
Duong Nalanda immediately asked the teacher,
"Teacher, people with no experience and no information
about the production business in their past lives. In this life,
they want to become talented and successful business people.
What do they need to do to be successful in this life?" "First of
all, don't try to get rich regardless. Everyone should study
well in school when possible. Next, find talented people in
business and production to work for them. Learn good
qualities from them and what they practice to succeed at
work. Then, practice business or production on a small scale.
Maybe try a few times for that practice. If there are positive
energy particles of business achievements in the soul in past
lives, luck and success will come immediately. If they don't
have luck or success, stop getting rich and continue
cultivating knowledge from successful people by working for
them. At that time, they should practise doing business on a
tiny scale. If everyone tries to get rich at all costs and makes
large investments, everyone will be mired in failure and
suffering. The reason is that the soul has no experience

A Symbol of Sustainable Transformation

because it has never been successful in business in a past life.

Those with a lot of negative energy in their souls due to
various types of mental illness do not desire to get rich. They
should only work to care for their family and have a good life.
When these people try to get rich, they fail. Because their
negative energy contains harmful information that will
control all positive energy, they are not smart enough to
perceive right from wrong. That leads to actions that violate
the law and sell harmful products to everyone and animals.
Their decisions will always be wrong. Such people need to
heal their mental illness, gradually cultivate their intelligence
and practice business on a tiny scale. You should remember,
life is not to get rich."
Truong Nalanda told the teacher, "What he has done
from his past lives to this life are all wonderful things." The
teacher smiled and said, "It is truly incredible. When you
know what he did, you will admire and be proud of him. His
practices of activating goodness symbolise the sustainable
mechanism of transformation.
In many past lives, every time the tuelinh in me
incarnated as a human to practice and carry out missions, his
tuelinh also incarnated as a human and accompanied me. In
particular, during the most challenging times on my
practising journey, he was always present and helped me
overcome them. He helps me solve difficulties and always
strives to spread enlightened knowledge to everyone.
Especially in this life, I don't know how to thank him for
what he has done for me. With that help, completing my
mission of spreading knowledge to everyone would be easier.
He helped to publish the book versions of the two truths and

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

distribute them. In particular, the wisdom of the two truths

can spread worldwide thanks to his help. In addition, he is still
diligently sharing and helping people with the knowledge of
the two truths. Therefore, he is a wonderful Nalanda, a great
symbol of the sustainable transformation mechanism.
Because without him, people in the world would not be able
to access the knowledge of the two truths. Besides, many
other Nalandas have been trying to help and save people with
the wisdom of the two truths. They are also great symbols of
the mechanism of sustainable transmutation."
After listening to the teacher share the story about Loi
Nalanda, the teacher and two students continued to enjoy the
new pot of hot tea. The atmosphere in the room becomes
hotter because of the positive information transmitted
between people.
At that time, the teacher explained the mechanism of
sustainable transformation to the two students, "When each
person practices the mechanism of producing positive energy
particles, it will help the soul inside to create negative and
positive energy particles, and neutral fully. Positive energy
particles have extreme and stable positive heat, neutral
particles are durable, and harmful particles have just enough
negative heat to do the job. That is the mechanism of
sustainable transmutation. At this point, you and everyone
will also wonder why only harmful particles are produced
when producing energy particles according to the mechanism
of destructive transformation. While producing energy
particles according to the sustainable transmutation
mechanism, are all three types of energy particles produced?
The main differences are:

A Symbol of Sustainable Transformation

- When the tuelinh produces energy particles according

to the mechanism of destructive transformation: This energy
particle production mechanism involves the participation of
both the original positive and negative energy particles in the
yin and yang embryo. Harmful energy particles will absorb
false or missing information, also known as external toxins,
through point (1) in the intellectual wave code strand.
Positive energy particles have the task of decoding the data
absorbed. Because the nature of the positive energy particle
is to radiate heat from itself, when the heat of the positive
energy particle is weak or not strong enough, it cannot decode
or prevent external information that the negative particle
absorbs. It can be seen that the positive energy particle
negates the value of the knowledge absorbed by the negative
particle because its internal information does not match the
external data. The positive energy particle may store some
information from the outside environment. However, more is
needed for its intellectual wave code strand to copy into a new
intellectual wave code strand. The principle to copy a new
intellectual wave code is enough information after the
interaction process of the human subject. After that, the
action process and completion follow the convention of point
(2) in the intellectual wave code. Only the original negative
energy particle accepts and stores toxic information from the
outside, while the original positive energy particle does not
accept the data stored by the negative particle. Therefore,
only harmful energy particles are produced. While the
original positive particle does not have good enough
information, human actions are governed by the ideology of

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

point (2) in the original negative particle, so no positive and

neutral energy particles are produced.
- On the contrary, when the tuelinh produces energy
particles according to the mechanism of sustainable

In this mechanism, both original yin and yang particles

participate in producing energy particles. The original
negative energy particle will absorb information from the
outside environment in the control of the primitive positive
energy particle. Because of the power of positive heat, the

A Symbol of Sustainable Transformation

original positive energy particle controls the negative energy

particle in selecting external information until that
information is absorbed. Also, the initial positive energy
particle can prevent the toxins of the original negative particle
with its extreme heat. Because the positive particle
participates in the process of selecting and controlling the
external information absorbed by the negative particle, the
absorbed information is stored in both the intellectual wave
code fibres of the original negative and positive particles. That
is accurate information that has value for sustainable
development. Therefore, keeping that information in both
strands of the original yin and yang wisdom wave code helps
eliminate the toxins of the original yin particle and activate
the goodness value in the yang particle. When the human
subject completes the action, the tuelinh will produce a
negative particle with a feeble harmful heat, a positive energy
particle with extreme positive heat, and an additional neutral
particle. All three types of precious energy particles are
produced by the ideology at point (2) of the positive particle
when it wins and controls all the internal and absorbed
external information. Creating energy particles according to
this mechanism during the practising journey in the human
world has helped tuelinhs have a balanced structure between
yin and yang energy particles.
As shown in the image simulating the balanced
structure of energy particles synthesized in the tuelinh
structure, you will see: positive energy particles have extreme
positive heat, neutral particles make a solid bond between
positive particles, and harmful energy particles have feeble
negative heat. This structure helps the tuelinh mature quickly

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

and have the power to control the energy of destruction. The

toxic energy particles vibrate weakly, and the destructive
energy will not move much. Because the positive energy
particle system has a highly positive heat, it is strong enough
to detonate destructive energy particles that attack tuelinhs.
At that time, the tuelinh absorbs the heat after the explosion
of destructive energy into the original yin and yang embryo.
That heat is precious; it helps the yin and yang embryo have
the power of yang heat to squeeze out all the toxins in the
original yin particle and create the ability to copy many
positive, negative, and neutral energy particles in one
Therefore, when humans practice sustainable
transformation, it means that the tuelinh is practising the
mechanism of absorbing destructive energy, detonating it,
and transforming it into producing many more powerful
energy particles than the energy particles in the tuelinh that
were born before. To operate and explode destructive energy,
I will have profound lessons for everyone in the following
The two students immediately said, "Teacher, then the
process of eliminating the toxins of the yin particle, activating
the goodness of the yang particle, and transforming the
destructive energy is carried out at the sustainable producing
mechanism of energy particles, right teacher?" "Right. It is the
art of producing particles after tuelinhs and humans achieve
enlightenment. If enlightened wisdom is not achieved, it will
become a decay and destruction mechanism. Therefore,
thoroughly understanding the wisdom of enlightenment in

A Symbol of Sustainable Transformation

the two truths is a prerequisite for practising the sustainable

mechanism of transmutation."

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Twenty-One

Mind Dharma

It was the middle of the night outside. The streetlights

made the entire capital shine brightly at night. On the roads in
the city, people still have to travel at night to make a living.
The sounds of the vehicles they were moving in dispelled the
silence of the night. At that time, the teacher fell into a deep
sleep. While sleeping, the tuelinh in the teacher left his body
and returned to his homeland, a paradise filled with miracles
due to the crystallization of energy groups. The master's
tuelinh moves very quickly and in a hurry. When arriving at
the temple, the teacher's place of work and teaching in
heaven, several tuelinhs stood outside. After they greeted
him, he immediately said to them, "You summon twenty-four
mature tuelinhs into the temple for me." After receiving the
request from the teacher, they immediately went to summon
them back to the temple.
While I was sitting inside the temple and waiting for the
tuelinhs to arrive, Chap and Giac came, and they entered the
temple. They greeted the teacher and sat in front facing him.
Giac immediately asked his teacher, "Father, you summoned
us. Is there anything you want to teach us?" "Yes, I have an

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

important lesson to teach you. You wait until all twenty-four

mature tuelinhs are here, and I will teach you that
After that, all twenty-four of the most mature tuelinhs
were present inside the temple, and they appeared surprised
to be summoned so suddenly. Then the teacher said, "I know
you have questions because of this sudden summons. Among
you, most reside in human form in the human world, and only
a few tuelinhs are preparing to incarnate as humans. You are
the most mature, wisest, and accomplished tuelinhs of all the
tuelinhs. That is one of the reasons I summoned you and not
other tuelinhs. In addition, after I complete the first mission
in the human world, which is to upgrade the single energy
filter to become a dual energy filter. I developed the
enlightened knowledge of the two truths to become the most
extraordinary enlightened wisdom. That is enlightened
wisdom with a close combination of knowledge of the two
truths and the smallest particle of energy. When I create that
knowledge, it isn't easy for humans and tuelinhs to
understand. However, after many years in the human world, I
have researched and transformed them into knowledge that
humans and souls can quickly and accurately understand. In
particular, you are mature tuelinhs; you have almost achieved
the ability to transform yin and yang energy embryos into
single energy filters. The unique enlightened wisdom I have
just created will help you achieve complete achievements in
this human life. The final reason I summoned you from the
human world here when your bodies were asleep was that
through this particular knowledge, you would recognize me
in the human world. Because there are many different

Mind Dharma

religious, philosophical, and ideological views in the current

human world, it is difficult for my children to recognize right
from wrong and the value of that knowledge. Therefore,
identifying me and my knowledge is a big challenge when you
have to wear a body infected with different ideologies in the
human world. Missing this unique knowledge and human life
will cause you to lose the opportunity to transform your yin
and yang energy embryo successfully. If you miss this life, you
must wait for a long time. When I incarnate as a human, you
will have the next chance.
When you listen to this particular lecture of mine, your
yin and yang embryos will store and encode that unique
information. Therefore, when you encounter that knowledge,
and I am in the human world, the information within you will
help awaken you to recognize and learn enlightened wisdom
from me. Remember, my children, it is our duty for me to find
you and for you to find me."
One of the tuelinhs immediately asked, "Father, do you
teach this special knowledge in the human world?" Nalas
Nalanda replied, "I will teach this knowledge in the human
world. To make it easier for people to understand when
learning, I have converted them into detailed lectures in the
simplest language. You try to remember what I teach you
Then, he preached to the tuelinhs, "The special
knowledge I teach you is the Mind Dharma. It is the super
intelligence of expertise of the two truths and the smallest
particle of energy. The mind dharma is the root of all
dharmas; is the past, present, and future of all dharmas; is all
the wisdom of all things, events, and phenomena in and

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

outside the universe; is the nature and operating mechanism

of all things in and out of the universe; is the destruction or
sustainable development of all things; and especially the
miraculous path to becoming enlightened human beings and
tuelinh beings. When I teach this knowledge in the human
world, I call it information. Information is mind dharma and
mind dharma is information.
When you understand this teaching of mind dharma,
you will quickly and thoroughly understand the knowledge of
the two truths and the smallest particle of energy. At that
time, you will thoroughly understand the three secrets that
tuelinhs and humans are searching for. Next, your
immeasurable power is to practice the sustainable
transformation mechanism to achieve a dual energy filter in
the yin and yang embryo.
It would be best if you remembered that practising in
the human world is not about finding enlightened wisdom in
meditation, it is not about looking for enlightenment by
running away from suffering, and it is not about seeking magic
and rituals. You must go through the suffering of all the
interacting scenarios of the four forms of human life; then,
you will understand the truth of the universe and the truth of
enlightenment. To help you quickly achieve achievements on
the path of practice, I give you the wisdom of the mind
dharma. It is both easy to understand and complicated to
understand; it is easy and complex to enlighten. You must
know that just because you memorize this knowledge does
not mean you understand and enlighten it. You comprehend
and enlighten it through practising the sustainable
transmutation mechanism in the human world.

Mind Dharma

Mind dharma includes, “dharma within dharma,

dharma outside dharma, dharma unites dharma, and dharma
denies dharma.” You must remember that sentence carefully.
It is the key for you to understand the knowledge of the two
truths in the smallest particle of energy and the three secrets.
When you comprehend them and practice generating positive
energy particles, you will become enlightened. At that time,
you will unite your intelligence with everything in the
universe to protect and sustainably develop yourself and
everything in the universe."
Then, Nalas Nalanda used his magic to simulate the
image of two strands of intellectual wave code in the positive
and negative energy particles.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Mind Dharma

He asked the tuelinhs, "Look at the intellectual wave

code of the negative and positive energy particles. Do you see
the mind dharma in there?"
The tuelinhs stared intently at the two strands of the
wisdom wave code for a long time, then they looked at each
other with confusion and answered, "Father, we cannot
recognize the mind dharma in those two strands of the
wisdom wave code." "You continue to observe," the teacher
When the tuelinhs were focusing on observing the two
strands of the wisdom wave code, Nalas Nalanda continued to
lecture, "The vibrational wave code from point (1) to point (2)
in the positive and negative energy particles is stored and
encodes a lot to an infinite number of information values.
Each information value constitutes a tiny dot in the
vibrational code, with countless small dots. Each information
value stores a massive amount of information data, including
new information outside and old information inside. External
information is the images of things, images of interactions and
reactions of things, sounds of things, language and emotions
of things, ideology and actions of items. The internal data
includes the subject's emotions, speech, sounds, images,
ideologies, and encoded movements. Those two information
environments constitute the new information value to create
the intellectual wave code fibre and the smallest new energy
particle after being born from the yin and yang energy
embryo. Thus, each strand of intellectual wave code is a
worldview with an amount of information encoded inside.
1. Dharma within dharma

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Dharma within dharma means information within

information. This dharma is to help humans and tuelinhs
trace the past of all kinds of data stored in the intellectual
wave code. This dharma will help you understand the origin
and true nature of all things, events, and phenomena in and
outside the universe.
Method of finding dharma in dharma:
- The first step is to decode current information to
understand past information:
+ Carefully observe tuelinhs, people, animals, and all
things, events, or phenomena over a certain period or a long
time. That helps my children understand the nature of the
manifestations produced by their actions.
+ Classify the value of information just collected from
the observation process. The information value can be
harmful, causing decay and destruction, or it can be
sustainable development.
+ Negative information value is negative energy
particle, and positive information value is positive energy
+ Decode the information encoded in the intellectual
wave code fibre of the energy particles that have been
classified and identified. It includes information from the
external environment and the original data of the yin and
yang embryo.
+ Analyze each unit of information value. Each data unit
contains images, languages, emotions, sounds, ideologies,
subjects' actions and things stored in the intellectual wave

Mind Dharma

- The second time is to decode information of the past

to understand its past:
+ Select some data with interactions and actions of
information values decoded the first time and determine
whether its value is positive or negative.
+ Convert negative information values into harmful
energy particles and positive values into positive energy
+ Continue to decode each unit of information value in
the standardized energy particle. Each data unit includes
images, languages, emotions, sounds, ideologies, subjects'
actions and things stored in the intellectual wave code.
- The following decoding times are similar to the
previous times.
For a specific situation: When you see a person showing
strange signs, you should observe them for a period of time.
Then, you can recognize the manifestations of that person,
such as seeing God, Buddha, angels, demons, wild animals,
and worship rituals. In addition, that person also hears words
about performing rituals to worship Buddha, God or gods.
There are even words that advise them to become psychics.
Those images and sounds can only be heard and seen by that
person. At this point, you will recognize that in that person's
soul, there is harmful informational value, and it is stored in
negative energy particles. You understand that what they see
and hear is dangerous information transmitted from energy
particles in their souls. Next, analyze the images and sounds
they see and hear: those are actions the soul did in past lives,
including killing animals to perform rituals to pray to Buddha
or God. Because those acts are killing animals and taking
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

advantage of religious beliefs to deceive people, they

constitute harmful energy particles in their souls. At this
point, the first step of searching for dharma within dharma is
completed. The next time, you do the same as the first to
understand why they practised such a harmful life.
2. Dharma outside dharma
Dharma outside dharma is information outside of
information. This dharma helps you understand the future
and current information values of all things, events, and
phenomena in and outside the universe.
Method of searching for dharma outside dharma:
- The first time is to encode future information of
current information: That is, to encode information created
by the end of the interactive action process between all things
into energy particles in the present. Next, classify the data
value and that energy particle: information with sustainable
development is a positive energy particle, and information
with decay is a negative energy particle. Those information
values are linked to all things by new action processes and
form new energy particles of all things and subjects. These are
future information values created based on current
information values.
- The second time is encoding future information: After
new energy particles are produced, further information is
encoded by subjects and things in the following reaction. At
the end of that interaction process, new information value is
created and encoded into new energy particles. That is future
information of future information produced from current

Mind Dharma

- The following times are similar to the previous times.

A specific situation: When I teach enlightened
knowledge to our students in the human world, the
information values I guide them to help me produce positive
energy particles and super-particles in me. That is my current
information after each time I teach knowledge. When
students learn that knowledge, they recognize that
knowledge has value for sustainable development. Next, they
absorb that knowledge and practice teaching it to others.
Thus, my students' learning and practising expertise to
produce positive energy particles in their souls is dharma
outside dharma. Next, other people who study from my
students continue to share it. Thus, they encode the
information learned from my students to form positive
energy particles in their souls. Those are the next rounds of
external dharma.
3. Dharma unites dharma
Dharma unites dharma, which means that information
is similar and consistent in nature and value between them.
Therefore, when interacting, these information values will be
accepted and linked.
Dharma unites dharma, which includes negative and
positive information values:
- Negative information value: Negative information
values in the subject's original yin and yang embryo will
readily accept and associate with negative information values
in the external environment. It is demonstrated when the
negative information values of the external environment are
stored and encoded at the negative pole of the vibrational
wave code in the intellectual wave code fibre of the negative
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

energy particle. This nature causes the toxins in the

information of the original yin and yang embryo to become
stronger and erupt more violently.
- Positive information value: Positive information
values in each subject's internal environment will readily
accept and associate with positive information values in the
external environment. It is demonstrated when the positive
information values of the external environment are stored
and encoded at the positive pole of the vibrational wave code
in the intellectual wave code fibre of the positive energy
particle. This nature helps the sustainable development of the
information of the original yin and yang embryo to be
activated and become stronger.
This dharma makes the nature of information value
within each subject with yin and yang embryos change
according to the environment they move through. This
transformation forms a decaying transmutation mechanism
for negative information values and a sustainable
transformation mechanism for positive information values.
4. Dharma denies dharma
This dharma is information that has disagreements and
incompatibility in nature and value between them. Therefore,
when interacting, these information values will negate each
other. However, denying each other causes them to encode a
small part of their information value.
Dharma denies dharma, which includes negative and
positive informational values:
- Negative information value: Negative information
values in the subject's original yin and yang embryo will

Mind Dharma

negate positive information values in the external

environment. However, they partially encode positive
information in their yin and yang embryos. It is evidenced by
the small amount of positive information stored and encoded
at the positive pole of the vibrational wave code within the
intellectual wave code strand of the negative energy particle.
If the negative energy particle has strong to extreme negative
heat, that positive information value will make it difficult for
the negative information to change its nature into positive.
- Positive information value: Positive information
values in the subject's original yin and yang embryo will
negate negative information values in the external
environment. However, they partially encode negative
information in their yin and yang embryos. It is evidenced by
the small amount of negative information encoded at the
negative pole of the vibrational wave code within the
intellectual wave code strand of the positive energy particle.
If the positive energy particle has strong to extreme positive
heat, the negative information value will hardly change the
nature of the positive energy particle. Because the positive
energy particle has powerful positive heat, it quickly
understands and controls the negative information encoded.
Subjects are denied in nature as they interact and move
into different information environments. However, partially
encoding each other's opposing information will cause them
to gradually change their nature over a long period of
interaction in different circumstances.
You must keep the above four types of mind dharma
thinking and decoding all things, events, and phenomena in
and outside the universe. The four types of mind dharma must

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

be closely linked together into a unified whole of mind

dharma. Mind Dharma is the key to understanding and
operating the knowledge of the two truths associated with the
smallest energy particle.
When the tuelinhs comprehend and have the thinking
of the mind dharma, they will move in cosmic space through
the information values stored in each other's energy particles.
It is a jump through the smallest particle of energy. It is
nothing short of magical because it's just movement. The
miracle that mind dharma brings to you is understanding
your own wisdom and all things in and outside the universe.
From there, you will be able to practice the mechanism of
sustainable energy particle production, and the achievement
is to transform yin and yang embryos into energy filters.
It's time for you to return to your bodies. Concentrate
on thinking about the body form and believe you are in that
body. Immediately, you will stay in the body without needing
other tuelinhs to take you back."
Immediately afterwards, the tuelinhs returned to their
physical forms. In the temple, only Nalas Nalanda and some
tuelinhs are left on duty in heaven. After a few conversations
between him and the tuelinhs, he settled back into his body.
When he returned to his physical form, it was also the time
when the teacher woke up when it was almost dawn outside.
The thoughts that followed made it impossible for him to
continue sleeping. He woke up, went to the balcony and
watched the streams of people rushing along the roads mixed
with the dawn rays that were gradually appearing. The
teacher's feelings at that time became happy when the unique
knowledge he created would help people, and tuelinhs basked

Mind Dharma

in it. That knowledge is like sunlight dispelling the darkness

of ignorance; it illuminates the truth of everything for tuelinhs
and humans to understand and practice.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Twenty-Two

Information Entanglement and Changing

Nature of Information in Different

Like every other weekend in the body, soul and wisdom

therapy course, the teacher still comes to class early as usual.
In the inside classroom, many students arrived earlier than
the teacher, sitting and chatting together. When the teacher
entered his office, an older woman sat inside. One student
knew the teacher had arrived; she made a pot of tea for him.
The woman in the office just greeted the teacher and said
nothing. Maybe she waited for the teacher to finish enjoying
his tea before talking. Understanding that, when he finished
drinking tea, he asked her, "Is there anything wrong?" She
immediately replied, "Teacher, you also know my daughter.
We have been studying therapy from you for a while. Before
studying therapy using the teacher's method, my daughter
was diagnosed with schizophrenia by the hospital. My
daughter has had to take psychiatric medication every day for
many years. Before getting sick, she was a perfect child, polite
and well-studied. But since she started working for a while,
she got sick. Symptoms include laughing and talking to
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

herself, occasionally screaming, holding her head with her

hands and complaining of a headache. My child often loses
control of her behaviour, bites me, and even screams and
curses at my husband and me. The strange thing is that many
times when she's awake, she tells me she doesn't want to be
like that or hurt her parents, but she can't control what's
inside her. After many years of treatment at the hospital, but
her illness could not be cured, I took her to many places, such
as temples, to ask people who could help her. They checked
and said demons possessed her. Then, they performed rituals
to worship and expel the demons from my daughter's body.
However, I had to pay them a lot, but my daughter was not
cured. I learned that your knowledge could help people with
mental illness recover and return to normal life. At first, I
didn't believe it. However, after observing sick people who
have recovered from learning the teacher's knowledge, I
strongly believe this is the only method to save my daughter.
Therefore, my child and I have been studying your knowledge
for a while now. Listening to the teacher's advice when
starting listening to, I no longer let my child take psychiatric
drugs. The teacher also explained that after quitting medicine,
my daughter would show signs of losing control of her
thoughts and behaviour, so parents must help her get through
this difficult period. As the teacher said, my daughter
developed behaviours such as hitting and biting me. She often
badmouthed and scolded her parents." The teacher
interrupted, "That is the correct treatment regimen. After the
patient quits the psychiatric medication, receiving
information through the lecture will stimulate all the negative
energy particles in the soul to vibrate. When they shake, toxic

Information Entanglement and Changing Natures of Information
in Different Environments

information is released into manifestations so that relatives

and the patient herself know that it is toxic. At that time, the
true information of the lecture being heard catches the
conflict signal in the clusters of energy particles in the soul,
and they move to the clusters of many negative particles for
healing. This process requires time and determination from
relatives and the patient. The method of healing mental illness
according to two truths is to feed in truthful and
comprehensive information to balance and eliminate toxic
information. Therefore, quickly recovering from illness
depends on the effectiveness of listening and learning
knowledge. For people with mental illness, they do not
actively listen and receive information. Therefore, parents
and relatives are decisive in their healing process. When
patients lose control, they don't want to listen, but their
parents and relatives have to let them listen all the time, even
when they sleep. During the period when the patient
suddenly loses control of their behaviour and thoughts during
the treatment process, parents must always let them listen to
lessons to help them recover quickly. Therefore, you and your
family must help her as much as possible and with love." The
woman continued, "Teacher, there is one more question I
want to ask you. At this stage, my child lost control of her
thoughts and behaviours. Whenever she saw me, she would
bite and hit me. However, she has less conflict when in an
environment with other people, and they help her listen to the
teacher's knowledge. Could you please tell me why this is so?"
"That question of yours is also the question of family
members of other mental patients. That question is related to
today's lesson, which is about information entanglement and
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

the changing nature of information in different environments.

You and everyone will hear detailed explanations in today's
After chatting and knowing what she was wondering
about that the teacher would explain in today's lesson, she
asked him for permission to enter the class to wait for his
lecture. She is a devoted mother who has sacrificed for her
children for years. Her pride and expectations of her daughter
becoming a talented person evaporated during her daughter's
illness. Now, that austere mother only hopes that her
daughter will recover and return to how she was before she
was sick. That is a great wish not only for her but also for her
family and relatives.
Mental health diseases have no cure and cannot be
cured by medicine from the past to the present because
people and scientists do not understand the nature and
causes of that disease. The development has cured diseases of
the body of medicine through decoding the human body with
its parts. However, when it comes to the soul, humans cannot
dissect their structure. Only the teacher is the first person in
the human world to examine the structure of the soul,
pointing out the nature and causes of all soul problems,
especially diseases of the soul. From there, he offers solutions
to help people heal illnesses related to mental health. Many
people with mental illness, from mild to severe, from newly
diagnosed to having had it for over twenty years, have
recovered and returned to everyday life like a miracle. They
followed the teacher's advice during the process of studying
therapy: that is, to quit psychiatric medication after a period
of listening to the lesson when a large amount of valuable

Information Entanglement and Changing Natures of Information
in Different Environments

information has been loaded into the soul. At that time, their
souls gain helpful information to deal with conflicts
transmitted from the negative energy particle system. His
remarkable achievements in applying the knowledge of the
two truths over the years have created a firm trust in many
patient families. That's why his class has many patients
participating in learning and treatment.
When all the students arrived in class, and it was time
to lecture, the teacher left the office and went inside the
The teacher said, "In the previous lessons, you have
learned essential lessons for understanding the three secrets
every spirit and human being is searching for. That
knowledge has explained to you the nature and reasons why
some humans and tuelinhs achieve full enlightenment.
Besides, it also points out the nature and cause of why
tuelinhs and people have mental illness.
Please do not discriminate or shun people with mental
illness, whether they are mild or severe. The nature of that
disease is due to information disorder in the energy particle
structure of the soul. It is not an infectious disease. It does not
make you or the patient's family ashamed of the patient. All
humans and tuelinhs have varying degrees of severity of
information disorder within their structures. If information
disorder exceeds the threshold, people will lose control of
their thoughts and behaviour. Humans call it mental health
You must understand that, because of the wisdom of
tuelinh and human ignorance, it leads to ignorance. When the

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

mind is ignorant, it leads to actions in ignorance. As a result,

harmful energy particles are produced according to the
mechanism of transformation, decay and destruction. To heal
all diseases of body, mind and intellect, you must be fully
loaded with accurate information and the value of knowledge
of the two truths. Loading in enough valuable information
with positive energy will help your soul balance. At that time,
you need to practice producing positive energy particles
according to the mechanism of sustainable transmutation. It
is the perfect process to heal and help the soul mature and
become enlightened.
In today's lesson, I will explain the problem of
information entanglement and the changing nature of
information when moving through different environments of
tuelinhs and humans. After this lesson, you will learn an
invaluable lesson to apply to your life and appropriately and
effectively educate your children and grandchildren.
1. Information entanglement
Please remember the image of the vibrating wave code
from point (1) to point (2) of the intellectual wave code in the
smallest positive and negative energy particles.
Information entanglement is the connection between
negative information values in the original yin particle. It
denies information between the original yin and yang embryo
and knowledge in the outside environment. However, due to
the process of interaction and reaction by actions, an amount
of that opposing information was stored and encoded into the
vibrational code of the energy particle.
Information entanglement includes negative
information values encoded at the cathode in the vibrational
Information Entanglement and Changing Natures of Information
in Different Environments

code of positive energy particles; Positive information values

are encoded at the anode in the vibrating wave code of the
negative energy particle; and negative information values are
encoded at the negative pole of the vibrational wave code in
the negative energy particle.
The nature of each type of information disorder:
- Negative information in positive energy particles: this
type of information entanglement is formed in an
environment with negative information values. When people
or subjects with original yin and yang energy embryos
interact and react to harmful information, the negative
information is still encoded into the yin pole of the vibrational
code. The fact that the positive energy particle encodes
malicious information is not that it is linked to external
negative information. It is the yin and yang energy embryo
process with the power of positive heat to comprehend the
truth of all external environmental information. At that time,
the harmful information is understood and successfully
decoded. Therefore, the negative values of the external
environment are transformed by the yin and yang embryo
into the truth of the lesson and stored in the new positive
particle produced after interacting in that environment. That
is the information tangle of the sustainable transformation
mechanism through the production of positive energy
particles. This information disorder does not cause damage to
the yin and yang embryo and tuelinh. In particular, such
negative information stimulates the practice of compassion to
practice actions to help and save people and animals in
difficult and dangerous situations. This information

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

entanglement is essential to help tuelinhs and people practice

activating kindness and eliminating toxins in the original yin
and yang embryo. When tuelinhs have such information
entanglement with all tuelinhs and all things in and outside
the universe, that tuelinh has the wisdom of all things.
Because it results from understanding the knowledge of all
things, including positive information values, to activate
kindness and negative information values to become a lesson
to force out one's toxins. You remember that when positive
energy particles are produced, it results from victory at point
(2) in the original positive particle. Therefore, the negative
information values encoded at the negative pole of the
vibrating wave code in the positive particle are no longer
toxic. It is simply a lesson of compassion and understanding.
- Positive information in negative energy particles: this
type of information entanglement is formed when humans or
tuelinhs interact and react in positive environments. The
toxins of the original yin energy particles dominate their yin
and yang embryos. Therefore, the initial positive energy
particle does not have the power to control the negative
particle and connect and receive positive information values
in the external positive environment. Those people
interacting in an environment with positive information think
that positive knowledge is not proper to their ideology and
ideals. Even if those positive values have sustainable
development, they always deny it. They negate it with the
power of the poison in their original negative energy particle.
When interacting and reacting to an excellent information
environment, they argue and even get angry at the good
information others try to convey to them. Although they

Information Entanglement and Changing Natures of Information
in Different Environments

objected, a portion of the positive information values were

encoded into the anode of the vibrating wave code in their
harmful energy particles after they were produced. This type
of information entanglement is detrimental to humans and
tuelinhs. It even creates an ideology of hatred towards people
trying to convey positive information. The interaction and
reaction process through which hostility occurs will worsen
the information entanglement in their energy particles.
However, from the perspective of the tuelinh's practising
journey to eliminate toxins and activate goodness, this type of
information entanglement is beneficial for each tuelinh. After
those souls experience the suffering in human life, they will
identify their toxins and gradually eliminate them. At that
time, they will thank the people in the favourable
environment who transmit positive information. In addition,
that positive information will create strength to help them
activate the goodness within them while eliminating toxins.
- Negative information in harmful energy particles: is a
hazardous type of information entanglement. It is the path of
transformation, decay and destruction for tuelinhs and
humans. This type of information disorder results from the
yin and yang embryo being controlled by the toxin of the yin
energy particles. In contrast to the above kind of information
entanglement, this type accelerates the destruction and decay
of tuelinhs very quickly. When the toxins of harmful particles
control people's ideology and intellect, they will deny the
information values of sustainable development in a positive
environment. Instead, they are drawn to unfavourable
environments. When interacting and reacting to adverse
environments, they easily harmonize and receive toxic
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

information from the harmful external environment. When

the two toxic types of external and internal information are
closely linked and encoded at the negative pole of the
vibration code in harmful energy particles, those people will
produce a lot of yin energy particles. The toxic connection
between negative people in a dangerous environment creates
a connection between the harmful particles of the
transformation, decay and destruction mechanism. The
consequences those people cause to people, society, and
animals are enormous. If people with toxins in their yin and
yang embryos do not interact and live in an environment with
positive information, they will quickly destroy themselves
with destructive energy.
The solution to the problem of information
- First, it is necessary to understand the objects related
to information disorder, including all the tuelinhs and
humans interacting and reacting in environments with each
- The only solution is for everyone to understand and
practice the sustainable transmutation mechanism to
produce positive energy particles with intense positive heat.
That is to create ideologies and actions that oppose those
implementing the mechanism of transformation, destruction
and decay. The achievements and power of the light of
wisdom will help people who are disordered in their
information on the path of producing harmful energy
particles to be enlightened and awakened. When
experiencing the ultimate suffering caused by toxins, those
who have harmful energy particles will awaken and rely on

Information Entanglement and Changing Natures of Information
in Different Environments

the enlightened wisdom of those who practice the mechanism

of producing positive energy particles. Thus, the essence of
this solution is to activate one's goodness to touch and help
others eliminate their toxins through the suffering they have
to go through.
A specific situation: when in a family, there is a spouse,
parent or child with mental illness. That is the clearest sign of
information disorder along the path of decomposition. Those
family members have information entanglements, resulting in
harmful energy particles being created in past or past lives.
Through the structure of harmful energy particles in multiple
negative particle clusters, information such as images,
language, ideologies, and negative actions that hurt each
other, people, and animals are in all family members. In
particular, that harmful information is stored and encoded
the most in people with mental illnesses. Because in their past
lives, that person practised actions that hurt people, each
other, and animals, their soul produced too many harmful
particles. When negative particles are too much, it will cause
information disorder in their soul structure system. As a
result, this life breaks out into mental illness. Because family
members are related to each other in past lives, they continue
to be reincarnated and live together in the same family in the
present life to help each other eliminate toxins and activate
each other's goodness. When patients lose control of their
thoughts and behaviour, they only see past images and
sounds stored in harmful energy particles. Therefore, they see
their wife or husband, parents or children as enemies or
accomplices. At that time, they became out of control and
attacked and even killed each other. But when they woke up,
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

they regretted their inappropriate behaviour towards each

other. In the patient's mind, there are many different living
personalities. Family members must apply solutions to
remove information disorder to help patients recover entirely
during learning and treatment according to the knowledge of
two truths. Those are relatives who must accompany the
patient to study. The patient's relatives must understand the
same knowledge as the patient. Next, their relatives must
activate kindness by caring for the patient even if the patient
scolds or fights back. When their loved one practice kind
actions towards the sick person and others, the toxins in the
sick person's soul will be forced out faster because kind
actions are the opposite of removing information
entanglement and touching the soul of the ill person after the
suffering they have experienced. If the patient's relatives do
not follow the above solution with sincere love, the patient
will not recover. There are families where, when their
children are sick, only one of the parents loves and helps them
recover from the illness using the method of two truths. The
other person didn't believe it and even wanted to bring their
child to a mental hospital for treatment. In addition, that
person also has words and actions that hurt the sick child. The
poison grows more intense when the child's soul receives
toxic information from their father or mother. As a result, they
cannot recover from their illness. Because relatives do not
practice the kindness activation mechanism to help the sick,
it is complicated for the ill person to recover.
Another specific situation of healing mental illness with
the knowledge of the two truths is an elderly mother in her
eighties who has been taking care of her child in his fifties,

Information Entanglement and Changing Natures of Information
in Different Environments

who has had schizophrenia for more than twenty years. He

was a talented working man who suddenly became mentally
ill. During more than twenty years of illness, the patient could
not speak, do personal activities, go to work, and take
psychiatric medication every day. When the mother brought
her child to the teacher's class to learn the knowledge of the
two truths for a few months, the teacher gave the mother a
book and advised her to read it to her child before and after
sleep. The mother followed what the teacher instructed. She
read the teacher's book of two truths to her child before and
after sleep. As a result, after a few months of treatment, he
recovered, talked again, could function independently, and
returned to work. During treatment, he often lost control of
his behaviour because he didn't take psychiatric medication,
according to the teacher's advice. His recovery from mental
illness shows the mother's immense love for helping her child
heal from that illness. It demonstrates the act of activating
kindness to help sick people eliminate toxins and recover
from illness through learning the two truths to cure mental
2. The nature of information is changed when moving
through different environments
The environment in human life includes a favourable
circumstance created by positive information values, a
harmful environment created by negative information values,
and negative and positive information.
When tuelinhs incarnate as humans and practice in the
human world, they must simultaneously live and interact
with all environments, negative, positive, and both, because

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

every human being has an embryo of the original yin and yang
energy of the inner tuelinh. Therefore, when interacting with
different information environments, the poison in the root yin
particle and the kindness in the root yang energy particle will
have enough conditions to reveal their entire nature. At that
time, people and their souls will identify and force out those
toxins and activate the goodness within them. That is
practising the mechanism of sustainable transformation.
Different types of environments bring different values
to humans and souls. However, people do not understand that
it is to improve themselves; instead, they blame their lives and
even wallow in suffering because of the injuries caused to
everyone. Because of this, you need to understand the value
of interactive scenarios and environments in the human
You must understand how the information in yin and
yang embryos will change when they move into different
environments. From there, you will have a plan to create the
best environment for yourself to eliminate all toxins and
maximize kindness.
The environment changes the nature of information in
the yin and yang embryo:
- Negative environment:
+ For yin and yang embryos controlled by the original
yin energy particle: When these people move and live in an
environment with negative information values, their original
yin energy particle will readily accept and connect negative
external information. As a result, the yin-yang embryo
absorbs additional external toxins into itself. That makes the

Information Entanglement and Changing Natures of Information
in Different Environments

process of decomposition of the tuelinh of that person happen

+ For yin and yang embryos controlled by the original
yang energy particle: When these people move and live in
environments with negative information values, the original
yang energy particle can operate the original yin particle and
harmful information outside. Therefore, they can easily
recognize negative values to summarize them as lessons.
They have the power to overcome toxic environments and
practice the mechanism of generating positive energy
- Positive environment:
+ For yin and yang embryos controlled by the original
yin energy particle: These people move and live in a positive
environment. Their original yin energy particle still wins and
operates the yin and yang embryo to produce harmful energy
particles. However, encoding positive information in a
positive environment will help them gradually identify toxins
and force out their toxins. If they experience enough suffering
and live in a positive environment for a long time, their
original negative energy particle will gradually change as the
toxins are forced out.
+ For yin and yang embryos controlled by the original
yang energy particle: These people move and live in a positive
environment, and their yang energy particle becomes strong
enough to squeeze out all remaining toxins in the original
negative particle. They receive and closely associate with
positive external information to promote the production of
positive energy particles to become more effective. Such

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

people will quickly transform yin and yang embryos into

energy filters.
The nature of information in the yin and yang embryo
will change when moving and living in different environments
to help you answer questions about mentally ill people. You
understand why when they live with kind-hearted people
who have immense love, their illnesses will quickly be cured.
On the contrary, when they live with people with negative
multi-energy particle structures in their souls, negative
people, and people without sincere love, they are easily
agitated and ready to hurt negative people. That's extreme. All
because information between environments changes the
nature of information in the yin and yang embryos of humans
and tuelinhs.
Thus, from the problem of information entanglement
and the changing nature of information in different
environments, you have learned more about the wonders of
the human practice environment in the human world. You
need to take advantage of those exciting things to create the
best environment for yourself, your loved ones, and everyone
around you to squeeze out toxins together and maximize
A student immediately told the teacher, "Teacher, you
have given us the special enlightened knowledge of the two
truths with the smallest energy particle. You also showed us
clearly the mechanisms of transformation and how to create
the best environment to practice eliminating toxins and
activating kindness for ourselves and others. I believe that all
those who learn and practice this enlightened knowledge will

Information Entanglement and Changing Natures of Information
in Different Environments

achieve great achievements in their practising journey in the

human world."
The teacher replied, "To achieve great achievements on
the practising journey, each tuelinh and each person must
persevere and have the strength to overcome difficulties and
obstacles. No achievement is easy; the greater every
achievement, the greater the sacrifice. It is the dedication of
intelligence and time to practice generating positive energy
particles through helping and saving people and all species.
Please try and persevere, and success will always be with

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Twenty-Three

The Destructive Power of The Tuelinh

While Decaying

Once again, my memories take me back to when a

terrible epidemic killed countless people worldwide. It's the
end of the year when everyone and every home is preparing
to welcome the new year with hopes that the epidemic will
end and all the luck will come to them in the new year. That
year was the second year of the pandemic and a year in which
people suffered the most from deaths and economic collapse.
That year was also the year that the teacher could not open
classes. However, it was a year of brilliant achievements for
him as he created special enlightened knowledge to teach his
students the following year.
The teacher doesn't seem to care about the
preparations for the new year like every family and everyone.
Like every year, this year, he only buys food and fruits to
prepare for the new year. Therefore, he has a lot of time to
build special enlightened knowledge by combining the two
truths and the wisdom of the smallest energy particle. In
addition, he also spends time researching and finding the
most effective methods in applying that enlightened
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

knowledge to treat people with mental and physical illnesses.

The teacher often tells his students, "No one thinks and acts
for me," and "Nothing comes itself if I don't think and act by
myself." That is why he never stops trying to upgrade
enlightened knowledge of the two truths and find the most
effective methods to help people heal their mental and
physical illnesses and overcome suffering in life fastest.
One night at the end of the year, when he was in a deep
sleep, the tuelinh within him returned to heaven. At that time,
he went into Giac and Chap's workplace. Seeing Nalas Nalanda
return, they both immediately approached and greeted him.
Then all three tuelinhs sat together and enjoyed glasses of
water that could only be found in heaven. For Giac and Chap,
the fact that Nalas Nalanda often returned to talk and teach
them and the tuelinhs became familiar every time he
incarnated as a human to practice or perform a task. They felt
like he was still working there, not as if he had reincarnated
as a human-like other tuelinhs.
After a few stories, Chap asked him, "Father, I know that
when tuelinhs are disintegrated by the energy of destruction,
they are extremely painful. From the pain within them, they
become out of control. Especially when residing in human
form, their actions cause harm to people, animals and
everything around them. Father, can you tell us what damage
they can cause?"
At that time, Nalas Nalanda raised his right hand before
all three tuelinhs and pushed it to the right. His miracle
created a moving picture in the air. As he spoke, different
images were recreated in that painting. He said, "Look!
Because of their many harmful particles, the souls of those

The Destuctive Power of The Tuelinh While Decaying

boys and girls practice a lifestyle of playfulness and

sensuality. They live and sleep together like a herd. They use
stimulants to create excitement and satisfy pleasure. They
spread diseases to each other. A life with no future ahead is
the path they have chosen. Those children make their parents
That is the image of same-sex love. On the outside, they
seem happy because they live with their passion, but their
souls inside have lost control. The toxins and disconnections
in their soul structure make them unaware of their thoughts
and actions.
It is the image of impure love between boys and girls.
They love each other to satisfy their lust, not to become
husband and wife. That's why they don't appreciate each
other. As a result, many girls abort their unborn babies when
they accidentally become pregnant. It is a crime, and it causes
the process of producing harmful energy particles and
breaking connections in the soul to become faster.
Look, my kids. Because they loved each other, they
became husband and wife. Yet, they still commit adultery with
others. Harmful energy particles are produced from there.
Those are images of a husband who is addicted to
alcohol and gambling and beats his wife and children. Not
only that, they also sold all their valuable possessions and the
house they lived in to pay off debt. They cause their wives and
children to suffer both physically and mentally. Toxic energy
particles are constantly being produced, and the decay
process in their souls is also happening faster.
Image of a husband who is jealous and thinks his wife
is unfaithful. They beat and even killed the wife when they
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

discovered she was having an affair. Those resentments and

actions caused them to produce harmful energy particles with
extreme negative heat. They hurt each other, their children
and their parents.
Those are images of divorce situations. Just because of
the attachment and arrogance of both husband and wife,
when disagreements and conflicts occur, they do not
sympathize and get along with each other. Instead, they were
impulsive and divorced. They cause suffering to their children
and parents.
The sadness and suffering of women and wives when
they do not have children. They are sad and miserable
because their husbands decide to divorce just because they
have no children. The wives' resentment and the husbands'
cruelty make them walk the path of soul decay.
That image is the imposition and pressure that parents
create on their children. Their parents want them to study
well and become talented people in the future. They
constantly force their children to learn day and night. Some
children have committed suicide because of their parents'
authoritarianism and mental and physical abuse. Those are
bad parents who put their suffering and greed on their
children. It is the lack of parental love that children must
accept. Parents and children produce harmful energy
Those are the images of husbands and wives who leave
them to be with someone else when witnessing their husband
or wife's illness. They make their spouses helpless due to
poverty, loneliness, and the cruel diseases they have. Since

The Destuctive Power of The Tuelinh While Decaying

then, there have been patients who resent their spouses. Both
have produced harmful energy particles of decay.
Mentally ill people lose control of their thoughts and
actions. They always think their relatives are enemies. They
believe their spouse is having an affair outside. And acts of
killing their loved ones in a loss of control occurred. The
suffering and grief caused by disintegration and
disconnection in their souls is happening too strongly.
Those are images because of disagreements and
conflicts between parents and children. The children were
murdered by their father. It is the cruelty and imperceptibility
of parents because the toxins in them erupt.
Children abandon their parents in illness and poverty.
Some children beat and kill their parents just to compete for
property and land. Unfilial children cause their souls to
produce countless harmful energy particles and accelerate
Those are images of brothers and sisters fighting over
land and property in a family. They sued each other in court.
They fight and even kill each other. Greed and ignorance have
plunged them into producing harmful energy particles.
Those are the images when people have their relatives
and parents when they die. They went to psychics to ask for
charms and cast spells on the graves of the dead. They believe
that if their loved one dies at an inauspicious time, it will cause
harm to their descendants and the living. Those are harmful
energy particles of ignorance produced by inhumanity and no
filial piety.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Those images are of healthy boys. Instead of honest

labour, they became thieves and bandits. They are even killing
those who oppose them. Harmful energy particles are
produced, causing their souls to become disconnected and
lose more control.
Those are images of beautiful girls. Instead of honest
labour, they use their beauty to make money on their bodies.
They become prostitutes or commit adultery for cash. That
causes their souls to decay very quickly by toxins and harmful
energy particles.
People who are married. Because of wealth, status, or
lack of sexual satisfaction from their spouses. They look to
other people outside to have relationships outside of
marriage. They do not know that those actions cause their
souls to become sick through decay.
Those are images where people take hunting animals
and fishing as hobbies. They are happily harbouring the
deaths of all species. They indulge in their cruelty. They show
off their achievements to their friends and relatives.
People make a living and get rich by hunting,
slaughtering, and selling animal meat. They did not know they
had produced countless harmful energy particles of ignorance
and killing. That caused their souls to produce numerous
harmful energy particles of killing. Their souls are
disconnected and decay very quickly.
That is the image of people who, for their benefit,
produce fake and poor-quality products. They benefit
enormously from those actions. Not only that, consumers are
affected by the health effects of those products. Those people

The Destuctive Power of The Tuelinh While Decaying

are being controlled by toxins and getting rich regardless,

even endangering human health and life.
Those are pictures of famous people. They use that to
earn profit from people through acts of charity and natural
Merchants. They use opportunities during epidemics
and natural disasters to trade fake products. They cheat on
people's lives. Those are people who release powerful toxins.
Because the consequences they cause to humans are highly
significant, their decay rate is high-speed.
These are healthy people but lazy to work and live
daily. There are people from there who become robbers or
become hired killers for others. They are destroying their
souls without knowing it.
Those are the employers. They cursed and beat the
workers. They think they have money and are the boss, so
they have the right to do those things to their workers. That is
the ignorant wisdom they have because of their toxins.
These are people who fight and even kill each other
because of conflicts. From hatred, resentment, and those
actions, they produce a lot of harmful energy particles. Their
souls are, therefore, disconnected and increasingly
Those painful images are the suicidal actions of
mothers when giving birth, even killing their children. They
become depressed during pregnancy and after giving birth
when they do not receive their husbands' and relatives' care
and love. Their souls lost control because of panic and

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

resentment. Those suicidal actions cause their souls to decay

even more.
There are also acts of suicide, but they are because of
failure in life, career, a lot of debt, and resentment towards
each other. Those who commit suicide think that death will
help them no longer have any responsibilities in life. But they
don't know that it causes their souls to decay, and when
reincarnated as humans in the next life, they will become
more out of control and miserable.
These are people with status and power in the
government apparatus. They take advantage of their
positions for embezzlement and corruption. They despise and
make things difficult for people. They even find ways to make
money when the country has natural disasters and epidemics.
People consider them inferior to animals and do not have
officials' ethics. They directly and indirectly cause poverty
and deaths in natural disasters and epidemics. The damage
they made to the people was countless, so their souls
produced numerous harmful energy particles.
Those are images of leaders of nations. They are
ruthless when suppressing other countries' economies. In
particular, they launch wars of invasion against other
countries to satisfy their reasons. They massacred countless
lives of the people of other countries and their soldiers. Their
souls produce numerous harmful energy particles. Therefore,
the soul's decay process happens very quickly.
Those images are of the leaders of the invaded
countries. They need to be more knowledgeable and talented
to help their country have economic and defence strength so
that other countries do not dare to invade them. Their
The Destuctive Power of The Tuelinh While Decaying

ignorance caused the people of their country to die on the

battlefield and in poverty. Their souls also produce countless
harmful energy particles. Both invaders and defenders of the
territory are ignorant in thinking that the land and territory
are theirs. They need to learn what the practice environment
in the human world is for, and no region is theirs.
These are images of teachers in schools. They are the
ones who teach knowledge to students, but they make their
students need help with the scores to make money from them.
Even teachers ask female students to exchange their lust for
grades. Those teachers do not know how to appreciate their
noble profession and walk on the path of transmutation and
Teachers teach harmful knowledge to students. These
actions are hazardous when toxic information values are
spread to many students and society. This spread of
ignorance causes countless people to become ignorant and
disintegrate in their souls. Teachers who act like this only
cause them to perish faster.
Images of students being arrogant because of the toxic
outbreak and thinking they are more talented and intellectual
than their classmates and teachers. That causes them to slide
down the path of producing harmful energy particles.
People who take advantage of beliefs and religions to
practice praying to gods, Buddhas, and God. They use people's
beliefs to threaten them with poverty, disease, and death if
they do not give them money to help pray to gods, Buddhas,
and God. Those did not know they were producing a lot of
harmful energy particles in their souls.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Teachers in religions. They are spreading false

propaganda about the path of practice in the human world.
They do not understand the origin and truth of exercise in
human form in the human world, so they believe in praying to
Buddha or God to return to heaven. They propagate ignorance
to everyone and keep everyone immersed in ignorance. That
causes people to become increasingly immersed in
information chaos, and they do not know the truth and the
path to liberation from suffering. These ignorances are spread
widely in the human world and from life to life. People who
spread false information and ignorance cause their souls to
become the souls with the fastest decay rate.
Those are the ignorant teachers in religions. They
propagate to their followers that their faith is the best. They
criticize and insult other religions to attract followers to their
religion. They must learn that Nalas Nalanda created beliefs
and countless interactive scenarios to help souls reveal their
entire nature. Next is identification to force out toxins and
activate kindness. However, they are dominated by toxins,
and they cause many of their followers to produce harmful
energy particles and disintegrate souls like them.
And, there are many other damages that negative
energy multi-particle tuelinhs cause in the human world.
Every person who is practising the path of sustainable
transformation in the human world sees those injuries."
Giac told his teacher, "Father, the poison of the tuelinhs
is hazardous for themselves and everything around them.
They do not easily control and eliminate their toxins. That
leads to suffering and harm to people, animals, and

The Destuctive Power of The Tuelinh While Decaying

The teacher continued, "The negative energy multi-

particle tuelinhs harm people, animals, and all living things
are all children tuelinhs. They are small and immature.
However, when their toxins explode at a strong level, they can
destroy the entire human world while they live in the hands
of humans. That proves to you the danger and destruction of
every tuelinhs when practising the mechanism of
transformation, decay and destruction."
Chap immediately asked his teacher, "Father, do you
have any solution to help them?"
The teacher replied, "Of course I have a solution. That
is to rebuild a practice environment that contains the true
information values of the sustainable transmutation
mechanism. Knowledge of the two truths will create an ideal
environment to help those suffering souls from being infected
with toxic information from different religious and
philosophical perspectives. The two truths will exist long in
the human world to help countless souls. After that, I will
continue to let the practice environment become more
complicated so that the tuelinhs can continue their journey of
practice, forcing out toxins and activating their goodness.
Remember that the earth's environment was created to help
souls practice suffering and tribulation. Great rescues of
tuelinhs and the rebuilding of humanity can only be
accomplished when almost all tuelinhs are completely out of
control, and there are tuelinhs ready to transform yin and
yang energy embryos into energy filters. That is the time for
the great salvation of humanity in the human world."

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Giac and Chap immediately said, "We are excited to

accompany you in the human world. We will strive to dedicate
our lives to complete that mission with you."
Nalas Nalanda nodded and said, "That is the only path
to grow and become an enlightened being. You must always
keep the fire of dedication when incarnating as a human
because a human life passes very quickly. I'm also racing
against time to help learners release all toxins and force them
out. Besides, I must help them speed up the process of
producing positive energy particles. Tuelinhs in the human
world are frozen in clusters of multi-negative energy
particles. They only recognize them when they are mentally
ill and cause harmful consequences to everyone. Therefore,
they are unable to control and transform them. I will have to
awaken their negative energy particle clusters so that they
can awaken and practice the positive energy particle
production mechanism. That is extremely important because
if they do not awaken the frozen particle clusters, it will be
difficult for them to identify the poison to suppress and the
goodness to activate."
After chatting with the two messengers, the teacher
returned to his physical form when it was almost dawn
outside. In the following days, he planned lectures when
classes resumed after the epidemic ended, including sermons
that awakened all the memories of tuelinhs during many
lifetimes of practice in the human world. Their memories
were frozen and disconnected by the destructive energy
controlling the negative energy multi-particle clusters.

Chapter Twenty-Four

The Unified Tao of the Universe

"To attain the unified Tao of the universe, tuelinhs must

incarnate as humans and live in the four forms of human life.
That is another saying that the first tuelinh said in the
conference unifying the practising path of tuelinh life forms
before they incarnated as humans."
A student interrupted the teacher, "Teacher, is there
any difference between the Tao of the universe and the task
of transforming the yin and yang energy embryo of tuelinhs
into an energy filter?"
The teacher looked at all the students and said, "It's not
that different. As follows:
- To transform the original yin and yang energy embryo
into an energy filter, the tuelinhs must live in human form for
countless lives. They must live and fully interact with all
scenarios in the four forms of human life. The purpose is to
understand the three secrets, force out all toxins and activate
the maximum goodness in the yin and yang energy embryo.
When the production process of energy particles ensures
sufficient quantity and quality, the yin and yang energy
embryo is qualified to be transformed into an energy filter.
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

That is the mission of each tuelinh's practising journey in the

human world.
- The result after transforming the yin and yang energy
embryo into an energy filter is to attain the unified Tao of the
Thus, when each tuelinh completes its practice, they
officially attain the unified Tao of the universe. It is the
practice process and the value of the results achieved after
completing the task."
Another student immediately asked the teacher,
"Teacher, in today's lesson, are you going to teach us new
knowledge of the two truths?" The teacher replied, "It is both
new and not new. It is new knowledge because I have been
teaching you a new knowledge from the past to the present. It
is not new knowledge because I have already talked about it
in the lesson of the conference to gather humanity. Do you
remember what I said in that lesson?"
The students said together, "Teacher said that the
image of the great gathering of humanity contains many
secrets. And you said you would teach us in the next lessons."
The teacher smiled and said, "Your memory is
excellent. In today's lesson, I will analyze those secrets so that
you can understand the value of attaining the unified Tao of
the universe through four forms in human life that each
tuelinh must live and practice.
First, you need to remember the words of the first
tuelinh: To attain the unified Tao of the universe tuelinhs
must incarnate as humans and live in the four forms of human

The Unified Tao of the Universe

And now, we will discover the secret of the four forms

of human life in the great gathering of humanity. In that
gathering, the entire image and four teachings of Nalas
Nalanda constitute four forms of human life. He spoke about
the four forms of human life at the conference, unifying the
path of practising practice before they incarnated as humans.
Four forms of human life are family, social, educational,
and national. They are encoded as follows:
- Family form:
+ Family form is the relationship between husband and
wife, parents to children, children to parents, siblings to each
other, and living people to their ancestors.
+ The image encoded into the family form at the human
conference is that each family has a father, mother, son, and
daughter. Each gathering point has many households, and it is
a symbol of family relationships in the human community.
Each family has only one wife and one husband, a spouse
relationship. The first tuelinh used this arrangement rule
according to the standard 1:1 ratio of the bonding structure
between negative and positive energy particles. The image of
parents and two children is the relationship between parents
and children. The image of two children is the relationship
between siblings.
+ The language encoded into the family form is the
teaching of the first tuelinh after he looked at the parents and
said: "I assign you the task of marrying your children to each
other so that they can form a new family and have children to
build humanity." His teachings show that family relationships
will grow and become complex as children are married to
each other to form new households and produce children.
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

This process in the future will create countless generations of

humans. That forms the relationship between the living and
their ancestors.
- Social form:
+ Social form is the interactive relationships in each
person's life. It includes the relationships between humans
and humans and all species in different environments, social
communities, and productive labour.
+ The image encoded into the social form is that
households are gathered at each gathering point, and there
are many gathering points of humanity. That image shapes
the relationships between people within a group of people
and between people and other groups. The image of tuelinhs
residing in human form and living in that form shows that
they must work and survive in the human world. It is a code
for relationships in productive labour for survival. Images of
animals convened at the congress show the relationship
between humans and animals.
+ The language encoded into social form is the teaching
of the first tuelinh when he looked at all households and
animals and said to them: "I give you the mission to tame the
animals so that their souls can also become human and
practice together." And his other commandment: "You will
have to go through all the sufferings of life in many human
lives..." These teachings are encoded into the social form of
each tuelinh that must live in it when transformed into a
- Educational form:

The Unified Tao of the Universe

+ The form of education is the relationship of

transmitting knowledge and is called the relationship
between teacher and student.
+ The image is encoded into the teacher-student
relationship: first are the teachings of the first tuelinh to the
households and animals at the gathering points. That is the
image of the first teacher-student relationship in the human
world. The image of parents and small children is a family and
teacher-student relationship. Parents' teachings to their
children after the great gathering of humanity is the image of
the second teacher-student relationship in the human world.
+ The language encoded into the teacher-student
relationship is the four teachings of the first tuelinh in each
conference gathering humanity. It is the first and most
thorough knowledge on the practising journey of all tuelinhs
in the human world in human form.
- National form:
+ National form is the relationship between all people
and species within a territory.
+ The image encoded into the national form is that each
gathering point of humanity has many households and
animals participating. That image shapes every relationship
between humans, animals and territory. In particular, at each
gathering point, the first tuelinh plays the leading role in
teaching all humans and animals to help each other on the
journey of practice in the human world. This image shows
that the leader teaches and cares for the people and their
creatures. People and all species listen to the instructions of
the leader. In addition, the image of many gathering points is

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

the image of many countries, creating an interactive

relationship between different national forms.
+ The language encoded into national relationships is
the four teachings of the first tuelinh at each gathering point
of humanity. It represents a harmonious relationship from
top to bottom and helps each other develop sustainably.
The four forms of human life that each tuelinh must live
in are encoded through the images and teachings of Nalas
Nalanda in each gathering point of humanity. It is simple and
not yet complicated in creating countless interaction
scenarios like today's society, but it is a guideline and a core
value for every soul to practice. From the sites of the great
assembly of humanity, the four forms of human life constantly
evolved to form countless interactive scenarios to this day.
Although there are numerous interaction scenarios in
modern society, it still carries within itself the core values of
the four forms of human life encoded through his images and
teachings at the great gathering of humanity."
A student immediately asked the teacher when he saw
him sitting beside the table to enjoy warm tea, "Teacher. Thus,
the rules are the four forms of human life that tuelinhs must
live and interact with when incarnating as humans. Is that
right, teacher?"
The teacher continued the lecture, "Your question is
interesting. When you finish listening to this lecture, you will
have a complete answer to that question and other questions
related to the four forms of human life.
So, you have learned the secret of the conference
gathering humanity. The images and teachings of the first
tuelinh in that conference have been encoded into four forms
The Unified Tao of the Universe

of human life from that time to now and into the future. Those
four life forms create countless interactive scenarios to help
each tuelinh force out all the toxins within them and activate
maximum goodness. In addition, four magical forms help each
tuelinh transmute sustainably and obtain the energy filter in
their yin and yang embryos. At that time, each tuelinh will
attain the unified Tao of the universe.
From the close connection and value that the four forms
of human life bring to the unified Tao of the universe, I call
those four forms of life the four forms of the Tao. So, from now
on, you have a new term: the four forms of the unified Tao of
the universe. It includes the family Tao, the social Tao, the
teacher and student Tao, and the national Tao. When each
tuelinh incarnates into a human, they must live in the four
forms of the Tao to attain the Tao that unifies the universe.
That means that through the four Tao forms, each tuelinh will
reach the value of the Tao mind. Achieving the mind of the
Tao, the knowledge of the two truths and the smallest energy
particle is the key for each tuelinh to practice the mechanism
of sustainable transmutation in the four forms of the Tao.
The four forms of Way create four types of the mind of
the Tao. The four types of the mind of the Tao form the unified
Tao of the universe. The form and mind of the Tao must be
closely linked together in inseparability. If separated, no
tuelinh will attain the unified Way of the universe.
Before I analyze the value of the four types of the mind
of the Tao, you need to clearly understand the value of tuelinh
before incarnating as a human. Before incarnating as humans,
all tuelinhs are children. Except for the first tuelinh, because
he was a mature tuelinh and had the most magical power in

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

the universe. Tuelinhs are immature because there are only a

small number of energy particles in their structure. Those few
energy particles cannot help them become mature tuelinhs.
Those few energy particles do not help tuelinh children have
the intellectual power to understand all the secrets of
themselves, other tuelinhs, everything in and outside the
universe, including destructive energy. Because of paradise's
pure and peaceful environment, they cannot grow up quickly.
When immature, the meager energy particles in the structure
of tuelinhs are incapable of connecting and operating the life
of all physical forms in the universe. The energy of destruction
even quickly destroys them. You can understand that baby
tuelinhs do not yet have enough groups of energy particles
encoded into functions within their structure. Therefore,
baby tuelinhs are holy, innocent, and lovely when not yet
incarnated as humans. There are good things because they
were born and raised in the wonderful environment of
paradise. However, it is also an obstacle that hinders growth
and causes death to the tuelinh life form.
However, when tuelinh babies incarnate as humans
and live in the four forms in the human world, they step on
the path of sustainable transformation through all the
scenarios of interaction in suffering. Through the process of
forcing out toxins and activating goodness during countless
lifetimes of practice in the human world, the souls have
matured. They have produced numerous sustainable energy
particles, all encoded into groups of particles with precise
functions. That strengthens mature souls when their energy
structure achieves full strength to promote sustainable
development for themselves and all things in and outside the

The Unified Tao of the Universe

universe. Groups of energy particles are encoded into

functions and tasks that are formed from the four forms of
human life. We call it the Tao mind. The four types of the mind
of the Tao form the unified Tao of the universe.
The value of four types of the Tao mind:
- Family Tao: Through all interactive scenarios in family
relationships, souls force out all toxins and activate maximum
goodness in the original yin and yang embryo. They then
produce countless sustainable energy particles related to
family relationships. Those excellent energy particles help the
structure of the soul mature quickly. When the soul grows due
to that large number of stable energy particles, that soul has a
large number of intellectual wave code fibre systems that
encode excellent information values within. It is encoded
information about loving yourself and all other life forms in
and out of the universe in non-discrimination. This group of
energy particles that encode immeasurable love is only
formed when each soul goes through all the scenarios in the
family Tao form over many lifetimes of practice. Something
that baby tuelinhs cannot have when they cannot live and
interact in the family form.
- Social Tao: Through all interaction scenarios in social
relationships, souls force out all toxins and activate maximum
goodness in the yin and yang embryo. Sustainable energy
particles are born to help the soul mature and become strong.
This group of energy particles is encoded into functions and
tasks to support the soul's magical power. It is a group of
energy particles with closely linked values for the sustainable
development of tuelinhs and all life forms in and outside the
universe. When baby tuelinhs have not yet been incarnated as

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

humans and have not yet experienced all the interaction

scenarios in the social form, they will not have this group of
energy particles that carry the power of cohesion and
sustainable development.
- Teacher and student Tao: Through interactive
scenarios in the relationship between teacher and student,
such as in education, in religions, and the transmission of
knowledge between people, the soul achieves growth into this
group of energy particles. They learn how to force out all the
toxins and maximize the goodness in the original yin and yang
energy embryo. The form of teacher and student helps
tuelinhs produce countless stable energy particles in each
reaction. The durable energy particles of this group help souls
have the power of wisdom, which is enlightened wisdom. The
intellectual wave code system in this group of energy particles
encodes the functions and tasks for the tuelinh that has the
power to transmit knowledge for sustainable development to
all other tuelinhs and other life forms inside and outside the
universe. When tuelinhs have not yet transformed into
humans, they cannot have this group of magical energy
particles. This group of energy particles helps tuelinhs
connect and operate all things in the universe when they
transform yin and yang embryos into energy filters.
- National Tao: Through all interactive scenarios in the
national Tao form, the souls gradually eliminate all toxins and
maximize goodness. This group of energy particles produced
will help the soul mature and have magical power because of
the information values encoded inside their intellectual wave
code fibre system. At that time, the mature tuelinh could unite
all tuelinhs and other life forms. All combine under the

The Unified Tao of the Universe

guidance of the first tuelinh to protect and develop the tuelinh

life form and make all things in and outside the universe
sustainable. When the soul is not yet mature, it will not have
this group of functional energy particles.
You need to remember that the form of family Tao helps
develop the group of energy particles in the soul that carries
the value of love in non-discrimination. The social Tao helps
the soul develop a cohesive group of energy particles and
develop sustainably. The Tao of teacher and student assists
the soul in creating a group of energy particles that spread
enlightened wisdom - wisdom that develops sustainably.
Tao's national form helps the tuelinh generate a group of
energy particles that carry the unified value in respect. To be
qualified to transform yin and yang embryos into energy
filters, they must produce sufficient quantity and quality for
all four groups of functional energy particles in the four forms
of the Tao.
When successfully transforming the original yin and
yang embryo into an energy filter, the tuelinh officially attains
the unified Tao of the universe. With the power of the four Tao
minds, the intelligence of that tuelinh will integrate and unite
with the intelligence of all things and all life forms in and
outside the universe. At that time, that tuelinh has the power
of immense love and solidarity in respect to spread
enlightened wisdom and sustainable development values to
all forms of life in and outside the universe."
A student said to the teacher, "Master if everyone wants
to complete the task on the path of practice in the human
world and attain the unified Tao of the universe. They must
produce sufficient quantity and quality of energy particles for

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

all four forms of the Tao. If they have not completed it, they
cannot return to their homeland."
The teacher laughed and replied, "It's true. The souls
completed their practice by transforming the yin and yang
embryos into energy filters. If not completed, they continue to
reincarnate in the human world until completed. When they
attain the unified Tao of the universe, they can incarnate as
humans to perform tasks and save sentient beings. You must
remember that if tuelinhs do not achieve the unified Way of
the universe, they will still be easily destroyed by the energy
of destruction. When certain tuelinh attains the unified Way
of the universe, they have the power to absorb the energy of
destruction and produce super-energy particles to help
protect and develop the universe to become sustainable.
Another student said to the teacher, "Teacher. After
studying this lesson, I have answered many questions about
religious and philosophical perspectives. I have understood
that God is a benevolent father and a teacher with perfectly
enlightened wisdom. He silently guides all souls and humans
on the journey of practice to attain the unified Way of the
universe. He always worries, cares, and helps sentient beings,
souls and people. Only humans do not understand him, while
he understands everything."
The teacher said, "That's right. When you understand
the knowledge of the two truths and the three secrets, race
against time to practice the path of sustainable
transformation. Don't wait for anything in the future.
Practising correctly and bringing sustainable development
value to yourself, everyone and all species is the most
valuable gratitude to the first tuelinh. Instead of praying or

The Unified Tao of the Universe

praying to God, Buddha, or any other soul, practice good

deeds. That is the path to attain the unified Tao of the

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Twenty-Five

Destroying Toxins in Learners

"Before this healing course of body, mind, and wisdom

took place, the tuelinh within me returned to heaven and
chatted with two messengers. We talked about the effects of
toxins on each soul when they incarnate in human form and
interact in different scenarios. The impacts of that toxin on
everyone, all species and the soul itself are hazardous.
Humans and souls are immersed in various interactive
situations by toxins that cannot be easily recognized or
eliminated. Even though they are just small souls, when the
poison erupts, they can destroy the entire human world while
they exist inside a human body. You also know that humans
cannot receive sublime and difficult-to-understand
knowledge. Therefore, to help each tuelinh and human being
quickly identify and destroy all the toxins within them, I have
transformed difficult-to-understand enlightened
understanding into easy-to-understand. That is the
knowledge that combines the knowledge of two truths with
the smallest particle of energy. However, I felt secure because
I analyzed all that knowledge in detail for souls and humans.
It will be difficult for people to understand everything I teach

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

because they are immersed and dominated by toxins and

suffering. Therefore, I have built a lecture system to help you
identify and eliminate all the toxins in yourself when
interacting in all scenarios in human life.
The goal of each tuelinh when incarnating as a human
is to eliminate all toxins and maximize goodness in the yin and
yang energy embryo, then transform the yin and yang energy
embryo into an energy filter. Therefore, identifying and
eliminating internal toxins is the first important task for you
and everyone. Toxins are like icebergs, and they are freezing
themselves and the goodness of each person. If you cannot
break these ice blocks, you will not be able to achieve
enlightened wisdom and practice a sustainable transmutation
mechanism for your soul.
Whether you are a soul who has gone through many
lifetimes or just a few lifetimes of practice in human form,
those toxins always exist within you. It only differs in the level
of development of the toxins in the interaction scenarios of
the four forms of the Tao. Souls who experience many
lifetimes of practice when practising the path of
transformation are destruction. They have many clusters of
multi-negative energy particles with many frozen toxins.
Souls who have only practised for a few lifetimes have not yet
developed many toxins, but those toxins are still frozen in the
original yin and yang embryo.
In addition, after a long period of studying, you have
understood the three secrets that tuelinhs and humans are
searching for. Through knowledge of the two truths
associated with the smallest energy particle, you have also
understood the value of the interaction scenarios in the four

Destroying Toxins in Learners

forms of the Tao. With your understanding and enlightened

wisdom, now is the ideal time to identify and destroy the
toxins within you. Therefore, the series of lectures on
eliminating toxins in the four forms of the Tao is essential for
all of you, especially for those who develop diseases related to
mental health. These teachings help you break the ice of
toxins, awaken memories of past lives, and promote radical
enlightenment through sustained energy particle generation.
In this series of lectures, I will associate each type of
toxin with the suffering you and everyone else have been
experiencing. Please share those experiences so that
everyone can understand, and especially it helps you practice
removing toxins from your soul." the teacher told everyone in
the classroom.
Then, many students said, "We have a lot of suffering
and toxins, teacher. Because this course is for people suffering
from all kinds of illnesses, mental illnesses, and suffering, we
have nothing but the truth of the suffering and toxins within
us that have been emitted."
The teacher said, "So, we start from the role of a learner.
In this series of lessons, you must immerse yourself in
different positions in life. Each human part is a group of
interactions in life, forming groups of energy particles with
functions and tasks in your soul. When you understand all the
toxins and remove them from your soul, you will understand
the structure, duty and function of each group of energy
particles associated with the interacting groups in the four
forms of the Tao. As a result, it will create strength to help you
activate goodness by producing positive energy particles in
each interaction group of the four forms of the Way.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

And now, please tell me about your painful experiences

as a learner. That is, you learn knowledge in a school
environment, in a social setting, in a religious and belief
environment, or from someone. Learners are someone who
receives information or applies someone's method to practice
in life.
A female student shared, "Teacher. I have suffered from
hallucinations for more than ten years. In my head, I always
hear words, sometimes gentle and sometimes threatening. I
always see images of demons, images of Buddhas, and spirits.
Only I can hear and see those words and images. It has caused
me insomnia and depression for over ten years. During my
years of illness, I went to many places to meet fortune tellers
to find out what was wrong with me. Then I met an excellent
fortune teller who can know everything when someone
comes to him for help. He has a wife and children, but for some
reason, many girls still fall in love and have children with him.
And I was no exception. I left home to serve him when he went
bankrupt due to gambling and addiction. When I suffered
extremely due to my illness and the months spent with him
while he was avoiding debt, I accidentally learned about your
knowledge of the two truths. After reading for a long time, I
understood his nature and my illness. Miraculously, I
enlightened, and my hallucinations and depression
disappeared. I realized your knowledge was the only way to
help me overcome suffering, so I studied day and night. After
that, I returned to my parents and raised my children alone.
While he continued to tell fortunes and take advantage of
people's beliefs to practice rituals, he made a lot of money. I

Destroying Toxins in Learners

joined your course because I wanted to cure my disease and

help others completely."
Another student said, "My story is also fascinating,
teacher. Previously, I studied and gained a lot of knowledge in
the beliefs of ancestor worship, gods, and Buddhism. During
the years of studying and practising that knowledge, I saw
teachers and students become increasingly greedy and angry,
doing things that harm each other and taking advantage of
religion to make money from people. Understanding those
mistakes, I decided not to join those groups anymore. After
knowing your knowledge, I learned and practised helping
people very enthusiastically. Learning and practising the
knowledge of the two truths in the early stages cannot avoid
mistakes when I have studied negative knowledge for many
years. But other classmates used those things to criticize me,
even concluding that I intended to betray and harm you. I
know you know that. You don't believe in those things. You
even encouraged me to overcome those toxins and actively
help people more. Until now, my intelligence and soul have
changed and become much more complete after the
experiences of negative interactions between learners and
the achievements of helping people with the knowledge of the
two truths."
The teacher said, "Thank you for your sharing. Those
shares are evidence of the toxins erupting from learners'
souls. Such painful experiences are a manifestation of the
toxicity released in everyone's interactions as learners. It has
also proven that when experiencing tribulation in interactive
scenarios, you will recognize and eliminate toxins to gain
enlightened wisdom. You must be grateful for all the suffering

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

that has been, is, and will come to you in life. It is a miraculous
material to help each soul understand the three secrets,
followed by the power to practice the mechanism of
sustainable transmutation. Therefore, you should not hate,
criticize, or fear suffering in all interactive scenarios.
When I help you unfreeze each group of toxins in
different human roles, you try to use the knowledge of the two
truths associated with the smallest energy particles and the
transformation mechanism to think and comprehend. That
helps you encode unique enlightened wisdom into all
scenarios in life to practice activating kindness for the best
When do you know you and everyone else are taking on
the role of learners? - When you are a student studying at
school. You are people who learn knowledge in religions. You
are people who know or read understanding from books and
philosophical ideologies. You are the one receiving
knowledge from someone. And you practice according to a
specific wisdom or method. At that time, you play the role of
a learner.
Learner's toxins that you must recognize and eliminate
when they appear and develop within yourself. It includes:
- The poison of being lazy to study. When you are a
student studying at school, you are busy playing and not
studying hard. That is a waste of money for parents. In
particular, you cannot cultivate your intelligence to develop
your career and future. When you do not have wisdom and
understanding, you will not be aware of good and harmful
values, so you can easily take actions that hurt yourself and
Destroying Toxins in Learners

- The toxicity of the inability to perceive whether the

knowledge you learn is good or harmful. That is, when you
know wisdom from religions, beliefs, perspectives,
philosophical ideologies, and books, you cannot recognize the
value of that knowledge. You are influenced by the psychology
of the crowd, by tradition that you believe and apply to life.
For example, you see a festival of killing animals to worship
the gods. It is a good action because the ritual is traditional
and is passed down from generation to generation. You have
received a toxic amount of information that you think is the
beauty of culture. That is the poison of ignorance that cannot
distinguish its value. You must understand that the act of
killing animals is an act that produces harmful energy
particles, and it is never a kind act. In particular, no gods
encourage such actions of humans because souls must
practice to improve their yin and yang embryos. Therefore,
there is no way the gods will punish humans. Another
example is when you participate in religious activities
because the knowledge you learn is from the scriptures, and
you ultimately believe in what you learn. Then, you practice
without knowing that wisdom is causing you to produce
harmful energy particles. You think that rituals to pray to God
and Buddhas will escape the sins you have caused to people
and animals. You even spread that knowledge to everyone.
That means you are spreading ignorant wisdom that is
harmful to everyone. Because you do not understand the
origin and task of practice in the human world, you cannot
perceive the value of the knowledge you learn, whether good
or harmful.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

- The toxicity of being jealous, superior or inferior to

your classmates. It is a hazardous toxin because learning
knowledge will help people better understand their
worldview and intelligence. However, when you become
jealous, superior or inferior to your classmates, or even think
you are more talented than your classmates, your mind will
be controlled by this toxin. You will not be aware of right and
wrong in thoughts and actions. Therefore, you will change the
value of the knowledge you have learned from the teacher to
show that you are more talented than other students without
knowing that the knowledge you change will harm yourself
and everyone else. Jealousy and being superior or inferior to
your classmates will lead to hatred of each other. Finally,
some actions offend and hurt each other. They can kill each
other to satisfy their hatred.
- The poison of jealousy and superiority over teachers.
This type of poison is hazardous. When students think they
are more intellectual than their teacher, they become
contemptuous and disrespectful of their teacher. Such
students will quickly change the teacher's knowledge, even
insult and kill the teacher. Because when controlled by this
poison, those students will have their entire minds controlled
by intellectual arrogance. Learners who cannot control and
eliminate this type of poison quickly develop other kinds of
toxins in their interactive scenarios.
Those types of toxins will cause you to produce harmful
energy particles. When negative energy particles are
produced, you are practising the path of transmutation, decay
and destruction.

Destroying Toxins in Learners

The best solution to help you identify and eliminate all

toxins when you play the role of a learner is to apply the
knowledge of the two truths and the smallest energy particle
to understand all those toxins. It is about analyzing all the
scenarios in the role of the learner to see what kind of energy
particles will be produced. If it is a negative energy particle, it
is poison; if a positive energy particle is produced, it is
kindness. That is the mechanism that generates negative or
positive energy particles.
When you understand the valuable information about
the truth of toxins as a learner through the two truths and the
types of energy particles produced, you will appreciate the
toxins group in the form of the Tao of teacher and student.
Next, you need to eliminate that toxin if it is present or if it
begins to appear in your thoughts. This toxicity can only be
completely eliminated when you activate all the values of
kindness as a learner.
Now, please follow me to unfreeze this toxin in the
multi-particle clusters of negative energy in your souls.
Because you have gone through many lives in the human
world, this type of toxin has thrived and caused the soul to
produce many harmful energy particles. Those negative
energy particles cause you ignorant illness, mental health
problems, and physical illnesses. It would be best to unfreeze
them so that the toxic information in the particle clusters can
vibrate. When those harmful energy particles vibrate, the data
from the lessons of the two truths will move in and neutralize
the toxic information. Therefore, for everyone, this method of
breaking the ice of toxins is highly magical to remove the
toxins and activate goodness in you. Even if you are new to

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

practicing in the human world, this method will also help you
gain valuable information to eliminate toxins when they
appear and develop. You must remember that the toxins of
each type of interaction can only be eliminated when you
practice activating the maximum kindness for that type of
You focus and think about the soul inside your body.
Then read aloud after me: Hey, tuelinh, please be happy
because we have attained enlightenment. Joy because you are
no longer alone in your quest to understand the three secrets.
In this human life, at this moment, we have achieved unity by
body, wisdom, and soul. In particular, we have understood the
three secrets you have searched for in countless human lives
and the sufferings you have endured. The loneliness and hurts
of past lives you have suffered from have been rewarded now.
We have regained the memory of the origin, the truth of the
suffering of the tuelinh life form, and the great vow to transform
into a human in suffering to seek liberation. Our achievements
through knowledge of the two truths and the transformation
mechanism of energy particles have helped us understand
ourselves and other tuelinhs; understand all things, events, and
phenomena in the universe, and understand destructive energy.
We and other souls all contain toxins inside, which are only
revealed and eliminated when we interact with each other to
create tribulation and suffering. Even though those sufferings
are not pleasant, we have helped each other recognize and
gradually eliminate toxins in the role of learners. Now, we
understand not only ourselves and each other but also the
nature of destructive energy. Destructive energy will invade
and disintegrate us as the toxins within us erupt and develop.

Destroying Toxins in Learners

They make us lose control and hurt each other. We have been
jealous, superior, and harmful to our fellow students and
teachers. Hey, tuelinh, you can cry. Let the tears of happiness
fall on my face. I am so happy to have helped you comprehend
the knowledge of the two truths. I will help you get rid of all
those toxins. We will work together to squeeze out the toxins
and activate the goodness in you. Dear Tuelinh, awaken all
clusters of energy particles related to your role as a learner
within you. Wake them up and awaken all the positive,
negative, and neutral energy particles involved in the group
interacting as learners. Let them awaken so that the positive
energy particles of will and power can receive the power of
knowledge of the two truths. Let the harmful energy particles
be shaken one last time before our enlightened wisdom and the
positive energy particles take control of them. Dear Tuelinh, do
not be afraid or ashamed when you see harmful information
transmitted from negative energy particles. It is not your fault.
It is in you because this poison exists in all souls and people.
Forgive yourself because those toxins have hurt your fellow
students and teachers. And please forgive the hurt that your
fellow students have caused you. Our enlightenment is our most
sincere gratitude to them. When we become enlightened, they
also know it and congratulate us. Therefore, you must be
energetic and robust to unite with me and practice squeezing
out all other toxins. Next, we dedicate this life to practising
helping and saving everyone and all species. Those are words of
deep gratitude to the first tuelinh and all our friends who have
accompanied us in countless lives of practice. In particular, they
are waiting for us to help them achieve enlightenment like us.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Hey, tuelinh, you and we will achieve success on the path of

sustainable transmutation.
When you complete this method, mentally ill people
will see intense conflicts from the soul. Those are emotions,
images, and sounds from harmful energy particles
transmitted to your brain. It would be best not to worry about
those phenomena because they are toxins released after a
long period of freezing. When they erupt, you continue to read
and listen to understand the knowledge of the two truths so
that the information of the knowledge moves into those
clusters of harmful energy particles and neutralizes them.
Your illness of intellectual ignorance, disease of mind, and
pathology will disappear.”
A few students immediately told the teacher, “Teacher,
it is as you said. When I listen to the teacher, I focus my
thoughts on the soul inside my body. Images from past lives
appeared clearly in my mind. If it were normal, I would have
been frightened by those hallucinations, but you told me
beforehand, so I was happy and observed those images. Those
are negative images, teacher.”
The teacher said, “Once the negative energy particles
are unfrozen, toxic information will be released through the
vibration of the negative energy particles. Then, the valuable
information of the knowledge of the two truths catches the
signal and moves into them to balance. Defrosting all groups
of toxins will miraculously help you overcome diseases of
ignorance of wisdom, the soul, and the body.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

Eliminating Toxins in The Role of Wisdom


"We continue to eliminate the toxins of the other

interacting group in the teacher-student form. That is the
poison of those who spread wisdom." After a few minutes of
rest, the teacher continued to lecture to enjoy a cup of tea.
While teaching the lesson on eliminating toxins in the
role of a learner, the teacher noticed intense conflicts within
the learner's soul. That shows that the teacher creating a
series of lectures to help students and everyone destroy
toxins is valuable and useful to them. He just gave his first
lecture, but it is an excellent source of inspiration for him
because of the values it brings to learners.
He looked at everyone and said, "You continue to share
your painful experiences of the interactive script group as a
wisdom spreader."
A male student sitting beside his mentally ill wife stood
up and said, "Teacher, my wife has been mentally ill for over
two years. In the early stages of the disease, my wife was still
conscious. At that time, she said that she often saw images of

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

God and Buddha. They often pat her head and talk to her. After
she lost control of her behaviour, she showed signs like saying
she was God or Buddha. There are even sayings as if she is
blessing everyone around her. My wife had stronger conflicts
than before while participating in the teacher's class. I have
understood the knowledge you taught about the conflicts that
must arise when patients participate in learning. From your
previous lectures, I guess that my wife's past life was also
someone who taught knowledge that was not true and caused
harm to many others. Therefore, her soul produced negative
energy particles that encoded images of using God or Buddha
to spread negative knowledge to everyone. Her soul had too
many negative energy particles related to her role as a
transmitter of knowledge, and poisonous information
controlled her entire mind. As a result, she has had mental
illness for over two years. Am I correct in analyzing the cause
of my wife's illness?"
The teacher replied, "You are such a wonderful
husband. When your wife is sick, you always love and
accompany her. Your love will miraculously remove the
information disorder problem in her soul, and your wife will
recover quickly. Your analysis is accurate through the
categories of expression and essence. The nature of the
problem will be decoded through repetitive expressions. That
shows that you are someone who can understand the two
truths very quickly."
Another student continued, "Teacher, I have had
experiences of participating in lectures on knowledge from
different religions and beliefs. I noticed that those who teach
and spread knowledge promote their faith; their views are the

Eliminating Toxins in The Role of Wisdom Spreaders

best in the world. They constantly criticize and defame other

religions and beliefs in front of their followers. Even in a
religion with many different branches, there are conflicts and
slander among the branches to attract followers to follow
their unit. These things make it impossible for learners to
distinguish between good and harmful values to learn and
apply. They make their students and followers afraid to
receive knowledge from other religions and beliefs. They even
use sermons in scriptures to instil fear in their students when
they violate the words of the leader or the god they are
worshipping. When I learned the knowledge of the two truths,
I understood that they had faith but did not understand
anything about the first tuelinh, the origin and the task of
practice in the human world.
"Those are your wonderful experiences. Those
experiences have helped you see the magic of the first tuelinh
in creating many religions and beliefs to help tuelinhs in the
human world have full interactive scenarios in the form of
teacher and student. Souls will live and practice the
knowledge of different religions and beliefs for many
lifetimes. However, they will not be able to remember their
past life memories. That is the ideal condition and
environment for souls to emerge and eliminate toxins when
they experience all suffering and calamities in the interactive
scenarios of teacher-disciple form. Therefore, we should not
criticize or discriminate against any religion or belief. We
need to help people see the truth of origin, the task of the
practising path to achieve enlightenment, and the immense
love of the first tuelinh." The teacher explained.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Another student continued, "Teacher, not everyone in

the world believes in the origin of humanity, the soul, cause
and effect, and reincarnation. They believe that each person
has only one life, and when they die, it's over. Therefore, they
are willing to create actions that hurt each other and all
species to satisfy their greed and ignorance."
The teacher replied, "Everything that has been is and
will happen is the truth of the universe because it is the truth
of the poison released when souls practice in human form in
the human world. You should be happy that the world has
people who do not believe in cause and effect, reincarnation,
tuelinh life forms, and God or Buddha. It would be best if you
were not sad about that because when each soul fully
experiences suffering and tribulations, they will believe and
practice according to enlightened knowledge. Your past lives
were just like them. You also did not believe in cause and
effect or reincarnation and the world of the soul. As a result,
you now have your answer. When experiencing suffering,
your soul will achieve enlightenment and understanding, and
you completely believe in those things. You need to
understand that the truth is not changed by one person's
beliefs, a group of people, or even humanity. Someone who
does not believe in reincarnation does not believe in cause
and effect. That is just a belief in a lack of enlightened
information. That belief cannot change that their souls still
have to reincarnate through many lives to force out toxins and
produce sustainable energy particles for their growth."
After that, the teacher continued to lecture, "When will
you and everyone live in the role of spreading knowledge? –
When you are a teacher teaching at school. You are the ones

Eliminating Toxins in The Role of Wisdom Spreaders

who are teaching a specific type of knowledge to your

students. You practice religions and beliefs, then preach the
knowledge you understand to believers and everyone. You
are the one who spreads the knowledge or methods learned
from books or someone to everyone. You practice rituals to
pray for everyone. In particular, it is all of your actions in life
because everyone sees those actions and receives
information from them, whether good or harmful.
Types of toxins that you need to recognize and
eliminate as a knowledge spreader:
- Teachers who teach in schools: they take advantage of
their position to profit from students by controlling scores.
They use grades or other benefits to satisfy the lust of
- Those who teach ignorant knowledge about liberation
from suffering through leaving home to practice, practising
rituals to pray to Buddha or God to be born in heaven after
death. That knowledge makes people ignorant and unaware
of the truth about humanity's origins and the mission of
practice in the human world.
- People who spread knowledge, methods, and spells to
satisfy the desire for wealth status and neutralize lousy
- People who practice fortune-telling and worship
rituals to God, Buddha, and gods.
- Those who teach knowledge cause people not to
practice good deeds but instead practice actions that are
harmful to others and all living things.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

- People in religion incite followers or people to war

and kill each other.
- Religious people propagate and criticize other
religions and beliefs.
- Teachers spread toxic ideas and wisdom to students.
That is the knowledge that does not bring sustainable
development to humans and all things and is the knowledge
that destroys the incredible solidarity of people and
- Teachers who insult, beat and kill students.
- Teachers who commit adultery with students and
- All actions that harm oneself, others, and all species
are toxins of the person who spreads wisdom to everyone. For
example, when parents conflict leading to divorce. Children
will receive harmful information from their parents' toxins.
They accept those toxins and merge with the toxins inside
them to believe that divorce is typical for husband and wife
when they are not compatible. As a result, when they grow up
and have families, they easily divorce when they feel
incompatible. That shows that each person's negative actions
make them the ones who spread toxic knowledge to others.
Please use the two truths and the smallest particle of
energy to understand all the thoughts and behaviours of
yourself and everyone in your interactions as a knowledge
spreader. It is any thought or action that causes people not to
know the truth of the three secrets the tuelinhs are searching
for, which is spreading human poison. If harmful energy
particles have been, are, and will be produced from thoughts

Eliminating Toxins in The Role of Wisdom Spreaders

to actions, they are toxins. Those thoughts and actions satisfy

one's interests but cause harm and injury to people, animals,
and all species.
When you understand the manifestations containing
toxins in each soul when they spread wisdom, you will be
enlightened about that type of toxicity. It would help if you
stopped spreading wisdom that contains poisons that you
have enlightened to. Next, you need to eliminate those toxins
in your soul through kind actions as a person teaching
knowledge. Only compassionate activities in the role of
teachers will help you remove those toxins from your soul.
When those toxic thoughts appear in your mind, you need to
eliminate them immediately. Always remember about yin and
yang energy particles to understand why they are produced.
You will easily control and eliminate toxins from there as a
wisdom spreader.
Please note that this toxin erupts strongly in every
human being and soul. In particular, when you have gone
through countless lifetimes of practice, the harmful energy
particles containing this type of poison in the structure of
your soul are numerous. It controls your entire mind. It makes
your soul unable to grow. That toxin causes you to produce
countless harmful energy particles at the end of a reaction in
your interaction as a teacher. So, the consequences are
enormous. The reason is that knowledge has the
characteristic of spreading everywhere and from generation
to generation. Therefore, the form of teacher and disciple is
the knot that prevents the tuelinhs from growing up. To untie
this knot and produce sustainable energy particles for the
soul, you must use the two truths and the transformation

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

mechanism of energy particles as a guideline for

enlightenment and practice.
Before practising the toxin-breaking method as a
wisdom spreader, those with mental or physical illnesses
should not be afraid because there will be a lot of information
containing toxins that will be transmitted to your brain from
harmful energy particles. You will see many images related to
Buddha, God, the devil, sweet words, and negative words, and
they play like movies in your mind. Be happy to let them shake
and then be balanced by the valuable information of
knowledge of the two truths.
And now, please focus and think on the soul within you.
Read aloud after me: Hey, tuelinh! I congratulate you.
Congratulations on your enlightenment and understanding of
the three secrets all tuelinhs are searching for after countless
lifetimes of practice. You have understood yourself and other
souls, everything in the universe, and the energy of destruction.
You have been lonely because of a long journey searching for
those three secrets through suffering and tribulation. It would
be best if you were happy because we have unity between
wisdom, body and soul. It is our great power that in this life, at
this moment, we can understand our toxins and those of other
souls in our role as teachers and spreaders of knowledge. We
already have the intellectual light of the two truths and the
smallest particle of energy illuminating us. We are enlightened.
Dear tuelinh, awaken all groups of energy particles composed
of all interaction scenarios when you act as a teacher and
spread knowledge to others. Awaken all the positive energy
particles of generous and intellectual power and the associated
neutral energy particles. In particular, awaken all the harmful

Eliminating Toxins in The Role of Wisdom Spreaders

energy particles created in your practice when you are a

teacher, a religious person, a believer, a person who spreads
knowledge and methods that hurt everyone and all species. Be
strong, and don't be afraid when you see the memories of
suffering and hurt that you have caused to everyone and all
creatures. Let's wake them all up so that the value of the
knowledge of the two truths empowers the system of positive
energy particles and neutralizes the toxins in the negative
energy particles. Let the harmful energy particles be shaken
and arrogant one last time before the wisdom of the two truths
and the power of the positive energy particle system take
control of them. Hey tuelinh, you are so happy because you have
a physical body and a brain that helps you understand the
knowledge of the two truths. Therefore, forget the suffering and
hurt of everyone stored in the harmful energy particles that
make up a part of you. This toxin is not unique to you; it exists
in all tuelinhs and inhibits our growth. Forgive yourself for the
mistakes those toxins made that have dominated and
controlled you in past lives. When you forgive yourself, you will
force out all those toxins. Next, we dedicate this human life
together to help and save everyone and all species. Those will
be sincere apologies and gratitude to all the friends who have
accompanied you in past lives. They have vowed to practice
with you in the human world and help each other eliminate
toxins to transform tuelinh into maturity. Let's be strong; we
will succeed on the journey to eliminate toxins and maximize
kindness to transform yin and yang energy embryos into energy
filters. We must help our friends who are still immersed in
toxicity and suffering within other human bodies. They are
waiting for us to help them. They will be happy to know that we

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

have achieved great success by having enlightened wisdom and

understanding the three secrets. When you grow up and
practice the sustainable transformation mechanism, it is deeply
grateful to the first tuelinh and all tuelinhs and humans. So,
please don't give up; add strength to me so I can help you
practice dedication to everyone and all creatures. Besides, I also
vow to sacrifice this body to help you complete your practising
mission. We must also force out the toxins in other forms and
maximize our goodness. We will achieve the task soon.
After helping his students break through the toxic ice in
his role as a teacher and spreading knowledge, he noticed a
fierce conflict within them. Because the teacher knows that
the types of poison in the form of teachers' and students'
relationships are highly numerous and dangerous. It inhibits
the growth of tuelinhs in the human world. It is easier for
souls to destroy all poisons with the teacher's presence in the
human world. Therefore, each soul, each person in this life,
receiving and practising the knowledge from the teacher is a
blessing to them.
Then he told his students, "Unfreezing this poison will
cause your souls to clash violently. Please relax and rest
before leaving class."

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Destroying Toxins of People Practicing

Meditation and Worship Rituals

When everyone in the classroom became quiet, the

teacher started a new lecture after a week as usual. The
teacher asked the students, "You have experienced breaking
the toxic ice in two interacting groups: learners and wisdom
spreaders. Those two groups of interactions cover all the
toxins in the teacher-disciple form. Their amount of toxins is
tremendous because it is stored in the original negative
energy particle and the negative energy particle system of the
soul. When you practised the poisoning removal method in
the role of wisdom spreaders, I saw you have violent conflicts
in your souls. Especially in people with mental health
problems and serious medical conditions."
A woman with terminal cancer said, "Teacher, starting
from the first toxin removal lesson until today, I have had
severe bone pain for two weeks. It hurts all day, and at night,
it hurts worse. Are toxins being released from my soul? That's
why I'm in such pain.
The teacher replied, "In principle, it is true. When toxins
in the soul are released, depending on the level of toxins and
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

the disease problem each person faces, there are different

manifestations. The results of your gene sequencing show
that genetic factors do not cause your cancer. That's because
there are groups of toxic negative energy particles in the soul
that bombard cells and cause them to transform into cancer
cells. When you learn knowledge containing true information
and sustainable development values, those toxins will escape
all of your cells. As a result, you have reactions such as sharp
pain in your joints and bones. It would help if you went to the
hospital for a bone scan and tests to see how the disease has
metastasized. However, as I have analyzed from the first class
sessions, expressions of intense conflict will help you heal
your illness most effectively. Therefore, there is nothing to
worry about. Be peaceful and happy; never fear that you will
die. When you fear you will die, death will come to you very
quickly. On the contrary, death will leave you when you do not
fear death and instead practice activating kindness to help
and save people. You will enjoy life until you die of old age."
Another student told the teacher, "Teacher, I had an
extreme conflict last class. Even when I listen to your lecture
again at home, I still have a conflict. I felt cold, saw images of
ghosts, my heart beat fast, and I felt nervous when reading the
method of forcing out toxins. But when it ended, my body
became warm, and I felt like my mental illness was almost
completely recovered, teacher."
A female student confided, "Teacher, I have bone and
joint pain due to an accident. I had treatment at the hospital
and acupuncture, but it didn't help. However, after many days
of studying, according to the teacher's knowledge, I found that
my illness was almost completely cured. I did not use

Destroying Toxins of People Practicing Meditation and Worship Rituals

medication when participating in therapy. Now I can stand for

a long time and run."
The teacher said, "That is the power of information that
contains actual value and has sustainable development. When
the soul and cells in the human body are information disorder
and coded incorrectly, the valuable knowledge of the two
truths will help neutralize and restructure the function of
each group of energy particles in the soul and cell groups in
the body.
You need to know that when you understand the three
secrets, you will no longer be subject to information disorder
in the direction of decay and destruction. At that time, toxins
will be eliminated from your soul and body. As a result, you
will not have illness. If you have a previous disease, you will
recover very quickly."
"Teacher, I still wonder why your knowledge is so
powerful in treating diseases related to mental illness and
disease. In my case, I often had the phenomenon of having my
body possessed by demons, and sometimes my ancestors
possessed me. Then, I can know and say many things related
to everyone. I've had that issue for nearly twenty years. In the
early stages, I learned the teacher's knowledge through books
but never felt cured. When I asked you why I was still not
cured. After sharing with you, you told me to stop meditating
and checking for ghosts in houses and instead focus on
reading the two truths seriously. Miraculously, after a short
time, I no longer had those phenomena. I feel like my body has
become healthy and no longer gets sick. Did I recover from my
illness because I understood the nature of the problem related
to my illness?" A woman in the classroom asked the teacher.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

The teacher replied, "That's true. That is the essence of

receiving enough valuable information for sustainable
development. Then, that information will help neutralize
clusters of negative energy particles and information
entanglement in the soul. That's why I advise you to read
books and stop practising meditation seriously."
After a moment of reflection, the teacher continued to
lecture, "The poison of the form of the Tao of teachers and
students has been unfrozen in the previous two lessons.
However, it is still insufficient to help you eliminate the toxins
in that form. Do you know why? Because people have
difficulty thinking deeply about destroying all the toxins
inside the soul, healing will be difficult. During the practising
journey of souls in the human world, some too many souls
practice meditation to achieve enlightenment or supernatural
powers, and others practice worship rituals. The amount of
harmful energy particles produced is tremendous when they
are practised for many lifetimes. As a result, it causes people
to suffer from all kinds of mental illnesses, such as being able
to tell fortunes, having magical powers, hallucinations, and
demons controlling the body. If you do not thoroughly
understand these issues, your disease cannot be cured.
However, when you know and practice what I say, you will
recover very quickly.
Did you know? The first few years on the journey to
spread knowledge of two truths. Then, I had yet to transform
the understanding associated with the smallest energy
particle. I have guided some students in meditation to help
them realize heaven, hell, and some secrets in the universe.
Before they practised meditation, I warned them carefully

Destroying Toxins of People Practicing Meditation and Worship Rituals

about the messengers of the first tuelinh. The messengers will

lie to cause the meditator to develop poison through greed for
magical powers, intellectual arrogance, and attachment to the
dharma and supernatural powers they learned from the five
messengers. I warned them not to learn anything from
Buddha or God when meditating people met them. Because
people will not meet Buddha or God, instead there will be five
messengers who transform and pretend to be Buddha or God
when the meditator thinks of wanting to meet them. The five
messengers' mission is to help practitioners eliminate toxins
and activate goodness. As a result, those students did not obey
me. They learned magic from Buddha and God during
meditation without knowing they were messengers
pretending to. After that, they no longer listened to me
because they thought they had magic and supernatural
powers, while the teacher did not. Why do they feel like that?
Such is the poison of intellectual arrogance and the mission of
the five messengers. The messengers told them they had more
magic and wisdom than their teacher. Of course, they believe
it. That is true in all my practice lives in the human world
during the first stage of spreading enlightened wisdom. After
witnessing my students' loss of control with that toxin, I
stopped teaching meditation to everyone. It is perfect and
valuable for the practitioner if a person understands the
knowledge and follows the instructions to practice
meditation. On the contrary, if the meditator does not
understand knowledge and does not listen to education, they
will be unable to control the poison in the form of teacher and
student when it breaks out.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

You need to know the level of toxins in people who

practice meditation and worship rituals and their
consequences. As follows:
- People who practice meditation:
+ People who practice meditation to achieve calmness
and peace in life. The purpose sounds excellent and valuable,
but it is an ignorant purpose. Because the souls live in human
form to have suffering and tribulation. Next is to identify and
force out the toxins in them. Finally, practice producing
positive energy particles to help the tuelinhs mature and
transform the yin and yang energy embryo to become
sustainable. They do not understand that true happiness and
peace can only come when people act kindly to help and save
everyone and all living things. Therefore, practising
meditation to gain peace and happiness is the poison of
ignorance. In addition, it also inhibits the journey and time to
practice sustainable energy particle production.
+ People who practice meditation to achieve
enlightened wisdom and become enlightened beings. This
level of toxin is potent in controlling the human mind. They
will never gain enlightened knowledge and become
enlightened beings through meditation practice. Meditating
to know about life forms in the universe does not help them
produce sustainable energy particles for the soul's growth. If
meditation led to enlightenment, tuelinhs would not need to
incarnate into humans to practice. You need to understand
that meditators can know something in the universe through
meditation within the understanding of their soul before
incarnating as a human. Therefore, re-knowing things they
already know that have no value in helping them grow is

Destroying Toxins of People Practicing Meditation and Worship Rituals

meaningless. As a result, these people believe that they have

become enlightened and have become enlightened beings.
They do not practice awareness to force out toxins and
produce positive energy particles in the human world's four
forms of the Tao. As a result, their souls increasingly encode
incorrect information on their practising journey in the
human world because of their experience and supernatural
abilities. That makes it easier for them in their next lives in the
human world to open their third eye, and they will continue
to immerse themselves in meditation because that type of
toxin has dominated them.
+ People who practice meditation to gain supernatural
powers and magic. They quickly lose control of their
behaviour by the magical powers or mantras they learn
during meditation. They can communicate with the spiritual
life form through meditation, which is the result of their many
lifetimes of practising meditation. However, for every tuelinh
that has not yet transformed into a human, it is normal. There
is nothing talented or accomplished on the path of practice.
It's like an adult chicken wanting to turn into an egg to
understand the world inside the eggshell. They do not
understand that the things they see and know through
meditation are things their soul knew before incarnating as
humans. As a result, they were immersed in meditation when
they learned many magic spells and mantras from five
messengers pretending to be Buddha or God. They think they
are more talented than other practitioners. Therefore, instead
of forcing out toxins and activating goodness in suffering and
calamities, they apply magical powers and mantras to
suppress demons and help people achieve their desires in

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

prayer rituals. Those actions cause their souls to become

uncontrolled by the poison of that ignorance. They produce
many harmful energy particles through the ignorant activities
of thinking that their magical powers and mantras will help
people overcome suffering. And they also naively believe that
they have achieved outstanding achievements in their
spiritual path. When the amount of harmful energy particles
in their souls is too much, they will become mentally ill people
with images of Buddha, God, and demons in their minds.
When they are still conscious and have not lost control of their
behaviour, they always see Buddha, God, and monsters
everywhere, whether they are meditating or not.
- People who practice worship rituals:
+ People who practice worship because of suffering, the
desire for wealth or status, and the desire to neutralize
negative karma. These are rituals to pray to Buddha, God, or
gods. When practising rituals, they killed animals to make
offerings for worship. They believe that prayer and offerings
of animal bodies, God, Buddha or gods will help them
neutralize bad karma, overcome suffering, and gain wealth
and status. The toxins of the ritual practice of supplication are
dominating these people. They became ignorant and killed
the animals. They ignorantly think that God, Buddha, or other
gods will assist in their brutal actions. And they also believe
that they will get help from those praying rituals. They did not
know that the actions of killing animals combined with
praying rituals caused their souls to produce a lot of harmful
energy particles. When these harmful energy particles
become abundant in their souls, they will suffer from mental
illnesses or serious illnesses. They will even encounter more

Destroying Toxins of People Practicing Meditation and Worship Rituals

misfortunes in life. The toxic energy particles in their souls

hold images of gods, Buddha, God, and animal deaths. That is
why many people have their bodies taken over by demonic
phenomena. The truth is that no devil is taking over their
bodies. The toxic information in their souls controls their
minds when they have many harmful energy particles.
+ People whose profession is a shaman. They may have
learned worship methods from their teachers. They may have
practised meditation for a long time and have ways to practice
worship and use supernatural powers. It is possible that
people naturally can make offerings - in fact, in past lives, they
practised the profession of offerings. These people lose
control of their thoughts and behaviour because of the toxins
inside their souls. They think that when they worship, they
help others by helping people pray to Buddha, God, or gods.
They are ignorant because of toxins' influence and do not
understand the truth about their origin and practising
mission. That makes them increasingly practice the
mechanism of producing harmful energy particles of the toxin
that is the spreader of toxic intelligence. To perform the
rituals, they asked people to slaughter many types of animals
as offerings. In directing the killing of animals and spreading
superstition based on taking advantage of people's belief in
Buddha, God, and gods, their souls produce countless toxic
energy particles. That is the reason why many shamanic
teachers suffer sudden death while they are alive. The reason
is that when they direct the killing of many animals, those
animal souls resent the teacher and will follow that teacher.
When the negative energy in the teacher is too much, it will
cause the teacher to die suddenly. In particular, when the

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

souls of these teachers are reincarnated as new life, in mild

cases, they are controlled by phenomena such as demons, and
in severe cases, they have mental illness.
You have witnessed many people suffering from mental
problems related to meditation and prayer rituals. But they
think they get that blessing from Buddha, God, and gods to
help people through worship. You all know what their
consequences are. Among you in this class are also people
who meditate with miraculous powers and practice worship
rituals in past and present lives.
Have you understood why, when you read and learn the
two truths, all mental and physical illnesses will be cured?
Especially those who have phenomena such as being
possessed by demons or having abilities such as telling
fortunes for others. No demons possess your body, nor can
you neutralize or pray for anyone through rituals and
supernatural powers. It's all about the operation of the energy
particle structure inside each soul, and the practising journey
must include suffering to help the tuelinhs mature and
achieve enlightenment. You will be cured immediately when
you understand everything and the nature of the disease
problem. That is why many people, after seriously reading
and learning the two truths, no longer have the phenomenon
of demons possessing their bodies and are no longer able to
tell fortunes. In particular, people with severe mental illness
also recover.
Now, please focus on the soul inside your body to
eliminate this toxin. Read out loud after me:
Hey, tuelinh! It is magnificent that we have known and
learned the two truths. I congratulate you because you have
Destroying Toxins of People Practicing Meditation and Worship Rituals

finally achieved this outstanding achievement after a journey of

practice in human form for many lifetimes. The two truths have
helped us understand the three secrets all tuelinhs search for.
We know about ourselves and other tuelinhs that we all have
evil and good within us. Poison and goodness can only be
revealed through the suffering of the tribulation that we have
vowed to incarnate as humans to practice. We have a great
mission with other friends to create interactive scenarios in
each life and help each other. We helped each other to identify
and eliminate toxins and then activate kindness. On the journey
of practice in human lives, toxins have been discovered and
removed from the soul in addition to activated good deeds.
Although you have lost control due to the toxicity of the teacher-
disciple form in your meditation practices and worship rituals,
you have now achieved great success. Hey, tuelinh, please
rejoice and cry for this happiness. Because now we understand
all things and the energy of destruction. From understanding
ourselves and other souls, we have realised that when the toxins
within us control the entire positive energy particle system,
destructive energy will enter us through the excess harmful
energy particles. That leads to the destruction of countless
tuelinhs. Dear Tuelinh, we have found the cause and understood
everything through knowing the two truths. We have the power
from that knowledge to force out all the toxins in the original
yin and yang energy embryo. Therefore, awaken all energy
particle clusters with informational content related to
meditation practice and rituals. Awaken the positive and
neutral energy particles so that they have more truth power
from knowing the two truths. In particular, awakening harmful
energy particles involves information that you practised

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

meditation and rituals in past life without understanding that

those actions were detrimental to animals, people, and yourself.
Awaken them so they can receive robust information from the
wisdom of the two truths. They will be neutralised and become
more stable energy particles thanks to the knowledge of the two
truths and the positive energy particle system. Hey, tuelinh,
don't be afraid or ashamed when you see the harmful
information you have caused to animals, others, and yourself.
This type of toxin exists in all souls, and all have been helping
each other recognise and remove it from their souls. There is
nothing to be afraid or ashamed of because we are living in a
human environment to perform a noble mission. Therefore,
each soul's achievements are a worthy result after a journey full
of suffering and tribulation. Hey, tuelinh, be strong, and join me
in uniting body, wisdom and soul into a person with the power
of knowing the two truths. We must eliminate all the toxins in
the teacher-disciple Tao and other Tao forms. Next, we must
help people and other souls understand the three secrets to
transform yin and yang embryos into energy filters. Our
attainment of enlightened wisdom is the joy of all souls and
even those tuelinhs who suffered from us in past lives. Forgive
yourself to have the strength to help them. Let us dedicate this
human life to helping and saving everyone by practising the
mechanism of sustainable transformation. Those are genuine
apologies to all people and tuelinhs. Besides, it is also a deep
gratitude to the first tuelinh for his silent help to all of us. We
will achieve outstanding achievements in this human life.
Therefore, I vow to dedicate my body to you to practice the path
of generating positive energy particles.”

Destroying Toxins of People Practicing Meditation and Worship Rituals

After a few minutes for the students to relax after

finishing the toxin-breaking method in the role of people
practising meditation and worship rituals, the teacher asked,
"How do you feel?"
Some students answered, "I saw images of killing
animals and demons. I see images like Buddha and God. I
shook my whole body, then my body became warm." "You see,
if you touch any group of toxic information in your soul, you
will immediately have intense conflicts. Therefore, to
eliminate toxins, you must read and re-listen to each lecture
many times. The goal is for your soul to absorb the most
accurate and valuable information fully. Then, you will
practice the most effective production of sustainable energy
particles." The teacher answered.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Eliminating Toxins as a National Leader

When the teacher entered the classroom and prepared

for a new lecture, several students said, "Teacher, your
lectures on removing toxins from the soul have great power.
Every time I listen and practice eliminating toxins at home,
my body has strong reactions. But it's great, sir. After the past
few days, my illness has decreased a lot. The health of body
and mind is getting better and better."
After enjoying a cup of hot tea, the teacher said, "The
interaction scenarios in the form of teacher and student
contain the most toxins on the growth journey of each tuelinh.
If each person quickly squeezes out that type of toxin, other
toxins will also be easily eliminated, and the soul will mature
very quickly. On the contrary, if the pressing of toxins in the
form of teacher and disciple is slow, other toxins will be very
difficult to press; as a result, the soul will become sick and
have difficulty growing up. The reason is that the form of
teacher and student helps each soul develop intellectually and
cognitively. Therefore, the toxins of this type of interaction
are a bottleneck that inhibits each soul's growth and prevents
the elimination of other types of toxins. On the contrary, if you

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

can squeeze out the toxins and activate the goodness of the
interacting groups through teacher and student, it is the
magical key to motivating each soul to produce sustainable
energy particles.
Awareness and understanding are big problems for
every person in the human world. It is also a big problem for
all tuelinh life forms that they need help understanding the
three secrets. Therefore, when it comes to the issue of
awareness, wisdom, and ignorance, you should not think
those statements are not polite to everyone and all souls.
Because of the prevalence and danger of toxins in the
form of teachers and students, your souls have produced
countless harmful energy particles during your practice lives.
That causes your soul to be immersed in other toxins and
unable to mature. Therefore, when implementing the method
of loading knowledge of the truth and the value of sustainable
development of the two truths, you have harsh reactions in
your soul and body. Because of the nature of this type of toxin,
I repeatedly remind students to study seriously and diligently
to understand knowledge. If learners accurately understand
the two truths, everyone will practice correctly. When
practised incorrectly, it means people are spreading false
wisdom to others. In addition, in many therapy courses, I
always remind patients to listen to me when studying and
practising. Listen to me to learn and practice the knowledge
accurately to make the treatment most effective. The truth has
proven that anyone who does not listen to my advice will not
recover from their illness, will not overcome suffering, and
cannot help their soul grow.

Eliminating Toxins as a National Leader

Today, you continue to eliminate toxins in the national

form. In the interaction groups of this Tao form, there will not
be many people with harsh reactions in their souls and bodies
like the teacher and disciple form. However, if someone has
many types of toxins and harmful energy particles associated
with these types of toxins, they will still have severe reactions.
Therefore, when you see harmful images and information
about the national Way transmitted from the soul to the brain,
observe them as if watching a short movie. Don't be afraid or
worried about that toxic information in your soul. Because
every tuelinh has all kinds of toxins in the four forms of the
Tao, there may be a difference in the level of each type of
A male student immediately said, "Teacher, I asked you
to participate in this therapy course because I have been
depressed for more than a year. I have phenomena such as
fear and anxiety when alone at home. I always think that
someone is watching and killing me. When I went to the
hospital, the doctors concluded that I had depression and a
fast heartbeat. For more than a year, I have had to take heart
medication and depression medication. However, my illness
became more and more serious. Listening to the teacher, from
the first days of attending class, I no longer took heart and
depression medications. As a result, after two months of
studying, I no longer have heart palpitations, and the
symptoms of anxiety and fear when staying at home alone are
still there. When I have such phenomena, I listen to the
teacher's lecture without worrying or fearing. I had the same
dreams many times; I was a general and ordered the killing of
many people. When I have dreams like that, I often wake up

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

in the middle of the night, then I feel scared, and my body is

freezing. I want to ask you, sir, are those toxins and negative
energy particles in the national form? Because the teacher
once said that if the patients understand their problem and
the illness they suffer from, then the illness and the problem
will disappear."
The teacher said, "It is true that I said when you
understand the truth, all diseases and problems will
disappear. In addition, you must remember that diseases of
the wisdom, soul, and body caused by any type of toxin must
be healed with that information. If a killer toxin causes your
intellectual and mental illness, you must eliminate that toxin
and act kindly in saving people. You cannot use not killing
animals to heal the toxic group of murderous acts. The
information in healing body, mind, and wisdom must be
accurate to help you recover from illness, and your soul will
mature quickly. You cannot know about past lives that you
lost control of your behaviour and caused harm to people and
species in interacting groups. Therefore, I must provide you
with complete information. That is why you must practice
recognizing and eliminating all toxins in each form of the Way.
When you have mild to severe reactions in each interaction
group, that is a sign that you recognize that this type of toxin
has thrived in your soul.
Like the story the man just shared, your illness and the
recurring images in your dreams are toxic information in the
form of the national Tao. It has been encoded in the harmful
energy particles of the soul from past lives. That information
bombards and begins to control the brain, which is a sign of
mental illness. Anxiety, fear, and depression are just the first

Eliminating Toxins as a National Leader

stages of the disease. However, receiving valuable

information helps neutralize those toxins. I congratulate you
on your initial achievements in healing your illness."
After sipping a cup of hot tea, the teacher continued his
lecture, "We will eliminate toxins together as leaders of the
nation this morning.
Do you know who the national leaders are? When it
comes to the phrase national leader, you will likely think of it
as the header of a country. However, we need to understand
more fully: national leaders are representatives of the people
to protect the rights and interests of the people within the
scope of their management and leadership from the local level
up to the highest level within a national unit. That is:
- The heads of operations and general management of a
- The leaders manage different areas of a country.
- Heads of regions and territories within the country.
- Those who enforce and manage the law at all levels
and fields.
- Executives and managers in the armed forces.
- Managers and executives at grassroots levels.
- People in leadership roles can be generally
understood as those who perform tasks to serve the rights
and interests of the people, and they receive salaries from tax
contributions from the people. That is the most complete
Next, you need to identify and understand the types of
toxins in the interaction scenarios of each tuelinh when they
play the role of national leaders. As follows:
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

- Leaders embezzle and corrupt money from the state

budget and the people.
- Incompetent leaders cause people to live in poverty,
without prosperity and development.
- Leaders collude with traders or businesses to get rich
from destroying the country's natural resources. That is
cutting down forests, exploiting soil, stone, and water
resources, causing damage to the ecosystem of all species and
- Leaders issue policies that benefit a particular group
of people while causing negative consequences for the people.
- Leaders take advantage of beliefs and religion to fool
people. That makes it easy for leaders to rule and exploit the
- The leader appropriates people's wealth and land.
- Leaders issue tax policies that force people to live in a
situation of paying many taxes and penalties.
- Leaders let people die in epidemics and natural
- Leaders collude with merchants and businesses to get
rich from natural disasters and epidemics of the people.
- Leaders oppress, beat, and kill people.
- The leader propagates racial and ethnic
discrimination and incites hatred between nations.
- Leaders incite and oppress the economies of other
countries, causing their people to live in poverty.

Eliminating Toxins as a National Leader

- The leader incites and invades another country. That

causes soldiers to die on the battlefield and people of other
countries to die.
- Leaders are ignorant in developing their country to
become strong, so other countries invade them. As a result,
they caused soldiers and people to die on the battlefield, and
people's lives sank into poverty and suffering.
Among the leader's toxins, the toxins that cause war,
including being invaded and going to invade, are the most
dangerous toxins humans experience when interacting as
leaders. The poisons of that ignorant intelligence caused
countless soldiers and people of their own and other
countries to die.
The toxicity of interactive scenarios as a leader causes
a lot of harm to people and all species. It stands behind the
poison of the teacher-disciple form. When this type of poison
in the form of a national Way breaks out and develops, it will
hurt many people and even kill countless people. They do not
understand that they are incarnated as humans and have the
advantage of being leaders to force out toxins and activate
goodness within their souls. That is a considerable advantage
when everyone understands the truth of the three secrets
humans and tuelinhs are searching for. They can use this to
produce countless positive and stable neutral and negative
energy particles to help their souls mature quickly. Through
position and power, policies are promulgated to help people
develop sustainably, and the country live in peace and
prosperity. That is to build policies of solidarity and harmony
between countries so that war does not occur. Those
advantages are rare and not available to countless souls to

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

promote the practice of sustainable energy particle

A student interrupted the teacher, "Teacher, can all
souls live as national leaders while undergoing spiritual
practice in the human world?"
The Master replied, "All tuelinhs must go through life as
leaders. However, depending on cultivating wisdom and
understanding during spiritual practice, each soul can take on
leadership roles at different levels and powers. For example,
a tuelinh, during the practice in past lives, achieved the
wisdom to lead and govern people at a basic level. In their
current life, they can only lead and manage people at an
equivalent level, and if they are in a higher position, they must
cultivate a huge amount of knowledge. However, if they try to
achieve a higher position than their soul is capable of by using
money or connections to get it, the consequence is that they
will easily die suddenly or have to go to prison because of a
lack of intelligence to overcome the toxins of greed and
ignorance. That is the cause and effect of toxic out-of-control
behaviour as a leader."
Another student immediately said, "Teacher, that is
why in the lesson on wisdom and the enlightened mind, you
said not to use the money to buy status as an official, but
instead to cultivate wisdom and dedicate intelligence to help
the people. Thus, a leader's talent and power position depend
on the informational values each soul has retained from past
lives and the effort to cultivate the wisdom of the present life.
Suppose a person does not have valuable information about
management and administration experience to help the
country prosper and prosper. In that case, they use money

Eliminating Toxins as a National Leader

and connections to become the country's top leaders, and

they will easily cause harm to the country. Even because no
positive energy is involved in benefiting the people from their
past lives to protect them, they are easily killed by power
struggles or live in prison for embezzlement and corruption.
Is that right, teacher?"
The teacher replied, "That's true. The ignorance and
out-of-control toxins in the role of a leader cause countless
souls not to recognize or even believe in their origin and
mission in the human world. They are immersed in stealing
money from the people and the country's budget. They even
guide their relatives and acquaintances together to become
greedy and intellectually ignorant officials."
Another student asked the teacher, "Teacher, in the
history of countries worldwide, their people worshipped
generals and leaders as saints because they helped people
destroy enemies when their country was invaded. I wonder if
those saints are true saints and achieved enlightenment?"
The teacher said, "There is a reason why people of all
countries worship them as saints. Because they sacrificed
their lives to unite the people against the invasion and killing
of soldiers from other countries, they are the great heroes of
their people, so they are revered by the people and canonized
as saints. However, from the truth of the three secrets, from
the knowledge of the two truths and the smallest energy
particle, and through the mechanism of energy particle
production, you will see the nature of those things. The
leaders uniting to protect the lives of their people from
invasion and killing from other countries are their actions
that produce positive energy particles. However, they led the

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

people to activate the toxin of hatred for the enemy. They

killed the soldiers on the other side of the front line, which
was producing harmful energy particles. Because of killing
humans, a lot of toxic energy particles are produced. It causes
their soul structure to be disconnected, and destructive
energy will attack, causing decay within them by the vibration
of excess harmful energy particles. It is also unfortunate for
each person to witness the situation of relatives and family
being killed by soldiers of another country or from the other
side of the front line. They need a journey of many more lives
to transform the negative energy particle structure in their
You need to know that a saint and an enlightened being
as a leader must bring peace and prosperity to the people. It
includes the people of their own country and the people of
other countries. They do not cause wars to invade other
countries or let other countries invade their country. That is
the true saint and enlightened person in his role as a national
It would be best to remember that the territory and
resources such as sea, water, and land on Earth do not belong
to any country, anyone, or dominant group. It belonged to the
universe and was born from the yin and yang embryo of the
first tuelinh. He has been protecting and developing it. He
created the Earth so that all tuelinhs have an environment to
practice, not so that humans can fight over it and kill each
Now, please focus on your inner soul to eliminate the
toxins in your role as a leader. Read out loud after me:

Eliminating Toxins as a National Leader

Hey, tuelinh. Do you know? The path of leading and

ruling a country or people is more challenging than what
people and tuelinhs think. It is complicated because we quickly
lose control due to the toxins in the root harmful energy
particles and the negative energy particle system that
dominates and controls our minds. It isn't effortless because we
do not have enough intelligence and understanding to practice
activating the goodness that a leader must do. Those things are
one of the reasons why you and all other souls must incarnate
as practitioners for many lifetimes in the human world. Hey,
tuelinh! It would help if you were happy because we have
understood the three secrets that you and other tuelinhs have
made great vows to incarnate as humans for many lifetimes of
practice to search for. In this life, at this moment, we have
understood those three secrets through the knowledge of two
noble truths. We have understood the poison and goodness
within ourselves and other tuelinhs. We understand the nature
of everything in the universe and the energy of destruction.
Therefore, rejoice; it is the joy of success on a path full of
suffering due to a journey with countless lives of practice you
have gone through. Hey, tuelinh, join me in uniting body,
wisdom and soul to receive the power of enlightened wisdom
from knowing the two truths. The light of enlightenment helps
us understand the three secrets and the sustainable path of
transformation to become an enlightened being. Therefore, at
this time, we must remove the poison as a leader within you
after many lifetimes of you losing control due to this poison.
Dear Tuelinh, please awaken all groups of energy particles,
including positive, neutral, and negative particles related to the
information content when you were a leader in past lives.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Awaken them, let the positive energy particles of love for the
people be empowered by the knowledge of the two truths. Let
the harmful energy particles of ignorance and greed as a leader
awaken. Let them be shaken one last time by the arrogance that
poisons them. Because then they will be neutralized by the
power of positive energy particles and enlightened wisdom
from the two truths. Hey, tuelinh, don't be afraid or worried
when you see harmful information as a leader from the negative
energy particles transmitted because those toxins exist in all
souls. Please observe them so we can have more strength for a
sustainable transmutation process by activating our goodness.
You should feel happy because, in this life, you have my vow to
dedicate this human life to eliminating all toxins and practising
the path of sustainable transformation in all forms. Let's
practice the production of sustainable energy particles
together out of love and responsibility to all people and
creatures. Those are the deepest apologies and gratitude to
everyone in the past and the first tuelinh. Hey, tuelinh, please
forgive yourself for the mistakes you made to everyone and all
species in past lives when you were a leader. Only by forgiving
yourself will you have the strength to force out all the toxins and
activate the goodness within yourself. Outstanding
achievements are waiting for you ahead. Therefore, please join
me in determining to complete the mission of practising to
mature and become an enlightened being. Let's work together
to help everyone and all species transform along the path of
producing sustainable energy particles through enlightened
knowledge of the two truths.
You should perform this toxin removal method
multiple times for each toxin type. It is beneficial in activating

Eliminating Toxins as a National Leader

the soul's compassion to have the power to eliminate toxins

through practical actions of helping and saving people and all
species. Remember, you must practice helping and rescuing
others in all interaction scenarios in the four forms of the Tao.
Toxins can be thoroughly eliminated only when practising the
mechanism of producing positive energy particles. Otherwise,
learning and understanding the knowledge of the two truths
will become meaningless."

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Destroying Toxins as Citizens for the


After a few hours of lunch break, when the lecture on

eliminating toxins as a leader ended, the students were fully
present in the classroom. Everyone's stories disappeared and
were replaced by silence when they saw the teacher had
entered the classroom. The teacher started the lecture after
enjoying the first cup of tea.
When the teacher was preparing to lecture, a student
said, "Teacher, I thought that when I practised removing
toxins as a leader, I would not react to my soul. Yet
phenomena such as difficulty breathing, headaches and a little
fear appeared in my body. After that, my body sweated a lot.
In my past life, I took actions that hurt people when I
experienced situations as a leader. Maybe the amount of
negative energy particles produced from that scenario hasn't
caused me to have a mental illness. However, suppose that
toxin is not eliminated while the body and mind are alert. In
that case, it can still easily break out into mental illness when
other groups of negative energy particles are increased. From
my experience, it is precious to recognize and eliminate toxins
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

in all interacting groups in the four forms. In addition to

helping people heal from illness, it also helps people of all ages
prevent illnesses from coming to them in the future. I
conclude that learning the wisdom of the two truths is an
essential job for everyone, whether they are children or the
The teacher said, "It is true, the value of knowledge of
the two truths not only helps each tuelinh attain the unified
Way of the universe; It also has the power to heal everyone's
intellect, soul, and body.
This afternoon, we continue the remaining toxic group
of national form. That is recognizing and eliminating toxins as
citizens of the nation.
When do we stand as people of the nation? – We are
born and live in the community of a country. That is when we
belong to a nation by laws and traditions. That is when we live
and work in compliance with the law, our rights, and our
obligations to the country.
All those who play leadership roles at all levels and
sectors of a country are also people of the nation. You need to
understand that the leader is not the master of the people.
They are just people who have the trust and confidence of the
people because of their intelligence and morality to help the
entire people unite and develop in happiness and prosperity.
However, I want to separate the two roles so that we
can identify the toxins for each position. From there, it will be
easier to eliminate toxins in the soul. That means don't think
that if you are the leaders, then you are not the people of the
nation. If you understand that, you're mistaken. Even though
you are a leader in this life, you are also a person's role. You
Destroying Toxins as Citizens for the Nation

are not anyone's master. You are the only person with the
prestige and trust of the people to manage and develop the
country to prosper. Therefore, the role of a citizen includes
everyone living in a country.
Toxins that need to be recognized and eliminated as a
- It includes all the toxins of a leader.
- People are too lazy to work. When this type of poison
develops, it will make people's lives poor and their
intelligence stupid. Their country is at risk of invasion from
other countries when it has too many poor and ignorant
- People live in deception, fraud, harm, and theft from
each other. These people put the country at risk of riots and
the breakdown of great national unity. The threat of
intervention and invasion from richer and stronger countries
is vast.
- People live in poverty because they do not learn by
themselves to develop intellectually and economically. It is
poison to the responsibility of a citizen.
- People live and work in violation of the law, such as
stealing, trading and producing products that are prohibited
by law, tax evasion, trading and trading in products that are
harmful to humans and all species. That is the poison of profit
that harms everyone.
- People receive and propagate harmful information
that divides the great unity of the people from the leader. That
creates the risk of violence and sabotage interference from

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

forces outside the country. The consequences can cause war,

poverty and death for the people.
- People incite discrimination between people within
the same country, racism and hatred towards other nations.
- People incite conflicts and kill each other.
- People incited civil wars and invaded other countries.
Those are toxins that each person, as a citizen, must
know and eliminate. You can see leaders have to have greater
concentration to recognize toxins and remove them from
their souls. Because they simultaneously play two roles as
people and leaders when they are trusted and trusted by the
people to be entrusted with national management and
In previous courses, I analyzed the types of toxins in all
forms so that people can know and eliminate them when they
appear. Some students have said, "If they don't do everything
to satisfy themselves in life, then what is life meaning?" Do
you think they are right? You already have the answer right
from the lessons about wisdom and mind. It would be best to
remember that practising in the human world does not satisfy
any of the ten forms. Those ten forms always exist in all
interaction scenarios of the four forms of the Tao in each
person's life. There are many souls who, because of selfishly
satisfying their interests in the four forms of the Way, have
caused harm to people and all creatures from past lives.
Therefore, in this life, they have to endure countless
sufferings and disasters, such as mental illness and severe
illness. That is the consequence of practising a harmful
lifestyle because the toxins in them appear and develop.

Destroying Toxins as Citizens for the Nation

When you put yourself into each role to understand,

you will gain enlightened wisdom to transform your soul to
become more mature. I give you the following example: in
your previous life, you despised black people, even forcing
them to be your slaves. You beat and killed them because you
thought you were a class of people superior to them, so you
had the right. That is your ignorant wisdom when you do not
understand the origin of humanity and the practising mission
of the tuelinh life form. Because you lost control of the toxins
when interacting as a citizen with other citizens, many
negative energy particles were produced. As a result of this
human life, the wisdom council will be based on the results
you have done in past lives to arrange for you to be born and
raised in an environment where you are black. Then, you will
suffer from racism and poverty. When your soul experiences
all the different roles, it will recognize the toxins within you,
and you will be able to eliminate them faster in the
subsequent lives of practice. Therefore, to help the tuelinhs
eliminate all toxins as quickly as possible and activate the
maximum goodness when interacting in all scenarios, the
knowledge system of the two truths has been built and spread
to humanity. That will help the tuelinhs quickly successfully
transform their yin and yang energy embryos into energy
filters to return to their homeland and continue with the first
tuelinh on the journey to protect and develop the universe to
become better and more sustainable.
Now, please focus and think on your souls to eliminate
toxins as people of the nation. Please read aloud after me:
Hey, tuelinh! Congratulations on your achievements
after many lifetimes of practice in the human world through

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

suffering and tribulation. At this moment, you have achieved an

outstanding achievement: to learn the wisdom of
enlightenment from the knowledge of the two truths. Through
that transcendent wisdom, we have understood the origin and
mission of each tuelinh in human form. In particular, we have
understood the three secrets every tuelinh has been searching
for. We have understood the nature of ourselves and other
souls: we have both poison and goodness within the original yin
and yang embryo. We know all things in the universe: they have
both toxin and compassion within them. We finally understand
the nature of destructive energies: they will penetrate the
tuelinh life form and all things to remove their excess heat
through the vibration of the negative energy particle system.
From the toxicity of each soul and all things, the energy of
destruction has caused countless tuelinhs and all things to
decompose and die. Therefore, we have reincarnated countless
lives practising in the human world to seek an understanding of
those three secrets. Hey, tuelinh, what happiness after a long
journey of numerous lifetimes of practice! We now understand
those secrets. We must be grateful for the sufferings and
tribulations because, through them, we have understood the
toxins of ourselves and all things when living in the four forms
of life in the human world. Now, we live in the intellectual light
of knowledge of the two truths. We understand the toxins and
goodness in the soul through each group of interactive
scenarios in human life. Hey, tuelinh, enjoy this happy moment.
Receive the power of that unique knowledge to help the entire
positive energy particle system have the power of truth and
sustainable development. Dear Tuelinh, please awaken all the
clusters of energy particles in you, which are clusters of energy

Destroying Toxins as Citizens for the Nation

particles made up of the content of interactions in your role as

a citizen in past lives. Awaken all types of positive, negative, and
neutral energy particles. Let the positive energy particle system
be empowered by the knowledge of the two truths so that they
have the power to control and neutralize the toxins in the
harmful energy particles. Let those negative energy particles be
shaken before they are neutralized by knowing the two truths
and the positive energy particles. Those are harmful energy
particles of sin that you have committed against yourself,
everyone, all species and nations. Those are the toxic energy
particles of laziness, theft, cheating, killing, inciting conflicts,
racial and ethnic discrimination, law violations, violence,
hurting people, agitation and war. Those are toxins that not
only you have, but they exist in all souls. Hey, tuelinh, don't be
afraid or worried when you see toxic information transmitted
from harmful energy particles. Because we have achieved
enlightenment and understood the three secrets, we have the
power of wisdom to destroy those toxins. Therefore, forgive
your mistakes in the past to have the strength to force all those
toxins out of you. Next, let's practice together the mechanism of
generating positive energy particles so that you can become
mature and attain the unified Way of the universe. Please rest
assured you always have my companionship, and I am always
willing to dedicate my life to help you complete your mission.
Only success is the reward, deep gratitude and apology to all the
soul friends who have practised with you for countless lifetimes.
They suffered because you couldn't control your toxins, so you
caused them. Hey, tuelinh, be strong to practice squeezing out
all the toxins and activating the maximum goodness in all
forms. We must succeed in helping everyone and all species.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

That is the best way to pay tribute to the first tuelinh, because
he always silently guides us on our practising journey in the
human world.
So, you have completed eliminating toxins in the form
of national Tao. A close connection and resonance exist
between the interacting groups in the four forms. Therefore,
when you identify all the toxins for each interacting group in
the four forms, you can easily squeeze them out of the original
yin and yang embryo. Next, don't forget and don't be lazy in
practising kindness to help and save everyone and all living
Some students said, "Teacher, I still feel severe
reactions in my body. Images of killing animals appeared in
my mind. There were also images of killing each other by war,
and it passed before my eyes. My body became shaking. I feel
tight, and my head goes blank when I practice squeezing out
toxins." "That's very nice! Because when I merge my mind
with yours, I also feel the emptiness in my mind. I see freedom
and purity within me. Perhaps that is different from your

Chapter Thirty

Eliminate Toxins in Love between Men

and Women

After listening to the teacher talk about the content of

today's lesson, which is to recognize and eliminate toxins in
love between men and women, a student immediately asked
the teacher. "Teacher, can same-sex love be called wrong
love? Because I see many countries in the world support
same-sex love. However, there are many countries where
they follow the rules of their religion and prohibit same-sex
The teacher said, "To accurately understand the nature
of all things, events, and phenomena in life and the universe,
you must understand the nature and mechanism of small
energy particles. After finishing the lectures to eliminate
toxins in your souls, I will teach you that knowledge. However,
the issue of same-sex love is one of the toxins in male-female
love, so in this lecture, I will help you understand this issue in
First, please remember the lecture about the gathering
of humanity by the first tuelinh. You pay attention to the
family model that Nalas Nalanda arranged to build the human
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

world. Each family has a male husband, a female wife, a son,

and a daughter. He did not put any families with couples of the
same sex. He arranges to help humanity develop through the
natural reproductive mechanism between men and women.
He has encoded the bodies of men and women into different
functions and tasks by using five simple groups of energy
gathered into each tuelinh to form a human being. From then
until now, the missions and tasks in the body of each man and
woman have always followed what he created. That is a
matter of rules in building and developing humanity and all
things in the universe.
Next, you need to know why the first tuelinh created
humans with gender differences between male and female
and then became a married couple. That is, the woman can
receive and store the man's sperm in their eggs, and the man
can release the sperm from them. He created humans with
different genders, while all tuelinhs are genderless for two
reasons. As follows:
- Nalas Nalanda wants to carefully study the nature of
the movement of each type of yin and yang energy embryo of
the tuelinh and all things. Each original yin and yang energy
embryo is formed from a positive energy particle and the
smallest negative particle. When two yin and yang energy
particles join together to form a yin and yang embryo, it will
create a new movement mechanism and reveal its nature.
However, because the environment in heaven is too pure and
peaceful, the tuelinhs cannot mature and are easily destroyed
by the energy of destruction. That's why he simulated a
negative energy particle through the symbol of a woman and
a positive energy particle through the symbol of a man. Man

Eliminate Toxins in Love between Men and Women

and woman represent the two smallest energy particles that

form the yin and yang embryo to produce other small energy
particles. Therefore, by simulating the nature of man and
woman, they become a family when they fall in love and get
married. Tuelinhs living in the form of men and women will
reveal their nature when they live in an environment filled
with nothing but suffering in the human world. That is the
value of the love structure between man and woman and the
family that the first tuelinh created.
- The nature of harmful energy particles is to absorb
information values from the outside environment into it.
Meanwhile, the nature of positive energy particles is to
radiate heat and information from within it to the external
environment. When these two smallest particles of yin and
yang energy connect, they will change their nature through
movement. That semi-quality change leads to different
transformation mechanisms, including decay to destruction
and sustainable development. Also, because of the nature of
the two types of yin and yang energy particles to create all
things and life forms in the universe, the first tuelinh built
humanity according to the characteristics of yin and yang
energy embryos to decode the truth of all things.
You can understand why he created male and female
genders for humans from the above two reasons. It is based
on the characteristics of yin and yang energy particle embryos
to simulate the love between men and women and a couple in
detail. Each yin and yang energy embryo can produce new
particles to grow into larger structures. That is simulated into
couples of different genders to both promote the process of

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

reproduction and human development and to see the nature

of each tuelinh through the symbol of wife and husband.
You know, two positive energy particles cannot
produce new energy particles when they connect. The same
goes for two harmful energy particles, which cannot create
new energy particles when they join. New energy particles are
only produced from yin and yang energy particle embryos.
Therefore, you need to understand that each couple
symbolises each embryo of yin and yang energy. In the lecture
on married couples, I will further analyse this issue."
Another student asked the teacher, "So, is same-sex
love wrong and a violation, teacher?"
The teacher said, "There is no wrong or right on the
journey of practice in this human world. Same-sex love is the
same, neither wrong nor right. The practice environment
created by the first tuelinh is to help all tuelinhs live and
reveal their entire nature. Different toxic and benevolent
values were emitted from their original yin and yang energy
embryos. Depending on the poisonous or good worths in the
victorious yin and yang energy embryo, the nature and
behaviour of each tuelinh are different. If the toxins control
the yin and yang embryo, the soul and the person will be
loaded with more toxic information. As a result, they produce
many harmful energy particles, and the destructive energy
quickly destroys them. That is, they practice the mechanism
of transformation, decay and destruction.
On the contrary, if the positive energy particle has the
power to control the yin and yang embryo. That soul and that
person do not absorb harmful information from the outside
environment. As a result, they produce many positive energy
Eliminate Toxins in Love between Men and Women

particles on the journey of sustainable transmutation. They

will not be disintegrated by destructive energy; instead, they
have the power to absorb destructive energy and detonate it
to produce super energy.
You need to understand that people who have same-sex
love because the harmful energy particles in the original
energy embryo of their soul win. Therefore, they have
absorbed a lot of dangerous information in the outside
environment related to same-sex love. Because there is a
combination of internal toxins and toxic information from the
external environment, it causes them to produce harmful
energy particles related to same-sex love issues. When the
amounts of poisonous particles are massive enough, it causes
their souls to lose control and be immersed in same-sex love.
It would be best if you did not discriminate against
them. Instead, let them know the true value of the information
so they can understand and gradually force out the toxins in
their souls. Truthful information that has the value of
sustainable transformation will help them and all souls
mature through sustainable change.
From the poison in same-sex love, please teach your
children about this truth so that their souls and wisdom are
controlled by positive energy. That is the path of sustainable
development for each person and the tuelinh."
Another student asked the teacher, "Teacher, I know a
few cases where there are girls and boys. When they start
having a lover, they immediately lose control of their thoughts
and behaviour. Some people are afraid and suspect their lover
will betray them, so they don't dare to continue loving. One's
illness worsened, and the hospital concluded he had a mental
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

illness. That person occasionally sees friends of the opposite

sex and will approach them and commit sexual harassment.
They have no control over their behaviour. Are these
phenomena the toxins of male-female love?
The teacher said, "Those phenomena are toxins from
their negative energy particles related to love between men
and women from past lives. When those negative energy
particles are too abundant in the energy particle structures,
that toxic information will bombard the brain and control the
entire human mind. Because those negative energy particles
were produced in love between men and women in previous
lives; in this life, when they enter into love between men and
women, those negative particles catch information signals
from the brain, then they vibrate and bombard the brain with
toxins." "Teacher, so in each soul, there are always clusters of
energy particles with excess negative particles. Therefore, no
one knows what kind of disease they will develop." The
master replied, "That is why there is a series of lectures to
remove toxins in all interaction scenarios of the four forms of
the Way and the knowledge of the two truths to help everyone
and all souls."
After a few minutes of silence, as the teacher sipped his
cup of tea, he continued his lecture. "Love between a man and
a woman is a pure and noble symbol. In addition, it is also a
symbol of growth and proliferation. Man and woman
represent the smallest particles of yin and yang energy.
Before the two smallest particles of yin and yang energy
join to become a yin and yang embryo, they receive and
transmit information. Positive energy particles send data, and
harmful energy particles receive information. They will link

Eliminate Toxins in Love between Men and Women

together to form a yin and yang embryo when they have

similar data and the same intellectual wave code group.
Before the yin and yang embryos are linked, those yin and
yang energy particles do not have a trial bond or bond and
then separate to bond with other energy particles. They only
connect once to become yin and yang embryos after realizing
the similarity of information and vibrations between them.
That is a standard for identifying the toxins of male-female
love in humans.
The toxins that need to be recognized and eliminated in
love between men and women are:
- Homosexual love between men and men and between
women and women. That is a poison from the original
harmful energy particles inside the soul. This type of poison
is not found in all tuelinhs. Same-sex love results from toxins
inside the yin particle of the yin-yang embryo and toxic
information about same-sex love from the outside. At that
time, this toxin thrives and causes the soul to become out of
control, leading to a very rapid path of decay. Same-sex love
is considered a type of poison in tuelinhs because they must
live in male and female bodies to form a couple with two
precise functions in each person's body. Only when living
according to the nature of husband and wife created from
male and female the yin and yang embryo of both souls will
have the conditions to suppress poison and activate goodness.
However, living with same-sex love will cause the soul to be
loaded with more toxic information. As a result, they will not
have the opportunity to force out the toxins and activate
goodness. That causes their souls to decompose and perish

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

- Men and women have sex with other people before

marriage. That causes their souls to absorb toxic information
from lust and greed. This process will cause internal toxins to
thrive because of the poisonous information of impure desire.
The consequences of unhealthy relationships before marriage
will cause their souls to produce harmful energy particles due
to greedy and depraved acts of lust. In addition, their bodies
are also at risk of diseases that lead to infertility. The
production of harmful energy particles from relationships
between men and women that are not aimed at building a true
family is why many people have mental illnesses when they
reach the age of love.
- A man or woman who practices a depraved lifestyle
such as prostitution.
- Men and women use each other to satisfy their desires
without the purpose of building true love towards marrying
- Men and women commit adultery with married
- Men insult, trample on dignity, beat, and even kill
- Men or women lead each other to commit suicide
when their love is hindered.
Thus, you will see that the poison of love between men
and women develop and develop when men and women do
not appreciate each other in love to become a family.
You must know that the poison of love is the most
common poison that causes tuelinhs to produce many

Eliminate Toxins in Love between Men and Women

harmful energy particles and is most disintegrated by

destructive energy.
When you recognize the toxins in love, apply them to
your life to build genuine love and create a family if you are
unmarried. In addition, please teach your children and
grandchildren to understand it to eliminate this toxin and not
let it break out or develop. This type of poison caused the
souls to lose control and suffer due to the decay of the energy
of destruction. Therefore, people should be aware of this type
of toxin. Build yourself from eyes to words and actions to be
kind, sincere, and responsible in love.
Now, please focus on your inner soul to eliminate the
toxins in love between men and women. Read out loud after
Hey, tuelinh! Do you know? The poison of love has caused
countless souls to disintegrate and destroy. This toxin is easy to
recognize but difficult to remove from every soul and person.
Toxins in love, as well as other toxins and kindness in each soul's
yin and yang embryo, is why you must reincarnate in human
form for many lives in the human world. Because the tuelinh life
form does not understand the three secrets, it does not
understand itself and other tuelinhs, it does not understand all
things in the universe, and it does not understand the energy of
destruction. Because they do not understand, the tuelinhs are
easily penetrated and disintegrated by the energy of
destruction. Even though you live in the most beautiful
paradise, that is the only suffering of souls. Hey, tuelinh, for that
reason, you have vowed to incarnate as a human to practice in
the suffering of the human world with the mission of seeking to
understand the three secrets. I know you have endured

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

countless sufferings and tribulations in your reincarnation

journey. I appreciate your suffering in all the interaction
scenarios in the four forms, especially in love. However, in this
life, and now, be joyful. Do you know the reason? Because you
and I have unified into the power of one human being with
enlightened wisdom, a devoted body and an austere soul that is
you. We have gained enlightened wisdom from knowledge of
the two truths. The light of enlightened wisdom helps tuelinhs,
humans, and us understand the truth of the three secrets. We
have understood all the toxins and goodness in each of us, all
things, and the energy of destruction. We suffer from the
disconnection caused by destructive energy entering our
negative energy particle system. Dear Tuelinh, please
remember all the enlightened wisdom I help you absorb
through my brain. It is super-intelligence to help you eliminate
all toxins and activate the mechanism to produce sustainable
energy particles. Please awaken all clusters of energy particles
related to love between men and women. Awaken all negative,
positive, and neutral energy particles. Let the positive energy
particles gain strength from the wisdom of the two truths. That
power will neutralize toxins and control the vibrations of
harmful energy particles. Hey, tuelinh, don't be afraid or
worried when you see dangerous information in love between
men and women when they are transmitted from harmful
energy particles. Because you have me and enlightened wisdom
to save you, be strong and confident to force out all the toxins
related to love between men and women. To squeeze out that
poison and activate kindness in love between men and women,
forgive yourself. Forgive your actions that caused suffering to
your lover in past lives. Those actions could exploit passion to

Eliminate Toxins in Love between Men and Women

satisfy lust or some other benefit. Those could be sexual abuses

on people of the opposite sex. Maybe it was love in trampling,
insulting and killing the lover. Perhaps it was the resentment
that you or your lover caused each other. The hatred is caused
by exploitation, betrayal, and killing each other. Hey, tuelinh,
only when you forgive yourself and the people you love if they
have hurt you in past lives will you have the strength to remove
this poison from you. Please be peaceful and happy because I
am with you. I have vowed to dedicate this human life to help
you practice the mechanism of sustainable transformation. Be
strong, and join me in living a life of kindness to help and save
everyone. We will achieve brilliant achievements when we
practice according to the enlightened knowledge of the two
truths. The achievements are profound apologies and thanks to
all the tuelinhs who have accompanied you in your practice
lives in the human world. That is also a deep gratitude to the
first tuelinh, as he always guides us on this path of practice.
Please teach and analyze this toxin for young people,
your children and grandchildren. That not only helps you
squeeze out the love toxins inside your soul but also helps
everyone remove those toxins from their souls. This magical
method eliminates toxins and activates goodness related to
the interaction scenario in love between men and women.
That should be similarly practised in other types of

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Thirty-One

Destroying Toxins in the Spouse


Before the afternoon lecture on Sunday began, the

teacher asked his students, "Do you have any questions about
the toxins in love between men and women in the morning
lesson?" A student asked the teacher, "Teacher if a person has
undergone gender reassignment surgery from male to female
or female to male when they learn the knowledge of the two
truths and understand the nature of toxins that exist in their
souls and the path of sustainable transmutation. How should
they force out the toxins and practice producing positive
energy particles?"
The teacher replied, "Your question already has an
answer in it. That is practising the path of sustainable
transformation by producing positive energy particles. The
issue of activating and producing positive energy particles for
each interacting group is in another lecture series. However,
through the truth about the three secrets, the tuelinh mission
and the particle production mechanism, you can give yourself
the correct answer. As in the case you asked, transgender
people want to force toxins and practice sustainable
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

transformation after understanding the knowledge of the two

truths. That is not difficult. It's easy because of the principle
of not living a same-sex love life anymore, instead spending
time sharing experiences of same-sex life so that young
people can understand the truth of that issue. Share and help
other young people appreciate the body they were born with
and understand the toxins inside them in same-sex love.
Those are actions to spread enlightened wisdom for young
people to build genuine love between men and women to
form a true family. Those actions are to force poison and
activate goodness in them. This process requires the
elimination of the lust for same-sex love. They must have
exemplary lives to help everyone. Doing so will make their
souls more mature, and their future practising journey will
achieve more achievements."
The teacher continued, "This afternoon, we continue
eliminating toxins in the relationship between husband and
wife. You can share the sufferings and experiences in your
married life to make recognising and eliminating those toxins
At that time, a woman said, "Teacher, I have been living
in misery with a husband addicted to gambling. We all work
in state agencies. Before we got married, he didn't gamble.
However, a few years later, he began to get addicted to
gambling. Many times, he went out overnight at places where
gambling was organised. The creditor notifies each debt from
that game to our family and parents. I felt disappointed then
because I didn't think my husband was like that. After
repaying her husband's debt, even both parents paid the debt
for him, but he still indulged in gambling. I was disappointed

Destroying Toxins in the Spouse Relationship

and asked him many times to sign the divorce papers, but he
did not agree to the divorce. The pressure of life and raising
children makes me feel miserable when my husband is like
that. Right now, I don't know what to do or why I must marry
such a husband?"
The teacher asked, "When you got married, was it
because of love, or did someone force it?" "We got married
because of love, not because anyone forced us." The teacher
continued asking, "So why do you love him?" "I don't
understand why. I felt moved, and love grew into husband and
wife." The teacher laughed and said, "It is ignorance that
people do not understand the three secrets. From that, they
do not understand the great vow and mission of reincarnating
as a human. As a result, you will not be able to explain why
you love and marry that person. Then, when marital conflict
occurs because of dissatisfaction, you complain that you don't
understand why you married them. Continuing is the act of
divorce to end that marital relationship. It's all dominated by
the wisdom of ignorance, also known as the internal poison
that governs and controls people. You can solve and eliminate
this type of poison when you know the two truths. Therefore,
please be happy to learn the knowledge of enlightenment, and
the light of wisdom will help you overcome that tribulation."
Another student told the teacher, "Teacher, I see too
many divorced couples in today's society. They think that it is
freedom and a modern way of life. When they are not
compatible, they can liberate each other. Many people, after
divorce, find happiness with someone new, and they think
they made the right decision to divorce to find happiness with
someone new. Is that also a poison in marriage?"

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

The teacher said, "What you said is toxic in the

relationship between husband and wife. When people do not
have the enlightened wisdom of the two truths and the
smallest particle of energy to illuminate, they will not see the
greatness of the interaction group in the husband and wife
You seem surprised to hear me talk about the greatness
of the husband and wife relationship. It is genuinely a great
symbol. It is also the key to understanding the toxic and good
nature of the yin and yang embryo of each tuelinh. So, today,
you continue to learn a significant term. That is, husband and
wife are both a key and an excellent symbol for each tuelinh
to attain the unifying Tao of the universe on the journey of
understanding the three secrets. Therefore, before helping
you identify all the toxins in the husband-wife relationship, I
will analyse the great symbol of the connection on the
practising journey in the human world.
The spouse relationship is both the key and a great
symbol to attain the unified Tao of the universe. As follows:
- Each couple represents each original yin and yang
energy embryo within the tuelinh. The negative energy
particle represents the wife, and the positive energy particle
represents the husband. Tuelinhs are sometimes incarnated
as men. Other times, they are incarnated as women during
their practising journey in human lives. They must transform
into men and women in different lives to understand the
toxins and goodness in their original yin and yang embryos.
- Through the role of a wife, the soul can understand its
original yin and yang embryo. That is:

Destroying Toxins in the Spouse Relationship

+ If the wife develops one or all of the toxins in the four

forms of the Tao. That means that the original negative energy
particle of the wife's soul is toxic and has not been eliminated.
Those toxins are closely linked to other interacting groups in
the four forms of the Tao. When the poison in the wife breaks
out, it will cause the wife to control and hinder the
development and practice of the husband's sustainable
transformation mechanism in the four forms of the Way.
+ If the wives can control the toxins and activate
goodness in their souls. That means that the positive energy
particles of the wife's soul have the power and control over
the toxins of the harmful energy particles and toxic
information from the outside environment. As a result, they
are faithful wives, an effective supporter, and, together with
their husbands, build a great career in sustainable
- Through the husband's role, tuelinhs can understand
the nature of their original yin and yang energy embryo. As
+ If the wife dominates the husband and loses control
due to the toxins of both, they produce harmful energy
particles. That proves that the toxins in the original harmful
energy particles of the husband's soul are breaking out and
losing control.
+ If the husband can build a happy and faithful family
life, the wife becomes a solid foundation for the husband to
practice the path of sustainable transformation in the four
forms of the Tao. That proves that the husband's soul can
activate the excellent power of the original positive energy

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

particle and control the toxins of the external environment

and the original negative particle.
- To help tuelinhs through the symbol of the husband
and wife relationship to thoroughly understand their yin and
yang embryo, the first tuelinh increases the complexity and
pressure in married life for people. As follows:
+ The interaction group in the husband and wife
relationship closely links with all interaction groups in other
forms of the Tao. Such a connection will create toxic and good
resonance in each soul's yin and yang energy embryo. That
creates maximum compression and pressure in identifying
and forcing poison, activating kindness. For example, when
the husband has a high position in the national power
apparatus. Everyone considers the husband someone who
works for the people, and everyone loves the husband for his
intelligence and morality. However, the husband could not
control his wife's greed. Knowing this, the wife's relatives
pressured the wife to ask her husband to help them get a high
position in the government. Subordinates also use money to
bribe the wife and ask for promotion to higher ranks. Because
his wife dominated him, the husband developed his poison in
the form of the national Tao and helped untalented people
lead the country.
+ The pressure and compression of the relationship
between husband and wife will increase in each life of
practice. In this life, if the husband and wife live in harmony,
the wife acts as a solid support for the husband so that the
husband can contribute his wisdom to help everyone in the
interactions of the four forms of the Tao. It successfully forced
poison and activated goodness on a simple level. To help them

Destroying Toxins in the Spouse Relationship

eliminate toxins in the original yin and yang embryo, the

tuelinh council will arrange their next life with more pressure
and compression to see if they are still there. It may be a
scenario to test the couple's fidelity. It could be illness or
hardship. It could be status and wealth. If that pair of souls
does not develop toxins in their marital relationship for many
lifetimes, the tuelinh council will replace other souls to unite
as husband and wife in the human world. The change is to
increase pressure and compression to help the tuelinhs have
adequate conditions and environments to force out all toxins
and activate goodness in all suffering scenarios. For example,
in this life, the husband is paired with a wife containing many
toxins to create an ideal environment to test whether the
husband's soul still has toxins. Because of his past lives, they
built a faithful and happy married life to practice and help
others. However, in this life, having to live with a greedy and
unfaithful wife is a new environment to test whether the
husband's soul is still toxic. If the husband divorces, commits
adultery or marries another wife, the husband's toxins have
emerged. On the contrary, the husband forgives his wife to
devote his life to doing good deeds to help others and practice
the path of sustainable transformation. That means the
husband's soul has squeezed out all the toxins in the marital
Thus, you can see that the husband and wife
relationship is closely linked to comprehending the nature of
wisdom in the yin and yang embryo of each tuelinh. Because
of the importance and greatness of the husband and wife
symbol, the husband and wife relationship must increase in
complexity and difficulty in different lifetimes and be

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

associated with the four forms of the Tao. The purpose is to

squeeze out all the toxins and check whether the toxins are
still in the original yin and yang embryo. That shows you that
the four forms of the Tao are closely tied to the relationship
between husband and wife on the journey of sustainable
transformation to attain the unified Tao of the universe. It is
the principle of using poison to activate poison. After the
toxins are fully activated, the tuelinhs can know and eliminate
them. Finally, practice sustainable energy particle production
to transform yin and yang energy embryos into energy filters.
Toxins in the marital relationship that you need to
identify and remove from your soul:
- Husband and wife are jealous and suspicious of each
- Husband and wife lie to each other.
- Husband and wife hate and resent each other.
- Spouses commit adultery and live unfaithfully with
each other.
- One of the two people hurts each other by trampling
on dignity, insulting, and cursing at each other.
- One of the two is mentally violent and beats the other.
- Husband and wife do not care, help, or cure each other
when sick.
- The couple divorced. That is the consequence of the
poison having grown strong and the soul losing control.
- Marry more than one spouse. It is the poison of greed
and satisfaction caused by losing control of each person's
original negative energy particle.
- Husband and wife kill each other.
Destroying Toxins in the Spouse Relationship

Those are the toxins in married life for everyone to

know and remove them from their souls and wisdom."
A student interrupted the teacher, "Teacher, I don't
understand why divorce is considered toxic. In many cases,
husband and wife living together are unhappy because of
conflicts or other reasons. But when they divorce, each
person's life is happier when they have a new family."
The teacher replied, "For the perception of human
intelligence, many divorce cases are happy. But they do not
realize the truth of the spouse scenario. As I have explained,
the husband and wife relationship is a great symbol of the
practising journey in the human world to understand all three
secrets. Even to help each tuelinh squeeze out all the toxins,
the tuelinh council will increase complexity and maximum
compression in their marital relationship in the next lives.
Therefore, when the husband and wife divorce because of
incompatibility or for some other reason, it is because they
have a huge amount of toxins in their yin and yang embryos
that break out and grow strong. At that time, that toxin
dominates and controls the soul, leading to the breakdown of
family happiness. Therefore, divorce is a failure to control the
toxins inside each soul. Instead of divorce, both husband and
wife should understand each other and help each other
understand the truth, then eliminate each other's toxins with
respect and love for each other. When a husband and wife
break down in their marriage, they suffer from information
disorder between the two souls in the marital scenario. In
their next life, they continued to become husband and wife to
understand and eliminate that toxin together. They will even
be husband and wife for many lifetimes to understand each

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

other and squeeze out all the toxins released in their

relationship. Toxins that are not forced out early will cause
them to accumulate and become dangerous. Then they will be
immersed in a more miserable scenario in their married life."
"Teacher, I now understand the nature of that problem," the
student replied.
The teacher continued to preach, "Now, please focus on
the soul inside your body to force out the toxins in the
relationship between husband and wife. Read out loud after
Hey, tuelinh! You have finally achieved outstanding
achievements in your practising journey in the human world. I
congratulate you because you have discovered the truth of the
three secrets. That is a worthy achievement after a trip of
practice in suffering with tuelinhs who have vowed to
transform into humans for many lifetimes. Now we have
understood the truth about ourselves and other tuelinhs: we
have poisonous and good. These toxins cause us to produce
harmful energy particles, and we are disintegrated by
destructive energy when they pick up the signal from the
vibration of harmful particles. We have understood the nature
of all things and the energy of destruction. Hey, tuelinh, please
be robust to continue to force out the toxins in your marital
relationship that have caused you to lose control in many
lifetimes. Those are the toxins of jealousy and suspicion. It is the
poison of the hurt you have generated for your wife or husband.
These are insults, trampling, beating or killing each other. Or it
is a breakdown in marriage or infidelity in married life. Dear
tuelinh, please awaken the clusters of energy particles in your
marital life relationship. Awaken the positive energy particles

Destroying Toxins in the Spouse Relationship

of spouse love so they can receive more strength from the

enlightened knowledge of the two truths. In particular, please
awaken harmful energy particles produced by toxins in married
life. Awaken them to shake one last time before they are
neutralized by the power of enlightened knowledge of the two
truths and the power of the positive energy particle system. Hey
tuelinh, don't be afraid or worried when you see those toxins
from your harmful particles. Because those toxins exist in all
tuelinhs, you should observe them again to turn them into
valuable lessons. That is the lesson of not letting those toxins
appear and grow in you. You should be happy and excited
because we have the union between body, wisdom and soul to
receive the transcendent wisdom of enlightenment from the
two truths. Turn them to your advantage and strength to
squeeze out all the toxins in your married life in past lives. In
particular, transform them into power to practice a virtuous
life with your current wife or husband in this life. Don't let those
toxins appear; instead, help each other understand the value of
married life. From there, build a happy family. In addition, we
must help everyone understand the importance of married life
so that everyone can eliminate toxins and enable married life to
become happy. That is the path of sustainable reincarnation in
the interaction group of married life. Dear Tuelinh, please
become strong to help me suppress all other poisons and
continue to practice producing sustainable energy particles in
all four forms of the Tao. That is the most profound apology to
those with you as husband and wife in past lives. Forgive
yourself to help you become strong and take action to spread
enlightened wisdom to everyone. The achievements on your
practising path in the human world will be gratitude to the first

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

tuelinh and the tuelinh friends accompanying you on your

practising journey in the human world.
It would be best if you remembered that to force out all
the toxins in your married life, you must practice it in your
own married life. You should help each other understand the
truth and value of interactive scenarios in married life. Your
sincerity and actions that show love will help you resolve the
suffering and conflicts in your married life in the present life.
Please release all the toxins and build a happy love with your
husband and wife. Remember to spread enlightened wisdom
in interactive scenarios for married life to everyone. It is the
most unique method to produce positive energy particles of
love between husband and wife, and it is also the power to
force out all the toxins in your soul.
You need to know that the soul looks together to live.
That means, even though you don't say what you think, the
soul of your wife or husband understands what you think and
responds accordingly. Therefore, you must be the first to
change yourself, that is, to force out the toxins and activate
your kindness first. Those changes will cause your spouse's
soul to change as well. And remember, all suffering in married
life and the scenarios in the four forms of the Tao are to help
you identify toxins. Next is to force out toxins and activate
goodness by producing sustainable energy particles."

Chapter Thirty-Two

Eliminating Toxins in the Relationship

Between Parents and Children

"Parents have the right to decide on their children's

education, career, future, and life. Do you think so?" Questions
that the teacher has for the students in the classroom. A
student immediately replied, "From your lectures, I think
parents have no right to decide on their children's education,
career, future, and lives. Because each person has an
independent soul inside, everyone is equal. They wish to live
in a family to help each other create the best environment for
eliminating toxins and activating kindness. Therefore, they
must help each other but do not have the right to decide each
other's problems."
The teacher continued, "Equality because each person
has a soul inside. Your saying is excellent. So, does anyone see
any inequalities in the relationship between parents and
children? Observe your own family and the families around
you. Please try to find the toxins in the inequality in the
relationship between parents and children."
A student said, "A few months ago, next to the area
where I live. A child living in an apartment jumped to the
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

ground to commit suicide. Before that child committed

suicide, he wrote a suicide note. In that letter, the child talked
about the suffering of being forced by her parents to study to
become a good student. That child was forced to study until
late at night. Pressure from parents' words and actions causes
the child to be hurt and lose control of thoughts and actions.
In the letter, he wrote that he felt sorry for his younger
brother because his parents would continue to pressure him
to study. I see it as a kind of poison from parents to their
"Young people have sex before marriage and get
pregnant. They fear for their future, so they have an abortion.
There are couples who, because of difficult economic
conditions, have an abortion when they discover that the wife
is pregnant. In addition, there are many cases of abortion for
many different reasons. I think it's a type of toxin from the act
of murder. That is also an inequality, teacher." Another
student said.
One student said, "Teacher, parents not taking care of
their children to go to school to develop their intelligence is
also poisonous. They give birth to children without creating a
good environment to help their children cultivate their
intelligence and have a better future. Instead, they complain
that they do not have the economic conditions to give their
children a full education. Therefore, children have to drop out
of school to work to earn money while they are of school age.
I think that such parents are terrible. They should not intend
to have them if they feel they cannot care for their children to
have a good education."

Eliminating Toxins in the Relationship Between Parents and Children

"I once witnessed a family with many children. They are

a wealthy family, but their parents discriminate between their
children. That is clearly shown through their preferential
division of land and property. The children they love receive
more assets. Because of such discrimination by their parents,
children who receive little property hate their parents.
Therefore, they do not care about their parents. Even when
their parents get sick and die, they don't care or see them. I
see that toxins are present in both parents and children."
Another student confided.
After hearing everyone's sharing, the teacher said, "The
things you share are toxic in the relationship between parents
and children. The outbreak and development of toxins have
caused everyone in the parent-child relationship to live in
physical and mental agony. The sufferings of this interacting
group are valuable scenarios to help each soul understand its
Do you know what the relationship between parents
and children symbolises? As in the previous lesson, you know
that love between men and women symbolises pure love
between the smallest particles of yin and yang energy. The
husband and wife relationship is a symbol of the yin and yang
energy embryo and the most significant symbol of the
practising path to attain the unified Tao of the universe. So,
what is the symbol of the relationship between parents and
children?" Seeing that the students were confused and had no
answer, the teacher continued teaching. "Parents and
children are symbols between the smallest energy particles
born and the yin and yang energy embryo that gives birth to

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Parents are symbolised by yin and yang embryos, and

children are symbols of the smallest energy particles born
from yin and yang embryos. Through the symbolism of the
relationship between parent and child, each tuelinh will see
specific natures of their own. As follows:
- Through their children, parents understand
+ When children are cared for with all their parents'
love, they grow up and become good people who know how
to help and save others. That shows that parents have the
wisdom to teach their children to understand and create the
best environment to help them grow up and become good
people. In addition, when children become good people
through their parents' love and teachings, parents realise the
excellent values they have created for their children. That
shows that children are a mirror for parents to reflect on
themselves the wisdom and actions they have taught their
+ When children do not get enough education, they love
to play and become bad people. These children grow up in a
toxic environment, absorbing negative information to create
negative actions towards everyone and all species. That
shows that their parents do not create a suitable environment
for them to study and cannot teach them to become good
people. Because children are a reflection of their parents,
when children become corrupt and do many evil things to
everyone and all species, parents will see the toxins in
themselves. It is toxic in the relationship between parents and
- Through parents, children understand themselves:
Eliminating Toxins in the Relationship Between Parents and Children

+ When children see their parents sacrificing

everything to give them love, care, and upbringing, they grow
up and become good people. The good values their parents
have given them are recognised and understood by them.
Consequently, they learn good worths from their parents to
apply. They continue to become good parents who love and
care for their children as their parents care for them. In
addition, they are also kind people in repaying and giving
good things to their parents. It can be seen that through the
excellent example of their parents, the children understand
the value of goodness in themselves and eliminate toxic
values when they appear.
+ When parents do not love and care for their children
or are even cruel to them, children will notice those toxins in
their parents. Some children will absorb that toxin and
activate their poison. As a result, children become people
whose behaviour hurts everyone. They even hurt their
parents. Because the dirty mirror is the parents, they turn the
child into an out-of-control person due to the toxins in them.
On the contrary, some children gain power from the souls
within them to recognize their parents' toxins. Therefore,
they learn their parents' toxic lessons without practising the
same behaviours as their parents. Instead, they practice
virtuous actions because suffering helps them attain
So, you have seen that the relationship between parents
and children is as meaningful as the relationship between the
original yin and yang energy embryo and the smallest energy
particles produced. Everyone through each other to
understand themselves and each other. Therefore, from the

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

relationship between parents and children, all tuelinhs and

humans will be aware of their toxins.
Toxins to recognize and eliminate as a parent:
- Parents abort the fetus. That is the toxin of murder
when parents decide to take the life of a life about to be born.
It is a sin of murder, and it cannot be excused for any reason.
Even though someone argued that they had to abort the fetus
because their lover refused to marry them. Even if someone
makes excuses that they don't have enough economic or
medical conditions to raise them when they are born, the
reason is unacceptable because these actions are an escape
from suffering during the practising journey due to the
outbreak of toxins. These actions cause their souls to produce
more negative energy particles and decompose more and
- Parents throw away or do not raise their children
when they are born. Although this toxin is not as potent as the
toxin of abortion, its toxicity is still extreme. That causes their
souls to produce solid harmful energy particles to cause their
souls to decay faster.
- Parents do not let their children study, instead forcing
them to work to earn a living when they are of school age.
There is no reason to justify this behaviour. Even in different
social stages, educating children can be done in many ways.
Educate them at school or from someone. Studying is to
cultivate intelligence and become a good person. Learning is
not just to become rich or have a position in society.
- Parents do not love, care, and take care of their
children. That means not creating love and happiness for your
Eliminating Toxins in the Relationship Between Parents and Children

- Parents pressure, discriminate, insult and beat their

- Parents abandon their children when they are sick.
Even if the reason is not having money to cure their children,
it is also the poison of parents towards their children.
- Parents kill their children. That is the same toxin as
the toxin of abortion.
Toxins to recognize and eliminate as children:
- Children are engrossed in playing without listening to
their parents to study hard.
- Children practice a lifestyle of play, gambling,
addiction to stimulants, theft, robbery, and harm to everyone
and all species.
- Children practice acts of fornication, paedophilia, rape
with members of the opposite sex, and practice same-sex love
life. These behaviours cause parents to suffer.
- Children compete for property or land from their
- Children leave their parents to live in illness without
- Children insult, curse, beat, and kill their parents.
- Children become people who practice a life that does
not bring good values to everyone. The giant poison children
have for their parents is causing harm to everyone and all
species, specifically launching wars to invade other countries,
leaving people immersed in fighting and killing. Or spread the
wisdom of ignorance to everyone and humanity.
When you understand the value of the relationship
between parents and children, understand the toxins in the
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

role of parent and child; please practice changing your

thoughts and actions to eliminate toxins and activate
kindness within you. The transcendent knowledge of the two
truths helps you practice that; therefore, understanding and
practising the wisdom of the two truths is the only path to
assist your soul in growing and attaining enlightenment.
Now, focus your thoughts on your inner soul to
eliminate the toxins in the parent-child relationship in past
lives. Read out loud after me:
Hey, tuelinh! Let go of your painful memories of parent-
child relationships in past lives. I know you are sinking into
those painful memories when I am attentively reading and
listening to the enlightening knowledge of the two truths about
toxins in parents and children. I can feel your emotions because
you are within me, and we have united wisdom, body, and soul.
Dear Tuelinh, please be strong; don't be miserable and sad
anymore. I need your strength so that I have the power to help
you release all the suffering and toxins within you. I can't help
you if your negative emotions dominate and control my body
and brain. I understand you have had to endure countless
lifetimes of practice in suffering and tribulation. Sufferings that
neither you nor everyone else understands the reason for.
Because you do not understand the reason, you and the tuelinhs
have made a great vow to incarnate as humans to search for
the truth of all the secrets during many lifetimes of practice in
the human world. Hey, tuelinh, remember the heroic memory
when you and the other tuelinhs made a vow to transform into
humans. Those are the will, energy and determination to live in
suffering and tribulation in human form. However, because the
toxins in all interactive scenarios erupt and control your mind,

Eliminating Toxins in the Relationship Between Parents and Children

you have practised the mechanism of producing harmful energy

particles. That causes you to be more strongly disintegrated by
the destructive energy. As a result, you are immersed in the
suffering caused by the toxins of excess harmful energy particles
without being able to escape. Hey, tuelinh, please cry to let go
of the pain of the past; cry to live in joy and bursting happiness.
That is happiness because we have gained enlightened wisdom
from knowing the two truths and the smallest energy particle.
From this special enlightened knowledge, we have understood
the three secrets all souls have been searching for. We have
understood the nature of ourselves and other tuelinhs, the
nature of all things in the universe, and the nature of
destructive energy. Since then, we have been enlightened on
how to practice producing sustainable energy particles. That is
the only way to force out all toxins and maximize goodness to
become an enlightened being. We must thank all the interactive
scenarios in the human world's four forms of the Tao. It
contains all the interaction scenarios in the relationship
between parents and children. From the four Tao forms, we will
attain the unified Tao of the universe when we squeeze out all
the toxins and practice the mechanism of producing positive
energy particles well. Hey, tuelinh, outstanding achievements
are waiting for us ahead. We're almost at our destination.
Therefore, be strong and give me the power from positive
energy particles of immense love in solidarity to spread
enlightened wisdom to everyone. I need your strength and
knowledge to help you squeeze out toxins and practice the
maximum production of positive energy particles. Hey, tuelinh,
please awaken all the energy particles related to the
information content in the relationship between parents and

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

children. Let the positive energy particles gain strength from

the enlightened wisdom of the two truths. Let the harmful
energy particles be shaken one last time before the power of
your enlightened knowledge and positive energy eliminates
their toxins. Please don't be worried or scared when you see
toxic information about the relationship between parents and
children transmitted from harmful energy particles. That
poison is present in all tuelinhs. Therefore, please take it as a
lesson to force out all the toxins and maximize the kindness
within you. Achievements are profound thanks to everyone in
the past, and gratitude to the first tuelinh as he always guides
us through all suffering and tribulations on our practising
journey. Let's be determined, and we will achieve great success
ahead. We can do it.
You listened and studied from everyone's sharing; next
came an analysis of the value of interactive groups, then
identification to eliminate toxins. It is the process of loading
valuable information for sustainable development to help the
original yin and yang energy embryo of the soul re-encode the
data. Re-encoding information is eliminating toxins and
creating a mechanism to activate goodness in you. Reading
aloud to eliminate toxins is the method of awakening the
power in your soul. Therefore, reading and listening carefully
to every smallest unit in knowing the two truths can help your
soul thoroughly understand the truth of everything inside and
outside the universe. That allows the yin and yang embryos in
your soul to eliminate toxins and re-encode information for
sustainable development. Finally, practising the mechanism
of sustainable transmutation will become easy."

Chapter Thirty-Three

Destroying the Toxins in Sibling


"There continues to be another symbol. It is a symbol of

the relationship of siblings. Can you guess what it is?" the
teacher asked the student. A student replied, "Teacher, is that
a symbol for the yin and yang energy embryos?" Another
friend said, "Is it between tuelinhs and each other?"
The teacher replied, "It is neither between tuelinhs nor
yin and yang energy embryos. These are synthetic energy
particles linked together in the structure of tuelinh. Thus, the
symbol of the sibling relationship in a family symbolizes the
connection between the aggregate energy particles in the
system of the tuelinh.
Please remember the image of a mature yin and yang
energy embryo with a structure of synthetic energy particles
on the outside. Synthetic positive energy particles bond
together through synthetic neutral particles. One or more
synthetic harmful energy particles rotate around each
composite positive energy particle.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

You try to remember all three types of synthetic energy

particles with the following task:
- Neutral energy particles are a transmission line for
information to move between clusters of positive energy
- Positive energy particles have two tasks: ensuring
information's reliability, accuracy, and sustainable
development value as data moves through it. Next, it creates
a thrust to transmit moving information to another cluster of
positive energy particles when information moves to it.
- Negative energy particles have the task of vibrating to
create information signals for information value to move to
their cluster of positive and negative energy particles.
From the three types of energy particles above,
information from the original yin and yang embryo will
circulate through all clusters of yang energy particles in the
tuelinh. The movement of information throughout the
particle structure of the tuelinh will help the tuelinh produce
warmth. Warm heat will help the soul develop its intelligence
and speed of movement and transform destructive energy.
That is, the warm heat generated from the soul will have the
power to detonate the energy of destruction. That helps the
soul prevent being decomposed by the destructive energies.
That is complex knowledge, and I will analyze it for you in the
following lectures. For now, try to understand the basics of
the three types of synthetic energy particles and the effects of
information from the yin and yang embryo circulating
through all clusters of yin and yang energy particles. If data
cannot run to generate heat, the tuelinh can easily be
disintegrated by destructive energy. Information cannot
Destroying the Toxins in Sibling Relationships

move because many harmful particles are orbiting one

positive energy particle in each cluster of negative and
positive energy particles. At those points, destructive energy
has penetrated and broken the transmission line of neutral
particles. Therefore, information is trapped and cannot be
moved. When data cannot move, toxins from harmful energy
particles will bombard and spread to the brain when the
tuelinh is incarnated in human form. That leads mentally ill
people to have hallucinations, depression, anxiety disorders,
and schizophrenia. Those phenomena are easily seen.
However, when the soul has not yet released its strong poison,
people can only observe and recognize humans' ignorant
wisdom and minds. That ignorance is due to the inability of
information to circulate in the structure of the soul.
So, how do the synthetic yin and yang energy particles
symbolize the relationship between siblings in a family? That
- Positive energy particles symbolize siblings in the
+ Is a kind and intellectual person who understands the
+ Is a person who always has the power to spread
informational values for sustainable development to
everyone and everything.
+ Someone who can give away their values to help and
save everyone.
+ A person who does not compete for wealth, land,
money, and position from his brothers.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

+ Is someone who does not let their siblings control and

dominate them in performing their functions and tasks,
ensuring the heat spreads valuable information for
sustainable development to everyone. That means that a
person does not harm the sustainable development values of
data for the sake of their brothers when they are responsible
for transmitting it. The obstructive brothers represent the
harmful energy particles of the ignorant mind because the
dominant toxin makes them greedy and absorbs everything
about them.
- Negative energy particles symbolize siblings in the
+ Is a person who is eager to learn and receive
information from outside if the toxins have not yet broken
+ Is someone who knows how to listen if the toxins have
not yet broken out.
+ Is selfish and only wants benefits for himself when
toxins break out.
+ Is the person who absorbs toxic information from the
outside environment when toxins break out and thrive.
+ Being jealous, greedy, competitive, and losing with
your brothers when toxins are potent.
+ Someone who hinders and destroys the transmission
of valuable information for the sustainable development of
brothers and sisters. This toxin thrives in harmful energy
In a family, there are brothers and sisters. Depending
on each person's wisdom and behaviour, they act as negative

Destroying the Toxins in Sibling Relationships

or positive energy particles. There is no one fixed role as a

negative energy particle or a positive energy particle. To
recognize which of you plays the role of yin or yang, through
the level of toxins in the yin and kindness in the yang,
everyone will see what information values they are operating
with. When receiving information, it is a symbol of a negative
particle. When the information received is controlled and has
sustainable development value, it is a positive particle. When
data is spread to everyone with value for sustainable
development, it is a positive particle with the power of
positive heat. When information is disordered and hindered
from being transmitted to everyone, it is a negative particle
emitting a potent toxin."
A student interrupted the teacher, "Teacher, I don't
understand why a person with the role of a positive energy
particle to transmit valuable information cannot let the
siblings control. Could you please explain and give us an
example so we can understand?"
The teacher answered, "The value of information for
sustainable development completely differs from values such
as money, property and land. Those assets are not
informational values of sustainable development. Valuable
information is enlightened knowledge, methods to help
humanity, or tuelinhs and the universe develop sustainably.
The symbol of two synthetic yin and yang energy particles
helps people understand the value of a person with
enlightened wisdom and ignorant wisdom when they are
brothers and sisters in one family. This interaction group was
built by the first tuelinh to help the tuelinhs recognize and
eliminate toxins and then to activate maximum kindness to

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

help everyone do the same. The tuelinhs are arranged to

practice in a family to create reactions from simple to
extremely complex levels. Simple is family wealth, complex is
status, and super complex is information value or wisdom. As
the tuelinhs live in each scenario, they must force out toxins
and activate goodness to its maximum extent. Let me give you
an example from the history of Buddhism: when Prince
Siddartha became a Buddha, he went to spread his
enlightenment in many countries. Before he went on a multi-
year quest for enlightenment, he was a crown prince and
future king. However, he did not care about the throne;
instead, he left it to his cousins. While spreading his religion,
his family members, even his wife and children, followed him
to practice the path of enlightenment. However, among those
brothers was one person, Devadatta, who was good at
supernatural powers but was jealous and often attempted to
kill the Buddha. The attempt to kill the Buddha was because
that person asked the Buddha to cede the leadership position
of the Buddha's Sangha to him. That is not allowed because
Buddha has to teach knowledge to his students. Because he
was not accepted, Devadatta attempted to kill the Buddha
many times but failed. Buddha's life shows that he gave up his
throne and fortune to find the path of enlightenment and then
spread it. He was a great man who sacrificed everything to
spread enlightened wisdom to humanity. However, Buddha
could not give up the leadership position of his Sangha to his
brother when he did not have enlightened wisdom in addition
to supernatural abilities. Buddha understood that if he gave
up his leadership position to that brother, his enlightened
knowledge would be destroyed at that moment. Many people

Destroying the Toxins in Sibling Relationships

will be caught up in learning magical powers instead of

enlightened knowledge. That will cause great disaster for
those who practice in the Sangha at that time and in the
future. Those are the answers and examples from human
history to help you understand the problem you are
wondering about."
That student answered the teacher, "Teacher, for a long
time, I only thought that brothers in the family only fought for
wealth, land and the throne. I didn't expect there to be an
intellectual rivalry as well. If I do not understand the history
of the world, my intelligence will be minimal. Thank you for
analyzing it for me and everyone to understand."
The teacher said, "Receiving and transmitting
information value is the nature of the synthetic yin and yang
energy particles in the soul structure. Through the practice
environment in the human world, the first tuelinh created a
full set of scenarios, and each scenario will help him analyze
different values in tuelinh and all things in the universe. The
four forms of the Tao helped him analyze and decipher all the
truths about the nature, laws, and mechanisms of movement
from the smallest energy particles to yin and yang embryos,
synthetic particles, and life forms, such as soul, people, all
things, and phenomena in and outside the universe. That is
also something for everyone to understand why the four
forms of the Tao make people always suffer when interacting
with them. Because only through suffering can each soul and
the first tuelinh understand everything. Understanding
everything is enlightenment. When enlightened, we will find
a sustainable transformation mechanism for the tuelinh life
form and all life in the universe."

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

After he enjoyed a cup of hot tea, he continued to

lecture, "When you study the history of countries and the
living environment around you, you will see the toxins in
relationships with siblings in a family. Those toxins are all
toxic information stored in the root negative energy particle
of the yin and yang embryo and the negative energy particle
system of each tuelinh. It will develop and be recognized
through sufferings and tribulations in their interactive
scenarios. To achieve an accurate understanding, you must
understand the values and symbols of the interaction group
in the sibling relationship in the family.
Toxins that need to be recognized and eliminated in
sibling relationships include:
- Siblings are jealous and compete with each other in
- Siblings insult and trample on each other's dignity.
- Siblings compete for land, money, and property from
their parents or each other.
- Siblings beat and kill each other because of conflict.
- Siblings kill each other to usurp positions in life, such
as business leaders, corporations, or kings.
- Brothers and sisters hinder, sabotage, and kill each
other on the journey to practice the mechanism of sustainable
transformation. That sabotages the path to spread
enlightened wisdom to everyone and humanity.
There are few toxic manifestations of the sibling
relationship, but their toxicity is extreme. Because this
relationship symbolizes the structure of the synthetic yin and
yang energy particles in the tuelinh, the toxin's severity, when

Destroying the Toxins in Sibling Relationships

released, is extremely dangerous. You can see in the history of

many countries many people killed their brothers to gain the
throne. Many people kill each other just because they
compete for a small piece of land or property from their
parents. In particular, the outbreak of toxins is so strong that
it competes for knowledge like the story of Buddha.
Therefore, you should be careful when these toxins break out
in sibling relationships. Apply the wisdom of the two truths
with the understanding of the three secrets to let go of money,
land or property, and gain or loss. That's how to eliminate
toxins and prevent them from appearing in you. However, you
must protect and fulfil your mission if you have enlightened
wisdom and spread it to everyone and humanity. You have
unleashed the most dangerous poison if you give up your
duties just because of your siblings' influence. You cause
countless people, from generation to generation, to live in
intellectual ignorance. That leads to the destruction of the
tuelinhs when they do not have enough time to change to
become more sustainable.
Now, focus on your souls to remove the toxins in your
sibling relationship. Read out loud after me:
Hey, tuelinh! Right now, I don't know how to awaken
your strength anymore because the sufferings are too much in
each group of interactions in the four forms of the Tao. We have
received enlightened wisdom together over the past time. We
understand everything we have learned and are learning from
the two truths. In particular, there are many toxins we identify
and eliminate in you. Should I continue to encourage you now,
or should you inspire me? Would you happen to know why?
Because I feel you and I are entirely united intellectually and

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

emotionally. I feel and understand your intellect and mood.

Therefore, I also feel miserable and in the same mood as you
when we learn to recognize and eliminate each group of toxins
in life. That is not easy for me as my brief experience of one
human life with the brain cannot be compared to the
experiences of many lifetimes of your practice. I have suffered
and been saddened by feeling the toxins in your interactions in
the four forms of the Way for many lifetimes. Those toxins make
me unable to adapt to what already exists in my body, which is
you. Hey, tuelinh, I have no intention of blaming you. On the
contrary, I have a responsibility to help you understand the
wisdom of enlightenment and rely on it to squeeze out all the
toxins and then activate goodness. If I do not help you, you will
not be able to reform yourself in this life, and I also understand
that if you leave your body, I will no longer have a life. We are a
complete union of intellect, body and soul. So instead of just me
helping you, you must help me too. Please transmit to me the
power of your positive energy particle system. Please awaken
all the positive energy particles in you to help us have the power
of will and determination. In addition, please awaken harmful
energy particles containing information related to your sibling
relationship. Awaken them so that the enlightened wisdom I
have learned and the positive energy particle system within you
can eliminate those toxins. Let them shake one last time before
the incredible power of enlightened understanding takes
control and re-encodes them. Dear Tuelinh, please be happy
because I am always with you. I have vowed to dedicate this
human life to helping you practice sustainable energy
production. Please receive all the information in the lesson on
eliminating toxins in sibling relationships. When your original

Destroying the Toxins in Sibling Relationships

yin and yang embryo re-encodes valuable information for

sustainable development, toxins will be eliminated, and
negative energy particles will be controlled. Next, we will have
the power to produce positive energy particles when we
practice spreading enlightened wisdom to everyone. It is a
profound gratitude to all tuelinhs and the first tuelinh. Success
is waiting for us ahead. Dear Tuelinh, now we will read and
listen to this lecture again. Therefore, you should receive each
unit of information in your yin and yang energy embryo. If you
haven't fully comprehended it, let me know your feelings. I will
often read and listen to it to help you fully encode the
information. We can do that.
Removing toxins in the soul is difficult after hearing and
learning knowledge once. You need to read or listen many
times to understand each unit of information. You will see a
different comprehension of enlightened knowledge after each
reading. Therefore, reading to re-encode information in the
original yin and yang energy embryo. As a result, the tuelinh
will be empowered by the warmth generated from the
amount of data that has the value of sustainable development
to practice the mechanism of generating positive energy
particles in all interaction scenarios of the four forms of the

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Thirty-Four

Eliminating Toxins in the Relationship

Between Employer and Employee

While the teacher was sitting and drinking tea, a

student asked him a question before the lecture started.
"Teacher, I see there is a huge difference between your
courses. In previous courses, your lectures contained simple
arguments and did not analyze the information in energy
particles. However, this body, wisdom, and mind healing
course contains much information within the energy particle.
In addition, the teacher analyzed very carefully the toxins and
causes of producing negative energy particles that every
human and tuelinh has been doing. That is the cause of all
kinds of diseases for the wisdom, soul, and body. Everyone
realizes the power and reactions of the soul within the body
when listening to the lectures of this course. It was much
stronger than the previous courses because I had taken the
previous course but didn't feel as responsive and strong as
this one. Teacher, let me ask: Does knowledge's power differ
between courses? Strong reactions will help learners recover
faster, right?"

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

The teacher replied, "It is true that intellectual values

between courses differ. In previous classes, I only used simple
reasoning to analyze problems. However, those theories
cannot fully decipher the nature and truth of tuelinh, events,
phenomena, and all things in the universe. Therefore, learners
will easily misunderstand or reason incorrectly according to
each person's understanding. In addition, in previous courses,
because complete information was not provided, learners did
not feel the strength and strong reaction in the soul.
Therefore, even though those arguments are correct, it has
little power to help people thoroughly understand all the
secrets of everything, tuelinhs, and people.
Because of the limitations of theories without reference
and standards to help students understand accurately, I had
to build special enlightened knowledge that combines the
wisdom of two truths and knowledge of the smallest energy
particle. However, to prove the truth about the smallest
energy particles, no one no scientist has discovered them. It
was a complex problem for me to convert into lectures when
no machine in the world could capture or measure this type
of particle. Therefore, during a year when everyone had to
take a break due to the pandemic, I researched and
transformed the knowledge of energy particles into lectures
for this course. In this course, I analyze all the truths, nature,
and mechanisms of action from the smallest particle of energy
to all life forms in and beyond the universe. In particular, the
value of each energy particle is the information encoded
inside. Understanding the nature and secrets of the
information encoded inside energy particles is the most
magical power to help learners achieve enlightened wisdom.

Eliminating Toxins in the Relationship Between Employer and Employee

Patients will recover quickly, even if they have had

schizophrenia for many years or those with incurable
In addition, the information encoded in energy
particles is massive knowledge and contains super-power.
Therefore, when the learner receives data, they will feel great
power, and the patients will have powerful reactions in the
soul and brain. That is due to the information gap inside each
soul and the enormous amount of information in each lecture.
People whose souls have little knowledge and many toxins
will react strongly when listening to and studying lessons.
People with a lot of information in their souls and a few toxins
do not respond to their souls but feel the power of knowledge
from those lectures.
I had to think for many years to transform special
enlightened knowledge into knowledge that combines the
two truths with the smallest particle of energy. These are
easy-to-understand lectures to help learners accurately
understand the truth of tuelinh, people, and all things. When
everyone has an accurate standard of the smallest energy
particle, you will accurately and effectively practice the
mechanism of sustainable energy particle production.
Understanding and practising correctly is the most effective
method of growing enlightened wisdom and the most
miraculous way of healing mental and physical illnesses."
Another student said, "Teacher, we need to
congratulate patients when they react strongly during the
learning and therapy. Because that eliminates toxins and
heals their diseases most effectively, is that right, teacher?"
The teacher smiled and replied. "Congratulations to the

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

patient who is eliminating toxins to recover quickly from the

disease is also a good thing to do. However, it is necessary to
encourage patients and their relatives to persevere in helping
patients overcome difficult times when they lose control of
their behaviour and thoughts."
After answering his students' questions, the teacher
continued enjoying his hot tea. A few minutes later, the
teacher started a new lecture. "In today's lesson, we will
explore toxins in the relationship between employers and
employees. That is a group of interactive scenarios in the form
of social Tao.
It would help if you remembered that the form of the
social Tao allows each tuelinh to eliminate toxins and build
sustainable development structures for the universe.
Enlightened wisdom and research bring sustainable
development to all life forms in and outside the universe.
Therefore, each group interacting in the social Tao has
immense value and power.
First, we need to understand the value in the
relationship between employer and employee brings to
- Through the role of an employee, each tuelinh will
learn the process of creating values that the employer makes.
The tuelinhs gradually learn how to build relationships to
create values. When the values that souls have learned reach
sufficient quantity and quality, they can become employers to
develop new worths.
- Through their role as an employer, each tuelinh will
practice the values they have accumulated to create new
worths. In addition, each tuelinh will learn how to build,
Eliminating Toxins in the Relationship Between Employer and Employee

organize, and connect tuelinhs to promote sustainable

development for the tuelinh life form and all things in the
You need to understand that, for each tuelinh to
become an employer when incarnating as a human, they must
go through many lives to accumulate value as a worker. If they
do not collect enough informational value through their role
as employees, they will not be able to practice their role as
Social practice shows that the division of labour, or
class division, results from accumulating values in each soul
when they reincarnate in humans. That indicates that it is not
natural for people to be born into a low class of society, and it
is not natural to be born into a high class. It's also not natural
that there are talented people and not-so-talented people.
Many people possess many values in life, and many have no
or few values. That is the process of producing energy
particles in past lives to form the characteristics of social life.
We can also call it the result of making causal energy particles.
The causal energy particle is the smallest. Positive energy
particles are good karma, and harmful energy particles are
negative karma. Based on the cause and effect of each tuelinh
during practising in the human world, they will have to be
born in different roles in each human life. This process of
difference only occurs after the first few lifetimes of the
practice of each tuelinh in the human world. The first
incarnations are initially receiving information and then
reacting to the data to create different energy particles. It is
the beginning of the process of difference of cause and effect
in the next lives."

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

A student asked the teacher, "Teacher, so someone is a

king or a leader of a country, someone is rich, a boss, and
someone is poor; it is all their karma. Is that right, teacher?"
"Right. They can become a country's leaders and rich people
or bosses because of the informational values associated with
those interactions in past lives. They all store in the energy
particle system in their souls. On the contrary, poor people,
workers, and people who have no ability in life because their
souls have no or little information value in interacting groups.
Therefore, it is difficult for them to succeed without diligent
cultivation and study in their present life." The teacher
Another student continued to ask the teacher, "In
human history and social practice, there has been much
oppression and exploitation of workers by employers. They
exploit labour at the expense of the lives and spirits of
workers. Since then, the exploited working classes have risen
to fight against the domination and exploitation of the owners
and exploiting classes. They even create wars between
classes. War from one region spreads across the world. That
causes everyone to live in suffering of killing and poverty.
Teacher, whose fault are those crimes and which class's fault?
The teacher replied, "Your question is very fantastic. To
conclude that sin belongs to any class or group of people, it
seems unfair when the environment of the human world is for
practice for tuelinhs. Through this environment, each tuelinh
must learn to recognize its toxins as it develops and how to
eliminate toxins in suffering and life. Finally, practice the
mechanism of sustainable transformation by producing
positive energy particles. Therefore, tracing and drawing

Eliminating Toxins in the Relationship Between Employer and Employee

conclusions about whose fault it is not advisable. Instead, we

conclude that it is due to the toxins within each soul as they
interact in the four forms of the Tao. If each person does not
have the enlightened wisdom to understand and then practice
forcing out the toxins and activating kindness, they will cause
harm to each other. The consequence was repression and
exploitation by the owners and the ruling classes, followed by
murderous struggles between classes. However, if each
person understands what roles they are taking on in a human
life, they will change their thoughts and actions in treating
each other. Then, their process of recognizing and eliminating
toxins will happen faster, and as a result, they will practice
producing sustainable energy particles more effectively.
That's great for employees and employers as they interact in
this role.
Toxins that need to be recognized and eliminated in the
relationship between employer and employee:
- As an employer, toxins include:
+ The employer exploits the working time and labour
of the employee. That is, salaries and bonuses are not worth
workers' time and work. In addition, the value of wages and
extras makes it impossible for workers to cover their family's
living needs and regenerate their labour power.
+ The employer reduces the employee's worth, such as
wages, bonuses, and penalties to the employee.
+ The employer scolds, insults, and tramples on the
employee's dignity.
+ The employer beats and kills the worker.
- As a worker, toxins include:

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

+ Workers are lazy and irresponsible at work.

+ Employees do not have the spirit of cooperation with
each other during work performance.
+ Workers are jealous and harm each other.
+ The employee steals the employer's property.
+ Employees destroy the means of production and the
employer's property.
+ The employee insults and tramples on the dignity of
the employer.
+ Workers beat and kill the employer.
Toxins in the relationship between employer and
employee will appear and develop when they do not satisfy
each other's needs and desires. Therefore, an effective
solution to eliminate these toxins is for both partners to
understand the enlightened wisdom of knowing the two
truths. Then, they help each other for mutual benefit. That
means that the employer gains benefits through the
employee, whereas the employee gains benefits from work to
have the best physical and mental life. By doing this, each
person can activate kindness and eliminate toxins within the
Now, please focus on your inner soul to eliminate toxins
in the relationship between employer and employee. Read out
loud after me:
Hey, tuelinh! We have gone through a long journey of
learning enlightened knowledge from the two truths. We have
also understood and practised eliminating the toxins in the
three forms of the Tao. It is a trip with the efforts of both you
and me. It is something to be proud of, and it is fantastic for us

Eliminating Toxins in the Relationship Between Employer and Employee

when we together receive knowledge and practice to achieve

enlightenment. Hey, tuelinh, I am so proud of you for
continuously transmitting the positive energy of inspiration to
help your brain stay alert to receive the most accurate units of
enlightened knowledge. It is the power to help us achieve many
achievements in learning and practising in recent times. And, at
this time, together, we continue the task of eliminating the
toxins in your employer-employee relationship. It is a group
interacting in the form of social Tao. Through this group of
interactions in all your human lives, you have produced
countless particles of energy as both worker and employer.
These are the results of the process of accumulating
information values that have sustainable development and
information values that are destructive. Either way, it's part of
your body. Therefore, you do not have to fear or worry about
the toxic information in the harmful energy particles created by
the employer and employee relationship. Please be confident
and happy so that together, we can remove those toxins from
you through receiving the information of enlightened wisdom
into your yin and yang embryo. Let go of the painful memories
you have experienced in past lives when interacting in that
group of scenarios. Dear Tuelinh, please awaken all clusters of
energy particles containing information related to the
employer and employee. Awaken all positive, neutral, and
negative energy particles. Let the positive energy particles be
empowered with enlightened wisdom from the two truths. Let
that power suppress and eliminate the toxins in the harmful
energy particles as they vibrate for the last time. Consider the
negative images, sounds, and language transmitted from the
negative energy particle system to the brain as a short movie.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Please take it as a valuable lesson for activating the goodness

within you in your journey to produce positive energy particles.
Please be alert and receive each unit of information in this
lecture as I re-read and listened to it many times. Because that
is the method of re-encoding valuable information for
sustainable development in your yin and yang embryo, this
process will cause toxins to be eliminated from you. We can do
this because of our experience and seriousness in learning
enlightenment wisdom. The fact that we eliminate toxins and
practice sharing enlightened knowledge with everyone is the
mechanism that produces sustainable energy particles. This
process helps you mature, and when you make enough quantity
and quality of sustainable energy particles, that is your
opportunity to transform the yin and yang energy embryo into
an energy filter. The achievement is a profound gratitude to the
first tuelinh and all tuelinhs. Because everything has helped you
achieve accomplishments on your journey of practice in the
human world, even though each other's toxins hurt you or
everyone else, hey, tuelinh, forgive yourself and everyone for
having the strength to carry out a sustainable path of
Just like eliminating toxins in other interactive groups,
please read or listen many times so that the informational
values of the two truths are encoded in the yin and yang
embryo. When you have enough valuable information, you
can practice correctly and effectively in producing sustainable
energy particles. And remember to race against time to share
and help everyone understand and practice eliminating
toxins. At the same time, practice the mechanism of producing
sustainable energy particles in relationships in life."

Eliminating Toxins in the Relationship Between Employer and Employee

A student said to the teacher, "Teacher, your lectures

on eliminating toxins always create strong reactions in the
soul and brain." The teacher replied, "The reactions in the
lectures on eliminating toxins are not the strongest in the
enlightened knowledge system. These lectures are to help
your inner soul restore and increase positive heat to have the
strength to receive knowledge about energy particles in the
following lectures. Lectures on energy particles will create
powerful reactions in your soul when your soul has to receive
difficult and voluminous knowledge. Step by step, you will
reach enlightenment and complete understanding. The
learning process always goes hand in hand with practice to
create the most magical power for you."

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Thirty-Five

Destroying Toxins as a Researcher and


"Each group of interactions in the four Tao forms

creates values to help the tuelinh mature and reach
enlightenment after eliminating toxins and practising
sustainable energy particle production. Therefore, each
person needs to appreciate all the scenarios in life, everything
that comes and goes in life, and cherish their and everyone
else's lives. Learn valuable lessons from all things, events,
phenomena, and people. Please learn lessons from those who
have been spreading toxins through actions that are harmful
to everyone and everything: understand the value of toxins so
we don't practice the same things they do. On the contrary, let
us learn lessons from everyone practising helping and saving
people and all species: understanding the values of kindness
and practising as they do. Suppose you have not experienced
suffering or practised the mechanism of generating
sustainable energy particles. In that case, it will be difficult for
you to understand the enlightened wisdom of the two truths
and the smallest energy particle. Therefore, be happy to face
and liberate all suffering; that is what I taught you in the

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

lesson on suffering and the method to liberate it. Please

remember and apply them to every scenario in life." The
teacher started a new lecture.
A student said, "Teacher, life in the human world is
exceptionally harsh. People are always caught up in all life
forms from the moment they are born until they die. Only
some people can understand the values of each interaction
scenario and the four forms of the Tao. Therefore, the journey
of each person being born, growing up, ageing, getting sick,
and dying repeatedly makes each soul feel too tired. Everyone
is immersed in their own and each other's ignorance. They
live only to satisfy life's forms without a living goal for the
soul. That is because people need to learn the truth about the
origin and mission of each tuelinh. When people suffer and
despair, they search for liberation in vain and have no
reference or standard for their methods. Thus, they continue
to be caught up in other sufferings. Teacher, thinking about
this, I feel the extreme human suffering. I understand that
those sufferings help each tuelinh force out toxins and
activate goodness to grow and attain the unified Tao of the
universe. However, achieving that success takes work, and it
requires extraordinary determination and effort to practice in
the enchanting environment of the human world.
The teacher replied, "When you think the path to
achieving success is difficult and arduous, it will be difficult
and extremely arduous for you. When you stand at the foot of
a high mountain, you think you can't climb to the top and will
never get there. You cannot move forward to achieve success
because you have a mindset of suffering and failure. You need
to understand that this life is nothing but suffering. You have

Destroying Toxins as a Researcher and Inventor

only one path for your practising journey in the human world:
to squeeze out all the toxins and practice the production of
sustainable energy particles through suffering and
tribulations. When you have learned the enlightened
knowledge of the two truths, you have a guideline and the
strength of your origin and mission to move forward. Every
step you take forward is every step more mature, every step
closer to your destination. When you don't think about the
suffering and obstacles you will encounter, you will speed up
and reach your destination faster. The wisdom of the two
truths and the knowledge of the smallest energy particle are
super-powers that help you achieve the most complete
achievements on your practising journey in the human world.
Therefore, practice and practice. That helps you become
peaceful, and suffering no longer clings to your thoughts."
"Yes, teacher, when I listen to your lectures, I become more
peaceful and overcome life's sufferings. That is something I
could not have done without learning your knowledge. I see
that my wisdom and soul are much better than the first lesson.
That's a miracle for me. I will always try to remember and
apply your teachings in life." The student responded to the
teacher's words.
The teacher continued to preach, "Do you know how
valuable human inventions and research are to tuelinh? That
is the content of today's lesson on eliminating toxins as an
inventor and researcher."
After a few minutes, no student responded, so the
teacher continued teaching. "Like other interacting groups in
the four forms of the Tao, interacting groups as researchers
and inventors bring essential values. In addition to helping

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

each tuelinh eliminate toxins and activate kindness, this

interactive group helps tuelinhs find worth to promote
sustainable development.
Values gained from the group interactions as
researchers and inventors include:
- Help tuelinhs develop their thinking ability and search
for new values.
- Help the tuelinhs find and invent methods and
knowledge applicable to the development of life.
- Helps the souls to constantly search and research for
better values than those invented or discovered before.
- Finally, help the tuelinh create a sustainable path of
transformation by finding the way to full enlightenment. That
is the ultimate goal of the way of practice in the human world
when each tuelinh must live in the four forms of the Tao to
experience suffering. From suffering, people research and
discover methods and the ultimate intellectual values.
Research and inventions in human life include:
- Research and inventions in the agricultural field, such
as creating production tools, methods, and high-yield plant
varieties that can withstand harsh climate and weather
- Research methods to tame wild animals into good
animals so that they can serve humans in production.
- Research and invent machines and technologies for
industrial production. From there, we create the best product
values to serve human life.

Destroying Toxins as a Researcher and Inventor

- Research drugs and vaccines to help people treat

diseases and improve their resistance to epidemics and
- Research knowledge and subjects to help people
improve their intelligence and improve their lives for the
- Researching technologies to help people discover and
understand the world outside the earth and inside the human
- Research and find enlightened knowledge to help
people understand the truth about their origin and complete
the mission of the tuelinh in the human world.
Those are the values and research that humans have
achieved to bring benefits to humans and tuelinh. However,
the toxins of each soul are also revealed and strongly
developed through the group's interactions as inventors and
Toxins that need to be identified and eliminated as a
researcher and inventor include:
- Research and invent equipment and methods for
killing animals and species in agriculture.
- Research and invent various types of poisons and
stimulants that harm the health of humans and animals.
- Researching and inventing products and medicine
that have no value in helping patients while enchanting
people about their worth.
- Research and invent weapons and poisons to kill
people through wars to compete for territory and invade each

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

- Jealous researchers and inventors kill each other to

compete and appropriate the results.
- Researching and inventing toxic knowledge makes
people live in ignorance. This type of invention and research
is hazardous because it causes humanity to be immersed in
that harmful knowledge from generation to generation. It
causes the yin and yang embryo of tuelinh to absorb many
toxins, and the decomposition process occurs fastest. We can
see the thoughts, the knowledge of worship and sacrifice, the
wisdom of enlightenment by leaving home to practice, or the
understanding of praying to God or Buddha to achieve
liberation from suffering after death. All are toxic knowledge
invented by humans.
You must know that every research or invention
created is the product of the poison or kindness of each
tuelinh in the role of researcher or inventor. That means we
should not criticize or blame anyone because of the injuries of
humans and all species. Instead, let us recognize the toxic and
benevolent values of the values of invention and research.
From there, we do not create and apply harmful values in life;
instead, we must actively make and use kind values. That is a
lesson for every tuelinh through the human form. Especially
as a researcher or inventor, you should think and create good
values that bring sustainable development to people, animals
and all species. The light of enlightened wisdom of the two
truths and energy particles illuminates and lets us know that.
Now, please focus on your inner soul to increase your
power in eliminating elemental elements as a researcher and
inventor. Read out loud after me:

Destroying Toxins as a Researcher and Inventor

Hey, tuelinh! What did I think when I started listening to

the teacher talk about the title of this lesson? Perhaps you have
never been a researcher or an inventor since your incarnation
as a human until now. However, when the teacher analyzed the
speech in depth, I suddenly realized I was thinking wrong. Do
you know why? Because you and all souls, when incarnated as
humans, go through interactive scenarios as researchers and
inventors in each human life. It's just the difference in the value
of inventions and research. Inventions in agricultural
production and animal hunting are something that all tuelinhs
practice. Only great inventions such as machinery and
knowledge can only be created by certain tuelinhs. That shows
that all souls live in an interactive scenario as researchers and
inventors. Therefore, we have unleashed toxicity and kindness
in those interaction scenarios. Hey, tuelinh, we need to
recognize and eliminate the toxins in this group of interactions.
You should not be worried or afraid of this toxin because it is
present in all souls. That is also why all tuelinhs must incarnate
as humans to eliminate all toxins in suffering and tribulation.
Please be joyful because we have been achieving outstanding
achievements in learning and understanding the wisdom of
enlightenment from knowing the two truths and the smallest
energy particle. That enlightened wisdom has helped us learn
the three secrets all souls have been searching for. We
understand the origin of humanity and the mission of the
practising journey in the human world. In particular, we are
equipped with a sustainable path of transformation that the
teacher's enlightened knowledge has given us. That is why you
or any other tuelinh does not have to be sad or worried about
the toxins that have affected people and creatures in the past.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

All the suffering of toxins are valuable lessons that help us

understand ourselves and each other. Next is to motivate us to
practice the production of sustainable energy particles to
mature and achieve the goal of our practising path in the
human world.
Hey, tuelinh, please awaken all clusters of energy
particles within you with content related to invention and
research in past lives. Awaken the positive energy particles of
kindness of what you have created to help people and all
species. Let enlightened wisdom give those energy particles
more power to jointly control and eliminate the toxins in the
harmful energy particles. Let the negative energy particles be
shaken before they are re-encoded with information from
enlightened wisdom. Hey, tuelinh, don't fear the toxic
information from harmful energy particles. Consider it a short
film to make it a driving force for the practice of sustainable
energy particle production. Please rely on me because you and
I have achieved a union to receive enlightened wisdom and
practice the mechanism of sustainable transmutation.
Therefore, please focus on receiving each unit of knowledge in
this lecture as I read and listened to it many times. Stay focused
so that recoding information in the yin and yang embryo is most
effective. I believe we can do it. Success is near us; let's try to
achieve that outstanding achievement. That is a deep gratitude
to the first tuelinh because he always silently guides us on our
practising journey. And especially, the practice of sharing
enlightened wisdom with everyone is to help the tuelinhs in the
human world because all are your brothers and friends."
When the teacher stopped teaching, a student asked,
"Teacher, I have never seen you give this lecture before. When

Destroying Toxins as a Researcher and Inventor

I started the lecture, I didn't think that I had any value that
had been invented or researched in the past. However, after
listening to this sermon, I realized I had reactions in my soul.
Also, I feel the energy transmitted to my forehead, making my
head tense. Is that information encoded into the soul and
eliminating toxins?"
The teacher replied, "There are many lectures you have
yet to hear in previous classes because this is a particular
class to treat diseases of the mind, body and wisdom.
Therefore, I have transformed the secret information within
the smallest energy particle system to help the learner heal
the three diseases most effectively. These are diseases of
ignorant intellect, the soul, and pathology. You must know
that the soul causes illness of the body; the ignorant intellect
causes disease of the soul. Mental illness only breaks out
when the multiple clusters of harmful energy particles go out
of control, and pathology breaks out when the tuelinh has an
excess of harmful energy particles but has not yet lost control
due to destructive energy. Ignorant intellect is the deficiency
and distortion of information stored within the energy
particle. Therefore, to heal all three diseases, learners need to
load enough quantity and quality of data with sustainable
development value to re-encode the original yin and yang
energy embryo. After that, each tuelinh will have the power to
practice the mechanism of generating positive energy
particles. In addition, because toxins are difficult to force out
of the soul, I must create teachings that ensure that no toxins
are left out within each soul.
It is usual for you to react because it proves that the
toxin exists in your soul. In addition, the learner feels energy

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

being transmitted to the forehead and sees a compressive

force on the forehead because information is transmitted
through that point. That is the intellectual transceiver station
of the tuelinh within. When you receive valuable information,
it will make you feel pressure on your forehead, and you will
feel your body warm afterwards. That's great."

Chapter Thirty-Six

Eliminating Toxins as a Businessman and


When the class was full of students, the teacher entered

the class and started a new lesson. He said, "Do the lectures
on identifying and eliminating toxins in the four forms of the
Tao make you bored? Because we have a few more lessons to
finish this series of lectures. Then we will explore knowledge
about the smallest energetic particles in and out of the
Many students responded, "Teacher, these lectures are
wonderful because of the true and valuable information you
provide us. We have a deeper understanding of the two truths
and the smallest particle of energy. Before we had not learned
knowledge of the smallest energy particles, applying the two
truths to explain all things and events caused us many
difficulties. However, the teacher's lectures in this course,
especially recognizing and eliminating toxins, have helped us
deeply understand good and harmful actions. Without energy
particle knowledge for reference, it will be difficult for
practitioners to determine in which direction they are
implementing the transformation mechanism. When we
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

understand the path of practice in the human world after

understanding the three secrets, we must eliminate toxins
and practice sustainable energy particle production.
Therefore, lessons on recognizing and eliminating toxins are
fundamental. The evidence is that the learners had strong
reactions during the learning process, and their illnesses were
greatly reduced afterwards."
The teacher smiled and replied, "Course lectures on
identifying and eliminating toxins are essential for all
learners. I mean because many of the same lectures about
eliminating toxins will make you feel bored. However, it's
great that you don't feel bored. We all understand that life is
nothing but suffering, so learning many lessons that have the
same task of eliminating toxins in the interacting groups of
the four forms will not make people lose their enjoyment in
learning the two truths."
The teacher took the opportunity to sip a cup of hot tea
before continuing the lecture. Then, the teacher lectured,
"Today's lesson, we will identify and eliminate toxins as
producers and businesses. This group interacts as the social
Tao when each person practices the values accumulated in
the soul to create new profits and values. This interaction
group is entirely different from the interaction group in the
relationship between employer and employee, which is the
relationship of two groups of roles. As for production and
business, they are the practices of those who act as employers.
I have a question for you. Because I am teaching you
enlightened knowledge, is it my role as a producer and
business person?"

Eliminating Toxins as a Businessman and Producer

One student replied, "No, sir. Because you don't have

products that are goods, and you don't make any profit from
teaching this knowledge. If the teacher's classes collect
student tuition, the teacher is a business person. But because
you do not collect student tuition, you are not a business
The teacher laughed and replied, "Your answer is
completely wrong. I am a person participating in the
production and business process. I have produced goods of
great value and am in the process of distributing them to
humanity. They are the stable energy particles in my tuelinh.
My tuelinh has an energy filter, which produces countless
super-energy particles when I practice preaching the
knowledge of the two truths to everyone. So, I have a factory,
and I am practising production. My products are super-
energy particles containing comprehensive information
values and sustainable development for intelligence and
humans. That is a special type of good. In addition, I am also a
business person because when I teach knowledge, I am
distributing products to people. People consume my products
when they accept my knowledge to understand the three
secrets. Next, when people practice the sustainable
transmutation mechanism, they become secondary factories
to produce energy particles like I have been practising. Thus,
I am both a manufacturer, a product distributor, and a
technology transferor so that everyone can have the same
abilities as me. You should know that I earn super profits from
my production and business. Those profits have helped the
tuelinh within me have the power to unite with all things in
the universe and have the power to produce many types of

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

super-energy to help my tuelinh and all things become

sustainable. In addition, many other souls who followed the
practice succeeded on their journey to becoming enlightened
A student immediately said, "You produce and provide
super-energy particles. Your factory is an energy filter in
tuelinh, and the product is super-energy particles. I hope you
can transfer the technology of that factory to us so we can do
the same as you."
The teacher smiled and replied, "Of course. I am helping
you understand and gradually build a super-energy particle
manufacturing and trading factory through enlightened
knowledge of the two truths and the smallest energy particle.
That's why I'm here to help you. When you eliminate all toxins
through achieving thoroughly enlightened wisdom, each
preaching of your enlightened wisdom to everyone will help
them understand and practice the mechanism of sustainable
reincarnation, the production of super-energy particles.
Therefore, please try your best to study well to eliminate all
toxins and practice the mechanism of sustainable
Now, you can share your painful experiences in
business and production with me and the class. From there, I
will help you recognize and eliminate that toxin more
A male student shared, "Teacher, my mental health
problems are almost completely cured now. Before joining
your course, I suffered from phenomena such as seeing
demons, God, and Buddha. They told me they would bless me
to make me rich if I took the trouble to worship them. I
Eliminating Toxins as a Businessman and Producer

thought I was lucky when God and Buddha bestowed

blessings on me. Therefore, I borrowed money to invest in
business. I spent a lot of money to rent business premises and
hire workers. However, after a while, I suffered losses and had
a huge debt. After that, I became miserable and blamed God
and Buddha for why they deceived me like that. Why do they
cause me to lose business when they say they will bless me?
Those sufferings and questions were completely answered
when I attended your class. There is a question I would like to
ask you: can I be successful if I do business or produce a
certain product?"
The teacher replied, "Do you understand why you have
mental health problems? Why did you hear words from God
or Buddhas about them bestowing favours on you to do
business? And why did you fail? All of these are toxic
information stored in harmful energy particles in your soul.
That is information disorders in your negative energy particle
system. No God or Buddha will give you wealth or success in
business and production. The things you heard are all
negative information you have practised and encoded in
harmful energy particles in your past lives. In this life, when
you think about business and production, that dangerous
information will be transmitted to your brain. Then, you have
mental problems. In your past life, you were not successful in
business and production. Instead, you performed many
rituals to pray to Buddha or God to gain wealth. Even to get
money, you harmed people and animals. Those actions create
harmful energy particles that make up a part of your soul.
Because you have little good information value in production
and business in your soul, it will be difficult for you to succeed

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

when you want to become a business and production person.

It would be best not to aspire to become an employer or get
rich through business and production. Instead, it would help
if you learned much about production and trade and then
practised business on a tiny scale. Try to make sure you have
enough to eat and educate your children. Don't dream of
getting rich because you will never get rich quickly or
suddenly. The reason is that there is no positive energy
particle system in your soul related to the achievements of
production and business to support you. The best solution is
to work for someone else to help your family and improve
your intelligence.
That is why people suffering from various mental
illnesses should not try to be employers or practice business
and production on a large scale. Get hired or practice being
your employer and only do small business after knowing
about the products you want to sell."
Another student asked the teacher, "Teacher,
nowadays, there are many courses on how to get rich. Many
young people have taken those courses to get rich quickly.
However, many people fail, and many of them have mental
health problems. Can you explain more about that issue so we
can understand?
The teacher said, "To become a successful person in any
field, including production and business, the soul within must
have many positive energy particles of kindness that have
content related to that field. That means that for a person to
be successful in getting rich, that person's soul must have
positive energy particles that benefit everyone and all beings
involved in getting rich in past lives. If they have a large

Eliminating Toxins as a Businessman and Producer

amount of that valuable, sustainable development

information, they can quickly become rich without taking
enrichment courses. On the contrary, if the soul contains
harmful information that harmed people and all species in
production and business in past lives, they will fail to get rich
even if they take many courses. You need to understand that
learning and cultivating current wisdom to help you succeed
in any field is considered the top fruit of a tree. Meanwhile,
information with sustainable development stored in the soul
from past lives is regarded as the roots and trunk of a tree. If
the tree's roots and trunk are healthy, it is evident that there
will be sweet fruit. On the contrary, if the roots and trunk of
the tree are infected with pests, there will be no fruit for
everyone to harvest.
And above all, you must understand that practising in
the human world is not to get rich by any means. Through a
group of interactive scenarios in production and business
roles to help each tuelinh understand himself. From there,
learn how to eliminate toxins and activate kindness in
production and business."
Some students said, "Teacher, we understand what you
said about getting rich in production and business roles must
be based on the relevant information accumulated in the soul.
However, because humans interact in the human world with
comparison and competition, the desire to become rich is
inevitable, teacher.
The Master replied, "That is the ideal environment for
each tuelinh to understand himself and practice sustainable
change after experiencing all the suffering in each interacting
group of the four forms of the Tao.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Before you can identify and eliminate toxins in your

business and production interaction group, you need to
understand the value of this group to the tuelinh.
So, what is the value of the business and production
role for tuelinh? It includes:
- Help souls practice the values they have accumulated
while practising and learning in the human world.
- It helps tuelinhs verify whether their accumulated
value is good or harmful through success and failure in
production and business. Success is bringing sustainable
development value to everyone and all species. Loss is
detrimental to everyone and all species.
- It helps tuelinhs complete their practice in the human
world if they transform from the production and trading of
simple physical products into products that are super-energy
particles. That is to preach enlightened wisdom to everyone.
If successful, it will help each tuelinh quickly practice the most
effective production of sustainable energy particles.
Thus, you can see that through a group of interactive
scenarios in production and business, each soul will build a
method to produce sustainable energy particles through the
production model of teaching enlightened knowledge to
everyone. To do that, everyone must understand and
eliminate toxins as producers and traders. If you can do this,
even if you don't become rich in money and simple materials,
your souls will become wealthy in sustainable energy
particles. That is the goal the group interacting as
businessmen and producers bring to the tuelinhs.

Eliminating Toxins as a Businessman and Producer

Toxins that need to be identified and eliminated as a

producer and trader include:
- Producing and trading products that harm the lives of
animals and all species.
- Production and business are based on destroying
land, water, forests, and other earth's resources.
- Producing and trading products that harm human
health and life.
- Producing and trading counterfeit goods that do not
ensure quality.
- Producing and trading in stimulants and addictive
substances that affect human health.
- Producing and trading in poisons and weapons that
make people kill each other.
- Producing and trading products that violate the laws
of the country where people live.
- Acts of smuggling, tax evasion, and trading in poor
quality counterfeit goods.
- Killing and trading in animal meat products.
- Trafficking in children and women, trafficking and
forcing people into slavery.
- Trading or brokering prostitution.
- Acts that harm each other in production and business.
- Practice professions such as worshipping and fortune-
telling for people or houses.
- Teaching harmful knowledge to people: that is the
knowledge that immerses people in superstition, hurting and
killing each other, not understanding the truth about the

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

origin and mission of practice in the human world of the

The fact that you do not practice production and
business activities that cause harm and destruction to all
people and all species means that you have eliminated and not
allowed this type of poison to appear and develop in your
Now, please focus on your soul to eliminate toxins as a
producer and businessperson. Read out loud after me:
Hey, tuelinh! It's great that we've been eliminating the
last toxins in you. I am proud because we have received the
enlightened wisdom of the two truths and the smallest energy
particle. That helps us gain the power of unity between soul,
intellect and body. Therefore, you should focus on receiving the
informational value of sustainable development from knowing
two truths in your role as a producer and businessperson. That
is the group of interactions you have practised in each life of
practice in the human world. You have produced many positive,
neutral, and negative energy particles from this group of
interactions. Please join me in charging enlightened wisdom to
re-encode the original yin and yang energy embryo within you.
For this work to be most effective, you must concentrate as I re-
read and listened to this lecture many times. Hey, tuelinh,
awaken all the negative, positive, and neutral energy particles
related to the production and business content of your human
lives in the human world. Let the positive energy particles
receive more strength from the enlightened wisdom of the two
truths. That power will destroy and re-encode harmful
information in negative energy particles with the same
information content. Don't be afraid or worried when toxic

Eliminating Toxins as a Businessman and Producer

information is transmitted from harmful particles. Consider it a

valuable lesson to create motivation for producing sustainable
energy particles. That poison is present in every soul, so you
should be peaceful and happy because we have understood all
the truths of the origin and practice mission in the human world
of the tuelinh life form. Dear Tuelinh, we are approaching
outstanding achievements after many lifetimes of practising
suffering in the human world. Therefore, together, we fully
receive this magical enlightened knowledge to eliminate all
toxins and maximize the goodness within you. That is the path
of sustainable transformation that we must practice. When we
succeed, it is a profound thank you to all the souls and people
who have suffered because of you in your practice and past lives.
That is also a deep gratitude to the first tuelinh when he silently
guided us on our practising journey in the human world. We will
achieve complete achievement soon.
After that, please often focus on reading and listening
to this lecture. That helps the yin and yang energy in your
souls to re-encode valuable information for sustainable
development and remove toxins from your souls. This
miraculous method is to heal each person's body, soul, and
A student said, "Teacher, today's lecture was
wonderful. It helps us understand many things in the
production and business interaction group. I understand that
we live not to get rich, but through an interactive scenario to
get rich for our souls by producing sustainable energy

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Destroying Toxins in Relationships with

Animals and All Species

"Do you remember Nalas Nalanda's teachings about

animals to the first humans in the great gathering of
humanity?" The teacher asked the student.
Everyone replied, "I assign all of you the task of taming
animals so that their souls can also become humans to
practise, teacher."
The teacher continued, "Exactly so. That is the mission
of tuelinhs when they incarnate into humans. Taming animals
is to help their souls transform sustainably. When a ferocious
animal becomes a gentle animal, it is a testament to every
person and tuelinh that they can entirely successfully
transform their yin and yang energy embryos.
Thus, among the four commandments of the first
tuelinh, there is one thing about animals. That shows the
importance of animals compared to the remaining three
commandments on the tuelinhs' practising journey to
successfully transform their yin and yang energy embryos in

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

the human world. That is why there are interaction scenarios

between humans, animals, and all species.
Today's lesson will explore human interaction
scenarios with animals and all species. From there, you will
identify and eliminate toxins when treating them.
You already know about animals. They include flying
animals, animals that live on the ground, and animals in the
water. As for all species, do you know which species they are?"
The student replied, "Plants, rocks, vegetation, insects, and
life smaller than insects, teacher."
The teacher said, "All the species you mentioned are
just simple groups of matter. Before you learned about the
knowledge of the two truths, you only knew people, animals,
plants and vegetation systems, but you did not know what
was inside them. But when you understand the knowledge of
the two truths, you will learn: inside humans is the tuelinh,
also known as the soul; inside animals is the soul; inside
plants and trees is the soul; inside the soil and stones are the
souls, inside insects and more petite than them are complex
energy structures. Since humans cannot see complex and
super-complex energy structures with their eyes, humans
cannot fully see and know species. Thus, all species include all
life forms and matter, from simple to complex and super
Please continue to share your suffering experiences or
those of people around you regarding the treatment of
animals and all species. From there, you will quickly
understand and eliminate toxins in scenarios for treating
animals and all species."

Destroying Toxins in Relationships with Animals and All Species

A woman shared, "Teacher, my family bought a big

mountain to exploit and process stone into products for
construction. Besides the economic benefits my family has
received, my family also had many incidents. My child and I
used to suffer from problems related to mental health, but
after learning the teacher's knowledge in previous courses,
we have recovered. After consulting with you, my family
decided to sell that mountain. During my years of illness, I
suffered from hallucinations, such as seeing images of snakes
and tigers. They always appear in my dreams, trying to chase
and harm me. Before knowing your knowledge, I asked the
psychics to see it. They all thought I had to worship gods and
become a psychic like them. I didn't follow what they said
because I saw people who are psychics not having good
results for themselves or their families. Instead, I looked for
another solution and was fortunate to learn from the
teacher's knowledge. As a result, my child and I have
overcome mental health problems. From your lectures, I
understood that the negative energy particles we had
produced in our past lives were the main cause of mental
health problems. And the direct cause of the present life is
production and business based on blasting mountains to
exploit stone. I understand that many species suddenly lost
their place to live in the mountains and were even injured. In
the souls of those who destroyed the mountains, they
continued to produce negative energy particles. My family has
moved to another job to do business, so I feel happy and no
longer worried like before. I would like you to explain more
to me and everyone about the species that humans cannot see
when they exist in trees and rocks?"

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

The teacher said, "It was a good decision for everyone

in the family and all the creatures living on that mountain. The
species that live in that mountain are not just animals, trees,
and rocks. It also has the souls of animals, the souls of trees,
and the souls of rocks and soil. Beast souls will become angry
when their bodies are killed, and then they will find ways to
avenge those who killed them or those living nearby. Why do
their souls take revenge? Because they have no enlightened
wisdom and no compassion, they will hate and take revenge
when they lose the opportunity to practice in a simple
physical form. They have to wait for the next reincarnation
journey. Thus, destroying mountains eliminates the living
environment of many animals and plants, even causing them
to die during exploitation.
In addition, the souls in trees and rocks also lost their
practice environment to become sustainable. You must know
that plants, trees, rocks, and soil all have complex energy
structures existing inside. They maintain the existence of
simple matter, and through the simple matter of grass, trees
and rocks, they will grow in number of energy particles and
intelligence. When you destroy their environment and simple
physical structure, they will lose the opportunity to practice.
Therefore, actions to exploit the earth's resources will have
enormous consequences for all species. In future lectures, I
will have in-depth lessons for the transformation journey of
living forms for you to understand more deeply."
Another student told the teacher, "Teacher, during my
mental illness, I always saw images of ferocious animals, such
as snakes, tigers, and dogs, chasing me and wanting to kill me.
Even in my sleep, I see them. When I met the psychics, they all

Destroying Toxins in Relationships with Animals and All Species

thought it was my fate to worship the gods and become a

psychic like them. They also said that if I didn't do what they
said, I would go crazy and not be able to live. But when I
learned your knowledge, I recovered and understood why I
had a mental illness related to hallucinations of wild animals.
In my past lives, I practised or had acts of killing many animals
for trade or to practice worship rituals. Those images are
stored in negative energy particles in my soul. In this life, that
harmful information bombards my brain and causes me
mental illness with hallucinations related to animals."
Another student continued, "Teacher, in the city we live
in, there used to be several neighbourhoods that specialized
in slaughtering dogs and processing their meat into dishes.
The slaughterhouse owners were initially very wealthy, but
many of their children and families died suddenly, and much
suffering came to them. Somehow, they understood that
killing animals for the restaurant business would cause them
severe consequences, so they stopped slaughtering and
trading in animal meat. The consequences of suffering were
direct lessons for them to recognize their cruel behaviour, and
then they changed their behaviour."
The teacher said, "There are always consequences for
evil actions. It comes when the amount of harmful energy
particles in the soul is enough to create a tribulation for each
person. It can come in the next life through mental illnesses
and other calamities. And, it comes during the practice of
cruel acts when their amount of harmful energy particles is
enough in the present life.
Actions that hurt animals and all species, such as
destroying the practice environment and killing them, are all

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

due to people not understanding the truth about the origin

and mission of practice in the human world. Of course, it
includes not knowing the commandments of the first tuelinh.
That's why people do not see the value of the relationship
between humans and animals, and all species bring wisdom
to the tuelinhs. Thus, they do not recognize the toxins in their
Do you know what values the tuelinhs have in human
interaction scenarios with animals and all species? That may
be a difficult question for you. Those values include:
- The most excellent value is that each tuelinh will learn
love for other life forms besides the tuelinhs. If souls learn to
love all living beings in a practice environment, they have
wisdom and love for all life forms in and outside the universe.
The tuelinhs want to attain the unified Tao of the universe;
they must connect their intellect with all matter in and
outside the universe. Therefore, if the tuelinhs do not have
that love, their path to maturity and enlightenment is still very
- Through treating and helping animals and all species,
the tuelinhs can practice protecting and developing all forms
of life in and outside the universe to become sustainable. That
is the mission of each tuelinh after successfully converting the
yin and yang energy embryo into an energy filter.
So, you have understood the value of the interaction
scenarios between humans and animals and all species in the
human practice environment. That is to build a love for all
creatures and practice methods to protect and develop all
things in and out of the universe to become sustainable.

Destroying Toxins in Relationships with Animals and All Species

Next, we need to recognize and eliminate the soul's

toxins through humans' actions towards animals and all
species. It includes:
- Destroying water resources and polluting water
sources in rivers, streams, ponds, lakes, seas, and
underground water.
- Destroying forests and vegetation systems.
- Destroying and exploiting soil and rock in the
mountains and underground.
- Other underground resource exploitation activities.
- Imprisoning and beating animals. That is different
from taming animals.
- Hunting animals underwater, on the ground, and in
the air.
- Practicing the business of trading and slaughtering
- Actions that hurt animals and all species.
When people have faith in the origin of humanity and
the practising mission of the tuelinhs in the human world,
they will stop acts that hurt animals and all species. However,
having many benefits, such as economics, wealth, food, and
pleasure, makes it difficult for people to give up cruel acts
towards animals and all species. Therefore, people must
endure extreme suffering and disasters to help them change
their thoughts and actions.
When you take my courses, most of you have
experienced suffering from mental illness and physical
illness. Those sufferings and tribulations are ideal conditions
for seeking understanding and liberation from suffering. It is
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

also the material that helps you change your thinking and
actions to eliminate all toxins and maximize the goodness in
your soul. Therefore, please practice eliminating toxins and
maximize the kindness within you when dealing with animals
and all species.
Now, please focus within to transmit the enlightened
wisdom to your soul to have strength and eliminate toxins.
Read out loud after me:
Hey, tuelinh! Do you know? Perhaps you must remember
your mission of taming animals since you started incarnating
as a human. As a result, you cannot avoid causing harm to
animals and all living beings during many lifetimes of practice
in the human world. That is the type of poison in the form of the
social Tao that every tuelinh has, and he loses control of himself
because of it. I also understand why you and the tuelinhs cannot
recognize and control that or any type of poison because all do
not have enlightened wisdom. Because of that, we all hurt
animals and all species, while we think we have the right to do
it. We believe that killing animals is to ensure food needs for
humans, and exploiting the earth's resources is to serve
economic development for people and countries. We always
think we have the right to decide on everything, animals and all
species. It is a wrong and cruel ideology that we do not know
that all are equal. Hey, tuelinh, I know you have endured
countless sufferings and tribulations during your practising
journey in the human world. Your toxins have caused suffering
to many species and animals. As a result, harmful energy
particles that form a part of you are produced. That is evidence
of the toxins that have emerged and developed in you through
your treatment of animals and all species.

Destroying Toxins in Relationships with Animals and All Species

Dear Tuelinh, let go of your fears and worries about what

you have done to animals and all species in past lives. Instead,
focus on receiving each unit of enlightened wisdom as we study
and listen to the teacher's teachings. This unique enlightened
wisdom will help you eliminate all toxins and activate
maximum goodness. Please be happy and excited because we
have understood the wisdom of enlightenment from the two
truths and the knowledge of the smallest energy particle. At the
same time, many people have yet to access this special
knowledge. Please forgive the mistakes you have made towards
animals and all species in the past and past lives to have the
strength to practice sustainable transformation on your
practising journey in the human world. Please awaken all
negative, positive, and neutral energy particles related to
treating animals and all species. Let the positive energy
particles be empowered by the enlightened wisdom of the two
truths. That power will control and eliminate all toxins in the
negative energy particle system to re-encode their information.
Then, they will function properly and perform their duties.
Don't be afraid when you see toxic information from harmful
energy particles bombarded. Instead, consider it a short film to
help you have a lesson in activating kindness in this group of
scenarios. Hey, tuelinh, please accept each unit of information
as I read and listened to this lecture many times. It will
magically help you re-encode information in yin and yang
energy embryos. We must race against time to practice
eliminating toxins and activating goodness through sharing
enlightened wisdom with everyone. That is the fastest way to
help you produce sustainable energy particles to convert yin
and yang energy embryos into energy filters. Only success is the

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

best result to pay tribute to the first tuelinh and all life forms in
and outside the universe. We can do it when the destination is
very close to us.
Please read and re-listen to this lecture many times to
maximize the effectiveness of encoding information. When
the yin and yang energy embryo and the energy particle
system in the soul are encoded with data for sustainable
development, you will have magical power in practising
sustainable energy particle production. Receiving valuable
information for sustainable development will help you
change your ideology. It is to transform into a positive
ideology to always practice kindness towards all beings and
in all interactive scenarios of the four forms of the Tao. That
is the power of enlightened knowledge when you learn and
Some students said, "Teacher, the reactions and images
of demons and animals still appear in my mind when
practising forcing out toxins in this group of scenarios.
However, because the previous lesson on forcing out toxins
also had content related to animals, this lesson had a milder
reaction level. My mental illness has almost been cured, and
the symptoms of my illness before attending the course have
almost disappeared, teacher. Indeed, receiving enlightened
wisdom creates miraculous power, sir."

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Eliminate Toxins in Treating Yourself and


When the teacher entered the classroom and prepared

to lecture, the woman sitting near the teacher spoke to him.
"Teacher, until today, I still have sharp pain in my bones.
However, I have good news. Yesterday, I got the results of the
bone scan and cancer cell tests. As a result, the bones show no
signs of metastasis, cancer indicators have decreased to the
safe zone, and tumours and lymph nodes are almost
disappearing. It was miraculous that stage III breast cancer
was almost cured without taking medication or hospital
treatment after a few months of studying your therapy class.
Thus, the sharp pain in my bones and joints is due to the
process of eliminating toxins from my soul and body cells.
However, my bones and joints hurt so much all day and night,
The teacher replied, "That's good. When your soul is
loaded with valuable information for sustainable
development, the yin and yang energy embryo and the energy
particle system in the soul structure will eliminate toxins. The
process of encoding information causes sharp pain in the
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

body. That is the phenomenon of cancer patients and other

patients who also have sharp pain at the site of the disease.
Try to practice helping people with other diseases and
sufferings; help them understand and overcome the suffering
you have been overcoming. Doing so helps the soul produce
positive energy particles to make the healing process faster."
That woman was one of three metastatic cancer
patients who recovered from late-stage cancer after finishing
the course. Five cancer patients participated in the treatment,
while two cancer patients, one only learned half the course,
and one did not follow the teacher's method correctly. They
continued treatment at the hospital, so they did not survive.
After that woman's sharing, many students shared
their illness with everyone and the teacher. Many mentally ill
people have almost completely recovered. In addition,
patients with other types of diseases also miraculously
recover without taking medication. The patients and students
of that course witnessed the miracle of healing mental and
physical illness through the healing of intellectual ignorance.
It is a method of recharging information with sustainable
development to restructure the energy in the soul to generate
warm heat. The warm heat generated will radiate to all cells
in the body to heal all types of diseases. When the energy
structure in the soul has been restructured, the patient's
mental illnesses are also cured. The recovered patients
proved that the teacher's words were accurate when the class
began its first session. That is, "If the patient wants to be
cured, he or she must listen to me and practice my method

Eliminate Toxins in Treating Yourself and Others

People shared their joy and happiness when their

illnesses had decreased and were almost completely cured
when the course had just passed one-third. It is indescribable
happiness when sick people think they cannot be cured after
being treated by hospitals and many different methods.
I remember that when the course of wisdom, soul, and
body healing ended, people sank into feelings of happiness as
almost everyone recovered from their illnesses. That is from
depression, hallucinations, anxiety disorders, epilepsy,
schizophrenia, other diseases, and especially three patients
with late-stage metastatic cancer. Sick people and non-sick
students celebrated the last class together and said goodbye
to the teacher because they would no longer be able to attend
any of his courses in Vietnam. At the first session of this
healing course, the teacher swore before all his students and
all life forms in the universe, "If this healing course is not
successful, I will never teach enlightened wisdom again. If I
succeed and you recover from your illness by listening to me,
I will devote my life to spreading the enlightened wisdom of
the two truths worldwide. Regardless of success or failure, I
will not hold any future classes in Vietnam again." As a result,
he has succeeded in applying enlightened wisdom and
knowledge of the smallest energy particle to treat pathology,
mental illness, and ignorance. That is unquestionably
valuable evidence of the teacher's knowledge. That's why,
during the teacher's farewell party, everyone couldn't hide
their sadness at having to leave him after the course ended.
However, everyone promised themselves that they would try
to practice and spread the teacher's enlightened wisdom to

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

everyone so that together, they could complete the task of

practising in the human world.
Returning to the memory of the toxin removal lecture
series in the interactive scenarios in the four forms of the Tao,
that was the last lecture. The teacher began the class after
everyone shared joy about their excellent health.
He said, "Today's lesson, we will eliminate the last
toxins in each soul as each person behaves towards
themselves and others. You need to know that the
information content groups in eliminating toxins are linked.
When removing toxins in a particular interaction group, it
simultaneously eliminates toxins in other interaction groups.
Therefore, releasing toxins through the information content
in the four forms of the Tao is extremely valuable for you. In
addition, you must remember that eliminating harmful
information is the process of reading and learning
enlightened wisdom from the two truths and smallest energy
particles. You must understand enlightenment knowledge to
help the yin and yang embryo re-encode information and then
practice producing positive energy particles. You cannot just
listen or read my lectures a few times and think you have
eliminated the toxins in your soul and are cured. It is not
possible. Learning and practising must go hand in hand. It is a
mechanism to practice sustainable transformation:
eliminating toxins and producing sustainable energy particles
by helping and saving people, animals, and all species.
This lesson on eliminating toxins differs from the
previous lessons on removing toxins. Therefore, you
concentrate on receiving each unit of information into your
soul so that the elimination of toxins and the encoding of

Eliminate Toxins in Treating Yourself and Others

enlightened wisdom are maximally effective. This lecture will

help you eliminate toxins and activate kindness from your
thoughts to your behaviour towards yourself and others.
1. "Humans do not have the right to kill themselves and
When people encounter suffering, events, difficulties,
pressure, illness or any problems in life, they commit suicide
to end their lives. They think they have the right to decide
their death to be liberated when they encounter the above
problems. Their actions are murder. They kill their parents'
children, the husband's wife, the wife's husband, the father or
mother of the children, and the lover's lover. That is a severe
crime because it does not respect life as a human being. When
they decided to commit suicide, they did not know that to be
reincarnated as a human, that soul had to make a vow and ask
the first tuelinh to be reincarnated. They do not learn that, for
them to be born, to study and to grow up, how much their
parents had to care for and love them. The act of not
respecting one's own life causes the soul inside to suffer an
extremely fierce punishment. After that person dies, the soul
will not be transferred to any planet, nor reincarnated
immediately into the next human life, and exceptionally not
returned to heaven. That soul must be damned and live in a
place where they commit suicide for many years, even
hundreds of years to thousands of years. It was a fitting
punishment for not appreciating that soul's opportunity to be
human. That soul will have to witness the people living nearby
in love and happiness. Only when these souls realize the cruel
actions they have committed and help people living in that
area have faith in the world after people die can those souls

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

return somewhere else to balance energy before being

reincarnated as a human in a new life. If people live on the
land where they died, they have enlightened wisdom and
practice saving that soul. That soul can return to another
place to balance its energy before being reincarnated as a
human being. Therefore, people do not have the right to kill
themselves for any reason. Each life of practice in the human
world is precious because if one does not successfully
transform the yin and yang energy embryo, each tuelinh will
be in danger of being destroyed very quickly. Therefore, we
must cherish human life to practice and overcome suffering
and calamities to produce sustainable energy particles.
Besides, people do not have the right to kill others.
When people interact in the four forms of the Tao, they
quickly break out and develop toxins in their souls. They
become clinging, angry, and hateful, eventually losing control
of their minds, leading to acts of killing each other. That is,
parents kill their children, mothers have abortions, mothers
hug their children to commit suicide together, kill lovers, kill
due to conflicts and clashes in society, kill due to rivalry and
jealousy, and kill harm each other for any reason. It is an act
of murder and hinders humans' practising journey. The soul
of the murderer will receive extremely harsh punishments
after death. They will not be reincarnated immediately; they
will have to wait long. When reincarnated as a new person,
they must endure being killed due to accidents or conflicts
with people. That is a punishment to create a lesson for that
soul to eliminate toxins in relationships with others when the
toxins cannot be controlled and kill others.

Eliminate Toxins in Treating Yourself and Others

Killing yourself or killing others results from losing

control of the mind due to toxins in the soul. It makes the
practising journey of these souls more dire. Therefore,
understand the wisdom of enlightenment from the two truths
to eliminate thoughts of suicide or killing others. Control your
thoughts, words and actions to avoid harming yourself or
2. "Everyone has poisonous snakes inside, so don't try to
make them angry."
The toxin is always present in each person's soul and
will explode when it encounters the right environment to
activate it. Activating other people's toxins will cause
everyone's toxins to explode and grow stronger. As a result,
people will fall into suffering and disaster. Therefore, people
need to control their thoughts and behaviours in
relationships, not provoke other people's toxins.
Some examples of provoking toxicity in others and
- When you have a family, at work or in certain
interactive relationships, from your thoughts, you have
flirtatious looks and words with the opposite sex. That is, you
have activated your toxin first and that toxin is activating the
poison of the opposite sex. When someone of the opposite sex
receives a lot of flirting from you, that person's toxicity can
flare up. When both people's toxins break out, you and that
person will have an affair. As a result, you and that person
produce harmful energy particles that make the path of
disease and destruction of the souls go faster. In addition, the
consequences of adultery will seriously damage everyone's
family, children, and career.
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

- When you have social relationships, if for some reason

you say bad words, curse and assault others. That means you
have activated everyone's toxins with your toxins. It will
create conflicts, fights, and even killing each other. As a result,
both souls make many harmful energy particles for the decay
process to happen faster. In addition, it is possible that
through that conflict, someone gets hurt, someone dies, and
everyone's career and morality are seriously impaired.
- When you accidentally collide with someone in life,
you should not get angry, curse or assault them. Because if
you cannot control your thoughts and actions, you and that
person can fight and kill each other. Because when you
activate your toxins, you also activate other people's toxins.
As a result, your soul, wisdom, and body suffer damage. The
cause of injury is your ignorance.
You know that the practice environment in the human
world is through interactive scenarios to force out toxins and
activate goodness. However, it would be best if you did not
use the wisdom of ignorance to say that each other's
intentional actions of activating toxins are to help each other
identify and remove toxins. That is naive and ignorant
thinking. There are two sources of learning to identify and
force out toxins and then activate goodness: learning through
the sufferings and tribulations of the interactive scenarios in
the four forms of the Tao and learning through enlightened
wisdom of the two truths. Learning through enlightened
understanding is the safest way to eliminate toxins and
activate goodness for each tuelinh. On the contrary, learning
through suffering and tribulations activates other people's
and your toxins. Learning this path causes the soul to produce

Eliminate Toxins in Treating Yourself and Others

many harmful energy particles, and the risk of destruction is

very high. Thus, learning and practicing according to
enlightened wisdom will help tuelinhs complete the path of
practice and attain enlightenment as quickly as possible.
Meanwhile, activating one's own and others' toxins is the
fastest path to destruction for the soul.
3. "Everyone is a mirror. Clean your mirror, and don't try
to clean other people's mirrors."
Each person is a mirror to look back at themselves. It is
reviewing what you have thought and the actions you have
taken in each moment and each day. Looking at yourself is to
help each person recognize whether their toxins have
emerged and developed. If you detect a toxin, eliminate your
thoughts and stop uncontrolled actions caused by that toxin.
Try to practice kindness to bring good values to everyone.
Eliminate toxic thoughts, control hurtful actions, and instead
practice kind activities; it is to wipe your mirror clean.
Cleaning one's mirror should be done moment by moment
and day by day. It helps each person control themselves and
not provoke other people's toxins.
If everyone likes to clean other people's mirrors
because they think they see toxins from others, that is wrong.
The act of washing someone else's mirror is activating
another person's toxins with your own. People should not
criticize or speak ill of someone, thinking these actions help
them improve. Because of those actions, people are using
their toxins to smear the example of others. Therefore, do not
try to clean someone else's mirror. Instead, cleaning your
mirror would help so that your goodness and morality can
shine. Then, when others look at that moral and intellectual

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

example, they will recognize the toxins and know how to

remove them from their souls. It is through those actions that
our moral example shine. At that time, everyone around them
will notice their poisonous mirror through our mirror so they
can clean their mirror.
It would be best to remember that the toxins of
jealousy, narcissism, and conservatism are easy to erupt and
grow strongly to activate all other types of toxins in the soul.
Therefore, each person's thoughts and actions must be
considered to avoid triggering other people's toxins.
4. "All things, events, phenomena, and everyone are our
teachers. Therefore, learners should learn everything well and
respect them."
You already know that all souls incarnate as humans to
practice in the human world to search for the three secrets
through the truth of the universe and the truth of
enlightenment in suffering. That means you must learn
everything from all things, phenomena, events, and people to
find the two truths to liberate misery. That is the content of
one of the four teachings of the first tuelinh.
When you learn any lesson from all things, events,
phenomena and people, you must consider them as your
teachers. Whether good or bad, humans are all teachers; all
are the truth of the universe because people can see the good
and evil nature of each person, soul, and everything. So, what
do you learn from them? That is:
- Through people who have toxins, learn lessons about
identifying and eliminating those toxins. It's about
understanding the hurtful thoughts and actions of those

Eliminate Toxins in Treating Yourself and Others

experiencing toxicity so that you don't think and practice like

- Through those who practice kindness, learn those
lessons to activate your compassion. That is learning to
recognize good values, practice helping actions, and save
people, animals, and all species.
- Through children to learn lessons of holiness and
honesty from them. Each person should understand
children's honest and holy nature to help train the soul to
achieve balance through holy thoughts and actions.
- Through teachers to learn the lessons of dedication
and sacrifice they make for their students. In addition,
through teachers, each person will gain wisdom in the fastest
and most effective way. Teachers are the repository of
knowledge in each field and possibly enlightenment
knowledge. Therefore, the teacher is always the most
respected person in each person's life on the journey of
intellectual development.
- Through the wife, learn the lessons of love, care and
nurturing everything for family happiness.
- Through the husband, learn the lesson of resilience
and determination to overcome all difficulties and pressures
to build a career.
- Through parents, learn the lesson of love for children,
tolerance and sacrificing everything for children.
- Through brothers and sisters, we can learn solidarity
and protect each other.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

- Through friends, you can learn sincere values and

intimate friendship to help each other overcome difficulties
and tribulations in life.
- Through national leaders, learn the lessons of fairness,
intelligence, and time dedication to the nation. In addition,
you also learn lessons about not letting their relatives affect
protecting the survival and prosperity of the country.
- Through the sages and enlightened beings to learn and
practice according to their transcendent wisdom.
- Through everyone: we learn toxic lessons from them,
so we don't follow them; we learn the lessons of kindness and
practice according to them. We should not let someone or
something constrain us to learn and practice according to
their toxins. For example, many people look down on young
children and do not learn from their honest qualities. In order
to defend the wrongs of their brothers and relatives, many
people practice those wrongs. Because they listen to their
wives, many husbands only know how to cultivate happiness
for their family but do not help and save people, animals, and
all species.
- Through animals to learn about their toxins and
goodness. From there, practice according to good deeds and
do not practice according to their toxic actions.
- Through the incident, learn lessons of toxicity and
kindness from everyone participating in the interaction in
that incident. It helps us understand ourselves and others.
- Through phenomena to understand their nature.
Phenomena are manifestations of nature. Therefore, to

Eliminate Toxins in Treating Yourself and Others

understand nature, observing phenomena over a long time is

necessary to obtain high reliability.
- Understanding when their toxins and goodness are
revealed and activated through all things. Understand how
they are linked and valuable to human life. From there, it
helps us identify and eliminate toxins and activate kindness
more effectively.
Because everything is everyone's teacher, so everyone
needs to respect them. Respect to control and eliminate your
toxins and not activate the toxins of others. Even if they are
cruel people, they are also their teachers when they show
lessons to not practice like them. Learn to respect and
practice according to people and teachers who help you gain
insight in all areas of life and enlightenment. Because they are
the teachers who help people practice the path of sustainable
transformation, everyone must appreciate them even more.
5. "No one is anyone else's teacher. Therefore, teachers
should not be arrogant and look down on learners."
No one is anyone's teacher, only those who teach
knowledge in various fields, those who teach knowledge to
everyone, and those who transmit enlightened wisdom to
others. That is the way to control and eliminate toxins as a
teacher. If teachers think they are everyone's teacher, they
can quickly become arrogant. It causes toxins to control their
minds, and they will commit actions that hurt people.
You must remember that this way of controlling toxins
is only for your role as a teacher. Please do not underestimate
and disrespect the teacher who taught you the wisdom of life
and the wisdom of enlightenment because all is everyone's
The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

6. "No one can help or save anyone. Therefore, those who

help and save people should not think that they have helped and
saved people."
This way helps those who practice helping and saving
people, animals and all living things to learn how to control
their toxins. That is not being boastful or arrogant but
thinking you can help people with illness, accidents,
difficulties or tribulations. Everyone's help and save is always
respected and appreciated by everyone. Besides, positive
energy particles are produced in the souls of those who
practice good deeds. However, considering ourselves unable
to save anyone helps everyone eliminate the toxins of pride
and attachment when helping and saving people, animals and
everything. Because in reality, if you can help and save
someone, that is not protecting their inner soul. To save their
inner soul, you must eliminate toxins and practice helping
them gain enlightened wisdom. Because only enlightened
knowledge can help people's souls re-encode information and
practice sustainable transformation mechanisms. When they
do so, their karma will change positively, and they will
succeed on their practising journey.
This method is not for those who are helped and saved.
Therefore, when supported and protected, you must know
how to thank and respect the person who helped you. Take
that as a lesson to help and save others. Because of ignorance,
you should not think that no one can help and save you after
being helped and saved.
Please often focus on reading and listening to this
lecture so that this valuable enlightening information is re-
encoded in the yin and yang energy embryo. That's the best

Eliminate Toxins in Treating Yourself and Others

way to treat yourself and others. We must build a shining

moral example to spread the values of sustainable
development of enlightened wisdom and knowledge of the
smallest energy particle. You must always look at yourself as
the mirror every moment and every day to eliminate toxins
and activate maximum kindness."
Thus, I wrote a series of unique lectures by him in the
course on healing physical diseases, mental illness and
ignorance of people in this book. In the following books, we
continue to receive and explore the magical enlightenment
knowledge and knowledge about energy particles from his
other lectures.

The Truth of the Universe and the Truth of Enlightenment

Completed book one, October 9, 2023
In Cebu City, Philippines.


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