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Intern Tile

When I click on tile , it should display the table below (it should trigger get entity set)

Intern Id Name Phno Email Gender

When I click on Add button , Below screen should be displayed with save button(all fields should be
in edit able mode except Intern id) . ADD

Intern id

First name last name Sur name

Phone No email id Designation

Age gender D.O.B

Aadhar No. pan No Bank Ac No

Address line 1 Address line2 Pin code

Location joining Date


When click on Save button (create entity should trigger)

Intern Id Name Phno Email Gender

When I double click any record in table , You should display below screen with uneditable mode

With two buttons Edit & Delete button

When I click on delete button – ( delete entity should trigger )

Intern id

First name last name Sur name

Phone No email id Designation

Age gender D.O.B

Aadhar No. pan No Bank Ac No

Address line 1 Address line2 Pin code

Location joining Date

Edit Delete

When I click on eidt – in above screen all fields should come to editable and

We should remove edit & Delete and Save button should be added ( Update entity should trigger )

Links :--
/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZINTURN_APP_SRV/inturnentitySet -- For Tables get entity set ( Get
Button )

/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZINTURN_APP_SRV/inturnentitySet('00002') --for get entity (get

button) doublr click.

/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZINTURN_APP_SRV/inturnentitySet ---- (Create entity) (Post)

/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZINTURN_APP_SRV/inturnentitySet('00002') ---- (Delete entity)


/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZINTURN_APP_SRV/inturnentitySet ------ (Update entity) (Put)

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