Requirement For Intern App 1

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Intern Tile

When I click on tile , it should display the table below

Intern Id Name Phno Email Gender

When I click on Add button , Below screen should be displayed with save button

Intern id

First name last name Sur name

Phone No email id Designation

Age gender D.O.B

Aadhar No. pan No Bank Ac No

Address line 1 Address line2 Pin code

Location joining Date


When click on Save button (create entity should trigger)

Intern Id Name Phno Email Gender

When I double click any record in table , You should display below screen with uneditable mode

With two buttons Edit & Delete button

When I click on delete button –(delete entity should trigger )

Intern id

First name last name Sur name

Phone No email id Designation

Age gender D.O.B

Aadhar No. pan No Bank Ac No

Address line 1 Address line2 Pin code

Location joining Date

Edit Delete

When I click on eidt – in above screen all fields should come to editable and

We should remove edit & Delete and Save button should be added ( Update entity should trigger )
Links :--

/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZINTURN_APP_SRV/inturnentitySet -- For Tables get entity set ( Get

Button )

/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZINTURN_APP_SRV/inturnentitySet('00002') for get entity (get button)

doublr click.

/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZINTURN_APP_SRV/inturnentitySet (Create entity) (Post)

/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZINTURN_APP_SRV/inturnentitySet('00002') (Delete entity) (Delete)

/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZINTURN_APP_SRV/inturnentitySet (Update entity) (Put)

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