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Module 4 lesson 5


1. The Philippines is the most food-insecure country in emerging Asia due to its reliance on imported
food to feed its expanding population, Some 62.1% of Filipino households experienced moderate to
severe food insecurity in 2020 amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, according to a Rapid Nutrition
Assessment Survey (RNAS) conducted by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute.

2. New technologies are introduced gradually; diffusion is the process through which technologies
spread throughout the farm sector over time. While adoption is the decision by an individual producer
to use a new technology at a given moment, diffusion is the aggregate measure of adoption decisions.
There are four main interacting elements of the key concept: Diffusion of Innovations – 1) an
innovation, 2) communicated through certain channels, 3) over time and 4) among members of a social

3. Technological change: increase in the efficiency of a product or process that results in an increase in
output but no increase in input. Impacts: lower costs, creation of new products, better efficiency,
improves economies, reduces our self-reliance, decreases workers' value.

The Internet, for example, revolutionizes the very meaning of time and space. With the click of a mouse
and the flight of electrons, vast quantities of data and manifold services can move across the globe.
Today there are billions of pages on the appropriately named World Wide Web; by 2005 it will likely be
eight billion. Thus the integration of the world economy through trade, capital flows, and enhanced
communications is rapidly proceeding as the products of the Information and Communications
Technology Revolution permeate every corner of society. The economies of the world will increasingly
become 'knowledge-based,' with value-added coming more from knowledge than materials.


1. Rogers defines diffusion as “the process in which an innovation is communicated thorough certain
channels over time among the members of a social system” (p. 5). As expressed in this definition,
innovation, communication channels, time, and social system are the four key components of the
diffusion of innovations.

2. What are the characteristics of innovations? Describe each characteristic and cite an example.

- Everett Rogers, a communications expert and rural sociologist, developed the "diffusion of
innovations" theory in an effort to pinpoint and explain the elements that influence how individuals and
groups embrace new ideas (new ideas and technologies). Usability-focused design teams have a
significantly better probability of having users accept and use their products than those who only
consider usability. Design teams can use their understanding of the theory to develop a road map for
how they will address important factors in the design and marketing of their product. The diffusion of
innovations is a complex process.

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