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NAME: Renato I M.

Pagador RATING:
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Agricultural Extension and Communication



Intended Learning Outcome: To identify the different concept, source and types of technology.

Agriculture today employs sophisticated technologies such as temperature and moisture

sensors, as well as robots. Precision agriculture and related equipment/devices make farming
more profitable, efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly.

As agriculture students, no matter how young you are, you must be exposed to the fast-
changing world of farming business, not only to make them aware, but also to instill in their
minds and hearts that agriculture is not a lowly enterprise, but rather a critical foundation for the
existence of many technologies developed for human survival.


Direction: Write your answer in one (1) paragraph with a minimum of 3 sentences and a maximum
of 6 sentences.

1. How will this technology empower students to take control of their education?

- Technology has also helped in improving the learning experience. With the help of technology, students can

now enjoy learning more because they are now exposed to a more interactive and entertaining way to learn.

Technology can engage learners in order to keep them focused on what they are learning.

2. How might technology be combined with other tools to help people grow and learn?

- Technology provides students with easy-to-access information, accelerated learning, and fun opportunities to

practice what they learn. It enables students to explore new subjects and deepen their understanding of

difficult concepts, dents to explore and solve. Technology can help to create an active environment in which

students not only solve problems, but also find their own problems. This approach to learning is very different

from the typical school classrooms, in which students spend most of their time learning facts from a lecture or

text and doing the problems at the end of the chapter.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

3. Philippines have limited access to digital technology, what alternative technology can be use in the

dissemination of agriculture technologies to target clientele?

- Refocus the policy package to improve food security. Focus on agricultural land policies, from land

distribution to protection of property rights through land governance reforms. Budget support for long-term

structural reforms. Reorganize the agricultural knowledge system

4. In your understanding, describe what is technology?

- Technology refers to methods, systems, and devices which are the result of scientific knowledge being used

for practical purposes. Technology is changing fast. They should be allowed to wait for cheaper technologies to

be developed. Technology can also be defined as the branch of knowledge that caters to the creation

and use of technical means and their relationship with society and environment, using engineering,

applied and pure science. The sum of ways in which social groups provide themselves with material

objects of their civilization.

5. Differentiate Climate-Smart Agriculture from Agriculture 4.0. Cite an examples.

Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an integrated approach to managing landscapes cropland,

livestock, forests and fisheries that address the interlinked challenges of food security and climate

change. Overview. A growing global population and changing diets are driving up the demand for

food. While Agriculture 4.0 is essentially the digitalization of farm operations. For instance, the use of drones

captures farm images and data in real time. This enables farmers to know which areas need water and pest

and nutrient management, enabling the precise application of inputs by a fleet of agribots.

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