Make It Happen

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Make it Happen

Welcome fellow toastmasters and guests. First of all, I would like to greet fellow Distinguished
toastmaster and Program Quality director; Teoh Chun Ming from D’Utama TMC who will be our General
Evaluator for our very first hybrid meeting

Next, I would like to greet Natkuncaran, Daniel and President Buey Lynn from Sunway University
Toastmasters club, along with August Wong and President Lim Bing Yee from D’Utama Toastmasters
club. Thank you for joining us today!

Let me start off the opening address with a simple question; Do you have a dream?

Do you dream for success, to become better versions of yourselves, yet you sort of lack the motivation
to fight for it?

If you do, take some time to focus on yourself. Ask yourself; What’s holding you back? Is it fear, lack of

Whatever it may be, in order to achieve success, it all has to start from you. As you start to change your
mindset and take control, you begin to realize that the dream you have, you can literally make it

The first step to make it happen, is to change your mindset. However, changing your perspective and
demanding more from yourself won’t happen overnight. So, take small steps each and every day
towards a more positive self-image. Each small action will build upon one another, and you begin to see
the results and be more confident.

You don’t come out an experienced speaker by only doing one toastmaster speech. But that one speech
is enough to lead you to the right direction. As you give more and more speeches, you begin to see
results and the next thing you know, you become way more confident than who you were before.

The second step to make it happen, is visualization. When you visualize where you want to be in life,
this mental imagery can act as your guiding light and give you a sense of optimism. Visualization
encourages a new outlook on life, resulting in inspiration and positive action. These changes will come
from within, so remain focused, motivated and, most importantly, have faith in yourself.

Thirdly, always be yourself. When you let go of the fear that’s holding you back, you will begin to
develop your true sense of self. When life tries to change you into someone you’re not, listen to the
inner voice inside your head. No matter what, stay true to your core values, take risks, and surround
yourself with supportive, inspiring people.

Last but not least. try to infuse your life with action.

There are three kinds of people in this world.

People who make it happen,

people who watch what happens and,

people who wonder what happened.

March 2020 the Movement Control Order was first introduced. Everything that happens offline, turns
online. Monash University Toastmasters club, and most toastmasters club I’m pretty sure, are heavily
affected. But whatever obstacle it may be, it will not change what Toastmasters stood for.

Despite the online sphere, we improvise adapt and overcome. We remain focused, not sitting
wondering on what could happen, we make it happen. Finding ways to still make it work.

As the restrictions start to be lifted, Monash University Toastmasters club is bringing it back to the good
old days of face-to-face interaction. As we sit in this room, witnessing signs of offline meeting since the
past two years. Again, we make it happen

So, a reminder to all my fellow dreamers, don’t be afraid to make it happen. Build a strong self-image,
visualize and stay authentic. Never stop dreaming, never stop making it happen and don’t stop until you
finally get to say, that you have made it happened.

Thank you and without any further ado I would now like to pass the stage to our TME Toastmaster of
the Evening, Presentation Mastery 2. Give it up for none other than, Avery Ong.

Avery, take it away

SAA Rules:

It is 6:58 pm, the meeting will be called to order in about two minutes so please kindly take your seat

Now its 7 pm, I will now call the meeting to order

Good evening fellow toastmasters and guests. Welcome to Monash University TM club’s very first
Hybrid meeting.

Let me introduce myself, I am your Sergeant-at-arms [Andi]. Before I bring in our opening address
speaker and dive into today’s session, I would like to remind all of you a couple few things.

1. Maintain social distancing: Do not move the chairs and kindly refrain from hugging and
2. Put on your mask at all times
3. Do not eat in this room
4. Fourth, any topics related to sex, religion and politics can be discussed, but make sure it’s done in
good faith.
5. Most importantly, please refrain from swearing and profanity.

Your cooperation with these house rules is highly appreciated. Now, without any further ado, I would
like to pass the stage to our President of Monash University Toastmasters Club, Natalie. Stage is yours

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