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Where Did The Native American Find Shelter During Winter

Ans31.The Native American Found Shelter In Valleys Or Woods During Winter
Q32.What Were The Essential Food Crops Grown By Them ?
Ans32.The Essential Food Crops Were Beans,Maize And Squash(Pumpkin) Grow By Them
Q33.Where And By Whom Were The Totem Poles Made?
Ans33.The Totem Poles Were Made By North West Amarican’s Farmers In The Forest Of North West America
Q34.How Would The Native American Hunters Spend Their Summer ?
Ans34.The Native American Hunters Would Spend Their Summer Moving Across The Wild Roling Grasslands Of
The Great Plains.
Q35.What Is Strongly Advised?
Ans35.It Is Strongly Advised That No One Should Believe In These Spirit. This Is Gives Merely For
Information And General Knowledge. Did Great Plain Hunters Travel?
Ans36.The Great Plain Hunters Travelled In Vast Distance On Foot .
Q37.Give The Meanings Of The Words Given Below. One Word Answers Or Short Phrases Will Be Accepted
(i) Essential
(ii) Advised
Q38.Last week you attended a seminar on “The Importance Of Blood Donation” organized by
RIMS Ranchi. Write a report of the seminar for publications in the school magazine. Sign As Deepa/Deepak.
Ans38. The Importance Of Blood Donation
A Seminar Was Organized By RIMS, Ranchi . Many Professional and reputed doctors were present there and took
part in the seminar . Speakers one by one came on the stage and discussed about the blood donation and its
importance . They highlighted the point that donating blood gives us strong positive feeling and makes us a good noble
person by saving some ones life . One who donates blood receives the blessing from people and Almighty. The speakers in
the seminar asked and requested to each and everyone present in the seminar that he or she should
donate blood one year, as someone’s life can be saved
At the end of the seminar people gave or donated their blood and the donators got the certificate, donation card and refreshments, too
The Daily reporter
Q39.In Many parts of the country girls are still discouraged from going to schools. Consequently, a sizeable section of the
population is deprived of education. Write a composition on “ Promoting Education Of Girls”
Ans39. Promoting Education Of Girls
In Many countries including India the girl child is discriminated against from the early stages of her life. It is because
of this discrimination of girls are not allowed education either in their childhood or after a certain age. In rural parts of India
one of the reasons why girls are deprived of education. Since boys are the bread earners, their education is given the
maximum importance.Often girls themselves choose not to study. Usually due to financial crisis at home, domestic
responsibilities and even lack of inspiration. However, education for girls is extremely necessary because they too play
an important role in our country’s economy and society. Proper education would enable them to improvetheir lives and
others as well. Education will also make girls aware of family planning, health and sanitation. As a result there will be low
infant mortality rates and less numbers of death of women in child birth
Q41.Did the author believe in the prophetic ability of frau frieda?
Ans41.Apparently the author gives us an impression that he does not believe in the prophetic ability of Frau Frieda.
He considers her as a master of selling her dreams are no more than ‘ a stratagem’ for surviving. Dream by dream she
has taken over wealth of her rich patrons
Q42.Whos was Frank? Why did Eyelines father quarrel with him ?
Ans42.Frank was a kind, manly and open hearted young man. He worked on a ship. He used to meet Eveline outside the store,
where she worked, every evening and see her off to her home. She had begun to like him and soon they were in Love.
Q43.What is the contrast between the liveliness of the swans and the human life ?
Ans43.W . B . Yeats in his poems ‘ The Wild Swans at Coole’ compares liveliness of swans with the life of human beings.
Till the age nineteen years before The poet is free from the worldly burdens. His life is like the swans he sees upon the
brimming water. He is free of material worries and is so close to nature
Q44.The poem “Kubla Khan” is a fragment What do you think has made it a lasting literary piece ?
Ans44. It is its presentation of supernational as real. By virtue of an apt use of parallelism, contrast, pathetic fallacy,
oxymoron, paradox and personification, S. T. Coleridge Has filled waters of all the seven seas in this pitcher like fragment.
Despotism has been severely condemned and flayed by selection of characters, the poet’s Self and the successor
Of nomadic empire founded by Genghis Khan i.e. Kubla Khan
Q45.What are some of the risks of film making ?
Ans45. Modern fil making has dual responsibility. One side a film maker has to take full caution so that the fil should successfully
entertain its audience. On the other side the producers, financers and the workers have their expectations about profit
and earning. A film maker pours it successful. But what if audience rejects it! He Walks on the tight rope bearing all the risks, but
he does not have a net below to safeguard him if he falls. He has to face struggle. Failure, criticism and public indifference
All alone.

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