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February 27, 2012


Dear Atty. Sumulong,

This to formalize our offer to engage your services as Consultant on a retainer-basis as follows:

1. Effectivity : This engagement shall be effective on March 1st 2012 on an on-going monthly basis until
either party has served a Written Notice of Termination of Agreement at least thirty (30) days prior to effective
date of termination unless such written notice has been waived by the other party.

2. Conflict of Interest : The rules of legal ethics prevent you from accepting engagements involving
servicing the interests of a client adverse to those of an existing client without the consent of such latter client.
Sometimes, the existence of an actual or potential conflict of interest may not be readily discernible at the time
of a specific engagement of services from a client. Accordingly, the undersigned reserves the right to withdraw
from such engagement should such conflict of interest develop or become apparent.

3. Retainer Fee
3.1 The undersigned shall charge a fee of .......................... PESOS (PHP ..............) a month.
3.2 Personal appearance shall be subject to the rate of P................... per hour.
3.3 The fees due shall be paid inclusive of the Expanded VAT and payable on or before the last working day of
each month of engagement without need of demand.

4. Availability of Services : The engagement of the undersigned’s services shall generally be on a remote basis.
Any request for the undersigned’s personal appearance shall be upon prior notice and subject to availability.

If the foregoing is acceptable to you, please sign on the appropriate space provided below and return to the
undersigned one signed copy. Should you have further questions, please feel free to contact the undersigned.

Sincerely yours,


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