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The Transformational Path Toward Potential "Community" by ...


The Transformational Path Toward Potential "Community" by Chef JeM .....

It's nature's way!

Date: 8/11/2022 6:02:22 AM ( 21 mon ago)

May 28, 2024 - Further Insights -

Re: “A healthy social life is found only, when in the mirror of each soul the whole community
finds its reflection" -

From this writer's perspective & now insightfully rephrased as: "The Whole Community is
shaped in the mirror of each participant's soul!" -

This "mirror" is actually a live mirroring that can be referred to as: "soul mirroring" and that is
probably best accomplished within direct aura-to-aura contact between people. This is
actually what M. Scott Peck was pointing to in his community-building "bible" titled: "A
Different Drum."[19]* He demonstrated the need for this yet didn't have a concise term for
this radically-honest relating that he convincingly presented that it is absolutely required for
authentic community-building.

January 14, 2024 -

"When you sense that you have found a philosophy that is true, ... follow it without asking
anyone’s opinion. If you absolutely want to ask questions, ask them of your own soul, your
spirit or the God within."[18]

January 6, 2024 - Self-Mastery -

"The secret of self-mastery lies in a very simple rule: do not allow certain thoughts and
feelings to take hold in your head or your heart, for it is then too late to stop their effects."[17]

December 19, 2023 - To "Grow in kindness, patience, generosity and selflessness"[16]


December 7, 2023 -

"The main thing that prevents people from making progress is their tendency to think that
they know it all, that they are as good as they need to be ..."[15]

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The Transformational Path Toward Potential "Community" by ...


Comment: Over the better part of this year one of the main "mantras" of this writer has been
and continues daily to be: "I do not know"! And when it comes to knowing others he has
said: "I don't know Jack!"

Related to this is the fact that there exists so much pressure that has been placed on having
an "answer" as if one knows something which is all deeply part of the early conditioning that
apparently virtually everyone is conditioned with. However there are individuals who are
genetically designed "To Wait" and some who are designed with a Human Design throat
gate known as: "Stand Still." For these individuals (and others) it is most true and right for
them not to acquiesce under external pressure.

November 28, 2023 - Reflections after the latest "house meeting" -

There is only so much that can be: "swept under the rug" - before those things pile up to the
point where it becomes much too difficult to walk on the rug anymore!

November 14, 2023 -

Renaming this blog in light of this writer's current realization that although the
transformational path can be entered upon by choice that doesn't guarantee community.
Having just written this now this writer thinks "community" could be the object of one's
contemplation in a three-day "enlightenment intensive"-focus. In thinking further on this now
he also has a parallel thought regarding forming an "enlightenment intensive" coop without a
"master" and without a cook.

November 12, 2023 - Alchemy -

"The existence of Black Madonnas is linked to the alchemical secrets of the transmutation of
matter. The base material, which alchemists seek to transform, is said to be black,
unorganized,(i) raw matter: chaos. The Black Madonnas are related to this original
alchemical substance. This is why these statues were usually placed underground in caves
or crypts, because the matter they symbolize is extracted from the primitive virgin earth; this
is what the term ‘black’ expresses. ..."[14]

(i) This writer laughed out loud at this point in his reading of the above "Thought" upon
suddenly realizing that this description of: "the base material" also described the true nature
of: "My Enchanted Garden Onion" that was further verified for him with the term: "chaos"!

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Upon completing his reading this writer said: "Surprise surprise - you have the 'Black
Madonna' before your eyes!"

Continuing - November 7, 2023 - Human Relations -

"...human relations are very complex; affinities and antipathies are usually determined by
past incarnations. This is why you must not judge others; ..."[13]

November 7, 2023 More "Community-Building" -

"Community-Building" includes the building up of each individual in their own sacred and
unique individuality. In other words "Community-Building" is not homogenization. If it were
then Rudolf Steiner would not be able to say: “A healthy social life is found only, when in the
mirror of each soul the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the whole
community the virtue of each one is living.”[12]

Plus - The community itself becomes its own peculiar individuality! ; ~ )


October 1, 2023 - We Must Learn to Re-establish Silence Within Us -

"Someone who remains silent shows that they are ready to listen and thus to obey. On the
other hand, someone who speaks up shows that they want to take the initiative, to lead and
to dominate. Silence is therefore characteristic of the feminine principle, which submits to
and models itself on the masculine principle. The reason we must learn to re-establish
silence within us is so the divine Spirit can work on us. As long as we are rebellious,
stubborn and anarchic, the Spirit cannot guide us and we remain weak and miserable.

August 22, 2023 - Alchemy & True Magic Over the Enchanted! -

"... matter is nothing but a condensation of energy, it is up to human beings to transform that
energy. In doing so they enter the realm of alchemy and magic."[10]

Comment: That which might be considered "enchanted" is now realized by this writer (with
the help of the full quote of the above at its source[10]) as a passive state - and over the
course of the last several years at: "The Enchanted Garden Intentional Community" (AKA:
My Enchanted Garden Onion) he has seen most of the people who have arrived here have
been passive in relationship to the day to day reality of the actual garden/s here.

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An alchemical transformation is needed in order to fully return to the garden! Otherwise

what's "enchanted" may be as good as dead!

June 24, 2023 - Universal Law #21

"Law of Divine Order •Everything is exactly as it should be! There are no accidents in life.
Every seemingly negative event leads us to a new path. All of your experiences were meant
to happen. Accept them for what they are and for letting them shape your journey."[9]

June 19, 2023 -

"...By the way in which you consider things, you introduce something of yourself into them
that is likely to transform them. However, human beings are generally content to take things
as they are – people are passive, they are not creators and that is a shame! If they were
conscious, they could add so many beneficial elements to everything they do!"[7]

Comment: This blog-writer is amazed to have just received the above "Thought" (partially
quoted) after having experienced about an hour of Karaoke[8] with fellow "Enchanted
Gardeners" in "The Enchanted Garden" where he requested two songs: "Stop In The Name
of Love" and "Who Are The Brain Police." After which he "confessed" to having a secret
fantasy of singing at least one piece by either "The Supremes" (or another popular song by a
female singer) in drag (imagining that he could add some "beneficial elements").

February 10, 2023 - "Hold on to Your Heart." -

"Someone comes to you and says, ‘Oh, what a beautiful violin you have there, please give it
to me!’ If you are wise, you will say, ‘No, I will not give you my violin, it is mine, but come
every day and I will play it for you.’ But are you wise? ..."[6]

Comment: Omraam uses the violin as a metaphor for the heart. In the midst of reading this
"Thought" this Blog-writer instantly realized that he had given away his "violin" to what he
thought was "community" at the time of his entrance into the "enchanted garden onion."
What a dramatic lesson this had been for him for the better part of about fourteen years!
Omraam points to the remedy for this at the end of the "Thought"[6]*


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January 30, 2023 -

"Sharing honestly what you notice frees you from the suffering caused by attachment to
lying, withholding, phoniness, and ideals."[4]

Comment: Of the 6 "Core Principles of Radical Honesty" (that are presented at the linked
site for the above quote) this Blog-writer responds (personally identifying) enthusiastically
with this one and most specifically regarding his "attachment" to his "ideals" that can also be
referred to as his "Book of Law"![5] (Especially see: "6. What most folks call spiritual is what
we call experiential."[4])

"...we have the Book of Law, the big Judge and the Victim who rule our lives. We are no
longer free because the Judge, the Victim, and the belief system don't allow us to be who we
really are. Once our minds have been programmed with all that garbage, we are no longer

This writer recognizes that "Radical Honesty" is largely synonymous with "The Four
Agreements" starting with the first agreement: "Be Impeccable With Your Word."[5]

Quintessential specifics: "reporting", "telling the truth", "expressing uncomfortable feelings

and secrets", "your communication", "sharing what you notice about your experience", and
especially: "productive conflict that leads to resolution rather than avoidance" all point to the
possibility of actually relating directly with others, all of which requires a willingness on the
part of others to listen to your "truth" - whatever that may be!

People who are willing to be present for this kind of radically-honest communication are the
ones who are more able to co-create genuine community. On the other hand - sharing
radically-honest communications is most likely contrary to the "conditioning" that most
people have been living under virtually all of their lives and consequently this is why most
people probably need some form of supported de-conditioning for their personal
transformation in this regards.

January 21, 2023 -

“…anyone who manages to stay good-natured amidst painful situations and interpersonal
troubles is going to build up merit and virtue and, as a result, will achieve the elevation of his
or her soul. …

… If, in a trying setting like this (amidst painful situations and interpersonal troubles), a
person can still keep his thoughts virtuous; if he can hold his or her ground against the
onslaught of modern values and views, ... and if he still believes in the divine in the face of
assaults from the atheist and evolutionary camps, then that person will fulfill his purpose…

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… The troubled nature of this world is meant to make something great of these lives.”[3]

Comment: Although this Blog writer isn't a member of the organization that is apparently
represented by the man who authored the extract that is quoted above - he nevertheless
essentially agrees with these gems of truth! In fact - the true spirit of the above was actually
indicated in the expressions of this writer to a "fellow gardener" just within the previous hours
today! (There may only be a couple souls still on this planet who realize how true these
words are! ; ~ )

December 26, 2022 -

"...We are part of that Nature. At the same time, the loss of the ancient knowing that all of
Nature had an interior self-aware sentient consciousness, just as do we, means we are too
often blind to the sacrifices of All Our Relations."[2]

Comment: Quoted with acknowledgement of the serendipity in the last twelve words that
echo the same message this Blog-writer shared with a Good Shepherd within about the last

December 23, 2022 - "Collaboration ... the word of 2023" -

"From humble roots into a strong and healthy tree" -

"...Over the years, the Gene Keys teachings have grown, from humble roots into a strong
and healthy tree today. In the early years, storms would come sporadically and blow the
young sapling back and forth, rocking it from side to side. One wondered at times if she
would survive. But such winds in life actually serve to strengthen our roots, so long as we
have been well planted. This is true of any endeavor in life."[1]

Comment: "Well Planted" - is a wonderful phrase that works both metaphorically as well as
in 3D! In "the enchanted garden onion" there are and have been many examples of what
happens to things that have not been "well planted." Typical of this writer he wants to
underscore the lessons learned. In his opinion the so-called "vetting" process with its
questionnaire deserves to include an inquiry in regards to being "well planted." This
consideration can lead to more successful bridging/bringing of the heavenly/ideal down to
the earthly ground.


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The Transformational Path Toward Potential "Community" by ...

December 11, 2022 -

Personal Transformation may be: "what a concept!" and/or it may be actually experienced in
virtually endless various ways. If you are already on your Personal Transformation path then
this Blog-writer could ask you: is your Personal Transformation just about you? ......... For
this Blog-writer the answer is no!

He has identified what appears may have been one of his biggest inner growth
opportunities, namely his tendency to project his ideal unto others. Recognizing these
projections has been a process of applying the "Third Agreement": (in a nutshell) “Don't
make assumptions.”

The primary projections upon others that he has identified over the last fourteen years has
been all about sharing community-based relations with others. (He could fill a book about
this! ; ~ )

He is now in the process of more completely assimilating his insight that others are actually
on their own highly individual paths that mainly concern simply wanting to live in "peace"
with others rather than participate more engagingly in a transformational journey of authentic

Before he continues to elaborate any further upon this line of thinking he asks: Has this brief
introduction regarding this insight framed a distinction between an individual's solo path and
that of a shared path of authentic community-building?

Now (and that means right now in this: "Holy Instant" to 10:09 PM) a housemate came to
check-in and reported a transformation in her relating with another at her work site! ; ~ ) This
writer counts that instant report as a real-life validation of the subject matter presented here
and relevant to the question that he just posted a moment ago!

Thank you U-n-i-Verse!!!


October 24, 2022 - Dialogue is this blog-writer's foundation for community-building. All other
forms of any so-called "communication" that are without dialogue potentially leave "the door
to psychopathy" open and will be regarded as such by this blog-writer from this moment

August 11, 2022 -

M. Scott Peck, author of "A Different Drum" discovered four quintessential stages to
authentic community with each of these based on the way we communicate with one
another. Community-building communication is not generally taught in our pubic school

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systems and consequentially we suffer for the lack of authentic community in our lives on
every level, interpersonal and collectively. However when the reality of this is finally realized
it can provide the impetus for personal transformation.

In 1980/81 this blog-writer published a first issue of Transformations with a cover graphic of
a butterfly in a circle that included a worm at the base of the design. Another image could be
that of the dragonfly that goes through three distinct stages of metamorphosis before it
finally emerges as what it was designed to be! "Human Beings" can also be transformed!
Although they may or may not begin their transformational process like "worms"
nevertheless a lot can be learned from the lowly worm. Charles Darwin gave much credence
to the worm calling it man's best friend.

My fellow "enchanted gardener" Ken Small says: "Worms have the transformational bottom
line covered perfectly." If you don't immediately understand the truth of this you might
consider composting by starting to compost your kitchen scraps and especially with the
addition of some composting worms. In a matter of days they will demonstrate the truth of
this "bottom line" for you!


[1] In "The Gene Keys Ethos - Collaboration - the next great step for humanity" via
subscription email.




[5] "THE FOUR AGREEMENTS" Chapter 6 The Toltec Path To Freedom - Breaking Old




[9] "Walking Through Your FEAR" By: Teri Kealoha Sahm©:

and from:

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The Transformational Path Toward Potential "Community" by ...

Original source:










[19] See post of August 11, 2022


Keywords: authentic community, communication, Community-building, personal
transformation, worms, metamorphosis, be transformed, man's best friend, enchanted
gardener, composting, good-natured, painful situations, interpersonal troubles, virtue, soul,
modern values, divine, assaults, purpose, Radical Honesty, ideals, spiritual, Book of Law,
Victim, silence, healthy social life, soul mirroring
(+ 6)

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