Modern History Main Ques File

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Total Marks: 180 Time: 2hrs

Answer each question in 250 words. Each question carries 15 marks.

Q1. Why is the period of 1775 to 1782 regarded as a dark hour for British power
in India? How did they solve these problems?
Q2. The Britishers learnt several lessons from the French governors in India
and the Carnatic wars, which helped them to establish their rule in India.
Q3. Discuss the factors which helped the English East India company to
establish an empire in India.
Q4. The principle of rule of law and equality before law was introduced by
Britishers in India. Critically analyse.
Q5. Highlight the factors which changed the policy of non-intervention to that
of intervention to transform Indian society and culture by Britishers after 1813.
Q6. Commercialisation of agriculture in India during the 19th century was to
support the Industrial Revolution in England. Comment.
Q7. Discuss the methods used by the social religious reformers of the 19th
century in India and also highlight the limitations of these reform movements.
Q8. The Social religious reform movement helped in the development of
national consciousness and modern nationalism in India during the 19th
century. Examine.
Q9. Compare the peasant revolts in India before and after 1857. What were the
reasons for the changes witnessed after 1857?
Q10. Discuss the causes which made Awadh, one of the most prominent centres
of revolt of 1857. Also highlight the features of the revolt.
Q11. The period between 1885 - 1905 is the period of rise of economic
nationalism in India. Comment.
Q12. The Swadeshi movement brought a revolution in the Indian freedom
struggle. Examine.


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