Reproductive Health

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Reproductive Health World Heatth arganesction (AHO) ~ . Reproductive sheath orefers To & to.kere woetts peng tr ctt. aspect peparredtcrc ror re phys! emotional be and socrat: According to °. havroural -ateqgees +7 Reproducdive Heath = problem and strated £ fersé nectrom meuvorid to r L Mtikreete vaervous: aceon pians at nectroncet a ive hecctth as Socks! ao attarn fotat steprocuct ; goats: These prequemmes cecttect Famety Planning 4as1- & dncta was amongs. > — dimproved pstograms covering, wider seprodecctron related areas are ceerrentty Un opercettor under Reprodtective and chnttd Health Case cRcH ) Progzcunmme- name - Reprodiretive Hath Problems + Over poputatton gricreasect mrortatety. rate. of both mother Sexcictty_ srensrmeetek OMS ease [STDs], - No auecieness about puberty and adolescence relatect cheunges among people: * Misconceptfon about Ser ~ education + «© Farly marriage bebore atten ng. meaturrty . and chetd. To everceme aut khese faroflems RCH rave foltecetng obfectives t- 4. Creating arccicness ainong people chet — « Reproductive Organs cund® focusing om Sate fornclies. © Adolescence and | Peeber ty aqssocratec} changes: Safe and = hygiene “Settee practice e Sexruat TransMitted Diseases - . Marriageable age: ge Providing medrele fackerdres and care do ~ Menstrual drreqlarites + Delivery end MTfs. Setualty Weensmavtee 4 a Brath toro feel nfectyon SnferdtLety Preganancy and related aspect: eter © scanned with OKEN Scanner Poputation Stabalrsation . and Birth Control . World Population aco - 2 Reltton billvorm +2 bittion In gn aooo - & gn ao1r - a Tua Po purctlion gn 1944q - 850 miltor - 1 bitter gn 2000 gn 2011 - 12 btllvon —> So evere Gtr parcltviclual 1S TIndtan + Poputation Grover Rate: “Number of mewo dremel EF, 1000 cengurs Seport » poputaion qrocoth TH/to00 per years Also was 2% or 20/1000 Accorcleng to 2001 fote ios tl 2 On 2011 > poputetion qrocoth rate per year. Reason for population explosion: Maternet and Infant Morte W). Rapstel decline wn health facttetres- Rote , due to imcrecsed 2). 4ncreose Un vuimber of people Mm neproduca'bte age: Problems Sceurertey clomuting and sheltr: of pase requaemnent + ne food ge AS the number of deat per tooo =peapte - Tmfant Mortality Rete, oF MaternaL © scanned with OKEN Scanner GF Idd WUVVELEEESEBEELLELELSITIIIIIIIIY > Contracepkiic shad Contraceptive Method + Contracepttve methods ate He birth. controL measure that as taken to. prevent cunwartted pregmenncces and to meena popetcrtion Stabl’'sation « An aieleat contracephive shoutd be — J): User Frrenclly— 2) Fastty avattable 3) Effective t'mpact 4). Reversible 5). No or least sideegtects - 6). NO vnoterfere rr sesceiect cat vc: be reversible s CE means cohen ver Luger want Le allows for rekun to fer dt itty once yeu stop using the contrace ptron- There cure fwo types of comtracepktve methods — i 1. Naturat Methoc ge Arktfrevat Method - Naturcd Methods B The natured method of berth control merty, UWI Ors on the prinu’ple of av ovding. chances Of spernr curd ovum meetting, trsiole formate seeprocductive organ. gt clo not use cuny contraceptive devirces - Q. Pertodse Abshinence * __ dn tris Type > esuples do mot engage im sexual favlercowse "fom dey 10 4o day [4 of the menshriok cycle [fertile Pernod]. thts I'S because ovutection 18 expectkcl on these and chances of geting = preganent i's high. © scanned with OKEN Scanner ©: Wrtholravl_ Method? Te 1s also couted Corfus snterrieplus - 9n ths method » at the Hime of imtercowws se male poriner corthedraws his penis from oe vagina Just before efacutation. So af avore Varseminctron © hactattonat Amenorrhea + 1s the absence off hactatronal Amenorrhec % menshuct tm factating mother: dt ao pertod of temporary Pofertittry or post partum ro fertility + During fhe perfocl of complete breastfeeding the chances of comcetving are almost negtqrbte- However » Hus method 1S efpectic omy upto sfoc months. Advantages of Noturet Method % ww They clo mot use any mecitatron 20 > it -have Mo “Arde that semen peotelcl sro.f enter tar female genvkal rack - TRL potevent conception + ‘Nvroclh? 1's poputuutar condom fas mate: Concloms cue not rereseatle - wae Fon Sexttetly Transmitted Infection - . ® 4b con selp -imserted and gqeves pactvacy touser’ e Easity avatlabte wrth mo side ebgect« © ReverSrble and ebpective- Q- Dtaphraagms > Ceru'cat caps and veulks — ‘ hese are made of rubber These are tsertect thr femecte qenctel tract to Cover. cervie duaing, Unitercounse - They block entry Ch Speenr cuncl are retgetbee . Spermvecidal cream. > jettves and Foams ane used atongeolHy bariers to tfrecase eHKeccenec But these clo mot Porovrde proteettorL -for STIs. Ui) Intrauterine Devrees 1 outa rvterne Devices SE o rghit ehpective and seltabte method - These Qe Smatl clevites that ane Placco| tmside the uterus fo potevent. preg ccnangy . dt 5 worelely aceepked method stuttabte Ay female want to clelecg. preg cunro.ney. Or tw Spece hetkucen cheutelten- © scanned with OKEN Scanner 4+ Non -medcueated Loop - phagocytosis they aie plastic devices 2s rrerense of “Spermt win tented + Eg- Luppes Loop: a: Copper Releasing Tubs These IUDs lease Copper whic a. Sueppress Fhe sperm motility on ck fh fertitesctron ccepace ky of sperm + Examples: CuT > Cut , Muttrtoad 345 3. Hormone Releasing TuDs - These IUDs HHlease hormone ( Progesteron) gt make vuteres unsuctable for rmplantatron- dt cese tre cervren® micieees fo thecker St make hostile environment for sperm: Example: Progestasert » LNG -20 Gili) Hormonal contraceptrve Methods :- @ ovat contraceptive PLL. - these are used an form of fables or pitts by mouth. —> PLUS cen be Sterordad.or non- sterorcdel — Steroroadeat Pius are Proge stogen ons ptus (PoP) and Combenecl ort pattls (cop). These prevent Ovilation > Umptanteteome and make cervical mucus HUE Paus have fo be taken detiy eoept F cley of mac. Example > Mala-D and Mata-N Mom Prawhack of Sterotdal Relts ! 1s Nausea 2. Atdomimat Paty 3. Break Hrreugh bleeding. 4+ Dizzrmess . > Progesterone dusrupl the normal Menshuck cycte atone. tol’ estrogen and rmbibits ovtatfon. hese howrien avoid manufactiie of pituchary hormone FSH and LH Ovarian foLete do mot supen im absence of FSH ancl ovutation do met fake tty absence of LH. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Non -Sterordal Pritg contarn mon - Sterorclat chemical. Excmple + Sahete Scchete I's a oret contracentye Mon -Shtrotecot PELL cleveleped by Cenfrat Orig: Research Fatrtube. (CDR) TLeckmeus: dt contarm non skererclat moe § Centchromarn chemuecat wher shave antvestrogari’e Property » Sub once a cueck pells with very fero side effect and -hegh conhacepstve fimpacte © Hormonat gnjectron or Imptants ' Proycstogens alone or rn combrnatron estrogen cur be trseck 9M form Of Msectror. or Umptants. Mere mode of actron ts sthuar to pris bet thevy ebge ceive periods are omnuch Longer. corHhe Emergency. Contracepitve % Progcstogen er preqestogen ~ eshogen combrnatior or Tubs usecl as emergenap, conhaceptive - SEIS & formof conbacepHon Hat women cen use corhen 42 hers of unprofeeted cascretd trtereeccse or repe - : 4+ Sterutvsatron oF Su rqucal. Method — Stertivsatron sugeey Is co psoceclure to preventi ' pregananty Pert er reproductrom permanent ' yO) Vasectomy Surgical Stenusatom Un male > ) where a Smal part of vas deferens 15 ) removed or tied up Hreugh a sma , Imcvston on the Scrotum « UD) Tibecto my - Stergveal sterntrsatton mm female » where O ‘smate port of fattepran tebe 1's y removed or Hed wp thavugh a smrectt masfenr yen abdomen oF thrs.igh vagena - p> These metnode are hight eypechve but im é the. , reversfhrllty rs very poset © scanned with OKEN Scanner MTP Cmedreal Termination of Preganeg nientfonal OF voluntany termrnetron — of Preganancy. he forte —cthe, ~foctus VS catted MTP or induced = be vorme Viratole abortHon. 48-50 millton MTPs/ year re: Vet of tobot Pregecneatey . Signifreanc of MTP — ‘) ) > te get rid of unwanted pregnancy clue te rape. &)r clue to Casual cwnprotected ~ prrite-cocise 3) Fartone of conbaceptive ducang. 4). SF contrcatron Cortes: Of pregnaney — cacetd posal Hrreat to the Line of ether mother or foehis or both »s0 MTP cartel be clone - 5). SF chitd wort supper from abnormetuttes asto be Mit Ach (qd1 s hanclicapped. Giovernment of Ince Legqetesed ym iq44 Lolth some Shict cenclittby toavord uk PUSLUVE Streh as female foetrecrele + MTP Armmendment Act ~ 2014 Actorcling to thes pregnanug may be terminated on certanr gieunds cofrhtn — 12 weers - 12-24 weeps - 8Yy opnrnron of 2 RMP. —? Cursuunal for termination ane — By opunion of 4 Reg idtered Mecicat Practttton i). contrnuatton of Pxegananus wooceid trvotue sk to dike of Pregnent women or Physicot® /Menkat sheatth get csturbed, li)- there ys a mek Heat chitd were bom » wt Weed suffer from stceh physical or mete eee © abnormateties, © scanned with OKEN Scanner _ MTPs are sielativets Sope cluumg 15t Trimester: (12 weer). butmiieh snoste risky uth and” trrmeston and gv 8rd Tameder MTP Is not avowed + AMNIOCENTESIS *— gn this process some of Fhe amimatic, cleveloprig. foetus 15 tapen to anatyse the foetal cells and dissolved substances: $b rs used fo tat for ine presence of certarrr genehi _dtsorder suchas — —+ Pown Synclveme —> Haemophiltc. —> Sprnocerelbettar Ataxta (sca) fluc. 6b the By Aminvocentesrs He gender of foetus cen be Proum: 4n Anco rpeople use Hes deehmique to cleter mene the sex of foetus 3 and then ktll the fermete foetus + gb ts tllegat anc cause genetlc tmbatance - Sos Amnerocentes’s rs banned un Indva - — CS Sexuatyy Transmitted §nfectrong [STIs] | gnfectton oF dusease tohith ane trangmittec = inpugh sexucel enberewese tne proum ag STIs: —_ ee STD 28 also carttecl Veneral Drsease. (vp) > ae Searratty. Tansmctted dnfeettor (STI) > ee (RTZ) Repreclucthe Tract Infectrons- — Excumpie + —= “ @® Bactered STIs i [. ‘€onorrhea ~ Netssarra gonorrhea + » Syphelts > Tetponema Patireleen 2 Chforuyclrases ~ oh bay dvr TPrachometrs- © scanned with OKEN Scanner ® Proteroan- 8TTs Tarchomonrasrs — cased by Trichomonas eee en @ vert stirs Papetoma. virus: Mrenrtat tLoeurkS = Hence S AIDS = Heuman fymamnenodifrereneiy vious (Hv) Hepatttrs @- Hepatrdrs Vines. Genrtal Herpes - Herpes Sirmoplex virus. Hepatntrs -B and ATPS canalso he Hansmitted by Sharetng rorfectron needtes 9 surgie rarshiument 2 9 breensfusromn ef boloocl and Aon. mether to fects: Except Hepatttrs ~B 5 genital Herpes amd HIV marfectrons > oFher cue Commptet ely “erna ete vp detectecl ancl treateal properly Symptoms nm Eariy stage 7 Mmmor thehrng 4 fturel duscderged 9 ALighe CUM 5 SElltg etc Snfeckd femecle meg often be ASYmpto matte. complicated Syanptoms: -> Pelvre Inflammatory Drseecse+ = Poorton 5 SHLL birth. > Ectepre pre gacnancy > dn far ty , > Center tm ott PY CLELET VG heel’ Vulnerable aye Group 1 ~24 yecurs: Prevention: or mucttiple ')+ Avord sex wrth Unknewn parmea: a) Alvis by fo Use condoms «+ 3)+ CIO flow Carty detection and heatnernt: © scanned with OKEN Scanner WUVPELELEVULEEEELLEIIIIIIIIIIIAIITTTD + Inferftltty t- - Trebectrty. bo concetve or peroclice children even agter Q year of cenprrotedl or casual sexuct Matercererse 1S cated snfertiu'ty - Causes of (nferatiuty tr mates * {)Keco speam count and pmeblem im penis erectron - ii) + Sperm mobility t sperms ate notable te seach the Til). Abmommnal speam. 7 W). Age s wlth growing oge » Chance of trrfertity imereas v): STIs. ,. COLULS eS ok fea Erte ') “Ovatation disorders li): Hy perprolactinenwa ! excess protactth stops or affect menshual Cycle >» ovicta.tion and ease ™m forty WH). Eqq quetety us not geod or genetically cebnormal WW): Age Facter- v). STIs other physical cogenvtc > drugs > disease y frmmune- loqgeat >» psipehotoqical factors cre siesponsible tr bohy mate ariel Ffemete- There One vances methods fo-help tnferthte cwicples to have bolo ore kmoun as Assiited Reproductive Techmotogy + (ART). ® IVF _(_$n-vitro ferdttisation) | fn Hub method , fertull'satron «cus eutside the Fermete becly Mm almost stmeclar ceonditven as that of becdy , 15 kneun ag IVE . gt td also kja Test tube Boby . Cues Tt Sperm 7 = 24 g0te (voffe/clonor) (husband/donor) (1M glassware fr lab) IVF followed by Embryo Transfer (ET) - There one two types of teehnuque ~ 2IFT and rut © scanned with OKEN Scanner Transfer) ~ of FVF "5 mown a) zTPT (xygote Tntra Fouttepran Transfer of zygote or early embrye [upto $ blastenrere J im fattopran tebe 1 as Zygete Pha Fatlopran Eransher - Gi) ToT ( 4ntra uterne Transfer) worth wore Transfer 6 Embryo of IVF a ceed t Cmonula) Into the upd fs Ryewon as 9ntra - Uberrme Transfer: Gi) TesT (dntra Cytoptasmite Sperire Transfer). gr dab speunr fs desectly lrfeetecl (nto Ovem + APRA ferHilsatron ZIFT or Lut rs cused + Sn- vivo fertit’sation ~ the word vivo Fransiate to rnside a body. Therefore > In vivo ferttur’sation repers “to tne Sperm ancl eqg fuses inside the body. Tred ts done by - UW) GITFET CQamete §ntra fattopran Tranper ). Transfer ef an ovum of donor Into the fottopran tirbe of cm femeate tohos \'S unable tO produce egg Rut can provide a suctable envrronment for fertriisatton and fuitner development + Sperm also transfered Imto feliopian tube: Gi) AT (Artefraat Insemination): Transfer of semen collected evther Prom sus band or *heatthy cdoner 1's curl Freracty tavthroduced Into Vagana of femete « Gi) Tur (stra Uter’ne Insemtnation ) . Transfr Of collected semen into ules ob formance Ont fraeatiy rs termecl as ror. © scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘€ceneratty used wn case of- 1) mate can?t Snsemenake 1) Low speanr count Ly mates Drawback — © FeeeceHes aie aveuilebte Un “very, centres Vor coumby- @ Super costty Soctat ancl seg ltqrorts Factor. i Apert Prom these » our tour permets Seqol adoptton ef orphan ane desirfute chitclen - gt I's one of Fhe best methocls for cvcples tookimy for parenthood - VU © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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