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1. Does, languages, Anna , what, know?

2. To learn , I , Polish , decided .

3. Play, can , outside , you , this, game.
4. Boring , long , was , the journey , had, he , and.
5. A surprise , it`s , birthday , I, next week , friend`s , to give , on, want .
6. The rules , all the time , he , break , used to .
7. Is , in ,a teenager , Melissa , the photo.
8. Bought , lady Morton , car , her , in 1927 , first .
9. He , nobody , goes , where , knows .
10. My , knew , friends , all, about.

1. A safe , she`s , driver , things.

2. To use , learn, you , technology, study , computer .
3. Small , people , how much , can , grow , in , food , space?
4. Every , Kurzweil , very , amounts of , day , drinks , water , large .
5. From , is , a view , there , the building?
6. To London, Allie , San Francisco , prefer , does ?
7. Woman , the dishwasher , an American , invented .
8. In 1930, it, what , with cars , was , or , when , rained , the problem ?
9. On the, she , write , walls , use to , things.
10. Several , Patricia , films , in , appeared.

1. Career , began , as , he , his , an actor.

2. A driver , 80 years , Lady Morton , for nearly , has been.
3. Have , here , 1999 , I , lived , since.
4. A famous , can , in , you , your , building , describe , town?
5. Weekend , part of , is , favorite , your, what ?
6. Sunday , I`ve , nothing , since , done.
7. Does , it , how , in ,cost , much ?
8. Like , what`s , the weather ?
9. Was , woman , by an , invented , the dishwasher , American.
10. Named , sister , grandmother , my , our , was , after.

1. On , the film , based, story , was ,a true.
2. Disposable nappies , are used , how , day , every , many ?
3. Uniform , used to , about , she , rules , the school , break.
4. Hate , he , school , used to, going to.
5. My friend , of water , afraid , is .
6. Africa , lives , a big , it`s , cat , in , that.
7. Hope ,well , exams , I , your , went.
8. Night , Mark , for getting , apologizes , last , angry.
9. The receptionist , asks , for some , Allie , aspirin.
10. Cough , have , and , I , a headache .

1. Ever , school , you , late , do, get to?

2. You , to wear , are , going , what?
3. Enjoy ,on the TV , all , animals , we , seeing , wild.
4. In , the crocodile , the water , attacks , usually.
5. Was , 50 years , he , old , about.
6. Usually , this , you , outside, sport , do .
7. Over , the ball , the wall , went .
8. You , don`t , pay , have to.
9. Attended , intensive , we , language- courses , a one-month.
10. English , couldn`t ,the taxi , speak , driver .

1. To learn , did , choose , she , why , Polish?

2. You , sport , any , do , do ?
3. Matches , do , their , you , watch?
4. Her , she , to play , father , from , learned .
5. Venice , will , you , I , my , invite , house, in , to.
6. A crocodile, Norman Pascoe , his , aunt , saved , from.
7. Change , you , your , often , do , mind , ?
8. Going to , I , not ,to the concert , am , go.
9. Enjoy ,on the TV , all , animals , we , seeing , wild.
10. On , they , have , a boat , will , dinner .

1. Allie`s , not , man , type , Brad , of , is.

2. Medicine , gives , the receptionist , her.
3. From , hope , soon , to hear , you!
4. On , they , have , a boat , will , dinner.
5. Ago , Dave , five , got , years , married.
6. Have , long , oldest , you , how , known , your , friend?
7. Like , she , of the subjects , didn`t , any , at school .
8. Dinner , after , happen , did, what, the, party?
9. Armani , were , these , by , clothes , designed.
10. Two , please , I , tickets , can , have ?

1. Is , the statue , the “Madonnina” , called.

2. Get , Allie , Mark , cold , thinks , might.
3. Does , boat , time , leave , what , the next ?
4. She , the accident , about , yesterday , talked .
5. The amount , of traffic, her , problem , isn`t.
6. In , how , has , Matt , Glasgow , long , lived ?
7. By , pictures , my ,these , were , aunt , painted.
8. A teacher , parents , her , her , wanted , to be.
9. Use to , didn`t , friends , they , be.
10. Made , start , a good , he , at school .

1. The sea , it`s , animal , in , the largest.

2. All , the Australian , kinds , crocodile , is , other , bigger , than.
3. Film , animals , what`s , about , your , favorite ?
4. She , when , became , was , a grandmaster , she , only 14.
5. Glasses , never , Alexandra , wears .
6. Allie , does , to buy , what , want?
7. Cost , much , the courses , how , do?
8. With , you , touch , mustn`t , the ball , hands , your.
9. Started , the Bayern Munich , celebrating , fans.
10. To a bank , Anna , for , asked , direction.


1. Didn`t , she , find out , the time.

2. Did , the course , do , where, she?
3. Finished , courses , yesterday , my.
4. In English , ever , the phone , have , spoken , you , on.
5. Incredibly , I , difficult , Polish , found
6. Have to , into ,the ball , you , hole , hit , a small .
7. Enjoy , which , do , sports , you , watching?
8. Cartoon , what`s , favorite , your , animal.
9. Would , a spider ,if you , what , you , the bath , saw , in , do.
10. Escaped , his , by climbing , friends , a tree.


1. Anybody , did , night , meet , last ,you?

2. Before , turn off , class , your , you , come , mobile , into.
3. Because , my , I , my , I`d , keys , flat , couldn`t get , forgotten , because , into.
4. If , he , she , her , to talk , asked , wanted.
5. Bed , I , reading , in , enjoy.
6. In 1998 , started , here , I ,working.
7. This , week , I , last , book , reading , started.
8. Hope , to see , soon , you.
9. Be , a male , can , cow , dangerous.
10. Before , turn off , class , your , you , come , mobile , into.


1. Very , I`m , it`s , to find , hard , trying , but , a job.

2. To , he , me , to take , the airport , offered.
3. To go , we , to France , decided .
4. To start , he , her , the car , helped.
5. On , hours , she , talking , spends , the phone .
6. Age , do , is , what , you ,to get married , think , the best?
7. Your , the most , what`s , animal , in , dangerous , country?
8. Dinner , after , happen , did, what, the, party?
9. Armani , were , these , by , clothes , designed.
10. Film , animals , what`s , about , your , favorite ?


1. My, too, love, much, I, job, I.

2. Describe, stress, how, level, would you, your.
3. Wake up, in the morning, who, can’t?
4. The same, hate, like, they, and, sports.
5. Experience, I have, I want, that, to share.
6. Are, cook, tonight, what, you, for dinner, going to?
7. By Napoleon, was, the Italian, designed, flag.
8. This, he, in France, took, photo.
9. Forgot, I, the lights, to turn off.
10. Difficult, in English, it’s, to understand, often, films.


1. A bit, irritable, often, tense, I, feel, and.

2. Drink, much, coffee, do, how, you?
3. Water, how, drink, much, you, do?
4. An alarm, to wake up, you, clock, do, use?
5. Get up, time, you, in the morning, what, do?
6. From the University, interviewed, researchers, 500 people, of Surrey, were.
7. To many, I, travelled, countries, have.
8. Had seen, in the street, the police, me.
9. You, buy, where, clothes, do, your?
10. Australia, I’m, visit, friends, going to, some.

1. In studios, I, too much, spend, sitting, time.

2. In the morning, time, wake up, what, you, do.
3. The weekend, can , I, have, because, I really enjoy, a rest.
4. A musical, you, can, instrument, play?
5. Was, difficult, the exercise, very.
6. Living, the photographer, was, in Paris.
7. Father, remember, on his birthday, your, to phone.
8. What’s, you’re, see, the next, going to, film.
9. Named, they, dogs, Toy, have, both.
10. Some coffee, a new day, before, do you, need, start, you, to?


1. Anybody, the message, about, tell, don’t.

2. Father, remember, on his birthday, your, to phone.
3. Turn on, I, and, the radio, wake up.
4. Incredible, some, are, of the similarities.
5. The weekend, for me, to work, about, the first, have to go, good, is that, don’t, I, thing.
6. A nap, lunch, has, after, he.
7. Fiction, is, fact, than, stranger, always.
8. Bright, the stars, all, were shining.
9. Him, they, was, the painter, told, that, an acrobat.
10. so, not to be, a very, important, it’s, dinner, it’s, late.


1. Where, nobody, he, knows, goes.

2. Fiction, is, fact, than, stranger, always.
3. You, to mornings, are, allergic?
4. Families, they were, by two, adopted, different.
5. For two, morning, runs, every, hours, he.
6. Any, do, phobias, have, you?
7. Don’t, when, tired, I’m, anybody, I, to see, want.
8. So, the jacket, not to buy, I, really, was, it, expensive, decided.
9. Quite, the photo, famous, became.
10. Going to, how, next, are, birthday, you, celebrate, your?


1. Mentally, would you, yourself, describe, how?

2. Get up, do, wake up, immediately, you, after, you?
3. So, the jacket, not to buy, I, really, was, it, expensive, decided.
4. Have, long, here, you, lived, how?
5. Much, didn’t, have, he, money.
6. Easy, my, is very, mobile, to remember, number.
7. About, this, forgot, he, the photographer, time.
8. Not to tell, your, anybody, secret, promise, I.
9.To the gym, she, to go, early, get up.
10. Are, where, go, next, going to, you, on holiday, summer?


1. The same, calendar age, is our, as our, body age?

2. Friends, regularly, many, you, close, how, do, see?
3. Lifestyle, asked, questions, their, about, they, them.
4. Better, have, climate, a much, we.
5. A good, on TV, was, film, I, watching.
6. Speak, what, do, languages, you?
7. Were painting, day, saw, the Eiffel Tower, one, he, some, that, people.
8. Are, going to, you, where, class, do, after?
9. For a magazine, was, he, working.
10. On Saturday, what, going to, you, do, are, night?


1. Do, for yourself, how, have, time, you, much?

2. Long, short, gene, or, this, can be.
3. Have, water, don’t, we, enough.
4. Out of, it was raining, we got, the car, when.
5. Kind of, have, what, computer, you, do?
6. Some, decided, photographs, he, to take.
7. Tomorrow, are, what, wear, going to, you?
8. Of fisherman, wanted, they, photos.
9. Going to, car, are, next, you, buy, what?
10. Body age, how, calculate, we, our, can?

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