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Article`s author: Arthur C.


Publication`s date : February 08, 2024

The Use of Blockchain in

Intellectual Property Rights
Blockchain technology, often associated with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin,
has far-reaching applications beyond finance. One of the most promising
areas is its use for managing intellectual property (IP) rights. The immutable
and decentralized nature of blockchain provides a unique platform for IP
management that can offer greater transparency, security, and efficiency.

Challenges in Current IP Management Systems

Traditional IP management systems are often siloed and centralized,

leading to issues like inefficiencies in the registration process, difficulties in
proving ownership, and challenges in enforcing IP rights. Moreover, the
globalization of markets has only amplified these issues, making it harder
to manage and protect IP rights across different jurisdictions.

Blockchain as a Solution for IP Rights

Blockchain can revolutionize how we handle IP rights by creating a

decentralized and transparent ledger for registrations, transfers, and
enforcement of IP. This can be achieved through the use of smart contracts,
which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly
written into lines of code.

For instance, a blockchain-based IP registry could provide:

 Proof of authorship and existence: The timestamping feature of

blockchain can help establish when a piece of IP was created and by
 Efficient transfer and licensing of IP: Smart contracts can automate
the transfer of rights and royalty payments, reducing the need for
 Anti-counterfeiting measures: Blockchain's traceability can help
verify the authenticity of products and combat counterfeiting.

These functionalities not only make the IP management process more

efficient but also more secure and less susceptible to fraud.

Real-World Applications

Several platforms are emerging that leverage blockchain for IP rights

management. For example, KodakOne uses blockchain to enable
photographers to register their work, track usage, and receive payments.
Another platform, Ascribe, allows artists to register their work and manage
the distribution of digital art.

Implementing Blockchain for IP Rights Management

Developers looking to implement blockchain for IP management can

consider using platforms like Ethereum, which support smart contracts. The
following is a simplified smart contract written in Solidity that could be part
of an IP rights management system:

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract IntellectualPropertyRegistry {
struct IPRecord {
string title;
address owner;
uint64 registrationDate;

mapping(bytes32 => IPRecord) public records;

function registerIP(string memory title, bytes32

recordId) public {
require(records[recordId].registrationDate == 0);
records[recordId] = IPRecord(title, msg.sender,
function transferOwnership(bytes32 recordId, address
newOwner) public {
require(msg.sender == records[recordId].owner);
records[recordId].owner = newOwner;
Solidity (Ethereum)
This smart contract allows users to register and transfer ownership of IP.
Developers can further enhance such contracts to include digital rights
management, royalty distribution, and enforcement mechanisms.


The use of blockchain in intellectual property rights management holds the

potential to transform the industry by making it more transparent, secure,
and efficient. As this technology continues to evolve, opportunities for
innovation within the IP landscape will expand. Companies looking to stay
ahead of the curve should consider how they can leverage blockchain in
their IP strategies.

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