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Social Studies

Grade 9

Activity 8: Life during Cold War

Instructions: Analyze and answer the following questions briefly. Answers should be in
complete sentences. Each question is worth 5 points.
5-Point Rubric

✓ 5 Points: The response is clear, thorough, and accurate. It addresses all parts of the question with specific
examples or details. The student demonstrates a strong understanding of the concept.
✓ 4-3 Points: The response is mostly clear and accurate, but may lack some detail or specific examples. It
addresses most parts of the question, showing a good understanding of the concept, but with minor errors or
✓ 2 Point: The response is unclear or incomplete. It may address only part of the question or contain
significant errors. The student demonstrates a limited understanding of the concept.

1. How did espionage activities during the Cold War impact international relations
between countries?

2. What strategies did spies use to gather information, and how effective were
these methods?

3. In what ways did the Cold War affect civil rights movements in the United States?

4. How did espionage and fear of spies affect everyday life for ordinary people
during the Cold War?

5. Discuss Senator Joseph McCarthy's pursuit of identifying communists during the

Cold War era. How did his obsession with rooting out communism influence
American society and politics during that time?

6. Assess Joseph Stalin's leadership during the early years of the Cold War. Was
he primarily regarded as a hero or critiqued for his governance style?

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