Unveiling TikTok's Influence On Indonesia's Financial Landscape (Content)

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Unveiling TikTok’s Influence on Indonesia’s Financial

Landscape and Ecosystem


Does the social commerce
TikTok is a social media app platform TikTok Shop contribute
where people make short videos positively to Indonesia's
and interact with one another. socioeconomic growth?
They make short videos and have
been an influential app for the The epicentre and aim of this
people across the world especially study is to investigate how TikTok
for Indonesia. Indonesia is the Shop can drive Indonesia’s
country that has the second economy in both long and short
biggest number of TikTok users term. If only there were no
after the United States. Numerous challenges, it would boost and
Indonesian citizens use TikTok as give the utmost advantage to this
their daily social media apps, up to country. However in reality, this
100 millions of Indonesian citizens entrepreneurship potential and
are online everyday which is market access might be taken into
almost half of the country’s a halt due to internal and external
population itself. factors.

This social media app is not only To begin with, the main concern of
influencing the citizens in terms of the users is that this ‘business’ is
entertainment only, however it is not a promising one. In simple
also influencing in terms of the words, uncertainty.They might find
economy as well, TikTok shop working in an office and/or
was introduced in the first quarter opening a real physical shop
of 2021, on 17 April 2021. It has benefits them better than TikTok
been a massive break for the Shop. At first, they might be
Indonesian Economy. [2] driven and attracted to the
popularity of this so-called
However, the Indonesian business, but the shift and the
government found TikTok to be a difference between those
threat, as illegal transactions, successful and not yet successful
fraud and the misimplementation ones might get those users
of tax regulations might happen. abandoning this job. Because in
Hence, the TikTok shop was shut reality, those competitors who had
down on October 4th 2023. The those marketing sales at their
after effect of this decision peak usually have a more
concludes the deficit of Rp1.33 developed marketing team, ideas,
trillion or $82000 equivalent for relations with other stores, a better
TikTok itself. In which TikTok shop price to quality ratio, and other
collaborated with GoTo and they better things due to their
bought 75% of the stock, then experience in the marketplace.
25% of the deficit was
experienced by Indonesia. Thus, As to closing, TikTok Shop’s
the deficit in Indonesia’s economy minimum age requirement of 17
was approximately Rp443 billion. years old, limits and barricades
[2] the youngsters of their ideas to be
made realistic. Youngsters right
Unveiling TikTok’s Influence on Indonesia’s Financial
Landscape and Ecosystem

now are usually interested in DISCUSSION (SURVEY

online entrepreneurship with their RESULT)
outstanding innovations, whilst
these restrictions might make
The survey that we conducted
themselves being
underestimated. Thus, this can be was filled by 50 respondents. Most
an internal factor of the algorithm, of the respondents are 13-21
yet it relates so much with the years old which are 45.1% and the
external factors (users). next second largest percentage
Additionally, those limitations are from the people from 22-35
mentioned above can gradually years old for 43.1% and the rest
scrape Indonesia’s economic
are the respondents which are
growth potential out of this
platform. more than 35 years old.

Most of the respondents are

students as we have mentioned
earlier that most of the
Fig. 1 respondents are students as the
majority of the respondents are
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE 13-21 years old. More than half of
our respondents use TikTok which
The research objective is to is 64.7% of them and the other
disclose TikTok’s Impact on
35.3% of our respondents don’t.
Indonesia’s economics. The
survey that we conduct is to find
out the people’s opinion in our
environments regarding the
impact of this platform in their
lives. The research is to find out
the national economical condition
that is impacted by Tiktok. In short
words, the essay that we make is
to inform and analyse deeply on
how Tiktok is impacting on
Indonesia economy, influence
conventional businesses that
have occurred earlier, and how Although most of our respondents
people react to the impact that use TikTok, 51% of our
Tiktok brings. respondents do not use the social
media app as frequently. 52.9% of
Unveiling TikTok’s Influence on Indonesia’s Financial
Landscape and Ecosystem

our respondents make both positive and negative

transactions from TikTok interest. Almost one third of our
influence, and the rest 47.1% do respondents (29.4%) think that the
not purchase any product from social media app has a positive
TikTok influence. The products influence on the national economy
that are purchased because of the of indonesia. The rest assume that
marketing from TikTok is mostly it has a negative impact on the
done online which is 48.4%. economic condition of Indonesia.

We enquired our respondents to

share their opinions regarding
Tiktoks impact on Indonesia's
national economy. And they
explain their opinions according to
their perspective. And the
conclusion is, The benefits you get
from Tiktok are Brainstorming,
Promoting products easily,
The products that are purchased
Update current happenings and
from Tiktok are majorly ranging
Global reach. However, it also has
from the price Rp. 50000 to Rp
its downside: a possible over-
100000 which is 54.8%. The
reliance on the platform, the fight
second most common products
against traditional stores, and the
prices range between from Rp.
propagation of harmful content. In
100000 to Rp. 500000 which is
such a way TikTok's influence on
32.3%. From this result we can
sectors as well as individuals are
see that most of the products
up and down in terms of
purchased by the respondents are
mostly medium range products.
Majorly and almost all of our
respondents (94.1%) agree that
Tiktok has generated new
economic opportunities in
Indonesia. The rest of them do not
Majorly our respondents of 66.7%
of them assume that Tiktok has
Unveiling TikTok’s Influence on Indonesia’s Financial
Landscape and Ecosystem

rise of digital marketing. You can

also leverage selling on TikTok to
open up the global market while
giving a boost to the local brands
and likely pulling some money
from outside the country.
Our respondents' opinions are that However, there are also
Tiktok can give significant new uncertainties about the
opportunities for business and government's policies, with new
entrepreneurship in Indonesia. It regulations, re-adjustments or
is a marketing method that how to compete with offline stores.
businesses use to get their TikTok may indeed stoke
products and services listed on economic fires, yet it's important to
the first page of the world's leading remember that its potential to do
Search Engines and users pay harm isn't evenly distributed.
them only when the ad is clicked
while promoting a product, More than half of the respondents
business or website. TikTok is (56.9%) agree that Tiktok has a
viewed as a platform that negative impact on conventional
promotes business, sales and businesses. Apparently, the
money (either through selling opinions on how TikTok affects
products or affiliate marketing). traditional companies is just as
The effectiveness of Revive Old mixed. TikTok is potentially seen
Post comes from its user-friendly as bringing new ideas and scaling
interface, and its super simple market penetration, while others
algorithm. All in all, TikTok seems are concerned that they will lose
to be a force for increasing the customers that are going to go and
economic pie and spurring digital shop for them online. Factors such
innovation especially around the as ease of access, price and
world. adaptation to digital trends are
major contributors to whether or
There is no consensus on if not such changes impact on
shopping on TikTok can save a traditional businesses.
country's economy with
judgement Here are five reasons
that companies and marketers
should care about TikTok;TikTok
creates a place for niche brands to
thriveBy turning regular men into
mini-celebrities, it has the power
Opinions on The Effect from
to produce digital stars and enable
TikTok to The Indonesian
small businesses to support the
Unveiling TikTok’s Influence on Indonesia’s Financial
Landscape and Ecosystem

Economic Benefit from TikTok to capturing revenue from both

the Indonesian economy vary corporate taxes on seller earnings
widely on a spectrum. While — and, potentially, from sales tax
supporters view this as a means of collected at the point of sale on
fuelling innovation and widening transactions that would otherwise
the scope of markets, critics call it occur off the grid. This added
out for possible political income could change everything,
manipulation and regulatory funding important social
hurdles. If TikTok can adjust its programs, infrastructure
practices to fit local laws and work development and other nation-
in conjunction with local wide initiatives. [4]
governments, it may succeed in
economic contributions as well. At Apart from tax income, TikTok
the same time, they are optimistic Shop serves as a “employment
that TikTok can actually help local creator”. This has created a
products and reach a wider global requirement for highly skilled
audience that could in turn support categories of professionals on
Indonesia's economic growth. new age social commerce
platforms. However, this platform
DISCUSSION (RESEARCH opens up new opportunities for
DISCUSSION) those who know how to work in
As Indonesia's digital economy social media marketing, create
grows, TikTok Shop and other content, take products critically, or
social commerce platforms look to communicate with customers.
dominate their industry in the TikTok Shop is also driving
future. The power of its platform personal entrepreneurship and
lies in its uniqueness for an creating numerous micro, small,
ecosystem that enables individual and medium-sized enterprises
entrepreneurs, and as ecosystem (MSMEs). This growth of
players, its potential to be an businesses has a cascading
electricity factor multiplier for impact, creating job opportunities
Indonesia's economic growth will across the supply chain, from
harness thousand fictions. [3] product being built, to logistics, all
the way through to marketing and
First, and foremost TikTok Shop customer service. [5]
can add an amount of tax money
into the governmental treasury. As Social commerce can also act as
the vibrant online marketplace a critical tool in driving financial
encourages more transactions, inclusion, especially for people in
their business thrives and their remote areas or for those who are
seller revenue increases. This typically left out from the formal
means a larger tax base, economy. TikTok Shop enables
Unveiling TikTok’s Influence on Indonesia’s Financial
Landscape and Ecosystem

anyone to become an online seller In this project we conduct a survey

and tap into a larger pool of with the people in our
customers without needing to environment. This survey is
shell out big bucks upfront. This conducted with the people in Java.
has given a new ray of hope to We involve 100 respondents in
women in the tribal belt especially order to get a reliable result. We
for them to be independent conduct this survey in order to get
women with earning sources. a more diverse perspective
towards this particular matter.
At the same time, TikTok Shop
may have interesting potential for Fifteen inquiries are questioned in
local production. This channel will this survey which involves multiple
help local businesses present choice questions, rating
their products to the national questions, and open-ended
audience and will drive an questions. These questions
increase in demand for include the questions regarding
Vietnamese-made products in the TikTok shop and purchase
general. This greater visibility can from TikTok influence.
trigger additional production that
grows jobs both in manufacturing For the first few questions, we
and indirectly. This is where grouped the respondents so we
TikTok Shop can be part of a know how to judge and give us
better Indonesian economy by ideas of their perspective. The
encouraging local businesses to questions asked include their age,
get stronger and supported by their job, whether they use TikTok
domestic production. daily and how often they used it.

In conclusion, by harnessing the The next section, we

power of social commerce straightforwardly jump into the
platforms like TikTok Shop, TikTok Shop. At the beginning, we
Indonesia can unlock significant asked them in general whether
economic benefits. The platform's they were affected by TikTok’s
ability to foster entrepreneurship, advertisement, shop, etc , which
create jobs, expand the tax base, led them into buying the product
and promote financial inclusion advertised or not, and which
can pave the way for a more method they used to buy. Next, we
inclusive and prosperous future asked and specified the methods
for the nation. into 3 parts, online store, tiktok
shop or offline stores. Not only
MATERIALS AND METHODS that, we asked how much they
spent starting from Rp10,000 to
Rp50,000 until those over
Unveiling TikTok’s Influence on Indonesia’s Financial
Landscape and Ecosystem

Rp1,000,000. With this method, asking their conviction and ideas

we could portray the differences in on this topic and if this will bring a
which they think and trust those positive impact into the country.
shops advertised by TikTok, and Through their different
in other words the reliability of assumptions and considerations,
TikTok’s advertisement. it would be more likely and
possible for us to spot the
Still in the same section yet in the problems as well as sometimes
next question, it intensifies their they have different opinions with
response on the impact of TikTok pros and cons contained inside of
in Indonesia’s economy, their them.
ideas and opinions on its
advantages and most importantly
their opinion if TikTok developed
and expands new economic
opportunities in Indonesia.
Following those questions, we
dive deeper into the TikTok Shop
and Indonesia’s economic growth
relation. We required the
respondents to insert their CONCLUSION SUGGESTIONS
opinions on whether TikTok Shop
increases Indonesia’s economy or Conclusion The study aims to
not. Because we are not only explore the Influence of TikTok
relying on data, we rely on the real Shop on Social Economic
life events of their opinions and Development in Indonesia. These
considerations to buy or not from results indicate that TikTok Shop
the TikTok Shop. On the last might be beneficial for a variety of
question of this section, we economic stimulus. They range
focused on asking if TikTok Shop from nurturing entrepreneurship to
caused a negative impact on generating employment,
conventional business such as broadening the tax base and
offline stores, etc. We thought of a encouraging financial penetration.
mutualism relationship where if It, for example, lets people be
online shops customers increase, online sellers and reach a broader
the offline shops must also market, which is great for those
withstand for the sake of those located in remote areas. Apart
who are outreached by these from that, it can provide
platforms in rural areas. employment over diverse prongs,
from product development to
As to conclude on the final section, customer support. Still, the
we stand out only a question research also recognizes the
Unveiling TikTok’s Influence on Indonesia’s Financial
Landscape and Ecosystem

difficulties. We need to also think

about this in the light of what that
would mean for traditional
businesses, and the regulatory
uncertainty on the government
side. Hence, leveraging the REFERENCES
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platforms like TikTok Shop and
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Indonesia to benefit from the
economy in a brand-new way, Keuntungan Berjualan Di
furthermore when local platforms
TikTok Shop.” Bisnis.com,
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Unveiling TikTok’s Influence on Indonesia’s Financial
Landscape and Ecosystem

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Unveiling TikTok’s Influence on Indonesia’s Financial
Landscape and Ecosystem

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