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V This is called electromagnetic damping.

6. Explain the working of permanent magnet moving coil.

" The principle operation of PMMC is based upon the principle of "current carrying
conductor is placed in a magnetic field it is acted upon by the force which tends to
move it,"

A coil of thin wire is mounted on an aluminium spindle positioned between the poles
of a U shaped permanent magnet which is made up of magnetic alloys like alnico.
Pivot and jewel
Bearing Pointer


North Core South

Coil and Permanent

Former Magnet
Pivot and jewel
Scale Bearing

Field Moving

Figure 4.6: PMMC
Construction of PMMC Instruments
The moving coil is wound with many turns of enameled or silk covered
copper wire.
The coil is mounted on a rectangular aluminum former which is pivoted on
jeweled bearings.
The coils move freely in the field of a permanent magnet.
Ø Most voltmeter coils are wound on metal frames to provide the required
electro-magnetic damping.
Ø Most ammeter coils, however, are wound on non -magnetic formers, because
coil turns are effectively shorted by the ammeter shunt.
The coil itself, therefore, provides electro magnetic damping.
Magnet Systems
Ø Magnet system consisted of relatively long U shaped permanent
magnets(materials like Alnico, which have a high coercive force) having soft iron
pole pieces.
Ø The flux densities used in PMIMC instruments vary from 0.1 W b/m to 1
The coil is pivoted on the jewel bearings and thus the coil is free to rotate.
When a current flows through the coil, it generates a magnetic field which is
proportional to the current in case of an ammeter.
The deflecting torque is produced by the electromagnetic action of the current in the
coil and the magnetic field.
The controlling torque is provided by two phosphor bronze hair springs.
Damping is caused by the current set up in the aluminium coil which prevents the
oscillation of the coil.

Torque equation
deflecting tor que,T, = NBAI
Where, Ta= deflecting torque in N-m
N= number of turns of coil.
A= effective area of the coil in m2
I = current passing through the moving coil in A.
B= flux density in air gap in Wb/m2,
Let G=NBA= constant

Now Ta= GI
Controlling torque is provided by the spring and is proportional to the angular
deflection of the pointer.

: T, = K,0
Te= controlling torque in N-m
Ks= spring constant in Nm/rad or Nm/deg.
e= angular deflection in rad or degree.
For the final steady deflection i.e at equilibrium:
Te= Td
K, 0= GI

ao (deflection of the pointer is directly proportional to the current)
Errors in PMMC instruments:
Weakening of permanent magnet due to ageing and temperature effects.



Weakening of the springs due to ageing and temperature effects.

Change of resistance of moving coil with temperature.
Power consumption is less.
High accuracy.
Scale is uniformly divided.
Only used for DC measurements.
Torque reverses if current reverses.
Cost is high.

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