Worksheets: Types of Adverbs

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5/28/24, 7:43 AM TYPES OF ADVERBS | Quizizz

Worksheets Name

Total questions: 8
Worksheet time: 4mins
Instructor name: Bravo Army

1. I'm sitting ___ so I don't want to move. (Manner)

a) comfortable b) normal

c) comfortably d) normally

2. Are you sure you've studied ____ to pass the exam? (Degree)

a) nearly b) enough

c) quite d) quickly

3. I hate looking ____ from high places. I have a fear of heights. (Place)

a) under b) near

c) down d) above

4. Our town's so boring! Nothing interesting _______ happens here. (Time)

a) never b) soon

c) sometimes d) ever

5. _____ we take the dog off his leash at the beach. (Frequency)

a) Rarely b) Sometimes

c) Frequently d) Never

6. I ____ finished the Week 7 Learning Tasks in English 9. (Degree)

a) well b) most

c) extremely d) just 1/2
5/28/24, 7:43 AM TYPES OF ADVERBS | Quizizz

7. I ____ followed the directions in the Google Forms quiz that's why I got a perfect score. (Manner)

a) hardly b) rarely

c) carefully d) recklessly

8. The children are playing video games ____. (Place)

a) upstairs b) under water

c) upwards d) downwards 2/2

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