ACL20Tear20 20Indirect20Signs20at20MRI

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Anterior cruciate ligament tear: Indirect signs at MR imaging

Article in Radiology · January 1995

DOI: 10.1148/radiology.193.3.7972834 · Source: PubMed

150 12,119

4 authors, including:

Amilcare Gentili Lucien Kouassi Yao

University of California, San Diego 23 PUBLICATIONS 1,258 CITATIONS

Huy M Do
Stanford University


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Amilcare Gentili, MD Leanne
#{149} L. Seeger, MD Lawrence
#{149} Yao, MD Huy
#{149} M. Do, MD

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear:

Indirect Signs at MR Imaging’

PURPOSE: To establish the sensitiv-

ity and specificity
magnetic resonance
of indirect
(MR) imaging
signs at
of ‘. \.
anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear.
images of the knees of 89 consecutive
patients (54 with torn and 35 with
normal ACLs) were reviewed.
RESULTS: The indirect signs were as
follows (first percentage is sensitiv-
ity; the second, specificity): angle be-
tween lateral tibial plateau and ACL
less than 45#{176} (90%, 97%); angle be-
tween Blumenstaat line and ACL
more than 15#{176} (89%, 100%); bone con- a. b.
tusions in lateral compartment (54%,
Figure 1. The ACL angle is measured between the anterior surface of the ACL and a refer-
100%); position of posterior cruciate ence line parallel to the midlateral tibial plateau. The reference line is drawn on an image
ligament (PCL) line (52%, 91%); PCL through the midlateral tibial plateau and reported on the image showing the ACL. (a) Sagittal
angle less than 107#{176} (52%, 94%); PCL (2,100/90) MR image shows ACL angle (ANI 55) measured
of 55#{176} in a 55-year-old man with an
bowing ratio more than 0.39 (34%, intact ACL at arthroscopy. (b) Sagittal (2,000/80) MR image shows ACL angle (AN3 19)
of 19#{176}
measured between the anterior surface of the ACL and a reference line parallel to the lateral
100%); posterior displacement of lat-
tibial plateau in a 35-year-old man with an ACL tear at arthroscopy.
eral meniscus more than 3.5 mm
(44%, 94%); anterior displacement of
tibia more than 7 mm (41%, 91%); and
lateral femoral
mm (19%, 100%).
sulcus deeper than 1.5 M AGNETIC resonance (MR) imag- ligament (PCL) line (7,12), PCL angle
has been reported to be (13), PCL bowing (3,13,14), deep lat-
CONCLUSION: Because the specific- accurate in helping make the diagno- eral femomal sulcus (7,15,16), anterior
ity is high, the presence of indirect sis of complete anterior cruciate liga- drawer sign (7,14,17-19), and poste-
signs corroborates the diagnosis of ment (ACL) tear. In most reports the nor displacement of the lateral menis-
ACL tear. Because the sensitivity is diagnosis of ACL tears is based on cus (13). The purpose of this study
low, the absence of these signs does sagittal images that show a disrupted was to compare the sensitivity and
not exclude the diagnosis of ACL ACL (1,2). Direct signs of ACL tear specificity of indirect signs of ACL
tear. include wavy contour of the ACL, tear.
focal or diffuse high signal intensity
Index terms: Knee, ligaments. menisci, and
within the substance of the ACL on
cartilage, 4526.4857 Knee, MR. 4526.1214
#{149} T2-weighted images, and lack of con-
Ligaments, injuries, 4526.4857 Ligaments,
#{149} MR. tinuity of the ACL (3,4). Although MR We performed a retrospective review of
4526.1214 imaging is accurate, false-positive and the images of 89 consecutively evaluated
false-negative diagnoses have been patients who underwent MR imaging of
Radiology 1994; 193:835-840 the knee followed by arthroscopy. The
reported (5). T2-weighted images;
mean age of the patients was 30 years 11
oblique sagittal, coronal, and axial
months (range, 16-75) years). Sixty-two
From the Department of Radiological Sci- images; and gradient-echo images
patients were men and 27 were women.
ences, University of California Los Angeles Cen- have been obtained to improve me-
Arthroscopy was performed by 14 or-
ter for the Health Sciences (AC., L.L.S., L.Y., sults (6). thopedic surgeons. Two orthopedic sur-
H.M.D.), and the Department of Radiology
(W114), West Los Angeles Veterans Administra-
The use of secondary (indirect) geons who specialized in sports medicine
tion Medical Center, Wilshire and Sawtelle signs of ACL team has been advocated performed 72 of the 89 procedures (81%).
Blvds, Los Angeles, CA 90073 (AC.). From the to improve accuracy. Numerous mdi-
1993 RSNA scientific assembly. Received April rect signs have been described. These
28, 1994; revision requested june 23; revision
include orientation of the ACL (6,7),
received July 19; accepted July 25. Address re-
print requests to AC. bone contusions and osteochondral Abbreviations: ACL = anterior cruciate liga-
RSNA, 1994 fractures (7-1 1), posterior cruciate ment, PCL = posterior cruciate ligament.
Figure 3. Sagittal (2,000/80) MR image of a
1 35-year-oldThe man angle
with ACL tear at arthros-
a. ,. copy. PCL measured between a
Figure 2. The ACL-Blumensaat line angle is measured between the posterior surface of the line through the center of the proximal por-
femur and the distal portion of the ACL. The angle has a negative value when the apex points tion of the PCL and a line though the center
superiorly and a positive value when apex the
points inferiorly. (a) Sagittal (2,100/20) MR im- of the distal portion of the PCL is 96#{176}.
age shows ACL-Blumensaat line angle of -7#{176}
in a 55-year-old man with intact ACL at arthros-
copy. (b) Sagittal (2,000/30) MR image shows ACU-Blumensaat line angle of +32#{176} in a 35-year-
old man with ACL tear at arthroscopy.

At arthroscopy, 54 patients had a torn The presence and location of bone con-
ACL and 35 had a normal ACL. Of the 54 tusions and osteochondral fractures were
ACL teams, 49 were complete and five were noted. On T2-weighted images, bone con-
partial. Review of the patient charts and of tusions were defined as areas of geo-
before MR

that 33 ACL tears (28 complete

images were
to the pa-
on either
or reticular,
that involved

or TI-weighted
bone; ;T;#{149}.:T-;T-
and five partial) were acute (less than I images, contusions were areas of low sig-
Figure 4. Sagittal
(2,000/80) MR image of a
month old), nine were subacute (between nal intensity. Bone contusions and osteo- 35-year-old man with ACL tear at arthros-
1 and 3 months old), and 13 were chronic chondral fractures were considered posi- copy. The posterior displacement of the lat-
(more than 3 months old). MR imaging of five for ACL tear if they were present in eral meniscus is measured as the distance
the knee was performed with a I.5-T unit the lateral femoral condyle above the lat- (arrow) between two lines parallel to the
(Signa, GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, eral femoral sulcus or in the posterior as- tibia. The first line passes through the poste-
Wis, or Magneton, Siemens, Erlangen, pect of the lateral tibial plateau. nor corner of the lateral tibial plateau, and
Germany) with a dedicated extremity coil. The position of the PCL line as de- the second line is tangent to the most poste-
The knee was positioned in full extension scribed by Schweitzer et al (12) in relation nor aspect of the posterior horn of the lateral
with approximately 15#{176}
of external rota- to the distal femur was used as an indirect meniscus. The posterior displacement of the
tion. For all patients sagittal multiecho sign. The image was selected that best lateral meniscus is 6 mm.
acquisitions (repetition time msec/echo demonstrated the distal portion of the
time = 1500-2500/20, 70-90) were ob- PCL. A line was drawn tangent to the pos-
tamed. Ti-weighted (400-500/20-30) or tenor margin of the linear portion of the
ment (anterior drawer sign) by drawing a
multiecho (1,500-2,500/20 or 70-90) coro- distal PCL and extended proximally. The
line tangent to the posterior margin of the
nal acquisitions also were obtained. sign was considered positive if the proxi-
cortex of the lateral femoral condyle and
Each study was reviewed retrospec- mal extension of the PCL line did not
parallel to the long axis of the tibia (5).
tively without knowledge of the arthro- cross the medullary cavity of the distal
The depth of the lateral sulcus was mea-
scopic findings, clinical history, or initial femur. This sign was considered negative
sured according to the method of Warren
MR imaging interpretations. Because this if the proximal extension of the PCL line
et al (15) and Cobby et al (16). A line
was a retrospective study all measure- did cross the medullary cavity of the distal
drawn tangent to the articular surface
ments were made on the hard copy. Pri- 5 cm of the femur.
served as the reference, and the depth of
mary signs and nine different indirect The PCL angle was the angle measured
the sulcus was measured perpendicular to
signs were considered. P values for group between a line through the center of the
this line.
comparison were based on results of the proximal and a line through the distal por-
unpaired f test. tion of the PCL (Fig 3) (13).
The ACL was considered normal if it The PCL bowing ratio was the ratio be- RESULTS
was depicted as a continuous linear band tween the distance of the anterior surface
of low signal intensity on either proton- of the PCL and a line connecting the most The mean ACL angle for patients
density- or T2-weighted images. The ACL anterior points of attachment of the PCL without an ACL tear was 55.6#{176}. The
was considered torn if it had a wavy con- on the femur and tibia divided by the dis- mean ACL angle for patients with an
tour, had a focal or diffuse high signal in- tance between the most anterior points of ACL tear was a significantly smaller
tensity within the substance of the liga- attachment of the PCL on the femur and 29.9#{176}
(P < .001). Theme was no signifi-
ment on T2-weighted images, or lacked the tibia (14).
cant difference between the ACL
continuity. Posterior displacement of the lateral me-
The orientation of the ACL was mea- niscus was measured as displacement of
angle in acute teams and that in
sured in two different ways: (a) with re- the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus chronic tears (Table 1). There was
spect to the lateral tibial plateau (the ACL behind the most posterior margin of the only minimal overlap in the value of
angle) (Fig 1) and (h) with respect to the tibial plateau (Fig 4). the ACL angle between patients with
Blumensaat line (Fig 2). We measured anterior tibial displace- an ACL tear and patients with a nor-

836 Radiology
#{149} December 1994
C/) 20 16
a) (I)
ci 14
0 10 08

E E4
zo zo
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 -20 0 20 40 60 80
AOL Angle ACL-Blumensaat Line Angle
5. 6.

U) 12 C,) 20
0) a)

N 15

a)4 .0
zo zo
60 80 100 120 140 160 00:
PCL Angle PCL Bowing Ratio
7. 8.
Figures 5-8. (5) Frequency distribution of ACL angle. There is good separation between patients with a normal ACL (black line) and patients
with a torn ACL (gray line). (6) Frequency distribution of ACL-Blumensaat line angle. There is good separation between patients with a nor-
mal ACL (black line) and patients with a torn ACL (gray line). (7) Frequency distribution of PCL angle. Overlap is seen between patients with a
normal ACL (black line) and patients with a torn ACL (gray line). (8) Frequency distribution of PCL bowing ratio. Overlap is seen between pa-
tients with a normal ACL (black line) and patients with a torn ACL (gray line).

the lateral femoral condyle above the

Table 1
femoral sulcus had a sensitivity of
Comparison between Acute and Chronic ACL Tear
51% and a specificity of 100%. The
Sensitivity for Sensitivity for presence of bone contusions in the
Acute ACL Chronic ACL Acute ACL Chronic posterior aspect of the lateral tibial
Tears Tears P Tears ACL Tears
plateau had a sensitivity of 51% and a
Sign (mean) (mean) Value (%) (%)
specificity of 100%. When bone contu-
ACL angle 30.7#{176} 27.2#{176} NS 87 100 sions in either the tibial plateau or the
ACU-Blumensaat line angle 26.6#{176} 27#{176} NS 87 100
femoral condyle were considered, the
Bone contusion NA NA NA 76 25
PCL line NA NA NA 45 76
sensitivity was 58% and the specificity
PCL angle 109#{176} 95#{176} < .001 42 84 was 100%. Among the 33 patients
PCL bowing ratio 0.24 0.29 < .05 12 42 with acute ACL teams, the sensitivity
Posterior displacement of was 76%.
lateral meniscus (mm) 2.1 5.1 .001 30 76
A positivePCL line sign had a sen-
Anterior drawer (mm) 5.4 8.7 < .001 27 61
Depth of lateral femoiral sitivity and a specificity
of 51 U/() of
sulcus (mm) 0.827 0.419 NS 18 7 91%. The sensitivity was 76% for
chronic teams and was 45% for acute
Note-NA = not applicable, NS = not significant.
The mean PCL angle for patients
without an ACL tear was 123#{176}. The
mean PCL angle for patients with an
mal ACL (Fig 5). When an angle of between the ACL-Blumensaat line ACL tear was a significantly smaller
less than 45#{176}
was used as a cutoff angle in acute tears and that in 106#{176}
(p < .001). There was, however,
value, the sensitivity of the presence chronic teams (Table 1). Theme was overlap in the value of the PCL angle
of this sign was 91 % and the specific- only minimal overlap in the value of between patients with an ACL team
ity was 97%. When the cutoff angle the ACL-Blumensaat line angle be- and patients with a normal ACL (Fig
was than
less 40#{176},
the sensitivity de- tween patients with an ACL tear and 7). When the cutoff angle was less
creased to 89% and the specificity in- patients with a normal ACL (Fig 6). than 107#{176}, the sensitivity was 52% and
creased to 100%. When an angle more than 9#{176}
was the specificity 94%. When the cutoff
The mean angle between the ACL used as the cutoff value, the sensitiv- angle was less than 100#{176},
the sensitiv-
and the Blumensaat line for patients ity was 91% and the specificity was ity decreased to 37% and the specific-
without an ACL tear was -1.6#{176}.The 86%. When a cutoff angle more than ity increased to 100%. The PCL angle
mean ACL-Blumensaat line angle for 150 was used, the sensitivity de- in acute tears was significantly differ-
patients with an ACL tear was a sig- creased to 89% and the specificity in- ent from that in chronic tears (Table 1).
nificantly greater 25.8#{176}
(P < .001). creased to 100%. The mean PCL bowing ratio for
There was no significant difference The presence of bone contusions in patients without an ACL tear was

r_1 - T..__._l____
R1in1ntv i7
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20

U) 14 Cl) 12
a) a)
U) U) 10
U) U)
0 08

.04 .4
zo zo
-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Posterior Displacement LM (mm.) Anterior Drawer Sign (mm.)
9. 10.
Figures 9-11. (9) Frequency distribution of posterior displacement of
lateral meniscus (LM). Overlap is seen between patients with a normal Cl) 25
ACL (black line) and patients with a torn ACL (gray line). (10) Fre-
quency distribution of anterior drawer sign. Overlap is seen between
patients with a normal ACL (black line) and patients with a torn ACL 9-
(gray line). (11) Frequency distribution oflateral femoral sulcus depth. 0
Overlap is seen between patients with a normal ACL (black line) and a)
patients with a torn ACL (gray line). .0
0.19. The mean PCL bowing ratio for
patients with an ACL tear was a sig- Depth Lateral Femoral Sulcus (mm)
nificantly larger 0.26 (P < .001). There 11.
was overlap in the value of the PCL
bowing ratio between patients with
an ACL tear and patients with a nor-
mal ACL (Fig 8). When a ratio of more ACL (Fig 10). When more than 5 mm apparent disruption of the ACL was
than 0.39 was considered abnormal, of anterior displacement of the tibia due to a partial volume effect. Of the
the sensitivity was 34% and the speci- was considered abnormal, the sensi- four false-negative diagnoses, three
ficity was 100% The PCL bowing
. ma- tivity was 63% and the specificity were partial tears and one was a com-
tio in acute tears was significantly dif- 80%. When the cutoff value was more plete tear. Of the three false-negative
ferent from that in chronic tears than 7 mm, the sensitivity decreased partial tears, a bone contusion was
(Table 1). to 41% and the specificity increased to present in the lateral femoral condyle
The mean posterior displacement of 91%. The anterior displacement of the in one patient; otherwise, the indirect
the lateral meniscus for patients with- tibia in acute tears was significantly signs were all negative. The patient
out an ACL tear was 0.54 mm. The different from that in chronic teams with the false-negative diagnosis who
mean posterior displacement of the (Table 1). had a complete team had a positive
lateral meniscus for patients with an The mean depth of the lateral ACL angle, ACL-Blumensaat line
ACL tear was a significantly greater femoral sulcus for patients without angle, posterior displacement of the
3.05 mm (P < .001). There was over- an ACL tear was 0.35 mm. The mean lateral meniscus, and anterior drawer
lap in the posterior displacement of depth of the lateral femoral sulcus for sign.
the lateral meniscus between patients patients with an ACL team was a sig-
with an ACL tear and patients with a nificantly greater 0.74 mm (P < .02).
normal ACL (Fig 9). When more than There was overlap in the value of
3.5 mm of posterior displacement of depth of the lateral femomal sulcus The MR imaging diagnosis of ACL
the lateral meniscus was considered between patients with an ACL tear tear is usually based on direct signs of
abnormal, the sensitivity was 44% and patients with a normal ACL (Fig tear. These signs include a wavy con-
and the specificity 94% When greater . 11); most patients had a sulcus less tour of the ACL, focal or diffuse high
than 5 mm of posterior displacement than 1 mm deep. When a depth of the signal intensity within the substance
of the lateral meniscus was used as lateral femomal sulcus more than 1 of the ACL on T2-weighted images,
the cutoff value, the sensitivity de- mm was considered abnormal, the discontinuity of the ACL, or a combi-
creased to 20% and the specificity in- sensitivity was 30% and the specificity nation of these signs. These direct
creased to 100%. The PCL bowing 94%. When a depth more than 1.5 signs are usually sufficient for an ac-
ratio in acute tears was significantly mm was used as the cutoff value, the curate diagnosis. High sensitivity and
different from that in chronic tears sensitivity decreased to 19% and the specificity have been reported for
(Table 1). specificity increased to 100%. The these primary signs. Only two pa-
The mean anterior displacement of depth of the lateral femomal sulcus in tients in our series had positive mdi-
the tibia (anterior drawer sign) for acute tears was not significantly differ- rect signs and negative direct signs.
patients with an intact ACL was 2.17 ent from that in chronic tears (Table Several indirect signs of ACL tear
mm. The mean anterior displacement 1). have been reported in the literature
of the tibia for patients with an ACL Direct signs of ACL tear had a sen- (Table 2).
tear was a significantly larger 6.18 mm sitivity of 93% and a specificity of A normal ACL is taut when the
(P < .001). There was overlap in the 97%. Theme were one false-positive angle between the femur and the am-
value of the anterior displacement of and four false-negative diagnoses. In ticulam surface of the lateral tibial pla-
the tibia between patients with an the one false-positive diagnosis, all teau is approximately 55#{176}
(M. Shapiro,
ACL tear and patients with a normal secondary signs were negative; the oral communication, 1994). When the

838 Radiology
#{149} December 1994
cus, anterior drawer sign, and PCL
Table 2
line between patients with acute and
Indirect Signs of ACL Tear: Review of the Literature
patients with chronic ACL tears can
No. with No. without Sensitivity Specificity be explained by delayed failure of
Reference Sign ACL Tear ACL Tear (%) (%) secondary restraints of the knee. This
7 Tibial bone contusion 43 60 40.5* 975* failure of secondary restraints allows
7 Femoral bone contusion 43 60 375* 98.5* increased anterior displacement of
13 Bonecontusion 39 29 48* 97*
the tibia in patients with chronic tears
14 Bone contusion 50 53 44 96 (20).
9 Bone injury to tibia or femur 32 NDA 100 NDA
Posterior displacement of the lat-
8 Bone injury < 4 wk earlier 100 200 100
10 Bone injury < 3 wk earlier 75 NDA 85 NDA eral meniscus is a sign of anterior dis-
11 Bone injury 98 NDA 48 NDA placement of the tibia. When the tibia
11 Bone injury < 6 wk earlier 47 NDA 71 NDA becomes displaced anteriorly, the lat-
7 PCL line 43 60 66* 85.5*
emal meniscus remains with the femur,
12 PCLline 22 59 86 94
90* resulting in posterior displacement of
7 PCL bowing 43 60 58*
18 PCL bowing 60 29 17 100 the posterior horn of the lateral me-
14 PCL curvature > 0.39#{176} 50 53 44 96 niscus with respect to the tibia (13).
13 PCLangle < 105#{176} 39 29 73* 82.5*
The increased depth of the lateral
7 ACL parallel to Blumensaat
line 43 60 79* 86* femoral sulcus in patients with an
13 Posterior displacement of ACL tear is due to impacted fracture,
lateral meniscus 39 29 56* 98.5* similar to a Hill-Sachs lesion of the
14 Posterior displacement of
humerus. This impaction occurs when
lateral meniscus 50 53 44 96
7 Anterior drawer sign 43 60 60 88
the tibia becomes displaced anteriorly
17 Anterior drawer sign 10 52 100 100 and the lateral femoral sulcus pushes
18 Anteriordrawer > 5mm 60 29 58 93 against the posterior rim of the tibial
18 Anterior drawer > 7 mm 60 29 38 100
plateau. This is the same mechanism
19 Anterior drawer > 5 mm 21 91 86 99
15 Lateral femoral sulcus > 1.5
that causes bone contusions in the
mmdeep 153 47 10 98 region of the femomal sulcus and pos-
16 Lateral femoral sulcus > 1 temolateral tibial plateau.
mm deep 41 62 29 97 In conclusion, the diagnosis of ACL
16 Lateral femoral sulcus > 1.5
tear can be made on the basis of pri-
mmdeep 41 62 12 100
mary signs alone, but the presence of
Note.-NDA = no data available. indirect signs corroborates the diag-
* Average of scores of two independent observers.
nosis. Except for ACL angle and ACL-
Blumensaat line angle, because mdi-
rect signs have a low sensitivity, the
absence of such signs does not ex-
dude the diagnosis of ACL tear. #{149}
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ACL is parallel to the posterior sur- more than 6 weeks earlier (11). References
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