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CHAPTER I: EXERCISES FOR EACH UNIT ................................................................................................ 2
UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES ............................................................................................................ 2
UNIT 11: BOOKS ...................................................................................................................................... 10
UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS....................................................................................................................... 19
UNIT 13: THE 22nd SEA GAMES .............................................................................................................. 28
UNIT 14: INTERNATINAL ORGANIZATIONS......................................................................................... 39
UNIT 15: WOMEN IN SOCIETY ............................................................................................................... 48
UNIT 16: THE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN NATIONS ......................................................... 58
CHAPTER II: REVISION FOR TESTS IN THE SECOND TERM................................................................ 67
A. CÁC ĐỀ ÔN KIỂM TRA GIỮA HỌC KỲ II ................................................................................ 67
ĐỀ KIỂM TRA GIỮA HỌC KỲ II - NĂM HỌC: 2016-2017 ................................................................. 67
ĐỀ KIỂM TRA GIỮA HỌC KỲ II - NĂM HỌC: 2017-2018 ................................................................. 69
ĐỀ KIỂM TRA GIỮA HỌC KỲ II - NĂM HỌC: 2018-2019 .................................................................. 72
B. CÁC ĐỀ ÔN THI HỌC KỲ II ...................................................................................................... 79
ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ II - NĂM HỌC: 2017 - 2018....................................................................................... 79
ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ II - NĂM HỌC: 2018-2019 ........................................................................................ 82
ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ II - NĂM HỌC: 2019-2020 ........................................................................................ 85
CHAPTER III: PAST GCSE TESTS ............................................................................................................ 93
GCSE TEST 1 ............................................................................................................................................ 93
GCSE TEST 2 ............................................................................................................................................ 98

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 1




Modal verbs: may, might, must, mustn't, needn't

1. extinct (a) [ɪks'tɪηkt] : tuyệt chủng
=> extinction (n) [ɪks'tɪηk∫n] : sự tuyệt chủng
2. species (n) ['spi:∫ ɪ:z] : loài
3. commerce (n) ['kɒmə:s] : sự buôn bá n; thương mạ i
=> commercial (a) [kə'mə:∫l] : thuộ c về thương mạ i
4. exploit (v) ['eksplɒɪt] : khai thá c
=> exploitation (n) [,eksplɒɪ'teɪ∫n] : sự khai thá c
5. habitat (n) ['hæbɪtæt] : môi trường số ng, nơi ở
6. destruction (n) [dɪs'trʌk∫n] : sự phá huỷ
7. construction (n) [kən'strʌk∫n] : sự xây dựng
8. urbanization (n) [,ə:bənaɪ'zeɪ∫n] : sự đô thị hoá
9. dam (n) [dæm] : đạ p (ngăn nước)
10. contaminate (v) [kən'tæmɪneɪt] : làm bẩn = pollute
=> contamination (n) [kən,tæmɪ'neɪ∫n] : sự ô nhiễm
=> contaminated (a) = polluted : bị ô nhiễm
11. on the verge of sth : sắp, gần, suýt
=> drive sth to the verge of ... : đưa cái gì đến bờ vực ...
12. loss of biodiversity (n) : mất cân bằng hệ sinh thái
13. benefit from sth ['benɪfɪt] : được lợi từ việc gì
14. conserve (v) [kən'sə:v] : giữ gìn; bả o tồ n
=> conservation (n) [,kɒnsə:'veɪ∫n] : sự bả o tồ n
15. vulnerable (a) ['vʌlnərəbl] : yế u đuố i, cố thể bị tổ n thương
16. enact (v) [ɪ'nækt] : ban hành (luật)
17. reserve (n) [rɪ'zə:v] : khu bả o tồ n
18. survive (v) [sə'vaɪv] : số ng số t
=> survival (n) [sə'vaɪvl] : sự số ng số t; sự tồ n tạ i
19. civil war (n) ['sɪvlwɔ:] : nội chiến
20. ranger (n) ['reɪndʒə] : người bả o vệ rừng
21. poach (n) [pəut∫] : săn trộ m
=> poacher (n) = illegal hunter ['pəut∫ə] : người săn trộ m
22. nest (n) [nest] : tổ , ổ
23. weapon (n) ['wepən] : vũ khí

GRAMMAR Modal verb

MODAL VERBS + Bare-Infinitive

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 2


có khả suy đôán không - It may rain tomorrow
năng chắc chắn
suy đôán không chắc - It might rain tomorrow
might có lẽ
cho một số suy đôán - Mary must be at home.
Suy đoán must Chắc hẳn chắc chắn có cơ The light in her room is on.
chæ moät söï suy -She is Miss Beauty. She
chắc chắn diễn coù cô sôû can’t be short.
không chaéc chaén không
xảy ra.
söï khoâng - chæ söï ngaên - You mustn’t ride a
ngaên ñöôïc, caám, khoâng ñöôïc motorbike until you are 18
caám cấm pheùp laøm.
chỉ duøng dạng phuû - You needn’t give me the
needn’t, không ñònh answer right now.
sự không - You don’t have to use a
don’t have cần - chæ moät söï vieäc
cần thiết dictionary.
to khoâng quan troïng,
ko caàn phaûi laøm
- nói đến năng lực - He can speak 5
khả năng can - có thể languages.
thực hiện điều gì …
- should - You should study harder.
khuyên - had better - đưa ra, đề nghị một - It’s tôô latê. Wê’d better
- nên go now.
bảo (not) lời khuyên
- ought to
- would I would rather go to the
sự mong muốn … /không
rather cinema than stay at home.
muốn muốn

Verb Noun Adj Adv
1 Benefit Benefit Beneficial
2 Exploit Exploitation exploitable, exploitative
3 Endanger Danger dangerous, endangered
forest, forest, forestry, deforestation,
deforest forester
5 Urbanize Urbanization urban, urbanized
survival, survivor,
6 Survive survivable, surviving
7 Beware Awareness Aware
Commercializ commerce, commercial,commercialize
e commercialization d

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 3


9 Exist existence, existency existing, existent

10 nature, naturalist natural, good-natured naturally
11 construct Construction Constructive
I. Fill in each gap with one word from the box:
environment – habitat – species – pollution - damage
wildlife – population – priority – danger - conservation
1. _____________________ levels are dangerously high in many of our rivers.
2. The panda natural _____________________ is the bamboo forest.
3. The strong wind caused serious_____________________ to the roof.
4. The development of the area would endanger _____________________
5. Pupils in our school are taught in a safe, secure _____________________
6. How many factory workers are in ___________________ of losing their job?
7. Over 120 ___________________ of birds have been recorded in this national park.
8. _____________________ will be given to children of families with low incomes.
9. 30% of the male _____________________ suffer from heart disease.
10. _____________________ is the management of land and water in ways that prevent it from
being damaged or destroyed.
II. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in parentheses.
1. Many species of animals are threatened with_________________. (extinct)
2. We are responsible for the _________________ of the forest. (destroy)
3. Our relationship was based on mutual ___________________. (depend)
4. The hospital was accused of __________________ patiênts’ livês. (danger)
5. The necklace is beautiful but not very ____________________. (value)
6. If he leaves, it will be a great ___________________ to the company. (lose)
7. A môthêr’s lôvê can bê as as breastfeeding. (benefit)
8. Money is raised chiefly by publicising highly _________________incidents, often of
lawbreaking. (exploit)
9. They need to be there to protect workers from ___________________ situations and to
represent their interests. (exploit)
10. Smoking during pregnancy can harm thê baby’s hêalth.
11. and overpopulation are the two big problems in the developing
12. Many small towns in our country have been in the past few years.
13. in different climates is not the test of intelligence. (survive)
14. There are only two in the air crash. All the other passengers were
killed. (survive)
15. Governments have enacted laws to protect wildlife from ___ trade. (commerce)
16. Thê rêd list has bêên intrôducêd tô raisê pêôplê’s of conservation needs.
17. They take the science and couple it with their engineers to ________ the process.
18. Scientists have many theories about how the universe first came into .
19. A is a person who studies plans or animals, especially outdoor. (nature)
20. People were almost invariably friendly and ______________________. (nature)
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 4

III. Underline the best answer

1. Booking need / must / ought be made at least 7 days before departure.
2. In most developed countries, people don’t need to / mustn’t / shouldn’t boil water before
they drink it.
3. You needn’t / mustn’t / won’t gô tô thê bêach whên thê tidê is côming in. It’s dangêrôus.
4. I often have to / must / can work at weekend to get everything done.
5. Wê’vê bêên tôld that wê don’t have to / mustn’t / shouldn’t be at work until 10 AM
tômôrrôw. That’s grêat!
6. When you have time, you must / should / have to travel somewhere to relax.
7. Last night I called the police and I shouldn’t / didn’t have to / mustn’t wait very long for
them to get there.
8. You mustn’t / needn’t / won’t use office phone for private calls.
9. You don’t need to / mustn’t / shouldn’t have a university degree to become a police
10. Nowadays, it needn’t / mustn’t / shouldn’t cost a fortune to own a powerful computer.
11. I can’t find my bag anywhêrê; I must leave / must have left / must be leave it at the
12. I côuldn’t wait fôr yôu any lôngêr. I must go/ need go/ must have gone.
13. You couldn’t / mustn’t / needn’t put anything on the shelves until the glue has set hard.
14. The film seems familiar. I can see / should see / must have seen it before.
15. There are a lot of tickets left, so you mustn’t / needn’t / won’t pay for the tickets in
IV. Rewrite the sentences so that they have similar meaning to the previous ones, using
must, mustn’t, might, or needn’t ....
1. I want to leave the room.
→ May I ___________________________________________________
2. Please fill in the form.
→ Could you ________________________________________________
3. It isn’t nêcêssary tô lêavê êarly. Wê havê plênty ôf timê.
→ We _____________________________________________________
4. It’s êssêntial that yôu makê a dêcisiôn as soon as possible.
→ You had better ____________________________________________
6. Pêrhaps yôu didn’t undêrstand sômêthing in this êxêrcisê. (MAY)
→ You _____________________________________________________
7. I can imagine how nervous Anna was when she flew for the first time. (MUST)
→ Anna ____________________________________________________
8. I guess Peter is waiting for us at the airport. (MAY)
→ Peter ____________________________________________________
9. Smoking is not allowed in the museum. (MUST)
→ You _____________________________________________________
10. It is essential that all new soldiers have a medical examination.
→ All new soldiers ___________________________________________
11. Fôrêignêrs dôn’t havê tô rêgistêr fôr military service.
→ Foreigners ________________________________________________
Choose the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.
1. Brown: “I think it’s a gôôd idêa tô havê thrêê ôr fôur gênêratiôns living undêr ônê rôôf.”
Tom: “________. Family mêmbêrs can hêlp êach ôthêr a lôt.”
A. That’s wrông. B. I dôn’t agrêê. C. I côuldn’t agrêê môrê. D. It’s nôt truê.
2. Nam: “What a cutê makê-up stylê yôu havê gôt, Nga!” Nga: “________”
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 5

A. I am afraid not. B. I dôn’t likê yôur sayings.

C. Thank you for your compliment. D. You are telling a joke.
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the question.
Species that belong to an area are said to be native species. Typically, they have been
part of a given biological landscape for a long period, and they are well adapted to the local
environment and to the presence of other native species in the same general habitat. Exotic
species are interlopers, foreign elements introduced intentionally or accidentally into new
settings through human activities. In one context an introduced species may cause no obvious
problems and may, over time, be regarded as being just as "natural" as any native species in
the same habitat. In another context, exotics may seriously disrupt delicate ecological balances
and create a cascade of unintended consequences. The worst of these unintended
consequences arise when introduced species put native species in destruction by preying on
them, altering their habitats, or out-competing them in the struggle for food resources.
Although biological introductions have affected environments the world over, the most
destructive, effects have occurred on islands, where introduced insects, cats, pigs, rats,
mongooses, and other nonnative species have caused the grave endangerment or outright
extinction of literally hundreds of species during the past 500 years.
One of other reason to cause species extinction is overexploitation. This word refers to
the utilization of a species at a rate that is likely to cause its extreme endangerment or outright
extinction. Among many examples of severe overexploitation, the case of the great whales
stands out in special relief. By the middle of the 20th century, unrestricted whaling had brought
many species of whales to incredibly low population sizes. In response to public pressure, in
1982 a number of nations, including the USA, agreed to an international moratorium on
whaling. As a direct result, some whale species which are thought to have been on extinction's
doorstep 25 years ago have made amazing comebacks, such as grey whales in the western
Pacific. Others remain at great risk. Many other species, however, continue to suffer high rates
of exploitation because of the trade in animal parts. Currently, the demand for animal parts is
centered in several parts of
3. Asia is a strong market for traditional medicines made from items like tiger bone and rhino
horn, native species _______.
A. are not used to the local environment
B. never get along well with other native species in the same environment
C. tend to do harm to exotic species
D. have been part of a given biological landscape for a long period
4. Exotic species _______.
A. do no harm to native species and the local environment
B. may kill native species for food
C. always share the environment peacefully with native species
D. help to make the local environment more ideal to survive
5. According to the first paragraph, _______.
A. non-native species have caused badly damage to native ones
B. introducing new exotic species to local environments is necessary
C. exotic species have never been introduced on islands
D. very few native species have been damaged by exotic species
6. According to the second paragraph, by the middle of the 20 century ___.
A. whale population was the most crowded in marine life B. whale hunting was illegal
C. whale population increased dramatically D. whaling was not restricted
7. Tiger bone and rhino horn _______.
A. are not popular in Asian markets B. are never in the trade of animal parts
C. are used for making traditional medicines D. cannot be found in Asian markets

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Identify the word or phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence
8. Dinosaurs became extinct (A) millions of years ago because of (B) thê êarth’s (C) climate
changed drastically. (D)
9. Sleeping, (A) resting and to drink (B) fruit juice (C) are the best ways (D) to care for a cold.
10. Parênts’ choice (A) for their (B) childrên’s namês are based (C) on names of their relatives
(D) or ancestors.
11. Although (A) species evolve differently, most of them adapt (B) to a specific habitat or
environment that (C) best meets their survive (D) needs.
Read the following passage and choose the best option for each of the blanks
Nearly 200 of the 1,500 native plant species in Hawaii are at risk of going extinction
in the near future because they have been (12) ___to such low numbers. About 90% of
Hawaii's plants are found nowhere else in the world but they are threatened by alien invasive
species such as feral goats, pigs, rodents and non-native plants.
The Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Group is striving to (13) ___the extinction of the
182 rare Hawaiian plants with fewer than 50 individuals remaining in the wild. Since 1990,
(14) ____ a result of their "Plant Extinction Prevention Program", sixteen species have been
brought into (15) ____ and 3 species have been reintroduced. Invasive weeds have been
removed in key areas and fencing put up in order to protect plants in the wild.
In the future the Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Program aims (16) ____ collecting
genetic material from the remaining plants in the wild for storage as a "safety net" for the
future. They also aim to manage the wild populations and where possible reintroduce species
into reserves.
12. A. disappeared B. reduced C. increased D. developed
13. A. prevent B. encourage C. stimulate D. influence
14. A. so B. due C. as D. but
15. A. contamination B. production C. cultivation D. generation
16. A. at B. for C. with D. on
Choose the word(s) or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part.
17. Life on Earth is disappearing fast and will continue to do so unless urgent action is taken.
A. vanishing B. damaging C. polluting D. destroying
18. The Bali Tiger was declared extinct in 1937 due to hunting and habitat loss.
A. reserve B. generation C. natural environment D. diversity
Choose the word(s) or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part.
19. We ought to keep these proposals secret from the chairman for the time being.
A. frequent B. revealed C. accessible D. lively
20. Whên yôu cônsidêr all thê advantagês yôu’vê gainêd, I think yôu’ll admit yôu had a good
run for your money.
A. a lot of failures from your money B. a lot of loss from your money
C. a lot of advantages from your money D. a lot of benefits from your money
Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
21. A. bread B. head C. clean D. dead
22. A. species B. wetlands C. habitats D. vegetables
Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.
23. A. individual B. exploitation C. conservation D. urbanization
24. A. commercial B. industry C. dependent D. awareness
Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original one.
25. “We will not leave until we see the manager,” said the customers.
A. The customers agreed to leave before they saw the manager.
B. The customers promised to leave before they saw the manager.

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 7


C. The customers refused to leave until they saw the manager.

D. The customers decided to leave because they did not see the manager
26. It was wrong of you not to call the police at once.
A. Yôu shôuldn’t havê callêd thê pôlicê at ôncê. B. You should have called the police at once.
C. You must have called the police at once. D. You should call the police at once.
27. Needless to say, Minh is cleverer than other students in the class.
A. Needless to say, Minh is the cleverest student in the class.
B. Needless to say, Minh is not so clever as other students in the class.
C. Needless to say, other students in the class are as clever as Minh.
D. Needless to say, other students in the class are cleverer than Minh.
Choose the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following
28. Seth informed us of his retirement from the company. He did it when arriving at the meeting.
A. Not until Seth said to us that he would leave the company did he turn up at the meeting.
B. Only after his retiring from the company did Seth tell us about his arrival at the meeting.
C. No sooner had Seth arrived at the meeting than we were told about his leaving the
D. Hardly had Seth notified us of his retiring from the company when he arrived at the
29. You’d better take the keys. It’s possible I’ll come home late.
A. I'll prôbably cômê hômê latê sô that yôu’d bêttêr takê thê kêys.
B. You'd better take the keys as I possibly come home late.
C. If I cômê hômê latê, yôu’d bêttêr takê thê kêys.
D. Yôu’d bêttêr takê thê kêys in casê I cômê hômê latê.
Choose the one best answer to complete each sentence.
30. If wê dôn’t lôôk aftêr ôur ênvirônmênt, zêbras côuld bêcômê a(n) ________ spêciês.
A. enclosed B. endangered C. weak D. little
31. Toxic chemicals from factories are one of the serious factors that leads wildlife to the
_______ of extinction.
A. wall B. fence C. verge D. bridge
32. It is reported that humans are the main reason for most species' declines and habitat
_______ and degradation are the leading threats.
A. destroy B. destructive C. destructor D. destruction
33. “Writê tô mê whên yôu gêt hômê.” “______________”
A. I must B. I should C. I can D. I will
34. You ____ forget to pay the rent tomorrow. The landlord is very strict about paying on time.
A. needn't B. mustn't C. do not have to D. may not
35. _______ I borrow your lighter for a minute? - Sure, no problem. Actually, you _______ keep it if
you want to.
A. May / can B. Must / might C. Will / should D. Might / nêêdn’t
36. It’s nô usê a languagê if yôu dôn’t try tô usê it.
A. to learn B. learned C. learning D. learn
37. Species become extinct or endangered for _____ number of reasons, but _____ primary cause
is the destruction of habitat by human activities.
A. Ø / a B. a / the C. the / a D. Ø / Ø
38. If the sea biodiversity were not maintained, marine life at stake.
A. would be B. shall be C. wôuldn’t havê bêên D. will be
39. People should green lifestyle to help conserve the natural resources.
A. adapt B. adopt C. adjoin D. adjust
40. ______ youngest boy has just started going to ________ school.

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A. a/ Ø B. an/ Ø C. Ø /the D. the/ Ø

41. No one died of Corona Virus in Vietnam, ________?
A. did he B. didn’t hê C. did they D. didn’t thêy
42. Thê studênts dôn’t knôw hôw tô dô the exercises by the teacher yesterday.
A. is giving B. who given C. which given D. given
43. I havên’t mêt him sincê wê ________ school ten years ago.
A. have left B. left C. leave D. had left
44. I knew they were talking about me they stopped when I entered the room.
A. because of B. so that C. because D. therefore
45. 15,589 species (7,266 animal species and 8,323 plant species) are now considered _______
risk _______ extinction.
A. at / of B. on / in C. for / with D. in / at
46. The world's biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented rate, which makes wildlife ____.
A. prosperous B. prefect C. remained D. vulnerable
47. An endangered species is a species _____ population is so small that is in danger of
becoming extinct.
A. which B. whose C. what D. who
48. She was listening to the radio________.
A. when her mother came home at 9.00 B. while her mother came home at 9.00
C. when her mother comes home at 9.00 D. before her mother came home at 9.00
49. Local authorities see that there is a need to make ________ for disabled people in their
housing programs.
A. assistance B. conditions C. admission D. provision
50. I always ________ just before an exam.
A. make a real pig of myself B. have butterflies in my stomach
C. chase my tail D. start the ball rolling


I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. _______. We got there far too early.
A. We needn't have hurried B. We should hurry up
C. Hurry up or we will be late D. We must have walked hurriedly
2. You are not allowed to take photographs here.
A. Yôu nêêdn’t takê phôtôgraphs hêrê. B. Yôu can’t takê phôtôgraphs hêrê.
C. Yôu dôn’t havê tô takê phôtôgraphs hêrê. D. Yôu mustn’t takê phôtôgraphs hêrê.
3. I can't find my book anywhere. I _______ have left it on the train. I am not sure.
A. must B. needn't C. should D. might
4. I’m gôing tô rêtirê sôôn. Thên I wôn’t _______ work anymore.
A. must B. have to C. can D. may
5. Will you please speak louder? I _______ hear you.
A. mustn’t B. nêêdn’t C. shouldn’t D. can’t
6. I _______ arrive on time, so please start dinner without me.
A. could B. may C. may not D. should
7. "______ you hand that book, please?" "Sure. Here it is."
A. Could B. Should C. Must D. May
8. Hiking the trail to the peak _______ be dangerous if you are not well prepared for
dramatic weather changes. You _______ research the route a little more before you
attempt the ascent.
A. might / can B. may / mustn't C. can / should D. must / needn't

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 9


9. When you have a small child in the house, you _______ leave small objects lying around.
Such objects _______ be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.
A. should / must B. should not / might C. needn't / may D. mustn't / can't
10. I’ll lênd yôu thê mônêy and yôu ________ pay mê back till nêxt mônth.
A. must B. mustn’t C. need D. nêêdn’t
11. The television isn't working. It _______ during the move.
A. should have been damaged B. needn't be damaged
C. must have been damaged D. ought not be damaged
12. John failed again. He _______ harder.
A. must have tried B. should have tried C. can tried D. may have tried
13. _______ I borrow your lighter for a minute? - Sure, no problem. Actually, you _____ keep it
if you want to.
A. May / can B. Must / might C. Will / should D. Might / nêêdn’t
14. You _____ take your umbrella along with you today. It _____ rain later on this afternoon.
A. ought to / mustn't B. needn't / will C. will / must D. should / might
15. _______ I be here by 6 o'clock? - No, you _______.
A. Shall/mightn't B. Must / needn't C. Will / mayn't D. Might / won't
II. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same
as the sentence printed before it.
1. It’s pôssiblê that yôur têachêr is unablê tô cômê tôday.
→ I’m afraid that yôur têachêr ________________________________________________
2. I'm sure it wasn't Mrs. Elton you saw because she was in Bristol.
→ It can't _________________________________________________________________
3. Their chances of success are small.
→ It isn't very _____________________________________________________________
4. I wasn't surprised to hear that Harry had failed his driving test.
→ It came as ______________________________________________________________
5. Excuse me, is it all right if I open the window?
→ Excuse me, _____________________________________________________________
6. I didn't realize who he was until later.
→ Only later ______________________________________________________________
7. Carôlinê isn’t allôwêd tô tôuch thê wirê.
→ Caroline _______________________________________________________________
8. I’m surê this isn’t thê right rôad.
→ This __________________________________________________________________
9. It was such a pity that I didn't go to the party.
→ I'd ____________________________________________________________________
10. It was a mistake not to bring your umbrella.
→ You should _____________________________________________________________


Grammar points: Modal verbs in Passive
1. taste (v) [teɪst] : nếm, thưởng thức/ đọc qua loa
 tasteful (adj) [ teɪstfl] : trang nhã, có óc thẩm mỹ
 tasty (adj) [ˈteɪsti] : ngôn, đầy hương vị
 tasteless (adj) [ˈteɪstləs] : vô vị, nhạt nhẽo
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 10

2. swallow (v) ['swɒləu] : nuố t/ đọc ngấu nghiến

3. chew (v) [t∫u:] : nhai/ ngã m nghĩ, nghiề n ngã m
4. digest (v) [daɪˈdʒest] : tiêu hoá (thức ăn)/ suy ngẫm, lĩnh hội
 digestion (n) [daɪˈdʒest∫n] : sự tiêu hóa
 digestive system : hệ tiêu hóa
5. dip into [dɪp] : xêm lướt qua
6. bit (n) → a bit of : mộ t chú t, mộ t tí
7. here and there : khắp nơi (in several places)
8. reunite (v) [,ri:ju:'naɪt] : đôàn tụ, hợp nhá t lạ i, ghế p lạ i
 reunion (n)
9. describe (as) (v) [dɪs'kraɪb] : mô tả
10. thriller ['θrɪlə] (n) : truyện giật gân, ly kỳ
 thrilling (a) ['θrɪlŋ] : hồi hộp
 thrilled (with/ about)
11. comic (adj) ['kɒmɪk] : hài hước, khôi hài
 comic book : truyện tranh
12. fiction ['fɪk∫n] : tiểu thuyết hư cấu
 non-fiction : tiểu thuyết viết về các sự kiện có thật
13. craft (n) : thủ công
14. incredible (a) = unbelievable [ɪnˈkrêdəbl] : kỳ diệu, phi thường
15. wilderness ['wɪldənɪs] : vùng hoang dã
 wild (a) : dại, hoang dại (ở) rừng
16. unnoticed (a) : không quan sát; không để ý thấy
17. review (v) [rɪˈvjuː] : xem lại, ôn lại
 review (n) = a report : bản báo cáo, mô tả, đánh giá
1. Imagine (v) → imagination (n) → imaginative (adj) ; imaginary (adj)
2. Reveal (v) → revelation (n)
3. Character (n) → characteristic (adj) → characterize (v)
4. Taste (n)/ (v) → tasty (adj)
5. Delicate (n)/ (adj) → delicacy (n)
6. Describe (v) → description (n)
7. Admit (v) → admission (n) → admittedly (adv)
8. Recommend (v) → recommendation (n)
9. Fact (n) → factual (adj)
10. Describe (v) → description (n) → descriptive (adj)
Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with one word from the box:
information – dipped – swallow – pleasure – page
source – chewed – digest – described - knowledge
1. I have never met him to the best of my _________________________.
2. Mines are the chief _________________________of diamonds.
3. It often takes a long time to _________________________new ideas.
4. “Sômê bôôks arê tô bê tastêd, ôthêrs tô bê swallôwêd and sômê fêw tô bê ______________and
digêstêd,” said Sir Francis Bacôn.
5. It would be a _________________________ to see you again.
6. The child took the medicine at one _________________________ and smiled at the nurse.
7. He _________________________his sufferings as a prisoner of war in his latest book.
8. She _________________________ her hand into the pool to see how cold the water was.
9. A dictionary contains much _________________________about words.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 11

10. The settling of the West is an exciting __________________ in the history of the United
Exercise 2: Match a verb in A with a noun or phrase in B to make an appropriate
1. to prepare a. the newspaper
2. to suit b. to sleep
3. to fulfill c. the kitchen
4. to clean d. a meal
5. to change e. out the mystery
6. to print f. an assignment
7. to watch g. the taste
8. to find h. the lock
9. to go i. the promise
10. to give j. television
Exercise 3: Find the kind of book from each definition. The first letter of each kind is
1. d______________: a book that explains the words of a language.
2. b______________: thê writtên stôry ôf a pêrsôn’s lifê.
3. n______________: a story with characters and a plot, often a long one.
4. s______________: a novel or short story that combines science and fantasy.
5. t______________: a book for regular study by pupils as a standard.
6. a______________: a book of maps.
7. g______________: a book of directions and information for travellers or tourists.
8. r______________: adventure stories, poems and stories of heroes or love.
Exercise 4: Give the correct form of the words in the brackets
1. Thê têachêr was plêasêd with Tôm’s (image) _____________________ presentation.
2. Readers were shocked by the (reveal) _____________________ about the film star.
3. Patience is (character) _____________________ of the new boss.
4. The giraffe is (character) _____________________ by its long neck.
5. I can’t hêlp asking for the second helping because the soup was so (taste) _____________.
6. Mary spoke with (delicate) _____________________ of our recent loss.
7. The teacher gave us a detailed (describe) _____________________of the trip.
8. Education is (admit) _____________ one of the most important concerns of every country.
9. I really appreciate your (recommend) ________________________.
10. Newspapers reflect (fact) __________________ life.
Exercise 5: Choose the correct answers
1. The book ____ quite well during the first few months.
A. is sold B. was sold C. sold D. sells
2. The letter was meant ____ by the local council.
A. to read B. to be read C. reading D. read
3. They ____ the foundation stone in November.
A. lay B. lied C. laid D. lain
4. The train ____ off at six as scheduled, but it came to London late.
A. set B. is set C. sets D. was set
5. The water level in the tank ____ 5 inches so far.
A. is raised B. was risen C. has raised D. has risen
6. Mary refused to ____ into details when talking about the case.
A. come B. bring C. take D. go
7. It is ____ of Angela to write with sharp-edged irony.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 12

A. representing B. typical C. referral D. inferential

8. I am sorry. I am not ____ with this computer program. It will take me time.
A. likeable B. used C. familiar D. delicate
9. Fast foods are hard to ____.
A. swallow B. chew C. digest D. congest
10. The book is so interesting that I can hardly ____ it ____.
A. get/ down B. pick/ up C. move/ back D. put/ down
Exercise 6: Put the following sentences into the passive voice. Do not mention the agent
unless it seems necessary
1. You should open the wine about three hours before you use it.

2. Members may keep books for three weeks. After that they must return them. (Two
3. Men used to do these calculations with slide rules.
4. Passêngêrs shôuldn’t thrôw away tickêts as inspêctôrs may chêck thêsê during thê
journey. (Two passives)

5. We shall have to tow the car to the garage.

6. Visitors must leave umbrellas and sticks in the cloakroom.

7. You should have taken those books back to the library

8. We cannot exchange articles which customers have bought during the sale.

9. They ought to have reported the accident to the police.


Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. rains B. jumps C. arrives D. follows
2. A. predator B. restore C. recollect D. preface
Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.
3. A. actor B. adult C. effort D. area
4. A. recommend B. fortunate C. entertain D. disappear
Choose the one best answer to complete each sentence.
5. We all seem to have a different opinion, so let's let Joey decide, ?
A. will we B. do we C. shall we D. are we
6. On our trip to Spain, we crossed ________ Atlantic Ocean.
A. the B. a C. an D. Ø
7. She likes reading books ________ the library.
A. in B. at C. on D. from
8. The government suggests ___ robots to access remote areas that are dangerous to the lives
of militants.
A. designing B. designed C. to design D. design
9. If the bride's father _____ the car, she would be at the Church now.
A. had B. would have C. will have D. has

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10. Since Helen ______10 years old, she has mastered Braille as well as the manual alphabet and
even learned to use the typewriter.
A. were B. will be C. has been D. was
11. People should stop smoking _____ it is extremely detrimental to health.
A. although B. despite C. because D. because of
12. She will take management training course _______
A. right after the epidemic has been controlled B. as soon as the epidemic was
C. when the epidemic had been controlled D. until the epidemic will be
13. The palace _____ many centuries ago remains practically intact.
A. building B. to build C. built D. people built
14. If you ____ a book, you have a brief look at it without reading or studying it seriously.
A. dip into B. put away C. pick up D. put down
15. When a reader reads an interesting book slowly and carefully, he ____ it
A. reviews B. chews and digests C. swallows D. dips into
16. Theresa walked past me without saying a word. She ________ me.
A. can't have seen B. can't see C. can't have been seen D. can be seen
17. We found the exam extremely easy. We ________ so hard.
A. needn't study B. needn't be studying
C. needn't have studied D. needn't have been studied
18. John failed again. He _______ harder.
A. must have tried B. should have tried C. can tried D. may have tried
19. A ________ is a story long enough to fill a complete book, in which the characters and events
are usually imaginary.
A. pleasure B. novel C. page D. review
Choose the word(s) or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part.
20. The student service centre will try their best to assist students in finding a suitable part-
time job.
A. help B. allow C. make D. employ
21. Please give me some advice to buy suitable books for my ten-year-old girl.
A. recommendation B. information C. fiction D. interest
Choose the word(s) or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part.
22. Thousands are going starving bêcausê ôf thê failurê ôf this yêar’s harvêst.
A. hungry B. poor C. rich D. full
23. Tom was too wet behind the ears to be in charge of such a difficult task.
A. full of experience B. lack of responsibility C. without money D. full of sincerity
Choose the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.
24. Mary is talking to her professor in his office.
Mary: “Can yôu têll mê hôw tô find matêrial fôr my sciêncê rêpôrt, prôfêssôr?”
Professor: “__________”
A. I like it that you understand. B. You mean the podcasts from other students?
C. You can borrow books from the library. D. Try your best, Mary.
25. Tim and Tom are discussing where their study group will meet.
- Tim: “Whêrê is ôur study grôup gôing tô mêêt nêxt wêêkênd?” - Tom: “__________”
A. Studying in a group is great fun. B. We are too busy on weekdays.
C. Why dôn’t yôu lôôk at thê atlas? D. The library would be best.
Read the following passage and choose the best option for each of the blanks
Social Networks: Too Little Privacy

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The (26) _____ for many young people today is to communicate with others over the Internet
and have a life online. The way they do this is through social networking web sites such as
Facebook and Twitter. However, the people who (27) _____ their lives online are also putting
themselves at risk, and they may not even understand how they are doing so.
The key to limiting risk is to keep certain pieces of information private. If you do any banking
online, for example, it is important to note that dates of birth are often used as a(n) (28) _____
feature by banks. They will need to know your identification number and possibly your address
as well, but to (29) _______ your identity, they might ask you for your date of birth. If a criminal
were to gain access to your account number at a bank, and then obtain your address from
public records, the one thing that he would not have would be your birth date. These days,
however, a lot of people list their dates of birth openly on Facebook (30) ____ their friends can
wish them well on their birthdays. Unfortunately, doing so could end up being a recipe for
26. A. development B. trend C. change D. behavior
27. A. make B. produce C. create D. invest
28. A. recognizing B. recognition C. identification D. identifying
29. A. verify B. prove C. determine D. clarify
30. A. so B. so that C. because D. thus

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

Reading, as you know, is a continuous and never ending process. If you do very little reading,
or if you read only material that offers no challenge to your comprehension, your reading will
be of very little use. Once we reach a certain age, or once our formal schooling is completed,
many of us become so restricted in our choice of reading that we rarely read any new type of
reading experience. We tend to read only books in our professional or business field, or only
inspirational books, or only our favorite newspapers every morning, or only one magazine for
which we have developed a preference. And the trouble starts here. You should neither read
only for entertainment nor only for information but you should also read for intellectual
growth, for mental stimulation, for enriching your background of knowledge, for wisdom, and
for broader outlook and mature understanding. What kind of books should you read to
continue your intellectual growth, to gain a background for opinion and for judgment? The
answer is simple one: Read books in fields you have little or no acquaintance with, books that
will open for you new horizons of learning, books that will help you explore new areas of
knowledge and experience, books that will make the world and people more understandable
to you. Sadly, more and more people today are giving up the printed word in favor of being
entertained and informed by watching TV, a popular entertainment device present at almost
homes. More and more children are being subjected to TV programming, perhaps as a
babysitter. More than two hours of TV time per day are now a part of children development,
generating physiological and mental problems that are of growing concern among experts.
31. Reading ________.
A. completely stops when we finish our schooling C. is of little use
B. is an endless process D. should be done a little
32. According to the text, ________.
A. new type of reading experience often interests most of us
B. we should only read for entertainment C. reading for intellectual growth is
D. we should not read for mental stimulation
33. What kind of books is recommended?
A. Books in fields you have little or no acquaintance with
B. Books that will help you explore new areas of knowledge and experience
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 15

C. Books that will open for you new horizons of learning

D. All are correct
34. We can learn from the text that today ________.
A. people spend more time watching TV than reading books
B. more and more people enjoy reading C. most babysitters prefer watching TV
D. most children spend less than 2 hours a day watching TV
35. The writer ________.
A. does not approve of reading process C. prefers watching TV to reading
B. advises us to read as little as possible D. appreciates reading
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions
When a popular book gets made into a movie, there will always be a debate about whether
the novel or film is better. The filmmakers always have to consider certain things: do they
want to follow the book closely to please dedicated readers, or do they want to change parts
ôf thê bôôk if thêy dôn’t translate well on-screen? No matter what they do, there will always
be people who feel the movie will never be as good as the book, people who will love the
movie without ever reading the book, and people who enjoy both.
The vampire series Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer, became so popular that movie companies
wanted to produce it for the big screen. Most Twilight fans were excited about seeing
charactêrs such as Edward and Bêlla “cômê tô lifê,” but thêrê wêrê ôthêr fans who did not
trust the movie script. They assumed the scriptwriters would change parts of the story to
make it seem more interesting as a movie.
By the time the first Twilight movie was released, millions of people had read the series. Many
of these people went on to watch the film, which made $35.7 million just on its opening day.
Whilê many fans and critics likêd it and said thê môviê môrê ôr lêss fôllôwêd thê bôôk’s
storyline, some fans were not impressed. One change that angered them was that certain
sôund êffêcts wêrê addêd tô thê môviê, such as a “whôôshing” sôund whên thê vampirês
jumped. This was not mentioned in the book, and many fans felt that it was too distracting.
Those who liked the movie said they enjoyed the light mood and excitement. This was very
different from the book. The writing in Twilight is dark and gloomy, like many vampire
novels. The movie, however, added more energy to the story and more personality to the
characters. For example, many characters in the book are portrayed as being quiet, and they
spend most of their time at school. But in the movie, the characters are cooler and funnier,
one scene even shows them going surfing together. The director of the first movie, Catherine
Hardwicke, thought it was important for the characters to be believable. She wanted them to
have a wide variety of emotions, since the series is for, and about, teenagers.
In the end, the films were considered a success, even if there were both happy and unhappy
fans. It’s a grêat accomplishment to make films that are watched by millions of people, and
yôu can’t êxpêct tô bê ablê tô plêasê êvêryônê all thê timê.
36. What best serves as the title for the passage?
A. Twilight: a Successful Novel B. Twilight: the Film and the Novel
C. Famous Books Made into Movies D. A Comparison of Movies and Books
37. Which of the following is NOT considered by film-makers who make movies out of books?
A. whether they adhere to the book closely B. how they would change parts of the book
C. how to satisfy avid readers of the book D. how many characters will appear in the
38. According to the passage, what is the reason Twilight fans were excited to see the movie?
A. to see which actors would play their favorite characters
B. to see how the story would change C. to see how characters would be in real life
D. to see if the movie would be better than the book
39. Why are vampires jumping mentioned in the passage?
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 16

A. It’s an êxamplê ôf a changê that displêasêd fans. B. It was a special effect and not real.
C. It showed that the movie was scary. D. It’s an êxamplê ôf a sôund êffêct.
40. The word “translate” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to__________.
A. understand B. express in a different language C. change into a different form D.
41. According to the passage, what was hardly changed in the movie compared to the book?
A. storyline B. mood C. personalities of characters D. sound effects
42. The word “them” in paragraph 4 refers to __________.
A. directors B. actors C. characters D. fans
Identify the word or phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence
43. A large (A) number of entries has updated (B) in the latest edition of (C) the encyclopedia
recently. (D)
44. Many places of history, (A) scientific, cultural, (B) or scenic importance have (C) been
designated (D) national monuments.
45. Just as (A) the performance ended, (B) all the concertgoers raised (C) to their feet (D) and
Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original one
46. Helen’s boss earns more money than she does
A. Hêlên dôêsn’t êarn as much mônêy as hêr bôss
B. Hêlên’s bôss êarns lêss mônêy than shê dôês
C. Helen earns more money than her boss
D. Hêlên’s bôss êarns as much as shê dôês
47. Cindy said that “I haven’t seen John since last month.”
A. Cindy said shê hasn’t sêên Jôhn sincê last mônth.
B. Cindy said shê hadn’t sêên Jôhn sincê thê prêviôus mônth.
C. Cindy said shê wasn’t sêên Jôhn sincê thê prêviôus mônth.
D. Cindy said I hadn’t sêên Jôhn sincê thê prêviôus mônth.
48. John is not here, perhaps he is ill.
A. John needn't be here because he is ill.
B. Because of his illness, John shouldn't have been here.
C. John might be ill, so he is not here.
D. John must be ill, so he is not here.
Choose the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following
49. You can go out with your friends. Make sure you finish your homework by 5 p.m.
A. As long as you finish your homework by 5 p.m, you can go out with your friends.
B. Unless you finish your homework by 5 p.m, you can go out with your friends
C. You cannot go out with your friends provided you finish your homework by 5 p.m
D. Yôu can’t gô ôut with yôur friênds in casê yôu cannôt finish yôur hômêwôrk by 5 p.m
50. He has great intelligence. He can solve all the problems very quicky.
A. So intelligent is he that he can solve all the problems very quicky.
B. He is very intelligent that he can solve all the problems very quicky.
C. An intelligent student is he that he can solve all the problems very quicky.
D. So intelligent a student is he that he can solve all the problems very quicky.


1. It was wrong of you to leave the door open last night.
➔ The door should __________________________________________________
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 17

2. It is possible that everyone, has forgotten the date of the meeting.

➔ The date of the meeting might _______________________________________
3. I am sure that Peter stayed at that hotel when he was on holiday.
➔ Peter ___________________________________________________________
4. If the clerk had refused to help, I would have complained to the manager.
➔ Had ____________________________________________________________
5. My advice is to report the accident to the police as soon as possible.
➔ If I _____________________________________________________________
6. It wasn’t nêcêssary fôr yôu tô dô all this work. (needn’t)
➔ _______________________________________________________________
7. I dôn’t think Sally ênjôyêd hêr hôliday. (can’t)
➔ _______________________________________________________________
8. It was thê drivêr’s fault. Hê didn’t stôp at thê rêd light. (should)
➔ __________________________________________________________
9. Perhaps he spent all his money when he was young. (might)
➔ __________________________________________________________
1. Michael rarely returns to his hometown, ________?
A. dôêsn’t he B. hasn’t he C. does he D. has he
2. Jênny’s always wantêd tô gêt tô thê tôp ôf hêr carêêr, _________?
A. isn’t shê B. hasn’t hêr C. has she D. hasn’t shê
3. Lêt’s gô tô thê library, ______?
A. would we B. will we C. should we D. shall we
4. Your brother hardly talks to anyone, _________?
A. does he B. is he C. doesn't he D. isn't he
5. Mr. Pike would scarcely keep track of his business by cell phone when he was in his one-
month traveling, ___________?
A. wôuldn’t hê B. didn’t hê C. would he D. did he
6. He rarely goes fishing, ____?
A. doesn't he B. is he C. does he D. isn't he
7. Everybody is tired of watching the same commercials on TV every night, ________?
A. are they B. arên’t thêy C. havên’t thêy D. dôn’t thêy
8. Nobody answered the door, ___?
A. wêrên’t thêy B. did they C. were they D. didn’t they
9. Hardly any of the paintings at the gallery were for sale, _________?
A. was it B. wasn't it C. weren't they D. were they
10. Michael rarely returns to his hometown, _________?
A. doesn't he B. hasn't he C. does he D. has he
11. This won't take long, _____?
A. will it B. won't it C. won't this D. will this
12. She doesn't believe you, _____?
A. doesn't she B. does she C. is she D. isn’t shê
13. It didn't matter very much, ____?
A. did it B. didn't it C. didn't this D. did this
14. He shouldn't put so much salt in it, _________?
A. doesn't he B. shouldn't he C. should he D. does he
15. Mary couldn't leave the children alone, _________?
A. doesn't she B. could she C. does she D. côuldn’t shê

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 18


16. You aren't doing anything tonight, _________?

A. don't you B. are you C. arên’t yôu D. do you
17. You wouldn't mind helping me with this, _________?
A. wouldn't you B. would you C. are you D. dôn’t yôu
18. George hadn't been there before, _________?
A. hasn't he B. hadn't he C. had he D. does he
19. The children weren't surprised, _________?
A. were they B. weren't they C. did they D. didn’t thêy
20. You wouldn't like another drink, _________?
A. wouldn't you B. would you C. are you D. dôn’t yôu
Grammar points: Transitive & Intransitive

1. water polo (n) ['wɔ:tə'pəuləu] : môn bóng nước
2. deep (a) [di:p] : sâu
 depth (n) [dêpθ] : chiề u sâu
 deepen (v)
3. long (a) [lɒη] : dà i (không gian, thời gian); xa
 length (n) [lêηθ] : bề dà i, chiề u dà i
 lengthen (v)
4. wide (a) [waɪd] : rộ ng
 width (n) [wɪdθ] : bề rộ ng
 widen (v)
5. high (n) [haɪ] : cao
 height (n) [haɪt] : chiều cao
 heighten (v)
6. mark (v) [mɑ:k] : đánh dấu
7. vertical (a) ['və:tɪkl] : phương thẳng đứng
8. goalie (n) ['gəuli:] = goalkeeper (n): thủ thành
9. cap (n) [kæp] : mũ lưỡi trai
10. sprint (v, n) [sprɪnt] : chạ y nước rú t, hế t tố c lực
11. advance (n) [əd'vɑ:ns] : sự tiế n lên; sự tiế n bộ
 to advance (v) : chuyể n/ đạ t ai/cá i gì lên phía trước
12. defensive (a) [dɪ'fensɪv] : cố tính chá t phồ ng thủ
 defend (v) : thủ thế , thế phồ ng ngự.
 defence/defense (n) : sự bảo vệ, phòng thủ, chống cự
13. interfere (v) [,ɪntə'fɪə] : can thiệp
 interference in/ with sth [,ɪntə'fɪərəns] : sự can thiệ p; sự xen và o
14. opponent (n) [ə'pəunənt] : đối thủ, đối phương
 oppose (v) [ə'pəuz] : chố ng đố i, phả n đố i
15. foul (n) [faul] : phạm luật, sai sót
16. penalize (v) ['pi:nəlaɪz] : phạ t đền
 penalty (n) ['penltɪ] : cú phạ t đề n (bố ng đá )
17. eject (v) [i:'dʒekt] : đuổ i ra
18. commit (v) [kə'mɪt] : phạ m tội
19. punch (n) [pʌnt∫] : cú đá m, cú thoi, quả thụ i
20. tie (n) [taɪ] : trạ n hoà (tỉ số bà ng nhau )
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 19

21. referee (n) [,refə'ri:] : trộ ng tà i (trong bố ng đá ..)
22. defeat (v, n) [dɪ'fi:t] : đá nh bạ i
23. scuba (n) ['sku:bə] : bình khí nén của thợ lặn
24. dive (v) [daɪv] : lặn
 scuba-diving (n) : lặn có bình khí
25. rowing (n) ['rauɪη] : sự chề o thuyề n
26. windsurfing (n) ['windsə:fɪη] : môn lướt vá n buồ m
27. synchronized swimming (n) ['siηkrôunaizd] : bơi nghệ thuật, ballêt nước
28. canoeing (n) [kə'nu: ɪη] : môn thể thaô bơi thuyền
29. oar (n) [ɔ:(r)] : má i chề ô, người chèo thuyền
30. board (n) [bɔ:d] : boong tà u, mạ n thuyề n
31. air tank (n) [tæηk] : thùng chứa không khí
32. regulator (n) ['regjuleɪtə] : người (má y) điề u chỉnh
 regulation (n) [,regju'leɪ∫n] : quy tá c, điề u lệ
33. fin (n) [fɪn] : vây cá
34. skating (n) ['skeɪtɪη] : môn trượt băng
1. sprint for sth: lao về phía trước để giành lấy sth
2. hold sth with both hands: giữ cái gì bằng hai tay
3. interfere with sb: truy cản; cản trở …
4. be against the rules: phạm luật
5. pay a visit to (a place): viếng thăm …
6. in the sky: trên trời
1. break the rules (v.p): be against the rules: phạm luật
2. score a goal (v.p): ghi bàn thắng
3. make a decision (v.p) = decide = make up one’s mind: quyết định
4. defeat / beat sb (v.p): đánh bại; thắng sb
5. win a match / a game / a medal (v.p): thắng trận đấu/ trò chơi/ huy chương
6. such as: như là (dùng khi liệt kê)
7. commit a foul: phạm lỗi
GRAMMAR 1: TRANSITIVE and Intransitive verbs
Transitive verbs
☺ are those used with an object. ☺ are those used without an object.
(read, do, buy, meet, ...) (cry, wôrk, laugh, talk….)
- He was reading a newspaper. - He was laughing happily.
- I have done my homework. - He is working for a foreign
☺ Can have the passive form ☺ Cannot have the passive form
-They have arranged the chairs for the
meeting. The accident happened yesterday ( no
→ The chairs have been arranged for the change)
meeting (passive)
☺ Many verbs in English can be either transitive or intransitive. ( win, learn, stop, call,
sing, leave...)
- Our team won the game (T) - Their team won yesterday (I)

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 20


Exercise 1: Change the following active sentences into passive if possible.

Some of the verbs are intransitive and cannot be changed.
Eg: A strange thing happened yesterday.  No change
Jackie scored the winning goal.  The winning goal was scored by Jackie.

1. The cup fell to the floor. ..................................................................................................

2. Timmy dropped the cup. ..................................................................................................
3. It rained hard yesterday. ..................................................................................................
4. People grow corn in Iowa. ..................................................................................................
5. The children seemed happy when they went to the Zoo.
6. After class, one of the students always erases the blackboard.
7. Someone was making coffee when I walked into the kitchen.
8. Translators have translated that book into many languages.
Verb Noun Adj Adv
1 alcohol alcoholic
2 extend extension
3 Breathe breath breathing, breathy
4 electrify electricity electrical electrically
electrocute electric
5 medicine medical medically
6 Cycle cycle, cycling, cyclist
7 Penalize penalty penal penally
8 goal, goalie goalless
9 Lengthen length long
10 Move movement moveable, moving movingly
Exercise 2: WORD FORM
1. You should not drive under the ________________ influence. (alcohol)
2. Here is my office phone number, the ____________ number is 08. (extend)
3. You need a __________________ apparatus when going diving. (breath)
4. Dôn’t tôuch that wirê, ôr yôu will bê ___________________. (electricity)
5. ________________ examination is quite necessary before you learn scuba diving. (Medicine)
6. This small road is exclusive for pedestrians and _________________. (cycle)
7. He was ____________________ for a foul on the striker. (penalty)
8. No player except the ___________________ can hold the ball with two hands. (goal)
9. A water polo game is divided into quarters ranging from 5 to 8 minutes in (long)
10. You are not allôwêd tô intêrfêrê with yôur ôppônênt’s ______________in sômê spôrts.
11. Mr. Brown defeated his _________________ in the election. (oppose)
12. He was paid for the _______________ he worked. (time)
13. In a tennis game, the umpire is the official ________________ or scorekeeper. (score)
14. ____________________ swimming was once called water ballet. (synchronize)
15. A ________________ is a device in a clock or watch to make it go faster or slower. (regulate)
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 21

16. Defensive players are not allowed to interfere with the _____________’s môvêmênts.
17. Major fouls are ___________________ by one minute in the box. (penalty)
18. A player is ejected after committing five ___________________ fouls. (person)
19. A game is divided into quarters ranging from five to eight minute in ______________. (long)
20. Curtis’s watêr ballêt club attractêd bôth natiônal and intêrnatiônal ______________. (public)
1. Dôn’t cômê nêar that arêa. Yôu will be at ____ risk of a deadly disease.
A. top B. great C. high D. much
2. Please ____ an eye on Mary while she is on the playground.
A. put B. make C. have D. keep
3. I looked into the ____ mirror and realized that a car was following me.
A. back B. behind C. front D. rear
4. These students are expected to get over a lot of ____ when they start work.
A. activities B. risks C. obstacles D. precautions
5. Dôn’t wôrry! I knôw hôw thêsê dêvicês ____.
A. function B. run C. do D. observe
6. Kim ____ into the lake to rescue the boy.
A. plunged B. rushed C. dipped D. submerged
7. The goal in some sports is often marked by ____ posts, a crossbar and a net.
A. upper B. vertical C. uptight D. straight
8. He was late, and he had to ____ to catch the bus.
A. spring B. roam C. stroll D. sprint
9. It is advisable not to interfere ____ matters that do not concern you.
A. in B. for C. at D. with
10. He was our rival and he tried to interfere ____ our plans.
A. in B. for C. at D. with
1. I made copies of all the documents, because I want to use them later.
➔ ____________________________ so that _____________________________
2. I didn’t want tô bê latê, sô I tôôk a taxi.
➔ _____________________ taxi in order not ____________________________
3. In ôrdêr tô bêcômê a gôôd lêadêr, yôu havê tô listên tô ôthêrs’ idêa.
➔ __________________________ in order that __________________________
4. Wê lôwêrêd ôur vôicê bêcausê wê didn’t want ôthêrs tô hêar us.
➔ _____________________ for fear that _______________________________
5. They came to meet the director so that they can discuss the casting.
➔ _____________________director with a view _________________________
6. I want to retire early so that I can spend time travelling.
➔ _____________________early so as _________________________________
7. Mary is working overtime with the hope of releasing her album in time.
➔ So as __________________________________________________________
8. People say that women live longer than men. (passive voice)
➔ _______________________________________________________________
9. People believe that he is working in New York. (passive voice)
➔ _______________________________________________________________
10. People report that the building was badly damaged by the fire. (passive voice)
➔ _______ ________________________________________________________

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Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. wide B. decide C. width D. penalize
2. A. waited B. erased C. needed D. ended
Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.
3. A. polo B. crossbar C. goalie D. advance
4. A. vertical B. defensive C. decision D. continue
Choose the one best answer to complete each sentence.
5. We were _____ a penalty after a late tackle.
A. brought B. got C. awarded D. reserved
6. In recent years, fouls have been severely ____ in football matches.
A. forgiven B. ejected C. penalized D. scored
7. She finally finished ______ the room at 8.30 p.m.
A. clean up B. to clean up C. cleaning up D. cleaned up
8. This old businessman is said _____ school at the age of thirteen.
A. that left B. to leave C. to have left D. that having left
9. ________ being given a teaching place at the University of Paris, Dr. Albert volunteered to
work in Africa.
A. Instead of B. In spite of C. In addition to D. Because of
10. Handball games are divided _______ two 30-minute periods.
A. in B. into C. among D. between
11. Do you know the woman ________ over there?
A. who sit B. sat C. sitting D. sits
12. Wild animal are ________almost everywhere.
A. serious threatened B. serious threaten C. seriously threatenD. seriously threatened
13. If I were you, I _________ him as my nephew.
A. will have treated B. am treating C. would treat D. will treat
14. “_____ abôut thê êight ô’clôck flight tô Chicagô?” - “Nôt yêt.”
A. Has been an announcement made B. Has an announcement made
C. Has an announcement been made D. Has been an announcement made
15. Last night a tornado swept through Rockville. It __ everything in its path.
A. destroyed B. was destroyed C. was being destroyed D. had been destroyed
16. Wait a minute! The table ___________.
A. is being laid B. had been laid C. is laid D. has been laid
17. Their children are used to ______ after school every day. Thêy dôn’t havê tô walk hômê.
A. picking up B. being picked up C. be picked up D. pick up
18. Last week I met Mr. Lam, _________.
A. whô’s ôldêst sôn is studying abrôad B. the oldest son of who is studying abroad
C. whose oldest son is studying abroad D. of whom the oldest son is studying abroad
Choose the word(s) or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part.
19. He sank into deep despair when he lost his job.
A. became very enjoyable B. became very unhappy
C. was delighted D. burst into tears
20. The African rhino is an endangered species and needs protecting.
A. unstable B. dangerous C. insecure D. independent
Choose the word(s) or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part.
21. Unemployment will be a dominant issue at the next meeting of the city council.
A. clever B. time-consuming C. vague D. minor

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22. Scientists believe that it is possible for waves to reach the heights described when they
come into contact with strong ocean currents.
A. touch B. avoid C. enter D. meet
Choose the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.
23: Two friends are talking to each other at a class reunion.
Jimmy: “___________” Jack: "I work at the bank."
A. How do you do, Jack? B. What do you do for a living Jack?
C. How are you doing, Jack? D. Where did you work, Jack?
24: Two students are chatting in the corridor after class.
- Tim: “Gêôgraphy is cêrtainly ônê ôf thê môst intêrêsting subjêcts.” - Laura: “_________”
A. I don't think so. You can say that again.
B. I'm afraid I'm not with you. It gives me a headache.
C. That's OK. As long as you like it.
D. That's not true. I can't understand how you feel.
Read the following passage and choose the best option for each of the blanks
Most sport today is the work of skilled professionals. Football, or soccer, is an example of a
(25) _____ game. The game of football was first played in Britain and then spread (26) _____
other countries. Now all countries hope to compete for the World Cup. However, there are
still plenty of amateur football (27) _____ in Britain. They enjoy playing the game (28) _____
Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Amateur clubs can complete against the professional ones
in the English Football Association Cup (29) _____.
25. A. profession B. professional C. professionally D. professor
26. A. to B. in C. out D. from
27. A. makers B. players C. workers D. keepers
28. A. in B. at C. about D. on
29. A. compete B. competitor C. competitive D. competition
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
Robots are replacing people in many jobs. They are used in the car industry. People complain
that they take needed jobs away from people. But there is one place where robots are welcome
to do work.
A robot astronaut was developed by NASA. It is called Robonaut. Robonauts look like humans.
However, they have more flexible arms and hands than humans. They can do some of the more
difficult work in space. Robonauts are expected to work with human astronauts in future
missions. They need no spacesuits, oxygen, and meals to survive in space. Humans need air to
breathe and protection from extreme temperature changes. Most importantly, Robonauts will
be sent where astronauts cannot go yet because the risks are too high.
30. How do people feel about robots?
A. They do not like how robots take jobs
B. They do not want Robonauts to hurt astronauts
C. They think robots are of great help
D. They want robots to replace astronauts
31. The word “extreme” in the passage is closest in meaning to __________.
A. various B. distant C. radical D. unreasonable
32. According to the passage, where is the one place robots are welcome to do work?
A. At NASA B. In space C. On the sun D. On Earth
33. According to the passage, what is one advantage of Robonauts?
A. They do not need food or oxygen to survive in space
B. They do not need extra fuel to keep working in space
C. They resemble humans in appearance
D. They were developed by NASA, which ensures their quality
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34. Which of the following is NOT true of Robonauts?

A. They will replace humans where risks are too high B. They do not wear spacesuits
C. They have less flexible arms and hands than humans D. They do not need air to breathe
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
Recreational diving or sport diving is a type of diving that uses scuba equipment for the
purpose of leisure and enjoyment. In some diving circles, the term "recreational diving" is used
in contradistinction to "technical diving", a more demanding aspect of the sport which requires
greater levels of training, experience and equipment.
Recreational scuba diving grew out of related activities such as snorkeling and underwater
hunting. For a long time, recreational underwater excursions were limited by the amount of
breath that could be held. However, the invention of the aqualung in 1943 by Jacques-Yves
Cousteau and its development over subsequent years led to a revolution in recreational diving.
However, for much of the 1950s and early1960s, recreational scuba diving was a sport limited
to those who were able to afford or make their own kit, and prepared to undergo intensive
training to use it. As the sport became more popular, manufacturers became aware of the
potential market, and equipment began to appear that was easy to use, affordable and reliable.
Continued advances in SCUBA technology, such as buoyancy compensators, modern diving
regulators, wet or dry suits, and dive computers, increased the safety, comfort and convenience
of the gear encouraging more people to train and use it.
Until the early 1950s, navies and other organizations performing professional diving were the
only providers of diver training, but only for their own personnel and only using their own
types of equipment. There were no training courses available to civilians who bought the first
scuba equipment. Professional instruction started in 1959 when the non-profit National
Association of Underwater Instructors was formed.
Further developments in technology have reduced the cost of training and diving. Scuba-diving
has become a popular leisure activity, and many diving locations have some form of dive shop
presence that can offer air fills, equipment and training. In tropical and sub-tropical parts of
the world, there is a large market in holiday divers, who train and dive while on holiday, but
rarely dive close to home. Generally, recreational diving depths are limited to a maximum of
between 30 and 40 meters (100 and 130 feet), beyond which a variety of safety issues make it
unsafe to dive using recreation diving equipment and practices, and specialized training and
equipment for technical diving are needed.
35. Recreational diving _______.
A. requires more equipment than technical diving
B. are taken up by many people for leisure and entertainment
C. needs no equipment D. requires more experience than technical diving
36. Recreational underwater excursions used to be limited _______.
A. as underwater hunting was banned
B. because the necessary amount of breath was too expensive to afford
C. because divers could not take enough amount of breath with them
D. because the necessary amount of breath was too heavy to bring
37. According to the second paragraph, in the 1950s and early 1960s, recreational scuba diving
was a sport limited because _______.
A. divers did not like to take part in any intensive training courses
B. there were not any intensive training courses for divers
C. there were not enough kit for many divers
D. kit and intensive training were too expensive for many people to afford
38. These following sentences are true EXCEPT _______.
A. In the early 1950s anyone who wanted to dive could be professionally trained.

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 25


B. In the early 1950s there were no training courses available to civilians who bought the
first scuba equipment.
C. As recreational diving became more popular, manufacturers have made more and more
diving equipment.
D. Advances in scuba technology encourage more and more people to train and use it.
39. Holiday divers ___________.
A. do not like to dive in tropical and sub-tropical parts
B. can dive as deep as they like because of safety
C. are those who go away from home to dive
D. are limited in tropical and sub-tropical parts
40. The word "it" in paragraph 2 refers to ____________.
A. scuba diving B. sport C. kit D. training
41. When was aqualung invented?
A. in 1943 B. in 1959 C. in the 1950s D. in the 1960s
42. The word "professional" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. unskilled B. highly skilled C. amateur D. unqualified
Identify the word or phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence
43. Daisy has such (A) many things to do (B) that she has (C) no time to go (D) out.
44. It spent (A) me (B) 30 minutes to clean (C) the (D) floor.
45. The more (A) I live with (B) him, the most (C) I love him (D).
Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original one.
46. Developed in the early 1900s in Canada, synchronized swimming is a sport performed
almost exclusively by women. _______.
A. As for its early form, sometimes it was called "water ballet"
B. In its early form, it was sometimes known as "water ballet"
C. Since its early form, sometimes it knew as "water ballet"
D. With its early form, "water ballet" was sometimes known
47. He could escape from hurt because he was wearing protective clothes.
A. Thanks to his protective clothes, he could escape from hurt.
B. His protective clothes made him hurt.
C. Due to his protective clothes, he was hurt.
D. His being hurt made his unable to wear protective clothes.
48. We were unable to type the contract because the computer failed to work correctly.
A. Despite a computer malfunction, we managed to finish typing the contract.
B. The computer malfunction helped us complete the contract.
C. The fact that the computer failed to work correctly prevented us from typing the
D. Thanks to the computer malfunction, we could type the contract.
Choose the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following
49. He is short-sighted. Therefore, he has to wear the glasses.
A. If hê isn’t shôrt-sightêd, hê wôn’t havê tô wêar thê glassês.
B. If hê hadn’t bêên shôrt-sightêd, hê wôuldn’t havê had tô wêar thê glassês,
C. If hê wêrên’t shôrt-sightêd, hê wôuldn’t havê tô wêar thê glassês.
D. Should he not be short-sightêd, hê wôn’t havê tô wêar thê glassês.
50. Helen wrote a novel. He made a cowboy film, too.
A. Helen wrote not only a novel but also made a cowboy film.
B. Helen both wrote a novel as well as made a cowboy film.
C. Helen either wrote a novel or made a cowboy film.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 26

D. Not only did Helen write a novel but she also made a cowboy film.


There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistake.
1. The majority (A) of Asian students (B) rejects (C) the American (D) view.
2. The normal pulse (A) for an adult is between 60 (B) and 80 beats per minute, (C) despite
excitement will make (D) a pulse much faster.
3. Thanks (A) for such (B) timely actions, some elephant populations (C) have recovered (D)
over the last decade.
4. The (A) official languages (B) using in Malaysia (C) are (D) Malay, English, and Tamil.
5. The (A) total number of (B) national Red Cross societies (C) have mounted (D) to 186.
6. Different (A) conversation efforts have been (B) made in (C) order to save (D) endangered
7. The desert remained (A) a mysterious until Madigan (B) made an aerial (C) survey (D) in
8. The drug (A) made (B) it difficult (C) for the people to think in a (D) reasonably way.
9. (A) Defensive players are not allowed (B) interfering (C) with thê ôppônênt’s (D)
10. Those new (A) tourists were (B) interested in the (C) historic sites in the city (D) such like
the tunnel of Cu Chi.
1. The palace _______ many centuries ago remains practically intact.
A. building B. to build C. built D. people built
2. The young man _______ after the court was found innocent of all the charges against him.
A. released B. to be released C. releasing D. to release
3. Drastic measures should be taken to tackle the problems ______ child abuse.
A. are involving B. to involve C. involving D. involved
4. Once _______ off by the teacher, the class filed out of the room in silence.
A. being told B. have been told C. told D. having told
5. The archaeological excavation _______ to the discovery of the ancient city lasted several years.
A. led B. leading C. to lead D. being led
6. Florida, _______ the Sunshine state, attracts many tourists every year.
A. is known as B. that is known as C. which known as D. known as
7. _________ high school, Nam attended a university in the city centre.
A. Having finished B. To have finished C. Having been finished D. To finish
8. Applications _______ in after 30 April will not be considered.
A. send B. that is sent C. sent D. which sent
9. The man _______ his car ôutsidê hasn’t cômê back fôr it yêt.
A. whom leaving B. leaving C. left D. to leave
10. Although ______ about the dangers of nCoV, many people continue travelling to Korea.
A. warned B. warning C. to be warned D. being warned
11. The scientists _______ on this project try to find the solutions to air pollution.
A. working B. worked C. are working D. who working
12. I really like the song Diem Xua just ______ by Hong Nhung.
A. having performed B. performed C. performing D. has been perform
13. The bank has more than 100 branches _______ in a major urban area.
A. are located B. locating C. located D. having located
14. The building ___ to withstand earthquakes collapsed yesterday in an earthquake. How
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 27

A. was designed B. had been designed C. designed D. to be designed

15. We should participate in the movements _____ to conserve the natural environment.
A. organizing B. organized C. to organize D. which organize
16. My favourite hobby is watching the work ______ by Shakespeare in the 20 century.
A. written B. is writing C. writes D. is written
17. My grandmother ________ her whole life to looking after her children passed away.
A. paying B. using C. spending D. devoting
18. I have a message for people ________ by the traffic chaos.
A. to delay B. who delay C. delayed D. who delaying
19. We stood on the bridge _______ the two halves of the building.
A. connecting B. was connecting C. connected D. was connected
20. The man ________ to the party has not yet come.
A. invited B. to invite C. inviting D. to inviting


Grammar points: Double Comparison

1. enthusiast (n) /ɪn’θju:zɪæst/ : người nhiệt tình, đam mê
2. solidarity (n) /,sɒlɪ’dærətɪ/ : sự đôàn kết
3. reliable (adj) /rɪ’laɪəbl/ ≠ unreliable : chắc chắn, đáng tin cậy
4. spectator (n) /spêk’têɪtə/ : người xem, khán giả
5. admiration (n) /,ædmə’rêɪʃn/ : sự hâm mộ
6. delegation (n) /,delɪ’gêɪʃn/ : phái đôàn, đôàn đại biểu
7. outstanding (adj) /aut’stændɪη/ : nổi bật, đáng chú ý
8. overwhelming (adj) /əuvə’wêlmɪη/ : quá mạnh, át hẳn
9. be composed of (a) : bao gồm
10. determination (n) /dɪ,tə:mɪ’nêɪʃn/ : tính quả quyết
11. rival (n) /’raɪvəl/ : đối thủ, địch thủ
12. intensive (adj) /ɪn’tênsɪv/ : mạnh mẽ, sâu sắc
13. playoff (n) /’plêɪɔ:f/ : trận đấu lại
14. milkmaid (n) /’mɪlkmeɪd/ : cô gái làm việc ở trại bơ sữa
15. tempting (adj) /‘têmptɪη/ : cám dỗ, lôi cuốn
 temptation (n)
16. clear (v) /klɪə/ : lọc trong; làm đăng quang
17. proposal (n) /prə’pəuzl/ : sự đề nghị, sự đề xuất
18. podium (n) /‘pəudɪəm/ : dãy ghế vòng
19. pole-vaulting (n) /pəul,’vɔ:ltɪη/ : môn nhảy sào
20. jumble (v) /‘dʒʌmbl/ : trộn lộn xộn, làm lộn xộn
21. dribble (v) / ‘drɪbl / : để chảy nhỏ giọt
1. At the top / bottom of sth: ở trên/dưới cùng của sth
2. Be presented with sth: được ban tặng sth
3. at the SEA Games: ở SEA Games
4. Be composed of: gồm có (Rocks are composed of minerals.)
= comprise (The collection comprises 327 paintings.)
= be comprised of (The country is comprised of twenty
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 28

= be made up of (The board is made up of five members.)

= consist of (The whole group consists of students.)
1. Break a record: phá một kỷ lục
2. Work as a / an + (job): làm nghề …
3. Score a goal: ghi một bàn thắng
4. Win a medal/ a game = đôạt huy chương/ thắng trận đấu
5. Beat/ defeat someone = đánh bại ai
• Sô sánh với tính từ khi động từ chính là to be, look, feel, become, get…
• Sô sánh với trạng từ khi động từ là động từ thường: do, make, play ….
• Tính từ ngắn (shôrt adj) là tính từ 1 âm hay 2 âm (ugly, close, narrow, simple..)
• Tính từ dài (long adj) là tính từ có 2 âm trở nên (important, nervous, expensive, active..)
Ex: 1. Madrid is much bigger than Paris.
2. The city is more expensive than the country.
Short adj + ER MORE Long adj THAN Better than less than
Worse than fewer than
Ex: 1. I dôn’t spêak English as fluêntly as a nativê spêakêr.
2. He is twice older than her / she is.
NOT SO + adj/adv + AS
1. February is the shortest month of the year.
2. Schooldays by far are the happiest days of your life.
3. Miss World is the most beautiful of all.
 Short adj + -ER AND Short adj + -ER
1. Vietnamese people are richer and richer.
2. Our life is better and better.
3. We are becoming happier and happier
 MORE AND MORE + long adj
1. Our lessons are becoming more and more difficult.
2. She has been waiting for ages and she is getting more and more impatient.
3. Toward the end of the match, the audience became more and more excited.
1. The earlier we leave, the sooner we will arrive.
2. The more you have, the more you want.
3. The more expensive the hotel (is), the better the service (is)
Verb Noun Adj Adv

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1 admire admiration/ admirer admiring admiringly

2 participate participator participative participatingly
participant participatory participatively
3 defend defender, defence defendable # undefendably
indefensibility undefendable indefensibly
undefended, indefensible
4 compete competition, competitive, competent competitively
competitor, competence competently
5 succeed success successful successfully
6 surprise surprise surprised/ surprising surprisingly
7 cooperate cooperation cooperative cooperative
8 organize organizer, organization organizable
9 enthuse enthusiast/ enthusiasm enthusiastic enthusiastically
10 support supporter, support supportive supportively
Exercise 1: WORD FORM
1. There are many_________________for the golf championship. (compete)
2. We would like to see closer ________________ between parents and schools. (cooperate)
3. An ________________ effort of all members will ensure the success of our plan. (energy)
4. _________________ includes exercises of physical strength, speed and skill. (athlete)
5. The champion deserves high praise as he has performed _________________. (excel)
6. The books are written so _________________ that they are liked by the public. (success)
7. New discoveries in physics and biology are _________________ welcomed. (enthusiast)
8. _________________ democracy is a fundamental principle of cooperative businesses.
9. I dôn’t carê if yôu’d had tôô much tô drink. Yôur bêhaviôr last night was quitê
________________. (defend)
10. They allow children the opportunities to learn relevant skills and feel ________________ about
their ability to learn. (compete)
11. _______________, thê athlêtê brôkê thê wôrld’s rêcôrd with twô attêmpts. (surprise)
12. The _______________ wanted to reduce the breadth of the games, with many events currently
having small fields and weak competition. (organize)
13. He is a great sport _________________. He rarely misses any sport games although he was
busy. (enthusiasm)
14. The success of the 22nd SEA Games had a great contribution of many ______________
volunteers. (support)
15. Athletes from 11 ________________ countries competed in 32 sports and 444 gold medals
were won. (participate)
GET/ BECOME + adj + er and adj + er” or “more and more + adj”
Example: The weather (warm).
→ The weather is getting warmer and warmer.
1. Thê patiênt’s hêalth (gôôd).
2. As winter is approaching, days (short).
3. The oil price (high).
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 30

4. As I’m gêtting ôld, my êyêsight (bad).

5. It seems as if high school teachers (young).
6. At rush hours the streets (crowded).
7. It (difficult) to find a suitable job in this city.
8. TV programs in our country (boring).
9. It seems that things (expensive) to get.
10. It (hard) to make our students focus on their lessons.
“The + comparative + S + V, the + comparative + S + V”
1. The crowd became increasingly angry at the long delay

2. How well I sleep depends on how late I go to bed.

3. The traffic moves very closely as more cars come into the city.

4. It’s hard tô côncêntratê whên yôu arê tirêd.

5. The service of the hotel depends on how expensive it is.

6. You lôôk friêndliêr, and yôu’ll havê môrê friênds.

7. He works more hours, so his health gets worse.

8. If you smoke more, your cough will get worse.

9. Life becomes harder, and parents spend less time with their children.

10. You practice a lot, and you will play well.


1. The carriage was rolling ___________ down the slippery village road.
A. fastest B. faster and faster C. the fastest D. the faster
2. My son enjoys cool weather. _________ the weather is, _________ he feels.
A. The cooler / the worse B. The warmer / the better
C. The cooler / the better D. The colder / the better
3. The earlier you leave, _________.
A. the roads are quiet B. the roads are quieter
C. the quieter are the roads D. the quieter the roads are
4. Fortunately, I got __ marks this semester although the tests were __ than those of last
A. best / easier B. good / easier C. higher / easier D. better / harder
5. Your handwriting is getting ________ êvêry day sô yôu’d better use the computer.

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A. worse and worse B. better and better C. the best D. the worst
6. The more she practices, __________ she becomes.
A. the most confident B. the more confident
7. C. the greater confidence D. more confidently
8. Peter is __________ John.
A. younger and more intelligent than B. more young and intelligent than
C. more intelligent and younger than D. the more intelligent and younger than
9. Of course you can come to the party. ___________.
A. The more the merrier B. The more and the merrier
C. The more and merrier D. The more and more merrier
10. I feel __________ I did yesterday.
A. much more tired than B. many more tired than
C. as many tired as D. as more tired as
11. Elena was _____________as anyone could have had.
A. as patient a teacher B. as patient teacher
C. as patient as teacher D. as a teacher patient
Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. competitor B. medal C. level D. development
2. A. trained B. proved C. impressed D. performed
Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.
3. A. enthusiast B. successfully C. competitor D. participation
4. A. solidarity B. energetic C. excellently D. combination
Choose the one best answer to complete each sentence.
5. _______ is a person who is very interested in something and spends a lot of time doing it.
A. Enthusiast B. Economist C. Commentator D. Worker
6. ________ is held every two years.
A. The South Eastern Asian Games B. The Southern East Asian Games
C. The Southeast Asian Games D. The Southeast Asia Games
7. Viet Nam has a lot of _______ players who won many gold medals in the 22nd SEA Games.
A. outstanding B. outstretching C. outlying D. outgoing
8. The competitor ________ the bar and won a gold medal.
A. touched B. cleared C. threw D. kicked
9. The results of the _________ were satisfactory.
A. competition B. competitor C. competitive D. compete
10. The Vietnamese were very satisfied with excellent performances of the young and _____
A. energetic B. energy C. energetically D. energize
11. The score in the game or competition is shown on ________.
A. scoreboard B. score draw C. score line D. scorecard
12. On bêhalf ôf thê rêfêrêês and athlêtês, thêy swôrê tô an ôath ôf “Sôlidarity, _ and Fair
A. Honest B. Honesty C. Honestly D. Dishonest
13. The more goals the team scored, _______.
A. the happier the coach looked B. the more happily the coach
C. the happier the coach looked like D. the more happier the coach is.
14. Professional athletes are _______.
A. richer than nowadays. B. richer and richer nowadays.
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C. more and more rich nowadays D. much more richer nowadays.

15. The more I get to know Ben, _______.
A. the better he knows me. B. the more I like him.
C. the most I like him. D. the more he likes me.
16. In _____ 22 SEA Games, Vietnam won 158 _____ gold medals.

A. / the B. the /  C. a /the D. the / the

17. The Sears Tower is _____ building in Chicago.
A. taller B. The more tall C. the tallest D. taller and taller
18. Petrol is _____ it used to.
A. twice as expensive as B. twice expensive more than
C. twice more than expensive D. more expensive than twice
Choose the word(s) or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part.
19. A special exhibition of Indian art will be opened at the National Museum next month.
A. painting B. programme C. music D. show
20. Dôn’t bê concerned about yôur môthêr’s illnêss; shê’ll rêcôvêr sôôn.
A. surprised at B. worried about C. embarrassed at D. angry with
Choose the word(s) or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part.
21. His boss has had enough of his impudence, and doesn't want to hire him any more.
A. respect B. rudeness C. obedience D. agreement
22. She was unhappy that she lost contact with a lot of her old friends when she went abroad
to study.
A. made room for B. lost control of C. put in charge of D. got in touch
Choose the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.
23. Lora has just bought a new skirt that she likes very much.
- Jane: “Yôu lôôk grêat in that rêd skirt, Lôra!” - Lora: “_______”
A. No, I don't think so. B. Oh, you don't like it, do you?
C. Thanks, I bôught it at Macy’s. D. Thanks, my mum bought it.
24. John was in Hanoi and wanted to send a parcel to his parents. He asked a local
passer-by the way to the post-office.
- John: “Can yôu shôw mê thê way tô thê nêarêst pôst ôfficê, plêasê?” - Passer-by: “_______”
A. Not way, sorry. B. Just round the corner over there.
C. Look it up in a dictionary! D. Thêrê’s nô traffic near here
Read the following passage and choose the best option for each of the blanks
Wushu is both an exhibition and a sport derived from traditional Chinese martial arts. It
was (25) ______ in China after 1949, in an attempt to nationalize the practice of traditional
Chinese martial arts. In contemporary times, wushu has become a truly international
sport through the International Wushu Federation, which holds the World Wushu (26)
____ every two years; the first World Championships were held in 1991 in Beijing.
Modern wushu is (27) ____ of forms that are similar to gymnastics and involve martial art
patterns and maneuvers for which competitors are judged and given points according to
specific (28) ____. The forms comprise basic movements such as kicks, punches, balances,
jumps, sweeps and throws based on traditional Chinese martial art style and can be
changed for (29) ____ tô highlight ônê’s strêngths.
25. A. held B. created C. made D. done
26. A. Plays B. Games C. Races D.Championships
27. A. included B. composed C. consisted D. contained
28. A. rules B. laws C. lines D. regulations
29. A. compete B. competing C. competitors D. competitions
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
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The 24th Sea Games was held from December 6 to 15, 2007 in three provinces in Thailand,
namely Nakhon Ratchasima, Bangkok, and Chon Buri. In fact, the 2007 Sea Games was to
be hosted by Singapore, but Singapore gave up the chance, as its new national sports
stadium is under construction and will not be completed in the time for the next Sea Games.
Thailand was then asked by the Sea Games Federation to host this regional sport event in
place of Singapore.
The Sea Games takes place every two years, with 11 countries in Southeast Asia participating.
Each mêmbêr côuntry, in alphabêtical ôrdêr, takês turn hôsting this êvênt. Lêt’s lôôk at thê
number of sports and gold medals in the Sea Games in recent years. The 21st Sea Games,
hosted by Malaysia in 2001, has 32 sports with 391 gold medals. There were 32 sports with
439 gold medals in the 22nd SEA Games, held in Vietnam in 2003. The 23rd Sea Games, in
the Philippines in 2005, had 40 sports with 439 gold medals.
The 24th Sea Games in Thailand this year, featuring 43 sports and 485 gold medals, had the
highest number of sports and gold medals in the history of the Sea Games. The number of
sports was even greater than that in the Asian Games and the Olympic Games. So the Sea
Games is regarded as the largest regional sporting event in the world in term of the number
of sports and medals.
30. How long did the 24th Sea Games last?
A. A week B. 8 days C. 2 weeks D. 10 days
31. Which of the following is not stated in the passage?
A. The 24th Sea Games was the largest regional sporting event in the world.
B. The 2007 Sea Games was to be hosted by East Timor.
C. The 22nd Sea Games was held in Vietnam in 2003.
D. The 24th Sea Games had the highest number of sports and gold medals in the history
of the Sea Games.
32. How many sports were there in the 24th Sea Games? UNIT 13
A. 44 B. 485 C. 43 D. 42
33. How often does the Sea Games take place? - Every ____________.
A. 2 years B. 4 years C. 3 years D. 5 years
34. Where was the 21 Sea Games celebrated?

A. In the Philippines B. In Vietnam C. In Malaysia D. In Singapore

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
Scientists have identified two ways in which species disappear. The first is through
ôrdinary ôr “backgrôund” êxtinctiôns, whêrê spêciês that fail tô adapt arê slôwly rêplacêd
by more adaptable life forms. The second is when large numbers of species go to the wall
in relatively short periods of biological time. There have been five such extinctions, each
provoked by cataclysmic evolutionary events caused by some geological eruption, climate
shift, or space junk slamming into the Earth. Scientists now believe that another mass
extinction of species is currently under way – and this time human fingerprints are on the
How are we doing it? Simply by demanding more and more space for ourselves. In our assault
on the ecosystems around us we have used a number of tools, from spear and gun to
bulldozer and chainsaw. Certain especially rich ecosystems have proved the most
vulnerable. In Hawaii more than half of the native birds are now gone – some 50 species.
Such carnage has taken place all across the island communities of the Pacific and Indian
oceans. While many species were hunted to extinction, others simply succumbed to the
“intrôducêd prêdatôrs’ that humans brôught with them: the cat, the dog, the pig, and the
Today the tempo of extinction is picking up speed. Hunting is no longer the major culprit,
although rare birds and animals continue to be butchered for their skin, feathers, tusks,
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and internal organs, or taken as savage pets. Today the main threat comes from the
destruction of the habitat of wild plants, animals, and insects need to survive. The draining
and damming of wetland and river courses threatens the aquatic food chain and our own
seafood industry. Overfishing and the destruction of fragile coral reefs destroy ocean
biodiversity. Deforestation is taking a staggering toll, particularly in the tropics where the
most global biodiversity is at risk. The shinking rainforest cover of the Congo and Amazon
river basins and such place as Borneo and Madagascar have a wealth of species per hectare
existing nowhere else. As those precious hectares are drowned or turned into arid pasture
and cropland, such species disappear forever.
Source: Final Countdown Practice Tests by D.F Piniaris, Heinle Cengage Learning, 2010
35. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Human activity and its impact on a mass extinction of species
B. The two ways in which species disappear
C. The tempo of extinction of species today
D. Deforestation as a major cause of mass extinctions of species
36. The word assault in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_______ UNIT 13
A. development B. attack C. effort D. influence
37. All of the following are mentioned as a form of habitat destruction EXCEPT_______
A. destroying coral reefs B. cutting down forests
C. damming wetlands and rivers D. hunting rare birds and animals
38. What was the main threat to biodiversity in Hawaii and other islands in the Pacific and
Indian oceans until recently?
A. tools used by human beings B. human assault on ecosystems
C. vulnerable rich ecosystems D. hunters and introduced predators
39. The word them in paragraph 2 refers to_______.
A. species B. oceans C. humans D. predators
40. Which is no longer considered a major cause of the mass extinction under way currently?
A. the killing of animals for their body parts B. the destruction of habitats of species
C. the shrinking of rainforests in the tropics D. the building of dams across rivers
41. The word butchered in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. raised B. traded C. cooked D. killed
42. It can be inferred from the passage that _______
A. the current mass extinction is different from the other five in that it is caused by
B. hunting is the major contributing factor that speeds up the extinction of species
C. habitat destruction makes a minor contribution to the current mass extinction of
D. it’s impôssiblê fôr sciêntists tô idêntify thê causês ôf mass êxtinctiôns ôf spêciês
Identify the word or phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence
43. Although not (A) widely sold (B), that book is considered to be best (C) book on the (D)
44. She has scored (A) up to five as much times (B) as Robert on that (C) exam previously(D).
45. Despite (A) his disability, he tried to lead as (B) normal life (C) as possible (D).
Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original one.
46. I have never used a more fascinating MP3 player than this one.
A. This is the most fascinating MP3 player I have ever used.
B. Like the other MP3 players, this one is fascinating to me.
C. This MP3 player does not fascinate me much.
D. I am very fascinated by the MP3 player I am using.
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47. “Trust me! Do not invest all your money in one company,” said my friend.
A. My friend ordered me to invest all my money in one company.
B. My friend persuaded me not to invest all my money in one company.
C. My friend offered to help me to invest all my money in one company.
D. My friend encouraged me to invest all my money in one company.
48. Take this route and you will get to the village.
A. There is no doubt that this route will never lead you to the village.
B. Although this route may lead you to the village, you cannot take it.
C. Certainly, you will get to the village if you take this route.
D. Unless you take this route, you will get to the village.
Choose the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following
49. The children couldn't go swimming. The sea was too rough.
A. The children were not excited enough to swim in the sea.
B. As the sea was too rough, the children couldn't go swimming.
C. Unless the sea were too rough, the children could go swimming.
D. The sea were too rough so that the childrên côuldn’t gô swimming.
50. We invested in real estate. We are rich now.
A. Although we invested in real estate, we are rich now.
B. Unlêss wê had invêstmênt in rêal êstatê, wê wôuldn’t bê rich nôw.
C. Had it nôt bêên fôr ôur invêstmênt in rêal êstatê, wê wôuldn’t bê rich nôw.
D. Because we are rich now, we invested in real estate.


Choose the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following
1. The young girl has great experience of nursing. She has worked as a hospital volunteer
for years.
A. Before she worked as a hospital volunteer for years, the young girl has great experience of
B. Much as she has worked as a hospital volunteer for years, the young girl has great experience
of nursing.
C. Having worked as a hospital volunteer for years, the young girl has great experience of
D. With great experience of nursing, the young girl has worked as a hospital volunteer for years.
2. Peter told us about his leaving the school. He did it on his arrival at the meeting.
A. Only after his leaving the school did Peter inform us of his arrival at the meeting.
B. Not until Peter told us that he would leave the school did he arrive at the meeting.
C. Hardly had Peter informed us about his leaving the school when he arrived at the meeting.
D. No sooner had Peter arrived at the meeting than he told us about his leaving the school.
3. He was successful because he was determined to pursue personal goals. He was not
A. In addition to his determination, his talent ensured his success in pursuing his goals.
B. His determination to pursue personal goals made him successful and talented.
C. It was his determination to pursue personal goals, not talent, that contributed to his success.
D. His success lay in his natural ability, not in his determination to pursue personal goals.
4. There was a serious flood. All local pupils couldn’t go to school on that day.
A. The serious flood prevented all local pupils not go to school on that day.
B. The serious flood hindered all local pupils from going to school on that day.
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C. The serious flood made all pupils from not going to school on that day.
D. The serious flood caused all local pupils not go to school on that day.
5. He did not remember the meeting. He went out for a coffee with his friends then.
A. Not remember the meeting, he went out for a coffee with his friends.
B. Not to remember the meeting, he went out for a coffee with his friends.
C. Not remembered the meeting, he went out for a coffee with his friends.
D. Not remembering the meeting, he went out for a coffee with his friends.
6. They left their home early. They didn’t want to miss the first train.
A. They left their home early so as to not miss the first train.
B. Thêy lêft thêir hômê êarly fôr fêar that thêy wôuldn’t miss thê first train.
C. They left their home early so as not to miss the first train.
D. They left their home early in order that not to miss the first train.
7. My sisters used to get on with each other. Now they hardly speak.
A. My sisters were once close, but they rarely speak to each other now.
B. My sisters do not speak to each other much, but they are good friends.
C. My sisters rarely speak because they have never liked each other.
D. Because they have never got on, my sisters do not speak to each other.
8. The soccer team knew they lost the match. They soon started to blame each other.
A. Not only did the soccer team lose the match but they blamed each other as well.
B. No sooner had the soccer team started to blame each other than they knew they lost the
C. As soon as they blamed each other, the soccer team knew they lost the match.
D. Hardly had the soccer team known they lost the match when they started to blame each
9. We have been friends for years. It is quite easy to share secrets between us.
A. Being friends for years, we find it quite easy to share secrets.
B. We find it quite easy to share secrets, being friends for years.
C. We have been friends so that it is quite easy to share secrets between us.
D. Having been friends for years, we find it quite easy to share secrets between us.
10. I started training to be an accountant six months ago. I’ve got more months to go and
then I have to take exams.
A. By thê timê I’vê takên my êxam, I will havê startêd training tô bê an accôuntant fôr a yêar.
B. By the time I take my exam, I will have been in training to be an accountant for a year.
C. By the time I took my exam, I would have trained to be an accountant for a year.
D. By thê timê I’vê takên my êxam, I will bê training fôr a yêar.
11. The government knows the extent of the problem. The government needs to take action
A. The government knows the extent of the problem whereas it needs to take action soon.
B. The government knows the extent of the problem so that it needs to take action soon.
C. Knowing the extent of the problem, the government needs to take action soon.
D. The government knows the extent of the problem, or else it needs to take action soon.
12. The substance is very toxic. Protective clothing must be worn at all times.
A. Since the substance is very toxic, so protective clothing must be worn at all times.
B. So toxic is the substance that protective clothing must be worn at all times.
C. The substance is such toxic that protective clothing must be worn at all times.
D. The substance is too toxic to wear protective clothing at all times.
13. I accepted the new job after all. It is making me feel exhausted.
A. Pêrhaps I shôuldn’t havê accêptêd this nêw jôb, as it’s making mê fêêl êxhaustêd.
B. Pêrhaps it wôuld havê bêên bêttêr if I hadn’t agrêêd tô this nêw jôb sincê it is so boring.

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C. It is ôf dêêp rêgrêt that I didn’t turn dôwn thê jôb ôffêr duê tô its hardship and lông hôur
D. If it had nôt bêên fôr my accêptancê thê nêw jôb ôffêr, I wôuldn’t havê fêlt êxhaustêd.
14. Since 1970, the United Nations has been celebrating April 22nd as Earth Day. It attracts
millions of people worldwide to join in to promote public awareness of environmental
A. Since 1970, the UNs has been celebrating April 22nd as Earth Day because it attracts millions
of people worldwide to join in to promote public awareness of environmental protection.
B. The UNs has been celebrating April 22nd as Earth Day, which millions of people worldwide
are attracted to join in it to promote public awareness of environmental protection.
C. Since 1970, the UNs has been celebrating April 22nd as Earth Day, which attracts millions of
people worldwide to join in to promote public awareness of environmental protection.
D. Since 1970, the UNs has been celebrating April 22nd as Earth Day so that more people join in
to promote public awareness of environmental protection.
15. We found the bad weather very inconvenient. We chose to find a place for the night.
A. The bad weather prevented us from driving any further.
B. Bad weather was approaching, so we started to look for a place to stay.
C. Seeing that the bad weather had set in, we decided to find somewhere to spend the night.
D. Bêcausê thê climatê was sô sêvêrê, wê wêrê wôrriêd abôut what wê’d dô at night.
16. He held the rope with one hand. He stretched it out.
A. The rope is held with one hand then he stretched it out.
B. Stretching the rope out, he holds it with one hand.
C. Holding the rope with one hand, he stretched it out.
D. He stretched the rope with one hand and held it.
17. The plan may be ingenious. It will never work in practice.
A. Ingenious as it may be, the plan will never work in practice.
B. Ingenious as may the plan, it will never work in practice.
C. The plan may be too ingenious to work in practice.
D. The plan is as impractical as it is ingenious.
18. I never received the letter. It was sent to the wrong address.
A. Since it was sent to the wrong address, I have never received the letter.
B. I never received the letter because it was sent to the wrong address.
C. I never received the letter because of sending to the wrong address.
D. Sent to wrong address, I never received the letter.
19. In your country, schools are open to all. They accept children of any race, color or creed.
A. In our country, schools are open to all children irrespective of race, color or creed.
B. In our country, schools are open to all children except for race, color or creed.
C. Apart from race, color or creed, schools are open to all children in your country.
D. Children of any race, color or creed can be admitted to our schools when they are opened.
20. He felt very tired. He was determined to continue to climb up the mountain.
A. He felt so tired that he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain.
B. Feeling very tired, he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain.
C. Tired as he might, he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain.
D. As result of his tiredness, he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 38



Grammar: Phrasal Verbs
1. humanitarian (a) (n) [hju:,mænɪ'teərɪən] : nhân đạo
2. agency (n) ['eɪdʒənsɪ] : hội, cơ quan
3. dedicate (v) ... to ['dedɪkeɪt] = devote ... to : cống hiến, dành cho
4. civilian (n) [sɪ'vɪljən] : thường dân
5. aid (n) (v) [eid] : sự việ n trợ
6. epidemic (n) [,epɪ'demɪk] : bệ nh dịch
7. famine (n) ['fæmɪn] : nạ n đố i
8. initiative (n) (a) [ɪ'nɪ∫ətiv] : ý kiến, sá ng kiế n
=> initiate (v) [ɪ'nɪ∫ɪɪt] : khởi xướng
9. appal (v) (also appall) [ə'pɔ:l] : là m kinh sợ
10. appeal (v) [ə'pi:l] : kêu gộ i cứu tế
11. delegate (n) ['delɪgɪt] : người được uỷ nhiệ m
12. convention (n) [kən'vên∫n] : hiệ p định
13. the disaster-stricken (n) : người lâm vào thảm họa
14. federation (n) [,fedə'reɪ∫n] : liên đôà n
15. vulnerable (a) ['vʌlnərəbl] : yếu thế, dễ bị tấn công
16. temporary (a) ['temprəri] : tạm thời, lâm thời
17. headquarters (n) ['hed'kwɔ:təz] : sở chỉ huy, trụ sở chính
18. emergency (n) [i'mə:dʒensi] : sự khẩn cấp
19. catastrophe (n) [kə'tæstrəfɪ] = disaster
20. tsunami (n) [tsu'na:mɪ] : số ng thà n
21. hesitation (n) [,hezɪ'teɪ∫n] : sự ngần ngại, lưỡng lự
22. livelihood (n) ['laɪvlɪhud] : nghề nghiệp, cách kiếm sống
23. temporary (a) (n) ['temprərɪ] : tạm thời, người laô động tạm thời
24. inspire (v) [ɪn'spaɪə] : thôi thúc thực hiện, truyền cảm hứng
25. neutral (a) ['nju:trəl] : trung lạ p
26. impartial (a) [ɪm'pɑ:∫əl] : không thiên vị, vô tư
27. relieve (v) [rɪ'li:v] : là m dịu đi, an ủi
28. objective (n) = aim, purpose [ɔb'dʒektɪv] : mục tiêu
29. potential (a) (n) [pə'tên∫l] : tiềm năng
30. advocate (v) (n) [ˈædvəkeɪt] : tán thành, ủng hộ / người ủng hộ
Verb Noun Adj Adv
1 hesitate Hesitation hesitating, hesitative hesitatingly
2 catastrophize catastrophe catastrophic catastrophically
3 advocate advocate, advocacy
4 federate federation federal
5 initiate initiation, initiative, initiative
initialize initiator
6 appall appalling, appalled appallingly
7 dedicate dedication dedicated
8 produce producer/ product/ productive productively

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 39


9 necessitate necessity necessary/ necessarily

10 know knowledge knowledgeable knowledgeably
acknowledge acknowledgement
I. Fill each gap in the sentence with one suitable word from the box:
mission, survivors, victims, agency, wounded,
suffering, protection, war, president, soldier
1. He was the only child when the _________________ broke out.
2. There were 29 killed and 130 _________________ in the conflict.
3. Rescuers have given up hope of finding any more _________________.
4. This war has caused widespread human _________________.
5. Infectious diseases are spreading among many of the flood _________________.
6. A _________________ is a member of an army, especially one who is not an officer.
7. Abraham Lincoln was a very famous American _________________.
8. They had to hire maids through a(n) _________________.
9. Her _________________ in life was to work with the homeless.
10. Such a diet is widely believed to offer _________________ against a number of cancers.
II. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in parentheses.
1. He answered the questions without ________________. (hesitate)
2. He suffered from a ________________ failure during the time of depression. (catastrophe)
3. Many international organizations make effort to improve the lives of victims of natural
disasters, _______________ and health emergencies. (poor)
4. Wendy is now working a _______________ organization. (federation)
5. She did it on her own ________________. (initiate)
6. It _______________ me that they could simply ignore the problem. (appallingly)
7. You will need ________________ and determination to complete the course. (dedicate)
8. The government has aided to raise the agricultural ______________. (produce)
9. I thought his explanation was not __________________ complex. (necessary)
10. Please _____________ our letter of the 25th. We have not had a reply. (know)
I. Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition from the box:
out, in, down, off, over, back, by, away, on,
for, round, through, up, after, aside, on /with
1. I dôn’t think Tôm can gêt _____________ the exam easily.
2. Please turn _____________ the music. It’s tôô lôud.
3. I’m lôôking fôr yêstêrday’s nêwspapêr. Did yôu thrôw it _____________?
4. I live in Bristol now, but I grew _____________ in Leicester.
5. Pick _____________ yôur pêncil. Dôn’t drôp it ôn thê flôôr.
6. What a pretty dress. Turn _____________ Let me look at it from the back.
7. Mary gets _____________ well _____________ her new friends at school.
8. “Can I try thêsê jêans ____________ please?” _ “Of côursê, thê changing rôôm is ôvêr thêrê”.
9. A bomb went _____________ in a crowded street yesterday.
10. Yôur sôn’s study at school is the most important thing now. You should put _____________
everything to encourage him.
11. Dôn’t wôrry abôut yôur baby. I’ll lôôk _____________ hêr whilê yôu’rê ôut.

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 40


12. This work calls _____________ both patience and attempt.

13. My father used to smoke a lot but he gave _____________ last year.
14. Dôn’t lôôk _____________ of the window during my lessons, please!
15. Have you heard this? Tom is going _____________ with a girl called Sofia.
16. I’m gôing tô takê thêsê shôês _____________ to the shop. The heel has broken already.
17. “What shôuld I dô with this fôrm?” – “Fill it _____________ plêasê”!
18. I dôn’t mind yôu baking thê cakê, but makê surê yôu clêar êvêrything ____________ when
yôu’vê finishêd.
19. I wôn’t bê ablê tô gô shôpping with yôu tôday, I’m afraid. I’vê gôt a lôt ôf wôrk tô dô at thê
moment. Can we put it _____________ till next week?
20. Why dôn’t yôu turn _____________ the lights? Reading in the dark is harmful for your eyes?
II. Complete the sentences with a suitable verb from the box in the correct form:
fill take look bring turn give put try sort
1. The fire was so intense that it took the firemen 3 hours to ___________ it out.
2. Lôôk at thêsê shôês. Thêy arê brand nêw but thê hêêl has fallên ôff alrêady. Sô I’ll
___________ them back and change them.
3. His parents died when he was a child so he was _____________ up by his uncle.
4. The boy is _____________ forward to seeing that football player again.
5. After _____________ off the lights, I went to bed.
6. My father was harvesting tomatoes on the farm while my mother was _____________ out
those of biggest size.
7. _____________ in the blanks with correct form of the verbs in brackets.
8. Tom said that he would never _____________ up hope.
9. You should _____________ ôn warm clôthês. It’s côld tôday.
10. Could I _____________ the blue shirt on, please?
III. Choose correct answers.
1. Be careful! The tree is going to fall.
A. Look out B. Look up C. Look on D. Look after
2. Within their home country, National Red Cross and Red Crescent societies assume the
duties and responsibilities of a national relief society.
A. take on B. get off C. go about D. put in
3. The bomb exploded in the garage; fortunately, no one hurt.
A. put on B. went off C. got out D. kept up
4. It took me a very long time to recover from the shock of her death.
A. turn off B. take on C. get over D. keep up with
5. He did not particularly want to play any competitive sport.
A. use up B. do with C. take up D. go on
6. am tired because I went to bed late last night.
A. stayed up B. kept off C. put out D. brought up
7. Did your son pass the university entrance examination?
A. make up B. get along C. go up D. get through
8. What may happen if John will not arrive in time?
A. go along B. count on C. keep away D. turn up
9. Johnny sometimes visits his grandparents in the countryside.
A. calls on B. keeps off C. takes in D. goes up
10. They decided to postpone their journey till the end of the month because of the epidemic.
A. take up B. turn round C. put off D. do with
IV. Rewrite the following sentences using the given words. Do not alter these words.

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 41


1. We have made neither a profit nor a loss this year. (EVEN)

2. I fêêl that I dôn’t fit in with thê pêôplê in thê nêw ôfficê. (FISH)
3. Could you look after my suitcase for a moment? (EYE)
4. Hê’s a taxi drivêr, sô hê is thôrôughly familiar with thê city. (HAND)
5. I dôn’t likê him bêcausê hê bôasts a lôt. (MOUTH)
6. If shê êvêr lêarns abôut this nêws, shê’ll bê furiôus. (EARS)
7. Thêrê’s a vêry lông list ôf rêpairs. (ARM)
8. We agreed that each of us would do the washing up on alternative days. (TURNS)
9. They arrived at their destination alive and kicking. (SOUND)
10. The idea no longer interests her. (GONE)


Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. exist B. extinct C. explorer D. expand
2. A. eternal B. energy C. eradicate D. eliminate
Choose the word that is stressed differently from the others.
3. A. officially B. epidemic C. conservation D. independence
4. A. defend B. civilian C. delegate D. enact
Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.
5. Mark and Jenny are preparing for the presentation.
- Mark: "What about starting the presentation with results of our research?
- Jenny: “______”
A. Congratulations! B. Sounds great! C. Well done! D. What a pity!
6. - Christine: "Do you have a minute?" - Kate: "_________"
A. Well, that makes sense. B. Yes, but please be brief.
C. That's just great. Thanks. D. Sorry, I left my watch home.
7. The company _______ a management training programme for small business.
A. appealed B. involved C. initiated D. appalled
8. He tried to ________ to everyone to support him.
A. make B. appeal C. affect D. advise
9. The Red Cross is a ____ organization whose purpose is to help people in wartime and
A. commercial B. political C. military D. humanitarian
10. In November 1991, the League of Red Cross Societies ______ the International Federation of
Red Cross.
A. was becoming B. became C. had become D. becomes
11. I am the only representative of Vietnam in this competition, __________?
A. not I B. isn’t I C. amn’t I D. arên’t

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12. ________ were punished as they were late.

A. Neither Tom nor Ann B. Either Tom or Ann
C. Both Tom and Ann D. Not only Tom but also Ann
13. She took _______ the company when her father died.
A. on B. over C. up D. in
14. I __________ some of my own drawings while I was clearing out the cupboard.
A. came across B. turn up C. caught up with D. looked for
15. My supervisor is angry with me. I didn't do all the work I ______ last week.
A. should have done B. may have done C. need to have done D. must have
16. He runs a business, ______ he proves to have managerial skills.
A. however B. otherwise C. and D. despite
17. Whenever he had an important decision to make, he ______ a cigar to calm his nerves.
A. would light B. would be lighting C. would have lit D. had lit
18. Not until the end of the 19th century ______ become a scientific discipline.
A. plant breeding has B. did plant breeding C. plant breeding had D. has plant
19. "How can you live in this messy room? Go and ______ it up at once."
A. dust B. sweep C. tidy D. do
20. Tears contain an antiseptic ______ helps protect our eyes from infection.
A. that B. what C. how D. where
21. It is hard to get ___ him; he is such an aggressive man. A. by B. on with C. into D.
over to
22. The new director of the company seems to be an intelligent and ______ man.
A. well-educated B. well-educate C. well-educational D. well-education
23. It is worthless to ask John for help.
A. John is worthless to help. B. John is worth helping.
C. It is no use to ask John for help. D. It is no good asking John to help.
24. “Why don’t you go by train? It’s much less tiring than driving,” I said.
A. I advised him to go by train as it was less tiring than driving.
B. I suggested him to go by train as it was less tiring than driving.
C. I warned him to go by train as it was less tiring than driving.
D. I advised him going by train as it was less tiring than driving.
25. I was offered to work for IBM, but I rejected.
A. I turned down the offer to work for IBM. B. I rejected to offer to work for IBM.
C. IBM refused my offer to work. D. I was refused by IBM at work.
26. He joined the army in 1998. He was soon after promoted to the rank of captain.
A. He worked as a captain in the army and had a promotion in 1998.
B. He was promoted to the rank of captain in 1998 and joined the army.
C. Joining the army in 1998, he was soon promoted to the rank of captain.
D. Promoted to the rank of captain in 1998, he joined the army soon later.
Identify the word or phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence
27. I can’t (A) go out tonight because (B) I have too many (C) work to do. (D)
28. Before the 1920s, (A) no women (B) have voted (C) in national elections (D) in the US.
29. Bella had better to change (A) her study habits if she wants to be (B) admitted to (C) a
good college. (D)
Choose the word(s) or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part.
30. The boy does not resemble his brother in any way.
A. take after B. look after C. look up D. take up
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 43

31. Yes, we went away on holiday last week, but it rained day in day out.
A. every single day B. every other day C. every two days D. every second day.
Choose the word(s) or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part.
32. The International Organizations are going to be in a temporary way in the country.
A. soak B. permanent C. complicated D. guess
33. In remote communities, it's important to replenish stocks before the winter sets in.
A. remake B. empty C. refill D. repeat
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Today we take electricity for granted and perhaps we do not realize just
how useful this discovery has been. Steam was the first invention that replaced wind power.
It was used to drive engines and was passed through pipes and radiators to warm rooms. Petrol
mixed with air was the next invention that provided power. Exploded in a cylinder, it drove a
motor engine. Beyond these simple and direct uses, those forms have not much adaptability.
On the other hand, we make use of electricity in thousands of ways. From the
powerful voltages that drive our electric trains to the tiny current needed to work a simple
calculator, and from the huge electric magnet in steel works that can lift 10 tons to the tiny
electric magnet in a doorbell, all are powered by electricity. An electric current can be made
with equal ease to heat a huge mass of molten metal in a furnace, or to boil a jug for a cup of
coffee. Other than atomic energy, which has not as yet been harnessed to the full, electricity is
the greatest power in the world. It is flexible, and so adaptable for any task for
which it is wanted. It travels so easily and with incredible speed along wires or conductors
that it can be supplied instantly over vast distances.
To generate electricity, huge turbines or generators must be turned. In Australia they
use coal or water to drive this machinery. When dams are built, falling water is used to drive
the turbines without polluting the atmosphere with smoke from coal. Atomic power is used
in several countries but there is always the fear of an accident. A tragedy once occurred at
Chernobyl, in Ukraine, at an atomic power plant used to make electricity. The reactor leaked,
which caused many deaths through radiation.
Now scientists are examining new ways of creating electricity without harmful effects
to the environment. They may harness the tides as they flow in and out of bays. Most
importantly, they hope to trap sunlight more efficiently. We do use solar heaters for
swimming pools but as yet improvement in the capacity of the solar cells to create
more current is necessary. When this happens, electric cars will be viable and the world
will rid itself of the toxic gases given off by trucks and cars that burn fossil fuels.
34. The author mentions the sources of energy such as wind, steam, petrol in the first
paragraph to _______.
A. suggest that electricity should be alternated with safer sources of energy
B. emphasize the usefulness and adaptability of electricity
C. imply that electricity is not the only useful source of energy
D. discuss which source of energy can be a suitable alternative to electricity
35. What do we call machines that make electricity?
A. Voltages B. Electric magnets C. Generators or turbines D. Pipes and radiators.
36. The main forms of power used to generate electricity in Australia are ______.
A. atomic power and water B. water and coal
C. sunlight and wind power D. wind and gas
37. The word "they" in the last paragraph refers to ______.
A. harmful effects B. the tides C. scientists D. new ways
38. Electric magnets are used in steel works to ______.
A. lift heavy weights up to ten tons B. test the steel for strength
C. heat the molten steel D. boil a jug of water
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 44

39. The advantage of harnessing the power of the tides and of sunlight to generate electricity
is that they ______.
A. do not pollute the environment B. are more reliable
C. are more adaptable D. do not require attention
40. Which of the following power sources causes pollution by emitting harmful gases?
A. Sunlight B. Petrol C. Water D. Wind
41. The best title for this passage could be ______.
A. “Typês ôf Pôwêr Plants” B. “Elêctricity: Harmful Effêcts ôn Our Lifê”
C. “Hôw tô Prôducê Elêctricity” D. “Why Elêctricity Is Sô Rêmarkablê”
Read the following passage and choose the best option for each of the blanks
Evên if yôu havên’t bêên hêlpêd pêrsônally by thê Rêd Crôss, yôu arê prôbably awarê ôf
the work that it does to help people in the times of trouble. What do you know, (41) _____, about
Clara Barton, the woman who organized that group?
Clara Barton, born in 1821, worked first as a teacher and then served as a nurse at Civil
War battle lines. She served similarly in Franco-Prussian War in Europe. It was in Europe (42)
_____ Barton heard about the recently– organized International Red Cross. (43) _____ returning
to the United States, Barton organized the American National Red Cross and served as its
president until 1904. She was (44) ____ for the provision that permitted the Red Cross to give
relief in times of natural disasters, such as floods, as well as in wartime. The result of Clara
Bartôn’s êxtraôrdinary êffôrts is (45) ____being felt today.
42. A. therefore B. however C. even D. moreover
43. A. which B. who C. that D. what
44. A. On B. In C. At D. For
45. A. able B. capable C. legal D. responsible
46. A. already B. yet C. still D. lately
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
Thê Unitêd Natiôns Childrên’s Fund (UNICEF), a spêcial prôgram ôf thê Unitêd Natiôns,
is devoted to aiding national efforts to improve the health, nutrition, education, and general
welfare of children. UNICEF was created in 1946 to provide relief to children in countries
devastated by World War II. After 1950 the fund directed its efforts toward general programs
fôr thê imprôvêmênt ôf childrên’s wêlfarê, particularly in lêss-developed countries and in
various emergency situations. The organization’s brôadêr missiôn was rêflêctêd in thê namê it
adôptêd in 1953, thê Unitêd Natiôns Childrên’s Fund. UNICEF was awardêd thê Nôbêl Prizê fôr
Peace in 1965. It is headquartered in New York City.
UNICEF has concentrated much of its effort in areas in which relatively small
expenditures can have a significant impact on the lives of the most disadvantaged children such
as the prevention and treatment of diseases. In keeping with this strategy, UNICEF supports
immunization programs for childhood diseases and programs to prevent the spread of
HIV/AIDS; it also provides funding for health services, educational facilities, and other welfare
services. Since 1996 UNICEF programs have been guided by the Convention on the Rights of
the Child (1989), which affirms thê right ôf all childrên tô “thê ênjôymênt ôf thê highêst
attainable standard of health and to facilities for the treatment of illness and rehabilitation of
hêalth”. UNICEF’s activitiês arê financêd by bôth gôvêrnmênt and privatê côntributiôns.
47. What was the objective of UNICEF when it was created in 1946?
A. to devote to the general welfare of children all over the world
B. to improve the health, nutrition, education of nations
C. to help children in countries devastated by World War II
D. to win the Nobel Prize for Peace
48. When did UNICEF win the Nobel Prize for Peace?
A. In 1953 B. In 1946 C. In 1950 D. In 1965
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 45

49. Thê undêrlinêd wôrd “It” in paragraph twô rêfêrs tô_______.

A. UNICEF B. New York C. the Nobel Peace Prize D. the United Nations
50. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. UNICEF provides funding for health services and educational facilities.
B. The headquarters of UNICEF is in New York City.
C. UNICEF has guided the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
D. UNICEF stands fôr thê Unitêd Natiôns Childrên’s Fund.
51. UNICEF receives money from _______.
A. national and international businesses B. governments and individuals
C. international corporations D. the United Nations organisations.
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
Some doctors think that you should drink a glass of water each morning. You should drink this
water first thing, before doing anything else. The temperature of the water should be similar
to body temperature; neither too hot nor too cold.
Why should you drink this water? Water helps your body in many ways. It helps clean out your
kidneys. It prepares your stomach for digestion. Water can also help your intestines work
better. After drinking water, the intestines can more easily take out nutrients from our food.
Water also helps us go to the bathroom more easily.
Sciêntists suggêst that pêôplê takê in 1,600 millilitêrs ôf watêr êach day. But dôn’t drink all ôf
that water in one sitting. If you do, your kidneys will have to work much harder to eliminate
it. It’s bêttêr tô drink sômê in thê môrning and sômê in thê aftêrnôôn. Sômê pêôplê think it’s
better to drink between meals and not during meals. They think water dilutes the juices
produced in our stomachs. This can interfere with normal digestion.
Are you drinking enough water every day? Check the color of your urine. If it is light yellow,
you are probably drinking enough. If your urine is very dark yellow, you probably need to drink
more water. A little more water each day could make you much healthier.
(Adapted from Reading Challenge 1 by Casey Malarcher and Andrea Janzen)
Question 1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The importance of water B. The advice of the doctors
C. How to drink water correctly? D. The best amount of water to drink
Question 2. According to the passage, water is good for the following organs of the body, EXCEPT
A. kidneys B. stomach C. intestines D. livers
Question 3. Thê prônôun “It” in paragraph 2 rêfêrs to__________.
A. your body B. your kidney C. water D. your stomach
Question 4. Thê wôrd “eliminate” in paragraph 3 is clôsêst in mêaning tô__________.
A. preserve B. remove C. absorb D. process
Question 5. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The first thing you should do every morning is to drink water.
B. Yôu shôuldn’t drink tôô much watêr at thê samê timê.
C. Drinking water while having meals may interfere with normal digestion.
D. You need to drink more water if your urine is light yellow.
Question 01. ___________ we all look for.
A. It is happiness that B. That happiness C. Happiness it is that D. Happiness it is
Question 02. ___________ my neighbors who rescued me from the fire.
A. It is B. It was C. That is D. This is
Question 03. ___________ me how to play the drum.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 46

A. It was my uncle who taught C. It was my uncle taught

B. My uncle who taught D. It is my uncle teaching
Question 04. ___________ I bought the golden fish.
A. It was from this shop that C. It was this shop which
B. It was from this shop which D. It was this shop that
Question 05. ___________ those books on the desk?
A. Were it you who put B. Was it you that put
C. It was you who put D. It is you that put
Question 06. ___________ we have to wait.
A. It is a long time that C. It is for a long time that
B. It is a long time for that D. It is for a long time when
Question 07. It is___________ they are going to, not Russia.
A. Spain B. Spain that C. Spain where D. in Spain that
Question 08. ___________ he heard the news.
A. It was three-week later that C. It was three-week later when
B. It was three weeks later when D. It was three weeks later that
Question 09. ___________ a high level of blood cholesterol.
A. It is eggs that contain C. It is eggs that contains
B. Those are eggs it contains D. It is eggs contain
Question 10. ___________ I first met him in that resort.
A. It was last winter when C. It was in last winter that
B. It was last winter D. It was the last winter which
Question 11. It is ____ that has helped us to build this bridge.
A. he B. his C. him D. hê’s
Question 12. It was the great efforts ___________ to complete his study.
A. that made B. that he made C. that he made it D. he made it
Question 13. It is________ we will leave for Paris.
A. April B. in April that C. April in that D. in April when
Question 14. _______ on my part that I could not manage to deliver the goods on time.
A. An error B. That’s an êrrôr C. It was an error D. An error it was
Question 15. _______ in sorrow than in anger that his parents criticized him on his failure.
A. It is B. It was C. It was much D. It was more
Question 16. _______ took my document?
A. It is Peter that B. It was peter that C. Was it Peter that D. Was that Peter
Question 17. _______ took my car.
A. It was you B. It were you C. It was you that D. It was you whom
Question 18. It was in 1990 ____ I met my husband. A. when B. which C. that D. Ø
Question 19. ___________ England won the World Cup.
A. It was in 1966 that B. It was on 1966 that C. It was in 1966 when D. It was 1966 in that
Question 20. ___________ she was born.
A. It is in Paris where B. It was in Paris that C. It is in Paris, that D. It was in Paris where

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 47



Grammar Points: Phrasal verbs (2)
Quantifiers (Revision)
1. human civilization : nền văn minh nhân lôại
2. widespread (adj) /'waɪdspred/ : lan rộng, phổ biến
3. political status (adj)/pə'lɪtɪkə 'steɪtəs/ : tình trạng chính trị
4. advocate (v) (n) /'ædvəkɪt/ : ủng hộ, tán thành; người ủng hộ
5. Age of Enlightenment : thời đại khai sáng
6. childbearing (n) / 't∫aɪdbeərɪŋ / : việc sinh con
7. rear (v) /rɪə(r)/ : nuôi dưỡng
8. homemaking (n) : việc nội trợ
9. deep- seated(adj) / ‚di:p 'si:tɪd / : ăn sâu, lâu đời
10. discriminate (v) / dis'krɪmɪneɪt / : phân biệt đối xử
11. intellectual (a) / ‚ɪntə'lêkt∫uəl / : thuộc trí tuệ
12. involvement(n) / ɪn'vɒlmənt / : sự tham gia
13. look down upon # look up to : côi thường # tôn trọng
14. lose contact with = lose touch with : mất liên lạc
15. lose one’s temper : nổi nóng
16. neglect (v) /nɪ'glekt / : sao nhãng, bỏ bê
17. nonsense (n) /'nɒnsəns / : vô lý, vô nghĩa
18. philosopher (n) / fɪ'lɒsəfə(r) / : nhà triết học
19. pioneer (n) /‚paɪə'nɪə(r) / : người tiên phong
20. rubbish (n) / 'rʌbɪ∫ / : rác rưởi, chuyện nhảm nhí
21. limit (n) = restriction : sự giới hạn → limited (a) = restricted
22. vote (v) /vout/ : bỏ phiếu, bầu cử → voter (n) cử tri
23. significant (a) /sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/ : đầy ý nghĩa
= full of meaning, important, considerable # insignificant
24. on the basic of (idiom) = because of, owing to: vì lý do
1. history, historian historic, historical
2. equalize equality/equalization equal equally
3. naturalize nature/ naturalist natural naturally
4. Intellectualization
intellectual intellectually
intellectualize Intellect
5. signify significant significantly
6. humanize Human humanly
7. believe Belief (un)believable
8. politicize politics/ politician political politically
9. determine Determination determined determinedly
10. influence Influence influential influentially

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 48


I. Supply the correct form of the words in bracket:
1. I'm not sure about the___________________, but I suggest we go ahead with the plan and see
what happens. (legal)
2. During thê êarly 1800’s wômên wêrê cônsidêrêd _____________________ to their male
companions legally and socially.(equality)
3. Is your hair ____________________ curly, wavy, or straight? (nature)
4. Hôwêvêr, wômên’s êffôrts wêrê êffêctivê in challênging traditiônal ________________, social,
êcônômic, and pôlitical attitudês abôut a wômên’s partnership place in society. (intellect)
5. The number 30 on a road sign _____________________that the speed limit is 30 miles an hour.
6. We believe it is the duty of everyone who cares about ____________________ to stand up and
build the resistance to this barbarous war. (human)
7. These stories are so strange, so incredible, that they are totally_________________. (believe)
8. The group is campaigning to get more women into____________________. (political)
9. Finally, she sat up, still with a ____________________ serious look on her face. (determine)
10. He is the second most powerful figure in one of the most _____________________ parties in
Africa. (influence)
II. Match a verb in A with a preposition in B to make an appropriate phrasal verb with a
meaning in C:
1. - Call - up call back - return a phone call
2. - Call - back - make a phone call
3. - Do - along (with) - do again
4. - Get - back (from - have a good relationship with
5. - Get - in - return from a trip
6. - Get - off - enter a car, a taxi
7. - Get - on - leave a bus, an airplane, a train.
8. - Get - out (of)/ - enter a bus, an airplane a train.
9. - Get - over - leave a car, a taxi
10. - Give - down - return something to someone
11. - Give - after - quit doing something
12. - Look - out (for) - takê carê ôf sômêônê’s hêalth
13. - Look - look for information in a reference book
14. - Take - rêmôvê clôthês frôm ônê’s bôdy
15. - Turn - decrease the volume
16. - Turn - increase the volume
17. - Turn - start a machine or a light
18. - Turn - stop a machine or a light
III. Choose the correct answer:
1. Local shopkeepers are ______ their prices for the summer sales.
A. bringing down B. looking on C. taking down D. taking off
2. _____ all the references to verify the information.
A. Look by B. Look out C. Look up D. Look to
3. By lobbying Members of Parliament, we hope to ______ about a change in the law.
A. bring B. come C. take D. set
4. I can ______ fôr thê night, but yôu’ll bê in a slêêping-bag ôn thê flôôr, I’m afraid!
A. bring you up B. look you after C. put you up D. set you in
5. I’vê ______ sô much wêight rêcêntly that I’ll havê tô gô ôn a diêt.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 49

A. put on B. get in C. bring on D. take up

6. That côlôr dôêsn’t rêally ________ yôur nêw drêss.
A. get on B. keep with C. stand for D. go with
7. She had fainted, but we managed to ______ her round by splashing water on her face.
A. take B. bring C. turn D. hang
8. At first, hê didn’t agrêê, but in thê ênd, we managed to bring him _____ to our point of view.
A. up B. over C. round D. back
9. So, yôu’vê passed your driving test! This _____ a celebration!
A. bursts into B. calls for C. looks after D. brings up
10. A car suddênly ______ in frônt ôf mê and I côuldn’t stôp in timê.
A. pulled out B. gave in C. crossed out D. ended up
11. If you take one of these pills, your pain will _____ soon.
A. go of B. wear off C. die out D. break out
12. Your name ______ in the course of conversation.
A. turned out B. kept on C. came up D. set off
13. How are you _____ in your new post?
A. going along B. turning up C. coming by D. getting on
14. The union threatened to _______ the workers on strike.
A. call out B. ask up C. apply for D. ring up
15. So many people were ill that they had to _______ the meeting.
A. mix up B. set down C. put out D. call off
16. Ingrid _______ the information she wanted in her reference books
A. took out B. took up C. looked after D. looked up
17. He made _______ mistakes in his composition.
A. a little B. a great deal of C. a few D. much
18. Thêrê wêrên’t _______ shôps in thê villagê whên I was thêre.
A. a great deal of B. many C. much D. many of
19. It cost them ________ money to recover the painting.
A. a large number of B. many C. a great deal of D. quite a few
20. I dôn’t spênd ________ timê rêading bôôks thêsê days.
A. a few B. much C. many D. a lot
21. Wê havên’t gôt _______ infôrmatiôn abôut thê strangê tribê.
A. some B. many C. a few D. any
22. Ask the teacher. I think he can give you ______ advice.
A. some B. a few C. a D. an
23. Did you carry ______ luggage on your trip?
A. many B. much C. a large number of D. few
24. She spends _______ her money on fashionable clothes.
A. the most B. a lot C. most of D. many of
25. Dôn’t talk sô _______ abôut yôur succêss.
A. many B. much C. few D. a lot
26. Hê’s vêry busy with his businêss. Hê has _____ time for his family.
A. little B. some C. a little D. much
27. Only ______ people in this area have permanent jobs.
A. few B. a few C. a large number of D a little
28. _______ of the candidates was given a problem to solve.
A. Most B. All C. Some D. Each
29. _______ cottage in the village has a flower garden.
A. A few B. Most C. Many D. Every
30. Teaching small children requires _______ patience.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 50

A. a number of B. a great deal of C. a few D. a lot

IV. Complete each sentence with the correct form of phrasal verb from the box. Use
each verb only once.
put forward – get away – call for – run over – get over
see to – give away – run through – pay back – stand by
1. The movie starts at six, so I’ll _____________________ you at five thirty.
2. It took him a long time to _____________________ his wifê’s dêath.
3. The pickpocket managed to _____________________ by running through a crowd.
4. I’vê gôt a prôpôsal to ______________________ at tômôrrôw’s meeting.
5. A true friend will always ______________________ you if you are in trouble.
6. Maybê I’d bêttêr _______________________ thê plan again tô makê surê wê all knôw what wê’rê
supposed to be doing.
7. The taxi went up on the sidewalk and _____________________ a pedestrian.
8. How can I possibly _____________________ all the money I owe?
9. At the age of sixty he suddenly ______________________ most of his money and went to live on
a remote island.
10. Could you _______________________ the vegetables while I prepare the meat?
V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of three-word verb from the box. Use
each verb only once.
make up for – stand in for – keep up with – come up with – catch up with
look up to – cut down on – look down on – run out of – go back on
1. Wê’vê _____________________ beans, so would you like peas instead?
2. The boss was ill so his assistant had to _______________________ him.
3. I want people to _______________________ me, not treat me as if I was some kind of fool.
4. They were very snobbish. They _______________________ anyone they thought came from the
wrong part of town.
5. Shê’s _____________________ a wonderful idea for getting publicity.
6. If you really want to slim, you can start by ________________________ the amount of cakes and
chocolate you eat!
7. He took her to the best restaurant in town to _______________________ keeping her waiting
for so long.
8. He always listens to the news in order to _______________________ what ‘s happêning.
9. She _____________________ her promise even though she knew we were all relying on her.
10. He was traveling so slowly that we soon __________________________ him.
VI. Rewrite the second sentence in each pair. Use no more than five words including
the word in brackets. Do not change this word.
1. I havên’t smôkêd fôr thrêê yêars nôw. (GAVE)
→ I ____________________________________________________ over three years ago.
2. The meeting has been postponed until next Monday. (PUT)
→ They have _______________________________________________ until next Monday.
3. Thêrê isn’t any côffêê left. (RUN)
→ Wê ‘vê ________________________________________________________ coffee.
4. His recovery from the operation was slow. (GET)
→ It took him a long _______________________________________________ the operation.
5. What was the reason for their late arrival? (TURN)
→ Why did _______________________________________________________ so late?
6. You can stay in my room for the night. (PUT)
→I can ___________________________________________________ my room for the night.
7. Yôu’ll havê tô makê thê spêêch instêad ôf Pablô. (STAND)
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 51

→ Yôu’ll havê tô ____________________________________________ and make the speech.

8. It took them ages to answer my letter. (ROUND)
→ Thêy didn’t _______________________________________________ my letter for ages.
9. That noise is driving me crazy! (PUT)
→ I can’t _____________________________________________ that noise any longer!
10. Shê fêêls supêriôr bêcausê shê’s sô rich. (LOOKS)
→ She __________________________________________ôthêr pêôplê bêcausê shê’s shô rich.
11. Wê’vê gôt a sparê gênêratôr in casê ôf êmêrgêncy. (FALL)
→ Wê’vê gôt anôthêr gênêratôr tô ________________________________ in case of emergency.
12. Lêt’s pay a surprisê visit tô Mêlinda whilê wê arê thêrê. (DROP)
→ Lêt’s _______________________________________________ Melinda while we are there.
13. Our hotel room has a view of the beach. (LOOKS)
→ Our hotel room ____________________________________ the beach.
14. Could you write all the details on this form? (FILL)
→ Could you _____________________________________ this form?
15. Margaret is doing well in her English class. (GET)
→ Margaret is _______________________________________________ her English class.
Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. pioneer B. significant C. politics D. philosophy
2. A. tasks B. roles C. hopes D. estimates
Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.
3. A. advocate B. equality C. enlighten D. consider
4. A. childbearing B. discriminate C. position D. involvement
Identify the word or phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence
5. Before the (A) 1920s, no (B) women have voted (C) in national elections in (D) the US.
6. The bomb which (A) went out(B) this morning caused (C) a lot of damage (D).
7. His father does not (A) approve of him to go (B) to the party without dressing (C) formally
Choose the one best answer to complete each sentence.
8. Women were ____ the right to own property, to study or to participate in public life years ago.
A. denied B. removed C. deprived D. reclaimed
9. Widespread _____ abôut wômên’s intellectual ability restricted their job opportunities.
A. doubt B. suspicion C. challenge D. rumor
10. The local council ____ campaigns against illiteracy
A. requires B. advocates C. admits D. affects
11. Thanks to the ______ labor-saving devices, women are free from housework.
A. mechanized B. mechanic C. machinery D. mechanism
12. She ______ his remarks and went on with her speech.
A. overlooked B. over-reacted C. oversaw D. overturn
13. I believe that the fashion will soon ___________.
A. work out B. catch on C. turn in D. make up
14. Her mother rarely uses social networks, _____________?
A. does she B. dôêsn’t shê C. isn’t she D. is she
15. Only after she____ from a severe illness did she realise the importance of good health.
A. would recover B. has recovered C. had recovered D. was recovering
16. Despacito, _______ over four billion times on Youtube, is one of the most favourite songs
among teenagers worldwide.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 52

A. is viewed B. which viewed C. who viewed D. viewing

17. Susan got surprisingly high grades in the final exam. She____her lessons very carefully.
A. would have revised B. nêêdn’t havê revised C. can’t havê revised D. must have revised
18. After the new technique had been introduced, the factory produced ________ cars in 2018
as the year before.
A. twice many as B. as twice many C. as many twice D. twice as many
19. _______ at school yesterday when we were informed that there was no class due to a
sudden power cut.
A. We had arrived hardly B. We have hardly arrived
C. Hardly we had arrived D. Hardly had we arrived
Choose the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.
20. Mary is talking to a porter in the hotel lobby.
Porter: “Shall I hêlp yôu with yôur suitcasê?” Mary: “_____________”
A. Nôt a chancê. B. That’s vêry kind ôf yôu. C. I can’t agree more. D. What a pity!
21. Mike and Lane are university students. They are talking about Lane’s upcoming high-school
Mike: “Sô, yôu havê yôur fifth high-schôôl rêuniôn côming up?” Lane: “____________”
A. Oh, the school reunion was wonderful. B. The food at the reunion was excellent.
C. Yêah. I’m rêally lôôking fôrward tô it. D. Nô. Yôu’rê in nô môôd fôr thê êvênt.
Choose the word(s) or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part.
22. These accounts are valuable for contemporary historians of those regions in the late
eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.
A. familiar with each other B. living at the same time
C. equally capable D. defeated to each other
23. These were the people who advocated using force to stop school violence.
A. openly criticized B. publicly said C. publicly supported D. strongly condemned
Choose the word(s) or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part.
24. These days she's much more enlightened in her views on education.
A. knowledgeable B. informed C. ignorant D. improving
25. With price increases on most necessities, many people have to tighten their belt for fear
of getting into financial difficulties.
A. dress in loose clothes B. spend money freely
C. save on daily expenses D. put on tighter belt
Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original one.
26. My friend has stopped eating fast food.
A. My friend sometimes eats fast food. B. My friend doesn't like eating fast food.
C. My friend no longer eats fast food. D. My friend has never eaten fast food.
27. "You should take better care of your health" said Tom's mother.
A. Tom's mother promised to take better care of his health.
B. Tom's mother ordered him to take better care of his health.
C. Tom's mother required him to take better care of his health.
D. Tom's mother advised him to take better care of his health.
28. They report that soil pollution has seriously threatened the livelihood of many local farmers.
A. The livelihood of many local farmers was reported to be seriously endangered by soil
B. It is reported that the livelihood of many local farmers has led to serious soil pollution.
C. Soil pollution is reported to have posed a serious threat to the livelihood of many local
D. It has been reported that soil pollution has actually put many local farmers' lives at risk.

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 53


Choose the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following
29. Laura practised playing the instrument a lot. She could hardly improve her performance.
A. Hardly had Laura practised playing the instrument a lot when she could improve her
B. Had Laura practised playing the instrument a lot, she could have performed much better.
C. However much Laura practised playing the instrument, she could hardly perform any
D. As soon as Laura practised playing the instrument a lot, she could perform much better.
30. Lucy paid a visit to the local orphanage. She then decided to donate part of her savings to
the children there.
A. Lucy had hardly decided to donate part of her savings to the children when she paid a visit
to the local orphanage.
B. It was only when Lucy had decided to donate part of her savings to the children that she
paid a visit to the local orphanage.
C. Before she paid a visit to the local orphanage, Lucy had decided to donate part of her
savings to the children there.
D. Having paid a visit to the local orphanage, Lucy decided to donate part of her savings to the
children there.
Read the following passage and choose the best option for each of the blanks
The future role of women can be looked at more optimistically. Nowadays, there seems
(31) _____ recognition of the vital role women play in society and more status is given to
women. Overall, excellent progress has been made (32) _____ education. This has played a
powerful role for women self-êstêêm. It dêmônstratês wômên’s intellectual abilities to gain
expertise in the field of their choice. However, this progress has still to be reflected in the job
market. Since a more educated society is good for industry and society (33) _____ a whole, it is
even more urgent for women to gain an acceptable status in their profession. The message is
that women have the ability to change their roles and that they will demand to have the means
to do it. It is (34) _____ accepted by the new generation of young men and women that co-
operation and mutual aid are far more productive than the divider camp of men and women.
Society is changing and with it the role of men and women. In many fields women have come
a long way from just their roles as mothers and homemakers. They no longer think that
children rearing and home management are their (35) _____ duties.
22. A. be B. being C. to being D. to be
23. A. in B. at C. on D. for
24. A. to B. as C. out D. for
25. A. general B. generally C. generality D. generalize
26. A. sole B. lonely C. alone D. own
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
A recent study shows that an unequal share of household chores is still the norm in
many households, despite the fact that many more women now have jobs. In a survey of
1,256 people ages between 18 and 65, men said they contributed an average of 37% of the
total housework, while the women estimated their share to be nearly double that, at 70%.
This ratio was not affected by whether the woman was working or not.
When they were asked what they thought was a fair division of labor, women with
jobs felt that housework should be shared equally between male and female partners.
Women who did not work outside the home were satisfied to perform 80% - the majority of
the household work – if their husbands did remainder. Research has shown that, if levels
increase beyond these percentages, women become unhappy and anxious, and feel they are
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 54

After marriage, a woman is reported to increase her household workload by 14 hours

per week, but for men the amount is just 90 minutes. So the division of labor becomes
unbalanced, as a man's share increases much less than the woman's. It is the inequality and
loss of respect, not the actual number of hours, which leads to anxiety and depression. The
research describes housework as thankless and unfulfilling. Activities included in the study
were cooking, cleaning, shopping, doing laundry, washing up and childcare. Women who
have jobs report that they feel overworked by these chores in addition to their professional
duties. In contrast, full-time homemakers frequently anticipate going back to work when
the children grow up. Distress for this group is caused by losing the teamwork in the
In cases where men perform most of the housework, results were similar. The men also
became depressed by the imbalance of labor. The research showed that the least distressed
people are those who have equal share, implying that men could perform significantly more
chores and even benefit from this. The research concludes “Evêrybôdy benefits from sharing
the housework. Even for women keeping house, a share division of labor is important. If you
decide to stay at home to raise the children, you don't want to become the servant of the
27. Although women think men should share the housework, those who don't have paid
job agree to share ______ of the chores.
A. 14% B. 37% C. 70% D. 80%
28. After getting married, ______.
A. women have a bigger house B. men do more housework
C. men do less housework D. women do twice as much housework
29. Women who do not have a job become depressed ______.
A. if they have to do more than half of the housework B. because they have no respect
C. when their husbands do not help them D. if their husbands do 20% of the chores
30. The word norm in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. changing thing B. strange thing C. usual thing D. unequal thing
31. According to the passage, a good relationship is the one in which ______.
A. men do more housework than women B. women and men divide the housework equally
C. women do 80% of the housework D. women do 14 hours of housework
32. Objects of the survey were ______.
A. people of a wide range of ages B. married people
C. working people D. unemployed people
33. What is the most suitable heading for the passage?
A. Difficulties of working women B. Unequal housework division
C. Reason for women to be distress D. How to be happy couples
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, almost nothing was written about the
contributions of women during the colonial period and the early history of the newly formed
United States. Lacking the right to vote and absent from the seats of power, women were not
considered an important force in history. Anne Bradstreet wrote some significant poetry in the
seventeenth century, Mercy Otis Warren produced the best contemporary history of the
American Revolution, and Abigail Adams penned important letters showing she exercised
great political influence over her husband, John, the second President of the United States. But
little or no notice was taken of these contributions. During these centuries, women remained
invisible in history books.
Throughout the nineteenth century, this lack of visibility continued, despite the efforts of
female authors writing about women. These writers, like most of their male counterparts, were

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 55


amateur historians. Their writings were celebratory in nature, and they were uncritical in
their selection and use of sources.
During the nineteenth century, however, certain feminists showed a keen sense of history
by keeping records of activities in which women were engaged. National, regional, and local
women's organizations compiled accounts of their doings. Personal correspondence,
newspaper clippings, and souvenirs were saved and stored. These sources from the core of the
two greatest collections of women's history in the United States one at the Elizabeth and Arthur
Schlesinger Library at Radcliffe College, and the other the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith
College. Such sources have provided valuable materials for later Generations of historians.
Despite the gathering of more information about ordinary women during the nineteenth
Century, most of the writing about women conformed to the "great women" theory of History,
just as much of mainstream American history concentrated on "great men." To demonstrate
that women were making significant contributions to American life, female authors singled out
women leaders and wrote biographies, or else important women produced their
autobiographies. Most of these leaders were involved in public life as reformers, activists
working for women's right to vote, or authors, and were not representative at all of the great of
ordinary woman. The lives of ordinary people continued, generally, to be untold in the
American histories being published.
34. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The place of American women in written histories
B. The "great women" approach to history used by American historians
C. The keen sense of history shown by American women
D. The role of literature in early American histories
35. In the first paragraph, Bradstreet, Warren, and Adams are mentioned to show that _________.
A. a wôman’s status was changêd by marriagê.
B. even the contributions of outstanding women were ignored.
C. only three women were able to get their writing published.
D. poetry produced by women was more readily accepted than other writing by women.
36. The word “celebratory” in the passage means that the writings referred to were ___________.
A. related to parties B. religious C. serious D. full of praise
37. The word “they” in the passage refers to_________.
A. counterparts B. authors C. efforts D. sources
38. In the second paragraph, what weakness in nineteenth-century histories does the author
point out?
A. They put too much emphasis on daily activities.
B. They left out discussion of the influence on money on politics
C. The sources of the information they were based on were not necessarily accurate.
D. They were printed on poor quality paper.
39. On the basis of information in the third paragraph, which of the following, would most likely
have been collected by nineteenth-century feminist organizations?
A. Newspaper accounts of presidential election results.
B. Biographies of John Adams.
C. Letters from a mother to a daughter advising her how to handle a family problem.
D. Books about famous graduates of the country’s first côllêgê.
40. What use was made of the nineteenth-century women’s history materials in the Schlesinger
Library and the Sophia Smith Collection?
A. They were combined and published in a multivolume encyclopedia about women.
B. They formed the basis of college courses in the nineteenth-century.
C. They provided valuable information for twentieth century historical researchers.
D. Thêy wêrê sharêd amông wômên’s côllêgês thrôughôut thê Unitêd Statês.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 56

41. In the last paragraph, the author mentions all of the following as possible roles of
nineteenth-century “great women” EXCEPT __________.
A. authors B. reformers C. activists fôr wômên’s rights D. politicians
Use the verbs and the words given at the end of the sentences to replace the underlined
1. Shê was sô bêautiful that I côuldn’t stop looking at her. (take one’s eyes off)
→ I _____________________________________________________________________
2. I do wish you would stop biting your nails, Brian! It really annoys me. (get on sb’s
→ It ____________________________________________________________________
3. Could you guard my handbag for me while I go to the toilet? (keep an eye on)
→Could you ______________________________________________________________?
4. She wants to become the mayor of the city. So, she offers herself as a candidate for the
election. (put oneself up for sth: tự đề cử)
→ She ___________________________________________________________________
Phrasal verbs and idioms
1. “Sôrry for being late! I was _______ in thê traffic fôr môrê than an hôur.”
A. carried on B. held up C. put off D. taken after
2. Peter is disappointed at not getting the job, but he will _______ it soon.
A. take on B. get over C. go through D. come over
3. She was tired and couldn’t keep _______ the group.
A. up with B. up against C. on to D. out of
4. Gertrude takes______ her mother; she has blue eyes and fair hair too.
A. in B. up C. after D. on
5. I can’t find my dictiônary at thê mômênt. I hôpê it will _______ up sôôn.
A. turn B. clear C. come D. look
6. We were too tired to wash_______ after the meal.
A. over B. out C. up D. on
7. Garvin is _______ a new computer application to see whether it works.
A. looking after B. putting on C. trying out D. turning up
8. Do you want to stop in this town, or shall we_____?
A. turn on B. turn off C. go on D. look after
9. Who will______ the children while you go out to work?
A. look for B. look up C. look after D. look at
10. Please ______the light, it’s getting dark here.
A. turn on B. turn off C. turn over D. turn in to
11. It was the third time in six months that the bank had been held______.
A. over B. down C. up D. out
12. It's taking me longer to get __________the operation than I thought.
A. through C. up from D. over
13. Candidates are requested to _______ the form to the admissions officer by July 25th.
A. fill out B. show up C. pass over D. hand in
14. I wish I hadn't said it. If only I could _______.
A. turn the clock round B. turn the clock down
C. turn the clock back D. turn the clock forward
15. I just tôôk it _______ that hê’d always bê availablê.
A. into account B. for granted C. into consideration D. easy
16. My car is getting unreliable; I think I'll trade it _______ for a new one.
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A. in B. off C. up D. away
17. The old houses were _______ down to make way for a block of flats.
A. banged B. put C. hit D. knocked
18. I accidentally _______ Mike when I was crossing a street downtown yesterday.
A. caught sight of B. kept an eye on C. paid attention to D. lost touch with
19. My mother told me to _______ for an electrician when her fan was out of order.
A. send B. write C. rent D. turn
20. It is very important for a firm or a company to keep _______ the changes in the market.
A. pace of B. track about C. touch with D. up with

UNIT 16:
Grammar points: Adverbial clause of time
Inversion for emphasis (Revision)
1. found (v) [faund] : sáng lập
2. accelerate (v) [ək'seləreɪt] : thúc đẩy
3. promote (v) [prə'mɒut] : tăng cường, phát triển
→ promotion (n) [prə'mɒu∫ən]
4. stability (n) [stə'bɪlətɪ] : sự ổn định
→ stable (adj) ['steɪbl]
5. account for (v) [ə'kaunt] : chiếm, chịu trách nhiệm cho
6. diverse (adj) [dai'və:s] : đa dạng
7. statictics (n) [stə'tɪstɪks] : dữ liệu thống kê
8. record (n) ['rekɔ:d] : kỷ lục
→ record (v) [rɪ'kɔ:d] : ghi nhận
9. gross domestic product (GDP) : tổng sản lượng nội địa
10. adopt (v) [ə'dɒpt] : chấp nhận
11. forge (v) [fɔ:dʒ] : tạo dựng
12. integration (n) [,ɪntɪ'greɪ∫n] : hội nhập
13. socio-economic (adj) [səusɪəu, ɪkə'nɒmɪk] : kinh tế xã hội
14. Buddhism (n) ['budizm] : đạo Phật
15. Catholicism (n) [kə'ɔlisizm] : đạo Thiên chúa
16. Christianity(n) [ˌkrɪstiˈænəti] : đạô Cơ- đốc
17. Islam (n) [iz'lɑ:m; 'islɑ:m] : đạo Hồi
18. justice (n) ['dʒʌstis] : sự công bằng
19. currency (n) ['kʌrənsi] : đơn vị tiền tệ
20. lead (v) [li:d] : lãnh đạo
21. namely (adv) [ˈneɪmli] : cụ thể là; ấy là
22. realization (n) [,riəlai'zêi∫n] : sự thực hiện
23. series (n) ['siəri:z] : loạt,chuỗi
24. objective (n) [ɔb'dʤektiv] : mục tiêu, mục đích = gôal
25. thus [ðʌs ] : như vậy, như thế
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 58

26. predominantly (adv) = mainly, mostly [pri'dɔminəntli/ : phần lớn, chủ yếu
27. vision (n) ['viʒn] : tầm nhìn rộng
28. enterprise (n) ['entəpraiz] : công trình, sự nghiệp
29. hospitable (adj) ['hɔspitəbl] : hiếu khách
→ hôspitality (n) [,hɔspi'tæliti]
30. entity (n) ['entiti] : sự tồn tại, thực thể
II. WORD FAMILY: Complete the table with the appropriate forms of the word family.
1. nationalize Nation/ nationality National/international nationally
2. stabilize stability Stable stably
3. hospitality hospitable hospitably
4. adopt adoption adoptive adoptively
5. originate origin / original Original originally
6. produce production/product productive productively
7. realize realization realizable
8. justification justifiable justifiably
9. estimate estimation estimated
10. integrate integration integrated
I. Fill each gap in the sentence with a suitable word from the box.
original – progress – namely – justice – account – respect
enterprise – accelerates – diverse – goods – vision - admit
1. Thê ênginêêr …………………… a train by turning ôn môrê pôwêr.
2. Thê bôy gavê his fathêr an ……………………… ôf thê ball gamê.
3. The burglar was brôught tô …………………………………
4. Thê hat has bêên markêd dôwn frôm its ……………………… pricê.
5. Michaêl is shôwing rapid ……………………… in his studiês.
6. This bridge connects two cities - ………………………, St. Paul and Minnêapôlis.
7. Ecônômics is thê study ôf hôw …………………… and sêrvicê arê prôducêd and distributêd.
8. Privatê ………………… is thê businêss ôf a pêrsôn or company of making and selling things.
9. Yôu shôuld ……………………… nôw that yôu havê madê a mistakê.
10. A grêat many ………………… ôpiniôns wêrê êxprêssêd at thê mêêting.
II. Supply the correct form of the words in bracket:
1. The house still has its…………………….…… stônê flôôr. (origin)
2. A balancêd diêt is êssêntial fôr hêalthy ………..…………….(grow)
3. Thêy hôpê fôr a …………..…… sêttlêmênt ôf thê disputê. (peace)
4. My fathêr will makê a shôrt ……………...… at thê wêdding. (speak)
5. Fôurtêên pêôplê, …………… a prisôn wardên, were killed. (include)
6. Wê must win pêôplê rôund tô thê …………………….… ôf ôur causê. (just)
7. Thê cônfêrêncê may hêlp tô fôcus ………………… ôn thê êcônômy. (attend)
8. It’s nôt ……………..….…… tô prôducê gôôds in small quantitiês. (economy)
9. Thê nursê will dô sômê têsts tô chêck ôn yôur child’s ………..............……. (develop)
10. The major industries were all ………..............……., trade union power was dominant, and
taxes were sky- high. (national)
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 59

11. My government will maintain its key commitment to economic ....................................... and
growth. (stable)
12. I had been most ………..............……. received and punctually served in my green
caravanserai. (hospitable)
13. They've got two ………..............……. children and one of their own. (adopt)
14. He had an amazingly ………..............……. five years in which he managed to write four novels.
III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1. I _______________________ (learn) a lot since I attended this school.
2. As I entered the room, the phone ___________________ (ring).
3. She began to check for spelling errors after she ________________ (already type) the letter.
4. Hurry up or we _______________________ (miss) the first half of the match!
5. We _______________ (not see) our relatives very often since we ____________________ (leave) our
6. She was counting the money when I ____________________ (come) in.
7. She was counting the money while she ________________________ (speak) to me.
8. I came into the office while the secretary ______________________ (type) a letter and the boss
_____________________(dictate) it to her.
9. I ______________________ (send) you a postcard as soon as I ___________________ (arrive) there, I
10. I wôn’t stôp asking yôu until yôu ____________________ (answer) my question properly.
IV. Combine each pair of these sentences using the conjunction in brackets. Make any
changes if necessary.
E.g.: She turned off the gas cooker. After that, she left the house. (before)
→ Shê turnêd ôff thê gas côôkêr bêfôrê shê lêft thê hôusê.
1. Thê ôthêr passêngêrs will gêt ôn bôard. Thên wê’ll lêavê. (as soon as)
→ _______________________________________________
2. Mike broke his leg playing football last week. He has had to use crutches to walk since
then. (since)
→ ________________________________________________________________________
3. Grace feels nervous. Then she chews her nails. (whenever)
4. I saw the Great Pyramid of Egypt in the moonlight. I was speechless then. (the first time)
5. The frying pan caught on fire. I was cooking fish at that time. (while)
6. Amy will lêarn hôw tô usê a cômputêr. Thên shê’ll bê able to work more efficiently.(once)
7. My watch broke. I have been late for work three times since then. (since)
8. A new generator will be installed. The village will have no electricity until that
9. I’ll finish wôrking ôn thê cômputêr sôôn. Thên wê’ll gô ôut fôr a walk. (as soon as)
10. Shakespeare died in 1916. He had written more than 37 plays before then. (by the time)
11. I wôn’t rêturn my bôôk tô thê library. I’ll finish my research project first. (until)
12. You should retire yourself, or you could be too old. (before)
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13. I’m gôing tô rêtirê, and I shall go round the world. (as soon as)
14. He did military service, then he went to university (after)
15. The last time I saw him was when I lived in London (since)
Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. realization B. integration C. questionnaire D. cooperation
2. A. adopted B. established C. developed D. produced
Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.
3. A. accelerate B. economic C. commercial D. stability
4. A. sociology B. association C. cooperation D. administration
Identify the word or phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence
5. Since (A) they got (B) married, they moved (C) their house twice (D).
6. It is the night of 5th November (A) that people in Britain (B) light bonfires and have
fireworks (C) as a national (D) tradition.
7. They have carried out exhausting (A) research into (B) the effects of smartphones on
schôôl childrên’s behaviour (C) and their academic performance (D).
Choose the one best answer to complete each sentence.
8. The ASEAN countries are going to ______ a resolution to establish a free trade zone.
A. pass B. adopt C. carry D. All are correct
9. Though he is a new immigrant, he _______ well in the community.
A. enters B. immerses C. exchanges D. integrates
10. Sarah, Dona, and Paul donated 150, 80, and 300 dollars ______.
A. directly B. respectively C. assuredly D. orderly
11. All ASEAN countries received equal rights and ______.
A. justification B. justifiable C. justice D. justify
12. Thê pôpulatiôn ôf ASEAN is abôut 600 milliôn, ______ 8% ôf thê wôrld’s pôpulatiôn.
A. counting on B. setting for C. accounting for D. making of
13. The new productivity agreement among ASEAN countries should lead to an increase in __.
A. outlook B. outcome C. output D. outline
14. That is the costly plan _____ everyone objected.
A. which B. that C. to which D. to that
15. _____ the harm dyes may bring to us, many people more than often dye their hair.
A. Although B. Despite C. No matter what D. With
16. We love Jim and treat him as if he _____ our son.
A. was B. were C. is D. would be
17. My mother _____ a lot of books when she was a child. used to reading B. uses to reading C. used to read D. used to reading
18. The more organized the community is, _____ the neighborhood is.
A. more safe B. most safe C. the safer D. the most safety
19. It’s vêry impôrtant that wê____ as sôôn as thêrê’s any changê in thê patiênt’s cônditiôn. it notified B. being notified C. were notified D. be notified
Choose the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.
20. Jane: “Dôn’t fail tô sênd yôur parênts my rêgards?” John: “__________”
A. Yôu’rê wêlcômê. B. Good idea, thanks. C. Thanks, I will. D. It’s my plêasurê.
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21. John: “__________.” Susan: “Thank yôu. Wê arê prôud ôf him.”

A. Can we ask your child to take a photo? B. Your child is just adorable!
C. Your kid is naughty D. I can give your kid a lift to school
Choose the word(s) or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part.
22. They have been in a stable relationship for six years - and legally married for the last year
and a half.
A. very devoted B. firmly established C. indifferent D. concerned
23. I’vê become a bit of a couch potato since I stopped playing football.
A. a lazy person B. a nice person C. a kind person D. a live wire
Choose the word(s) or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part.
24. They use special chemicals to accelerate the growth of crops.
A. speed up B. hasten C. decelerate D. increase
25. At first, no one believed she was a pilot, but her documents lent colour to her statements.
A. provided evidence for B. got information from
C. borrowed colour from D. gave no proof of
Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original one.
26. “I haven’t been very open-minded,” said the manager.
A. The manager promised to be very open-minded.
B. The manager admitted not having been very open-minded.
C. The manager denied having been very open-minded.
D. The manager refused to have been very open-minded.
27. They believe that burning fossil fuels is the main cause of air pollution.
A. It is believed that burning fossil fuels is held responsible for air pollution.
B. Burning fossil fuels is believed to result from air pollution.
C. Burning fossil fuels is believed to have caused high levels of air pollution.
D. It is believed that air pollution is mainly to blame for burning fossil fuels.
28. I really believe my letter came as a great surprise to Tom.
A. Tom might be very surprised to receive my letter.
B. Tom might have been very surprised to receive my letter.
C. Tom must be very surprised to receive my letter.
D. Tom must have been very surprised to receive my letter.
Choose the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following
29. He missed the opportunity to study abroad. He didn’t realize the importance of English.
A. Hê hadn’t rêalizêd thê impôrtancê ôf English until hê missêd thê ôppôrtunity tô study abrôad.
B. Had hê missêd thê ôppôrtunity tô study abrôad, hê wôuldn’t havê rêalized the importance of
C. It was only after he realized the importance of English that he missed the opportunity to study
D. Not until he realized the importance of English did he miss the opportunity to study abroad.
30. He bought two bicycles. Neither of them worked well.
A. He bought two bicycles, of which worked well.
B. He bought two bicycles, neither of them worked well.
C. He bought two bicycles, neither of which worked well.
D. He bought two bicycle which neither of worked well.
Read the following passage and choose the best option for each of the blanks
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN was (31) ___ on August 8 1967 in
Bangkok by the five original member countries, (32) ____, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines,
Singapore, and Thailand. Brunei (33) ____ on January 8, 1984, Vietnam on July 28, 1995, Laos
PDR and Myanmar on July 23, 1997, and Cambodia on April 30, 1999.
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In 2006, the ASEAN region has a population of about 560 million, a total area of 4.5
million square kilometers, a combined gross (34) ____ product of almost US$ 1,100 billion, and
a total trade of about US$ 1,400 billion. The ASEAN Declaration states that the aims and
purposes of the Association are to (35) ____ economic growth, social progress and cultural
development in the region and to promote regional peace.
31. A. established B. constructed C. rebuilt D. decorated
32. A. such B. like C. namely D. as
33. A. took part B. joined C. represented D. involved
34. A. home B. exotic C. domestic D. household
35. A. fetch B. endeavor C. poach D. accelerate
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
The ASEAN University Network (AUN) is an arrangement between 30 universities in the
ten ASEAN countries. The AUN is composed of a Board of Trustees (BOT), the participating
universities, and the AUN Secretariat. The Board of Trustees consists of one representative
from each of the ASEAN Member Countries, the Secretary-General of ASEAN, the Chairman of
the ASEAN subcommittee on Education (ASCOE) and the Executive Director of the AUN. The
BOT has the task of formulating policies, approving project proposals, the allocation of budgets
and co-ordinating implementation activities. The board makes decisions on these activities on
the basis of consensus.
The participating universities have the task of implementing the AUN programmes and
activities. When AUN was founded in 1995, it consisted of thirteen universities from seven
countries. Due to the inclusion of Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia in ASEAN, the network grew
to 21 members. Although numerous applications for membership have been received, it was
decided to only admit universities from the new member countries. Non members from the
region however, are invited as observers on a regular basis.
The AUN Secretariat is involved in the planning, organisation, monitoring and evaluation
of AUN activities and also in the development of new ideas and the acquisition of funding. The
permanent office of the Secretariat was established in 2000 and is located on the campus of
Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. The operating costs of the secretariat are (at least until
2005) allocated by the Thai Government.
The financing of AUN activities comes from either cost sharing between the participating
univêrsitiês ôr frôm thê êxtêrnal ‘dialôguê partnêrs’ ôf ASEAN. Thê dialôguê partnêrs arê
Australia, Canada, China, EU, India, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Russia and the United
States. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) also has dialogue status. The
meetings within the AUN Framework are financed by the hosts and travel expenses by the
(universities of the) participants, or by universities from the richer countries for the poorer
36. What is the passage about?
A. How to get funds for the ASEAN University Network.
B. The universities which participate in the ASEAN University Network.
C. What the ASEAN University Network is and how it works.
D. The role of Board of Trustees in ASEAN.
37. What is not true of BOT?
A. It consists of one representative from each of the ASEAN Member Countries, the
Secretary-General of ASEAN, the Chairman of the ASEAN subcommittee on Education
(ASCOE) and the Executive Director of the AUN.
B. One of its leaders is the Secretary-General of ASEAN
C. It decides which project proposal are worth choosing.
D. It evaluates the AUN activities.
38. Which of the followings is responsible for providing budget for projects?
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A. The universities B. The Secretariat C.BOT D. The dialogue partners

39. The development of new ideas is carried out by____.
A. BOT B. Secretariat C. the universities D. the dialogue partners
40. Where is the office of the Secretariat located?
A. in Thailand B. In Myanmar C. in Korea D. in Malaysia
41. What dôês thê phrasê “on a regular basis” mean?
A. basically B. ordinally C. always D. regularly
42. Which of the followings is unlikely to fund the AUN activities?
A. the rich countries B. the participating university
C. external partners D. the Thai government
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
The oceans are so vast and deep that until fairly recently, it was widely assumed that no
matter how much trash and chemicals humans dumped into them, the effects would be
negligible. Proponents of dumping in the oceans even had a catchphrase: "The solution to
pollution is dilution."
Today, we need look no further than the New Jersey-size dead zone that forms each
summer in the Mississippi River Delta, or the thousand-mile-wide swath of decomposing
plastic in the northern Pacific Ocean to see that this "dilution" policy has helped place a once
flourishing ocean ecosystem on the brink of collapse.
There is evidence that the oceans have suffered at the hands of mankind for millennia. But
recent studies show that degradation, particularly of shoreline areas, has accelerated
dramatically in the past three centuries as industrial discharge and run-off from farms and
coastal cities have increased.
Pollution is the introduction of harmful contaminants that are outside the norm for a given
ecosystem. Common man-made pollutants reaching the oceans include pesticides, herbicides,
chemical fertilizers, detergents, oil, sewage, plastics, and other solids. Many of these pollutants
collect at the ocean's depths, where they are consumed by small marine organisms and
introduced into the global food chain.
Many ocean pollutants are released into the environment far upstream from coastlines.
Nitrogen-rich fertilizers applied by farmers inland, for example, end up in local streams, rivers,
and groundwater and are eventually deposited in estuaries, bays, and deltas. These excess
nutrients can spawn massive blooms of algae that rob the water of oxygen, leaving areas where
little or no marine life can exist.
Solid wastes like bags, foam, and other items dumped into the oceans from land or by ships
at sea are frequently consumed, with often fatal effects, by marine mammals, fish, and birds
that mistake them for food. Discarded fishing nets drift for many years, ensnaring fish and
mammals. In certain regions, ocean currents corral trillions of decomposing plastic items and
other trash into gigantic, swirling garbage patches. One in the North Pacific, known as the
Pacific Trash Vortex, is estimated to be the size of Texas.
Pollution is not always physical. In large bodies of water, sound waves can carry
undiminished for miles. The increased presence of loud or persistent sounds from ships, sonar
devices, oil rigs, and even from natural sources like earthquakes can disrupt the migration,
communication, and reproduction patterns of many marine animals, particularly aquatic
mammals like whales and dolphins.
43. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Marine pollution and its many forms B. Various kinds of harmful pollutants
C. The end of the "dilution" era D. Noise and its disruptive effects on marine life
44. The word "negligible" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. positive B. unpredictable C. serious D. insignificant
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 64

45. It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that the "dilution" policy is related to ______.
A. neglecting the effects of dumping trash into the oceans
B. treating harmful materials in the oceans properly
C. helping the ecosystem of the oceans flourish
D. dealing with the problems of water pollution
46. The word "they" in paragraph 4 refers to ______.
A. the oceans B. marine organisms C. ocean's depths D. man-made pollutants
47. The word "spawn" in paragraph 5 can be best replaced by ______.
A. produce B. prevent C. appear D. limit
48. According to the passage, nitrogen-rich fertilizers ______.
A. cause a shortage of oxygen in the ocean water
B. are created by massive blooms of algae
C. cannot be found inland D. do not relate to the disappearance of marine life
49. Which of the following statements is NOT supported in the passage?
A. The oceans in the past were more contaminated than they are now.
B. Industrial wastes and agricultural run-off are blamed for the degradation of the oceans.
C. Many pollutants deposited in the oceans finally become part of the global food chain.
D. It is apparent that the oceans have been polluted for a long time.
50. Whales and dolphins are mentioned in the final paragraph as an example of marine
creatures that ______.
A. are forced to migrate because of water pollution
B. can communicate with each other via sound waves
C. can survive earthquakes because of their large bodies
D. suffer from loud or persistent sounds at sea


 INVERSION (Revision)
Exercise 1: Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the
1. She has never heard such nonsense!
→ Never____________________________________________________________
2. We have seldom stayed in a worse hotel.
→ Seldom___________________________________________________________
3. I realized only then that I had forgotten to turn off the oven.
→ Only then_________________________________________________________
4. I understood Hamlet only after seeing it on the stage.
→ Only aftêr sêêing Hamlêt_____________________________________________
5. The economic situation has rarely been worse.
→ Rarêly____________________________________________________________
6. You should not send money to us by post under any circumstances.
→ Undêr nô circumstances _______________________________________________
7. Mike was not only late, but he had left all his books behind.
→ Nôt ônly__________________________________________________________
8. The manager not once offered us an apology.
→ Not once__________________________________________________________
9. The embassy staff little realized that James was a secret agent
→ Little_____________________________________________________________
10. If thêy hadn’t rushêd him tô hôspital, hê wôuld havê diêd.
→ Had______________________________________________________________
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 65

Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer:

1. _____had we arrived at the hotel than there was a power cut.
A. When B. As soon as C. No sooner D. Hardly
2. Susan likes dancing ____her sister enjoys cooking.
A. as soon as B. when C. whereas D. until
3. Not only _____ the first prize, but she was also offered a promotion.
A. Mary won B. Mary had won C. won Mary D. did Mary win
4. _____ that the minister had to resign.
A. So was the case scandalous B. So scandalous the case was
C. So was scandalous the case D. So scandalous was the case
5. Only when ______can we begin the meeting.
A. the director has arrived B. has the director arrived
C. has arrived the director D. arrived the director
6. Only after posting the letter ______ that I had forgotten to put on a stamp.
A. then I remembered B. and I remembered C. did I remember D. when I remembered
7. Hardly had the thieves left the hose ______ the police arrived.
A. that B. when C. than D. until
8. ___ she had arrived at the office; did she realize she had forgotten to turn off the gas
A. Until B. Not until C. When D. Once
9. ______ the alarm goes off, please leave the building at once!
A. If B. When C. As D. Should
10. Only _____to enter for the final round.
A. two candidates were chosen B. were two candidates chosen
C. they were chosen two candidates D. were chosen two candidates
Read the following passage and choose the best option for each of the blanks
The rise of Google and other search engines has (1) ____ the way we remember
information., (2) ____ to research. Because we now have access to all the information we could
possibly want at the touch of a button, we no longer need to store so much information in our
heads. It's been suggested that this is actually changing the way our brains store and recall
information. We're quite likely (3) _____ information that we believe we can find online and
more likely to remember something that we might not be able to access on the internet.
We are now better at remembering where we can (4) _____ the information than we are
at remembering the information itself. Interestingly, the brain is a malleable organ, which
changes according to our circumstances. So, it's not just Google that can change the way we
rêmêmbêr things. Wê havê always lôôkêd tô “êxpêrts" tô rêmêmbêr things fôr us. And êvên in
more informal ways, long-term couples also learn to (5) _____ on each other for remembering
information. Now, where did I put my keys?
[From AM SPEAKOUT Advanced]
1. A. changed B. paved C. showed D. moved
2. A. due B. according C. owing D. thanks
3. A. to gain B. to save C. to collect D. to forget
4. A. get hold of B. make use of C. take notice of D. look up
5. A. put B. focus C. look D. rely

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 66



Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest
Question 1: A. thought B. source C. enough D. ought
Question 2: A. athlete B. badminton C. abroad D. rank
Question 3: A. changes B. survives C. describes D. stays
Choose the word that is stressed differently from the others
Question 4: A. synchronize B. contaminate C. vertical D. thriller
Question 5: A. government B. elephant C. habitat D. destruction
Choose the best option
Question 6: If I ______ in your position, I ______ that.
A. were / wôuldn’t dô B. wêrê / didn’t dô C. had bêên /wôuldn’t dô D. was / wôuldn’t did
Question 7: That’s thê car _______ ênginê nêêds ________.
A. that- to be repairing B. which- repaired C. whose- to be repaired D. of which- repaired
Question 8: Many plants and animals in this region are ________ extinction every year.
A. threatening with B. in dangerous C. in danger of D. becoming
Question 9: _________ heat from the sun, there would be no life on earth.
A. Except B. Despite C. If there is no D. Without
Question 10: If you like reading a long story with imagined characters and events, you can
read a__.
A. novel B. thriller C. biography D. comic book
Question 11: Many forest fires are caused by cigarettes __________ out of car.
A. being throwing B. are thrown C. thrown D. are throwing
Question 12: We are going to have David _________ us to the airport.
A. to drive B. drive C. driven D. driving
Question 13: __ colleges and ___universities are the main institutions that provide tertiary
A. The / Ø B. Ø / Ø C. The/the D. Ø / the
Question 14: “I’m vêry sôrry fôr lêtting yôu wait fôr sô lông.” - “___________.”
A. Dôn’t apôlôgizê. I’vê just arrivêd hêrê. B. It dôêsn’t mattêr. Thank yôu
C. Yôu’rê wêlcômê D. My plêasurê. Dôn’t wôrry abôut it
Question 15: There is a high level of environmental contamination in this city. Which is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word?
A. conservation B. recognition C. pollution D. destruction
Question 16: Football is thought ___________ in the world.
A. to be the most popular sport B. to have been the most popular sport
C. to have played the most popular sport D. to play the most popular sport
Question 17: Not having written about the required topic, ______a low mark.
A. my presentation was given B. the teacher gave me
C. the teacher was giving me D. I was given
Question 18: The activists were accused of contaminating the minds of our young people.
A. providing healthy ideas B. nurturing C. harming D. keeping in the dark
Question 19: No one knew precisely what would happen to human being in space. Which is
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word?
A. flexibly B. informally C. casually D. wrongly
Question 20: The church _____________ we visited last Saturday is in the city center.
A. who B. where C. which D. whose
Question 21: I have difficulty ______________ English words.
A. pronouncing B. pronounced C. pronounce D. to pronounce
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 67

Question 22: You _______ lunch. We have already eaten.

A. need preparing B. should prepare C. should have prepared D. needn't have prepared
Question 23: The number of unemployed people __________ recently.
A. increase B. is increasing C. have increased D. has increased
Question 24: The customers ____________ about the service of the hotel felt very annoyed.
A. complained B. complaining C. to complain D. whom complained
Question 25: I can't find my book anywhere. I _______ have left it on the train. I am not sure.
A. might B. needn't C. should D. must
Question 26: When the bus arrived, we ____________ for it for 20 minutes.
A. would wait B. had been waiting C. were waiting D. waited
Question 27: Polar bears are beautiful animals; _______, they are wild and unpredictable in
A. afterwards B. however C. therefore D. but
Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences
Question 28: “John shouldn’t have behaved so badly.” said Janet.
A. John was anger with Janet. B. Janêt likês Jôhn’s bêhaviôr.
C. Janêt ôbjêctêd tô Jôhn’s bêhaviôr. D. Janet dislikes John.
Question 29: She said, “Why didn’t you study for the test, Bob?”
A. Shê askêd why didn’t Bôb study fôr the test.
B. Shê askêd why Bôb hadn’t studiêd fôr thê têst.
C. Shê askêd why Bôb hasn’t studiêd fôr thê têst.
D. Shê askêd why Bôb didn’t study fôr thê têst.
Question 30: I regret not going to the airport to say goodbye to her.
A. If only I went to the airport to say goodbye to her.
B. I wish I have gone to the airport to say goodbye to her.
C. I wish I went to the airport to say goodbye to her.
D. If only I had gone to the airport to say goodbye to her.
Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting
Question 31: Hê’s (A) been studied (B) really hard (C)so that he can (D)pass the exams.
Question 32: (A)As soon as the fire (B)started, Helen was reading (C)a book on natural
disasters (D)in the studio.
Question 33: (A)A paragraph is a portion of a text (B)consists of one or more (C)sentences
that support the same (D)idea.
Question 34: (A)Despite he (B)had a good salary, he (C)was unhappy (D)in his job.
Question 35: Nobody in this class (A)know (B)anything about the (C)changes in the
Fill in numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase from 36 to 40
Nowadays many scientists (36) ______ the blame for recent natural disasters on the
increase in the world temperatures and are convinced that, more than ever before, the earth is
at risk from the forces of wind, rain and sun. According to them, global warming is making (37)
______ weather events, such as hurricanes and droughts, and causing sea levels all around the
world to rise.
Environmental groups are putting (38) _____ on governments to take action to reduce
the amount of carbon dioxide which is given off by factories and power plants, thus attacking
the problems at its source. They are in (39) _____ of more money being spent on research into
solar, wind and wave energy devices, which could then (40) ______ existing power stations.
Question 36: A. take B. give C. put D. have
Question 37: A. uninteresting B. extreme C. hardly D. difficult
Question 38: A. force B. encouragement C. explaining D. pressure
Question 39: A. believing B. suggestion C. favor D. request
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 68

Question 40: A. make B. help C. create D. replace

Read the passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions from 41 to 45
Over a period of time, many habitats change with respect to the types of plants and animals
that live there. This change is known as succession.
Succession occurs because plants and animals cause a change in the environment in which
they live. The first weeds and grasses that appear on a bare field, for example, change the
environment by shielding the soil from the direct sunlight. As these plants spread, the ground
surface becomes cooler and moisture, than it was originally. Thus, the environment at the
ground surface has been changed. The new surface conditions favor the sprouting of shrubs.
As shrubs grow, they kill the grasses by preventing light from reaching them and also build up
the soil in the area, in addition, they attract animals that also enhance the shrubs. They are not
able to shade out oak and hickory seedlings, however, they have found the forest floor suitable.
These seedlings grow into large trees that eventually shade out the pines.
Question 41: What is the best title of this passage?
A. The importance of weeds and grasses B. Animal and plant habitat
C. How environmental habitats change D. The success of oak and hickory
Question 42: Which is correct order of plant succession in the example in the passage?
A. Weeds, pine, shrubs, oak B. Weeds, shrubs, pines, oak
C. Shrubs, weeds, pines, oaks D. Oak, pines, shrubs, weeds
Question 43: According to the passage, how do weeds and grasses affect the soil?
A. They make it cooler and wetter B. They speed seeds on it
C. They attract animal to it D. They add nutrients to it
Question 44: Which of the following encourages the life of animals?
A. shrubs B. grasses C. large trees D. pine seedlings
Question 45: Thê wôrd ‘shielding’ can bê replaced by________.
A. changing B. protecting C. hiding D. exploring
Put the word in the bracket of each sentence in the correct form
Question 46: Almost half of turtles and tortoises are threatened with (extinct) ______________.
Question 47: Sometimes I do not feel like (talk) ____________ to my friends about my troubles.
Question 48: Do you know the (wide) _______________ of this river?
Question 49: There is a wide (vary) _____________ of computers in that shop for you to choose.
Question 50: A permanent motion machine is (science) ______________ impossible.


Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.
Question 1: Suzanne recounted (A) her improbable (B) tale with (C) enthusiasm and in a
convincing manner (D).
Question 2: Publishing in the UK (A), the book has won (B) a number of awards in (C) recent
regional book affairs (D).
Question 3: Lack of properly (A) physical exercise (B) cause (C) tiredness and poor (D) health.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Will people still read books 100 years from now? A few years ago, many people would
have said no. It seemed likely that computers and the Internet would replace books. Now,
however, most experts think that books are here to stay.
There are a number of reasons why computers will not replace books entirely. One
reason is that books on paper are much cheaper than computers. And books do not need a
power source. You can read a book for as long as you want and wherever you want. You never
have to worry about losing power. Also, many people feel more comfortable reading words in
a book than reading words on a computer screen because it is less tiring to the eyes.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 69

Will books in the future be exactly the same as the books you can buy today? The answer
to that question is no. In the future, you may only need to buy one book. With this one book,
you will be able to read novels, plays, and newspapers. It will look like today's books, but it will
be electronic.
One of the people working on the book of the future is Professor Joseph Jacobson from
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Professor Jacobson's electronic book will have a small
button on the side. When you press the button, words will instantly appear on the page. When
you want to read a different story, you can push the button again and a new story will quickly
Question 4: The button on the side of the electronic book is used _______.
A. to turn the power on and off B. to turn a light on and off
C. to make the book more beautiful D. to change what you read
Question 5: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Reading words on computer screens is tiring to the eyes.
B. In the future, computers will replace paper books completely.
C. Books will disappear completely sooner or later.
D. Rêading tôday’s bôôks nêêds a power source.
Question 6: Thê phrasê “are here to stay” in thê first paragraph môstly mêans _______.
A. “wôn't disappêar” B. “arê nêarby” C. “wôn’t cômê” D. “arê usêlêss”
Question 7: What will the book of the future look like?
A. It will look different from today's books. B. It will look like a book you buy today.
C. We don't know what it will look like. D. It will look like a computer.
Question 8: What is the main topic of the passage?
A. How to use an electronic book. B. The book of the future.
C. The decline of today's books. D. Why a power source is important.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word in the following question.
Question 9: Elephant populations are at risk due to illegal hunting.
A. safety B. safe C. at stake D. in danger
Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the
underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one.
Question 10: The dentist is filling her decayed tooth.
A. The dentist is being filled her decayed tooth.
B. Her decayed tooth is filled by the dentist.
C. She has her decayed tooth filled by the dentist.
D. She is having her decayed tooth filled by the dentist.
Question 11: The mind of the storyteller has great _________ powers.
A. imagination B. imaginary C. imaginative D. imagining
Question 12: His boss sacked him because he had behaved ___________.
A. irresponsible B. irresponsibly C. responsibly D. responsible
Question 13: Ben: "______________" - Jane: "Never mind."
A. Thank you for being honest with me.
B. Congratulations! How wonderful!
C. Sorry for staining your carpet. Let me have it cleaned.
D. Would you mind going to dinner next Sunday?
Question 14: Wild animals are ________almost everywhere.
A. serious threatened B. seriously threaten
C. serious threaten D. seriously threatened
Question 15: I wonder who drank all the milk yesterday. It _____ have been Jane because she
was out all day.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 70

A. needn't B. must C. can't D. could

Question 16: Do you know the woman ________ over there?
A. sat B. who sit C. sits D. sitting
Question 17: __________ Serbia defeated Germany surprised everyone.
A. Whether B. When C. That D. Because
Question 18: As more and more rainforests in the world are destroyed, the threat ______
wildlife increases.
A. by B. about C. to D. with
Question 19: Harry: “May I smôkê?”- Katê: “________”.
A. What suits you? B. Accommodate yourself! C. You are free D. Go ahead!
Question 20: ___________that I could hardly hear her.
A. So did she speak quietly B. She spoke so quiet
C. So quietly did she speak D. So quietly she spoke
Question 21: If you can’t find what yôu arê lôôking fôr in a bôôk, usê thê __________.
A. list B. index C. preface D. directory
Question 22: Last year she earned _______ her brother.
A. twice as much as B. twice more C. twice as more as D. twice as many as
Question 23: Many species of animals and plants today are ________.
A. risky B. under danger C. risk D. endangered
Question 24: A newborn baby can neither walk nor crawl. A newborn antelope, _________, can
run within minutes of birth.
A. however B. otherwise C. even though D. nevertheless
Question 25: Our industrial output__________ from $2 million in 2002 to $4 million this year.
A. rises B. has risen C. raises D. has raised
Question 26: You ___________ stand up. There are a lot of seats available on the bus.
A. côuldn’t B. nêêdn’t C. might not D. mustn’t
Question 27: The world's biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented rate, which makes
wildlife _______. A. remained B. prosperous C. prefect D. vulnerable
Question 28: “What dô yôu think ôf thê bôôk?” - “Oh, êxcêllênt. It’s wôrth ___ the second
A. reading B. to read C. being read D. to be read
Question 29: A game is divided into quarters, ranging from five to eight minutes_______.
A. by length B. on length C. in length D. with length
Question 30: Taking soup is easy and fast, just put it in your mouth and __________.
A. chew B. digest C. swallow D. taste
Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the others.
Question 31: A. equipment B. synchronize C. athletic D. participant
Question 32: A. fascinating B. incredible C. amazing D. romance
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
As well as being a necessary life-saving skill, swimming also provides us with a (33)
______ of great pleasure and relaxation. Swimming, as well as other water sports like diving,
surfing or just floating on your back, are some of the best ways to have (34) _____ and keep fit
at the same time. Water sports are enjoyable for people of all ages and even babies can learn to
swim. For elderly people or those with physical handicaps, swimming provides gentle, yet
effective exercise. Swimming for fitness and recreation has been popular since the earliest
times, for instance in ancient Egypt, Greece and Roma. Swimming competitions developed in
the nineteenth century and swimming races were (35) ______ in the first of the modern Olympic
Games in 1896. Now water sports are practised all over the world and most towns have at least
one swimming pool. Most water sports - swimming, surfing and water-skiing, etc, take (36)
______ on the surface of the water, but scuba divers explore deep below the waves. There they
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 71

can find fascinating sea creatures and strange rock formations. Some archaeologists are divers
– they search the seabed for wrecks of ships sunk hundreds of years ago which (37) ______
objects that show how people lived in ancient times.
Question 33: A. mean B. formation C. motivation D. source
Question 34: A. pleasant B. happiness C. fun D. delightful
Question 35: A. consisted B. included C. presented D. mentioned
Question 36: A. part B. place C. time D. up
Question 37: A. have B. include C. contain D. exist
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
Question 38: A. habitats B. wetlands C. humans D. species
Question 39: A. pleased B. supposed C. released D. raised
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word in the following question.
Question 40: Although the government has taken certain measures to protect elephants,
numerous threats remain for them.
A. a lot of B. too much C. some D. a few
Use the correct word form.
1. Many species of animals are threatened with __________________. (extinct)
2. Mr. Brown defeated his ___________________ in the election. (oppose)
3. The information in that article is ____________________ incorrect. (history)
4. She jumped out of the car and ___________________ for the front door. (sprint)
5. There are people whose __________________ begins from the moment of their death. (mortal)
Rewrite the following sentences using the given words or as directed.
6. We shall have to send our children back to school.
→ Our children______________________________________________________
7. Thê fact that thê wêathêr was têrriblê didn’t prêvênt us frôm travelling to China to watch
the final match. (use “however” to rewrite the sentence)
 ________________________________________________________________
8. People think that all dogs evolved from the wolves.
→ All dogs__________________________________________________________
9. It was wrong of you to lose your passport.
→ You_____________________________________________________________
10. The audience didn't like the speaker's jokes. (DOWN)
→The speaker's jokes went _______________________________ the audience.

======= THE END =======


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from
the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions
Question 1: A. vertical B. identify C. reviewer D. commercial
Question 2: A. advance B. polo C. goalie D. crossbar
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that
needs correction on each of the followwing questions.
Question 3: Are reading books (A) considered to be (B) a good recreation (C) in your spare
time? (D)
Question 4: Since poaching (A) is becoming more seriously (B), the government has imposed
stricter laws (C) to prevent it (D).
Question 5: A fan of musicals(A), Marla enjoyed(B) the movie Into the Woods more(C) than
her friend (D).
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 72

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of following exchanges.
Question 6: Quang: “Can I bôrrôw yôur dictiônary?” - Vinh: “_____________”
A. Here you are. B. It dôêsn’t mattêr. C. I think so. D. I’m afraid I can’t.
Question 7: Ann: “Dôês thê glôbal warming wôrry yôu?” - Mathêw: “____________”.
A. What a shame! B. Oh, it’s hôttêr and hôttêr
C. I can’t bêar thinking abôut it. D. I dôn’t likê hôt wêathêr, in thê gardên all day.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet that best completes each unfinished
sentence, substitutes the underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one.
Question 8: In water polo, no player except the _________ can hold the ball with both hands.
A. goalie B. attacker C. referee D. defender
Question 9: Children are especially _________to food poisoning.
A. infectious B. open C. affected D. vulnerable
Question 10: Far from rejecting my offer, he accepted it gladly.
A. He had accepted gladly my offer but he rejected my expectations.
B. He gladly accepted my offer as I had expected.
C. I expected him to reject my offer, but he accepted it gladly.
D. I had expected him to reject my offer, but he accepted it gladly.
Question 11: This old businessman is said ________ school at the age of thirteen.
A. to leave B. that left C. that having left D. to have left
Question 12: __________ being given a teaching place at the University of Paris, Dr. Albert
volunteered to work in Africa.
A. In spite of B. In addition to C. Instead of D. Because of
Question 13: The __________ ceremony officially starts the Asian Games.
A. opening B. closing C. starting D. open
Question 14: Lynne rarely speaks French and German, __________?
A. dôêsn’t shê B. does she C. does not she D. does she not
Question 15: Books ______ from the school library _______ carefully and returned on time.
A. borrowing/are kept B. borrowed/ must keep
C. are borrowed/ kept D. borrowed/must be kept
Question 16: I asked Mike, “What will yôu dô aftêr dinnêr tônight?”
A. I asked Mike what would he do after dinner that night.
B. I asked Mike what he would do after dinner the night.
C. I asked Mike what he will do after dinner tonight.
D. I asked Mike what he would do after dinner that night.
Question 17: Rêviêwêrs ôftên ___ bôôks as “hard- to- put- dôwn” ôr “hard- to- pick- up-
A. illustrate B. describe C. choose D. classify
Question 18: If a² = 12, then a4 =_____________.
A. 36 B. 144 C. 72 D. 24
Question 19: The captain as well as all the passengers ____ very frightened by the strange
A. were B. was C. have been D. is
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word (s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the bold, italic word (s) in each of the following questions.
Question 20: After a tie, there are two overtime periods of three minutes each.
A. goal B. penalty C. draw D. score
Question 21: Professor Berg was very interested in the diversity of cultures all over the
A. variety B. changes C. conservation D. conversation
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 73

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word (s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the bold, italic word (s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22: Polluted water and increased water temperatures have driven many species
to the verge of extinction
A. contaminated B. enriched C. purified D. strengthened
Question 23: In this writing test, candidates will not be penalized for minor mechanical
A. punished B. rewarded C. discouraged D. motivated
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
By the age of five, about 87% of American children start school. Americans
deeply believe in education as the best vehicle for individual and social advancement. The
relationship between students and teac hers is less formal in the USA than in many other
countries, especially at the college level. American college students do not often stand up when
their teacher enters the classroom. Students are generally encouraged to ask questions during
class, tô stôp in thê prôfêssôr’s ôfficê fôr êxtra hêlp, and tô phônê if thêy arê absênt and nêêd
an assignment.
Most teachers allow students to enter class late or leave early, if necessary. Despite the
lack of formality, students are still expected to be polite and considerate of their teachers and
classmates. When students want to ask questions, they usually raise a hand and wait until they
are called. If a professor is giving a formal lecture that is the wrong time to interrupt with a
question. When the teacher or a student is speaking to the class, it is rude to begin whispering
to another classmate. When a test is being given, talking to a classmate is not only rude but also
risky. Most American teachers assume that students who are talking to each other during a test
are cheating.
Question 24: The relationship between students and teachers in the USA is __________.
A. the most formal in the world B. less formal than that in other countries
C. more formal at the college level D. more formal than that in other countries
Question 25: American students __________.
A. cannot ask their teachers any questions
B. should not whisper when someone is talking in front of the class
C. can interrupt their professor when he is giving a formal lecture
D. can ask questions whenever they are in class
Question 26: When taking a test, __________.
A. American students can talk to each other
B. American students are at risk
C. American students had better not talk to each other
D. American students can cheat
Question 27: The word vehicle has the closest meaning to __________.
A. a bicycle B. a bus C. means D. a car
Question 28: To Americans, education is ___________.
A. informal B. not important C. very important D. formal
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
A 16-year-old girl from Essex has been sacked after describing her job as boring on the
social networking website, Facebook. The teenager, who had been working (29) _____ an
administrativê assistant at a markêting cômpany fôr just thrêê wêêks, didn’t fêêl vêry
enthusiastic about the duties she was asked (30) ______. Instead of moaning to her friends, she
decided to express her thoughts on her Facebook (31) ______ tô a côllêaguê, whô drêw thê bôss’s
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 74

attention to it. He immediately fired her on the (32) ______ that her public display of
dissatisfaction made it impossible for her to continue working for the company. She later told
nêwspapêrs shê had bêên trêatêd tôtally unfairly, êspêcially as shê hadn’t êvên mêntiônêd thê
cômpany’s namê. Shê claimêd shê’s bêên pêrfêctly happy with hêr jôb and that hêr light-
hêartêd cômmênts shôuldn’t (33) _____ takên sêriôusly. A spôkêspêrsôn frôm a wôrkêrs’ uniôn
said the incident demonstrated two things: firstly, that people need to protect their privacy
online and secondly, that employers should be less sensitive to criticism.
Question 29: A. as B. at C. like D. for
Question 30: A. doing B. to do C. do D. did
Question 31: A. website B. link C. page D. photo
Question 32: A. condition B. terms C. grounds D. basis
Question 33: A. have B. to be C. have been D. being
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 34: A. humans B. species C. wetlands D. habitats
Question 35: A. throughout B. although C. right D. enough
Word form: Give the correct form of the words in brackets
Question 36: Not knowing which colour he would like; I have not come to a ______________ on
what sweater to buy him. (decide)
Question 37: Troops took up a ________________ position around the town. (defend)
Question 38: How do the results of your research ________________ link and connect to the
global challenges facing humanity? (create)
Question 39: Sulphur dioxide is one of several __________________ that are released into the
atmosphere by coal-fired power stations. (pollute)
Question 40: Caffeine and other similar _________________ shouldn't be taken shortly before
going to bed. (stimulate)
Sentence transformation
Question 41: Passêngêrs shôuldn’t thrôw away thêir tickêts as inspêctôrs may chêck thêsê
during the journey.
→ Passêngêrs’ tickêts____________________________________________________________
Question 42: Hê didn’t dô his hômêwôrk, sô hê gôt bad marks tôday.
→ If__________________________________________________________________________
Question 43: I can imagine how nervous Anna was when she flew for the first time
→ Anna must have______________________________________________________________
Question 44: This girl is vêry intêlligênt but shê can’t answêr my quêstiôns
→ However ___________________________________________________________________
Question 45: Even if it's very far, they want to go to Paris for a weekend break. (MAY)
→Far ______________________________, they want to go to Paris for a weekend break.


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet that best completes each unfinished
sentence or has a close meaning to the original one.
Question 1: The preparation _________ by the time the guest _________.
A. have finished/ arrived B. have been finished/ were arrived
C. had been finished/ arrived D. had finished/ were arriving
Question 2: Most of the time they are cattle __________, but once a year they get together to
celebrate the rain coming with a contest called a Gerewol.
A. regions B. contestants C. herders D. judges
Question 3: He is short-sighted. Therefore, he has to wear the glasses.
A. If hê wêrên’t shôrt-sightêd, hê wôuldn’t havê tô wêar thê glassês.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 75

B. If hê isn’t shôrt-sightêd, hê wôn’t havê tô wêar thê glassês.

C. Should he not be short-sightêd, hê wôn’t havê tô wêar thê glassês.
D. If hê hadn’t bêên shôrt-sightêd, hê wôuldn’t havê had tô wêar thê glassês.
Question 4: It's their problem and I'm not going to __________.
A. interfere B. defeat C. mark D. penalize
Question 5: When I feel stressed, I often break _______________and cry.
A. up B. on C. about D. down
Question 6: Peter is a very __________ person; he never worries about anything.
A. outgoing B. sensible C. carefree D. shy
Question 7: Humans benefit greatly from the many medicines and other products
A. environment B. biodiversity C. habitat D. diversity
Question 8: .Everyone has a chance to win, ____________?
A. hasn’t thêy B. havên’t thêy C. hasn’t hê D. have they
Question 9: Over-exploitation for food, pets, and medicine, pollution, and disease are
recognized _________ a serious threat __________ extinction.
A. over / with B. as / of C. upon / at D. to / for
Question 10: The candle was______________ wax on one side.
A. pouring B. throwing C. dripping D. soaking
Question 11: You’d better take the keys. It’s possible I’ll come home late.
A. If I cômê hômê latê, yôu’d bêttêr takê thê kêys.
B. You'd better take the keys as I possibly come home late.
C. I'll prôbably cômê hômê latê sô that yôu’d bêttêr takê thê kêys.
D. Yôu’d bêttêr takê thê kêys in casê I cômê hômê latê.
Question 12: You _________ forget to pay the rent tomorrow. The landlord is very strict about
paying on time.
A. mustn't B. do not have to C. may not D. needn't
Question 13: Mr. Jones would rather ___________at home last night.
A. have stayed B. stay C. had stayed D. stayed
Question 14: The television isn't working. It _______ during the move.
A. needn't be damaged B. must have been damaged
C. should have been damaged D. ought not be damaged
Question 15: Maria wrote a book about her childhood. She composed a song, too.
A. Maria not only wrote a book about her childhood but also a song.
B. Not only did Maria write a book about her childhood but she also composed a song.
C. Maria wrote not only a book about her childhood but also composed a song.
D. Maria either wrote a book about her childhood or she composed a song.
Question 16: When a reader reads a book slowly and carefully, he _____________ it.
A. dips into B. reviews C. swallows D. chews and digests
Question 17: Daniel has decided to take the training course ____________.
A. when the epidemic had been controlled B. as soon as the epidemic was controlled
C. until the epidemic will be controlled D. right after the epidemic has been controlled
Question 18: The dishwasher isn't working again, so my mother is thinking of having __________.
A. it repairing B. repaired it C. it repaired D. repairing it
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word (s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the bold, italic word (s) in each of the following questions.
Question 19: If you have been come into contact with a person who has
tested positive for COVID-19, follow the guidance below.
A. avoid B. enter C. allow D. meet
Question 20: Small companies such as ours are very vulnerable in a recession.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 76

A. polluted B. resilient C. survival D. commercial

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 21: A. poachers B. weapons C. defeats D. describes
Question 22: A. stepped B. hundred C. booked D. finished
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 23: A. consideration B. determination C. solidarity D. organization
Question 24: A. disappear B. entertain C. recommend D. fortunate
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word (s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the bold, italic word (s) in each of the following questions. .
Question 25: We ran out after the thief, but he had vanished into thin air.
A. damaged B. extinguished C. demolished D. disappeared
Question 26: The new plan involves widening a minor road through the valley.
A. unimportant B. clever C. time-consuming D. vague
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions from 27 to 31.
During times of crisis, people find themselves faced with lifestyle changes. One of the earliest
and most noticeable changes seen during the Covid-19 lockdown was how we consume media
-and especially how we read.
People tend to find comfort in certain books, and reading habits and genre preferences can
change during periods of stress. This helps to explain why much genre fiction has roots in
times of significant social, political or economic upheaval. Gothic literature is, in part, a British
Protestant response to the French Revolution (1789-99).
Respondents generally reported that they were reading more than usual. This was largely due
to having more free time (due to being furloughed, or not having a commute, or the usual
social obligations or leisure activities). This increased reading volume was complicated for
those with caring responsibilities. Many people with children reported that their reading time
had increased generally because of their shared reading with children, but had less time than
normal for personal reading. Reading frequency was further complicated by a quality vs
quantity snag. People spent more time reading and seeking escape, but an inability to
concentrate meant they made less progress than usual. In short, people spent more time
reading but the volume they read was less.
Unsurprisingly, lockdown also made re-reading a physical necessity for some. Some
respondents noted how they were unable to visit the library or browse at the bookshop for
new books. Others reported that they simply wished to save money. On the other hand, the
participants who reported re-reading less than normal during the lockdown period wanted to
use their newfound time to seek out new topics and genres.
(Adapted from
Question 27: According to paragraph 2, which of the following is NOT true?
A. Reading habits can change during periods of stress.
B. Reading is unable to help people find comfort during stress time.
C. Many great fiction books have been born in times of significant social upheaval.
D. Gothic literature was born during the French Revolution.
Question 28: According to paragraph 4, which of the following is the reason why people re-
read more during lockdown?
A. They try to seek out new topics in books. B. They think it is necessary.
C. They love books so much. D. They want to save money.
Question 29: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Different types of reading B. Different types of books
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 77

C. Changes in reading habits D. Different kinds of people

Question 30: Thê wôrd “they” in paragraph 3 rêfêrs tô ________.
A. reading habit and reading time B. reading time and ability to concentrate
C. people spent time reading D. progresses in reading
Question 31: Thê wôrd “commute” in paragraph 3 is clôsêst in mêaning tô ___________.
A. unemployed person B. retirement
C. a talk to other people D. road to go to work
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction on each of the following questions.
Question 32: After (A) to take the medication, (B) the patient became (C) drowsy and more
(D) manageable.
Question 33: Although this car (A) appears (B)to be manufactured by a (C)different company,
it has the same body style, size and (D)perform as that one.
Question 34: (A)Just as the performance (B)ended , all the concertgoers (C)raised to (D)their
feet and applauded.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete the following exchange.
Question 35: - Studênt A: “_________________________”
- Studênt B: “My môthêr? Shê’s a lôving môthêr and a faithful wifê.”
A. What does your mother like? B. What’s yôur môthêr likê?
C. What does your mother feel like doing? D. What does your mother look like?
Word form:
Question 36. This painting looks beautiful but not very______________ . (value )
Question 37. ____________________, there is a serious problem that must be dealt with here.
Question 38. He was _____________________ when he touched the bare wires. (electric)
Question 39. I wonder what it was about her upbringing that made her so______________.(
Question 40. The body produces ______________ that are natural painkillers. (chemistry )
Sentence transformation.
Question 41. Laurêncê hasn’t sêên hêr sistêr fôr thrêê yêars.
→ Laurence last______________________________________________________
Question 42. You should have taken the money back to the bank. (use passive voice)
→ The money _______________________________________________________
Question 43. Côôking at hômê isn’t as êxpênsivê as êating in a rêstaurant. (LESS)
→ Cooking at home___________________________________________________
Question 44. People believe that gunpowder was invented in China. ( use passive voice)
→ Gun powder______________________________________________________
Question 45.. I had to punish Tom after our meeting for having lost his temper at Bridget.
→ I had to ___________________________after our meeting because he lost his temper at Bridget.

================== THE END ==================

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 78



ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ II - NĂM HỌC: 2017 - 2018
Mark the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the others.
Question 1: A. personality B. penalize C. unbelievable D. interfere
Question 2: A. discriminate B. reviewer C. intellectual D. significant
Mark the word (s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word in the following
Question 3: Harry displays enthusiasm whenever he is posed with a problem.
A. eagerness B. indifference C. weakness D. softness
Mark the word (s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in the following
Question 4: He had never experienced such discourtesy towards the president as it
occurred at the annual meeting in May.
A. encouragement B. measurement C. politeness D. rudeness
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Nearly all the discoveries that have been made through the ages can be found in books.
Thê invêntiôn ôf thê bôôk is ônê ôf humankind’s grêatêst achiêvêmênts, the (5) ____ of which
cannot be overestimated. Books are very adaptable, providing us with both entertainment and
(6) _____. The production of books began in Ancient Egypt, though not in a form that is
recognizable to us today.
The books read by the Romans, however, have some (7) ____ to the ones we read now.
Until the (8) ____ of the 15th century, in Europe, all books were written by hand. They were often
beautifully illustrated and always rare and expensive. With printing came the possibility of
cheap, large-scale publication and distribution of books, making (9) _____ more widespread and
Question 5: A. important B. importantly C. importance D. more important
Question 6: A. information B. news C. facts D. data
Question 7: A. likeness B. same C. alike D. similarities
Question 8: A. center B. heart C. core D. middle
Question 9: A. knowledge B. mind C. awareness D. brain
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Whales are the largest animals in the world, and the gentlest creatures we know.
Although the whale is very huge, it is not hindered at all by its size when it is in the water.
Whales have tails that end like flippers. With just a gentle flick, it can propel itself forward. The
skin of a whale is so smooth that it does not create any friction that can slow the whale down.
A whalê’s brêathing hôlê is lôcatêd ôn thê tôp ôf its hêad, so it can breathe without having to
completely push its head out of the water. Whales are protected from the cold seawater by
body fat that is called blubber.
Whales live in the ocean but, in terms of behaviours, they are more similar to humans
than fish. They live in family groups and they even travel in groups when they have to migrate
from cooler to warmer waters.
The young stay with their parents for as long as fifteen years. Whales are known not to
desert the ill or injured members; instead, they cradle them.
When whales are in danger, there are people who go to great lengths to help them. One
such case occurred in 1988, when three young whales were trapped in the sea. It was close to
winter and the sea had begun to freeze over. Whales are mammals that require oxygen from
the air, so the frozen ice was a great danger to them. All they had then was a tiny hole in the ice
for them to breathe through. Volunteers from all over soon turned up to help these creatures.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 79

They cut holes in the ice to provide more breathing holes for the whales. These holes would
also serve as guides for the whales so that they could swim to warmer waters.
(Adapted from
Question 10: According to paragraph 2, the author mentions all of the following to show that
whalês “are more similar to humans” EXCEPT__________.
A. they do not migrate from cooler to warmer waters
B. they do not desert the ill or injured members
C. the young stay with their parents for almost fifteen years
D. they live in family groups and travel in groups
Question 11: Which of the following best describes the main idea of this passage?
A. Some remarkable similarities of whales to humans
B. Whales as the largest, gentlest but vulnerable creatures
C. Whales as the only animals to live in warm water
D. Successful attempts to rescue whales all over the world
Question 12: Whales can move easily in water thanks to their________.
A. tail and blubber B. size and head C. skin and head D. tail and skin
Question 13: According to the passage, why was the frozen ice on the sea surface a danger to
A. Bêcausê thêy côuldn’t swim in icy côld water.
B. Because the water was too cold for them as they were warm-blooded.
C. Bêcausê thêy côuldn’t êat whên thê wêathêr was too cold.
D. Bêcausê whalês côuldn’t brêathê withôut sufficiênt oxygen.
Question 14: Whêrê is thê whalê’s brêathing hôlê lôcatêd?
A. On its head B. On its back C. On its tail D. On its face
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that
needs correction on each of the following questions.
Question 15: He was (A) the first person (B) leaving (C) the party (D) last night
Question 16: The (A) littlê bôy’s môthêr bôught him (B) a five-speeds (C) racing bicycle for
(D) his birthday.
Question 17: I believe that only very (A) self-confident, knowledge (B) and attentive
students will prefer (C) 100% of eye contact time (D).
Mark A, B, C, or D that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the
underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one.
Question 18: To plant rice, farmers, ___________, set young plants in the mud.
A. wading in the water in their bare feet B. whose bare feet wading in the water
C. they wade with bare feet in the water D. water wading their feet
Question 19: Richard, my neighbor, _______ in World War II.
A. is said to have fought B. is said to fight C. says to have fought D. says to fight
Question 20: Neither my colleagues nor I ____ particularly interested in the training course
next month.
A. are B. is C. am D. being
Question 21: No one can avoid _______ by advertisements.
A. having influenced B. being influenced C. influencing D. to be influenced
Question 22: She never looks ___ anyone who she is talking ___. She seems to be lack ___
A. at / to / of B. up / for / with C. on / about / for D. for / with / in
Question 23: Withôut my têachêr’s advicê, I wôuldn’t havê participatêd in thê cômpêtitiôn.
A. If it hadn’t bêên fôr my têachêr’s advicê, I wôuldn’t havê participatêd in thê
B. Had my têachêr nôt advisêd mê, I wôuldn’t havê participatêd in thê cômpêtitiôn.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 80

C. If my tutôr hadn’t advisêd me, I would have participated in the competition.

D. If my têachêr didn’t advisêd mê, I wôuldn’t havê participatêd in thê cômpêtitiôn.
Question 24: The International Committee of the Red Cross is a private _______ institution
founded in 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland.
A. humanity B. humanitarian C. humanization D. human
Question 25: ______________the table, Mr. Robert called the family for support.
A. Have laid B. Having lying C. Having laid D. Being laid
Question 26: Thômas: “Lêt’s stôp fôr a drink.” – Brucê: “_______”.
A. You are welcome. B. Long time to see.
C. Nice to meet you. D. Sôrry, wê’vê gôt littlê timê.
Question 27: Dinosaurs became ________ millions of years ago.
A. extinctive B. extinct C. being extinct D. extinction
Question 28: Peter has been studying for almost three years and he will have this degree
and return to his country in______ six months.
A. the other B. other C. another D. others
Question 29: They had to cancel the meeting because the problem became _______.
A. more and more complicated B. more complicated than
C. the complicated D. as complicated
Question 30: By the time we reach New York on Friday, we ______ over 60 hours travelling.
A. will be spending B. will spend C. will have spent D. have spent
Question 31: I'd rather you _______anyone else about our plan.
A. not tell B. don't tell C. not to tell D. didn't tell
Question 32: Body language includes our ______, facial expressions, and gestures.
A. mature B. body C. picture D. posture
Question 33: There was a___________ table in the middle of the room.
A. beautiful wooden round Japanese B. Japanese round beautiful wooden
C. beautiful wooden Japanese round D. beautiful round Japanese wooden
Question 34: Before the 18 cêntury wômên’s ___________ ability was dôubtêd.

A. manual B. intelligent C. intellectual D. legal

Question 35: Not until ______ home ______ that hê had takên sômêônê êlsê’s bikê.
A. he got/ did he realize B. he got/ he realized
C. did he get/ did he realize D. did he get/ he realized
Question 36: She is a wonderful teacher. We all ___________her.
A. put up with B. face up to C. look up to D. watch out for
Question 37: Jennifer asked me _______ the week before.
A. where I had gone B. where did I gone C. I had gone where D. where had I gone
Question 38: Sarah, Dona, and Paul donated 150, 80, and 300 dollars_________.
A. respectively B. assuredly C. orderly D. directly
Mark the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
Question 39: A. society B. priority C. derive D. philosophy
Question 40: A. loved B. helped C. joined D. enjoyed
Word form: Give the correct form of the words in bracket.
Question 41: It is ____________ to drive through a red light. (legality)
Question 42: The Vietnamese were very satisfied with excellent performances of the young
and ________athletes. (energy)
Question 43: It’s a vêry dêprêssêd arêa and almôst 25% ôf yôung adults arê _______ (employ).
Question 44: ________________ of his biography was timed to coincide with his 70th birthday
celebration. (Public)
Question 45: The Red List is a book that _______________names of vulnerable and endangered
species. (provision) 2017-2018
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 81

Transformation: Rewrite the following sentences using the given words or as directed.
Question 46: The gate is closed to stop the children running into the road.
→ The gate is closed so that __________________________________________________
Question 47: In spite of his broken leg, he managed to get out of the car.
→ Although_______________________________________________________________
Question 48: She hates people asking her about her past. (use Passive Voice)
→She hates_______________________________________________________________
Question 49: It was yôur fault that wê didn’t win thê gamê”, Pêtêr said tô mê.
→ Peter blamed ___________________________________________________________
Question 50: I was surprised to discover that the hotel was a long way from the city center.
→ To ___________________________________________________________________
----------THE END---------
ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ II - NĂM HỌC: 2018-2019
Mark the word (s) CLOSEST in meaning to the bold, italic word in each of the following
Question 1: Help and supports are rapidly sent to wherever there are victims of catastrophe.
A. disaster B. famine C. pandemic D. tragedy
Question 2: Later a wine reception will be followed by a concert before guests tuck into a
A. a formal party B. a formal conference
C. an informal party D. an enormous breakfast
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet the answer that best completes each
unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original
Question 3: Sorry for being late. I was ______ in the traffic for more than an hour.
A. carried on B. put off C. taken after D. held up
Question 4: In hêr CV, shê didn’t mêntiôn hêr _____________________ status.
A. marry B. married C. marital D. marriage
Question 5: Mary dôêsn’t gêt ôn wêll with pêôplê arôund hêr. Shê has, ______, changêd hêr jôb
many times.
A. but B. therefore C. however D. although
Question 6: All the pupils in this class were made _________ their homework yesterday.
A. done B. to do C. doing D. to be done
Question 7: A lot of questions _____ at the summit conference.
A. were raised B. were risen C. was raised D. rose
Question 8: I’m sure Luisa was very disappointed when she failed the exam.
A. Luisa could have been very disappointed when she failed the exam.
B. Luisa may be very disappointed when she failed the exam.
C. Luisa must have been very disappointed when she failed the exam.
D. Luisa must be very disappointed when she failed the exam.
Question 9: The judge told him it was __________ to drink and drive, and banned him for a year.
A. responsible B. responsibility C. irresponsible D. irresponsibility
Question 10: Wômên shôuldn’t bê __________ against ôn thê basis ôf thêir sêx.
A. warned B. disliked C. supported D. discriminated
Question 11: I'm afraid hip hop isn't my cup of __________.
A. coffee B. wine C. java D. tea
Question 12: _________that some areas may never recover.
A. So were devastating the floods B. It was such devastating the floods
C. Such devastating were the floods D. So devastating were the floods
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 82

Question 13: In November 1991, the League of Red Cross Societies _________ the International
Federation of Red Cross.
A. becomes B. had become C. became D. was becoming
Question 14: In 1959, the political philosopher Hannah Arendt became the first woman
________ a full professor at Princeton University.
A. to appoint B. was appointed C. who be appointed as D. to be appointed
Question 15: The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and
capable _______ his financial situation.
A. with reference to B. regardless of C. owing to D. in terms of
Question 16: Snooker is a very popular ______ sport in Britain. Most of the major tournaments
are televised.
A. spectacle B. spectator C. viewed D. audience
Question 17: The more worried you are, ___________.
A. more and more confused you feel B. you feel more and more confused
C. the most confused you feel D. the more confused you feel
Question 18: Thêy’rê gôing tô havê all thê plants and trêês in this gardên ______ tômôrrôw
A. watering B. water C. watered D. to be watered
Question 19: We all know that diet and exercise are __________ important.
A. equality B. equally C. equality D. equal
Question 20: Pôlitical philôsôphêrs ___________ wômên’s natural rights.
A. provided B. advocated C. agreed D. concerned
Question 21: Never before ____________ such a severe flood in this mountainous area.
A. I have seen B. have I seen C. I had seen D. do I see
Question 22: Thousands of species of animals and plants are ____ and the number increases
each year.
A. endangered B. dangerous C. danger D. endanger
Question 23: The students____________ about high rents are in financial difficulty.
A. complained B. who often complaining C. is complaining D. complaining
Question 24: "You got an A in Chemistry. Congratulations!" Peter said to his classmate.
A. Peter insisted on getting an A in Chemistry for his classmate.
B. Peter persuaded his classmate to get an A in Chemistry.
C. Peter congratulated his classmate on getting an A in Chemistry.
D. Peter encouraged his classmate to get an A in Chemistry.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Forty-five people were made homeless in a fire that destroyed a row of shop- houses in
Radford Road yesterday. The damage was estimated at $150.000. Police said nobody was
injured during the fire which lasted two and a half hours. Three shops and a house were
destroyed by the fire. The fire started at about 11:50 a.m. at the back of the bakery shop. Within
fifteen minutes the shops on either side of the bakery were on the fire as well as a house at the
back of the row of the shops. Three fire engines rushed to the fire and huge crowded soon
arrivêd tô watch. Mr. Jacôb Isaacs, 29, said, “I lêft hômê at 10 a.m. and whên I rêturnêd, I was
shôckêd tô sêê my hôusê ôn firê”, anôthêr victim ôf thê firê, Miss Elainê Farrêll, 49, said, “I wênt
out for a cup of tea and returned to see my house on fire. The fire was too strong and we
côuldn’t savê anything. All wê côuld dô was tô stand and watch”.
Question 25: When did the fire start?
A. at about 11.50 a.m. B. at the back of a bakery.
C. at the kitchen of the bakery shop. D. at the back of the rows of shops.
Question 26: How were the people affected in the accident?
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 83

A. Almost all the shop- houses were destroyed. B. The damage was slight.
C. A lot of them were injured. D. The fire destroyed $150.000 worth of property.
Question 27: What happened in Radford Road yesterday?
A. Forty- five people made a fire. B. Forty- five people destroyed the shop-houses.
C. There was a fire. D. Forty- five people fired at the shop- houses.
Question 28: What did Miss Farrell do on finding her house was on fire?
A. She tried to fight the fire.
B. She went out for a cup of tea.
C. She was shocked to see her house on fire.
D. She simply stood watching helplessly.
Question 29: Thê wôrd “fire-engines” in thê têxt mêans:
A. vehicles which were damaged in the fire
B. special vehicles for saving the victims of the fire
C. special vehicles carrying equipment for the fighting fires
D. vehicles which were rescued from the fire
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction on each of the followwing questions.
Question 30: There are thousands (A) of kinds of bacteria, many (B) of whom (C) are
beneficial. (D)
Question 31: The United Nations have (A) helped bring (B) peace to (C) some countries that
were at war (D)
Question 32: You didn’t havê tô writê (A) the letter, it was a waste (B) of time because (C) we
have it in (D) our computer.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
Question 33: - Mary: “I’m sô upsêt. Evêrybôdy sêêms tô bêtray mê.” - Jenny:” _______”
A. Rêlax. It’s nôt that bad B. Yeah, I think you can do it
C. Oh, I’m sôrry D. Dôn’t apôlôgizê thêm
Question 34: - John: “Lêt’s stôp fôr a drink.” – Bruce: “_______”
A. Sôrry, wê’vê gôt littlê timê. B. Long time to see.
C. Nice to meet you. D. You are welcome.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 35: A. damaged B. advanced C. synchronized D. caused
Question 36: A. agency B. commercial C. medicine D. sacrifice
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions
Question 37: A. individual B. philosopher C. significant D. discriminate
Question 38: A. supervisor B. dictionary C. catastrophe D. agriculture
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word (s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the bold, italic word (s) in each of the following questions.
Question 39: Life on Earth is vanishing fast and will continue to do so unless urgent action is
A. destroying B. appearing C. damaging D. polluting
Question 40: The thieves hid their precious possessions in the well.
A. worthless B. valuable C. priceless D. invaluable
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
One of the requirements of early astronaut selection for both the United States and
Russia was male candidates from the military. But this has been changed (41) ______ 1962. As
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 84

space travel has become more frequent and the goals of missions have become more diverse,
astronaut selection has included scientists, engineers, and (42) ______.
In 1957, the US required candidates to be (43) ______ 40 years old and no more than 1.8m
tall. They had to have a B.S. degree and at least 1,500 hours of flying time. Psychological
health was even more important. Astronauts needed integrity, ability, and self-confidence.
In 1960, Russia chose its astronauts from young pilots (44) ______ were younger than 30
and were less than 1.7m tall. The candidates had 900 hours of flying time.
Japan chose three scientists to become astronaut candidates in 1985. Japanese astronauts
must be under 35 years old and a B.S. degree and three years of work (45) _______ in their
Question 41: A. since B. by C. on D. in
Question 42: A. education B. educators C. educate D. educational
Question 43: A. younger than B. the youngest C. young as D. young than
Question 44: A. whom B. what C. who D. whose
Question 45: A. tragedy B. experience C. ground D. candidate
Sentence transformation
Question 46: People say that he won a lot of money on the lottery.
→ He is said ________________________________________________
Question 47: Just as she put the phone down, it rang again.
→ No sooner_________________________________________________
Question 48: Hê didn’t knôw hôw tô swim until hê was 30.
→ It was not until_____________________________________________
Question 49: Tôm didn’t cômê tô thê party. Ann didn’t cômê tô thê party.
→ Nêithêr___________________________________________________
Question 50: It’s thê first timê I’vê bêên tô thê junk shôp.
→ I __________________________________________________ before.

ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ II - NĂM HỌC: 2019-2020

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions.
Question 1: He will take the dog out for a walk ________________.
A. when I was finishing dinner B. as soon as he finishes dinner
C. by the time he finished D. until I finished dinner
Question 2: On our _________ trip to _______ Spain, we crossed _______ Atlantic Ocean.
A. -/ -/ -/ B. -/ the/ the C. -/ -/ the D. the/ -/ the
Question 3: The patients ___________ with the new drug showed better signs of recovery than
those receiving conventional medicine.
A. who treated B. treated C. treating D. to be treated
Question 4: Tears contain an antiseptic ______ helps protect our eyes from infection.
A. what B. how C. where D. that
Question 5: If yôu __________ sô fôôlishly yêstêrday, êvêrything wôuldn’t bê sô bad nôw.
A. would have acted B. didn’t act C. hadn’t actêd D. wêrên’t acting
Question 6: Books and magazines_______________ around made his room very untidy.
A. that lie B. laying C. which lied D. lying
Question 7: She has devoted herself ____________her sick mother.
A. to look after B. to looking after C. for looking at D. for looking after
Question 8: Governments have________ laws to protect wildlife from over-hunting.
A. observed B. required C. enacted D. enforced

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 85


Question 9: Tôny spênt ______ mônêy buying môviê tickêts _____ hê didn’t havê ênôugh lêft tô
buy a soft drink.
A. too much/ that B. such a lot of/ so C. such much/ so D. so much/ that
Question 10: The captain as well as all the passengers ___ very frightened by the strange noise
last night. A. was B. is C. were D. have been
Question 11: Tim looks so frightened and upset. He __________________something terrible.
A. must have experienced B. can have experienced
C. should have experienced D. must experience
Question 12: Who wrote ‘Dôn Quixôtê’?
A. Jules Verne. B. Ian Fleming C. James Patterson. D. Miguel de Cervantes.
Question 13: She took ____________ the company when her father died.
A. on B. over C. up D. in
Question 14: Which is the largest internal organ in the human body?
A. The heart B. The stomach C. The liver D. The kidneys
Question 15: The local council_________________ campaigns against illiteracy.
A. admits B. affects C. requires D. advocates
Question 16: The fire brigades know that it is very difficult to rescue people from the blaze in
this fashion shop, _________ they will try their best.
A. but B. however C. although D. despite
Question 17: Stop making that noise! You are getting on my____________!
A. muscles B. nerves C. brain D. blood
Question 18: Not until I visited her_____ how ill she was.
A. did I realize B. that I did realize C. realized I D. that I realized
Question 19: The more you study during the semester, _____________the week before exams.
A. you have to study the less B. the study less you have
C. the less have you to study D. the less you have to study
Question 20: The first computer is universally thought ______________ by Charles Babbage.
A. having been invented B. being invented
C. to have been invented D. to have invented
Question 21: It’s êssêntial that êvêry studênt _____________thê êxam bêfôrê attênding thê
A. passes B. pass C. would pass D. passed
Question 22: My new glasses cost me _______ the last pair I bought last month.
A. as much three times as B. more than three times
C. more three times than D. three times as much as
Question 23: I think he will join us, ________?
A. wôn’t hê B. will not he C. dôn’t I D. do not I
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheer to
indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions
A trend in women's change in attitude to work and home life roles has launched because
more and more women begin to feel the stress and exhaustion when they play multiple roles.
The image for women of the 1950s was the domesticated housewife and mother who
cooked, cleaned, and sewed. The vogue woman of today is proud while possessing the role as
career woman and mother, wife, and domestic organizer. Yet, the main thing that has really
changed for the modern woman is the fact that her workload has doubled from the duality of
her role. The effects of this duality are being felt through stress, and unfairness.
A recent study has shown that that 68% of women see a conflict between working and
raising a family. It is no wonder since large amounts of stress stem from a woman's professional
career in collaboration with her role as housekeeper and mother. A study in 1997 by the
Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology found said, "Stress appears to be strongly
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 86

related to being employed outside the home and is more strongly felt by women working more
hours, especially those working full-time." The 2001 U.S. Current Population Survey found that
many women wish to have fewer office hours. More and more women want to cut work hours
because they find it difficult to take care of household responsibilities while maintaining a
career. The Female Lifestyle Survey of Great Britain 2004 found that 86% of full time working
women did most of the housework and 77% did most of the child rearing, which; has made
them quite exhausted.
Question 24: Which idea is not referred to in the text?
A. Stress stems from a woman's professional career and her roles as a housekeeper and
B. There have been several studies and surveys on women and their roles.
C. All women can do well with their roles both at home and at work.
D. Many women realize a conflict between working and raising a family.
Question 25: The text is about _______.
A. women's exhaustion caused by her boss B. women's stress caused by her children
C. women's difficulties when they have to work both outside and at home
D. women's preference of multiple roles
Question 26: Being both a career woman and domestic organizer makes women _____.
A. vogue and wonderful B. proud and exciting
C. stressed and exhausted D. happy and independent
Question 27: The writer _______.
A. conducted several surveys on women and their work
B. advised women to quit their jobs and stay at home for childrearing
C. described the situations that working women suffered from stress and exhaustion
D. objected to the fact that women worked outside the home
Question 28: Women _______.
A. want to have less work hours B. want to have more work hours
C. do not want to do housework any more D. do not want to join social activities
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 29: Cutting down on energy use is the best way to help reduce global warming.
A. Shrinking B. Declining C. Increasing D. Decreasing
Question 30: Experts say that another outbreak of flu epidemic is on the cards.
A. likely to happen B. unlikely to occur C. on the increase D. to be prevented
Identify the word or phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence correct.
Question 31: A considerate amount (A) of time and effort (B) must have been needed (C) to
provide such a good show. (D)
Question 32: Although this car appears(A) to be (B) manufactured by a different (C) company,
it has the same body style, size and perform (D) as that one.
Question 33: Measles are (A) a very contagious (B) disease that can spread through contact
with (C) infected mucus and (D) saliva.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 34: Lucy paid a visit to the local orphanage. She then decided to donate part of her
savings to the children there.
A. It was only when Lucy had decided to donate part of her savings to the children that
she paid a visit to the local orphanage.
B. Lucy had hardly decided to donate part of her savings to the children when she paid
a visit to the local orphanage.

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 87


C. Having paid a visit to the local orphanage, Lucy decided to donate part of her
savings to the children there.
D. Before she paid a visit to the local orphanage, Lucy had decided to donate part of her
savings to the children there.
Question 35: She gave a great performance at the festival. We now know she has artistic talent.
A. Hardly had we known about her artistic talent when she gave a great performance
at the festival.
B. Although she gave a great performance at the festival, now we still don't know she
has artistic talent.
C. But for her great performance at the festival, we wouldn't know about her artistic
talent now.
D. Amazing as her artistic talent is, we don't know about her great performance at the
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits each blank space in the following
Overview of Coronavirus
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a(n) (36) _____ disease caused by a newly discovered
coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate
respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those
with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory
disease, and cancer are more (37) _____ to develop serious illness.
The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is well informed about the COVID-
19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection
by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not (38) _____ your face.
The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge (39) ______
thê nôsê whên an infêctêd pêrsôn côughs ôr snêêzês, sô it’s important that you also practice
respiratory (40) _______, for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow. At this time, there are no
specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. However, there are many ongoing clinical trials
evaluating potential treatments.
Question 36: A. infectious B. incurable C. chronic D. inherited
Question 37: A. unlikely B. unlike C. like D. likely
Question 38: A. untouched B. touch C. touched D. touching
Question 39: A. at B. into C. to D. from
Question 40: A. regulation B. etiquette C. law D. virtue
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 41: A. endanger B. dedicate C. advocate D. hesitate
Question 42: A. precede B. habit C. ancient D. labour
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
completes each of the following exchanges.
Question 43: - “Hêllô, I'd likê tô spêak tô Mr. Grêên, plêasê.” - “__________”
A. Sorry. Can you take a message? B. I'm afraid I don't know.
C. Sure, I'll put you through. D. I'm sorry. I'll call again later.
Question 44: Silas is talking to his roommate, Salah, about the Olympic Games.
- Silas: “Dô yôu think ôur côuntry can hôst thê Olympic Gamês sômê day in thê futurê?”
- Salah: “_________. Wê can’t affôrd such a big êvênt.”
A. Nô, I dôn’t think so. B. I can’t agrêê with you more.
C. You can say that again. D. Yês, yôu’rê right.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 88

Question 45: The tourists were unharmed after the train crash.
A. The train crash were not harmful for the tourists.
B. None of the tourists were injured in the train crash.
C. The tourists were very afraid after the train crash.
D. All the tourists were injured in the train crash.
Question 46: “You're always making mistakes”, said the teacher.
A. The teacher realized that his students always made mistakes.
B. The teacher complained about his students making mistakes.
C. The teacher made his students not always make mistakes.
D. The teacher asked his students why they always made mistakes.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the words CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 47: Janê and Fêd arê bôth in thêir fôrtiês sô thêy’rê gôing intô marriagê with their
eyes wide open.
A. wide awake B. fully aware of what they are doing
C. with pêôplê’s admiration D. with great surprise
Question 48: UNICEF has assumed the responsibility of aiding children in need.
A. take off B. take in C. take after D. taken on
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 49: A. established B. based C. produced D. composed
Question 50: A. tasks B. estimates C. roles D. hopes


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. developed B. sacrificed C. advocated D. distinguished
Question 2: A. painting B. famous C. portrait D. fortunate
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 3: In times of war, the Red Cross is dedicated to reducing the sufferings of wounded
soldiers, civilians, and prisoners of war.
A. mounted B. devoted C. excited D. interested
Question 4: He drives me to the edge because he never stops talking.
A. moves me B. steers me C. frightens me D. irritates me
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
A snooker player speaks
When I first started playing snooker, I had no real knowledge of the rules. I just thought it
lôôkêd (5) ___ ênjôyablê gamê. Alsô, I didn’t nêêd tô buy (6) ___ expensive equipment because
the snooker hall near my house had tables and cues. I spent practically all the free time I had
(7) ___, and then decided to (8) ___ a competition. It was great fun! My opponent was someone
who had been playing for years. Of côursê, hê bêat mê, but thê fact that I’d lôst didn’t put mê
off at (9) ___. And, fortunately, my game improved enough for me to become a professional
snooker player three years ago.
Question 5: A. an B. a C. the D. no article
Question 6: A. any B. some C. a lot D. little
Question 7: A. practicing B. to practicing C. practice D. to practice
Question 8: A. take part B. take after C. compete D. enter
Question 9: A. least B. large C. all D. last
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 89

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
There is a famous expression in English: "Stop the world, I want to get off!" This expression
refers to a feeling of panic, or stress, that makes a person want to stop whatever they are doing,
try to relax, and become calm again. 'Stress' means pressure or tension. It is one of the most
common causes of health problems in modern life. Too much stress results in physical,
emotional, and mental health problems.
There are numerous physical effects of stress. Stress can affect the heart. It can increase the
pulse rate, make the heart miss beats, and can cause high blood pressure. Stress can affect the
respiratory system. It can lead to asthma. It can cause a person to breathe too fast, resulting in
a loss of important carbon dioxide. Stress can affect the stomach. It can cause stomach aches
and problems digesting food. These are only a few examples of the wide range of illnesses and
symptoms resulting from stress.
Emotions are also easily affected by stress. People suffering from stress often feel anxious. They
may have panic attacks. They may feel tired all the time. When people are under stress, they
often overreact to little problems. For example, a normally gentle parent under a lot of stress
at work may yell at a child for dropping a glass of juice. Stress can make people angry, moody,
or nervous.
Long-term stress can lead to a variety of serious mental illnesses. Depression, an extreme
feeling of sadness and hopelessness, can be the result of continued and increasing stress. Eating
disorders, such as anorexia, are sometimes caused by stress and are often made worse by
stress. If stress is allowed to continue, then one's mental health is put at risk.
It is obvious that stress is a serious problem. It attacks the body. It affects the emotions.
Untreated, it may eventually result in mental illness. Stress has a great influence on the health
and well-being of our bodies, our feelings, and our minds. Then, try to reduce stress: stop the
world and rest for a while.
Question 10: According to the passage, which of the following can result from long-term
A. depression B. disillusion C. whimsy D. bliss
Question 11: Which of the following is not a common problem caused by stress?
A. emotional problems B. mental problems
C. physical problems D. anecdotal problems
Question 12: Thê wôrd “yell” in paragraph 3 is clôsêst in mêaning tô ___.
A. shout B. punish C. frown D. scold
Question 13: Symptoms of emotional stress include feeling ____________.
A. thirsty B. tired C. hungry D. joyous
Question 14: Which of the following is the most suitable title of the passage?
A. Ways to Relieve Stress B. The Causes of Stress
C. Types of Stress D. The Effects of Stress
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction on each of the following questions.
Question 15: The bomb which went out this morning caused a lot of damage .
A. caused B. damage C. which D. went out
Question 16: Before the 1920s, no women have voted in national elections in the US.
A. no B. the C. in D. have voted
Question 17: She has scored up to five as much times as Robert on that exam previously.
A. previously B. on that C. as much times D. has scored
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
completes each of the following exchanges.

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 90


Question 18: Sarah and Kathy are talking about bad habits of children
- Sarah: “Childrên undêr tên shôuldn't stay up latê tô play cômputêr gamês.”
- Kathy: “___________________.”
A. Yes, I share your opinion. B. I don't quite agree with you
C. You are absolute right. D. Surely, they shouldn't
Question 19: - Mary: “That’s a vêry nicê skirt yôu arê wêaring.”
- Julia: “__________________.”
A. That’s all right B. I’m glad yôu likê it
C. I like it D. That’s nicê
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following question.
Question 20: Everyone was taken to hospital last night, ________________?
A. were they B. wêrên’t thêy C. was he D. wasn‘t hê
Question 21: John lost the _____________ bicycle he bought last week and his parents were very
angry with him.
A. beautiful new blue Japanese B. new beautiful blue Japanese
C. beautiful blue Japanese new D. Japanese beautiful new blue
Question 22: It’s nô usê _______________ bêêf fôr dinnêr tônight as Pênny is a vêgêtarian.
A. we buy B. buying C. to buy D. that we buy
Question 23: The Prime Minister is to consider changes to sexually _____________ laws to enforce
equal opportunities.
A. discriminatory B. discriminated C. discrimination D. discriminate
Question 24: Grandad gets his waste_____________ to the recycling center.
A. take B. taken C. that takes D. to take
Question 25: The film was a very accurate _____________ of the musical.
A. edition B. version C. adaptation D. illustration
Question 26: _______, the young mother appeared visibly very happy after the childbirth.
A. Tired as she was B. Despite tired C. She was tired D. As tired
Question 27: The homeless people _____________ story appeared in the paper last week have
now found a place to live.
A. whom B. who C. whose D. that
Question 28: Mike _____________ his favourite program on TV when the lights _____________ out.
A. is watching / are going B. watched / were going
C. watches / go D. was watching / went
Question 29: Judo players are _____________ to their opponents and bow to each other before
and after a contest.
A. respect B. respectable C. respectfully D. respectful
Question 30: _____________ the time passes, _____________ I feel! The deadline of my thesis is
coming, but I have just finished half of it.
A. The fast / the more nervous B. The faster / the more nervous
C. The more fast / the nervous D. The faster / the nervous
Question 31: The children had to _____________ in thê principal’s ôfficê aftêr thêy tôôk part in a
A. face the music B. play second fiddle
C. hit the right notes D. beat around the bush
Question 32: _____________, his employees will have worked for two hours.
A. after the boss arrives B. when the boss arrives
C. By the time the boss arrives D. only when the boss arrives
Question 33: _____________ the desalination plant, the company could offer an effective solution
to the problem of water scarcity.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 91

A. To build B. Having been built C. Having built D. Being built

Question 34: If something urgent _____________ up, phone me immediately and I will help you.
A. comes B. keeps C. brings D. picks
Question 35: One of the main goals of WHO is _____________ research on medical development
and health care.
A. going by B. looking up C. carrying out D. giving away
Question 36: The efforts for the advancement of women have resulted _____________ several
respectively achievement in women's life and work.
A. with B. for C. in D. at
Question 37: We have decided to _____________ our research into environmental waste to ensure
high health standards in this city.
A. exaggerate B. broaden C. boost D. outweigh
Question 38: The International Committee of the Red Cross is a private _____________ institution
founded in 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland.
A. human B. humanity C. humanization D. humanitarian
Question 39: Hurry while seats last; _____________, you will miss it!
A. However B. Nonetheless C. Therefore D. Otherwise
Question 40: Volunteers may be required to obtain Red Cross _____________ in order to serve
through hospitals and healthcare organizations or provide disaster relief.
A. certification B. degree C. license D. diploma
Question 41: _____________ artists have been greatly inspired by his techniques.
A. An amount of B. The amount of C. A number of D. The number of
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 42: A. enlightenment B. intellectual C. pioneer D. hesitation
Question 43: A. participant B. competitor C. bodybuilding D. gymnasium
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 44: Thê singêr’s sêcônd album sank like a stone.
A. failed completely B. succeeded well C. floated slowly D. handed down
Question 45: These days she's much more enlightened in her views on education.
A. informed B. knowledgeable C. ignorant D. powerful
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST
in meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 46: They report that soil pollution has seriously threatened the livelihood of many local
A. It has been reported that soil pollution has actually put many local farmers' lives at risk.
B. The livelihood of many local farmers was reported to be seriously endangered by soil
C. It is reported that the livelihood of many local farmers has led to serious soil pollution
D. Soil pollution is reported to have posed a serious threat to the livelihood of many local
Question 47: “Get off my property or I’ll call the police!” he told them.
A. He ordered them to get off his property and he would call the police
B. He asked them to get off his property to call the police.
C. Hê thrêatênêd tô call thê pôlicê if thêy didn’t gêt ôff his prôpêrty.
D. He wanted them to get off his property or he will call the police.
Question 48: Joey put all his money on the lottery, which was his big mistake.
A. Jôêy can’t havê put all his mônêy ôn thê lôttêry.
B. Jôêy shôuldn’t havê put all his mônêy ôn thê lôttêry.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 92

C. Jôêy nêêdn’t havê put all his mônêy ôn thê lôttêry.

D. Joey may not have put all his money on the lottery.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
combines each pair of sentences in the following questions..
Question 49: Peter told us about his leaving the school. He did it on his arrival at the meeting.
A. Not until Peter told us that he would leave the school did he arrive at the meeting.
B. Only after his leaving the school did Peter inform us of his arrival at the meeting.
C. Hardly had Peter informed us about his leaving the school when he arrived at the
D. No sooner had Peter arrived at the meeting than he told us about his leaving the school.
Question 50: The film was very scary. It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time.
A. The film was so scary for it to keep me on the edge of my seat the whole time.
B. The film was so scary that it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time.
C. The film was too scary to keep me on the edge of my seat the whole time.
D. The film was too scary that it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time.
======================== THE END ==========================


(Đề thi có 05 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút – Mã đề thi: 001
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions
Question 1: A. washed B. formed C. turned D. boiled
Question 2: A. house B. mouth C. could D. found
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from
the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions
Question 3: A. inform B. explore C. prevent D. cancel
Question 4: A. attitude B. manager C. invention D. company
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions
Question 5: My parents hope to travel around ______ world next summer.
A. a B. an C. the D. Ø (no article)
Question 6: If you watch this film, you ______ about the cultures of Southeast Asian countries.
A. learned B. were learning C. will learn D. would learn
Question 7: Paul noticed a job advertisement while he ______ along the street.
A. was walking B. would walk C. walked D. had walked
Question 8: Solar energy is not widely used ______ it is friendly to the environment.
A. since B. although C. in spite of D. because of
Question 9: The sign warns people ______ the dangers of swimming in this river.
A. about B. from C. with D. to
Question 10: ______, they were surprised to find their favourite band playing there.
A. On arrival at the party B. To have attended the party
C. They had arrived at the party D. Just attended the party
Question 11: Once ____ in large quantities, these products will be more affordably priced.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 93

A. are produced B. having produced C. produced D. producing

Question 12: Jane would never forget ___ first prize in such a prestigious
A. to be awarded B. being awarded C. to have awarded D. having awarded
Question 13: You should turn off the lights before going out to save ______.
A. electricity B. electrify C. electric D. electrically
Question 14: ______ school fees may discourage many students from attending university.
A. Gaining B. Receiving C. Improving D. Raising
Question 15: Drinking too much alcohol is said to ______ harm to our health.
A. make B. do C. lead D. take
Question 16: At the end of the training course, each participant was presented with a _____
of completion.
A. degree B. certificate C. diploma D. qualification
Question 17: The ______ high levels of pollution in the coastal areas are a matter of great
concern to the government.
A. redundantly B. intensively C. marginally D. excessively
Question 18: Event organisers should plan everything carefully so as to leave nothing to
A. possibility B. mistake C. opportunity D. chance
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 19: The discovery of the new planet was regarded as a major breakthrough in
A. promised B. doubted C. considered D. refused
Question 20: Mary has finally managed to get round her strict parents to let her go on a
three- day excursion with her classmates.
A. permit B. persuade C. offer D. support
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 21: Traffic congestion in big cities deters many people from using their private
cars at peak hours.
A. prohibits B. protects C. encourages D. limits
Question 22: These days, many people only read printed newspapers once in a while as
they tend to access information online.
A. regularly B. attentively C. occasionally D. selectively
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best
completes each of the following exchanges.
Question 23: Jack is inviting Mary to his party.
- Jack: ''Would you like to come to my party this weekend?'' - Mary: ''________.''
A. Yes, I'd love to B. No, don't worry C. You're welcome D. I'm afraid so
Question 24: Laura and Mitchell are talking about their school curriculum.
- Laura: ''I think Art should be a compulsory subject.''
- Mitchell: ''______. Art helps develop creativity.''
A. I quite agree B. You must be kidding
C. I'm of the opposite opinion D. I don't think that's a good idea
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 25 to
Advances in mobile technology and social networking websites mean we spend more
time online than ever before. If Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest in the
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 94

world by population (The Economist, 2010). It is (25) ___ not surprising that so many
psychologists, sociologists, and others are eager to give their thoughts on how this is impacting
negatively on our society.
The biggest criticism levelled at social networking is that young people are losing their
offline friends to online friends (26) ____ are unable to provide the same deep connection and
emotional support. However, a lot of research shows these criticisms are generally (27) ___.
Allen et al. (2010) discovered that it is socially adjusted adolescents who are more likely to
have a networking profile than those who are not. One study by the Pew Internet and American
Life Project (2009) found that people are not (28) ____ offline friends with online companions
but are using them to support their offline relationships. The study also found that social
networks allow us to have discussions with a much more diverse set of people than in the real
world, so we share knowledge with people from a wide (29) ___ of backgrounds.
(Adapted from ''Skillful Reading & Writing 4''by Mike Boyle and Lindsay
Question 25: A. while B. however C. despite D. therefore
Question 26: A. what B. who C. which D. whom
Question 27: A. uninvolved B. unequalled C. unsettled D. unfounded
Question 28: A. making B. providing C. combining D. substituting
Question 29: A. vary B. variety C. various D. variously
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 30 to 34.
Visitors to London are struck by the proud splendour and glamour of one of the world's
oldest capitals, admiring iconic sites like Big Ben, the Palace of Westminster and Buckingham
Palace. However, visitors seeking a glimpse into the city's everyday life should not miss
Portobello Market, which is the most-visited market in London.
This vibrant market has been featured in a number of films, documentaries and best-
selling books, the most famous being the film ''Notting Hill'' starring Hugh Grant and Julia
Roberts, which brought Portobello Market to the attention of audiences all over the world.
Portobello Market is divided into different sections selling second-hand items, clothing,
jewellery, souvenirs and vegetables. The most sought-after area is devoted to antiques. Visitors
may feel overwhelmed as there are over 1,000 booths manned by antique dealers from
throughout England. It's a great fun to browse through antique cameras, watches, pottery and
paintings that date back 300 years. They are sold at different prices, so it's possible to find a
few good bargains. It seems that both buyers and sellers look forward to the weekends when
they can meet and escape the city's fast pace at Portobello Market.
When tired from exploring the market, visitors can drop into the nearby food courts to
savour an Indian curry, Italian pizza or sandwiches from Europe. It's a great pleasure to drink
a cappuccino while listening to street performers. These represent the lively fun of Portobello
Market, offering exciting experiences that keep people coming back.
(Adapted from ''Heritage'' - Vietnam Airlines in-flight magazine)
Question 30: What is the passage mainly about?
A. The film ''Notting Hill'' B. The city of London
C. Portobello Market D. European cuisine
Question 31: According to the passage, Portobello Market has been featured in all of the
following EXCEPT ______.
A. films B. documentaries C. books D. songs
Question 32: The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to ______.
A. prices B. bargains C. buyers and sellers D. weekends
Question 33: Visitors to the antique area may feel overwhelmed because ______.
A. they can meet all sorts of people from England
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 95

B. all the antiques are sold at the same price

C. there are a large number of antique shops there
D. all the antiques are more than 300 years old
Question 34: The word “savour” in paragraph 4 mostly means ______.
A. see B. prepare C. enjoy D. make
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.
Cambridge University is considering axing compulsory written exams, allowing
students to use laptops or iPads instead, after tutors complained that students' handwriting is
becoming illegible. Academics say the move, which would bring an end to over 800 years of
tradition, has come about because students rely too heavily on laptops in lectures, and are
losing the ability to write by hand.
Dr Sarah Pearsall, a senior lecturer at Cambridge University, said handwriting is
becoming a ''lost art'' among the current generation of students. She added, ''It's increasingly
hard for our examiners to read students' scripts. Those with illegible writing are forced to
come back to their college during the summer holidays to read their answers aloud in the
presence of two university administrators. It's extraordinarily commendable that the
University is considering reforms to its examination practices.''
Sir Anthony Seldon, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buckingham, said it is
inevitable that universities will move to computers as handwriting deteriorates in the coming
years. ''We have to accept the reality. Handwriting has now become an optional, not a
necessary, part of education. There simply isn't the same time in the curriculum for learning
elegant, beautiful handwriting. Life is so quick now. Everybody writes as if they were a doctor
writing a prescription,'' he said. ''Handwriting is not necessary for great thought, great English,
or great intelligence. Some of our finest wordsmiths today write using laptops, and we have to
fight to preserve what is really important, such as the use of great English or great sentence
Others, however, were not very positive about the move. Tracey Trussell, a handwriting
expert, urged Cambridge to ensure that students continue to write by hand. She said, ''It's vital
that people continue to write by hand. Writing by hand improves memory and equates to a
higher rate of comprehension and information retention.'' There is also concern that schools
could follow Cambridge's example by moving away from handwriting. Dr Jane Medwell,
Associate Professor of Education at the University of Nottingham, is concerned that scrapping
handwritten exams in universities could prompt ''downward curriculum pressure'' on primary
and secondary schools to follow suit.
(Adapted from
Question 35: Which of the following best serves as the title for the passage?
A. Cambridge University in an Attempt to Improve Students'
B. Cambridge University Pondering Changes to its Exam Practices
C. Cambridge University Attacked again for Abolishing Written
Exams D. Cambridge University to Replace Written with Oral Exams
Question 36: According to paragraph 1, Cambridge University has a long-standing tradition
of ____.
A. offering academic tutorials B. organising handwritten exams
C. relying heavily on technology D. training students in legible handwriting
Question 37: The word “Those” in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. examiners B. students C. scripts D. administrators
Question 38: The word “deteriorates” in paragraph 3 mostly means ______.
A. remains unchanged B. becomes more important
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 96

C. improves gradually D. gets worse and worse

Question 39: It can be inferred from what Sir Anthony Seldon said in paragraph 3 that
A. schools in the country used to have more time for handwriting practice
B. schools in the country have failed to preserve the beauty of English
C. people's handwriting generally reflects their intelligence and linguistic
D. the majority of doctors these days no longer write prescriptions by hand
Question 40: The word ''scrapping'' in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. reconsidering B. eliminating C. introducing D. discouraging
Question 41: As mentioned in paragraph 4, writing by hand can ______.
A. enhance the ability to remember information B. guarantee desirable academic
C. facilitate the process of information exchange D. relieve students of unnecessary pressure
Question 42: Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Cambridgê Univêrsity’s môvê away frôm handwriting has alrêady sêt an
unprecedented example for other schools to follow.
B. Sarah Pearsall acknowledged handwriting as an art form to be preserved among the
current generation of students at Cambridge University.
C. Sir Anthony Seldon claimed that learning to use great English was more important
than learning to write by hand beautifully.
D. Most of the tutors at Cambridge are skeptical of the university's decision regarding
handwritten exams.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that
needs correction in each of the following questions.
Question 43: (A)My friends and I (B)go usually to (C)the park on the (D)weekend.
Question 44: (A)Information on the Romans (B)can find not only (C)in these books but also
on (D)the Internet.
Question 45: There (A)are a number of updated (B)entrances in (C)the latest edition
(D)of the encyclopedia.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest
in meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 46: In Vietnam, football is more popular than basketball.
A. In Vietnam, basketball is not as popular as football.
B. In Vietnam, basketball is more popular than football.
C. In Vietnam, football is not as popular as basketball.
D. In Vietnam, football is as popular as basketball.
Question 47: ''What are you going to do after school, Anne?'' Kevin asked.
A. Kevin asked Anne what was she going to do after school.
B. Kevin asked Anne what she was going to do after school.
C. Kevin wanted to know what Anne would do after school.
D. Kevin wanted to know what would Anne do after school.
Question 48: Sally paid for her travel in advance, but it wasn’t necessary.
A. Sally needn't have paid for her travel in advance.
B. Sally might not have paid for her travel in advance.
C. Sally may not have paid for her travel in advance.
D. Sally côuldn’t havê paid fôr hêr travêl in advancê.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 49: Jenifer rejected the job offer. She now regrets it.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 97

A. Jenifer regrets not having rejected the job offer.

B. If ônly Jênifêr didn’t rêjêct thê jôb ôffêr.
C. Jênifêr wishês shê hadn’t rêjêctêd thê jôb ôffêr.
D. Jenifer regrets to reject the job offer.
Question 50: Mike became a father. He felt a strong sense of responsibility towards his parents.
A. Were Mike to become a father himself, he would feel a strong sense of responsibility
towards his parents.
B. Only after Mike had become a father himself did he feel a strong sense of
responsibility towards his parents.
C. Had Mike become a father himself, he would have felt a strong sense of
responsibility towards his parents.
D. Not until he felt a strong sense of responsibility towards his parents did Mike
become a father himself.

ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC Bài thi: Ngoại ngữ; Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
(Đề thi có 05 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút – MÃ ĐỀ: 401

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from
the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. consist B. carry C. remove D. protect
Question 2: A. solution B. principal C. passenger D. continent
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose
underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following
Question 3: A. touch B. round C. ground D. shout
Question 4: A. combined B. travelled C. behaved D. practiced
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best
completes each of the following exchanges.
Question 5: A shop assistant is talking to a customer.
- Shôp assistant: “Dô yôu nêêd anything êlsê?”
- Custômêr: “________”
A. Good job! B. That's all. Thanks. C. With pleasure. D. You're welcome.
Question 6: Ann and Peter are talking about housework.
- Ann: “I think childrên shôuld bê paid fôr dôing thê hôusêwôrk.”
- Pêtêr: “________. It's thêir duty in thê family.”
A. You're exactly right B. That's what I think
C. There's no doubt about it D. I don't think so
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSET in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 7: These photos brought back many sweet memories of our trip to Hanoi last year.
A. recalled B. released C. revised D. caught
Question 8: At first, John said he hadn't broken the vase, but later he accepted it.
A. denied B. discussed C. protected D. admitted
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE
in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 9: Children brought up in a caring environment tend to grow more sympathetic
towards others.

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 98


A. loving B. dishonest C. healthy D. hateful

Question 10: It's quite disappointing that some people still turn a blind eye to acts of
injustice they witness in the street.
A. take no notice of B. have no feeling for C. show respect for D. pay attention to
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
Question 11: As they remembered ____ about the danger of getting lost in the forest, the
tourists closely followed the tour guide.
A. being warned B. warning C. to be warned D. to warn
Question 12: Once __ for viruses, the software can be installed in the school computer system
for use.
A. has tested B. is tested C. testing D. tested
Question 13: The teacher entered the room while the students ______ their plan for the
A. discuss B. were discussing C. discussed D. are discussing
Question 14: His choice of future career is quite similar ________ mine.
A. with B. at C. for D. to
Question 15: With his good sense of humour, Martin is quite ________ with the students.
A. popularity B. popular C. popularize D. popularly
Question 16: The residents of the village are living a happy life ________ they lack modern
A. because of B. although C. therefore D. despite
Question 17: Action films with big stars tend to ________ great public attention.
A. achieve B. show C. attract D. reach
Question 18: This is ________ most beautiful song I've ever listened to.
A. an B. a C. the D. Ø
Question 19: The scientists are working on a drug capable of ___ the spread of cancerous cells.
A. arresting B. catching C. seizing D. grasping
Question 20: The little boy took an instant liking to his babysitter ________.
A. upon their first meeting B. before he first met her
C. prior to their first meeting D. as soon as he meets her
Question 21: It's time he acted like a __ adult and stopped blaming others for his wrongdoings.
A. responsible B. sociable C. believable D. suitable
Question 22: We ________ on a field trip if the weather is fine this weekend.
A. could have gone B. will go C. would go D. went
Question 23: One recipe for success is to stay focused and ______ yourself to whatever you do.
A. apply B. attach C. assign D. adhere
Question 24: It's not my ________ to tell you how to run your life, but I think you should settle
down and have a family.
A. work B. chore C. job D. career
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 25
to 29.
Becoming an independent language learner
In an êducatiônal côntêxt, thê têrm “lêarnêr indêpêndêncê” has gainêd incrêasing
importance in recent years. It is of particular (25) ____ to language learning and commonly
refers to the way students confidently control and organize their own language learning
process. While some people seem to have an almost (26) ____ flair for languages, others have
relied on strategies to maximize their skills and learn a foreign language more effectively.

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 99


The main thing to remember is that becoming a truly independent learner ultimately
depends above all on taking responsibility for your own learning and being prepared to take
every opportunity available to you to learn. You also increase your chances of (27) ____ by
learning according to your own needs and interests, using all available resources. Research
shows that learners (28) _____ adopt this approach will undoubtedly manage to broaden their
language abilities considerably and, (29) _____, are more likely to achieve their objectives in the
longer term.
(Adopted from “Complete Advanced” by Laura Malthews and Barbara Thomas)
Question 25: A. resemblance B. relevance C. acquaintance D. acceptance
Question 26: A. habitual B. spiritual C. perceptive D. instinctive
Question 27: A. successfully B. successful C. succeed D. success
Question 28: A. who B. why C. where D. which
Question 29: A. as a result B. in contrast C. though D. because
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 30 to 34.
Tribal tourism is a relatively new type of tourism. It involves travelers going to remote
destinations, staying with local people and learning about their culture and way of life. They
stay in local accommodation, share facilities with local people, and join in with meals and
celebrations. At the moment, less than one percent of holidays are tribal tourism holidays, but
this is set to change.
Tribal tourism is often compared with foreign exchange visits. However, a foreign
exchange involves staying with people who often share the same values. Tribal tourism takes
visitors to places where the lifestyle is very different from that in their home location. Those
who have been on tribal holiday explain that experiencing this lifestyle is the main attraction.
They say that it offers them the chance to live in a way they never have before.
Not everyone is convinced that tribal tourism is a good thing, and opinions are divided.
The argument is about whether or not it helps the local population, or whether it exploits them.
The main problem is that, because tribal tourism is relatively new, the long-term influences on
local populations have not been studied in much detail. Where studies have been carried out,
the effects have been found to be negative.
So, is it possiblê tô êxpêriêncê an êxôtic culturê withôut harming it in sômê way? “With
a bit ôf thôught, wê can maximisê thê pôsitivê influêncês and minimisê thê nêgativê”, says
travel company director
Hilary Watêrhôusê. “Thê môst impôrtant thing fôr a tribal tôurist is to show respect for,
lêarn abôut, and bê awarê ôf, lôcal custôms and traditiôns. Always rêmêmbêr yôu'rê a guêst.”
(Adopted from “Complete IELTS” by Rawdon Wyatt)
Question 30: Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. An Old Tourist Destination B. Holidays with a Difference
C. Different Customs of a Tribe D. Peak Holiday Seasons
Quêstiôn 31: Thê wôrd “They” in paragraph 1 rêfêrs tô ________.
A. travellers B. facilities C. local people D. remote destinations
Question 32: According to paragraph 2, what is the main attraction of tribal tourism?
A. Tourists can stay with people of the same values.
B. Tourists can interact with other foreign visitors.
C. Tourists can experience a different lifestyle.
D. Tourists can explore beauty spots in remote areas.
Quêstiôn 33: Thê wôrd “divided” in paragraph 3 is clôsêst in mêaning tô ________.
A. similar B. important C. different D. interesting
Question 34: According to Hilary Waterhouse, the most important thing for a tribal tourist is
to __.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 100

A. forget about negative experiences B. respect local customs and traditions

C. learn about other guests D. be accompanied by other travellers
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.
E-waste is being produced on a scale never seen before. Computers and other electronic
equipment become obsolete in just a few years, leaving customers with little choice but to buy
newer ones to keep up. Millions of tons of computers, TVs, smartphones, and other equipment
are discarded each year. In most countries, all this waste ends up in landfills, where it poisons
the environment - e-waste contains many toxic substances such as lead, mercury, and arsenic,
that leak into the ground.
Recycling is the ideal solution to the problem. E-waste contains significant amounts of
valuable metals like gold and silver that make it attractive to recycle. In theory, recycling gold
from old computers is more efficient - and less environmentally destructive - than digging it
from the earth. The problem is that a large percentage of e-waste dropped off for recycling in
wealthy countries is sold an diverted to the developing world, posing an increasing threat to
the health of the people there.
To address the problem of the international trade in e-waste, 170 nations signed the
1989 Basel Convention, an agreement requiring that developed nations notify developing
nations of hazardous waste shipments coming into their countries. Then, in 1995 the Basel
Convention was modified to ban hazardous waste shipments to poor countries completely.
Although the ban hasn't taken effect, the European Union, where recycling infrastructure is
well developed, has already written it into their laws. One law holds manufacturers responsible
for the sale disposal of electronics they produce.
Companies like Creative Recycling Systems in Florida, the USA, are hoping to profit from
clean e-waste recycling. The key to their business is a huge, building-size machine able to
separate electronic products into their component materials. As the machine's steel teeth
break up e-waste, all the toxic dust is removed from the process. This machine can handle some
70,000 tons of electronics a year. Although this is only a fraction of the total, it wouldn't take
many more machines like this to process the entire USA's output of high-tech trash.
Unfortunately, under current policies, domestic processing of e-waste is not
compulsory, and while shipping waste abroad is ethically questionable, it is still more
profitable than processing it safely in the USA. Creative Recycling Systems is hoping that the
US government will soon create laws deterring people from sending e-waste overseas.
(Adopted from “Reading Explorer 4” by Paul MacIntyre and Nancy Hubley)
Question 35: Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. Waste Recycling: A Storm in a Teacup B. Domestic Recycling: Pros and Cons
C. E-waste - An Export Commodity of the Future D. E-waste - A Mess to Clear up
Quêstiôn 36: Thê wôrd “ôbsôlêtê” in paragraph 1 is clôsêst in mêaning tô ________.
A. outdated B. inaccurate C. broken D. incomplete
Question 37: As stated in paragraph 2, a large percentage of e-waste meant for recycling in
the developed countries ________.
A. is buried deep in the soil at landfills B. contains all valuable metals except gold
C. is later recycled in local factories D. is eventually sent to developing nations
Quêstiôn 38: Thê wôrd “notify” in paragraph 3 is clôsêst in mêaning tô ________.
A. assure B. notice C. excuse D. inform
Quêstiôn 39: Thê wôrd “it” in paragraph 3 rêfêrs tô ________.
A. the ban B. recycling infrastructure C. the European Union D. the Basel Convention
Question 40: According to the European Union's laws, electronics manufacturers are required
to _____.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 101

A. upgrade their recycling infrastructure regularly

B. sell their e-waste to developed nations only GCSE TEST 2
C. sign the Basel Convention
D. take responsibility for disposing of their products safely
Question 41: Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage?
A. The USA's total e-waste output amounts to 70,000 tons per year.
B. Creative Recycling Systems has made a fortune from their recycling machine.
C. The Basel Convention originally banned the import of high-tech trash into European
D. Shipping e-waste abroad yields greater profit than recycling it safely in the USA.
Question 42: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Most countries have made enormous efforts to manage their e-waste exports.
B. Legislative action is fundamental to solving the problem of e-waste effectively.
C. Strict laws against sending e-waste abroad have recently been upheld in Florida.
D. Developing nations benefit more from the trade in e-waste than their developed
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 43: Peter moved abroad for a fresh start. He regrets it now.
A. If only Peter had moved abroad for a fresh start.
B. Peter wishes he hadn't moved abroad for a fresh start.
C. If Peter moved abroad for a fresh start, he would regret it.
D. Peter regrets not having moved abroad for a fresh start.
Question 44: Smartphones are becoming reasonably priced. New applications make
them more appealing.
A. Appealing though smartphones are with new applications, they are becoming less
affordably priced.
B. Whatever new applications smartphones have, they are becoming more appealing
with reasonable prices.
C. No matter how reasonable the prices of smartphones are, they are not so
appealing with new applications.
D. Not only are smartphones becoming more affordable cut, with new applications,
they are also more appealing.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is
closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 45: It was wrong of you to criticise your son in front of his friends.
A. You shouldn't have criticised your son in front of his friends.
B. You must have criticised your son in front of his friends.
C. You mightn't have criticised your son in front of his friends.
D. You could have criticised your son in front of his friends.
Question 46: My father likes reading newspapers more than watching TV.
A. My father doesn't like watching TV as much as reading newspapers.
B. My father likes watching TV more than reading newspapers.
C. My father doesn't like reading newspapers as much as watching TV.
D. My father likes watching TV as much as reading newspapers.
Question 47: “How long have you lived here, Lucy?” asked Jack.
A. Jack asked Lucy how long did she live here.
B. Jack asked Lucy how long she had lived there.
C. Jack asked Lucy how long she lived here.
D. Jack asked Lucy how long had she lived there.
English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 102

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that
needs correction in each of the following questions.
Question 48: At the beginning of (A)the ceremony, there was a (B)respectable one-minute
silence (C)in remembrance of the victims of the (D)earthquake.
Question 49: My mother (A)gets up usually early (B)to prepare breakfast (C)for the (D)whole
Question 50: The money raised in (A)the appeal (B)will use to (C)help those in need in
remote (D)areas.

English Workbook 12 Term 2 (Unit 10 – 16) Page 103

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