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What are the synthesis and the composition reaction?

the law that states that the total mass of the products of a chemical reaction is the same as
the total mass of the reactants entering into the reaction.

● What Is synthesis reaction?
● What is a decomposition reaction?

● Law of Conservation of Mass

● Types of Decomposition Reaction

● What is a Single-replacement reaction?
● What is Double-Replacement Reactions?

It is a chemical reaction includes the exchange of electrons between two


A redox equation is split into two half-reactions using this technique, one
involving oxidation and the other involving reduction. After balancing the mass
and charge of each half-reaction, the two equations are recombined with the
proper coefficients to cancel the electrons.

It depicts the reactants and products that are involved in the oxidation process.

Reactants and products participating in the reduction stage.

The ions that are present on both sides of chemical processes but do not
participate in them.

they are electrons in a molecule, ion or solid metal that are not associated with
a single atom or a covalent bond.

• Half-reaction method of balancing, a helpful procedure for balancing the equations of

redox reactions occurring in aqueous solution.
• The scientist developed the half-reaction method (also known as the ion-electron
method), which consists of four steps, for quickly balancing redox equations.
• For example, the reaction of hydrogen sulfide and nitric acid

• Is this equation balanced? As there is one CO atom and one Ni atom on either side of
the equation, it looks to be mass-balanced.
• The net charge on the left side of the equation is 3 +, whereas the net charge on the
right side is 4 +, hence the equation is not balanced for charge.

• We'll apply the half-reaction method to balance the charge equation.

• To start, let’s split the equation into separate oxidation and reduction half-reactions:
• The oxidation half-reaction, since Ni metal is being oxidized to Ni2+ in this reaction, we
might start by writing out that process:

• Given that the oxidation half-reaction is balanced, we can infer that every nickel atom
that is oxidized produces two electrons.
• The reduction half-reaction, according to our equation, CO3+ should be converted to
CO2+. For charge balance, it should also have one electron on the left side of the

● According to the balanced reduction half-reaction, every CO3+ ion that is reduced
requires the consumption of one electron.
● It's significant that the oxidation half-reaction provides the electrons needed for this
● The balanced overall equation will then be obtained by combining the balanced half-
● But before combining the half-reactions, we need to confirm that the electrons will
cancel out (there can't be any stray electrons).
● Currently, just one electron is transferred during a reduction half-reaction while two
electrons are transferred during an oxidation half-reaction.
● Thus, we must multiply the half-reaction of reduction by 2.

● Now, we can add the two half-reactions together, cancelling out the electrons on both
● The resulting equation has the same net charge (6+) and the same number of each
type of atom (1 Ni and 2 Co) on both sides of the equation. As a result, both mass and
charge are balanced in the equation.
● To balance a straightforward redox equation, we simply employed the half-reaction
● Most redox reactions in aqueous solutions, however, are more intricate than the
example given above.
● In these cases, we might need to add H2O, to completely balance the equation, and
either H+ ions (for reactions occurring in acidic solution) or OH- ions (for reactions
occurring in basic solution) are required.
● For example, the reaction of copper metal with the nitrate ion in acidic solution.

● Since this reaction takes place in an acidic solution, H+ ions and H2O can be used as
molecules to support equation balance.

● Firstly, the oxidation reaction:

● We only need to balance the charge of the oxidation half-reaction because the mass of
the reaction is already balanced.
● To do this, we can change the right side of the equation by adding two electrons, which
will result in a net charge of 0 on both sides.
● Secondly the reduction reaction:
● Both the mass and the charge in this equation are out of proportion.
● Let's balance its mass, since we already know that the N atoms are balanced (there is
one on each side of the equation).
● The O atoms, however, are not balanced. By adding one H2O atom, we can balance
the O atom on the equation's right side.

● On the right side of the equation, there are now two imbalanced H atoms.
● We can balance these atoms by adding H+ ions to the left side because the process is
taking place in an acidic solution.

● Let's now balance the charge equation, to achieve this, we must change the left side of
the equation's net charge to 0 by adding one electron.

● We must multiply the reduction half-reaction by two since one electron is acquired in
the reduction half-reaction where two electrons are lost in the oxidation half-reaction.
● After the electrons are cancelled out and the two half-reactions are combined, we

● We're done now, let's check our work: the equation is balanced because there are the
same numbers of each type of atom on both sides of the equation (1 Cu, 2 N, 6 O, and
4 H) and because the net charge is the same on both sides (2+).
● For example, balancing the equation for the reaction of permanganate and iodide ions
in basic solution.

● This time, we can only use OH- ions and H2O molecules, since the reaction is occurring in
basic solution, to assist in balancing the equation.

● The permanganate ion is reduced, and the iodide ion is oxidized in this reaction.

● Let's begin with the oxidation half-reaction, which requires mass and charge balancing.
To achieve mass balance, we first add the coefficient 2 in front of I-.

● Then, to obtain charge balance, we add two electrons to the right side of the equation.
● Let's go on to the reduction half-reaction, which likewise requires mass and charge
● Starting with mass, we only need to balance the O atoms because there is already one
Mn atom on either side of the equation. To accomplish this, we may add OH- ions and
H2O molecules to each side of the equation through a process of trial and error,
although this approach can be challenging and time-consuming.
● Let's instead start by balancing the half-reaction as though it happened in an acidic

● Then, let's add OH- to both sides of the equation to neutralize the H+ to account for
the fact that the half-reaction really occurs in basic solution.

● On the left side of the equation, you can see that we joined the ions H+ and OH- to
create new H2O molecules, and then we got rid of the H2O molecules that showed up
in the equation's two sides.
● Let's finally balance the charge of the half-reaction.
● In order to do this, we'll add three electrons to the equation's left side, creating the net
charge on either side 4-, which equals:
● We need to multiply the oxidation half-reaction by 3 and the reduction half-reaction
by 2 (resulting in each half-reaction containing six electrons) to equalize the number of
electrons transported in the two half-reactions:

● Let's finally combine the two half-reactions while ensuring that the electrons in each
equation are cancelled out.

● As we double-check our work, we find that there are 2 Mn, 12 O, 8 H, and 6 I atoms, as
well as a net charge of 8- on both sides of the equation.
● The equation is therefore balanced.
The spectator ions on both sides of the equation are cancelled in the net chemical reaction.
● The information about the ions present in an aqueous medium is provided by the net
ionic equation.
● Salts are present as cations and anions in the
dissolved state when they are dissolved in polar
solvents like water.
● The chemical species that change chemically are
identified by the net ionic equation.
● As a result, they are referred to as spectator ions
since the ions that appear on both sides of the
equation are constant.

● Types of equations
● Redox reaction
● Half reaction method
● Spectator ions
Conductors Insulators
Shiny Dull
Ductile --
Hard Brittle
Malleable --
Reducing agents Oxidizing agents
It forms Cations It forms Anions
High melting point Low melting point
High boiling point Low boiling point

Metals are sonorous as they produce deep or ringing sound when struck by another heavy
Some metals are magnetic as iron, cobalt ,and nickel.
Special cases of metals (metals that have properties not typical to regular metals)

• Mercury has a low melting point and exists as a liquid at room

• Group 1 elements have low melting points and low densities.
• For example, sodium has less density than water.
• There are different chemical bonds and the kind of bond that
will form between atoms of two or more elements depends on
the identity of those elements.
Ionic bond. (Electrovalent bond)
Metal (low ionization energy) + Non-metal
(high electron affinity)

Covalent bond.
Non-metal + non-metal
Or Metalloid + non-metal

Metallic bond
Metal + metal

A metallic solid can be pictured as a three-
dimensional lattice of positive ions with
delocalized outer-shell electrons moving
freely throughout the crystal. (Delocalized:
means not permanently linked to one atom)
• The metallic bonding is quite different from the ionic and covalent bonds one major
difference stems from their extreme strength.
• High strength gives most metals high melting and boiling points.
• What gives the atoms these strengths is that each atom is undergoing atomic orbital
overlap with many neighboring atoms, this generates a high number of molecular
orbitals that extend across the enter substance holding the lattice together.
• Its valence electrons are completely delocalized over the enter lattice, so electrons can
move freely within the molecular orbitals throughout the lattice making a sea of
electrons that makes the metal such a great cation.
• The metal is held together by the attraction between the nuclei and these electron
which give the metal both ionic and covalent characteristics.

1. No. of the protons (the nuclear attraction strength)

2. No. of delocalized electrons per atom (the attraction force between atoms)
3. The size of the atom (smaller atom, stronger attraction force between the positive ions
and the delocalized electrons)

→From up to down.
→From right to left
• refers to the arrangement of metals in
the descending order of their
• The data provided by the reactivity
series can be used to predict whether
a metal can displace another in a
single displacement reaction.
• Every time we go upward the
reactivity of the element increase.
• Every time we go down the reactivity
of the element decrease.
• Any element above the hydrogen is a
reducing agent.
• Any element below the hydrogen is an
oxidizing agent.

• It is the charge that an atom would have if the compound was composed of ions.

A. In a neutral compound all oxidation numbers must be zero. Ex:


B. In an ion, all oxidation numbers must add up to the change on the ion Ex: SO4
C. Free elements have an oxidation number of zero. Ex: Na, Fe, Cl2
D. The oxidation number of Fluorine (F) = -1
E. The oxidation number of group 1 = +1 Ex: Na, Li, K
F. The oxidation number of group 2 = +2 Ex: Ca
G. Hydrogen with non-metals has an oxidation number of +1
H. Hydrogen with metals, Metal hydrides (or Boron ) has an oxidation number of -1
I. Oxygen has the oxidation number of -2 (except with Fluorine or peroxides )
J. Group 17 (7A) has an oxidation number of -1
K. Group 16 (6A) has an oxidation number of -2
L. Group 15 (5A) has an oxidation number of -3
M. The sum of oxidation number of all atoms in a compound = zero

• The ionic number is written before the plus or minus ( Ca2+)

• The oxidation number is written after the plus or minus ( Ca+
1- It is a device that can generate electrical energy

from the chemical reactions occurring in it, or use the electrical energy supplied to it to
facilitate chemical reactions.
2- They comprise two half-cells, each

consisting of an electrode dipped in the electrolyte.

3- It is the tendency of an electrode that is in contact

with an electrolyte to lose or gain electrons.

4- galvanic cells use spontaneous oxidation-

reduction reactions to convert chemical energy into electrical energy.

5- Daniel’s cell is an example of a galvanic cell that converts

chemical energy into electrical energy. In Daniel’s cell, copper ions are reduced at the
cathode while zinc is oxidized at the anode.
6- It is the acidic version of the dry cell.

7- Corrosion is an electrochemical process that has a large economic

8- A fuel cell is a voltaic cell in which the reactants are continuously

supplied and the products are being continuously removed.

9- They are tiny batteries found in hearing aids,

calculators, and camera flashes are mercury batteries.

In any electrochemical process, electrons flow from one chemical substance to another, driven
by an Oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction.
A redox reaction occurs when electrons are transferred from a substance that is oxidized to one
that is being reduced.
The reductant is the substance that loses electrons and is oxidized in the process;
the oxidant is the species that gains electrons and is reduced in the process.
The associated potential energy is determined by the potential difference between the valence
electrons in atoms of different elements.

Because it is impossible to have a reduction without oxidation and vice versa, a redox reaction
can be described as two half-reactions, one representing the oxidation process and one
the reduction process. For the reaction of zinc with bromine, the overall chemical reaction is as


• A redox reaction is balanced when the number of electrons lost by the reductant equals
the number of electrons gained by the oxidant.
• As the reaction progresses, the electrons flow from the reductant to the oxidant over
this electrical connection, producing an electric current that can be used to do work.
• An apparatus that is used to generate electricity from a spontaneous redox reaction or,
conversely, that uses electricity to drive a nonspontaneous redox reaction is called
an electrochemical cell.

• It is a device that can generate electrical energy from the chemical reactions occurring
in it, or use the electrical energy supplied to it to facilitate chemical reactions.
• These devices are capable of converting chemical energy into electrical energy, or vice
• it contains two electrodes, which are solid metals
connected to an external circuit that provides an
electrical connection between the two parts of the
system, The oxidation half-reaction occurs at one
electrode (the anode), and the reduction half-reaction
occurs at the other (the cathode).
• When the circuit is closed, electrons flow from the anode
to the cathode.
• Each electrode is in contact with an electrolyte; the
electrode and the electrolyte make up a half-cell. The
two electrodes are connected by a wire, and a porous
barrier separates the two electrolytes.
(Example: 1.5-volt cell of the remote)

Electrolytic cells are used in:

1. The electrorefining of many non-ferrous metals. They are also used in the
electrowinning of these metals.
2. The production of high-purity lead, zinc, aluminum, and copper involves the use of
electrolytic cells.
3. Metallic sodium can be extracted from molten sodium chloride by placing it in an
electrolytic cell and passing an electric current through it.
4. Many commercially important batteries (such as the lead-acid battery) are made up
of Galvanic cells.
5. Fuel cells are an important class of electrochemical cells that serve as a source of clean
energy in several remote locations.

1. Galvanic cells
2. Electrolytic cells.

Galvanic Cell Electrolytic Cell

1. It is the device to convert chemical 1. It is a device to convert electrical
energy into electrical energy. energy into chemical energy.
2. In a galvanic cell, the reaction taking 2. In an electrolytic cell, the reaction
place is spontaneous. taking place is non-spontaneous.
3. Two different electrodes are usually 3. Both electrodes, either of the same
set up in two separate beakers. material or different materials,
are suspended in the electrolytic
solution in the same beaker.
4. Two different electrolytes are taken in 4. Only one electrolyte is taken
two separate beakers.
-If we separate the substance that is oxidized from the substance that is reduced, the electron
transfer is accompanied by a transfer of electrical energy instead of energy as heat.
-One means of separating oxidation and reduction half-reactions is with a porous barrier or
salt bridge.
-This barrier prevents the metal atoms of one half-reaction from mixing with the ions of the
other half-reaction.
-Ions in the two solutions can move through the porous barrier, which keeps a charge from
building up on the electrodes.
-Electrons can be transferred from one side to the other through an external connecting wire.
-Electric current moves in a closed loop path, or circuit, so this movement of electrons through
the wire is balanced by the movement of ions in solution.

• They are made up of two half-cells, each consisting of an electrode that is dipped in an
• The same electrolyte can be used for both half-cells.
• These half-cells are connected by a salt bridge which provides the platform for ionic
contact between them without allowing them to mix with each other.
• One of the half cells of the electrochemical cell loses electrons due to oxidation and the
other gains electrons in a reduction process.

of a salt bridge is filter paper which is dipped in a potassium nitrate or

sodium chloride solution.

The equilibrium reaction occurs in both the half cells, and once the equilibrium is

reached, the net voltage becomes 0 and the cell stops producing electricity.
The tendency of an electrode that is in contact with an electrolyte to lose or gain electrons is
described by its electrode potential. The values of these potentials can be used to predict the
overall cell potential.
Finally, the electrode potentials are measured with the help of the standard hydrogen
electrode as a reference electrode (an electrode of known potential)

The copper strip is an electrode because it is a

conductor in contact with the electrolyte
The reaction on this electrode is the reduction
described by the following equation:
Cu2+ (aq) + 2e − → Cu(s)
The copper electrode is a because reduction
happens on it.
The electrons that cause reduction at the cathode
are pushed there from a reaction at the second
electrode of a cell.
The zinc strip is an electrode because it is a
conductor in contact with the solution.
The reaction on this electrode is the oxidation
described by the following equation:
Zn(s) → Zn2+ (aq) + 2e –
The zinc electrode is an anode because oxidation
happens on it.

The electrode reactions cannot happen unless the electrodes are part of a complete circuit. So,
a cell must have pathways to move charges.
A. Wires are often used to connect the electrodes through a meter or a light bulb.
B. Electrons carry charges in the wires and electrodes.
C. Ions in solution carry charges between the electrolytes to complete the circuit.
D. A porous barrier or a salt bridge keeps the solutions from
mixing but lets the ions move.
(Complete cell)

The positive charge may be carried from left to right through this cell
either by negative particles (electrons or anions) moving from right to left or by cations
moving from left to right.
The overall process when the anode reaction is added to the cathode reaction for this cell is the
same as the following redox reaction:
Zn(s) + Cu2+ (aq) → Zn2+ (aq) + Cu(s)
Although the two electrode reactions occur at the same time, they occur at different places in
the cell

Galvanic cells use spontaneous oxidation-reduction reactions to convert chemical energy into
electrical energy. They also called Voltaic cells.

Electric work done by a galvanic cell is mainly due to the Gibbs energy of spontaneous redox
reaction in the voltaic cell.

It generally consists of two

half-cells and a salt bridge. Each half cell further

consists of a metallic electrode dipped into an
electrolyte. These two half-cells are connected to a
voltmeter and a switch externally with the help of
metallic wires. In some cases, when
both electrodes are dipped in the same electrolyte, a
salt bridge is not required.

1. Oxidation occurs at this electrode. (negative)

2. : Reduction occurs at this electrode. (positive)

3. Contains electrolytes which are required to complete the circuit

in a galvanic cell.

4. reduction and oxidation reactions are separated into


5. Conducts the flow of electrons between electrodes.

6. A part of the circuit utilizes the electron to flow to perform its function.

They are “energy saving “systems in the form of chemical energy that converted into electrical
energy through spontaneous irreversible oxidation-reduction reaction, these cells cannot be

They described as irreversible cells, because it is so difficult to be charged in order to return its
constituents initial states.

1. The anode material is consumed

2. The ions of the cathode half cells are diminished
1. The primary cells are known as dry batteries, where they found in dry form not in
liquid form, to be used easily in the mobile equipment.
2. The cells in the dry form provides a constant potential for longer time during its
3. They can be produced in small sizes

They are galvanic cells characterized by reversible oxidation-reduction reactions and storing
the electrical energy in the form of chemical energy which can be converted once again to
electrical energy and can be recharged.

The recharging process of the secondary cell is carried out by passing a direct electric current
from an external source - with potential higher than E cell, of the battery - between its
electrodes, in a direction opposite to its passage direction during the discharging process.
● In a galvanic cell, when an electrode is exposed to the electrolyte at the electrode-
electrolyte interface, the atoms of the metal electrode tend to generate ions in the
electrolyte solution leaving behind the electrons at the electrode. Thus, making the
metal electrode negatively charged.
● While at the same time metal ions in the electrolyte solution too, tend to deposit on a
metal electrode. Thus, making the electrode positively charged.
● Under equilibrium condition, charge separation is observed and depending on the
tendencies of two opposing reactions, the electrode can be positively or negatively
charged. Hence, a potential difference is developed between the electrode and
● This potential difference is known as electrode potential.
● Out of two electrodes, the electrode at which oxidation takes place is called anode
while the electrode at which reduction takes place is called cathode.
● The anode has a negative potential with respect to the solution while the cathode has
a positive potential with respect to the solution.
● Thus, a potential difference develops between two electrodes of the galvanic cell. This
potential difference is known as cell potential.
● When no current is drawn from the galvanic cell, cell potential is known as the
electromotive force of the galvanic cell.
● When the switch is set on, due to the potential difference, electrons flow from the
negative electrode to the positive electrode.
is the best example of a galvanic cell. The anode of the Daniel cell consists

of a zinc rod dipped in the solution of zinc sulphate (ZnSO4). The cathode is made by
immersing a copper rod in the solution copper sulphate (CuSO4). The Zn2 + and Cu2 + ions in
the solution are made in electrical communication either by direct contact or through a salt
The zinc electrode acts as an anode at which oxidation takes place and the copper electrode
acts as a cathode at which reduction occurs. Since electrons are produced at the zinc electrode,
this electrode is rich in electrons and pushes the electron into the external circuit. Conversely,
the electron-deficient copper electrode pulls the electron from the external circuit. Thus,
electrons flow from zinc electrode to copper electrode.

• Cu 2+ + 2e– → Cu

• Zn → Zn2+ + 2e–

● In a dry cell, moist electrolyte pastes are used instead of solutions.

● This cell was invented over a century ago by Georges Leclanché, a French chemist. His
original design was close to that shown on the left in the Figure.

A carbon rod, the battery’s positive terminal, connects with a wet paste of carbon;
ammonium chloride, NH4Cl; manganese (IV) oxide, MnO2; starch; and water.
❖ When the cell is used, the carbon rod is the cathode, and the following electrode
reaction happens: Cathode:
2MnO2(s) + 2NH4 + (aq) + 2e − → Mn2O3(s) + 2NH3(aq) + H2O(l)

❖ When the cell is used, zinc dissolves in the following electrode reaction at the anode:
Zn(s) + 4NH3(aq) → 2e − + Zn (NH3)4 2+ (aq)

⮚ The NH4 + (aq) ion is a weak acid, and for this reason, the Leclanché cell is called the
acidic version of the dry cell.
The white powder that you see on old corroded batteries is the chloride salt of this Zn (NH3)4
2+ (aq) complex ion.

The alkaline cell, shown in the Figure, is a newer, better version. The ingredients of the alkaline
cell are similar to the acidic version, but the carbon cathode is replaced by a piece of brass,
and ammonium chloride is replaced by potassium hydroxide.
The electrode reactions that occur when the cell is used are described by the equations below.
Cathode: 2MnO2(s) + H2O(l) + 2e − → Mn2O3(s) + 2OH− (aq)
Anode: Zn(s) + 2OH− (aq) → 2e − + Zn (OH)2(s)
A sturdy steel shell is needed to prevent the caustic contents from leaking out of the battery.
Because of this extra packaging.
The batteries are called dry cells because the water is not free, but absorbed in pastes.

In contrast, the Daniel cell and the lead-acid battery use aqueous solutions of electrolytes.

● Most car batteries are lead-acid storage batteries.

Usually, they have six cells mounted side-by-side in
a single case, as shown.
● The lead-acid battery is used to store energy in
almost all vehicles. Although the cutaway view
shows a single PbO2 plate and a single Pb plate in
each cell, there are actually several of each.
● A fully charged lead-acid cell is made up of a stack
of alternating lead and lead (IV) oxide plates
isolated from each other by thin porous separators.
● All these components are in a concentrated solution of sulfuric acid. The positive
terminal of one cell is linked to the negative terminal of the next cell in the same way
that the batteries in the flashlight were connected.

● This arrangement of cells causes the outermost terminals of the lead-acid

battery to have a voltage of 12.0 V.

● As a result of the input of energy, the reactions are reversed. The cell is eventually
restored to its charged state.

PbO2(s) + HSO4 − (aq) + 3H3O+ (aq) + 2e − → PbSO4(s) + 5H2O(l)

Pb(s) + HSO4 − (aq) + H2O(l) → 2e − + PbSO4(s) + H3O+ (aq)

PbSO4 is produced at both electrodes.

Unlike the Daniel and Leclanché cells, the lead-acid cell is rechargeable. So, when the

battery runs down, you do not need to replace it.

● A fuel cell is a voltaic cell in which the reactants are continuously supplied and the
products are being continuously removed.
● Therefore, unlike a battery, a fuel cell could, in principle, work forever, and changing
chemical energy into electrical energy.

O2(g) + 2H2O(l) + 4e- → 4OH-(aq)

2H2(g) + 4OH-(aq) → 4e- + 4H2O(l)

⮚ 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O

● Fuel cells are very efficient and have very low emissions.
● The reactions in this fuel cell take place at carbon electrodes that contain metal
● The water formed is removed as a gas.
● The tiny batteries found in hearing aids, calculators, and camera flashes are mercury
● The anode half-reaction is identical to
that found in the alkaline dry cell.
However, the cathode, or reduction,
half-reaction is different. The cathode
half-reaction is described by the
following equation.
+2 HgO (s) + H2O(l) + 2e- → 0 Hg (l) + 2OH-

• Corrosion is an electrochemical process that has a large economic impact.

• One of the metals most commonly affected by corrosion is iron.
• Rust, hydrated iron (III) oxide, forms by the following overall reaction.
4Fe(s) + 3O2(g) + xH2O(l) → 2Fe2O3• xH2O(s)
• The mechanism for the corrosion of iron contains the following electrochemical

Fe(s) → Fe2+(aq) + 2e

O2(g) + 2H2O(l) + 4e- → 4OH-(aq)

The electric circuit is completed by electron flow through the metal itself, which acts like the
wire in an electrochemical cell.
The water on the surface of the metal serves as the salt bridge.
A. When the iron is exposed to water and oxygen, the iron metal at the anodic site is
oxidized to Fe2+ ions.
B. The electrons released at this site travel along the metal (like the wire of a cell) to the
cathodic region, where oxygen is reduced.
C. The Fe2+ ions travel along the moisture toward the cathodic regions.
D. At the cathode, the Fe2+ ions are further oxidized to Fe3+ ions and form rust, which is
hydrated iron oxide, Fe2O3• xH2O.
2Fe2+(aq) + (3 + x) H2O(l) → Fe2O3•xH2O(s) + 6H+(aq) + 2e

The presence of salt or high acidity speeds the corrosion process, because
the movement of electrons is facilitated by the extra ions present.

• To coat steel with zinc in a process called galvanizing.

• Zinc is more easily oxidized than iron; therefore, zinc will react before the iron is
oxidized. This is called cathodic protection, and the more easily oxidized metal used is
called a sacrificial anode.
A. Electrochemical Cells
B. Separation of oxidation and reduction half-reactions:
C. Half-Electrochemical cells:
D. Cathodic reaction
E. The Anodic reaction
F. Primary and Secondary Cells
G. Types of Electrochemical Cells
H. Applications of Electrochemical Cells:
I. Galvanic cells
J. Parts of Galvanic Cell
K. Types of Galvanic Cells

● Zumdahl
● Active chemistry
● 17.1: Electrochemical Cells - Chemistry Libre Texts.


1)Which of the following reactions involves the combination of two elements :-

(a)CaO + CO2 -> CaCO3
(b)4Na + O2 -> 2Na2O
(c)SO2 +(1/2)O2 -> SO3
(d)NH3 + HCI -> NH4CI

2)When hydrogen sulphide gas is passed through a blue solution of copper sulphate, a
black precipitate of copper sulphate is obtained and the sulphuric acid so formed remains
in the solution. The reaction is an example of :-
(a)A combination reaction
(b)A displacement reaction
(c)A decomposition reaction
(d)A double decomposition reaction

3)What happens when copper rod is dipped in iron sulphate solution :-

(a)Copper displaces iron
(b)Blue color of copper sulphate solution is obtained
(c)No reaction takes place
(d)Reaction is exothermic

4) A dilute solution of sodium carbonate was added to two test tubes one containing
dilute HCI (A) and the other containing dilute NaOH (B). the correct observation was :-
(a)A brown colored gas liberated in test tube A
(b)A brown colored gas liberated in test tube B
(c)A colorless gas liberated in test tube A
(d)A colorless gas liberated in test tube B


5)A balanced chemical equation is in accordance with

(a)Avogadro’s law
(b)Law of multiple proportion
(c)Law of conservation of mass
(d)Law of gaseous volumes

6)The equation
Cu + xHNO3 -> Cu(NO3)2 + yNO2 + 2H2O
The values of x and y are
(a)3 and 5
(b)8 and 6
(c)4 and 2
(d)7 and 1

7)Zn + H2SO4(dil) ->ZnSO4 + H2

Above reaction is
(a)Decomposition reaction
(b)Single displacement reaction
(c)Combination reaction
(d)Synthesis reaction

8)The reaction in which two compounds exchange their ions to form two new compounds is
(a)A displacement reaction
(b)A decomposition reaction
(c)An isomerization reaction
(d)A double displacement reaction


9)When the gases sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide mix in the presence of water,
the reaction is
SO2 + 2H2S -> 2H2O + 3S. here hydrogen sulphide is acting as
(a)An oxidizing agent
(b)A reducing agent
(c)A dehydrating agent
(d)A catalyst

10)CuO + H2 ->H2O + Cu, reaction is an example of

(a)Redox reaction
(b)Synthesis reaction
(d)Analysis reaction

11) A substance which oxidized itself and reduces other is known as

(a)Oxidizing agent
(b)Reducing agent
(c)Both of these
(d)None of these

12)A redox reaction is one in which

(a)Both the substance are reduced
(b)Both the substance are oxidized
(c)An acid is neutralized by the base
(d)One substance is oxidized while the other is reduced

13)In the following equation:

Na2CO3 + xHCI -> 2NaCI +CO2 + H2O, the value of x is

14) In the equation, NaOH + HNO3 -> NaNO3 + H2O nitric acid is acting as
(a)An oxidizing agent
(b)An acid
(c)A nitrating agent
(d)A dehydrating agent


15) Fe2O3+ 2AI2O3 + 2Fe

The above reaction is an example of a
(a)Combination reaction
(b)Double displacement reaction
(c)Decomposition reaction
(d)Displacement reaction

16) White silver chloride in sunlight turns to

(c)Remain white

17)Black and white photography uses

(a)Decomposition of silver chloride
(b)Decomposition of silver bromide
(d)None of these


18)When copper powder is heated it gets coated with

(a)Black copper oxide
(b)Yellow copper oxide
(c)Red copper oxide
(d)None of these

19)Combination of phosphorus and oxygen is an example of

(d)None of these

20)Rusting of an iron is an example of


21)Which of the following does not corrode when exposed to the atmosphere-


22) Take about 1.0g CaCO3 in a test tube. Heat it over a flame, when a colorless gas comes
out. The reaction is called a
(a)Decomposition reaction
(b)Displacement reaction
(c)Double decomposition reaction
(d)Double displacement reaction


23)Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is a strong reducing agent. Which of the following reactions
shows its reducing action
(a)Cd(NO3)2 + H2S -> CdS + 2HNO3
(b)CuSO4 + H2S -> CuS + H2SO4
(c)2FeCl3 + H2S -> 2FeCl2 + 2HCI + S
(d)Pb(NO3)2 +H2S -> PbS + 2CH3COOH

24)When P reacts with caustic soda, the products are PH3 and NaH2PO2. This reaction is
an example of
(c)Oxidation and reduction (redox)


25)2CuI-> Cu + CuI2, the reaction is



26) When copper turning are added to silver nitrate solution, a blue coloured solution is
formed after some time. It is because, copper
(a)Displaces silver from the solution
(b)Forms a blue colored complex with AgNO3
(c)Is oxidized to Cu2+��2+
(d)Is reduced to Cu2+��2+


27) Zn2+ (aq) +2e -> Zn(s). this is

(c)Redox reaction
(d)None of these

ANS: b

28)Which of the following is a displacement reaction?

Answer: b

29) Magnesium ribbon is rubbed before burning because it has a coating of

(a) basic magnesium carbonate
(b) basic magnesium oxide
(c) basic magnesium sulphide
(d) basic magnesium chloride

Answer: a

30) Which of the following statements about the given reaction are correct?
3Fe (s) + 4H2O (g) → Fe3O4 (s) + 4 H2 (g)

(i) Iron metal is getting oxidised

(ii) Water is getting reduced
(iii) Water is acting as reducing agent
(iv) Water is acting as oxidising agent

(a) (i), (zi) and (iii)

(b) (in) and (iv)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(d) (ii) and (iv)

Answer: c

31) Which of the following are exothermic processes?

(i) Reaction of water with quick lime

(ii) Dilution of an acid
(iii) Evaporation of water
(iv) Sublimation of camphor (crystals)

(a) (i) and (ii)

(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iv)
(d) (ii) and (iv)

Answer: a

32) Oxidation is a process which involves

(a) addition of oxygen
(b) addition of hydrogen
(c) removal of oxygen
(d) removal of hydrogen

Answer: a

33) The process of reduction involves

(a) addition of oxygen
(b) addition of hydrogen
(c) removal of oxygen
(d) removal of hydrogen

Answer: b

34) Three beakers labelled as A, B and C each containing 25 ml of water were taken. A
small amount of NaOH, anhydrous CuSO4 and NaCl were added to the beakers A, B and
C respectively. It was observed that there was an increase in the temperature of the
solution contained in beakers A and B, whereas in case of beaker C, the temperature of
the solution falls. Which one of the following statement(s) is (are) correct?

(i) In beakers A and B, exothermic process has occurred.

(ii) In beakers A and B, endothermic process has occuBftd.
(iii) In beaker C exothermic process has occurred.
(iv) In beaker C endothermic process has occurred.

(a) (i) only

(b) (ii) only
(c) (i) and (iv)
(d) (iv), (ii) and (iii)

Answer: c

35) Give the ratio in which hydrogen and oxygen are present in water by volume.
(a) 1:2
(b) 1:1
(c) 2:1
(d) 1:8

Answer: c

36)Which among the following statement(s) is (are) true?

Exposure of silver chloride to sunlight for a long duration turns grey due to
(i) the formation of silver by decomposition of silver chloride
(ii) sublimation of silver chloride
(iii decomposition of chlorine gas from silver chloride
(iv) oxidation of silver chloride

(a) (i) only

(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (iv) only

Answer: a

37) MnO2 + 4HCl → 2 + 2H2O + Cl2

Identify the substance oxidized in the above . equation.
(a) MnCl2
(b) HCl
(c) H2O
(d) MnO2

Answer: d

38) A substance ‘X’ is used in white-washing and is obtained by heating limestone in the
absence of air. Identify ‘X’.
(a) CaOCl2
(b) Ca (OH)2
(c) CaO
(d) CaCO3

Answer: A

39) When Ag is exposed to air it gets a black coating of

(a) AgNO3
(b) Ag2S
(c) Ag2O
(d) Ag2CO3

Answer: b

40) Which of the following is an endothermic process?

(a) Dilution of sulphuric acid
(b) Sublimation of dry ice
(c) Condensation of water vapours
(d) Respiration in human beings

Answer: b

41) In the double displacement reaction between aqueous potassium iodide and aqueous
lead nitrate, a yellow precipitate of lead iodide is formed. While performing the activity
if lead nitrate is not available, which of the following can be used in place of lead
(a) Lead sulphate (insoluble)
(&) Lead acetate
(c) Ammonium nitrate
(d) Potassium sulphate

Answer: b

42) What type of chemical reactions take place when electricity is passed through water?
(a) Displacement
(b) Combination
(c) Decomposition
(d) Double displacement

Answer: c

43) Select the oxidizing agent for the following reaction:

H2S + I2 > 2HI + S
(a) I2
(b) H2S
(C) HI
(d) S

Answer: a

44) A substance added to food containing fats and oils is called:

(a) Oxidant
(b) Rancid
(c) Coolant
(d) Antioxidant

Answer: d

45) The condition produced by aerial oxidation of fats and oils in foods marked by
unpleasant smell and taste is called:
(a) antioxidation
(b) reduction
(c) rancidity
(d) corrosion

Answer: c

46) Electrolysis of water is a decomposition reaction. The mole ratio of hydrogen and
oxygen gases liberated during electrolysis of water is:
(a) 1 : 1
(b) 2:1
(c) 4:1
(d) 1:2

Answer: b

47) When S02 gas is passed through saturated solution of H2S, which of the following
reaction occurs?
(a) SO2 + 2H2S → 2H20 + 3S
(b) SO2 + 2H2S → H20 + 3S
(c)SO2 + H2S → H2O + S
(d) SO2 + H2O → SO3 + H2

Answer: a

48) Name the products formed when iron filings are heated with dilute hydrochloric acid
(a) Fe (III) chloride and water
(b) Fe (II) chloride and water
(c) Fe (II) chloride and hydrogen gas
(d) Fe (III) chloride and hydrogen gas
Answer: d

49) Pb + CuCl2 → PbCl2 + Cu

The above reaction is an example of:
(a) combination
(b) double displacement
(c) decomposition
(d) displacement

Answer: d

50) Which of the following gases can be used for storage

(a) Carbon dioxide or Oxygen
(b) Nitrogen or Oxygen
(c) Carbon dioxide or Helium
(d) Helium or Nitrogen

Answer: d

51) A dilute ferrous sulphate solution was gradually added to the beaker containing
acidified permanganate solution. The light purple color of the solution fades and finally
disappears. Which of the following is the correct explanation for the observation?

(a) KMnO4 is an oxidizing agent, it oxidizes FeSO4.

(b) FeSO4 acts as an oxidizing agent and oxidizes KMNO4.
(c) The color disappears due to dilution; no reaction is involved.
(d) KMnO4 is an unstable compound and de-composes in presence of FeSO4. to a colorless compound.

Answer A

52) In which of the following chemical equations, the abbreviations represent the correct
states of the reactants and products involved at reaction temperature?
(a) 2H2 (l) + O2 (l) > 2H2O(g)
(b) 2H2 (g) + O2 (l) > 2H2O (l)
(c) 2H2 (g) + O2 (g) > 2H2O (l)
(d) 2H2 (g) +O2 (g) > 2H2O (g)

Answer: C

53) 2HNO3 + Ca(OH)2 → Ca(NO3)2 + 2H2O; is an example of

(I ) displacement reaction
(ii) double displacement reaction
(iii) neutralization reaction
(iv) combination reaction.

(a) (i) and (ii)

(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iv)

Answer: B

54) Burning Magnesium ribbon is brought in the gas jar of carbon dioxide. Which of the
following is correct ?
(i) It keeps on burning
(ii) It gets extinguished
(iii) Although CO2 is non-supporter of combustion but burning magnesium breaks
CO2 into carbon and oxygen, oxygen helps in burning.
(iv) Carbon dioxide is supporter of combustion.

(a) (i) and (iv)

(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (ii)
(d) (iii) and (iv)

Answer: B

55) What is observed when a solution of potassium iodide is added to silver nitrate
solution ?
(a) No reaction takes place
(b) White precipitate of silver iodide is formed
(c) yellow precipitate of Agl is formed
(d) Agl is soluble in water.

Answer: A

56) Which of the following reactions will not take place ?

(a) Zn + CuSO4 → ZnSO3 + Cu
(b) 2KBr + Cl2 → KCl + Br2
(c) Zn + MgSO4 → ZnSO4 + Mg
(d) Mg + FeSO4 → MgSO4 + Fe

Answer: C
57) Which of the following involves combination of two elements ?
(a) N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g)
(b) CaO(s) + CO2(g) → CaCO3(g)
(c) 2SO2(g) + O2(g) → 2SO3f(g)
(d) NH3(g) + HCl(g) → NH4Cl(s)

Answer: A

58) The formula of Ammonium phosphate is

(a) NH4PO4
(b) (NH4)2PO4
(c) (NH4)3PO4
(d) (NH4)3(PO4)2

Answer: C

59) Which of the following is a thermal decomposition reaction ?

(a) 2H2O → 2H2 + O2
(b) 2AgCl → 2Ag + Cl2
(c) ZnCO3 → ZnO + CO2
(d) H2(g) + Cl2(g) → 2HCl(g)

Answer: C

60) The following reaction is an example of a

4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) → 4NO(g) + 6H2O(g)

(i) displacement reaction

(ii) combination reaction
(iii) redox reaction
(iv) neutralisation reaction [NCERT Exemplar Problems]

(a) (i) and (iv)

(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iii)
(d) (iii) and (iv)

Answer: C

61) Which of the following are exothermic processes?

(i) Reaction of water with quick lime
(ii) Dilution of an acid
(iii) Evaporation of water
(iv) Sublimation of camphor (crystals) [NCERT Exemplar Problems]

(a) (i) and (ii)

(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iv)
(d) (iii) and (iv)

Answer: A

62) Which among the following is (are) double displacement reactions ? [NCERT
Exemplar Problems

(i) Pb + CuCl2 → PbCl2 + Cu

(ii) Na2SO4 + BaCl2 → BaSO4 + 2NaCl
(iii) C + O2 → CO2
(iv) CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O

(a) (i) and (iv)

(b) (ii) only
(c) (i) and (ii)
(d) (iii) and (iv)

Answer: B

63) Barium chloride on reacting with ammonium sulphate forms barium sulphate and
ammonium chloride. Which of the following correctly represents the type of the reaction
involved ?

(i) Displacement reaction

(ii) Precipitation reaction
(iii) Combination reaction
(iv) Double displacement reaction

(a) (i) only

(b) (ii) only
(c) (iv) only
(d) (ii) and (iv)

Answer C
64) Electrolysis of water is a decomposition reaction. The molar ratio of hydrogen and
oxygen gases liberated during electrolysis of water is
(a) 1 : 1
(b) 2 : 1
(c) 4 : 1
(d) 1 : 2

Answer: B

65) Which of the following is (are) an endothermic process(es) ?

(z) Dilution of sulphuric acid

(ii) Sublimation of dry ice
(iii) Condensation of water vapours
(iv) Evaporation of water

(a) (i) and (iii)

(b) (ii) only
(c) (iii) only
(d) (ii) and (iv)

Answer: B

66) Which one of the following processes involve chemical reactions ?

(a) Storing of oxygen gas under pressure in a gas cylinder
(b) Liquefaction of air
(c) Keeping petrol in a China dish in the open
(d) Heating copper wire in presence of air at high temperature

Answer: D

67) The brown gas evolved on heating of copper nitrate is

(a) O2
(b) NO2
(c) N2
(d) NO

Answer: B

68) Zinc reacts with silver nitrate to form which compounds?

(a) Zn(NO3)2 + Ag
(b) ZnNO3 + Ag
(c) AgNO3 + Zn(NO3)2
(d) Ag + Zn(NO3)3

Answer: A

69) MnO2 + 4HCl → MnCl2 + H2O + Cl2 The oxidising agent is

(a) MnO2
(b) HCl
(c) MnCl2
(d) Ag + Zn(NO3)3

Answer: B

70) Magnesium ribbon is rubbed before burning because it has a coating of

A) basic magnesium carbonate
B) basic magnesium oxide
c) basic magnesium sulphide
d) basic magnesium chloride

Answer A

71) In which of the following chemical equations, the abbreviations represent the correct
states of the reactants and products involved at reaction temperature?
A) 2H2(l) + O2(l) → 2H2O(g)
B) 2H2(g) + O2(l) → 2H2O(l)
C) 2H2(g) + O2(g) → 2H2O(l)
D) 2H2(g) + O2(g) → 2H2O(g)

Answer d

72) Consider equations: Ca⁺²(aq) + 2OH‾(aq)→Ca(OH)₂ (s). The precipitate of calcium

hydroxide will be of
A) Green colour
B) Blue colour
C) Brown colour
D) White colour

Answer d
73) The chemical reaction between Hydrogen sulphide and iodine to give Hydrogen
iodide and sulphur is given below:

H2S + I2 → 2HI + S

The reducing and oxidizing agents involved in this redox reaction are:
A) Iodine and sulphur respectively
B) Iodine and hydrogen sulphide respectively
C) Sulphur and iodine respectively
D) Hydrogen sulphide and sulphur

Answer B

74) The chemical formula of lead sulphate is

A) Pb2SO4
B) Pb(SO4)2
C) PbSO4
D) Pb2(SO4)3

Answer 3

75) An element X on exposure to moist air turns reddish-brown and a new compound Y is
formed. The substances X and Y are
A) X = Fe, Y = Fe2O3
B) X = Ag, Y = Ag2S
C) X = Cu, Y = CuO
D) X = Al, Y = Al2O3

Answer A

76) Which of the statements about the reaction below are incorrect?

2PbO(s) + C(s) → 2Pb(s) + CO2 (g)

(i) Lead is getting reduced.
(ii) Carbon dioxide is getting oxidised.
(iii) Carbon is getting oxidised.
(iv) Lead oxide is getting reduced.
A) (i), (ii) and (iii)
B) (i) and (iii)
C) (i) and (ii)
D) All statements are incorrect

Answer C

77) Which of the following reactions is not correct:

A) Zn+ CuSO4 → ZnSO4 + Cu
B) 2Ag + Cu(NO3)2 → 2AgNO3 + Cu
C) Fe+CuSO4 → FeSO4 + Cu
D) Mg + 2HCl → MgCl2 + H2

Answer B

78) Which of the following is not a physical change?

A) Boiling of water to give water vapour
B) Melting of ice to give water
C) Dissolution of salt in water
D) Combustion of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Answer D

79) The reaction between lead nitrate and potassium iodide present in aqueous solutions
is an example of
A) Decomposition Reaction
B) Displacement Reaction
C) Double Displacement Reaction
D) Neutralisation Reaction

Answer C

80) Which option denotes a double displacement reaction?

A) A + B + C
B) A + B → C
C) AC + BD → AD + BC
D) AC + B → AB + C

Answer C
81) 2Fe+3H2O→Fe2O3+3H2.↑ is a
A) Combination equation
B) Decomposition reaction
C) Isomerization reaction
D) Displacement reaction

Answer D

82) Which reactant is reduced in a given reaction:

CuO + H2 -> Cu + H2 O
A) Hydrogen
B) Oxygen
C) Copper Oxide
D) None of the above

Answer C

83)The reaction 2Pb(NO3)2 → 2PbO + 4NO2 + O2 is a type of _______reaction.

(a) displacement
(b) double decomposition
(c) decomposition
(d) none of the above

Answer: (c)

84) The correct expression for decomposition of silver chloride to silver and chlorine is
(a) AgCl2(s) → Ag(s) + 2Cl(g)
(b) 2AgCl(s)→ 2Ag(s) + Cl2(g)
(c) AgCl2(s) → Ag(s) + Cl2(g)
(d) AgCl(s) → Ag(s) + Cl(g)

Answer: (b)

85) A reaction where two compounds exchange their atoms to form new compounds
(a) decomposition
(b) double displacement
(c) displacement
(d) synthesis

Answer: (b)

86) The decomposition of silver chloride occurs by

(a) heat
(b) sunlight
(c) water
(d) electricity

Answer: (b)

87)The chemical reaction: 2 H₂O → 2 H₂ + O₂ is a:

a) synthesis reaction
b) decomposition reaction
c) single displacement reaction
d) double displacement reaction
e) combustion reaction


88)The chemical reaction: 8 Fe + S₈ → 8 FeS is a:

A) synthesis reaction
B) decomposition reaction
C) single displacement reaction
D) double displacement reaction
E) combustion reaction


89)Identify the type of reaction: H2 + Cl2 → 2HCl

A) Decomposition reaction
B) Combination reaction
C) Double displacement reaction
D) Displacement reaction

Ans : B

90)The reaction of zinc dust with copper sulphate solution is an example of ________ .
A) combination reaction
B) decomposition reaction
C) displacement reaction
D) double displacement reaction

Answer: C

91) CaCO3 → CaO + CO2 is a ________ reaction.

A) combination
B) displacement
C) double displacement
D) decomposition

Answer: D

92) Pb(NO3)2 + 2 KI ---> PbI2 + 2 KNO3 What constitutes this reaction?

A) Decomposition
B) Combustion
C) Double displacement
D) Synthesis

Answer: C

93) in a chemical reaction, a hydrocarbon compound reacts with the diatomic element
oxygen. What type of reaction is this?
A) Single replacement
B) Combustion
C) Formation
D) Double replacement
Answer: B

94)Is the following reaction a synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double

replacement, neutralization (acid-base), or combustion reaction? C10H8 + 12O2 → 10CO2
+ 4H2O
A) Single replacement
B) Combustion
C) Synthesis
D) Decomposition

Answer: B

95) Which of the following represents a chemically balanced decomposition reaction of

nickel (III) oxide into its elements?
A) Ni2O3 + H2O2 → 2Ni + 3O2 + H2
B) 2Ni3O2 → 4Ni + 3O2
C) 2Ni2O3 → 4Ni + 3O2
D) 2NiO → 2Ni + O2

Answer: C

96) You can tell a chemical reaction because it always produces …

A) A different substance
B) Reactants
C) A change of state
D) Water

Answer: A

97) Which one of the following is a chemical equation?

A) Ice + heat --> water
B) Iron + oxygen --> rust
C) CO2
D) C + O2 --> CO2

Answer: D
98) BaCO3 --> BaO + CO2
A) Synthesis reaction
B) Decomposition reaction
C) Single replacement reaction
D) Double replacement reaction
E) Combustion reaction

Answer: B

99)What is the product of neutralization?

A) Sugar
B) Salt
C) Water
D) Salt + water

Answer: D

100) C2H5OH + 3 O2 à 2 CO2 + 3H2O Combustion

A) True
B) False


101) H2SO4 + 2NaOH à Na2SO4 + 2H2O Decomposition

A) True
B) False


102) Mg + HCl à MgCl2 + H2 Single replacement

A) True
B) False

103) Fe (II) + CuSO4 à FeSO4 + Cu Single replacement

A) True
B) False


104) Na2SO4 + BaCl2 à 2NaCl + BaSO4 Double replacement

A) True


105)2 Na(OH) à Na2O + H2O Double replacement

B) False


106) MnO2 + 4HCl → MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2

Identify the substance oxidized in the above equation.

(a) MnCl2
(b) HCl
(c) MnO2
(d) H2O

Answer: (b)

107) Select the oxidizing agent for the following reaction:

H2S + I2 → 2HI + S
(a) H2S
(b) I2
(C) HI
(d) S
Answer: (b)

108) Oxidation is a process that involves

(a) addition of oxygen
(b) addition of hydrogen
(c) removal of oxygen
(d) removal of hydrogen

Answer: (a)

109) 2MgI2 + Mn(SO3)2 --> MgSO3 + MnI4 is what type of reaction.

A) Double Displacement
B) Single Displacement
C) Synthesis
D) Decomposition


110) C + H2 à C3H6 is an example of double displacement.

A) True
B) False


111) Na3PO3 3KOH --> 3NaOH + K3PO4 is an example of _______ _______

A) Double Displacement
B) Single Displacement
C) Synthesis
D) Decomposition


112) MgCl2 + LiCO3 --> MgCO3 + 2LiCl is an example of single displacement.

A) True
B) False


113) 2RbNO3 + BeF2 -->: Be(NO3)2 +RbF is an example of what type of reaction?
A) Single Displacement
B) Synthesis
C) Decomposition
D) Combustion
E) None of the above

114) The chemical reaction: AgNO₃ + NaCl → AgCl + NaNO₃ is a:

A) synthesis reaction
B) decomposition reaction
C) single displacement reaction
D) double displacement reaction
E) combustion reaction

Answer: D

115) The chemical reaction: Zn + H₂SO₄ → ZnSO₄ + H₂ is a:

A) synthesis reaction
B) decomposition reaction
C) single displacement reaction
D) double displacement reaction
E) combustion reaction

Answer: C

116) The chemical reaction: CH₄ + 2 O₂ → CO₂ + 2 H₂O is a:

A) synthesis reaction
B) decomposition reaction
C) single displacement reaction
D) double displacement reaction
E) combustion reaction

Answer: A

117) The chemical reaction: 2 Fe + 6 NaBr → 2 FeBr₃ + 6 Na is a:

A) synthesis reaction
B) decomposition reaction
C) single displacement reaction
D) double displacement reaction
E) combustion reaction

Answer: C

118) The chemical reaction: Pb + O₂ → PbO₂ is a:

A) synthesis reaction
B) decomposition reaction
C) single displacement reaction
D) double displacement reaction
E) combustion reaction

Answer: A

119) The chemical reaction: 2 CO + O₂ → 2 CO₂ is a:

A) synthesis reaction
B) decomposition reaction
C) single displacement reaction
D) double displacement reaction
E) combustion reaction

Answer: A

120) The chemical reaction: Ca(OH)₂ + H₂SO₄ → CaSO₄ + 2 H₂O is a:

A) synthesis reaction
B) decomposition reaction
C) single displacement reaction
D) double displacement reaction
E) combustion reaction

Answer: D

121) Which chemical equation correctly represents the decomposition reaction that takes

when ammonia breaks down to form hydrogen gas and nitrogen gas?
A) NH3 + H2 → N2
B) NH3 → N + H
C) N2 + H2 → NH3
D) NH3 → N2 + H2


122) When propane is reacted in the presence of oxygen gas, the products of this

reaction are:
A) C + H2
B) CH2 + H2O
C) CO2 + H2
D) CO2 + H2O


123) In a decomposition reaction:

A) the reactants are usually a metal and a nonmetal
B) one of the reactants is often water
C) the reactants are generally two ionic compounds in aqueous solution
D) energy in the form of heat or light is often produced

124) Combination reactions always:
A) use only one reactant
B) form only one product
C) involve an element and an ionic compound
D) require oxygen gas


125) Of the reactions below, which one is a double-replacement reaction?

A) NH4Cl → NH3 + HCl
B) 2 Mg + O2 → 2 MgO
C) 2 N2 + 3 H2 → 2 NH3
D) Cd(NO3)2 + Na2S → CdS + 2 NaNO3


126) The chemical equation, Cr + Fe(NO3)2 → Fe + Cr(NO3)3, is an example of which

type of

A) decomposition
B) single-replacement
C) double-replacement
D) combustion


127) The chemical equation, KClO3 → KCl + O2, is an example of which type of reaction?
A) decomposition
B) single-replacement
C) double-replacement
D) combustion

128) Which of the following are decomposition reactions?
1. CH4 (g) + O2 (g) → CO2 (g) + H2O (l)
2. CaO (s) + CO2 (g) → CaCO3 (s)
3. Mg (s) + O2 (g) → MgO (s)
4. PbCO3 (s) → PbO (s) + CO2 (g)
A) 2 and 3
B) 2, 3, and 4
C) 4 only
D) All are decomposition reactions.


129) Of the balanced chemical equations below, which one is combustion reaction?
A) 2 CH4 + 4 O2 → 2 CO2 + 4 H2O
B) CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2
C) 2 N2 + 3 H2 → 2 NH3
D) 2 Mg + O2 → 2 MgO


130) In the following chemical reaction, what product is represented by X?

AlCl3 + NaOH → X + NaCl

B) Al(OH)3
C) Al3OH
D) It cannot be determined.


131)The catalytic activity of transition metals and their compounds is ascribed mainly to:
a) their unfilled d-orbitals
b) their ability to adopt variable oxidation states
c) their chemical reactivity
d) their magnetic behavior


132)What is lanthanoid's most common oxidation state?



133)Four successive members of the first series of transition metals are listed below. For
which one of them does the standard potential (EⓇ M²+/M) value have a positive sign?
1. Ni (Z = 28)
2. Cu (Z = 29)
3. Fe (Z = 26)
4. Co (Z = 27)


134)An element among the following that exhibits the maximum oxidation state is:
1. Cr
2. Mn
3. Fe
4. V


135)Highly soluble hydroxide in water is formed by –

1. Ni2+
2. K+
3. Zn2+
4. A13+

136)What would you observe if excess of dilute NaOH solution is added and shaken with
an aqueous solution of aluminum chloride?
1. A permanent white precipitate is formed immediately
2. No change at first but a white precipitate is formed on standing
3. A white precipitate is formed which later dissolves
4. A green precipitate which turns red on standing in air


137)The strongest reducing agent among the following is:

1. K
2. Na
3. Al
4. Mg

138)When crystal of caustic soda is exposed to air, a liquid layer is deposited because:
1. crystal melts
2. crystal loses water
3. crystal absorbs moisture and CO2
4. crystal sublimes


139)Which one of the following is formed on dissolving 12 in aqueous solution of KI?

1. KIO4
2. KIO
3. Kl3
4. KIO3


140)The correct statement among the following regarding CsBr3 is –

1. It is a covalent compound.
2. It contains Cs2+ and Br ions.
3. It contains Cs*, Br and Br₂ lattice molecules.
4. It contains Cs* and Br, ions.


141)Hypo is chemically:
1. Na2S2O3.2H2O
2. Na2S2O3.3H2O
3. Na2S2O3.4H2O
4. Na2S2O3.5H2O


142)If NaOH is added to an aqueous solution of Zn2+ ions, a white precipitate appears
and on adding axcess NaOH, the precepitate dissolves. In this solution zinc exists in the:
1. cationic part
2. anionic part
3. both in cationic and anionic parts
4. there is no zinc left in the solution


143)NO2 is obtained by heating:

1. CsNO3
2. KNO3
3. LiNO3
4. NaNO3


144)Among the following, which has minimum solubility in water?

1. KOH
2. CsOH
3. LiOH
4. RboH

145)Common table salt becomes moist and does not pour easily in rainy season because:
1. It contains magnesium chloride.
2. It contains magnesium carbonate.
3. It melts slightly in rainy season.
4. Sodium chloride is hygroscopic.


146)A mixture of Al(OH)3 and Fe(OH)3 can be separated easily by treating it with:
1. HCI
3. HNO3
4. NaOH


147)Alkali metals are characterized by:

1. Good conductors of heat and electricity.
2. High melting points.
3. Low oxidation potentials.
4. High ionization potentials.


148)Excess of dilute sodium hydroxide solution is gradually added with shaking to an

aqueous solution of zinc sulphate. What would you observe?
1. A light blue precipitate is first formed which finally dissolves to give a deep blue solution
2. A white precipitate appears which dissolves to give a colourless solution.
3. A white precipitation is formed which does not dissolve
4. No change takes place and the solution remains clear

149)An alkali metal that reacts with nitrogen to form nitride is –
1. Li
2. Na
3. Cs
4. None of the above


150)The most basic oxide among the following is:

1. Na2O
2. Bao
3. As203
4. Al2O3

151)The most dangerous method of precipitating hydrogen would be by the action of HCI
1. Zn
2. Fe
3. K
4. Al


152)Which is industrially prepared by the electrolysis of aqueous NaCl?

1. Na2CO3
2. NaHCO3
3. NaOH
4. NaOCI


153)The products of the electrolysis of aqueous solution of common salt are:

1. Na + Cl2
2. H2 + O2
3. NaOH + H2 + Cl2
4. NaOH + Cl2 + O2


154)Sodium cannot be extracted by the electrolysis of brine solution because:

1. sodium leberated reacts with water to produce NaOH+H2
2. sodium being more electropositive than hydrogen, H₂ is liberated at cathod and not sodium
3. electrolysis cannot take place with brine solution
4. none of the above


155)The pair of compounds which cannot exist together in solution is:

1. NaHCO3 and NaOH
2. Na2CO3 and NaHCO3
3. Na2CO3 and NaOH
4. NaHCO3 and NaCl


156)Which one is the highest melting point halide?

1. NaCl
2. NaBr
3. NaF
4. Nal


157)LiAlH4 is obtained by reacting an excess of ...... with an etheral solution of AlCl3.

2. LiH
3. Li
4. LiOH


158)Sodium does not form Na²+,because:

1. Sodium contains only one electron in its outermost shell
2. First ionization potential is small and the difference in first and second ionization potential is very
3. Radius of Na+² is much smaller than of Na*
4. None of the above.


159)Lithium is the only alkali metal which is not placed in kerosene but is wrapped in
paraffin wax, because:
1. it reacts with kerosene
2. it floats to the surface of kerosene because of low density
3. it does not react with air and H₂O
4. none of the above


160)When CO2 is bubbled into an aqueous solution of Na2CO3, the following is formed:
1. H₂O
2. OH
3. NaHCO3
4. NaOH


161)The principal products obtained on heating iodine with concentrated caustic soda
solution are:
1. NaOI + Nal
2. NaIO3 + Nal
3. NaOI + NaIO3 + Nal
4. NalO4 + Nal


162)The formula of washing soda is:

1. Na2CO3
2. Na2CO3.H2O
3. Na2CO3.7H2O
4. Na2CO3.10H2O


163)When sulphur is heated with NaOH(aq) the compounds formed are:

(1) Na2S + H2O
(2) Na2SO3 + H2O
(3) Na2S + Na2S2O3 + H2O
(4) Na2S2O3 + H2O


164)NaOH is prepared by the electrolysis of:

1. aqueous solution of sodium chloride with platinum electrodes
2. molten sodium chloride with graphite anode and iron cathodes
3. sodium carbonate with platinum electrodes
4. sodium carbonate with nickel electrodes


165)Fusion of AgCl with Na2CO3 gives:

1. Ag2CO3
2. silver carbide
3. Ag
4. Ag2

166)Which of the following acts as reducing agent as well as oxidising agent?
1. Na2O
2. Na2O2
3. NaNO3
4. KNO3


167)Nitrates of I group (except LiNO3) on heating give:

2. N2
3. NO
4. NO2


168)An ion that has the largest size among the following is:
1. Li*(aq)
2. Cs+(aq)
3. Li*(g)
4. K*(aq)


169)The incorrect statement among the following is:

1. Lithium is the strongest reducing agent.
2. Density of potassium is more than sodium.
3. Cs are used in devising photoelectric cells.
4. All alkali metals give a blue solution in liquid ammonia.


170)Which of the following alkali metal ion in aqueous solution is the best conductor of
(1) Li*
(2) Na*
(3) Cs+
(4) K+


171)Dissolving metallic Zn in excess of NaOH produces: -

(1) Na₂ZnO2
(2) Zn(OH)2
(3) ZnO
(4) Zn(OH)2 & Na₂ZnO₂


172)Superoxide is formed on heating with an excess of air by:-

1. Li, Na
2. Mg, Be
3. Na, K
4. K, Rb


173)For the alkali metals, which of the following increases with increasing atomic
1. Ionization potential
2. Electronegativity
3. Atomic radius
4. Hydration energy of the univalent ion


174)On heating Li2CO3 and Na2CO3.10H2O, the residue is left after heating. The weight
loss is due to
1. Evolution of CO2 from Na2CO3.10H2O only
2. Evolution of CO2 from Li2CO3 only
3. Due to evolution of CO2 from Li2CO3 and H2O from Na2CO3.10H₂O
4. H2O from Na2CO3.10H2O


175)lonic mobility of which of the following alkali metal ions is lowest when an aqueous
solution of their salts are put under an electric field?
(1) Na
(2) K
(3) Rb
(4) Li

ANS:4 '

176)Metals are usually not found as nitrates in their ores"" Out of the following two (I
and II) reasons which is/are true for the above observation?
1.Metal nitrates are highly unstable.
2. Metal nitrates are highly soluble in water.
A)I and II are true
B) I and II are false
C) I is false but II is true
D) I is true but II is tase


177)A compound that releases CO2 most easily upon heating is –

1. K2CO3
2. Na2CO3
3. MgCO3
4. CaCO3

178)Property of the alkaline earth metals that increases with their atomic number is –
1. Solubility of their hydroxides in water.
2. Solubility of their sulphates in water.
3. Ionisation energy.
4. Electronegativity.


179)The number of peroxide linkages in Cro5 is/are

1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. None of the above


180)Conversion of PbSO4 to Pbs is:

1. Reduction of S
2. Oxidation of S
3. Dissociation
4. None of the above


181)An aqueous solution of SO2 reacts with H2S to precipitate sulfur. Here SO₂ acts as:
1. Catalyst
2. Reducing agent
3. Oxidising agent
4. Acid


182)Redox reaction among the following is –

1. NaCl + KNO3 →NaNO3 + KCI
2. CaC2O4 + 2HCI →→CaCl2 + H2C2O4
3. Mg(OH)2+2NH4Cl →MgCl2 + 2NH4OH
4. Zn + 2AgCN →2Ag + Zn(CN)2


183)Reaction that represents reduction of hydrogen is –

1. Carbon Monoxide + Copper Oxide → Carbon Dioxide + Copper
2. Copper Oxide + Hydrochlorid Acid → Water + Copper Chloride
3. Steam + Iron →Hydrogen + Iron oxide
4. Hydrogen+ Iron Oxide → Water + Iron


184)The oxidation number of Fe in K3[Fe(CN)6] is:

1. +2
2. +3
3. +4
4. +1


185)It is found that v forms a double salt isomorphous with Mohr's salt. The oxidation
number of V in this compound is:
1. +3
2. +2
3. +4
4. -4


186)The correct order of reducing power of halide ions is:

1. Cl> Br>I>F
2. Cl>I> Br > F
3. Br> Cl">I>F
4. I > Br> CI > F


187)When H2SO3 is converted into H2SO4 the change in the oxidation state of sulfur is
1. 0 to +2
2. +2 to +4
3. +4 to +2
4. +4 to +6


188)The reaction during which nitrogen gets oxidised is:

1.NH → N2
2. NO →NO
3. NO2 → NO₂
4. NO→ NH


189)Reaction that shows hydrogen as an oxidising agent is –

1. With ioding to give hydrogen iodide
2. With lithium to give lithium hydride
3. With nitrogen to give ammonia
4. With sulphur to give hydrogen sulphide


190)Fluorine is a strong oxidising agent because:

1. it has several isotopes
2. it is very small and has 7 electrons in valency shell
3. its valency is one
4. it is the first member of the halogen series


191)The oxidation state of Ni in Ni(CO)4 is:

1. zero
2. +4
3. +8
4. +2


192)Which of the following is a substrate that is oxidized?

A-Cationic species
B-Neutral species
C-Reducing agent
D-Oxidizing agent
E-Anionic species


192)What is the process of gaining an electron called?



193)Which of the following is a substrate that is reduced?

A-Anionic species
B-Cationic species
C-Reducing agent
D-Oxidizing agent
E-Neutral species


194)Which of the following is not an oxidation–reduction reaction?


195)Cesium can be produced by reacting calcium with cesium chloride according to the
following equation:

Which element is being oxidized?



197) Which of the following are incorrectly paired?

A) Alumina – pure aluminum oxide
B) Downs cell – electrolyzes molten sodium chloride
C) Mercury cell – used in preventing contamination of NaOH by NaCl
D) Hall-Heroult process – uses cryolite in production of aluminum
E) All of these are correct.


198) Which of the following used to be more precious than gold or silver, due to
difficulties refining it?
A) copper
B) aluminum
C) tin
D) zinc
E) iron


199)What are the products of the chlor-alkali process?

A) sodium and sodium chloride
B) sodium chloride and chlorine
C) sodium and chlorine
D) sodium hydroxide and chlorine
E) aluminum and cryolite


200) In which of the following does iodine have the lowest oxidation state?
A) LiIO3
B) IO2
C) I2O
E) I2


201) In which of the following does nitrogen have the lowest oxidation state?
B) NO2
C) N2O
D) NH4Cl
E) NaNO2


202) In which of the following does nitrogen have the highest oxidation state?
B) NO2
C) N2O
D) NH4Cl
E) NaNO2

203) In the reaction shown below, what species is oxidized?

2NaI + Br2 2NaBr + I2

A) Na+
B) I-
C) Br2
D) Br–
E) I2


204) How many of the following are oxidation-reduction reactions?

NaOH + HCl NaCl + H2O

Cu + 2AgNO3 2Ag + Cu(NO3)2

Mg(OH)2 MgO + H2O

N2 + 3H2 2NH3
A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3
E) 4


205) In the following reaction, which species is oxidized?

8NaI + 5H2SO4 4I2 + H2S + 4Na2SO4 + 4H2O

A) sodium
B) iodine
C) sulfur
D) hydrogen
E) oxygen

206) In the reaction Zn + H2SO4 ZnSO4 + H2, which, if any, element is oxidized?
A) zinc
B) hydrogen
C) sulfur
D) oxygen
E) none of these


207) Which of the following statements is(are) true? Oxidation and reduction
A) cannot occur independently of each other
B) accompany all chemical changes
C) describe the loss and gain of electron(s), respectively
D) result in a change in the oxidation states of the species involved
E) A, C, and D


208) Which of the following are oxidation-reduction reactions?

I. PCl3 + Cl2 PCl5
II. Cu + 2AgNO3 Cu(NO3)2 + 2Ag
III. CO2 + 2LiOH Li2CO3 + H2O
IV. FeCl2 + 2NaOH Fe(OH)2 + 2NaCl
C) I and II
D) I, II, and III
E) I, II, III, and IV


209) Which of the following reactions does not involve oxidation-reduction?

A) CH4 + 3O2 2H2O + CO2
B) Zn + 2HCl ZnCl2 + H2
C) 2Na + 2H2O 2NaOH + H2
D) MnO2 + 4HCl Cl2 + 2H2O + MnCl2
E) All are oxidation-reduction reactions.


210) In the reaction C(s) + O2(g) CO2(g) carbon is __________.

A) the reducing agent
B) the electron acceptor
C) reduced
D) the oxidizing agent
E) more than one of these


211) In the reaction P4(s) + 10Cl2(g) 4PCl5(s), the reducing agent is

A) chlorine
B) PCl5
C) phosphorus
D) Cl–
E) none of these


212) In the reaction N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g), N2 is

A) oxidized
B) reduced
C) the electron donor
D) the reducing agent
E) two of these

213) In the reaction 2Cs(s) + Cl2(g) 2CsCl(s), Cl2 is
A) the reducing agent
B) the oxidizing agent
C) oxidized
D) the electron donor
E) two of these


214) In the reaction 2Ca(s) + O2(g) 2CaO(s), which species is oxidized?

A) O2
B) O2–
C) Ca
D) Ca2+
E) none of these


215) Which of the following statements is not true?

A) When a metal reacts with a nonmetal, an ionic compound is formed.
B) A metal-nonmetal reaction can always be assumed to be an oxidation-reduction
C) Two nonmetals can undergo an oxidation-reduction reaction.
D) When two nonmetals react, the compound formed is ionic.
E) A metal-nonmetal reaction involves electron transfer.


216) The oxidation state of chlorine in ClO–

A) 0
B) +1
C) -1
D) +3
E) -3


217) The oxidation state of iodine in IO3 is:

A) 0
B) +3
C) –3
D) +5
E) –5


218) In which of the following does nitrogen have an oxidation state of +4?
B) NO2
C) N2O
D) NH4Cl
E) NaNO2


219) Which of the compounds can exist together?

(a) HgCl2, SnCl2
(b) FeCl3, KI
(c) FeCl3, SnCl2
(d) FeCl2, SnCl2

Answer: (d)

220) One mole of ferrous oxalate requires____ moles of MnO4– to get oxidised completely
in an acidic medium
(a) 0.6 moles
(b) 0.4 moles
(c) 0.2 moles
(d) 7.5 moles

Answer: (b)

221) H2O2 changes Cr2O72- ion to CrO5 in an acidic medium, the oxidation state of Cr in
CrO5 is
(a) +6
(b) +5
(c) -10
(d) +3

Answer: (a)

222) H2SO4 acts as a strong oxidising agent. In which of the reaction, is it not acting as an
oxidising agent?
(a) C + 2H2SO4 → CO2 + 2SO2 + 2H2O
(b) CaF2 + 2H2SO4 → CaSO4 + 2HF
(c) S + 2H2SO4 → 3SO2 + H2O
(d) Cu + 2H2SO4 → CuSO4 + SO2 + 2H2O

Answer: (b)

223) During a reaction of oxalic acid, potassium chlorate and sulphuric acid, the
oxidation number of which of the element undergoes a maximum change
(a) H
(b) S
(c) C
(d) Cl

Answer: (d)

224) Find the redox reaction

(a) In the atmosphere, O3 from O2 by lighting
(b) The reaction of H2SO4 with NaOH
(c) Both oxidation and reduction reaction
(d) Evaporation of water

Answer: (c)

225) Find the oxidation state of I in H4IO6–

(a) +7
(b) +5
(c) +1
(d) -1

Answer: (a)

226) In which of the following complex, the oxidation number of Fe is +1?

(a) Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3
(b) [Fe(H2O)5NO]SO4
(c) [FeBr4]–
(d) [Fe(H2O)6]2-

Answer: (b)

227) Which among the following compounds is the most reducing compound?
(a) H2S
(b) HNO2
(c) SnCl2
(d) H2SO3

Answer: (a)

228) Which among the following is the strongest oxidising agent?

(a) H2O2
(b) O3
(c) K2Cr2O7
(d) KMnO4

Answer: (b)

229)In the reaction of formation of magnesium oxide magnesium undergoes ________

a) reduction
b) oxidation
c) hydrogenation
d) decomposition

Answer: b

230) A zinc ion is formed due to oxidation.

a) true
b) false

Answer: a

231) Removal of oxygen from a compound is an example of ________

a) oxidation
b) reduction
c) oxygenation
d) dehydrogenation

Answer: b

232)Reduction involves in __________ oxidation number.

a) decrease
b) increase
c) independence
d) remain constant
Answer: a
233)Formation of copper from copper iron is an example of a reduction.
a) true
b) false

Answer: a

234)Oxidation is the same as __________

a) addition of hydrogen
b) removal of oxygen
c) addition of oxygen
d) removal of Nitrogen

Answer: c

235)Formation of zinc sulphide is an example of ___________

a) reduction
b) oxidation
c) removal of oxygen
d) addition of hydrogen

Answer: b

236)SnCl2 + 2FeCl2 → SnCl4 + 2FeCl2 is an example of __________________ reaction.

a) only oxidation
b) only reduction
c) redox
d) neither oxidation nor reduction

Answer: c

237)SnCl2 + 2FeCl2 → SnCl4 + 2FeCl2. Which of the following element undergoes

oxidation in the reaction given?
a) iron
b) tin
c) chlorine
d) ferrous

Answer: b

238)Which of the following do you think is a correct statement?

a) oxidation is caused by a reducing agent
b) the oxidation reaction is a Redox reaction
c) addition of electropositive element is a type of oxidation
d) reduction is the addition of hydrogen

Answer: d

239)rusting of an iron is an example of


Ans: a

240)The oxidation of an oxygen in o2 and o3

a) 0
b) 2
c) 3
d)both 2 and 3

Ans: d

241) which o the following halogens has has oxidation number -1 in all its compounds
Ans: c

242)the oxidation number of ca in cao


Ans: c

243)fats and oils become rancids and their smell and taste change when they get
d)all of the above

Ans: c

244)what is the oxidation of hydrogen in H2O


Ans: a

245)oxidation is defined as a loss of


Ans: a
246)which of these statements is correct with respect to definition of oxidation agent?
1- it undergoes reduction
2- it is an acceptor of electrons
3- it undergoes oxidation
4- it is a donor of electrons
A)1 and 4
b) 1 and 2
c) 2 and 3
d) 3 and 4

Ans: b

247) which of the following compounds is both oxidation and reduction agent
a) nitrons acid
b)sulphric dioxide
c) sulphrous acid
d) all of the above

Ans: d

248)which of the following isnot a reducing agent

a)sulphur dioxide
b)carbon monoxide
c) potassium permanganate
d)hydrogen sulphide

Ans: c

249) Old paintings can be restored through an oxidizing agent

Ans: b

250) What is true about oxidizing agents?

a)they are mostly non-metals
b)they are mostly metals
c)their oxidation state decreases
d)they are mostly transition metals

Ans: a

251) Hydrogen acts as a reducing agent, by

a)taking oxygen only
b)giving electrons only
c)taking hydrogen
d)taking oxygen and giving electrons

Ans: d

252) Oxidizing agents do not include

a)potassium iodide
b)potassium magnate
c)potassium dichromate
d)bromine solutions

Ans: a

253) While the Potassium Iodide (KI) is a powerful reducing agent, the
a)iodide ion is oxidized to iodine
b)iodide ion is reduced to iodine
c)iodine is reduced to iodide ion
d)iodine is oxidized to iodide ion

Ans: a
254) In Copper Oxide (CuO) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) reaction, the reducing agent is

Ans: b

255) In Copper Oxide (CuO) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) reaction

a)CO is being oxidized
b)CuO is being oxidized
c)CO is being reduced
d)CuO is being reduced

Ans: a

256) The process of reduction involves

a)gain in hydrogen only
b)loss of oxygen only
c)loss of hydrogen
d)gain in hydrogen and loss of oxygen

Ans: d

257) When dichromate (VI) ion becomes reduced to chromium (III) ion, a change of color
occurs from
a)purple to pink
b)purple to colorless
c)orange to purple
d)orange to green

Ans: d
258) If Potassium Iodide (KI) acts as an oxidizing agent, change occurs from, indicates the
presence of
a)colorless to brown
b)colorless to blue
c)brown to colorless
d)blue to colorless

Ans: a

259) A mixture of potassium chlorate, oxalic acid and sulphuric acid is heated. During

The reaction which element undergoes a maximum change in the oxidation number?
a) S
b) H
c) Cl
d) C

Answer: C

260) [Fe(CN)6]4−→[Fe(CN)6]3−+e−; Eo=−0.35 VFe2+→Fe3++e−; Eo=−0.77 V

The strongest oxidizing agent in the above equation is -

a) [Fe(CN)6]4−
b) Fe2+
c) Fe3+
d) [Fe(CN)6]3−

answer: C

261) Saturated solution of KNO3 is used to make 'salt-bridge' because:

a) velocity of K+ is greater than that of NO−3
b) velocity of NO−3 is greater than that of K+
c) Velocities of both K+ and NO−3 are nearly the same
d) KNO3 is highly soluble in water
Answer: C

262) When a copper wire is immersed in a solution of AgNO3, the colour of the solution
becomes blue because copper:
a) Forms a soluble complex with AgNO3
b) Is oxidised to Cu2+
c) Is reduced to Cu2−
d) Splits up into atomic form and dissolves

Answer: B

263) Given below are the half-cell reactions,

Mn2+ + 2e- → Mn; E0 = -1.18V
2Mn3+ + 2e- → 2Mn2+; E0 = +1.51V
The E0 for 3 Mn2+ → 2 Mn+3 + Mn will be:
a) -2.69V; the reaction will not occur
b) -2.69V; the reaction will occur
c) -0.33V; the reaction will not occur
d) -0.33V; the reaction will occur

Answer: A

264) If an iron rod is dipped in CuSO4 solution, then:

a) Blue colour of the solution turns red.
b) Brown layer is deposited on iron rod.
c) No change occurs in the colour of the solution.
d) None of the above.

Answer: B

265) Without losing it's concentration, ZnCl2 solution cannot be kept in contact with :
a) Au
b) Al
c) Pb
d) Ag

Answer: B

266) The standard reduction potential at 290 K for the following half reactions are,
(i) Zn2+ + 2e— → Zn(s); E° = -0.762 V
(ii) Cr3+ + 3e → Cr(s); E° = -0.740 V
(iii) 2H+ + 2e → H2(g); · E° = +0.000 V
(iv) Fe3+ + e → Fe2+; E° = +0.77V

Which is the strongest reducing agent?

a) Zn
b) Cr
c) Fe2+
d) H2

Answer: A

267) The most convenient method to protect the bottom of the ship made of iron is
a) coating it with red lead oxide
b) white tin plating
c) connecting it with Mg block
d) connecting it with Pb block

Answer: C

268) The Zn acts as sacrificial or cathodic protection to prevent rusting of iron because:
a) E∘OP of Zn < E∘OP of Fe
b) E∘OP of Zn > E∘OP of Fe
c) E∘OP of Zn = E∘OP of fe
d) Zn is cheaper than iron

Answer: B
269) On electrolysing a solution of dilute H2SO4 between platinum electrodes, the gas
evolved at the anode and cathode are respectively:
a) SO2 and O2
b) SO3 and H2
c) O2 and H2
d) H2 and O2

answer: C

270) If mercury is used as cathode in the electrolysis of aqueous NaCl solution, the ions
discharged at cathode are:
a) H+
b) Na+
c) OH-
d) Cl-

Answer: B

271) A solution containing one mole per litre each of Cu(NO3)2, AgNO3, Hg2(NO3)2 and
Mg(NO3)2 is being electrolyzed by using inert electrodes. The values of standard
electrode potentials in volt (reduction potentials) are,

Ag+ /Ag = 0.80 V, Hg2+2 /2Hg = 0.79 V,

Cu2+/Cu = +0.34 V and Mg2+/Mg = -2.37 V

With increasing voltage, the sequence of deposition of metals on the cathode will be:
a) Ag, Hg, Cu, Mg
b) Mg, Cu, Hg, Ag
c) Ag, Hg, Cu
d) Cu, Hg, Ag

Answer: C

272) When a lead storage battery is discharged, then:

a) SO2 is evolved.
b) Lead is formed.
c) Lead sulphate is consumed.
d) Sulphuric acid is consumed.

Answer: D

273) A depolariser used in dry cell batteries is:

a) Ammonium chloride
b) Manganese dioxide
c) Potassium hydroxide
d) Sodium phosphate

Answer: B

274) An electrochemical cell generally consists of a cathode and an anode. Which of the
following statements is correct with respect to the cathode?
a) Oxidation occurs at the cathode
b) Electrons move into the cathode
c) Usually denoted by a negative sign
d) Is usually made up of insulating material

Answer: B

275) When equilibrium is reached inside the two half-cells of the electrochemical cells,
what is the net voltage across the electrodes?
a) > 1
b) < 1
c) = 0
d) Not defined

Answer: C

276) Which of the following is not a generally used electrolyte in the salt bridges used to
connect the two half-cells of an electrochemical cell?
a) NaCl
b) KNO3
c) KCl
d) ZnSO4

Answer: D

277) Which of the following statements is correct regarding Electrochemical cells?

a) Cell potential is an extensive property
b) Cell potential is an intensive property
c) The Gibbs free energy of an electrochemical cell is an intensive property
d) Gibbs free energy is undefined for an electrochemical cell

Answer: B

278) Which of the following factors does not affect the electrode potential of an
a) Nature of the electrode (metal)
b) Temperature of the solution
c) Molarity of the solution
d) Size of the electrode

Answer: d

279) Why are the saturated solutions of electrolytes for the salt bridge prepared in agar-
agar jelly or gelatin?
a) The jelly acts as an electrolyte
b) It helps the electrolytes to mix with the contents of the half cells
c) It helps maintain the electrical polarity between the two half-cell solutions
d) It keeps the electrolyte in semi-solid phase and prevents it from mixing with the two half-cell

Answer: d

280) Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of a salt bridge?

a) Salt bridge joins the two halves of an electrochemical cell
b) It completes the inner circuit
c) It is filled with a salt solution (or gel)
d) It does not maintain electrical neutrality of the electrolytic solutions of the half-cells

Answer: d

281) Which of the following is not a type of electrochemical cell?

a) Voltaic cell
b) Photovoltaic cell
c) Electrolytic cell
d) Fuel Cell

Answer: b

282) . What is the direction of flow of electrons in an electrolytic cell?

a) Anode to cathode externally
b) Anode to cathode internally
c) Cathode to anode externally
d) Cathode to anode in the solution

Answer: a

283) Which of the following is a not a secondary cell?

a) Nickel-cadmium cell
b) Lead storage cell
c) Mercury cell
d) Leclanche cell

Answer: d

284) Which of the following statements regarding primary cells is false?

a) Primary cells cannot be recharged
b) They have low internal resistance
c) They have an irreversible chemical reaction
d) Their initial cost is cheap

Answer: b

285) What is the observation when the opposing external applied potential to an
electrochemical cell is greater than the cell’s potential?
a) The electrochemical cell behaves like an electrolytic cell
b) The electrochemical cell stops functioning
c) Only oxidation reactions occur in the cell
d) Only reduction reactions occur in the cell

Answer: a

286) Which of the following is not a requirement for a useful battery?

a) It should be light and compact
b) It should have a reasonable life span
c) It should ideally have a constant voltage throughout its lifespan
d) It should supply Alternating Current(AC)

Answer: d

287) Which of the following is used as an anode in a dry cell?

a) Zinc
b) Graphite
c) Mercury(II) oxide
d) Nickel

Answer: c

288) Why do leak proof dry cells have an iron or steel sheet covering the zinc cylinder?
a) It increases the potential difference between the anode and cathode
b) It acts as a barrier around the zinc cylinder which can develop holes during use
c) It makes it waterproof
d) It prevents the leakage of current
Answer: b

289) Which of the following is the electrolyte used in a dry cell?

a) Ammonium chloride
b) Manganese dioxide
c) Potassium hydroxide
d) Sulphuric acid

Answer: a

290) What is the role of manganese dioxide in a dry cell?

a) It acts as an electrolyte
b) It acts as the cathode
c) It acts as an anode
d) It acts as a depolariser

Answer: d

291) What is the final oxidation state of manganese after the electrochemical reactions in
a dry cell?
a) +4
b) +3
c) +2
d) +1

Answer: b

292) What is the final product that zinc forms during the functioning of a mercury cell?
a) ZnO
b) ZnO2
c) Zn
d) Zn(OH)2

Answer: a
293) Which of the following appliances would not use sodium hydroxide as an electrolyte
in their mercury cells?
a) Calculators
b) Hearing aids
c) Electronic watches
d) Photographic cameras with a flash

Answer: d

294) Which of the following is the voltage output of a mercury cell?

a) 1.55V
b) 1.35V
c) 2.55V
d) 1V

Answer: b

295) Which of the following statements is not true with respect to a lead storage cell (or a
lead-acid battery)?
a) The electrolyte used is an aqueous solution of sulphuric acid
b) The anode is made up of lead
c) The cathode is made up of lead(IV) oxide
d) It is a primary cell

Answer: d

296) Which of the following products are formed when a lead storage battery is
a) SO2
b) Pb
c) PbO2
d) PbSO4

Answer: d
297) Which of the following is used as an electrolyte in an H2-O2 fuel cell?
a) KOH
b) NH4OH
c) Fe(OH)2
d) Cu(OH)2

Answer: a

298) Which of the following can be used as fuel in a fuel cell?

a) Nitrogen
b) Argon
c) Hydrogen
d) Helium
Answer: c

299) Which of the following is not a fuel cell?

a) PEM cell
b) Direct methanol cell
c) Solid oxide cell
d) Daniell cell

Answer: d

300) Which of the following is not produced in an H2-O2 fuel cell?

a) Electricity
b) Pollutants
c) Heat
d) Water

Answer: b

301) Which of the following is supplied to the cathode of a fuel cell?

a) Hydrogen
b) Nitrogen
c) Oxygen
d) Chlorine

Answer: c

302) What is the maximum theoretical energy efficiency of a fuel cell?

a) 100%
b) 69%
c) 50%
d) 83%

Answer: d

303) Which of the following statements regarding fuel cells is false?

a) Because of continuous supply, fuel cells never become dead
b) They do not cause pollution
c) Fuel cells have 100% efficiency practically
d) The cost of catalysts needed for the electrode reactions is high

Answer: c

304) Which of the following are the common ways to produce H2 gas in a fuel cell?
a) Coal and biomass gasification
b) Electrolysis and absorption
c) Steam reforming and electrolysis
d) Electromagnetism and steam reforming

Answer: c

305) What is the method of protection of iron by coating it with zinc called?
a) Tinning
b) Cathodic protection
c) Galvanization
d) Anti-rust solutions

Answer: c

306) Which of the following statements regarding corrosion is true?

a) Corrosion does not depend on the reactivity of the metal
b) Presence of impurities does not affect the rate of corrosion
c) Strains in metals affect the rate of corrosion
d) Presence of electrolytes does not affect the rate of corrosion

Answer: c

307) Which of the following does not cause rusting of iron?

a) Moisture
b) Vacuum
c) SO2
d) CO2

Answer: b

308) Which of the following statements is false?

a) Salt water decelerates the rate of corrosion
b) Magnesium is more active than iron
c) During galvanization, ZnCO3.Zn(OH)2 is formed which prevent further corrosion
d) Anti-rust solutions are used in car radiators to prevent rusting of iron parts of the engine

Answer: a

309) Which of the following is not essential for rusting to take place?
a) Metal (like iron)
b) Oxygen
c) Moisture
d) Light
Answer: d

310) Which of the following is the overall reaction of rusting?

a) 2Fe(s) → 2Fe2+ + 4e–
b) O2 (g)+4H+(aq)+4e–⟶2H2O(l)
c) 2Fe(s) + O2(g) + 4H+(aq) → 2Fe2+(aq) + 2H2O(l)
d) H2O ⇌ H+ + OH–

Answer: c

311) Which of the following metal does not corrode?

a) Iron
b) Zinc
c) Copper
d) Magnesium

Answer: c

312) Redox reaction among the following is -

a) NaCl + KNO3 →→NaNO3 + KCl
b) CaC2O4 + 2HCl →→CaCl2 + H2C2O4
c) Mg(OH)2 + 2NH4Cl →→MgCl2 + 2NH4OH
d) Zn + 2AgCN →→2Ag + Zn(CN)2

Answer: D

313) The oxidation number of Fe in K3[Fe(CN)6] is-

a) +2
b)_ +3
c) 4
d) +1

Answer: B
314) When H2SO3 is converted into H2SO4 the change in the oxidation state of sulfur is
a) 0 to +2
b) +2 to +4
C) +4 to +2
d) +4 to +6

Answer: D

315) The reaction during which nitrogen gets oxidised is-

a) NH+4 →N2
b) NO−3 → NO
c) NO2 →→NO−2
d) NO−3→NH+4

Answer: A

316) Reaction that shows hydrogen as an oxidising agent is -

a) With ioding to give hydrogen iodide
b) With lithium to give lithium hydride
c) With nitrogen to give ammonia
d) With sulphur to give hydrogen sulphide

Answer: B

317) Fluorine is a strong oxidising agent because:

a) it has several isotopes
b) it is very small and has 7 electrons in valency shell
c) its valency is one
d) it is the first member of the halogen series

Answer: B
318) The oxidation state of Ni in Ni(CO)4 is:
a) zero
b) +4
c) +8
b) +2

Answer: A

319) Sulphurous acid can be used as:

a) Oxidising agent
b) Reducing agent
c) Bleaching agent
d) All of the above

Answer: D

320) In the reaction;

2Ag + 2H2SO4 →→Ag2SO4 + 2H2O + SO2, H2SO4 acts as:

a) Oxidizing agent
b) Reducing agent
c) Dehydrating agent
d) None of the above

Answer: A

321) Equation that does not represent a redox reaction is-

a) BaO2 + H2SO4 →→BaSO4 + H2O2
b) 2BaO + O2 →→ 2BaO2
c) 2KClO3 →2→2KCl + 3O2
d) SO2 + 2H2S →→2H2O + 3S

Answer: A
322) Excess of KI reacts with CuSO4 solution and then Na2S2O3 solution is added to it.
Which of the statement is incorrect in this reaction?
a) Evolved I2 is reduced
b) CuI2 is formed
c) Na2S2O3 is oxidised
d) Cu2I2 is formed

Answer: B

323) KMnO4 in acidic medium is always reduced to:

a) Mn4+
b) Mn2+
c) Mn6+
d) Mn

Answer: B

324) Which metal exhibits more than one oxidation states?

a) Na
b) Mg
c) Al
d) Fe

Answer: D

325) Reducing agent among the following is -

a) HNO3
b) KMnO4
c) H2SO4
d) (COOH)2

answer: D

326) NaH+ H2O →→NaOH + H2:

The correct statement for above mentioned reaction among the following is-
a) H- is oxidised
b) Na+ is reduced
c) Both NaH and H2O are reduced
d) None of the above

Answer: A

327) 2Na2S2O3 + I2 →→ Na2S4O6 + 2NaI,

the oxidation state of sulphur in tha above reaction:

a) Decreases
b) Increases
c) Remain unchanged
d) None of the above

answer: B

328) In the aluminothermic process, aluminium acts as:

a) an oxidising agent
b) a flux
c) a reducing agent
d) a solder

Answer: C

329) During a redox change, the oxidant K2Cr2O7 is always reduced to:
a) Cr5+
b) Cr4+
c) Cr3+
d) Cr2+

Answer: C

330) Oxidation state of +1 for phosphorus is found in:

a) H3PO3
b) H3PO4
c) H3PO2
d) H4P2O7

Answer: C

331) Which of the following reactions does not represent a redox change?
a) CaCO3 →→CaO + CO2
b) 2H2 + O2 →→2H2O
C) Na + H2O →→ NaOH + 1/2 H2
d) MnCl3 →→ MnCl2 + 1/2 Cl2

Answer: A

332) The most common oxidation state of an element is -2. The number of electrons
present in its outermost shell is:
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8

Answer: C

333) 4P + 3KOH + 3H2O →→ 3KH2PO2 + PH3:

Correct statement regarding the above reaction is -

a) P oxidised only
b) P is reduced only
c) P is oxidised as well as reduced
d) None of the above

Answer: C

334) When NaCl is dissolved in water, the sodium ion becomes:

a) oxidised
b) reduced
c) hydrolysed
d) hydrated

Answer: D

335) In Na2S2O3, the oxidation number of S is

a) +2
b) +4 & zero
C) +6 & -2
d) +3

Answer: C

336) Which acts as a reducing agent only?

a) SO2
b) HNO3
c) MnO2
d) H2S

Answer: D

337) In the following unbalanced reaction

A2+ + B3+ →→A4+ + B

The total number of e- transferred during reaction is

a) 2
b) 3
c) 6
d) 8

Answer: C

338) In an electrochemical cell:

a) Potential energy decreases
b) Kinetic energy decreases
c) Chemical energy gets converted into electrochemical energy
d) Potential energy gets converted into electrical energy

Answer: (c.)

339) When the salt bridge is removed from a cell, its voltage
a) will increase
b) will decrease to half
c) will decrease to zero
d) will not change

Answer: (c)

340) Which of the following is the strongest reducing agent?

a) Li
b) Na
c) Mg
d) Ca

Answer: (a)

341) When the salt bridge is removed from a cell, its voltage
a) will increase
b) will decrease to half
c) will decrease to zero
d) will not change

Answer: (c)

342) When a dilute solution of H2SO4 is electrolysed using a platinum electrode, at anode
the gas evolved is
a) SO3
b) SO2
c) H2
d) O2

Answer: (d)

343) Which of the following is the most powerful reducing agent?

a) H2S
b) H2SO3
c) SnCl2
d) HNO2

Answer: (a)

344) Which of the following substances can act as both oxidising and reducing agent?
a) KMnO4
b) K2Cr2O7
c) HNO3
d) H2O2

Answer: (d)

345) Electrolytes conduct electric current

a) by the movement of ions
b) by the movement of atoms
c) by the movement of molecules
d) by the movement of electrons from the cathode to anode

Answer: (d)

346) The reductant may be defined as a substance, whose oxidation no of the atom
a) increases
b) decreases
c) remains constant
d) may increases or decreases

Answer: (a)

347) Which of the following is not an example of an oxidizing agent?

a) hydrogen peroxide
b) potassium dichromate
c) nitric acid
d) hydrogen sulphide

Answer: (d)

348) The conductance in electrolyte conductors is due to

a) Either movement of electrons or ions
b) The flow of free mobile electrons
c) Movement of ions
d) None of the above

Answer: (c)

349) The cell constant of a conductivity cell

a) Changes with a change of concentration of electrolyte
b) Remains constant for a cell
c) changes with a change of electrolyte
d) changes with change in temperature

Answer: (b)


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Searched By : Sum Up By :
Aya Mahmoud Ahmed Essam
Ziad Eid Shahd Waleed
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Mustafa Abdelraziq Farah Bahaa
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Elaria Beniamin Designed By:
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Reviewed By : Test Bank By :

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