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ICT Workbook

Grade 6 – Term 3


Date Content Page Number Signature

Chapter # 8
Introduction to HTML
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. The ___________________ tag contains information about the document.
2. The HTML tag marks the __________________ and the end of a web page.
3. The __________________ tag is used for displaying text in italics.
4. Tags which are used to give formatting effects to the text in a web page are called
5. To give a heading of maximum size use the ____________________ tag.
B. State the difference between the following tags.
1. <HEAD> and <TITLE>


2. <BODY> and <P>


3. <I> and <B>


4. <SUP> and <SUB>



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5. <BR> and <NOBR>




C. Give the tags and the attributes for the following instructions.
1. Create the heading ‘My First Web Page’ in the center of the page using the highest heading
2. Describe the web page as the HTML document.

3. Change the color of the visited link from purple to orange.

4. Align the text as the subscript of the text.

5. Specify blue as the color of the paragraph.

6. Insert a small size image ‘SchoolLogo.bmp’ on the right side.


D. Find the output of the following:

1. <B><I> This is an example to display text in both bold and italics. </I></B>
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2. <B><I><U> This is an example to display text in both bold, italics and underline


3. Date of birth: 12<SUP> th </SUP>August 1988



E. Answer the following questions.

1. Why do you use HTML? Discuss various HTML elements.



2. What are the tag attributes? Give examples.




3. Give the steps of executing a HTML program using a text editor.




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4. What are hyperlinks? Give examples.




5. What are formatting tags? Explain any two with an example.




6. Why do you use the <CENTER> tag? Give an example.





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Chapter # 9
Elementary HTML
A. True or false?
1. By default, an unordered list is marked with bullets. ______
2. Sequence of items is not important in an ordered list. ______
3. The <TR> tag is used to give a column heading in a table. ______
4. You cannot create empty cells in a table. ______
5. Hexadecimal value 00FF00 represents lime green color. ______
B. Give the attributes of the following tags.
1. <UL>
2. <OL>
3. <DL>
4. <TABLE>
5. <FONT>
C. Write a script in HTML for the following.
1. Creating an ordered list.

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2. Display your name in a brown color.
3. Creating a nested list.
4. Display your address in Arial Black font.
D. Answer the following questions.
1. How do you create lists in HTML? Discuss various types of lists.

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2. What are nested lists? Using a suitable example, explain how to create a nested
3. Give tags and attributes for inserting tables in HTML.

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4. What is the function of <FONT> tag? Explain with a short code.
5. How do you adjust page margins in HTML?

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Chapter # 10
Creating Forms in HTML
A. True or false?
1. The <FORM> tag is used to create forms in HTML. ______
2. A TEX Box with multiple lines can be created by using the<SELECT> tag.
3. The <TEXTAREA> tag is used to enter multiple lines of data in a Text Box.

4. Name and selected are the attributes of the <OPTION> tag. ______
5. You cannot hide characters in the Password Box. ______
B. Name the tags and the attributes used to create the following:
1. Text Box

2. Scrolling list box

3. Checkbox

4. Radio Button

5. Submit and Reset buttons

6. Password

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C. Explain the uses of the following tags:
1. <FORM>

2. <INPUT>



D. Answer the following questions.
1. What are forms? How do you create forms in HTML?


2. What is the purpose of the <OPTION> tag? Explain.

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3. Give the attributes listing of the <TEXTAREA> tag.

4. What are the different types of buttons available in HTML?

5. Give some important attributes of the <FORM> tag.


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