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Concept for MUPQ and Synchronization Functionality

1. Purpose
The Purpose of this document is to explain the methodology and operation philosophy of MUPQ
and Auto Synchronization functionality of EMS CTU modification project. Both these functions are
possible through use of group machine control by giving raise / lower commands to respective
Machine Governor and AVR control system for a group of machines.

2. MUPQ Functionality:
Proposed PQ functionality (Active / Reactive power flow control module) shall be engineered to
perform following functions in steady state scenario–
 Control power flow/ exchange at C2 MRS-1 220kV point of interconnection with Grid (CTU
 When RIL JMD complex is connected to Grid, JMD power system bus frequency/ Voltage
shall be maintained by the CTU system, while maintaining the power (PQ) exchange setpoint
given by operator.
 During a Grid islanding event / condition PQ shall be disabled / blocked automatically
During any transient scenario / LS triggering, the MUPQ function shall be blocked automatically for
five second (engineering settable). After 5 second MUPQ will re-check participating no of generator
and grid setpoint and working point based on the condtion MUPQ will revise individual generator

2.1 Prerequisites for each Generator to participate in MUPQ -

a. Specific / Selected Generator is synchronized and electrically connected to power system
sub-network connected to the Grid (CTU system)
b. Turbine – In Running condition
c. GOV in Droop mode and Remote Control (for P Control).
d. AVR in Auto mode and Remote control (for Q control).
e. MW/MVARs - Margin availability (based on the capability diagram)
f. Atleast One Generator shall be available for MUPQ control system.
g. EMS IO healthiness (DI / AI/ DO modules respective generator.

2.2 Operation Philosophy of MUPQ -

The operator interface for MUPQ shall be through dedicated HMI pages which shall be engineered
as part of EDMS console (currently placed in C2 ROGC control room under C2 800xA system).
After a specific generator control is transferred from Local control to remote (MUPQ) and made
available to PQ system, the operator will have the facility to select / deselect the generator to
participate in the MUPQ function through dedicated graphics prepared for the same.
Operator shall be able to enter the desired set points (MW and MVAR). The active/reactive power
control module will calculate the new set points based on Generator participation and available
In case of a mismatch between the operator set point and actual / measured power flow on tie line
(based on engineer settable dead band), P&Q Control module will issue automatic set points to
participating generators.
This is done through the respective machine control hardware (PQ panel) placed in respective ECB
buildings and interfaced to respective Governor control panel and AVR control panel.
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Concept for MUPQ and Synchronization Functionality

These automatic set points will be issued in proportion to the margins available in the generators.
When these set points are received by the active and reactive modules, it will check whether the
difference between the working point and the set point is within the dead band or not. If the
difference is within the dead band (engineer settable generator level dead band), no raise or lower
pulses will be issued by the generator control module.
However, if the difference is outside the dead band limit, then MW / MVAR raise, or lower pulses will
be issued to the respective generator by the Generator Control module.

2.3 Mode change from Remote (MUPQ) to local (GOV/AVR) :

Based on the certain predefined time outs or no-response from Generator, the specific machine
should be switched back to local. MUPQ will generate output signal to GOV/AVR to take back control
to local control system.
a. In case generator does not achieve set point within 120 seconds (Engineering settable
b. Machine are running beyond the capability more than 120 Second (Engineering settable
c. Generator is not synchronized with CTU system / JMD System is Islanded from the Grid

2.4 Operator Interface with MUPQ.

a. Individual generator selection / participation in MUPQ functionality
b. Change the Tile line MW/MVAr setpoint.
c. Change generators Pmax/Pmin or Margin for each participating generator.
d. Block / De-block MUPQ function

Fig 1: MUPQ Network for JMD O2C System

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Concept for MUPQ and Synchronization Functionality

3. Auto -Synchronization:
With this module, during a post-grid island condition the operator can re-synchronize the JMD 02C
system with Grid (at C2 MRS-1 side breaker)
For this a SYNCHROTACT device shall be utilized in conjunction with under lying group machine
The SYNCHROTACT device is provided with necessary PT inputs (line side – as reference source and
220kV bus side – as variable source) for comparing the necessary parameters (Voltage, Frequency,
and phase angel ) on both side of the synchronizing breakers.
This device shall be in C2 MRS-1 220kV CRP room and directly interface with the new bays (D13 and
A separate graphics shall be prepared for this module under MUPQ system HMI section (the EDMS
console in C2 ROGC control room). The operator performs the following steps –
1) Selects the tile line breaker (only C2 MRS-1 D13 / D14 breakers shall be engineered and
available for synchronizing)
2) Selects the participating generator for auto-synchronizing.
3) Gives a start command to SYNCHROTACT.
The synchrotact relay will take the necessary action to bring the two systems into synchronism. The
voltage raise/lower or speed raise/lower commands generated by the Synchrotact will extend to
the selected generator(s) through the underlying machine control (PQ hardware placed in ECB
building) to achieve synchronism automatically.
When synchronizing conditions within the dead band, the auto-synchrotact releases the close
command to the breaker through the check-synchronizing.
Fig 2: Typical Auto Synchronization Scheme / Block Diagram

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Concept for MUPQ and Synchronization Functionality

4. Data Acquisition and Information Exchange

4.1 IO interface with each generator: Refer Annexure-1 typical IO list

4.2 Grid MW/MVAr

Grid MW and MVAr will be measured at C2 220kV MRS-1 D13 and D14 bays. (necessary dedicated
transducer for data acquisition will be part of MUPQ hardware)

4.3 Critical and Network breaker

For MUPQ and Auto Synch functionalities to determine the generator participation for the main JMD
electrical sub-network, necessary network related data (validated breaker and isolator status of
generators and network breaker is received from respective MLS, SLSC, UFLS and USLSC through
MMS communication.
This information is fed to the network determination module of MUPQ module for further
In case of communication failure between MLSC/SLSC-xx and MUPQ controller, MUPQ will hold the
last good value; however, the operator can switch receiving data from MLSC/SLSC-xx to
UFLSC/USLSC-xx in MUPQ and Synchronization functionalities.

4.4 Data Exchange between Controller:

 Respective MLSC and SLSC-xx as primary source of data for MUPQ (as applicable)
 Respective UFLS and USLSC-xx as secondary source of data for MUPQ (as applicable)
 MUPQ and respective island PQ controller (Refer Annexure-2)

4.5 Error Handling / Availability of MUPQ:

 During any communication failure between MLSC/SLSC and MUPQ will hold last good
value. And the operator / engineer will have the facility to switch the data source from
MLSC / SLSC to UFLS /UFSLSC as required during any failure or planned outage.
 Communication (MMS or GOOSE) failure between MUPQ and the respective island MUPQ
will discard the respective island generators participation in MUPQ and Synchronization
 IO unhealthy individual generators, respective generator discards participation in MUPQ
and synchronization.

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Concept for MUPQ and Synchronization Functionality

Generator selection and synchronization faceplate

Generator Faceplate

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Concept for MUPQ and Synchronization Functionality

MUPQ participating generator, setpoint.

Generator paraemts, margin and cabablity digram

Grid Capability diagram

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