MANIPURA or SOLAR PLEXUS Chakra Healing - Your Personal Guide V2.1

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Your Personal


Section 1 Introduction to Chakras

Section 2 Characteristics of Solar Plexus
Section 3 Symptoms of a Weak or
Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra
Section 4 Healing Regimen
Section 5 Different Healing methods
Section 6 Healing through Meditation
Section 7 Healing through Mudras and
Seed Mantra chants
Section 8 Healing through Yoga
Section 9 Other methods of Healing
Section 10 Continuing the daily practice
Section 1
Introduction to Chakras

Congratulations! For having taken the test

on our site and identifying
your weakest Chakra and what could possibly
be holding you from living an empowered life.
In your case it is the Solar Plexus Chakra or the
Manipura Chakra.

Introduction to the World of Chakras:

Remember, there could be plenty of reasons
that one can observe as the causes for their
current situation, be it Health or Wealth related
issue or Relationships or Peace or Happiness
related issues. However, most often, we try and
solve what we are able to see or diagnose
externally or observe & feel from our senses.
But the same solution could only be superficial
in nature. The unseen and unfelt are often
neglected, more so because, we either have
little knowledge about them or our day-to-day
consumed content does not touch upon these
topics, especially because many don’t
understand it clearly. The Chakras (energy
vortexes) and the significant roles it plays, falls
into one such realm. Also, they usually are quite
complex and deep.
Although, in the last few decades, more and
more people are getting interested to explore
and learn about these Chakras, the origin of the
same goes back to the ancient Hindu scriptures
called the Vedas and the Upanishads written
during 1500 to 500 BC. Simply put, Chakras are
energy centers in the subtle body that distribute
the flow of prana or energy throughout your
body. From the base of the spine to the crown
of your head, chakras influence your physical,
emotional and mental health.
You may have come across situations (or be in
one currently) where you feel that you are
doing every possible thing that needs to be
done, but things are not falling in place. You are
taking those necessary medicines or treatments,
but still some ailments persists, you are trying to
be disciplined and work on your income
streams or money management, but somehow
you are getting into being broke every month,
maybe you are doing your best to build a
beautiful relationship, be it with your significant
other or with any other person but things don’t
seem to fall in place and you almost always get
misunderstood and things fail to fall in place.
You are unable to understand if it is the way you
communicate or the way you express that is not
working out. So similarly in many such occasions,
you know what needs to be done, but it doesn’t
get done the way it should, despite all your best
Whether we are aware or not, the Chakras play
a very significant role in the way it impacts our
physical, emotional and mental health and in
turn impact the outcomes in different aspects of
our lives. Hence, it is very important for us to
realize which of our Chakras could be inactive,
weak, imbalanced or overactive and possibly
could be the reason for the current issues in your
life. You have taken the first step in identifying
that your weakest Chakra is the Solar Plexus or
Manipura Chakra. Now let us find ways to heal it
and help it operate optimally.
Section 2
Characteristics of Solar Plexus Chakra
Before we get into the different rituals, practices
and approach to heal your Solar Plexus chakra,
let us briefly understand the primary
characteristics of the Manipura or Solar Plexus

Color: Yellow

Element: Fire

Blocked by: Shame.

Endocrine Glands: Pancreas.

Anatomical Location: Above the navel –

two inches below the breastbone.
Identity — As the core of your personality
and identity, the solar plexus chakra allows
you to bloom into your authentic self and
discover who you truly are.

Personal Power — The solar plexus chakra

is the source of your personal power. This
empowers you to take control of your
thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Willpower — Working with your personal

power, your solar plexus chakra gives you
the willpower and self-discipline to get
things done.

Confidence — The solar plexus chakra is

responsible for your self-esteem and how
you view yourself. It also gives you the
confidence to make decisions and feel
Intention & Action — Your solar plexus
chakra gives you the power to transform
your thought into action.

Objective: Self-esteem, development of

the self, self-worth, freedom from shame.

The Chakras in our body can be blocked

because of various factors, the most common
being diet, negative thoughts, stress, attitude
physical impact or a sedentary lifestyle. Energy
is imbalanced due to a lack of present-
mindedness, resisting certain experiences, or
even repressing our emotions. Remember,
Energy is inherently meant to flow and anything
that blocks that flow creates physical,
emotional, and psychological sickness.
Section 3
Symptoms of Weak Solar Plexus Chakra
• Feeling powerless or victimized

• insomnia, and eating disorders

• Frequently fearing

• Intestinal disorders, indigestion, food

allergies, eating disorders

• Poor metabolism, diabetes, obesity

• Lack of memory and concentration

• Acne, eczema and other stress-related skin


• Difficulty taking action on your dreams due

to low self-esteem

• Stomach pains and anxiety

Giving your power away to others as you feel,
this is necessary to keep peace with others in

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Section 4
Healing Regimen

The sages (or spiritual scientists) of the ancient

Hindu tradition who discovered the effect of
these Chakras on different aspects of our life,
also found out multiple ways to open the
blocked Chakras and help them balance for
optimum functioning of these Chakras. In this
report, we shall focus on a few of these
methods in detail for you to implement them on
a daily basis while we shall also briefly touch
upon the many other methods to heal the

Remember, when you open your Chakras, you

don’t need to bother about your over-active
chakras. They could simply be compensating for
the other weak Chakras. Hence, although all
the Chakras need to be balanced eventually,
we always recommend strongly to first work on
your weakest Chakra to heal it.
Daily Regimen and Activities for 21 days:

Stage 1: Focus to work on opening, balancing

and activating your Weakest Chakra for 21
days, as per the guidance shared below step
by step.
Stage 2: Make it a practice to continue regular
Chakra meditation post these 21 days and
consider adding it into your daily ritual or routine
(if it’s too difficult daily, try at least 2 to 3 days a
week) and keep your Chakra well-balanced

Stage 3: Once you have fully activated and

balanced your Solar Plexus Chakra, the next
step is, work to rejuvenate all the 7 Chakras one
by one so that the energy flow is smooth and
consistent along all the Chakras and the energy
channels. You can do so for 3 days each (3
days x 7 Chakras = 21 days). Post this, continue
the ritual on a daily basis so as to keep all your
Chakras in balance and live an empowered
Once you are done healing your weakest
Chakra, if you need further help in balancing
and healing the remaining 6 Chakras as well,
we have a specially designed & compiled
guide with healing techniques for all the 7
Chakras put together (with member discount).
You can learn about balancing all the 7
Chakras by getting your copy of the ‘Chakras
Healed’ special offering “Life at Ease –
Unleashing the Power of 7 Chakras”…
And yes, to appreciate - You being our
exclusive Inner circle member, we will give it to
you at a very special member discount of 90%
CLICK HERE to get it Just for Rs.479/- $6.99)ONLY
instead of Rs.4790/- ($69)
Section 5
Different Healing methods
The different ways that you can open, balance
and heal your Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura
Chakra are as follows:
1. Healing through Meditation & Visualization
2. Healing with Mudras (Symbolic gestures of
fingers or hand for smooth flow of energy)
3. Healing by Mantra Chanting
4. Healing by Yoga postures
5. Healing with Affirmations
6. Healing with Chakra Stones or Crystals
7. Healing with Color Therapy
8. Healing with Chakra Massage
9. Healing with Aromatherapy
10. Healing with Sound and Music
Section 6
Chakra Healing through Meditation

Follow the below steps for Solar Plexus Chakra


1. First, memorize the location of the Solar

Plexus chakra.
2. Start with 3-5 mins to begin with and slowly
increase the time - set up an alarm / timer.

3. Decide the place where you want to

meditate every day.

4. Remove all the distractions.

5. Make yourself comfortable by sitting with

your legs crossed, spine straight & your body

6. Close your eyes and slowly breathe in and

out through your nose – Take deep breaths

7. Notice how your mind slowly calms down.

8. After the first few breaths, you start to focus

on the chakra you want to balance.

9. For Solar Plexus Chakra, Pay full attention to

the spot above the navel (2 inches below
the beast bone).
10. Visualize the air goes to the point of your
chakra when you inhale and back through
the nose when you exhale

11. With each breath feel the energy in the

Solar Plexus chakra and how it becomes
brighter and stronger. Continue to keep
your attention on the energy in this Chakra.

12. Visualize how the Yellow colored energy

is radiated from this Chakra to all parts of
the body (expansion) and again bring that
attention back to the Chakra (contraction).

13. Imagine it as a Yellow ball. Visualize it

spinning clockwise (as shown).

14. Notice how you feel physically,

emotionally and spiritually and what you
Once you are done, rub your palms and
take it to your eyes to feel it’s warmth before
opening your eyes.

Daily, fix up one particular time and try to

follow the same time each day.

Note: After 2-3 days of practicing the basic

meditation as above and getting
comfortable with it, you should scale up by
adding the Mudras and Mantras into the
daily practice. Once you complete 5 mins
of the above meditation. Continue the next
5-10 minutes by using the Mudras and
chanting the Chakra specific Mantra as
detailed in next section.
Section 7
Healing through Mudras and Seed
Mantra chants

Mudra for Solar Plexus Chakra

Continuing in the same cross-legged seated

posture for your previous meditation, you can
follow these instructions for Mudra and Mantra
For Solar Plexus Chakra Healing, the above
shown Mudra (Finger and Palm gestures) should
be followed. You can chant the Solar Plexus
Chakra Mantra “RAM”
RAM: Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of
the front section of the upper palate, roll
the r as in Spanish, and pronounce the mantra
like the first part of the word ‘rumble’.

• With every deep breath in, feel the energy

coming into the Solar Plexus Chakra point
visualized as a Yellow glowing ball.
• Next when you breath out or exhale, Chant
the Mantra “RAM” aloud (Not too loud – but
you should be able to hear it)
• Along with this chanting, now visualize the
flow of energy through the spinal cord, from
Solar Plexus Chakra up towards your higher
chakras - the 3rd eye Chakra between your
• All through keep your attention on the fact,
as to how the spinal cord is becoming free
of any blockages and is easily able to move
the energy from the lower chakra to the
upper chakras.
• Along the spinal cord, there actually exists
an energy channel in the subtle body,
called the “Sushumna Nadi”, which actually
conducts this flow of energy (Hence we
visualize it as the spinal cord while
• Continue with this meditation daily. Observe
the changes and improvements in the
physical, mental and emotional domains
after 7 days and note it down in a journal.
Continue for 3 weeks or 21 days for
observable significant benefits.
• Don’t forget to write to us on about your
benefits and how life has changed after you
could implement this. We would be eager
to hear from you ☺
Practicing the above would bring in
significant improvement in the aspects that
you are seeking. To add power &
consistency to the effect and speedup the
same, you may also incorporate a few more
practices that may help. The next section
covers the Yoga posture to follow in order to
heal your Solar Plexus chakra.
Section 8
Healing through Yoga postures

Set up your space as you would, for a yoga or

meditation routine. Wear loose, comfortable
clothing, dim the lights, play soft music if you like
to and stand at the top of your mat to begin.
This could be followed at a fixed time on each
day, preferably in the morning. If at any other
time, ensure that you have a couple of hour’s
gap after your last meal and your stomach is
fairly light.
Yoga poses that help balance Solar Plexus
Chakra: Sun Salutations, Warrior series, Eagle
pose (Garudasana), Crow pose
(Kakasana),boat pose (Navasana), Bow pose
(Dhanurasana), Revolved Triangle (Parivrtta
Trikonasana), Pyramid pose, Twists & Core
Vinyasa. One such posture is shown in the
above image for reference. You may learn and
practice others as well.
Section 9
Other methods of Healing

All the previous methods shared are the

most effective ones if practiced correctly
and consistently for a quicker and
observable difference.
The above methods also do not need
any additional items but just your own
personal efforts and time.

However, apart from these methods too,

one can heal and balance the Chakras
using one or more of the following methods:
1. Gem Stones or Crystals
2. Aroma Oils
3. Massage
4. Affirmations
5. Sound and Music (Ex: Seleggio
frequencies) at specific frequencies
6. Color Therapy by eating foods or
wearing clothes as per the color of the
Chakra you are trying to heal.
You may also want to note that most
energy healing techniques in some way or
the other are actually unblocking, opening,
balancing or healing the Chakras itself.
Most help in opening blockages if any
and also help in the unobstructed smooth
flow of energy through these energy
channels (nadis) in our subtle body ex.:
Sound healing, Reiki, Pranic healing, Crystal
healing and many more. They balance this
Aura or the energy in our body itself.
Section 10
Continuing the daily practice

Finally, we earnestly wish and hope that

you execute and implement all that you
learnt above and absorb the same as a
daily practice, helping you remain in a state
of fully balanced Chakras each day.
Initially whenever one sets out to
develop a new routine or habit, it is always
difficult. However, instead of discontinuing a
good ritual that you have started, follow
these rules to get more consistent and
develop a ritual into a habit.
1. Start small – Don’t try to accomplish
all the activities mentioned on day
one itself. Go step by step and scale
up as and when you are
2. Researchers have said that
whatever you practice or do
continuously for a period of 21 days
or more becomes a part of your
system or a habit. So when you start
a new thing, make sure you continue
it for 21 days continuously. If you miss
1 day in-between, you start from
3. If despite all these, you observe that
you are unable to keep up the
consistency in following the
mentioned practices on a daily basis
– Then, scale down to the smallest
time possible for you (but don’t miss
that day)… Ex.: If you were to
practice something for 15 to 30 mins
that day, proportionally scale down
to even 5 min, but still do it – do
something connected to your daily
ritual or practice. That way, you are
sending a message to your sub-
conscious that you have not missed
the routine and that you can come
back with the regular schedule as
soon as it is possible for you.
A lot has to have with the fight we got to
do with our own sub-conscious behavior
patterns, that holds us from developing
anything new. Good or bad, Humans are
the creatures of habit. So utilize this
opportunity to develop a daily routine of
practices that help you live a fulfilled happy
life - Happiness from within!
We wish you Good Luck in being able to
overcome the issues if any, that you could
be facing, be it physical, mental, spiritual or
psychological. May the divine energies
passing through your subtle body channels
and these Chakras be able to bring to you,
a life full of Good Health, Wellness, Peace,
Happiness, Calm, Cheerfulness and
Here is the link again, for the Important
Guide to heal all the 7 Chakras, after your 21
day practice of healing your weakest Chakra
“Life at Ease – Unleashing the Power of 7
This is a compilation of the healing
guides of all the 7 Chakras (The same could
be of help to any other family member too,
based on their particular weakest Chakra).
So enjoy reading the book and
practicing the instructions as mentioned in
the book. There is also a Bonus “Ready
Reference” sheet that we would add along
with this purchase



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