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Internship Report On

Procedures for Human Resource Management at Keya Group.

Supervised by:

Mihir Kumar Roy, PhD

Dean, Faculty of Business Administration
City University

Submitted by:

Md Shariful Islam
ID: 1834901010
Batch: 49th Program: BBA (HRM)

Partially fulfilling the prerequisites for the Bachelor of Business Administration degree is a report
that was presented to City University's Department of Business Administration (BBA).

City University
03, February, 2023.


This paper essentially serves as a presentation of the knowledge I gained about HR Policy
throughout my internship. In this regard, a lot of colleagues helped me out with their kind
assistance and insightful knowledge. So I should give them thanks.

I express my thanks to Mihir Kumar Roy, Dean at Department of Business Administration of City
University, who oversaw my report. I am grateful to the professors for their assistance. I want to
thank the DBA instructors in particular.

I am really grateful to Keya Group. And the Department of Business Administration at City
University for allowing me to pursue this subject at Keya Group Limited.
I want to express my gratitude to Mr. Masum Pathan, Director Manager of Keya Group, as well
as a few other executives of Keya Group, Keya Group Limited, for granting me permission.
I am also appreciative of the top authorities, as well as all the staff members and officers, for their
cordial manners, enthusiastic collaboration, and other services provided to me during my studies.


I hereby certify that I am the author of the report titled "Procedures for Human Resource
Management at Keya Group," and that I have not previously submitted a report with a similar
title to another university, college, or organization for the purpose of earning an academic
qualification, certificate, degree, or recognition.

No current copy rights have been violated, and no part of the material I've contributed here has
been partially or completely lifted from any prior publication.

I certainly made a point of identifying. The department from loss or harm brought on by failure to
uphold the aforementioned commitments.


Md Shariful Islam
ID: 1834901010
Batch: 49th
Program: BBA (HRM)


This is a certification that the internship report, “Procedures for Human Resource Management at
Keya Group," submitted for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration, City
University, is an account of the work completed by Md Shariful Islam under my supervision.

No portion of the report has ever been previously submitted for a degree, diploma, title, or other type of

I suggested that the report be submitted to the Department of Business Administration for the
examination committee's consideration.


Mihir Kumar Roy, PhD

Dean, Faculty of Business Administration,
City University.


03, February, 2023.

Mihir Kumar Roy, PhD

Faculty of Business Administration.
City University, Khagan, Savar, Dhaka.

Subject: Submission of Internship Report on “Procedures for Human Resource Management at Keya

It gives me great pleasure to let you know that I have finished writing my internship report for Keya
Group I made an effort to learn more about how Keya Group used human resources. While putting the
report together, I tried to focus and give it my all.

I want to express my gratitude for your ongoing help and direction during my internship and the
report's preparation. And I sincerely hope you'll have the good grace to spot any annoyances or errors
that may have occurred without my notice.

Sincerely Yours,


Md Shariful Islam
ID: 1834901010
Batch: 49th
Program: BBA (HRM)


This internship report, as I've already indicated, is a prerequisite for the graduating program. It is fairly
usual and, to some extent, hassle-free to compile reports on hiring and selecting employees and
workers, but this report was created using actual fieldwork. The second of five essential needs that
every human being has is ready-made clothing. The most basic need for social membership in a
civilization is clothing. Demand for clothing as well as fashion trends are evolving. With the exception
of food, this need is growing more quickly than others. Since the dawn of civilization, there has been a
desire for ready-made clothing on the world market. Demand for ready-to-wear items on the global or
international market has posed difficulties for overseas sellers in several ways, including micro, macro,
and extraterrestrial aspects. This demonstrates the vendors' hiring and selection procedures and
appropriate compliance management to seize the global market.
In Bangladesh, the ready-made clothing industry accounts for the majority of our national income. The
future of the ready-made clothing industry includes our country's economic prospects. Ready-made
clothing exports in 2021-22 totaled 20 billion, or 78% of all national exports. There are more than 4500
garment factories employing close to 2 million people in the apparel industry. Our economy benefits
from these jobs. 78% of all containers handled at sea, air, and land ports are related to the apparel
Following the execution of the Uruguay Round Negotiations, which called for the phase-out of MFA
by the end of 2004, Bangladeshi vendors now have the chance to cover the new and maximum export
to the target market. However, there are certain internal and external issues with our RMG sector. In
essence, Keya Group. Exports to the foreign market in areas other than apparel. Additionally, this
group exports heavily to the USA, EU, Sweden, and Canada.
Because Keya Group. Is particularly mindful of both customer requirements and labor rights, there is
seldom any workplace unrest at the company's factories. Because this department protects employee
rights, it plays a significant role in raising productivity and enhancing employee happiness in the plant.
This report's main objective is to enlighten readers on how HR policy is applied in real-world situations.
And I've demonstrated how those phrases are used in Keya Group. I've also demonstrated how a
Bangladeshi garments company conducts its hiring and selection procedures as well as other operations.

Table of Contents



















Objective of the study

The study's main goal is to meet some of the prerequisites for a Bachelor of Business Administration
degree. The study's precise goals, however, might be summarized as follows:

 To understand Keya Group’s recruitment and selection objectives.

 To be aware of the source of hiring.
 To identify the hiring procedure for both employees and workers.
 To identify the individuals in charge of recruitment and selection.
 To determine the issues the selecting committee is facing.
 To understand the procedure and different kinds of interviews used in the hiring process.


A major part of the study that has to be explained is defining its scope. Even yet, the human resources
division really aided me in the preparation of the report. On the other side, it was difficult to get some
information because of some confidential resolutions.


Data from both primary and secondary sources were gathered to complete the study.

Primary source of Data:

 Having a discussion with the manager, senior executives, and executives.

 Interrogating both employees and workers.
 Updating notes every day.

Secondary source of Data:

 The Keya Group.

 Policy book.
 Various Keya Group.
 Documents and manuals
 Keya Group’s multiple circulars

 Looking at the corporate website.
 Examining various secret reports.
 The text book.

Every endeavor has constraints of its own, and the research was no exception. Despite the fact that
there were many barriers in my way, I was given a fantastic opportunity to learn about the realities of
practice. I fairly watched the organization's hiring and selection procedures as well as other business
operations. The following are a couple of the restrictions:

 Inadequate access to information, which limited the study's ability to do the necessary analysis,
was a major restraint.
 High-importance confidential information was prohibited from being shared.
 Managers and executives were unaware of some facts since the organization operated as a
division of the parent firm. This information was therefore excluded from the research.
 Despite the fact that all of the staff members were helpful to me, occasionally they were unable
to give me enough time owing to a heavy schedule. Therefore, adequate analysis could not be
 One of the major limitations of the study was my lack of expertise.


Company profile

One of Bangladesh's few garment companies that is entirely focused on exports is Keya Textile
Industry Limited. In 1998, it was established. It quickly became known as one of the most effective
organizations for the National Economy of Textile Industry Limited. RMG has been in the
manufacturing industry for 25 years, and it can be said that this country's Bangladeshi market is its
most competitive and fashionable. The nexit textile industries ltd. to concentrate on developing just one
thing, to become a manufacturing expert at RMG, and to carve out our own market niche. The DKIL
Post MFA strategy is built on the foundation of quality and dependability, which is backed by increased
production capacity, chasing connectivity, professional management, refurbished technology, and
market-based value-added fundamentals.

Vision statement:
Ready-made garments for making garments. Customers are required to manufacture and supply quality

Mission Statement:
Regardless of our efforts, we will continue to ensure the quality and high standard of each activity,
whatever is involved.

Objectives of Keya textile industry Limited:

Establish a positive reputation as a supplier and maker of high-quality clothing.

Keep Up The Quality Over Time. to establish a motivated and talented staff while taking into account
the "Quality of life" for the employees in order to grow its business from a single whole seller outlet of
the European, UK, and American markets.

Production Capacity:
Utilizing the most recent advancements in manufacturing technology, the Group always strives to
maintain parity with top-tier standards. Their emphasis is on cutting-edge facilities and productive
labor. The Group is dedicated to producing at the largest volume and the best standard. The Group's
monthly manufacturing capacity.

No. of Employee : 6,500 (Female 70% & Male 30%)

Production Line 20
Work Space : 3, 08,000 square feet
Machine : 3,957 No.

In its manufacturing facilities and corporate headquarters, Keya Textile Industry Limited hires roughly
5000 trained workers and about 500 supervisory management staff. Professionals with expertise in
marketing, production, collecting, finances, shipping, administration, human resources, and information
systems run the corporate head office. There are around a hundred women on the manufacturing crew,
along with trained employees. The world's small manufacturing industries worldwide production and
export are restricted to what is necessary to compete in order to ensure a healthy coordination of the
national and international recruitment of management personnel. Employees are encouraged to work as
productively as possible by an excellent wage system that rewards performance.

The HR director:
He keeps an eye on all of the HR department's operations. He has plans for hiring new employees,
offering training, setting salaries, transferring employees, etc. The HR head also informed the data

The executive is expected to draw lessons from the pitfalls that all of the workers have encountered
throughout their careers. The management makes an effort to update information and instruct the train
on how to operate. The manager's duties include the following:

 Execute the adaption program.

 Improve staff connections.
 Operator of computers senior executive.

Along with his assistants, the senior computer operator finished his assignment.

 Maintaining the presence system was among his duties.

 Uphold the leave policy.
 Uphold the entry and exit process schedule.


Job responsibilities

Even though I wanted to learn about every aspect of the company's operations during my internship, I
was also given responsibilities so that I could gain some practical experience. I found these tasks to be
both intriguing and demanding. The following list includes some of the job duties:

Worker Assessment:
This business has to hire more people every day since employee turnover is one of its biggest issues.
Tokens are provided to those who are selected for evaluation to enter the HR division. Then their
information on prior experience, educational background, residence, etc. is recorded in the assessment
book and they are invited for a physical interview.

Posting Information:
The official EMS (employee management software) program, which houses all of the worker's
information, requires those who passed the physical interview to upload their particular information.
The Service Book, which is developed to keep employees' personal files, must once again include this
Additionally, the firm software has to be updated with the employee and worker leave forms so that they
can be checked in an emergency.

Preparing absenteeism list:

It's a list in which the numerical data on the employee is maintained for each and every day, including
the percentage and number of male and female employees, the number of absentee employees, and the
number of employees by department, etc.


Employee recruitment policy:


 Employment opportunities for everybody.

 Gender, sex, religion, or color discrimination is not tolerated.
 Correct man for the task
 Just judgment for every worker.
 Respect for people is essential.

Recruitment Policies:

 We first calculate the amount of manpower needed based on the machines and the procedure.
 Following the preparation of the necessary workforce, they promote in the daily newspaper as
well as through leaflets, posters, banners, and personal contact.

Recruitment Process:

 Never hire somebody who is younger than 18 years old.

 Avoid using forced labor or jail labor.
 Request applications from qualified applicants.
 Segment the applications according to the criteria.
 Finalize the applicants' appropriateness.

Interview Process:

 The candidate must participate in an oral interview with the relevant department head.
 Take a written exam where candidates are asked about pertinent background information.
 Those who do well on the written test are invited to a job interview where they can discuss pay
and income.
 Following final selection, we send selected candidates an appointment letter including all of the
terms and conditions of their employment.

Worker recruitment policy


 Providing security.
 Delivery on schedule.
 First-time quality control.
 Delivering on the commitments.
 Effectively using the resources.
 Activities that are open.
 A guarantee of integrity, order, and regularity.

Recruitment Policies:
The factory upholds a policy on hiring new employees. The majority of the rules that the factory must
abide by come from BEPZA, although occasionally a customer will create their own restrictions, which
the factory must abide by as long as they are in compliance with all applicable laws and BEPZA
regulations. The following is the policy for hiring employees:

 Every employee is hired in accordance with the recruitment policy.

 Nation, religion, race, or gender are not taken into consideration while hiring.
 The staff are hired by the recruitment committee.
 Advertisements for job openings are placed in newspapers, on signs and banners, among other
 Applicants must submit a passport-size photo together with a C.V. and any other required
 A person must be at least 18 years old to work.
 Before entering the firm, a birth certificate must be shown.
 Workers must present a national ID card, a doctor's certificate, a blood group certificate, and a
commissioner's certificate before starting work.
 Work should be performed with the workers' cooperation.
 The corporation presented newly hired employees with an appointment letter.
 If a person is not laid off within four months after starting work, he or she will be regarded as a
permanent employee.

Functions at Step: 1 (Primary selection In Gate)

• General Selection.
• Physical Appearance checking for age and fitness.
• Selected candidates shall be given token and send for the step 2.

Functions at Step: 2 (Secondary Selection and Assessment)

• General Selection
• Assessment form fills up
• Helpers will be sent to step 3
• Operators will send to step 4

Functions at Step: 3 (Medical Test for Helper, Operators and non-management staff)

• Age detection
• Other health check
• After test operators will send to step 5 and helper to step 4
• Functions at step 4 (Technical test)
• Machine or process test
• Salary fixing
• Operators will back to step 3 for medical test and helper will be forwarded t o step 5

Functions at step 5 (IE investigation and finalization of selection)

• Checking duel job in same group or factory

• Checking fake name and identity
• Forwarded to step 6

Functions at step 6 (Final Selection for Joining)

• Oversee the recruitment process

• Oversee physical fitness

• Oversee age and send to step 7

Functions at step 7 (Distribution of documents after final selection for appointment)

• Receiving finally suitable candidates

• Providing documents relating to appointment
• Forwarded to next step

Functions at step 8 (issuance of Appointment letter and joining)

• Issuing appointment letter

• Joining
• Placement
• Sent to next step

Functions at step 9 (Introduction or Counseling)

• Counseling and introduction

• Distribution of hand book
• Taking a signature advising for online photograph
• Forwarded to last step of selection

Functions at last step 10 (Finger print or photo ID card and collections of otherdocuments)

• Taking online finger print and photo.

• Giving ID card and other documents.

In the end, it is true that a successful organization needs a market in today's fiercely competitive
business environment. Our clothing industries must contend with competition on both the domestic
and global markets. In order to properly deal with the micro and macro environments on a national
and worldwide level, they are in dire need of enough competent and knowledgeable personnel as
well as marketing. There is fierce rivalry on the international market for clothing industry. They are
competing domestically, and there are 4500 of them in our nation. Therefore, labor must now
prepare if skill and knowledge are to be used effectively.

The HR policy is being successfully implemented by this organization. They employ a fair hiring
and choosing procedure.

Compliance management
Adherence is just a collection of actions taken to ensure that human rights, legal rights, health and
hygiene, safety and welfare, and the freedom of association of employees inside an organization or
corporation are all upheld.

Employees of the organization are people. They have several obligations in their daily lives. They
should be able to use their rights and privileges at their place of employment throughout the
specific time period, occasion, and varied work intervals.

The maintenance of positive and healthy interpersonal relationships among management and
employees, as well as a great working environment, are all confirmed by compliance.
In our nation's labor law, compliance is one of the elaborately prescribed events. Similar to the 1965
Factories Act, which outlines all potential safety, health, and welfare concerns.
The Employment of Labor (S.O.) Act of 1965 set forth all administrative procedures, including
disciplinary action, work stoppage, termination, discharge, and layoffs.

1939's Maternity Benefit Act.

Wage payments - 1936 the freedom of association clauses of the Workmen's Compensation Act of
1923, IRO-69, defined and mandated the legal conditions.

Bangladesh Labor Law, too.

The work of human resource departments and international and national human rights has been
balanced by a compliance department. A compliance department works to reduce conflicts
between employees and business owners.

There are three types of compliance:

 Social Compliance.
 CTPAT Compliance.
 Information Technology (IT) Compliance.

Social compliance:
Among the three, social conformity is more significant. The application of local labor legislation in
accordance with customer requirements is referred to as social compliance. Four stickers are more
crucial in social conformity. As follows:

• No child labor
• Weekly & other holidays
• Maternity leaves & benefits
• On time payment of wages

CTPAT Compliance:
Custom Trade Partnership against Terrorism is referred to as CTPAT. CTPAT is a combined
project of business and customs and border protection. To get accredited, Evolutions in Business
offers consulting services to assist clients strengthen their cargo security protocols for their
workers, facilities, and supply chain partners. By implementing CTPAT, an increasing number of
businesses have made cargo security their main concern.

IT Compliance Management:
Businesses are placing increasing focus on tracking and reporting on compliance across the board.
ITCM software assists businesses in coordinating IT compliance activities with legal requirements,
their own current compliance framework, and sector standards. The IT Compliance Management
(ITCM) system from BearingPoint provides standards.

Companies may evaluate IT risks and their possible effects with the use of BearingPoint's IT
Compliance Management solution. The ITCM solution from BearingPoint enables businesses to
confirm that IT risks and their potential effects are evaluated and handled effectively. Internal IT
audits of systems can reveal controls and processes, but Keya Group’s passionate and experienced
professionals assist organizations in extending their compliance efforts to corporate governance
and enhanced risk management, assisting clients in resolving found IT operations issues and
complying with applicable regulations.

In summary, Keya Group’s ITCM solution improves the integrity and confidentiality of critical
financial and other systems. It offers a dashboard view of crucial data that is nearly real-time.

When certain compliance criteria are crossed, systems and notifications are sent to important
stakeholders. It aids IT departments in keeping track of their own compliance with internal
controls. These technologies are included into BearingPoint's collaborative and adaptable solution
together with advanced security, performance, change, and configuration management procedures.

Wage & benefit

The monthly amount minimum wage is equal to 45 USD, and it ensures minimum pay for other
grade workers in accordance with BEPZA standards.

60% Foundational

40% stipends.

Any work done beyond 8 o'clock will be considered overtime. It should be noted that there is a daily
maximum of 10 hours of labor and a weekly maximum of 60 hours.
For working more than 8 hours of overtime, an employee will receive double the base wage.
Calculation of overtime: Basic 208 actual O.T. hours. The number 208 represents the total number
of working hours in a month (26 x 8 = 208).
No employee is permitted to work more than 10 hours per day or 60 hours per week.
One day is set aside each week as a holiday.


 The company pays a 300 tk attendance incentive for perfect attendance for the month and
subtracts 200 tk for a single absence.
 Giving a food allotment of 10 taka.
 Sponsored by Provident
 A facility for transportation.


Following the four-month provisional term, the employee and worker are no longer employed. All
permanent employees and workers are able to join the P.F. Each member must contribute an
identical amount to the fund each month by having 8.33% of their basic salary withheld from their
paychecks. Every employee receives two holiday bonuses every year. During the two Eid holidays,
the equivalent of two basic earnings or salaries were paid. To deal with any emergency, a
corporation offers free ambulance services, while the BEPZA hospital sometimes offers free TB
A part of any earned leave that an employee does not use or that was not provided in accordance
with the regulations may be converted to cash after the fiscal year has ended.

Leaves & Holidays:

 Twelve days of paid vacation during the festival.

 10 days of paid casual leave are available.
 14 days of earned leave are paid in full.
 14 days of paid sick leave.
 Maternity leave is 112 days long (eight weeks plus eight weeks), paid twice during the life.

Grievance handling
The firm complies with both national labor legislation and BEPZA standards when handling

Legal rights of the employee & workers:

 Minimum wages/salary.
 Maximum 10 hour work a day & 60 hours in a week.
 No female worker/employee is allowed to work after 10 pm.
 Law full Overtime allowances.
 No employment of child labor.

 Lunch & rest time as per law during working time.

To reassure employees and workers, provide PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and other safety

Annual increment
An annual raise is provided in compliance with BEPZA rules. Additionally, people who have
remarkable experiences or skills receive a special increase.
Along with the aforementioned, Keya Group. Also complies with BEPZA Instruction No. 1, 2, and
local labor laws.

Disciplinary procedures

Wage policy

The firm formerly adhered to the BEPZA Instructions No. 1 and 2 of 1989, the Buyers Code of
Conduct, the EPZ Workers Association, the Industrial Relations Act of 2004 and other relevant
laws and regulations, as well as the Labor Law of 2006 where relevant. After 2006, the business
solely adheres to the Bangladesh Labor Law of 2006.

My findings
According to my observations and personal experience, Keya Group. Offers its employees
respectable perks and remuneration. Regarding the employees, they strictly adhere to the rules. The
rules that Keya Group. Adheres to include a mix of-

 BEPZA rules
 Government law
 Buyer requirement.

Every provision in the guidelines gives the workers the chance to receive greater perks. The
provisions outlined the workers' amenities. The policy also guarantees the safety of employee
benefits and HR.

Even with all the amenities Keya Group. Offers its employees, the company nonetheless has a very
high employee turnover rate.
I have identified a few potential causes for the high employee turnover. The following are listed:-

 Employees in EPZ have several recruiting options. They may quickly transition from one
organization to another. They either have contracts or Permanent, but the idea that other
companies offer superior facilities and their propensity to hire new management are the
main factors in choosing another firm. Additionally, there is a tremendous demand for
personnel due to the industry's rapid expansion. As a result, employment is always a
 Every organization offers a varied set of services, such as improved working conditions, a
higher standard of living, and a range of benefits related to pay, workload, and hours
worked. The distance from home to the workplace is only one of the causes. Workers pay
attention to what they need. If pay is the issue, then their rate of switching is high. Other
benefits are also taken into account. However, perception also has a big part to play.
 Lack of ethics of workers.
 Loyalty scarcity among the workers.
 Workers don’t understand or give values to the company provided benefits and facilities.
 Sickness.
 Employees do not practice corporate culture
 Misbehave of Floor Manager.
 Extensive Work Pressure.
 Excess of overtime.

Step to be taken
An international company called Keya Group. Effectively operates in the ready-made clothing
sector of the global economy. Keya Group is experiencing issues despite its profitable company
activities. Therefore, the following actions must be followed in order to solve current issues and
dominate the market:-

For the purpose of addressing worldwide issues in various circumstances, Keya Group. Should
work to enhance their management-style. Although the management in place right now is adequate,
it should be dynamic in the future for the benefit of everybody concerned.
Despite the lack of workplace disturbance, Keya Group. Has to place greater emphasis on
employees' rights and endeavor to carefully enforce the various regulations. If the workers are
content, their capacity for output will naturally increase.
For both the domestic and foreign markets, Keya Group. Should formally establish a market
analysis group. This group will be in charge of researching potential new markets and also
analyzing the issues with the current market. This group might support Keya Group. In its quest to
dominate the global market.
Introductory session to foster the culture and ethics of the workforce while also boosting employee
In order to decrease absenteeism, businesses could place more emphasis on worker health by
providing appropriate protective gear, such as masks, gloves, gumboots, and helmets, not just when
customers arrive but also for ongoing usage as needed.
For the employee and the floor manager, specialized training and seminars can be offered to help
them put the company culture into effect at work.
Keya Group. Should increase the expertise in the human resources division for the proper
performance appraisal analysis, which will give Keya Group. The ability to retain the expert
qualified, skilled personnel's in Keya Group. As well as increase the overall performance of the
employee, increase the quality of the employee's services, and also raise the market share of the
international market.

Finally, it can be concluded that Keya Group. Should implement the aforementioned actions in an
appropriate manner to address the current issues.


One of the biggest manufacturing private companies in Bangladesh is Keya Group, which has been
around for a while and is modernly equipped. By giving its customers top-notch service, it has
maintained a solid market position. By generating a sizable amount of foreign cash, the country's
economy was also strengthened and expanded. The growth of an organization is regarded as being
impossible without making effective use of its people resources. As a result, it places a strong
focus on the recruitment and selection of human resources since it views its workers as its most
important resource. Employee development ensures the growth of the company, and it also
includes providing adequate facilities to make that growth a reality. In order to accomplish its main
objective, it mixes business with morals and responsibility.
Two key terms that are related to one another are recruitment and selection. One creates a poll of
prospective candidates, while the other selects the best one. An organization may become more
competitive by using effective and efficient recruiting and selection processes.

The Keya Group has my warmest wishes for success.



Annual Report of BGMEA 2020.

Worker service rule and code of conduct Keya Group.
Different business volume of Keya Group.
Brief profile of Keya Group.


United Nations Population Divisions

Web site of BGMEA
Web site of BKMEA


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