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 Essay on a poem “The Raven “BY EDGAR ALLAN POE

The poem The Raven is about a man who lost his wife and can’t let her
go. What is more important is that Edgar Allan Poe wanted to tell us
this story in in an enticing way while using interesting patterns. So,
without further introduction I would like to tell my opinion on this
poem and how it makes me feel.
The first thing that grabbed my attention was the Raven. He is basically
a demon who bait the protagonist. And eventually it makes the man go
insane. I personally enjoy the Raven as a character because despite
being small, he was still be able to proudly sit right on top of the where
no one can touch him while he can see everyone and everywhere.
Personally, for me this made an impression of wise but artful creature.
In addition to that, ravens are big birds with black father and giant
beckon, to my mind this is a good choice to make him a representation
of the death. Also, apart from ability to speak rave doesn’t have any
magical abilities, because of this he feels much more mundane and he
more believable. The Raven himself is extremely unique, scary and also
mysterious due to his not full known nature.
Another great part of this poem was the beginning. I liked that Edgar
Allan Poe used realistic images to scare the reader. The rain and the
wind noises, all this sounds are familiar for people and it makes all
other events feel more believable. It also worth mentioning the way
Allan Poe described the night. With his descriptions I can easily imagine
this atmospheric night with a mix of violet and black colors.
The last part that impressed me is the powerful moments when the
raven was saying “Nevermore “. You see, this whole negotiation with
the Raven reminds me of an example. When for instance in prison a
prisoner asked supervisor to set him free, mo matter how much
prisoner asked the supervisor won’t let him go at any cause.
The same thing in the poem. The man is begging and asking questions
to the raven, but every time raven just saying no. The man is trying to
find a solution with a more and more desperate attempts, but the
raven already now how it is going to end and don’t answer in any
another way. I feel really sorry for the man because unlike in example
the man from the poem does have a choose, he can go and continue
living his life. But he is so morally damaged by the lost of his wife that
he can’t finds strength to comeback. It even more tragic knowing that
he was alone so there probably was none who can help him to deal
with his lost.

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