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UV/Vis/NIR Spectrophotometer

Software Manual
Spectra ManagerTM CFR for V-700 series

P/N: 0302-6511C March 2015

This instruction manual is your guide for using this instrument. It instructs first-time users on
how to use the instrument, and serves as a reference for experienced users.

Before using the instrument, please read this instruction manual carefully, and make sure that
the contents are fully understood. This manual should be easily accessible to the operator at all
times during instrument operation. When not using the instrument, keep this manual in a safe
place. If this instruction manual becomes lost, order a replacement from your local JASCO

Contact your local JASCO distributor for instrument servicing. In addition, contact your JASCO
distributor before moving the instrument to another location. Consumable parts should be
ordered according to part number from your local JASCO distributor. If a part number is
unknown, give your JASCO distributor the model name and serial number of your instrument.

Do not return contaminated products or parts that may constitute a health hazard to
JASCO employees.

(1) JASCO shall not be held liable, either directly or indirectly, for any consequential damage
incurred as a result of product use.
(2) Prohibitions on the use of JASCO software

 Copying software for purposes other than backup

 Transfer or licensing of the right to use software to a third party
 Disclosure of confidential information regarding software
 Modification of software
 Use of software on multiple workstations, network terminals, or by other methods
(not applicable under a network licensing agreement concluded with JASCO)

(3) The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice for product improvement.
(4) This manual is considered complete and accurate at publication.
(5) This manual does not guarantee the validity of any patent rights or other rights.
(6) If a JASCO software program has failed causing an error or improper operation, this may
be caused by a conflict from another program operating on the PC. In this case, take
corrective action by uninstalling the conflicting product(s).
(7) Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other
countries. In general, company names and product names are trademarks or registered
trademarks of the respective companies. However, the TM and ® marks are not used in
all cases in this manual.
(8) JASCO and the JASCO logo are registered trademarks of JASCO Corporation in Japan
and other countries.

(C) JASCO Corporation, 2015. All rights reserved. Printed in JAPAN.

Limited Warranty
Products sold by JASCO, unless otherwise specified, are warranted for a period of one year
from the date of shipment to be free of defects in materials and workmanship. If any defects in
the product are found during this warranty period, JASCO will repair or replace the defective
part(s) or product free of charge.





This warranty does not cover the consumable parts listed below:

(1) Tungsten lamp, and other light sources

(2) Mirrors in the light source section, and cell windows
(3) Fuses, batteries, glassware, chart paper and ink


JASCO Corporation
2967-5, Ishikawa-machi, Hachioji-shi
Tokyo 192-8537

Notation Used
The following notational conventions are used throughout this manual:

Notation Meaning
[Measurement] menu Names of menus, commands, and text boxes are enclosed in
[Parameters...] command square brackets ‘[ ]’, followed by a description indicating
whether the function is a menu, command, text box, etc.
Shortcut keys used to select menus or commands are
<OK>, <Cancel> Names of buttons are enclosed in angular brackets ‘< >‘.

Keyboard Operations
Notation Meaning
Shift Ctrl The key is enclosed in a square and shown in boldface.
Alt , F Keys that are to be pressed in succession are separated by
commas. In the example shown on the left, the Alt key is to
be pressed and released, followed by the F key.
Shift +  Keys that are pressed simultaneously are separated by a
"plus" sign. In the example shown on the left, press the 
key while holding down the Shift key.

Mouse Operations
Notation Meaning
Point Move the mouse pointer to the specified item.
Click Quickly press and release the mouse button.
Double-click Click the mouse button twice in rapid succession.
Drag Point to an item, click and hold down the mouse button.
Move the mouse with the button held down, and release
the button when the pointer is in the desired position.

Servicing .....................................................................................................................i
Limited Warranty ......................................................................................................iii
Notation Used ...........................................................................................................iv
Contents .....................................................................................................................v
1. Introduction .........................................................................................................1
1.1 How to Use This Manual.........................................................................................1
1.2 FDA 21CFR Part 11 .................................................................................................3
1.3 Features of [Spectra Manager] Compatible with FDA 21CFR Part 11 .................3
1.4 Overview of [Spectra Manager]..............................................................................6
2. Starting and Exiting Programs and [Spectra Manager] Program
2.1 Starting the Program ..............................................................................................9
2.1.1 Turning on the Spectrophotometer ..................................................................9
2.1.2 Starting the PC and Windows and Registering V-700 series
spectrophotometers .......................................................................................10
2.1.3 Starting [Spectra Manager] ............................................................................18
2.1.4 Components of the Program Window ............................................................20
2.2 Exiting the Program..............................................................................................21
2.2.1 Exiting [Spectra Manager]..............................................................................21
2.2.2 Turning Off PC and Spectrophotometer.........................................................22
2.3 [Spectra Manager CFR] Program Reference.......................................................23
3. Accessory Registration Reference ..................................................................25
3.1 Attaching an Automatically-Recognized Accessory ..........................................25
3.2 Registering Accessories ......................................................................................26
3.2.1 Registering an Automatically-Recognized Accessory ....................................26
3.2.2 Manually Registering a Non-Automatically Recognized Accessory................26
3.3 Actions of [Spectra Manager] When Recognizing an Accessory ......................29
3.3.1 When an Automatically-Recognized Accessory is Attached...........................29
3.3.2 When an Automatically-Recognized Accessory is Removed..........................30
4. Overview of the [Spectra Measurement] program..........................................31
4.1 Basic Operation of the [Spectra Measurement] program ..................................31
4.1.1 Starting the [Spectra Measurement] program ................................................32
4.1.2 Specifying Measurement Parameters ............................................................32
4.1.3 Measuring the Baseline .................................................................................37
4.1.4 Measuring the Sample...................................................................................38
4.1.5 Saving Spectra ..............................................................................................39
4.1.6 Printing Results .............................................................................................40
4.1.7 Exiting the Program .......................................................................................41

4.2 Using the Data Processing Functions.................................................................42
4.2.1 Specifying Data Processing Parameters........................................................43
4.2.2 Opening a Spectrum......................................................................................47
4.3 Performing Measurements Using a Sequence Table .........................................50
4.3.1 Setting the Sequence ....................................................................................51 Setting [Type], [File Name]......................................................................52 Easy Settings.................................................................................52 Entering Text Directly in the Sequence Table ................................53 Entering a Sample Name and Comment.................................................56
4.3.2 Performing Measurements.............................................................................56
4.4 Performing Measurements Using a Flowchart ...................................................57
4.4.1 Setting the Flowchart Parameters..................................................................58
4.4.2 Performing Measurements.............................................................................60
5. Introduction to the [Quantitative Analysis] Program .....................................61
5.1 Basic Procedure for [Quantitative Analysis] Program .......................................61
5.1.1 Starting the [Quantitative Analysis] Program..................................................62
5.1.2 Specifying Measurement Parameters ............................................................62
5.1.3 Creating a Calibration Curve Graph ...............................................................69 Measures the blank sample ....................................................................69 Measuring the standard samples ............................................................70 Modifying the calibration curve graph......................................................72 Saving a calibration file ...........................................................................73 Reviewing and approving a calibration file ..............................................74 Opening a calibration file ........................................................................75
5.1.4 Performing the Quantitative Measurements...................................................76 Measures the blank sample ....................................................................76 Measuring a sample having an unknown concentration ..........................77
5.1.5 Saving the Quantitative Results .....................................................................78
5.1.6 Printing the Quantitative Results....................................................................79
5.1.7 Exiting the Program .......................................................................................80
5.2 Performing Measurements Using a Sequence Table .........................................81
5.2.1 Setting the Sequence ....................................................................................82
5.2.2 Setting [Type] and [File Name].......................................................................83 Easy Settings..........................................................................................83 Entering Text Directly in the Sequence Table .........................................84
5.2.3 Entering a Sample Name and Comment........................................................85 Performing Measurements......................................................................85
6. [Spectra Measurement] Program Reference...................................................86
6.1 Overview of the [Spectra Measurement] Program..............................................86
6.2 [File] Menu.............................................................................................................93
6.2.1 [Open...].........................................................................................................93
6.2.2 [Save] ............................................................................................................94
6.2.3 [Save As...] ....................................................................................................95
6.2.4 [Save Result List...]........................................................................................96

6.2.5 [Send to Analysis]..........................................................................................97
6.2.6 [Apply Measurement Parameters]..................................................................97
6.2.7 [Open Parameters...] .....................................................................................98
6.2.8 [Save Parameters...] ......................................................................................99
6.2.9 [Open Sequence...]......................................................................................100
6.2.10 [Save Sequence...] ......................................................................................101
6.2.11 [Open Baseline...] ........................................................................................102
6.2.12 [Save Baseline...].........................................................................................103
6.2.13 [Open Dark Spectrum...] ..............................................................................104
6.2.14 [Save Dark Spectrum...]...............................................................................105
6.2.15 [Print]...........................................................................................................106
6.2.16 [Print Preview...] ..........................................................................................106 [Print Items] ..........................................................................................107 [Margins]...............................................................................................108 [Fonts] ..................................................................................................109
6.2.17 [Print Items...] ..............................................................................................110
6.2.18 [Print Setup...]..............................................................................................110
6.2.19 [Exit] ............................................................................................................110
6.3 [Processing] Menu..............................................................................................111
6.3.1 [Parameters...] .............................................................................................111 [Noise Elimination] ................................................................................113 [Smoothing] ..........................................................................................114 [Arithmetic]............................................................................................115 [Derivatives]..........................................................................................116 [KM Transformation] .............................................................................116 [X Unit Conversion]...............................................................................117 [Relative Reflectance Correction]..........................................................118 [Photometric Value] ..............................................................................119 [Peak Find] ...........................................................................................121 [Peak Height] ........................................................................................122 [Peak Area]...........................................................................................124 [FWHM] ................................................................................................126 [Data Comparison]................................................................................127 [Simple Quantitation].............................................................................130 [Film Thickness]....................................................................................132 [Auto Save] ...........................................................................................133 [Auto Transfer]......................................................................................134 [Auto Print]............................................................................................134 [Save Result List]..................................................................................135
6.3.2 [Open Parameters...] ...................................................................................136
6.3.3 [Save Parameters...] ....................................................................................137
6.3.4 [Histories...]..................................................................................................138
6.4 [Measure] Menu ..................................................................................................139
6.4.1 [Cancel] .......................................................................................................139
6.4.2 [Start]...........................................................................................................139

6.4.3 [Reset] .........................................................................................................139
6.4.4 [Sample] ......................................................................................................140
6.4.5 [Baseline].....................................................................................................140
6.4.6 [Dark]...........................................................................................................141
6.4.7 [Parameters...] .............................................................................................142 [General] tab.........................................................................................143 [Correction] tab .....................................................................................150 [Control] tab ..........................................................................................151 [Flowchart] tab ......................................................................................152 [Data] tab..............................................................................................154
6.4.8 [Sequence Measurement]............................................................................156
6.4.9 [Preview...]...................................................................................................157
6.5 [Control] Menu ...................................................................................................158
6.5.1 [Move Wavelength...] ...................................................................................158
6.5.2 [Optical Path...] ............................................................................................159
6.5.3 [Bandwidth]..................................................................................................160
6.5.4 [Response] ..................................................................................................161
6.5.5 [Light Sources...]..........................................................................................161
6.5.6 [Auto Zero]...................................................................................................162
6.5.7 [Select Accessories...] .................................................................................162
6.6 [Edit] Menu ..........................................................................................................163
6.6.1 [Copy Spectrum]..........................................................................................163
6.6.2 [Copy Results] .............................................................................................163
6.6.3 [Copy Details] ..............................................................................................163
6.6.4 [Delete] ........................................................................................................163
6.6.5 [Delete All] ...................................................................................................164
6.6.6 [Comments...] ..............................................................................................164
6.7 [View] Menu.........................................................................................................165
6.7.1 [Spectrum] ...................................................................................................165 [Scales...]..............................................................................................165 [Patterns...] ...........................................................................................166 [Fonts...]................................................................................................167 [Gridlines...] ..........................................................................................168 [Styles...]...............................................................................................169
6.7.2 [Decimal Places...] .......................................................................................170
6.7.3 [Normalize] ..................................................................................................170
6.7.4 [Display Uncorrected Data] ..........................................................................171
6.7.5 [View Calc. Information]...............................................................................171
6.7.6 [Information...]..............................................................................................172
6.7.7 [Result List]..................................................................................................172
6.7.8 [Information Bar] ..........................................................................................172
6.7.9 [Entrance Port/Exit Port Bar]........................................................................172
6.7.10 [Accessory Bar] ...........................................................................................172
6.7.11 [Parameter Selection Bar]............................................................................172

6.7.12 [Toolbars] ....................................................................................................173
6.7.13 [Status Bar]..................................................................................................173
6.8 [Settings] Menu ..................................................................................................174
6.8.1 [Save/Transfer Data...].................................................................................174
6.8.2 [Show Statistical Results...]..........................................................................175
6.8.3 [Result List...]...............................................................................................176
6.8.4 [Screen Layout...].........................................................................................177
6.8.5 [Default Parameters...].................................................................................178
6.8.6 [Customize Toolbar...]..................................................................................179
6.8.7 [Monitor Bar ...] ............................................................................................180
6.8.8 [Options...] ...................................................................................................181
6.9 [Help] Menu ........................................................................................................182
6.9.1 [Contents] ....................................................................................................182
6.9.2 [Search Topic] .............................................................................................182
6.9.3 [About...] ......................................................................................................182
7. [Quantitative Measurement] Program Reference .........................................183
7.1 Overview of the [Quantitative Analysis] programs...........................................183
7.2 [File] Menu...........................................................................................................193
7.2.1 [New] ...........................................................................................................193
7.2.2 [Open...].......................................................................................................193
7.2.3 [Save] ..........................................................................................................193
7.2.4 [Save As...] ..................................................................................................193
7.2.5 [Export...] .....................................................................................................194
7.2.6 [Open Parameters] ......................................................................................195
7.2.7 [Save Parameters] .......................................................................................195
7.2.8 [Export Calibration Curve...].........................................................................195
7.2.9 [Open Sequence...]......................................................................................195
7.2.10 [Save Sequence...] ......................................................................................195
7.2.11 [Print]...........................................................................................................195
7.2.12 [Print Preview] .............................................................................................196
7.2.13 [Print Items...] ..............................................................................................196
7.2.14 [Print Setup...]..............................................................................................196
7.2.15 [Exit] ............................................................................................................196
7.3 [Measure] Menu ..................................................................................................196
7.3.1 [Cancel] .......................................................................................................196
7.3.2 [Sample] ......................................................................................................196
7.3.3 [Blank] .........................................................................................................197
7.3.4 [Dark]...........................................................................................................198
7.3.5 [Parameters...] .............................................................................................199 [Parameters] tab ...................................................................................200 [Calibration Graph] tab..........................................................................202 [Correction] tab .....................................................................................204 [Control] tab ..........................................................................................205 [Sheet] tab ............................................................................................206

ix [Information] tab....................................................................................209 [Data] tab..............................................................................................210
7.3.6 [Sequence Measurement]............................................................................211
7.3.7 [Preview...]...................................................................................................212
7.4 [Control] Menu ....................................................................................................212
7.4.1 [Move Wavelength...] ...................................................................................212
7.4.2 [Optical Path...] ............................................................................................212
7.4.3 [Bandwidth]..................................................................................................212
7.4.4 [Response] ..................................................................................................212
7.4.5 [Light Sources...]..........................................................................................212
7.4.6 [Auto Zero]...................................................................................................212
7.4.7 [Select Accessories...] .................................................................................212
7.5 [Edit] Menu ..........................................................................................................213
7.5.1 [Copy Graph] ...............................................................................................213
7.5.2 [Copy Table] ................................................................................................213
7.5.3 [Delete] ........................................................................................................213
7.5.4 [Delete All] ...................................................................................................214
7.5.5 [Comments...] ..............................................................................................214
7.6 [View] Menu.........................................................................................................214
7.6.1 [Calibration Graph].......................................................................................214 [Scales...]..............................................................................................214 [Patterns...] ...........................................................................................214 [Fonts...]................................................................................................214 [Gridlines...] ..........................................................................................215 [Markers...]............................................................................................215 [Styles...]...............................................................................................216
7.6.2 [Decimal Places...] .......................................................................................216
7.6.3 [Calibration Sheet] .......................................................................................216
7.6.4 [Quantitation Sheet] .....................................................................................216
7.6.5 [Sequence Sheet] ........................................................................................216
7.6.6 [Information Bar] ..........................................................................................216
7.6.7 [Entrance Port/Exit Port Bar]........................................................................216
7.6.8 [Accessory Bar] ...........................................................................................216
7.6.9 [Toolbars] ....................................................................................................216
7.6.10 [Status Bar]..................................................................................................217
7.7 [Settings] Menu...................................................................................................217
7.7.1 [Displayed Data...] .......................................................................................217
7.7.2 [Default Parameters...].................................................................................218
7.7.3 [Customize Toolbar...]..................................................................................218
7.7.4 [Monitor Bar...] .............................................................................................218
7.8 [Help] Menu .........................................................................................................218
7.8.1 [Contents] ....................................................................................................218
7.8.2 [Search Topic] .............................................................................................218
7.8.3 [About...] ......................................................................................................218

8. [Time Course Measurement] Program Reference ........................................219
8.1 Overview of the [Time Course Measurement] Program ...................................219
8.2 [File] Menu...........................................................................................................224
8.2.1 [Save Data...]...............................................................................................224
8.2.2 [Send to Analysis]........................................................................................224
8.2.3 [Open Parameters...] ...................................................................................224
8.2.4 [Save Parameters...] ....................................................................................224
8.2.5 [Exit] ............................................................................................................224
8.3 [Measure] Menu..................................................................................................225
8.3.1 [Cancel] .......................................................................................................225
8.3.2 [Sample] ......................................................................................................225
8.3.3 [Blank] .........................................................................................................226
8.3.4 [Dark]...........................................................................................................227
8.3.5 [Parameters...] .............................................................................................228 [General] tab.........................................................................................229 [Correction] tab .....................................................................................233 [Control] tab ..........................................................................................234 [Information] tab....................................................................................235 [Data] tab..............................................................................................236
8.3.6 [Preview...]...................................................................................................237
8.4 [Control] Menu ....................................................................................................238
8.4.1 [Move Wavelength...] ...................................................................................238
8.4.2 [Optical Path...] ............................................................................................238
8.4.3 [Bandwidth]..................................................................................................238
8.4.4 [Response] ..................................................................................................238
8.4.5 [Light Sources...]..........................................................................................238
8.4.6 [Auto Zero]...................................................................................................238
8.4.7 [Select Accessories...] .................................................................................238
8.5 [View] Menu.........................................................................................................239
8.5.1 [Scales...].....................................................................................................239
8.5.2 [Patterns...] ..................................................................................................239
8.5.3 [Fonts...] ......................................................................................................239
8.5.4 [Gridlines...] .................................................................................................239
8.5.5 [Styles...]......................................................................................................239
8.5.6 [Decimal Places...] .......................................................................................239
8.5.7 [Information Bar] ..........................................................................................239
8.5.8 [Entrance Port/Exit Port Bar]........................................................................239
8.5.9 [Accessory Bar] ...........................................................................................240
8.5.10 [Toolbars] ....................................................................................................240
8.5.11 [Status Bar]..................................................................................................240
8.6 [Settings] Menu...................................................................................................240
8.6.1 [Default Parameters...].................................................................................240
8.6.2 [Customize Toolbar...]..................................................................................240
8.6.3 [Monitor Bar...] .............................................................................................240

8.7 [Help] Menu .........................................................................................................241
8.7.1 [Contents] ....................................................................................................241
8.7.2 [Search Topic] .............................................................................................241
8.7.3 [About...] ......................................................................................................241
9. [Dual-Wavelength Time Course Measurement] Program Reference ..........242
9.1 Overview of the [Dual-Wavelength Time Course Measurement]
9.2 [File] Menu...........................................................................................................247
9.2.1 [Save Data...]...............................................................................................247
9.2.2 [Send to Analysis]........................................................................................247
9.2.3 [Save Calculation Data...] ............................................................................247
9.2.4 [Send Calculation Data to Analysis] .............................................................248
9.2.5 [Open Parameters...] ...................................................................................248
9.2.6 [Save Parameters...] ....................................................................................248
9.2.7 [Exit] ............................................................................................................248
9.3 [Measure] Menu ..................................................................................................249
9.3.1 [Cancel] .......................................................................................................249
9.3.2 [Sample] ......................................................................................................249
9.3.3 [Blank] .........................................................................................................250
9.3.4 [Dark]...........................................................................................................251
9.3.5 [Parameters...] .............................................................................................252 [General] tab.........................................................................................253 [Correction] tab .....................................................................................256 [Control] tab ..........................................................................................257 [Information] tab....................................................................................258 [Data] tab..............................................................................................259
9.3.6 [Preview...]...................................................................................................260
9.4 [Control] Menu ....................................................................................................261
9.4.1 [Move Wavelength...] ...................................................................................261
9.4.2 [Optical Path...] ............................................................................................261
9.4.3 [Bandwidth]..................................................................................................261
9.4.4 [Response] ..................................................................................................261
9.4.5 [Light Sources...]..........................................................................................261
9.4.6 [Auto Zero]...................................................................................................261
9.4.7 [Select Accessories...] .................................................................................261
9.5 [View] Menu.........................................................................................................262
9.5.1 [Scales...].....................................................................................................262
9.5.2 [Patterns...] ..................................................................................................262
9.5.3 [Fonts...] ......................................................................................................262
9.5.4 [Gridlines...] .................................................................................................262
9.5.5 [Styles...]......................................................................................................262
9.5.6 [Decimal Places...] .......................................................................................262
9.5.7 [Calculation Data] ........................................................................................263
9.5.8 [Information Bar] ..........................................................................................263

9.5.9 [Entrance Port/Exit Port Bar]........................................................................263
9.5.10 [Accessory Bar] ...........................................................................................263
9.5.11 [Toolbars] ....................................................................................................264
9.5.12 [Status Bar]..................................................................................................264
9.6 [Settings] Menu...................................................................................................264
9.6.1 [Default Parameters...].................................................................................264
9.6.2 [Customize Toolbar...]..................................................................................264
9.6.3 [Monitor Bar...] .............................................................................................264
9.7 [Help] Menu .........................................................................................................264
9.7.1 [Contents] ....................................................................................................264
9.7.2 [Search Topic...] ..........................................................................................264
9.7.3 [About...] ......................................................................................................264
10. [Fixed Wavelength Measurement] Program Reference ...............................265
10.1 Overview of the [Fixed WL Measurement] program .........................................265
10.2 [File] Menu...........................................................................................................270
10.2.1 [New] ...........................................................................................................270
10.2.2 [Open...].......................................................................................................270
10.2.3 [Save] ..........................................................................................................270
10.2.4 [Save As...] ..................................................................................................270
10.2.5 [Export...] .....................................................................................................270
10.2.6 [Open Parameters ...] ..................................................................................270
10.2.7 [Save Parameters...] ....................................................................................270
10.2.8 [Open Sequence...]......................................................................................271
10.2.9 [Save Sequence...] ......................................................................................271
10.2.10 [Print...] ........................................................................................................271
10.2.11 [Print Preview...] ..........................................................................................271
10.2.12 [Print Setup...]..............................................................................................271
10.2.13 [Exit] ............................................................................................................271
10.3 [Measure] Menu ..................................................................................................272
10.3.1 [Cancel] .......................................................................................................272
10.3.2 [Sample] ......................................................................................................272
10.3.3 [Blank] .........................................................................................................272
10.3.4 [Dark]...........................................................................................................273
10.3.5 [Parameters...] .............................................................................................274 [General] tab.........................................................................................275 [Correction] tab .....................................................................................277 [Control] tab ..........................................................................................278 [Worksheet] tab.....................................................................................279 [Data] tab..............................................................................................280
10.3.6 [Sequence Measurement]............................................................................282
10.3.7 [Preview...]...................................................................................................282
10.4 [Control] Menu ....................................................................................................283
10.4.1 [Move Wavelength...] ...................................................................................283
10.4.2 [Optical Path...] ............................................................................................283

10.4.3 [Bandwidth]..................................................................................................283
10.4.4 [Response] ..................................................................................................283
10.4.5 [Light Sources...]..........................................................................................283
10.4.6 [Auto Zero]...................................................................................................283
10.4.7 [Select Accessories...] .................................................................................283
10.5 [Edit] Menu ..........................................................................................................284
10.5.1 [Copy] ..........................................................................................................284
10.5.2 [Copy All] .....................................................................................................284
10.5.3 [Delete] ........................................................................................................284
10.5.4 [Delete All] ...................................................................................................284
10.5.5 [Comments...] ..............................................................................................284
10.6 [View] Menu.........................................................................................................285
10.6.1 [Decimal Places...] .......................................................................................285
10.6.2 [Information Bar] ..........................................................................................285
10.6.3 [Entrance Port/Exit Port Bar]........................................................................285
10.6.4 [Accessory Bar] ...........................................................................................285
10.6.5 [Toolbars] ....................................................................................................285
10.6.6 [Status Bar]..................................................................................................285
10.7 [Settings] Menu...................................................................................................286
10.7.1 [Sheet...] ......................................................................................................286
10.7.2 [Displayed Data...] .......................................................................................286
10.7.3 [Default Parameters...].................................................................................286
10.7.4 [Customize Toolbar...]..................................................................................286
10.7.5 [Monitor Bar...] .............................................................................................286
10.8 [Help] Menu .........................................................................................................286
10.8.1 [Content]......................................................................................................286
10.8.2 [Search Topic] .............................................................................................286
10.8.3 [About...] ......................................................................................................286
11. [Abs/%T Meter] Program Reference ..............................................................287
11.1 [Measure] Menu ..................................................................................................291
11.1.1 [Blank] .........................................................................................................291
11.1.2 [Dark]...........................................................................................................292
11.1.3 [Parameters...] .............................................................................................292
11.1.4 [General] Tab...............................................................................................293
11.1.5 [Correction] Tab...........................................................................................295
11.1.6 [Control] Tab................................................................................................296
11.1.7 [Preview...]...................................................................................................296
11.1.8 [Exit] ............................................................................................................296
11.2 [Control] Menu ....................................................................................................297
11.2.1 [Move Wavelength...] ...................................................................................297
11.2.2 [Optical Path...] ............................................................................................297
11.2.3 [Bandwidth]..................................................................................................297
11.2.4 [Response] ..................................................................................................297

11.2.5 [Light Sources...]..........................................................................................297
11.2.6 [Auto Zero]...................................................................................................297
11.2.7 [Analog Output...].........................................................................................298
11.2.8 [Select Accessories...] .................................................................................298
11.3 [View] Menu.........................................................................................................299
11.3.1 [View Modes] ...............................................................................................299
11.3.2 [Graph Views] ..............................................................................................301 [Scales...]..............................................................................................301 [Patterns...] ...........................................................................................302 [Fonts...]................................................................................................302 [Gridlines...] ..........................................................................................302 [Styles...]...............................................................................................302
11.3.3 [Decimal Places...] .......................................................................................302
11.3.4 [Criteria...]....................................................................................................302
11.3.5 [Information Bar] ..........................................................................................305
11.3.6 [Entrance Port/Exit Port Bar]........................................................................305
11.3.7 [Accessory Bar] ...........................................................................................305
11.3.8 [Toolbars] ....................................................................................................305
11.3.9 [Status Bar]..................................................................................................305
11.4 [Settings] Menu...................................................................................................305
11.4.1 [Customize Toolbar...]..................................................................................305
11.4.2 [Monitor Bar...] .............................................................................................305
11.5 [Help] Menu .........................................................................................................306
11.5.1 [Contents] ....................................................................................................306
11.5.2 [Search Topic] .............................................................................................306
11.5.3 [About...] ......................................................................................................306

1. Introduction
1.1 How to Use This Manual
This chapter describes the structure and use of this manual. The manual consists of 11
chapters including this one. An explanation of each chapter is given below. For this manual,
Microsoft Windows is referred to as Windows and a personal computer as a PC.

Note: This manual is for the Model V-730/750/760/770/780 spectrophotometers.

Differences between each model are noted. Read the relevant chapters as

1. Introduction
This chapter describes how to use this manual and gives an overview of each program and
menu. Read this chapter first.

2. Starting and Exiting Programs and the [Spectra Manager] Program Reference
This chapter describes detailed procedures ranging from turning on/off the spectrophotometer
and PC to starting/exiting the programs. Refer to Chapter 3 for details about program
In addition, this chapter contains the [Spectra Manager] program reference.

3. Accessory Registration Reference

This chapter describes how to register accessories used with the spectrophotometer.

4. Introduction to the [Spectra Measurement] Program

This chapter describes the [Spectra Measurement] program and provides examples of basic
procedures. Users unfamiliar with Windows or first-time users of the spectrophotometer should
follow the procedures described in this chapter for a general overview of how to operate the

5. Introduction to the [Quantitative Analysis] Program

This chapter describes the [Quantitative Analysis] program and provides examples of basic
procedures. It provides a good overview of the sequence involved in quantitative measurement,
from creating calibration curves to measuring samples having unknown concentrations.

6 to 11. Measurement Program References

These chapters contain references for measurement programs, including [Spectra

Measurement], [Quantitative Analysis], and [Time Course Measurement]. Read the relevant
chapters as required.

6. [Spectra Measurement] Program Reference

7. [Quantitative Calibration/Analysis] Program Reference
8. [Time Course Measurement] Program Reference
9. [Dual-Wavelength Measurement] Program Reference
10. [Intensity Monitor] Program Reference
11. [Abs%T Meter] Program Reference

Note: Refer to the relevant manual for details about the [Parallel Kinetics
Measurement], [Validation], [Daily Check], [Spectra Analysis], and [JASCO
Canvas] programs.

1.2 FDA 21CFR Part 11
FDA 21 CFR Part 11 is a set of regulations regarding digital archiving of data and data records
for GLP, GCP, and GMP procedures. These regulations cover a number of areas, including: 1)
access control and electronic signature requirements for data recorded by any
computer-controlled analytical system in which the results are digitally archived; 2) the
provision of security functions that can only be accessed by authorized personnel to ensure the
security and integrity of data; and 3) a data auditing mechanism with the automatic creation of
an Audit Trail to maintain a record of any creation, modification or deletion of instrument data.

1.3 Features of [Spectra Manager] Compatible with FDA

21CFR Part 11
JASCO Spectra ManagerTM is an integrated software package that acts as a common platform
for the range of JASCO analytical instruments, including UV/Vis, near-infrared, infrared,
fluorescence, Raman, polarimetry, and circular dichroism spectrometers. The Spectra
ManagerTM software provides functionality ranging from analytical instrument control and
spectral data processing to sophisticated and specialized data analysis programs. JASCO
Spectra ManagerTM CFR provides security and auditing functionality that ensures the security,
integrity and confidentiality of electronic records by enforcing the use of electronic signatures
and other security measures as described in the regulations outlined in 21 CFR Part 11.

JASCO Spectra ManagerTM CFR consists of three core modules: Administrative Tools and
Security Manager modules; intrinsic components of the Spectra ManagerTM CFR software; and
a database, which is an external component to the Spectra ManagerTM CFR software. In
addition, there are two broad classes of add-on modules: instrument drivers, which are
spectrometer-specific; and spectral analysis modules, which provide a range of sophisticated
analytical and data processing tools. These add-on modules integrate seamlessly with the
three core components of the Spectra Manager system to provide compliance with 21 CFR
Part 11 regulations over the entire range of JASCO products. Figure 1.1 illustrates the system

Figure 1.1 Structure of Spectra ManagerTM CFR

All of the security management functions of JASCO Spectra ManagerTM CFR are accessed
through the Administrative Tools interface. The Security Manager components of the system
are not directly accessible by a user, and thus the operation of these modules is not described.
For secure management of data and data records, JASCO Spectra ManagerTM CFR has two
levels of security: system-level security and workgroup-level security.

When a user is registered in JASCO Spectra ManagerTM CFR, the user must be assigned to
one of four possible System Access Levels: “Administrators”, “Power Users”, “Users”, or
“Limited Users”. The level of control that a user has over the management functions of the
software system is determined by the System Access Level assigned to that user. Table 1.1
outlines the different rights assigned to the different types of users depending on their System
Access Levels.

Table 1.1 Rights of each System Access Level

Administrators Power Users Users Limited Users
Display/modify system policy OK
Add/delete users OK
Modify user properties (incl. System
Access Level)
Add a workgroup OK
Delete a workgroup Workgroup Managers only
Modify workgroup users Workgroup Managers only
Add/delete instruments OK
Modify instrument configuration OK
Add/delete programs OK
Display log management OK OK

Workgroups correspond to actual groupings of users within the organization and may
represent divisions such as projects, departments, or research groups. Each workgroup has a
set of users, instruments, accessories, and analysis programs associated with it; only users
registered with a specific workgroup may access the instruments and programs of that
workgroup. Within a workgroup, users are granted access as either a “Manager”, “Analyst”, or
“Operator”, with authorities to modify instrument and analysis settings and use resources
within the workgroup determined by the Workgroup User Rights granted. Selectable
Workgroup User Rights vary depending on the system access level of the user. Table 1.2
outlines the relationship between the System Access Levels and Workgroup User Rights.

Table 1.2 Qualified access levels by Workgroup User Rights

Administrators Power Users Users Limited Users
Managers OK OK
Analysts OK OK OK
Operators OK OK OK OK

By employing a two-level security model, global security authorization is independent of instrument,
accessory, and application authorization, resulting in a highly flexible security system. Table 1.3
outlines the different rights assigned to the different types of users depending on their Workgroup
User Rights.

Table 1.3 Rights of each Workgroup User Rights

Managers Analysts Operators
Register/unregister workgroup users OK
Change Workgroup user authorities OK
Register/unregister instruments for the workgroup OK
Register/unregister programs for the workgroup OK
Use a registered instrument OK OK OK
Use a registered instrument application OK OK OK
Modify measurement parameters OK OK
Use a registered analysis program OK OK OK
Modify analysis parameters OK OK
Electronically sign data OK OK OK

Figure 1.2 shows the typical operational flow of the JASCO Spectra ManagerTM CFR. First, a
user is created (registered) and their System Access Level is assigned using Administrative
Tools. A Workgroup is created (registered), and individual users and analytical instruments are
assigned to the Workgroup. Detailed access to instrument control and analysis programs can
be set at the User and Workgroup levels. Access control levels as required by FDA 21 CFR
Part 11 regulations are determined by the Administrative Tools settings.

Routine analyses can then be conducted by the operator using the measurement/analysis
programs in JASCO Spectra ManagerTM CFR. Since all levels of access are managed by
Security Manager, individual users are only able to execute procedures that are allowed by
their assigned access level. Access control ranges from declaring measurement parameters to
conducting measurements and performing data analysis.

Analytical data obtained using any of the procedures described above can be saved as an
electronic record with an electronic signature.

Figure 1.2 Operational flow

1.4 Overview of [Spectra Manager]

[Spectra Manager] refers to the entire suite of measurement/analysis and administrative
programs for JASCO spectrophotometers.
Specifically, [Spectra Manager] is a software program that communicates with the
spectrophotometer to start various measurement and analysis programs. Common programs
that are used by the spectrophotometer series include measurement programs, the [Validation]
program for checking the performance of the spectrophotometer, and the [Spectra Analysis],
[JASCO Canvas] and [Administrative Tools] programs.

Spectra Measurement Controls the spectrophotometer and measures samples.

Validation Checks the performance of the spectrophotometer .
Spectra Analysis Displays, processes, and prints the data obtained by the [Spectra
Measurement] program.
JASCO Canvas Customizes the format of spectral data for printing.
Administrative Tools Controls the administration of the spectrophotometer and
measurement/analysis programs, including the assignment of user

This manual mainly explains how to use each measurement program. Refer to [Hardware
Manual] for details about how to use the spectrophotometer.

The following programs are registered as standard programs in [Spectra Manager CFR] for the
Model V-700 spectrophotometers.

Measurement programs
(1) [Spectra Measurement] program
This program measures the absorbance, transmittance or reflectance spectra of a sample.
It also transfers measured spectra to the [Spectra Analysis] program for analysis.

(2) [Quantitative Analysis] Program

This program creates a calibration curve using absorbances obtained by measuring
standard samples having known concentrations, measures the absorbances for samples
having unknown concentrations and determines those concentrations using the
calibration curve.

(3) [Time Course Measurement] program

This program measures temporal changes in the photometric value for a sample over a
specified time at a fixed wavelength. It also transfers measured time-course data to the
[Spectra Analysis] program for analysis.

(4) [Dual-Wavelength Time Course Measurement] program

This program simultaneously measures temporal changes in the photometric value at two
fixed wavelengths for a sample over a specified time period. It also transfers measured
time-course data to the [Spectra Analysis] program for analysis.

(5) [Fixed Wavelength Measurement] program

This program measures the photometric value for a sample at a fixed wavelength. Up to
twenty different wavelengths can be used for measurement.

(6) [Abs%T Meter] program

This program allows the photometric value for a sample to be easily read at any
wavelength. The photometric value at a desired wavelength is displayed in analog, digital
or graph mode.

(7) [Parallel Kinetics Measurement (Cell Changer)] program

This program measures temporal changes to the photometric value at a fixed wavelength
for a sample over a specified time period, and is designed for use with a cell changer type

(8) [Validation] program
This program checks the basic performance of the spectrophotometer by conducting
inspections based on various standard methods. The user can easily check the
instrument performance by setting the validation sample according to the program
instructions, and simply starting the measurement.

(9) [Daily Check] program

This program periodically measures the absorbance spectrum of the holmium glass filter
supplied with the spectrophotometer, in order to perform a simple check of the instrument

Analysis programs
(1) [Spectra Analysis] program
This program saves, prints, and processes (subtraction, peak find, smoothing, derivative,
vertical axis conversion, etc.) spectra or time-course data.

(2) [JASCO Canvas] program

This program lays out and prints spectra, measurement parameters, and comments. It
can also be used to create drawings and add text.

(3) [Enzyme Activity Calculation] program

This program calculates the enzyme activity from the absorbance or fluorescence

2. Starting and Exiting Programs and [Spectra
Manager] Program Reference
2.1 Starting the Program
2.1.1 Turning on the Spectrophotometer
Turn on the power switch on the right side of the spectrophotometer.

“START” button


Sample compartment “Power” switch

set screws

Figure 2.1 Spectrophotometer (V-750/760/770/780)

After the spectrophotometer is powered on, the START button on the upper right will light. Wait
until the light source has stabilized before starting the measurement.

2.1.2 Starting the PC and Windows and Registering V-700 series
Turn on the PC and monitor to start Windows. When a V-700 series spectrophotometer is
connected for the first time, registration of the spectrophotometer is required in [Spectra

Note: The operations described in this section can be performed only by


(1) Start [Administrative Tools], right-click [Instrument] and select [Register Instrument...]
from the shortcut menu to display the window in Fig. 2.3.

Figure 2.2 [Administrative Tools] window

(2) Select the check box for the JASCO V-700 series control driver and click the <Next>
button to display the dialog box in Fig. 2.4.

Figure 2.3 [Select Instrument Driver] dialog box

(3) Enter the spectrophotometer name, model name and serial number and then click the
<Finish> button to register the spectrophotometer. The model name and serial number
are inscribed on the name plate on the front panel of the spectrophotometer.

Figure 2.4 [Instrument Properties] dialog box

The spectrophotometer is registered and the name is displayed in the right pane of the
[Administrative Tools] window.

Figure 2.5 [Administrative Tools] window (after registering the instrument)

Note: After registering the spectrophotometer, exit the program and perform the
following operations after logging on again.

(4) Restart [Spectra Manager] and start [Administrative Tools]. Right-click the registered
spectrophotometer name and select [Properties...] to display the dialog box in Fig. 2.6.
First, check that the [Model name], [Display name], and [Serial number] are displayed in
the [General] tab

Figure 2.6 [General] tab in [Properties] dialog box

(5) Click the [Cell Units] and [External Accessories] tabs to register the accessories. Refer
to Chapter 3 for details.
(6) Click the [Attachments] tab to register the attachments for the entrance/exit ports. Select
the attachments and click the <OK> button to register the selected attachments.

Figure 2.7 [Attachment] tab in [Instrument Properties] dialog box

[Entrance/exit ports] Registers an attachment for the entrance/exit ports.

Options: GPH-506 Polarizer for UV/Vis NIR region
DPL-515 Depolarizer
Optical isolator

(7) Click the [Adjustments] tab to perform spectrophotometer adjustments.

Figure 2.8 [Adjustment] tab in [Instrument Properties] dialog box

<Diagnostics...> Confirms whether the spectrophotometer is functioning
[Deuterium] Displays the number of hours the deuterium lamp has been
used. When the deuterium lamp is exchanged, click the
<Exchange> button to reset the number of hours used to 0.
[Halogen] Displays the number of hours the halogen lamp has been
used. When the halogen lamp is exchanged, click the
<Exchange> button to reset the number of hours used to 0.
[Turn on the D2 lamp when Turns on the deuterium lamp when the spectrophotometer
the instrument starts] is turned on.
[Turn on the Halogen lamp Turns on the halogen lamp when the spectrophotometer is
when the instrument starts] turned on.
[Display warning message Displays a warning message when the instrument is
when the Deuterium lamp initialized if the deuterium lamp has been used for more
has been used for more than 1000 hours.
than 1000]

Figure 2.9 Warning message for excessive deuterium lamp

Note: The lifetime of the deuterium lamp is

approximately 1000 hours. When the
number of hours the deuterium lamp has
been used exceeds 1000 hours, the
decrease in the intensity of the light source
will effect measurements.

[Display warning message Displays a warning message when the instrument is

when the Halogen lamp has initialized if the halogen lamp has been used for more than
been used for more than 1000 hours.
Note: The lifetime of the halogen lamp is
approximately 1000 hours. When the
number of hours the halogen lamp has been
used exceeds 1000 hours, the decrease in
the intensity of the light source will effect

[Enable the [Start] button] Selects to enable measurement programs to begin

measurements when the start button of the
spectrophotometer is pressed.
[Check the accessories in If selected, only measurement parameter files that were
[Open parameters]] created using recognized accessories with the same model
number can be selected.
If not selected, measurement parameter files that were
created using recognized accessories with different model
numbers can also be selected.
In the CFR version, this command is not displayed.

Note: In the CFR version, only measurement

parameter files that were created using
accessories with the same model number
and serial number can be selected.

(8) Click the <Diagnostics...> button to display the [Diagnostics] dialog box. This function
confirms whether the spectrophotometer is functioning correctly.

Figure 2.10 [Diagnostics] dialog box

<Initialize...> Initializes all components of the

instrument except for the light source.

If an error message is displayed in the message area in Fig 2.10, contact your local
JASCO distributor.

(9) Click the [Calibrations] tab to calibrate spectrophotometer conditions, such as the
wavelength or auto gain. If calibration is required, contact your local JASCO distributor.

Figure 2.11 [Calibration] tab in [Instrument Properties] dialog box

Wavelength calibrations Used by JASCO service engineers.

Changeover wavelength Used by JASCO service engineers.
of filters
Wavelength range Used by JASCO service engineers.

Note: In the CFR version, V-700 must be registered to Workgroup before use. Refer
to the [Spectra Manager CFR Administrative Tools] manual for details about
registering the spectrophotometer to Workgroup.

2.1.3 Starting [Spectra Manager]
(1) After starting Windows, double-click the [Spectra Manager] icon located on the Windows
desktop. Type the username and password in the logon dialog box to display the
window in Fig. 2.12.

Note: [Spectra Manager] can also be started by selecting [Start] - [All Programs] -
[JASCO] - [Spectra Manager] from the Windows [Start] menu.

Figure 2.12 [Spectra Manager CFR] window

(2) Start the [Spectra Measurement] program to measure a sample.
Double-click [Spectra Measurement] from the [Instrument] list of [Spectra Manager] to
start the program. The window in Fig. 2.13 is displayed.

Figure 2.13 [Spectra Measurement] window

2.1.4 Components of the Program Window
In this section, an example of the [Spectra Analysis] program window is used to explain
program operation components. The names of the various components (windows and dialog
boxes) are also described.

(1) View window

[Spectra Analysis] displays multiple spectrum display windows (called “Views”) in the
main program window. Views have no dedicated menu bar, toolbar or status bar. The
toolbar buttons and other [Spectra Analysis] components can be operated in the same
way as in the program window for the active View window.


Figure 2.14 Views in [Spectra Analysis] program

(2) Dialog box

Commands and items in menus ending with an ellipsis (...) open a dialog box when
clicked. The opened dialog box usually contains parameters that must be specified. The
[Styles] dialog box of the [View] menu is used as an example to explain the names and
functions, as well as the operational rules of various sections of the dialog box.

To display the [Styles] dialog box in Fig. 2.15, select [Styles...] from the[View] menu in
the [Spectra Analysis] program. The names of various sections of the dialog box are
indicated below.

Drop-down list

Check box
Text box

Option button
The blue-colored
dot shows that an
Group box
option has been

Figure 2.15 [Styles] dialog box

2.2 Exiting the Program

2.2.1 Exiting [Spectra Manager]
(1) Select [Exit] from the [Program] menu to close [Spectra Manager].

Note: [Spectra Manager] can also be exited by clicking the <Close> button.

Figure 2.16 [Spectra Manager CFR] window

[Spectra Manager] cannot be exited before closing the running measurement/analysis
programs. If programs are running, the dialog box in Fig. 2.17 is displayed. After clicking
the <OK> button, close the running programs.

Figure 2.17 Message when a program is still running

(3) Exiting Windows

Exit Windows in accordance with standard Windows operation procedures.

2.2.2 Turning Off PC and Spectrophotometer

(1) First, turn off the PC and monitor. Do not forget to turn off the monitor.
(2) Ensure that the sample compartment is empty, and then turn off the spectrophotometer
(see Fig. 2.1).

2.3 [Spectra Manager CFR] Program Reference
[Spectra Manager] is an integrated software package that acts as a common platform for the range
of JASCO analytical instruments.

[Instrument] list
Displays the names of instruments that
are currently available for use. For each
instrument, a list of available programs is
displayed. Start a program by
double-clicking its name.

[Analysis] list
When an analysis program is installed, it
is added to this list Start a program by
double-clicking its name.

Figure 2.18 [Spectra Manager CFR] window

The standard measurement and analysis programs are displayed in Fig. 2.18. When an
optional program is installed, it is added to one of these lists.

Note 1: The spectrophotometer is also referred to as the “instrument” in this manual.

Note 2: “Communication” refers to sending a control signal from the PC to the
spectrophotometer or transferring measured data from the spectrophotometer
to the PC.

[Program] menu
[Administrative Tools...] Starts the [Administrative Tools] program.
[Change Password...] Changes the current password.
[Logoff...] Logs off the current user.
[Exit] Exits [Spectra Manager].
[User] menu
[Change Workgroup..] Changes the Workgroup.
[Application] menu
[Start] Starts the program selected in the [Instrument] list.
[Open Data...] Available when an analysis program in the left pane is
selected. Starts the analysis program and displays the
specified data.
[Open Parameters...] Available when a measurement program in the left pane

is selected. Starts the measurement program and
displays the specified parameters.
[Batch Signature...] Displays the saving destination folder and the list of files
saved in the specified folder in the file display field when
a measurement program is selected in the left pane.
Signs all files in the folder selected in the file display field
at the same time.
[Information About Program...] Displays version information for the program selected in
the [Instrument] list.
[View] menu
[Status Bar] Shows/hides the status bar.
[Folder] Displays the list of files saved in the specified folder.
[Search] Searches for files.
[Help] menu
[Contents] Displays the content tab of the help window.
[Search Topic] Displays the key word tab of the help window.
[About...] Displays version information for the spectrophotometer
control driver.

3. Accessory Registration Reference
The V-700 series spectrophotometers and software can automatically recognize an attached
accessory and display information about it. This chapter provides instructions for attaching and
registering an accessory, and describes the actions of [Spectra Manager] when an accessory
is recognized.

3.1 Attaching an Automatically-Recognized Accessory

Accessories for V-700 series spectrophotometers are automatically recognized. An accessory
information chip is installed in each automatically-recognized accessory (Fig. 3.1). The
accessory is recognized when the accessory information chip touches the accessory
information contact of the spectrophotometer. When attaching a V-700 accessory, ensure that
the accessory information chip is properly touching the accessory information contact.

Accessory information chip

Accessory information contact

Figure 3.1 Recognizing an accessory

3.2 Registering Accessories
This chapter describes the procedure for registering accessories for use with the
3.2.1 Registering an Automatically-Recognized Accessory
(1) Confirm that the spectrophotometer is turned on and that [Spectra Manager] is running.
(2) Place the automatically-recognized accessory in the sample compartment. The
accessory name, accessory ID and serial number are automatically registered.
3.2.2 Manually Registering a Non-Automatically Recognized

Note: This operation can be performed only by Administrators.

(1) Confirm that the spectrophotometer is turned on and that [Spectra Manager] is running.
(2) After starting [Administrative Tools], right-click the instrument name and select
[Properties...] (see Fig. 3.2).

Figure 3.2 Instrument shortcut menu in V-770

(3) Click the [Accessories] or [External Accessories] tab in Fig. 3.3. Select the type of accessory
from the [Type] drop-down list.

Figure 3.3 [Accessories] tab in [Properties] dialog box

Table 3.1 Accessories

Cell Holder
Cell Changer
Peristaltic Sipper
Vacuum Sipper
Temperature Controller
Refection Attachment
Integrating Sphere
Film Holder
Flow Cell
Fiber Unit

Note: For V-730, [Integrating Sphere] and [Fiber Unit] are not available.

Table 3.2 External accessories


(4) Click the <Add...> button to display the dialog box in Fig. 3.4.

Figure 3.4 [Register Accessory] dialog box

(5) [Name] is automatically entered by selecting the accessory in the [Accessory ID]
drop-down list. Type the serial number and a comment as required, and then click the
<OK> button to register the accessory and display it in the list of registered accessories
(see Fig. 3.5).

Figure 3.5 [Accessories] tab in [Properties] dialog box (after registering an accessory)

3.3 Actions of [Spectra Manager] When Recognizing an

Note: Do not attach/remove an automatically-recognized accessory while the

program is displaying a dialog box or message.

This section describes the actions of [Spectra Manager] running a measurement program
when an automatically-recognized accessory is attached or removed.

3.3.1 When an Automatically-Recognized Accessory is Attached

When an automatically-recognized accessory is attached, a dialog box stating “An accessory
has been attached.” is displayed (see Fig. 3.6), and the accessory information appears in the
accessory information bar.

Figure 3.6 Message when an automatically-recognized accessory is attached while [Spectra

Manager] and a measurement program are running

3.3.2 When an Automatically-Recognized Accessory is Removed
When an automatically-recognized accessory is removed, a dialog box stating “An accessory
has been removed.” is displayed (see Fig. 3.6), and the accessory information disappears from
the information bar.

Figure 3.7 Message when an automatically-recognized accessory is removed while [Spectra

Manager] and a measurement program are running

4. Overview of the [Spectra Measurement]
This chapter describes how to use the [Spectra Measurement] program, including procedures
for starting the program, measuring the spectrum of a sample, and saving and printing data, for
practice in operating a JASCO spectrophotometer.
Explanation of the parameters have been kept to a minimum, with a focus on the flow of
operations. Follow the measurement procedures outlined below for practice in operating the
spectrophotometer. Refer to the “Spectra Measurement Program Reference” chapter for
details about each operation.

4.1 Basic Operation of the [Spectra Measurement]

This chapter describes procedures for starting the program, measuring the spectrum of a
sample, and saving and printing data, for practice in operating a JASCO spectrophotometer.

Starting the [Spectra Measurement] program Refer to Section 4.1.1

Specifying Measurement Parameters Refer to Section 4.1.2

Measuring the Baseline Refer to Section 4.1.3

Measuring the Sample Refer to Section 4.1.4

Saving Spectra Refer to Section 4.1.5

Printing Results Refer to Section 4.1.6

Exiting the Program Refer to Section 4.1.7

4.1.1 Starting the [Spectra Measurement] program
To start the program, double-click [Spectra Measurement] from the [Instrument] list of [Spectra
Manager]. Starting the [Spectra Measurement] program displays the window in Fig. 4.1.

Figure 4.1 [Spectra Measurement] window

4.1.2 Specifying Measurement Parameters

(1) Select [Parameters...] from the [Measure] menu (or click the button) to display
the dialog box in Fig. 4.2. The [General] tab is open by default in the [Parameters] dialog
box. The page can be changed by clicking each tab at the top of the dialog box.

Note 1: In the CFR version, parameter history is automatically saved. It is therefore

necessary to specify or open the parameters before measurement.
Note 2: In the CFR version, Managers or Analysts authority is required to specify

(2) The parameters can be switched between two modes: Basic mode and Advanced mode.
In Basic mode, basic parameter settings are automatically specified with combinations
of basic parameters. In Advanced mode, each parameter is specified individually. The
parameters described in this section are specified in Basic mode. To switch between
Basic and Advanced modes, click the <Basic Mode> or <Advanced Mode> button.
(3) Specify the measurement parameters in the [General] tab as follows.

Figure 4.2 [General] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

Note 1: The bandwidth for the V-730 is fixed at 1 nm.

Note 2: The [NIR bandwidth] settings are displayed only for the V-770/780.

[Photometric mode] %T
[Bandwidth] 2.0 nm
[Start] 800 nm
[End] 200 nm
[Scan speed] 1000 nm/min
Vertical scale [Auto]
[Accumulation] Deselected
[No. of cycles] 1

Parameters can be set using two methods: selecting from available options and
specifying numerical values and characters. An example of setting parameters using
each method is given below.

1) Selecting from available options
Select the photometric mode from the available options in the [Photometric mode]
drop-down list. Click the arrow to the right of the box to display the full list of the
[Photometric mode] options (see Fig. 4.3). Select the desired photometric mode (in this
example, select %T).

Figure 4.3 [Photometric mode] drop-down list

2) Specifying numeric values and characters

Specify the start wavelength using the following procedures. Click the [Start] text box.
When the cursor appears in the text box, values can be entered. Type the desired
wavelength (in this example, type 800.0) in the text box to set the start wavelength.

(4) Specify the measurement parameters in the [Flow Chart] tab as follows.

Figure 4.4 [Flow Chart] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

[Display flow chart] Deselected

(5) Click the [Data] tab. Type information in the [Sample name] and [Comment] text boxes
as desired. The information entered here is saved as comment information together with
the spectral data when the spectra are saved.

Figure 4.5 [Data] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

[Sample name] Enter as desired (maximum 63 characters).

[Operator] Enter an operator name (maximum 63 characters).
[Division] Enter a division name for the operator (maximum 127
[Comment] Enter as desired (maximum 127 characters).
[Display the [Comments] Deselected
dialog box before
[Clear the information Deselected
after the measurement]
Data processing
[Open a data processing Deselected
parameter file]
[Use a sequence file] Deselected

Note 1: In the CFR version, the [Operator] and [Division] text boxes cannot be
changed by the user.
Note 2: In the CFR version, [Open a data processing parameter file] and [Use a
sequence file] are not available.

(6) In the CFR version, always save changes to the parameters. Click the <Save...> button
to display the dialog box in Fig. 4.6.

Figure 4.6 Save Parameters] dialog box

(7) After entering the file name, type a password and then click the <Save> button.

Note: When the parameters have not been saved, the following message is

Figure 4.7 Message when signature for the parameters is missing

4.1.3 Measuring the Baseline
The baseline is a recorded spectrum of a reference substance, and is used to give an
absorbance of 0 (or a transmittance of 100%) at each wavelength. The true sample spectrum
is obtained by subtracting the baseline spectrum from the measured spectrum. For the
transmittance or reflectance spectrum, the measured spectrum is divided by the baseline
For absorbance and transmittance measurements, select whether to use a baseline sample
such as a solvent or air for the baseline; this choice will differ depending on the sample.
Generally, for a liquid sample, choose the solvent used for dissolving the sample in order to
avoid absorption effects from anything but the sample. On the other hand, for a solid sample,
use air for the baseline measurement. For reflectance measurements, use an aluminum mirror
or reflectance standard plate for the baseline sample and measure the relative reflectance for a
standard sample.
The baseline characteristics can be regarded as specific to the instrument itself. However
when a baseline is actually measured, the acquired data varies slightly depending on the
specified measurement parameters, such as response, scanning speed and other settings. To
obtain an accurate spectrum, measure the baseline with the same measurement parameters
to be used for the spectrum measurement. Also, measure the baseline when an optional
accessory is attached to the sample compartment.

(1) For the holmium glass measurement, air is used for the baseline. Ensure that the
sample compartment is empty, select [Baseline] from the [Measure] menu (or click the

< > button) after closing the lid of the sample compartment. The [Baseline
Measurement] dialog box is displayed (Fig. 4.8).

Figure 4.8 [Baseline Measurement] dialog box

(2) Click the <Measure> button in Fig. 4.8 to start the baseline measurement.

4.1.4 Measuring the Sample
(1) Inserting the sample
Place the sample in the sample side cell holder (at the front), and then close the lid of the
sample compartment.

(2) Measuring the sample

Select [Sample] from the [Measure] menu (or click the button) to measure the
spectrum of the sample. The progress of the measurement is displayed in the window
(Fig. 4.9).

Note: The measurement can also be started by pressing the measurement start
button of the spectrophotometer.

Figure 4.9 [Spectra Measurement] window during a measurement

Note: The procedures below for saving and printing results can also be performed
using the [Spectra Analysis] program. To transfer data, select [Send to
Analysis] from the [File] menu (or click the button). Refer to the
[Spectra Analysis] program manual for details about saving and printing the

4.1.5 Saving Spectra

(1) Select [Save As...] from the [File] menu (or click the button) in the [Spectra
Analysis] program to display the dialog box in Fig. 4.10.

Figure 4.10 [Save Data] dialog box

(2) From the [Save in] drop-down list, select the folder in which to save the spectrum.

Note: In the CFR version, the [Save in] drop-down list cannot be used to select a
folder to save the data. The folder selection is limited by Administrators using
the [Administrative Tools] program. Refer to the separate [Administrative
Tools] program manual for details.

(3) Type the file name in the [File name] text box. In this example, type “Holmium-1” as the
file name.
(4) After entering the file name, type a password and then click the <Save> button.
(5) The file name is appended with the extension “.jws” (“Holmium-1.jws”), which is the
standard file type.

4.1.6 Printing Results
(1) Select [Print Setup...] from the [File] menu to display the dialog box in Fig. 4.11 The
content of this dialog box varies depending on the connected printer. Configure the
printer settings if necessary.

Figure 4.11 Example of [Print Setup] dialog box

(2) Select [Print...] from the [File] menu (or click the button) to print the data

Note: In the CFR version, “Unsigned” will be watermarked on the printed page when
no creation signature is assigned to the measurement data.

4.1.7 Exiting the Program
(1) Exiting the [Spectra Measurement] program
Select [Exit] from the [File] menu. The [Spectra Measurement] window closes, leaving
the [Spectra Manager] window displayed.

(2) Exiting the [Spectra Manager] program

Select [Exit] from the [Program] menu.

(3) Exiting Windows

Exit Windows in accordance with standard Windows operation procedures.

(4) Turning off the PC and spectrophotometer

First, turn off the PC and monitor. Do not forget to turn off the monitor.
Ensure that the sample compartment is empty, and then turn off the spectrophotometer.

4.2 Using the Data Processing Functions
This section describes procedures for opening a spectrum of holmium glass and processing
the data, for practice in using the data processing functions.
Procedures can be performed ranging from smoothing a saved spectrum and displaying the
photometric value at a specified wavelength in the result list, to automatically saving the
obtained spectrum and result list. Refer to Section 4.1.1 for details about starting the [Spectra
Measurement] program.

Note: Data processing can also be performed on previously saved spectra. In that
case, first follow Section 4.1.2 (specifying measurement parameters), then in
Section 4.2.1 (specifying data processing parameters), and then in Sections
4.1.3 and 4.1.4 (measuring baseline and sample).

Specifying Data Processing Parameters Refer to Section 4.2.1

Opening the Spectrum Refer to Section 4.2.2

4.2.1 Specifying Data Processing Parameters

(1) Select [Parameters...] from the [Processing] menu (or click the button) to
display the dialog box in Fig. 4.12.

Figure 4.12 [Data Processing Parameters] dialog box

(2) Add a data processing item for smoothing. Select [Smoothing] in [Available items] and
click the <Add > button. The [Smoothing] item is added to [Current items].

Note: In the CFR version, the spectrum needs to be saved before data processing.
Therefore, [Auto Save] always appears at the top of the data processing item

(3) Select [Auto Save] in [Current items] and click the <Settings...> button. The [Auto Save]
settings dialog box is displayed. Specify parameters as follows.

Note: In the CFR version, the [Save in] drop-down list cannot be used to select a
folder in which to save the data. The folder selection is limited by
Administrators using the [Administrative Tools] program. Refer to the separate
[Administrative Tools] program manual for details.

Figure 4.13 [Auto Save] dialog box

[Auto save] Selected

[Save in] Select the desired folder.
[Format] String-No.
[String] Holmium

(4) Set the smoothing parameters. Select [Smoothing] in [Available items] and click the
<Settings...> button to display the [Smoothing] dialog box. Specify parameters as

Figure 4.14 [Smoothing] dialog box

Note: Refer to the separate "Spectra Analysis Program Manual" for details about
smoothing operation.

[Method] Means-Movement (simple moving average)

[Convolution width] 5

(5) Add a data processing item for displaying photometric values. Select [Photometric
Value] in [Available items] and click the <Add > button. The [Photometric Value] item is
added to [Current items].

(6) Specify the wavelengths for the photometric values to be displayed in the result list.
Select [Photometric Value] in [Current items] and click the <Settings...> button to display
the [Photometric Value] dialog box. Specify the parameters as follows.

Figure 4.15 [Photometric Value] dialog box

1 360
2 445
3 460

(7) Add a data processing item for automatically saving the spectrum. Select [Auto Save] in
[Available items] and click the <Add > button. The [Auto Save] item is added to
[Current items].

(8) Select [Auto Save] and specify the parameters in the same manner as in step 3.

(9) Add a data processing item for automatically saving the result list. Select [Save Result
List] in [Available data processing items] and click the <Add > button. The [Save
Result List] item is added to [Current items].

(10) Set the parameters for automatically saving the result list. Select [Save Result List] in
[Current data processing items] and click the <Settings...> button to display the [Save
result list] dialog box. Specify the parameters as follows.

Figure 4.16 [Save Result List] dialog box

[Save in] Select the desired folder.

[Format] String-No.
[String] Holmium
[Save as type] Text Files

(11) After setting the data processing parameters, click the <OK> button in the [Data
Processing Parameters] dialog box.

4.2.2 Opening a Spectrum

(1) Select [Open...] from the [File] menu (or click the button) to open the [Open Data]
dialog box.

Figure 4.17 [Open Data] dialog box

Note: In the CFR version, the [Look in] drop-down list cannot be used to select a
folder. The folder selection is limited by Administrators using the
[Administrative Tools] program. Refer to the separate [Administrative Tools]
program manual for details.

(2) Select the desired spectrum and click the <Open...> button. The spectrum is displayed
in the [Spectra Measurement] program main window.

Figure 4.18 [Spectra Measurement] window

Note: Using the [View Calc. Information...] command in the [View] menu,
photometric values and peak marks can be displayed in the spectrum display
field and printed.

(3) Click the [Details] tab in the result list display field of the [Spectra Measurement] window
to display detailed information about data processing for the active spectrum.

Figure 4.19 [Details] tab in [Spectra Measurement] window

4.3 Performing Measurements Using a Sequence Table
If a sequence table is used, sequential measurements can be carried out on multiple samples,
each of which can be assigned different measurement parameters, and a different sample
name, comment and file name. Baseline measurements can also be included in the sequence.
This section describes procedures for using the sequence table, setting the baseline and
sample measurement conditions and performing measurements. Refer to Sections 4.1.1 to
4.1.2 for details about starting the [Spectra Measurement] program to specifying measurement

Note: For sequence measurements, deselect [Display flow chart] in the [Flow Chart]
tab of the [Parameters] dialog box.

Setting the Sequence Refer to Section 4.3.1

Performing the Measurement Refer to Section 4.3.2

4.3.1 Setting the Sequence

Select [Sequence Measurement...] from the [Measure] menu (or click the button) to
display the [Sequence] tab in the result list display field of the [Spectra Measurement] window.

Figure 4.20 [Sequence] tab in [Spectra Measurement] window

Table 4.1 Tool buttons and names in [Sequence] tab

Button Name
[Cut] Cuts the selected cells, rows, or columns.
[Copy] Copies the selected cells, rows, or columns.
[Paste] Pastes the cut or copied cells, rows, or columns.
[Clear] Clears the selected cells, rows, or columns.
[Settings] Sets the measurement sequence.
[Open Sequence] Opens a previously saved measurement sequence file.
[Save Sequence] Saves a measurement sequence file.
[Insert Row] Inserts a row above the selected row(s).
[Delete Row] Deletes the selected row(s).
[Delete All] Clears the sequence sheet.

51 Setting [Type], [File Name]
The [Type] and [File name] can be specified in two ways: using the <Easy Settings> button or
directly in the sequence table.

Note 1: If a sequence is used for measurement, the processed data will only be saved
if the automatic saving function is included after the data processing steps.
Note 2: The baseline data cannot be automatically saved. Easy Settings

In the [Easy Settings] dialog box, whether the baseline is measured, the number of samples
and whether the data is automatically saved are set at the same time. In addition, [Type] and
[File name] are set automatically.

Note: To measure the baseline during a sequence, [Baseline] or [Baseline/dark] must

be selected in the [Parameters] dialog box.

(1) Click the button to display the [Easy Settings] dialog box. Select whether to
measure the baseline, the number of samples, and whether to automatically save the

Figure 4.21 [Easy Setting] dialog box

[No. of samples] Specifies the number of samples.

[Measure baseline] Selects to measure the baseline.
Auto save Sets the parameters for automatically saving the spectra. A file
name is automatically allocated to each spectrum and the spectra
are saved to the specified directory.
[Save in] Displays the drive and folder name for saving data.
[Format] Selects the file name to be assigned during auto saving. The file
type is Standard Files (*.jws).
[Date-No.]: Sets [Date] + [3-digit serial number] as the file name.
The date and serial number are connected with a
hyphen “-”.

[String-No.]: Sets [String] + [3-digit serial number] as the file
name. The string is entered in the [String] text box
below (maximum 63 single-byte characters).
[String] Enters a character string when [String-No.] is selected for
[Format] (maximum 63 single-byte characters).
<Browse... > Browses to the [Save in] drive and folder.
<OK> Applies the changes to [Easy Setting] and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to [Easy

Note: In the CFR version, the [Save in] drop-down list cannot be used to select a
folder. However, a subfolder within the prespecified folder can be selected.

(2) Enter the parameters in the [Easy Setting] dialog box as follows.

[No. of samples] 2
[Measure baseline] Selected
[Save in] Select the desired folder
[Format] String-No.
[String] Holmium

(3) Click the <OK> button to automatically enter [Type] and [File name] for each sample in
the sequence table.

Figure 4.22 Sequence after easy settings Entering Text Directly in the Sequence Table

(1) Specify the number of rows for the sequence. Input a value of "3" in the [Total] text box in
the sequence table and click the <Apply> button.

Figure 4.23 [Total] text box

[Total] Specifies the number of rows for the sequence.

Input range: 1 to 32767
<Apply> Applies the number of rows entered in the [Total] text box to the

(2) Double-click on a cell in the [Type] column of the sequence table to display the arrow on
the right side of the cell. Click the cell again to display the drop-down list and select the
measurement type.

Figure 4.24 [Type] drop-down list

Sample Selects to measure the sample.

Baseline Selects to measure the baseline.
Load Parameters Selects to open measurement parameters.
To select the parameter file, click on the corresponding cell in the
[File name] column to display the button (Fig. 4.25) on the right
side of the cell. Click this button to display the [File Name Setting]
dialog box. Then click the <Browse...> button to display the dialog
box in Fig. 4.26 and select a measurement parameter file.

Figure 4.25 When [Load Parameters] is selected

Figure 4.26 [Select Parameters] dialog box

Note 1: In the CFR version, do not select [Load Parameters] in the first row of the
sequence sheet, or the measurement will not begin.
Note 2: If [Load Parameters] is selected and a measurement parameter file is then
opened, any data processing or sequence settings that the file contains will be
Note 3: If [Load Parameters] is selected, measurement parameter files with [Display
flowchart] selected will not be visible and cannot be loaded.

(3) Select the [Type] settings shown in Fig. 4.27.

Figure 4.27 Selecting [Type] settings

(4) After selecting [Type], specify the save locations and file names for the spectra. Click the
mouse pointer on the corresponding cell in the [File name] column for each sample to
display the button on the right side of the cell (Fig. 4.28). Click this button to display the
[File Name Setting] dialog box. Select the desired file name format and then click the
<Browse...> button to display the dialog box in Fig. 4.29 and select the folder for saving
the spectrum.

Figure 4.28 Specifying the save folder and file name

Figure 4.29 [File Name Settings] dialog box

[Save in] Selects the folder name and path for the spectra.
[Format] Selects the file name to be assigned during auto saving. The file
type is Standard Files (*.jws).
[Date-No.]: sets [Date] + [3-digit serial number] as the file name.
The date and serial number are connected with a hyphen “-”.
[String-No.]: sets [String] + [3-digit serial number] as the file
name. Type the character string in the [String] text box below.
[String] Enters a character string when [String-No.] is selected for
[Format] (maximum 63 single-byte characters).
<Browse...> Browses to the [Save in] drive and folder.
<OK> Applies the settings for the save folder and the file name and
closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying the settings for the save
folder and the file name.

Note: In the CFR version, the [Save in] drop-down list cannot be used to select a
folder. However, a subfolder within the prespecified folder can be selected.

The save folder and file name can also be set for multiple spectra simultaneously. Select
multiple rows in the [File name] column by dragging the mouse pointer while pressing the
Shift key to display the button on the right side of the first cell. Clicking this button displays
the [File Name Setting] dialog box to select the save folder and the file name.

Figure 4.30 Selecting the save folder and file name for multiple spectra Entering a Sample Name and Comment

When [Sample Name] and [Comment] are entered in the sequence table before measurement,
they are saved with the data as comment information. Double-click on cells in these columns to
enter the text.

Figure 4.31 Directly entering [Sample Name]

4.3.2 Performing Measurements

To perform measurements using the sequence table, use the [Sample] command from the

[Measure] menu (or click the button) for both baseline and sample measurements.
The measurements follow the sequence given in the table.

Note: If the full sequence is completed, further measurements will begin with the first
row of the table.

4.4 Performing Measurements Using a Flowchart
When a flowchart is used, the flow of measurement and data processing steps is displayed.
This section describes procedures for setting the flowchart parameters and performing
measurements. Refer to Sections 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 or 4.2.1 for details about starting the [Spectra
Measurement] program, and specifying measurement parameters,or setting the data
processing parameters, respectively.

Note: When a flowchart is used, sequence measurements are unavailable.

Setting the Flowchart Parameters Refer to Section 4.4.1

Performing Measurements Refer to Section 4.4.2

4.4.1 Setting the Flowchart Parameters

(1) Select [Parameters...] from the [Measure] menu (or click the button) to display
the dialog box in Fig. 4.2. Click the [Flowchart] tab to display the dialog box in Fig. 4.33.

Note: In the CFR version, Managers or Analysts authority is required to specify


(2) Specify the measurement parameters in the [Flowchart] tab as follows.

Figure 4.32 [Flowchart] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

[Display flowchart] Selected

Baseline measurement
[First time only] Selected
[Message] Message 2

(3) In the CFR version, always save changes to the parameters. After clicking the <Save...>
button in the [Parameters] dialog box, click the <OK> button to close the dialog box. The
flowchart is displayed in the information bar.

Figure 4.33 [Spectra Measurement] window

4.4.2 Performing Measurements
When measurements are performed using a flowchart, use the [Start] command from the

[Measure] menu (or the button) for dark, baseline and sample measurements. The
measurements follow the order shown in the flowchart.

Note: To restart the measurement from the beginning of the flowchart, select [Reset]
from the [Measure] menu (or click the button).

5. Introduction to the [Quantitative Analysis]
This chapter describes how to use the [Quantitative Analysis] program.
Explanation of the parameters have been kept to a minimum, with a focus on the flow of
First, prepare a standard sample for quantitative measurement as well as a sample having an
unknown concentration. Follow the procedures outlined below for practice in operating a
JASCO spectrophotometer.
Refer to the “Quantitative Analysis Program Reference” chapter for details about each

5.1 Basic Procedure for [Quantitative Analysis] Program

The process flow for performing a quantitative analysis is as follows.

Starting the [Quantitative Analysis] Program Refer to Section 5.1.1

Specifying Measurement Parameters Refer to Section 5.1.2

Creating a Calibration Curve Graph Refer to Section 5.1.3

Performing the Quantitative Measurements Refer to Section 5.1.4

Saving the Quantitative Results Refer to Section 5.1.5

Printing the Quantitative Results Refer to Section 5.1.6

Exiting the Program Refer to Section 5.1.7

5.1.1 Starting the [Quantitative Analysis] Program
To start the program, double-click [Quantitative Analysis] from the [Instrument] list of [Spectra
Manager]. The window in Fig. 5.1 is displayed.

Figure 5.1 [Quantitative Analysis] window

5.1.2 Specifying Measurement Parameters

(1) Select [Parameters...] from the [Measure] menu (or click the button) to display
the dialog box in Fig. 5.2. The [General] tab is open by default in the [Parameters] dialog
box. The page can be changed by clicking each tab at the top of the dialog box.

Note 1: In the CFR version, parameter history is automatically saved. It is therefore

necessary to specify or open the parameters before measurement.
Note 2: In the CFR version, Managers or Analysts authority is required to specify

(2) The parameters can be switched between two modes: Basic mode and Advanced mode.
In Basic mode, basic parameter settings are automatically specified with combinations of
basic parameters. In Advanced mode, each parameter is specified individually. The
parameters described in this section are specified in Basic mode. To switch between
Basic and Advanced modes, click the <Basic Mode> or <Advanced Mode> button.

(3) Specify the measurement parameters in the [General] tab as follows.

Figure 5.2 [General] tab in [Parameters Basic] dialog box

Note 1: The bandwidth for the V-730 is fixed at 1 nm

Note 2: The [NIR bandwidth] settings are displayed only for the V-770/780.

[Method] No base (1 wavelength)

[Peak] 500 nm
[UV/Vis bandwidth] 2.0 nm
[Response] 0.96 sec
[No. of cycles] 1

(4) Specify the measurement parameters in the [Calibration Graph] tab as follows.

Figure 5.3 [Calibration Graph] tab in [Parameters Basic] dialog box

[Equation] Proportional
[Units] ppm

Note: The units can also be entered by double-clicking the [Units] text box and typing
arbitrary units.

(5) Specify the measurement parameters in the [Correction] tab as follows.

Figure 5.4 [Correction] tab in [Parameters Basic] dialog box

[Dilution rate correction] Deselected

(6) Click the [Information] tab. The information entered here is saved as comment
information together with the measurement results when the calibration curve and
quantitation results are saved.

Figure 5.5 [Information] tab in [Parameters Basic] dialog box

[Method] Enter as desired (maximum 63 characters).

[Description] Enter as desired (maximum 63 characters).
[Comment] Enter as desired (maximum 127 characters).
[User] Enter an operator name (maximum 63 characters).
[Division] Enter a division name for the operator (maximum 127
[Company] Enter a company name.

Note: In the CFR version, the [Operator], [Division] and [Company name] text boxes
cannot be changed by the user.

(7) Click the [Data] tab. Set the parameters for automatically saving the quantitation results
and for using a sequence file.

Figure 5.6 [Data] tab in [Parameters Basic] dialog box

[Auto save] Deselected

[Use a sequence file] Deselected

(8) In the CFR version, always save changes to the parameters. Click the <Save...> button
to display the dialog box in Fig. 5.7.

Figure 5.7 [Save Parameters] dialog box

(9) After entering the file name, type a password and then click the <Save> button.

Note: When the parameters have not been saved, the following message is

Figure 5.8 Message when signature for the parameters is missing

5.1.3 Creating a Calibration Curve Graph
To create a calibration graph, enter the required information, such as [Sample], [Comment],
and [Concentration], for the standard sample in the calibration sheet and measure the
standard samples.

Note: In the CFR version, Managers or Analysts authority is required to create a

calibration graph. Measures the blank sample

(1) Select [Blank] from the [Measure] menu (or click the button) to measure the blank
for blank correction. The [Blank Measurement] dialog box is displayed (Fig. 5.9).

Note: Depending on the sample, air should be used instead of a blank sample.

Figure 5.9 [Blank Measurement] dialog box

(2) Measure the blank for the blank correction. Click the <Measure> button to measure the
blank. The photometric value is displayed in the [Wavelength] column, and the [Use]
check box is automatically selected.

Note 1: Regardless of the active row in the data sheet, the blank measurement results
are displayed in the first row, which is labeled [Blank].
Note 2: When the [Use] check box in the [Blank] row is selected, the photometric
values of the standard samples are always corrected by subtracting the blank
Note 3: If additional blank measurements are performed, even after measuring
standard samples, the photometric value in the [Blank] row will be updated and
used to correct the results displayed in all rows below it.

69 Measuring the standard samples
(1) Place the sample in the sample side cell holder (at the front), and then close the lid of the
sample compartment. Type the concentration of the standard sample in the [Conc.]
column of row number 1.

(2) Before standard sample measurement, confirm that row number 1 is marked with an
asterisk (*). If there is no asterisk in row number 1, click the “1” cell or any text box in this

Note 1: The photometric value is automatically entered in the row marked with the
asterisk (*) next to the row number. Even if a row has already been measured,
if it is marked with an asterisk (*), it can be remeasured. Once measurement
data is overwritten, the previously obtained data is deleted.
Note 2: When repeat measurements are performed, the calibration sheet is not
marked with an asterisk (*). The measured photometric value is always
entered in a new row.

(3) Select [Sample] from the [Measure] menu (or click the button) to measure the
photometric value for the sample. The standard sample is measured and the photometric
value is displayed in the [Abs] and [Wavelength] columns, and the [Use] check box is
automatically selected (✔ mark).

Note: When repeat measurements are performed, be sure to enter the concentration
in the average row after the standard samples are measured. Even if
concentrations are entered before measuring the standard samples, the
photometric values are placed in new rows for which the concentrations have
not been entered. To enter the concentrations in advance, use a sequence

(4) Repeat steps 1 and 3 as required for all of the standard samples.

Figure 5.10 [Quantitative Analysis] window (calibration sheet)

71 Modifying the calibration curve graph
When unexpected calibration graph results are obtained, they can be modified by the following

(1) Changing the parameters for a calibration curve graph

Select [Parameters...] from the [Measure] menu to modify the calibration curve equation,
concentration, the column width and options for the quantitation and quantitation

Note: In the CFR version, this function is not available.

(2) Re-measuring a standard sample

Click the row number that is to be remeasured, confirm that an asterisk (*) is next to the

row number, and then select [Sample] from the [Measure] menu (or click the

(3) Invalidating data

Clear the [Use] check box for rows containing invalid data to omit those results from the
calibration curve.

(4) Changing sample information

To modify the entered information, such as [Sample], [Comments] and [Conc.],

double-click the desired text box and type a new value.

72 Saving a calibration file
This section describes the procedure for saving the measurement parameters. calibration
sheet, and calibration information as a calibration file.

(1) Select [Save Parameters...] from the [File] menu to display the submenu items
[Calibration Curve...] and [Parameters...]. To save the calibration file, select
[Calibration...] The dialog box in Fig. 5.11 is displayed.

Figure 5.11 [Save Calibration File] dialog box

(2) From the [Save in] drop-down list, select the folder in which to save the calibration file.

Note: In the CFR version, the [Save in] drop-down list cannot be used to select a
folder in which to save the data. The folder selection is limited by
Administrators using the [Administrative Tools] program. Refer to the separate
"Administrative Tools Program Manual" for details.

(3) After entering the file name, type a password and then click the <Save> button.

(4) The file name is appended with the extension “.uclb”, which is the calibration file type.

73 Reviewing and approving a calibration file
In the CFR version, to perform quantitative measurements and to save the results, the
calibration file used requires review and approval signatures. Assign a signature to the
calibration file as follows.

Note 1: In the CFR version, Managers or Analysts authority is required for the review
signature and Managers authority is required for the approval signature. Log
on to [Spectra Manager] with a user who has authority to provide a signature.
Note 2: In the CFR version, the quantitative results cannot be saved if they were
obtained using a calibration curve without an approval signature.

(1) Double-click [Quantitative Calibration] from the [Instrument] list of [Spectra Manager].

(2) Select [Calibration Files (*.uclb)] in the [Files of type] drop-down list to display saved
calibration files. Clicking the calibration file name displays the [Graph], [Information],
[History], and [Signature] tabs. Click the [Signature] tab.

File name of a saved calibration file

[Signature] tab

Figure 5.12 [Spectra Manager CFR] window

(3) Select the [Review] and/or [Approval] check boxes, type a password, and then click the
<Sign> button.

74 Opening a calibration file
In the CFR version, to perform quantitative measurements, the calibration file used requires
review and approval signatures.

(1) Select [Open Parameters...] from the [File] menu to display the submenu items
[Calibration Curve...] and [Parameters...]. To open a calibration file, select [Calibration...]
The dialog box in Fig. 5.13 is displayed.

Figure 5.13 [Open Calibration File] dialog box

Note: In the CFR version, the [Look in] drop-down list cannot be used to select a
folder. The folder selection is limited by Administrators using the
[Administrative Tools] program. Refer to the separate "Administrative Tools
Program Manual" for details.

(2) Select a calibration file and click the <Open> button. The calibration file opens in the
[Quantitative Analysis] window (see Fig. 5.10).

Note: In the CFR version, when a calibration file without a review or approval
signature is opened, the following message is displayed.

Figure 5.14 Message when either a review or approval signature is missing

5.1.4 Performing the Quantitative Measurements

Double-click the [Quantitation sheet] tab in Fig. 5.10 (or click the button) and proceed
the following procedure with the [Quantitation sheet] displayed. Measures the blank sample

(1) Select [Blank] from the [Measure] menu (or click the button) to measure the blank
for blank correction. The [Blank Measurement] dialog box is displayed (Fig. 5.9).

Note: Depending on the sample, air should be used instead of a blank sample.

(2) Measure the blank for blank correction. Click the <Measure> button to measure the
blank. The photometric value is displayed in the [Wavelength] column.

Note: Blank correction is performed using the most recent photometric value for the
blank measured prior to sample measurement. Therefore, when a blank is
measured between measurements of samples having unknown
concentrations, blank correction is performed with different blank values.

76 Measuring a sample having an unknown concentration
(1) Place a sample having an unknown concentration in the sample side cell holder (at the
front), and then close the lid of the sample compartment. Select [Sample] from the

[Measure] menu (or click the button) to measure the photometric value for the
sample. The concentration is calculated from the calibration curve displayed in the
window, and the measurement results are entered in the quantitation sheet. The
measurement results are automatically displayed in a new row for each measurement.

(2) Repeat steps 1 and 2 as required for each sample having an unknown concentration.

Note 1: The photometric values in the [Abs.] and [Wavelength] columns in the
quantitation sheet are always corrected by subtracting the photometric value in
the [Blank] row.
Note 2: Unlike the [Calibration sheet] tab, measurement results cannot be selected
and overwritten.

Figure 5.15 [Quantitative Analysis] window (quantitation sheet)

5.1.5 Saving the Quantitative Results

(1) Select [Save As...] from the [File] menu (or click the button) to display the dialog
box in Fig. 5.16.

Figure 5.16 [Save Data] dialog box

(2) From the [Save in] drop-down list, select the folder in which to save the calibration file.

Note: In the CFR version, the [Save in] drop-down list cannot be used to select a
folder. The folder selection is limited by Administrators using the
[Administrative Tools] program. Refer to the separate "Administrative Tools
Program Manual" for details.

(3) After entering the file name, type a password and then click the <Save> button.

(4) The file name is appended with the extension “.uqnd”, which is the result file type.

5.1.6 Printing the Quantitative Results
(1) Select [Print Setup...] from the [File] menu to display the dialog box in Fig. 5.17 The
content of this dialog box varies depending on the connected printer. Configure the
printer settings if necessary.

Figure 5.17 [Print Setup] dialog box

(2) Select [Print] from the [File] menu to display the submenu items [Quantitative Results...]
and [Calibration Curve...]. Print the quantitative results. The dialog box in Fig. 5.18 is

Figure 5.18 [Print] dialog box

(3) Click the <Print> button to print the quantitative results.

Note: In the CFR version, “Unsigned” will be watermarked on the printed page when
no creation signature is assigned to the quantitative results.

5.1.7 Exiting the Program
(1) Exiting the [Quantitation Analysis] program
Select [Exit] from the [File] menu. The [Quantitation Analysis] window closes, leaving
the [Spectra Manager] window displayed

(2) Exiting the [Spectra Manager] program

Select [Exit] from the [Program] menu.

(3) Exiting Windows

Exit Windows in accordance with standard Windows operation procedures.

(4) Turning off the PC and spectrophotometer

First, turn off the PC and monitor. Do not forget to turn off the monitor.
Ensure that the sample compartment is empty, and then turn off the spectrophotometer.

5.2 Performing Measurements Using a Sequence Table
If a sequence table is used, sequential measurements can be carried out on multiple samples,
each of which can be assigned a different sample name, comment and standard sample
concentration. Blank and standard measurements can also be included in the sequence. This
section describes procedures for using the sequence table, setting the blank, standard and
sample measurement conditions and performing measurements. Refer to Sections 4.1.1 to
4.1.2 for details about starting the [Spectra Measurement] program and specifying
measurement parameters.

Setting the Sequence Refer to Section 5.2.1

Performing the Measurement Refer to Section 5.2.2

5.2.1 Setting the Sequence

Select [Sequence Measurement...] from the [Measure] menu (or click the button) to
display the [Do not use], [Quantitation], [Calibration & Quantitation] submenus. In this example,
select [Calibration & Quantitation]. The [Sequence] tab is displayed in the result list display
field of the [Quantitative Analysis] window.

Figure 5.19 [Sequence] tab in [Quantitative Analysis] window

Table 5.1 Tool buttons and names in [Sequence] tab

Button Name
[Cut] Cuts the selected cells, rows, or columns.
[Copy] Copies the selected cells, rows, or columns.
[Paste] Pastes the cut or copied cells, rows, or columns.
[Clear] Clears the selected cells, rows, or columns.
[Settings] Sets the measurement sequence.
[Open Sequence] Opens a previously saved measurement sequence file.
[Save Sequence] Saves a measurement sequence file.
[Insert Row] Inserts a row above the selected row(s).
[Delete Row] Deletes the selected row(s).
[Delete All] Clears the sequence.

5.2.2 Setting [Type] and [File Name]
[Type] can be specified in two ways: using the <Easy Settings> button or directly in the
sequence table. Easy Settings

In the [Easy Settings] dialog box, whether the blank is measured, the number of standard
samples and samples. In addition, [Type] is set automatically.

Note: Blank measurements can only be performed if blank correction is selected in

the [Parameters] dialog box.

(1) Click the [Settings] button to display the [Easy Settings] dialog box. Select whether
to measure the blank, the number of standards and samples.

Figure 5.20 [Easy Setting] dialog box

[No. of standards] Specifies the number of standards.

[No. of samples] Specifies the number of samples.
[Measure blank] Selects to measure the blank.
<OK> Applies the changes to [Easy Settings] and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to [Easy

(2) Enter the parameters in the [Easy Settings] dialog box as follows.
[No. of standards] 3
[No. of samples] 3
[Measure blank] Selected

(3) Click the <OK> button to automatically enter [Type] for each sample in the sequence

Figure 5.21 Example of sequence sheet after easy settings

(4) Enter the concentrations for the standard samples in [Conc. (ppm)]. Entering Text Directly in the Sequence Table

(1) Specify the number of rows for the sequence. Input a value of "7" in the [Total] text box in
the sequence table and click the <Apply> button.

Figure 5.22 [Total] text box

[Total] Specifies the number of rows for the sequence.

Input range: 1 to 32767
<Apply> Applies the number of rows entered in the [Total] text box to the

(2) Double-click a cell in the [Type] column of the sequence table to display the arrow on the
right side of the cell. Click the cell again to display the drop-down list and select the
measurement type.

Figure 5.23 [Type] drop-down list

Standard Selects to measure the standard sample

Sample Selects to measure the sample.
Blank Selects to measure the blank.

(3) Select the [Type] settings shown in Fig. 5.24.

Figure 5.24 Selecting [Type] settings

(4) After selecting [Type], enter the concentrations for the standard samples in [Conc.

5.2.3 Entering a Sample Name and Comment

When [Sample Name] and [Comment] are entered in the sequence table before measurement,
they are saved with the data as comment information. Double-click on cells in these columns to
enter the text.

Figure 5.25 Directly entering [Sample Name] Performing Measurements

To perform measurements using the sequence table, use the [Sample] command from the

[Measure] menu (or click the button) for both blank and sample measurements. The
measurements follow the sequence given in the table.

6. [Spectra Measurement] Program Reference
The [Spectra Measurement] program is intended for measurement of a sample spectrum.

6.1 Overview of the [Spectra Measurement] Program

The features of the [Spectra Measurement] program are briefly described below.

1. Data processing
(1) The following data processing functions can be performed for the measured spectra.
Correction: Noise elimination, smoothing, arithmetic operations, differentiation KM
transformation, x-axis conversion and relative reflectance correction
Result display: photometric value, peak detection, peak area calculation, FWHM,
spectrum comparison, quick quantitation and film thickness

Note: In the CFR version, the film thickness calculation is not available.

While the data is being processed, spectra can be saved, transferred to the [Spectra
Analysis] program and printed, and the result list can be saved.

(2) The above data processing functions can also be performed on previously saved

(3) When the data processing functions described in (1) are performed, statistical
calculations (average, standard deviation, coefficient of variation) can also be carried
out for a specified number of measurements.

2. Sequential measurements
Measurements can be performed using a sequence sheet in which measurement types,
sample names and comments are specified. The sequence sheet can be saved and
utilized again.

3. Flowchart measurement
Measurements can be performed using a flowchart in which measurement and data
processing steps are indicated. The timing of dark current and baseline measurements
can also be set.

Starting the [Spectra Measurement] program displays the window in Fig. 6.1.
Monitor bar
Displays the current wavelength,
photometric value, and number of
cycles or accumulations.
Measurement parameters can be set and other
common functions can be performed using the
buttons on this toolbar (see Table 6.1). These
tool buttons can be customized in the [Settings]
Parameter selection bar
Selects a parameter file
registered in the Spectrum display field
[Parameters] dialog box and Displays the spectrum being
uses it for measurement. measured. The display format can be
specified using the [View] menu.

Information bar
Displays the current
measurement parameters.

Result list/sequence display field

Entrance and exit port bar Displays the result list or sequence
Selects whether an attachment sheet. The sequence sheet is
is present at the entrance and displayed when [Sequence
exit ports. Measurement] is selected.
Accessory bar
Displays information about Status bar
attached accessories. Some Displays the current state of the
accessories can be controlled instrument and an explanation of
from this bar. the selected menu item.

Figure 6.1 [Spectra Measurement] window

Table 6.1 Toolbar buttons and names

Button Name Reference Section
[Open] 6.2.1 [Open...]

[Save As] 6.2.3 [Save As...]

[Send to Analysis] 6.2.5 [Send to Analysis]

[Open Parameters] 6.2.7 [Open Parameters...]

[Save Parameters] 6.2.8 [Save Parameters...]

[Print] 6.2.15 [Print]

[Preview] 6.2.16 [Print Preview...]

[Data Processing Parameters] 6.3.1 [Parameters...]

[Open Data Processing 6.3.2 [Open Parameters...]
[Save Data Processing 6.3.3 [Save Parameters...]
[Cancel] 6.4.1 [Cancel]

[Start] 6.4.2 [Start]

[Reset] 6.4.3 [Reset]

[Sample] 6.4.4 [Sample]

[Baseline] 6.4.5 [Baseline]

[Dark] 6.4.6 [Dark]

[Parameters] 6.4.7 [Parameters...]

[Sequence] 6.4.8 [Sequence Measurement]

[Preview] 6.4.10 [Preview...]

[Move Wavelength] 6.5.1 [Move Wavelength...]

[Optical Path] 6.5.2 [Optical Path...]

[Bandwidth] 6.5.3 [Bandwidth]

[Response] 6.5.4 [Response]

[D2 Lamp On/Off] 6.5.5 [Light Sources...]

[WI Lamp On/Off] 6.5.5 [Light Sources...]

[Auto Zero] 6.5.6 [Auto Zero]

[Scales] [Scales...]

[Patterns] [Patterns...]

[Fonts] [Fonts...]

[Gridlines] [Gridlines...]

[Styles] [Styles...]

[Decimal Places] 6.7.2 [Decimal Places...]

[Normalize] 6.7.3 [Normalize]

[Information] 6.7.6 [Information...]

Table 6.2 Tool buttons and names on the result list display field
Button Name Reference Section
[Save Result List] 6.2.4 [Save Result List...]
[Apply Measurement 6.2.6 [Apply Measurement Parameters]
[Open] 6.2.1 [Open...]
[Copy Result List] 6.6.2 [Copy Results]
[Delete] 6.6.4 [Delete]
[Result List] 6.8.3 [Result List...]

Title bar Displays the program name.
Menu bar Displays the menus for operation.
Monitor bar Displays from left to right the current wavelength,
photometric value, and number of cycles or accumulations.
Parameter selection bar Selects a parameter file registered in the [Parameters]
dialog box and uses it for measurement.
Toolbar Displays available tool buttons. These tool buttons can be
customized in the [Settings] menu.
Information bar Displays the current measurement parameters. When
[Display flowchart] is selected, the [Flowchart] tab is
Entrance and exit port bar Selects whether an attachment is present at the entrance
and exit ports.
Accessory bar Displays information about attached accessories
Spectrum display field Displays the spectrum being measured.
Result list/sequence sheet Displays the result list or sequence sheet. The list of
display field spectra that have been opened or measured is displayed.
The sequence sheet is displayed when [Sequence
Measurement] is selected.
Status bar Displays the current state of the instrument and an
explanation of the selected menu item.

[File] menu
[Open...] Opens a saved spectrum file.
[Save] Overwrites the currently selected spectrum.
[Save As...] Saves the selected spectrum with a new file name.
[Save Result List...] Saves the result list in text or csv format.
[Send to Analysis] Transfers the selected spectrum to the [Spectra Analysis]
[Apply Measurement Uses the parameters for the selected spectrum as the
Parameters] current parameters.
In the CFR version, this function is not available.
[Open Parameters...] Selects a parameter file and opens those parameters.
[Save Parameters...] Saves the currently specified measurement parameters
with the entered file name.
[Open Sequence...] Selects a sequence file and opens it.
[Save Sequence...] Saves the sequence with a new file name.
[Open Baseline...] Selects a baseline file and opens that baseline spectrum.
In the CFR version, this function is not available.
[Save Baseline...] Saves the currently measured baseline spectrum with the
entered file name.
In the CFR version, this function is not available.
[Open Dark Spectrum...] Selects a dark spectrum file and opens that dark
In CFR version, this function is not available.
[Save Dark Spectrum...] Saves the currently measured dark spectrum with the
entered file name.
In the CFR version, this function is not available.
[Print] Prints the selected spectrum or the result list.
[Print Preview...] Displays a print preview of the selected spectrum or the
result list.
[Print Items...] Selects the items to print for the selected spectrum or the
result list.
[Print Setup...] Specifies the target printer and print parameters.
[Exit] Exits the [Spectra Measurement] program and returns to
[Spectra Manager].
[Processing] menu
[Parameters...] Specifies data processing parameters.
[Open Parameters...] Selects a data processing parameter file and opens those
[Save Parameters...] Saves the data processing parameters with a new file
[Histories...] Displays a dialog box showing whether data processing
was successfully performed or not.

[Measure] menu
[Cancel] Cancels the measurement.
[Start] Starts dark, baseline or sample spectrum measurement,
when [Display flowchart] is selected in the [Parameters]
dialog box.
[Reset] Returns the measurement step to the beginning of the
flowchart during the measurement procedure is being
performed if a flowchart measurement is stopped using
the [Cancel] command.
[Sample] Measures the spectrum of the sample.
[Baseline] Measures the baseline for baseline correction.
[Dark] Measures the dark current for dark correction.
[Parameters...] Specifies parameters and saves or opens the
measurement parameters.
[Sequence Measurement] Performs the measurement using the sequence table.
[Preview...] Specifies measurement parameters to check the
[Control] menu
[Move Wavelength...] Moves the wavelength of the spectrophotometer to the
desired wavelength.
[Optical Path...] Changes to the zero-order light for checking the optical
[Bandwidth] Selects the bandwidth for monitoring the photometric
[Response] Selects the response for monitoring the photometric value.
[Light Source...] Displays the number of hours the light source has been
used and switches the light source on/off.
[Auto Zero] Sets the absorbance value (or transmittance, reflectance)
at the current wavelength to zero (100%T for
transmittance and reflectance).
[Select Accessories...] Selects an accessory.
[Edit] menu
[Copy Spectrum] Copies the spectrum to the clipboard in picture or bitmap
[Copy Results] Copies the result list to the clipboard.
[Copy Details] Copies the detailed result to the clipboard.
[Delete] Deletes the selected rows in the result list.
[Delete All] Deletes all displayed data in the result list.
[Comments...] Edits the comment information.
[View] menu
[Spectrum...] Specifies the display scales for the spectrum.
[Decimal Places...] Selects the number of decimal places to display for the
photometric value on the monitor bar.

[Normalize] Normalizes all spectra to the selected spectrum and
displays the overlaid spectra using the y-axis scale for the
selected spectrum.
[Display Uncorrected Data] Selects whether corrected data or uncorrected data are
displayed in the spectrum display field when the data has
been processed.
[View Calc. Information...] Shows/hides the peak marker, and selects label and
peak-marker settings when the data has been processed.
[Information...] Displays the information for the selected spectrum.
[Result List] Shows/hides the result list.
[Information Bar] Shows/hides the information bar.
[Entrance Port/Exit Port Bar] Shows/hides the entrance/exit port bar.
[Accessory Bar] Shows/hides the accessory bar.
[Parameter Selection Bar] Shows/hides the parameter selection bar.
[Toolbars] Shows/hides toolbars.
[Status Bar] Shows/hides the status bar.
[Settings] menu
[Save/Transfer Data...] Selects which data to save and transfer for the [Save],
[Save As] and [Send to Analysis] commands.
[Show Statistical Results ...] Shows the statistical results (average, standard deviation
and coefficient of variation) when statistical calculations
have been specified in the data processing parameters.
[Result List...] Specifies the display items and column width in the result
[Screen Layout...] Sets the screen layout for the spectrum display field and
result list field.
[Default Parameters ...] Specifies measurement parameters for running the
[Spectra Measurement] program based on the currently
recognized accessory.
In the CFR version, this function is not available.
[Customize Toolbar ...] Customizes and shows/hides toolbars.
[Monitor Bar...] Customizes the style of the monitor bar.
[Options...] Selects the display options for spectra in the spectrum
display field.
[Help] menu
[Contents] Displays the help window with the contents tab selected.
[Search Topic] Displays the help window with the index tab selected.
[About...] Displays version information for the program.

6.2 [File] Menu
Saves or opens a measured data or parameter file.

6.2.1 [Open...]
Opens saved spectra. Files other than spectrum files with the extension (.jws) cannot be
opened. Multiple files can be opened simultaneously.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Open].

Figure 6.2 [Open Data] dialog box

[Look in] list Selects a drive or folder to browse using the drop-down list. Files
saved in the currently opened folder are displayed in the file
name list.
File name list Lists the files in the currently opened folder. Selects the file
names for spectra to open.
[File name] Enters the file name for the spectra to open.
The extension may be omitted since it is automatically appended.
[Files of type] Selects the files (type of extension) to display in the file name list.
Files other than Standard Files (*.jws) cannot be selected.
<Open> Opens the spectrum files and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without opening spectrum files.

6.2.2 [Save]
Overwrites the currently selected spectrum.

Figure 6.3 [Sign] dialog box

[Username] Displays the name of the logged-on user. It cannot be edited.

[Password] In the CFR version, an electronic signature is required for saving
parameters. Type a password in the text box.
<Sign> Saves the selected spectrum and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without saving the selected spectrum.

6.2.3 [Save As...]
Saves the selected spectrum with a new file name.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Save

Figure 6.4 [Save Data] dialog box

[Save in] list Selects the drive or folder to browse using the drop-down list. Files
saved in the currently opened folder are displayed in the file name
File name list Lists the files in the currently opened folder. Use as a reference
when naming a file.
[File name] Enters the file name for saving the selected spectrum.
The extension may be omitted since it is automatically appended.
[Save as type] Selects the files (type of extension) to display in the file name list.
Files other than Standard Files (*.jws) cannot be selected.
[Username] Displays the name of the logged-on user. It cannot be edited.
[Password] In the CFR version, an electronic signature is required for saving
parameters. Type a password in the text box.
<Save> Saves the selected spectrum and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without saving the selected spectrum.

Note: In the CFR version, the [Save in] drop-down list cannot be used to select a
folder. However, a subfolder within the prespecified folder can be selected.

6.2.4 [Save Result List...]
Saves the result list in text or csv format.

Figure 6.5 [Save Result List] dialog box

[Save in] list Selects the drive or folder to browse using the drop-down list.
Files saved in the currently opened folder are displayed in the file
name list.
File name list Lists the files in the currently opened folder. Use as a reference
when naming a file. To choose an existing file, click on the file
[File name] Enters the file name for saving the result list. If an existing file is
specified and the <OK> button is clicked, the dialog box in Fig.
6.6 is displayed.

Figure 6.6 Message when an existing file is specified

Note: Clicking the <Yes> button overwrites the original


[Save as type] Selects the files (type of extension) to display in the file name list.
Text format (*.txt) or CSV format (*.csv) can be selected.

<Save> Saves the result list and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without saving the result list.

6.2.5 [Send to Analysis]

Transfers the selected spectrum to the [Spectra Analysis] program.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button

6.2.6 [Apply Measurement Parameters]

Uses the parameters for the selected spectrum as the current parameters.

Note 1: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Apply
Measurement Parameters].
Note 2: Only the parameters in the [General], [Correction], and [Control] tabs are used.
Note 3: In the CFR version, this function is not available.

6.2.7 [Open Parameters...]
Selects a parameter file and opens those parameters.

Note 1: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Open
Note 2: In the CFR version, the dialog box in Fig. 6.6 displays only the parameter files
for the currently attached accessory.

Figure 6.7 [Open Parameters] dialog box

[Look in] list Selects a drive or folder to browse using the drop-down list. Files
saved in the currently opened folder are displayed in the file
name list.
File name list Lists the files in the currently opened folder. Selects the file name
for the parameters to open.
[File name] Enters the file name for the parameters to open.
The extension may be omitted since it is automatically appended.
[Files of type] Selects the files (type of extension) to display in the file name list.
Files other than Parameter Files (*.uvsp) cannot be selected.
<Open> Opens the parameter file and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without opening the parameter file.

Note: In the CFR version, the [Look in] drop-down list cannot be used to select a
folder. However, a subfolder within the prespecified folder can be selected.

6.2.8 [Save Parameters...]
Saves the currently specified measurement parameters with the entered file name.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Save

Figure 6.8 [Save Parameters] dialog box

[Save in] list Selects a drive or folder to browse using the drop-down list. Files
saved in the currently opened folder are displayed in the file name
File name list Lists the files in the currently opened folder. Use as a reference
when naming a file.
[File name] Enters the file name for saving the parameters.
The extension may be omitted since it is automatically appended.
[Save as type] Selects the files (type of extension) to display in the file name list.
Files other than Parameter Files (*.uvsp) cannot be selected.
[Username] Displays the name of the logged-on user. It cannot be edited.
[Password] In the CFR version, an electronic signature is required for saving
parameters. Type a password in the text box.
<Save> Saves the parameter file and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without saving the parameter file.

Note: In the CFR version, the [Save in] drop-down list cannot be used to select a
folder. However, a subfolder within the prespecified folder can be selected.

6.2.9 [Open Sequence...]
Selects a sequence file and opens it when [Sequence Measurement] is selected from the
[Measure] menu.

Figure 6.9 [Open Sequence] dialog box

[Look in] list Selects a drive or folder to browse using the drop-down list. Files
saved in the currently opened folder are displayed in the file name
File name list Lists the files in the currently opened folder. Selects the file name
for the sequence to open.
[File name] Enters the file name for the sequence to open.
The extension may be omitted since it is automatically appended.
[Files of type] Selects the files (type of extension) to display in the file name list.
Files other than Sequence Files (*.vsqs) cannot be selected.
<Open> Opens the sequence file and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without opening the sequence file.

6.2.10 [Save Sequence...]
Saves the sequence with a new file name when [Sequence Measurement] is selected from the
[Measure] menu.

Figure 6.10 [Save Sequence] dialog box

[Save in] list Selects a drive or folder to browse using the drop-down list. Files
saved in the currently opened folder are displayed in the file
name list.
File name list Lists the files in the currently opened folder. Use as a reference
when naming a file.
[File name] Enters the file name for saving the sequence.
The extension may be omitted since it is automatically appended.
[Save as type] Selects the files (type of extension) to display in the file name list.
Files other than Sequence Files (*.vsqs) cannot be selected.
<Save> Saves the sequence file and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without saving the sequence file.

6.2.11 [Open Baseline...]
Selects a baseline file and opens it. The sample spectrum is then corrected using this baseline

Figure 6.11 [Open Baseline] dialog box

[Look in] list Selects a drive or folder to browse using the drop-down list. Files
saved in the currently opened folder are displayed in the file
name list.
File name list Lists the files in the currently opened folder. Selects the file name
for the baseline spectrum to open.
[File name] Enters the file name for the baseline spectrum to open.
The extension may be omitted since it is automatically appended.
[Files of type] Selects the files (type of extension) to display in the file name list.
Files other than Baseline Files (*.vbsl) cannot be selected.
<Preview> Displays the baseline spectrum and information stored in the
selected file.
<Open> Opens the baseline file and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without opening the baseline file.

Note: In the CFR version, this function is not available.

6.2.12 [Save Baseline...]
Saves the currently measured baseline spectrum with the entered file name.

Figure 6.12 [Save Baseline] dialog box

[Save in] list Selects a drive or folder to browse using the drop-down list. Files
saved in the currently opened folder are displayed in the file
name list.
File name list Lists the files in the currently opened folder. Use as a reference
when naming a file.
[File name] Enters the file name for saving the baseline spectrum.
The extension may be omitted since it is automatically appended.
[Save as type] Selects the files (type of extension) to display in the file name list.
Files other than Baseline Files (*.vbsl) cannot be selected.
<Save> Saves the measured baseline spectrum and closes the dialog
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without saving the measured baseline

Note: In the CFR version, this function is not available.

6.2.13 [Open Dark Spectrum...]
Selects a dark spectrum file and opens it. The sample spectrum is then corrected using this
dark spectrum.

Figure 6.13 [Open Dark Spectrum] dialog box

[Look in] list Selects a drive or folder to browse using the drop-down list. Files
saved in the currently opened folder are displayed in the file
name list.
File name list Lists the files in the currently opened folder. Selects the file name
for the dark spectrum to open.
[File name] Enters the file name for the dark spectrum to open.
The extension may be omitted since it is automatically appended.
[Files of type] Selects the files (type of extension) to display in the file name list.
Files other than Dark Files (*.vdrk) cannot be selected.
<Preview> Displays the dark spectrum and information stored in the selected
<Open> Opens the dark spectrum file and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without opening the dark spectrum file.

Note: In the CFR version, this function is not available.

6.2.14 [Save Dark Spectrum...]
Saves the currently measured dark spectrum with the entered file name.

Figure 6.14 [Save Dark Spectrum] dialog box

[Save in] list Selects a drive or folder to browse using the drop-down list. Files
saved in the currently opened folder are displayed in the file
name list.
File name list Lists the files in the currently opened folder. Use as a reference
when naming a file.
[File name] Enters the file name for saving the dark spectrum.
The extension may be omitted since it is automatically appended.
[Save as type] Selects the files (type of extension) to display in the file name list.
Files other than Dark Files (*.vdrk) cannot be selected.
<Save> Saves the measured dark spectrum file and closes the dialog
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without saving the measured dark
spectrum file.

Note: In the CFR version, this function is not available.

6.2.15 [Print]
Prints the selected spectrum or the result list. Selecting the [Spectrum] submenu item from the
[Print] command in the [File] menu prints the parameters and spectrum selected in the result
list. Selecting the [Result List] submenu item from the [Print] command in the [File] menu prints
the result list.

Note 1: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Print].
Note 2: “Unsigned” will be watermarked on the printed page when no creation
signature is assigned to the measurement data.

6.2.16 [Print Preview...]

Displays a print preview of the selected spectrum or the result list. Selecting the [Spectrum...]
submenu item from the [Print Preview] command in the [File] menu displays a print preview of
the spectrum selected in the result list. Selecting the [Result List...] submenu item from the
[Print Preview] command in the [File] menu displays a print preview of the result list.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Print

Print preview of spectrum Print preview of result list

Figure 6.15 [Print Preview] dialog box

Button Name
[Print Items] Selects the items to print (see Fig. 6.16).
[Margins] Specifies the margins (see Fig. 6.17).
[Fonts] Specifies the font for the title, information and data (see Fig. 6.18).
[Print] Prints the data. [Print Items]

Selects the items to print.

Print items for spectrum Print items for result list

Figure 6.16 [Print Items] dialog box

[Title] Prints the title. Enter a desired title in the text box.
[Comments] Prints the comments.
[Detailed information] Prints information about the data.
[Measurement Prints the measurement parameters.
[Detailed results] Prints the detailed data processing results.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Print Items] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [Print
Items] settings.

Result list
[Title] Prints the title. Enter a desired title in the text box.
[Auto column width] Automatically adjusts the width of the result list columns to fit the
entered strings.
[Column wrap] Wraps the result list on the right side before printing when it does
not fit on a single sheet of paper.
[Gridlines] Prints gridlines on the result list.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Print Items] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [Print
Items] settings.

Note: In the CFR version, Managers or Analysts authority is required to select print
items. [Margins]
Specifies the paper margins in inches or millimeters.

Figure 6.17 [Margins] dialog box

Margins Specifies the right/left/top/bottom margins.

Units Selects the margin units as inches or millimeters.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Margins] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Margins] settings

Note: In the CFR version, Managers or Analysts authority is required to specify


108 [Fonts]
Specifies the fonts for printing results.

Figure 6.18 [Fonts] dialog box

[Item] Selects an item to change its font settings.

[Title]: Character
[Measurement information]: Character
[Detailed results]: Character, Numeric value
[Font name] Lists available font names.
[Style] Lists available styles.
[Size] Lists available sizes.
Effects Selects strikeout and underline effects.
[Strike out]: Draws a line through the middle of the text.
[Underline]: Underlines the text.
[Color]: Shows the available colors for the selected item in the
drop-down list.
Sample Displays a sample of the specified font.
[Set as default] Applies the specified fonts to all subsequent printouts.
[Script] Selects the language for the specified font.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Fonts] settings and closes the dialog
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [Fonts]

Note: In the CFR version, Managers or Analysts authority is required to specify fonts.

6.2.17 [Print Items...]
Selects the items to print. Refer to Section [Print Items...] for details about selecting
the print items.

6.2.18 [Print Setup...]

Specifies the target printer and print parameters. The content of this dialog box varies
depending on the connected printer.

Figure 6.19 [Print Setup] dialog box

Printer Displays the available printers. To add a new printer, select

[Control Panel] - [Printers] from the Windows task bar and select
[Add Printer...].
Paper Selects the paper size and paper source tray.
Orientation Selects the orientation of the paper for printing.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Print Setup] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [Print
Setup] settings.

6.2.19 [Exit]
Exits the [Spectra Measurement] program.

6.3 [Processing] Menu
Specifies, opens and saves the data processing parameters.

6.3.1 [Parameters...]
Specifies the data processing parameters.

Note 1: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button
Note 2: Selecting this command clears the result list.

Figure 6.20 [Data Processing Parameters] dialog box

[Available items] Lists the data processing items. Select the desired processing
items and click the <Add> button. The selected items are
added to the [Current items] list. Items marked with (i.e.,
correction) or (i.e., result) can be selected only once. Items
marked with (i.e., data) can be added multiple times.
[Current items] Lists the current selected processing items.
Items marked with (result) are automatically placed after items
marked with (correction). For items marked with (data), the
order does not matter, except for [Save result list], which is

always placed at the end of the list.
Undesired processing items can be removed by selecting them
and clicking the <Delete> button. The selected items are
deleted from the [Current items] list.
<Reset> Clears all items in the [Current items] list.
<Up> Moves the currently selected item in [Current items] up by one.
<Down> Moves the currently selected item in [Current items] down by one.
<Settings...> Specifies the detailed parameters for the currently selected item
in [Current items].
Statistical calculation Specifies the statistical calculation parameters for the
photometric value, peak height, peak area, FWHM, simple
quantitation and film thickness.
[Perform calculation] Performs statistical calculations if any data processing items (
or ) are selected.
[For □ spectra] Enters the number of measurement results to perform the
statistical calculations on.
[Average] Calculates the average for the specified number of measurement
[Standard deviation] Calculates the standard deviation for the specified number of
measurement results.
[Coefficient of variation] Calculates the coefficient of variation for the specified number of
measurement results.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Data Processing Parameters]
settings and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [Data
Processing Parameters] settings.

112 [Noise Elimination]
Specifies the parameters for eliminating false peaks due to noise of known origin. A peak is
eliminated by connecting the points at two designated horizontal axis positions by a straight
line. Refer to the separate “Spectra Analysis Program Manual” for details about performing
noise elimination.

Figure 6.21 [Noise Elimination] dialog box

[Start], [End] Enters the range for eliminating peaks. Click the text boxes and
enter numeric values for wavelength.
<Add> Adds a row in the table. Register the new range for eliminating
<Delete> Deletes the currently selected peak elimination range.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Noise Elimination] settings and
closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [Noise
Elimination] settings.

113 [Smoothing]
Specifies the parameters for smoothing the spectrum and reducing the apparent noise. The
following four smoothing methods are available: Means-Movement, Savitzky-Golay,
Adaptive-Smoothing and Binomial. Refer to the separate “Spectra Analysis Program Manual”
for details about performing smoothing.

Figure 6.22 [Smoothing] dialog box

[Method] Selects the smoothing method.

[Convolution width] Sets the number of data points to bundle together during the
smoothing process. Only odd numbers can be set.
[Noise deviations] Enters the threshold noise variance when
[Adaptive-Smoothing] is selected. Smoothing is only performed if
the actual measured noise variance within [Convolution width] is
greater than [Noise deviations].
[Iterations] Enters the number of times to successively apply weighted
averaging during [Binomial] smoothing.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Smoothing] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Smoothing] settings.

114 [Arithmetic]
Specifies the parameters for performing arithmetic operations between spectra or on the
current spectrum using constants. When [Use reference data] is not selected, arithmetic
operations are performed on the current spectrum using constants. When [Use reference data]
is selected, arithmetic operations are performed between the current spectrum and the
specified reference spectrum. Refer to the separate “Spectra Analysis Program Manual” for
details about performing arithmetic operations.

Figure 6.23 [Arithmetic] dialog box

Reference Selects a reference spectrum to use when performing arithmetic

[Use reference data] Performs arithmetic operations between the current spectrum
and the reference spectrum.
In the CFR version, only reviewed and approved jws files can be
[File name] Displays the file name of the reference spectrum to use for
arithmetic operations.
<Open...> Selects a reference spectrum file. Files other than spectrum files
with the extension (.jws) cannot be opened.
Formula Enters constants into the appropriate text boxes and select the
desired arithmetic operator from the drop-down list to generate
an arithmetic expression.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Arithmetic] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Arithmetic] settings.

115 [Derivatives]
Specifies the parameters for differentiating a spectrum. First-, second-, third-, and fourth-order
derivative calculations can be performed using a [Subtract] or [Savitzky-Golay] algorithm.
Refer to the separate “Spectra Analysis Program Manual” for details about performing

Figure 6.24 [Derivatives] dialog box

[Algorithm] Selects the derivative algorithm from the drop-down list.

[Order of derivatives] Select the order of the derivative.
[Order of polynomial] Selects the order of the smoothing polynomial for the
[Savitzky-Golay] algorithm.
[Data points] Selects the interval between data points, which acts essentially
as a smoothing function.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Derivatives] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Derivatives] settings. [KM Transformation]

Specifies the parameters for performing a Kubelka-Munk transformation. Refer to the separate
“Spectra Analysis Program Manual” for details about performing a K-M transformation.

116 [X Unit Conversion]
Specifies the parameters for converting the x-axis units. Units can be selected from
wavenumber (cm-1), wavelength (nm), energy (eV) or frequency (THz).
A spectrum with a defined data interval and x-axis range can also be created. Data from any
region of the x-axis can also be extracted without changing the data interval. Refer to the
separate “Spectra Analysis Program Manual” for details about performing [X-Unit Conversion].

Figure 6.25 [X Unit Conversion] dialog box

[Horizontal units] Selects units from wavenumber (cm-1), wavelength (nm), energy
(eV) or frequency (THz).
[Perform interpolation] Specifies the interpolation conditions.
[Method] Selects the interpolation method from [Lagrange], [3rd spline] or
[No correction].
[Data interval] Specifies the interval for the data to be created.
[x-axis(R)], [x-axis(L)] Enters the x-axis range.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [X Unit Conversion] settings and
closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [X Unit
Conversion] settings.

117 [Relative Reflectance Correction]
Specifies the parameters for converting a relative reflectance spectrum to an absolute
reflectance spectrum.

Figure 6.26 [Relative Reflectance Correction] dialog box

[Reference file name] Displays the file name of the reference spectrum to be opened.
<Open...> Selects the absolute reflectance spectrum for the sample used
for baseline measurement. Files other than spectrum files with
the extension (.jws) cannot be opened.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Relative Reflectance Correction]
settings and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Relative Reflectance Correction] settings.

Note: In the CFR version, only reference files with an approval signature are

118 [Photometric Value]
Specifies the parameters for displaying photometric values at specific wavelengths. Up to 20
wavelengths can be set.

Figure 6.27 [Photometric Value] dialog box

[Wavelength (nm)] Enters a wavelength at which to display the photometric value.

[Format] Selects the number of decimal places to display.
[Pass/Fail] Sets the pass or fail criteria. Double-clicking the text box displays
the [Pass/Fail] criteria dialog box (Fig. 6.25).
<Delete> Deletes the selected row.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Photometric Value] settings and
closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Photometric Value] settings.

Figure 6.28 [Pass/Fail Criteria] dialog box

[Evaluate] Selects whether to perform a pass/fail evaluation.

Criteria Sets the criteria for passing photometric values.
[ <= and <= ] Passes a photometric or calculated value not less than the value
entered in first text box, or greater than that in the second text
<=  Passes a photometric or calculated value less than or equal to
the value entered in the text box.
 <= Passes a photometric or calculated value greater than or equal to
the value entered in the text box.
< Passes a photometric or calculated value less than the value
entered in the text box.
< Passes a photometric or calculated value greater than the value
entered in the text box.
[Pass string] Specifies the string to be displayed when the value passes the
[Fail string] Specifies the string to be displayed when the value fails the
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Pass/Fail Criteria] settings and
closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Pass/Fail Criteria] settings.

120 [Peak Find]
Specifies the parameters for detecting peaks. Up to 20 peaks can be detected, beginning at
the longer wavelength end.

Figure 6.29 [Peak Find] dialog box

[Peak] Selects the mode for detecting peaks or valleys in the spectrum.
Top: Detects peaks.
Bottom: Detects valleys.
Both: Detects both peaks and valleys.
[Noise level] Enters a threshold value used to recognize the top/bottom of the
peak. When the difference between the start of the top/bottom of
a peak to its apex (valley to peak to valley) does not meet or
exceed this value, the peak will not be recognized. The units are
the same as those used for the active spectrum.
[Upper limit], [Lower limit] Specifies the upper and lower limits for photometric values for
valid peaks.
Selecting the check box enables the corresponding text box.
Enter an appropriate value for the upper and/or lower limits.
[Maximum No. of peaks] Enters the number of peaks to be detected. Up to 20 peaks can
be detected, beginning at the longer wavelength end.
[Format] Selects the number of decimal places to be displayed in the
graph and the result list.
Options: Default, Integer, #.#, #.##, #.###, #.####, #.#####,
#.######, exponential
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Peak Find] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [Peak
Find] settings.

121 [Peak Height]
Calculates the height of a single peak or the ratio of the heights of two different peaks. Refer to
the separate “Spectra Analysis Program Manual” for details about calculating the peak
height/peak height ratio.

Figure 6.30 [Peak Height] dialog box

[Height], [Height ratio] Selects to calculate the peak height or the peak height ratio. For
the peak height ratio, the displayed value is the height of peak 1
divided by the height of peak 2.
Peak 1 Sets the calculation items for peak 1.
[Calculation method] Selects the method for determining the baseline for calculating
the peak height.
Options: 1-point base, 2-point base (manual), 2-point base
(auto), No base
[Peak], Enters the wavelengths for the peak and the two positions for
[Base 1], specifying the baseline.
[Base 2]

Peak 2 Sets the calculation items for peak 2. These are used when the
peak height ratio is calculated.
[Calculation method] See [Calculation method] for peak 1.
[Peak], [Base 1], [Base See [Peak], [Base 1], [Base 2] for peak 1.
[Format] Selects the number of decimal places to be displayed in the
result list.
Options: Default, Integer, #.#, #.##, #.###, #.####, #.#####,
#.######, Exponential
<Settings...> Sets the pass or fail criteria. Clicking the <Settings...> button
displays the [Pass/Fail Criteria] dialog box (Fig. 6.28).
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Peak Height] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [Peak
Height] settings.

123 [Peak Area]
Calculates the area of a single peak or the ratio of the areas of two different peaks. Refer to the
separate “Spectra Analysis Program Manual” for details about calculating the peak area/peak
area ratio.

Figure 6.31 [Peak Area] dialog box

[Area], [Area ratio] Selects to calculate the peak area or peak area ratio. For the
peak area ratio, the displayed value is the area of peak 1 divided
by the area of peak 2.
Peak 1 Sets the calculation items for peak 1.
[Calculation method] Selects the method for calculating the peak area, including how
to determine the baseline.
Drawing the baseline
Options: 2-point base, No base, Independent base

Calculating the peak area
Options: Ignore under baseline, Subtract under baseline, Add
under baseline
[Range (area)], Enters the wavelengths for the peak area and base calculation
[Range (baseline)] ranges.
Peak 2 Sets the calculation items for peak 2. Use this when the peak
area ratio is calculated.
[Calculation method] See [Calculation method] for peak 1.
[Range (area)], See [Range (area)], [Range (baseline)for peak 1.
[Range (baseline)]
[Format] Selects the number of decimal places to be displayed in the
result list.
Options: Default, Integer, #.#, #.##, #.###, #.####, #.#####,
#.######, Exponential
<Settings...> Sets the pass or fail criteria. Clicking the <Settings...> button
displays the [Pass/Fail Criteria] dialog box (Fig. 6.28).
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Peak Area] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [Peak
Area] settings.

125 [FWHM]
Calculates the full width at half maximum value of a peak.

Figure 6.32 [FWHM] dialog box

[x-axis (L)], [x-axis (R)] Specifies the shorter and longer wavelength ends of the
calculation range.
[Format] Selects the number of decimal places to be displayed in the
result list.
Options: Default, Integer, #.#, #.##, #.###, #.####, #.#####,
#.######, Exponential
<Settings...> Sets the pass or fail criteria. Clicking the <Settings...> button
displays the [Pass/Fail Criteria] dialog box (Fig. 6.28).
<OK> Applies the changes to the [FWHM] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[FWHM] settings.

126 [Data Comparison]
Compares the measured spectrum with reference spectra to distinguish differences between
them. Up to 20 spectra can be compared in the result list. Refer to the separate “Spectra
Analysis Program Manual” for details about performing data comparison.

Note: In the CFR version, only comparison files with an approval signature are

Figure 6.33 [Data Comparison] dialog box

Files for comparison Sets the comparison file.

[Spectrum files] Selects the reference spectrum files for comparison. Files other
than spectrum files with the extension (.jws) cannot be opened.
Up to 20 spectra can be selected.
In the CFR version, only reviewed and approved jws files can be

[Folder] Selects the folder in which reference spectrum files in jws format
are saved. All of the spectra in the selected folder are compared.
In the [Result List] tab, up to 20 results are displayed in
descending matching order. In the [Details] tab, irrespective of
the number of spectra in the folder, all of the results are displayed
in descending matching order.
In the CFR version, only reviewed and approved jws files can be
<Browse...> Selects the folder name and path for the saved spectrum files.
<Range...> Enabled when [Spectrum files] is selected. Clicking the <Range>
button displays the dialog box in Fig. 6.31.
<Delete...> Deletes the selected comparison file in the file name list when
[Spectrum files] is selected.
Algorithm Selects the comparison algorithm.
Options: Euclidean Distance, 1st Derivative Euclidean Distance,
Correlation Coefficient, 1st Derivative Correlation
Coefficient, Absolute Value, 1st Derivative Absolute
Value, Least Squares, 1st Derivative Least Squares
[Normalize] Enabled when [Euclidean Distance] or [1st Derivative Euclidean
Distance] is selected for [Algorithm]. The closer the value is to 1,
the higher the similarity to the comparison file is. The equation is
as follows,
200  S
I  I: score after normalization
S: score calculated by the algorithm
[Maximum number of Enabled when [Folder] is selected. Enters the number of
result columns] comparison results to display in the [Result List] tab. The results
are displayed in descending matching order, and a maximum of
20 can be used.
[Format] Selects the number of decimal places to be displayed in the
result list.
Options: Default, Integer, #.#, #.##, #.###, #.####, #.#####,
#.######, Exponential
<Settings...> Sets the pass or fail criteria. Clicking the <Settings...> button
displays the [Pass/Fail Criteria] dialog box (Fig. 6.28).
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Data Comparison] settings and
closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [Data
Comparison] settings.

Figure 6.34 [Comparison Range Settings] dialog box

[Select full range] Compares the spectra using the measurement wavelength range
specified in the [Parameters] dialog box. Deselecting this check
box enables the comparison wavelength range to be entered. To
set the wavelength range, drag the vertical bars on the graph.
[Start], [End] Displays the wavelength range for comparing the spectra. To set
the wavelength range, drag the vertical bars on the graph.
<Add> Registers a new wavelength range.
<Delete> Deletes the selected wavelength range.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Comparison Range Settings] settings
and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Comparison Range Settings] settings.

129 [Simple Quantitation]
Calculates quantitative results by performing arithmetic operations on the peak height or peak
area using the entered values.

Figure 6.35 [Simple Quantitation] dialog box

[Title] Enters the title. The entered text is displayed as the column name
in the result list.
[Method] Selects the quantitation method.
Options: 1peak, 2peak ratio, 1peak thickness
[Ratio] Enabled when [2peak ratio] is selected for [Method]. Select either
peak 1/peak 2 or peak 2/peak 1.
Options: P1/P2, P2/P1
[Thickness] Enabled when [1peak thickness] is selected for [Method]. This is
used to correct for the effect of sample thickness. The calculated
peak height or area is divided by the value entered in this text
box. The concentration is converted to that corresponding to a
thickness of 1 unit. Select the thickness units from [Units].
[Units] Selects the thickness units.
Options: nm, µm, mm, cm, m

[Equation] Selects the quantitation equation. Depending on the selected
equation, one to three numerical values can be entered.
Options: Proportional, Linear, Quadratic
[Conc. units] Selects the concentration units.
Options: None, %, M, mM, μM, g/l, ppm, ppb, user-defined
[Format] Selects the number of decimal places to be displayed in the
result list.
Options: Default, Integer, #.#, #.##, #.###, #.####, #.#####,
#.######, Exponential
<Settings...> Sets the pass or fail criteria. Clicking the <Settings...> button
displays the [Pass/Fail Criteria] dialog box (Fig. 6.28).
[Peak n] tab When [1peak] or [1peak thickness] is selected for [Method], only
the [Peak 1] tab is displayed. When [2peak ratio] is selected, both
the [Peak 1] and [Peak 2] tabs are displayed
[Calculation method 1], Selects the calculation method. Specify the parameters as
[Calculation method 2] described in Sections and Refer to the
separate “Spectra Analysis Program Manual” for details about
peak height and area calculations.
[Peak 1], [Peak 2] Enters the wavelength for calculating the peak height. When a
value is entered in text box to the right of “±”, the highest
absorbance value within the entered wavelength range is
automatically determined.
[Base 1 (3)], [Base 2 (4)] Enters the base wavelength(s) for calculation. When a value is
entered in the text box to the right of “±”, the lowest absorbance
value within the entered wavelength range is automatically
[Average], [Average] Calculates the average absorbance value within the base
calculation range and uses it as the base value.
<Add> Adds a quantitation method. Up to 5 methods can be used.
<Delete> Deletes the quantitation method for the selected tab.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Simple Quantitation] settings and
closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Simple Quantitation] settings.

131 [Film Thickness]
Calculates the film thickness from an interference pattern in a transmittance or reflectance
spectrum. Refer to the separate “Film Thickness Calculation Program Manual” for details
about calculating the film thickness.

Figure 6.36 [Film Thickness] dialog box

[Incident] Enters the incident angle.

[Refractive index] Enters the sample refractive index.
[Noise level] Enters the noise level for detecting peaks (tops or bottoms).
Peaks with amplitudes less than the entered level are excluded.
[Range] Enters the wavelength range for calculation.
[Format] Selects the number of decimal places to be displayed in the
result list.
Options: Default, Integer, #.#, #.##, #.###, #.####, #.#####,
#.######, Exponential
<Settings...> Sets the pass or fail criteria. Clicking the <Settings...> button
displays the [Pass/Fail Criteria] dialog box (Fig. 6.28).
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Film Thickness] settings and closes
the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [Film
Thickness] settings.

Note: In the CFR version, the film thickness calculation is not available.

132 [Auto Save]
Specifies the parameters for automatically saving.

Figure 6.37 [Auto Save] dialog box

[Display the save dialog] Opens the [Save Data] dialog box after measurement and data
processing. The data can be saved using the specified file name.
In the CFR version, this function is not available.
[Auto save] Automatically saves the measured and processed data. A file
name is automatically assigned, and the data is saved to the
specified directory.
[Save in] Displays the drive and folder name for saving data.
<Browse...> Browses to the [Save in] drive and folder.
[Format] Selects the file name to be assigned during auto saving.
The file type is Standard Files (*.jws).
[Date-No.]: Sets [Date] + [3-digit serial number] as the file name.
The date and serial number are connected with a
hyphen “-”.
[Sample-No.]: Sets [Sample name] + [3-digit serial number] as
the file name. [Sample name] is the name entered in
the [Information] tab.
[Comment-No.]: Sets [Comment] + [3 digit serial number] as the
file name. [Comment] is the comment entered in the
[Information] tab.
[Sample-Comment-No.]: Sets [Sample name] + [Comment] +
[3-digit serial number] as the file name. [Sample
name] and [Comment] are the name and comment
entered in the [Information] tab, respectively.
[String-No.]: Sets [String] + [3-digit serial number] as the file
name. Type the character string in the [String] text
box below.

[String] Enters a character string when [String-No.] is selected for
[Format] (maximum 63 single-byte characters).
[Auto export] Exports the measured data.
[Save as type] Selects the file type for the exported data.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Auto Save] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [Auto
Save] settings.

Note: In the CFR version, the [Save in] drop-down list cannot be used to select a
folder. However, a subfolder within the prespecified folder can be selected. [Auto Transfer]

Automatically transfers the data after measurement and data processing to the [Spectra
Analysis] program. If [Cycle Measurement] is selected, the measured data are automatically
transferred after all the measurements are completed. [Auto Print]

Specifies the parameters for automatically printing after measurement and data processing.

Figure 6.38 [Auto Print] dialog box

[Template] Displays the path and file name for the template.
<Browse...> Selects the folder name and path for the saved template file.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Auto Print] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [Auto
Print] settings.

134 [Save Result List]
Specifies the parameters for automatically saving the result list.

Figure 6.39 [Save Result List] dialog box

[Save in] Displays the drive and folder name for saving data.
<Browse...> Browses to the [Save in] drive and folder.
[Format] Selects the file name to be assigned during auto saving.
[Data-No.]: Sets [Date] + [3-digit serial number] as the file name.
The date and serial number are connected with a
hyphen “-”.
[String-No.]: Sets [String] + [3-digit serial number] as the file
name. Type the character string in the [String] text
box below.
[String] Enters a character string when [String-No.] is selected for
[Format] (maximum 63 single-byte characters).
[Save as type] Selects the files (type of extension).
Options: Text Files, CSV Files
<OK> Saves the measured data and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without saving the measured data.

6.3.2 [Open Parameters...]
Selects a data processing parameter file and opens those parameters.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Open
Data Processing Parameters].

Figure 6.40 [Open Data Processing Parameters] dialog box

[Look in ] list Selects a drive or folder to browse using the drop-down list. Files
saved in the currently opened folder are displayed in the file
name list.
File name list Lists the files in the currently opened folder. Selects the file name
for the parameters to open.
[File name] Enters the file name for the parameters to open.
The extension may be omitted since it is automatically appended.
[Files of type] Selects the files (type of extension) to display in the file name list.
Files other than Parameter Files (*.uvpc) cannot be selected.
<Open> Opens the data processing parameter file and closes the dialog
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without opening a data processing
parameter file.

Note: In the CFR version, the [Look in] drop-down list cannot be used to select a
folder. However, a subfolder within the prespecified folder can be selected.

6.3.3 [Save Parameters...]
Saves the currently specified data processing parameters with the entered file name.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Save

Figure 6.41 [Save Data Processing Parameters] dialog box

[Save in] list Enters the file name for saving the parameters.
The extension may be omitted since it is automatically appended.。
File name list Lists the files in the currently opened folder. Use as a reference
when naming a file.
[File name] Enters the file name for saving the parameters.
The extension may be omitted since it is automatically appended.
[Save as type] Selects the files (type of extension) to display in the file name list.
Files other than Parameter Files (*.uvpc) cannot be selected.
<Save> Saves the data processing parameter file and closes the dialog
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without saving the data processing
parameter file.

Note: In the CFR version, the [Save in] drop-down list cannot be used to select a
folder. However, a subfolder within the prespecified folder can be selected.

6.3.4 [Histories...]
Displays a dialog box showing whether data processing was successfully performed or not.

Figure 6.42 [Data Processing Histories] dialog box

[Data] Selects the data number for which to display the data processing history.

6.4 [Measure] Menu
Starts or cancels the measurement and specifies the measurement parameters.

6.4.1 [Cancel]
Cancels the measurement. A dialog box to confirm whether to keep the measurement data is

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button

Figure 6.43 [Cancel] dialog box

<Yes> Keeps the measured spectrum.

<No> Discards the measured spectrum.
<Cancel> Continues the measurement.

6.4.2 [Start]
Starts dark, baseline or sample spectrum measurement, when [Display flowchart] is selected
in the [Parameters] dialog box.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button
[Start] or pressing the measurement start button of the spectrophotometer.

6.4.3 [Reset]
Returns the measurement step to the beginning of the flowchart if a flowchart measurement is
stopped using the [Cancel] command.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button
[Reset] or pressing the measurement start button of the spectrophotometer.

6.4.4 [Sample]
Measures the spectrum of the sample. Selecting the [To Spectra Analysis] check box in the
[Data] tab of the [Parameters] dialog box from the [Measure] menu automatically transfers the
measured data to the [Spectra Analysis] program after measurement.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button
[Sample] or pressing the measurement start button of the spectrophotometer.

6.4.5 [Baseline]
Measures the baseline spectrum for baseline correction. In Advanced mode, available if
[Baseline] or [Baseline/Dark] is selected in the [Correction] tab of the [Parameters] dialog box.
In Basic mode, this function is always available.
Baseline correction removes the effects of solvents and additional agents other than the target
sample. The true sample spectrum is obtained by subtracting the baseline spectrum from the
measured spectrum. For the transmittance or reflectance spectrum, the measured spectrum is
divided by the baseline spectrum.
How to measure the baseline spectrum depends on the sample. Click the <Measure> button
after preparing for baseline measurement.

Note 1: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button
Note 2: Refer to Section 4.1.3 for details about measuring the baseline.

Figure 6.44 [Baseline Measurement] dialog box

<Measure> Measures the baseline spectrum for baseline correction.

<Cancel> Closes the [Baseline Measurement] dialog box without measuring the

6.4.6 [Dark]
Measures the dark spectrum for dark correction. In Advanced mode, available if
[Baseline/Dark] is selected in the [Correction] tab of the [Parameters] dialog box. In Basic
mode, this function is always unavailable. For absorbance or transmittance measurement,
block the sample beam path with the shielding plate in the sample compartment and measure
the dark current. For reflectance measurement, ensure that the sample compartment is empty
to avoid reflected light from any object entering the detector and measure the dark current.
Click the <Measure> button after preparing for dark measurement.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Dark].

Figure 6.45 [Dark Measurement] dialog box

<Measure> Measures the dark spectrum for dark correction.

<Cancel> Closes the [Dark Measurement] dialog box without measuring the dark

6.4.7 [Parameters...]
Specifies the measurement parameters. The parameters can be switched between two
modes: Basic mode, which automatically specifies the basic parameter settings, and
Advanced mode, which specifies each parameter individually. In Basic mode, the dialog box
has four tabs for parameter settings: [General], [Control], [Information], and [Data]. In
Advanced mode, the dialog box has five tabs for parameter settings: [General], [Correction],
[Control], [Information], and [Data]. The page can be changed by clicking each tab at the top of
the dialog box.

<Register> Registers the current measurement parameters.

In the CFR version, this function is not available.
<Delete> Deletes registered measurement parameters.
<Apply> Selects the registered measurement parameters as the current
<Basic Mode/ Switches between Basic and Advanced modes.
Advanced Mode>
<Open...> Opens a measurement parameter file.
<Save...> Saves the measurement parameters.
<Default> Restores the parameters of the [General], [Correction] and
[Control] tabs to their default values.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Parameters] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Parameters] settings.

Note 1: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button
Note 2: In the CFR version, Managers or Analysts authority is required to specify the
Note 3: In the CFR version, when the parameters are specified or changed, a
signature is required. Clicking the <OK> button when the parameters have not
been saved displays the following message.

Figure 6.46 Message when the signature for the parameter is missing

142 [General] tab

Figure 6.47 [General] tab in [Parameters] dialog box (Advanced mode)

[Photometric mode] Selects the photometric mode.

Options: Abs: Absorbance measurement
%T: Transmittance measurement
%R: Reflectance measurement
Sample: Sample single beam measurement
Reference: Reference single beam measurement

Note: In Basic mode, [Sample] and [Reference] cannot

be selected.

[PMT voltage] For the V-750/760/770/780, [PMT Voltage] is displayed if

[Sample] or [Reference] is selected for [Photometric mode]. Enter
the applied photomultiplier tube voltage.
Input range: 0 to 1000 V
[UV/Vis bandwidth] Selects the spectral bandwidth for the UV/Vis wavelength region.

V-730: 1 nm (fixed)
V-750/760/770/780: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, L2, L5, L10, M1, M2

Note: “L” is low stray light mode, and “M” is micro cell
mode. If a micro cell with an optical path width of 2
or 3 mm is used, use M1 nm (M4 nm (V-770), M2
nm (V-780) in the NIR region). If a semi-micro cell
with an optical path width of 4 mm or more is used,
use M2 nm (M8 nm (V-770), M4 nm (V-780) in the
NIR region).

[NIR bandwidth] Selects the spectral bandwidth for the NIR wavelength region for
the V-770/780.
V-770: 0.4, 0.8, 2, 4, 8, 20, 40, L8, L20, L40, M4, M8 nm
V-780: 0.2, 0.4, 1, 2, 4, 10, 20, L4, L10, L20, M2, M4 nm

Note 1: In Basic mode, [UV/Vis bandwidth] and [NIR

bandwidth] values are automatically set in
accordance with Table 6.3.
Note 2: If continuously measuring from the NIR to the
visible region in Advanced mode, use the
bandwidth relationship given in Table 6.3.

[UV/Vis response] Selects the response for the UV/Vis wavelength region
determined by a simple moving average.
V-730: 0.015 sec, 0.06 sec, 0.24 sec, 0.96 sec, 3.84 sec
0.06 sec, 0.24 sec, 0.96 sec, 3.84 sec, Manual (0.06 to
99.96 sec)

Note 1: In Basic mode, the [UV/Vis response] time is

automatically set depending on the selected
[Scan speed] and [UV/Vis bandwidth] (see Table
Note 2: In Advanced mode, the possible combinations of
[UV/Vis response] and [Scan speed] are limited
to those shown in Table 6.5.
Note 3: [Manual] can be selected only when [Step] is
selected for [Scan mode].

[NIR response] Selects the response for the NIR wavelength region determined
by a simple moving average for the V-770/780.
Options: 0.06 sec, 0.24 sec, 0.96 sec, 3.84 sec, Manual (0.06 to
99.96 sec)

Note 1: In Basic mode, [NIR response] is automatically
set to the same value as [UV/Vis response].
Note 2: [Manual] can be selected only when [Step] is
selected for [Scan mode].

[Start] Specifies the longer wavelength end of the measurement

wavelength range.
This is paired with the [End] wavelength. The wavelength can be
specified at intervals of 1 nm.
*The values in parentheses refer to the ranges for the expanded
wavelength model.
V-730: 190.0 to 1100.0 nm
V-750: 190.0 to 900.0 nm
V-760: 187.0 to 900.0 nm
V-770: 190.0 to 2700.0 nm (190.0 to 3200.0 nm)
V-780: 190.0 to 1600.0 nm
[End] Specifies the shorter wavelength end of the measurement
wavelength range.
[Data interval] Selects the wavelength interval for data acquisition.
V-730: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 nm
0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 nm
V-770: 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 nm (when only the
UV/Vis wavelength region is measured)
0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 nm (when both the UV/Vis and NIR
wavelength regions are measured)
V-780: 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 nm (when only the
UV/Vis wavelength region is measured)
0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 nm (when both the UV/Vis and
NIR wavelength regions are measured)

Note 1: In Basic mode, [Data interval] is automatically

selected depending on the selected [UV/Vis
bandwidth] and [Scan speed] (see Table 6.6).
Note 2: When [Step] is selected for [Scan mode], and the
wavelength range is in the UV-Vis region, only
values greater than 0.1 nm can be used for [Data
interval]. For the V-770/780, when the
wavelength range includes the NIR region, only
values greater than 0.5 nm can be used.

[Scan mode] Selects the scan mode for the V-750/760/770/780.

[Continuous]: continuous scanning is performed
[Step]: step scanning is performed.

Note: In Basic mode, [Continuous] is always selected.

[Scan speed] Selects the wavelength scanning speed.

V-730: 10, 20, 40, 100, 200, 400, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000
10, 20, 40, 100, 200, 400, 1000, 2000, 4000 nm/min

Note: When [Step] is selected for [Scan mode], the scan

speed is automatically selected based on the
response and [Data interval].

[Accumulation] Specifies that cumulative averaging should be used to measure

the spectrum. When the [Accumulation] check box is selected,
the [No. of accumulations] text box is displayed.
[No. of accumulations] Specifies the number of measurements used to average the
Input rage: 1 to 999
[No. of cycles] Specifies the number of measurements for each sample. When a
value of 2 or more is specified, input the [Cycle interval] time.
Input range: 1 to 999

Note: When the [Accumulation] check box is selected,

[No. of cycles] is not displayed.

[Cycle interval] Sets the delay between sequential measurements. The interval is
specified in seconds. When an interval less than that required for
one measurement is specified, subsequent measurements start
immediately following the completed measurement.
Input rage: 0 to 15000 sec

Note: When the [Accumulation] check box is selected,

[Cycle interval] is not displayed.

Vertical scale Specifies the upper and lower limits for the vertical axis range to
display in the window. Selecting the [Auto] checkbox sets the full
scale to approximately 1.2 times the maximum amplitude of the
displayed spectrum.
Abs: -10 to 10
%T, %R: -10000 to 10000
-100 to 100 (Sample, Reference)

Table 6.3 Relationship between [UV-Vis bandwidth] and [NIR bandwidth]
UV-Vis NIR bandwidth (nm)
bandwidth (nm) V-770 V-780
0.1 0.4 0.2
0.2 0.8 0.4
0.5 2 1
1 4 2
2 8 4
5 20 10
10 40 20
L2 L8 L4
L5 L20 L10
L10 L40 L20
M1 M4 M2
M2 M8 M4

Table 6.4 [Response] settings (Basic mode)

Scan UV-Vis bandwidth (nm)
0.1 0.2 0.5 1, M1 2, L2, M2 5, L5 10, L10
10 0.24 sec 0.24 sec 0.96 sec 0.96 sec 3.84 sec 3.84 sec 3.84 sec
20 0.06 sec 0.24 sec 0.24 sec 0.96 sec 0.96 sec 3.84 sec 3.84 sec
40 0.06 sec 0.06 sec 0.24 sec 0.24 sec 0.96 sec 0.96 sec 3.84 sec
100 × 0.06 sec 0.06 sec 0.24 sec 0.24 sec 0.96 sec 0.96 sec
200 × × 0.06 sec 0.06 sec 0.24 sec 0.24 sec 0.96 sec
400 × × × 0.06 sec 0.06 sec 0.24 sec 0.24 sec
1000 × × × 0.06 sec 0.06 sec 0.24 sec
2000 × × × × 0.06 sec 0.06 sec
4000 × × × × × × 0.06 sec
8000 × × × × × × ×
× means not applicable.

Note: A response of 0.015 sec can be selected only for the V-730.

Table 6.5 Possible combinations of [Scan speed] and [Response] (Advanced mode)
Scan Response
0.015 sec 0.06 sec 0.24 sec 0.96 sec 3.84 sec
10 0.0025 0.01 0.04 0.16 0.64
20 0.005 0.02 0.08 0.32 1.28
40 0.01 0.04 0.16 0.64 2.56
100 0.025 0.1 0.4 1.6 6.4
200 0.05 0.2 0.8 3.2 12.8
400 0.1 0.4 1.6 6.4 ×
1000 0.25 1 4 16 ×
2000 0.5 2 8 × ×
4000 1 4 16 × ×
8000 2 8 × × ×

Scan Response
0.06 sec 0.24 sec 0.96 sec 3.84 sec
10 0.01 0.04 0.16 0.64
20 0.02 0.08 0.32 1.28
40 0.04 0.16 0.64 2.56
100 0.1 0.4 1.6 6.4
200 0.2 0.8 3.2 12.8
400 0.4 1.6 6.4 ×
1000 1 4 16 ×
2000 2 8 × ×
4000 4 16 × ×
× means not applicable.

Note 1: A scan speed of 8000 nm/min and a response of 0.015 sec can be selected
only for the V-730.
Note 2: Table 6.5 shows the scanning wavelength range (nm) for the selected
response time. Combinations that give a scanning wavelength range greater
than 20 nm cannot be selected (indicated by the checkmark x).

Table 6.6 Combinations of [UV-Vis bandwidth], [Scan speed] and [Data interval] (Basic mode)
UV-Vis Scan speed Data interval
bandwidth (nm) (nm/min) (nm)
0.1 40 0.025
0.2 100 0.05
0.5 200 0.1
400 0.2
1, M1
1000* 0.5
2, L2, M2 1000 0.5
5, L5 2000 1
10, L10 4000 2
Scan speed Data interval (nm) Data interval (nm)
(nm/min) (UV-Vis region) (UV-Vis + NIR region)
0.1 40 0.025 0.1
0.2 100 0.05 0.1
0.5 200 0.1 0.1
1, M1 400 0.2 0.2
2, L2, M2 1000 0.5 0.5
5, L5 2000 1 1
10, L10 4000 2 2
Scan speed Data interval (nm) Data interval (nm)
(nm/min) (UV-Vis region) (UV-Vis + NIR region)
0.1 40 0.025 0.05
0.2 100 0.05 0.05
0.5 200 0.1 0.1
1, M1 400 0.2 0.2
2, L2, M2 1000 0.5 0.5
5, L5 2000 1 1
10, L10 4000 2 2

Note 1: For the V-730, the bandwidth is fixed at 1 nm.

Note 2: Values marked with an asterisk (*) can be selected only for the V-730.

149 [Correction] tab

Note: In Basic mode, this tab is not displayed.

Figure 6.48 [Correction] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

Correction Selects the method for correcting the measured spectrum.

Note: In Basic mode, [Baseline] is selected for


[None] Selects the use of no correction.

[Baseline] Selects baseline correction using a measured baseline spectrum.
[Baseline/dark] Selects the use of both baseline and dark corrections.

150 [Control] tab

Note: In Basic mode, this tab is not displayed.

Figure 6.49 [Control] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

Changeover wavelength Sets the changeover wavelength for the light source and

Note: In Basic mode, the value for [Light source] is 340

nm and the value for [Grating/detector] is 850 nm.

[Light source] Specifies the changeover wavelength for changing from the
halogen to the deuterium lamp.
Input range: 330 to 350 nm (default setting: 340 nm)
[Grating/detector] Sets the changeover wavelength for the grating/detector in the
UV-Vis and NIR regions for the V-770/780.
Input range: 750 to 900 nm (default setting: 850 nm)
Light source Selects the light source to use for measurement.

Note: In Basic mode, [Auto] is selected for [Light


[Auto] Selects the use of both the deuterium and halogen lamps to
measure spectra.
[Deuterium lamp] Selects the use of only the deuterium lamp to measure spectra.
[Halogen lamp] Selects the use of only the halogen lamp to measure spectra.
[External source] Selects the use of a light source other than the built-in deuterium
and halogen lamps to measure spectra.
Filter exchange Selects whether the wavelength scan is paused at the filter
exchange wavelength.

Note 1: In Basic mode, [Stop scan] is selected for [Filter

Note 2: When the filter is changed without pausing the
scan, the measurement time is shortened, but
noise may appear at the filter changeover

[Continue scan] Changes the filter without pausing the scan.

[Stop scan] Pauses the scan to change the filter. [Flowchart] tab

Figure 6.50 [Flowchart] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

Note: Flowchart measurement cannot be performed when [Sequence Measurement]
is selected.

[Display flowchart] Selects to display the flowchart indicating the measurement and
data processing flow in the information bar, and to perform
flowchart measurements.
Baseline measurement Specifies the timing for the baseline measurement and the
message to display.
[First time only] Selects to measure the baseline the first time only.
[For every Selects to measure the baseline before each sample
measurement] measurement.
[After every  Selects to measure the baseline after the specified number of
measurements] measurements. Enter the desired number of measurements.
[Message] Sets the message to display before baseline measurement.
Select the desired message or enter a custom message.
Options: Message 1, Message 2, User defined (maximum 76
single-byte characters)
Dark measurement Specifies the timing for the dark current measurement and the
message to display.
[First time only] Selects to measure the dark current the first time only.
[For every Selects to measure the dark current before each sample
measurement] measurement.
[After every  Selects to measure the dark current after the specified number
measurements] of measurements. Enter the desired number of measurements.
[Message] Sets the message to display before dark current measurement.
Select the desired message or enter a custom message.
Options: Message 1, Message 2, User defined (maximum 76
single-byte characters)

153 [Data] tab

Figure 6.51 [Data] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

[Sample name] Enters a sample name (maximum 63 single-byte characters).

[Operator] Enters an operator name (maximum 63 single-byte characters).
[Division] Enters a division name for the operator (maximum 127
single-byte characters).
[Comment] Enters a comment (maximum 127 single-byte characters).
[Display the [Comment] Displays the information dialog box for each measurement.
dialog before
[Clear the information Clears information stored in the [Information] tab after
after measurement] measurement.
Data processing Opens a data processing file and includes the data processing
parameters in the measurement parameters.
[Open a data Displays the [Open Data Processing File] dialog box. Select the
processing file] desired data processing parameter file.
[File name] Displays the selected data processing parameter file name.

<Browse...> Selects the folder name and path for the saved data processing
parameter file. Files other than data processing parameter files
with the extension (.uvpc) cannot be opened.
Sequence Opens a sequence file and includes the sequence parameters in
the measurement parameters.
[Use a sequence file] Displays the [Open Sequence File] dialog box. Select the desired
sequence file. Files other than sequence files with the extension
(.usqs) cannot be opened.
[File name] Displays the selected sequence file name.
<Browse...> Selects the folder name and path for the saved sequence file.
Files other than sequence files with the extension (.usqs) cannot
be opened.

Note 1: In the CFR version, the [Operator] and [Division] text boxes cannot be
changed by the user.
Note:2 In the CFR version, [Open a data processing parameter file] and [Use a
sequence file] are not available.

6.4.8 [Sequence Measurement]
Performs the measurement using the sequence table. If a sequence table is used, sequential
measurements can be carried out on multiple samples, each of which can be assigned
different measurement parameters, and a different sample name, comment and file name.
Baseline measurements can also be included in the sequence.

Note 1: For sequence measurements, deselect [Display flow chart] in the [Flow Chart]
tab of the [Parameters] dialog box.
Note 2: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button
Note 3: Refer to Section 4.3 “Performing Measurements Using a Sequence Table” for
details about operating the sequence table.

6.4.9 [Preview...]
Opens the [Preview] window for checking measurement parameters and spectra.
The dialog box contains a spectrum display field and two tabs ([General] and [Control]) for
specifying measurement parameters. The page can be changed by clicking each tab at the top
of the window. Refer to Section 6.4.8 [Parameters...] for details about specifying measurement
parameters. The options and ranges are identical to those for Advanced mode.
Selecting [Preview...] from the [Measure] menu displays the dialog box in Fig. 6.52.

Figure 6.52 [Preview] window

[Sample] Selects a sample measurement.

[Baseline] Selects a baseline measurement.
<Measure> Starts a sample or baseline measurement.
<Close> Closes the [Preview] dialog box.

Note 1: The measured spectrum in the [Preview] dialog box cannot be printed, saved
or transferred to the [Spectra Analysis] program. The measurement
parameters specified in the [Preview] dialog box are not applied to the settings
in the [Parameters] dialog box.
Note 2: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button

6.5 [Control] Menu
6.5.1 [Move Wavelength...]
Moves the spectrophotometer wavelength to the desired wavelength. When a measurement is
started, data acquisition begins once the wavelength returns to the value specified in the
[Parameters] dialog box.

Figure 6.53 [Move Wavelength] dialog box

[Move to] Specifies the wavelength.

The wavelength can be specified at intervals of 0.1 nm for the
UV-Vis region and 0.5 nm for the NIR region.
*The values in parentheses refer to the ranges for the expanded
wavelength model.
Input range:
V-730: 0 nm and 190.0 to 1100.0 nm
V-750: 0 nm and 190.0 to 900 nm
V-760: 0 nm and 187.0 to 900 nm
V-770: 0 nm and 190.0 to 2700 nm (190.0 to 3200.0 nm)
V-780: 0 nm and 190.0 to 1600 nm
<OK> Moves the wavelength of the spectrophotometer to the specified
wavelength and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [Move
Wavelength] settings.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Move

6.5.2 [Optical Path...]
Observes the optical path while changing the light source to the zero-order light of the halogen
lamp. After confirming the optical path, closing the [Optical Path Check] dialog box returns the
bandwidth and wavelength to their original values before the [Optical Path Check] command
was executed.

Figure 6.54 [Optical Path Check] dialog box

[UV/Vis bandwidth] Specifies the bandwidth.

Input range:
V-730: 1 nm (fixed)
0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, L2, L5, L10, M1, M2 nm
<OK> Returns the bandwidth and wavelength of the spectrophotometer to
their original values before the [Optical Path] command was
executed and closes the dialog box.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button
[Optical Path].

6.5.3 [Bandwidth]
Selects the bandwidth for monitoring the photometric value. When a measurement is started,
data acquisition begins once the bandwidth returns to the value selected in [Parameters...].

Note 1: For the V-730, [Bandwidth] is not displayed.

Note 2: For the V-770/780, the selectable bandwidths vary depending on whether the
current wavelength is in the UV or NIR region.

Figure 6.55 [Bandwidth] submenu

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button

6.5.4 [Response]
Selects the response for monitoring the photometric value. When a measurement is started,
data acquisition begins once the response returns to the value selected in [Parameters...].

Figure 6.56 [Response] submenu

Note 1: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button
Note 2: For the V-730, a response of 0.015 sec can also be selected.
Note 3: For the V-750/760/770/780, when [Manual] is selected for [Response] in the
[Parameters] dialog box, the entered value is displayed in the submenu.

6.5.5 [Light Sources...]

Displays the number of hours the light source has been used and switches the light source
on/off. When a measurement is started, data acquisition begins once the state of the light
source returns to that selected in [Parameters...].

Figure 6.57 [Light Source Control] dialog box

<OK> Applies the changes to the [Light Source Control] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [Light Source
Control] settings.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [D2

Lamp On/Off] or [WI Lamp On/Off].

6.5.6 [Auto Zero]

Sets the absorbance value (or transmittance, reflectance) at the current wavelength to zero
(100%T for transmittance and reflectance).

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Auto

6.5.7 [Select Accessories...]

Selects accessories that are not automatically recognized (cell unit and external accessories).
After clicking the <OK> button, the message "The accessory was attached successfully” is
displayed and then the accessory is recognized. Refer to Chapter 3 “Accessory Registration
Reference” for details.

Figure 6.58 [Select Accessories] dialog box

6.6 [Edit] Menu
6.6.1 [Copy Spectrum]
Copies the currently displayed spectrum to the clipboard as a picture or bitmap.
The picture format allows the spectrum to be edited using vector-type software, such as
Microsoft Draw. The bitmap format is suitable for raster-type software, such as Microsoft Paint.
The image becomes distorted if the bitmap is greatly expanded or reduced. Therefore, the size
of the window (spectrum) should be adjusted accordingly before copying. A clear image can be
obtained if care is taken not to change the aspect ratio between the horizontal and vertical
scales when reducing or expanding the pasted image. A large change in the aspect ratio
always distorts the image.

6.6.2 [Copy Results]

Copies the contents in the [Result List] tab to the clipboard.

6.6.3 [Copy Details]

Copies the contents in the [Details] tab to the clipboard.

6.6.4 [Delete]
Deletes the selected row in the result list. Click the number of the row to be deleted from the
result list and select the [Delete] command. The selected row is deleted and a blank row is left.
If the blank row is selected and a measurement is performed, the data is displayed in that row.
When unsaved data is deleted, the dialog box in Fig. 6.59 is displayed. Clicking the <Yes>
button deletes the selected row from the result list.

Figure 6.59 [Save Data] dialog box

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Delete].

6.6.5 [Delete All]
Deletes all the spectra displayed in the result list. When unsaved data is deleted, the dialog box
in Fig. 6.59 is displayed. Clicking the <No> button deletes all the data from the result list.

6.6.6 [Comments...]
Edits the comment information for the selected spectrum in the result list.

Figure 6.60 [Comments] dialog box

[Sample name] Enters a sample name (maximum 63 single-byte characters).

[Comment] Enters a comment (maximum 127 single-byte characters).
[Operator] Enters an operator name (maximum 63 single-byte characters).
[Division] Enters a division name for the operator (maximum 127
single-byte characters).
[Company] Automatically entered (maximum 63 single-byte characters).

Note: In the CFR version, the [Operator] and [Division] text boxes cannot be
changed by the user.

6.7 [View] Menu
Specifies the view options.

6.7.1 [Spectrum] [Scales...]
Specifies the display scale for the spectrum.

Figure 6.61 [Scales] dialog box

Horizontal axis Enters the scale for the horizontal axis. Selecting the [Auto]
check box displays the entire range irrespective of the entered
Vertical axis Enters the scale for the vertical axis. Selecting the [Auto] check
box displays the graph at the optimal scale for the specified
horizontal axis range.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Scales] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Scales] settings.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button

165 [Patterns...]
Selects the display color and line style for the spectrum.

Figure 6.62 [Patterns] dialog box

[Item] Selects an item from spectra 1 to 16, frame, gridlines, and auxiliary
gridlines to change its color and line style.
[Color] Shows the available colors for the selected item in the drop-down list.
[Line style] Shows the available line styles. The currently selected item in the
[Item] drop-down list is displayed with the selected line style.
[Line width] Shows the available line widths. The currently selected item in the
[Item] drop-down list is displayed with the selected line width.
Sample Displays a sample of the selected pattern.
[Set as default] Applies the selected patterns to all subsequently opened Views.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Patterns] settings and closes the dialog
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [Patterns]

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button


166 [Fonts...]
Specifies the display fonts for the spectrum.

Figure 6.63 [Fonts] dialog box

[Item] Selects an item to change its font settings.

[Axis label]: Character ([Abs], [nm], or other)
[Scale label]: Numeric value
[Peak indicators]: Numeric value
[Font name] Lists available font names.
[Style] Lists available styles.
[Size] Lists available sizes.
Effects Selects strikeout and underline effects.
[Strike out]: Draws a line through the middle of the text.
[Underline]: Underlines the text.
Sample Displays a sample of the specified font.
Orientation Selects the orientation for displaying the axis label.
[Horizontal]: Displays the y-axis label horizontally
[Vertical]: Displays the y-axis label vertically
[Set as default] Applies the specified fonts to all subsequently opened Views.
[Color] Shows the available colors for the selected item in the drop-down list.
[Script] Selects the language for the specified font.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Fonts] settings and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [Fonts] settings.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button

167 [Gridlines...]
Shows/hides the gridlines for the spectrum.

Figure 6.64 [Gridlines] dialog box

Main gridlines
[Horizontal] Displays major horizontal axis gridlines.
[Vertical] Displays major vertical axis gridlines.
Auxiliary gridlines
[Horizontal] Displays minor horizontal axis gridlines.
[Vertical] Displays minor vertical axis gridlines.
[Set as default] Applies the selected gridlines to all subsequently opened Views.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Gridlines] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Gridlines] settings.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button

168 [Styles...]
Specifies the display style for the spectrum.

Figure 6.65 [Styles] dialog box

[Axis] Selects an item to change its display style.

[Auto] Automatically selects the tick interval.
[Manual] Manually specifies the tick interval for the main and auxiliary
Tick type
[None] Displays no ticks on the axis
[Outside] Displays ticks on the outside of the axis.
[Inside] Displays ticks on the inside of the axis.
[Cross] Displays ticks on both sides of the axis.
[Decimal places] Selects the number of decimal places for the display values on
the horizontal and vertical axes.
[Display the max. and min. Displays maximum and minimum values at main ticks. Values at
values at the main ticks.] the auxiliary ticks are not displayed.
[Set as default] Applies the specified styles to all subsequently opened Views.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Styles] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Styles] settings.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button

6.7.2 [Decimal Places...]
Selects the number of decimal places to display for the photometric value on the monitor bar.

Figure 6.66 [Decimal Places] dialog box

[Item] Selects a vertical axis item to change its decimal places.

[Decimal places] Selects the number of decimal places for the item selected in the
[Item] drop-down list.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Decimal Places] settings and closes
the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Decimal Places] settings.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button
[Decimal Places].

6.7.3 [Normalize]
Normalizes the overlaid spectra to the selected spectrum and displays them using the y-axis
scale for the selected spectrum.
The vertical axis label changes depending on the type of spectrum that is selected. When
[Normalize] is selected, the vertical axis label is enclosed by a frame. This function is a useful
reminder when spectra with very different vertical axis ranges or different units are overlaid.

Note 1: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button
Note 2: Normalization does not occur during measurements.

6.7.4 [Display Uncorrected Data]
Selects whether corrected data or uncorrected data are displayed in the spectrum display field
when the data has been processed.

Note: Uncorrected data are displayed during measurement.

6.7.5 [View Calc. Information]

Shows/hides the peak marker, and selects label and peak-marker settings when the data has
been processed.

Figure 6.67 [View Calc. Information] dialog box

[Display calculation Displays the label and marker for the item selected in [Calculate]
results] on the spectrum.
[Calculate] Selects the item for which to display the label and marker.
Options: Photometric value, Peak Find, Peak Height, Peak Area,
FWHM, Film Thickness
Label settings Selects the label settings.
[Display label] Displays the label.
[Display items] Selects the display items when [Photometric Value] or [Peak
Find] is selected for [Calculate].
Options: x-axis, y-axis, x- and y- axes
[Format] Selects the number of decimal places for the label when
[Photometric Value] or [Peak Find] is selected for [Calculate].
Options: Default, Integer, #.#, #.##, #.###, #.####, #.#####,
#.######, Exponential

Peak marker settings Selects the peak marker size when [Photometric Value], [Peak
Find] or [Film Thickness] is selected for [Calculate].
[Length] Selects the peak marker length.
Options: Short, Medium, Long
[Thickness] Selects the peak marker thickness
Options: Thin, Medium, Thick
<OK> Applies the changes to the [View Calc. Information] settings and
closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [View
Calc. Information] settings.

Note: If the data is printed when peak markers are displayed, the peak markers are
also printed.

6.7.6 [Information...]
Displays information for the selected spectra.

6.7.7 [Result List]

Shows/hides the result list.

6.7.8 [Information Bar]

Shows/hides the information bar.

6.7.9 [Entrance Port/Exit Port Bar]

Shows/hides the entrance/exit port bar.

6.7.10 [Accessory Bar]

Shows/hides the accessory bar.

6.7.11 [Parameter Selection Bar]

Shows/hides the parameter selection bar.

6.7.12 [Toolbars]
Shows/hides toolbars.

[File] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [File] menu.

[Processing] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [Processing] menu.
[Measure] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [Measure] menu.
[Control] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [Control] menu.
[View] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [View] menu.

6.7.13 [Status Bar]

Shows/hides the status bar.

6.8 [Settings] Menu

6.8.1 [Save/Transfer Data...]

Selects which data to save and transfer for the [Save], [Save As] and [Send to Analysis]
commands when the data is processed. This is performed for the uncorrected spectrum and
the final processed spectrum.

Figure 6.68 [Save/Transfer Data] dialog box

[Uncorrected data] Saves and transfers the uncorrected data for the [Save], [Save
As] and [Send to Analysis] commands.
[Corrected data] Saves and transfers the final processed spectrum for the
[Save], [Save As] and [Send to Analysis] commands.
Corrected data file name Specifies the file name for saving the corrected data when both
[Uncorrected data] and [Corrected data] are selected.
[Prefix characters] Enters the prefix string for the file name.
[Postfix characters] Enters the postfix string for the file name.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Save/Transfer Data] settings and
closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Save/Transfer Data] settings.

6.8.2 [Show Statistical Results...]
Shows the statistical results (average, standard deviation and coefficient of variation) when
statistical calculations have been specified in the data processing parameters.

Figure 6.69 [Show Statistical Results] dialog box

[Average] Displays the average for the data processing results in the
result list.
[Standard deviation] Displays the standard deviation for the data processing results
in the result list.
[Coefficient of variation] Displays the coefficient of variation for the data processing
results in the result list.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Show Statistical Results] settings
and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Show Statistical Results] settings.

6.8.3 [Result List...]
Specifies the display items and column width in the result list. Items displayed in white cells can
be changed. Items displayed in red cells cannot be changed.

Figure 6.70 [Result List] dialog box

[On/Off] Selects whether to display an item.

[Width] Enters the column width.
Input range: 0 to 300
<Default> Restores all column widths to their default values.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Result List] settings and closes the dialog
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the [Result List]

6.8.4 [Screen Layout...]
Sets the screen layout for the spectrum display field and result list field.

Figure 6.71 [Screen Layout] dialog box

[Spectrum above, data sheet below] Places the spectrum on the top and the result list on the
[Data sheet above, spectrum below] Places the result list on the top and the spectrum on the
[Spectrum left, data sheet right] Places the spectrum on the left and the result list on the
[Data sheet left, spectrum right] Places the result list on the left and the spectrum on the
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Screen Layout] settings and
closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Screen Layout] settings.

6.8.5 [Default Parameters...]
Specifies measurement parameters for running the [Spectra Measurement] program based on
the currently recognized accessory. Default parameters can be specified for each accessory.
Attach an accessory to be used and specify its default parameters.

Figure 6.72 [Default Parameters] dialog box

[Open the most recently used Starts with the parameters previously specified before
parameters] exiting the [Spectra Measurement] program.
[Open the specified parameter Starts with the specified parameter file.
[File name] Displays the specified measurement parameter file name.
<Browse ...> Selects the file name and path for the saved parameter file.

[Open the specified folder] Starts with the selected parameter file in the specified
[Folder name] Displays the specified folder name.
<Browse ...> Selects the folder name and path for the saved parameter
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Default Parameters] settings
and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Default Parameters] settings.

Note: In the CFR version, this function is not available.

6.8.6 [Customize Toolbar...]
Customizes and shows/hides toolbars.

Figure 6.73 [Customize Toolbar] dialog box

[File] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [File] menu and

adds/removes tool buttons.

[Processing] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [Processing] menu

and adds/removes tool buttons.
[Measure] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [Measure] menu and
adds/removes tool buttons.
[Control] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [Control] menu and
adds/removes tool buttons.
[View] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [View] menu and
adds/removes tool buttons.
[Display button names] Displays the button name under each tool button.
<Customize...> Displays the dialog box for customizing the toolbar (see Fig. 6.74).

Figure 6.74 [Customize Toolbar] dialog box

6.8.7 [Monitor Bar ...]
Customizes the style for the monitor bar.

Figure 6.75 [Monitor Bar Style] dialog box

Style Selects the style for the monitor bar.

Options: [Classic], [Standard]
Size Selects the size for the monitor bar.
Options: [Normal], [Large], [Extra large]
[Background] Selects the background color for the monitor bar when [Standard]
is selected for [Style].

6.8.8 [Options...]
Selects the display options for spectra in the spectrum display field.

Figure 6.76 [Customize] dialog box

During measurement Selects the display options for spectra during measurement.
[Overlay selected Overlays spectra whose [On/Off] check box is selected in the result
measured data] list.
[Overlay only data Displays only the spectra being measured. For sequential
being measured] measurements, each individual spectrum is overlaid.
[Do not overlay] Displays only the spectrum currently being measured.
Before measurement Selects the [On/Off] status in the result list before measurement.
[Select all measured Starts measurement with all the [On/Off] check boxes in the result
data] list selected.
[Deselect all Starts measurement with all the [On/Off] check boxes in the result
measured data] list deselected.
[Maintain current Starts measurement with all the [On/Off] check boxes in the result
selection] list unchanged.

6.9 [Help] Menu
6.9.1 [Contents]
Displays the help window with the contents tab selected.

6.9.2 [Search Topic]

Displays the help window with the index tab selected.

6.9.3 [About...]
Displays version information for the [Spectra Measurement] program.

7. [Quantitative Measurement] Program
The [Quantitative Measurement] program measures absorbances for standard samples of
which concentrations are known and creates a calibration curve, and then calculates
concentrations for samples having unknown concentrations.

In the CFR version, the level of authority varies depending on the Workgroup User Rights.
A user with Operators privileges can only create a calibration curve and perform quantitative
measurements using a measurement parameter file with both review and approval signatures.
Managers and Analysts can create a measurement parameter file by themselves. They can
also create a calibration file and perform quantitative measurements using a measurement
parameter file with both review and approval signatures.

Table 7.1 Authority of each Workgroup User Rights in the [Quantitative Analysis] program
Managers Analysts Operators
Creating a measurement parameter file ✔ ✔
Creating a calibration file ✔ ✔ ✔
Creating a quantitation file ✔ ✔ ✔

Note 1: Operators can create a calibration curve and perform quantitative

measurements using a measurement parameter file with both review and
approval signatures, and then save the results. However, Operators cannot
save a calibration file created by themselves. On the other hand, a calibration
file created by Analysts or Managers can be saved.
Note 2: Managers, Analysts or Operators can perform quantitative measurements
using a calibration file with both review and approval signatures and save the

7.1 Overview of the [Quantitative Analysis] programs

The [Quantitative Measurement] program has the following specifications.

(1) The optimum quantitation method can be selected from Fig. 7.1 according to the sample.

1) No base (1-wavelength quantitative analysis) (refer to Fig. 7.1(1))

Used for normal solution samples.

2) No base (2-wavelength quantitative analysis) (refer to Fig. 7.1(2))

Used for samples that exhibit absorption at wavelengths not theoretically


3) No base (3-wavelength quantitative analysis) (refer to Fig. 7.1(3))

Used for samples with inclined baselines.

(2) The formula for the 3-wavelength quantitative analysis is as follows, where WL1
indicates the wavelength and E(1) is the absorbance at that wavelength:

|WL1 - WL2|・E(3) + |WL3 - WL1|・E(2)

 Abs = E(1) -
|WL3 - WL2|

E(3) Abs:
 Abs:


(Peak) (Base 1) (Peak) (Base 1) (Peak) (Base 2)

(1) 1-wavelength (2) 2-wavelength (3) 3-wavelength

Figure 7.1 Quantitative analysis method

The method for creating a calibration curve can be selected from [Measure standards]
or [Enter equation and coefficients].

(3) Select one of the following ten calibration curve equations to create the desired
calibration curve by the [Measure standards] method: Proportional, Quadratic through
origin, Cubic through origin, Line segment through origin, Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, Line
segment, Spline and Logistic

Proportional 1次式
Linear 2次式
*Quadratic 3次式

Line segment
折れ線 ロジスティック関数
Logistic Spline

Figure 7.2 Calibration curve creation method

Note: Methods marked with an asterisk (*) can be selected to either pass or not pass
through the origin.

(4) Select one of the equations [Abs. = a × Conc. + b] or [Conc.= a × Abs. + b] to create the
desired calibration curve by the [Enter equation and coefficients] method. Specify
appropriate values for the coefficients a and b.
(5) When the calibration curve is created, the correlation coefficient, coefficient of
determination, and standard error are displayed. The calculation equation for each of
these is given below.

 Correlation coefficient
The correlation coefficient is displayed when the calibration curve is a straight line passing
through the origin, a quadratic function passing through the origin, a cubic function passing
through the origin, a linear function, a quadratic function or a cubic function.
JASCO calculates the correlation coefficient using a non-linear calibration curve. Therefore,
the correlation coefficient is calculated based on the relation between the measured and
estimated absorbance.

( Abs i  Abs )( Ab s i  Ab s  )
R i 1

 Abs
i 1 i  Abs 

i 1
Abs   Abs 

Absi: Measured absorbance for the standard sample i

Abs: Average measured absorbance for the standard sample
Absi’: Absorbance calculated by applying the concentration for the standard sample i to the
calibration curve.
Abs’: Average absorbance calculated by applying the concentration for standard samples to
the calibration curve.

 Coefficient of determination
The coefficient of determination is displayed when the calibration curve is a straight line
passing through the origin, a quadratic function passing through the origin, a cubic function
passing through the origin, a linear function, a quadratic function or a cubic function.

( Abs i  Ab s i )
R 2
1 i 1

i 1
( Abs i  Abs ) 2
Absi: Measured absorbance for the standard sample i
Abs: Average measured absorbance for the standard sample
Absi’: Absorbance calculated by applying the concentration for the standard sample i to the
calibration curve.

Note: Here, the coefficient of determination is not the square of the correlation

 Standard error
The standard error is displayed when the calibration curve equation is a straight line passing
through the origin, a quadratic function passing through the origin, a cubic function passing
through the origin, a linear function, a quadratic function or a cubic function.


 i  1  Conc i  Conc i 

n  p 1
Conci: Concentration for the standard sample i
Conc’i: Concentration calculated by applying the absorbance for the standard sample i to the
calibration curve.
Linear function passing through origin: p=1
Quadratic function passing through origin or linear function not passing through origin: p=2
Cubic function passing through origin or quadratic function not passing through origin: p=3
Cubic function: p=4

(6) Measured data (pairs of concentration and absorbance) for the standard samples can be
used to create a calibration curve.

(7) A precision calculation can be performed if the calibration curve is created by measuring
standard samples and the equation is linear, quadratic or cubic. If a precision calculation
is performed, the calibration graph will display a 95% confidence interval, and the
detection and quantitation limits are displayed in the calibration information. The
definitions and calculation methods for the detection and quantitation limits are given

Limit of detection
The limit of detection is the minimum concentration at which the target substance and
the blank can be differentiated. JASCO defines the limit of detection as “the minimum
concentration for which the sample can be determined not to be blank with 95%
reliability”. The concentration at the point where the upper limit of the 95% confidence
interval for the photometric value at a concentration of zero intersects the calibration
curve is calculated (see Fig. 7.3).

Limit of quantitation
The limit of quantitation is the minimum concentration that can be quantified for a given
quantitative method. JASCO defines the limit of quantitation as “the concentration for
which the coefficient of variation of the concentration obtained using a calibration curve
for a given photometric value is 10%” (see Fig. 7.3).

Calibration curve
95% reliability

Abs Abs

x Conc.
Detection limit Conc.
x=Quantitation limit

Figure 7.3 Limit of detection and limit of quantitation

(8) Concentration units can be selected from %, ppm, ppb, mol/L, mmol/L, μmol/L, nmol/L,
and fmol/L. Any desired unit other than those listed can also be entered.
(9) Quantitation results can be evaluated with a pass/fail criteria. Select the pass/fail criteria
from the following 5 options.

•  ≤ and ≤ 
• ≤
• ≤
• <
• <
(10) Measurements can be performed using a sequence sheet in which measurement types,
sample names and comments are specified. The sequence sheet can be saved and
utilized again.

Starting the [Quantitative Calibration] program displays the window in Fig. 7.4.

Monitor bar
Displays the current wavelength,
photometric value and number of
Measurement, parameter settings,
and other common functions can
be performed using the buttons on
this toolbar (see Table 7.2). These
tool buttons can be customized in
the [Settings] menu.
Calibration graph/calibration
Information bar information display field
Displays the current Displays the calibration curve
measurement parameters. graph and information.

Entrance and exit port bar

Selects whether an attachment
is present at the entrance and
exit ports.
Calibration sheet/quantitation
Accessory bar sheet/sequence sheet display field
Displays information about Displays the calibration, quantitation,
attached accessories. Some or sequence sheet. For the calibration
accessories can be controlled sheet and quantitation sheet, the
from this bar. display format can be specified in the
[Sheet] tab of the [Parameters] dialog
Status bar box (Advanced mode). If [Sequence
Displays the current state of the Measurement] is selected, the display
instrument and an explanation of format for the sequence sheet can be
the selected menu. specified.

Figure 7.4 [Quantitative Analysis] window

Table 7.2 Toolbar buttons and names

Button Name Reference Section
[New] 7.2.1 [New]

[Open] 7.2.2 [Open...]

[Save] 7.2.4 [Save As ...]

[Open Parameters] 7.2.6 [Open Parameters]

[Save Parameters] 7.2.7 [Save Parameters]

[Print] 7.2.11 [Print]

[Preview] 7.2.12 [Print Preview]

[Cancel] 7.3.1 [Cancel]

[Sample] 7.3.2 [Sample]

[Blank] 7.3.3 [Blank]

[Dark] 7.3.4 [Dark]

[Parameters] 7.3.5 [Parameters...]

[Preview] 7.3.7 [Preview...]

[Sequence] 7.3.6 [Sequence Measurement]

[Move Wavelength] 7.4.1 [Move Wavelength...]

[Optical Path] 7.4.2 [Optical Path...]

[Bandwidth] 7.4.3 [Bandwidth]

[Response] 7.4.4 [Response]

[D2 Lamp] 7.4.5 [Light Sources...]

[WI Lamp] 7.4.5 [Light Sources...]
[Auto Zero] 7.4.6 [Auto Zero]

[Scales] [Scales...]

[Patterns] [Patterns...]

[Fonts] [Fonts...]

[Gridlines] [Gridlines...]

[Markers] [Markers...]

[Styles] [Styles...]

[Decimal Places] 7.6.2 [Decimal Places...]

[Calibration Sheet] 7.6.3 [Calibration Sheet]

[Quantitation Sheet] 7.6.4 [Quantitation Sheet]

[Sequence Sheet] 7.6.5 [Sequence Sheet]

Title bar Displays the program name.
Menu bar Displays the menus for operation.
Monitor bar Displays from left to right the current wavelength,
photometric value, and number of cycles.
Toolbar Displays available tool buttons. These tool buttons can be
customized in the [Settings] menu.
Information bar Displays the current measurement parameters.

Entrance and exit port bar Selects whether an attachment is present at the entrance
and exit ports.
Accessory bar Displays information about attached accessories.
Calibration graph/calibration Displays the calibration curve graph and information.
information display field
Calibration sheet/quantitation For the calibration sheet and quantitation sheet, the display
sheet/sequence sheet display format can be specified in the [Sheet] tab of the
field [Parameters] dialog box (Advanced mode). If [Quantitation]
or [Calibration & Quantitation] is selected from the
[Sequence Measurement] submenu in the [Measure] menu,
the display format for the sequence sheet can be specified.
Status bar Displays the current state of the instrument and an
explanation of the selected menu.

[File] menu
[New] Clears the calibration, quantitation and sequence sheets.
[Open...] Opens a saved quantitation result file.
[Save] Overwrites the currently opened quantitative result file.
[Save As...] Saves the quantitative results with a new file name.
[Export...] Saves the quantitative results as a text (*.txt) or CSV
(*.csv) file.
[Open Parameters...] Selects a calibration or measurement parameter file and
opens it.
[Save Parameters...] Saves the currently specified calibration or measurement
parameters with the entered file name.
[Export Calibration Curve...] Saves the calibration curve as a text (*.txt) or CSV (*.csv)
[Open Sequence...] Opens a saved sequence file.
[Save Sequence...] Saves the currently specified sequence with the entered
file name.
[Print] Prints the quantitative results or calibration curve.
[Print Preview] Displays a print preview of the data.
[Print Items...] Selects the items to print.
[Print Setup...] Specifies the target printer and print parameters.
[Exit] Exits the [Spectra Measurement] program and returns to
[Spectra Manager].
[Measure] menu
[Cancel] Cancels the measurement.
[Sample] Measures the photometric value of the sample.
[Blank] Measures the blank for blank correction.
[Dark] Measures the dark current for dark correction.
[Parameters...] Specifies parameters and saves or opens the
measurement parameters.

[Sequence Measurement] Performs the measurement using the sequence table.
[Preview...] Specifies measurement parameters to check the
[Control] menu
[Move Wavelength...] Moves the wavelength of the spectrophotometer to the
desired wavelength.
[Optical Path...] Changes to the zero-order light for checking the optical
[Bandwidth] Selects the bandwidth for monitoring the photometric
[Response] Selects the response for monitoring the photometric value.
[Light Source...] Displays the number of hours the light source has been
used and switches the light source on/off.
[Auto Zero] Sets the absorbance value (or transmittance, reflectance)
at the current wavelength to zero (100%T for
transmittance and reflectance).
[Select Accessories...] Selects an accessory.
[Edit] menu
[Copy Graph] Copies the currently displayed calibration curve to the
clipboard as a picture or bitmap.
[Copy Table] Copies the calibration sheet or quantitation sheet to the
[Delete] Deletes the selected rows in the calibration or quantitation
In the CFR version, this function is not available.
[Delete All] Deletes all displayed data in the calibration or quantitation
In the CFR version, this function is not available.
[Comments...] Edits the comment information.
[View] menu
[Calibration Graph] Specifies the view options for the calibration graph.
[Decimal Places...] Selects the number of decimal places to display for the
photometric value on the monitor bar.
[Calibration Sheet] Displays the [Calibration Sheet] tab.
[Quantitation Sheet] Displays the [Quantitation Sheet] tab.
[Sequence Sheet] Displays the [Sequence] tab.
[Information Bar] Shows/hides the information pane.
[Entrance Port/Exit Port Bar] Shows/hides the entrance/exit port pane.
[Accessory Bar] Shows/hides the accessory pane.
[Toolbars] Shows/hides toolbars.
[Status Bar] Shows/hides the status bar.

[Settings] menu
[Displayed Data...] Shows or hides the blank value and selects data to be
displayed for cycle measurement.
In the CFR version, this function is not available.
[Default Parameters ...] Specifies measurement parameters for running the
[Spectra Measurement] program based on the currently
recognized accessory.
In the CFR version, this function is not available.
[Customize Toolbar ...] Customizes and shows/hides toolbars.
[Monitor Bar...] Customizes the style of the monitor bar.
[Help] menu
[Contents] Displays the help window with the contents tab selected.
[Search Topic] Displays the help window with the index tab selected.
[About...] Displays version information for the program.

7.2 [File] Menu
Saves or prints quantitative results or quantitation parameters.

7.2.1 [New]
Clears the calibration, quantitation and sequence sheets.

7.2.2 [Open...]
Opens a saved quantitation result file. Files other than Quantitation Files with the extension
(.uqnd) cannot be selected. Additional measurements can be performed with the opened data
file. Refer to Section 6.2.1 [Open...] for details about opening a data file.

7.2.3 [Save]
Overwrites the currently opened quantitative result file. Refer to Section 6.2.2 [Save] for details
about overwriting a file.

7.2.4 [Save As...]

Saves the quantitation results, calibration curve and measurement parameters with a new file
name. The file name is automatically appended with the extension “.uqnd, which is the
quantitation result file type. Refer to Section 6.2.3 [Save As...] for details about saving data.

7.2.5 [Export...]
Saves the quantitative results in text (*.txt) or CSV (*.csv) format. The quantitative results file
name, comment information, measurement parameters, and calibration and quantitative
sheets are saved together.

Figure 7.5 [Export Data] dialog box

[Save in] list Selects the drive or folder to browse using the drop-down list. Files
saved in the currently opened folder are displayed in the file name
File name list Lists the files in the currently opened folder. Use as a reference
when naming a file.
[File name] Enters the file name for saving the quantitation results. The
extension may be omitted since it is automatically appended.
[Save as type] Selects the files (type of extension) to display in the file name list.
Selects the file type format of the data as a text (*.txt) or csv (*.csv)
<Save> Saves the quantitation results and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without saving the quantitation results.

7.2.6 [Open Parameters]
Selects a saved calibration or parameter file and opens it. For a calibration file, files other than
Quantitation Files with the extension (.uqnd) cannot be selected. For a measurement
parameter file, files other than Parameter Files with the extension (.uctp) cannot be selected.
Refer to Section 6.2.7 [Open Parameters...] for details about opening a parameter file for

7.2.7 [Save Parameters]

Saves the currently opened calibration or measurement parameters with the entered file name.
The calibration file also contains the measurement parameters. For a calibration file, the file
name is automatically appended with the extension “.uclb”, which is the calibration file type.
Refer to Section 6.2.8 [Save Parameters...] for details about saving a parameter file for

7.2.8 [Export Calibration Curve...]

Saves the calibration curve as a text (*.txt) or CSV (*.csv) file. The calibration file name,
comment information, measurement parameters and calibration sheet are saved. Refer to
Section 7.2.5 for details about exporting the calibration curve.

7.2.9 [Open Sequence...]

Opens a saved sequence file if [Sequence Measurement] is selected. Files other than
sequence files with the extension ".vsqq", which is the sequence file type for quantitation or
“.vsqt”, which is the sequence file type for calibration and quantitation cannot be opened. Refer
to Section 6.2.9 [Open Sequence...] for details about opening a sequence file.

7.2.10 [Save Sequence...]

Saves the currently specified sequence file if [Quantitation] or [Calibration & Quantitation] from
the [Sequence Measurement] submenu is selected from the [Measure] menu. The file name is
automatically appended with the extension “.vsqq”, which is the sequence file type for
quantitation or “.vsqt”, which is the sequence file type for calibration and quantitation. Refer to
Section 6.2.10 [Save Sequence...] for details about saving a sequence file.

7.2.11 [Print]
Prints the quantitative results or calibration curve. Refer to Section 6.2.15 [Print] for details
about printing data.

7.2.12 [Print Preview]
Displays a print preview of the quantitation results or calibration curve. Print items, margins,
and fonts can be specified in the window. Print items can be selected from title, calibration
graph, calibration equation, comments, and measurement information. Refer to Section 6.2.16
[Print Preview...] for details about displaying a print preview.
7.2.13 [Print Items...]
Selects the items to print for quantitation results or calibration curve. Refer to Section 6.2.17
[Print Items...] for details about selecting the print items.
7.2.14 [Print Setup...]
Specifies the target printer and print parameters. Refer to Section 6.2.18 [Print Setup...] for
details about specifying the print setup.
7.2.15 [Exit]
[Exits the [Quantitative Analysis] program.

7.3 [Measure] Menu

Starts or cancels the measurement and specifies the measurement parameters.
7.3.1 [Cancel]
Cancels the measurement.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button .

7.3.2 [Sample]
Measures the photometric value of the sample. Before measurement, confirm that the desired
row in the calibration sheet is marked with an asterisk (*). If an asterisk (*) is not displayed, click
the desired row in the calibration sheet for measurement. After measurement, the photometric
value is displayed for each wavelength (peak, base 1, and base 2) in the [Wavelength] column
and the [Use] check box is automatically selected (✔ is marked). A calibration curve can also
be created by typing the values directly in the [Conc.] and [Abs] columns of the calibration
For the quantitative measurement, the quantitation results are entered in a new row at the
bottom of the quantitation sheet.

Note 1: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button .
Note2: When repeat measurements are performed, the calibration sheet is not
marked with an asterisk (*). The measured photometric value is always
entered in a new row.

7.3.3 [Blank]
Measures the blank for the blank correction. In Advanced mode, available if [Blank] or
[Blank/dark] is selected in the [Correction] tab of the [Parameters] dialog box. In Basic mode,
this function is always available.
Blank correction removes the effects of solvents and additional agents other than the target
sample. The true sample absorbance is obtained by subtracting the blank from the measured
data. How to measure the blank depends on the sample. Click the <Measure> button after
preparing for blank measurement.

Note 1: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button .
Note 2: The blank data can be shown or hidden using [Displayed Data...] from the
[Settings] menu.
Note 3: To perform a blank measurement, enter it in the sequence and start it using the
[Sample] command from the [Measure] menu.

Figure 7.6 [Blank Measurement] dialog box

<Measure> Measures the blank for blank correction.

<Cancel> Closes the [Blank Measurement] dialog box without measuring
the blank.

7.3.4 [Dark]
Measures the dark current for dark correction. In Advanced mode, available if [Blank] or
[Blank/dark] is selected in the [Correction] tab of the [Parameters] dialog box. In Basic mode,
this function is always unavailable. Block the sample beam path with the shielding plate in the
sample compartment and measure the dark current. Click the <Measure> button after
preparing for dark measurement.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button .

Figure 7.7 [Dark Measurement] dialog box

<Measure> Measures the dark current for dark correction.

<Cancel> Closes the [Dark Measurement] dialog box without measuring
the dark current.

7.3.5 [Parameters...]
Specifies the measurement parameters. The parameters can be switched between two
modes: Basic mode, which automatically specifies the basic parameter settings, and
Advanced mode, which specifies each parameter individually. In Basic mode, the dialog box
has five tabs for parameter settings: [General], [Calibration Graph], [Correction], [Information],
and [Data]. In Advanced mode, the dialog box has seven tabs for parameter settings: [General],
[Calibration Graph], [Correction], [Control], [Sheet], [Information] and [Data]. The page can be
changed by clicking each tab at the top of the dialog box.

<Basic Mode/Advanced Switches between Basic and Advanced modes.

<Open...> Opens a measurement parameter file.
<Save...> Saves the measurement parameters.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Parameters] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Parameters] settings.

Note 1: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button
Note 2: In the CFR version, Managers or Analysts authority is required to specify the
Note 3: In the CFR version, when the parameters are specified or changed, a
signature is required. Clicking the <OK> button when the parameters have not
been saved displays the following message.

Figure 7.8 Message when the signature for the parameters is missing

199 [Parameters] tab

Figure 7.9 [General] tab in [Parameters] dialog box (Advanced mode)

[Method] Selects the quantitative analysis method based on the number of
[No base (1 wavelength)]:
used for normal solution samples (see Fig. 7.1(1)).
[One-point base (2 wavelengths)]:
used for samples that exhibit absorption at wavelengths not
theoretically expected (see Fig. 7.1(2)).
[Two-point base (3 wavelength)]:
used for samples with inclined baselines (see Fig. 7.1(3)).
[Peak] Specifies the quantitative peak wavelength (WL1). The wavelength
can be specified at intervals of 0.1 nm for the UV-Vis region and 0.5
nm for the NIR region.
*The parenthetical values refer the ranges for the expanded
wavelength model.
V-730: 190.0 to 1100.0 nm
V-750: 190.0 to 900.0 nm
V-760: 187.0 to 900.0 nm
V-770: 190.0 to 2700.0 nm (190.0 to 3200.0 nm)

V-780: 190.0 to 1600.0 nm
[Base 1] Specifies the base 1 wavelength (WL2) when the 2- or 3-wavelength
quantitative analysis method is selected.
[Base 2] Specifies the base 2 wavelength (WL3) when the 3-wavelength
quantitative analysis method is selected.
[UV/Vis bandwidth] Selects the spectral bandwidth for the UV/Vis wavelength region.
V-730: 1 nm (fixed)
0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, L2, L5, L10, M1, M2 nm

Note: “L” is low stray light mode, and “M” is micro cell mode.
If a micro cell with an optical path width of 2 or 3 mm is
used, use M1 nm (M4 nm (V-770), M2 nm (V-780) in
the NIR region). If a semi-micro cell with an optical
path width of 4 mm or more is used, use M2 nm (M8
nm (V-770), M4 nm (V-780) in the NIR region).

[NIR bandwidth] Selects the spectral bandwidth for the NIR wavelength region for the
V-770: 0.4, 0.8, 2, 4, 8, 20, 40, L8, L20, L40, M4, M8 nm
V-780: 0.2, 0.4, 1, 2, 4, 10, 20, L4, L10, L20, M2, M4 nm

Note 1: In Basic mode, [UV/Vis bandwidth] and [NIR

bandwidth] values are automatically set in
accordance with Table 6.3.
Note 2: If continuously measuring from the NIR to the visible
region in Advanced mode, use the bandwidth
relationship given in Table 6.3.

[Response] Selects the response determined by a simple moving average.

V-730: 0.015 sec, 0.06 sec, 0.24 sec, 0.96 sec, 3.84 sec
0.06 sec, 0.24 sec, 0.96 sec, 3.84 sec, Manual (0.06 to
99.96 sec)

Note: In Basic mode, [Manual] cannot be selected.

[No. of cycles] Specifies the number of measurements for each sample. When a
value of 2 or more is specified, input the [Cycle interval] time.
Input range: 1 to 999
[Cycle interval] Sets the delay between sequential measurements. The interval is
specified in seconds. When an interval less than that required for one
measurement is specified, the subsequent measurements start
immediately following the completed measurement.
Input range: 0 to 15000 sec
<Default> Restores the parameters to their default values.

201 [Calibration Graph] tab

Figure 7.10 [Calibration Graph] tab in [Parameters] dialog box (Advanced mode)

Creation method Selects the quantitation equation.

[Measure standards] Creates a calibration curve after measuring the photometric
value for the standard samples.
[Equation] Selects the quantitation equation.
Options: Selects an equation from the drop-down list.
[Proportional]: a straight line that passes through the origin.
[Quadratic through origin]: a quadratic function that passes
through the origin. [Cubic through origin]: a cubic function that
passes through the origin. [Line Segment through origin]: a
polynomial function that passes through the origin. [Linear]: a
linear function. [Quadratic]: a quadratic function. [Cubic]: a
cubic function. [Line segment]: a polygonal function. [Spline]: a
spline function. [Logistic]: a logistic function

Note: In Basic mode, only [Proportional] or [Linear]

can be selected.

[Precision calculation] Calculates the precision when a linear, quadratic, or cubic

function is selected as the equation. When the [Precision
calculation] check box is selected, the calibration graph
displays a 95% confidence interval, and the detection and
quantitation limits are displayed in the calibration information
(Fig. 7.3).

Note: In Basic mode, [Precision calculation] cannot

be selected.

[Enter equation and Creates a calibration curve by specifying an equation and

coefficients] coefficients.

Note: In Basic mode, [Enter equation and coefficient]

cannot be selected.

[Equation] Selects the equation and specifies the coefficients a and b.

Options: Abs=a × Conc.+ b, Conc.=a × Abs+ b
Concentration units Selects the concentration units.
[Units] Selects the units of concentration for the horizontal axis of the
calibration curve.
Options: %, ppm, ppb, mol/l, mmol/l, umol/l, nmol/l, fmol/l
Any desired units can be entered by double-clicking the text
box (maximum 10 single-byte characters).

203 [Correction] tab

Figure 7.11 [Correction] tab in [Parameters] dialog box (Advanced mode)

Correction Selects the method for correcting the measured data.

Note: In Basic mode, [Blank] is selected for


[None] Selects the use of no correction.

[Blank] Selects blank correction using a measured blank.
[Blank/Dark] Selects the use of both blank and dark corrections.
[Dilution rate correction] Sets the dilution rate for quantitative analysis.
[Dilution rate] Enters the dilution rate for a sample having an unknown
The measured photometric value is corrected using this
factor to give the equivalent photometric value for an
undiluted sample.
<Default> Restores the parameters to their default values.

204 [Control] tab

Note: In Basic mode, this tab is not displayed.

Figure 7.12 [Control] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

Changeover wavelength Sets the changeover wavelength for the light source and

Note: In Basic mode, the value for [Light source] is

340 nm and the value for [Grating/Detector] is
850 nm.

[Light Source...] Specifies the changeover wavelength for changing from the
halogen to the deuterium lamp.
Input range: 330 to 350 nm (default setting: 340 nm)
[Grating/detector] Sets the changeover wavelength for the grating/detector in the
UV-Vis and NIR regions for the V-770/780.
Input range: 750 to 900 nm (default setting: 850 nm)
Light source Selects the light source to use for measurement.

Note: In Basic mode, [Auto] is selected for [Light


[Auto] Selects the use of both the deuterium and halogen lamps to
measure the photometric value.
[Deuterium lamp] Selects the use of only the deuterium lamp to measure the
photometric value.
[Halogen lamp] Selects the use of only the halogen lamp to measure the
photometric value.
[External source] Selects the use of a light source other than the built-in
deuterium and halogen lamps to measure the photometric
<Default> Restores the parameters to their default values. [Sheet] tab

The [Sheet] tab is used to set the layout for the calibration and quantitation sheets. Increase
the width of the [Parameters] dialog box to display the entire [Sheet] tab as in Figs. 7.13.

Note 1: In Basic mode, the [Sheet] tab is not displayed.

Note 2: When an equation and coefficients are specified for creating a calibration
curve, the calibration sheet cannot be edited.

Figure 7.13 [Sheet] tab in [Parameters] dialog box (Advanced mode)

[Calibration] Selects the calibration sheet.
[Quantitation] Selects the quantitation sheet.

<Add> Adds a row to the end of the list.

<Insert> Inserts a row above the active row.
<Delete> Deletes the selected row. When the cell in the [Name] column is displayed
in blue, the row cannot be deleted.

[Name] Enters the column name.

[Type] Selects the column type. When cells in the [Type] column are displayed in
red, the row cannot be edited.
Options: String, Value, Date, Equation, Pass/Fail

Note: For the calibration sheet, [Pass/Fail] cannot be selected.

[Format] Selects the number of decimal places to display for values such as
absorbance and concentration. Click each cell in the [Format] column to
select a display format.
Options: Default, Integer, #.#, #.##, #.###, #.####, #.#####, exponential
[Units] Enters the units when a value or an equation is selected for [Type].
Options: %, ppm, ppb, mol/l, mmol/l, µmol/l, nmol/l, fmol/l, user-defined
[Width] Selects the column width (Input range: 0 to100 mm).
[Alignment] Selects the alignment.
Options: Left, Center, Right
[Equation] Sets the mathematical expression or selects the pass/fail criteria when
[Equation] or [Pass/Fail] is selected for [Type], respectively.
[Equation] Enters the mathematical expression when [Equation] is selected for [Type].
Executable arithmetic operations are +, -, *, and /. Parentheses “( )” can
also be used.
The following example displays the dilution rate in row G and the
concentration after correction using the dilution rate in row H in the
quantitation worksheet. Select [Value] and [Equation] as the [Type] for
rows G and H, respectively, and then type “D*G” in the [Equation] column
of row H.

Figure 7.14 Example of using an equation

[Pass/Fail] Clicking the cell of the [Equation] column displays the button when
[Pass/Fail] is selected for [Type]. Click the button to display the dialog box
in the Fig. 7.15.

Figure 7.15 [Pass/Fail Criteria] dialog box

[Evaluate on] Selects a row of data to be evaluated. Selects

from concentration or equation.
Criteria Selects the criteria for a sample having an
unknown concentration.
[□ <= and <= □] Passes a concentration or calculated value not
less than the value entered in first text box, or
greater than that in the second text box.
[□ <=] Passes a concentration or calculated value less
than or equal to the value entered in the text box.
[□ <=] Passes a concentration or calculated value
greater than or equal to the value entered in the
text box.
[< □] Passes a concentration or calculated value less
than the value entered in the text box.
[□ <] Passes a concentration or calculated value
greater than the value entered in the text box.
[Pass string] Specifies the string to be displayed when the
value passes the criteria.
[Fail string] Specifies the string to be displayed when the
value fails the criteria.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Pass/Fail Criteria]
settings and closes the dialog box.

<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any
changes to the [Pass/Fail Criteria] settings.

Closing the dialog box after specifying the pass/fail criteria displays the
criteria in the [Equation] column (see Fig. 7.16).

Figure 7.16 Example of using pass/fail criteria [Information] tab

Figure 7.17 [Information] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

[Method] Enters a quantitation method (maximum 63 single-byte

[Description] Use as required (maximum 63 single-byte characters).

[Comment] Enters a comment. Use as required (maximum 127 single-byte
[User] Automatically entered.
[Division] Automatically entered.
[Company] Automatically entered.

Note: In the CFR version, the [Operator], [Division] and [Company] text boxes cannot
be changed by the user. [Data] tab

Figure 7.18 [Data] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

Save data Sets the parameters for automatically saving the data. A file
name is automatically allocated to each quantitation result and
the data are saved to the specified directory.

Note: In the CFR version, if [Auto save] is selected, the

following dialog box is displayed when the
sample measurement starts. Start the
measurement after typing a signature.

Figure 7.19 [Creation Signature] dialog box

[Auto save] Automatically saves measured data.

[Save in] Displays the drive and folder name for saving data.
<Browse...> Browses to the [Save in] drive and folder.
[Format] Selects the file name to be assigned during auto saving. The file
name is appended with the extension “.uqnd”, which is the result
file type.
[Date-No.]: Sets [Date] + [3-digit serial number] as the file
name. The date and serial number are connected
with a hyphen “-”.
[String-No.]: Sets [String] + [3-digit serial number] as the file
name. The string is entered in the text box below
(maximum 63 single-byte characters).Type the
character string in the [String] text box.
[String] Enters a character string when [String-No.] is selected for
[Format] (maximum 63 single-byte characters).
[Auto export] Exports the measured data.
[Save as type] Selects the file type for the exported data.
Options: Text Files, CSV Files
Sequence Performs the measurement using the sequence table.
[Use a sequence file] Selects to use a saved sequence file.
[Type] Selects the sequence type.
Options: Quantitation, Calibration & Quantitation
[File name] Displays the path and name for the sequence file.
<Browse...> Browses to the sequence file folder.

Note: In the CFR version, [Use a sequence file] is not available.

7.3.6 [Sequence Measurement]

Performs the measurement using the sequence table.

Note 1: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button .
Note 2: Refer to Section 5.2 [Sequence Measurement] for details about creating a
sequence table.

7.3.7 [Preview...]
Opens the [Preview] dialog box for checking measurement parameters and spectra. Refer to
Section 6.4.9 [Preview...] for details about performing the preview measurement.

7.4 [Control] Menu

7.4.1 [Move Wavelength...]
Moves the spectrophotometer wavelength to the desired wavelength. Refer to Section 6.5.1
[Move Wavelength...] for details about specifying the desired wavelength.

7.4.2 [Optical Path...]

Observes the optical path while changing the light source to the zero-order light of the halogen
lamp. Refer to Section 6.5.2 [Optical Path...] for details about observing the optical path.

7.4.3 [Bandwidth]
Selects the bandwidth for monitoring the photometric value. Refer to Section 6.5.3
[Bandwidth...] for details about selecting the desired bandwidth.

7.4.4 [Response]
Selects the response for monitoring the photometric value. Refer to Section 6.5.4 [Response]
for details about selecting the desired response.

7.4.5 [Light Sources...]

Displays the number of hours the light source has been used and switches the light source
on/off. Refer to Section 6.5.5 [Light Sources...] for details about displaying information about
the light sources.

7.4.6 [Auto Zero]

Sets the absorbance value at the current wavelength to zero. Refer to Section 6.5.6 [Auto
Zero...] for details about operating auto zero.

7.4.7 [Select Accessories...]

Selects an accessory (cell unit and external accessories) to be used. Refer to Section 6.5.7
[Select Accessories...] for details about selecting the desired accessories.

7.5 [Edit] Menu
7.5.1 [Copy Graph]
Copies the currently displayed calibration curve to the clipboard as a picture or bitmap. Refer to
Section 6.6.1 [Copy Spectrum...] for details about copying the calibration graph.

7.5.2 [Copy Table]

Copies the selected sheet. When the calibration sheet is copied, the file name, measurement
parameters, calibration equation, comment information and calibration sheet are copied. When
the quantitation sheet is copied, the file name and quantitation sheet are copied.

7.5.3 [Delete]
Deletes the selected row in the calibration sheet or quantitation sheet. Click the number of the
row to be deleted and select the [Delete] command to display the dialog box in Fig. 7.20.
Clicking the <Yes> button deletes the selected row from the result list.

Figure 7.20 [Delete] dialog box

Note: In the CFR version, this function is not available.

7.5.4 [Delete All]
Deletes all displayed data in both the calibration and quantitation sheets. Select the [Delete All]
command to display the dialog box in Fig. 7.21. Clicking the <Yes> button deletes all data
displayed in the data sheets.

Figure 7.21 [Delete All] dialog box

Note: In the CFR version, this function is not available.

7.5.5 [Comments...]
Edits the comment information. Refer to Section 6.6.6 [Comments...] for details about editing

7.6 [View] Menu

Specifies the view options.

7.6.1 [Calibration Graph] [Scales...]
Specifies the display scales for the calibration graph. Refer to Section [Scales...] for
details about specifying scales. Note that the type of vertical and horizontal axes varies
depending on the measurement program. [Patterns...]
Selects the display color and line style for the calibration graph. Refer to Section
[Patterns...] for details about specifying patterns. Note that the items for pattern settings vary
depending on the measurement program. [Fonts...]
Specifies the display font for the calibration graph. Refer to Section [Fonts...] for details
about specifying the fonts.

214 [Gridlines...]
Shows/hides the gridlines for the calibration graph. Refer to Section [Gridlines...] for
details about selecting the gridlines. [Markers...]
Selects the type, size, and color of markers for calibration curve data points and whether to fill
the markers.

Figure 7.22 [Markers] dialog box

[Item] Selects an item to change its marker settings.

[Type] Selects a marker from circle, square, triangle, rhomboid, cross,
and star.
[Size] Shows the available marker sizes.
[Color] Shows the available marker colors. Select the desired color.
[Fill inside] Selects to fill the marker with the currently selected color.
Sample Displays a sample of the selected marker.
[Set as default] Applies the selected marker to all subsequently displayed
calibration graphs.

Note 1: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button .
Note 2: In the CFR version, Managers or Analysts authority is required to select

215 [Styles...]
Specifies the display style for the calibration graph. Refer to Section [Styles...] for
details about specifying the styles. Note that the type of axes varies depending on the
measurement program.

7.6.2 [Decimal Places...]

Selects the number of decimal places to display for the photometric value on the monitor bar.
Refer to Section 6.7.2 [Decimal Places...] for details about selecting the desired decimal

7.6.3 [Calibration Sheet]

Displays the [Calibration Sheet] tab.

7.6.4 [Quantitation Sheet]

Displays the [Quantitation Sheet] tab.

7.6.5 [Sequence Sheet]

Displays the [Sequence] tab.

7.6.6 [Information Bar]

Shows/hides the information bar.

7.6.7 [Entrance Port/Exit Port Bar]

Shows/hides the entrance/exit port bar.

7.6.8 [Accessory Bar]

Shows/hides the accessory bar.

7.6.9 [Toolbars]
Shows/hides toolbars.

[File] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [File] menu.

[Measure] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [Measure] menu.
[Control] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [Control] menu.
[View] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [View] menu.

7.6.10 [Status Bar]
Shows/hides the status bar.

7.7 [Settings] Menu

7.7.1 [Displayed Data...]
Shows or hides the blank value and selects the data to be displayed for cycle measurement.

Figure 7.23 [Displayed Data] dialog box

[Blank] Displays the blank value in the quantitation sheet.

Cycle measurement Selects the data to be displayed in the calibration and
quantitation sheets when cycle measurements are performed.
[Photometric value] Displays the photometric values for each measurement.
[Standard deviation] Displays the standard deviation of the measurements.
[Coefficient of variation] Displays the coefficient of variation of the measurements.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Displayed Data] settings and
closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Displayed Data] settings.

Note: In the CFR version, this function is not available.

7.7.2 [Default Parameters...]
Specifies measurement parameters for running the [Quantitative Measurement] program
based on the currently recognized accessory. Default parameters can be specified for each
accessory. Attach an accessory to be used and specify its default parameters. Refer to Section
6.8.5 [Default Parameters...] for details about specifying default parameters. Note that the type
of tool buttons varies depending on the measurement program.

Note: In the CFR version, this function is not available.

7.7.3 [Customize Toolbar...]

Customizes and shows/hides the toolbar. Refer to Section 6.8.6 [Customize Toolbar...] for
details about setting the toolbar. Note that the type of tool buttons varies depending on the
measurement program.

7.7.4 [Monitor Bar...]

Customizes the style for the monitor bar. Refer to Section 6.8.7 [Monitor Bar...] for details
about selecting the desired monitor bar.

7.8 [Help] Menu

7.8.1 [Contents]
Displays the help window with the contents tab selected.
7.8.2 [Search Topic]
Displays the help window with the index tab selected.
7.8.3 [About...]
Displays version information for the [Quantitative Analysis] program.

8. [Time Course Measurement] Program
The [Time Course Measurement] program is intended for measurement of temporal changes
in the absorbance, transmittance or reflectance of a sample at a fixed wavelength.

8.1 Overview of the [Time Course Measurement] Program

The [Time Course Measurement] program has the following specifications.

(1) Either minutes or seconds can be selected as the units for time-course data.
(2) Time-course data can be obtained at intervals of 0.01 sec to 60 min.
(3) The [Step measurement] function measures time-course data at a variable data
acquisition interval (maximum 5 steps).
(4) Up to approximately 4166 days (6000000 min/100000 hr) of continuous measurements
can be performed.

Starting the [Time Course Measurement] program displays the window in Fig. 8.1.
Monitor bar
Displays the current
wavelength, photometric
value and measurement
Toolbar time.
Measurement parameters can be set and
other common functions can be performed
using the buttons on this toolbar (see Table
9.1). These tool buttons can be customized in
the [Settings] menu.

Time-course data display

Information bar
Displays the current
Displays the time-course data
measurement parameters.
being measured. The display
format can be specified using
Entrance/exit port bar the [View] menu.
Selects whether an attachment is
present at the entrance and exit

Accessory bar
Displays information about attached
accessories Some accessories can be
controlled from this bar.

Status bar
Displays the current state of the instrument and
an explanation of the selected menu item.

Figure 8.1 [Time Course Measurement] window

Table 8.1 Toolbar buttons and names

Button Name Reference Section
[Save]] 8.2.1 [Save Data...]

[Send to Analysis] 8.2.2 [Send to Analysis]

[Open Parameters] 8.2.3 [Open Parameters...]

[Save Parameters] 8.2.4 [Save Parameters...]

[Cancel] 8.3.1 [Cancel]

[Sample] 8.3.2 [Sample]

[Blank] 8.3.3 [Blank]

[Dark] 8.3.4 [Dark]

[Parameters] 8.3.5 [Parameters...]

[Preview] 8.3.6 [Preview...]

[Move Wavelength] 8.4.1 [Move Wavelength...]

[Optical Path] 8.4.2 [Optical Path...]

[Bandwidth] 8.4.3 [Bandwidth]

[Response] 8.4.4 [Response]

[D2 Lamp] 8.4.5 [Light Source...]

[WI Lamp] 8.4.5 [Light Source...]

[Auto Zero] 8.4.6 [Auto Zero]

[Scales] 8.5.1 [Scales...]

[Patterns] 8.5.2 [Patterns...]

[Fonts] 8.5.3 [Fonts...]

[Gridlines] 8.5.4 [Gridlines...]

[Styles] 8.5.5 [Styles...]

[Decimal Places] 8.5.6 [Decimal Places...]

Title bar Displays the program name.
Menu bar Displays the menus for operation.
Monitor bar Displays from left to right the current wavelength, photometric
value, and measurement time.
Toolbar Displays the available tool buttons. These tool buttons can be
customized in the [Settings] menu.
Information bar Displays the current measurement information.
Entrance and exit port Selects whether an attachment is present at the entrance and
bar exit ports.
Accessory bar Displays information about attached accessories
Time-course data Displays the time-course data being measured.
display field
Status bar Displays the current state of the instrument and an
explanation of the selected menu item.

[File] menu
[Save Data...] Saves the time-course data with a new file name.
[Send to Analysis] Transfers the measured data to the [Spectra Analysis]
[Open Parameters...] Selects a parameter file and opens those parameters.
[Save Parameters...] Saves the currently specified measurement
parameters with the entered file name.
[Exit] Exits the [Time Course Measurement] program and
returns to [Spectra Manager].
[Measure] menu
[Cancel] Cancels the measurement.
[Sample] Measures the time-course data for the sample.
[Blank] Measures the blank for blank correction.
[Dark] Measures the dark current for dark correction.
[Parameters...] Specifies parameters and saves or opens the
measurement parameters.
[Preview...] Specifies measurement parameters to check the
[Control] menu
[Move Wavelength...] Moves the wavelength of the spectrophotometer to the
desired wavelength.
[Optical Path...] Changes to the zero-order light for checking the optical
[Bandwidth] Selects the bandwidth for monitoring the photometric
[Response] Selects the response for monitoring the photometric
[Light Sources...] Displays the number of hours the light source has been
used and switches the light source on/off.
[Auto Zero] Sets the absorbance value (or transmittance,
reflectance) at the current wavelength to zero (100%T
for transmittance and reflectance).
[Select Accessories...] Selects an accessory.
[View] menu
[Scales...] Specifies the display scale for the time-course data.
[Patterns...] Selects the display color and line style for the
time-course data.
[Fonts...] Specifies the display font for the time-course data.
[Gridlines...] Shows/hides the gridlines for the time-course data.
[Styles...] Specifies the display style for the time-course data.

[Decimal Places...] Selects the number of decimal places to display for the
photometric value on the monitor bar.
[Information Bar] Shows/hides the information bar.
[Entrance Port/Exit Port Bar] Shows/hides the entrance/exit port bar.
[Accessory Bar] Shows/hides the accessory bar.
[Toolbars] Shows/hides toolbars.
[Status Bar] Shows/hides the status bar.
[Settings] menu
[Default Parameters ...] Specifies measurement parameters for running the
[Time Course Measurement] program based on the
currently recognized accessory. In the CFR version,
this function is not available.
[Customize Toolbar ...] Customizes and shows/hides toolbars.
[Monitor Bar...] Customizes the style of the monitor bar.
[Help] menu
[Contents] Displays the help window with the contents tab
[Search Topic] Displays the help window with the index tab selected.
[About...] Displays version information for the program.

8.2 [File] Menu
Saves or opens a measured data or parameter file.

8.2.1 [Save Data...]

Saves the measured data with a new file name. The extension “.jws” is automatically
appended to the file name. Refer to Section 6.2.3 [Save As...] for details about saving data.

8.2.2 [Send to Analysis]

Transfers the measured data to the [Spectra Analysis] program. Refer to Section 6.2.5 [Send
to Analysis] for details about transferring data.

8.2.3 [Open Parameters...]

Selects a parameter file and opens those parameters. Files other than Parameter Files
(*.uvtm) cannot be selected. Refer to Section 6.2.7 [Open Parameters...] for details about
opening a parameter file.

8.2.4 [Save Parameters...]

Saves the currently specified measurement parameters with the entered file name. The
extension “.uvtm” is automatically appended to the file name. Refer to Section 6.2.8 [Save
Parameters...] for details about saving parameters.

8.2.5 [Exit]
Exits the [Time Course Measurement] program.

8.3 [Measure] Menu
Starts or cancels the measurement and specifies the measurement parameters.

8.3.1 [Cancel]
Cancels the measurement. A dialog box to confirm whether to keep the measurement data is

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button

Figure 8.2 [Cancel] dialog box

<Yes> Keeps the measured time-course data.

<No> Discards the measured time-course data.
<Cancel> Continues the measurement.

8.3.2 [Sample]
Measures the time-course data for the sample. Selecting the [To Spectra Analysis] check box
in the [Data] tab of the [Parameters] dialog box from the [Measure] menu automatically
transfers the measured data to the [Spectra Analysis] program after measurement. The
measured data is displayed in a new View.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button
[Sample] or pressing the measurement start button of the spectrophotometer.

8.3.3 [Blank]
Measures the blank for blank correction. In Advanced mode, available if [Blank] or [Blank/Dark]
is selected in the [Correction] tab of the [Parameters] dialog box. In Basic mode, this function is
always available.
Blank correction removes the effects of solvents and additional agents other than the target
sample. The true sample absorbance value is obtained by subtracting the blank from the
measured photometric value. For the transmittance or reflectance data, the measured data is
divided by the blank.
How to measure the blank depends on the sample. Click the <Measure> button after preparing
for blank measurement.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Blank].

Figure 8.3 [Blank Measurement] dialog box

<Measure> Measures the blank for blank correction.

<Cancel> Closes the [Blank Measurement] dialog box without measuring the

8.3.4 [Dark]
Measures the dark current for dark correction. In Advanced mode, available if [Baseline/Dark]
is selected in the [Correction] tab of the [Parameters] dialog box. In Basic mode, this function is
always unavailable. For absorbance or transmittance measurement, block the sample beam
path with the shielding plate in the sample compartment and measure the dark current. For
reflectance measurement, ensure that the sample compartment is empty to avoid reflected
light from any object entering the detector and measure the dark current. Click the <Measure>
button after preparing for dark measurement.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Dark].

Figure 8.4 [Dark Measurement] dialog box

<Measure> Measures the dark current for dark correction.

<Cancel> Closes the [Dark Measurement] dialog box without measuring the dark

8.3.5 [Parameters...]
Specifies the measurement parameters. The parameters can be switched between two
modes: Basic mode, which automatically specifies the basic parameter settings, and
Advanced mode, which specifies each parameter individually. In Basic mode, the dialog box
has three tabs for parameter settings: [General], [Information], and [Data]. In Advanced mode,
the dialog box has five tabs for parameter settings: [General], [Correction], [Control],
[Information], and [Data]. The page can be changed by clicking each tab at the top of the dialog

<Basic Mode/Advanced Switches between Basic and Advanced modes.

<Open...> Opens a measurement parameter file.
<Save...> Saves the measurement parameters.
<Default> Restores the parameters of the [General], [Correction] and
[Control] tabs to their default values.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Parameters] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Parameters] settings.

Note 1: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button
Note 2: In the CFR version, Managers or Analysts authority is required to specify the
Note 3: In the CFR version, when the parameters are specified or changed, a signature is
required. Clicking the <OK> button when the parameters have not been saved
displays the following message.

Figure 8.5 Message when the signature for the parameters is missing

228 [General] tab

Figure 8.6 [General] tab in [Parameters] dialog box (Advanced mode)

[Photometric mode] Selects the photometric mode.

Options: Abs: Absorbance measurement
%T: Transmittance measurement
%R: Reflectance measurement
Sample: Sample single beam measurement
Reference: Reference single beam measurement

Note: In Basic mode, [Sample] and [Reference] cannot

be selected.

[PMT voltage] For the V-750/760/770/780, [PMT Voltage] is displayed if

[Sample] or [Reference] is selected for [Photometric mode]. Enter
the applied photomultiplier tube voltage.
Input range: 0 to 1000 V
[UV/Vis bandwidth] Selects the spectral bandwidth for the UV/Vis wavelength region.
V-730: 1 nm (fixed)
0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, L2, L5, L10, M1, M2 nm

Note: “L” is low stray light mode, and “M” is micro cell
mode. If a micro cell with an optical path width of 2
or 3 mm is used, use M1 nm (M4 nm (V-770), M2
nm (V-780) in the NIR region). If a semi-micro cell
with an optical path width of 4 mm or more is used,
use M2 nm (M8 nm (V-770), M4 nm (V-780) in the
NIR region).

[NIR bandwidth] Selects the spectral bandwidth for the NIR wavelength region for
the V-770/780.
V-770: 0.4, 0.8, 2, 4, 8, 20, 40, L8, L20, L40, M4, M8 nm
V-780: 0.2, 0.4, 1, 2, 4, 10, 20, L4, L10, L20, M2, M4 nm

Note: In Basic mode, [UV/Vis bandwidth] and [NIR

bandwidth] values are automatically set in
accordance with Table 6.3.

[Response] Selects the response determined by a simple moving average.

V-730: 0.015 sec, 0.06 sec, 0.24 sec, 0.96 sec, 3.84 sec
0.06 sec, 0.24 sec, 0.96 sec, 3.84 sec, Manual (0.06 to
99.96 sec)

Note: In Basic mode, [Response] is automatically

selected according to [Data interval] (refer to
Table 8.2).

[Wavelength] Specifies the measurement wavelength. The wavelength can be

specified at intervals of 0.1 nm for the UV/Vis wavelength region.
The wavelength can be specified at intervals of 0.5 nm for the
NIR wavelength region.
*The values in parentheses refer to the ranges for the expanded
wavelength model.
V-730: 190.0 to 1100.0 nm
V-750: 190.0 to 900.0 nm
V-760: 187.0 to 900.0 nm
V-770: 190.0 to 2700.0 nm (190.0 to 3200.0 nm)
V-780: 190.0 to 1600.0 nm
[Step measurement] Selects to measure time-course data with a variable data
acquisition interval. A maximum of 5 steps can be set. Selecting
the check box displays the worksheet in Fig. 8.7.

Figure 8.7 Worksheet for step settings

[Interval]: Specifies the time interval for data acquisition. The

values specified for the time interval vary depending
on the selected [Time unit].
sec:0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1 to 60 (integer)
min: 1 to 1440 (integer)
[End time]: Specifies the measurement end time for each step.
Specify [End time] to obtain 2 to 100001 measurement

Note 1: In Basic mode, [Step measurement] is always

deselected and is not displayed.
Note 2: When [Interval] is less than 1 sec, specify the
value so that 2 to 30001 measurement points are
Note 3: The maximum value for [End time] is 288000 min.
Note 4: For the step measurement settings in Fig. 8.7,
the measurement is performed following the
procedure in Fig. 8.8.

Figure 8.8 Measurement example with settings in Fig. 8.7

[Time unit] Selects the time units for measurement.

Options: sec, min

Note: In Basic mode, [sec] is always selected for [Time

unit] and is not displayed.

[End] Input range:

When a value of less than 1 sec is specified for [Data interval],
[End] should be specified so that the number of measurement
points is 2 to 30001.
When a value of greater than or equal to 1 sec is specified for
[Data interval], [End] should be specified so that the number of
measurement points is 1 to 100001.

[Data interval] Specifies the time interval for data acquisition. The values
specified for time interval vary depending on the selected [Time
sec: 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 sec
min: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 min
sec: 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 sec
min: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 min
Vertical scale Specifies the upper and lower limits for the vertical axis range to
display in the window. Selecting the [Auto] checkbox sets the full
scale to approximately 1.2 times the maximum amplitude of the
displayed data.
Input range: -10 to 10 (Abs)
-10000 to 10000 (%T, %R)
-100 to 100 (Sample, Reference)

Table 8.2 Combinations of [Data interval] and [Response] (Basic mode)

Data interval (sec) Response (sec)
V-730 V-750/760/770/780
0.01 0.015 0.06
0.02 0.06 0.06
0.05 0.06 0.06
0.1 0.24 0.24
0.2 0.24 0.24
0.5 0.96 0.96
1 0.96 0.96
2 3.84 3.84
5 3.84 3.84
10 3.84 3.84
20 3.84 3.84
30 3.84 3.84
60 3.84 3.84

232 [Correction] tab

Note: In Basic mode, this tab is not displayed.

Figure 8.9 [Correction] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

Correction Select the method for correcting the measured data.

Note: In Basic mode, [Blank] is always selected.

[None] Selects the use of no correction.

[Blank] Selects blank correction using a measured blank.
[Blank/dark] Selects the use of both blank and dark corrections.

233 [Control] tab

Note: In Basic mode, this tab is not displayed.

Figure 8.10 [Control] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

Changeover wavelength Sets the changeover wavelength for the light source and

Note: In Basic mode, the value for [Light source] is

340 nm and the value for [Grating/detector] is
850 nm.

[Light source] Specifies the wavelength for changing from the halogen to the
deuterium lamp.
Input range: 330 to 350 nm (default setting: 340 nm)
[Grating/detector] Specifies the changeover wavelength for the grating/detector
in the UV-Vis and NIR regions for V-770/780.
Input range: 750 to 900 nm (default setting: 850 nm)
Light source Selects the light source to use for measurement.

Note: In Basic mode, [Auto] is selected for [Light


[Auto] Selects the use of both the deuterium and halogen lamps to
measure data.
[Deuterium lamp] Selects the use of only the deuterium lamp to measure data.
[Halogen lamp] Selects the use of only the halogen lamp to measure data.
[External source] Selects the use of a light source other than the built-in
deuterium and halogen lamps to measure data. [Information] tab

Figure 8.11 [Information] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

[Sample name] Enters a sample name (maximum 63 single-byte characters).

[Operator] Enters an operator name (maximum 63 single-byte characters).
[Division] Enters a division name for the operator (maximum 127
single-byte characters).
[Comment] Enters a comment (maximum 127 single-byte characters).
[Display the [Comment] Displays the information dialog box for each measurement.
dialog before
[Clear the information after Clears information stored in the [Information] tab after
measurement] measurement.

Note: In the CFR version, the [Operator] and [Division] text boxes cannot be
changed by the user.

235 [Data] tab

Figure 8.12 [Data] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

Save data Selects to automatically save data. A file name is automatically

allocated to the measured data and the data is saved to the
specified directory.

Note: In the CFR version, when [Auto save] is selected,

the following dialog box is displayed when the
sample measurement starts. Start the
measurement after typing a signature.

Figure 8.13 [Creation Signature (Auto Save)] dialog box

[Auto save] Automatically saves measured data.

[Save in] Displays the drive and folder name for saving data.
<Browse...> Browses to the [Save in] drive and folder.
[Format] Selects the file name to be assigned during auto saving. The file
type is Standard Files (*.jws).
[Date-No.]: Sets [Date] + [3-digit serial number] as the file name.
The date and serial number are connected with a hyphen “-”.
[Sample-No.]: Sets [Sample name] + [3-digit serial number] as
the file name. [Sample name] is the name entered in the
[Information] tab.
[Comment-No.]: Sets [Comment] + [3 digit serial number] as the
file name. [Comment] is the comment entered in the [Information]
[Sample-Comment-No.]: Sets [Sample name] + [Comment] +
[3-digit serial number] as the file name. [Sample name] and
[Comment] are the name and comment entered in the
[Information] tab, respectively.
[String-No.]: Sets [String] + [3-digit serial number] as the file
name. Type the character string in the [String] text box below.
[String] Enters a character string when [String-No.] is selected for
[Format] (maximum 63 single-byte characters).
[Auto export] Exports the measured data.
[Save as type] Selects the file type for the exported data.
Options: JCAMP-DX, text, CSV, XY ASCII
Send data Selects to automatically send measured data to the [Spectra
Analysis] analysis program after measurement.
[To Spectra Analysis] Transfers the measured data to the [Spectra Analysis] program.
When repeated measurements are performed, the measured
data is transferred to the analysis program after each scan.
Print Selects whether to automatically print data after measurement.
[Print data after Automatically prints data after measurement.
measurement] When repeated measurements are performed, the measured
data is printed after each scan.
[Template] Displays the file name and path for a saved template file.
<Browse...> Selects the file name and path for a saved template file.

8.3.6 [Preview...]
Opens the [Preview] dialog box for checking measurement parameters and spectra. Refer to
Section 6.4.9 [Preview...] for details about previewing measurements.

8.4 [Control] Menu
8.4.1 [Move Wavelength...]
Moves the wavelength of the spectrophotometer to the desired wavelength. Refer to Section
6.5.1 [Move Wavelength...] for details about specifying the desired wavelength.

8.4.2 [Optical Path...]

Observes the optical path while changing the light source to the zero-order light of the halogen
lamp. Refer to Section 6.5.2 [Optical Path...] for details about observing the optical path.

8.4.3 [Bandwidth]
Selects the bandwidth for monitoring the photometric value. Refer to Section 6.5.3
[Bandwidth...] for details about selecting the desired bandwidth.

8.4.4 [Response]
Selects the response for monitoring the photometric value. Refer to Section 6.5.4 [Response]
for details about selecting the desired response.

8.4.5 [Light Sources...]

Displays the number of hours the light source has been used and switches the light source
on/off. Refer to Section 6.5.5 [Light Sources...] for details about displaying information about
the light sources.

8.4.6 [Auto Zero]

Sets the absorbance value (or transmittance, reflectance) at the current wavelength to zero
(100%T for transmittance and reflectance). Refer to Section 6.5.6 [Auto Zero...] for details
about using auto zero.

8.4.7 [Select Accessories...]

Selects accessories that are not automatically recognized (cell unit and external accessories).
Refer to Section 6.5.7 [Select Accessories...] for details about selecting the desired

8.5 [View] Menu
Specifies the view options.

8.5.1 [Scales...]
Specifies the display scale for the time-course data. Refer to Section [Scales...] for
details about specifying the scales. Note that the type of vertical and horizontal axes varies
depending on the measurement program.

8.5.2 [Patterns...]
Selects the display color and line style for the time-course data. Refer to Section
[Patterns...] for details about selecting the patterns. Note that the items for pattern settings vary
depending on the measurement program.

8.5.3 [Fonts...]
Specifies the display font for the data. Refer to Section [Fonts...] for details about
specifying the fonts.

8.5.4 [Gridlines...]
Shows/hides the gridlines for the data display field. Refer to Section [Gridlines...] for
details about selecting the gridlines.

8.5.5 [Styles...]
Specifies the display style for the time-course data. Refer to Section [Styles...] for
details about specifying the styles. Note that the axis to be specified varies depending on the
measurement program.

8.5.6 [Decimal Places...]

Selects the number of decimal places to display for the photometric value on the monitor bar.
Refer to Section 6.7.2 [Decimal Places...] for details about selecting the desired decimal

8.5.7 [Information Bar]

Shows/hides the information bar.

8.5.8 [Entrance Port/Exit Port Bar]

Shows/hides the entrance/exit port bar.

8.5.9 [Accessory Bar]
Shows/hides the accessory bar.

8.5.10 [Toolbars]
Shows/hides toolbars.

[File] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [File] menu.

[Measure] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [Measure] menu.
[Control] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [Control] menu.
[View] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [View] menu.

8.5.11 [Status Bar]

Shows/hides the status bar.

8.6 [Settings] Menu

8.6.1 [Default Parameters...]
Specifies measurement parameters for running the [Time Course Measurement] program
based on the currently recognized accessory. Default parameters can be specified for each
accessory. Attach an accessory to be used and specify its default parameters. Refer to Section
6.8.5 [Default Parameters...] for details about specifying default parameters.

Note: In the CFR version, this function is not available.

8.6.2 [Customize Toolbar...]

Customizes and shows/hides toolbars. Refer to Section 6.8.6 [Customize Toolbar...] for details
about setting the toolbar. Note that the type of tool buttons varies depending on the
measurement program.

8.6.3 [Monitor Bar...]

Customizes the style of the monitor bar. Refer to Section 6.8.7 [Monitor Bar...] for details about
selecting the desired monitor bar.

8.7 [Help] Menu
8.7.1 [Contents]
Displays the help window with the contents tab selected.
8.7.2 [Search Topic]
Displays the help window with the index tab selected.
8.7.3 [About...]
Displays version information for the [Time Course Measurement] program.

9. [Dual-Wavelength Time Course
Measurement] Program Reference
The [Dual-Wavelength Time Course Measurement] program measures temporal changes in
the photometric value of a sample using two wavelengths.

9.1 Overview of the [Dual-Wavelength Time Course

Measurement] Program
When time-course data measured using this program are transferred to the [Spectra Analysis]
program, the data are interpolated as shown in Fig. 9.1.

Figure 9.1 Interpolating the time-course data

Starting the [Dual-Wavelength Time Course Measurement] program displays the window in
Fig. 9.2.

Monitor bar
Displays from left to right the current
wavelength, photometric value, and
measurement time.

Measurement parameters can be set and
other common functions can be
Information bar performed using the buttons on this
Displays the current toolbar (see Table 10.1). These tool
measurement parameters. buttons can be customized in the
[Settings] menu.

Entrance and exit port bar

Selects whether an attachment is present
at the entrance and exit ports.
Time-course data display field
Accessory bar Displays the time-course data
Displays information about attached being measured. The display
accessories. Some accessories can be format can be specified using the
controlled from this bar. [View] menu.

Status bar
Displays the current state of the instrument and
an explanation of the selected menu item.

Figure 9.2 [Dual Wavelength Time Course Measurement] window

Table 9.1 Toolbar buttons and names

Button Name Reference Section
[Save Data] 9.2.1 [Save Data...]
[Send to Analysis] 9.2.2 [Send to Analysis]
[Open Parameters] 9.2.5 [Open Parameters...]
[Save Parameters] 9.2.6 [Save Parameters...]
[Cancel] 9.3.1 [Cancel]

[Sample] 9.3.2 [Sample]

[Blank] 9.3.3 [Blank]

[Dark] 9.3.4 [Dark]

[Parameters] 9.3.5 [Parameters...]

[Preview] 9.3.6 [Preview...]

[Move Wavelength] 9.4.1 [Move Wavelength...]

[Optical Path] 9.4.2 [Optical Path...]

[Bandwidth] 9.4.3 [Bandwidth]

[Response] 9.4.4 [Response]

[D2 Lamp On/Off] 9.4.5 [Light Sources...]

[WI Lamp On/Off] 9.4.5 [Light Sources...]

[Auto Zero] 9.4.6 [Auto Zero]

[Scales] 9.5.1 [Scales...]

[Patterns] 9.5.2 [Patterns...]

[Fonts] 9.5.3 [Fonts...]

[Gridlines] 9.5.4 [Gridlines...]

[Styles] 9.5.5 [Styles...]

[Decimal Places] 9.5.6 [Decimal Places...]

[Hide] 9.5.7 [Calculation Data]

[1/2] 9.5.7 [Calculation Data]

[2/1] 9.5.7 [Calculation Data]

[1-2] 9.5.7 [Calculation Data]

[2-1] 9.5.7 [Calculation Data]

Title bar Displays the program name.
Menu bar Displays the menus for operation.
Monitor bar Displays from left to right the current wavelength, photometric
value, and measurement time.
Toolbar Displays available tool buttons. These tool buttons can be
customized in the [Settings] menu.
Information bar Displays the current measurement parameters.

Entrance and exit port pane Selects whether an attachment is present at the entrance and
exit ports.
Accessory bar Displays information about attached accessories
Time-course data display Displays the time-course data being measured. The display
field format can be specified using the [View] menu.
Status bar Displays the current state of the instrument and an explanation
of the selected menu item.
[File] menu
[Save Data...] Saves the time-course data with a new file name.
[Send to Analysis] Transfers the measured data to the [Spectra Analysis]
[Save Calculation Data...] Saves the calculated data with a new file name.
[Send Calculation Data to Transfers the calculated data to the [Spectra Analysis]
Analysis] program.
[Open Parameters...] Selects a parameter file and opens those parameters.
[Save Parameters...] Saves the currently specified measurement parameters
with the entered file name.
[Exit Exits the [Dual-Wavelength Time Course Measurement]
program and returns to [Spectra Manager].
[Measure] menu
[Cancel] Cancels the measurement.
[Sample] Measures the time-course data for the sample.
[Blank] Measures the blank for blank correction.
[Dark] Measures the dark current for dark correction.
[Parameters...] Specifies parameters and saves or opens the
measurement parameters.
[Preview...] Specifies measurement parameters to check the
time-course data.
[Control] menu
[Move Wavelength...] Moves the wavelength of the spectrophotometer to the
desired wavelength.
[Optical Path...] Changes to the zero-order light for checking the optical
[Bandwidth] Selects the bandwidth for monitoring the photometric value.
[Response] Selects the response for monitoring the photometric value.
[Light Sources...] Displays the number of hours the light source has been
used and switches the light source on/off.
[Auto Zero] Sets the absorbance value (or transmittance, reflectance)
at the current wavelength to zero (100%T for transmittance
and reflectance).
[Select Accessories...] Selects an accessory.

[Accessory model name] Controls an accessory.
[View] menu
[Scales...] Specifies the display scale for the time-course data.
[Patterns...] Selects the display color and line style for the time-course
[Fonts...] Specifies the display fonts for the time-course data.
[Gridlines...] Shows/hides the gridlines for the time-course data.
[Styles...] Specifies the display style for the time-course data.
[Decimal Places...] Selects the number of decimal places to display for the
photometric value on the monitor bar.
[Calculation Data] Shows/hides the calculated data for the time-course data.
[Information Bar] Shows/hides the information bar.
[Entrance Port/Exit Port Bar] Shows/hides the entrance/exit port bar.
[Accessory Bar] Shows/hides the accessory bar.
[Toolbars] Shows/hides toolbars.
[Status Bar] Shows/hides the status bar.
[Settings] menu
[Default Parameters ...] Specifies measurement parameters for running the
[Dual-Wavelength Time Course Measurement] program
based on the currently recognized accessory. In the CFR
version, this function is not available.
[Customize Toolbar ...] Customizes and shows/hides toolbars.
[Monitor Bar...] Customizes the style of the monitor bar.
[Help] menu
[Contents] Displays the help window with the contents tab
[Search Topic] Displays the help window with the index tab selected.
[About...] Displays version information for the program.

9.2 [File] Menu
Saves or opens a measured data or parameter file.

9.2.1 [Save Data...]

Saves the measured data with a new file name. The extension “.jws” is automatically
appended to the file name. Refer to Section 6.2.3 [Save As...] for details about saving data.

9.2.2 [Send to Analysis]

Transfers the measured data to the [Spectra Analysis] program. Selecting the [To Spectra
Analysis] check box in the [Data] tab of the [Parameters] dialog box from the [Measure] menu
automatically transfers the measured data to the [Spectra Analysis] program after
measurement. Refer to Section 6.2.5 [Send to Analysis] for details about transferring data.

9.2.3 [Save Calculation Data...]

Saves the calculated data with a new file name.

Figure 9.3 [Save Calculation Data] dialog box

[Save in] list Selects a drive or folder to browse using the drop-down list. Files
saved in the currently opened folder are displayed in the file name
File name list Lists the files in the currently opened folder. Use as a reference
when naming a file.

[File name] Enters the file name for saving the calculated data.
The extension may be omitted since it is automatically appended.
[Save as type] Selects the files (type of extension) to display in the file name list.
Files other than Parameter Files (*.uvsp) cannot be selected.
[Username] Displays the name of the logged-on user. It cannot be edited.
[Password] In the CFR version, an electronic signature is required for saving
parameters. Type a password in the text box.
<Save> Saves the parameter file and closes the dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without saving the parameter file.

Note: In the CFR version, the [Save in] drop-down list cannot be used to select a
folder. However, a subfolder within the prespecified folder can be selected.

9.2.4 [Send Calculation Data to Analysis]

Transfers the calculated data to the [Spectra Analysis] program. Refer to Section 6.2.5 [Send
to Analysis] for details about transferring data.

9.2.5 [Open Parameters...]

Selects a parameter file and opens those parameters. Files other than Parameter Files
(*.uvdw) cannot be selected. Refer to Section 6.2.7 [Open Parameters...] for details about
opening a parameter file.

9.2.6 [Save Parameters...]

Saves the currently specified measurement parameters with the entered file name. The
extension “.uvdw” is automatically appended to the file name. Refer to Section 6.2.8 [Save
Parameters...] for details about saving parameters.

9.2.7 [Exit]
Exits the [Dual-Wavelength Time Course Measurement] program.

9.3 [Measure] Menu
Starts or cancels the measurement and specifies the measurement parameters.

9.3.1 [Cancel]
Cancels the measurement. A dialog box to confirm whether to keep the measurement data is

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button

Figure 9.4 [Cancel] dialog box

<Yes> Keeps the measured time-course data.

<No> Discards the measured time-course data.
<Cancel> Continues the measurement.

9.3.2 [Sample]
Measures the time-course data for the sample. Selecting the [To Spectra Analysis] check box
in the [Data] tab of the [Parameters] dialog box from the [Measure] menu automatically
transfers the measured data to the [Spectra Analysis] program after measurement. The
measured data is displayed in a new View.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button
[Sample] or pressing the measurement start button of the spectrophotometer.

9.3.3 [Blank]
Measures the blank for blank correction. In Advanced mode, available if [Blank] or [Blank/Dark]
is selected in the [Correction] tab of the [Parameters] dialog box. In Basic mode, this function is
always available.
Blank correction removes the effects of solvents and additional agents other than the target
sample. The true sample absorbance value is obtained by subtracting the blank from the
measured photometric value. For transmittance or reflectance data, the measured data is
divided by the blank.
How to measure the blank depends on the sample. Click the <Measure> button after preparing
for blank measurement.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Blank].

Figure 9.5 [Blank Measurement] dialog box

<Measure> Measures the blank for blank correction.

<Cancel> Closes the [Blank Measurement] dialog box without measuring the blank.

9.3.4 [Dark]
Measures the dark current for dark correction. In Advanced mode, available if [Baseline/Dark]
is selected in the [Correction] tab of the [Parameters] dialog box. In Basic mode, this function is
always unavailable. For absorbance or transmittance measurement, block the sample beam
path with the shielding plate in the sample compartment and measure the dark current. For
reflectance measurement, ensure that the sample compartment is empty to avoid reflected
light from any object entering the detector and measure the dark current. Click the <Measure>
button after preparing for dark measurement.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Dark].

Figure 9.6 [Dark Measurement] dialog box

<Measure> Measures the dark current for dark correction.

<Cancel> Closes the [Dark Measurement] dialog box without measuring the
dark current.

9.3.5 [Parameters...]
Specifies the measurement parameters. The parameters can be switched between two
modes: Basic mode, which automatically specifies the basic parameter settings, and
Advanced mode, which specifies each parameter individually.
In Basic mode, the dialog box has three tabs for parameter settings: [General], [Information],
and [Data]. In Advanced mode, the dialog box has five tabs for parameter settings: [General],
[Correction], [Control], [Information], and [Data]. The page can be changed by clicking each tab
at the top of the dialog box.

<Basic Mode/Advanced Switches between Basic and Advanced modes.

<Open...> Opens a measurement parameter file.
<Save...> Saves the measurement parameters.
<Default> Restores the parameters of the [General], [Correction] and
[Control] tabs to their default values.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Parameters] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Parameters] settings.

Note 1: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button
Note 2: In the CFR version, Managers or Analysts authority is required to specify the
Note 3: In the CFR version, when the parameters are specified or changed, a
signature is required. Clicking the <OK> button when the parameters have not
been saved displays the following message.

Figure 9.7 Message when the signature for the parameters is missing

252 [General] tab

Figure 9.8 [General] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

[Photometric mode] Selects the photometric mode.

Options: Abs: Absorbance measurement
%T: Transmittance measurement
%R: Reflectance measurement
[Response] Selects the response determined by a simple moving average.
V-730: 0.015 sec, 0.06 sec, 0.24 sec, 0.96 sec, 3.84 sec
0.06 sec, 0.24 sec, 0.96 sec, 3.84 sec,
[UV/Vis bandwidth] Selects the spectral bandwidth for the UV/Vis wavelength region.
V-730: 1 nm (fixed)
0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, L2, L5, L10, M1, M2 nm

Note: “L” is low stray light mode, and “M” is micro cell mode.
If a micro cell with an optical path width of 2 or 3 mm is
used, use M1 nm (M4 nm (V-770), M2 nm (V-780) in
the NIR region). If a semi-micro cell with an optical path
width of 4 mm or more is used, use M2 nm (M8 nm
(V-770), M4 nm (V-780) in the NIR region).

[NIR bandwidth] Selects the spectral bandwidth for the NIR wavelength region for the
V-770: 0.4, 0.8, 2, 4, 8, 20, 40, L8, L20, L40, M4, M8 nm
V-780: 0.2, 0.4, 1, 2, 4, 10, 20, L4, L10, L20, M2, M4 nm

Note: In Basic mode, the actual [NIR bandwidth] varies

depending on the selected [UV/Vis bandwidth] (see
Table 9.2).

[Wavelength 1] Specifies the measurement wavelengths. The wavelength can be

[Wavelength 2] specified at intervals of 0.1 nm for the UV/Vis wavelength region, and
at intervals of 0.5 nm for the NIR wavelength region.
*The values in parentheses refer to the ranges for the expanded
wavelength model.
V-730: 190.0 to 1100.0 nm
V-750: 190.0 to 900.0 nm
V-760: 187.0 to 900.0 nm
V-770: 190.0 to 2700.0 nm (190.0 to 3200.0 nm)
V-780: 190.0 to 1600.0 nm

Note: The wavelength specified in [Grating/detector] cannot

be used as the measurement wavelength.

[Measurement time] Input range: 1 to 10000 times [Data interval]

[Data interval] Specifies the time interval for data acquisition.
Options: 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600 sec

Note: The lower limit for [Data interval] is [Response] + (the

time for the monochromator to move between the two
wavelengths) (see Table 9.3)

Vertical scale Specifies the upper and lower limits for the vertical axis range to
display in the window. Selecting the [Auto] checkbox sets the full scale
to approximately 1.2 times the maximum amplitude of the displayed
Input range: -10 to 10 (Abs)
-10000 to 10000 (%T, %R)

Table 9.2 Relationship between [UV-Vis bandwidth] and [NIR bandwidth]
UV-Vis NIR bandwidth (nm)
bandwidth (nm) V-770 V-780
0.1 0.4 0.2
0.2 0.8 0.4
0.5 2 1
1 4 2
2 8 4
5 20 10
10 40 20
L2 L8 L4
L5 L20 L10
L10 L40 L20
M1 M4 M2
M2 M8 M4

Table 9.3 Limitations for data interval, response and allowable wavelength difference
Data interval Response (sec) Allowable difference in
(sec) measurement wavelengths
0.015, 0.06, 0.24 ≤100 nm
5 sec 0.96 ≤70 nm
3.84 Not available
0.015, 0.06 Entire range
10 sec 0.24, 0.96, ≤800 nm
3.84 ≤300 nm
≥20 sec 0.015, 0.06, 0.24, Entire range
0.96, 3.84
Data interval Response (sec) Allowable difference in
(sec) measurement wavelengths
0.06, 0.24, 0.96 ≤50 nm
5 sec
3.84 Not available
0.06, 0.24, 0.96, ≤500 nm
10 sec
3.84 ≤200 nm
≥20 sec 0.015, 0.06, 0.24, Entire range
0.96, 3.84

Note: The wavelength specified in [Grating/detector] cannot be used as the

measurement wavelength.

255 [Correction] tab

Note: In Basic mode, this tab is not displayed.

Figure 9.9 [Correction] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

Correction Select the method for correcting the measured data.

Note: In Basic mode, [Blank] is always selected.

[None] Selects the use of no correction.

[Blank] Selects blank correction using a measured blank.
[Blank/dark] Selects the use of both blank and dark corrections.

256 [Control] tab

Note: In Basic mode, this tab is not displayed.

Figure 9.10 [Control] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

Changeover Sets the changeover wavelength for the light source and
wavelength grating/detector.

Note: In Basic mode, the value for [Light source] is 340 nm

and the value for [Grating/detector] is 850 nm.

[Light source] Specifies the wavelength for changing from the halogen to the
deuterium lamp.
Input range: 330 to 350 nm (default setting: 340 nm)
[Grating/detector] Specifies the changeover wavelength for the grating/detector in the
UV-Vis and NIR regions for the V-770/780.
Input range: 750 to 900 nm (default setting: 850 nm)
Light source Selects the light source to use for measurement.

Note: In Basic mode, [Auto] is selected for [Light source].

[Auto] Selects the use of both the deuterium and halogen lamps to
measure data.
[Deuterium lamp] Selects the use of only the deuterium lamp to measure data.

[Halogen lamp] Selects the use of only the halogen lamp to measure data.
[External source] Selects the use of a light source other than the built-in deuterium and
halogen lamps to measure data. [Information] tab

Figure 9.11 [Information] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

[Sample name] Enters a sample name (maximum 63 single-byte characters).

[Operator] Enters an operator name.
[Division] Enters a division name for the operator.
[Comment] Enters a comment (maximum 127 single-byte characters).
[Display the [Comment] Displays the information dialog box for each measurement.
dialog before
[Clear the information after Clears information stored in the [Information] tab after
measurement] measurement.

Note: In the CFR version, the [Operator] and [Division] text boxes cannot be
changed by the user.

258 [Data] tab

Figure 9.12 [Data] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

Save data Selects to automatically save data. A file name is automatically

allocated to the measured data and the data is saved to the
specified directory.

Note: In the CFR version, when [Auto save] is selected,

the following dialog box is displayed when the
sample measurement starts. Start the
measurement after typing a signature.

Figure 9.13 [Creation Signature (Auto Save)] dialog box

[Auto save] Automatically saves measured data.

[Save in] Displays the drive and folder name for saving data.
<Browse...> Browses to the [Save in] drive and folder.

[Format] Selects the file name to be assigned during auto saving. The file
type is Standard Files (*.jws).
[Date-No.]: Sets [Date] + [3-digit serial number] as the file name.
The date and serial number are connected with a
hyphen “-”.
[Sample-No.]: Sets [Sample name] + [3-digit serial number] as
the file name. [Sample name] is the name entered in
the [Information] tab.
[Comment-No.]: Sets [Comment] + [3 digit serial number] as the
file name. [Comment] is the comment entered in the
[Information] tab.
[Sample-Comment-No.]: Sets [Sample name] + [Comment] +
[3-digit serial number] as the file name. [Sample
name] and [Comment] are the name and comment
entered in the [Information] tab, respectively.
[String-No.]: Sets [String] + [3-digit serial number] as the file
name. Type the character string in the [String] text
box below.
[String] Enters a character string when [String-No.] is selected for
[Format] (maximum 63 single-byte characters).
[Auto export] Exports the measured data.
[Save as type] Selects the file type for the exported data.
Options: JCAMP-DX, text, CSV, XY ASCII
Send data Selects to automatically send measured data to the [Spectra
Analysis] analysis program after measurement.
[To Spectra Analysis] Transfers the measured data to the [Spectra Analysis] program.

9.3.6 [Preview...]
Opens the [Preview] dialog box for checking measurement parameters and spectra. Refer to
Section 6.4.9 [Preview...] for details about previewing measurements.

9.4 [Control] Menu
9.4.1 [Move Wavelength...]
Moves the wavelength of the spectrophotometer to the desired wavelength. Refer to Section
6.5.1 [Move Wavelength...] for details about specifying the desired wavelength.

9.4.2 [Optical Path...]

Observes the optical path while changing the light source to the zero-order light of the halogen
lamp. Refer to Section 6.5.2 [Optical Path...] for details about observing the optical path.

9.4.3 [Bandwidth]
Selects the bandwidth for monitoring the photometric value. Refer to Section 6.5.3
[Bandwidth...] for details about selecting the desired bandwidth.

9.4.4 [Response]
Selects the response for monitoring the photometric value. Refer to Section 6.5.4 [Response]
for details about selecting the desired response.

9.4.5 [Light Sources...]

Displays the number of hours the light source has been used and switches the light source
on/off. Refer to Section 6.5.5 [Light Sources...] for details about displaying information about
the light sources.

9.4.6 [Auto Zero]

Sets the absorbance value (or transmittance, reflectance) at the current wavelength to zero
(100%T for transmittance and reflectance). Refer to Section 6.5.6 [Auto Zero...] for details
about using auto zero.

9.4.7 [Select Accessories...]

Selects an accessory (cell unit and external accessories) to be used. Refer to Section 6.5.7
[Select Accessories...] for details about selecting the desired accessories.

9.5 [View] Menu
Specifies the view options.

9.5.1 [Scales...]
Specifies the display scale for the time-course data. Refer to Section [Scales...] for
details about specifying the scales. Note that the type of vertical and horizontal axes varies
depending on the measurement program.

9.5.2 [Patterns...]
Selects the display color and line style for the time-course data. Refer to Section
[Patterns...] for details about selecting the patterns. Note that the items for pattern settings vary
depending on the measurement program.

9.5.3 [Fonts...]
Specifies the display fonts for the time-course data. Refer to Section [Fonts...] for
details about specifying the fonts.

9.5.4 [Gridlines...]
Shows/hides the gridlines for the data display field. Refer to Section [Gridlines...] for
details about selecting the gridlines.

9.5.5 [Styles...]
Specifies the display style for the time-course data. Refer to Section [Styles...] for
details about specifying the styles. Note that the axis to be specified varies depending on the
measurement program.

9.5.6 [Decimal Places...]

Selects the number of decimal places to display for the photometric value on the monitor bar.
Refer to Section 6.7.2 [Decimal Places...] for details about selecting the desired decimal

9.5.7 [Calculation Data]
Shows/hides the calculated data for the time-course data.

Figure 9.14 [Calculation Data] sub-menu

[Hide] Does not display the calculated data.

[Wavelength 1/ Displays the ratio of the time-course data obtained at wavelength 1 to
Wavelength 2] that obtained wavelength 2.
[Wavelength 2/ Displays the ratio of the time-course data obtained at wavelength 2 to
Wavelength 1] that obtained wavelength 1.
[Wavelength Displays the time-course data obtained at wavelength 1 minus that
1-Wavelength 2] obtained at wavelength 2.
[Wavelength Displays the time-course data obtained at wavelength 2 minus that
2-Wavelength 1] obtained at wavelength 1.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button

/ / / / [Hide / 1/2 / 2/1 / 1-2 / 2-1].

9.5.8 [Information Bar]

Shows/hides the information pane.

9.5.9 [Entrance Port/Exit Port Bar]

Shows/hides the entrance/exit port pane.

9.5.10 [Accessory Bar]

Shows/hides the accessory pane.

9.5.11 [Toolbars]
Shows/hides toolbars.

[File] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [File] menu.

[Measure] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [Measure] menu.
[Control] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [Control] menu.
[View] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [View] menu.

9.5.12 [Status Bar]

Shows/hides the status bar.

9.6 [Settings] Menu

9.6.1 [Default Parameters...]
Specifies measurement parameters for running the [Dual-Wavelength Time Course
Measurement] program based on the currently recognized accessory. Default parameters can
be specified for each accessory. Attach an accessory to be used and specify its default
parameters. Refer to Section 6.8.5 [Default Parameters...] for details about specifying default

9.6.2 [Customize Toolbar...]

Customizes and shows/hides toolbars. Refer to Section 6.8.6 [Customize Toolbar...] for details
about setting the toolbar. Note that the type of tool buttons varies depending on the
measurement program.

9.6.3 [Monitor Bar...]

Customizes the style of the monitor bar. Refer to Section 6.8.7 [Monitor Bar...] for details about
selecting the desired monitor bar.

9.7 [Help] Menu

9.7.1 [Contents]
Displays the help window with the contents tab selected.

9.7.2 [Search Topic...]

Displays the help window with the index tab selected.

9.7.3 [About...]
Displays version information for the [Time Course Measurement] program.

10. [Fixed Wavelength Measurement] Program
The [Fixed Wavelength Measurement] program is intended for measurement of sample
absorbance, transmittance or reflectance at a fixed wavelength.

10.1 Overview of the [Fixed WL Measurement] program

The [Fixed Wavelength Measurement] program has the following specifications.

Up to twenty wavelengths can be chosen.

(1) Measured data or calculation results based on it can be evaluated using the pass/fail
criteria. The pass/fail criteria can be selected from the following 5 options.
 □ ≤ and ≤ □
 ≤□
 □≥
 <□
 □<
(2) Sequential measurements can be performed by creating a sequence that specifies the
measurement type, sample name and comment. The created sequence can be saved
and used for other measurements.

Starting the [Fixed Wavelength Measurement] program displays the window in Fig. 10.1.

Monitor bar
Displays the current
wavelength, photometric value
Toolbar and number of cycles or
Measurement parameters can accumulations.
be set and other common
functions can be performed
using the buttons on this
toolbar (see Table 11.1). These
tool buttons can be customized
in the [Settings] menu.
Worksheet/sequence display field
Information bar Displays the data sheet containing the
Displays the current measurement results, and the
measurement parameters. measurement sequence. The datasheet
is displayed in the format specified in
Entrance/exit port bar [Parameters] - [Sheet] (Advance mode).
Selects whether an attachment is The sequence table is displayed when
present at the entrance and exit [Sequence Measurement] is selected
ports. from the [Measure] menu.

Accessory bar
Displays information about attached
accessories Some accessories can be
controlled from this bar.

Status bar
Displays the current state of the instrument and
an explanation of the selected menu item.

Figure 10.1 [Fixed Wavelength Measurement] window

Table 10.1 Toolbar buttons and names

Button Name Reference Section
[Open] 10.2.2 [Open...]

[Save] 10.2.3 [Save]

10.2.4 [Save As...]
[Open Parameters] 10.2.6 [Open Parameters...]

[Save Parameters] 10.2.7 [Save Parameters...]

[Print] 10.2.10 [Print...]

[Print Preview] 10.2.11 [Print Preview...]

[Cancel] 10.3.1 [Cancel]

[Sample] 10.3.2 [Sample]

[Blank] 10.3.3 [Blank]

[Dark] 10.3.4 [Dark]

[Parameters] 10.3.5 [Parameters...]

[Preview] 10.3.7 [Preview...]

[Sequence] 10.3.6 [Sequence Measurement]

[Move Wavelength] 10.4.1 [Move Wavelength...]

[Optical Path] 10.4.2 [Optical Path...]

[Bandwidth] 10.4.3 [Bandwidth]

[Response] 10.4.4 [Response]

[D2 Lamp] 10.4.5 [Light Source...]

[WI Lamp] 10.4.5 [Light Source...]

[Auto Zero] 10.4.6 [Auto Zero]

Title bar Displays the program name.
Menu bar Displays the menus for operation.
Monitor bar Displays from left to right the current wavelength,
photometric value, and number of cycles or accumulations.
Toolbar Displays available tool buttons. These tool buttons can be
customized in the [Settings] menu.
Information bar Displays the current measurement parameters.
Entrance and exit port bar Selects whether an attachment is present at the entrance
and exit ports.
Accessory bar Displays information about attached accessories
Worksheet/sequence display Displays the worksheet in the format specified in
field [Parameters] - [Worksheet]. The sequence table is
displayed when [Sequence Measurement] is selected from
the [Measure] menu.
Status bar Displays the current state of the instrument and an
explanation of the selected menu item.

[File] menu
[New] Closes the currently opened worksheet and sequence
table, and creates new ones.
[Open...] Opens a saved data file.
[Save] Overwrites the currently opened data file.
[Save As...] Saves the worksheet with a new file name.
[Export...] Saves the worksheet and detailed information about the
data as a text (*.txt) or CSV (*.csv) file.
[Open Parameters...] Selects a parameter file and opens those parameters.
[Save Parameters...] Saves the currently specified measurement parameters
with the entered file name.
[Open Sequence...] Selects a sequence file and opens that sequence.
[Save Sequence...] Saves the currently specified sequence with the entered
file name.
[Print...] Prints the worksheet.
[Print Preview...] Displays a print preview of the data.
[Print Setup...] Specifies the target printer and print parameters.
[Exit] Exits the [Fixed Wavelength Measurement] program and
returns to [Spectra Manager].
[Measure] menu
[Cancel] Cancels the measurement.
[Sample] Measures the photometric value of the sample.
[Blank] Measures the blank for the blank correction.
[Dark] Measures the dark current for dark correction.
[Parameters...] Specifies parameters and saves or opens the
measurement parameters.
[Sequence Measurement] Uses a sequence for measurement.
[Preview...] Specifies measurement parameters to check the
[Control] menu
[Move Wavelength...] Moves the wavelength of the spectrophotometer to the
desired wavelength.
[Optical Path...] Changes to the zero-order light for checking the optical
[Bandwidth] Selects the bandwidth for monitoring the photometric
[Response] Selects the response for monitoring the photometric value.
[Light Source..] Displays the number of hours the light source has been
used and switches the light source on/off.
[Auto Zero] Sets the absorbance value (or transmittance, reflectance)
at the current wavelength to zero (100%T for
transmittance and reflectance).

[Select Accessories...] Selects an accessory.
[Edit] menu
[Copy] Copies the selected cell.
[Copy All] Copies the measurement parameters, comments, and
[Delete] Deletes the selected rows.
In the CFR version, this function is not available.
[Delete All] Deletes all displayed data in the worksheet.
In the CFR version, this function is not available.
[Comments...] Edits the comment information.
[View] menu
[Decimal Places...] Selects the number of decimal places to display for the
photometric value on the monitor bar.
[Information Bar] Shows/hides the information bar.
[Entrance Port/Exit Port Bar] Shows/hides the entrance/exit port bar.
[Accessory Bar] Shows/hides the accessory bar.
[Toolbars] Shows/hides toolbars.
[Status Bar] Shows/hides the status bar.
[Settings] menu
[Sheet...] Specifies the number of decimal places, column width and
layout for the data sheet.
[Displayed Data] Selects the data items to be displayed for cycle
In the CFR version, this function is not available.
[Default Parameters...] Specifies measurement parameters for running the [Fixed
Wavelength Measurement] program based on the
currently recognized accessory.
In the CFR version, this function is not available.
[Customize Toolbar...] Customizes and shows/hides toolbars.
[Monitor Bar...] Customizes the style of the monitor bar.
[Help] menu
[Contents] Displays the help window with the contents tab selected.
[Search Topic] Displays the help window with the index tab selected.
[About...] Displays version information for the program.

10.2 [File] Menu
Saves or prints measured data or parameter files.

10.2.1 [New]
Closes the currently opened worksheet and sequence table, and creates new ones.

10.2.2 [Open...]
Opens a saved data file. Files other than Data Files (*.ufwd) cannot be selected. Additional
measurements can be performed with the opened data file. Refer to Section 6.2.1 [Open...] for
details about opening a data file.

10.2.3 [Save]
Overwrites the currently opened data file. Refer to Section 6.2.2 [Save...] for details about
overwriting a file.

10.2.4 [Save As...]

Saves the measured data and parameters with a new file name. The file name is appended
with the extension “.ufwd”, which is the data file type. Refer to Section 6.2.3 [Save As...] for
details about saving data.

10.2.5 [Export...]
Saves the worksheet as a text (*.txt) or CSV (*.csv) file. The fixed wavelength data file name,
comment information, and measurement parameters are saved together with the worksheet.
Refer to Section 7.2.5 [Export...] for details about exporting a data file.

10.2.6 [Open Parameters ...]

Selects a parameter file and opens those parameters. Files other than Parameter Files (*.uvfw)
cannot be selected. Refer to Section 6.2.7 [Open Parameters...] for details about opening a
parameter file.

10.2.7 [Save Parameters...]

Saves the currently specified measurement parameters with the entered file name. The file
name is appended with the extension “.uvfw”, which is the measurement parameter type. Refer
to Section 6.2.8 [Save Parameters...] for details about saving parameters.

10.2.8 [Open Sequence...]
Selects a sequence file and opens that sequence when [Sequence Measurement] is selected
from the [Measure] menu. Files other than Sequence Files (*.vsqf) cannot be selected. Refer to
Section 6.2.9 [Open Sequence...] for details about opening a sequence file.

10.2.9 [Save Sequence...]

Saves the currently specified sequence file when [Sequence Measurement] is selected from
the [Measure] menu. The file name is appended with the extension “.vsqf”, which is the
sequence file type. Refer to Section 6.2.10 [Save Sequence...] for details about saving

10.2.10 [Print...]
Prints the worksheet. Refer to Section 6.2.15 [Print] for details about printing data.

10.2.11 [Print Preview...]

Displays a print preview of the data. Print items, margins, and fonts can be specified in the
window. Print items can be selected from title, comment, and measurement parameters. Refer
to Section 6.2.16 [Print Preview...] for details about displaying a print preview.

10.2.12 [Print Setup...]

Specifies the target printer and print parameters. Refer to Section 6.2.18 [Print Setup...] for
details about specifying the print setup.

10.2.13 [Exit]
Exits the [Fixed Wavelength Measurement] program.

10.3 [Measure] Menu
Starts or cancels the measurement and specifies the measurement parameters.

10.3.1 [Cancel]
Cancels the measurement.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button

10.3.2 [Sample]
Measures the photometric value of the sample. Each measured photometric value is entered in
a new row on the worksheet.

Note 1: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button
[Sample] or pressing the measurement start button of the spectrophotometer.
Note 2: When accumulation measurement is selected, the photometric value
displayed in the [Wavelength] column is the average over the number of
accumulations When cycle measurement is selected, the average photometric
value over the number of cycles is displayed in the [Wavelength] column. The
other data items that can be displayed are the individual photometric values,
the standard deviation, and the coefficient of variation. Select the data items to
be displayed in [Displayed Data...] from the [Settings] menu.

10.3.3 [Blank]
Measures the photometric value for blank correction. Available if [Blank] or [Blank/dark] is
selected in the [Correction] tab of the [Parameters] dialog box. In Basic mode, this function is
always available.
Blank correction removes the effects of solvents and additional agents other than the target
sample. The true sample absorbance is obtained by subtracting the blank from the measured
data. For the transmittance or reflectance value, the measured data is divided by the blank.
How to measure the blank depends on the sample. Click the <Measure> button after preparing
for blank measurement.

Note 1: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Blank].
Note 2: The blank data can be shown or hidden using [Data Displayed...] from the
[Settings] menu.
Note 3: To perform a blank measurement, enter it in the sequence and start it using the
[Sample] command from the [Measure] menu.

Figure 10.2 [Blank Measurement] dialog box

<Measure> Measures the photometric value for blank correction.

<Cancel> Closes the [Blank Measurement] dialog box without measuring
the blank.

10.3.4 [Dark]
Measures the dark current for dark correction. Available if [Blank/Dark] is selected in the
[Correction] tab of the [Parameters] dialog box. In Basic mode, this function is always
unavailable. For absorbance or transmittance measurement, block the sample beam path with
the shielding plate in the sample compartment and measure the dark current. For reflectance
measurement, ensure that the sample compartment is empty to avoid reflected light from any
object entering the detector and measure the dark current. Click the <Measure> button after
preparing for dark measurement.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Dark].

Figure 10.3 [Dark Measurement] dialog box

<Measure> Measures the dark current for dark correction.

<Cancel> Closes the [Dark Measurement] dialog box without measuring
the dark current.

10.3.5 [Parameters...]
Specifies the measurement parameters. The parameters can be switched between two
modes: Basic mode, which automatically specifies the basic parameter settings, and
Advanced mode, which specifies each parameter individually. In Basic mode, the dialog box
has two tabs for parameter settings: [General] and [Data]. In Advanced mode, the dialog box
has five tabs for parameter settings: [General], [Correction], [Control], [Worksheet], and [Data].
The page can be changed by clicking each tab at the top of the dialog box.

<Basic Mode/Advanced Switches between Basic and Advanced modes.

<Open> Opens a measurement parameter file.
<Save...> Saves the measurement parameters.
<Default> Restores the parameters of the [General], [Correction] and
[Control] tabs to their default values.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Parameters] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Parameters] settings.

Note 1: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button
Note 2: In the CFR version, Managers or Analysts authority is required to specify the
Note 3: In the CFR version, when the parameters are specified or changed, a
signature is required. Clicking the <OK> button when the parameters have not
been saved displays the following message.

Figure 10.4 Message when the signature for the parameters is missing

274 [General] tab

Figure 10.5 [General] tab in [Parameters] dialog box (Advanced mode)

[Photometric mode] Selects the photometric mode.

Options: Abs: Absorbance measurement
%T: Transmittance measurement
%R: Reflectance measurement
Sample: Sample single beam measurement
Reference: Reference single beam measurement

Note: In Basic mode, [Sample] and [Reference] cannot be


[PMT voltage] For the V-750/760/770/780, [PMT Voltage] is displayed if [Sample] or

[Reference] is selected for [Photometric mode]. Enter the applied
photomultiplier tube voltage.
Input range: 0 to 1000 V
[Response] Selects the response determined by a simple moving average.
V-730: 0.015 sec, 0.06 sec, 0.24 sec, 0.96 sec, 3.84 sec
0.06 sec, 0.24 sec, 0.96 sec, 3.84 sec, Manual (0.06
to 99.96 sec)
[UV/Vis bandwidth] Selects the spectral bandwidth for the UV-Vis region.
V-730: 1 nm (fixed)
0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, L2, L5, L10, M1, M2 nm

Note: “L” is low stray light mode, and “M” is micro cell mode.
If a micro cell with an optical path width of 2 or 3 mm is
used, use M1 nm (M4 nm (V-770), M2 nm (V-780) in
the NIR region). If a semi-micro cell with an optical
path width of 4 mm or more is used, use M2 nm (M8
nm (V-770), M4 nm (V-780) in the NIR region).

[NIR bandwidth] Selects the spectral bandwidth for the NIR region for the V-770/780.
V-770: 0.4, 0.8, 2, 4, 8, 20, 40, L8, L20, L40, M4, M8 nm
V-780: 0.2, 0.4, 1, 2, 4, 10, 20, L4, L10, L20, M2, M4 nm

Note 1: In Basic mode, [UV/Vis bandwidth] and [NIR

bandwidth] values are automatically set in
accordance with Table 6.3.
Note 2: If continuously measuring from the NIR to the visible
region in Advanced mode, use the bandwidth
relationship given in Table 6.3.

[Wavelengths] Specifies the measurement wavelength. Up to twenty wavelengths

are available. The wavelength can be specified at intervals of 0.1 nm
for the UV-Vis region and 0.5 nm for the NIR region.
*The values in parentheses refer to the ranges for the expanded
wavelength model.
V-730: 190.0 to 1100.0 nm
V-750: 190.0 to 900.0 nm
V-760: 187.0 to 900.0 nm
V-770: 190.0 to 2700.0 nm (190.0 to 3200.0 nm)
V-780: 190.0 to 1600.0 nm
[Accumulation] Specifies that cumulative averaging should be used to measure the
data. When the [Accumulation] check box is selected, the [No. of
accumulations] text box is displayed.
[No. of Specifies the number of measurements used to average the spectra.
accumulations] Input range: 1 to 999
[No. of cycles] Specifies the number of repeated measurements for each sample.
When a value of 2 or more is specified for [Number of cycles], input
the [Cycle interval] time in the [Cycle interval] text box
Input range: 1 to 999

Note: When the [Accumulation] check box is selected, [No.

of cycles] is not displayed.

[Cycle interval] Selects the delay between sequential measurements. The interval is
specified in seconds. When an interval less than that required for one
measurement is specified, subsequent measurements start
immediately following the completed measurement.
Input range:0 to 15000 sec

276 [Correction] tab

Note: In Basic mode, the [Correction] tab is not displayed.

Figure 10.6 [Correction] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

Correction Selects the method for correcting the measured photometric


Note: In Basic mode, [Blank] is selected for


[None] Selects the use of no correction.

[Blank] Selects blank correction using measured blank data.
[Blank/Dark] Selects the use of both blank and dark corrections.

277 [Control] tab

Note: In Basic mode, the [Control] tab is not displayed.

Figure 10.7 [Control] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

Changeover wavelength Sets the changeover wavelength for the light source and

Note: In Basic mode, the value for [Light source] is

340 nm and the value for [Grating/Detector] is
850 nm.

[Light source] Specifies the changeover wavelength for changing from the
halogen to the deuterium lamp.
Input range: 330 to 350 nm (default setting: 340 nm)
[Grating/detector] Sets the changeover wavelength for the grating/detector in the
UV-Vis and NIR regions for the V-770/780.
Input range: 750 to 900 nm (default setting: 850 nm)
Light source Selects the light source to use for measurement.

Note: In Basic mode, [Auto] is selected for [Light


[Auto] Selects the use of both the deuterium and halogen lamps to
measure the photometric value.
[Deuterium lamp] Selects the use of only the deuterium lamp to measure the

photometric value.
[Halogen lamp] Selects the use of only the halogen lamp to measure the
photometric value.
[External source] Selects the use of a light source other than the built-in
deuterium and halogen lamps to measure the photometric
value. [Worksheet] tab

The [Sheet] tab creates the worksheet used in the [Fixed Wavelength Measurement] program.
Increase the width of the [Parameters] dialog box to display the entire [Worksheet] as in Fig.

Note: In Basic mode, the [Worksheet] tab is not displayed.

Figure 10.8 [Worksheet] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

<Add> Adds a row to the end of the list.

<Insert> Inserts a row above the active row.
<Delete> Deletes the currently selected row. When the cell in the [Name] column is
displayed in blue, the row cannot be deleted.

[Title] Enters the column name.

[Type] Selects the column type. When cells in the [Type] column are displayed in
red, the row cannot be edited.
Options: String, Value, Date, Equation, Pass/Fail
[Format] Selects the number of decimal places to display for rows in which a
numeric value should be displayed. Click each cell of the [Format] column

to select a display format.
Options: Default, Integer, #.#, #.##, #.###, #.####, #.#####, Exponential
[Units] Enters the units when [Value] or [Equation] is selected for [Type].
Options: %, ppm, ppb, mol/L, mmol/L, mol/L, nmol/L, fmol/L, text input
[Width (mm)] Specifies the column width (Input range: 0 to 100 mm)。
[Alignment] Selects the alignment.
Options: Left, Center, Right
[Equation] Enters the mathematical expression or selects the pass/fail criteria when
[Equation] or [Pass/Fail] is selected for [Type], respectively.
[Equation] Enters the mathematical expression when [Equation] is selected for [Type].
Refer to Section [Sheet] tab for details about entering an equation.
[Pass/Fail] Clicking the cell of the [Equation] column displays the button when
[Pass/Fail] is selected for [Type]. Click the button to display the [Pass/Fail
Criteria] dialog box. Refer to Section [Sheet] tab for details about
specifying a pass/fail criteria. [Data] tab

Figure 10.9 [Data] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

Save data Selects to automatically save data. A file name is automatically

allocated to the measured data and the data is saved to the
specified directory.

Note: In the CFR version, when [Auto save] is selected,
the following dialog box is displayed when the
sample measurement starts Start the
measurement after typing a signature.

Figure 10.10 [Creation Signature (Auto Save)] dialog box

[Auto save] Automatically saves measured data.

[Save in] Displays the drive and folder name for saving data.
<Browse...> Browses to the [Save in] drive and folder.
[Format] Selects the file name to be assigned during auto saving. The file
type is Data Files (*.ufwd).
[Date-No.]: Sets [Date] + [3-digit serial number] as the file name.
The date and serial number are connected with a hyphen “-”.
[Sample-No.]: Sets [Sample name] + [3-digit serial number] as
the file name. [Sample name] is the name entered in the [String]
text box.
[String] Enters a character string when [String-No.] is selected for
[Format] (maximum 63 single-byte characters).
[Auto export] Exports the measured data.
[Save as type] Selects the file type for the exported data.
Options: .text, CSV
Sequence Performs measurements using a saved sequence file.
[Carry out the Selects to use a saved sequence file.
[File name] Displays the path and name for the sequence file.
<Browse...> Browses to the sequence file folder.

Note: In the CFR version, [Carry out the sequence measurement] is not available

10.3.6 [Sequence Measurement]
Selects to use the sequence table created in the [Fixed Wavelength Measurement] program
before measurement. Refer to Section 6.4.8 [Sequence Measurement] for details about
creating a sequence table.

10.3.7 [Preview...]
Opens the [Preview] dialog box for checking measurement parameters and spectra. Refer to
Section 6.4.9 [Preview...] for details about performing the preview measurement.

10.4 [Control] Menu
10.4.1 [Move Wavelength...]
Moves the wavelength of the spectrophotometer to the desired wavelength. Refer to Section
6.5.1 [Move Wavelength...] for details about specifying the desired wavelength.

10.4.2 [Optical Path...]

Observes the optical path while changing the light source to the zero-order light of the halogen
lamp. Refer to Section 6.5.2 [Optical Path...] for details about observing the optical path.

10.4.3 [Bandwidth]
Selects the bandwidth for monitoring the photometric value. Refer to Section 6.5.3
[Bandwidth...] for details about selecting the desired bandwidth.

10.4.4 [Response]
Selects the response for monitoring the photometric value. Refer to Section 6.5.4 [Response]
for details about selecting the desired response.

10.4.5 [Light Sources...]

Displays the number of hours the light source has been used and switches the light source
on/off. Refer to Section 6.5.5 [Light Sources...] for details about displaying information about
the light sources.

10.4.6 [Auto Zero]

Sets the absorbance value (or transmittance, reflectance) at the current wavelength to zero
(100%T for transmittance and reflectance). Refer to Section 6.5.6 [Auto Zero...] for details
about using auto zero.

10.4.7 [Select Accessories...]

Selects accessories that are not automatically recognized (cell unit and external accessories).
Refer to Section 6.5.7 [Select Accessories...] for details about selecting the desired

10.5 [Edit] Menu
10.5.1 [Copy]
Copies the selected cell in the worksheet.

10.5.2 [Copy All]

Copies the measurement parameters, comments, and worksheet.

10.5.3 [Delete]
Deletes the selected row from the worksheet. Refer to Section 6.6.4 [Delete] for details about
deleting a row.

10.5.4 [Delete All]

Deletes all displayed data in the worksheet. Refer to Section 6.6.5 [Delete All] for details about
deleting all data.

10.5.5 [Comments...]
Edits the comment information. Refer to Section 6.6.6 [Comments...] for details about editing

10.6 [View] Menu
Specifies the view options.

10.6.1 [Decimal Places...]

Selects the number of decimal places to display for the photometric value on the monitor bar. Refer
to Section 6.7.2 [Decimal Places...] for details about selecting the desired decimal places.

10.6.2 [Information Bar]

Shows/hides the information bar.

10.6.3 [Entrance Port/Exit Port Bar]

Shows/hides the entrance/exit port bar.

10.6.4 [Accessory Bar]

Shows/hides the accessory bar.

10.6.5 [Toolbars]
Shows/hides toolbars.

[File] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [File] menu.

[Measure] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [Measure] menu.
[Control] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [Control] menu.

10.6.6 [Status Bar]

Shows/hides the status bar.

10.7 [Settings] Menu
10.7.1 [Sheet...]
Specifies the number of decimal places, column width and layout for the data sheet. Items
displayed in white and blue cells can be changed. Items displayed in red cells cannot be
changed. Refer to Section “[Sheet] tab” for details about setting the data sheet.

10.7.2 [Displayed Data...]

Selects whether the blank data is shown or hidden, and which items are displayed when cycle
measurement is performed. Refer to Section 7.7.1 [Displayed Data...] for details about
selecting data to be displayed.

Note: In the CFR version, this function is not available.

10.7.3 [Default Parameters...]

Specifies measurement parameters for running the [Fixed Wavelength Measurement] program
based on the currently recognized accessory. Default parameters can be specified for each
accessory. Attach an accessory to be used and specify its default parameters. Refer to Section
6.8.5 [Default Parameters...] for details about specifying default parameters.

Note: In the CFR version, this function is not available.

10.7.4 [Customize Toolbar...]

Customizes and shows/hides toolbars. Refer to Section 6.8.6 [Customize Toolbar...] for details
about setting the toolbar. Note that the type of tool buttons varies depending on the
measurement program.

10.7.5 [Monitor Bar...]

Customizes the style of the monitor bar. Refer to Section 6.8.7 [Monitor Bar...] for details about
selecting the desired monitor bar.

10.8 [Help] Menu

10.8.1 [Content]
Displays the help window with the contents tab selected.

10.8.2 [Search Topic]

Displays the help window with the index tab selected.

10.8.3 [About...]
Displays version information for the [Fixed Wavelength Measurement] program.

11. [Abs/%T Meter] Program Reference
The [Abs%T Meter] program displays the real-time absorbance, transmittance, reflectance or
single beam intensity for a sample at a specified wavelength, in analog, digital or graph format.
This program allows convenient monitoring of the photometric value for a sample.
Starting the [Abs%T Meter] program displays the window in Fig. 11.1.

Monitor bar
Displays the current photometric
value being measured using the
view mode selected in the [View]

Measurement parameters can be set and other
common functions can be performed using the buttons
on this toolbar (see Table 13.1) These tool buttons can
be customized in the [Settings] menu.

Photometric value display field

Information bar
Displays the current photometric
Displays the current measurement
value being measured using the
view mode selected in the [View]
Entrance/exit port pane
Selects whether an attachment is
present at the entrance and exit ports.

Accessory bar
Displays information about the attached accessory. Some
accessories can be controlled from this bar.

Status bar
Displays the current state of the instrument and an
explanation of the selected menu item.

Figure 11.1 [Abs/%T Meter] window

Table 11.1 Toolbar buttons and names

Button Name Reference Section
[Blank] 11.1.1 [Blank]

[Dark] 11.1.2 [Dark]

[Parameters] 11.1.3 [Parameters...]

[Preview] 11.1.7 [Preview...]

[Move Wavelength] 11.2.1 [Move Wavelength...]

[Optical Path] 11.2.2 [Optical Path...]

[Bandwidth] 11.2.3 [Bandwidth]

[Response] 11.2.4 [Response]

[D2 lamp On/Off] 11.2.5 [Light Sources...]

[WI lamp On/Off] 11.2.5 [Light Sources...]

[Auto Zero] 11.2.6 [Auto Zero]

[Scales] [Scales...]

[Patterns] [Patterns...]

[Fonts] [Fonts...]

[Gridlines] [Gridlines...]

[Styles] [Styles...]

[Decimal Places] 11.3.3 [Decimal Places...]

[Criteria] 11.3.4 [Criteria...]

[Analog Meter] 11.3.1 [View Modes]

[Digital Meter] 11.3.1 [View Modes]

[Graph] 11.3.1 [View Modes]

Title bar Displays the program name.
Menu bar Displays the menus for operation.
Monitor bar Displays from left to right the current wavelength and
photometric value.
Toolbar Displays available tool buttons. These tool buttons can be
customized in the [Settings] menu.
Information bar Displays the current measurement parameters.
Entrance and exit port bar Selects whether an attachment is present at the entrance
and exit ports.
Accessory bar Displays information about attached accessories.
Photometric value display field Displays the photometric value being measured.
Status bar Displays the current state of the instrument and an
explanation of the selected menu item.

[Measure] menu
[Blank] Measures the photometric value for blank correction.
[Dark] Measures the dark current for dark correction.
[Parameters...] Specifies the measurement parameters.
[Preview...] Specifies measurement parameters to check the
[Exit] Exits the [Abs/%T Meter] program and returns to [Spectra
[Control] menu
[Move Wavelength...] Moves the wavelength of the spectrophotometer to the
desired wavelength.
[Optical Path...] Changes to the zero-order light for checking the optical
[Bandwidth] Selects the bandwidth for monitoring the photometric
[Response] Selects the response for monitoring the photometric value.
[Light Sources...] Displays the number of hours the light source has been
used and switches the light source on/off.
[Auto Zero] Sets the absorbance value (or transmittance, reflectance)
at the current wavelength to zero (100%T for
transmittance and reflectance).
[Analog Output...] Specifies the scale settings for the analog output.
[Select Accessories...] Selects an accessory.
[View] menu
[View Modes] Selects the display mode for the photometric value.
[Analog] Displays the photometric value in digital mode.
[Digital] Displays the photometric value in digital mode.
[Graph] Displays the photometric value in graph mode.
[Graph Views] Selects the view style for the graph.
[Scales...] Specifies the display scale for the graph.
[Patterns...] Selects the display color and line style for the graph.
[Fonts...] Specifies the display font for the graph.
[Gridlines...] Shows/hides the gridlines for the graph.
[Styles...] Specifies the display style for the graph.
[Decimal Places...] Selects the number of decimal places to display for the
photometric value on the monitor bar and in digital mode.
[Criteria...] Selects the criteria for the photometric value.
[Information Bar] Shows/hides the information bar.
[Entrance Port/Exit Port Bar] Shows/hides the entrance/exit port bar.
[Accessory Bar] Shows/hides the accessory bar.
[Toolbars] Shows/hides toolbars.

[Status Bar] Shows/hides the status bar.
[Settings] menu
[Customize Toolbar...] Customizes and shows/hides toolbars.
[Monitor Bar...] Customizes the style of the monitor bar.
[Help] menu
[Contents] Displays the help window with the contents tab selected.
[Search Topic] Displays the help window with the index tab selected.
[About...] Displays version information for the program.

11.1 [Measure] Menu
Performs measurements and specifies the measurement parameters.

11.1.1 [Blank]
Measures the photometric value for blank correction. Available if [Blank] or [Blank/Dark] is
selected in the [Correction] tab of the [Parameters] dialog box.
Blank correction removes the effects of solvents and additional agents other than the target
sample. The true sample absorbance is obtained by subtracting the blank from the measured
absorbance. For the transmittance or reflectance value, the measured data is divided by the
How to measure the blank depends on the sample. Click the <Measure> button after preparing
for blank measurement.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Blank].

Figure 11.2 [Blank Measurement] dialog box

<Measure> Measures the photometric value for blank correction.

<Cancel> Closes the [Blank Measurement] dialog box without measuring
the blank.

11.1.2 [Dark]
Measures the photometric value for dark correction. Available if [Blank] or [Blank/Dark] is
selected in the [Correction] tab of the [Parameters] dialog box. For absorbance or
transmittance measurement, block the sample beam path with the shielding plate in the
sample compartment and measure the dark current. For reflectance measurement, ensure
that the sample compartment is empty to avoid reflected light from any object entering the
detector and measure the dark current. Click the <Measure> button after preparing for dark

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button [Dark].

Figure 11.3 [Dark Measurement] dialog box

<Measure> Measures the dark current for dark correction.

<Cancel> Closes the [Dark Measurement] dialog box without measuring
the dark current.

11.1.3 [Parameters...]
Specifies the measurement parameters. The dialog box has three tabs for parameter settings:
[General], [Correction] and [Control]. The page can be changed by clicking each tab at the top
of the dialog box.

<Default> Restores the parameters of the [General], [Correction] and

[Control] tabs to their default values.
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Parameters] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Parameters] settings.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button

11.1.4 [General] Tab

Figure 11.4 [General] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

[Photometric mode] Selects the photometric mode.

Options: Abs: absorbance measurement
%T: Transmittance measurement
%R: Reflectance measurement
Sample: Sample single beam measurement
Reference: Reference single beam measurement
[PMT voltage] For the V-750/760/770/780, [PMT Voltage] is displayed if [Sample]
or [Reference] is selected for [Photometric mode]. Enter the applied
photomultiplier tube voltage.
Input range: 0 to 1000 V
[UV/Vis bandwidth] Selects the spectral bandwidth for the UV-Vis region.
V-730: 1 nm (fixed)
0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, L2, L5, L10, M1, M2 nm

Note: “L” is low stray light mode, and “M” is micro cell
mode. If a micro cell with an optical path width of 2 or
3 mm is used, use M1 nm (M4 nm (V-770), M2 nm
(V-780) in the NIR region). If a semi-micro cell with an
optical path width of 4 mm or more is used, use M2
nm (M8 nm (V-770), M4 nm (V-780) in the NIR

[NIR bandwidth] Selects the spectral bandwidth for the NIR region for the V-770/780.
V-770: 0.4, 0.8, 2, 4, 8, 20, 40, L8, L20, L40, M4, M8 nm
V-780: 0.2, 0.4, 1, 2, 4, 10, 20, L4, L10, L20, M2, M4 nm
[Response] Selects the response determined by a simple moving average.
V-730: 0.015 sec, 0.06 sec, 0.24 sec, 0.96 sec, 3.84 sec
0.06 sec, 0.24 sec, 0.96 sec, 3.84 sec, Manual
(0.06 to 99.96 sec)
[Wavelength] Specifies the measurement wavelength. The wavelength can be
specified at intervals of 0.1 nm in the UV region. It can be specified
at intervals of 0.5 nm in the NIR region.
*The values in parentheses refer to the ranges for the expanded
wavelength model.
V-730: 190.0 to 1100.0 nm
V-750: 190.0 to 900.0 nm
V-760: 187.0 to 900.0 nm
V-770: 190.0 to 2700.0 nm (190.0 to 3200.0 nm)
V-780: 190.0 to 1600.0 nm
[Monitoring time] Specifies the horizontal axis scale when [Graph] is selected as the
view mode for the photometric value.
Input range: 10 to 30000 sec
Vertical scale Specifies the upper and lower limit of the vertical axis when [Graph]
is selected as the view mode for the photometric value. Selecting the
[Auto] check box sets the full scale at approximately 1.2 times the
maximum amplitude of the displayed data.
Input range: -10 to 10 (Abs)
-10000 to 10000 (%T, %R)
-100 to 100 (Sample, Reference)

11.1.5 [Correction] Tab

Figure 11.5 [Correction] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

Correction Selects the method for correcting the measured photometric

[None] Selects the use of no correction.
[Blank] Selects blank correction using measured blank data.
[Blank/Dark] Selects the use of both blank and dark corrections.

11.1.6 [Control] Tab

Figure 11.6 [Control] tab in [Parameters] dialog box

Changeover wavelength Sets the changeover wavelength for the light source and
[Light source] Specifies the changeover wavelength for changing from the
halogen lamp to the deuterium lamp.
Input range: 330 to 350 nm (default value: 340 nm)
[Grating/Detector] Sets the changeover wavelength for the grating/detector in the
UV-Vis and NIR regions for the V-770/780.
Input range: 750 to 900 nm (default value: 850 nm)

11.1.7 [Preview...]
Opens the [Preview] dialog box for checking measurement parameters and spectra. Refer to
Section 6.4.9 [Preview...] for details about previewing measurements.

11.1.8 [Exit]
Exits the [Abs%T Meter] program.

11.2 [Control] Menu
11.2.1 [Move Wavelength...]
Moves the wavelength of the spectrophotometer to the desired wavelength. After moving the
wavelength, the specified wavelength is applied to the [Parameters] dialog box. Refer to
Section 6.5.1 [Move Wavelength...] for details about specifying the desired wavelength.

11.2.2 [Optical Path...]

Observes the optical path while changing the light source to the zero-order light of the halogen
lamp. Refer to Section 6.5.2 [Optical Path...] for details about observing the optical path.

11.2.3 [Bandwidth]
Selects the bandwidth for monitoring the photometric value. After changing the bandwidth, the
specified bandwidth is applied to the [Parameters] dialog box. Refer to Section 6.5.3
[Bandwidth...] for details about selecting the desired bandwidth.

11.2.4 [Response]
Selects the response for monitoring the photometric value. After changing the response, the
specified response is applied to the [Parameters] dialog box. Refer to Section 6.5.4
[Response] for details about selecting the desired response.

11.2.5 [Light Sources...]

Displays the number of hours the light source has been used and switches the light source
on/off. Refer to Section 6.5.5 [Light Sources...] for details about displaying information about
the light sources.

11.2.6 [Auto Zero]

Sets the absorbance value (or transmittance, reflectance) at the current wavelength to zero
(100%T for transmittance and reflectance). Refer to Section 6.5.6 [Auto Zero...] for details
about using auto zero.

11.2.7 [Analog Output...]
Enters the scale for the photometric value to output from the analog terminal.

Figure 11.7 [Analog Output] dialog box

[Upper] Enters the upper limit for the analog output. When the entered
photometric value is reached, 1 V is output.
Input range: - 10 to 10 (Abs)
- 10000 to 10000 (%T, %R)
- 100 to 100 (Sample, Reference)
[Lower] Enters the lower limit for the analog output. When the entered
photometric value is reached, 0 V is output.
Input range: - 10 to 10 (Abs)
- 10000 to 10000 (%T, %R)
- 100 to 100 (Sample, Reference)
<OK> Applies the changes to the [Parameters] settings and closes the
dialog box.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog box without applying any changes to the
[Parameters] settings.

11.2.8 [Select Accessories...]

Selects accessories that are not automatically recognized (cell unit and external accessories).
Refer to Section 6.5.7 [Select Accessories...] for details about selecting the desired

11.3 [View] Menu
Specifies the view options.

11.3.1 [View Modes]

Selects the [Analog], [Digital] or [Graph] mode for the photometric value. Selecting [View
Modes] displays a submenu for selecting the desired view mode.

Figure 11.8 [View Modes] submenu

Figure 11.9 [Analog] view mode

Figure 11.10 [Digital] view mode

Figure 11.11 [Graph] view mode

Note 1: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button

[Analog Meter], [Digital Meter] or [Graph].

Note 2: When [Graph] is selected for view mode, the data interval is set to 1 sec.

11.3.2 [Graph Views]
Specifies the view options when [Graph] is selected as the view mode. Selecting [Graph
Views] displays a submenu for selecting the desired item.

Figure 11.12 [Graph Views] submenu [Scales...]
Specifies the display scale for the graph.

Figure 11.13 [Scales] dialog box

[Monitoring time] Enters the scale for the horizontal axis.

Input range: 10 to 30000 sec
Vertical scale Enters the scale for the vertical axis. Selecting the [Auto] check
box displays the graph at the optimal scale for the specified
horizontal axis range.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button .

301 [Patterns...]
Selects the display color and line style for the graph. Refer to Section [Patterns...] for
details about selecting the patterns. Note that the items for pattern settings vary depending on
the measurement program. [Fonts...]
Specifies the display font for the graph. Refer to Section [Fonts...] for details about
specifying the fonts. [Gridlines...]
Shows/hides the gridlines for the graph. Refer to Section [Gridlines...] for details about
selecting the gridlines. [Styles...]
Specifies the display style for the graph. Refer to Section [Styles...] for details about
specifying the styles. Note that the axis to be specified varies depending on the measurement

11.3.3 [Decimal Places...]

Selects the number of decimal places to display for the photometric value on the monitor bar
and in digital mode. Refer to Section 6.7.2 [Decimal Places...] for details about selecting the
desired decimal places.

11.3.4 [Criteria...]
When a tolerance range is set for the photometric value, it can easily be determined whether or
not the photometric value is within this range. When [Analog Meter] is selected for the view
mode, passing values are indicated by a green background, and failing values by a red
background (Fig. 11.14). When [Digital Meter] is selected for the view mode, passing or failing
values are displayed in green or red , respectively (Fig. 11.15). If the [Enable criteria] check
box is not selected, values are always displayed in yellow. When [Graph] is selected for the
view mode, passing or failing values are displayed on a green or red background, respectively
(Fig. 11.16).

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking the tool button

Figure 11.14 Analog view window

The photometric value is displayed using the

following colors.
Green: within the tolerance range
Red: outside the tolerance range
Yellow: no tolerance range is selected

Figure 11.15 Digital view window

Figure 11.16 Graph view window

Figure 11.17 [Criteria] dialog box

[Enable criteria] Enables the tolerance range function.

[Criteria] Selects the tolerance range.
□ ≤ and ≤ □ Selects the tolerance range to be photometric values within
the entered range.
≤□ Selects the tolerance range to be photometric values less than
or equal to the entered value.
≥□ Selects the tolerance range to be photometric values greater
than or equal to the entered value.
<□ Selects the tolerance range to be photometric values less than
the entered value.
>□ Selects the tolerance range to be photometric values greater
than the entered value.

11.3.5 [Information Bar]
Shows/hides the information bar.

11.3.6 [Entrance Port/Exit Port Bar]

Shows/hides the entrance/exit port bar.

11.3.7 [Accessory Bar]

Shows/hides the accessory bar.

11.3.8 [Toolbars]
Shows/hides toolbars.

[Measure] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [Measure] menu.

[Control] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [Control] menu.
[View] Shows/hides the toolbar corresponding to the [View] menu.

11.3.9 [Status Bar]

Shows/hides the status bar.

11.4 [Settings] Menu

11.4.1 [Customize Toolbar...]
Customizes and shows/hides toolbars. Refer to Section 6.8.6 [Customize Toolbar...] for details
about setting the toolbar. Note that the type of tool buttons varies depending on the
measurement program.

11.4.2 [Monitor Bar...]

Customizes the style of the monitor bar. Refer to Section 6.8.7 [Monitor Bar...] for details about
selecting the desired monitor bar.

11.5 [Help] Menu
11.5.1 [Contents]
Displays the help window with the contents tab selected.

11.5.2 [Search Topic]

Displays the help window with the contents tab selected.

11.5.3 [About...]
Displays version information for the [Abs%T Meter] program.

JASCO Corporation
2967-5, Ishikawa-machi, Hachioji-shi

Printed in Japan

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