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Comprehension Questions

Directions: Using your book, answer the following questions. Be sure to answer with complete
sentences (capital letters, correct, punctuation, makes sense).

Chapter 4-6

1. What did Mrs. Granger tell the class they should always have when giving an oral report?

2. Why was Nick nervous to go to 7th period?

3. How many words does Mrs. Granger's large dictionary have?

4. Why did the rule about homework never really bother Nick?

5. What books did Nick use to get information for his oral report?

6. Why did Nick have a hard time using the beginning of his dictionary for his oral report?

7. How much time was left in 7th period when Nick finished his oral report?

8. What question did Nick ask Mrs. Granger after his report?

9. Why did Nick's classmates pretend to pay attention to his report?

10. Why did Mrs. Granger decide to allow Nick to read the beginning of his dictionary?

11. What was the rule about homework in Nick's house?

12. Why did Mrs. Granger stop Nick five minutes into his book report?

13. What is Nick’s big idea with the pen?

14. How did he come up with this big idea?

15. Why does Nick feel he has made frindle into a real word?

Vocabulary List Ch.4-6

Word Definition
1 graduate (v.) to complete an academic degree successfully
2 imaginative (adj.) showing creativity
3 fluorescent (adj.) the light given off by certain substances when it absorbs
4 primly (adv.) in a very formal and correct way
5 linoleum (n.) a floor covering which is made from natural ingredients
such as linseed oil
6 adjust (v.) alter or move something slightly in order to achieve the
desired fit.
7 edged (adj.) having something around the edge 가장자리가 있는
8 reputation (n.) beliefs or opinions about someone or something
9 concrete (adj.) existing in a material or physical form; not abstract
1 absorb (v.) to take in or soak up by chemical or physical action
1 stoop (v.) to bend someone’s head or body forward
1 aim (v.) to point a target
1 aisle (n.) a passage between rows of seats in a building
1 fascinating (adj.) extremely interesting

linoleum flooring

Vocabulary Practice

Fill in the blanks. Change the ending if * is marked.

stoop concrete adjust graduate absorb

primly edged imaginative aisle linoleum

1. The walls are made of a material that ____________________* sound.

2. She ____________________* down to hug the child.

3. The ribbon is yellow _________________ with narrow blue stripes

4. I ____________________* the volume on the radio.

5. His hands were folded _________________ in his lap.

6. The criminal had no _________________ evidence to claim his innocence.

7. By the end of the concert, the people in the theater were dancing in the _________________*.

8. She wrote an _________________ story about life on the planet Venus.

9. My cousin _____________________* from Harvard majoring in Biology.

10. Bare yellow benches framed an empty square of brown _________________.

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