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<div class="header">
<h1>June Newsletter</h1>
<p>Welcome to June! It's the perfect month to dive into
summer fun, celebrate Father's Day, Juneteenth, and cherish all the sunny days

<div class="content">
<div class="section-title">Hello June</div>
<div class="highlight">
<img src=""
alt="Hello June" style="width:100%; height:auto;">

<div class="section-title">June Celebrations</div>

<div class="highlight">
<p>June is a month brimming with festivities.
School's out, and it's time to head to the lake, have picnics, and enjoy the great
<p>Father’s Day falls on June 16th this year. Did
you know the first Father’s Day was celebrated on June 19 in Spokane, Washington,
initiated by Sonora Smart Dodd? She believed fathers are superheroes and role
models for their children. With countless special days in June, make sure to
celebrate each day to its fullest! – simply_Peggy</p>

<div class="section-title">Welcome New Members!</div>

<div class="highlight members">

<div class="section-title">Happy Birthday to Our June

<div class="highlight birthdays">
<li>MSHAPPY – 3rd</li>
<li>CATZ – 10th</li>
<li>HOTEGAMESTPAN887 – 18th</li>
<li>TERRAN – 19th</li>

<div class="section-title">Staff Member of the

<div class="highlight">
<p>Congratulations to Sarahann1958!</p>

<div class="section-title">Member of the Month</div>

<div class="highlight">
<p>Kudos to mommaccd52!</p>

<div class="section-title">June Promotions</div>

<div class="highlight promotions">
<li>Riot ~ Executive Assistant</li>
<li>SarahAnn1958 ~ Executive Assistant</li>
<li>Rhonalofton ~ Senior Admin</li>

<div class="section-title">Check Out Our New Misfits

<div class="highlight">
<p><a href=""
<img src=""
alt="Misfits Logo" style="width:500px;height:auto;">

<div class="section-title">Juneteenth Tribute</div>

<div class="highlight">
<p>June 19, 1865, marked the end of slavery in
Texas, two years after the Emancipation Proclamation. Juneteenth is a day of
celebration and reflection on the journey towards full liberty for Black
<div class="quote">
<p>Let’s reflect with a powerful poem by Robert
Hayden, the first Black American poet laureate of the Library of Congress, about
Frederick Douglass and his enduring legacy.</p>
<p>When it is finally ours, this freedom, this
liberty, this beautiful and terrible thing, needful to man as air, usable as earth;
when it belongs at last to all, when it is truly instinct, brain matter, diastole,
systole, reflex action; when it is finally won; when it is more than the gaudy
mumbo jumbo of politicians: this man, this Douglass, this former slave, this Negro
beaten to his knees, exiled, visioning a world where none is lonely, none hunted,
alien, this man, superb in love and logic, this man shall be remembered. Oh, not
with statues’ rhetoric, not with legends and poems and wreaths of bronze alone, but
with the lives grown out of his life, the lives fleshing his dream of the
beautiful, needful thing.</p>

<div class="section-title">Member Spotlight</div>

<div class="highlight member-spotlight">
<img src=""
<h3>playcarlosss (Carlos)</h3>
<p><strong>1: Where are you from? What is your
state known for?</strong> I'm originally from Puerto Rico, famously known as the
Green Mountain State.</p>
<p><strong>2: What are your hobbies?</strong> I
love sports, fishing, and enjoying the great outdoors.</p>
<p><strong>3: What is your favorite game in the
league?</strong> Bowling, without a doubt.</p>
<p><strong>4: Who is your biggest
challenge?</strong> Any contender who beats me!</p>
<p><strong>5: Who is your first selection for
Doubles Partners?</strong> Butterfly (Barb) has always been my go-to partner. We've
been teaming up for years.</p>
<p><strong>6. What is your greatest accomplishment?
</strong> My greatest accomplishments are my children and the home I’ve provided
for us.</p>
<p><strong>7. Where's your favorite vacation spot?
</strong> Anywhere in Florida.</p>
<p><strong>8: Do you have a joke to
<div class="joke">
<p>Three ducks walked into a bar. The bartender
asked the first duck, "What's your name?" The duck replied, "Josh." Then the
bartender asked, "What have you been doing today?" Josh replied, "Jumping in and
out of puddles." The bartender asked the second duck the same questions. The duck
replied, "My name is Jason, and I’ve been jumping in and out of puddles." Finally,
the bartender asked the third duck, "What's your name?" The duck replied,
"Puddles!" Quack quack!</p>
<p><strong>9. What's your motto to live
by?</strong> Live life to the fullest; tomorrow is never promised.</p>


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<p style="font-size: 12px; color:
#ffffff;">Edited By: 𝗥𝗶𝗼𝘁</p>
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